201-just another man

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Just another Man? 

Lecture Outline forDVD #201

 Amazing Discoveries

Total Onslaught

by Professor Walter Veith

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Just Another Man?

 Amazing Discoveries

Total OnslaughtLecture Outline #201

1.What four seemingly outrageous claims does Jesus make

about Himself in John 14:6? ________________________


2.According to the outset of this presentation, why is Jesus

Christ being marginalized today?________________________________________________


NOTE: He must be placed on the same level of all the other 

“gods,” in order to foster world religious unity.

3.What is the mathematical probability of one man

accidentally, or coincidentally fulfilling just eight specific

prophecies? (Josh McDowell, The Evidence That Demands

a Verdict)?________________________________________


NOTE: Imagine for a moment that you are in a large

stadium of 60,000 people. And you ask the onlookers a

series of questions, and you also ask them to stand if thequestion applies to them. As the questions increase the

number of people of whom the questions pertain decrease.

For example, you ask the crowd, “Is there anyone seated

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here today that has chronic headaches?” Assuredly, you

 would have quite a number that would be suffering from

this condition. Then perhaps you might ask, “Is there

anyone here who is wearing a red shirt or blouse, and isalso suffering from chronic headaches?” Many would sit

down at that time. Then for a final question you ask, “Who

has a fractured bone, is wearing a red shirt or blouse, and is

also suffering from chronic headaches?” Perhaps one would

be left standing at that time. Do you see the principle?

When the questions increase the number of adherents

proportionally decrease. Here in this little illustration weonly spoke of three questions. What if we could ask every 

human being that was ever born 8 questions that come

from the prophecies of the Old Testament regarding the

identity of the Messiah, only one could stand up when

asked all those questions, and that one would be Jesus

Christ of Nazareth.

4.What preceded the ministry of the Messiah?

PROPHECY: Isaiah 40:3, “The _____ of him that crieth in

the ___________, Prepare ye the ____ of the LORD, make

straight in the _______ a highway for our ____.”

FULFILLED: Matthew 3:1-3, “In those days came John the

Baptist, preaching in the ___________ of Judea, 2 And

saying, ______ ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 3 

For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet _________

___, saying, The ______ of one crying in the ___________,

Prepare ye the ____, of the Lord make his paths straight.”

5.From whom does freedom come?

 John 8:36, “If __ ___ therefore shall make you free, ye ____

___ _____ indeed.”

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NOTE: True freedom only comes from a consistent personal

experience with Jesus Christ.

6.Where is the kingdom of Jesus?

  John 18:36, “Jesus answered, My kingdom is ____ ___

____ _______…”

NOTE: The principles found in the kingdom of Jesus

(Heaven) are the polar opposites of the principles that this

 world holds so dear. (Pride, Selfishness, etc.)

1.How was the birth of the Messiah foretold?

PROPHECY: Isaiah 7:14, “Therefore, the Lord himself, shall

give you a sign; Behold, a _______ shall ________, and

bear a son, and shall call his name _________.”

FULFILLED: Matthew 1:23, “Behold a _______, shall be

 with child, and shall ______ forth a son, and they shall call

his name __________, which being interpreted is, _____

____ ____.”

NOTE: Obviously, this was not a normal birth, but a

miraculous birth. A virgin brought forth a son. And thisname Emmanuel that was given literally means, “God with

Us.” So, Jesus was not just a good moral teacher, but

according to the testimony of the Bible, Jesus is God!

2.What did the ministry of the Messiah look like?

PROPHECY: Isaiah 61:1, “The Spirit of the Lord GOD isupon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to _____

___ ______ ________ unto the meek; he hath sent me to

_____ ___ the brokenhearted, to ________ _________ to

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PROPHECY: Isaiah 50:6 , “I gave my ______ to the smiters,

and my _______ to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not

my _______ from shame and spitting.”

FULFILLEMT: Matthew 26:67, “Then did they ____ in his

_____, and ________ him; and others ______ him with the

palms of their ______.”

6.When the Messiah was accused wrongfully how did he


PROPHECY: Isaiah 53:7, “He was oppressed, and he was

afflicted, yet he ________ ___ ___ ______: he is brought as

a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers

is dumb, so he ________ ___ ____ _________.”

FULFILLMENT: Matthew 27:12, “And when he was accused

of the chief priests and elders, he _________ _________.”

7.Where was the Messiah pierced?

