1941 march anchor

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MARCH 1941 VOL. XVI • • • NO.3



March 1941

Vol. XVI No.3



Our Second Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Contributing to THE ANCHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 N u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Omicron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Zeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Rho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Theta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Zeta Tau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Iota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Upsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lambda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Geographical Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Unknown Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Officers D irectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Entered as second class matter November 25, 1937, at the post office at Menasha, \ Visconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. THE AN CHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published du rin g the months of October, D ecember, March, and June. Subscription price $2.00 per year. Publication office, George Banta Publishing Co., 450-454 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. Editorial office: Mrs. Justin G. Doyle, Peekskill Military Academy, Peekskill, N.Y.

Easter THE SUPREME irony of the centuries is not the crucifixion of 1900

years ago, imposed by relentless enemies, but the perpetual cruci­

fixion of all that J esu stood for by those who profess to be his

followers. As we live again in imagination through the tragedy

of Passion Week, all who call themselves by His name should

search their hearts, and ee if they do not often take an active part

in that which causes His spirit to writhe upon the cross. Were

professing Christians all true followers of J esus, the kingdoms of

this world would indeed quickly become the kingdoms of God.

BEFORE our very eyes Calvary is being enacted again, not only fo r

individuals, but fo r whole peoples. The horror of Good F riday is

repeated in nation after nation. T ru th is on the scaffold, wrong on

the throne. They are stalwart souls indeed who can stand in the

presence of this and not feel blank despair. But Easter with com­

pelling and convincing power bids us keep, and enables us to keep

hope alive. For here is the uplifting gospel that the defeat is not

abiding; that beyond wrong's cruel, bitter; blight there flames the

beckoning vision of the blessed kingdom of right.

Our Second Directory

IN CONFORMITY with the policy we adopted at the last convention of publishing a complete directory of our sorority triennially, the second 1ssue thereof is now presented to you. It contains a section wherein all

members are listed accord ing to their colrlegiate chapters and another which lists them geographically.

It will be noticed that this time the year of graduation from college has been placed after the names although only in the section of chapter listings. This date really indicates the year the girls first left college regardless of whether they fini shed with a certificate or a degree. In the cases of girl s who are in college at the present time, the years given are the ones in which they expect to graduate.

Because records of some of the older chapters were lost even before Alpha Sigma Tau became national , it has been an extremely difficult task for alumnre representatives and the central office to obtain information pertaining to women who are no longer active in alumnre groups. If any­one receiving this directory can offer information about the Alpha Sigs listed in the back of the book as being "lost," kindly communicate with either the central office or the alumnre representative particularly concerned. Furthermore, if you find an incorrect listing for any girl, irrespective of whether or not she belongs to your chapter, please send in this information, too.

There will be a number of you who will be greatly annoyed to find your­selves still listed under maiden names whereas you may have been married for some time now. Or, perhaps your addre s is incorrectly given. Before condemning the inaccuracy of this directory first pause to ask yourselves if you have bothered sending such changes to your alumnre representative or whether you just depended on someone else doing it fo r you.

There will not be another directory publis'hed for three years. However, do not postpone sending in corrections so that at least the national files may be checked and so that you will not continue to miss out on receiving news letters, TI-rE A CHOR and miscellaneous notices sent out from time to time.

All in all , this second directory represents endless hours of work compiling information which ofttimes was much trouble to obtain. T he alumnre repre­sentatives who gave so generously of their time and labor collecting the material did so gladly--'happy that they could do their bit for Alpha Sigma Tau. They hope you will find this directory useful in locating friends both old and new.

Contributing to "The Anchor"

UNLIKE the average magazines which one picks up at any bookstand, a sorority magazine is a specialized publication established for the express benefit of a single organization. It should not aspire to the position of a literary periodical. One

does not refer to a sorori ty magazine when it is desired to turn to t houghts on politics, religion, social movements and simila r topics. Discussions of subj ects about which there may be a marked divergence of honest opinion are best omitted from the pages of such a publication insofar as they do not come within its natural scope anyway. Instead the sorority magazine should be simply a medium of reporting the activities and achieve-

. ments of the va rious alumnre chapters, collegiate chapters and of individual members thus keeping all sisters continually interested in and informed of the progress of the organization .

The magazine is definitely published as much for the a lumnre as for the girls in college. This means that contributions should be forthcoming from both sources. H ow­ever, obtaining articles from the former has become extremely difficult although requests for more material on alumnre have become more numerous.

When our girls go out from college to accept positions, we find practically half of them become so scattered geographically that they are unable to join alumnre chapters. This makes it exceedingly hard to keep informed of their progress and successes. Many of these sisters, as well as those who do belong to organized groups, are engaged in varied fields of endeavor. Although primarily we a re an educational sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau is not composed of girls whose only interests are teaching. Many of them have outside hobbies which are not only unusual but very interesting. Some are not teachina at all but have turned to other work while many of those teaching have made names for themselves in the pedagogical field.

We have an Alpha who has lived for years in India doing missionary work; another sister is helping civilization by teaching Eskimo children in an Alaskan settlement miles from nowhere. Years ago when long-distance flights were indeed novelties an Alpha Sigma Tau made newspaper headlines when she participated in a race from California to Hawaii . She was lost in the Pacific but nevertheless as a woman pioneer in the aviation field she inspired others. We have authors and artists among us whose abilities have brought them praise and commendations as well as fi nancial reimbursements. Eventually some may even become famous. One could go on and on in this vein.

But how are the rest of the Alpha Sigma Taus going to know about the e sisters who have done so well and whose successes would doubtlessly be of interest and even inspiration to many, if they won't at least once in a lifetime, contribute an article to THE ANCHOR relating their stories ? To write honestly about one's achievements is not to boast ; the whole sorority, as well as old friends, would truly enj oy such reading material and furthermore are asking for it. Won't you please help the cause?

The above paragraphs may tend to imbue some with the idea that only articles pertaining to professions or hobbies are desirable from alumnre. Such is positively not the ca~e. Of equal reading value are dissertations on everyday problems of the home, the classroom, or of college and sorority life. Occasionally it is of interest to print travel tales providing the stories concern places or peoples not commonly known or visited. When possible such cont ributions should be accompanied by pictures.

As a ll readers of THE ANCHOR know, our publication is a quarterly and appears ir: October, December, March and June. Material for the magazines is due on the first of the months preceding t he months of publicat ion-the October issue excluded . At present this number is reserved for the annual reports of chapters and national officers and other contributions are not accepted.

Remember that THE A CHOR is your magazine a nd that you should consider it not only a privilege to contribu te to it but also a duty as a good Alpha Sigma Tau.




ALPHA Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Founded 1899

Abl~ey , Grace Braddock (Mrs. L. N.). 914 V.. H ami lton Flint, Mich . '18

Abdon, Viola Cona nt (Mrs. Wm. ), 1018 Co l­lege Ave .. Adrian, Mich. '29

Adams , Blanche Botsford (Mrs. H . W .), New Boston, Mich . ' II

Alle n, H e len Burke (Mrs. R ex), 868 W. Bethume, Det1·oit, lV[i ch. '25

Anderson , Ella Butzet· Mt· . M. V.) , Ci rcl e Rd. , North l\ruskegou , Mich. '22

Anderson , Henrietta vVa lrath (Mrs. R. M. ), 1095 McFadden, Beaumont, Tex . ·as

Babcock, H aze l Exelby (Mrs. E. H .), Grand H ave n, Mich. '10

Baker, Anne Maier (i\1.-s . Robert) , R.F.D . 5. Ann Arbor . i\l ich. '26

Baker, Azalia Kemp (Mrs. H. W.), 1436 W. IOlst St., Los Angeles, Calif. '08

Baker, Florence Schmid (Mrs. P. J .) . 625 vVildwood Dr .. East Lansing, Mich . '25

Baker, Mary Belle Newcomer ( Mrs. C. E.), 198 J ones St., Mt. Clemens. !\rich. 'OS

Baker. Thelma Williams (Mrs . J ohn). 545 Mulford Dr. S.E .. Grand R ap id s, Mich. '24

Banghart, Laura Coe (Mrs. L. E.), 24 Sher­man Rd ., Battle Creek, i\Jich. '12

Barker, Dot·is J ackso n (Mrs . Mmle), Be ll e -ville, Mich. '32

Barnhill, Mrs. J, F. '23. D eceased Barron, l\Iargaret . l\1arysville. ~1ich . '32 Bartholic, Carol H askins (lilt- s. Frank), Grass

Lake, Mich. '30 Bates, W a nd a Crawford (Mrs . R . B.) , 20 S.

Normal , Ypsilanti , Mich. '22 B aumgardner, Pearl , 821 Pinecrest Ave ..

Grand R apids, Mich. '27 Baxter, Margaret Day (Mrs. J, D.), 15330

Forrer St .. Detroit. Mi ch . '24 Beaukema, Elva Anderson (Mrs.) , Sturgis ,

Mich. '28 B eaver, R oberta Carve•· (Mrs. C. H .) . 60 N.

27th St .. Battl e Creek, ]l[ich. '27 Bechtel, P earl Jill on (1\frs. R. ~.), Hibbing,

Minn. '06 Beehler. Janet Cook (Mrs. Gail) , 2302 Hum­

bolt, Flint . Mich. '27 Benj a min , D oroth y, 8734 Quincy, D e tro it,

Mich . '29 Bennaway, Lillian Gifford (l\rrs. C. D .),

13201 Strathmore. D etroit, Mich. '17 B eyschlag, Doroth y, 311 llfcKinl ey Rd ..

Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. '25 Bj or k Mabl e, Crystal F a ll s . Mich. '13 Bl ac k: Zada. Caro. Mich. '26 Bohlen Louise Glade (Mrs.), 1206 N. i\fap le.

R oya l Oa k , Mich. '14 Bowers , Flore nce, 2308 Holmes Rd., Ypsilanti.

Mich. '38

Brad y, Mary K ai n (Mrs. T. K.), 10410 Maple­lawn , D etro it, l\Ii ch. '30

Brandel, Ellen, 310 \V . Lenawee St., Lansing, Mi c h.

Brooks , Virginia Bonser (Mrs.), 100 Glen­wood Ave., L eonia, N .J. '25

Brosman , Anne Stapleton (:M rs. C. J .), tat e U nivers ity , l\1oscow, Idaho '06

Brown, Evah J a ne J acobs (lilt-s. H . D .), 241 8 Calvet·t. De tro it , Mich. '16

Brown , Meredi th Lester ( Mt·s . \Vm.), S. lllain St., M a rin e City, Mich. '21

Bube, Nina, Ovid, Mi ch. '06 l3ui e, Ze lma J ones (Mrs. L. A.), R oc hester, ~linn. '16

Bu.-nham, Ve lma S le ight (ll fr s . H . C.), 72 Stedman Pl. , Coolidge Cor., Brooklyn, llla ss. '13

B yrum , :Myrtle B abcock (l\Irs. \V. D. ), R.F.D. , L es li e, Mi ch. '10

Campbell , J ea n , 2321 W. Gra nd Blvd., De­troit, Mich. '32

Carner, Ze li a Lane (Mrs. L. A. ), 8596 Dexter Blvd., De tro it , Mich. '09

Carroll, Madge Slattery (M rs. J , H. ), 18263 Oak, D e troit, Mich. ? ?

Cartier, Ethelyn Hughes (Mr s. M. E.). 211 Norwood S .E ., Grand R apids. M ich. ' IS

Casselman, Eli zabeth P ay n e (l\lrs .). 628 Pin­gree Ave., D etro it. 1\[ ich. '28

Chargo, Betty, 11 8 N. Normal St .. N01·thville, 1\1 ich. '32

Chesman, G. Jun e '24. D eceased Chiches ter. Emil y Sayre (Mrs. G. E.). Maso n,

Mich. ' 14 Choate , H e le n , 1717 Fon·es Ave. , St. Joseph.

Mi ch. '30 Clapp, Lue ll a Galliver (Mrs . H erman), 101 8

Wo lco tt St .. Flint, Mich . '28 Clark, Dori s Clark (llfr s. L. A .), 14600 W ar­

wick Dr.. D etroi t, Mi ch., '16 Clat·k, V era Inman (lllrs. Thoma s). 5054

Berwyn, Chicago, Ill. ' 12 Clossens, i\I a r y Alice Younglove (i\frs. C.),

Frankfort, Mich. '32 Cobb, Luc ill e, 15225 Forrer Ave .. De troit,

1\fich. '21 c ., tbert. H e le n M o ll er ( lllrs. R ay) , 321 \V.

Franklin St .. J ackson. M ich. '31 Co lema n. M ary, 434 Michigan St., Petoskey,

Mich. '3 1 Comfort. Gladys Powell (Mrs. \ V. P.). 7 \V.

Grand Ave., Highl a nd P ark. M ich. '22 Co n gdon , Bl a nche Merrifield (i\fr . V.).

Blomingdale. Mich. '09 Con lin , G race B., 4696 Anderson Rd.. . Eu­

clid . Ohi" Conv er se. Rache l, Pioneer. Ohio '37


Cooper, Virginia Row ley (i\!rs. Harold), 18844 B t·i tton Dr., De t roit, Mich. '25

Corbett. Cath erine CUI·rie (i\!r . Stuart), 2219 Mars h R d .. A lgonac, Mich . '25

Cornwe ll , Lucille Disenroth (Mrs. D. 0 .) . 202 Gilki son Ave., Kalamazoo, ~ l ic h . ' 28

Corrigan . M a ry i\lcGint y (i\lrs. Emmett ) . 14930 i\lanor Ave .. D e tro it , ~I i c h. '23

Cott le. Mildred Arnold (Mrs. A. P.). 632 Hom e Ave .. Oak Park, l\Iich . '07

Covert, Eva Buck le ( i\l rs. J. C.). 379 Eliza· beth Lake Ave .. Pontiac, Mich. '23

Craddock , Margaret T aylor ( i\lrs. D . H .). 2507 Eaton Rd. , Lans ing, i\lich . ' 18

Cra n e, Ida, Howell , l\Iich. '21 Cra wford, Cynthia Dodge (Mr R. J .).

I thaca, Mich. '18 Ct·a wley. Miri a m , 369 E . Grand Blvd., D e·

tro it , Mich. '24 Crimmens. Catherine Scott ( i\lrs .). H oward

City. Mich. ' 16 Crissma n , l\I ary, 556 S. F ourth , Saginaw,

M ich . '31 Crombie, H e len Brown (!\Irs. \ V. H.) . 3210

Dorcheste r Ave., L os Ange le . Calif. '08 Cro w, Elo ise W e bste r ( i\lrs. G. W .). 1710

Welch Blvd .. Flint . Mi ch . '25 Currier. Lucy Letts (Mrs . Hal e), Capac.

Mich. '16 Cus ter . A ll ura Exe lby Oirs. Richard) . 400

S . H o lm es, Lansing, Mich. '2 1 Da lton, Mary Ellen, 317 Was hingto n , J ac k­

son. 1\Ii ch. '25 D av is . Frances Smith ( i\!rs. N . S.), M aso n.

Mich. ' 18 Davis. L e nore D oug las O i rs. Chas.). Ed en.

Mich . '27 D awso n. Edna Gingeric k ( i\Trs. L. F.). '07.

Deceased. D em aree . E leanor, 110 Albert. East Lansi ng .

l\Iich. '28 D empsey. Pauline Co ll ins (Mrs.) , 1040 Coy

Ave .. Mt. llforri s . llf ich. '38 DeWit, Audrey Sha w ( i\!r s.), 1007 W. All e­

gan. Lan s ing. 1\ [ ich. '29 Dick. \Vinifred. Carsonvill e. i\Tich . '32 Dickerson . Oli ve Merrifi e ld ( llfrs . )1. ) .

Bloomingda le. llfich . '09 Dominick. H uella Fi sche r (?1lrs.). 11660 P rest.

D etroit. Mi ch. '3 1 D onley . Judith Cl a rk e (Mrs. G. R .). St.

Joh n s. i\lich . ' 13 D ora n , l\I il dred, '25. D eceased. Dwe lley. L a ma. Carso nvill e. Mi ch. '31 E agle . H aze l Georgia ( i\l rs. Vern). 411 S.

Butl e r Bl vd ., L a n si ng . ~ l ich. '16 Elliott. Gayle Prescot t (i\lrs. S. E .). 704

Lovett. S .E .. Grand R apid•. 'i\Ii ch. '15 "mens. Verl e. Pra ttvill e. fi ch. '24 Evans, i\! a t·ga ret Ash (i\!rs. H. J. ). 4433 Ash·

land. Norwood. Ohio '10 Fause r , Emi ly Timmer (M t·s. H . .T.) . M org-a n

Allt. 304. 3rd a nd Eure ka, Wy a ndotte . )[ich. '27

Fic kes. Mar io n W a lker ( i\lrs. A. E .), 16 Cen­ter St .. Willoug-hbv. Ohio '09

Fie ld. Anne tta , 153 Geneva. H igh land P ark. Mi ch. '26

Field. Dori s Gorsuch Olrs . I. B.). '21. D e­ceased.

Fi e ld. Flore nce, 153 Geneva. Hi ghl and P a t·k, Mi ch . '24

Fi e ld , M a rgaret, 153 Geneva. High land P a rk . 'i\[i ch. '3 1

Finch. Frances Clapp ( i\l rs. Gay lord) , 615 ' · W a ter . t .. Owosso. Mi ch. '03

Fischer. l\l ar ia n , 715 W. J effe rso n , Ann At·­hor. Mich . '33

Fit zgera ld . Emilv Beyschlag (ll fr s. G. F.). 311 1\'fcKinl ey H d ., Grosse P o inte F a rm s. 'Il l ich . '22

Flint, ,er trttd c Cl\fr s .), 308 \Yash tcnaw A ve .. Ypsi lan ti. Mich. '34

Forche , Caro lyn White (Mrs . A. F .). Ho lt. l\Iich. '30

Frase r, J ean, 14591 Ardmore St., Detroit, Mich . '40

Freeland. K a therine Adair (l\Irs.). Three Riv ers. Mich. 'OJ

Freeman, La Ve rne , Plymouth , Mich. ' 33 Fros tic, Gwendolyn . 355 Oak t .. W yandotte.

i\li ch . '25 Fuller. Lila Lawre nce (Mrs. H a rry), 1829

M a diso n Ave. S.E., Grand Rapid s , Mich. '05

Gaffield. Margare t colt (Mrs. G.), H o ward City, Mich. ' 14

Gale, Lucill e, R.F.D .. F e nt on , Mi ch. '25 Gallup, Ruth Surgenor (Mrs. Jac k on), 2075

i\lonroe Ave .. Hoches ter. 1 • Y. '08 Gardner, ~l a rga ret , 35 12 Iontclair , D e troit.

l\1 ich. '2 1 .ard ner, l\Iarion. un se t \ 'illage, Sheffield

Rd .. Flint, lii ich . '27 Garner, Lot a '05. D eceased Genthe, M argare t T ay lor (Mrs . H. C.). 2834

V a n Al styne Bl vd . , W ya ndotte, l\Iich. '27 Gentz, Gladys. R.F. D .. \Vayne, i\li ch . '30 Ger t. Florence urtis ( fr s .). 1325 6th St.,

i\Tus kego n H eight l\lich . '21 Giffe ls . V e rna Oliver (Mrs.), 1023 M ap le

Grove, R oya l O a k . Mi ch. '25 Gi ll e tt , Era '12. Deceased. Glannn, Charlott e ea th (Mrs . Orville),

Eva rt, i\li ch . ' 14 Glock, Ca ther ine A lt e r (Mrs. M a uri ce) . 1606

Crescent Ave., Fort W ay ne, 1 nd . '23 Goodson, I sabe l, 578 W . Iroq uois. P onti ac.

Mi ch. '03 Goodyear Loui e. Girl co ut H eadquarters,

Buffa lo. N.Y. 'II Goot. Ruth , 21 N. \\' aba h , Battle Cree k ,

M ich. '37 Goss, Vera Blackhall (Mrs. Leo), 16530 Green­

law n. D et ro it, ~ l ich. '25 Graham. Th a li a. Sau lt Ste. llf a ri e . llli ch . '26 Gt·aulich. M argare t Cottrell (Mrs. Wm. ). 50

Northfield A ve .. \ Ves t Orange. N.J. '21 Green, Glendora Gibson (Mr J . .), L yo n ,

Ohio '18 H aas. Loretta Clay (Mrs . R . A.). Alpena,

Mi ch. '27 H a llingby, H e le n e Rice (Mrs . 0. R .), 1899.

D eceased. Ha ll s t e in. Catherine Childers (ll f rs. W. P. ),

3613 \\'abash Ave .. Baltimore. lll d. '27 Hamp. Trene You ng (Mrs.), Grass Lake,

i\lich. '21 H a rding. J ea nn e tt e Butenschoen ( Mrs . A.

\ \' .), 227 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, ~l ont., Can. ' 24

H ard in g, Mary. '02. D eceased H arge r, Ruth, Benzonia , 1\Iich. '17 H a rri s, M a ri on Bailey (Mrs. D ean), 1025

Cresenwood Ave., East Lansing, )fich. '14 Ha rt , Freda Loami (M rs. M . C.), 1208 Vill a

Rd .. Birmingham, Mich. ' 16 H a rt shorne. The lm a \\'right (Mrs. F. E .).

111 4 N. Shiawassee. Owosso. Mich. '27 H arvey. Doris Kimb a ll ( ~Ir s. Andy) , 2

V erpla nk , Albany, N.Y. '30 H eis ner, Gertrude, 600 N. Sherman Bay City

Mi ch. 'OS ' . H e ll e r . L eon a. Bad A xe. llli ch . '24 H erber t. Geraldine H a ll (Mrs. \\'m.), 2209

Flus hin g Rd ., Flint, Mich . '28 Hibner. H es ter. H owe ll . )lich. '31 H !~ts. Clara, 114 Oak t .. \\' yandotte, ;\[ich .

Hi ggins. Frances. 3326 \\' . 66t h t .. Los An · ge les. Calif. '21

Hill . E ther, 922 Gris wo ld t., P ort H uron, ]\[i ch . '3.1

H ill e r. Ola, 396 \ \' . Huro n . P o nt iac . ;\!i ch. '.!1

lli rshe ,·. Louise 'Kline (M rs. \\' . N.), :\far· ellus. ;\[ ich. '10


H odges, Leona H ofmann (lllrs. Richard), Elkhart Hotel, Elkhart, Ind . '32

Hoffmeyer, Hel e n Gorsline (Mrs. Dorvin), 108 S. P ennsylvania Ave., Lansing, Mich. '29

H orga n, Mary, 2700 Chicago Blvd., D etro it, Mich . '14

H ornbeck, Laura, 823 E. Michigan Ave., Yp­si lanti, 1\lli ch. '34

Howard , Abbie, '04. Deceased H owe. Mina Clay (1\!rs. H. E.) , M aso n ,

Mich. '26 Hughes, Dorothy, 611 N . Pine St., Lansing,

Mich. '29 Hughes, Virginia, 13247 Griggs, D etroit,

Mich. '27 Hume, Nine Beebe (Mrs. H. A .) , 520 N.

Adams , Owosso, 1\Iich. '06 Hunt, Milda, 8100 E. J efferson Ave., Det roit,

Mich. '23 Hurlbert, Dorothea, 5265 Trumbull , De tt·oit,

Mich. '21 Hurlbert , Mary Heath (Mrs. Geo.), 311 1\'lid­

d lebury, Dearborn , Mich . '32. Ingle, Ruth Washburn (M rs. Kenn eth ), 225

Center. Find la y, Ohio '29 J ame . Emma Bowe •· (Mrs. G. C.). 300 Em­

mons Blvd ., \1\lya ndotte. 1\Jich., '07 Janes, Haze l Dolph (Mrs. H . B.) , Medford,

Ore. '07 J aste s, De ll a Mae Veley (Mrs. Hemy),

1\larshall, l\!ich. '21 Jibson , La Vinna. Hartford , Mich., '23 J oardar, Grace Challis (1\Irs . N. G. D.),

Barud Khana, Lucknow, India '23 J ohn s. Virginia, 746 Collingwood Ave., De­

troit. Mich. ' 15 J ohn son , 1-larjori e Carr (Mrs. U. A.), Sparta,

Mich. ' IS Kane. Emily Brandel (1\lrs. H oward) 924

ipp Ave .. Lans ing, Mich. '30 Kauba. Hazel Huntl ey (M rs.), R.F .D., R omu­

lus, Mich . '31 Kay, K athryn Jill son (Mrs. E. A.). 543 Ever­

gree n, Ea st La ns ing , Mich. '10 Kelley. Marion, 117 Cass Ave. , 1\[t. Cleme ns,

Mich. '29 Kelly , Genev ieve, 400 Lincoln Ave. , Bay

City , Mich. 'OS Kendeigh, Mabel , 1207 N. Main , Lorain,

Ohio '24 Kenn e dy, D ori s, Clinton , 1\[ich. ' IS Kimmich, Ge r trude Lippert (1\Irs. R obert).

119 Vv. Gra n d River Ave., Lansing, M ich. '23

Kline. Frances K opp (Mrs .), 761 Lowell St., Ypsilanti. ~[i ch. '34

Koch Zoe - Waldron (Mrs. A. A.) , 3242 N. lltl; St .. Milwaukee. Wis. '00

Koets , 1- lartha. Grand Hapids . Mich. '28 Lahti Violet 11641 Ward, Detroit. Mich. '31 Laird' Clara,' 58 Brighton , Hi ghl and Park,

Mich. '26 Lane. Elizabeth, Hopkins , Mich . ' 16 Lardie, Lillian, Chippe wa H ote l, Manistee,

Mich. '22 Larkin Helen , 433 Ashland Ave. , St. Paul,

Minn. '10 Larson. Ruth B ax ter (Mrs. vVa lter). Leve r­

ing. Mich. '27 Lasky. Kathry n H ogle (Mrs . W a lte r). 16J43

Toephe r Ave. , East Detroit. Mich. '28 Lau F•·ances Locke (Mrs. Myron), 408 Wil­

so;, Ave., R oyal Oak, Mich . '27 Lefler. Edna McE lver (Mr s. H. P .), 1600

T enth Ave., F or t Dodge. I owa '08 Lemon , Ruth J ohnso n (JI[,· s. W. R.) , Howell,

Mich. '02 Leon ard. Edn a Bjork (Mrs. J. 0.) , 125 E.

Park St .. M arquette, Mich. ' 11 Liggett, Inez , 436 Fourth Ave. , Ann Arbor,

Mich. '21 Lillie. Oda Kittredge (Mrs . H. I.), R ocheste r.

Minn. '07

Lilli e Opal Jones (Mrs .W .T. ), 35 Bewick Rd. , Philadelphia, Pa. '13

Lindqui st, H aze l Benjamin (Mrs. John) , Fowlerville, Mich. ' 23

Lippert, Esther Field (Mrs. W . ].), 15410 Artes ian Ave., De troit, Mich. '23

Lonergan , Blanche, 1035 Delaware, Fort W ayne, Ind. '29

Lord, Ilda Goodall (M rs. F . E.), 1008 W. Cross, Ypsilanti, Mich. '30

Ludwig, J ane Pin so n (Mrs. F. E.). 2680 Mili­ta ry Ave .. Port Huron, Mich. '29

Lyman, Effie (Mrs. E. A.) . 1899. Deceased Lyons Marion Stron (llfrs. Harold ), 550 Win~hester . St. J osep h , Mich. ' 17

M ac Arthur , B ess Porte •· (Mrs . R euben), '07. D eceased

MacDonald, Florence Rawlings (Mrs. Ken ­n e th ), Marin e City , Mich._ '23

MacGregor, Ethel Bade (Mrs. liT.) , 14001 Mansfield Ave .. Detroit, Mich. ' 19

MacRae, Laura Kelly (Mrs. Edwa rd ), Sagi-naw, Mich. '25

MacQueen Beatrice. Center line , Mich . '21 Magers , Ruth, Belding, Mich. '23 Mahaffy Lunetta , Marlette. Mich. '38 M a haney, Majel High (Mrs. R . E .), '07.

Deceased iVIa honey . Gwendolyn Clancy (Mrs. E. J .),

242 E . Eddington, l, lint , Mich. '27 1\Iarquette, Ruth Smith (Mrs. W. H. ), 933

J effer so n St. S., Saginaw. Mich. '08 Martin, Dorothy , 117 E . Barnes . Lan s ing,

Mich. '2 1 1\Iathein. Ellen H en ley (Mrs. Albert ), 611

Oakhill St., Jackson , Mich. '02 Matter, Lois Geo•·gia (Mrs .), 224 Cass St.,

Cadillac, Mich. ' 17 McComb . Lillian L ee (Mrs . D e lbert), Alpena ,

Mi ch. ' 27 l\IcCrossen , 1\[urryne. Pontiac. l\Iich. '13 M c Don a ld. E loise L a rdi e (Mrs. H arla nd),

3626 R obi n St .. Flint , Mich . '27 McFee Helen Gifford (Mrs . R. E. ), 14925

Rose;nont , D etro it , 1Vfi ch. ' 16 McGarvey . K ath lee n , 724 High la nd . Dear­

born, Mich. '32 McGuire. Isabella, 4365 Fullerton, De tro it .

Mich . '26 McKay , R ose McDonald (Mrs . L. G. ), East

T awas, Mich. '06 McNeil. D a isy Broadhead (Mrs.), Lapee r.

Mich. '03 1\Ieehan. Catherine , 1314 H oward St .. P or t

Huro n, l\1ich. '23 Merrick. Alice Furlong (M rs . Kl eber) . F e n ­

ton, ]\[ ich. '27 Merritt , H e len Hand s (1-Jr s . H . D. ), 1i~06

Rose law n Av e. , Detroit. 1\'[ ich. '25 J\1eston , Eleano r, 222 N . Summit. _Ypsi lanti.

Mich. '16 Meyers. Ellen Brande l (Mrs . \Vendell ) . 310

W. Lenawee St ., Lansing. Mich. '29 1\Iilha m. Eleanor Carr (Mrs. C. B .) . 555

Denni s t .. Adrian, Mich. '20 1\Iilks, Viola. 201 N. W ashington St.. Yp­

si lanti, l\!ich . '22 Miller . Esther Rubens (Mrs . F. F .), '08.

Deceased Miller, Helen Virgin (Mrs. Austin ), 16915 La

Salle. D e troit. Mich . ' 15 Miller, J a n e W a lt rous (Mrs. J. F.) . l\[u ke­

go n. Mich. '23 Mill er, Margaret Meehan (Mrs. R. V .) . 1024

Seventh St., Port Huron. l\Iich . '22 Min er , H e len W oodworth (Mrs. L. F.). 809

W. 01 iver St .. Owosso, Mich. '06 Mitch e ll, Georgia Dwelley (Mrs. J ohn ) (Car­

sonvill e. 'lich. '29 Moffa t . Zaidee Dingfelder (1\Irs. \ . T .).

Jonesvil le. l\!ich . 'OJ Morton, Esther D eCoste r (1\Irs. H enry) .

South Paris. Me. '24


Morton , J osephine, 661 Hazelwood Ave ., D e­troit, Mich. '16

Mos ier, Mae Hughes (Mrs . E .), Otisville. Mich . '29

Mulavey, H elen , '27. Decea sed. lVIu lhauser, Helen Baird (Mrs . S. A. ), 241 Lafaye tt~ St., Ionia, Mich. '13

l\iunger, Jan et, Adrian ftlich. '35 Murray , M a rguerite Schwier (l\Ir s.), 1734

Andina Ave., Cincinnati. Ohio. '28 'e lson , Dorothy Rorabacher (Mrs. Ca rl ).

Roger Cit y . Mich. '30 Nesbit . H e len Dickinso n (Mrs. 0. B.), '10.

D eceased Newman. Eleanor, R .F .D. S, Box 407, T oledo.

Ohio '34 Norton , Ada A., '00. Deceased Nyland, Dorothy , 5151 Hillside Dr. , F a ir­

field. Ala. '24 Oliver, M yrta Styckl e (Mrs. L es ter), c/ o

Mrs. P au l \Nard. L'Anse. Mich. '26 Palmer, Ruth Hall (Mrs.), 'OS . D eceased Parent, El s ie Fitzge rald ( ll.lrs. Donald ) .

Ri chmond. Mich . '30 Parri sh , Eva , 4321 Flora l A ve. S., Norwood .

Ohio '10 Parsons. 1\Iary Louise Tave nn er { 1\1Irs. Roy),

446 Vv. Mapl ehurs t, Ferndale, Mich . ' 16 Pearce . Abigail , '00. D eceased Pellegrom. Mary , 181 Ca pital Ave. N.E.,

Battle Creek, Mich . '35 P errine, Sat·ah P oll ock (Mrs. A. W.), 1001

Dupont , Flint, Mich. '26 Peterman, Geraldine, Townsend (1\f rs .), 128

Summit St ., Ionia. Mich. '2S Pfe i ffe r, H arriet l\Iarx (Mrs . C. F.). 121

Grace St .. Flint, Mich. 1899 Phipps. B ea trice Green (Mrs. H amid) . 134

E. V ienna St .. Cli o, Mich. ' 24 Pierce . Agnes Collins (Mrs. P. M .), Toledo.

Ohio 'OS Pierce, Edith '05. D eceased Pierce, Ernestine, Farmington, lV[ich. '15 Pi erce , Mabel Potter (Mrs . Howard), S20

A llegan, Otsego, Mich. '09 Pollock, Margaret. Bloomfi e ld Hi gh lands.

P ontiac. l\Iich. '29 Quick, Marion White (Mrs.) , 501 N. Pro pee l

St .. l\I arshall, Mich . 'IS Quick. Theodora , 1229 Sigsbee S.E .. Grand

R ap ids. Mich . '17 Quig ley, Emma French (Mrs.). 1465 Genesee

S .E .. Grand R ap id s , Mich . ' 17 R eeves , D oris Thompson (Mrs. Theodore ) ,

1756 W. Bancroft St .. Tol edo, Ohio '12 Reninger, Elizabeth (Mrs. H. \ N.), 910 Grant

St .. Yos ilanti. Mich . '30 Ri ch , Edna Swallow (Mrs.), 11708 Sussex.

De troit. l\Iich . '3 1 Richard on , Vera Picke ll ( Mrs. Stanley), 535

W. Gree ndale , Detro it. llrich . '23 Ri ethmill er, Evel yn, Munith, i\Ii ch. '32 Ritchie. Grace Erb (Mrs. H.) , 1206 L a ke Dr.,

Grand R apids, Mich. '04 Ross, Grace Townley (Mrs. S. A. ), 27 Oa k­

d a le Bl vd .. R oya l Oak , Mich. '02 R oss, Ma xine Ac kley (Mrs. R e id ), 1309

H olm es Rd. , Yps ilanti. Mich. '36 Ruggl es , Cynthia. 11 3 N . H a milton St .. Yp­

s i lan ti . i\'fi ch. '23 R ya n , Ruth Spauldin g (lllrs. Ed .), '20. D e­

ceased Sanders. Mrs. G. D ., 1114 Congre s St., Yp­

si lanti, Mich. '29 Sanford. Eva l\[ae L a ndsborou gh (Mrs. C.

E.) , 205 H e le n St., Midl a nd , llfich . '30 Saund er s, Grace Gibson ( llfr s. Harold), 206

Ma ple Ave., Tacoma Park , Md. ' 16 Sawyer, Chri tabe l, R .F .D ., a luda. N .C.

'21 Sayers, Juli e tte Farrington ( Mrs. F . E .),

Patoni c A ve., T erre Haute, Ind . '07 chl ee, Haze l St eve ns ( i\frs. H erb e rt ), 511 2 Whitfi e ld , D e tro it , Mi ch. '17

Schmidt, J a ne Groh (i\Irs. 0 . A. ), Bowler, Wis. '32

Schultz, Eleanor Ackley (Mrs. Russell), R.R. 3, Manches t er , l\Iich . '36

Schwier, Hilda. 1316 E. Pontiac St. , Fort Wa y ne, Ind. '25

Scott , J anice Austin (Mrs. F. B. ), Saline, l\Iich. '23

Seestead, E ve lyn Aniba l (Mrs. Russell) , 40 S. 11th St. , Richmond, Ind. '27

Seitz, Ol e ta. 101 M a in St .. Mil a n, i\Iich. '31 Settl es, Adri a nce Rice (lllrs. Chas.), 1899.

Deceased Setts , Lucy , Romeo, Mich. '16 Shafer. D orothy, 10210 Seco nd Ave. , D et ro it,

lllich. ' 17 Sharp, Alberta, Sa ult Ste. M a ri e, i\I ich . '03 Shrock, W a ive Flanders (Jilr . Charles),

II N. J ay St., Battl e Cree k , Mich. ' 10 Shugart , Gera ldine 1orton (Mrs. Bruce),

514 E. K ea r s ley St. , Flint , Jllich. ' 27 Silk , Edith , 863 Gladstone, Detro it , Mich.

'02 Silk , Flore nce, 863 Glads tone, D e troit, Mich.

'07 Silk , Nell , 863 Gladstone , D etro it, Mich. '03

tmmon s, Lilli a n Griffin ( lllrs. ] .), 353 F armington A ve., H a rtford , Conn. ' 13

Simmons, Lilli e R oberts (Mrs. ] . JII. ) '21. D eceased

Ske ll e nger, L oui se, 828 H oy t, Muskegon H e ights, Mich. '38

S loa n, Ca rri e Nicho las (i\Irs. G. B .) '02. Deceased

Slogge tt, Ze lia Green (Mrs. T . ] .), 998 Not­tingham Rd. , Grosse Po inte , :NJ ich. '28

Sly, Ethe l Shaw (Mrs. Harlow), W e bbe r­vill e. Mich. '28

Smith, B e ll e Mager s (Mrs. T. J .), 229 E . Navar re St. , Sou th B end , Ind. '03

Smith, Eliza be th Nims (Mrs. G. H. ), a n ­du sky, Mich. ' 02

Smith, K a th erin e, 464 E . H aze lhurs t , F ern­da le. Mich. '38

Smith , Lul a , 924 '- \Nas hin g ton, L a nsing, Mich. '04

Smith, lll a ri e . L yon s, Ohio '26 Smith , Murie l B enj a min (Jilrs. G. L.), F owl­

erville, ~[ich . '21 Sn yder, Ardi s B e lman (Mrs. C. J .), H a rt­

land, l\Iich. '24 Snyder, Leila, 50 Park St .. Lapee r , Mich . '13 Somm ers , M a rj ory Lane (Mrs. J. lll. ), Bron­

son , Jll ich. '09 Spang ler Eva O'Keefe (Mrs .) . 6611 Seco nd

Blvd .. D etroit, Jllich. 1899 Spee r s tra, Ida , 222 N . Summit, Y psi lanti ,

Mich. '40 Spenser. Clio Case (Mrs . L. JIL ), 1318 Granger

St., Ann Arbor , Mich. '02 Sprague , Gwendoly n lllcLa ughlin ( lllrs.),

6210 T e rn es A ve ., Dearborn , l\Iich. '24 Springer , Maxine Herric k ( ll!rs. C. H .), 2208

S. L ogan St. , Lansi ng, Mich. '32 Sprunk, H e len P a ul son ( Mrs. R ich ard),

11 399 L a ud er . D e troi t , llli ch. '29 Staehle, Carrie \Nashburn (JIIrs. H as we ll) ,

481 T orrence Rd., Columbus, Ohio '24 Staple ton. Esther Diehl ( lllr s. H. A .), 3515

M axwe ll St .. T oledo, Ohio '2 1 Stend e l , L a ura, 101 E. Can fi eld , D e t roit,

Mich. '04 Steven s, Cecelia R ya n (Jilt- s . G. D.) , 316

W . Wes ley St. , J ac kson. l\Iich . '24 Sturm , E s th er, S a line, ~lich. '24 Suelzer, lllae Clutter (Mrs .), 2207 F airfie ld ,

F ort \ Vay n e , Ind. ' 17 wee t, l\Ia ri e Broga n (l\Irs. ].) , 10~ Cherry

t., Battle Creek, llfich . '25 Taylor , Ale th e Jlf a ri e, 687 Haze lwood AYe.,

D e troi t , ~ I ich. '23


Taylor , Litta Marshall (Mrs. W a lter) , Ovid , Mich. '07

Taylor. Ruth , 623 Sey mour , Lans ing, 1\Iich. '25

Te llm a n. Rub y Cash (Mrs. R. L.), L a P orte, Ind. '21

Thamer, Grace Conlin (Mt·s . Bud). Ande r­so n Rd . . . Euclid , Cl eve land , Ohio '23

Thomas. Dorothy, 640 De la wa re Av e., D e­tro it , 1\Iich. '26

Thors, Eth e l Tra v is ( Mrs. Joh n ) . 21 Thorpe, Pontiac. Mich . '13

Ti etz, Marguerite, N. Bra nch. Mich. '26 Timmer, Emily , 510 Emmons Blvd ., \ ¥yan­

dotte, Mich. T obey, Blossom Vroman (l\I r s. R. L. ), Vick s­

burg, Mich . ' 10 Tobey. L oui se . 608 Page St .. Flint, 1\Iich. '30 Trujillo, Thelma D efe nd orf ( i\Irs. A. J. ), 721

Fifth St.. J ac kso n , Mich . ' 2S Tumer, Ali ce Buck ( i\I r s . Arthur). More nci.

Mich . ' 13 Twork. M argaret H olcomb (i\It-s. E. C.), At ­

la nta. Mich. '26 Cpton , Margaret Beckley (Mrs. Fred), Edge ­

water B each. St. J oseph, Mich . '13 t.'tley, i\[ a t·ga ret, Sandu k y . Mich. '24 Van Ake n . Marie Kl eba r t (Mrs. E. W .),

Pitt s ford , Mich. '28 Va n Antwerp, Florence Morse (Mr . L. E.) .

587 B roadwav , B enton H arboL Mich . ' IS · Vande n B e lt, Be tt y, 219 N . onn a l, Yps il anti ,

Mich. '37 V a n Mere . O lga Stinchcomb (i\Irs. L yle),

IS08 Ve rdi St. , Alameda. Calif. '26 Va n W er t. Gladys Litchfi e ld , Mich. '20 Voegts, M y n1ave ive. Gregory. ~ f i ch. '24 Vorce, R uth. B e ll ev ill e. Mich. '34 \Valk er. Clara. N ew Baltimore , Mich. '34 W a lke r . Doro th y . 1499 Irv ing St. N .W ..

Washingto n. D .C. ' 12 W a ll. Freda Garrett (Mt·s. S . S. ), 2054 Calu­

met Ave .. T oledo, Ohio '13 W a lte rs, Frances Gibson (Mrs. L. L. ) '26.

D eceased \Va ltma n. M a ud Va ughn ( :\Irs. H .), M a ns­

fi e ld , Ohio '03 W a lton , M a r y Lamport (Mrs. D. D. ) , Dim ­o n d~le, i\lich. 'II

\.Ya rd. Lina , 143 S. Chal"i es St., Sag in a w. i\!i ch . '06

W a rd, Maud Styckle (Mrs. P a ul ), L 'A nse, Mich. '25

Ward, Olive Bal"iow (Mrs. L. W.) , 12621 Stoepe l , De troit , Mich. ' IS

Warre n, H e le n Fros ti c (Mrs. Ne il ), Midl a nd, Mich. '26

Wa y n e, L e na Bral ey (Mrs. J. H .), c/o Dr. Bra ley, Saranac, Mi ch . '07

vVea ver , Hilda Glass ford (Mrs. G. F .), F um­ington , _Mich. ' 18

W eave r , Leah Ra y (Mrs. Fred), 308 Alex­a nde l· St., Bucha nan , Mich. 'OS

W elch. I sabe ll e L a mport (Mrs. A. F.) , 11 37 Ill s ley Dr., For t W ay ne, Ind. ' II

W e ll s "L aura W ashburn (Mrs . P . N .), 130S Bl akes lee, Ka lamazoo, Mich. '30

vVe ll s, Mrs. R. A. '21. Deceased W eltey , Vivi a n Hartshorn (Mr . Carl) , S23

N. Hickor y, Owosso, Mich. '09 Whee le r . Norma Cad (Mrs. Gera ld) , Flush-

ing, Mich. '26 . W hite, Ail sa, c/o Hi gh School, Three R tvers,

i\1 ich. '32 Wi lcox, Th~ lm a B. (i\Jt-s.), R.R . 1, Box 222,

Lake la nd. Fl a. Wild , Mari e Da wso n (1\Irs. Geo.) , 1615 P ack­

ard, Ann Arbor. Mich. ' lS V..' il ede n . Laurabe ll e, 425 P errin , Ypsilanti,

Mi ch . '39 vVil son , Ell a 'OS. Deceased Wil so n , H e le n , R oc heste r. N.Y. ' 12 Withey . Mi ldt·ed Lidtke (Mrs . Ra ymond),

3123 Bit·chwood. Trenton. Mich. ' 27 Wixon. Lou ' im s (Mrs. R oscoe), Gri wold

St .. P ort Hm·on, Mich . '03 W ood, Pauline, 222 E. 8th St.. Flint, Mich.

'24 W oods, J osephin e Gibson (Mrs. F . H. ) , 138

E . Main St .. I onia , Mi ch. '2 Woodwa rd. Kather in e, 2g Eure k a Ave.,

\Vya nd otte, Mich. '24 \Voo1ey, Donna Lee (Mrs.). El sie , M ic h. 'OS Wri gh t. Phe n a P a lme r (Mrs. D. W. ) . T e ­

cumseh. Mi ch. '11 Wurzer. K a ther ine L e wi s (Mrs. E . C.). 9274

Wildeme1·e, D et1·o it. ]\:[ich. '04 Yerdon. J eannette, F enton , Mich . '32 Young, Hilda i\Iecker (Mrs.), i\Iaywood , Ill.

' 18 Yo un g. Mildred Shafer (Mrs. N. D.) , Fort

Mill s , Correg idor . P . I. ' 14 Zweidi nge r , Murie l. Hudso n. i\Ii ch. "32

BETA Central State Teachers College, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

Founded 1905 ; disbanded by college 1917 ; reinstated 1940

Affe ldt. Miri a m P arkhill ( Mrs. Clarence H .), 1915 N . E ast St .. L a ns in g. i\li ch.

Ander son, Ft·ances Stua rt (Mrs. R ollin J. ), Holton, Mich.

Armstrong, L oui se, Sl7 Avon St .. Flint. Mi ch. Arnold , M argueritte Swan (Mrs.), 402 Fitz ­

hugh , Sag inaw. Mich . Ragl e y , Mary . 4649 W oodlawn, Chicago. 111 . B a rn ard. Edith. 1020 S. University, Graduate

H ouse, Ann Arbor , M ich. B a ttl e, B e rni ce Cole (Mrs. J ohn ) . 404 N .

F a ncher Ave., Mt . Pl easant, Mich. Bishop . F lore nce , 301 Chippawa, Mt. Pleas­

a nt, Mich . Boa l, Ruth H argar (1\I r s. Dwi ght), 12 R oss

Ct. , Downer s Grove, Ill. B ola n , Mildred Smi th ( Mrs. Edwin) , 92 S.

Was hington , Hinsdal e, Ill. B onn e ll, Grace, 41 3 S. Coll ege, l\It. Pl easa nt ,

Mich. '41 Bonne ll , J a ne, 41 3 . Coll ege Ave. , l\[t. Pl eas­

a n t, Mich . '38

Boo n e . Loretta Irwin (M rs. H . R .). ct o Naval H ospita l, Bremer ton , \Vas l1.

Bouch a rd, Grace Cu lbert (Mrs. Fred) , 1816 5th Ave .. Tl ay City. i\fi ch .

Bowe n. Zi ll ah H ous ton (i\Irs. P au l Austin), 4552 N . 7th St.. Phoe nix. Ari z.

Bre wer. Lulu May (Mt·s. Thomas). 112 P ine St.. St. Louis . Mich .

Bt"On ks (i\'[rs. K enda l P.). 803 S. College Ave ., Mt. Pl easant, i\1 ich.

Brown , Vi v ie n Dodds Oirs. \Ve il s). 1620 Al exa nd er Rd .. East Grand R apids. Mich.

B uch a nan. Dorth y Dodds (Mrs. George), 4905 L a Bra nch St. . H ous ton. T ex.

Bu sh . B "" "· 1205 S. Frankl in , i\It. Pleasant. i\Ii ch . '38

Bush. "Tari e Donner (i\Irs .), 1201 S. Frank­li n. Mt . P leasa nt. Mich .

Cameron , M:ngare t, Si36 Kim bark. Chicago, 111.

Cameron , W illow \\'ood ( Mrs.), 1415 H ess, L a ns in g. f ich.


Ca mpbell , Loui se Osmer (Mrs. E vans), Owosso, Mich .

Ca va na gh, Aimee Corcoran (Mrs . J oseph) , 415 W. Main. Midl a nd. Mich.

Chambe rlin, Lillian Fitzpa trick (Mrs. D on), 334 E . H a ze lhurs t Av e .. F ernd a le. Mich.

Ch~ney , Merta Pra y ( ~Irs . Chas . W .). D e­ceased

Clark, Flore nce, Moore la nd Schoo l Sha ker ­height s, Cl eve la nd , Ohio

Cochra n , D a na , 6140 Kimba rk A ve., Chicago, Ill.

Co ffm a n , Helen. 81 03 Nor t hl a wn. D e tro it , Mich. '43

Collin s , Ge ra ldine. S t. J ohns . Mich. '42 Critte nd e n , Sate H a rri s (Mrs. Thor), 2664

Milita ry St. , P ort Huron . i\li ch. Coombe, Gra ce Ca rre l ( Mrs. Phili p), 1203

McNichols , Highl a nd P a rk , Mich. Crane , Eth e l Sea rl R eed ( Mrs . Emor y S.) ,

Box 175, E xce ls ior , Minn . Cra n s ton. P a ulin e Va n de W a lke r (Mrs. K

A. ) , Gl a d ys Ct .. Kal amazoo, i\lich. Cronin, Zola, 325 M e rton Rd ., D e troit , M ich . D a lton. Lilli a n M e ise l (l\•[rs. F ra nk) , 608

N . Ca pito l, L a n s ing. M ich. D a rb y . Fre da , 221 N . W as hington A ve. ,

Ba ttl e Cree k . Mich. D a vi s, Ruth Mad ill (!\Irs. Clinton), 3450

Chicago Blvd., D e tro it. Mich . Dawe, Grac ia Smith (Mrs. J oseph) , D ec k er­

vi l le, Mich. Dellama ter , Maxin e, Brec ke nrid ge . Mich . '40 D e ttentha le r, Be tt y . 221 S . Cha rl es, Sag i­

naw. Mich. '43 Dodd s". Daphn e, 619 S. Coll ege Ave., i\It .

