2014 update, belize open source - sustainable development and engineers without borders-usa...

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development  and  Engineers  Without  Borders-­‐USA  (EWB-­‐USA)  in  northern  Belize    

Patrick  Coyle    EWB-­‐SFP,  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development,    

Public  Laboratory  for  LLNL-­‐  November,  2014  

Agenda  •  Overview:  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development  

•  Overview:  •  Engineers  Without  Borders-­‐USA  (EWB-­‐USA)  

•  Engineers  Without  Borders  —  San  Francisco  Professional  Chapter  (EWB-­‐SFP)    

•  Status  update:  Five  EWB  chapter  projects  in  northern  Belize  

•  Belize  kite  aerial  photo-­‐mapping  results  

•   EWB  Nicaragua  composJng  toilets    • More  photos  

•  Belize  Open  Source  40-­‐acre  site  looking  toward  August  Pine  Ridge  village  

What  is  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development?  

•  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development,  as  a  501(c)(3)  non-­‐profit,    •  promotes  environmentally  and  socially  sustainable  

development  •  invites  collaboraJon  on  an  open  source  approach  to  

develop  and  parJcipate  in  a  land-­‐based  learning  and  community  outreach  center  on  a    working  farm  on  40  acres  in  northwestern  Belize  

•  partners  with  EWB-­‐USA  to  collaborate  with  EWB  chapters  on  projects  

Summary:  HOME  donaJons  leveraged  with  matching  

Year   HOME  Pledges

DonaJons  EWB   Matched   August  Pine  

Ridge  school  Muffles  College  

Total  Donated  

2014   $2520     $1500*   -­‐   $500*  

2013   $1768     $1500*   $1500*   $500*  

2012   $2060   $1500   $1500   $500   -­‐  

2011   $2800   $1500   $1500   $500   $500  

2010   $500   $500   $500   $500  

Total   $9648   $6500   $5000   $2500   $500   $14500    

*Projected:   No  2014  chapter  match  

Starts  12/2  

AcJviJes:  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development  

•  Donate  HOME  donaJons  to  EWB  chapters  working  in  Belize,  prior  years  matched  with  year-­‐end  funds  from  EWB-­‐USA  

•  Muffles  school:  $500  for  emergency  construcJon  of  new  sepJc  tank  

•  August  Pine  Ridge  school:  •  $500  for  public  address  system  •  $500  for  teachers’  texts  and  filing  cabinet  for  new  

classrooms  •  $500  to  replace  termite  damaged  wooden  classroom  

windows  with  metal  hurricane  shuders  •  $500 for bike racks  •  $500 for  mulJpurpose  room  

AcJviJes:  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development  (cont.)  

•  Raised  funds  and  built  first  visitors’  accommodaJons  at  BOSSD  for  the  CSU  EWB  team  during  their  visits  to  construct  the  new  classroom  building  in  August  Pine  Ridge  

•  ConJnuing  to  seek  a  US  Rotary  club  to  partner  with  Belize  Orange  Walk  Rotary  and  the  CSU  EWB  August  Pine  Ridge  project  

•  IniJated  DIY  aerial  photo-­‐mapping  program:  engaged  schools  and  made  iniJal  set  of  maps  

•  Developing  programs  to  use  the  Belize  property  •  Passed  through  donaJon  to  EWB-­‐SFP  Nicaragua  

composJng  toilets  

Agenda  •  Updates  and  status:  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development  

•  Engineers  Without  Borders-­‐USA  (EWB-­‐USA)  

•  Engineers  Without  Borders  —  San  Francisco  Professional  Chapter  (EWB-­‐SFP)    

•  Updates  and  status:  Three  EWB  chapter  projects  in  northern  Belize  

•  Belize  photos  •  Road  past  Belize  Open  Source  40-­‐acre  site    toward  August  Pine  Ridge  village  

EWB-­‐USA  vision  and  mission  Vision  is  a  world  in  which  all  communiJes  have  the  capacity  to  meet  their  basic  human  needs    

Supports  community-­‐driven  development  programs  worldwide  through  the  design  and  implementaJon  of  sustainable  engineering  projects,  while  fostering  responsible  leadership    