PROPHECY: Psalm 22:16, “For dogs have compassed me:

the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced

my ______ and my _____.”

FULFILLMENT: Luke 23:33, “And when they were come to

the place, which is called Calvary, there they ____________


8.As the Messiah’s death drew near, what was he given to

eat and drink?

PROPHECY: Psalm 69:21, “They gave me also _______ for 

my meat; and in my thirst they gave me _________ to


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FULFILLMENT: Matthew 27:34, “They gave him _________

to drink mingled with ______: and when he tasted thereof,

he would not drink.”

9.Who was the Messiah numbered with in his death?

PROPHECY: Isaiah 53:12, “…because he hath poured

out his soul unto death: and he was ___________ with the


FULFILLMENT: Mark 15:27-28, “And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his _____ _____, and the other 

on his ____. 28 And the scripture was ___________, which

saith, And he was numbered with the ___________.”

10.Who did the Messiah make intercession for?

PROPHECY: Isaiah 53:12, “…and made intercession for the______________.”

FULFILLMENT: Luke 23:34, “Then said Jesus, Father _____

___ ____; for they know not what they do…”

11.How many bones of the Messiah were broken at the

time of his death?

PROPHECY: Psalm 34:20, “He keepeth ____ his bones: not

___ of ____ is broken.”

FULFILLED: John 19:32-33, “Then came to soldiers and

brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was with


But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he wasdead already, they _______ ____ his legs.”

12.According to the Christian Classic, The Desire of Ages;

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 why did Christ suffer the death, which was ours?

“Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be

treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins,in which He had no share, that we might be justified by 

His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered

the death which was ours, _____ ___ ______ ______ ___

_____ _____ ____ ____. “With His stripes we are healed.”

The Desire of Ages, Ellen G. White, p. 25

NOTE: This is the most beautiful and undeserving transactionin the history of the universe! The sinless one, Jesus Christ,

suffered something that every son and daughter of Adam

deserves, the full condemnation of God against sin. But,

Christ stepped in to substitute for the fallen sinful race. And

upon the reception of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by 

faith, the sinner is looked upon not as he or she is apart

from Jesus, but as he or she is looked upon as he or she isin Jesus. In other words, the sinner is looked upon perfectly 

clad in the perfect obedient life of Jesus Christ, and the

perfect life of Christ is substituted for the sinful, corrupt life

of the sinner. This is the good news of the gospel!

13.What does the sinner have to do in order to receive this

incredible gift?

 John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his

only begotten son, that ___________ ___________ in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

14.Are there any secular history accounts that prove that

 Jesus Christ was a historic figure?

“Christus, from whom their name is derived, was executed

at the hands of the procurator Pontius Pilate in the reign

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of Tiberius.” Tacitus, the Roman historian, writing in about

115 AD, speaks about Nero’s persecution of the Christians

in 46 AD.

“Since the Jews were continually making disturbances at

the instigation of Christus, he (Claudius) expelled them from

Rome.” Suetonius the Roman historian, writing in about AD

120, speaks about Christus.

“On the eve of the Passover they hanged Jeshu of Nazareth.”

The Talmud (Jewish traditions from the 3rd century)

15.What office is Jesus fulfilling today?

Hebrews 8:1-2, We have such an ____ _____, who is set on

the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;

 A minister of the _________, and of the ____ ___________,

 which the Lord pitched, and not man.

NOTE: Jesus is actively involved in each of our lives today.

He is our high priest in the sanctuary in heaven. We need

not go to any person on earth for forgiveness of sins, we

can go directly to Jesus.

16.What are the two types of beasts that are battling inDaniel Chapter 8?

Daniel 8:3, 5, “Then I lifted up mine eyes and saw, and,

behold there stood before the river a ______…” 5 “And as

I was considering, behold, an ___ _______ came from the


17.What is the identity of these two beasts in Daniel Chapter 


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Daniel 8:20-21, “The ram which thou sawest are the kings

of ______ and ________. 21 And the rough goat is the king

of __________: and the great horn that is between his eyes

is the first king.”

NOTE: It is crystal clear that the ram represents Media and

Persia (Medo-Persia) and the goat represents Greece. Who

 was this first king of Greece? His name was Alexander the

Great. We will discuss these powers in greater detail in a

future presentation.

18.What are the characteristics of the he goat in this


Daniel 8:8, “Therefore the he goat waxed ____ ______: and

 when he was _______ the _______ horn was _________;

and four it came up four _______ ones toward the four 

 winds of heaven.”