Pl easant , Mich . D ode s . Marga re t , 122 \V. \Vilkin s . Jack so n.

Mich . Dona hue . Ma rj o ri e . 221 S. Pine St.. Mt.

P leasant. Mich. '41 D owling, Gra ce (Mrs.), 322 u nion Ave" S.E ..

Gra nd Rapids , Mich. Doy le. J ess ie Mead e (Mrs. Thos.), Box 5666,

P ortl a nd. Ore. Dunca nso n". Ruth V a n Leu ve n (i\Trs. A. J. ) ,

2461 W . Grand Bl vd .. D e tro it. Mich . Dunham, Elea nor B e nn e tt ( i\Irs . L e wi s U .) .

One ka ma, Mich. Dunn, Agnes Thourlby (Mrs. r B. ) . Bad

Ax e, Mich. Edge , Grace Mulcah y (Mrs.), 117 S. i\lcCi e l­

lan , Spoka n e , Wash. Ellenwood. L otti e R a ymond (Mrs. H. i\1. ) ,

2520 Union St. , Blue I s la nd , Ill. (T em ­pora r y)

F e rdelman. Nina Caulkette ( Mrs. 0" F .) , Roge rs City , Mich .

Fit zpa tri ck, L ore tta , 4051 H a ze lwood , D e troit , Mich.

Fraser. i\Tinne Grove (Mrs. Don a ld M" ), R.F.D. 504, Box 38A, Roya l Oa k , Mich.

Fraze r , i\fa y R eemtse n ( i\lrs. Russe ll ), 14591 Ardmore , D e tro it , [i ch.

Gaffney , Gre tch e n Reems te n ( i\fr s. L eo . r l . 222 E. Eldridge Ave., Flint , i\Tich.

Ga te s . M yrtl e B a rb er ( i\frs.) , State Ca pito l Buildings, Lans in g, 1\1ich.

Gea rin g. l nez J on es (i\frs . Milton ). 11 5 B .-own S t .. St. Cla ir , Mich.

Gilbe t·t. Ali ce L ee ( i\ft· r E. ) , 120 tout St. , P onti ac , Mi ch.

Gitche ll , i\laz ie , 1190 Colling wood , D e troit , Mich .

GCH· ham, El ea no r 1\1a th e w s c~rrs . Ni arsha l) , Gorh a m Stea k H ouse , R.F.D" , S t. Loui s, i\fich .

~winn, Florence l\Iary, Sta te P ark , L ud in g· ton, Mich. '43

ll a hn , Lo is Th ac ker ( ~(rs. Willi a m L. ) , 815 S. Ogde n Dr., Los Ange les, Ca l if.

H a nso n , Edna Struble (Mrs. E . S.) , R.F.D. 3, Mt. Pleasant , i\lich .

Hanson. Maria n. 403 S. Kinney Blvd .. i\lt. Plea sant , Mich. ' 38

H a rper, M a xine Monroe (Mrs. Rob ert ), 527 S. F a ncher Ave., i\It. Pleasa nt, Mich .

H a rri s . El iza beth , Connec ticut Coll ege for V\'ome n, 1e w London, Conn .

H aza rd. Ali ce, B a rb er Schoo l, Highland P a rk. Mich.

H aza rd. i\fae Fitzpa tri ck (Mrs. ) . 133 Gl e n ­da le A ve ., Highl a nd P a rk. Mich.

H ea rn . Crys ta l, 516 B eac h St. , Flint. Mich . H e nchy , l sa be l, Ill Putna m A ve. , D etroit.

Mich. H e nch y. L eo na, 2258 \V. Gra nd Blvd, D e troit ,

Mich. H e ns ley. Eli za be th Miri a m (Mrs. E . M. ),

Soc ia l Direc tor -G irl s D ormi to r y-G rinne ll Co ll ege. Grinne ll. I owa

H erron , Ad a Stringha m (1\Irs. \V . S. ) . Center ­v ill e. Mich.

H oka nso n , H a rri e t Pres ton ( i\lr s. C. E .), 8532 Wi sco n s in St. . De troit. Mich.

H ouse, J eanette P ort er ( Mrs . Robert H .), B a rryton , i\l ich. '40

H owa rd , M a bl e Sugars (Mr . P. R .) , 32 1 N . 'A'illi a ms St .. Lud ing ton . Mtch.

Hudson , Jua nit a Mose ly (Mrs. H a r ry) , 429 J ohn so n A ve ., M acon . Ga.

H oll s te ll e . Gertrude . 430 Fra nklin St. . Gra nd H ave n , Mich .

J ernaga n, Imoge ne Ca me ron (Mrs. N . W .). 5737 K imba rk A ve .. Chicago, Ill.

J ohn s ton , Ora Sa nford (Mrs. J a mes S.) , 1808 Sta nwood Rd ., E a t Cleve la nd, Oh io

Jones . Olga, F e nton . Mich. '40 Jukes . Marjori e i\lc Dowe ll ( Mrs. R. F .), 472

P a li sades Dr .. Akron , Ohio K a ne, B erni ce , 109 L oc us t St. , i\l t. Pleasant .

Mich . '42 K e ll y , Al v ira , M ecos t a , Mich. '43 K e ndriga n , Alli e M a rch (Mrs. J ohn ) , A sh­

la n d, Wis. Klee . B ernice Bra di sh (Mrs. 0 . J .), 420

Ell io t St. , .E . Grand R a pids, Mich . Kn owlton . J oyce Wright (Mrs. J .) , I thaca .

Mich. Kn ox. Henri e tt a Phil ip (Mrs. W . D .) . Ri v i­

e ria Rd. , Eli zabe th L a ke E s t a t e, P onti ac . Mich .

L a ngl ois, Shirley H a rri so n ( i\f rs . Clif to n A.), 149 Pilgrim A ve. , D e tro it, Mich.

L a nt z. Winifred Cubb age (Mrs. George) . 1702 W. M ichigan St ., Y ps il a nti , Mich.

L a r ze le re. Lore n a (M rs. Cla ud e S .) . 405 E. High St. . Mt. Pl easant . Mich .

L a rze ler e . N e ll e. P err y, N . Y. Leeman. D onna, \Villiams ton, 1\1ich . '40 Lietch , ":r.I a r y Elle n Munroe. D eceased L oc kh or n . L ila M ac M a nus (Mrs. G. ]. ) , 3703

Ault P a t·k R d ., H yde P a rk , Cinci nna t i. Ohio

L ind s t rom . M a bl e V a rnum (l\Irs. R alph \Vm.). 1317 Brumme l. Eva n ston , Il l.

L owe . Eunice Brown ( Mrs. Richa rd), R .F .D. I , Che lsea. M ich .

Ludlum. Edna Du ff (1\Irs.), 206 N . )lai n St .. St. Loui s . Mich.

i\lac liver , Ge n evi e ve F or sb er g ( i\l rs. J ohn ). 67 M adron a, S a n Ca r los, Calif.

l\l ac Ma n a mon . H aze l F orreste r (Mrs. R us­se ll ), 421 I s lingto n , T oledo, Oh io

M a loney, H a rr ie t Young love ( i\lrs . V incent). 350 Hud son St .. R ed wood Ci ty . Ca li f.

M a n se ll. Edith L a r ze ler e, 161 Highl a nd A,·c .. Highl a nd P a rk , i\l ich .

M a rsh. H e le n , T each ers College M a rquet te. i\[ ich. '

i\fcConne ll. athr y n . R ose bush. M ic h. '41 McC rae . E lea nor (:\(rs .). 90 . M ai n . :\( t.

Pl easa nt. M ic h.


McDaniel, Grace, 7109 Bennett Ave., Chicago, Ill.

McDonnell, Elaine , LeRoy, l'v[ich. '40 McGregor, Gladys Renwick (Mrs. Gl e n), 90

Waverl y St .. Highl a nd Park, Mich. McUmber, Nel l Church (Mrs. H. H.) , 2828

Brookside, Toledo, Ohio Mi les, Ruth Phelps (~ I r s . Gilbert A.) , F a rm ­

ington. Mich. Miller, E l inor, On s ted. i\1 ich. '40 ~ ~ ill iken, Hildegarde Grawn (Mr . J ames),

T1·averse City , Mich. Morgan, Lucy, Fireside Industri es , Appa­

lachian School , Penland, N .C. Mustard. Esther Parke r (Mrs . J ohn ) , JS

Crest Dr., Battle Creek, Mich. Na umes, Katherine, 634 S . College Av e., Mt.

Pleasant, Mich. '39 Nehil, Louise, 16150 Ohio St.. Detroit, Mich . Nelson , Harriet, 416 S. Butl er Blvd. , Lan­

sing, Mich. Noey, Irene , 110 E. Cherry St., Mt. Plea ant,

Mich. Otterbein. Katherine 55 F a rand, High la nd

Park, Mich. Owens, Gladyce, 1020 S. Lan sing, Mich. '41 Painter, Myla Clark (Mrs. J ohn), Hibbard

Apts., Detroit , Mich. Perry, B ern ice, R. R. 8, K a lamazoo, Mich . Peterso n, Gladys Griswald (Mrs. William) ,

Rockford, Mich. P eterson , Anne vViggins (Mrs.) , Dept .. of

Education, University of Iowa , Iowa Ctty, Iowa

Porterfield, Hele n Vowles (Mrs). 427 S. Fancher Ave .. Mt. Pl easant , M1ch .

Potter Louise N ewberry (Mrs. Cl inton) , 393 Wailis St., Pasadena. Calif.

Reynolds , Lucil e McCool (Mrs. George), 11367 Forrer Ave .. Detroit, Mich.

Rich . Ellen, Teach ers Coll ege, New Paltz, N .Y.

Ri ches, Nell e Field (Mrs. Ches te r) , 614 S. Franklin St. , Mt. Pleasant , Mich.

Ril ey, Lucile Lee (Mrs. T . ].) , 3760 Ta ylor St., D etroit, Mich.

Russe l, Louise Benne t (Mrs. Walte r) , 302 Chippewa St .. Mt. P leasant, Mich.

Russ, Eliza be th Burns (Mrs. Peter), 17347 Ohio, Detroit, Mi ch.

Sande rs, Ruth O•·se r (Mrs . Owe n) , 1839 S.W. Market , Portland, Ore.

Sarftaten , H arriet McGreaham (Mrs.), Bloomer. Minn.

Schultz , Haze l Davis (Mrs. Wm. H .) , 2001 Iroquoi s, Flint, Mich.

Schutt, Ida Mary Sheffie ld (Mrs. F. T .), 119 Market St .. M ount Clem en s, Mich.

Seaver , Meryl , 1312 Seward Ave ., Detroit, Mich.

Sheppard , Miriam Packa;d (Mrs. Norman ), R.F.D. I State Rd., M•dland, Mich.

Sherman, H a rriet . Deceased Showmin, Ruth S later (Mrs. Nicholas J. ),

14037 Grandvi lle , Detroit, Mich.

. ile r , Cora Mose ley (Mrs. J ohn), Eas t Jor ­dan. Mich.

Siple, Edith Gri s wold (Mrs. Elm e r S.), 20820 E1·ie R oad , R oc k y Ri ve r , Cl eve land, Ohio

Simmon s, M a r y McDowe ll (~ J.-s. W. T. ), Stanton, Mich.

Smith, H aze l 1. .. 16247 B ay li s St., De troit, Mich.

So lar, Hazel H orning (Mrs. Frank), 19350 Gain sborough Rd ., De troit , Mich.

Spoffonl. Gertrude M enth e n (M•·s. L ewis C.), 6546 Vi a. Lorenzo , San P edro , Calif.

Stick les, Gertrude Strubl e (i\Ir s . R oy). De­ceased

S wit zer , Ilia Graves (i\Irs . Vincent) , 1511 Plea ant St .. New Orlean s, La .

T ee l, Leah Hunter (M•·s. L ew is M.) , Wrigh t City, Okla.

T hei r s, Ruth. Apt. 405 , 275 S. Ne w H ampshi re Av e., Los ·Ange les . Calif.

Thomas, Ruth Newberr y (Mrs. Wm .), 5630 Kennwood , Chicago, Ill.

Thompso n , Ad e line Chri stoph er ( Mrs. J as. R .), M e ndham , N .J.

Thompso n , Fann y Niggeman (i\Irs.) , 55 F a r­rand , Hi ghland Park, Mich.

Thompso n , ll·l a •·ie, 41 2 S. College Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. '43

Thorne Loui se Orcutt (Mrs. Cl a rence E .), May 'st., l\It. Pl easa nt, i\Ii ch.

Thorold , H e le n L owr y (Mrs. Frederick C. ), Fenton, Mich.

Van de n Burg . Cla•·e Vyn (Mrs. L a wrence H .). Teachers Norma l School , New Paltz, N.Y.

VanLeuven , Emma MacDona ld (Mrs. Buell), P etoskey, Mich.

Wagner, Phylli s. Capac , i\Iich. '42 Walker , 1\fae, 3440 Santa l\Iari a St., Detroit,

Mich. Wall, Genevieve White (Mrs. Chas. H .), 305

S. Chandler Ave . , Monterey P a rk, Calif. Watson. Car in e. Capac, l\Ii ch . '41 Weayer, Marie Coley (i\Irs .), School of Edu­

ca ti on, U ni versity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Wellma n, Betty Star R oute, I on ia . i\Ii ch. '4 1 \Vheeler, E s th e r Pope (Mrs . Ge01·ge) , R .R.

6, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Whitacre, Minnie Frisbie (Mrs. R. 0.) . De­

ceased Whitney, Vida vVil son (M•·s .), Ford School,

Highland P ark, Mich. Wilce. Gladys Collin (Mrs. H. D .), Empire ,

Mich. Wiley. Louise Cal l (Mrs. L . W ard), Box

903, Vicksburg, Miss. Wo lcott, Kathlee n, Ithaca, Mich. '41 Wolfe , J ennie Griswold (Mrs. Edward) ,

Cedar Springs. Mich . You n g, Pea rl ~[y e rs (Mrs. F .), Iron Ri ver .

Mich. Za bin sk ye, Haze l E ve ringham (l\Ir s . R obe rt

L. ), Auro.-a, N.Y.


State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Founded 1909 ; disbanded by college 1913

Brown, Grace Shoemaker (Mrs.) . 3921 E ls­mere Ave., Norwood Sta. , Cincinnati, Ohio

Dea n , Dorothy Wilcox (Mrs.), Avalon, Wis.

Dimm , Alice Peck (Mrs .) , 7701 17th St. , Seatt le Wash.

E toff. Audrey B a tch elder (Mrs. S.) , Sea ttle , Wash.

Embrey, Lilian W ebb (Mrs. M.), 11 2 W. Franklin St., Appleton , Wis.

Fe rgu son, Edna, 1252 Kava naugh Pl. , \Yau­watosa . VVi .

G•·een, Phoebe McManus (ll!rs.), R.F.D . 3. De levan Rd. , J a nesv ill e, \Vis.

H a mmond, Gertrude Owen (Mrs. R. P.) , 2016 Underwood Ave., \Vauwatosa. \V is .

H ay , Leona M . Ulrich (ll!rs. De lo R. ), 3493 Devonshire . De troit . ll!i ch .

Hinka mp, Martha R eute r (Mrs. G•·anl). 2946 N . Prospec t Ave., Milwau kee, \\' is.


Light, He lene Fox (Mrs. E.), 1312 Carlos Ave., Burlingame, Calif.

Lite! , H aze l, Albany, Wis. l\IcGee . Edna Peck (l\Irs. J ohn ) . 2757 N.

Frederick Ave., l\Iilwaukee , Wi s. Matson , J ean ette Meigs ( irs.), 1626 . 70th

St. , \¥auwatosa, Wis. Mayer, lll agdo len , 628 E. Knapp St., Apt. 6

Milwaukee , Wis. Octeson , Edna Boyd (Mrs. M. ). 4621 Be ll e­

view Dr. , \V est P o int Grey, Vancouver, B.C .. Ca nada .

Otterstein , Genevieve Rumpe l ( Mrs. E a r l). 2110 W. 49th St.. Minneapo lis, Minn.

Ovitz , De lia , 2964 . ll! ary la nd Ave., l\Iil -wauk ee, \~' i s.

Paulus , Betty Kittredge (llfr s.). 4424 E. 5th St., Long B each, Calif.

P e te rson , Fl aira Baughmann ( lllr . Smith). 140 Brookview Ave., Bridgeport, Conn .

Remmie, Olive Henderson (Mrs.), 4243 W ash ­burn Av e. S .. Minnea polis, lll inn .

Rice, !~I ore n ce Grey (Mrs. P a ul ), 3450 N. Down er Av e., ~Iilwaukee, \~' i s.

Samphere, Florence Bowes (Mrs. Orrin), Lake Beulah. Wis.

Sands . Carol Berkey (Mrs. A. T.). Eau Claire. Wis.

chmidt. N ora H ., 2016 W ashington t. , ~Ianitowoc, \Vi s.

Stoiber. Helen Chamberl a in (Mrs. M.) , 1807 E. Olive St.. Milwaukee, Wis.

Stove r, Gertrude Gray (Mrs. Harvey), 3965 N . Stowe ll Ave ., Milwaukee. Wi s.

Strickler. H e len P err y (Mrs.), 2211 N . 7lst St., \V auwau tosa . VVi s.

Thompso n , Cora Bollard (Mrs. Clarence) , 621 Highland Ave., India n apo li s, Ind.

Thurwach er , Carol y n Taylor (Mrs.). 323 Mc­Call St .. Waukesha, Wi s.

Whitn ey, Bithia Schwendener ( Mrs. Paul), 230-l South Ave., Syracuse. N.Y.

Wick, Annabe ll Erdmann ( Mrs.), 320-l N. 47th St .. li-Jilwaukee , 'A1is.

Wil so n. Flore nce Gettings (Mrs.), 75 State t., Albany, N.Y .

DELTA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Founded 1916

Anderson, Wilma Hafer (Mrs. James), 1416 Potomac Ave., Pitt sburgh (16), Pa. '32

Anderso n, Wilma Henning (lllrs. George), Meadville, Pa. '35

Ansman, Eleanor Welsh (Mrs. Rob ert T .) , 1226 18th A ve. , Altoona , Pa. '34

Arm strong, Beatrice, 567 Orchard Ave., Be ll e ­vue , Pa. '31

Bamford , Sara , Midway, Pa. 13arkell. Emma J a me, 402 Ches tnut St., Sco tt­

dale , Pa. '3 1 Barton , Glady s, 349 Burton Ave., Washing­

ton, Pa. B arttell , Dorothy E ., 607 Corb e tt St., T a­

rentum , Pa. Bee, Gladys Overholt (Mrs. Harold ), 133

1 . Sixth St., Indi a na, Pa. '31 Bell , Louise Birchfield (l\Irs . Walter), Tare n­

tum , P a. '38 Betz, Ada , Ligonier, Pa. '42 Betz, Lenore, 365 Fifth Av e., Freedom, Pa.

'33 Bittner, Daryl H eckman (1\frs .), Somerse t ,

Pa. '35 Boo ne , Eleanor , 200 Elm St., Canonsburg, Pa.

'43 Bouton , Be tty, Wilawana, Pa. '33 Bowker, Ellen G. Kohl er (Mrs . H a rry L.),

1320 Kelton Ave. , Dormont , Pa. Brickley, Ada Blair (lllrs .), California, P a .

'1 8 Broo ks. Eil ee n. 341 2 7th Av e. , B ea ver Falls,

Pa. '43 Broo ks, Sa ra Ange l ( llfrs. Herbert) , B ade n ,

Pa. '34 Brown, Be tt y B e ighe l, 515 B e ll ev iew St ..

Altoona, Pa. '40 Burkholder , Virginia Kn ox (l\Irs.), iO! Court

St., New Ca s tle. Pa. '30 Burre ll, Grace J amison (Mrs. Guy), 526

Lyndhurst Dr. , lilt. Leba non , Pa. '19 Bybee, Cora Spires (llfrs. Walter V.), 61

R a ls ton Pl. , Mt. L ebanon, Pa. '18 Cadzo w, Mildred, F orbes Rd ., Gree nsburg,

P a . Cad zo w. R ac he l , F 01·bes Rd.. Greensburg

P a. '41 ' Camp, B a rbara E .. 697 R ooseve lt Ave ., R oa r ­

ing Springs, Pa. '37 'a mpb e ll, Ard e ll e, 37 Fraley , t., Kan e, Pa . '34

Casey , Margare t Guckert (Mrs. Michae l), 719 Orcha rd Av e. , B e ll e vue, Pa. '33

Christie, Ida M., 128 Ya rnell St., Kane, P a. '30

Coli s, J ean , 111 3 Highland St. , Tarentum , Pa. '39

Commings , The lma lll ae, R oland Ct ., Apt . 7, Virgini a B each, Va. '35

Conl ey . H e len Fausold (lllrs. R obe rt ) , Stephenson Apts .. Gle nshaw, P a . '39

Cooper, Maude Atkin on ( lllrs. W . D.), New B ed ford Pa. ' 18

Corbett, Eliza Eisma n (l\Irs. Alfred), 314 Pen ns y lvania A ve .. Irwin, P a. '18

Cove r , Cla re , Cove r Hill , J oh ns tow n, P a. ' 18 Crum, Eilien, 318 Ninth Ave ., Juniata , Al ­

too na, Pa. '40 Curran, ~Iarga re t , 58 1\I ac kenn an Ave.,

V\/ as h i ngton, Pa. Davi s, Anne, 429 K eys to ne Ave., Cresson,

Pa. '37 Davis, Dorothea. Box 366. D e nvill e, N .J . Da v is, Evelyn Thorton (l\Irs . J . l\le red ith),

310 Lowell Ave .. Barnesboro, P a. '36 Dav is, Helen , 942 Ches tnut t.. Indiana, Pa.

'31 Dillm a n , J a net , W e ll sboro, Pa. '43 Donl ey , L eah Muir (Mrs.) , 1724 N. Shore Dr

St. P e ter sburg, Fla. Duff. Sara P enory ( Mrs. Arthur), 1603 Union

Ave .. McKeesport , Pa. '18 Eber. lii ary, 202 S. Braddock Ave ., E . E .

Pitt sburgh, P a . '34 E c ke ls. J ean, I '· Harri sburgh t., Stee lt on.

P a. '36 Ellenberger, Alice, R.R. 2, Kittanning, P a.

'38 Ell e nb erger, El s ie lllar ie, R.R. 2, Kittanning.

P a. '40 Englehart, Ruth , 315 High t.. Meye r sdal e .

Pa. '43 Fairchild. l\lary Ruth. 1900 Orange St. , B e r ­

wick , Pa. '40 Fo ight, Ruth, Export, Pa. Foster, Dorothy L a n e , 223 S. 15th • t .. All e n­

to wn, Pa. '33 Frisch. Helen , 1003 econcl Ave .. Altoona .

Pa. '29 Furness . Hilda N .. 217 Haze l Lane, • ewick ­

ley, Pa. Garey. He le n . H o ne sdale , P a . '-10


Gasslander, Alma Munson (Mrs.), Church St., lnd ia na, Pa.

Gess ler , B e tt y, 422 lith St. , Indiana, Pa. '29 Gessler, Caro l ine , 422 11th St. , Indiana, Pa.

'29 Gi ll esp ie, J ane, S. 7th St. , Indiana, Pa. '38 Glass, Louise Wherry (i\lrs. J ohn) , 310 E .

Beau St., W ashington, P a. Go urley , Alice, 504 N. P enn St., Punx su·

tawney, Pa. '41 Grant , Mary Arbuckle (Mrs . H . B .), J oh n

St., H omestead, Pa. Griffith, Virginia I<. , Frothingham Av e .,

Jeannette, Pa. Guard, Mai·y King (Mrs. Russe ll ), 12 Krape

Ave. , Indiana , Pa. Guckert, Myrtle Taylor, 3614 Wickshire St.,

Northside, Pittsburgh , Pa. '19 H a los, Eleanor Wylie (.Mrs. George), 402

Brooklyn Court A11ts., Brook lyn , Uppe r Darby, Pa.

Harrick, F lora Hahn (Mrs. J oseph), 104 Wood law n Ave., Punxsutawney, Pa. '33

Harris, A lverda Row land (Mrs. D. C.), Cres­son, Pa.

Harvey , Gla d ys, 63 Sixth St., Clymer, Pa. '37

H awk, J osephine Stear. (i\Irs. Charles), 405 N. Penn St ., Punx sutawney, P a. '33

Haworth, Ruth~)3 Grant St., B e ll ev ue, Pa. H eath, Marie rl a rris (Mrs. Linus), 309 N.

Sixth St . Indiana, Pa. '29 Hill , Dorod1y Gourley (Mrs. ), Punx sutaw ney,

Pa. '30 H olben, Sara, Ringgold, P a. '41 Holshu, Ruth Arnold (Mrs.), 415 Center

Ave., Pitcair n, Pa. Hoover, Twil a, 669 S. Sixth St. , Indiana, Pa.

'37 Horbuck, H e len Ste rn er (Mrs.), D en-y, P a.

' 19 Horgan , Marga re t, 227 Ninth Ave., H ome­

stead, Pa. Hunter , Eleanor J a ne, 171 3 Third Ave., New

Brighton , Pa. '37 Irwin, Emma Trathen (Mrs . P . W .) , 338

Center St. , A shl a nd, Pa. Johns, Marion. Ill N. Main St., Punx su­

tawney, Pa. '31 John son, Loui se , 508 Ridgeway Ave., Gt·eens­

burg, Pa. '31 Johnso n, Ruth , Clymer , Pa. '37 Jones, Katherine Kuntz (Mrs . B en) , 1022 W .

Mahoning St. , Punxsutawn ey, Pa. '34 Kane , Alice, 122 W. 15th Ave., Home stead,

Pa. D eceased K a ntnor. Louise, 156 E. Sanner St., Somer ­

se t , Pa. '35 Keyse r, 1\lary W"orkm a n (Mrs. H owa rd ),

106 S. Sixth St., Duques ne, P a . K line, Kathryn P ermar (Mrs. Wade T .) , c/o

W . C. P ermar, ]~ .R. 3, Greensburg, Pa. Kiley , Jean 1\l oore (Mrs . Richard), 446 S.

Aiken St., Pittsburgh, Pa. '38 King, Margare t Stark (1\Irs. D av id) , Ellwood

City, Pa. Kirk Betty Ricks (Mrs. James), 33 McKte Av~ .• Mones on, Pa. '33

Knauber Gladys Bowen (Mrs. William A.) , 1015 M~Cleary St. , McKees por t, Pa.

Krame r, Eileen , 1313 Oakhi ll St., Pittsburgh, Pa. '43

Laird, J a ne Small (Mrs. Dona ld ), 250 Walnut St., Beaver, Pa.

Lamphere, H arrie t , Vandegrift, Pa. '37 Laurel, Mildred Conrad (Mr . Lee), 16 Col ­

bert Ave. , Oil City , P a. Long, Mary A., 1107 Second St., Altoona ,

Pa. '31 Loy, Lo is Patterson (Mrs . J oseph), 910 Race

St., Altoona, P a . Lotz, Marguerite Yoos (Mrs. Arthur), Fire·

stone Plantation, Monrovi a, Liberia, Africa '35

Lucente, Palma, 110 Center S t ., Meyersda le, Pa. '36

ll l anvi ll c, B ett y, 17 Church St.. Hidgeway, Pa. '41

1\l artin, H e len E., 548 Locust St., Indiana , Pa. D eceased

ll laso n , Kathr yn B artl ey (Mrs. Cha rl es), Co lon y House Apts., 54 Greenwich St., Hemps tead, L.I., N.Y. '37

~lave r , Helen, 1306 22nd Ave., Altoona, Pa. Deceased

lllayne, J a ne Shaffer (Mrs.), DuBois, Pa. '34 McCafferty, M argare t , 711 E. Pear l St., But­

le r , Pa. '43 McCa nn , 1\Iargaret , J eanesv ill e, H azelton,

Pa. '36 i\lcEihoes, Mildred Willi ams (Mrs. Robert),

California, Pa. '32 lcFee ley, Margaret, 635 Locu t St., Indiana, Pa. '40

McKenney , J ean, 1307 A lton St., Pittsb urgh, Pa. '37

1\fcLane Aramita , McKeesport, P a. Deceased McMah~n, Edn a, Alexa ndria , Pa. '30 McNult y, Ruth , 120 Talbot St., Greensburg,

Pa. Miller, Mary A. Saltsburg, P a. Mill er , Mildred, 22 N. Third St., J ea nnette,

Pa. '33 Momberger, Gladys, 1161 Luzern e St., J ohn s-

town , Pa .. '35 . . Moore, Mane, 329 E. Fifth St., B erwi ck, P a.

'35 1\Ioors Grace Nelson (llfrs. W alte r), 27 H ard­

ing St., Johnsto wn , P a. ,35 ll loniss l one, Blair v ille, P a . '30. Deceased 1\iorri ss: 1\'I argaret Ament, 1645 Memorial Dr ..

Mt. L ebanon, Pa. Morrow, E li iapeth 219 L oure ll Ave. , Ne w

Castle, Pa. 31 Mount s ie r , Frances, 205 Linco ln Ave. , B e ll e­

vue, P a. '41 Murphy, Dorothy, R.D., Ligonier, P a. '42 Murphy Eleanor , 117 Amencan Ave. , But­

ler, P~. ' 36 Murph y, Marion , 1010 Old Town Rd., Clear-

fie ld, Pa. '33 . M usche ll a Martha Sm ith (Mrs . Joseph),

19351 Gr~ggs Ave., Detroit, Mich. N a nta is, Frances Walsh (Mrs. Francis) 2704

R ocheste r , Detroit, Mich. '34 e lso n , Dorothy, 18 Harding St. , John stown , Pa. ' 40

N~~~~~: fa~r·~~hy, 801 Summit Ave., J ohn ·

N ern Va ljean Orr (Mrs. All a n) . 5 C. B eech­wo~d Apts ., Norberth, P a. '29

Nesbit, Norma, Thorn Hill School, \Van·en­da le , Pa. ' 43

Nicklas , Martha Plunkett (Mrs.). Evans City, Pa.

N orb ec k. Elizabe th wanseen (Mrs.), Box 95, Kane, Pa. '34

Oelschlager , Eoline Lloyd ( fr s. Franklin) , Elfinwild, Pa. '33

O'Hara, Jean, Earnest, Pa. '42 Pace, Ruth J ones (M rs.), 707 Locust, Za nes­

vi ll e, Ohio Pharoah, Alice Stafford (lllr s . H enr y), 195

Bowlby St ., \Vay nesburg, Pa. '32 Post, Bernice McKre ll (Mrs. Gerald), Chapin

Rd. , rew Castle, Pa. Prindible, Wilmina Kelly (Mr . J oh n) , P at ­

ton, Pa. '29 R a nkin , Marguerite \'ales (Mr . Park), R.R.

2, Canonsburg, Pa. 38 R ea, Georgia, 234 Howard St .. Butl er, P a. '42 R ear ick. Elsie Ame nt (1\lrs. Walter). 1021

Park View Ave., 1ew Ken ington, Pa . '1


Rees, Ann Price, 47 P earl St ., Wellsboro, Pa. '40

Rich a rd son , M a rl y , Knox . P a. '43 Ri eman. 1\Iargare t, 251 6 Pra iri e A ve., Evans·

ton , Ill. '42 Robb, Marga re t , 222 D e wey St. , E dge wood.

Pa. '37 R oberts . Dorothy , 2337 Los Ange les A ve.,

Pitt s burgh. Pa. '37 R oberts , Virginia , 2337 Los An ge le A ve ..

Pitt sburgh. P a . '43 R obert so n , Anna M ae ~lurph y ( Mrs . J . K e n -

ne th ) , F os ter Court A pts., t a te Co ll ege. Pa.

Rud olph , Catherin e M orro w ( i\!rs. J ay), 41 0 Hillcres t Ave., Ne w Cas tl e . P a. '29

Runk. Ma ry Dunmire ( Mrs. R e n w ick ) .). 214 W . Olive r A ve., Duq ues n e. P a .

R yme r. Mar y, W es tm or e la nd City , P a . '36 Se to n, Fra nci s L e fevre ( \\I rs. P a ul ). S.T .C.,

Shippe n sburg, P a. '37 Shawkey, L oui se Sutton ( Mrs . Ada m), 228

N . l~a irmo nt Av e .. Pitt sburgh . P a. Simpson, Caro lyn , Cl ymer Rd ., Ind iana , P a.

' 35 Small , K ay J ordan ( i\!rs . J ose J>h) . A pt. 329,

4414 M a rbl e H a ll Rd ., B a ltimore. l\l d. ' 37 no w, J a ne Stombaugh ( M rs. Dempsey), 11 8 Coo ke r St ., Johns town , P a. '37

Specht. Frances Ra ymond ( Mr . i\1 . B. ), 309 N. Sixth St., India na , Pa.

Stebbin s, El ea nor Greene (Mrs. Edw in) , 11 7 Pine St., Corning, N . Y. '37

Steffe y, Sara Scott (Mr . E . K e nne th) . 900 Block W es tmore la nd Ave .. Swissva le, P a .

Ste inin ge r, Alma, 1722 N orth St. . H arri sburg. P a . '41

Ste rn, I-Ian·ie t, Somerse t, P a. Ste wart , Emma, 126 R .R . A,·e . . Ind iana, P a.

'29 Ste wa rt , Martha McLa in (Mrs. Fra nk ), Cla rk

St., India na , P a . '30 Still , Eva ly n J ones ( "Irs . Geo rge) , S ta te t. ,

Long Beach , L.I. , N . Y. '29 Storey . Margare t , 149 N . 25th t.. Ca m p

Hill , Pa. '41 Sutte•·, J oan , 120 Ruskin Dr. , Altoo na, P a.

'40 T ee ter , M . L o is, M a rtin sburg. P a. '42 Thomas, Jane, H e lvetia , P a.

Thompson, J a n e Allison (Mrs . Herbert), 315 Center St . . Ebe n sburg, P a. '34

Thorn . Sue Mount ie r (Mrs. Clare nce) , 608 S. D a ll as St.. Pitt s burgh . P a. '35

Thornton . Ma rga re t \\' igg in s ( ~Ir s. Vic tor ) . 305 N e \v po rt Ave., Fr ie ndl y P .O., \\' as h· ing to n. D.C.

T ob in, Mary. Broc kw ay. P a . '35 Tweed, Cla ra be l. 1033 Schoo l S t., Indi a na, Pa.

'34 Tweed. Ger a ldine, 1033 Schoo l St. , Ind ia n a,

P a. '38 U tm e r , £1 ie M assay ( Mrs. H. F .) . 641 9

K e ntuck y A ve .. E . E. Pitt sburgh , P a. '19 \Vagn er, \Vilda , e w Flore nce, P a . W a lk e r, B ertha ta tt e r (Mrs. H . ]. ), 6966

!79th S t. . Flus h ing. L .I._. N . Y. W a lke r , M a rj ori e J e ffri es (Mrs. H ar r y) . 718

2nd St ., Brownsv ill e, P a . '31 \V a lker, V irgin ia Logue ( Mrs. P au l). B e ll -

mead, Altoona, P a . . W a ls h, L oui se G. ( M rs. M. ]. ). 282 S. S"<th

St .. India na , P a. W a lt. Aure li a H ope , 43 E. 4th t. . P o tt s town .

P a. '41 W eaver. B ett y. 1235 F ourth Av e .. F or d City ,

P a. '35 W eave r. B e tty S turm (Mrs. Arthur), 315

S toc k St. . H a nove r , P a. '34 W eave r . Ma rio n F ., 1235 F ourth Ave., F ord

C it y, P a. '39 W e itz, Juli e tt e P r ice ( Mrs. H omer 0 .), 25 12

R ivervie w A ve .. ~IcKeesport, P a. '18 W e ner d, Ruth , H o i uppl e. P a . ' 43 W e tze l. Emmi e Lou, 546 Clemesha A ve ..

P it t sburgh . P a. '43 \·\hit e, Minnie L a ud e n ba ugh ( Mrs .). 420

Browns vill e Rd ., M t. Oli ver. Pitts burgh , P a.

\Vhitm an , Dori s . 529 \\·a lnu t S t. , Roa rin g Springs, P a. '42

Winters , Gla d ys H offma n (Mrs .) . Gorm an ia. W .Va .

Wise , K a th erin e Kr a mer (M r .). 5880 Co te S t., A nt o ine R d .. N . D. G. M ont rea l, Ca n a da '29

Youn g, J a ne E. , 734 E. \Vash ing to n S t., N e w Cas tl e, P a.

Zahni ser, V irgi ni a M cF a rl a nd ( i\!rs. R. C.), 89 T ad La n d , Yo un gs town , Oh io '38

Zerb e, Alber ta. Zerbe . P a ., '37

ZETA Lock Haven State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania

Founded 1921

Ad a ms, Edith Hil e (M rs . Cl yde), Plea sa nt Gap, Pa. '30

Albert, Kath erine H a rdy (Mrs . E . A .) . 403 Eliza be th St ., Osceo la Mill s , P a. '31

All (Mrs. Ca rro ll ), 1206 \V . Ma in, Strouds· burg, Pa. Faculty

All e n , J\Iyra Eva n s ( i\r rs. D a le \V .), 123 Sum -mit Ave ., Lock H a ve n, Pa. '34

Allen, Wilma. H y ndman , P a . '37 Anderso n , D ori s, R.R. 3, Sme th por t , P a. '38 Andre ws, Myrtle, 501 W . 18th St., Tyron e,

Pa. '38 Ante s, Clare, 316 13th Ave., Juni a ta , AI ·

too na , Pa. '38 Aurand , Ph y llis, 305 High St., L ock

H a ven, Pa. '41 A za rra , M a ry K. Y ec kley ( i\rrs . Sa mue l),

Cresson, Pa. '29 Bae r , Eve lyn Livings to ne (i\Jrs. Sta nford)

135 S. He tric k Ave .. Palm y r a , Pa. ' 33 ' Ba nzha f, Anna, 28 '· Ma in St. , Muncy, P a.

'39 B a r e foot , Edith , Alum. ]la nk , Pa. '2:l

B arkhuff. P a uline, 164 Susq ueha nn a }\ ,·e .. L ock H a ven , P a. '34

B a rner, E l ie Hill (Mrs . Elwood), 350 W . North, Ca rli s le, P a . '26

Barner , Elva Gree n ( \\Irs. L ehm a n) . R ic h ­fi e ld, P a . '28

Bar ne r , Rut h, 384 E . P a r k S t. . Lock H ave n , P a. '40

B a rn es . Cha rlto n L oc k e (Mrs. E d ward), 95 K e n s ington Rd .. Bronx v ill e , N .Y . F acult y

B a rnh a rt, Ann Ginger y (M r . Richa rd ) , 766 L a ke vi e w S ., t . P e te r burg, Fl a. '26

B a rro ws, P a ul in e, 410 S. M ai n t., J ersey Shore , P a. '38

B a sti a n , M a rj or ie. 829 \V. F ourth St. , \\' i l­l ia msport, P a . '26

Beas, Gera ldine. 183 )>rin g t .. J ohns town . P a . '25

B ecke nb a ugh , H e le n , 625 Frede ric k t .. Flem­ingto n , P a. ' 41

Beehn er , Margue rit e F ogl e ( i\[r . \\'m . D .) , 700 W e lt y t .. Gr ee n sbur g. P a. ':l l

Beeson , :lfargar e t . 149 . \\' a de Ave., \Ya~h ­ingto n, P a. '31


Belcher. Emma Lloyd (lVIrs. Roy}, 2218 Webb St., Williamsport, Pa. '38

Betts, Alene, Island Route, Lock Haven , Pa. '38

Biddle, Ruth H enninger (Mrs. M y ron), Wil · I iamsburg, Pa. '33

Blakely, Dorothy Drake (Mrs.), 220 P enn Ave. , Irwin, Pa. '32

Borland , Mary Loui se, Venango Count y, Rock land , Pa. '33

Bottorf, Doctor Edna . 215 E . \V'a lnut St., Lock Haven, Pa . Faculty

Boyd, Be•·enice H a mm er (Mrs. D av id M.), Maple Ave., New Wilmington , Pa . '28

Braun , Made line Weakl a nd (Mrs. F . J, ), 2106 16t h Ave., Altoona. P a. '25

Bradley , Veroni ca, Box 16 E, Connel svi ll e, Pa. '21

Brenneman, M arga re t Farwell (l\Trs. J. Clay­ton). No. 7 Tuna Ave., Bradford , Pa. '22

Brown , Marion , Box 42, Mill Hall , Pa. Brye•·ton, Nanc y Ki se r (Mrs. J ack}, 54 W .

Corydon St., Bradford , P a. '36 Buffington, H e le n, 2 Washburn Pl. , Caldwe ll ,

N.J. '24 Bunton , J ea n Borte l (Mrs. R obe•·t), 2526

B ea le A ve .. Altoo n a, P a. '38 Bu•·d, Hel e n P arso n ( Mrs. A. E.), Center

St., L ock H ave n , Pa. '23 Burde n. Eleanor Dunn ( Mr s. Alvin) , St.

Marys, Pa. '21 Butz, Etta More la nd (i\Irs. Frank), 300 S.

Main St.. Chambersburg, Pa. '35 BVI'ol, Shirl ey, 40 W. Main St., L oc k Haven,

Pa. '40 Callenbach, M a rga ret Mill er (Mrs. E.) ,

Glennla nd Apts. , State College, Pa. '23 Carroll. Dor is Matte rn (Mrs. D.). 514 Pine

St. . Phillipsburg, P a. '29 Co lli e r. M a r y D ie tri c k (Mrs. Wil so n) , R.R.

2. N e w Ken s ington . P a. '26 Conn, Ruth , 905 \Vash ington Blvd. , 'Willi a ms ­

port, P a. '39 Conway, Geraldine. K y le rtown. P a. '28 Cooley. Margaret Mar tin (Mrs. Robert), 168

Fra nklin Ave .. Aliquippa, P a. '29 C•·aine, Elizabe th , 324 T e n eth St. , Phillips­

burg. P a. '32 Cromwell , R emona, R.R. 1, Le wi s town , P a.

'37 Crowley, Fl ore nce Pridd ey (Mrs. J ohn ), 141 9

Macon Ave., R ege nt Sq., Pitt sburgh , Pa. '34

Cummings, Este ll a McClintock (i\frs. Gu y) , i\Iill H a ll , P a. '23

Custer , Evelyn , 724 College Ave., Valley Cit y, N.D. '35

Datesman, Ruth , D e wart. Pa. '40 Dauenhauer , Gera ldine Lockhart ( i\Irs. L.

H. ). 24 S. Baldwin Pl .. Amit yv ill e , L. T. , N.Y. Facult y

Davis. Cl a ir . 209 Clay St., \V. Fai r view, Cumbe..t a nd Co .. Pa. '38

Davis. Earl e ne . 209 Clay St., W. Fairview , Cumber la nd Co .. P a. '37

D a vis, L yd ia Custer (l\Ir s. Norman). 310 Pennsy lva nia Blvd ., Mt. L eba non. P a. •n

Dettry , M a rtha Schm idt (Mrs. Edward}, Lewistown, P a. '32

Di ck , L e nore, 414 S. Seco nd St., B e llwood, P a. '36

Dickson. :My rna Mill er (i\Irs. R ober t ), R.H . I. Aliquippa. Pa. '29

Di ehl, M a r y Dre ibe lbis (llfrs. Fred D,iehl ). 357 Quee n St. , Northumberland. Pa. 34

Dittmar. H e le n, 440 Tin sma n Av e., VVilliam s­port, P a. '24

Donlin Marga ret C .. 92 Carro ll PI, New Brun~wick . N.J. '22

Dorl'ies. Marga re t, 1805 Firs t Ave., Altoona , P a. '32

Doyle, Mabe l , M ace don, N .Y. Faculty

Dunklin, Laura Dola n (Mrs. H oward}, 123 Norwood Ave, Buffalo, N . Y. '22

Dunn, Grace , St. Mary 's , Pa. '23 Dunn , Shirley Chri s tensen (iVIrs.), Sheffie ld ,

Pa. '30 D y ke ns, J ea n , 950 Second St., Willi a ms­

port, Pa. '40 Ed ler, H e len , 330 E . l\!ain St ., Lock H aven,

P a . '37 Eichler, Ade line. Decea ed '28 E ly, Eli za beth lleim ( Mrs. Carl), Cogan

Sta tion, R.H. I , He pburnvill e. Pa . '32 E ngl e, Eleanor l\1 ill e r ( i\fr s. Samu e l), 421

Vine St .. Hedin . P a . '3 1 Ernst, L ibb y, K ersey. P a. '40 E ve rtt s . E ve ly n Hinklema n ( Mrs. Hoy). 1.143

29th St. S.E .. Apt. 2, W as hington , D.C. '3 1 Fow le r, H e le n Thornton (]\[rs. Gerald), 235

Rooseve lt Ave .. Boonton. N.J. '28 Frank lin, R eba, 406 Howa rd Ave ., Altoona ,

Pa. '30 F •·eed, June, 47 Flore nce Pl. , Mt. Lebanon,

P a. '39 Fry, Emma Franci . llfa ha ffey . P a . ' 29 Fuller , Ethel Hartsoc k (Mrs. Guy) , 2 K en il­

worth Ter. , Lima, Ohio '27 Furs t, Edith, 119 Hickory St., J oh ns town,

Pa. '31 Gates. Doroth y Kill e n (Mrs. M erle}, 133 S.

Glebe Rd. , Arlington . Va. '28 Gearhart, Doroth y , 715 Seventh Ave., Al­

too na , Pa. '29 Geese y. El s ie, 331 Cra wford Ave., Altoon a,

Pa. '22 Georg. El s ie H a rper (Mrs. R a lph ). 50-26

Overbroo k Pl., Dougl as town. L .I.. .Y. '29 Gfrerer , M argare t Larkin (Mrs. Cl air), 320

l\[aple Ave .. Altoona, P a. '24 Greaser, H e len, 141 3 Seve nth Ave., Altoona.

Pa. '31 Grie•·, Elva Willi a ms (Mr s. Willi a m}.

Corning St., Ant. 4, L oc k H a ve n. Pa. '31 Grierio, Mary F ox (Mrs. Ca rl }, L oc kport.

Lock H aven, P a. '31 Gross, Lydia. State Norma l School , \oV i l­

lamantic. Conn . '25 Guenter, Alberta . Coryv ill e. P a. '38 Hamel Mary Thompso n (Mrs. K enneth ).

H. R. ' H oi idaysburg, P a .. Brush 1\It. Hd. '32 Harbach , Ph ylli s, Livoni a, Pa. '40 Hanlin!(. Elle n, 50 Ross St. , \Villi a msport ,

Pa. '37 Har rison. Mildred All e n (Mrs. Clarence).

Ebensbur g, Pa. '31 Hart , Jean R yme r (1\Irs. Al ex), \V'e !more­

land Cit v. Pa. '34 H ec ke rt . M a •·ga •·e t B•·e th (1\Irs. Fred) , H a li ­

fax, Pa. ' 28 H ega•·ty . Ge rtrud e H a q le r (Mrs. L. C.), Coa l ·

pod , P a . '23 H e vner. E s ther Smith (1\Jr s. Vernon) . D e­

ceased H ewitt , l on e P otte r ( l\fr s .). Avalon, Pa. '27 H e wl ett, M a r y Louise L e wis ( l\fr s . T . D. ),

Stewartstown. P a. '29 Hicks, Geraldine Graeser ( i\Irs. Donald E .).

41-38 67t h St .. W oodsid e , L .I.. .Y. '29 Himes, J esse Scott. 47 Susq ueh a nn a A ve ..

Lock Haven, Pa. Faculty. Hinkl ey, R osa Lee, Sheffield , Pa. '2 H ochenbe rry, Grace H offman (Mrs. J. H. ).

Box 214 Rittman . Ohio '33 H o lbroo k. M a r y, 1031 Thompso n St. , J e r ey

Shore . Pa. '34 H omier. Alice Jun e . 210 E . Clinton S t .. L oc k

Ha ve n , Pa. '43 H ooper. Rit a Dale (1\Ir . J ohn). H ou tzda le.

Pa. '26 Hoove r. Gera ldine. Center H a ll . Pa. '37 H oppe r , H e le n Shearer (1\lrs. H . A .) , Kyler ­

town, Pa. '27


H ornberger. P ea rl Moore (Mrs. Walt er) , R .R. 2, l\Ieadow Lane. Vestal. N.Y. '27

Howe, Clee , 414 S. Third St .. B e llwood, P a . '37

Jack . Katherine W agner (i\Irs. J ohn ), Arm· augh , Pa. '31

J a mi son, Elizabeth. All e nwood, P a. '37 Jenkins, Dorothy Palmer ( l\Ir . W illiam). 14

Denni so n St. Forty Fort, Pa. '31 Jones, J ean Ingham (Mrs. H aro ld ), R.R. I.

Ca mp Hill , Pa. '22 Kallee , Yvonne Youn g (Mr .), K a la mazoo

Store , Lew is town, P a. '30 K eener. K at herine, 204 N. Second St., Emau .

Pa. '34 K e iseL Mar y l\[owerer ( i\!rs . Fred), 389 Vine

St .. Milton , P a. '23 K e ll. Elizabeth, 27 17 Sixth Ave .. Altoo na,

P a . '31 K e lly . A![_n es, Snowshoe. P a . '27 K e ndig, j a ne i\IcG irk (Mrs. Russell), 2912

Hillcrest Ave., Baltimore. i\!d. '32 K e rn s, Martha. 218 E . Church St. Lock

H ave n, P a. '4 1 K iefl , Louise. Hoove i-svi ll e. P a . '38 King, Mar y W orch cste r ( i\Irs. J ohn , Jr. ).

