5 crib 2013 2014

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CRIB 2013 2014



The italian Christmas traditions

CRIBIN ITALY IS IMPORTANT THE TRADITION TO MAKE A CRIB UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE.All over the world during the Christmas season , when Christians celebrate the incarnation of God , there is the custom of erecting nativity scenes in homes and churches. They are artistic and figurative representations of the birth of Jesus in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem, the term derives from the Latin " praesaepe ", that is crib , manger, but also the first enclosure and sources related to it consist of 180 verses of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the so-called " childhood " , showing the birth of Jesus took place in the time of King Herod in Bethlehem of Judea.The exact origin of the crib is difficult to define , as a product of a long process , but as early as the fourth century we find in Rome ( in the catacombs ) images of the nativity , it is historically documented fact that already in the early Christian period , on Christmas Day were exposed in churches religious images , which from the tenth century assumed an increasingly more popular, then extending throughout Europe .True " father of the crib " is also commonly referred to as St. Francis of Assisi, who in 1223 created the first Greccio living representation of the Nativity.It was Pope Honorius 3 to allow him to leave the convent of Raw , so he erected a manger within a cave in the woods , I took a donkey and an oxen living , then held his famous sermon on Christmas in front of a large crowd of people , thus making it accessible and understandable for the Christmas story to all those who could not read .


Living Nativity in the Christmas mass in the night of 24 December

The Christmas lunchFor the faithful , the night vigil on the eve serves as a transit to the mystery of the birth of the God who became man and entered into human history : during the evening will give the finishing touches to the crib and prepare for midnight mass in a waiting which aims to present and real the miracle of Jesus' birth to the original value has gone then adding that his party 's modern , perceived by non-believers and characterized by a rich dinner ( note that the eve ) and the exchange of presents, at the stroke of midnight.

The " Eve Dinner " in Italy is highly variable from area to area : in fact, in some areas you prefer to celebrate Christmas day lunch and dinner on Christmas Eve is totally ignored. Until a few decades ago, also , traditions were scrupulously followed : if in central and southern Italy was celebrating already with the dinner on the 24th, to the north was compulsory Christmas dinner , while today these boundaries have gradually blurred, so that every family follows the traditions of her most own .

On the eve would be advisable to prepare a dinner " lean ." On the eve of Christmas, the Catholic religion is in fact one of the most sacred moments of the year, and the ancient prohibition against eating meat is still a reminder to consume food austere ( or abstain completely from food). At one time the meat was in fact the only luxury food , and this was prohibited , as a sign of respect for the savior who is about to be born. With the passing of centuries and then with the weakening of religious dictates , the true meaning of this prohibition is lost and the ancient precept of not eating meat has become the habit of consuming fish. But if the choice to eat meat or fish at the bottom you can turn a blind eye , there is a rule which is not really possible to escape : the gifts are opened after dinner, at the stroke of midnight! And if by the time the children you would too late , you should choose to celebrate the 25th , after Santa Claus comes in the night and wake the children can concentrate on long-awaited opening of the gifts !

In contrast, for the Christmas lunch menu has to be rich tradition : a long list of appetizers ; Cappelletti , agnolotti or ravioli as the first , depending on your source , a triumph of roast per second and , if space still remains , fruit dry and Christmas cakes are a great closure .


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