EWB-­‐USA  Growth  

2000  8  Members  1  Chapter    1  Project  

2014  14,700  Members  ~  300  Chapters    684+  Programs  39  countries  

•  Established  in  2004  •  ~  200  acJve  members  •  7  infrastructure  programs  •  2  Appropriate  Technology  Design  Team  (ATDT)  projects  

•  ExecuJve  Commidee  and  support  commidees  provide  chapter  management,  fundraising,  and  publicity  

EWB-­‐SFP  NaJon’s  1st  Professional  Chapter  

EWB-­‐SFP  Programs  and  LocaJons  Kenya   Water  Supply  

El  Salvador     Water  &  SanitaIon  

Fiji     Water  System  

Kenya   Water  System  

HaiI   Community  Health  Clinic  and  Solar  Power  

Honduras   Bridge  ConstrucIon  &  Water  DistribuIon  

Nicaragua   ATDT  ComposIng  Toilets  Water  distribuIon  –  solar  pump  

Tanzania   Well  rebuilding,  water  DistribuIon  &  solar  pumping  

EWB  Project  Process  and  Commitment  

•  Projects  have  a  non-­‐governmental  organizaJon  (NGO)  or  community  based  organizaJon  (CBO)  partner  acJng  as  a  liaison  to  the  community  

•  Three  project  phases:  1.  Assessment  2.  Design  and  ImplementaJon  3.  Monitoring  and  EvaluaJon  

•  Long-­‐term  infrastructure  projects  have  a  minimum  5-­‐year  commitment  to  the  community  

•  Appropriate  technology  projects  vary  in  length  depending  on  the  requirements  of  the  NGO  and  community  

What’s  the  connecJon?  •  Coyle  is  founder  and  a  Director  of  Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  

Sustainable  Development,  a  501(c)(3)  non-­‐profit  •  Lead  for  EWB-­‐SFP  Appropriate  Technology  Design  Team  

and  Co-­‐president  for  EWB  West  Coast  Region  •  Serves  on  EWB-­‐USA  West  Coast  Technical  Advisory  Team  

and  leads  monthly  team  reviews  of  project  applicaJons  •  Authored  EWB  applicaJon  for  the  August  Pine  Ridge  

Community  Improvement  Program  –  the  new  classroom  building  has  now  been  completed  by  EWB-­‐Cleveland  State,  water  quality  improvements  in  design  

•  Public  Lab  organizer:  presented  at  EWB  Regional  Workshops  and  EWB  InternaJonal  on  “Simple,  Inexpensive  Aerial  Photomapping  with  Balloons  or  Kites”  and  mapped  sites  with  students  in  Belize  

Belize  Open  Source  -­‐  Sustainable  Development  and  EWB  chapters  

•  We’ve  supported    five  EWB  chapters  working  in  northern  Belize  •  Cleveland  State  University,  August  Pine  Ridge  •  Iowa  State  University,  Trinidad  •  Lamar  University,  Chunox  in  the  Corozol  District  •  Texas  A&M,  San  Mateo  on  Ambergris  Caye  •  Oregon  State  University,  Valley  of  Peace  (new)  

Two  EWB  chapters  projects  are  acJve  

•  This  year  we’ll  support  the  two  EWB  chapters  with  acJve  projects  in  northern  Belize  •  Cleveland  State  University,  August  Pine  Ridge  •  Lamar  University,  Chunox  in  the  Corozol  District  

• The  EWB  Cleveland  State  University  August  Pine  Ridge  classroom  building  project  is    complete.  They  are  working  on  water  quality  improvements  • Lamar  University  is  fundraising  to  implement  sanitaJon  system  leach  field  

Other  EWB  chapter  projects  are  closed  

•  These  three  EWB  chapters  completed,  cancelled,  or  were  unable  to  launch  their  projects  •  Iowa  State  University,  Trinidad:  completed,  closed  •  Texas  A&M,  San  Mateo  on  Ambergris  Caye:  cancelled  •  Oregon  State  University,  Valley  of  Peace  (new):  unable  

to  launch  

Where  is  Belize?  