Ellwood City. P a. '30 Kint zing, Lenore harp (]\[rs. Ri chard), 405

E. Main St .. Endicot t. N.Y. '28 Kling. Eula Glassner (Mrs. Sterling), W .

Fourth St .. L ock H a ven . Pa. '39 Kn app. Charlotte. W ay-L in Manor, Gar ret

Rd .. Lansdowne. P a . '27 Kn a pp. Guinevere, 110 J ac kso n St., \Van·en ,

Pa. '27 K ohler, H e len , Hughesv ill e. P a. '36 Kopenhaver, J ean , 1327 DeK a lb St., Norris ·

town , Pa. '35 Kreidler, Marga ret Willi ams (Mt·s. }.). Short

Creek. Ohio, '35 K y ler, i\Ia rgare t , I Cox St ., J ohn s town. Pa.

'34 Landis. Anna , Shanksv ill e. Pa . '37 L ear, H e len, 529 vVood St. , J ohn tow n. P a .

'29 L ee ty, Alice Miller (llfrs. J ac k ). 6320 Philli ps

Ave., Squirre l Hill , Pitt sburgh. Pa. '29 Liddle . Wilma Losch ( Mrs. Alex ). 606 Chest ·

nut St .. P erkas ie. Pa. '35 Lillibridge, Dorothy, 41 2 i\Iechanic St. ,

Smethport, P a. '36 Loc ke. Alice R ead (i\!rs. R a lph ). 23 Rid ge

St .. Montpelier. Vt. '31 Long. Evelyn. 311 N . F a in•iew St.. Lock

Haven , Pa. '42 L ord , Bernice, Box 494. Clea rfi e ld. Pa. '23 Luckett. Mercedes Burns (Mrs.). 402 Bridge

St. , New Cumberl a nd . Pa . '21 Lyons , Vera, 2238 vV. F ourth St. , \Villi a ms·

port. Pa. '38 ·Maitland. llfartha, 107 N. Carver St., \Van-en.

Pa. '28 i\!arks. Gertrude. 216 22nd Ave. , Altoona,

Pa . '31 Mark s. Leona Fern (i\Ir s. \Vm.), 122 Pine

A ve . . Altoona, Pa . Jl[apstone, Glady s, 502 Boq uet St.. Camegi e,

P a . '40 Martin, Avon e ll e Catlin (ll! rs. R obert\.

Hershey , Pa. '30 l\[a tch e tt. Martha Dice ( i\Irs . R obe rt ), 2502

\V. F ourth St .. Willi a mspor t. P a. '23 McClintoc k, Eli zabe th DcFrehn (i\!t·s. Wm .),

692 Messen~e r . St.. J ohns town. Pa. '32 ll!cDouga ll. Mrs. R . S.. Glen Dr., Loc k

Have n , Pa. Facult y. McE lvai ne, Sara Wil so n ( lllrs. Franklin).

1006. Twe nti e th Ave .. Altoona, P a. '31 ll !cGu tre. Alberta , 202 Green t. . Smethport,

Pa. '37 AfcK ea n . Flora, 844 Funston Ave., \Villi ams­

port, Pa. '41

McNitt, l\Iary Margaret , 230 Electric Ave .. Lewistown , Pa. '37

Mechtley, Mae Green (Mrs. Ivan) , tewarts· town, Pa. '23

Mess ick. Iva Livingstone (i\Irs. L. H .), 30 Marcellus Ave. , Manasquan, N .J . '24

Me yers, Sarah W .• 1\Iilton, Pa. '35 l\Iiller, Alice Kunes (Mrs. Donald), 613 E.

W a lton Ave., Altoona, Pa. '24 l\Iill er, Alma, 4 ndercliff Pl., Milburn. N.J.

'22 Miller. Florence Strayer (Mrs. I. W. ), 209

Charles St.. J ohns town. Pa. '23 Miller~ K a thleen Henddcks ( Mrs. R a lph ),

100 Lake Ave. , Auburn . .Y. '27 Moll, Ruth Schmoyer (Mrs. K enne th ). 332

N. Thirteenth t.. All entown, Pa. '33 i\Iolynaus, H e tti e H olman (Mrs.). 109 W.

12th Ave .. Junia ta , A ltoona, P a. '26 . M ontgomery, Virginia, 1221 Isabella St., \Vd­

liamsport, P a. ' 41 i\Ioore. Doroth y Bastain (Mrs. Theodore).

829 W . F ourth St.. Willi a msport. P a. '30 Mutza ba ugh I sabe l W at on (i\ ! rs. R . T .).

100 Pleasa'nt Av e., Bradford. P a . '24 M yers. Elizabeth Van Scoyoc (Mrs. W. L .),

181 Davis St .. Bradford. Pa. "30 Nason , Elizabeth Willi am s ( Mrs. Cha .). Flemin~. P a. '26

Nelson, Elizabeth. i\!adera. P a. '33 Nestor. Vi ole t , 1506 N. Tenth St.. R eadin g.

P a . .'42 Noon. Amy Lou ise Ea tman (Mrs. P . J. ),

Fairbanks. P a. '30 Osborne. Velma Rid ge (i\!rs . E. D.). i\lanas·

qu a n, N.J. '24 P a rker, Gertrude Dolan (Mrs. Theodore).

Rixford, P a . '23 Patterson , J ean ett e, 90 Caldwell Ave., Port·

age. P a. '22 Patterson Pauline Shaffner (Mrs. Alex·

ander). '10 F ourth St. . Clearfield. P a. '24 Paul , Edith , 106 Lincoln St. , J oh nstown , Pa.

'22 Paul , J osephine, 106 Lincoln St., Joh n town.

P a. '27 P eplos ki. Eli zabe th Spotts (1\lrs. H enry),

Somerville. N.J. '28. Shadylane Farm P e ters. Mary Katherine, 20 N. Thoma St. .

Bellefonte, P a. '33 P etrucci , Loretta , 840 E . Main St., Lock

H ave n. P a. '41 Pfarr, Marga ret , 173 Sprin g St.. J ohnstow n ,

P a. '21 Pierce, Elizabe th Bow er ( i\Ir . P . E.), 3866

W. 37 th St. , Cleveland. Ohio '22 P ipes. Dorothy , R .R . I, L oc k H aven. Pa. '40 Pirtle, i\Iae Olson (i\!rs . W . H .), 417 Gra nt

St.. Ga I i tze n Pa. ' 22 Plankenhorn, Virginia Cheesman (i\!r s. \\' .

F.) , 1026 Mulberry St., William port, Pa. '34

Plumber. Mildred, Summerhill. P a . '27 Priest, Marga re t , 342 Main St.. W illiams·

port. P a. '40 R ema ley, H elen H omer (i\!rs . Charles). i\!ur ·

ra ysv ill e. Pa. '36 Rhodes. J ean ett e, Che ter Hosp ital , Ches ter.

P a. '22 Ridderhoff. Gwe ndoly n Glise (Mrs . J . A.).

16502 Bl ac kston e , Detroit. Mich. '23 Ri eman. Gwe n R adebach (i\ lr s. \\'ay ne) .

208 Pine t .• Clearfield. Pa. '32 Ri sch, Doroth y, Box 326 Da vidsv ill e. P a. "Jl R oa n, Evelyn Willi a ms (Mrs. Harn). 90

\V . Beaner Ave., State College. Pa. "36 ]{obert son. Loui e Robertson ( ~1 rs. Andrew) ,

4th t. Ext., M ononga he la. Pa. '34 R oll er. Grace McKinney ( i\! rs. .eorge). 8/

Dake Ave., R oches ter, N.Y. '25 Romelfonger . Margaret a rpenter ( i\! t". Q, .

ca r), 26" Euc lid A ve.. haron. Pa. ·~~


Ross, Evelyn. Deceased '25 Ross, Grace Brooks (Mrs. W illiam), 202

E. King St., Smethport, Pa. '21 Russe ll , Helen, Dewart, Pa. '32 Safford, Mildred Sechrist (Mrs. Allen), 2439

Delaware Ave., Buffa lo, N.Y. '33 Sanders. Vio let, 620 Louisa St .. Willi ams­

port, Pa. '33 Savage, Ruth, 527 Scott A ve., Jeanette Pa.

'33 ' Sch losser, Doroth y Rupert (Mrs. Edward),

2326 H offer St., Penbrook, Harrisburg, Pa. '26

Schofield, Ma rgaret Gradwell (1\'lrs. Geo.) , .164 Kackson St., Conemaugh, Pa. '28

Selleck, Loui se, 42 Maple Ave. , William -port, Pa. '39

Seltzer, R ober ta, 108 N. Henderson St. , Lock Have n, Pa .

Shaffer. Gladys, 215 N . 14th St ., Harrisburg, Pa. '38

Shaheen, Winifred Heim (Mrs. Raymond). 324 Howard St .. W illiamspo•·t. Pa. '35

Sharp, Winifred Frances , 907 \V. Fourth St., Lock Have n , P a. '34

Sh eadt, Thelma Cul len (1\frs. Samuel) , 38 Broad St ., Hawthorne. N.Y. '26

Sheasley, Doro th y, 138 High St .. Flemington, P a . '41

Sheasley, Esther, 218 Little Ave .. Rid geway, P a. '42

Sheets, Betty Cowher (Mrs. Theodore), 1007 Atlant'ic Ave ., Atlantic City. N.]. '30

Sheldon, Charlotte M a haffey (Mrs . Lester), K inzua. Pa. '30

Shirey. Eleanor Little (M rs. Hilmer), 720 Seventh Ave., Williamsport, Pa. '27

Sibley, Lucille Taylor (Mrs. Howard) , Bus­sa rd St., Brockway , Pa. '29

Sinclair, Alice Hesser (Mrs. Robert), 1001 S. 49th St.. Philade lphi a, Pa. '27

Skelly , Alice Martin (Mrs. Ems!) , 905 Lemon St., J ohnstown, Pa. '22

Sloppy, J esse Leiby (Mrs. Fred) , Curwens­v ill e, Pa. '37

Smink. Blanche Swope (Mrs. Robert), 94 1 Hig-h St., Williamsport. Pa. '27

Smith , Betty Lou, 137 E. W ater St. , Lock H aven . Pa. '41

Smith, Kather ine, 504 E. Locust St ., Clear-field , Pa. ' 35

Smucker, Kathleen Spengler (M•·s. G. W ar­r en), 401 Caldwell Ave .. Wilmerding, Pa. '28 Sommers, Elizabeth, 308 Camden Ave., Salis-

bury , Md . '24 Spooner. Marg-aret, 121 Clea rfi e ld St., Clear ­

fi e ld , Pa. '30 Stere. Chal'iotte , Fleming, Pa. '26 Stevens, Florence R eed (Mrs. Alfred) , 208

Crescent St ., W arre n , Pa. '29 Stewart, Ph y lli s, 102 N. H o lbrook. Plymouth,

Mich. '41 Stewart, Ru th. 62 Rockland Ave. , Larch­

mont , N.Y. Facult y.

Tallman, Marianna, 832 Fun sto n Ave., Wil · I iamsport, Pa. ' 35

Taylor, Dorothy, Phillipsburg, Pa. '37 Thomas, Helen , 1421 W as hin gton B lvd., Wil ­

li amsport, Pa. '35 Tietbohl , Geraldine , Allenwood, Pa. '25 Tietbohl, Mary Edla Miller (Mrs. John), 638

H oward St. , Williamsport. Pa. '30 Tress ler, Dorea , 309 North St., Meyersd ale,

Pa. '33 Trexler, Anna, 2 Oxford St., Wilkes-Barre,

Pa. '33 T•·exler. Madeline Fi ed le r (Mrs. M. ), Avis ,

Pa. '21 Tucker, Ma•·y Hile (Mrs. Wm. J .), Pleasant

Gap, Pa. '26 U lmer Mary , 110 Susquehanna Ave., Loc k Hav~n, Pa. '36

Van Dyke. Alice Li llibrid ge (Mrs . W. R. ), Eldred, Pa. '33

Va n Scoyoc, I va Mae, 656 Wash ington A ve ., Tyrone, P a. '34

Wade, Claire , Venango, Co., Eml e nton , P a. '33

Walt, Eleanor McMakin (Mrs.) , R.R. I, Warren , Pa. '26

Ward. Ruth, Roaring Branch . Pa. '24 Weak la nd , DeRonda, 1928 Thirtee nth Ave. ,

Altoona , Pa. '40 White, Margaret Mortimer (Mrs. Leona.-d),

90 Alexander Ave., Belmont, Ma ss. ' 27 V.' hitehead, Margaret Bracken (Mrs. C. M.).

208 Princess Ann Apt., Beverl y Rd., Mt. Lebanon, P a. '24

Wi edh ah n. Marguerite , 542 P.O. Box. L oc k Haven , Pa. '40

Wieson, Alice, 413 Fourth St .. Elwood City, Pa. '24

Willi a ms , Alma Soyster (Mrs. Wall ace), 1001 Milcreek Rd .. J ohn stown. Pa. '32

Williams. Emily , 1223 Walnut St., J ersey Shore , Pa. '33

Williams, Vi v ian , R.D. , B each Creek . Pa. '42 Wil so n. Margaret Marsh (Mrs. Clarence),

139 Strayer St.. Johnstown . Pa. '22 V.' itchey , Pri sc illa Heath (Mrs. Fra nk), H ar­

rington , Del. '27 W olf, Eleanor, 331 Lo we St. , vVilliamsport ,

P a. '35 \Volfe , Zelma N e wcomer (M rs.). 2345 Fair­

v iew Ter., \.Yilli a msport. Pa . '23 Wright . Edith Morrisnn (Mrs. Charles), 341

Hastings A ve ., \.Y i lli a mspor t , Pa. '30 Wurster, Caroline Schulz (Mrs. Lee ), 15-30

Parmelee A ve. , Fairlawn ; .J. '34 Yarrison , Dori s, 1525 Sherman St. Willi ams·

port, Pa. '38 Yingling, Thelma, 952 South Pine St. , York.

Pa . ' 33 Young. Sara Kift (Mrs. George) , Dill sbu rg,

Pa. '25 Zerbe. Phy ll is Kinkead (1\[rs. Farren),

2603 Sixth Ave ., Altoona , Pa. '30

ETA Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Founded 1927-1939

Ackerman. Lillian Spiedel (l\lrs.), 422 5th St. N.W .. Canton. Ohio

Adams, Harriet , 237 E. Main St .. K ent. Ohi o Adams, Ruth W h ittl esey (Mrs. Lyman). 143

Walnut St., Wooster, Ohio '36 A lder , Garne t, Ri chwood, Ohio '28 Archer. Mi ldred Nihousen (M rs. Herbe rt).

2660 Front St ., Cuyahoga Falls. Oh io '28 Baker E leanor Bader (Mrs . V.1m.). 62 Or­

chard Lane, Columbus, Ohio '37

Balser, lllarian, 228 1\Iadison St.. R aven na , Ohio

Ban·ett, Catherine McSwee ney (Mrs. E. L.) . 528 Judson St., Youngstown, Ohio '2q

Bauer, Katherine Smith (Mrs. Harold ) . 344 High St., Kent. Ohio

Baumberger, Bernice. 311 E. ummit t. . K ent , Ohio '35

Baumberger. Ruth , 311 E . ummit St.. Ke nt , Ohio '38


Bey non . Eli zabeth, 223 Broadway, Girard, Ohio '26

Bigger. Verone Gordon ( i\Irs. Bierce), Au­rora. Ohio

Blum, Gretchen Cooke (i\lrs. L eo na rd ). Franklin Apt ., Kent, Ohio '39

Bohoric, Virg ini a Darrah , 517 \V . 21 St. , Lorain, Ohio '31

Borl e tt, Ruth Goss (Mrs. Chester). 13989 K e ntucky Av e., Detroi t . i\lich. '35

Bowker. R egi na Stamm ( i\lrs. Alexander), 1389 E. 66 St. , Cleve la nd , Ohio '34

Braden , Ruth Shively ( lllrs. Ceo.), 890 Genessee Ave. N.E. , W a rre n. Ohio

Brezger, Th e lma. Le uto ni a, Ohio '30 Brooks, Elizabeth Willi a ms ( l\Jrs . Russe ll ),

1372 K enney St .. Niles, Ohio Brush. Eve ly n Williams (Mrs.). 400 Maple -

wood Av e. , Struth ers. Ohio '26 Buck , J a ne, Vermili on . Ohio '36 Budd, Ad e line, 56 N. Ba lch St .. Akron . Oh io Bunn, H e le n , 124 Hamond Ave. i\l a n s fi e ld ,

Oh io '31 Burrows. Agnes Black (Mrs. L. D a le) , 235

E. Auburnda le, Youngs town . Ohio '27 Ca ll. He le n Rober ts (1\Irs.) , 532 R osemon t

Ct . . \V .. Canton . Ohio Callahan. J a ne, 214 High St .. L oui sv ill e,

Ohio, 32 Carrey. Clara Rabey ( i\lr s. tan ton), Loud­

oilvill e, Ohio '32 Cassidy, A gnes K ole y (Mrs. J ohn), 319

LaFayette. Niles. Oh io '30 Chapman . M a r th a Baumberger, Coll ege Ct. ,

K e nt, Ohio '31 Clark. Margare t, 305 S. Prospec t St. , K ent ,

Oh io Cline, Luc ill e J acob (Mrs. D e lbert), Silver

L a ke, Cuyahoga F a ll s, Ohio Colby, i\l a r y, 221 E. D ewey St., Youngstown.

Ohio '37 Cook , i\Iat·y . H omes tead A ve .. M ed ina . Ohio

'29 Cramer, Ruth , 820 Claredo n Ave. , Canton,

Ohio '38 Crawford, H a rri e t , 387 N . Fra nklin , D e la­

ware. Ohio Croft , b oro th y Willi a mso n , Marqua rdt Apts ..

W arren Rd .. Cleveland, Ohio '36 Crooks, H elen·, \Vood wa rd . Ala . '27 Darrah, M ax ine Moo re (M rs. Russe ll ) . 1385

Bradley Rd .. M agadore . Ohio '31 D av is . Violet Thornquist (Mrs. lll yro n) , R.R.

4. P ola nd , Ohio Di ehl. LaRue. 354 W est St .. A shtabula , Ohio D on er , J eannett e Owens ( i\lrs.). 919 Ca le­

donia Rd. , Cl e ve la nd H e ights. Ohio D or t. Rub y. 133 N. Front St .. Cuyahoga

Fall s, Ohio '28 D owlin g, El ea nor H a nk amer , 421 M ynl e

A ve. , \Ve ll sv ill e. Ohio '30 Dreman, i\f a r y Louise i\[orri s ( i\lrs .). 13618

R ugby Rd .. C leve land. Ohio Dunn. M a r y D ickso n (1\'Irs.) . 58 Center St ..

Struthers. Ohio '27 Erickson, M ar ion H ess , 1141 2 Ashbury A ve ..

Cleve la nd Ht s . '36 Evans, J ea n , 226 S. Chestnut St .. K ent.

Ohio '38 Fenton, Virg ini a , Lowe ll vi ll e. Ohio '29 Finn Doro th y J a n e, 1855 5th St .. Cuyahoga

F a ll s , Ohio '36 F oo te, L aGrace (Mrs. Evere tt ). 19016 Kins -

man Hd .. S ha ke r Ht s .. Ohio '29 Forgacs. Eli zabe th. Tilt onvill e. Ohio Foster, Mil dred . 350 4th St. El y ria. Ohio Cai ner, Corrine, 132 1 Drown St.. Akro n.

Ohio '34 Gordon, Barbara 'B ost wi k , 819 lith St. N. \V ..

Ca nt on . Ohi o '35 ll agerdo n . Ella \\' a lker ('Irs. J a mes), lll as­

ury, Ohio '32

Haines, Peg, Alliance, Ohio '33 Hanna, Lois, 32 ea l St.. ' iles. Ohio '31 Hawkins , Beatrice, 411 Hillc re s t Ave ., New

Castle, Pa. . Helming, Catherine Conroy, 2521 Mahomng

Ave., Youngstown, Ohio '32 Hill , L a ura, 417 E . Main St ., K ent. Ohio Hinkle. Virginia Betteridge (Mrs. Clarence),

2752 N. 3rd St .. Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio '36 Hix son , Thelma Young (Mrs.) 182 Sexton St. ,

Struthers, Ohio '26 Hodgek ins, Ruth P e kare k , 5152 Clement Rd ..

~l:ipl e Hts., Ohio '32 Ho ffman , Ph y li s, Broo kfi e ld , Ohio '34 . H offman Ruth , 349 8th St .. Elyna. Ohto '37 H ole ton.' Sara P eoples (Mrs . James). 126

P a rk Ave. , Niles. Ohio '28 H olmes, Marve l, 169 E. Market St. , Alli a nce ,

Ohio '26 Hovey , Ruth Colli er (Mrs. Fra nk ), 276 o l­

lege St., V\a d sworth. Ohio '34 Hughes , Imoge ne, 73 W . Burn Ave .. Akron,

Ohio J acobso n , Wilda Belle Bosch ( i\lr s . Danie l).

14012 Lake Shore Blvd .. Clevel a nd. Ohto '34

J a ndt Eileen Hue l man (Mrs. Alfred). 16205 Greyton Ave .. Cle vel a nd. Ohi o '27

J ones, i\larion H eyer ( lllr . R ay), W ebb Rd .. Niles, Ohio '28

Jowles . Margaret Armor (Mrs. R obe rt ) , 59 Coll ege St .. Akron, Ohio '29

Kendall , Kather ine K e nne y , 871 Jones St .. Rave nna . Ohio '34

K ent, R ollla yn e McGra th (Mrs. M orri s). Cadill ac . Mich . '31

K epp ler. i\larjorie, 130 \V. 6th t., Dover, Ohio '37

K eyser. Florence . 277 P ark t .. Youngstown. Ohio '27 .

Kohr , Charlotte , 210 Iron Ave .. Dover, Ohto '38

Knott . Janet , 807 Campbel l Circle, M assi llon, Ohio '36

Kra mer, M a r y M a rgare t Finnicum (Mrs. J a mes). Smithfield, Ohio

Lauderb a ugh , Betty , 703 tow St., K e nt , Ohio '38

Lauser H e len. Mc Dona ld . Ohio Leight~n , Jewe l, 602 Sixth St .. Lorain, Ohio

'36 Leininger, Christine, 908 Hi gh A ve. N.W ..

Can ton, Ohio '37 L e nny. Caroline Phillips ( i\lrs. Edwa rd),

319 r Bentley. Niles. Ohio Lewi s. Elizabeth Rufn er ( lllr s. Gomer), Edinbur~ . Ohio

Lunh a m. Evelyn H aase (Mrs. George). 1262 \V . L a ke Ave .. Lakewood. Ohio

Lutz, H ele n Sixt (Mrs. Gilbe rt), 3727 W . P a rk Ave .. Cleve la nd. Ohio '35

lll cGowe n. Fra nci Owen (lllrs. K eith). 2368 ~·Iidl o thi a n Blvd .. Youngs town , 0 1,io

~lcLe ll en. Edythe Oli ver ( Mrs. K e nne th) , 4203 Sheraton Dr .. P a rm a. Ohio ' 31

McSh erry, Ada Swa n (Mrs . Walter), 925 N . M a ntua St .. K e nt . Ohio '37

~l c'B ee. Sul a Nea le ( lllrs. Bernard), 1204 B e rwin. Akro n, Ohio '34

M a nchester, Eli za be th , 208 '- Lincoln t .. K e nt, Ohio '38

~r a nch es ter , M ary Jane. 11 lllcLea n H igh­la nd T owers. Hi gh land Park . l\I ich.

M a nches te r. l\Iary ( lllrs. R ay mond) , 208 N . Lincoln St .. Kent , Ohio

Marks, Anne Che ttl e (Mrs. John), ~lantua. Ohio '30

M e rrick . Ruth, 1431 R ose wood Av e .. Lake­wood. Ohio '37

M erril. l\luri e l \\'hite (1\Irs.), 16006 ladcle n Av e .. Garfie ld Hts ., Ohio '18


Miller, Elizabeth Striene (Mrs. Jay E.), 246 Se ldon St., Akron, Ohio '35

1\Ioore, Esther Fadey (Mrs. G. i\f. ), 520Y, 5th St. S. , Virginia, i\Iinn.

i\Ioore, l\Iargaret, Poland, Ohio '38 Morgan, Phyllis Baker (Mr . E . L. ), 54Y,

W. i\.Jain St., Shelb y , Ohio '35 i\Iorris, Aurora Biasel la (Mt·s. Wm .). 7918

Rose wood Ave. , Cleveland Hts., Ohio '37 Morrow, Mary Alice, 1505 Shelby St..

Youngstown, Ohio '38 i\lotz , Virginia, 786 E. i\lain St., R ave nna

Ohio ' Myers, Katherine , Deerfield , Oh io '32 Nash, Mildred Pyle (i\Irs. Ralph), 619 S.

Water St. , Kent , Ohio '33 Nesbitt, Eunice Hines, 3rd St., D over, Ohio

'34 Oetting, Margaret Whittlesey OI:·s. Ch ester ) .

1374 W. Blvd. , Cleve land. Oh;o O 'Neil , Bernadette Kt·amer (Mrs. George),

110 N. Osborne. Youngstown. Ohio '35 O'Hora, Agnes, 237 Scott St., ·Youngstown,

Ohio '27 Olivet·, Gladys, R.R. 3, Akron. Ohio '29 Owen , Frances, Youngstown. Ohio '3 1 Owens, Laurabe ll e, S. i\Ia in St., Hubbard

Ohio Parri sh, Ruth, K e nt ta te 'niversity, Kent,

Ohio Pannier, Bernice, 429 N. ~1ark et St., Lisbon,

Ohio Phillips, Caroline, Box 113 Hubbard , Ohio '29 Phillips, Cather ine Schaab (Mrs. H orace) .

1617 Elm St. , Youngstown. Ohio Phillips, Edna Eaton (i\Irs. Lawrence). 125

Sayer Ave ., Niles. Ohio '32 Piet·ce , Helen Jan e, 5906 Clinton Ave., Cleve­

land , Ohio '39 Pierce, H e len Orcutt (Mrs.) , 17 Summer St.,

Amhers t, Ohio '27 Pierson. Caroline Eaton (i\Trs . Glen), 318

N. Willow St .. K ent , Ohio Pritchard, Hele n, 17 Summer St., Ashtabula,

Ohio R eaga n, Alice, 1875 Selma Av e . . Youngstown.

Ohio '30 Reufner, Elizabe th , Kent. Ohio Reynold s, Evelyn, 106 Not·th River Ave ..

Toronto, Ohio R eed, Dana i\lcVey (Mrs . Tom), Box 336,

Summerfie ld, Ohio Reynolt. Elizabe th William s (Mrs. Wm.) ,

811 Hillman, Youngstown, Ohio '3 1 Robert s, Marga ret, 532 R ose mont Ct. . W.,

Canton, Ohio Robinson , Gera ldine High (Mrs . Ray ), 579

\Vooster Rd. , N. Barberto n, Ohio Sallln , El len, Cambridge St .. Elyria. Ohio

'38 Schrader , Elizabeth, Liberty St.. Girard.

Ohio Scullion. i\Tat·y Louise. 1141 8t h t.. Salem,


cul ly, E leanor O'Malley, Grandview Ave ., . hatTer, Ernestine. Van Wert, Ohio Struthers, Ohio '26 Seasons, Dorothy, 2044 6th t., uyalwga

Fa ll s, Ohio '39 Secrest, Ruth Tarr (t\1 rs. \Vanl), Toront o,

Ohio '29 Shantz. Virginia. Orville. Oh io Shopfcr, Lucille Tarr (i\Irs. Alton) , T oro nto,

Ohio '34 Sidell. He le n. R R. 19, Diamond , Ohio Siegft·ied. Verna , N. Wood St., Loudonvill e,

Ohio '37 Singet·, Ruth W aga r (Mrs.), 33 H ammonda le,

Willoughb y . Ohio Sm ith. Dorothy Schaffe t· (i\lr . Howat·d), 2318

Wil so n Ave .. Campbell, Ohio Smucker, Blanche Hillm a n (i\1 rs. Orrin ), 416

i\la1>l e Ave., Youngstown , Oh io '3 1 Snow, n[arion, 712 Olivette Ct., Youngstown,

Ohio Stekskal, Mildred Cal l (i\f rs. Arthur) , Aust­

intown, Ohio '32 Stadler, Doro th y, 642 E . 115 St., Cleveland,

Ohio '30 Stanley, Leota. 1768 R oseda le Ave., E. Cl eve-

land , Ohio '30 . Stiles, Margaret. 34 Mill St .. Ashtabula, Ohto Stout Ei leen. Da n vi ll e. Ohio Strouse, H e len, Loudonvi ll e, Ohio '38 Taylor , Betty Hoffma n (Mrs . Walte r) ,

Brookfie ld , Ohio '36 T erry , Iris Follin, 225 S. Mantua St., K ent ,

Ohio T oth , Jean. 2402 14th St. N.E .. Canton. Ohio Tozer, Randa , 2318 Front St .. Cuyahoga F a lls,

Ohio '38 Ve trano, Anto in ett e, 1105 Columbus St. ,

A shtabu la , Ohio '33 Wales, Sally Giltz (Mrs.). i\Iass ilon , Ohio Wallis, Vera, Maplewood Ave. , Cuyahoga

Fa ll s. Ohio '37 W ebs ter, M a rguer it e Oyler (i\Irs.), 3223

\Voodrow Ave. Ri chmond, Va. '33 V\7e ll s, Martha , Struth ers, Ohio Westfa ll , Mildred Rieber (M rs. Oral),

Cuyahoga Fa I Is . Ohio Whitehead. i\Iargaret Bracken (i\lrs. C. i\L ).

i\Jass il on, Ohio Wick , Helen Lundeen (Mt·s . Albert F. ),

15998 Nela Crest, Cleveland Height , Ohio '36

Wilkner, Dorothy Lewis (Mrs . C. H .). 727 '- Howa rd St., Apt. !, Ak ron. Ohio '30

Willi a ms, Eve lyn , Struthers, Ohio '27 Williams, Libe t·a, Irondale. Ohio \Villi ams , Lois, Da lton, Ohio Wil li ams, Hel e n J enkins ( i\Trs. AI.) 552

Washington Ave .. Niles. Ohio '30 William s. Virginia Bail ey (Mrs. Dale).

Hage r St .. Hubbard . Ohio W ood. Margare t , 427 R ockwell St.. Kent.

Ohio Zot·ger, Jeanne tte, 31 4 2nd St. , i\Tassilon. Ohio


Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan Founded 1923

Adam on. J essie John so n (i\Trs . Robert ), 7735 Kentucky Ave. , Detroit, Mich. '32

Adonowicz, Sophie, 2915 Trowbridge, D etroit, Mich. '43

Ba llun as . Cecelia . 3732 Holburn Ave., De­troit, Mich. , '35 .

Be l isle, i\rargaret Starenga (i\Trs . John ). Army and Navy Genera l Hospital. H ot Springs, Ark.

B enne tt , Barbara. 4809 Buckingham , Detro it. Mich. '43

B ernat·d, Marguerite, 1333 \V. Grand BI\"CI., De troit, i\lich. '43

Beve ridge , J anet, 2017 Davison Ave .. De troit. Mich. '40

Blake ly , i\r a ri on Hitchcock (i\frs. C. A. ). 8745 Dumbarton Rd .. Detroit. i\Tich . '24

Blazow sky , Irene, 13517 foran , Detro it. Mich. '42


Blazowsky , Mae, 13517 Moran Ave., Detroit , Mich. '39

Briggs, Lenore Filer (Mrs. T . W .), 11072 Wayburn Ave. , Detro it. Mich. '34

Brinkman, Eleanor. 3326 Ma ybury Grand, Detroit, 1\Iich. '29

Brittenham, Mary Purc hase (Mrs. H a rr y) . 2272 Mili tary Ave .. P ort Huron . Mich . '40

Brundel, Ruth Kni s ley (Mrs. Cha rl es), 2509 Barth Ave., Flint , Mich.

Burba, Ve lma Sta fford, ( Mrs. J ose ph), 16195 Ashton Rd .. D etroi t, Mich . '29

Burbank, H e len K e nyon (Mrs. J ac k), 11 29 Harwood A ve ., R oya l Oak Township , Mich. '27

Cameron, Flora. De troit. Mich. '35 Cameron, Willi e Dawki ns (i\lrs. R obert).

3469 Longfellow Ave .. Det roit . Mich . '39 Campbell , Ruth , 2321 W . Grand Blvd., D e­

troit, Mich. '29 Carpenter, Corrin e Carey (Mrs. R a lph). 178

W. Monta n a Ave. , De troit, Mich. '35 Carr, Audrey H anna (i\Irs . Don a ld ), 4051

Virginia Pk., Detroit. Mich. '28 Chamberlin, Sarah Bea n (Mrs. Blain) , 17550

P eningto n Dr. , Det roit. Mich. '25 Clarke, Ruth, 13026 Greiner Ave., Detroit.

Mich. '34 Claus , Annabe l P a ise n (Mrs. The01·dore),

1710 3rd St. , J ackso n , Mich. '26 Collins , Hila Shaw (i\Irs. Edward), 15435

B elde n Av e .. Detro it. Mich. '36 Conklin. Barbara, 16550 Greenlawn, De troit,

Mich . '42 Conklin. Connie. 16550 Greenlawn Ave., De­

troit. 1\Iich . '40 Correll, M yrtl e, 18460 Cherryl a wn Ave., De­

troit , Mi ch. '35 Crider. Ava, 340 Campbell, Detro it . ll!ich . '41 Dal y, Lorraine R a tz (i\Irs. Willi a m) . 3039

W. Grand Blvd., Detro it , Mich. , '35 Davies , Lillian, D eceased Dawkins , Emma, 2903 i\Iontgomery Ave .,

De troit, Mich. '37 De la ney, Carmen , 1251 Glynn Ct .. De troit.

Mich . '34 Dei\lund , Jane Eva ns (Mrs. Fred). 320 Jud­

son Ave .. P ontiac , Mich . '33 Dewey, Gladys Cathro (ll!rs . R .), 243 Me­

Milan Rd. , Grosse Po inte , Mich. '24 Doy le, Mary L ouise i\landrea (i\lrs. Justin ),

Peekskill Military Academy, P ee kskill . N.Y. '27

Dunn, L e la Seabaugh (Mrs. L y nn}, 12110 Monica A ve., Detro it. ~[i ch. '30

Dyer, Luc ill e, 2996 Virginia Pk., D et ro it. Mich . '29

Edwards. Eleanor, 2455 Canton Ave., D e tro it. Mich. '25

Ellison , Doroth y Voight (Mrs. W a lt e r), 3209 Canton Av e., De troit, Mich. '31

· Ell iot, H e le n Les ko (Mrs. Edwin), 12250 1\fette ta l Ave .. De troit. Mi ch. '36

Finan. Norine K emler (1\frs. T homas). 4829 Chatsworth Ave .. De troit. :llich. '34

Fisher, Virg ini a, 58 Alger Ave., De troit. Mich. '38

F osse n , H aze l Boyum (i\frs . Edward), 1454 Burlin ga me! D e troit, 1\Iich. '29

F os ter . B eryl , 204 E . Grand Bl vd., D e troit. Mich.

F os te r, Evelyn, 11305 W a rd, Detroit. ll!ich '42 Fredericks, Fra nces Bueke r ( i\lrs. Allen).

26085 Humber, Huntin gton \ Voods, R oya l Oak. Mich., '34

Fraser, J ea n, 14591 Ardmor, De t ro it . Mich. '43

Fri ede l, B e tty, 709 Ca h ·ert Ave., D e troit, Mi ch . '29

Gallaher, J oa n Conklin ( i\lrs. W a lt er}, 9365 . Martind;d e, De tro it, Mi h. '39

Garen, Elsie, 7921 South St. , Detroit, l\! ich. '39

Gaston, Ruth R olston (Mrs . William) . 2012 Buena Vista , Detroit, Mich. '37

Gat in. Marie Donega n (Mrs. Ralph) . 435 Holbrook Ave., Apt. 208, D etro it. Mich . '37

Gibbs, Lenore Bowersox (Mrs. Charles}, 415 P ota watome Ave., R oyal Oak. Mich .

Gidday, Geraldine, 9249 Appoline A ve., De­troi t, Mich.

Giles, Gladys Brin er (Mrs. Neal). 1111 Bur­lin gham. Apt. 406, D etroit. Mich . '33

Gill, P a tri c ia Brenton (ll!rs. R ober t), 15404 Asbury Pk .. Detroi t. Mich. '30

Good now, R omelda Wurm (Mrs. Nathan). 5237 Haverhill Ave .. De troit, l\Iich . '27

Grantham. Mary Jane Nothoft (Mrs. Gerald). 1351 E. Grand Blvd., Detroi t. 1\Iich. '3 1

Green, Shirley Nei nas (1\Irs.). 318 W . Second St .. Apt. 208. Flint. l\Iich . '36

Greenfield, Mary J o Carey (Mrs. !II. C.) , 291 W . Monta na Ave., Detro it . Mich. '32

Greiner, De ni se Axell (Mrs . \-Ves ley), 10420 B a lfour Ave .. D e troi t , Mich. '31

Greisha mmer. Lillian lander ( Mrs. R .), 18833 Lancashire Ave .. Det roit. l\!i ch . '30

H a mmer. Louise Edenstrom ( Mrs. George). 16810 Monte Vista Ave., Detro it , l\!i ch. '31

H ark ness. Margaret, 13232 Sussex, D etroit, Mich. '42

Hart , Fra nces . 2916 Gladstone Ave .. D etro it. Mich . '3 1

H a rtm a n. Nan , 12067 M a nor. D e tro it, Mich . '43

Hay, J a net, 3493 D evo nshire . Detroit. Mich. '43

Heilman , Ruth, Crambrook Rd .. Birmingham. lllich. '36

H ooper. B erta, 3731 Vic ksburg, Detroit. Mich . '42

Howarn . Ruth. 480 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit. i\l ich . '24

H owez, Eli zabe th , 7427 Dexter Blvd .. D etroit. Mich.

Hungerford, Katherine, 12769 Evanston. De­troit. l\Iich . '37

J a nuzzi . Genevieve, 388 Chalmer , Ave., De­troit, i\Ii ch. ' 38

Johnson. Lilli an, 4255 Allendale Ave .. D e­troit, Mich.

Jones. H e le n , 14508 R obso n A ve .. D etroit, Mich . '34

Juers , Bertha. IS 9 H ardi ng Ave., De troit. .1\Iich.

Juers, Hele n , Deceased K arrer. Doro thy Connelly ( i\Jr s. Franci ).

4535 Vancouver Ave., De tro it . Mich. '29 K e ll y , Ruth , 4872 Spokane Ave ., Detroit.

1\Iich . ' 40 K erns, Arline. 14955 L a ud er, De tro it Mich . K osebut ski, Ethe l O' Mailey ( i\Trs . Vincent) ,

16767 Lindsay Ave .. De tro it. Mich. '27 Kraet ke . Adelaide F ee ney (i\Irs. Ernest).

5935 W ood ha ll Ave. , Detroit. i\l ich. '33 Lademacher. R ome lda, 4650 H elen Ave., De­

troit, M ich. Lames feld. H e le n , 15921 E. \Varre n , Detroi t,

Mich . '43 Langohr, M arga ret K a ler (Mrs. J ohn), 5035

Lakevi ew Ave., De troi t, Mich . '32 Leland, Victor ia, 6803 Miller Ave., Detroi t ,

i\T ich. '39 Lindsay, Marjori e H owey (.1\Ir s. Harold ) ,

14023 W arwick Ave .. De tro it. .1\I ich. '30 Linebaugh, Doro th y Allinger (Mr . R obert),

6140 Avery Ave .. D e troi t, Mich. '31 Little. Eunice, 14861 Linnhurst, D e troi t,

I ich. '43 Lytl e . Doroth y, 2768 Carson Ave., D e t roit,

~I ich. '.19


Majesky, Clara, 7443 A]>poline Ave. , D ea r · born, Mich .

1\Iaki, Hel en Tucker ( Mrs. Geo rge), 1441 5 Archdale Ave .. Detro it , Mich . '34

lllartin, Olga , 135 17 llloran Ave., De troit Mich. '34 '

l\1aye , Ange l?, 2737 Hall ec k, De tro it , Mi ch. '43

1\Iaynard, Katherine Chamber la in (J\Irs. John) , 804 W. lllarshall , Ferndale. Mich.

McClusky, El ea nor Dev lin (lllrs. Pi erre), 41 89 l3ishop Rd. , Detroit . Mich. '34

lllettler, Evel y n 3091 B e lmont Ave., H a m· tramck , Mich. '39

lllettler , Lorrain e, 3091 Belmont Ave., H a m· tramck , 1\'[ich. '41

Mi lby, lllarj or ie Brodi son (llrrs. Willi a m). 14877 Ruth erford Ave., D e tro it, M ich. '29

Miese l, Ruth , 1980 Tux edo. Detroi t , lllich. '41 Millard , Loui se Gilbert (Mrs . R ober t ), 13126

Birwood Ave., Detroit . l\Ji ch . '28 1\Iugl er, Ethe l, 4108 W. Euclid Ave., D e troit ,

Mich. '38 Munro, 1\Iarga re t Bynum (Mrs. Euge n e) ,

11636 Marlowe Ave .. De troit, Mich. '33 1\Iurray, Jane, 12686 1\Iendota Ave. , D e troit ,

Mich. '38 Murra y, J anet, 12686 M e ndota Ave., Det roit ,

Mich. '38 1\fyers , Grace, 7830 Prai1·ie Ave ., D e tro it ,

Mich. '29 1\[y ll , K athe rin e , 1087 E. Gra n d Blvd., De­

troit , Mich. '38 McCutcheon , Doroth y D y ks t•·a (Mrs. Ed ·

ward), 16811 Lawton Av e., D etro it, l\[ich . '24

lllcDonnell , Jane, 2545 Virginia Pk. , D et roit. Mich.

McKay, Marjori e, 4720 Bmoklyn Ave. , De· tro it , Mich. '40

Ne lson, Ingrid, 5225 M ap le wood, De t roit. Mich. '42

Northup, H e le n Graves ( Mrs. Eve rrett) . 1427 L a wrence Ave., De t ro it, Mich .

Ohle r!, Edna McKinley (Mrs . L eo M .), 9336 l\Ionica. D etro it . Mic h. '27

O leson, Gabri e l Sauve ( i\Irs . Norman) , 527 l\Ionroe Ave. , Ann Arbor, 1\1fi ch. '32

Parrott, Marth a, 3788 Gladstone Ave. , De­tro it, Mich. '37

Pearso n , E loise Martin (Mrs. C. N.), 321 E . Patterson Ave., Flint, i\[ich .

Pierson, Corinne, 12140 W a ltha m, D e troit, Mich . '43

Pie trzyk, Stepha ni e, 173 IJI, E. Grand Bl vd .. D etroit, 1\Iich. '41

Plaxton , Ruth Pra n ge (1\Irs. Elmer) , I IJ5 Lakepointe A ve., Detroit . Mich. '39

P e te rson. Hel e n Gee ( Mrs. Oscar), Nonvay. Mich. '33

P ohl , El s ie L eberg. ( llfr s. Floyd) , 5810 Bishop Rd. , De troit. Mich. '30

R esnach, Eliza beth M a rsh (Mrs. Phillir). 2609 Wes twood Dr.. 'ash v ill e . T en n . '35

R obe rtson , M a r y J ohn s ton ( i\il·s. Stewa rt ). 20137 Wake fi e ld Ave., D et roit, llfi ch . '29

Ri ethmi ll er. Lorr a ine, 247 L a ke wood Ave ., De tro it , M ich . '38

R odge rs, K a thr y n , 3421 Chicago Blvd., D e­tro it. Mich. '26

Russe ll, J oha nn c, 198 D akota , D troit, Mich. '42

Sauve, Rit a, 1513 Fi el d Ave., Detroit, Mich. '38

chilling , Ruth , 55 19 H e le n Ave nue, Detroit, li ch . '38

• chli c ke nma ye r . Gertrude O ' l\llai ley (Mrs. H aro ld ), 725 Whitmore Rd ., Detroit, J\1 ieh.

'24 Schuck, Mary Louise , 2607 Lakewood Ave.,

De troit, Mich. '36 Shul er , Noreen Cooper ( M•·s. Ca rl ), 245

Glendale A ve., High la nd P a rk, Mich . '35 Schum ann, Cla ra H e lm ( i\lrs. Fred), 904 E.

Gra nd Bl vd .. De tro it, Mich. '26 Schwa lm . lll ar ion , 2483 Van D yke, Detroit.

Ii ch. '40 Schw e iss, H e le n J acka ( llrrs . J oseph), 338

G le ndal e Ave ., Larchment, Mich. '29 Sedestrom, Ruth , 1757 Holden Ave., Detroit,

1\I ich . '37 Scuffert, Elizabeth , 13935 R obso n Ave., De­

tro it , Mi ch. '38 Sha nn on. Virginia, 125 1 Glynn Ct., Detroit,

Mich. ' 41 Sharek, Iren e, 2729 H olbrook, D etroit, Mich.

'43 Shenin , l~ •·a n ces Rose (Mrs . Edgar), 4800

I va nhoe Ave., D etroit. Mich . '29 Sherwood, Margaret , 1042 K e nsi ngton Ave.,

Grosse P ointe . Mich. '36 Se ibert , M ildred. Deceased Soeder, Edna llf ae McK ee (1\Jrs. Andre w),

76 De la wa re Ave. , K e nmore , N.Y. '27 Sprung. Sa ll y Krae tk e (M rs. Rich a rd), 789

Casgrain Ave., D et roit. llli ch . '34 Strunk, Doroth y K ea n (Mrs. S.) , 1859 Lam­

pon Rd .. Colonial Hi ght s, Cleve land , Ohio T a ugner. Sylvia Sorola ( lllr s. Frank). 406

Mt . Vem on A ve .. Grosse Po in te. Mich. '36 T eague. Ruth Ebbinghouse (Mrs. Maxwe ll ) .

634 Ashl a nd Ave. , D etro it, 111 ich . '39 T ersons, H e le n Mae R ente (lllr s. D avid),

Box 138. Cochas D a m , N.llf. Trasko , H e le n , 6470 Appo line, D etro it. Mich .

'43 Tryon , Doroth y, 2501 Virginia Pk., D etroit,

Mich . '35 Tur r i, P a uline Domb rows ki (1\Irs. John),

7603 K e n tuc k y A ve., Dearborn . Mich. '33 Victorson, Ida B rody (Mrs. E a rl ), 2740 F ul ­

ler ton Ave., De troit , Mich. '29 W a lters, Charlott e. D eceased . W eber , Virginia, 5870 Seneca Ave., D e t ro1t,

Mich . '37 \Ve lbon , Marion Broo k e (llfrs . Frank), 4488

York shire Ave .. D etro it. Mich. '25 \ Vens ley , Lilli e Boszczynski ( llfr s. Clarence).

1867 E. Grand Blvd., D et roit . 1- li ch . '35 W e t , Donn a Conroy (Mrs .) . Care of Colum­

bus School , Detroit , Mich. '32 Wi e th off, M a ry O'Rae (Mrs. Edwa rd). 1il66

H a rtwell Ave., D etroi t , Mich . '31 W olni e, Vicki , 6638 Fi e ld . D e tro it. llfi ch. · ~1 W ood, Eil een , 121 Parkhurst Av e., Detroit.

Mich . '26 Wright, H e len O' llf ai ley (M rs . G.). ISO

Genava Ave .. Det ro it, lllich. '25 Zue lch, lll arion Boos inger (Mrs. Amold) ,

324 Orchard Hill. Grand R apids, ~[i c h. '27

IOTA Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

Founded 1923

Allphin , Evelyn , 906 Oak St., Newton , K a n . '21

An derson. B e th Hutton (:\Ir s .) , \Vashington. K a n . '38

A hl ey, Alma, 937 F a ulkner, \V ichita . K an. ' 23

At sche l, Doro th y Rh odes (Mrs. R . E.). 9-15 farion St., De nv e r, Colo. '23


Baker, Magdalena Young (~Irs. Clyde), Richmond, Kan. '28

Barbe r, Lelia , 720 Leavenworth. ~Ianha tta n. Kan . '33

Barnes , Ruth . Harpe r. Kan. '43 Barrett, Cecil Butl er (i\lr s. Ve rnon). 15i50

Asbury Park, Detroit , Mich. '26 Barricklow, Lois B ec k (Mrs. J\lauri ce), 306

N. 4th , P onca City, Okla. Barton, Gertrude, 626 N. Pin e St.. P ratt.

Kan. '21 Bec k, Ethel Forrester ( i\lrs. Joh n). 618 Gar·

field , Emporia, Kan. '25 B e nest, F erne Thompson (":\[rs . V er non) .

Sco tt C ity , K a n. '27 Beu , Claire Bob ert son (Mrs. Ral e igh D. ),

611 Ivanhoe, P e rry , Okla. B everidge , 1\I ay, Ru sse ll , K an. '32. Bidwe ll , Merle, 2623 Chess, P a rso ns. K a n.

'30 Bishop, Lilli a n Akright (Mrs. Wm. J .), 1320

J ohnstone, B artl esvill e, Okla. Blackadder, Ruth F a x (Mrs. R obe rt ), 738

W. 6lst Pl. ', Chicago, Ill. B ogue , 1\Iarie , 931 Oak, Emporia, K a n. '40 B01·gen , Eva Butler (Mr . R ex ford B.),

Asherville, Kan. Bowen, Geneva Norri s ( i\lrs. Phil ) . 2616 'vV.