NOTE: So, Alexander and his armies defeated the Medo-

Persians, but when Alexander was strong his reign also

 would come to an end, and in his place would stand four 

horns. It is an interesting historical fact, that although

twelve generals were fighting over Greece when Alexander 

died it was divided into just four regions.

19.Which prophecy disturbed Daniel?

Daniel 8:14, “And he said unto me, Unto ____ __________

and ______ ________ days; then shall the __________ be


Daniel 8:26-27, “And the vision of the __________ and __

__________ which was told is true: wherefore _____ ___

the vision; for is shall be for _____ _____. 27 And I Daniel

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__________, and was ______ certain days; afterward I rose

up, and did the king’s business; and I was ___________ at

the vision, but none understood it.”

NOTE: This 2300 day prophecy was highly disturbing to

Daniel. When know it to be the 2300 day prophecy because

a biblical day begins in the evening. (See Genesis 1:5; Mark 

1:32; Daniel 8:26) In a later study we will discuss the details

of this entire prophecy, but for now we will concentrate on

the first part of the 2300 day prophecy.

20.When would the entirety of the meaning of this prophecy 

be unveiled?

Daniel 8:15-17, “And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel,

had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then,

behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a

man. 16 And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, _________, make this man to

___________ the vision. 17 So he came near where I stood:

and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face:

but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the

_______ of the ________ shall be the __________.”

21.How was Daniel comforted in his time of distress?

Daniel 9:21-23, “Yea, while I was _________ in ______

____, even the man ________, whom I had seen in the

beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about

the evening oblation. 22 And he informed me, and talked

 with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give

 you _______ and __________.23

At the ____________ of thy _______________ the commandment came forth, and

I am come to shew thee; for thou art __________ ______

____: therefore __________ the matter, and ________ the

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NOTE: The Angel discloses to Daniel that he is “greatly 

beloved.” God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11) If the veil between to seen and the unseen world could be

stripped away, an angel could also say of you, that you are

greatly beloved.

Like Daniel, you may find yourself in perplexity. Like Daniel,

  you may be filled with anxiety. And like Daniel, you can

pray to God. Every emergency we find in life is but a callto prayer.

22.According to Talmudic Law, which portion of the Old

Testament is cursed?

“May the bones of the hands and the bones of the fingers

decay and decompose, of him who turns the pages of thebook of Daniel, to find out the time of Daniel 9:24-27, and

may his memory rot from off the face of the earth forever”

(Talmudic Law, p.978, Section 2, Line 28)

NOTE: This is very strange! Why would Rabbis place a curse

on part of the Old Testament? Daniel 9:24-27 must contain

something very important!

23.How long was the time period not previously discussed

in the vision?

Daniel 9:24, “__________ __________ are ____________

upon thy ___________ and upon thy holy city, to finish

the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and tomake reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting

righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and

to anoint the most Holy.”

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NOTE: Seventy weeks were determined for Daniel’s people

the Jews.

 24.What is the meaning of the word “determined” in Daniel


2852 chathak khaw-thak’ a primitive root; properly, to cut

off, i.e. (figuratively) to decree:--determine.

NOTE: The word determined means to cut off. Thereforethis 70 week time period is cut off from the 2300 day 


25.For whom is the prophecy cut off, for?

Daniel 9:24, “Seventy weeks are determined upon ____ ___

________ and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression,and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for 

iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to

seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most


NOTE: It is cut off or determined for Daniel’s people, the

 Jewish Nation.

26.In symbolic Bible prophecy, what is a day equal to?

Numbers 14:34, “After the number of the days in which

  ye searched the land, even forty days, each _____ for a

______, …”

Ezekiel 4:6, “…I have appointed thee each ______ for a


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NOTE: In prophecy 1 day = 1 year. One week = 7 days,

therefore 7 days is equal to 7 years.

27.When do these 2300 years begin and end?

Daniel 9:25, “Know therefore and understand, that from the

going forth of the commandment to __________ and to

_________ ______________ unto the Messiah the Prince

shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the

street shall be built again even in troublous times.”

NOTE: The angel told Daniel to begin counting the 2,300-

day and 70-week prophecies from the decree to restore

and rebuild Jerusalem. God’s people were in captivity in

the Persian empire at this time. The decree was made in the

seventh year of King Artaxerxes, who began to reign in 464

B.C. (Ezra 7:7). Artaxerxes’ decree in 457 B.C. was the only 

one that specified restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem.