Belize  up  close  •  Belize  is  small:  About  175  miles,  

north-­‐south,  by  80  miles  wide  •  It  has  diverse  land  regions:  cayes,  

barrier  reef,  beaches,  tropical  rain  forests,    caves  with  rivers  running  into  them,  mountain  pine  ridge,  and  savannahs  (where  we  are)  

•  Belize  is  small  enough  and  transportaJon  is  good  enough  that  a  stop  at  Belize  Open  Source  can  be  included  as  part  of  your  iJnerary,  along  with  whatever  else  you  choose  to  do  in  Belize  

•  If  you  visit  Belize  and  volunteer  with  BOSSD,  a  reasonable  porJon  of  your  trip  expenses  can  be  tax  deducJble  

How  to  get  involved  •  Contact  me:    

•  pat@coyles.com  •  Belize  Open  Source:  hdp://belizeopensource.org  

•  SFP-­‐EWB:  hdp://ewb-­‐sfp.org/  •  EWB-­‐USA:  hdp://www.ewb-­‐usa.org/  

•  Individual  chapters  and  projects  are  accessible  through  the  EWB-­‐USA  website  

•  Public  Lab:  hdp://publiclab.org/    

How  to  donate  to  chapters  I’ll  be  donaJng  to  the  two  chapters  sJll  working  in  Belize  –  websites  are  in  preparaJon  to  take  donaJons  starJng  in  December.  EWB-­‐USA’s  partners  aren’t  matching  chapter  donaJons  this  year  

•  hdps://ssl.charityweb.net/ewbusa/pfp/fundraisingforbelize.htm  

•  hdps://ssl.charityweb.net/ewbusa/pfp/lamaruniversityinbelize.htm  

August Pine Ridge, Belize School Building Update

Cleveland  State  EWB  project  •  The  new  school  building  provides  addiJonal  space  for  the  

current  overcrowded  school  that  serves  approximately  450  students  and  serves  as  a  hurricane  shelter  for  the  general  community  •  A  project-­‐specific  assessment  trip  was  completed  in  

May  2010  and  the  floor  plan  for  the  school  was  finalized  and  approved  by  the  community  

•  Data  on  building  material  quality  and  availability  was  gathered  along  with  material  prices  

•  Detailed  site  soil  samples  were  collected  and  shipped  to  CSU’s  campus  for  laboratory  tests.  Soil  characterisJcs  were  incorporated  into  the  school  building’s  foundaJon  design  

•  Soil  characterisJcs  for  a    leach  field  for  the  school  building’s  sepJc  system  were  evaluated      

Cleveland  State  EWB  (cont.)  •  The  skill  level  of  local  labor  for  construcJon  was  assessed  •  A  Belizean  Civil  Engineering  firm  agreed  to  help  the  

chapter  with  construcJon  in  Belize,  paperwork  required  by  the  Central  Building  Authority  (CBA)  to  secure  construcJon  approval  and  building  codes  used  in-­‐country  

A  Final  Design  Report  (FDR)  with  all  necessary  design  calculaJons  and  construcJon  documents  was  submided  to  EWB-­‐USA  for  review  and  implementaJon  was  approved  

Floor  plan  –  classroom  building    

Cleveland  State  EWB  funding  •  The  preliminary  esJmate  for  construcJon,  furnishing  and  

outiung  the  school  was  ~$150k  USD  •  The  community  agreed  to  raise  $100k  in  cash  and/or  

in-­‐kind  contribuJons  (including  labor)  •  The  CSU  Chapter  agreed  to  raise  up  to  $50k  (Coyle/

BOSSD  helped  in  modest  amounts)  •  The  community  applied  for  funds  to  the  Belize  Natural  

Energy  Trust  (a  fund  organized  by  an  oil  company)  for  $50k  and  to  the  Social  Improvement  Fund  (an  internaJonal  development  fund  in  the  Caribbean)  

•  (as  of  early  August  ‘12,  the  cost  to  date  was  ~$134k,  with  $61k  from  Belize  and  $73k  from  CSU  EWB)  

•  ConstrucJon  began  in  April,  2011  and  was  completed  in  2012  

CSU Project Manager/ Site Engineer and APR School Project Committee Chairman Julio Magaña at the completion of the project.