52nd St. , Rt. 5, K a n sas Cit y, K a n. '27 Bowman, I so bel P e ters (Mrs. George) , P aw·

nee R ock , K a n. Boy, Inez. Russell, Kan. '30 Brade n , J eanette Auld (i\frs. D ea n) , 625

Palisade Ave., Cliffs ide Park. N .J. Bright , Katherine Ikerd , Hutchin so n, K an. Bruege l. Corrine Brown ( i\fr s. Ehre nfri ed

E.) , Holcomb, Kan. Bun so ld, i\I ary, Culli so n. K a n. Cade, Eve lyn J ohn so n ( li'Irs. Dudl ey), Chap·

man, Kan. Calvert , Gladys Griffin (l\Irs. P a ul ), 300 Hum ·

boldt. Manhattan. Kan . Cann. BUt·nice , 115 Hockaday , Council Grove .

Kan. ' 40 Carey. Anna Mae, L a Crosse . K a n . '29 Carter, Christine Gurtl er C\lr s . Wm. J .) ,

Luray, i\Io. '32 Castle . Viva, 4291 l\Iarchwood Pl., Riverside,

Calif. Chamberlin , l\Iildred Ferri son (Mrs. J .

Everett ), 208 N. Vine. Wichita , Kan . '29 Christen so n. Maybelle J ones (lllrs. Henry).

Fowler, Colo. Collyer , Armi s ta \\' illi amson (i\Irs. D ennis

F.) , 2103 E. 35th St. , Kansas City , Mo. '24 Colthaq), l\[yrlie F en n er (Mrs. R ay mond J .) .

1008 Elm. Rol la . Mo. '27 Colvin , Florenc e Lyons (l\I r s. Edga r) , Osage

City , Kan . '25 Combs, Eula. H oward , Kan. Cook. llf ade line Stofer (Mrs . H a rold ), Buck·

lin , Kan . '34 Corsaut, Opal Swarens ( Mrs . J ess H.), 520

W. 9th . Hutchinson, Kart. '25 Cowan, Grace Brown (l\Ir·s. 1\Ierl e), 1615

Huntoo n , T opeka. Kan. Cox, Goldi e Convers e (llfr s. Elwood). R ad i·

um, K an. Cra ft, Hele n Conv erse (i\frs . Presto n), D e­

ceased. Cram, Marilyn , Neodesha. Kan. Cra mer. Olive l\Iorgan (llfrs. A. E .), Hugo·

ton, Kan. Cmss, Flore nce. 244 R osev ill e, i\pt. 501,

Newark , N .J . '22 Cus ter, Thel ma Davis (Mrs. Charles), Colo·

rado City, Tex. Dall , P e d e L es li e (ll fr s. H owa r·d). 422 Rural,

Emporia Kan. '25 David so n , Phylli s, c/ o ta le Teache r s Col­

lege, P e ru , N eb. '22

Dawson , The lma Beveridge (1\Irs. Harold) , Burrto n, Kan.

Dick, Elver ta H a wl ey (i\Irs. Paul ), Box 126, U tica, Kan.

Douthit, Edith , St. l'ranc is, Kan. '39 D ownard . Doroth y Han so n ( Mrs. M. C.).

c/o H. C. Ha nson . Concordia, K an. Downing, L e Royc e, Sco tt City, Kan. '32 Dr yde n. i\.[aid ia, H ois ingt on. Ka n. '24 Dunga n, Hil dred, 425 N. Broadway, Wi chit a,

K a n . '24 Dunlap . Ruth , Ga rnet t. K a n. '39 Edwards. Virginia Stubbs ( J\1 rs. Tom). New

Alba n y. K a n . Elde r. Goldie. B e loit, KarL Elser, Ther·esa Brooks (Mrs. Louis G.), 308

E . Jrd, Ell sworth, K a n. Fall, H e llen Norris ( Mrs . llfarion C.), Bur·

dett e, K a n. F a ul ey , Nora Franz (Mrs. L eo n) , 243

Enterprise, Bowling Gt-een, Ohi o '28 Fleming. Luci ll e Ahl s trom ( Mrs. J oe E.),

Flore nce, K a n. '30 ·Flora . Virgi e . Chase. K a n. '32 Fo lck. J acq ueline. Junc ti on City, Kan . '43 Forema n, H e len Beck ( ~lr P ercy B .), B oise

Cit y, Okl a. '24 Forres ter. Nor·a. 902 Spaulding, W' ichita,

K a n . '23 Fri s bie, Mur ie l Brownell ( i\frs. H oward ),

1\losco w, K a n. Gardner, Loui e ~IcConnaughey (l\Ir s. Law ­

re nce), N eos ha Ra p id s, K a n . '29 Ga rm a n, H e le n R. , 105 W. 12th, Emporia.

Kan . Garri so n , Alpha But cher (Mrs. J. Robert),

Cimarron, Kan . Gay, H aze l R orick (~I rs. Benny), Joh n so n.

Kan. Geis le r, Domthy, 2633 \Voodley Pl. , \Va h·

ing ton, D.C. Gish, Opa l Wil son (Mrs. Douglas), 3924 W .

35 th St., Den ver, Co lo. Glover, M a r y Claudia , Humboldt. K a n. Goodey . Gertrud e Moore (M rs. Park s), Gard·

ner, K a n. '23 Gorman. P ea l'! B a ld ridge ( Mrs. Thomas J. ),

206 Vic toria Ct .. St. Josep h. l\Io. Graber. Mildred, Prett y P ra iri e . Kan . '41 Graha m. Orph a J ones ( lllr·s. Virgil ) , 1012

Conge r. \Vhit ewa te r, \Vi s. Gray. Evelyn H e int z (1\Irs. H oward), Staf·

ford, Kan. '37 Griffith , E s ter Ca rl so n (M rs. Fred R. ), 1520

1\Ia rk et, Empor ia. Kan . Gmseclose, M a bl e L ecklid e r (l\[rs . R obert).

34 Boyer . W a ll a W a lla, W ash. H aase, Alpha J ohn smeyer ( Mrs . \-V a li e r).

Cl ay Center, K a n. H a ll , M a rth a L otti e, 8 E . 11th. Em pori a.

K a n. ' 41 H a mmond. l\I abl e J ac kso n (?1lrs . E . F.).

Osage City. K a n. Han ey, H e le n , 832 N. Broadway. \Yi chit a.

K a n . '40 H a n so n . i\f a bl e King (Mrs. Burdet te). 309

S. \Vashington. Lindsborg. K an. '31 Harre ll. \-Vilma Knowles (Mr . 0. B.), Box

21, B a iroi l. Wyo. H artm a n. i\J ab le Cross (Mrs. Alber t ). 104

H a dd on PI. , Upper llfontc lair . ' .J. '20 H ar tm a n. llluri el Bell ( ~fr·s. Cha rl es), Tsa·

bel. Kan. H artse ll . L a ve ta, Pres ton. K a n . '39 Ha s loue r , Agnes. Ga y lord , K a n . '40 H a Iotter, Lydia Lou Rt. 2 Abilene K '44 ' ' , a n .

H as louer. R o ema ry, Rt . 2. Abil e ne, K an. '41 H eaton . B e tty, 1265 Boswell. T opeka . K a n . H e!11phi)l. Opal Ca rr ( Mr•. 0. Y .), lhers,

K a n . 28 -


Hende rson, Florence Carmich ae l (Mrs . Dwight}, Haven, Kan.

Hester. Mable Miller (Mrs . O l ive r R. ), 302 E. 14th, Hutchinson, Kan.

Higgins , Luc ile Dickey (1\<fr s . Cha rl es), i\laryville, Mo.

Hill , Anna Jo Durflinger ( i\lrs. K e nneth) , Turon , Kan.

Hill. Helen Knouse (i\frs. Martin} , 511 14th , Manhattan , Kan. '34

Hind. Marga ret M e re ness (Mrs. \\l illi am}, Madison , Kan. '37

Hinshaw , Meredith Shepa rd ( i\fr s. J. Waldo), 27 Hardith Hill, St. Louis , Mo. '27

H o lms trom, 1\Ia rgaret Gilbert (?\Ir s. W a lter}, H olcomb, Kan. '33

H orton, Ruth . Burlington. K a n. ' 39 Howard, Trecy. 215 N. Kansas Ave ., An ­

thony , Kan . '28 Howe, l\'I a 1·y Pri sc ill a, Tu scan Ct., U rbana,

Ill. Hueb ert. L o is . H a lstead . Kan . '41 Huebne r , Rub y Graber (Mrs. Sam), St.

George , K a n. '32. Humes. H e le n. l o la, Kan. Humphreys . Blanch e John so n (1\1rs . Burn ­

ha m}. 702 E. Ave . A . Hutchin so n , K a n. Humphrey, Harri e t Tusle r ( Mrs . \\l illi a m),

622 Sta te, Emp01·ia, Kan . Humphrey, H e len. 608 W. 7th , Concord ia,

Kan . '44 Hundl ey. H e le n Graber (Mrs. Willi am} ,

Sterling. Kan. '35 Hybskm a nn , Mona J e nkins (1\frs. R a lph),

Se neca, Kan . It-e land, Frances. Coats, K a n . '43 James, E lva L ee . Cedar P o int. Kan. '44 James, M e lva Lee. Cedar P o int . K a n. '44 J e nkin s . M e lba . Seneca, K a n. '38 J obe . Edith, 11 31 W es tern A ve .. T ope k a .

Kan . '37 J ohn so n. Marjorie Bobyns ( i\ft·s. C. A. , Jr.) .

140 Shely St., Corpus Christi. T ex. J ohnso n , Nell Castle (Mrs. Harold}, 4291

i\larchwood Pl., Riv erside. Calif. J ohnso n , P a ulin e 1\fonroe (Mrs. 1\fe lv in),

Hoi s in g ton . K a n. '23 J ohnson , Th e lma T ay lor ( Mrs. Clarence A.).

224 W. 62 nd, K a n sas City. 1\[o. J ones, D oro th y A., 121 N. 2nd , Arka nsas

City. K a n . K ackley, H a .-l e n e, 105 S. Pine St. , B e loit ,

Kan . Kiddo , B e tt y, M ar ion. Kan. '44 Killi on. Gwendo ly n , 710 N . 6th. Garden City.

Kan. '31 Kimm e l, L a nor. 1\Ionill. K a n . Kl e iber. L a ura , 11 2 S. i\fain . 1\[cPh er so n ,

Kan. '32 K ohman, Arlen e . Gy p um. Kan. '41 K olte rm a n. Mildred P e ter son ( Mrs. Arthur).

\¥ashingto n. K a n . '23 Kuret ich . \¥ilm a H or ton (i\frs . \ \ l i!l ia m),

\ •Vay s ide. Kan. ' 36 L acey. B eul a h Bl a nke n shi p (Mrs. Cla it·e F. .).

25 14 Shenie r Pl .. W ashingto n . D .C. '26 L a nd e r s. i\Ia r y Lou Phillit>S (Mrs. W. C.).

1026 Hat' t ze ll. Pac ific Pali sad es , Ca lif. L a nde ss . F aye M cKibb e n , 307 . P ershing.

Libe ra l. Kan . Lansden. Eth y le B a rber (Mrs. R obert) , 1027

Centra l. Saffo t·d. Ari z. '28 L a r so n. Ruth Cowan (Mrs. J. \ ¥a llace),

Atho l. Kan . '21 L ea therbenv . L e na Grace Griffith (i\frs . Ro y.

Jr.). 909 West. Emporia , K a n. Lnvering. Jan e . c/ o City Schoo ls, N ew ton .

K a n. '37 Marin . Margaret P orter (Mrs . R ichard F .),

82 N.E. Alberta. Portland. Ore. '32 McCarter Freeda Hum e (Mrs. L es ter), 17042

Lincoln', Hazel Crest , Ill. '27

McCoy, Sarah, Partridge, Kan . '39 lllannion, Eva Be ll e (1\ l r s. J . P .), / o Sucun y

Vac uum Oil Co., Augus ta, Kan . Marburge r , The lma , 302 N. State, Lyons,

K a n. 1\.farts, Eva , Chapman, K a n. '41 Maso n , Lo is Gilbert ( Mrs . K e nne th ), 515 W .

9th , Coffeyville, Kan. '34 i\Iathe ny , Maud e B erry (Mrs. Cad), De ­

ceased. Mill er , Florence. H olton, K a n. '41 Mill er. Gladys Converse (Mrs. Cl eadus),

Larn ed , K a n. Mill e r, Glennis Lil e (Mrs. W arren), Rt. 4,

Larned , Kan. Mill er, Mar y J ohnso n (M rs . J ohn ), Alma,

K a n. Mill s, Treva, 721 S. Knoxville, Tul sa, Okla.

'29 i\Iin er , B ess, 321 E. 2nd. Apt. 1, Bloomington,

Ind. '25 :Mi ser. H e len B e rni ce, Ba zaa r Kan. '43 i\[01·gan , Annabe ll e, Bur r Oak, Kan. '40 Mo t-.-i so n. L ee Ona, D eceased Na nninga, Flore nce Boots (Mrs. Orville) ,

611 3rd St. , Garden City. K an. '26 1e ville. B eul a h Shaw ( Mrs. Jac k}, D eceased

Noll, Ia dine. Flore nce, K a n. '44 Nuffer, Sophi a Gurtl e r (Mrs. 0. J. ), Rt. I,

B a ldwin , Kan. Nye. Charlotte Hull ( Dani e l C.), Box 166,

Sa lem, Ill. O' Bri e n . Kathry n Bl ai r (Mrs . Samue l T. ) .

Box 176. Attica. K a n . '33. Owen s, He le n, 11 23 1\fercha nt, Emporia , Kan.

'41 Paddi so n. D e lores H on er (1\lrs. L oui J .),

769 amuels A ve .. Ft. vVorth , T ex . '38 Parks . Ell e n Herron ( i\frs. Kenneth}, Monte­

zum a. K an. '38 P a rtridge. Ethe l Cross ( i\l rs . C. E .), 1617

Rural. Emporia. Kan. '20 P a in e. D aphne i\lirth (M rs. K enneth). 8

Northwood Ave .. W est Springfie ld . M ass. P eacock. Lucretia , 1018 Belleview. La Junta,

Colo. '37 P e r s inger. H aze l T eete r (Mrs. Charles G.).

Canton , K an . Peterson, Birdene Cole (Mr s. Arthur).

Climax . K a n. '26 Pfa n schmidt. H e le n Phill ips (M rs . Oral).

352 S. Ch a utauqua, \¥ichita. Kan . P oo ler, i\fary El ea nor , 1314 Hi gh land. Em­

poria. Kan . '41 P orte r , Grace F e nner (i\frs. Larry), 1008 Elm.

R oll a, Mo. P orter, Th e lm a, 1812 W. Oklahoma , Enid ,

Ok la. R a ndall. H e len e. H a milton. K a n . '33 R a ndl e . · Olive Ma tt (Mrs. Lloyd J.). Pratt.

K an . R e inback . L a ura Schafer (1\lrs. Otto 111.) ,

2801 M a ryl a nd . T opeka . K a n . R e inh a rt. Wilma Schafer (Mrs. E . F .). Ve r ­

million. K an. '26 R e nf.-o. H e le n Logan (1\[rs. W . C.) . 824 S.

Madi so n. \~' i chita . K an . '26 Ri ch a rd so n. Lois Alstott (1\ l r s. Leland). 320

\¥oodl aw n. T ope k a. K a n . '24 Richa rd so n. :Mav is. 1\IcL outh . K an. '43 Ritte r. j)fary Skinner. Fairvi e w . K a n. '30 R oberts, Chesba Clapp (Urs. Alv a), K enbro.

K a n. R oss . Oline Chaddock ( i\Irs. Dean}. Pawnee

R ock. Kan . '29 R owe. B e tt y . J e we ll , K a n . '42 Rush, Carmille H olley ( llfr s. Guy H amilto n),

Miami University , Oxford . Ohio Saunders, Florence. D eceased Schindl er , E ze t a Steffey (Mrs. \\ 111. H.) ,

Winch ester , Kan.


Schroeder, Carlene i\Iacurdy (Mrs. Harold). 610 Arundel, Emporia, Kan .

Schultz, Mary K. Hines (Mrs. Walter), 1315 Walnut, Emporia , Kan . '33

Schwartz, Berniece Grubb (Mrs. Eugene ].), 769 E . Walnut , Springfield , i\Io.

Schwartzman, Eleanor, Tampa , Kan. Seller, i\lary Alice, 914 Merchant, Empor ia,

Kan. Shaw , Aleene Bidwell (i\Irs. Alfred), H oi·

ton, Kan. Sheed y, Lucine H orton (i\Irs. Frank), Way·

side, Kan . '34 Shell, Viola Croffoot (Mrs. 'ei l F.), 1614

Ruby , Kansas City, Kan . '28 She pard, Virginia L ois Briggs (Mrs . Eu·

gene), Stephens Coll ege, Columbia , l'l!o. '37

Skinner, The lma Sanders (Mrs. J. Frank· l in ), Burlingto n, K a n.

Smethers, Ann Whitaker ( Mrs. Ferdinand) , Virgil, Kan. '29

Smith, Billie, 11 37 F airv iew, Wi chi ta, Kan. Smith, LaVon, 833 S. 9th Ave., Salina, K a n .

'36 Smith, Loui se Garnett (i\lrs . Floyd) , Box

1001 , R edding, Calif. Snelson, Doris Ellenberger (Mrs. A. H.).

609 ' .W. 20th , Oklahoma City, Okla. '23 Somerfi e ld , Carolina , Medicine Lodge, Kan.

'39 Spohn, Lois Fink, Fredon ia , K a n. Staadt, Katherine, P os tville , Iowa Stapleton, Gladys Fenner (Mrs. H e rbert ),

IS Robinson Ct., Burlington . Vt. '28 St•e le, Helen , 3214 Victor Pl., \Vich ita, K a n.

'33 Steiner. Edith Mack (i\Irs. J ohn ) , Pretty

Prairie, Kan. Steve nson. Ire ne . VVetmore , Kan . '42 Stotts , Helen Campbell (i\Irs. Paul ) , Bur·

lington , Kan . '31 Tannahill , Dorothy Blaker (Mrs. vVayne ) ,

1196 MacVicar, Tope ka , Kan. T hole. Adelaide Ha'mmond (Mrs. L ouis), St.

John, Kan. Thompson , Ruth Turner (Mrs .), New R ay·

mer, Colo. '28 Tinkler, Evelyn , Gypsum , Kan. '41 Townsend , Ruth Bell (Mrs . C. R. , Jr. ),

Deepwater , 1\l[o.

Ulrich, Leta Swisher (Mrs. Clark), Hamil· ton, Kan. '34

Unruh, Glennys Green (i\Irs. Adolph), Burr Oak, Kan. '33

Vanderwilt. Margaret , 1101 vVestern Ave ., Topeka , Kan. '40

Vetter, Bonnie Dee, 404 S.E. 5th, Newton , Kan .

Vigneron , Winifred, 510 T ope ka Blvd .. Topeka. Kan. '38

Vinson, Isobe l Yeager (i\Irs. Ralph), 1822 . Euclid Ave ., Berwyn. Ill.

Volknfan. Anna Faye Barngrover (Mrs. W. E .). Gillette. Wyo. '36

von Treba. Lorenza Lambillotte (Mrs. A. E .), 530 Pierre. Ma nhatta n. Kan.

'N agner , Trula Theobald (Mrs. M a rvin ), Smith Center, Kan. '31

W arner. Merle Taylor (i\ lrs. Leigh). Cimar· ron , Kan. '24

vVatts, Dorothy. Sharon Springs, K a n. '40 Wa yman. lda Schimpff (Mrs. Lee W .), 901

l\iechanic, Emporia. Kan. '28 Wedin, Edith Forre ter (.Mrs. Ralph W.).

5019 State Line. Kansas City. Mo. '24 vV e irauch, Harriet Stevenson (Mr . Martin),

3640 E. 2nd, Longbeach, Calif. Whee ler, 1VIaxin e, Conway Springs. Kan . '44 Whee ler, Ruth. Conway Springs. Kan . ' 42 Wilber. Jane K. Atwood (Mrs. Horace Z.),

809 Congress, Ypsi lanti , Mich. Willi a ms. Otha Thurman (Mrs. Ardith),

Coats, K a n. Wilson , Jua nita Collins (Mrs. H enry P. J. ),

229 E . 6th, Hutchin so n , Kan. Wi e, Emma Tieperman (Mrs. Arthur B.),

1401 Fillmore. D en ver. Colo. '27 Yost , i\Iyrel, 305 N. Springfield, Anthony,

Kan. '38 Young, Dorothy Mirth (Mrs. L. Percy), 251

Main t .. Keene, '- H. '23 Young, J ean McLean (Mrs. J ames), Gridley,

Kan. '33 Young, Louise, Conway Springs, K an. '41 Zajic, Jessie Amole (Mrs. Gordon), 920

Lawrence, Emporia. K an. '29 Zajic, Virgin ia, H olyrood . Kan. '43 Ziegenbusch. Elizabeth, Shirkmere Apts.,

Wichita , Kan. '38

KAPPA Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Most A.E.S. groups left campus because of competition of academic sororities ; 1924-1929

Benner, Alice, Hudson Ave ., Cincinnati , Ohio

Bo•·st. i\fary Waldeck (Mrs. Laurence), 168 N. F•·ambes Ave., Columbus, Ohio

Boyd, Georgi a , Mt. Arab, Ohio Bradley, Dorothea Bronson (Mrs. W . ].) , 447

W . Arch St. Bre ng leman , Jes s ie McDill (Mrs. Russe ll ),

808 S. lith St. , Gadsden, Ala . Campbe ll , Erma, Harrison. Ohio Crebb, Ruth E., E. Arch St .. Portland. Ind. Early, Frances, 225 Bal timore St., Middle·

town, Ohio Ewan, Doroth y, 1040 N. Union t., Fostoria ,

Ohio Fink. Martha, 1008 Mill St .. R ead ing. Ohio Finkbine, I sabel, 504 Ross Ave .. Hamilton .

Ohio Forsy the , Edith Ryland (Mrs. John). Wash ·

ington Ave ., Washington C. H ., Ohio Foste r, Augusta, Dayton, Ohio

France, Helen Marie. Continental, Ohio Freeman, Margaret . Otway, Ohio Gardner, Thelma Rieck (Mrs. Everett), 620

Lynn St .. Sidney, Ohio Goeller. Catherine. Circleville. Ohio Heckathorn e. I sabe lle . Findla y, Ohio Hoffman. Stella J a ne ·Rutl edge (i\Irs. J a me

L.), 427 H oman St .. Huron. Ohio Jackson, Frances, Bellville. Ohio Klepinger. Mary. Eaton. Ohio Lantz, E sthe r , B e llvill e. Ohio Lego, Ruthana i\fu t (Mrs. Floyde .). 119 N.

Garland Ave ., Dayton . Ohio Manne•·. Hazel , 174 S. i\.fain Ter .. Mans fi eld.

Ohio Mart s. Helen Ievens (i\frs. Lester ]. ) . 315

Lexington Ave .. Day ton. Ohio Marquith , M argare t , Martin St .. Greenville.

Ohio Me t zger. H ermanda Agger ( Ir . Daniel V .),

1525 Linwood Ave., Indianapoli s, Ind.


Mick, Helen, 663 Haines Ave., Alli a nce, Ohio

Mi ller, Louise Cromley (Mrs. P aul), Ash· ville, Ohio

Monger, Ruberta, Botkin s, Ohio Monger, Ruhanna, Botkins, Ohio Morrison, Virginia Moorman (Mrs. E. B. ),

1318 Clifton Ave ., Springfield, Ohio Mootz, Vivian Troyer (Mrs. Chas.), Conti­

nenta l , Ohio Mount, Jeanette, Carli s le , Ohio Nobles, Minnie Leah, T a ll a wanda Rd. , Ox-

ford, Ohio N orman, Marie, Roxabell , Ohio O 'Hara, Thelma, Ashville , Ohio P ensyl , Ameli a, Bloomingburg, Ohio Radcliffe, Mary , Williamsport , Ohio. D e-

ceased Oc t. 9, 1937 R a ison, Bonnie Copa s (Mrs. P a ul ), 703 W a h­

ington St., P ort smouth, Ohio Schaffer, Jane , R.R. 2, Miamisburg, Ohio Schmeid , Betty D earing (Mrs. Osca r ), Olm ­

stead Falls, Ohio Schocke, I sabell e, R .R. 4, Oxford. Ohio

Sch y ler , Mabe l Kl e in (Mrs. J ohn ), 1218 Ca l i­fornia St. , Bond Hill , Cinc inn a ti , Ohio

She lton, Anna Lou P angbur n ( Mrs. H er­man) , Aberd ee n, Ohio

Schuster , Mary Loui se, Mi ami sburg, Ohi o tocker, H e len, R.R. I, M ia mi sburg, hi o

Stra tton , Ruth , 515 Vv . W a te r S t. , T roy , Ohio

Strauch, Annabe l Winemill er (Mrs. Cl a r ­ence), 5!5 N . P earl St ., Cres tl ine, Ohi o

T ay lor, Susan Brown (Mrs. Morr is G.), 129 E a ton Ave., H amil ton , Ohio

T each , Doroth y Tulli s (Mrs.), F a rmers v ill e, Ohio

Thompso n , Cla ra R o.s (Mrs. Ned ), 11 60 Old Sta te Rd., P a rk H ill s, Cov ington , K y.

Turner, Luc ill e , Otway, Ohio U rba n , Ethe l, N umma A ve ., Day ton , Ohi o Varney, H e len , Neil Ave., Columbus . Ohio vVea ver , :Marion Rhyn o (l'vf rs. Marion), 210

E. lOth St ., Findl ay , Ohio ~'end e l , Lucy Sommer s (Mrs. Sy lves te r),

Eli zabe th St., Coldwa ter , Ohio W olfe , Dorothy Kinderdein (Mrs. Ray),

Mi ami sburg, Ohio


Temple Univer sity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Founded as. Epsilon in 1919-1923 ; reorganized as L ambda 1926

Arnsthalt, Marian, 6159 N. 17th St., Phil a ­de lphia , P a. '34

Atherton, Ruth S .. 20 E . A shl a nd A ve. , Gleno lden, Pa. '40

*Black , Caro line J .. 326 2nd St ., Butle r, P a. Boyer, Helen H erlit zius (Mrs. R obert), 230

Prince to n Ave., W est Vie w, Pitt sburgh, Pa. '33

Brong, Ruth , 302 George St .. P en Argy l. P a. Burke, Virgini a, 401 W. R oose velt Ave.,

Phil ade lphi a , Pa. '33 Chalme rs , Ann , 81 D e laware A ve., N e wark ,

Del. '32 Cha nce, Viole t. 153 M ap le T erl'. , Merch a nt­

ville , N,J. '35 Collins, Cl a ri ce Duke ( l\Jrs. Willi am), 137

W . Ridl ey Ave., Norw ood, Pa . '31 Coo ling, Be tt y R ., 2006 Ste nton Ave., Phila­

delphia , P a. '41 Conover . Polly Mill e r (Mrs. H erb ert ), Sut­

phin Rd., Yardl ey. P a . '29 Crawford , Rhea W ebb (Mrs. Charle s), Cl ov­

erly Apts., 437 W. School La ne, Germ a n ­town , Pa. '26

*Culbertson, H elen Goal (Mrs. E. H. ), Cl a r -endon , P a . ·

Daminger, Cora. 2021 D e la ncey St., Phila ­de lphia. Pa . '35

Da y, Mildred Curry (Mrs. Frederick). 3617 Old York Rd ., Philade lphi a , P a. '33

D eCou. G. Elinor e, 219 7th Ave., H addon Heights, N.J. '31

de lla Cioppa , Agnes W aad (Mrs. H ector ) . 271 Washington T err., Audubon. N .J .. '35

Densmore. N a ta lie, 110 Ches te r Pik e. Ridl ey Park, P a . '39

Donohoe, Mary , 16 N ewport St.. Ashl ey , P a. '26 ..

Fabec k , Ruth H ., 2026 66th Ave .. Philade l­phia. Pa. '43

Fahy, Doroth y K it sch (Mrs. William) . Ge t ­ty sburg Rd. & Summit Ave. , Roxborough, Pa. '32

Flanagan, Mary, 142 High St .. Pl ymouth , Pa. '26

F leming, A l ice , 5902 Mas t er St ., Philade l­phia , Pa . '30

Fleming, Phylli s Y., 5902 Mas te r St. , Phila­de lphia , Pa. '41

F r icke. Harr ie t , 111 7 Willow St .. Nor r is tow n, P a. '36

Gambl e, Lilli a n , 1721 E lm wood Ave . , F ol­cro ft , Pa. '40

Guili a no, Grace Rutherford (Mrs. John), 6227 ' · 17th St., Phil ade lphia , P a. '28

Guli ck, Ali ce D etwiler (Mrs. vVarren) , Blooming Gl en. P a. '27

Hanna Ruth Knoc ke (Mrs. Willi am), 222 Swar'thm ore Rd ., Gl assboro, N.J. ' 31

H a rgreaves . Loui se Wickham (Mrs. A. H. ), 311 Van Buren Ave .. T eanec k , N,J. '38

*H a verstick , M ae G .. N eff svill e , P a. Hea ney , El s ie R. , 1429 Norri s St. , Sewell ,

N .J. '41 H ec!t·ick. P auline E ., 114 S. 7th St. , Quake r ­

to wn, Pa. '42 H er shey, Ruth. 633 Bloomfi e ld Ave., W es t

Ca ldwell. N.J. '30 H eydri ck , Eleanor L ., 4807 Garden St. , Phil a­

de lphia . Pa. '43 H ood , Eli zabe th A ., 7229 Tabor A ve., Phila­

de lphia , P a. '42 *H ol loway, Florence . D eceased H off, Gertrude, 5908 H enr y A ve., R ox borough.

Pa. '40 H owe. J a ne Mess imer (Mrs. R obe r t ) , 902

Hi gh St. , W est v ill e. N .J . '3 1 H oy le. Dorothy. 1 Park Pl .. Athens . Ohio. '32 Hul se, Mary, 41 6 W . Ottawa St. , Lansi ng.

Mich. '36 Hummel, H e len , 4th a nd Sunb ur y St s.,

Minersvill e, P a. '26 *Imboden , Marg ie Bomberge r (1\Irs. \¥es ley) ,

Palm yra , P a . Ives, V enetta Schmid (Mr . V.). 121 E.

La Crosse Ave., l .ans do wn e . P a. '29 J enkin s. Cl a ire, 5029 Manis St ., Philade l­

phia, P a. '42 J ohn, Hildegard e H ., 1443 N . 28th St .. Phil a­

de lphi a , P a. '42 J ones , H e le n , 807 Windsor q., Philade lph ia ,

P a . '30 K a ufm a nn, Dori s E ., 5516 N . 6th S t .. Phi la­

de lphia. Pa. '44 K ee ler , Ali ce C., Mil a n . P a. '41 *K enne y, K a thl een E ., 1830 W . A t la nt ic t. ,

Philade lphia, Pa.


K ing, Cha rl otte E ., 4404 N . 8th St .. Phil a­d e lphia, P a. '42

*Kuntz lema n , V ern a H e rshey (l\Irs. H .), Eli zabethtown, P a .

*Lehm a n . F a nn y E .. F aye tt esvi ll e, P a. Linder , Doroth y , 304 4th St. S.E., \'lashing­

ton. D.C. '28 M ac Nea l, Sa ra, 1422 Shunk St. , Phil ade lph ia,

Pa. '27 M a isch , Be tt y Cole (ll!rs. John ). 146 \V .

Wharton R d .. Gl ens ide. P a. '34 McCord, E ve lyn l\'[ agu ire (Mrs. Don a ld) , 22

Oa k L a ne . Crawford . N. J . '32 McDonne ll , M a r y , 1207 Clayton St. , Wil­

ming ton , D e l. '3 1 M cM a nus, H e len , 284 Wr igh t 1. . Kings ton ,

P a . '26 M egargee. Ch t· is tine, 724 L inde n S t. , Ca m­

d en , N .J. '34 l\Iegargee , H e len , 724 Linde n St. . Camde n .

N.J. '34 Miesse. Cha rl otte. 38 S. Prince St.. Lan­

cas te r, P a. '31 *M ill er. R eba Hughes (Mrs. W . G.) , 817

S.E. 8th St .. F or t Laud erda le . F la. Mi ln e . Annette H age nb uch (Mrs. Thomas).

105 E dmond s A ve .. Drexe l Hill . P a. '27 Moste ll er, Ali ce Ca rl so n (Mrs. J a mes). 600

N. Franklin St., 'N es t Ches ter. P a. '29 Os is lo. Anne K owa lska ( Mrs. J a mes), 33 1

7th St .. R ead ing. P a . '30 Park er , Gertrude L ewi s (Mrs. Thomas), 829

M y ra A ve .. Yead on , P a . '28 P os tp ich a l , J acque line Gilme r (Mrs. A. J .).

2003 Oa kmont Ave ., Uppe r Da rby , P a . '33 Quinn. llra r y , 251 E. Highl a nd A ve. , Che ! ­

nut Hill , P a . '31 R a usche nberger. Ruth D. , 24 Church St., Se l­

le t·svi ll e, P a . '42 R eed. M a rgare t Ge ntel (Mrs. Cha r les) , 214

Borbec k St. , F ox Chase, Phil ade lphia , P a . '31

R eed y. Emil y L. , 7 Elm Ave .. Che ltenh a m, Pa. '41

*R e illey, l\I. E s ther, 331 Lycoming St ., Wil­li a msport, Pa.

R obb, Ruth J ohns ton (!\Irs . T. R. ), 415 W . L ong Ave ., DuBo is, P a . '33

R ooks, R ebecca Brown (Mrs. J a mes), 615 E. 15th St. , Ches te r , Pa. '33

Sa wtell e, L ena Hutton ( l\Irs. Harold) , 71 6 Carpent er Lane, Ge rmantown. Pa . '28

Schinde l , I sabe l, 19 \V. Southa mpton St ., Ches tnut Hill, P a. '26

Schre iber , M a be l, 37 W . Winon a Ave. , Nor­wood, D e la ware Count y . Pa. '30

Schwe ikart , Lo is, 5233 T abor Rd. , Phila de l­ph ia , P a. '40

Sha w. Ma r y J a n e Gree ninger (Mrs. M. C. ). 3029 Clifton Ave., Cinci nn a ti. Ohio. ' 37

*Sta uffer . l\liri a m l\1. , 254 W . Steege ! St. , M a nh e im . P a.

*Swe ige rt , Oli ve L., 194 1 Ches tnut St. , H a r ­ri burg. P a.

T odd, Lil a M .. Co lora. l\fd . '4 1 T ro th , Anne W a rre n ( l\Ir s. H arr y), 104 P a rk

A ve .. W es tmont . N. J . '31 W a rd , Bl a nche , 1109 L owr y S t. . Duques ne .

P a . '26 W a tkin , E va, 35 H a rwood Dr., U ppe r Da rb y,

P a. W eign er , Flore nce l\Tag in (1\Irs.). Willow

Grove , P a . '33 W ei ma r. Ethe l, 200 Loney St .. F ox Chase .

Phil ade lphi a. P a. '39 *W ell e r, R ose N ae ge ly (Mrs.), P ort All e­

ghe n y , P a. *Wil so n. Sara E . , 6 Ce n te r St., U n io n City.

P a. *Za ph. H e le n G. K .. 5454 L a nsdown e A ve . .

Phil ade lphi a. P a. Zimmerm a n . Cora, 551 Unruh St. , Ph iladcl ­

ph ia , P a . '39

* Eps ilon .

NU Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

Founded 1928-1940 ; temporarily inactive

All e n , D. P a uline , 1145 Clay ton St. , Den ver , Colo. '40

Anderson. L uc ill e J aeger (Mrs. Cl a re nce), Rt. 2. Box 16, E a ton . Colo. ' 38

B aab . Do.-oth y . 925 E. 17th Ave .. Den ve r . Co lo .. '36

Baa b. E s th er Schons t rom (i\Irs. W. ) . 1734 8th Ave ., Gree ley, Colo. '33

B ac ks trom. Be ul a h \Villiam s (Mrs. B .), l\T ea de. Colo.

B a ke r , Ruth . R.R. 2. Longmont. Colo. B a rk er. Ell a F ra nces H ac km a n (!\Irs .

Geo rge ) . c/ o C. S.C.E ., Gree ley . Colo. B ec k . Gwe ndo ly n , c/ o C.S.C.E .. Gree ley .

Colo. Beck , Zi na , Crook , Colo. B e nn e t t, I de ll a Sumne r (Mrs. E a rl e). E a ton ,

Colo. Bl ake . L aura Sera fin e (Mrs. R. ), Magda­

le n a , N .llf. Boyd , Made ly n Buch er (Mrs. J ack ) , J ohn .

town , Co lo. Bre wer . Ade lai d e, 656 E . P aces F err y Rd. ,

Atl a nt a. Ga. '34 Brewer. Cath erin e, 1221 Lake vie w A ve., St.

P et ersburg, Fla. Briggs, Be tt y, 1318 B erkley, Pueblo, Co lo. ' 38 Buza rd . Ruth, Trinida d, Colo. B)•rnes , Lil y Fred erickson ( Mrs. R .) , Ft.

Benn111g, Ga.

Ch a mb ers, E ve lyn Birchfi e ld (Mrs. J . K. ) , 3731 R ace St., De nve r. Colo. ' 32

Cirule , Virg ini a Muzz io (Mrs.), R .R. 2, B ox 622, Pueblo, Colo.

Cla rk , Ge ne, Ft. L a ramie, W yo. Cos imi , Marie F erra ro ( Mrs. Anthon y),

vVe lb y a t D e n ve r, De n ve r . Co lo. Cudmore , M a rga ret Dillon (l\Irs. P .), 1025

Sherm a n St., D en ve r , Colo. Curta in , M a rj ori e, Atwood . Colo. Edwards. K a th erine. D elta. Colo. Elg in , J oanna Eberh a rd t Olrs. Howa rd ).

1224 12th Ave .. Gree ley . Colo. Elli s . Emil y J a ne Gus ta fso n (?\Irs. Clifton)

Louv iers , Colo. Eme rick, Jua nita. 3033 W. Hi ghl a nd Pl.,

Denver. Co lo. '39 Ewer , Ruth Magnuso n ( i\l rs. Bruce), 1145

Cl ay ton St .. Denve r . Colo. F a rm er. M arj orie. Dix. N eb. Flint, 1\Ja ry, Thermopo li , W yo. Ga rd e ne r , B ertha l\Iagnuson (Mrs. Chas ..

Jr.) , J ohn s town , Colo. Gambre l, H e len Rigney (Mrs. H.) . 122

Cooper Ave., Gl e nwood pr ings . Colo. '32 Godfre y. Be tt y Kee fer (i\!r . Ben) , 503 14th

Ave ., Gree le y, Colo. Griffith, Lillian, B ox 94 . Thatcher, Colo. '37 Gwinner , Madeline Drea n y (Mrs. T. , 305

W . 13th Ave., Emporia, Kan . Gudgel , Ali ce, Jul esburg, Colo, ' 34


H a rt . K a th ry n, G•·ee ley, Co lo. '39 H oyda r , Ed n a , Facult y C lu b H ouse, Gree ley ,

Co lo. ' 12 H oc um , Nora Moulton (Mrs. Stewar t), 240

32nd A ve .. Sea ttl e, W ash . '32 H ocum , Ru th J oyce (~ I rs.), 1269 Vi ne t ..

D en ve r. Colo. '39 J oh n , Norm a Sa mpson ( Mrs. M ani s), 1319

5th Ave .. Scottsbl u ff . Ne b. '36 J ohn so n. E lsa Fa lber g ( M rs . A.) . 844 M a r io n

St .. D e n ver, Colo. Juchem , M a rga ret R. (M rs .), Box 246, A r ­

va da, Colo. K ing, Ru th, K ee nesberg. Co lo. Lambe rt y, Marri a nne, 1440 Monroe St.. Den ·

ver, Colo. Leed s, A l ice M cR ae (M rs. D on a- ld), 620 E .

2nd Ave ., D env er , Colo. Lo re n z, Gay, 106 W . Cl in ton , I ndia nola,

Io wa '40 Lucke, Aud rey Fi sher (Mrs. R oya l), H en ­

derson, Co lo. 11I a lbof, Laura M ae W ibl e (M rs .), Fl agler ,

Colo. Moe ll er, Lois Ar meli ng (Mrs. Ca rl ), 200 S.

Gilpe n , D e nver. Co lo. 1\ [oscon, D ora , Gle nwood Springs, Colo. '38 M u r phey, F ae, 321 R a ton A ve ., L a Junt a ,

Co lo. '39 Nea l. M arjor ie A dam (M rs. T .) . Aul t. Co lo. O'Ne il , Al ber ta To wn se n d (Mrs . R a lph ),

Odessa, T ex. '32 O ugh , M e lba, 522 Sant a Fe, La Jun ta, Co lo.


P arker, Ma rjorie, Sterl in g, Co lo. Parsons, Ed n a R oma ns (Mrs. Ra lph), 1161

W ashin gto n St .. De n ver, Co lo. R affe r ty, I re ne Schmidt (Mrs.), Box 141,

Frankfort, D e l. '32 Richa rdson, Da isy G., Simla, Colo. Sanders. J une Ri chmond (M rs. Wm., J r.) ,

2901 Chase St., Denver, Co lo. S imenoff. Mary, 830 Grant St .. Denver, Colo. Sm ith , M a rj orie Van Lopek ( I rs. Ted), 210

Sa n ta Fe, La J unta, Co lo. Sm ith , Flore nce W aters (Mrs.), Monte Vi s ta,

Co lo. Sherlock , i\Ia•·ie, Lan der, W yo. S w if t, Mary J ane, 852 Mad ison St., Denver,

Colo. Sh e lton , Burn a d in e W omack (Mrs . Don),

1 W . 28t h , India napolis, Ind. S loss, Ora Howard (Mrs. E ll is). ll27 Ben­

nett Ave., Gle n wood Spr ings, Colo. S t re lesky, E l izabeth Ca r ro ll (Mrs. H erbert),

411 S. H arvey A ve .. Oa k Par k, Ill. '31 Thompso n , D e lores, 1529 9th Ave ., Concordia,

K a n. T ecker, La Vo n ne, 1605 9th St., Gree ley,

Colo. W agge, L aura M ae B la ke (Mrs . H .), 512 E .

19th St., Cheyenne, W yo. vVes tbroo k , Lue ll a, 451 Mad ison St., Denver.

Co lo. '38 W a lte•·s, E s ther Ande rso n (Mrs. R .), Eaton,


W estern State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colorado 1929-1933 ; temporarily inactive

A llesan d ro, A nnie; R.R. 1, Box 129, Pueb lo, Co lo. '33

Bai ley, L es t a E n ign ( i\I rs. D e wey), De lta. Co lo. '35

Bre n eme n , E ll en Chri s ten se n (l'vi rs. ]. Ri ch· ard), 13304 Coy le A ve .. Detro it. Mich . '33

C lark , Geor g ia H yer (M rs. Cu ll e n) , 5020 El­li ot St., D en ve r , Co lo. '33

C lay ton , D oro th y All e n (Mrs. J oe), Ceda r ­edge, Co lo. '34

C layton, Eva ly n Mye rs (M rs . A rchie), Eu­reka, Nev. '34

Co le. El va pa n gler (Mrs. H em1 a n ), Rifl e , Co lo. '34

Co ll a rd , H a ll ie Mock (Mrs. R oya l) , P a r li n , Co lo. '34

D a v is, Ruby, Lama r , Co lo. '33 Dic k erso n , Juli ette, D e lta. Co lo. '34 Ends ley, Ida , P ao ni a, Colo. '33 Gori sh ek , Ca rolina, Sco fi e ld, Utah . '34 H as k ill. V iolet S ly (i\Irs. R ay), Mont rose ,

Colo. '34 Joh n son Ada h P la tt (Mrs. C. F.), 4853 St. · Ca th e;ine St. E .. Via uv ill e, M ont rea l, Que­

b ec, Can a da. '33 J ose ph , Ire n e Sl y (M rs. Ed), Nor wood, Colo.

'33 L ehm a n , L ouet ta Mc D ona ld (?lhs. R ay ma n) ,

Gunni so n , Co lo. '33 L e Mas t er , M ildred, Ca rl sbad . N.M. '34 L oc kh a rt , Soph ia, 1060 M ee k er St., D e lta,

Colo. '34 M cD ona ld , Oli ve Greer (Mrs. R on a ld),

Ced a re dge, Colo. '34 Mcintosh . J ean. As pe n . Colo. '33 M cN e w. Lul a E n s ign ( M rs . Melv in ). Ouray ,

Colo. '34 M e 1utt , Ma r y. Nuc la, Co lo. '34

Mill er, Eleanor, 1647 Welton , Denver , Colo. '34

Mill e r , H e le n. '33. D eceased Ne wton . M aybe ll e J ohn ston (Mrs.) , Stone

City, Co lo. '33 1 ig ro, Virg inia, 1111 Arizona Ave .. Trinidad. Colo. '33

1 ise ly, E mi ly, R .R . I , Grand J unction, Col o. '34

O veso n , Lilias B urd ick (Mrs. M e l) , Castle ­gate. U ta h . '34

Osborne , E l izabeth Mi ll er (M rs . Mark), Box 845, C unni on, Co lo. '35

P a rad iso , Eva. M on te V ista. Colo. '33 P ay n te r . C lerofa Robinson (M rs. T. E.).

Buford. Co lo. '32 P r ukop, Sophi e, Avondale. Colo. '33 Ou inby, Grace , Box 283, Comm erce, Tex. '33 R a ish, A li i on H unt ley, Box 375, Durango,

Co lo. '35 R eed. Mil d red Gadd (M •·s. Harold), 619 N.

Ceda r , Co lorado Springs . Colo. '33 R iede l, L e na W a ll ace (M rs . Spe ncer), A n ­

ton ita, Co lo. '34 R ockwe ll , M rs. C larence , Box 775, Gunnison,

Co lo. '32. Advisor Sp illma n . Elizabe th . T e ll uride, Co lo. '34 St rong. V e lm a A lli son (Mrs. ]. Maitland),

1435 M a in . Gra nd J unction, Colo. '33 Summer s. F lor e nce Hornaday (Mrs . Silas).

U ni versity of Iowa. Iowa City. Iowa. '33 T a nner . Fra nces E lle n A ll e n (Mrs. James),

21 14 Gree n wood, Pueb lo. Co lo. '34 T ri ne. Sarah J oh nso n (M rs. H a rry). Box 248.

Gunni so n . Co lo. '33 W a res. K athl ee n S ly (M rs. K e n neth). Cra·

va n , Co lo. '34



Concord State Teachers College, Athens, West Virginia Founded 1930

Amici , Virginia Marinella (~Irs. Amaday), Kimball , W.Va.

Bagley, Mary Barta (Mrs. George, Ill), El· bert, 'N.Va.

Bai ley, Helen, 1808 J effe rson St., Bluefield. W.Va. '33

Ba iley, The lma , 1808 J efferson St. , Bluefield, W .Va. '26

B a iley , Virginia , 2115 'vV ythe Ave., Bluefield, W .Va. '26

Ba ll , Gula Halstead (Mrs. Virgil), Mt. H ope, W.Va. '31

Barbery, Louise, Princeton. VV .Va. '38 Barna, Anna . Maybery, W.Va. '41 B a rton , Pauline Willi ams (Mrs. Mark), 15

Piedmon t Rd., Charleston, W.Va. '36 Baumga rdner, Lillian Moses (Mrs. Auburn),

Oakhill. W .Va. '33 Bearre, Thelma Foy (Mr . Mik e). Dav y,

W.Va. '31 Bero, He le n. W elch, W.Va. '35 Biven s, Ruth, W elch, W.Va. '36 Bl e vins, Elizabeth, Amonate, Va. '4 1 Bowen, Juli a Da lton (i\Irs. J a mes), 303

W eaver Rd. , Roanoke, Va . '37 Bower, Thelma, Crumpler, W.Va. ' 32 Bowling, Elizabeth Thorn ton (Mrs. J a mes).

Athens, W.Va. '36 Bre wster, i\Iarie Walker (Mrs. Ma ri on), E ast

Raine ll e, W.Va. '31 Brown , Anna Mae , Prenter, '"'-Va. '37 Brown, Anna Margaret Hurd (i\Irs. Geo•·ge).

Iaege r , W.Va. '38 Brown , Thelma Brown (1\Irs .) , i\Iull en ,

W.Va. '30 Browning, Mildred. Barnabus. W.Va. '41 Buckber ry, Lilly Wol s tencroft (Mrs. Joseph

W. ), War H otel Annex , War , W .Va . '35 Ca ldwe l l, Nita Griggs (i\Irs. Jack), H a nsford ,

W.Va. '41 Calfee. Ann Barbery (Mrs . Laurence W .),

c/o Matoaka Hotel, Matoaka. W.Va. '40 Callaghan, Ruth Wynne (Mrs. Willi am), Box

94, Iaeger, W.Va. '34 Caprossi , Lena Ba ry (Mrs. Domenick), Box

607, Welch , W .Va. '35 Carroll, Jl'fae Hunter (J\Irs. R obe rt L.),

Athe ns , W.Va. Charlton. Virgini a, Athens, W.Va. '33 Cline, Clarice Okes (i\Irs. Toney), W ar

E agle, W .Va. '30 Connor, Mary Avi s Hinton, 216 M a in St. ,

Hinton, W.Va. '41 Cook, H e len Cheere (Mrs. Norville), Lilly·

b•·ooke, W .Va. '32 Cook, Ina Ring (l\lrs. H arry), Winding Gulf,

W.Va. '32 Cox, Betty Gane t , 'vVelch. Vv. Va. '40 Cox, Lillian J obe (Mrs. Joe) . Box 69, H emp·

hill, W.Va. '35 Cox, M a r y Al yce Johnston (Mrs . Guy), Car·

etta, W .Va. '34 Crotty, Elizabeth , Northfork. W .Va. '37 Crotty, T heda . Fa ye tt ev ill e, W.Va . '36 Croye, Pansy Holt (J\Irs. Roy), 3217 R ose St.

Bluefield, W.Va. '32 CI'Uise , Louise F•·encl1 (Mrs. Thero n) , Taze·

well, Va., '41 Culler, A lthea Jlf ae, Box 618, Coalwood.

