2006 wr gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org quality lodge & tay utilization steve gaines, wr...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization Steve Gaines, WR Committee Slide 2 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Quality Lodge Summary Quality Lodge Issues Total Available Youth Utilization Area/Section Roles Slide 3 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 4 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Quality Lodge Ratings By Lodge Size Medium 63.8% Large 49.1% Small 47.9% Quality Lodge Ratings By Council Class Large 57.8% Medium 53.6% Small 53.3% Slide 5 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Quality Lodge Ratings Area 1 66.7% Area 4 58.3% Area 3 54.9% Area 5 40.0% Quality Lodge Ratings Section 4C 77.8% Section 1C 73.3% Section 1A 66.7% Section 3B 66.7% Section 1B 61.1% Section 4B 58.3% Section 5B 55.6% Section 3C 50.0% Section 4A 46.7% Section 3A 45.8% Section 5A 41.7% Section 5C 41.7% Section 5D 25.0% Slide 6 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 7 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 8 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 9 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Quality Lodge Issues 30% Brotherhood attainment Positive growth 75% contacts with Troops and Teams Identifying ways for the lodge to be more effective in coordinating with the council Participation in a National Emphasis program such as Scoutreach. Slide 10 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Positive Growth Utilization OA Data 2000-2005 BSA Data 2000-2005 Local Council Index Compared OA Data with BSA Data Youth Lodge Membership to Total Available Youth (Total Scout Age) Induction numbers to TAY Slide 11 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 12 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 13 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 14 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 15 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Slide 16 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Section/Area '06 Lodge sizeOrdeal Induction % TAYSlope TotalYouth2003200420053 year 5A Total12546873.80%4.11%4.40%0.30% 5B Total234314624.67%5.01%5.19%0.26% 3C Total3772120.60%0.22%1.05%0.23% 4C Total240114012.07%1.88%2.23%0.08% 5C Total11937373.24%3.96%3.38%0.07% 3A Total201712022.42%2.80%2.37%-0.03% 5D Total283618440.98%0.96%0.87%-0.06% 3B Total268815872.99%2.84%2.83%-0.08% 1B Total219413003.78%3.37%3.55%-0.12% 1A Total271615434.79%4.85%4.46%-0.16% 4B Total306717743.36%3.48%3.03%-0.16% 1C Total13317562.39%1.71%2.04%-0.18% 4A Total193911243.36%3.07%2.79%-0.29% Area 5 Total762647302.41%2.55%2.41%0.002% Area 3 Total508230012.62%2.63%2.56%-0.032% Area 4 Total740742993.37%3.25%3.12%-0.124% Area 1 Total624135994.24%3.85%3.88%-0.180% Western Region Total26356156293.03%2.98%2.89%-0.068% Slide 17 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Section/Area '06 Lodge sizeYouth Membership % TAYSlope TotalYouth2003200420053 year 5A Total12546877.96%9.21%10.46%1.25% 5B Total234314629.45%10.59%10.96%0.75% 3B Total268815876.02%5.53%6.91%0.44% 3A Total201712025.04%5.48%5.70%0.33% 5C Total11937377.19%7.13%7.63%0.22% 3C Total3772122.39%3.05%2.56%0.09% 1C Total13317564.67%4.18%4.74%0.04% 5D Total283618442.10%2.33%2.04%-0.03% 1A Total2716154310.62%10.35%10.27%-0.18% 1B Total219413007.18%6.24%6.70%-0.24% 4C Total240114015.75%5.42%5.10%-0.32% 4A Total193911246.66%6.14%5.69%-0.48% 4B Total306717747.41%6.76%6.42%-0.49% Area 3 Total508230015.08%5.13%5.74%0.33% Area 5 Total762647303.69%4.05%3.95%0.13% Area 1 Total624135997.42%6.84%7.14%-0.14% Area 4 Total740742996.60%6.10%5.74%-0.43% Western Region Total26356156295.29%5.23%5.26%-0.02% Slide 18 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Section/Area 12/31/2005'06 Lodge size Youth Membership % TAYSlope Boy Scout RegistrationTotalYouth 200320042005 3 year 5B Total13343234314629.45%10.59%10.96%0.75% 5A Total656512546877.96%9.21%10.46%1.25% 1A Total150292716154310.62%10.35%10.27%-0.18% 5C Total966311937377.19%7.13%7.63%0.22% 3B Total22964268815876.02%5.53%6.91%0.44% 1B Total19407219413007.18%6.24%6.70%-0.24% 4B Total27618306717747.41%6.76%6.42%-0.49% 3A Total21073201712025.04%5.48%5.70%0.33% 4A Total19747193911246.66%6.14%5.69%-0.48% 4C Total27467240114015.75%5.42%5.10%-0.32% 1C Total1593913317564.67%4.18%4.74%0.04% 3C Total82893772122.39%3.05%2.56%0.09% 5D Total90225283618442.10%2.33%2.04%-0.03% Area 1 Total50375624135997.42%6.84%7.14%-0.14% Area 4 Total74832740742996.60%6.10%5.74%-0.43% Area 3 Total52326508230015.08%5.13%5.74%0.33% Area 5 Total119796762647303.69%4.05%3.95%0.13% Western Region Total29732926356156295.29%5.23%5.26%-0.02% Slide 19 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Observations Trend in QL continues to be positive! Over half of the lodges have problems with three required QL requirements (#2, #3, #8) Medium size lodges (200-500) are the strongest 59% of Lodges show negative trend for Recruiting (Inductions) 40% of Lodges show negative trend for Market Penetration There is a large disparity in utilization of available youth (1.5%-19%) 16 councils have a 2.5% average utilization Large LDS populations An increase of 1% would add ~1500 new OA youth Slide 20 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Conclusions Use of LAP needs to be strengthened Dedicated Adviser (Associate) to VC Resources (e.g. FOG, Lodge Self Evaluation) SMART Goals Training (LAP Training 430B, 2005 QL Session @ Gathering) Accountability Section Adviser needs to take more active role with Lodge Advisers Commissioning Resources (e.g.: WR QL Planbook, FOG, Lodge Self Evaluation) Improvement SMART Goals from Lodges Accountability Communication at ALL levels needs to be more effective & personal (face-to-face) to improve participation and program elements LDS Liaison needed to improve OA participation in those councils with large LDS populations (General President Dahlquist needs to endorse OA) Will need large scale training and dedicated Section participation to make the aftermath successful Slide 21 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org Break Outs: Area/Section Advisers develop specific SMART Goals to improve QL: Area 1 - #7, #9, #14 Area 3 - #8, #4, #11 Area 4 - #2, #5, #13 Area 5 - #3, #6, #17 Develop Section Check Sheet to assess Lodge Condition and Section Helps for the lodge Slide 22 Quality Lodge & TAY Utilization 2006 WR Gathering s.gaines@western.oa-bsa.org QUESTIONS??

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