Classroom tiled and ready for use. The door is only open when the building is utilized as a hurricane shelter by the community. Similar doors allow passage throughout the building in safety.

Not everybody could be listed. We wish to also thank BASF, Parker Hannifin Company, and Belize Open Source, to name a few more.

While in Belize the leaking roof on the existing school was repaired. No more leaks. The black of the roof is the build up of ash from the burning of sugar cane. Because of the slope on the new school, each passing rain helps to keep the roof clean.

Anemometer installed on the roof of the other school building. Data collected by the students of APR is emailed to CSU engineering students working closely with Dr. Majid Rashidi and his wind amplification turbine system to properly size the wind turbines.

CSU Students Amy Kalabon (left) and Alice Summerville (Right) level stone for the leach field on the school property.

Completion of pipe runs to septic tanks behind the school. At this time the tanks are sealed and the pipes all covered.

Distribution box walls poured, top was added the next day and everything is now covered with fill material.

The leach field with all the pipes set awaiting the final cover of 18 inches of soil.

TBD description.

TBD description.

TBD description.

TBD description.

TBD description.

TBD description.

TBD description.

CSU  next  steps  Mid-October, 2014, Ryan Polder, chapter president, provided updates: •  Sent pictures from latest trip in March and reported on the water project update submitted for Alcoa grant •  Wrapping up the design of the water system •  Planning to travel when that is finished and start acquiring materials •  Excited about the future of the project, as are a large number of people in the college. There has been a large amount of interest generated in joining our organization among our peers, and attendance at the last general chapter meeting was about double (maybe even more) than what we typically expect •  Primarily concerned with staying in August Pine Ridge for the immediate future

CSU  next  steps  • The team was awarded the 2013 NCEES Engineering Award for Connecting Professional Practice and Education, $25,000 grand prize for its submission, Design, Funding, and Construction of the August Pine Ridge School/Hurricane Shelter in Belize – the funds will be used to repay repay part of the university loans for construction costs.

• Awarded $10,000 for Alcoa Creation of a Global Engineer Grant for Water Quality and Alternative Energy project

• The August Pine Ridge Water Board has done a pilot program with water meters to prepare for metering and use-based fees to encourage water conservation and reduce operating costs.

• Students continue working with Dr. Majid Rashidi and his wind amplification turbine system to examine the feasibility of wind energy. Solar is also being considered.

Alcoa  CreaJon  of  a  Global  Engineer  Grant:  Interim  Report  

Completed final assessment trip for Water Quality and Alternative Energy project

•  Proposed the water treatment plant design to the community - plan to install a four tank water filtration system to rid their water of hardness, pesticides, and other unsatisfactory chemicals to allow for potable consumption •  Performed final water quality testing for both municipal and ground water sources •  Installed solar panel panel for feasibility testing is currently being monitored for electrical output levels. The electricity is being used to supplement the electrical demands of the local elementary school •  From meeting with community and water board, have identified a community contractor to assist in construction of the treatment plant

Water Quality Testing Photo (left to right) Anna Florian, Stephen Kolbus, and Michael Sutadji taken by Norbert Delatte

Installation of Solar Panel Photo of Michael Sutadji taken by Anna Florian

Discussion Panel with Community over Water Treatment Design Presentation Photo of Community members taken by Michael Sutadji

Lamar  University,  village  of  Chunox  in  the  Corozol  District    

•  Implement  sanitaJon  system  for  the  St.  Viatore  vocaJonal  high  school  •  Performed  test  to  determine  water  quality,  soil  type,  soil  

percolaJon,  water  table,  land  survey  (for  a  percolaJon  field),  located  a  site  for  the  bathrooms  

•  Formed  Memorandum  of  Understanding  with  the  school  –  •  we  will  provide  materials  and  design  •   the  school  will  provide  labor,  some  lodging  and  meals  

•  Currently  working  on  alternaJves  Analysis:  our  preferred  alternaJve  is  a  standard  flush  toilet.  The  effluent  waste  will  be  treated  by  a  percolaJon  field  