W .Va. '40 Cushman, Virginia. Athens. \ V.Va. '38 D avis, J\I a r y B . J ohn ston (l\lrs. Edward), 815

Grosscup Ave., Dunbar , W.Va. '36 Dever, El y Anne, Hunt ersvi ll e, \\ .Va. '33 Don nally . Alberta, Villa Route , Charle•ton

W .Va. '32

Dudley, Iri s, Princeton, \V.Va. '35 Effler. Gladys Virginia, Sharples, W.Va. '42 Elliott, Edith Minerva, Canebrake, W .Va. ' 40 Elliott, J\Ieda Ray, Canebrake. W.Va. '4 1 Farley, Ruth, 87 . K ana wha St., Beckley,

W.Va. '34 Fleshman, H e len Moses (JI!r . Fred), Scar·

bro, W .Va. '33 Foster, J osephine McCorkl e (Mrs. L. P.). 410

Atlanta Ave .. Sheffield. Ala. '38 Fox, Gladys Cales (Mrs. J oh n), Sand tone.

W.Va. '32 Frazier, H e len Stevenson (i\Irs. George),

Bassetts, Va. '34 Fry, Sadie Perrv, East Lynn. W .Va. '40 Funk, Betty Taimadge, Eckman, W.Va. '43 Gatherum, H e len Bradley (Mrs. R ober t S ..

Jr.), Athens, W.Va . '37 Godfred. Maci l Stephens (l\lrs . ]. D., Jr. ), 409

Griswold St. Detroit. Jllich. '30 Godsey , Eileen, 71 Princeton Rd .. Bluefield,

W.Va. Grave , Frances, Montcalm. \V.Va. '32 Gunnoe, Helen McNeer (Mrs . Garth ' .).

'Nhite vi ll e, vV.Va. '35 H a le. Rub y Jane, Hi awatha. \V .Va. '41 H a milton , J eanette K y le ( Mrs. Lee) , Villa

R oute, Charleston, W .Va. '32 H a ncock , Elizabeth , Rock, W.Va. '32 Hanna, J ayne Gray. R e nick, W.Va. '40 H a rl ess, Ruth Cruise (~Irs. Seibert), vVar,

W .Va. '40 H arris , Irene French (i\!r . Everette .),

Harmon. Va. '38 H arvey, Donna J ean. Clear Fork. W.Va. '40 H err ing, Elizabeth Haught ( l\fr s . William

D. ), Robinson Apt .. Pulaski, Va. '34 Hinchma n, Laura, Davin. \V .Va. '40 H ofs te tter , Katherine , Chatteroy, W .Va. '38 Holoryd. Eveline Brown (Mrs. Samuel), Hin ·

ton, W .Va. '38 H ouse , Edith , Amonate, Va. '40 Hovatter. i\Iary Ellen, 212 Fifth Ave., Hin·

ton, 'vV.Va. '42 Hunter. Kennie , 1600 H onaker Ave., Prince-

ton. W.Va . '33 Hurt, i\Ielba. Kimball , W.Va. '39 Hurt , J\[uri el. Kimball. \V.Va. '41 Hurt, Myra, Kimball, \V.Va. '32 J ohnson, Charmie, Switchback. W .Va. '40 Joh nson. Virginia Powell. 800 Col lege Ave.,

Bluefie ld . W.Va. '41 J ohn s ton, Mildred Hearne, Oakvale, \ \' .Ya.

'37 .Tones. Elizabeth. B ellepoint. \V.Va. '3i Kaluk. Mary. Switchback , W .V a. '41 K aman. llfadge R asnake (J\Ir s. Louis). Box

271, J\Iull e ns. W .Va. '36 Kanode, Elouise, Athens. \V.Va. '42 Kanode. R omaine, Athens, \ V.Va. '36 K e ith. Gladys, Iaeger, W .Va. '40 K erns . Juli a DeLozier (J\Irs. Lawrence).

Longacre, vV. Va. '25 Kidd. Nell Gunter (l\Ir . Richard), Lego,

W.Va. ' 35 Klingensmith . Dorothy, 558 Fir · t St .. Leech·

burg, P a. '39 Knapp, Lois Foy (Mrs. H erbert), Box 949

Crab Orchud, \\' . Va. '35 Lambert, Beryl \\'oodroof (Mrs. R ay), 917

l\!ercer St .. Princeton, \\'. Y a. '3" Lilly, Lillyan. Athens. W .\'a. '40 Lilly, Phyllis. Athen•. \ .\'a . '36 Lindley. lll ary Elizabeth, Ianford, \\' ,\'1\ .



Lindsey, Dorthea, 2118 Wythe Ave., Blue ­field, W .Va. '41

Litton, Dorothy Lidd le (Mrs. Brady), Iaeger , W.Va. '38

Litz, Lucille, 416 Union St., Bluefi e ld, W.Va. '41

Looney , Cla.-a Bell e Honake r (M rs. J ohn), Washington St., Bluefie ld , W.Va. '37

Lovern, Myrtle DeLozier (Mrs. John), Mont ­calm, W.Va. '30

Lowe, Sarah Ann Dower (i\Irs. B. Frank), Sterrat, W.Va. '39

Mahood, Henrietta, 11 6 Cedar St., Blue fi e ld , W.Va . '39

Marcum, Irene, De lbarton , W .Va. '41 ~~Ia rtin , Ire ne, Box 42, B erwi nd. VV. Va. '38 :1\Jartin, Margaret Ann, Box 42, B envind,

W .V a. '41 l\fason, Marjorie Lilly (i\Irs. Lawrence), Clif­

ton F orge, Va. '32 i\I a sey, Elizabeth Linkous (Mrs. Richard ),

Harmon, Va. '39 Mayberry , Margaret, R.R. I , Bluefield ,

W .Va. '41 Meacham, Mildred Appling (Mrs . Frank),

Gap Mi ll s, W .Va. '31 Meadows, Bern ice Gunnoe (i\Irs. Aze l), Gau­

ley Bridge, W.Va. '37 Miller, Geraldine Fox (Mrs. Wi l li am), H in­

ton , W.Va. '36 Mill er , Millicent, 1105 S. Ninth St., Prince­

ton, W.Va. '33 i\l ill er, Virginia Jobe (Mrs. Charles), H emp­

hill , W .Va. '34 Morgan, Anna Elizabeth, Bumwell , \ V.Va.

'37 M01·gan, Elizabeth Tay lor, 208 Co ll ege Ave.,

Princeton, W .Va. '39 Morga n , Eloise Fry (i\Irs. Grover), Prente r ,

W.Va . '35 i\loses, Marga•·e t D avis (M rs. Tracy), Oak ­

hill, W.Va. ' 32 Mustard, Mellie Cassell (1\Ir s. Barnes) ,

Bishop, Va. '34 McNeill, Bula l\'lcManaway (Mrs. Meade),

A thens, vV.Va . '25 McNei ll, Mada li ne, Buckeye, W.Va. '38 McNeill , Teresea Bingham (Mrs. Addi so n).

Buckeye. \V.Va. '34 McNutt, Claudine Spangl er (Mrs. Harry),

Mulle ns , W.Va. '34 l\fcVey , Belva Farley (Mrs. Earl ), Soph ia ,

W .Va. '33 Ostroski , Deane Donohoe (Mrs. J ohn ), K er­

mit, vV.V a. '38 Overho lt, Pauline , Bluefield, Y.l.Va . De­

ceased Pais, Irma , Keystone , V'l. Va. '40 Pease, Louise McNeill (Mrs. R ogers W .) , 7

E lli s St. , New Britain , Conn. '37 Pend leton, Elizabeth B e!che (i\Irs. Guy M. ).

We lch , W .Va. ' 39 Peraldo, Clara, Box 887, \Ve lch, W.Va. '35 Perry, Jua nita Gertrud e , Peach Creek, vV . Va.

'43 P erry, R ebecca, Athens. \V.Va. '40 Perry, Susan, Peach Creek, W.Va. '40 Phipps , Ferne Shumate (M rs. E mm et) . 39

Second Ave., B ec kl ey, W .Va. '35 P itott i, Ida, G le n White . W. Va . '40 Poch ick, L inda Ft·igo (i\Irs. Da n ) , Kimball.

W.Va. ' 41

P oling, M a ry Martha , Mary svi ll e, Ohio. '37 Pres ton, Virginia, W elch, W.Va. '38 R h inehart, Virginia Linkous (Mrs. Edward) ,

Hundley Apt. Wa r, W .Va. '39 Rhue, Lilli a n Crockett (t\ l rs. Willard II .),

lnlay s town, N.J. '35 Ri ce, Kitty Bow ling (Mrs . James i\IL), Logan,

W .Va. c/o Standard Oi l Co. '33 Ri chards, Anne L oui se , 717 J-1 ighland Ave.,

Princeton, W.Va. '40 Richards, J osephine, 717 Highland Ave. ,

Pr inceton, W.Va. '43 R ogers, Loui se, Indepe nd e nce, W.Va, '35 Romine, K athleen McCorkle (Mrs. H oward),

1118 N. Wood Ave., Florence, Ala. ' 37 Rorrer, J osephine Li ll y (Mrs. Da ni e l), 1901

Mai n St. , Princeton, W.Va. '37 Ruff, Myrt le Carr (Mrs. Edgar B. ), North­

fork, W.Va. '32 Sarre tt , De sie, 304 Third St., Beckley,

W .Va. '30 Sawyers, M a r y Sidney Beane (Mrs . Burl A.),

1623Y, Seventh Ave., Charleston , W.Va. '32 Seligman, L enora, Northfork, W.Va. '40 Sexton, Corlette Smith (Mrs . Thomas), At-

kins, W.Va. '33 Shelton, E li zabe th Northfork, W.Va. '39 Shumate, Dat·cie, Glen Dani e l, VV.Va . '34 Shumate, Ruth , 39 Second Ave., B eck ley,

W .Va. '41 Sisson, Kate Ellen , Shawsv ill e, Va. '43 Smith , Ni na, 441 Union St. Blue field, W .Va. Stauffer , Allie Whitlow (Mrs. Otis), K e ll ys-

v ill e, W .Va. '29 Stinson , J amie Meadows (i\Irs . Lavater),

2710 Bowens Ferry Rd ., N orfolk. Va. '29 Stone, Beulah, Athens, W.Va. '40 Symns, Evelyn , Peters town , \.V. Va. '28 Tabor, Anne Blevins ( i\lrs. Luke), 1004 H igh-

land Ave ., Bluefield, W.Va. '39 Tate, He len J a net, Iaege r, W.Va. '40 Tate, June, Box 855, Blacksburg. Va. '40 Thompson, Arlene, Key s ton e, W .Va. '41 Tuggle, Haze l, Box 511, Pt·inceton, \V.Va. '36 Udy, Gladys, 324 Parkway, Blue field, W.Va.

'30 Vento, Lucille i\Ioses (Mrs. Dani e l), Scarbro,

W .Va. '31 Via , Opal Montgomer y (i\Irs . L e wis), Wil­

li a ms St., Beckl ey, W.Va. '33 W adki n s, i\Iaymie Marshall (Mrs. B ern a rd) ,

c/o Mrs. J . W . M a rshal l, Bluefie ld , W.Va. '32

Waite, Lallah Colli er (M rs. Ralph) , Caretta, W .Va. '37

W a llingford, Alice, 225 Cente r St., Prince ton , W .Va. '33

Warden , Mildred Whitehead (l\Irs. J ames C.), Blue field . V a. '37

\Vhite, Juli a, Eckman. W.Va. '30 Whi te, Vit·gin ia B oo n e (Mrs. R . H .). 500

Marguerite Ave. , Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio '30 vVhitehead, Bernice, J enkinj ones. \V.Va. '43 Whitehead, Louise Anderso n (i\rrs . Hunt ) ,

Chatham , Va. '37 Whitlock , i\'larce ll a Dee, 309 P ea ris St .. Blue­

field, W.Va. '39 vVi lli a m s, Ilva Thornton ( 1rs. Thomas).

Pennsylvania Ave., South Charleston, W.Va. '34

W orley, J essie Edra , 210 Elkin s St., Beckl ey, W.Va. '30

Young, Margue rite , Union, \\'.Va. '37



Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Missouri Founded 1930

Aubum, H e le n , i022 Ethe l, St. Louis. M o. '36 Auld , Maxine Mirus (1\Irs. R obert ) . Cres­

cioni Apts., Santurc i, Puerto Rico. '31 B arnes, J oanna L., 724 N. Flori ssan t Rd .,

Ferguson, l\[o. '42 Barr , Anita, 4978 Lotu s. St. Louis , Mo. '39 Barte r, Mar y R ose, 3841 Flad, St. Louis, lllo.

'35 B a rtman, V e ra, 4238 H a rtford , St. Louis, Mo.

'36 B e ll . Barbara, 4056 L afaye tt e, St. Louis, lllo .

'43 Boa !, Alice, 191 3 S. Compto n, St. Lou is, lllo.

'36 B ongner, Ma rgaret , 5937a Ridge, St. L ou is,

Mo. '43 Brockrie te n , V erna , 7343 Vermont , St. Louis,

l\Io. '39 Brune, 1\1[argaret, 4507 A thl one, St. Loui s, Mo.

'43 Chla nda, H e len, 5204 Loughborough, St.

Louis, Mo. '43 Claus, Audrey, Ill Car so n Rd. , F ergu son , Mo.

'42 Conner, Carolyn, 4100 Louisiana, St. Lou is,

Mo. '43 Conn e r , Flor ence Goddard ( l\frs. Michae l), 2

Deaber Lane, Creve Coe ur. Mo. Croft , He len , 3874 U ta h , St. Loui s. Mo. '4 1 D a le, J a ni s. 5054a Wabada, St. L oui s . 'Mo. '35 Dani e ls, Elizabe th Lisy (1\!r s. J ohn ), Bethle-

hem, Pa. ' 32 Dunlop, Alice Wilk (Mrs. Richard ), 53 Gil­

le tt e, Springfield , M a ss. '36 Edmond s, Jane, 1 R ay mor Pl., F erguso n , Mo.

'43 Eslinger, Elizabe th Ann. Deceased F a nning, M. E. Barrett (Mrs. H .), 4 Cres t­

wood Dr. , St. L ouis , M o. '34 Feeney, Grace, 4010 1 atura l Bridge, St.

Loui s, l\Io. '36 Fisher , Doroth y Fl eming ( l\Irs. J ohn ) , 434 \V.

Surf St., Apt. E 2, Chicago , III. '39 Flotte. L orraine. 9920 Rivervi ew Dr. , St.

Loui s County, Mo. '41 Fos ter. L a V ern e, 3822 A s hl a nd , St. Loui s,

Mo. '43 Francis , Helen Faye (Mrs. J . 0. ), Osceo la,

Mo. '31 Furman , Elre ne K oboldt (Mrs. Alvin), 4444

Ashland, St. Loui s . Mo. '31 Garner, J eanne , 4044 Hartford , St. L oui s, l\Io.

'42 Glat fe lter, Ed ith E. , 4720 N orth 20th , St.

Louis , Mo. '02 Gleason , Mildred Budde ( Mrs. J. l\1.), 5614a

Hebert , St. Louis. Mo. '37 Graftage, Ma xine Steven s (Mrs . F. B .), 6126a

Lalite, St. L ouis. l\Io. '36 Gummersheimer, H e le n, 3120 Iowa, St. Louis ,

Mo. '43 H ahn M arie. 4947 Theodore . St. Louis. l\Io. '44 H a thorn, Alice Judd (Mrs. ]. A. ), R .R. 2,

Monroe Wash. '35 H erron . Virginia, 1702 \Vago ner Pl., St.

Loui s, l\!o. '35 H oy nck. L o is , 41 39 Marga r etta, St. L oui s .

Mo. ' 35 J erze wi a k , :lfa rguerite, 4981 \Vre n , St. L oui s,

Mo. '43 J ordan. Dorothy , 3531 L a mbdin , S t. L oui s.

1o. '3 1 K ehl , 1\[ado lyn , 7400 Florissant Rd ., St.

L oui s. Mo. '32 K e rn e r , Virginia, 1137 B aya t·d, St. Louis , l\[o.


Kilburg, Ma ri ly n, i35 Tuxedo Blvd., Web ­s te r Grove , Mo. ' 41

Klupe, H e len , 3806 haw , St. Loui s . l\Io. '41 Link , l\latella, 3064 D e levan, St . Louis, l\Io.

'36 Luecking. Eve ly n, 3860 Connec ticut. St .

Louis, Mo. '43 M a rci nkowski , H ed wig, 1719 Dolma n, St.

Louis , Mo. '41 Marcks . Mardell Helbe r ( l\Irs. H. B .), 4362

K en s ingto n . Detro it, Mi ch . '31 i\farSchue tz, H a rri e t , 4949 The kl a, St. L oui s.

l\1 0. '3i ~L i ll er , ~Iargare t , 2920 l\[iami , S t. Loui s, ~Io .

'41 l\l ints . Lucille, 235 E. 49th St .. New York ,

N . Y. Mor la n , M ar ie, 3218 M ag no li a, St. Louis. Mo.

' 41 Morrissey, Haze l Willi o n ( irs. R. L.), 7315

H oove r, St. L ouis, Mo. '34 Morri ssey, Virginia, 4565a Gib son, St. Loui s ,

i\'Io. ' 32 Me Carth y, June, 4527 Harri s, St. L oui s, Mo.

'35 l\Jc Cle nn en , B ernice, 4043a P a lm St., St.

Loui s, Mo. '37 l\Ic Elmurry, l\farya lice, 419 P ar k. St. L oui s,

Mo. Me Gee. Alva. Gideon, llro. ' 39 Me Intyre Marie, 29 19 B ig B e nd Rd. , t.

L ou is, llro. ~Ic Mahon, Frances, 5716 Lansdowne, t.

Loui s, M o. '34 N auman. Wilma N owotn y, 4054a P e nnsy l ·

vania, St. L oui s. Mo. '36 Niedergerke , Alberta, 7327 \Vinchester Dr ..

St. Loui s, Mo. '33 N oon a n. Mary Virginia ( ister Ann M ar­

garet). H e le na. l\Iont. '31 P ace, B ernice, 5874 Plymouth , St. L o ui s, Mo.

'31 Pra th er, M yrt le, Belleville . Ill. Pra tt , Jane, 597\a l\Iin erv a, St. L oui s, Mo.

'42 Priebe Ruth, 5306 Wino na. St. Louis. M o. '41 Re nn , Flore nce, 3810 \Vyoming, t. Loui s,

Mo. '35 Robin son Dorothy B e nne tt ( l\Ir s. . C.), 5119

St. L ouis . St. L ouis . Mo. '32 Rub y, Virg ini a . 3439 P ar k , St. L o ui , llro. '3:1 R yan, M a rga r e t , 5218 P a lm, St. L oui s. M o. '41

chmidt, D oro thea S. (Mrs. R.) , 4250 J ohn , St. L oui s, l\Io.

Schnell , Marjor y (l\Irs. E. E .). 41 5 F air way Lane . St . Louis, Mo. '36

Schroede r, Harri e t , 4271 A shl a nd, t. L ouis, l\I o. '36

Scott. J ean ne, 224 Auburn St. , Auburnda le, l\lass. iedl er . M artha H . ( l\Irs. T. ] .), 1035a S . T ay · lor, St. Louis. llro .

Strand, Ca thryn Matthe w s (llrrs. R. E .), 699~ Edison , St . L ouis , Mo. '36

Surkamp, Marie Anto ine tte . 1516 Kienle n . t . Louis , l\Io. '41

Tokheim , Ruth K oenig (l\Irs. R . E .). 3797 Cimarron . Los Angeles. Ca lif. '31

Tubbesing, M a rce lla , 4876 San Francisco. St. L oui s , Mo. '43 lery, Virginia Schroeder (M rs. \Y.) . 3101 Kemp Dr .. St. L oui s County llro. '~1

Ulrich , L orraine, 6514 \ a Ish. t . Louis, . fo. '41

Vo~t . Lillian , 3605a N . N e w tead, t. T.oui• . llro. '31


Vollmer, Barbara, 2923 S. Kingshighway, St . Louis, Mo. '42

Wa lkup, Vera Knud se n (Mr . Lewis), 72 E. Beech, Wood River , Ill. '36

\Vallis, Margaret, 7019 Hancock, St. Louis, Mo. '39

Wamhoff, Lois, 5176 E iche lberger, St. Louis, Mo. '41

Wi lson. Elizabeth, 6038 Co lum bia, St. Louis, 1\Io. '36

\Vinkl er , Clari sse Birk (Mrs. Norman), 6227 Murdock, St. Louis, '36

Wrausmann, Janice, 4324 Lee, St. Loui s, i\l o. '36

Wrisberg, Georgine, 5505 S. G•·and, St. Louis, Mo. '43

Ziegenmeyer, Ruth, 6525 Clayton, St. Louis, Mo. '43


Southeastern Teachers College, Durant, Oklahoma Founded 1932

Abbott, Doris, Idabe l, Okla. '40 Ab les, Hildred Hughes (Mrs. Joe W. ) , Hoi­

env ill e, Okla. '37 Anderson, Eula li a Alexander (Mrs. Benard) ,

Box 454 , Silver City, N .M. '37 Barrett, Cloriene Slaughter (Mrs. Harry) ,

920 W. Elm , Durant, Ok la. '33 Baxter, Corene, Caddo, Ok la. '40 Baxte r , Lorene, Caddo, Okla. '40 Boeh ler, Helen Armstrong (Mrs . Clement) ,

5646 K enmore Ave., Ch icago, Ill. '36 Bounds, Sarah Hughey (Mrs. J a mes), 401 N.

N inth, Durant, Ok la. '38 Boydston, Jua ni ta Laymance (Mrs. Don) , 700

S. Okmu lgee, Okmulgee, Okla. '37 Brackett, Annabe l Toney (Mrs . Ben), Ben·

nington, Okla. '38 B u rnam. Mary Bess Hannah (Mrs. Cline

M.), 710 S. W ater, Wich it a, Kan. Co llins, Martha Grider (Mrs. J ohn M.), Box

191, Bunkie, La. '37 Cotner, Ann, Calera, Okla. Cotner, Dale, Ca lera, Okla. '40 Crockett, Virg inia, Antlers , Ok la. '35 Davidge, Margaret Crockett (M rs. T. Miller) ,

312 N. Fifth, Durant, Okla. '33 Davi s, Glenna Faye Colwick (Mrs. Cha rl es),

Ada , Okla. '32 D avis , Charli e Marie Boston (Mrs. Richa•·d).

211 N. Fifth , Durant, Okla. '39 Dawso n , Lou Ellen Gregg (Mrs. Melvin) ,

518 W. Main, Durant, Okla. '38 Duckworth, Mary June Sauls (Mrs . Charles ) .

1719 Maryland, Dallas , Tex. '33 Dulaney, Li ly Hotchkins (Mrs. Basil), c/o

Firestone Garage, Sherman, Tex. Easton, J ean, Antlers, Okla . Epley , Lorene Shane (Mrs. Geo rge), Wirt ,

Okla. Fisher, Lucyle Cox (Mrs . Charles J.), c/o

General Delivery, Moreaubille. La. '33 Gardner. E. Claire Schooler (Mrs. Victor H. ),

Fort \Vorth , T ex. '36 H ade n, 1\ifary Jane, 700 Owing, Denison , Te x .

'37 H a •·per , J osephin e Hoggard (Mrs . Sherman),

Shawnee, Ok la. '36 Hierich , Ruth , McA leste r. Ok la . Hoggard , Eileen, 421 W. Cedar, Durant , Okla.

'37 Hunter, Doroth y, c/o Evergreen Sanitarium ,

Durant . Okla. '41 I ngram, Inez, 309 E. Commerce, Altus, Ok la.

'36 J en kins , Jua ni ta Denison (Mrs. Harold) , 318

E. Main. Denison , Tex. '35 J ohn so n, Ruth. Box 525 . Durant. Okla. '39 Jones , Anne Hagood (Mrs. French), 166 La ·

fayette Ave. N .E. , Grand R apids, Mich. '39 J ones, Joy Caviness (Mrs. vVarre n ), Ryan,

Okla. Keener, Luree Milburn (Mrs. Newton ) . 1212

I . Seventh , Durant, Okla. '36

Kelchner , Kathlee n, 617 W. E lm , Dura nt, Ok la . '38

King, H e len lv[arie , Durant, Okla. '39 King, Mary Boyd Abbott (Mrs . Stephen),

Kingfisher, Okla. Kret.singer, Geneva Buchanan {1\l[r s. El·

wood) . Norman , Okla. '40 Leek, P atric ia, 586 Av e rill Ave., R oc hes ter,

N.Y. London , Mary Grider (Mrs. D. N.) , Fort

W orth, Tex. '38 Mclnt i•·e, Mary Alice Connor (Mrs. Fore t).

Deceased McNutt, Domthy, 1018 W. Main, Durant,

Okla. McQueen, Pauline Wilson (M rs. Sam F. ), 414

Prosper it y St., Siteston, Mo. '39 McPherson , Elsie Robert so n (Mrs. L eonard),

Fort Sill , Okla. '40 McSwain, Dorothy Gentry (Mrs. Chester),

Plainview, Tex. Moore, Char lene Sha ne (Mrs. J oe). Electra ,

Tex. Nixon, Rudene, 1320 N. 3rd St ., Dura nt ,

Okla. '40 Payne, Dorothy Bentley (Mrs . Ed) . Shaw­

nee, Okla. Pepper , Johnni e Smith (Mrs. ]. 0.), 215 E.

B luff, Hugo, Okla. '37 P hill ips , Dah leen , 623 W. Elm , Durant, Okla. Power, Mary Adeline, Bowland (lllrs .

H orace) , Caddo, Okla. 35 Ray , J o Ellen Harrison (Mrs . Glenn), J acks­

boro, Tenn . '39 Redman, Pauline . Antlers, Okla. Rice, Ma rga ret Har?en (Mrs . Vernon) , 64

Ew ing. Peru, Ind . 40 . Ritter. Edith Mun so n (M•·s. Arm•n) , 104

Laui-el Lane, Austin , Tex . '32 Roberson, Murie l Jane, 226 B S. \V. , Ardmore,

Ok la. '36 R ober t so n , Dixie. Deceased Hoede r. F rances S ieve r ( Mrs. Paul). 511

Piedmont Ave .. Cumberland. i\Id. '39 Semple, F•·ances Crumpton C~I.-s. Fra nk), 46

Loring Rd ., vVinthrop, M ass. '37 Shafer, R ebecca, Ok lahoma City. Okla. '3i Sneed , Elizabeth Annstrong (Mrs. George T..

Jr. ), 404 Seneca St., Bartlesvi lle, Okla. '34 Snow. Juanita, 215 N. 2nd St .. Hugo, Okla. '37 Smith , Ruth Evalyn, 215 E. Bluff. Hugo,

Okla. '39 Smith E li zabeth Strawn (Mrs. Herman). Ida­

bel , Okla. Stephenson, Melvina . \Vashington. D.C. Sturgis. Anna K athr y n Wharton (M rs. John

W.), Hugo , Okla. Tomlin, Maggie Lee Bass (Mrs. Troy), H25

W . Ma in , Duran t , Okla. '.16 Trotter, Jean Saul• (Mr•. J ohn T .), 1610 Hth.

Wichita Falls. Tex. '36 Whitfield, Ruth Ellin gto n (llfr s. J ame ),

Houston , Tex. '37


\Villard, Hele n Harmon ( Mrs. Karl P orter).


W ombl e. J e nny B.. 928 . 8th, Dura nt. Okl a. 2411 S. 0 St. , F ort Smith. Ark. '39

\Vomble, Erma Kathryn , Bennington , Okla. Wright. Melba Garrett (Mrs. Newell) , Box '36 106, Featherston, Okla. '35


State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York Founded 1925

Ada ms, J ea n ette Cady ( ~[rs. E . Dona ld). 65 Ca llodine Ave .. E gge rt sv ill e. N . Y. '35

Allen, Pea rl Cruic k sha nk (Mrs. L avergne), 21 D a kota Ave., Buffa lo. . Y. '32

Angle. J osephine Choa te ( Mrs. D ona ld M .) . 479 Kinderka mac k Rd., W estwood. r J . '28

Antener , Dori s Constabl e (Mr . J ohn), 222 Lexington Ave .. Buffalo, .Y. '31

B abcock , Edith Manter (Mrs. herm a n F .), 27 Summit St., Batavi a. .Y. '37

B ae r, M a rgare t Dive r (Mrs. Charl es). 215 Woodward Ave., Buffa lo. N.Y. '3 1

B a ker , Ruth H olde n (Mrs . George) , 843 P otomac Av e .. Buffalo, .Y. '29

B a llagh , Amy R., 51 R ockvill e Dr., Ba ldwin , N.Y. '39

Barton , Be tty. 150 Montgome ry St. , New-burgh. N.Y. '37

Baxter, Kathr y n, Kill Buck, . Y. '39 Bec ke r. Cathe rin e '27. Deceased Beebee. Ruth G. , 123 Euge ne A ve., K enmore ,

N .Y. '37 B e ll , Dorothy H a ls ted ( l\Ir F orest), 74 E .

H azeltine Av e . . Kenmore . N.Y. '36 Bird. Rita K. , 423 B ay nes St. . Buffa lo. N.Y.

'37 Black. D oroth y Sommers ( Ir s. Elmore), 206

Lama rck Dr., Snyder. N.Y. '23 Bollard. Beverly Y. 323 Bird A ve., Buffa lo.

N.Y. '35 Bond. M a ry \\' hiting ( i\!rs . Alfred). 899

\Yor thington St. , Springfie ld . M ass. '35 Borst, Marion , 506 Linco ln A ve .. P a ul sbor o.

N.J. '33 Bozarth. Ca th erine Brink (Mrs. Abe) . 1728

E. !16th Pl. , Cleve la nd. Ohio. '33 Brodie, Frederica F ox (M rs. James). 28

Beau maris Pl., Buffa lo, N.Y. '25 Brooks, H elen . 9 Verdi \Yalk. Lake Vie w

Project . Buffa lo, N .Y. '43 Buckton. ·Eugenia Beare (1\fr . L eo n a rd ). 950

Con s tant Ave .. P ee ks kill. N.Y. '33 Burlingame. Ruth. Hin sdal e. N .Y. '38

(tchg.-24 P ark Circle. Angelica, N.Y.) Butcher. Miriam H eafn er ( Mrs. L aw rence).

Rockvi lle Center. L. I.. N.Y. '26 Callaghan . B e tty M ahoney (Mrs. Thoma s F .).

14 Mariemont Ave .. Buffalo, N .Y. '35 Ca rl son , Ei lee n O'Day ( Mt·s. R a lph S.). 414

W a b ash Ave ., K enmore, N .Y. '33 Carlson. Esther Lind (Mrs. Elme r), 849 Bus ti

Ave .. Buffalo, N .Y. Carmody , Irm a . 54 Tioga Av e .. Buffa lo. N .Y.

'31 Chapman, Lue ll a, 1400 2nd S t., Cedar Rapid s.

Iowa Clegg, Ma r y . 17 Wright St .. Wo lcott. N.Y. '31 Coo k, M a ry B enzinger ( l\Irs. K e nn e th), 68

Tra u snic k Pl.. Yonke rs. N .Y. '30 Crocuston, Cath erin e, 17 Auchinvole St., Buf­

fal o. N .Y. '4 1 Cntickshank, Lorna R obert s (Mrs. Carlt on),

147 Kn owlton Ave .. K e nm ore. N. Y. '23 D ea n. Bl a nche B e llinger ( Mrs. Carlo L.) .

Pl easa nt t .. Brun s wi c k. ~fe. '2R Dixon, Ja nice. D eceased Dn·er. Lo is Anne , 11 2 ongres St., Buffalo,

N . Y. '35 Duggan, lllary Mulroy ( l\Jrs. John F .) . 2295

e neca St., Buffa lo, N.Y. '29

Durla nd. Vi va l\Ierri tt ( Mrs. H arry H.), 26 L e nox Pl., Middle town . N.Y. '35

Ehman, La ura i\l ae, 30 H oll ey St. , Lyons, N .Y. '42

Elli s , M ae H a mmond (Mrs. Nel so n). 226 Nas­au Ave., K e nmore , N .Y. '27

Emblidge. Doro th y Setter ( Mrs. William), 95 Danbury Lane , K e nmore. N.Y. '26

Erickson, Elea nor , 217 L a Sa ll e Ave ., Buf­fal o. N.Y. '28

Everill. 1\l adge Stamp ( Mrs. George), 73 Lis ­bon A ve., Buffalo. N.Y. '26

Ewe ll. Carolyn. Pavilion . N.Y. ( tchg.-Box '39, Greenwood, N.Y.) '33

F e w , Kath erin e . 18 .fiarvey St.. Lockpor t, N.Y. '31

Flynn . 1\[ary , '23. D eceased F o te r . Ruth , 117 M ai n t .. Akron. N.Y. '41 Fox, Lois G .. R.R. 3, H orn e ll. N.Y. ( tchg.-

210 N . Mai n St., Libert y, N .Y.) '35 Fra nk. Glendore Fennell (Mrs. Joseph P. ),

124 E. or th St.. Buffalo. N .Y. Frese, Georgia. Ce ntral Sq. , N.Y. '42 Glass. Margaret Kane (1\lrs. Thomas F .), 244

Grant S t.. Buffalo, N.Y. '37 Goodman, Kathlee n , 66 R a nsom t., . T ona­

wa nd a . N .Y. '42 Graham. Flore nce Cunningha m ( ~f rs. Thomas

H.) . Corfu. N .Y. '33 Grampp. Evelyn A. 686 Richmond Ave., Buf­

fa lo, N.Y. '26 Grile, Kathr y n Krani chfe ld ( Mrs. R obert s

]. ), 27 E . Morri s Ave., Buffalo. N.Y. '29 Gross, Agn es I saacson ( Mrs . Alfred J. ), 212

E. M a in St.. Arcade. N .Y. '31 Cup. Ruth , 1057 Monroe Ave., Roches te r , N.Y.

'37 H a gl e, Arline Scully (Mrs. L eo n ard), Pier ce

Ave., Hamburg, N .Y. '27 H a nna n , Dorothy Green (1\Ir L este r T .),

Smith Rd .. Hamburg. N.Y. '33 H a nson , "t\Jildred Sha rick (Mrs. Charl es G.) ,

114 Concord Dr.. n yde r. '· Y. '27 H a rd y, J essie . Avon . . Y. '31 Harsch , Mary D oug las (Mrs. Frederick A .).

45 Deerhurs t Park Blvd .. K enmore . N.Y. '23

H ave n s . El sa Proze ll e r (1\lrs. Frede rick 1\L), N e wfa ne . N.Y. '32

H odgso n. Martha , 84 Vill a A ve., Buffa lo, N.Y. '29

H oldsworth . Marion Thomas (Mrs. H an·ey). 24 H oove r Ave .. Kenm ore. I\ .Y.

H olt , B etty K e nnedy (1\lrs. H arry F. ) , 33 \Ves t Ave., Dansv ill e . N .Y.

H ora, H aze l, 265 E . H aze ltine Ave., K en­more. N.Y. '31

Huff, Margaret M es mer (Mr . James). 1615 C Stanton Pl.. L ong Beach . Calif. '33

Hurley, Ad eline Thiel e ( lllrs. Franci ) 64 Vi ctor ia Av e .. Buffa lo. N .Y. ' 23

Hmd. Edna. 246 Brya nt t .. Buffa lo. N .Y. H ya tt. M ar ion Mill er (Mrs. Francis B )

State chool for Boys. Tn<lus try, N .Y. '29 · ' J erge. Rita. 175 ycamore St ., E. Aurora.

r y_ '39 _Te wert . Edn a M .. lift. M orris H osp it a l. lilt.

i\forri s, N.Y. '32 J ohn s n , Mildred Anderso n (Mrs. arl .),

45 t . J ohn Ave., K enmore , N .Y. '32


Karin Nora Hallahan (1\Irs. John ), Clinton, N.Y: '30

Kautz, Gretchen, 1106 Washington St. , Olean, N.Y. '41

Keen , Arlein, 172 Fayette Ave. , K e nmore, N .Y. '29

Kennedy , Annette , 278 Linde n Ave., Buffalo, N .Y. '38

Kennedy, P a tri c ia Bodwell (Mrs. Donald), Firs t Parish Rd. , Cohasse t! , Mass . '25

Kerwin , i\Iary , 620 Grant St., Buffalo, N .Y. '39

Kick, Rita, 210 Amber St ., Buffa lo, N.Y. '39 Krainz , Frances , 64 Broadway , Gowand a,

N.Y. '41 Lampka. Marie A., 70 \V. P a rade Av e ., Buf­

falo , N.Y. '40 Lane. Ruth R ech (M rs. Laurence B. ) , E .

Pembroke, N.Y. '3 1 Larson , Alice , 13 Fulton , St ., James to wn,

1.Y. '31 Lawton. Almeda Hos kin on (Mrs. I. Vern ­

ell), 85 Shenandoah Ave .. Buffa lo. N.Y. '37 Lee. Gladys. 379 Oliver St. , N. T onawand a ,

N.Y. '39 Lilga, Dorothy Maxwell (i\Ir-s. 1orman ) , 35

W oodlawn Ave., Buffalo. N.Y. '25 Ludwig, Doroth y Young (Mrs. Atmore), 1807

Eastern Pkwy .. Schenec tady. N.Y. '26 Lum . Ca.-olin e, B a rker. N .Y. ' 28 Macdonald. Margare t i\L , 673 Richmond Ave. ,

Buffa lo, N.Y. '25 i\fank, Margaret L orraine , 28 Beverly Av e.,

Lockport , N .Y. '32 Mapes, Ha ze l, 85 Dewitt St ., Buffalo, N .Y.

'37 Mason . El eanor Hird (Mrs. Juli a n J .), 211

Sande rs Rd., Buffa lo . N.Y. '32 Mattern. C. Lucille , 112 Longnecker St. , Buf­

fa lo, N.Y. '39 i\f atusik. i\Iary, Arcade, N .Y. '38 Maye r, Lill ian Zd a rsk y ( i\Ir s. Edwa rd B. ).

Lake Vie w. N.Y. '30 Ma yer, Martha , 244 P each St. , Buffalo. .Y.

'37 i\fc Clarin. Vit·ginia Nesse lbec k (Mrs. L e

Roy), Salt R d., Cl a renc e Cente r . N.Y. '3 1 Me Cormick. Genevi eve, 39 Hill St., T on a­

wanda , N.Y. ' 35 Me Gat·vey , Dorothy H ea th (Mrs. J a mes), 380

Ontar io St., Buffalo. N.Y. '26 i\fc Gl ynn. Luc ill e Mitche ll (Mrs. W e ld J, ) .

243 F aye tt e Ave ., Kenm ore, N.Y. '29 life Nair, Ann e tta, 122 Milton A ve., S. Side,

Easton . P a . '32 Miliu s. M a rj ori e, 621 Wyoming Ave .. Buffa lo.

N.Y. '37 i\1 ill e r, E s ther, 15 Brookl y n Ave .. Batavia,

r y_ '33 Mitche ll. i\f a t·ga re t Harrington (Mrs. Alli ­

son). 127 W e nd e l Rd .. K enmore. N .Y. M orra n. Gilberta N e lson C:Mrs . .T. Burde tte).

623 K e nmore Ave .. K e nmore. N .Y. '23 Obenauer. ?l[ar y , 132 Euge n e Ave., K e nm ore,

.Y. '35 O 'Bri e n. H e le n R eda n z (1\f t·s . Thomas J .) .

1837 H erte l Ave .. Buffa lo. N.Y. ' 23 Ochs. Ruth E. , 319 P arksid e Ave., Buffa lo,

N.Y. '42 O lm stead, Ve va Dougl as (M rs. L e w is), 90

Tremaine Ave ., Kenmore. N .Y . Oswald D orothy Donovan (Mrs. Edward) ,

300 74th St .. Ni aga ra Falls. N.Y. ' .12 Otto. Edith. 30 \Vas hin gton Ave. , K enmore,

N .Y. '30 Parker , Id a Gonse th (Mrs. Jam es W .) ,

Brownvil le , N .Y . '35 Parkes. H ele n Thursac k ( Mrs. J oh n E.) , 282

Norwood Ave., Buffalo. N .Y. '33 Paulter Dorothy Brumley (Mrs. Arthur), 104

Morrdw Ave .. Lockport , N.Y. '25 Peirce, M arjorie, D e lavan, N.Y. '42

Perine, Frances, 19 ~Torse . l., Dansville, 1 .Y. '39

P e rry , Elizabe th Prohas k a (M rs. Richard), 28 Grand Ave ., T ona wanda, N.Y. '38

P e ters e n, El s ie, 40 M eech St., Buffalo, N.Y. '31 (tchg.-21 Thomas A ve., B atav ia, . Y.)

Piwowarczy k, Ft·ances R., 765 01 iver St., N. Tonawanda , N.Y. '43

P orte r, Dorothea Fle tcher (Mrs. L. W ood­row) , 1514 S. 3rd St., L oui sv ille . K y. '35

P orter , Muri e l, 140 Li sbon Av e., Buffa lo, N.Y. '38

Pratt , P h y lli s Carpenter (Mrs. George), 40 N. Church St., Ca naserafa. N.Y. '34

Qua yle. Margaret S. Dt-. (ad vi se r), 805 De la­ware Av e., Buffa lo, N .Y. Cfown Club)

R ech , B ett y, 57 Elmwood Park, T onawa nda, N.Y. '39

R euth e r, Doris Boldt (1\frs. M erl e), W ood­ard Rd., Elma , N .Y. '33

Rey nolds , H e le n u e. 875 L a fayette A ve., Buffalo, N.Y. '3 1 (Mill a rd Fillmore H ospi­ta l)

Ripple , Clare Proze ll er (Mrs. Fran k) . 361)/, Spruce Ave., Niagara F al ls. N.Y. '33

Robinson , J ean E .. R.R. 3. Syracuse, N.Y '4 1 R yer, Fern , 106 Shirley Ave, Buffalo, N .Y

'37 Saunders, Audrey Stewart ( Mrs. Ri chard L .),

280 Crescent Ave .. Buffa lo. N.Y. '27 Schram , Erva P erkin s (Mrs. Cere ll ), Bolivar ,

N.Y. '29 Schubert. Grace M ., 2644 Maria n A ve ., N ew

York , N.Y. '34 Seatte r. Ruth M acN a ughton (Mrs. J a mes) ,

2944 South A ve., Niagar a F a ll s, N.Y. Simmons. Leah. 1519 Linwood A ve ., Niagara

Falls. N .Y. '26 Sipprell , Marjori e Gunsolly ( Mrs. Sh erwood).

S. Fairgrounds Rd .. Hamburg, N.Y. '25 Slocum. Evel y n, 35 Carlyle Ave., Buffalo,

N.Y. '28 Smith. Catherine, 30 N. P a rk A ve., Buffalo,

N.Y. '25 Smith. l\Iar y Loui se F ew (M rs. Edward S.),

R.R. 3. Gasport , N.Y. '33 Smith. Eth e l Kn owlton (Mrs. i\L W es ley),

811 M a in St .. Ol ean. N.Y. '28 Smith. Rene , 189 S. U ni on St. , Spe nce rport,

N.Y. '39 Smith, Ri ta, 189 S. Un ion t .. Spencerport ,

N.Y. '39 Smith. Winifrerl Cruickshank (Mrs. Ken ­

neth). Rush. N .Y. '25 Sontheim. Marion . Lyo ns . N .Y. '41 Souci e. M oll y R edan z (Mrs. Edward) . 709

Starin Ave. , Buffa lo. N.Y. '28 . Spitzig, lllil dred , 914 Morl ey Ave .. N tagara

F a ll s . N.Y. '27 Stabell. Irene . 11 Ross St .. B a t av ia. .Y . '38

(tchg.-303 North St .. Buffa lo. N.Y.) Stachowicz. H e le n . 241 Gold S t., Buffalo.

N .Y. '40 Steen, Lucil e Hull (Mrs. Joseph) . 110 DHon­

shit-e Rd .. K e nm ore . N.Y. '25 Strand. llfar y, 24 Buffa lo St .. J a mestow n. '37 Swa n. A.-lene Dobme ier (Mrs. B ern a rd G.).

56 U rb a n Bl vd .. Buffalo. N.Y. T a urielln. Paulin e J ay (i\[r .). 485 Elmwood

Ave .. Buffalo. N .Y. '26 T eoa s. Eunice, 1030 P ortl a nd Ave .. R oches ter.

N.Y. '42 Thorn. Dori s Hugg ins (Mrs. George). 3 E .

33rd St.. Baltimore. Md. '27 Timmerman. J a ni ce Laing (1\frs. H enry). '27.

D eceased T obe r. Dori s, 190 K eys tone St.. Buffalo, N .Y.

'38 T ober. Ruth Fi scher (1\Irs. A. Russe ll) . 351

Minera l Springs Rd .. Buffalo. N .Y. '38 Tra ut, A.-l e tt a . 85 Indi a n Church Rd., Buf­

fal o, N.Y. '26


Tull y, Martha , 100 Christiana St. , N. Tona· wanda, N.Y. '40

Van Brunt. Sally Beard (Mrs. Jack ), 880 Grand Ave., R ochester, N .Y. '28

\>,Talker, Arline , Lewiston , N.Y. ' 38 Walrat h , Hazel Sobe tzer (Mrs . Whitney), 45

North St., Hamburg. .Y. '26 Wass, Ruth Ma nter (i\'lrs . Stanley F.) , 13 A

Ware St.. Suite 15. Cambridge, M ass. '36 \¥aterworth, Doris , 95 P oo ley Pl. , Buffalo

N.Y. '42 ' Weber, ~Tarion . 726 Division Ave ., Niagara

Falls , . Y. '35 W ebster, Eunice M. D eceased W ei tz. Olga Crag in (Mrs. Willi a m L.). 3921

Main St .. Eggert ville. . Y. ' 28 Wen zel, Eve lyn , 34 ~Iilfo rd St., Buffa lo, N.Y.


Wildman, Verla , 17 \Vail e St., Sa lamanca, N .Y.

Wilkins. Veronica 1\Ietzger (Mrs. Robert), 65 Callodine Ave., Eggertsville, N.Y. '23

Williams, J osephine Severine (Mrs . Aria R. ), 70 \V. Oakwood Ave., Buffalo, .Y.

Wil so n , Lea h Hartland (llfrs. Robert ), 405 Elmwood Ave .. Buffa lo, N . Y. '35

Yackuboskie, E s ther, 29 Mail le Ave ., Suf· fern , N.Y. '42

Zahm, D olor es Carlin (1\Ir .), 183 W. Ferry St .. Buffa lo, N.Y. '23

Zdar ky. l\Tay G., 1032 E. F err y St., Buffalo, N.Y. '31 (tchg.-Tuxedo Park. N.Y.)

Zeder, H e le n l\! ., 204 Eato n 1., Buffalo, N.Y. '40


State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia Founded 1935

Adam s. Patti e J effries (Mrs. Audrey), v\'ey· e rs Cave. V a. '38

A lderman, Ire ne, 310 Calhoun St ., Galax, Va. '41

Allen , Dorothy Eubank (Mrs. ]. P. ), Clay, K y . '34

Austin , Betsy, Black sburg. Va. '42 Avery Charlotte, Holdcroft, V a. '41 Ball. Frances Faris (Mrs . M. Theron), 303

Oliver Ave. , Cre we , Va .. '36 Bailey. Eve l y n, 211 . B oul evard, Ri chmond,

Va. '37 Bailey, M argare t , Clarksv ille. V a . ' 38 Beaton, K at hryn, 1806 Pre ntis Ave. , Ports·

mouth , Va. '40 Bedfo rd . Virgini a Estes , F a rmville, Va. '27 Bland, Nancy Goode. B oydto n . Va . '41 Booker, Ophelia , 2609 Hanove r Ave .. Ri ch·

mond, Va. '34 B oo te n, M arjor ie. S.T.C .. F a rmvill e, Va. '36 Boswell. Cassie , Burkevi ll e. Va. '37 B os worth, Fannie , Brownsburg. Va. '35 Brandon, Faye, 107 Park Rd .. Suffolk, V a. '4 1 Briggs, H e le n . 2917 Semina ry Ave., Rich·

mond , Va . '40 Brinkley, Theresa, 528 Broad St., P or ts ·

mouth. Va. '39 B•·inkley, Virginia , 310 Cedar St. , Suffo lk .

Va. '34 Bryan, Frances (Fra nkie ) . Bedford, Va. '39 Brya nt, Nancy, Smithfield. Va . ' 40 Bugg, Bonn ya lyn Avery (1\Jrs. Albe•·t

D avis), 4103 F orest Hill Ave., Ri chmond, Va. '38

Burge, K a thr y n , Appomattox. Va . Burrows, Laura l\Torris (Mrs. Stephen) . 11 2

Rutl and St., Buffalo, . Y. S. Park Station . '38

Burto n , Mabl e. R.R. 1. Richmond , V a . '39 Cardwe ll , M a ry L. M a lbon ( Mrs. J ohn , J r.).

522 Queen St. , P ortsmouth. Va. '27 Carney, Ruth , 308 North St. , P ortsmouth, Va.

'39 Carroll, Frances, 558 Broad St. , P ortsmouth,

Va. '39 Carson Juanita, Farmvill e. Va . '39 Chesnut . Doris , 923)1, D ac ia n Ave., Durha m,

'. C. '40 Ch ew ning , Margaret Pittard (Mrs . A . T..

III) , 2810 K e n s ingto n Ave., Apt. 1.1, Ri c.h · mond, Va . '37

Chil es, Chri s tine Childrey (l\Irs . Henry G.). Oakdale Rd ., Linthicum Hghts ., Md . '35 oa tes , D oris, 700 \V. Princess Anne Rd. ,

'o ..Co lk, Va. '36

Co llings. Alfreda, 532 Shirley A ve., Norfolk, \I a . ' 29

Copley, Bernice, K e nbridge, Va . '40 Costello, Carol , 2115 H a nover Av e., Rich·

mond , V a . '43 Costello, Marg uerit e, 2115 H a nover Ave .,

Richmond , Va . '40 Crawley, Marth a de . Cumberland C. H ., Va.

