20 top tips for building a list of loyal subscribers

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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20 Top Tips for Building a List of LoyalSubscribers

Tip #1Use a red subscribe button

Red subscribe and buy buttons are statistically more likely to drive conversions and they raise the heartrate and encourage impulsive action!

Tip #2Use light-boxes

Lightboxes appear over the top of your content and force your visitors to notice them. While they can be annoying, they have been shown

to do more good than harm.

Tip #3Use the terminal point

The terminal point on any landing page is the bottom right corner. Put your subscribe button

here for increased conversions.

Tip #4

Use split testing.

Split testing means subtly tweaking your landing page and opt-in form to see which changes

increase your numbers of subscribers.

Tip #5Talk about your mailing list.

If you have a blog, a podcast or a YouTube channel then make sure you are actually

talking about your mailing list. Don't just put the opt-in form there and leave it!

Tip #6Use multiple techniques.

You have all kinds of different visitors coming to your site so don't just rely on one strategy!

Tip #7

Add a link in your signature.

This goes for forums and it also goes for e-mails.

Tip #8Use Reddit.

Reddit is a fantastic place to find people who are passionate about specific niches. Use smart

content marketing here and you can be highly successful.

Tip #9Google Plus communities.

Another great place to find communities in your niche.

Tip #10Use a narrative structure.

Always use a narrative structure when you are writing a sales page like a squeeze page.

Tip #11Pop-ups on exit.

Another good way to use a pop-up/popover is to have it appear when someone tries to leave

your page.

Tip #12Provide value.

Demonstrate the value of your e-mails by offering some form of value right in your

squeeze page. Make sure each e-mail then contains some kind of valuable tip.

Tip #13


Try to find other bloggers who might be willing to give you a shout-out or who can give you

topics. As in any business, e-mail marketing is often about who you know!

Tip #14Use incentives.

Incentives are freebies like e-books and reports. The right ones give people good reason to sign


Tip #15But choose wisely!

You don't want to attract people to your list unless they're targeted. Choose incentives that will attract the right type of customer.

Tip #16Or make your e-mails the incentives.

With email courses and 'ezines' your emails themselves become the incentive.

Tip #17Use video marketing.

Create a YouTube video and add this to your landing page. You can much more quickly

engage your audience that way.

Tip #18Carry cards.

If ever you're going to networking events or are otherwise rubbing shoulders with people in your niche, carry a card with your URL. You can get subscribers in person to you know!

Tip #19Subscribe to mailing lists.

Subscribe to other mailing lists and pay attention to examples of landing pages to see

what works and what doesn't.

Tip #20Make your mailing list great!

It's not just enough to gain subscribers, you also need to keep them. So make your list great!

If you’re interested in learning more about List-Building and How to Build a Big

and Profitable list of loyal followers, then please feel free to check out our List-

Building Course on Udemy at the following link:

Build A Big And Profitable Email List of Loyal Subscribers

If you visit the course via the link above, you will automatically be given a 90%

discount, meaning you can pick up the course for only $9!

Also, don’t forget to visit our blog, MindRumble, where you will find a wealth of

information and free student resources. Simply click on the picture below to go

have a look:

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