Lamar  next  steps  In October, Laura Soto, the new chapter president, provided updates: •  Speaking to members of the Spindletop Rotary Club here in Beaumont, TX to find out more about Rotary funding •  Although the project design has been completed, mentor has warned that may need adjustments to the design and travel plan/budget. If so, have 4 skilled/experienced engineers who will not take long to make the adjustments •  After mentor review, will be able to turn it into EWB –USA HQ •  Hope to apply for EWB-grants for the 2015 Spring semester •  Will be having a softball tournament fundraiser in the spring of 2015 as well as a Gala possibly in late may 2015 or fall 2015. Plan to get speaker from Betchel, and hopefully some sponsorship from DuPont. We are hopeful that both of our fundraisers will be successful •  Provided design drawings of the percolation field and the site plan •  Because of cost, chapter has decided not to construct the restroom facility. Design is complete and has potential to become a part of the project if find a way to fund it

•  Established in 2008 •  Consists of over 20 current members •  Started our first project in 2009 •  Traveled to Belize for the first time in 2010

About Lamar University Chapter

!  We have raised about $25,000.

!  We are fundraising and preparing grant applications for the balance of the estimated $50k total.

!  Final design is complete and approved by EWB-USA - just need the funding.

LocaIon  Official  Address:  St.  Viator  High  School  

1.5  mi.  beyond  Chunox  Village  

Chunox  –  Sarteneja  Road  

P.O.  Box  330  

Corozal  Town  


St.  Viator  VocaIonal  High  School  


Water  Supply  •     Water  line  from  Chunox    

•     Chunox  uses  reverse  osmosis  on  community  water  

•     There  is  no  water  filtration  on  site  

•     Supplies  Cafeteria  •     School  Well,  pond  

•     Supplies  shower,  animals,  and  crops  

Pit  Latrine  Bathrooms  

Status:  grassroots  aerial  photomapping  program  in  Belize  

•  During  9-­‐day  trip  in  February  ’13,  engaged  schools  to  develop  capabiliJes  and  make  iniJal  set  of  maps  (Belize  Open  Source  property,  August  Pine  Ridge  school  classrooms  and  surrounding  community,  and  Muffles  College)  

•  Posted  Research  Notes  on  Public  Lab,  in  context  of  a  plan  to:  •  develop  capabiliJes,  •  archive,  access  and  communicate  with  the  images,  •  implement  training  through  classes  in  local  schools,  •  conJnue  with  ongoing  workshops  for  future  visitors  to  extend  

techniques  and  map  more  of  the  country's  sites  of  interest  with  emphasis  on  community  needs  and  benefits  to  local  users,  as  well  as  some  the  gorgeous  sites  

•  August  Pine  Ridge  school  and  Muffles  College  Environmental  Sciences  program  parJcipated.  Jeff  Warren  and  Stewart  Long,  Public  Laboratory  for  Open  Technology  and  Science,  have  parJcipated  in  planning  

Blanca Torres, principal of the August Pine Ridge school, wrote, “The aerial photo mapping seems very interesting. I shared with my children and sisters the images of our village … and they just loved them. … I welcome these opportunities where I can involve my students in new learning experiences. I am very interested in exposing them through your mapping project. We feel pride in having our community appear in internet pages and more if we are involved in getting those images.”

2013  August  Pine  Ridge  RC  school  mapping  session  

TBD description.

TBD description.

In progress and completed new classroom building Richard Obratil, former Chapter President, Project Manager/Site Engineer EWB-Cleveland State University Chapter, wrote, “... here is a picture of the building…”

2013  Muffles  Junior  College,  Belize  mapping  sessions  

2013  Muffles  Junior  College,  Belize  mapping  sessions  

Muffles  Junior  College,  Belize  mapping  sessions  •  Did two hands-on training and mapping sessions with Rafael Castillo, the faculty advisor, and the Environmental Club at the Muffles Junior College campus near Orange Walk Town

•  Left them with a complete KAP mapping kit

•  Put a sustainable mapping capability in place at Muffles which can serve the Environmental Science program

Site:  Belize  Open  Source  Sustainable  Development    

•  This  40-­‐acre  rural  property  is  located  in  northwestern  Belize  near  the  Mexican  and  Guatemala  borders  about  16  miles  from  Orange  Walk  Town,  between  the  villages  of  August  Pine  Ridge  and  San  Felipe  and  3.5  miles  to  the  Rio  Hondo  Belize/Mexico  border  