'41 Curfman , L ou ise V a nLea r (l\Ir . vV a lte r R. ),

Cov ingto n, V a. '34 D av is, Lucille . Box 339. Covington , Va., '36 D av is, Margaret, 701 Euclid Ave. , L y nch ·

burg, V a. '29 D ea ns, Doroth y, 930 B St. , P ort s mouth, Va.

'36 Dic kerson , Alice F e rgu o n (1\Irs. Wil so n

Lambert) , K enbridge , V a. '38 Donn e ll , Evelyn Claytor (Mrs.), W es t P oint ,

Va. '22 D own er. Gladys Huband (1\Irs. L. H. ), 2509

E . 4th St ., Tucso n, Ariz. '27 Ores ler, Ade la ide, Cov ingto n. V a . '39 Edwa rds , Abb ye ~L . 37 11 Co lonia l Av e .,

N orfo lk , Va. '24 Enright . Virginia R ober tso n (Mrs. ]. F.),

36 Sa'nder . N e w London , Conn. '31 Eva n s . Martha Ire ne, Meredith v ill e . Va. '39 Fie lds. L o is Jinkin (Mrs. H erma n R. ). 7109

H orsepen Rd ., Ri chmond . Va. '37 Finch . M argaret. William sb ur~r V a . '29 Gentry. Fra nce 'Willi a ms (Mrs. Lynn ), 110

Braddoc k R d .. Alexandria. V a. '39 Gilliam, Coralee , P amp lin , Va . '41 Goffigon. Virginia Bledsoe (i\Irs. P age N .),

1326 Buckingham Ave .. Norfolk. Va . '32 Goode, V. Blair, Chase Cit y. V a. '40 Greeley. Ch arlott e. 104 Arbutus Ave.

R oa no ke, Va . ' 43 Greig. Betty, R oseda le . Covi ngton . V a. '40 H a ll . Louise, 209 Sherwood Ave., R oa noke,

V a. '41 H a ll, 'e ll , 209 Sherwood An., R oanoke. V a.

'41 H arper, ~Ia ry Anness . 1\far io n. S .C. '38 H arris . Ad a Moore. 3301 Dill Rd .. Richmond

Va. '40 ' H a wkin s. J ac ~[o rto n (Mrs. H a ro ld) . 338 ~[eehan Av e., Mt. Ai ry, Phil a de lphi a, P a. 34

Ha wthom e, K a th e•·ine T. .. K e nbridge Y a Hill. e lm a ( Huck) B e rr y (Mrs. coti). P.O.

Box 55 (Hedge La wn Apt.) R oa nok e \ 'a ':l7 ' . • .

Hoyer, Anna (~l ou"sa). 93 I-Iampt on Road~ Ave., H ampt on. \'a. '38


H oye r , H elen, 93 Hampton Ho a<ls Ave., Hampton, Va . '40

Hubbard, LeNoir , Clarksvill e . Va. '39 Isbell. D ori s. Beaver Dam . Va. '38 Krienba um. Virginia Jordan ( ~Ir s. Bill ) .

E mpor ia . Va. '27 Lehman, Th e lma Yost (Mrs . N . R .) . 4.16 Vit··

g inia Ave .. N. R ., R oa noke, \Ia. '21 Litt le, Ne ll ~ l cA t · dle Newton ( Mrs. L. C.) ,

123 Laurel Cresent, Nodolk. Va. '22 Long, Marian Fitche tt (Mr R alph E. ), Cape

Charles , Va. ' 28 Looney, f:vel y n , 521 Fa ll s Hd., Hocky Mount ,

N .C. '43 Lush , Anne Perry (i\Irs. Glen n), Burkev ill e,

Va. '23 L ybrook, Jane, Fincas t le, Va . '36 Lybroo k. J ohnn y . Fincas tl e, Va. '36 Mc Dearmon , Jean nette John ton (i\Irs. H en -

ry) , Emp01·ia , Va. '27 Major, H a rriet Branch (Mrs. Robert L., Jr.) ,

303 North St., P ort smouth, Va. '32 i\lan so n, Mary K. Taylot· (Mrs. Campbell) ,

4200 Chamberlyn e Ave., Ri chmond, Va. '33 l\ [artin, Jean Bruce, Lanexa , Va. '41 Mason, Ellen Smith (Mrs. W . L eo n), R.R. 3,

P or tsmouth , Va. '27 Massey, Kathr y n J ones (Mrs . Karl) , Leaks­

ville, N.C. '28 Meem, Buena Vi s ta (Boo) Speake (i\lrs. ]. L .

Jr.), Luray, V a . '37 Mohr, Marguerite Foster (Mrs. ]. G.) , 114

Colonial Ave., Haddonfi e ld , N .]. '29 M orris , Mildred , 530 P a rk Pl. , R oc k y Mount ,

N .C. Moyer, Jea n, 1702 P1·enti s Ave. , Port smouth,

Y a. '41 Musgrave , Alber t a Colli n gs ( i\fr s . Thomas

P.), 702 Park Ave ., Collingswood. .J .. ' 34 Nicho ls. Mary P .. 410 B eech St., Farmville ,

Va . '23 Obenshain, Sally P age, 1000 T e rrace Rd.,

R a leigh Ct .. Roa noke . V a. '21 Painter. Louise C .. Draper. Va. '38 Payne , Ernes tin e, Box 64, \ -\'arm Springs , V a .

' 36 Peak, Eve ly n , 504 Clay St., Lynchbmg, Va.

'26 Pfolsgrof. J a ne M ai n (1\frs. 1\lat·ce l), Glouces­

t e r Point, Va . '36 Ph e lps, Grace R owe ll (1\lrs. Arthm W .) .

Ohio orthern U niv .. Ada. Oh io '34 P ohe, Virginia Cox (Mrs. H enr y), 103 W . 39th

St. , Baltimor e, Md ., '30 P ope, Frances, Dreweryville, Va. '40 P owell, Lucie Elle n. U nion L eve l , Va. Pritchett. Frances, 27 S. South St. , Pet ers-

burg, Va. '41 Raw lin gs , P aige :Magee (Mrs. W. G .. Jr. ),

403 Southhampton St .. Emporia. Va. '35 Rawls , Grace Va. \~'oodhou se ( Mrs. Clyde) .

1048 Nava l Ave .. P ortsmouth. Va. '32 Rawl s, J\1ar y Th oma s, lvor, V a. '33 R enfro, Elizabeth , Dot-c hes ter. \I a. '34 Rhode s, M erwyn Gathright (Mrs. G. Sin-

c la ir), Gl ouce s le t·. Va . '.37

R it cheso n, l\'fab c l Luc ill e, Amh erst, Va. '40 Ri ves, 1\faud. McK e nn y, Va . Ri ves, Sally R oys ter, McKe nn y, Va. '23 Roberts, Anne tte, 1040 Pin e St., Norton, Va.

'.18 Robe rt s . Charlotte Hutchin s (Mrs. Linwood

B. ), 1100 Ann St., Portsmouth , Va. '32 Robin so n , Lucy ThomJ>so n (Mrs. F lee t ), Dan­

vill e, Va . '30 R ollin s. Doroth y. 1902 North Qui ncy St.,

Arlington. Va. '41 Saund ers, Nancy. Capron, Va. '43

haw, Gay Ste iffen (M r s. W. H. ), 163 L a­Salle A ve. , H ampton , Va. '35

Smith , Elizabe th M or ing (Mrs. W. Edward ), Farmv ill e, Va. '23

Smith , Marjor ie Goodwin (Mrs. Oscar), 1307 Willow Wood Dri ve, 1orfolk , Va. '28

Smith , Virginia W ., Dumbarton, Va. '39 . Spi nner, Judith , 302 Piedmont A ve., Colon ta l

Hghts., P etersburg, Va. '40 Spliter , Elizabe th , 144 South Court St.,

Luray , V a. '35 Stan ley, B e tty , 300 Court St. , P or tsmouth ,

Va . '39 Stuart Martha von Shilling (Mr . ~'a lt er

D. ),' 4508 W. Seminary Ave., Ri chmond , Va. '32

Tew. 1\Iargaret Carroll ( llfrs. R oland Earl ), 2511 Atlanta Ave. , Sava nn a h . Ga . '37

Thomas , Frances , Dumbarton , Va. '38 Thompson , Agnes, South Hill . Va . '37 Thompson, 1\<fari e , South Hill . Va. Thomson Mabe l Ha yes (Mrs. Frank K .) ,

326 Do~gla s Ave., P ort smouth, \1 ~. '28 Turner. Anne, 1208 B e ll evue Ave .. Rt chmond,

Va. '42 · Turner, Dor is 1\Ioore (Mrs. J . L., Jr.), 704

W. 20th St. , Ri chmond , Va. '36 Turner , Lil ia n. Avan Rd .. R a le tgh Ct. , R o­

anoke, Va . '42 Turner , !t.'l arga ret, Clay St., Franklin. Va.

' 34 Tumer . Mary B. Epes (i\Irs. J. H .). South

Hill. Va. '30 Wa shington. Ali ce 1\[cKay (Mrs. George) .

W ood ford. Va. '34 Webb Virgi nia Ri ce (1\[rs . L ew is W .). 5234 Edg~water Dr .. Norfolk , V a. '27

Watt s He len 3707 Nicholas St., Lynchburg , V a .


'41 ' \Ves t , 1\[a r y Effinge r, Clea rwater P a rk , Co,··

ingto n , V a. '39 W es t , Jean S. W ., B ox 152-C, R.R. 2, 'o r·

folk , \Ia . '25 Whitl ey, Ali ce Rowell (1\ft·s. George F. ), 205

E . 78th St.. New York Cit y '34 \Villiam s, Mary Elle n , 143 Carroll Ave.,

Petersburg, Va. '40 Willi a m s, Mildred Chandler (M rs. L. R an­

do lph), Buffalo Junc ti on , \I a. '35 Yelverton, ·~ l a ry Ethel Barnes ( J\l r s. K ulon).

431 Flor in e. A ve .. P ort smouth, \'a. '37 Yos t, Sy lvia, 522 Virgini a Ave.. S. R .

Roan oke, Va . '24


State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas Founded 1935

Adam son. Bernice Beas ley (Mrs. A. E .), \Nest P la in s, Mo. '35

Alb ri ght, Annetta , 1614 E. 7th St .. Pine Bluff, Ark . ' 41

i\llis, Billie J ea n , 2505 E . W ash in gton , North Little Roc k . Ark . '39

Armitage , Caro lin e, Searcey , Ark. '37

Avery, Juli a ]VI ae. Sweet Home. Ark. '40 Baker, Edna , 419 M a in t. , No rth L itt le

R oc k. Ark . '42 Baughn, W enon ah Faye. Conway. Ark. '.li Buc kl ey, lllargare t , B eaux ite, Ark. '39 Ca lloway, Eli zabe th , H oll y Grove. At·k. '42 Carter, lVl argaret, M ark Tree, Ark. '35


Cearley, \~l ilma J ane , Sheridan, Ark . '39 Clark, Mary Sue, Richardson St ., Arkaclel·

phia, Ark. ' 42 Co ffman, Christine, K eo, Ark. '35 Cox , J oyce (Mrs. Ma lcomb T ay lor), 208

Ma in St., Osceo la . Ark . '42 Dia l, Fra nces, Pine Bluff, Ark. '38 Dickerso n, Erie Glae, Ozar. Ark. '42 Dow n s, Mildred Stephens (~ Irs . Charles).

615 Ash St .. Texarkana, Ark. '37 Drace, D orothy , Tyronza. Ark. '43 Evatt , Luc il le . Boonville . Ark. '41 Frizzell , Vanit a, Bradford . Ark. ' 41 Full er, Audrey, Alm yra . Ark. '35 Garre tt. Frances. 1101 Pike Av e .. Nort h Littl e

Rock, Ark. '36 Gibbs, Eugeni a K ei th (Mrs.), Camden, Ark.

'38 Hamilton. Thelma. 514 Maple St.. North

Little R ock , Ark . '35 H a mpton , Juan ita . Boonville , Ark. ' 38 H e:1ry, Lois , 4824 L ee Ave. , Little R oc k ,

Ark . '35 Hi ege l, Aileen Cov ington ( Mrs. ), Con way.

Ark. '36 H olmes, E l izabe th , Thornton. Ark. '43 H oltzendorff, Elizabeth, Haze n. Ark . '35 Hunt , Virginia Willi a ms (Mrs. 0. T .),

Blythev ill e, Ark. '38 J ackson , Lillian , 2415 W olfe St. , Litt le Rock ,

Ark. '41 J ete r , Katherine, Wabbasek a, Ark . '40 J oh n son, Billie Lea, Conway. Ark. '38 J on es, Edra Faye, Smac kove r. Ark. '39 Kirt en. Lily , Lake Village. A rk. '35 Ki tts. ~ l ildred. 2024 Orange St., North Littl e

R oc k. Ark . '41 Lil es, Ma ri on. Ola . Ark. '37 Lowe, J e we l , Brink ley, Ark . '40 L yon , Elizabeth, F ort Smith. Ark. '35 l\I ab t·ey Charlotte , 516 \V. 4th St. , North

Little Roc k , Ark . '40 Martin , Grace, 305 S. Smith St ., El Dorado.

Ark. '38 l\Iathis, Nita Brummett ( lllrs . Cecil ), Yell e·

ville, Ark. '39 McCue, L ouise Cordrey (Mrs. Richard), 1111

Scot t St. , Littl e R ock, Ark. '36 ' I c Hughes , lll ary Sharrock ( l\Irs. Faye) . 3116

W. 12t h , Littl e Rock, Ark. '35 McNa bb, Mary N e ll , P ocohontas , Ark. '38 Meacham , Virginia Louise, ~1o nroe, Ark.

'40 lllill s, Alpha, 2112 Orange St., N orth Littl e

R oc k , Ark. M ill er , Mildred, 623 W. 14th St. , Little R oc k ,

Ark. '39 lllorse, D oris \Vood (Mrs. Floyd), Green·

wood. Ark . '35 Neil l, Florence, R ove r, Ark. '38

Nicholson, Jane, F orres t City, Ark. '42 Oates, Anna R eeves ( ~Ir .), Augusta. Ark.

'38 Oates, Eva Lois ( l\I rs.). )forrilt on, Ark . '35 Obenshai n, Betty. Sheridan. Ark . '4) Park, Mary Sue (Mrs. Edd). Hackett. Ark .

'39 P erkins. M argie, 800 E. 6th St., North Little

R oc k, Ark. '34 Phelps , Allie , 31 D onaghey Ave., Conway,

Ark. '43 Pugh. Nona J ea n, R ove r. Ark . '38 Pyle , i\fae Dean. 229 M e lrose Circle . North

Littl e Roc k , Ark. '42 R a mer, Frances, l\loro. Ark. '39 R eyno lds, D e na R ae J ones ('lrs. Thomas).

Crosse tt, Ark. '39 R ichardson, M arjorie, Prospec t St., Camden.

Ark. '42 Robinso n . R ut h J ean Dye r (M rs . S. L.), 1506

P ea rl St .. J op lin. i\Io. '38 Rogers , H e len J a ne, Earl e , Ark . '40 Ro we , Cora Frances Flore nce , Les lt e , Ark.

'38 Sadl er , Arl e ne , W attensaw, Ark. '40 Sca llion. Cl ara. Conway , Ark . '39

charrock Edna Grace. Conway. Ark. 39 Schroeder: Bernice pann (Mrs . Willi am).

Cla rendon. Ark. '38 Sims, Gera ldi ne, 313 Oak St ., heridan, Ark .

'43 Smith, Mildred. BoonviiJe, Ark. '4 1 Smythe, Dorothy, 1523 Cedar St Littl e

R ock. Ark. '41 , pann Dorothea. D eQuee n . Ark. '35 Starr, · Dorothy , M ayflower. Ark . '34 Stewart , Mary \ Vorley (Mrs. D a le). Nuni·

vak I s land. Alaska. '34 St ra in , Frances Coxey (;\Ir s. J ack). Con way.

Ark. '34 Taylor, Evel yn . Spa rkm a n . Ark. '39 Turne r, Cleda, Te wport , Ark . '36 Va nemmbe rg, Emogene Laman (Mr . N eal).

Cave City, Ark . '39 Ves ta l, H attie Pear l. S t rong. Ark. '34 'Wages, D or oth y Bess, Norph le t , Ark. '41 \Vall ace. Winnie Lee Floyd (~I rs. J ohn A ..

Jr.) , P a tmas, Ark. '36 W es terfield , Inez D obbs (Mrs.) , K eiser, Ark.

'38 Winn , M axi ne Mill s (Mrs. H e nry) *W elch. Ruth M ari e (Mrs.). Co nway , Ark.

'38 \-\'enz e l, Frances Cole ( Mrs. H arold), 1309

Ch ester St .. Little R ock, Ark . '39 Wh itley, Ruth Hood ( Mrs. Preston), 1720

Battery St., Litt le R oc k , Ark. '39

* )farried names unknown

PHI Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, Louisiana

Founded 1940

Al exand er, l\Ia ry J ea n , Military Rd ., Co,·-ing ton. La . '40

Cutrer, M argaret Evelyn. K e ntwood , L a. ' 40 Champagne, Dillie B .. Covington, La. '37 Edmundso n , Fleda , Cov ingto n . La . '40 Edmundson , l\1 yrta, Covington . La. '41 Hut chin son, 1\1argue rit e Ann. K e ntwood, Ln. .

'43 Hogga tt, Eve ly n, Fra nklinton , La. '42 l l a llum, Anna fae P oole ( i\lrs. R. E. ).

Ham mond, La . '37 J ones, Yvonn e, lllaurapas, La. '4 1 _Lo we .. ?\1argare t D . , H amm o nd, , La. i\ lor n so n, Gretc he n , Za na . T.a . 37 i\lagee, Pat sy E laine. Franklint on, T.a. '41

~!agee, K ay, Franklinton, La. '43 T\l o ntgomery, N e lda Lillian, Tic kfa w , L a. '41 P eterso n , Christina Arline, Loranger. La. '42 Primes, lv y ll e Yvonn e . 0 y ka. llli s. '42 .._ te wart. Charlo tt e, Covington , La . '41 St eed , Juanita Theo, Green bur y, La . '4.) Tilley. Mary Ellen, Orange, T e x . '40 Tiner , E ste ll e, Box 3573, \\' e t lllonroe. La.

'42 T e rra l, Eli zab e th . K e ntwood, La. ' 41 Trigg, Eleanor Ann, Covington. La. '41 W a ldrep. Margare t Ann. lbmmond. La. \\' a lt er. Dol'is Eve ly n. K e n t wood , I.a . '42 \ Vh ittingtun, arah Kath eri ne. ti01 .\ ,•e . C . .

Bogal usa, La. '42



Shepherd State Teachers College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia Founded 1940

Butts, Catherine Fuller, Bol ivar. \ V. Va. '43 Chapman, Bertha Alice, 806 Virginia Ave.,

Ma rtin sburg, W.Va. '41 Cree , Sara H e len , Shepherdstown, W .Va. Cross, Meda Kearney, Sh epherd s town , W.Va.

'41 Danie ls , H e len Knott, 528 Fifth St., P a rker s·

burg, W.Va. ' 40 Dolan , June, ~1 oo re field , \V. Va. El y, Georg ia P a ulin e, Bake•·. W .Va. '42 Fritts, Elizabeth L ee, R.R. 4, Martinsburg,

W .Va. '42 Grove, K a ther ine Tenn y, Inwood, Vv.Va. '41 H awse , N e lli e P auline , N eedmore , VV.Va. '42 Hiett, Lilli e B irdalee , H edgev ill e, W .Va.

'42 Hodges, K ather in e Anne, Shepherd s town,

W .Va. '40 Howard, Anna Vit·g ini a, Sha rp sburg, ~id. '43 Hunte r, Mary Christine , Duffi e ld . \V. Va. '38 Keen , l\1ar y Stuart, Summit P oint, W .Va.

'42. now at \V.V .U . Lingamfelter, Ava lon Loui se , N orth l\1oun -

l ai n , W.Va. '42. 'o w at W .V.U. Lumm , ~[ary Ann a, Sharpsburg, ~ifd. '43 Mill a rd , Elizabe th May, Gen·ards tow n ,

W .Va. '41 i\lill a rd, J ea n Lowe, Gerra•·d; town , W. Va.

'43 Ol iver , El eanor Elizabeth , Suffolk, Va. '40 Potter , a •·ah Catherine, Romney, W.Va. Shockey, i\I a rgare t Eloise, 138 D St., K eyser,

W .Va. '4 1 Sm ith , ~ [arga r et Louise , 31 4 r. l\ [ap le Ave.,

1\Ja rtin sb urg, W .Va. '42 Smith, \.Ya nd a Loui se , 12l S trin e Ave., Mar­

tinsburg, W .Va. '43 Southerly, Li lli a n E sther , P ete rsburg, W.Va . Twigg, Marie Kathryn, Green Spring, W . V.

'42 Van Tol, l\Tarjor ie Bartle tt (Mrs. H. ) , T ea·

ticket, i\Ia ss. Wil so n , J anet Xantippe, M oore fi e ld, W .Va.

' 43


ALABAMA Fairfield

N y la nd, Doroth y, 5151 H ill side D r ..... Al pha

Florence R omine, K a thl ee n J\1cCorkl e (Jif rs . H ow-

ani), 1118 N. \Vood Ave . .......... Omicron

Sheffield Foste r. J oseph ine J\I cCo,· kl e (J\Irs . L . P .).

410 At la nt a A ve .. . . .. ... .. . ... . . .. Om ic ron

Woodward Croo ks, H e le n . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . ....... . . . .. . Eta

Gadsden B re nglema n , J ess ie McDill (M rs. Russe ll ),

808 S. ll th St. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . ..... Ka ppa


Bowen . Z ill a h H ous ton (M rs. Paul A.). 4552 N . 7th A ve. . . .... .. ... Be ta

Stafford L a nsd en , Eth y l B a rb a r (J\Irs. Robe rt ) . 1027

Ce ntra l . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ..... .. .. ... . ... . I ota

Tucson Down er . Glad ys Huba nd (J\I r s. L. H .).

2509 E . 4th St . ...... .. ...... .. .... Zeta T a u


Full e r, A ud re y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . psi lon

Arkadelphia Cl a r k, J\I a r y Sue, Richa rd so n St . .. . Upsilon

Aubrey ~{a th ew s, l\Iari on . . .. . .. . .... . . . .. .. . Ups il on

Augusta Oa tes . Anna R eeves (l\I rs .)


. .. Ups ilon

Buc kl ey, Marga re t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ps ilon

Blytheville Hunt. Virginia Will iams (i\I r s. O.T .) .

.. .... . .. .. .... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..... . . . .. . ps ilon

Boonville Eva t t, Luc ill e .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. • ... . . Ups ilon H a mpton. J uanit a .. . . . . .... . . . ....... Ups ilon Smith, ll f ildred .. ...... .. .. .... . ... .. . Up ilon

Bradford Fri zze ll , Jua n ita ........ . . .. ..... .. ... Ups ilon

Brinkley L owe, J ewel .. .......... .............. Ups ilon

Cave City V a nemmberg, Emoge n e La ma n ( llfrs. N eal),

. . . . ... . .. . .... . . .. ......... .... ....... Upsi lon

Camden Gibbs, E uge nia K ei th (Jif r .) ........ U J>s il on Ri cha rd so n, M arj or ie, Prospec t S t. , .. U 1ls il on

Clarendon , chroe cl er , 13 ·r n i e S pa nn (llfrs. W ill ia m)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 'psi lon

Conway Baughn , \\' enon a h F aye ... _ .......... 'ps Ion Hiege l, Ai leen Cov ington (Mrs.) .. U ps Ion J ohnso n, Billie Lea .... .... .... .. ... U ps Ion Phe lps, Allie , 318 Donaghey A ve .. . .. U ps Ion Sca li ion. Cla ra .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. .... Ups Ion Sch arrock. E d n a Grace .. . ..... . .. . ... Ups Ion St rai n , Fra nces Coxey ( ~Irs. J ac k) .. Up Ion W elch, R uth Jlfar ie (Jilrs .) .... ...... U ps Ion

Crossett R eynolds, D e na R ae J ones ( llf r . Thomas)

....... . ................... . .. ....... . .. Up il on

Dequeen Spann, Dorothea .................... .. Up ilon

Earle Roger , H e len J a n e .. .. .. ...... .. .. Upsi lon

ElDorado Ma r ti n , Grace, 3055 Smith S t . .. .. .. Ups ilon

Forrest City N icholson , J ane .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . psi lon

Fort Smith L yon , E li zabe th ...... .. ........ .... .. Up il on \ 'Ii ll a rd . H e le n H a r mo n ( Mrs. K arl P or -

ter), 24 11 ou th 0 S t., .......... . ....... Rho

Greenwood Morse , Doris \\'ood ( ~I rs. F loyd) ... L'psi lon

Hackett P ark , M a r y Sue (J\Irs. Ed) . . . . . . . . psi Ion

Hazen H oltze ndorff. E l iza beth .. ... . ........ Ups ilon

Holly Grove Ca lloway . E li zabe th ..... . . .. . .... . . .. Upsi lon

Hot Springs Be li s le, M a rga ret S tare nga ( J\I rs. J ohn )

Arm y & Navy Ge n er a l H osp it al .... The ta

Keiser W es terfi e ld , Inez Dobbs (J\I rs .) ...... Upsi lon

Keo Coffman, Chr is t ine .. .. ............... Up ilon

Lake Village K ir te n . L i ly ....................... . .. . Upsi lon

Leslie Rowe, Cor a F ra nces F lore nce ( M rs. Odi s)

· ·· · ····· · .. .. .. . ................ . ..... Upsi lon

L i ttle Rock Hen ry, Lois . 4824 Lee A ve ......... ps ilo n J ack so n, Lilli a n , 24 15 W olfe St ....... Upsi lon McCue, Loui se Cordrey (J\J rs. Ri ch a rd) ,

1111 co lt St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ps ilon J\IcHughes, J\I a r y h a rroc k ( i\l rs . F aye),

3116 W . 12t h St. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . psi lon fill er , Mi ldr ed . 623 W . 14th t. . . . . . ps ilon

Sm y the, Doroth y, 1523 Ced a r t ..... Upsi lon W en ze l. F ra nces Co le C\ frs. H a rold) . 1309

Ches ter S t . . .. , ................... . . . Upsi lon W hit ley . Ruth Hood ( M rs . Pres ton ). 111

vV. 13th S t. ......................... Cpsilon

M ark Tree Carter, l\ f :ug:lre l .......... ....... ... . . l !p-.iltHl


Mayflower Starr, Dorothy .. . . .......... .... ...... U 1>s ilon

Monroe i\1 eacham, Virginia Louise .. . .•...... Upsilon

Morrilton Oate , Eva Lois (Mrs.) ... Upsi lon

Moro Ram er, Frances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ps i ion

Newport Turner, Cleda ........ . .... . ......... .. Upsi lon

Norphlet Wages, Dorothy Bess ........ ........ Upsi lon

North Little Rock Allis, Billie J ean, 2505 E. W as hington

. . .. . .. ... . . . . . .............. . ..... . . .. Ups ilon Baker, Edna, 419 Main St ... .... .. ... Ups ilon Garrett, Frances, 1101 Pike Av e . .... Ups ilon H amilton. The lma . 514 Maple St .. ... Ups ilon Kitts , Mildred, 2024 Orange St ....... Upsilon Mabrey, Charlotte, 516 W . 4th St ... U ps il on Mil ls. A lpha , 211 2 Orange St. .. ...... Ups ilon Perk ins Marg ie, 21 12 Orange St ..... Upsi lon Perkins, Margi e . 800 E. 6th St ....... U ps ilon Pyle, Mae Dean , 229 Melrose Circle .. Ups ilon

Ola Liles, Ma ri on ..... . .. .. . ...... .... . .. . U 11s ilon

Osceola Cox , J oyce (M•·s. Ma lcomb Tay lor) . 208

Ma in St ......................... . . .. Upsi lon

Ozar Dicker so n, Erie Glae ... ............. Ups ilon

Ozark Swindler , H aze l ............. . . . .. .. .. . Upsi lon

Patmas \>Va ll ace, \>Vinni e Lee Floyd (Mrs. John A. )

........ . ..... . .. . ... .... . ....... . .. . .. Ups ilon

Pinebluff Albright. Annetta, 1614 E. 7th St . .... Ups ilon Di al, Frances . . .. . . . .. . . ... . .. .. .. . . . . U ps il on

Pocahontas McN abb, Ma ry N e ll ..... ............. U ps ilon

Rover N e ill , Flore nce . ... . . . ...... ... . ..... . . Ups ilon Pugh, Nona J ea n .. ................. . Upsi lon

Searcy Armitage, Caroline .................. Ups ilon

Sheridan Cearly. Wilma J a ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . psi lon Oben sha in , B e tt y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Upsi lon Sims, Gera ldine, 313 Oak St .. ....... l.:psi lon

Smackover J ones , Edra F aye . .. ......... ....... Upsi lon

Sparkmans T ay lor, Eve ly n ..... . ....... ... . . ..... U ps ilon

Strong V es ta l, Hattie P ea rl ........ .... ... .. Ups ilon

Sweet Home Avery , Juli a Mae .... .. ...... .... ... Upsilon

Texarkansas Downs, Mi ldred Stephens (Mrs. Charles) .

615 Ash St ....... 00 00 .. 00 00 00 00 .. .... Upsi lon

Tyronza Drace, Doro thy . .... . ... ....... ...... Upsi lon

Wabboseka J cetcr, K a theri ne ........ . ............ U1Jsi lon

Wattensaw Sadl er, Arl ene ........... . ....... . .... Upsi lon

Yelleville Mathi s, Nita Brummet (i\lrs. Cecil) .. Upsi lon


Van Me re, Olga Stinchcomb (Mrs . Lyle), 1508 Verdi St ..... ...... .... .......... Alpha

Burlingame Light, H e lene F ox (M r s. E.), 1312 Carlos

Ave . .. . ... .. . .. . .. ....... ... .... .... . . Gan1n1a

Long Beach Huff, Margaret Mes mer (Mrs. J ames), 1615

C Stanton Pl. .. .. ....... . .. .. .... . .... Sigma P a ulus, Betty Kittrid ge, 4424 E. 5th St .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gan11na \ .Vierauch. Harriet Stevenson ( i\lrs. Martin

H .), 3640 E. 2nd ........ .... ........... .. I ota

Los Angeles Baker, Aza li a K emp (Mrs . H. W.) . 1436

W . JOi s t St. ....... . .... . .. .. ......... A I11ha Cromb ie, H e len Brow n (Mrs. W . R.) , 3210

Dorcheste r Ave .................. .. ... Alpha H ahn Lois T hac ke r (Mrs . Wm. L. ), 815

S. Ogden Dr. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .......... Beta Hi gg in s, F ra nces, 3326 W. 66th St .. .. . Alpha Theirs, Ruth, Apt. 405, 275 S. New Hamp-

shire Ave .... ..... . .. . .... ... ........ . . . Beta Tokhe im , Ruth K oe ni g (Mrs. R. E.) , 3797

Cimarron . . .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .... .. .... .. .. . Pi Young, R uth Sh atto n , 3414 Alice St ... Ka1Jpa

Monterey \ .Va ll , Ge nev ieve \Vhite (Mrs . Chas. H .) .

305 S. Cha ndl er Ave. . . . . . ....... Beta

Pasadena P otter. Lou ise Newberry (Mrs. Clinton).

756 S. North Los R ob les St .. . . . . . .... Beta

Pacific Palisades Landers . Mary Lou Phillips (Mrs. W . C.).

1026 H art ze ll St. ............ ...... ... .. I ota

Redding Smith, Louise Garnett (Mrs. Floyd). Bnx

1001 . .. ..... . ..... . ..... . .. . ............. . Iota

Redwood City Ma loney, H arriet You ng love (1\frs .). :lSO

Hud so n St ....... . ... . .... . .. . ........... Beta

Riverside Castle, Viva. 4291 M arch wood Pl. ........ I ota J ohn so n , N e ll Castle (Mrs. Harold ). 4291

March wood Pl. .... ... . .................. Tota

San Carlos Mac li ver, Genevieve F orsberg (Mrs. John).

67 i\I adrona .... ....... .... .. .. .. . ... .. . Bet a

San Pedro Spofford . Gertrude Minthen ( Mrs. Le wis

C.) , 6546 Via Lorenzo ...... .. ........... Beta

COLORADO Anton ita

Riedel, L ena Wallace (Mr . Spencer) .... Xi


Arvada Juchem, i\Ia t·gare t R. (Mrs. T .). Box 246 . . N u

Aspen Mcintos h, J ea n .. ... . .. . .. . .. ... ............ X i

Atwood Curtain , ~I a rj o ri e . ... ... . . . . . ......... .... . Nu

Ault N ea l, M a r jori e Adam ( l\frs. T .) ... . • . . . . . Nu

Avondale Prukop, Soph ie .. X i

Buford P ayntet·, Cle rofa R obinso n ( Mrs.) ........ Xi

Cedaredge Clayton Doroth y All e n ( ~I rs . Joe) ..... . X i l\IcDon; ld, Oli ve Gree r (Mrs. Rona ld) .... X i

Colorado Springs R eed , M ild red Gadd (Mrs. H aro ld). 619 N . ..

Ceda r . . . .. ......... . ...... .. ............. . . Xt

Crook B eck , Zin a .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . ...... . . .. .. .. .. . N u

Delta Ba iley, Les ta Ens ig- n (Mrs. Dewey) ... . Xi Dic ke rso n , Ju li e tte .... . . . ... . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. X i Edward s, K ath erin e . ..... .. ... ...... . .. . .. N~t~ Loc kh a rt , Sophia , 1060 Mee ker S t . .... . . . . Xt

Denver All en , D. P a ulin e, 1145 Clay ton St. .. . ... Nu Atsc he ll . Doroth y R hodes ( ~It-s . R. E.).

945 l\I arion . .. .. . .. .. . . ..... . . .. .. . .. ... . . l ata Baab. Doroth y. 925 E . lith A ve .. . ...... Nu Cha mbe rs, E ve ly n Burchfi e ld (:-I rs. J . K .).

3731 R ace St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N u Cla rk, Georgi a H yer (Mrs. Cull e n), 5020 • .

Elliot . . . .. ... .. . . .. . . ... .. . . ... ........ . ... X t Cosimi , lVIar ie F erra ro (1\fr s. Ant hon y).

W e lb y at D e nve r . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. ... .... N u Cudmore , Marga re t Dillon ( l\frs. P .), 1025

Sherm a n St . . ... . .. . . ..... . .. . .. . ... . . .. . Nu Emerick. Jua ni ta. 3133 \\'. H ighl a nd PI .. i\'u Ewer , Ruth Magnuso n ( Mrs. Bruce), 1145

Cl a yton St . . . ... . .. ... ..... . ... . .. . . . ... . N u Gi sh, Opa l Wil so n (Mrs. Douglas), 3924

W. 35 th St. . ...... ... ... ....... ... . .... . I ota H a rt , K athe ryn , 3420 Juli a n St .. .... .. . . . . N u H oc um , Ruth Joyce (Mrs.). 1269 V in e St . . . N u J ohn s .. n , E lsa F a lberg (Mrs. A.) . 844 M a t· ·

ion St . . . . . . .... .. . ... .... . . ..... . ... .. .... Tu L a mb ert y , M a r r ia nn e . 1440 M onroe St. . . u Leed s , Alice M cR ae (M rs. D. ) . 620 E . 2nd Av~ . . ... .. .. ... . .... ... . . . ... .. ..... . . . . .. Nu

Miller, El ea nor . 1647 W elton . . ... . . ..... Xi M oe ll er. L ois Armeling (Mrs. Ca rl). 200

S. Gil pen St .. ......... . .. . ......... . .... Nu P arso ns. Edna R oma ns ( :-frs. R a lph) . 1161

VI' ash. St . . .... . . .. .. . .. . ..... ..... ..... .. ' u Sa nd ers. June Ri chm ond (M rs. \ \'m .. Jr.).

2901 Chase St. ... .. .......... . . . . .. .. . ... N u ime noff . M a r y, 1830 Gra n t St.. 307 .... . .. . 1 u

Swift. llfa r y J a n e, 852 Madiso n St . ...... Nu \Vi se. Emm a Ti epe rm a n (llfrs. A rt hur Jl. .

Jr.) , 1401 Fillmore ... ....... . .. . .. . ... .. I ot a

Durango R a ish , Alli so n Huntl ey. Box 375 .... ... . Xi

Eaton Ande rso n . Luci ll e J aeger ( llf rs. Clarence) .

R.R. 2, Box 16 ........... . . . . . ............. Nu B enne tt , Tde ll a Sum ner ( [r s. E a rl e) . .. N u \Va lter , E s ther And er so n . ............. . .. Nu

Flagler M a lba f, L a ura Mae W ib le (Mrs.) .. . . . ... u

Fowler Chri s te nson , l\Iaybelle J ones (i\I rs. H enry)

... ... .. . .. ... . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . ..... ... . ... . . I o ta

Glen wood Springs Ga mbre l, H e le n Rigney (Mrs. H .) , 1228

M~~~g~r to~~ :::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::: : ~~ Sloss, Ora H owa rd (Mrs. E ll is) . 1127 Ben-

n ett A ve ..... . .. .. .. . . ... ............ .. .. . i\'u

Grand Junction

N ise ly. Em ily , R.R. 1 ······ ·· · ·· ···· ····· ='5! St ro ng, Ve l me Alli son, 1435 Mai n ........ X t

Greeley Baa b , E s ther Schons t rom (l\[r s. \\'m.), 17.'4

8th Ave .. . .......... . .. . ... . ...... . .. . ... Nu B eck. Gwe ndolyn . c/o C.S. C.E . ... . . . . .... Nu Ba rk e r . Ell a Fra nces (M rs. George) , c/o

C. .C.E .. . ........ . .. . ........ . .. .. ........ Nu Elg in , J oa nn a Eberhardt ( l\[rs. H owa rd).

1 1224 12th Ave. . ..... .. . . ....... . ...... . ... N u Godfrey, B ett y K eefer (M rs . Ben). 503 14th

A ve . ... .. ...... . . . .... .. . ... ....... ... .. . .. u H oydar , Ed n a, F acult y Club H ouse , R.R. 12

.. . . . ................. . . .. ...... . ............ Nu Tec ker, L a Vonne. 1605 9th St. ..... .... . ' u

Gunn ison Lehman, Loue tta ~IcDon a ld . ..... . ...... . Xi Osborn e . El iza be th Mill er ( i\f rs . llf ar k).

Box 845 .. . .. . . . .............. . ..... . .. . ... Xi Tri ne, Sa ra h J oh nso n (M rs . H arry) .... .. Xi

Henderson L ucke, Au drey Fisher ( l\I rs. R oya l) . . . . .. Nu

Johnstown Boyd. llfa de lin e B uche r (Mrs. J ack) ...... Nu Ga rde n er, B ert ha Mag nuso n (M rs . Chas.) Nu

Julesburg Gudge l. Ali ce .. . ..... . .. . .. . .............. N u

Keenesburg Kin g, Ru th ..... . ..... . .. . .. . ..... . .... . .... Nu

Lamar Dav i , Rub y .. .................. . ... . ..... . . Xi

La Junta l\Iur phey, Fae. 321 R aton Ave .......... Nu Ough . llfe lba. 522 Sa nt e F e . . .... . .... . .... N u P eacock, Luc re ti a . 1018 B ell evie w ...... I ota Smith, M a rj ori e V a n L ope k (Mrs. Ted) ... Nu

Longmont Ba ker, Ru th, R.R. 2 ................ . ..... Nu

Louviers Ellis. E m ily Gus ta fson (l\Ir s. Cli fton) .. Nu

Meade B ac k strom, B e ul a h \V i lli a ms (l\I rs . B .) ... N u

Monte Vista P aradiso. E va .......... . .................... X i

m it h. F lore nce \Va ters (M rs.) . .. . . . ... . . . Nu

Montrose H ask ill. \' io let Sl y (]\[rs. R ay) .......... X i

New Raymer Thom pson . Ruth Turner .. .. . .... . ........ l a ta

Norwood J o eph, 1re n e ly (11lrs. Ed) ...•...•.... X i

Nucla llfcNutt , [ary ... . . .... . ... . . .. .... . ....... X i

T H E ANC H OR 4 l

Ouray McNew, Lula Ensign (i\Irs. M elvi n) ...... Xi

Paonia Endsley, Ida .............. .. ............... Xi

Parlin Col lard, Halli e Mock (Mrs . Royal) ..... . Xi

Pueblo A llesandro, Annie. R.R. l. Box 129 ... Xi Br iggs, Betty. 1318 Berk ley . . . . . . . . . .Nu Cintl e, Vi rginia Muzzio (Mrs.), R.R. 2, Box

622 ... .. ... . ... .. ... .. ..... ... .............. Nu Tanner , Fra nces E ll en Allen, 2114 Green-

'vood, ............... . ...... .. . .. ......... .. Xi

Rifle Col e, Elva Spangler (Mrs. Herma n) ... .. . Xi

Simla Richardson , Daisy G. . . . . . . . . ... N u

Sterling Parker, Marjori e . . . . . . .... Nu

Stone City Newton, Maybelle Johnson (Mrs.) . . Xi

Telluride Spillman , Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. Xi

Trinidad Buzard , Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nu Nigro , Virgin ia, 1111 Ar izona Ave ..... Xi

Thatcher Griffith, Lillian .. . .. Nu

Uravan Wares, Kathlee n Sly (Mrs. Kenn e th ) .. .. Xi


P ete rson. Flavia B a ughm a n (Mrs. S.). 140 B1·oo kvi ew Ave ........ . ............. Gamma

H a rtford Sim mon s, Li l lian Griffin. 3j3 Farmington

Ave. . .......... . A lpha

New Britain P ease, Louise McNeill (Mrs. R oge r s W .), 7 Ellis St. . . . . . . . . ... . Omicron

N ew London Enright, Virginia R obertson (Mrs. J. F .).

36 Sander . . . . ...................... Zeta Tau Harris, Elizabeth, Connec ti c ut College for

\.Yom e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ..... . ... . Beta

Willima ntic Gross, Lydia , State N orm a l School

DELAWARE Frankfort


Rafferty , Iren e Schm idt (M rs.), Box 141 .. ..... . .. . .. . .. .. . ... .. . . . .... . . .. .... . .. . .Nu

Harrington Witchey, Pri sc illa Heath (Mrs . Frank) Zeta

Newark Ch a lme rs, Ann . 81 D e la ware Av e ... Lambda

Wilmington McDonne ll , Mary, 1207 Clayton S• . . Lambda

FLORIDA Fort Lauderdale

Mtll er, Reba E. Hughes (Mrs. W. G.), 817 S.E. 8th St ....... . .... .. ........... Epsilon

L a k ela nd Wilcox , Th e lma B. ( Mrs.), R . R. ~I , Box

222 ..................................... Alpha

St. P e tersburg Ba r nh a rt, Ann Gingery (Mrs. Ri ch ard).

766 La keview S. . ..... .. . . .. . ... . ...... Zeta Bre wer, Cather ine, 122 1 Lakeview Ave ... 'u Don ley, L ea Muir (Mrs.), 1724 N. Shore

Dr. . . . . ...... . ............. Delta

GEORGIA Atla nta

Brewer, Adelaide, 656 Paces Ferry Rd .... . Nu

Fort B enning Byrnes, Lily Frederickson (Mrs. R. ) .... Nu

M acon Hud so n , Jua nita Mosely (Mrs. H ar r y), 429

J ohnson Ave .. . . . ... . ......... . . ....... Beta

Savannah T ew . Margaret Carro ll (Mrs. R. E .). 25ll

At lanta Ave ..... ..... .... . ..... .. Ze ta Tau

IDAHO Moscow

Brosman. Anne Stapleton (Mrs. C. ].). State University . . ..... . . . . .. . ........ Alpha

ILLINOIS B ellev ille

Prather, l\I yr t le . . . .. . .... . ......... . . .. .... Pi

Berwyn Vinson. Isab el Yeager (Mrs. Ralph) , 1822

S. Euclid . . . . . .. I ota

Blue Isla nd Ellenwood, L otti e R ay mond (Mrs. H . l\L ).

2520 U n ion St. . ........................ B eta

Chicago Bagl ey, Mary. 4649 W ood law n .. . . .Beta Blackadder. Ruth Fax (Mrs. Robert) . 738

W. 6lst Pl. ......... ......... . ..... . .... I ota Boeh ler. Hele n Armstrong (Mrs. Clement) .

5646 Kenmore Ave ..... .... ........ . ... Rho Ca meron. M argaret. 5736 Kimbark Ave. Beta Clark V e ra Inman (Mrs. Thomas), 5054

Ber;vyn A ve . . . .. . ................. ... Alpha Cochran. D a na , 6140 K im bark Ave .... Beta l'isher. D orothy Fleming ( Mrs. Joh n). 434 .

W. Surf St .. Apt. E-2 .............. . ..... P1 J e rnagan. Imoge ne Cameron (i\Irs. N . vV.).

5737 Kim bark Ave . .... . . ...... . . . ... . . Beta McDanie l. Grace. 7109 Bennett Ave ..... B e ta Thomas , Ruth Newberry (1\Irs. Wm.). 5630

Kenwood Ave .. . . .. .. . .. . ............... Beta Weaver. Marie Coley (Mrs.). School of

Education, University of Chicago .... B e t a

Downers Grove Baa l, Ruth H argar (:Mrs. Dwi ght), 1218

R oss Ct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. ..... B eta

E v ans ton Lind strom. Mabl e Varnum (l\Irs. Raloh

Wm .). 1317 Brummel ........... ...... Beta Ri ema n. l\Ia rgaret, 25 16 Prairie Ave ... Delta


Hazel Crest 1\l cCar ter. Freda Hume (Mrs. Lester) . 17().12

Lincoln . . . ........ . ...................... Iota

Hinsdale Bolan, Mildred Smith (1\lrs. Edwin), 92 .

\ 'la shington .. . ................ ... .... . .. Beta

Maywood Youn gs, Hilda M eeker (Mrs.) .. .... .. Alpha

Oak Park Stre les ky, Elizabe th Carroll ( Mrs. H .), 411

S. Harvey Ave .... . . . . .................. . Nu

Salem Nye , Charlotte Hull ( Mrs. Daniel), Box

166 ............................ . .. . . .. ... .. I ota

Urbana Howe, Mary Priscilla. Tucson Ct. ...... Tota

Wood River W a lk tql, Vera Knud sen (Mrs. Lewis). 72

E. Beech ................... .. ............. Pi

INDIANA Bloomington

Miner, B ess, 321 E . 2nd , Apt. 1 .. ........ Iota

Elkhart H odges , L eo na H ofm a n (Mrs. Ri cha rd ).

E lkh a rt H ot el ......... . ...... . .. . .... Alpha

Fort Wayne Glock, Ca ther ine Alter (Mrs. Maurice), 1606

Crescent Ave. . ...... ... ............ . .. A I ph a Lonergan, Bl a nche . 1035 D e lawa re .... Al pha Schwier , Hilda . 1316 E . P onti ac St. .. . . Alpha Sue lzer , 1\Iae Clutter ( Mrs.). 2207 F a irfi eld

...... . ......................... . ........ Al pha W elch , I sabel le Lamport (Mrs. A. F .).

11 37 II Is ley Dr ....................... A lpha

Indianapolis M e tzger, Hermanda Agger ( l\Irs. D a n ie l).

1526 N. Linwood Ave ..... .. ........ K appa Shelton Burnadine Womack (l\Irs. Don -

ald), i W . 28th, 508 ........ .... .. .... . ... Nu Thompson , Cora Boll a rd (M rs. Clare nce).

621 High land Ave ... . .......... . ..... Gamma

La P orte T e llm an, R uby Cash (i\frs. R. L. ), .. Alpha

Peru Ri ce. M argaret H a rden (i\Irs. Vernon ), 64

Ewing .... .. . .. . .......... . .............. Rho

Richmond Seestead. Eve lyn Aniba l (?lfr s . Russell).

40 S. llth St., ...... .. ........ ... ...... Al pha

South Bend P armenter, l\I arie Fisher (Mrs. R a lph ) , 1002

W. LaSa lle St ..... .. ...... . ............. Eta Smith. B e ll e i\Iagers ( Mrs. H . W .), 229 E.

Navarre St . ....... . ... ...... . ......... AIJ>ha

Terre Haute Sayers, Juli e tte Farrington (Mrs. F. E .) .

Patonic Ave ....... . .................... Alpha

IOWA Cedar Rapids

hapman, Luell a . 1400 2nd St ........... igma

Fort Dodge L e fl er, Edna McElver (Mrs. H. P.) , 1600

lOth Ave ... . ... . .........•.....•........ Alpha

Grinnell H e ns ley, Elizabeth i\Tiri am (i\Trs . E. i\I. ).

Social Direc tor, Girls' Dormitory, Grin· n e ll Coll ege ........... . ................ B e ta

Indianola Lore nz, K ay, 106 W. Clinton St ......... Nu

Iowa City Peterson. Anne \\' iggins (Mrs .). Dept of

Education, Univer ity of Iowa . . ... . Beta Summers . Florence H orn ada y (i\Irs. Silas).

Un iversi ty of I owa ... ..... .............. Xi

Postville Staadt, K atherine ........................ l ora

KANSAS Abilene

H aslouer, R osemary. R.R. 2 ............ I ota Ha · louer , Lydia Lee, R.R. 2 ............ Iota

Alma Mill er , Mary John so n ( Mrs. John) ...... I ota

Anthony Howard, Tracy. 215 N. Kansas Ave .. . I ota Yos t , l\f yrel, 305 . Springfield .... ... . Iota

Arkansas City J ones, Dorothy A., 121 \'1. 2nd . ......... I o ta

Asherville Borgen, Eva Butle r ( i\lr . R ex ford B) . . I ota

Athol Lar on , Rut h Cowan (i\lrs. J, W a ll ace) .. Iota

Attica O'Brien. K athryn Blair (Mrs. Samuel T .) .