28.How many prophetic weeks from 457 BC would the

Messiah be introduced?

Daniel 9:25, “Know therefore and understand, that from

the going forth of the commandment to restore and to

build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be _______ ________, and ___________ and ____ _______: the

street shall be built again even in troublous times.”

NOTE: Score = 20, Threescore = 60 + 7 + 2 = 69. 69

Weeks = 483 days = 483 years. If you start from 457 BC

and go 483 years into the future, you come to the year 27


29.The word “Messiah” means anointed one. When was

 Jesus anointed?

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  Acts 10:37-38, “That word, I say, ye know, which was

published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee,

after the baptism which John preached;38 How God ___________ Jesus of Nazareth with the ____

__ _______and with power: who went about doing good,

and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God

 was with him.”

Luke 3:1, “Now in the __________ _______ of the reignof Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea,

and Herod being the tetrarch of Galilee,…”

Luke 3:21-22, “Now when all the people were __________

_, it came to pass that Jesus also being ___________, and

praying, the heaven was opened, 22 And the ________ ___

____ descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him…”

NOTE: In the year 12 AD Tiberius Caesar was granted

supreme power from Augustus Caesar. (http://www.

roman-britain.org/people/tiberius.htm) The fifteenth year 

of Tiberius Caesar was 27 AD. Jesus was baptized right on


30.What did Jesus proclaim shortly after His baptism?

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The _______ is ____________, and

the kingdom of heaven is at hand: repent ye, and believe

the gospel.”

NOTE: Jesus knew for certain what time was fulfilled. Hisbaptism marked the opening of his ministry, and it began

in perfect compliance with the prophecies of Daniel chapter 


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31.What happens in the 70th week of the prophecy?

Daniel 9:26, “And after threescore and two weeks shallMessiah be ___ ___, but not for himself: and the people

of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the

sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and

unto the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the

end of the war desolations are determined.”

Isaiah 53:8, “He was taken from prison to judgment: and who shall declare his generation? For he was ___ ___ out

of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people

 was he stricken.”

Daniel 9:27, “And he shall confirm the covenant with many 

for one week: and in the ______ of the week he shall cause

the ________ and __________ to cease…”

NOTE: There is only one prophetic week (7 years) left in the

prophecy. In the middle of the week Messiah would be cut

off. If you go forward 3 and a half years from 27AD you

come to the spring of 31 AD. That is when Jesus caused

the sacrificial system of the Old Testament to come to an

end, by his sacrificial death on the cross. He was cut off,but not for himself. This is an astounding prophecy, Jesus

Christ was crucified exactly on time!

32.What happened at the end of the 70 weeks?

Matthew 21:42-43, “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never 

read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected,the same is become the head of the corner: this is the

Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? 43 Therefore

say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be _______ from

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  you, and ________ to a nation bringing forth the fruits


 Acts 7:57-58, “Then they cried out with a loud voice, and __

_____ ______ ______, and ran upon him with one accord,

58 And cast him out of the city, and _______ ____: and the

 witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet,

 whose name was Saul.”

NOTE: In 34 AD, the stoning of Stephen marked the end

of the privilege of the Jewish Nation of being God’s chosen

people. The Lord mercifully dealt with the stubbornness

of the literal children of Israel, and he gave them 490 years

of mercy. But, as a nation, Israel was rejected when the

 Jewish Leaders stoned Stephen as he preached how Jesus

 was the Messiah.

33.Which nation is now favored by God?

Galatians 3:29, “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye ________

__ ________, and heirs according to the promise.

1 Peter 2:9, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal

priesthood, an ____ ______, a peculiar people; that ye

should shew forth the praises of him that called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:”

NOTE: There is still a nation today that God favors.

Instead of literal Israel, now when a person places their 

faith in Jesus Christ, as their Savior and Lord, that person is

now a spiritual Israelite. “And if ye be Christ’s then are ye

 Abraham’s Seed.”

34.Why did Jesus come to this world?

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 John 10:10, “…I am come that they might have ____, and

that they might have it _____ _________.”

NOTE: Jesus came to give us life, not only future eternal

life, but a more abundant life that can begin right now. As

 we get to know him through prayer and the reading of His

 word, we can experience first hand how good He really is.

(See Psalm 34:8)


Is it your desire to follow the only Biblical Messiah, Jesus

Christ, and to be willing to experience the abundant life He

is willing to give to you? Yes or No


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