2 psm hazard assessment2

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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Process Safety Managementof Highly Hazardous &Explosive Chemicals

Hazard Assessment & Equipment in theHazard Assessment & Equipment in the


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Hazards of the Process


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The Requirements of the Standard

- Hazard DeterminationHo to Cacuate $rom +aons to %s,Ho to Cacuate $rom +aons to %s,

-utip" the aons o$ 'iquid-utip" the aons o$ 'iquid  /. (Ho much a % o$ ater eihs) /. (Ho much a % o$ ater eihs)

peci$ic +ra2it" o$ 'iquid 3 %s o$ 'iquidpeci$ic +ra2it" o$ 'iquid 3 %s o$ 'iquid

Eampe: 4t o$ 105000 aons o$ asoineEampe: 4t o$ 105000 aons o$ asoine

105000 /. 0.69 3 715889 %s105000 /. 0.69 3 715889 %s

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The Requirements of the

Standard - Hazard DeterminationCompare the %s o$ 'iquid or +as to theCompare the %s o$ 'iquid or +as to the

hreshod #uantit" in Appendi A o$ thehreshod #uantit" in Appendi A o$ thetandardtandard

Eampe: Anh"drous AmmoniaEampe: Anh"drous Ammonia

# 3 105000 %s# 3 105000 %s

$ !ou Eceed the hreshod #uantit"5 !ou Ha2e$ !ou Eceed the hreshod #uantit"5 !ou Ha2ea Co2ered Process; & Are <equired toa Co2ered Process; & Are <equired toComp"Comp"

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Toxicity Information


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The Requirements of the Standard

- Develop Toxicity Information=%tain oicit"=%tain oicit"

n$ormation on then$ormation on theChemica(s) in theChemica(s) in theProcessProcess

-D are "pica-D are "pica<esource<esource

!ou -a" >eed!ou -a" >eed

=ther <e$erences5=ther <e$erences5>=H Poc?et>=H Poc?et+uide5 AC+H '@*s+uide5 AC+H '@*s

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oicit"oicit" Permissi%ePermissi%e

Eposure 'imitsEposure 'imits Ph"sica DataPh"sica Data

<eacti2it" Data<eacti2it" DataCorrosi2it" DataCorrosi2it" Data

herma andherma andChemicaChemicata%iit" Datata%iit" Data

The Requirements of the Standard

- Develop Toxicity Information

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Technology of the Process


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The Requirements of the Standard

- Process Technology Boc? $o diaramBoc? $o diaram

or process $oor process $odiaramdiaram

Process chemistr"Process chemistr"-aimum intended-aimum intended

in2entor"in2entor"pper and oerpper and oer

imitsimitsConsequences o$Consequences o$


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The Requirements of the

Standard - Process quipment -aterias o$ construction-aterias o$ construction Pipin and instrumentPipin and instrument

diarams (P&D*s)diarams (P&D*s)

Eectrica cassi$icationEectrica cassi$ication <eie$ s"stem desin<eie$ s"stem desin @entiation s"stem@entiation s"stem

desindesin Desin codesDesin codes -ateria and ener"-ateria and ener"

%aances%aances a$et" s"stemsa$et" s"stems

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Boc? Diaram

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quipment in the Process


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The Requirements of the Standard

- Process quipment >o:>o: denti$" Each Piece o$denti$" Each Piece o$

Equipment in theEquipment in the

Co2ered Process %"Co2ered Process %"P&D5 Boc? DiaramP&D5 Boc? Diaramand >um%er hemand >um%er hem

<emem%er -ust<emem%er -ust

oo ormoo orm -ust %e A%e to rac?-ust %e A%e to rac?

Each >um%er hrouhEach >um%er hrouhthe Entire Proramthe Entire Proram

B ? Di

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Boc? Diaram


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P E i t

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Process Equipment


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!echanical Integrity


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-echanica nterit"-echanica nterit"Certi$icatesCerti$icates

-ust %e =%tained $or-ust %e =%tained $orEach Eement o$ theEach Eement o$ theProcessProcess

-ust %e -ar?ed ith-ust %e -ar?ed ith>um%erin "stem>um%erin "stem

that oos ormthat oos orm

The Requirements of the Standard

- Process quipment

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-echanica nterit"-echanica nterit"Certi$icates Can Be:Certi$icates Can Be:  A-E Certi$icates A-E Certi$icates

$or @esses$or @esses peci$ication heetspeci$ication heets

The Requirements of the Standard

- Process quipment

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nspectionestinnspectionestin-aintenance-aintenance "stem -ust %e"stem -ust %e

De2eoped toDe2eoped toPer$orm hesePer$orm heseunctions %" Partunctions %" Partand Critica "stemand Critica "stem

-ust oo-ust oo


-ust %e A%e to-ust %e A%e torac? Equipmentrac? Equipmentnspectednspected

The Requirements of the Standard

- Process quipment

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#uality $ssurance


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#uality $ssurance

Construction & Equipment must %e suita%e $orConstruction & Equipment must %e suita%e $orthe process appication $or hich the" i %ethe process appication $or hich the" i %eused.used.

 Appropriate chec?s and inspections to assure Appropriate chec?s and inspections to assurethat equipment is instaed proper" andthat equipment is instaed proper" andconsistent ith desin speci$ications and theconsistent ith desin speci$ications and themanu$acturerIs instructions.manu$acturerIs instructions.

-aintenance materias5 spare parts and-aintenance materias5 spare parts andequipment are suita%e $or the processequipment are suita%e $or the processappication $or hich the" i %e usedappication $or hich the" i %e used

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Hazard $ssessment " quipment

in the Process% SummaryHazard


($ o2er #5 -ust


De2eop oicit"

n$ormation on

Chemica in

Co2ered Process

De2eop in$ormation

on echnoo" o$ the



in$ormation the

Equipment in the


Boc? Diaram P&D

=%tain -echanica







<emem%er: -ust %e A%e to

rac? Equipment hrouhout

the Entire Proram

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&hat's (ext)

n the >et ession5n the >et ession5e i Co2er thee i Co2er theCritica <equirementsCritica <equirements$or Process Hazard$or Process Hazard

 Ana"sis (PHA*s) Ana"sis (PHA*s)

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