Box 176 .... . ...... . .......... . . . ...... .. I ota

Augusta Mannio n. Eva Belle H aga n (i\lrs. J, P.).

c/ o Soco n y Vacuum Oil Co ...... ....... Iota

Baldwin Nuffer, So1>hia Gurtl~r (i\ lrs . 0. J, ), R .R. 1.

.. ... ..... .. ................................ I ota

Bazaar i\Ii ser, H elen B ernice .......... .. ......... I ota

Beloit El der , Goldi e .... ...... .. .. ... ... ........ . I ota K ac kl ey, H arle ne. 105 S. Pine ............ I ota

Bucklin Cook, Made line Stofer (Mr . Harold) .... Iota

Burdett e Fall, H e le n N orri s ( Mrs. i\Iario n C.) .. .. I o ta

Burlington Horton, Ru th ... ....... .. ................. Iota Skinner, Thelma Sanders (1\l rs. J, Frank-

l•n ) .............. ... .... . ... ... . ......... Iota Stott , H e le n Campbe ll ( Mrs. Paul) .. .. Iota

Burr Oak i\Iorga n, Annabelle ..... . ........... . ... . I ota U nruh , Gle nn ys Green (i\l r . Adolph) .. lot;~

Burrton Dawson, The lma Be,·e ridge ( i\I r . Harold)

..... .. . . ............ . ................. ... .. I ota

Byers Hem phill, Opal Carr {i\Ir . . ..... l otn


Canton Pers inge•·, H aze l T ee ter (Mrs. Char les C.)

. ......... . ...... . . ........ .. . ... . . .. . ...... I ota

Chapman Cad e. Evel y n J ohnso n (Mr . Dudl ey) . . l a t a ll larts, Eva .. . .. ............... .... .... .. . I ota

Chase Flora, Virgie ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ..... Iota

Cimarron Ga rri so n, Alpha Butche r (M rs. J. R obe•·t)

..... . ... . . ..... ....... .. ...... ... ... .. .. .. ~~ Warner, Merle Ta y lor ( ~Il- s. Le igh) . .. . I ota

Clay Center H aase, Alph a J ohn sm yer (lllrs . W alter) I ota

Climax P ete rson , Birdene Cole (Mrs. Arthur) .. . I ota

Coats Ire land , Frances ........ .. . .. . .. .. . I ota William s, O th a Thurma n (lll rs . Ardith) .. l ota

Coffeyville Mason , Lo is Gilbert (llhs. K enneth ) , 515

W. 9th ........ ..... .. .......... .. . .... ... I ota

Concordia Downard , Doroth y H a nson (Mrs. l\I. C.)

......... . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. ........... ... ... I ota Humphrey, H elen , 608 vV. 7th . . ....... .. l a ta Thomp so n , De lores, 1529 19th Ave. . ... Nu

Conway Springs Whee ler, Maxine .. . .. ... . .. .. . . .......... Iota Whee ler, Ruth ..................... . . . .. .. I ota Young, Louise .................... .. . . ... . Iota

Council Grove Ca nn , Burn ice, 115 Hockaday ...... . ... I ota

Cullison Bunso ld , M a ry ................. . . . . .. . . ... I ota

Ellsworth Elser, The•·esa Brooks (llhs. Louis), 308

E. 3rd St. . ..... . . .... ...... . . . .. ........ l ot a

Emporia Beck, Ethe l F orres ter (Mrs. John ), 618 Car·

fi e ld .. .. .. .. .. ..... . ... . . ..... ... ... . . .. . . I ota Bogue, Iarie, 931 Oak .................... I ota Dall , P erl e Les li e (Mrs. H oward ) , 422

Rura l . . . .... . . ............. . ... .. ... . .... Iota Ca rm a n, H e len Rose , 105 VI. 12th A ve ... I ota Griffith , E ster Ca rl so n (Mrs. Fred R. ) . . I ota Gwinner, Made line Drean y (lllrs . T .) , 305

W . 13th Ave .... ............ .. ........ ... 1u H a ll , 1\Ia rtha, 8 E. 11th Ave . .. .... _ .. _. .. I ota Humphrey. H a rri e t Tus ler (Mrs . W ilham).

622 State ............ . ................... I ota L ea therberry, L ena Crace Griffith (Mrs.

Roy, Jr .), 909 W es t .............. ...... I ota Owens, H elen , 11 23 Merch a nt . . . . ...... I ota Partridge, Ethe l Cross (1\Irs. C. E .), 1617

Rura l .... ... .. ....... . ....... . . .......... I ota P oo ler , Mar y Elea nor. 1314 Highla nd .... I ota Schroeder , Car le ne Macurdy ( Mrs. f-la r -

old ) 610 Arundel .. .... .... . · .... .. . ..... I ota Schultz, Mary K. Hines (Mr . W a lter) .

1315 W a lnut ... ...... .. ............... .. I ot a Se ll er, Ma ry Alice, 914 Mercha nt ...... Iot a W ayman, Ida Schim pff (Mrs. L ee W. ), 091

M echanic .... . . .. .. . ...... ..... . . . . .... .. I ota Zajic, J ess ie Amole (Mrs. Cordon), 920

Lawrence ... .. .. ... . ...... . .. .. .. . ..... .. I ota

Fairview ;Ritter, Mary Skinner ........... .. ....... lata,

Florence F leming. Luc ill e Ahl s trom (Mrs. J oe) .. Tota No ll , N ad ine . ................. .. .. ....... fota

Fredonia Spoh n, Lo is Fi nk .. ............. .. ...... I ota

Garden City Killi on, Gwendolyn, 710 N. 6th ...... .. Iota

a nninga, Fl orence Boots (Mrs. Orville), 611 3rd .......... . .............. . ........ Iot a

Gardner Coodey, Gertrude Moo re (Mrs. Parks) .. Iota

Garnett Dunlap, Ruth .... ..... ........... .. ...... Iota

Gaylord H as Iaue r, Agnes .. . .. .. . . .. . .. ............ I ota

Gridley You ng, J ean l\ IcLean ( lllrs . J ames) . ..... Iota

Gypsum Kohm an, Ar lene .. . ...•...•..... Iota Tinkl e r, Evelyn .. . .... .. .. . .. ........ .... I ota

Halstead Huebert , Lois ............ . .. .... .. . ....... I ota

Hamilton R a nd a ll , H e lene . .. ..... . ................. I ota U lri ch, Leta Swi sher (Mrs. Clark) ... . l a ta

Harper Barnes, Ruth .............. .. . . . ... ....... Iota

Haven H enderson, F lore nce Carmichael (l\!Irs .

Dw ight ) ........ ........ . . .. ..... ... ..... l ata

Hoisington Dryden , Ma id ia .. . .... Tota J oh nso n , Pauline Monroe G !rs. Me lvin) I ota

Holcomb Bruege l, Corrine Brown (1\Irs. Ehref•·eid)

... ... . ... . ........... .. ... ... .. . ... .. . . .... ~~ H olm strom, Ma rgaret Gilbert (1\Irs. \¥al-

t e r) . . ..... . .. . . . .... . . ... .. ... .. . . . . .... . I ota

Holton M ill er, Florence ....... . . .. .......... . .... I ota Shaw, Al eene Bidwe ll ( M•·s . Alfred ) . . I ota

Holyrood Zajic, Virg inia ........ . .. . ..... . ....... . . Iota

Howard Combs, Eula ........... ...... .... ......... . Iota

Hugoton C•·amer, Olive l\[ rgan (M•·s. A. E.) .... I ota

Humboldt C love•·, M:a ,·y Claudia ...... . .. .. ........ I ota

Hutchinson Bright , K a th erin e I kerd .. . .. .. . ........ . I ota Corsaut, Opa l Swaren ( Mrs. J esse H .).

520 W. 9th ................... .. ......... Iota Hum phreys , Blanch J oh nson (1\Irs. Burn-

ham), 702 E . Ave. A ..... ...... .. ...... l a ta H est er. i\fable lllill e r (]\[rs. Olive r R.) , 302

E. 14th .. .... . ......... . .... ..... .. ...... I ota Wilso n. Juanita Collin s (]\[rs. H enry P. J .).

229 E . 6t h .. . ................... ....... .. I ota

lola Humes, H elen ............................ I ota

Isabel Hartman, Mllriel ~ell (Mr~. CIHlrle~) .. Iota


Jewell Rowe, B etty ...... . ....... . ................ I ota

Johnson Ga y, Hazel Rorick (Mrs. Be nn y) ... .. . . I ota

Junction City Folck , Jacqueline .. . .... . ......... . . . .... I ota

Kansas City Bowen , Geneva Norri s (Mrs. Phil ) , 2616 \~'-

52nd St., R.R. 5, .. . ..... ... .. . . .. . . . .. I ota Shell. Vi ola Croffoot ( Mrs. Ne il F .) , 1614

Rub y ........... .. ..... . ....... . .. . .. .. . . I ota

Kenbro R obert s , Chesba Cl a pp (Mrs. Al va) .. .. I ota

La Crosse Care y, Anna 1\ fae . . ... . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . I ota

Larned Mill er , Glad ys Con verse (Mrs. leadus) I ota Mill er , Gle nni s Lil e (Mrs. W arren). R .R.4

.......... . ........ .. . . . . . . . I ota

Liberal L a nd ess . Fa ye lllcKibbe n, 30i N. P ershing

......... . .... . ........ ... .. . ~~

Lindsborg H a nso n , M a ble King (Mrs. Burdett e) , 309

S. W ashington . .. .. .. . .. .. . . I ota

Lyons Marburge r. The lma , 302 N. Sta te ... .. ... I ota

Madison Hind, M argare t M ere ness (lllrs . \Vm. ) . . I o ta

Marion Kiddo. B etty ... .. . ... ... I ota

Manhattan Barber, Leli a, 720 Leav enwo rth .. . ... . . . . Iota Ca lvert , Gl ady s Griffin ( Mrs . Paul ) . 300

Humboldt . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . ......... .. I ot a Hdl , H e len Knouse ( i\h s. Mattm) . 511 N

14th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ota vo n Treba Loren zo L a mbi llotte (Mrs.

A. E. ), 530 Pie rre . . . . . . . . . . . . I ot a

McLouth Richard son, l\1av is ........... . .. I ota

McPherson Kliebe r . L a m·a , 112 S. M a in .. . .. ..... . ... I ot a

Medicine Lodge omerfi e ld, Caro lin e ....... . .. . .. .. . . . ... . Iota

Montezuma P a rks, Ell e n H erron ( Mrs. K enneth ) . ... I ota

Morrill Kim me ll , La nor .. ... .......... . .. ... .. ... Io ta

Moscow Fri sbie, ll l uri e l Brownell


( Mrs. H owa t·d) ..... . ...... . .. I ota

Cra m. Mar il yn ..... ... . .. .... . ........... . I ot a

Neosha Rapids Gardner, Loui se n'fcConnaughey (Mrs. La w·

re nee) ... .. .... .. . . ... . ....... . ... . . .. ... I o ta

New Albany Edward s, Virg ini a Stubbs (1\Irs . T om) . . I ota

Newton Allphin , Eve ly n , 906 Oak .. .. ..... . .... .. I o ta

Love ring, J a ne, c/o Cit y Schoo ls ...... I o ta \ 'e tter, Bonnie Dee. 404 S.E . 5th . ... .... I ota

Osage City Colv in . Florence Lyons (1\Irs. Edgar) .. Iota Hammond , M a ble Jackson (l\I rs. E . F .) .. Iota

Parsons Bidwell, Merl e. 2623 Chess .. .. .. . . ... .. . I ota

Partridr;e M cCoy, Sa rah .. ....... . ..... . . . .. . .•...... I ota

Pawnee Rock Bowm a n. I so be l P e te r s (Mrs. George) ... I o ta R oss, Oline Chaddock (Mrs. Dean) ... . .. I o ta

Pratt Ba rt on. Ge rtrude . 626 N. Pine .... .... . I ota R a ndl e, Olive Ma tt (1\Irs. Lloyd J .) ... . I ota

Preston H ar tse ll , La ve ta . . .... .. . .... ... .......... I ot a

Pretty Prairie Grabe r. J\[ildr ed Ste iner , Edith Mack (Mrs. John ) .. . . ... . I o ta

Radium Cox, Goldi e Converse (Mrs. Elwood) .. I o ta

Richmond B a k er , Magda le na Young ( Mrs. Cl y de) .. I o ta

Russell B eve ridge, Mae ..... . ..... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. I ota Boy, Inez ..... ...... . .. . ...... . .. . ..... .... Tota

Salina Smith , L a Von. 833 S. 9th A ve . .. ........ I o ta

Scott City B e n est. I~ ern e Thompso n (Mrs. Ve rnon) Tot a Down ing, L e Royce .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... I ot a

Seneca H ybs km a n. M on a J enkins (Mrs. R a lph) I ota J enkin s. Me lba .. . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . .. . .. . .. .. I o ta

Sharon Springs W a tt s, Doroth y .. .. .. ..... .... . ... .. ...... I ota

Smith Center \ Vagner, T r ul a Theoba ld (Mrs. M a rv in) I ot a

Stafford Gray . E H ly n H e intz ( Mrs. H owa rd M. ) I ot a

Sterling Hundl e y , H e le n Gra ber Ci\Ir . \Villi a m) .. I ota

St. Francis Douthit . E d ith .. ... .. ......... . . .. . .. . .. .. I ot a

St. George Huebne r, Rub y Gra ber (Mrs. Sa m) . .. .. I ota

St. John Thole, Ade la ide H a mmond ( Mrs. L ou i ) I o ta

Stockton K ackl ey, Harle n e .... ... .. . . ... . ... . , .... I ot a

Tampa Schw a r tz ma n , El ea nor . . . .. ... ...... , .... I ot a

Topeka Co wa n, Grace Brown ( Mrs. 1\Ierl e) , 1615

Huntoon ... . ..... .. .......... . .. . ... . .... Tot a H ea ton , B e tt y, 1265 Bos we ll ......... .. .. I ota J obe . Edith. 11 31 W estern .. .......... . ... Tot a R e in back , L a ura Sch a fer (Mrs. Otto), 3616

\V . 6th ...... .. .......... ... ........... . . Tot a

T H E A NC H OR 45

Ri cha rd so n. L o is All s lo lt (1\lrs. L e la nd ). 320 W oodl a wn .. . .. .. . ................... l o l a

T a nn a hill , Doro th y Bl a ker ( Mrs . W ay ne). 1196 l\Ia cVicar .. . . . ......... . . . .. . .. .... lol a

Vande rwilt, M a r ga r e t. 1101 W es te rn .... Tota Vigner on, Win ifr ed , 510 T ope k a B lvd .... l o la

T uron Hill , Anna J o Durflinge r ( lllrs. K e nneth) I ota

Utica Dick, El ver ta H a wley (Mrs . P a ul ) . . .. I ota

Vermillion R e inh a rt , Wilm a Scha fer (Mt·s. E. F.) •.. I ota

Virgil Sme th er s, Ann vVhita k er (ll lrs . F e rd i-

na n d), ..... . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. ... ... . .. . .... . l ot a

Washington An der so n, B e th Hut ton (lV[ rs .) .... . .. I ota K o lterma n , Mildred P eter o n (1\l rs. Ar ·

thur) . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. ..... I ota

Wayside Kure ti ch , Wilm a H or ton ( M rs . Will ia m) .

c/o B ert H 01· ton ...................... . . l ot a Shee d y, Lnc ine H orto n ( lll rs. F rank), c/o

B e rt H orto n . . ... . ..... . . .. ... . . . . . . .. .. I ota

Wetmore S teve nson , I re ne .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . ...... . Io ta

Wichita A shl ey , A lm a. 937 Fau lk n e t· ....... . .. .. I ota Burna m. M ary Bess H a nn a h ( ~ I rs. Cli ne

M .) , 710 S. W ater .. . ...... .. ... .. . .. .. R ho Ch a mb erlin , llli ld re d Fe t..-i so n (1\J"rs.

E ve re tt), 208 N . V ine . . ....... .. . . .. . .. l ot a Dunga n , H ildred, 425 N. Broadway ..... I o ta F orres te r . Nora. 902 Spa ul d ing ....... . I o ta H a n ey, H e le n , 832 N. Broadway ...... .. I o ta Pfa n sc hm id t, H e le n Ph iili ps (M rs. Ora l) .

352 S. Cha uta uqu a .. . . .. . .. .. . ...... . . . . I ota R e nfro, H e le n L oga n (M r . W . C.) , 824 S.

M a di so n ... .. ...... .. . .... . . .. . . ... . .. l ola Sm ith , Bill ie . 11 37 F a irv iew .... ....... Tota S tee le, H e le n , 3214 Vi c tor Pl. . ....... . .. Tota W ood s, Wi ld a C l ine (Mr s . P au l) . 108 Old

M a no r R d . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . I ota Ziege n b u sc h, E l iza beth , Shit·km e re Apts. l ata

Winchest er Sch in d ler, Ezeta Steffey (llfrs . \ Vi llia m

R ) ............... .. . . .. . .... . .. . ......... ~~


All e n , D oro th y Eu ba nk (Mrs. J. P.) Zeta Tan

Covington Thomt>so n , Cl a ra Ross (M rs. N eel). 1160

O ld Sta t e R d., P ar k H ill s ..... . ..... K appa

Louisv ille P or te r D or oth ea F le tch e r ( llfr s. L. \~Tood·

r o w): 1514 S . 3rd St . . ................. Sigma


\'l h ittin g lo n , Sa r a K a th er ine, 60 1 A ve nu e G . . . . ..... ... . . . .. .. . ........ .. .. . .. . ...... ~i

Bunkie Collins. M arth a Gt· id er (Mrs. J ohn M .) .

B ox 191 ... . . . .... . ... . . ......... . .. .. . . . Rh o

Covin gton A lexa nd e r , l\l a r y J ea n , M il itary R d ..... P hi Cha m pagne , B ill ie B ..................... P hi Edmundso n , F led a ......... . . .. ......... . .. P hi E dmundson. M yr ta ............ . ........... P hi S te wa rt, Cha rl o t te ...... . . ..... . .. . .... . . . Ph i Trigg, E leanor Ann .. ........... . .. .. .... Ph i

Fra n klingto n H oggatt, Eve lyn ......... . ................ P hi Magee, P atsy E la ine .............. . ...... Phi Magee, K ay . . . . ..... . .. . ....... . ......... Phi

Gree n sb urg tee d , Jua nit a ...... . . .. . . ...... . . .. . Phi

H ammon d H a llum , Anna lll ae Poo le (M rs . R. E .) .. Ph i T.owe, M a t·garet D ............ .. ...... . ... Phi W a ld r ep, M a rga r e t A nn .... .. . .. ......... Phi

K e ntwood Cutt·e r , l\[arga re t E ve l y n ...... . .......... Phi H u tchi nson, M a r guer ite A nn ............ P hi T er r a l , Eli zab eth ..... ... ....... . . . ........ Ph i W a lle r , D>ri s E ve ly n ..... . .. . . .......... P h i

Lorange r P eterson, Chri sti na . . . ...... . .Ph i

Mauripas Jones, Y vo nne .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. Phi

Moreabille F is her, Lucyle Cox ( l\l rs. Cha rl es J.). c/o

Ge nera l De l ivery . ........ . .. .. . . ..... . .. R ho

Nalatba rry Mont gomer y, N il da L ill ia n . .. . . .... .. Phi

N ew Orlean s Sw itzer, E ll a Graves ( l\T rs. Vincent). 1511

P leasa n t St. . .... . .. . .. . ............ B ela

Pine Grove T in er , Este ll e ........ . .. . ................. P hi

Zora 1V[orrison, Gretchen ........ .. . . . . ........ . Phi

MAINE Brunswick

Dean. B la nche Bel l in get· (Mrs. Carlos T..). Pleasa nt S t . . . .......... . ............ . . Sigma

South P aris l\Torto n , Esth er D eCoster (l\Irs . H enr y)

......................... .. ....... . . .... . . Alpha

MARYLAND Baltimore

H a ll stei n. Ca the t·i n e Chil ders (l\ Trs. \V . P .). 3613 W abash Ave ...... .... . ...... .... AI1>ha

Ke nd ig , J ane 1cGirk C'[rs. R ussell). 2912 Hilcrest A ve ..... . .............. . ....... Zeta

P oh e. V irg ini a Cox ( l\Trs. H e nry). )03 \V. 39th S t. ....... . ... . ... . . . . . . ........ Zeta Tau

Sma ll , Kay J or da n (M rs. J oseph), Apt. 329 4414 l\[arb le H a ll R d . .. ........... Delta

Thor;.., D oris H uggins (Mrs. George). 3 E. 33r d S t. ............ . ....... .... . ....... Stgma

Colora Todd, Lil a M ...... .. ... . . .......... . .. Lambda

Cumberla nd R oeder, F ra nces Siever (U rs. Paul), 611

P ied mont A ve . . .... . ... . ....... . . .. .... R ho


Linthicum Heights Chil es, Ch r is ti n e Ch il drey ( Mrs. H e nr y

G.) . Oakda le R d ... ... . . .. . ... .. .. Zeta T a u

Salisbury Sommers, E li zabe th , 308 Camd e n A ve . .. Ze ta

Sharpsburg H owa t·d, Anna V irg ini a .. .. . ... .. ..... .. . Chi Lumm, l\ l ary Anna .. . . . .... . ... .... . . .. . Chi

Tacoma Park Sa und ers, Grace Gibso n ( Mrs. H a rold ) . 206

Ma ple Ave . . . .. .. .. . . ... .. . . .. .. .. . ... . Al pha


Scott, Jea nne, 224 Auburn t. .. . .. . . ..... . P i

Belmont White, M a rga ret Mortim er ( l\Ir s. Leo na•·d) ,

90 A lexa nde r A ve .. .. .... .. ...... .. .... Ze ta

Brooklyn Burnha m, Ve lma Sle ight ( Mrs. H. C.) . 72

Stedm a n PI. , Coo lidge Cor ... .. .. .... . Al pha

\Vass, Ruth \Va re t. ,

Cambridge M a nte r (Mrs. Sta n ley F. ), 13A uit e 15 . . . . . .. .. . . ... .. . .. . S igma

Cohassett Ke nn ed y, P at ri c ia Bodw e ll (M rs. Dona ld).

Fi rs t P a r is h R d . . . . . .. . .. ..... . .... . . . Sigma

Springfield Bond. M a r y Whi t ing ( ,\[rs. A lfred), 899

Wort h ington St . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . ... .. . Sigma Dunl op. A li ce W ilk ( i\lrs . Ri cha rd ), 53

Gil lette . .. .. ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... Pi

Teaticket Va n T o!, Marjo ri e B a rtl e tt ( i\lrs . H e ndr ic k )

... . . . . ......... ... . ... . . .... . . . .. . . .. . . .... Ch i

West Springfield P a ine. Da ph ne Mirth (Mrs. K e nne th) , 8

Nor t h wood Ave ..... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... I ota

Winthrop SemJ>Ie, Fra nces Crumpton (Mrs. Fra nk ) .

46 Lorin g Rd . .. . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .... Rho


Abdo n , Vi ola Cona n t ( Mrs. W m. ), 1018 Co l-lege Ave. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... Alpha

Mil ha m, E lea nor Ca rr ( ~ I rs. C. B. ). 555 Denn is St . .. ... . . . . ... .. . . . ..... . .. ... Alpha

~ [unger, J a ne t . ... .. ... . . ... .... .. .. . .. .. Alph a

Algonac Corbett. Ca ther ine Currie (Mrs. tua rt ).

2219 l\I a r sh R oad .... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. Al ph a

Alpena H aas , L ore tt a Clay (i\Irs . R. A.) ....... A lpha McComb, Lilli a n Lee ( Mrs. De lbert ) .. Alpha

Ann Arbor Baker . Anne Ma ier (1\Irs . Rober t), R. R . 5

. .. . .. ...... . . . .... . ... . . . ...... . . . ...... Alpha Barn a rd , E d ith , 1020 S. Uni ver it y, Gradu -

a t e H ouse ..... ........ ........ ...... ... Be ta Fi scher , M a ri a n , 71 5 vV. J e ffer so n ...... Alpha Ligge tt, I ne z, 436 4th Ave ... . .. .. .. .. .. Alpha O leso n , Ga briel auve (M rs. Norman), 527

)\1on roe A ve . ...... .. . . ....... . ..... . ... T heta

Spenser, Clio Case (~Irs . L . i\1 .) , 1318 Grange r St . ... .. .... ...... . .. .. .... .. . A lpha

Wild. Mar ie Dawson (!\I rs. Geo.), 1615 P ackard .. . .. ... . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. ..... . . A lpha

Atlanta Twork , l\l arga ret H olcomb (l\Irs . E. C.)

... ..... . .. .... . .. . . . .. . .... .. .. .. . . . .... Alpha

Bad Axe Dunn, Agnes Thourl b y (Mrs. J. B. ) . . . Beta H e ll er , L eon a P a tr ici a .... ....... ...... . A lph a

Barryton House, Jea ne tte P ort er ( Mr . R obert H. )

........... . . . ...... .. . .. ..... . . .... .. ... . . B et a

Battle Creek B a nghart . L au ra Coe (Mrs. L. E.), 24 Sher -

ma n Rd ...... . ... . .. ..... .. . . . ...... . . . Alpha Beaver , Robe rt a Ca rver ( l\Irs. C. H. ). 60

N. 27th St. .. .. .......... .. .... .. ....... Alph a D a rb y , Freda. 22 1 Wa h ington .. . . . . Be ta Coo t, Ruth. 21 N. W a bas h .... ... ....... A lpha l\lus ta rd . E s th er P a rk er ( i\lrs. J ohn ) . IS

Cres t Dr. . . .. . .... .. .. . .. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . Be ta h roc k . vVa ive Fl a nd e rs (Mrs. Cha rl es) . II N . J ay St . ...................... .. ..... Alpha wee t , l\la ri e Broga n (Mr . J .) . 102 Che rr y St. .. .. . ... .... .... ......... . .......... A lpha

Bay City Boucha rd , Grace Culbert (Mrs. Fred) , 1816

5th Ave. . . . . . ........ .. ...... . . . ....... B e ta He isner. Ger t rude . 600 N . She rma n ... Alpha K e ll y, Ge nevieve. 400 Linco ln Av e . ... Alpha

Belding i\l agers, R uth ......... . . ... . ....... . ... .. Ai t>ha

Belleville Ba rk e r . Dor is J ac kson ( M rs. Murl e) . . A lpha Vorce, Rut h ... ........ .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. Alpha

Ben ton Harbor Va n Antwe r p. Florenc e Morse (i\Ir s. L .

E .), 587 B roa d way ....... ............ .. Alpha

Benzonia H a rger , R uth .. .. . .... .... ... . . ......... . Alpha

Birmingham H ar t. Freda L oomis (!\Irs. l\1. C.), 1208

Vill a R d . .... . ........ .. ..... . .. ....... Al pha H e ilma n , Ruth , Cra nbroo k Rd ........ . The ta

Bloomingdale Congdon , Bla nch e M e rri fi e ld (Mrs. V .) Al ph a Dic ker so n , Olive l\Ierrifi e ld ( l\Ir s. l\1. ) Al ph a

Breckenridge Dc ll a ma ter , M a xine ... . .......... . ... ... . B e ta

Bronson Sommers, M a r jor y L a n e (Mrs. J. l\1. ) .. Al pha

Buchanan W eaver . L eah R ay (M rs. F red). 308

Ale x a nder St. . .... . . . . .... .. ... . ..... Alpha

Cadillac K ent , R oMay ne l\IcGra th ( i\I r s. l\Iorri s) . Eta l\Ta tter , Lois Georg ia ( i\Irs.) . 224 Cass

St .. . . ........ . ... . ..... . .......... . .... Al pha

Capac Curri er, L ucy L e tt s (!\I rs. H a le) ...... Al ph a \Vagner , Ph y llis ..... . ... . .............. . B et a \Va t son, Corinne ....... . ......... . ....... B e ta

Caro B lack, Zada .... . . . ..... . . . .... . . ........ Alpha


Carsonville Dick , Winifred ...... . . . ............ . .... Alph a Swe ll ey . L a ur a .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . ... . . ... . . . A lph a Mitch e ll , Georg ia Dwe l ley (~ Ir s. J ohn )

..... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. ......... . ......... Al ph a

Cedar Springs \~To lfe, J enni e Gr is wold (M r . Ed wa rd) .Be ta

Centerline 1\IacQueen , B ea tri ce .. ... . . ... . .. . . . .... i\ lpha

Centerville H erron , Ada Str in gh a m ( Mrs. W . S .) .. B eta

Chelsea Lowe, Eunice Brow n (l\f rs. R ic hard), R .R.

1 . . . ... . .. ... . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . ....... . ... . . . Be ta

Clinton K e nn ed y, Dori s . ... . . . ... .. . ... .. .. ..... Alpha

Clio Phipps, B ea tri ce Green {l\Ir s. H a rold), 134

E . Vienna St .. . . .. . . .. ..... . . . ... . . . ... A lpha

Crystal F alls Bjork , Mable . . .. . ............. . . . .... .. A lph a

Dearborn Hurlbert , M a r y H eath ( Mrs. George), 3311

Midd lebury ......... . .. .. .. . .. . ........ Alph a McGa rvey, K a t h lee n , 724 H ighl a nd . ... AI]Jha M a jes k y, Cla ra, 7443 A ppo line . ........ T heta Sprague, Gwe ndolyn McLau gh l in (l\Irs.).

6210 T ernes Ave . . .. .. ... . . ......... . . A lph a T u rri , P a ul in e Domb rowsk i ( l\Ir s. Joh n) ,

7603 K entuc k y . .. . . . . . .. . ... .. . .. ..... T heta

Deckerville Da we, Grac ia Smith ( i\I rs . J o eph) .. . . . Beta

Detroit Ada m so n , J essie J ohnso n ( l\I rs. Robert).

7735 K entuck y ..... . ...... .. . . .... . .. . Thet a A do nowicz, 2915 Trowbr idge .......... . T he ta All e n , H e le n Bur ke (M rs . R ex), 868 W .

B ethune ....... . ......... . .. .. . . .. . .... A lph a B a llun as, Cece li a, 3732 H oi bu rn .. . .... The ta Ba tTett , Cec il Butler (Mrs. W . Ve rn on ),

15750 A sbury Pk. . . .... . . ... .. ..... . .... I o ta Ba xter , Marga re t D ay {1\l rs. J. D. ), 15330

F orrer St. . ... . . ....... ... . . . .. . . . . .. .. A I ph a Be nj a min , Doroth y , 8734 Q ui ncy ....... Alpha B enna way, Lillian Gifford (Mrs. C. D .) ,

13201 Strathmor e . . . ..... . ..... . . . .. . . A lph a Benne tt, B a rb a ra . 4809 B uckin gh a m . .. Th eta Be rn a rd , M argue r ite, 1333 W . Gra nd B lvd.

. . .. ... .. ... . . ..... . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... .. The ta Be veridge, J a net, 20 17 D av iso n .. . . . . . . T heta 131 a k e ly, Marion Hi tchcoc k ( llf rs . C. A.),

8745 Dum ba rton Rd . . ............ . . . .. The ta B lazo ws k y, Ire ne , 135 17 llloran . .. . . ... The ta Blazo wsk y , M ae , 135 17 1\Iora n ... ..... The ta Borl e t t, R uth Goss CMrs. Chester), 13989

Kentuc k y A ve. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... ... .... Eta Bra d y, M a r y K a in {l\Ir s. T. K. ), 10410

Map le la wn . . . .......... .. .. . . .. . ...... Alpha Bre n eme n , E ll en Chri s te nsen, 13304 Coy le

Ave . .. .... . ... .. . .. . . . . ... ... ... . . ..... . ... Xi Br iggs . L e nor e Fil er (Mrs. Th eodo re , 11 072

\Vay burn .. . ..... . . . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . . ... Thet a Br inkha m, E lea nor, 3326 M ayb ury Gra n d

. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . ........ . ....... Theta Brown , Evah J a n e J acobs ( llf rs. H . D.) .

2418 Ca lv ert .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . ...... Al ph a Burba , V e lm a Sta fford (Mrs. J oseph ) , 16195

Ashton R d . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . T heta Ca meron, Flora, 13010 K erch eval ... . .. Th et a Came ron , Wil l ie Dawkins (1\[ r s . R obe rt ) .

.\469 Longfe ll ow . ..... . . ... .. . ...... ... . T heta Ca mpbe ll, J ea n , 2321 W . Gra nd B lvd ... Al pha

Ca mpbe ll , Ruth , 2321 W . Grand Blvd . . . Theta Carner, Ze li a Lane (Mrs. L. /\ .). 8596 Dex-

te r B lvd . . .. . .. . . .. . ........ . .. . ........ Alpha Carpen te r , Corr inn e Carey {~ I rs. Ra lph),

178 W . l\Ionta n a ................ . ... . . Theta Carr , A udrey H a n na { ~ I rs. Dona ld), 405 1

V irg in ia Pk. . ............. . ........... Theta Carro ll , Madge S lattery (~ I rs . f. I I. ), 18263

Oak . ...... . .. .. . .. ...... . .............. Alpha Casse lm a n , Elizabeth Payne (Mrs.), 628

P ingree Ave . . ......... . .. . .. . ..... . .. A lpha Chambe rl in, Li l l ia n Fi tzpatrick ( Mrs.

Don). 3334 E. H aze lh urst ... .. .. ....... Beta Cha mberli n, Sarah Bean ( ~f •·s. Blair) , 17550

P en n ington Dr. ............... ... ...... Theta Cla rk , Dor is Cla •·k {i\Irs . L. A.). 14600 War -

wic k D r ... . ........ . ......... . .. ... ... . Alpha Cla r ke, R uth, 13026 Grei ner ..... .. ..... The ta Cobb, Luc ill e, 15225 FalTer Ave . . ..... Alph a Coffma n . H e len , 8103 Nort h lawn ....... Beta Co ll ins, H i la Shaw (lllrs. Edward), 15435

Be lde n ..... . .......... . . . .............. Theta Conklin , Bar ba ra, 16550 Greenlawn .. .. Theta Co n k lin , Conn ie, 16550 Greenlawn .. . . T heta Coope r , V irg ini a R ow ley (Mrs . H aro ld).

18844 B r it to n D r. ... ........... . ..... . . A lpha Co rre ll , 1\[y r t le, 18460 Cherr y lawn . . . . Theta Corr igan, Mary 1\[cG inty (llf rs. Emmett).

14930 M ano•· Ave . . . . . .. . . . . ...... . .. .. Ai tJha Craw ley. M ir ia m, 369 E. Gra nd B lvd . . . Alpha Cri der , Ava, 340 Campbe ll . ..... . ...... Theta Cronin , Zola . 325 Me r ton R d .... ... .... Beta Da l y, Lorra ine R atz ( Mrs. Will iam), 3039

W . Gra n d B lvd ........ .. ... .. ......... Theta D av is, R uth llf ad ill (llfrs. Clinton C.). 3450

Chi cago B lvd . .. . ...... . ... .. ........... Beta Daw kin s, E mm a, 2903 1\[ontgomer y ... . Theta D e la ney , Ca rme n (M rs.), 1251 Glynn Ct .

. . . . . . ... . . ..... . ... . ..... . .. .. . .. . .. . .... Theta Dom inick, R ue ll a Fischer (1\f rs.), 11660

Prest . . . . .. .. . . . , .... . ...... . ....... . ... Alpha Duncanson , R uth Van Le uven (llf rs. A. J .).

2461 W . Gra nd Bl vd .... . .......... .. .. Beta Dunn , L e la Seabaugh (Mrs . Lynn), 12110

Moni ca . . .......... . .. . ............. . ... Theta D yer , Luc ill e, 2996 V i,·g inia P k . .. . ... Theta Edwards, E leanor, 2455 Canton .. . ...... The ta E lli son, Dorot h y Vo igt (Mrs. W alter). 3209

Canton ...... .... . ............. .... .. ... Theta E ll io t , H e len Lesko {Mrs. Edw in), 12250

Metteta l ............. .. . . . . . ... . ... . ... T heta F ina n , No•· ine K em ler (1\frs. Thomas) , 4829

Chatsworth ...... . .... . . .. .... . ........ Theta Fisher, V irgi n ia, 58 A lger ........... . .. Theta Fitzpatr ick. Loretta , 4051 Hazelwood .. Beta Fossen , Haze l B oyum (1\[rs. Edward). 1454

B u1·lin ga me .... . . . . . . .. . ... ... . .... . . . . Theta Foster, B ery l. 254 E. Grand B lvd . .... Theta Foste r , Eve lyn , 11305 Ward .... .. .. . .. Theta Fraser, J ean, 14591 A1·dmore St.

...... . ...................... A lph a and Theta F raser. Mae R ee msten (llfrs. Russe ll ) , 14591

A rdmo re ...... . . . . .. . . .............. . ... Beta Fr iede l, E l izabe th, 709 Ca lvert ......... Theta Ga ll a her, J oan Co n k li n (llrrs. W alter) , 9365

N. 1arti nda le .... . ...... .. . . . .. ... . . . Theta Ga rdner. 1\largaret. 3512 Montclair .... Alpha Ga re n , Elsie, 7921 South St ........ . ... Theta Gas ton , Ru th Halston (Mrs. W il l iam). 2012

Buen a Vista ............... . ....... . . .. Theta Ga l in, Marie Donegan (1\[rs. R aoul) . 435

H olb rook .. . .. .. . .. . .. .................. Theta Gidday, Gera ld ine. 9249 Appoline ..... Theta G il es, Gladys Briner (1\[rs . Neal), 1111

Burl inga me ....... . .......... . .. . . .. ... Theta G ill. P a tr ic ia Bra nton (llrr s. R obert), 1540-1

Asbury P a rk ....... . . . .. . ... . ........ Theta Git che ll. 1\faz ie. 1190 Colli ngwood . .... . Beta God fr ed , 1\faci l Stephens (1\[rs . J. B .. Jr.) .

409 Gr iswo ld St . ............... . .. . . Omicron Good now, Romelda \ Vurm (1\[rs. Nathan) .

52.17 H averhill . .... ................ . ... T heta


Goss, \"era Bl ac kh a ll ( i\Ir s. L eo), 16530 Gree nl a wn .. ..... . .. ... . ........ . . .... Al pha

Gra ntha m, l a r y J a ne Nothaft ( ~I rs. Gerald), 1351 E. Gra nd B lvd . .... . ... The ta

Gree nfi e ld , Ma r y J o Carey ( Mrs. 1\I. C.), 291 W. l\I ont a n a ... . . ..... . ... .. .... .. . The ta

Gre ine r , D eni se A xe ll ( M rs. W es ley), 10420 B a lfour . ..... . ... . . . . .. .. ... .... . . . . ... Theta

Gre isha mm er , Lilli a n Stander ( ;\I rs . R. ), 18833 Lancashire ... . .... . ..... .. ..... . ... .

H a mm er . L oui se Ede n s tom ( ~I rs . Geo rge). 16810 Monta Vi s ta . ............. .. . . . . Th eta

H arkness, Thi arga re t , 13232 Sussex ...... Th eta H a rt, Fra nces, 2916 Gl ads tone . ... .. ... T heta H artma n , Na n , 12067 Ma nor ............ Theta Hay, Jane t , 3493 D evon sh ire .. .... . .... T heta H ay, L eon a U lr ich (M r . D e los). 3493

D evonshire . . .. ... .. .. . . .. . .. . ..... . . Ga mm a H e nchey, I sa be l, Ill Putnam Ave . .. . . Beta H enchey , L eo na, 2258 \V. Gra nd Bl vd . . . Beta Howarn , Ruth . 480 \V. Gra nd Bl vd .... . The ta H ok a n so n . H a rri e t P re ton ( i\l rs. C. E .).

8532 Wisco n s in St. . ... . . .. .. .... . .. . . .. B eta Hooper , B ert a , 3731 Vi ck sberg ... . .... . The ta Horga n , Ma r y, 2700 Chicago Bl vd ... . . Al pha H owez , Eli za beth , 7427 Dexte r B lvd . . . The ta Hughes . Virg inia, 13247 Gri ggs . . .... . . A lpha Hungerford, K a therin e , 12769 Evan ston . ..

. . ... . . . .. ... . . . .. ... .. . . .. ..... .. ........ The ta Hunt, 1\Iilda, 8100 E . J effe r so n Av e . .. Al pha Hurlbe•·t , D om t hea, 5262 Trumbull . . . Al ph a Januzzi , Genevieve, 388 Chalme rs ..... . The ta J ohns, Virginia , 746 Collin gwood Ave ... .

... . ... . . .. . . ... ..... . . . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .... Al pha John son , Lilli a n. 4255 All e nda le .. .. .. Theta J on es, Helen. 14508 R obso n . . . . ... Th eta Juer s . B erth a, 1589 H a rdin g . .. . . .. . .... Th eta K a n·er , Dorothy Conn e ll y ( Mrs. F ra nc is).

4535 V a nco uve r ... ... ......... . ... ... .. The ta K e ll y. Ruth. 4872 S po ka ne .... .. ...... The ta K ern s, Arli•ie. 14955 L a uder .... .. ...... The ta K osebuts ki. Ethe l O'Ar a il ley (Mrs. Vi n-

ce nt) . 16767 Lind sey .... .. .... .. ...... The ta Kraetke . Ad e la ide F ee ney ( Mrs . Ernes t ).

5935 W oodh a ll .. .. .. .... Theta Lademacher , R ome lda, 4650 H e len ..... Theta La hti , Vi o le t . 1164 1 W a rd .......... .. .. Al pha L a mes fe ld. H e len. 15921 E . \Va rren . .. . Theta L a ngohr, Marga ret K a ler (M•·s. J ohn) . 5035

Lakevi e w ........ . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . Theta L e land , V ic tori a . 6803 Mill e r .. ... . ... . Theta Lind say, M a rj ori e H owey (1\Irs. H a rold).

14023 W a rwic k .. .. ...... ... .. . .. .. .... The ta L in eba ugh , D oroth y Allinger (Mrs. R ob-

ert ) , 6140 Aver y .. . . . ... . ... .. . ..... . Theta Lipper t. Esther Fie ld (i\Ir s. W. ].), 1541 0

Artes ia n Ave. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..... Al pha Littl e, Eunice . 14861 Linnhurs t ....... The ta Ly tl e. Doroth y . 2768 Carson .. .. .... .. .. . Thet a )facGreg-or. E the l B ade (Mrs. 1\I.). 14001

M a n s fi e ld A ve ..... . ..... .. .. . ... . ..... Al ph a ::l fa ki . H e le n Tuc ker (Mrs. Geo rge). 1441 5

Archd a le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Th eta 1\ l a rcks. M a rde ll H e lbe r (1\Trs . H . B .). 4362

Kens in g ton . . ................ ... ... ... ..... P i 1\Tar tin , Ol g-a, 13517 Mora n .. ... T he t a !\faye, An gla. 2737 H a ll ec k .... .. The ta McClusky, E l inor D ev lin ( i\fr s. Pi erre).

41 89 Bi shop ....... .. . . . . . . . .... . . .. . .. Thet a M cCut ch eon . Domthy D yk tra (Mrs . E d-

wa rd ) . 16811 L a wton . . .. ........ . . .. . The ta M cD one ll . J a ne, 2545 V irgi n ia Pk . .... The ta M cF ee. H e le n Gi ff01·d (M rs. R . E. ) . 14925

R osemont .... ... .... . . . ......... . ... . .. Al pha McGuire, I sa be ll a , 4365 F u ll erton ..... Alpha 1\fcK ay, M a rj ori e. 4720 Brookl y n .. ... . T heta M erritt. H e le n H a nd s ( i\f rs . H. D.). 17206

Rose la wn Ave ........... . .... ........ Al ph a 1\fe ttl er , Lorra ine . 3091 B e lmont ....... Th eta ~ I iesse l. Ruth . 1980 Tuxedo ..... .. ..... The ta M ilb y , M arga re t ll rodi so n ( i\fr s. W ill ia m).

14877 Rut her ford .... .... . . . . . .. .. .. .... Thet a l\Iill a rd, Loui e Gil ber t ( i\lrs . R obe rt ).

13126 B irwood .... .... . .... ...... . . .... The ta i\1 ill er, H e le n V irg in ( i\l rs . A us tin ) . 16915

L a Sa ll e ... .. .. . . .. ... . .... .. . . . . . ... . Alpha Mort on , J oseph in e. 661 H aze I wood Av e. . .

....... . . .. ......... . ............ .. . . .. . .. Alpha i\T ug ler, Ethe l. 4108 \\'. Eucl id .... .... The ta ]\l_ unro. l\Iarga ret B yn um ( t-1 r . Euge ne).

11636 M a rl owe .. ....... ........ ...... .. The ta J.Iunay, J a ne, 12686 M e ndo ta . .. . . .. . .. . Thet a Murray, J a n et. 12686 M e ndot a ........ Thet a ~[ usch e ll a, M ar tha Sm it h ( Mrs . J osep h) .

19351 Greggs Ave . .. ........ . ......... . D e lt a M yers. Crace. 7830 Prai ri e .............. . . ;\T y ll . K atherine. 1087 E . Gra nd B lvd ... The ta Na ntais . F ra nces \.Ya lsh ( i\h·s. F ra nc is) .

2704 R oc heste r . . ...... . . .. . .. ...... . .. . D e lt a 1\'eh il. Lou ise. 16150 Oh io .... . .... .. ... B eta Nelson . Ingrid. 5225 M ap lewood . . ...... The ta Northrup, H elen Graves ( i\Irs. Enret t ) .

1427 La wrence ...... . . .. ............ .. The ta Oh lert. E d n a McK inl ey ( i\Irs. L eo M .). 9336

Moni ca .... . .......... . .... . ... ... ...... Thet a P a inter, M y la Cla r k (M rs. J ohn ) . Hibba rd

Ap ts ........ . .. . ...... . . . .......... . .. .. . B eta P arro tt , M ar th a. 3788 Gladsto n e . ...... Theta Pi erso n . Corin n e. 12140 \Va ltha m ... . .. Thet a Pi et r yz k , Steph a ni e, 1731JI, E as t Gra nd

Bl vd . .. ..... . ... .. .. . .... .. ...... .... . .. The ta Pl ax ton . Ruth Pra nge (M rs . Elmer ). 1135

Lak epo inte . . . ... . . . ..... . ..... .. .. .. .. The ta P ohl. El sie Lieburg (Mrs. Floyd). 5810

Bi shop ..... . . . .. . ..... . . . ... . .......... Theta R ey nolds , Luci le McCool (M rs. Ceo.) . 11367

Fo\v er .... .. . ... . .. ... ... .... .. . . .. . .. . . . Be ta Rich. E d na S wa llow (Mrs.), 11708 u ssex

.. . ...... .. ....... .. .......... . .......... A lph a R icha rdson , Vera P ickell ( i\I rs. S ta nl ey).

535 W . Gree n dale ....... . ... . ......... Al pha R idde rhof. Gwe ndo lyn Clise (M rs. J . A. ).

16502 B lac k ston e . ..... . ................ Ze ta Ri e thmill er . Lorrai ne . 247 La k e wood . . The ta Ril ey. L uci le L ee (1\f rs. T. ]. ). 3760 T ay lor

St. ..... .... ... .. .. .. . .. ........... . .. .. .. Beta Rober tson . 1\f ary J ohn ston (l\I rs. Ste war t ) .

20137 W a k e fi eld .... . .. .. . .. ...... . ..... The ta R odgers. K athryn. 3421 Chicago B lvd ... The ta Russ , Eli zabe th Burn s ( i\I rs . P eter). 17347

Ohio .... . .. .... .. ....... ... ......... . .. . . B eta R usse ll . J oh a nn e. 198 D ako ta ......... Theta Sa u ve. Rit a , 1513 Fie ld ............. ... Thet a Schi ll ing . R uth . 5519 H e len .. ........... The ta Schl ee. H aze l Steve ns (i\T rs . H erbert ) .

51 12 Whi t fi e ld .. .... .. .. .. ..... . .. . ... Al ph a Sch li c ke nmeyer. Gertrude 0 ' 1\Iai ley (1\frs.

H aro ld) . 725 \Vh itmore ...... .... .. .. . The ta Schuc k . fa r v L ou ise. 2607 L a ke wood .. T heta Schuma nn. Clara H e lm (M rs. F red). 904

E . Gra nd B lvd ................ .. ..... . Thet a chw a lm . M a r io n. 2483 \ 'an D yk e .... T heta edestom . Ru th . 1757 H olde n . . . . .... .. Theta

Seaver , M ery l. 1312 Seward .......... B e ta Seuffert. E li zabe th. 13935 R obso n ...... Theta S hafer , Doroth y, 10210 econ d A ve ..... Al pha Sha nnon , Virg inia . 1251 Gly nn Ct. .... T heta

harek. I re n e. 2729 H olbrook .. ......... Theta S herrin. Fra nces R ose (M rs . Edga r). 4SOO

I va nhoe ... . ...... . .... . . .. ......... . ... Thet a Shom in . R ut h Sl ater (M rs. Nic holas), 14037

Gra ndvi ll e ....... . . . ......... . ........ .. B et a il k . Edith. 863 Glads to ne .............. lph a

S ilk. Flore nce . ,63 Glads tone ... .... ... Al pha il k, N e ll. 63 Glads tone .............. Al ph a o la r , H aze l Horn ing Ol rs. F ran k). 19350 Ca insboro ugh R d ....................... B e t a

S pa ng ler, E\'a O'Keefe ( Mrs.). 6o l l ~n d B lvd ......................... . .. . ........ \l ph a

. pr un g. Sa ll y K rae t ke ( ~Irs. R ic hann . i~9 Casgra in ............................... T he ta


Sprunk, H e le n Paulson (Mrs. Richard), 11399 Lauder .. . . . ....... .. ........... Alpha

Stendel. Laura , 101 E. Canfield ........ Alpha Smith. Hazel , 16247 Bay li s .. . ......... .. Beta Ta y lor , Alethe 1\Ia ri e, 687 H aze lwood Ave.