•  Google  Maps  shows  it,  but  unJl  recently,  two  more  clicks  in  and  you  ran  out  of  pixels  –  it’s  beder  now  

2013  Belize  Open  Source  mapping  session  

2013  Belize  Open  Source  mapping  session  

Images  were  from  Canon  A1200  in  juice  bodle  rig  shooJng  in  conJnuous  mode  (Qstarz  gps  tracker  flown  as  well)  

2013  Belize  Open  Source  mapping  session  

Images  from  Delta  LevitaJon  

2013  Belize  Open  Source  mapping  session  

Natalio  Soliz  flying  the  kite  

2014  Belize  Open  Source  mapping  sessions  

2014  Belize  Open  Source  mapping  sessions  

SFP-­‐ATDT  ComposJng  Latrines  in  Nicaragua  

•  In  2010,  EWB-­‐SFP  ATDT,  Alvarez  Co-­‐op,  Alcance  Nicaragua  (AN)  and  Outreach  InternaJonal  (OI),  built  ten  composJng  toilets  with  the  community  of  Los  Alvarez,  Nicaragua  (134  families,  ~  938  people)  

•  95%  of  its  latrines  were  in  poor  condiJon.    These  latrines  flood  with  water  during  the  winter  and  fail  structurally,  resulJng  in  illnesses  due  to  exposure  to  fecal  mader  and  water  contaminaJon  

•  The  environment  is  polluted  and  inhabitants  are  exposed  to  physical  harm  due  to  latrine  collapse  

Completed  composJng  toilet  from  2010  pilot  implementaJon  trip  

Phase  1  •  In  April  2010,  EWB-­‐SFP  visited  Los  Alvarez  for  an  exploratory  trip  

•  The  design  selected,  with  the  input  from  the  community,  was  a  two-­‐compartment  composJng  latrine  that  would  allow  one  compartment  to  be  sealed  during  the  composJng  process  

•  Planning  and  material  procurement  took  place  between  October-­‐December  2010  

•  ConstrucJon  took  place  in  January  2011  and  ten  composJng  latrines  were  built  

• Workshops  were  conducted  on  the  use  and  maintenance  of  the  composJng  latrines  

•  blog:  hdp://compostnica.wordpress.com/  

ComposJng  Latrine  Status  •  The  first  composJng  toilets  are  working  great  

•  User  acceptance  has  been  high  •  GeneraJon  and  use  of  compost  for  agricultural  applicaJons  has  been  successful  

•  The  community  wants  more  units  

Phase  2  Planning  •  A  member  of  the  Alcance  Nicaragua  designed  and  built  a  “hybrid”  composJng  toilet  which  decreased  the  cost  by  half,  to  approximately  $300  per  toilet  

Prototype  reduced  cost  redesigned  toilet  

Phase  2  Planning  (cont.)  •  Goal:  build  fourteen  composJng  toilets  in  El  Llanito  community  using  the  new  design  ($336/toilet)  

•  Alcance  Nicaragua  responsibiliJes:  materials  procurement  and  transportaJon,  idenJfying  new  beneficiaries,  managing  the  construcJon,  and  collecJng  beneficiaries’  contribuJon  (40%  of  cost)  

Phase  2  Planning  (cont.)  •  July  2014:  AN  selects  parJcipants  •  August  2014:  Material  Procurement  prior  to  construcJon  start  

•  August  19-­‐August  31:  ConstrucJon  •  Post  ConstrucJon:  

•  DocumentaJon  

Phase  2  ConstrucIon  

Preparing  foundaJon  

Phase  2  ConstrucIon  (cont.)  

Concrete  in  foundaJon  form  

Phase  2  ConstrucIon  (cont.)  

Building  the  vaults  

Phase  2  ConstrucIon  (cont.)  

Sealing  the  vaults  with  plaster  coat  

Phase  2  ConstrucIon  (cont.)  

Building  the  upper  structure  

Phase  2  ConstrucIon  (cont.)  

Families  with  completed  toilets  

Families  a}er  workshop    

CSU  and  my  photos  

TBD description.

CSU  prior  photos  

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