.............. . .. .. .......... .... ...... . .. Al pha Teague . Ruth Ebbinghouse (Mrs. Max well ),

634 A shland ........... . .. . ... . ....... . Theta Thomas, Doroth y. 640 De la wa re Ave . .. Alpha Traskos . H elen , 6470 Appol ine .... ... .. Th eta Tryon, Do.-oth y, 2501 Virgini a Pk. . ... The ta Victor so n , Ida Brody (1\hs. Earl) , 2740

Fulle rton ..................... . ..... .. .. Theta W a lker, Mae, 3440 Santa Mar ia St . ... Beta Ward, Olive Barlow (l\ lr L. W .) . 1262 1

Stoepe l . ............ ... ...... . .. . . .. ... Alpha \~'eber. Virginia . 5870 Se neca .... . . .. . The ta \Ve itoff, Mary O'Rae (1\lrs. Edward), 17166

H a rtwe ll ................. . ............. The ta \Ve lbon, Mar ion Brooke ( Mrs. Frank) ,

4483 Yorkshi re ... .... . ....... . .. .. .. . The ta \Vensley , Lillie Boszczy n sk i (Mrs. la r-

e nce). 1867 E . Grand B lvd .......... . The ta W est, Donna Conroy (Mrs.), c/ o Columbus

School ........ .. . .. ... . ........ . .. .. .... Theta W olnie . Vick i Beth, 6638 Field ... . .. .. The ta ·wood, Eileen, 121 Parkhurst ...... .... Theta Wright , H e len O' Mailey (1\lr s. G.) . ISO

Ge neva ........................ . .. .. ... The ta \Vurzer, Kath er ine L e wis (Mrs. E. C.) .

9274 W ild emere ....... . .. ....... ...... Alpha

Dimondale Walton , M a r y L a mpor t (1\Irs. D. D .) .. A lpha

East Detroit Las ky. K a thr yn H ogle (1\Irs . W alter) . 16343

T oepher Ave ..... . . .. .. . ..... . . . .. . .... A !ph a

East Lansing Baker, Florence Schmid ( Mrs. P. J. ), 625

Wildwood Dr. .. .. .. . .. ........ .... Alpha D emaree, E leanot, 110 AI bet· . ..... .... Alpha Harris, M a r ion Bailey (Mrs. Dea n ), 1025

Cresen wood Ave .............. ...... ... A lpha Kay , K ath ryn J illson (Mrs. E. A. ). 543

Evergreen ..... .. . .. . .. . . . ... . . . . ..... . A lpha

East Tawas McKay, R ose McDonald (Mrs. L. G.) .. Alp ha

Eden Davi s, Lenore Douglas (Mrs. Chas.) .. Alpha

Elsie \~'ooley, Donna Lee (Mrs.) . . . Alpha

Empire Wilcc, G ladys Co llin (Mrs . H . D.) .... B eta

Evart Glarum, Charlotte Seath (Mrs. Orville) . .

........ . ............ . . .. . . ..... .. . . . . . ... Alpha

Farmington Piet·ce , Ernesti n e ..... ........ . .. . .. . ... Alpha Weaver, Hilda Glass ford (ll f rs . G. F .) .Alpha Miles, Ruth Ph e lps (Mrs. Gi lbert A.) .. B e ta

Fenton Ga le, Lucille, R. D .. ...... ........... Alpha J ones, Olga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ B et a Merrick, Alice Furlong (Mrs . Kl eber) ..

.. .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . ...... A lpha Thorold, Hel e n Lowry (Mrs. Freder ic k C.)

...... . . . ................... ..... . . ..... . .. B e ta Yerdon , J ean net te .... . ................. Alpha

Ferndale May nard, Kath er in e Chamberl ain (Mrs.

J ohn), 804 W. farshall ............ . Theta Parsons , Mary L oui se Tavenne r ( 'lr .

Roy), 446 W. llfaplehurst ............ Alpha Smith, Katheri ne , 464 E. H azelhu.-t .. Alpha

Flint Abbey. Grace Braddoc k ( Mrs. L. M.), 914

\V. H am ilton .......................... Alpha Armstrong, Loui se. 517 Avon St. . . .. . . B eta Beehler, J a net Cook ( Mrs. Gai l), 2302 Hum -

bolt ... ............ .... .......... . ...... Alpha Brund e l, Ruth Kni s ley ( Mrs. Charles), 2509

Barth . .. .................. . .. . .. . .. . ... The ta Clapp, L ue ll a Ga lli ver (Mrs. Herman).

1018 Wolcott St. ...................... . Alpha C.-ow, Eloise W ebste r ( lllrs . G. W .) . 1710

W elch Blvd . .. ...... .... ... ........... AI 1)ha Gaffney, Gretchen R eemsten (.1- Jr s. L. J .) .

222 E. Elridge .......... ...... ......... Beta Gardner, Marion, Sunse t Village, 'heffield

Rd. . .... ............................... Alpha Hearn , Crysta l, 516 Beach St. .. ..... ... Beta Het·bert, Geraldine Hall (Mrs. Will iam) .

2209 Flushing Rd . ..... ..... . .. .. . .... Alpha l\J a honey, Gwendolyn Clancy (Mrs. E. ]. ).

242 E . Eddington ..................... Alpha lllc Don a ld. Eloi se Lardi e (Mrs. H a rland ) .

3626 Robin St .......................... Alpha Ne in as, Shidey , 211 8 Pierce ........... Theta Pearson, Eloise Martin (M rs. C. N .), 321

E. Patterson ... ........ .. .. . ....... .. . Theta Perrine , Sarah Po llock (M rs. A. W .), 1001

Dupont St. ...... . .............. . ...... Alpha Pfeiffer, H a rri et Marx (1\lrs. H arold), 121

Grace St ... . .... .. ... ......... .. ...... Alpha Schu ltz, Haze l D avis ( l\ft·s . Wm. H .), 2001

Iroquois . ... . . ................... . .. .. . . . Beta Shugart. Geraldine Norton (Mrs. Bruce).

514 E. I<ear s ley St. .. .. .. .. ........... Alpha Tobey, Loui se. 608 Page St. . .. .... Alph a W ood, P au line. 222 E. 8th St ..... .... . Alpha

Flushing W hee ler, Norma Ca rl (Mrs. Gerald) .. Al pha

Flowerville Lindquist, Haze l Benjamin (M rs. J ohn) ..

. . . . . . .. . ...... . . . .. Alpha Sm ith , Muri e l Benjam in (lllrs. G. r .. ) .Alpha

Frankfort Clossens, 1\Iary A l ice Young love ( Mrs. C. )

. . ............... . .. . .... . .... . .. A lpha Grand Have n

Babcock. H aze l Exelby (llrr s . E . H .) .. Alpha Holleste!le , Gertrude, 430 Franklin t. .. B eta

Grand Rapids Baumgardner, Pearl , 82 1 Pinec 1·es t Ave ..

.... .............. . ... . .. . ...... . .. .... . Alpha B a k er. Thelma William s ( l\ l r s. J ohn ) 545

Mulford Dr. S .E .... . ................ Alpha Brown, Vivian Dodd s (lllrs. \V e il s). 1620

Alexander Rd. . ....................... B eta Car ti er, Ethe lyn H ugh es. 211 Norwood

S.E. .. .................... ... ........ .. Alpha Dowling, Grace ( ~Irs . ) . 322 L'nio n Ave.

S.E. .. .......... ....... ... ... ......... . Alpha Elliott, Gayle Presco tt C:l\lr . S. E .), 704

Lovett S .E . ........ .. ....... . . .. . . .... Alpha Fulle r , Li la Lawre nce (M rs . H a rry ), 1829

Madison Ave .. S .E ............... ..... Alpha J ones, Anne Hagood ( llr r · . Fre nch ) . 166

L afaye tte Ave. N .E . .. ................. Rho Kl ee, B ernice Bradish (1\frs . 0. ]. ), 420

Elliott St. S .E ...... . . . . . . . . . ..... . .... Beta K oe ts, Martha ..... . ..... .. . .. .. . .. ... . .. Alpha Quick, Theodora . 1229 Sigsbee S.E ..... Alpha Quigley. Emma French (Mrs.). 1465 Genes-

see S.E ......... .. ................ .. ... Alpha Ritchie, Grace Erb (1\frs. H.) . 1206 Lake

Dr. .......... .. . .. ............... . ...... Alpha Zuelch, Marion Boosi nger (l\ lr s. Arnold).

324 Orchard Hill ..................... Theta


Grass Lake Bartholic, Carol Ha kins (Mrs. Frank) ..

... . .... . .... . . . .............. .. ... ... .. . . Alpha Hamp. I rene Young (Mrs.) ............ Alpha

Gregory Yoegts, l\l yr navcive .................. . Alpha

Grosse Pointe Dewey, Gladys Catl1ro (Mrs. R. ). 243 Me·

Milan Rd. . ... . ............. . . . ." ...... Theta Sloggett, Zelia Green (Mrs . T . J .), 998

Nottingham Rd ..... .... ... ............ Alpha Sherwood, Margaret, 1042 K ensinj<lon .. Theta Taugner, Sylvia Sorola (:\I rs. Frank), 406

Mt. Verno n .. .. ...................... Theta

Grosse Pointe Farms Beyschlag, D oro th y, 311 McKinley R d ...

. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpha Fitzgera ld. Emily Beyschlag (Mrs. G. F.).

311 McKinley Rd .................... Alpha

Hamtramck M ettler, Evelyn, 3091 Belmont ........ Theta

Hartford Jibso n, LaVinna ....... .. .............. . Alpha

Hartland Snyder, Ardi s B e lma n (Mrs. C. ]. ) ... Alpha

Highland Park Comfort, Gladys Powe ll (Mrs. W. P .), 78

W . Grand Ave ................... .. ... Alpha Coombe, Grace Carrel ( i\Jrs . Philip), 1203

McNichols ... .................... .. ..... B e ta Field. Annetta, 153 Geneva ........ . ... . A lpha Field , Flore nce , 153 Geneva .... .... .... Alpha Field , Margaret . 153 Geneva .. . .. .. .... Alpha Hazard , Mae Fitzpatrick (Mrs.). 138 Glen-

da le ....... . . . . ... .. ..... . ... . .. ..... . ... Bet a Hazard. AI ice , Barber Schoo l ........... B eta Laird. Clara, 58 Brighton .............. Alpha Langlois, Shirley Harri so n (Mrs. Cirfton

A.), 149 Pilgr im Av e. (F ord School) .. Beta Manches ter , Mary J a ne . II McLean, High ·

land Towers .. ..... . ...... .. ..... .. ... .. Eta i\lan se ll , Edith L.. 161 Highland Ave ... Beta McGregor, Gladys Renwick (Mrs. Glen).

90 vVaverly St. ........ .. .. .... ........ B e ta Otterbein. Kathe rine. 55 Farrand ...... . Beta Shule•·. Noreen Cooper ( i\frs. Carl) , 245

Glendale ..... .. ................ . . .. .... Th eta Thompson, Fann y Niggman ( Mrs.), ,

Farrand Ave. . ...... . .................. B eta Whitney, Vida Wilson (i\frs.). c/ o Ford

chool .. . .............................. .. Beta

Holt F orche, Carolyn Wh ite (Mrs. A. F.) .. . Al pha

Holton Anrlerson, Fra nces Stua•·t ( i\l rs. R ollin .T. )

· ··· · .. .. ....... .. .............. . ......... . Beta Hopkins

L.ne, Elizabeth ..... . ... . .... .. . . .... . .. Alpha

Howard City Crimmens. Catherine Scott (ilfrs .) ..... Alph a Gaffield. i\Ia •·garet Scott (Mrs. G.) .... Alpha

Howe ll Crane, Ina ............... . . .. .......... Alpha Hibner, H es ter . . ....................... Alpha Lemo n , Ruth Johnso n (Mrs. W . R. ) .. Al1>ha

Hudson Zweidinger, ~ [uri e l .. ... .. ... . ... .. ... . Alpha

Ion ia Mulhausc r. H e le n Baird (i\fr . S. A.), 241

l.afa yc tt e St .......................... Alpha

Peterman, Geraldine Townsend (Mrs.), 128 Summit St. .................. . ......... Alpha

Wellman, Betty , Star Rout e ... . ........ Beta W oods. J osephi ne Gibson (Mrs. F. H.). 13

E. Main St. ..... .... . . ... ...... ....... Alpha

Ithaca Crawford, Cynthia D odge (i\lrs. R. J.) ..

... . ................... . ......... .. .... .. . Al1>ha Knowlton. J oyce Wight (Mrs. Jay) . ... . Beta Wolcott. Kathleen .............. .. ....... Beta

Iron River Young, Pearl Myers ( i\frs. F.) .. . . . ... Beta

Jackson Claus, Annabel Pai on (Mrs. Theodore).

1710 3rd St. ............................ Theta Colbert. Helen Moller ( Mrs. R ay). 321 W .

Franklin St. .......................... Alpha Dalton i\lary Ellen, 317 \\"ashington .. Alpha Dodes,' Margaret. 122 W . Wilkin s .... Beta Mathein. Ellen Henley ( i\frs. Albert), 6.11

Oakhill t. ................... ... ...... Alpha Stevens, Cecilia R ya n ( i\lrs. G. D.). 316

W . Wes ley St ................. .. . ...... Alpha Trujillo, Thelma Defendorf (Mrs. A. J.).

721 5th St. ............................. Alpha

Jonesville Moffat, Zaidee Dingfe lder ( Mrs. W. T .) ..

................... . ............. .. ....... Alpha

Kalamazoo Cornwell, Lucille Disenroth (i\[rs. D. 0.).

202 Gilkison Ave ....................... Alpha Cranston. Pauline Van DeWalker (i\ lrs. K.

A.), Gladys Ct. ........................ Beta Perry, Bernice, R.R. 8 ...... . ...... .. .. Beta Well s , Laura \V a hburn (Mrs. P. '-), 1305

Blake lee .............................. Alpha

L'Anse Oliver, i\[yrta Styckle (Mrs . Lester), c/o

Mrs. Paul W ard ...................... Alpha \\'ard, Maud tyckle (Mrs. Paul) ..... Alpha

L ansing Affeldt, Miri am Parkhill (1\lrs. Clarence

H .), 1915 N.E. t. .................... Beta Brandel, Ellen, 310 \\" . Lena wee St. . . Alpha Cameron, \\" illow Wood (Mrs.). 1415 H ess

............... . . . .............. . .......... Beta Craddock, M argaret Taylor (i\ lrs . D. H .) .

2507 E ato n Rd ..... .. .................. Al1>ha Custer , Allura Exelby (Mrs. Richard). 400

S. H olmes ............................ Alpha Dalton , Lillian Meisel (Mrs. Frank), 608

N. Capitol ........................ . .... Beta D e Witt , Audrey Shaw (il l rs .). 1007 \\".

Allegan . ... .. .. . ..... . ... . .. . .... . ..... Alpha Eagle, H azel Georgia ( Mrs . Vern), 411 S.

Butler Blvd. . ........................ Alpha Gates . i\I yrtle Barber (Mrs.). tate Ca1>itol

Bldg .................................. .. . Beta H offmeyer, H e le n Gor line (Mrs. Dorvin).

108 . Pennsylvania .................. Alpha Hughes. Dorothy, 611 N. Pine St .... . . Al pha Hul e, i\Iary , 416 \ V. Ottawa St . .. . Lambda K ane, Emily Brandel ( i\Ir s . H oward), 924

Nipp Ave ............................. Alpha Kimmick, Gertrude Lippert (Mrs. Robert).

119 \V. Grand R iver Ave . . ... .. ....... Alpha i\larti n , Dorothy. 117 E. Barnes ...... . Alpha M eyer , Ellen Brandel Olrs. \\'endelll. 310

\\' . Lena wee St. ............... Alpha Ne lson, Harriet. 41 6 . Butler Blvd .... Beta Smith. Lula. 924 r. \\'ashington ...... Alpha Springer, Maxine H errick ( i\lrs. . IT.) .

2108 S. Logan t. ...................... Alpha Taylor, Ruth , 623 eymonr ............... \ lpha


Lapeer 1\IcNeil, Dai sy Bmadhea d (i\lrs.) .. .. Alpha S n yder, Lei la , 50 P a r k St. . . ....... .... Alpli'a

Le R oy l\IcDonne ll , E laine ... ..... .. ......... . ... B et a

Leslie B y rum, Myrt le B abcoc k (Mrs. W. D. }, R.R.

.. . . ... . .. . .... .. . ..... . . .. . . . .... . . .. .... A lpha

Levering Larso n, Ruth Baxter (Mrs. \¥alter} . . Alpha

Litchfield Va n \ .Vert, Gladys . . . ... . .......... . . ... Alpha

L udington Gwinn, Flore nce l\Iary, tate Park .. .. . Be ta Howa rd. !liab le S ugars (Mrs. P. R. ), 321

1 • V,l illi a m St ... ...................... B et a

Manchester Schult z, Eleanor A ckl ey (1\Ir s . Russe ll ),

R. R. 3 ........ ........ ...... .. ........ Alpha

Manistee Lardie, Lill ian, Ch ippe wa H ote l .... . . Alt>ha

M a rce llus Hirshey, Louise Kline (Mrs. W. N.) .. Alt>ha

Marine City Brown , 1\Ie redith L ester ( Mr· s. Wm. ), S.

1\[ain St ... .. .. .. ...... ................ Alpha Mac Don a ld. Flore nce R a wling ( Ji l r s . K e n -

neth ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... Alpha

Marlette l\Iahaffy , Lune tta ..... . . ..... Alpha

Marquette L eo n a rd , Edna Bj ork (1\Irs. J. 0 .), 125 E.

P a rk St ... .... .. .. ... . .. .. ... . . .. . . . ... A lph a l\I arsh, H e le n , T each ers Coll ege ....... Be ta

Marsh a ll Jas tes, D e lla Mae Ve ley (l\Ir s. H e nry ) ..

. . . . . . . .. ...... .. . . .. . .. . .... . .. . .. . ... . . . Al 1>ha Quic k , Jl[a ri on White ( l\Ir s .), 501 . Pros-

pect St. . ......... . ..................... A I ph a Marysvi!le

B arron , l\I a t·ga t·et ............ . .... . . .. . A lpha

Mason Chiches ter, Emil y Sayre ( Jift·s. G. E .) .. A lpha Dav is, Fra nces Smith ( Mrs. N . S.) ... Alpha H owe, Mina Clay (Mrs. H. E.) ...... Alpha

Mecosta K e lly, Alvira ............ ...... ......... . B eta

Midland Cavanagh , Aim ee Corcot·an (Mrs. Joseph}.

415 W. M a in St . ....................... B eta Sa nford, Eva M ae Land sborough (Mrs. C.

S. ) , 205 H e le n St. .. .... ........ ..... Al ph a Sheppard, Miri a m P ac kard ( Mrs. Norman).

R. R. I , State Rd ..................... . B eta \Varre n, H e len Frost ic (Mrs. Neil) .. . . Al pha

Milan Seitz, O le ta .. . ..... . . . ..... . .. . . . . .. . ... Alpha

Morenci T urner, A l ice Buck (Jifrs. A.-t h ur) .. . Alph a

Mt. Clemens Bake t·, M ary B e ll e Newcome r (M r s. C. E .).

198 J ones St ..... .... .. .. .. .......... . Alpha K e ll e y Marion 117 Cass Ave . ........ .. Alpha Schutt: Ida Sh'e ffi e ld (Jifr s. Fred eri c k T .) .

119 Marke t St . ...... .. ................. B e ta

Mt. Morri s De mpsey, Paul ine Co lli n s ( Ji l r s.}, 1040 Coy

Ave .... ...... ....... . ....... .......... . Al1>ha

Mt. Pleasant Battle, B ernice Cole (Mrs. J ohn}, 404 N.

F a nch er Ave ....... . . . ............. . .... Bela Bi shop. Flore nce, 301 Chi J>pewa ........ B eta Bonnel l, Grace, 41 3 S. College Ave ... Beta Bonn e ll , Jane, 41 3 S. College A ve . .... Bela Brook , K endall P. ( 1\l r s.), 803 . Co ll ege

Ave . .. . . .. . ... . . . .. . ..... . . . . .. . . . ....... B eta Bush , Betty, 1205 S. Franklin .... .. ... Beta Bush, Mari e Donn er (Mr s.), 1201 S. Frank-

l in ... .. ... . .. ........ . .......... ........ Beta Dodd s, D aphne, 619 S. Co ll ege Ave ... Reta Donahue , M a rj or ie, 221 S. Pine St ..... B eta Hansen, Edna \rubl e (Mrs. E . S.), R.R. 3

................. . .. . .... . . .. . ... . ..... .. . B cta H a nso n , M a ri an, 403 S. K in ney Bl vd ... Beta Harpe r. 1\[axin e Monroe ( Mrs. R ober ts) ,

527 S. Fancher Ave ....... ...... ...... B e ta K a n e, Be rnice, 109 Locust St. .. .. . ... . B eta Larzelere, Lore na ( 1\Irs. Claude S.). 405 E.

High St ........ ...... .... .. ... .... .. . ... Beta JlfcCra e, E leanor (l\Ir s .), 908 S. ]\[ai n .. Beta Naumes, Katherine, 634 S. Co ll ege Ave ..

. .. ...... . .. . ................. . .. . ..... . ... Be ta Noey, Iren e, 110 E . Cherry St . .... .... Be la Owens. Gladys. 1020 S. L a ns ing .... . . Be ta P orte rfi eld. H e le n Vow les (Mrs.), C.S.T.C ..

R on a n H a ll , 427 S . Fancher A ve . .... Bet a Riche s. N e ll e Field (l\Ir s . Chest er), 614 S.

Frank l in St. _ .......................... B eta Russe ll , Lou ise B e nn ett ( l\Ir s. W alter). 302

Chi ppewa St . .. .. . . ....... ..... . .. . .. _.Beta Thompson , Marie. 41 2 S. Co ll ege A ve . .. B e ta Thorne, L ou ise Orcutt (l\Irs. C. E.), l\Iay

St . ... .... . . . . . ..... . .. .. .... ...... . . . ... . B e ta Wh ee ler , E sther P ope (Mrs. Geo . R. ). R.R.

6 .. _.. . . ...... . . . . .......... . ...... B eta

Munith Ri e thmill e r , Eve ly n .. .. .. .. .. _ .. Alpha

M uskegon Jlfill e r , J a ne W a ltrous (Mrs. J_ l'.) . ... Alpha

Muskegon Heights Gerst, Florence Curtis (!l[ rs.), 1325 6th St.

. ..... ......... . ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. . ... .. _ . . . Alpha Ske ll e nge r , L oui se, 828 H oyt ...... . ... Alpha

New Baltimore \Va lker, Clara ........................... Alpha

N ew Bos ton Ad a ms, Blanch e Bot s ford (l\[rs. H . W .)

........ . ... .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . ..... . . . . .. . ... Alpha

North Bra nche Tietz, Marguerite . ................ .. .... Alpha

North Muske gon And er son, Ella Butze r (Mrs . M. V.) , Cit·cle

Rd. .. .......... . ... . _ . .... .. . . ... . ..... Alpha

Nor thville Chargo, B ett y, 11 r F ormal St. ..... Alpha

Oak Park Cottle Mildred Arnold (Jil rs . A. P .), 632

H om'e Ave ... . . ... . _ ........... .. .. ... Alpha

Onekoma Dunham . El ea nor B ennet t ( i\rrs . L. tJ.)

. ... . . .. . ...... . ....... . .. . .... . .. .. ....... B e t~

Onst ed Jllill er , Elinor .......................... B eta

Otisv ille Mos ie r , M ae Hughes (l\[rs. E.) . ........ Alpha


Otsego Pierce. M abel Potter (l\!rs. Howard ) . 520

Allegan ........... . ........... .. .... . .. Alpha

Ovid Bube, N ina .... . . .. ................. .. ... Alpha Taylor. Litta Marshall (!\I r s . Walter) . .

......... ... .. ... .... . . . .. . .. . .. ...... . ... Alpha

Owosso Cam Jlbel l. Loui se Osmer ( M rs. Eva ns) .. B eta Finch , Frances Clapp (Mrs. Gay lo rd) , 615

N. Water St. .................... .... Alph a H a rt shorne , The lma Wright (Mrs . F. E.).

1114 N. Shi a wassee St. .............. Alpha Hume, Nina B ee be (Mrs. H . A.). 520 N.

Ad a ms ... . ..... .. ..... . . . ... . .. . .. . .... Alpha ]\finer. H elen \Voodwor th ( llft·s. L. F .). 809

W . Oliver St .......... . .......... . .. . . Alpha W e ltey . Vivian H a rt shorn e ( Mt·s. Carl).

523 N. Hickory .... .. .. .. .... .. .... .... Alpha

Parchment Schwe is s . Hele n J ac k a ( lllr s. Joseph). 338

Gl e ndal e .... . . . ..... . ..... .. ... . .... .. . Thet a

P etoskey Co lema n, M ary . 434 Michigan St. .. .. Alpha Van Leuven, Emma ~facDonald (1\'f rs.

Buell) ..... .. .... . ..... . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . B e ta

Pittsford Van A k en, M a rie K! eba rt ( l\!t·s . E . W .) ..

.. .. .. . . ... . ..... .. ..... . . . .......... . . .. . Al pha Plymouth

Freeman , La Verne . .... . .... . . .... . ... . Al pha Stewart, Ph yl l is, 102 N. H o lbrook .... . Zeta

Pontiac Covert , Eva Buckle (:\[rs . ]. C.). 379 Eliza-

beth L a k e A ve . .............. .. .. .... Al pha Delllund, J a ne E va n s (i\Irs. Fred). 320 Jud-

son .... . .. . ... .... . ... .... ... .... . .. . .. . The ta

G~~-er_t,_ -~-~~ ~~--~~-e . . (]\:~~ : . !.'. _E:)· . . ~20 . -~tB~ta Goodson . I sabel. 578 V>/. Iroquois ...... Alpha Hiller, Ola. 396 W . Huron St ..... .. ... Alpha Kn ox, H emietta Philip (Mrs . W. D .).

R iveria Rd .. Elizabeth Lake E s tate .. B e ta McCrossen, Murr yn e . ........... .. . . .... Alpha Po ll oc k. Margaret, B loomfi e ld Hi ghl a nd s

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. ......... Al pha Thors, Ethel T rav is (l\Irs. John ) . 21 Thoroe

.. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. ...... . .. . ..... .. ....... Alpha

Port Huron Brittenham, ll fa t·y Pmchase (Mrs. H arr y),

2272 Mil itary .. .. .... .... ...... . The ta Cri t tenden, Sate Hanis (Mrs. Thor), 2644

J\Tilit a ry St . .... .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .. .. B e ta Hill , E s th e r. 922 Gri s wold St .... .. ... Alph a Ludwig. Jane Pinso n (Mrs. F . E .) . 2680

Military Ave ...................... . ... Alpha M PPh an. Cath er ine . 1314 H owa rd St. . .. Aloha Mill e r . M a r gare t Meeh a n (Mrs. R. V .). 1024

7th St. .. .. .... ...... ...... ...... .. .... Alph a \Vix on , Lou Nim s (1\frs. Roscoe). Griswold

St. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ........ Alpha

Prattville Em eu s, V erl e .......... ... ...... ....... Alpha

Richmond P a ren t, Elsie Fit zge ral d (ll f rs. D on a ld) . .

......... . .............. .. . . .............. Alpha

Rockford l'e te r so n , Gladys Gri s wold ( M rs. \Vm. ) ..

......... .... ....... .. .... ................ . n eta

Roger s City F erde lm a n , Nina Caulkette ( Mrs. 0. F.)

................ . . ... .. . ... . ......... ... ... Hc ta

Nel so n, Doroth y R orabacher (Mrs. Carl) .. .......... ... .... . ....... . . .. ............. Alpha

Romeo Setts, Lucy . .... ............. .. .. . .. . . .. Alpha

Romulus Kauba, H aze l H untley (l\!rs.) . R .R ... Alpha

Rosebush M cConnell , Cathryn ... . ..... . ........ ... B e ta

Royal Oak B ohl e n, L oui se Glade ( Mrs.). 1206 N. Maple

. ... ...... . ....... .. .. . .. .... .......... . .. Alph a Burbank, He le n K e ny on (Mrs. J ac k) . 11 29

H arwood . .... .. .... . .... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. The ta Fraser. Minnie Grove (Mrs. Do na ld llf.).

R oute 504. Box 38A .... .... .. .. .. .... B e ta Fredr ic ks. Fra nces Bucker (Mrs. All en ) ,

26085 Humber, Huntingto n \Voods .... The ta Gibbs. Lenore Bower ox (llfrs. Charles).

41 5 Pot a watomi .. ... .. . .............. . . Theta Giffe ls. V e rn a Oliver ( l\It·s.). 1023 M ap le

Grove ..... . ........ ... ....... .... .. .... Alpha Lau. Frances Locke ( Mrs. M yr on ), 408

\~' il so n Ave ... ...... .... .............. Alpha R oss . Grace T ownl ey (Mrs. . A.). 27 Oak-

dal e Blvd ........................... .. Alpha

Saginaw Arno ld. llfarguerit e Swa n (Mrs.). 402 Fitz·

hugh .. . ... . .. . ..... . ........ .. . .. . ....... B e ta Cri ssma n , M arv . 556 S. 4th ............. Alpha De lt entha ler. B Ptt y . 221 S. Charles .... B et a M ac Rae. L a ura K e ll y (Mrs. Edward) . . Alpha Ma rq uette. Ruth Smith ( Mrs. \V . H. ) . 933

J e ffe r so n St. S ..... . ........ . ........ . Alpha Ward , Lina. 143 . Charles St. .. . . . . .. Alpha

Saline Scott . J a ni ce Austin (l\!rs. F. B.) ...... Alpha Sturm, E s th er ...... . ............. . ..... Alpha

Sandusky Smith, Elizabeth ims ( Mrs. G. H .) .. Aipha U tl ey. M argaret ........ ........... .Alpha

Saranac W ay ne. Lena Braley (Mrs. J , H .). c /o

Dr. Brale y .... .... ........ ........ ..... Alpha

Sault Ste. Marie Gt·aham, Th a li a .... . . .. . . . ... . . ........ Alph a Sha rp , Albert a .. . . ....... ...... ... . .. . .. Alpha

Sparta J ohnso n, M a rj ori e Carr ( l\Ir s. U. A .) .. Alpha

St. Clair Gearing. Inez J on es ( ~f rs. Milto n J .). 115

Brown St. .......... . ... . ......... . .... Beta

St. Johns Collins , Geraldine ... . .......... . .. . .. : . .. B e ta D onley , Judith Clarke ( l\Irs. G. R .) .. Al ph a

St. Joseph Choate, H e len , 1717 Forres Av e ... .. . Alpha Lyo ns . M a rio n Stro n CMr . H aro ld ), 550

\Vinches ter St ............. ... . ... . ... Alpha Upton, Margare t Beckley ( i\[r . Fred).

Edgewater B eac h ................... . . Alpha

S t. Louis Bre wer, Lulu i\[ ey (i\Jrs. Thos.), 112 Pine

St ... . . . .. . .......................... . .... Beta Gorham, Eleanor i\f a th e w s ( l\frs. i\far hall).

Gorham Stead H ouse. R. R. . ......... B eta T.udlum, Edna Duff (?lfrs.), :!06 . Main

. .......................................... Reta

Stanton immons, 11rary 1\IcDo wel! ( ?~I rs. \\'. T .) ................. . ............ . .... . ..... . . Beta


Sturgis Beaukema, E lva Anderson (Mrs.) .... A lpha

Tecumseh Wright, Phena Palmer (Mrs. D. W.) .. A lpha

Three Rivers Freeland. Katherine Adair (1\Irs.) ... . Alpha White, Ailsa , c/o High Schoo l .... .. Alpha

Traverse City M illiken, Hildegarde Grawn (~fr J a mes)

... ... ............ . .. .. .... . .. ..... ... Beta

Trenton Withey, Mildred Lidtke (Mrs. Ra ymond).

3123 Birchwood .. .. .. .. .. .. . .Alpha

Vicksburg Tobey, Blossom Vroman (~ I rs. R. L.) .Alpha

Wayne Gentz, Gladys, R.R. .......... . .. .. . .... Alpha

Webberville Sly, Ethel Shaw (Mrs. H arlow) ...... Alpha

Williamston Leemon. Donna ...... . .. .. . .. .... ... .... . Beta Wil ey, Loui se Call (M rs. LaVern) .... Beta

Wyandotte Fauser, E m ily Timmer (Mrs . H. J. ), Mor-

gan Apt. 304, 3rd & Eureka ........... Alph a Fros tic, Gwendolyn, 355 Oak St. ____ .Alpha Genthe, Margaret Taylor (Mrs . H. C.).

2834 Van Alstyne Bl vd ....... ........ Alpha Hicks, Clara, 114 Oak St. ............. Alpha James, E ll a Bower (Mrs. G. C.), 300 Em·

mons Blvd ....... .. .. .... ......... . . .. Alpha Timmer, Emil y, 510 Emmons B lvd .... A lpha Woodward, Katherine , 28 Eureka Ave. . .

. . .. . . ......... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . A lpha

Ypsila nti Bates, Wanda Crawford (Mrs . R. B .), 20

S. Normal .......... . .. . ...... . .... ... . Alpha Bowers, Florence, 2308 H olmes Rd . .. Alpha Flint , Ge rtt·ud e (~Ir s.), 303 Washtenaw

Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A lpha Hom beck, Laura, 823 E. ·Michigan Ave .. .

. . ...... . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ..... . .... .... . A lpha K lin e, Frances K opp (Mrs.). 761 Lowell St.

... . ......... .. . .. ..... . .... . . ... . ........ Alpha Lantz, Winifred (Mrs.) , 1720 W. Michigan

St . ...... . ............. ... . . .. . .. ..... . . . . Beta Lord. Ilda Goodall (Mrs. F . E.), 1008 W.

Cross . ... ........ .. ..... . .. . ..... . ...... Alpha Meston, El eanor. 222 N. Summit ...... . A lpha Mi lks , Vi ola. 201 N. W as h ingto n St .... A lpha Reninge.-. Eli zabe th ( Mrs. H . vV. ), 910

Gra n t St . ........... .... ......... .. ... Alpha R oss , l\!axi n e Ackley C\Irs. R e id), 1309

Ho lmes Rd . ... .............. ....... ... Alpha Ruggles, Cynthia, 11 3 N. Hamilton St. ..

...... . ........ . ..... . . .. ...... . . .. . ... ... Alpha Sanders (Mrs. G. D .), 1114 Congre s St . ..

. . ..... . . . . ...... .. . ..... .. ............... Alpha Speers tra. Ida. 222 N. Summ it .......... Alpha Vanden Belt, Betty, 219 N. Norma l .... Aloha W ilber . J ane K. Atwood (Mrs. H orace Z).

809 Congress . ... . .. . .... . .... ...... . . .. Tot a Wileden, Laurabelle. 425 P err in ..... Alpha


SarAata n , Harri et McGreaham (Mrs.) .. B eta Excelsior

Cra ne, Ethe l Searl Reed (l\!rs. Em01·y), B ox 175 .. .. ............................. B eta

Hibbing Becht e l. Pearl Ji l lso n (Mrs. R. E.) .. Alpha

Minneapolis Otterstein, Genevieve Rumpe l (~11-s. Earl),

2110 W . 49th St. ..................... Gamma R enni e . O l ive H enderso n (Mrs.), 4243

Washburn Ave. S . . ........ . ... .. ... Gamma

Rochester Buie, Zelma J ones (Mrs. L. A.) ........ Alpha Li lli e, Oda Kittredge (Mrs. H. I.) .. .. Alpha

St. Paul Larkin, H e len, 433 Ashland Ave ..... Alpha

South Virgin ia Moore, Esther Fan·ely (i\Irs. G. M.) , 520Y,

5th St ... ......................... . .. ..... Eta

Virginia Moore . Esther Farley (Mrs. G. M.) 520•/,

5th St. S. .. ................... Eta


Primes , Ivy lle Yvonne ..... .... ......... Phi

Vicksburg V\'iley, Louise Ca ll (l\[rs. L. Ward ) . Box

903 . .. . . . ..... .... _ ... . ... . ........... Beta


Shepard, Virginia Lois B•·iggs (!\Irs. Eu-gene) , Stephens College . . . . . . . Iota

Creve Coeur Conner. F lore nce Goddard (Mrs. l\lichae l) .

2 Deaber Lane .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. Pi

Deepwater T ow nsend, Ruth Be ll (Mrs. C. R .. J.-.) .. I ota

Gideon McGee, Alva .... Pi

Joplin R obinson. Ruth J ean Dyer (l\[rs. S. L. ).

1506 Pearl St. ........................ Cpsilon

Kansas City Collyer. Armista Williamson (!l frs. D. F.).

2103 E. 35th St. .. .... .... .... .. ........ I ota J oh nson. Thelma Ta y lor CMrs. Clarence

A.). 224 W. 62nd St ....... .. .......... I ota \~'edin, Edith Forrester ( Mrs. R a lph ). 5019

State Lin e .... . .. . .. . .. . ................. I o ta


Carter, Christine Gurtler (Mrs. W illiam. Jr.) . . . . ...... . ......... . .................. I ota

Maryville Higgin s, Luci le Dickey (i\rrs. Charles) ..

.... . . . .................................... l Ma

Osceola Francis , H e len F aye (Mrs. J oe O.) ........ Pi

Rolla Coltharp, l\l yrli e Fenne r (1\Ir s. Raym ond).

100 Elm . ... ........... _ . ... . .. . ......... I ot a Porter, Grace Fenner (Mrs . La.-ry ). 100

Elm .... .... ...................... . .. . ... . Tot a

St. Joseph Gorman, Pearl Baldridge (l\lrs. Thomas J. ).

206 Victoria Ct .......................... Iota


St. Louis Auburn , H e le n , 7022 Ethe l .. . ........... P ! B a rr, Anit a. 4978 L ot us .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . P! B arter , i\Ia r y R ose. 3841 F lad . . . ... ...... P1 Ba r tma n, V era, 4238 H ar t ford ..... . ... ... . P1 Be ll , Barba ra, 4056 L a faye t te .. . .. . . .. ..... P ! Boa!, A l ice , 1913 S . Compton .. ..... . . . . .. P1 Bongner, M a rga re t, 5937a Ri dge .. . ..... . . . P1 B roc kri e te n, \ erna, i 343 V ermon t ... . . .. . Pt B run e . M a rgare t , 4507 Athlone . ....... . ... Pi Ch la nda, H e le n , 5204 Lough borough .. . ... Pi Conner . Caro ly n. 4100 L oui s ia na .......... Pi Cro ft, H e len . 3874 U ta h . . . . . . . .. .. ...... . .. Pi D a le, J an is, 5054a W a ba da .. . ...... . .. . .... P1 F ee n ey, Grace. 4010 Na tura l Br idge . .. . .. Pi Fos te r, L a Vern e . 3822 Ashl a nd .......... Pi Furma n, E lr e ne K obo ldt (Mrs. Al vin ) 4444

A shl a nd . . . . . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . .. ... .. ..... . .. Pi Ga rner , J ea nn e. 4044 H a rtford . . . . . . . ... .. Pi Gla tfe lt er. E d ith E ., 4720 N . 20th S t. .... P 1 Gleason , Mildred Budde ( i\l r . ]. l\1. ) 5614a

H eb ert . . . .. . .. ..... . .. . ..... . . . . . . ... . . . ... P i Graflage, Max ine Ste ve ns ( Mrs . 1: . B.)

6126a L a l ite .. . ... . . . . . .... . . .. ... .. . .. . .. .. Pi Gumm ershe imer. H e le n . 3120 I owa . .. . .. .. Pi H a hn, M a ri e, 4947 Theodore . . . . . . .. .. . . . . Pi H erron , Virg inia, 1702 W ago ner PI. ...... Pt Hinsha w, M e redith Shepard ( Mrs. ]. W a l·

do) 27 H a rd ith Hi ll .. . . ... ....... .... . I ota H oy n'ck, L ois , 41 39 Margare tta .. ..... . .. P i J e rze w ia k , Ma rgerite, 498 1 \Vre n . . . . . . .. P i J ordan, Doro th y, 3531 L a mbd in . ... . .. .. . . . . Pi K ehl. i\Ia doly n. 7400 Flori ssa n Rd .... ... . Pi K ern er, Virg inia. 11 37 B aya rd .... .. ... . .. P ! K lupe, H e len , 3806 Sha w . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . P1 Li n k. Ma te ll a, 3064 D e le va n ..... .......... P1 Luec k ing , E ve ly n . 3860 Conn ec ticut ...... Pi Ma rc inkows ki. H edwi g. 1719 Dolma n ... . P i M a rschue tz, H a r r ie t. 4949 T hek la . . ..... . Pi i\l iller . Margaret. 2920 i\li a mi ....... . ..... P i i\forlan l\I a ri e . 3218 M agnoli a . . . ... . . . . .. P i Morri ssey. H aze l W ill iso n (Mrs. R. L .)

7315 H oo ver ... . .... .. . .. . .. . . . ..... . .. . . . . Pi Mor r issey , V irg in ia . 4565a Gibso n .. .. . . . . P i McCa rth y , June. 4527 H a rr is .. ..... ... . .. .. P i McCie nnen . B ernice . 4034a P a lm . .. . . . . . . . Pi i\lcElmurry. Ma ry a ! ice . 419 P a rk ....... . P i llfclnty re, Mar ie , 2919 Bi g B e nd Rd . .. . . Pi i\fc]\[a hon , Fra nces . 5716 La n sdown e .. .. .. Pi N a uma n. vVil me Nowot n y (M rs . J . F .)

4054a P e nn sy lva n ia . . ..... ... .. .. . . . . .... . Pi Ni edergerk e . A lberta . 7327 Winch este r Dr. Pi

· P ace . Berni ce . 5874 Pl ymou th .. .. . . .. . ..... P i Pratt, Ja ne . 59i l a 1\I in et·va . ..... .. ...... . . Pi Pri eb e, R uth . 5306 \~l i no n a .. .... ... . .. ... .. . Pi R e nn . Flore nce , 3810 \Vy oming ..... . Pi R ob in so n , D oro th y Be nn ett ( i\lrs . . C.)

5119 St. L oui s . . .. . .... . .. . . .. . . .. ..... . .. Pi Rub y, Virgi ni a . 3439 P ark . . . . . . ...... . .. . Pi R ya n . M a rga ret. 5218 P a lm ... . .. . .. ..... . . Pi Schm idt. D oro th ea Sch a be rg (Mrs. R usse ll )

4250 J oh n . .. .. .. .... . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. Pi Schne ll. M a rj or ie T a yl or ( i\lrs . E . E .). 41 5

F a irway Lane . . . ..... . . . ...... .. . . .... . . . Pi Schroeder . H a rri e t. 427 1 A sh land ... .. .. . .. P i

iedl er. M ar th a H. ( l\f rs. T . ]. ). 1035a S. T ay lor . .. .. . . . .. . ... .. . .. . . .... . .. . ........ P i

Stra nd , Ca thr yn M a tth e ws ( i\f r s. R . E .) . 6994 Edi so n . . . . . . . . . . . . P i urk a mp , 1\ fa ri e Anto in e t te. 1516 Ki e nl e n

. ... ....... .. ...... .. .... .. .......... .. . . . . . . Pi Tubbe in g-. M a rce ll a. 4876 Sa n Fra nc isco .. Pi U !Pr y. Virg ini a Schroeder ( ;\ Irs. W .). 3101

K emp Dr. .. . ... . .. ......... . .. . .. . . .. ...... Pi llrich . Lorr a in"e . 65 14 \Va lsh .. ... . .. . ...... Pi V ogt . L i ll ia n. 3605a r N e w s!Pad .......... Pi \ fo l lmer, Barbara, 292.1 S. Kin gs hi ghwa~·p :

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , \\' a lli s, llfa rgare t . 7019 H a ncoc k ....... ... Pi \Vnmh off . Lo is. 5176 Eich e lbe rger . . ...... Pi Wi lso n, E li za! e th , 6038 Columbi a .. . . . .. . Pi

Winkl e r . C lari sse Birk ( l\Irs. N .). 6227p i\lurdock . ... . . . . .... . . ..... . .... . ... .. .. . . ·

\Vrau ma n n , J a n ice , 4324 Lee ... . . . .. .. .. . P W ri sberg, Georgine, 5505 S . Gra nd . . . . . .. P Ziegenmeyer , Ruth , 6525 C la y ton . . . . .... . . P

St. Louis County B a rnes . J oanna L. , 724 N . Flori sant R d . .

Ferg uso n ... . ... .. .. . . . .. . . .. ... . .. .... . ... Pi Cla us . Audre y, 111 Carson Rd ., F e rguso n .. Pi Edmond s, J ane, I R a ymor P l. , F erguson . . P1 Fanning. M a ry E . ( Mrs. Hugh) . 4 Cres t · .

wood Dr. ....... . . ..... .. .. .. . .. ..... . . . . .. P1 Flotte, Lorra in e. 9920 Ri ve rv ie w Dr . .. . . Pi Kilburg. M a ril y n . 735 Tux edo Blvd., W eb ·

t er Grov es . . ..... . ... . ....... . ... . . . . . . . .. Pi

Siteston McQ uee n. P a ulin e W il so n (Mrs. Sa m F.) .

414 Pro per it y St. . . ..... . ..... . . . . ...... Rho

Springfield Sch war tz. B e rn ice Gr ubb ( Mrs . Euge ne ) .) .

769 E . W a lnut .. ... . . .. . .... . . ........... Io ta

West Plain Ad a mso n . Be rni ce B eas ley (Mrs. A. E .) ..

. . . ... . .. . .. .. ..... . .... . .... . ...... . .. . {.jps il on


Noo na n . M ary V . (S is ter Ann ~ l arga re t ) ..... . . .. .. . ...... . . . .. . . . . ........ Pi


F arm er . l\Iarjori e . . .. . .......... . .. . .. . .. .... r\u

Peru D a vidso n , Ph y lli s, Sta te T each er s Coll ege

. . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. I ot a

Scottsbluff J ohn , Norma Sa mpson (Mrs . M orri s) . 1319

5th Ave .. . . . ... . . ... . ..... . .. . .. . . ....... . . • ' u


Clay ton, E va ly n l\I ye r s ( l\lrs. A rch ie) . .... Xi


Young. Doroth y Mirth ( Mrs. L . Percy), 251 M ai n St. . . . . . . . . ... ... . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. I ot a


de ll a Cioppa . Agnes W aad ( l\I r s. H ec tor ). 271 W ashington T e r .. .. ....... . . . ... . L a mbda

Atlantic City Sh eet s, B e tt y Cowh e r (1\Irs . Theodore) .

1007 Atlanti c Ave ..... . .. . . ... .... . .... Ze ta

Boonton F owl er , H e le n Thor nt on ( ?- fr . Ge ra ld ) . 23"

R ooseve lt Ave . . ... . .. ..... .. ............ Ze t a

Caldwell Hu ffi ng ! n , H e le n, 2 \\' a burn Pl. ..•..... Ze ta

Camden i\rega rgee, Ch ris t in e. 724 Linde n t ..... . . .

. ..... . . .... . .... . ....... . .... . ........ La mbda M ega rgee , H e le n , 724 Lin le n t. ..... Lam bd a


Cliffside Park Braden, Jeane tt e Auld (Mrs. Dean) , 625

Palisade Avc ............ ....... ........ l ota

Collingswood Musgrave , A lberta Collings (llfrs. Thoma s

P.), 702 Park Avc ...... .. ....... Zet a Ta u

Cranford McCord , Evelyn Maguire (?.<hs. Donald). 22

Oak Lane ...... .. . . .... . .. . .. . ...... Lambda

Denville Davis, Dorothea, Box 366 . ... . .. ... ..... .. De lt a

Fairlawn 'Wurster, Caroline Schultz (Mrs. Lee), 15-30

Parme lee Ave ......... . ...... . ....... .... Zeta

Glassboro H a nna, Ruth Knocke (Mr . William) , 222

Swarthmore Rd ...... . .... . ......... Lambda

Haddonfield Mohr, Marguerite Foster (Mrs. J, G.), 114

Colonia l Ave .......... .............. Zeta Tau

Haddon Heights DeCou, G. Elinore, 219 7th Ave ....... Lambda

In1aystown Rhue, Lill ian Crockett (Mrs. Willard H.)

............. . ...... . . . ............ .. . . On1icron

Leonia Brooks, Virginia Bonser (Mrs.), 100 Glen-

wood Ave ... .. .... . ... . ... . ... .. ...... Alpha

Manasquan Messick, Iva Livingstone (Mrs . L . H .), 30

Marcellus Ave ....... . .. . . . .. . ........... Zeta Osborne, Velma Ridge (i\l rs. E. D.) ..... Zeta

Mendham Thompson, Adeline Christopher (Mrs. Jas.

R. ) ....... . ... . ... . ........ ..... ..... . .... Beta

Merchantville Chance, Violet, 153 Maple Ter .... . . . . Lambda

Milburn Miller, Alma, 4 Underc liff Pl ........... Zeta

Newark Cros , Florence, 244 R ose ville, Apt. 501

........ . ... . ............................... l ota

New Brunswick Donlin, Margaret, 92 Carroll Pl .......... Zeta

Paulsboro Borst , Marion , 506 Lincoln Ave ......... Sigma

Sewell Heaney, Elsie , R. , 1429 Norri St. .......... .

. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lambda

Somerville Peploski, Elizabeth Spotts (Mrs . Henry),

Shady la ne Farm . .. .............. . .. .. ... Zeta

Teaneck Hargreaves , Louise Wickham (Mrs. A. H .),

311 Van Buren Ave ......... . . .... .. Lambda

Upper Montclair Hartman, Mab le Cross (Mrs . A lbert), 104

Haddon Pl. ..... . ........ . ........ ..... ... Iota

West Caldwell H ershey , Ruth , 633 Bloomfield Ave ...... ...

. ............................. . ........ Lambda

West Orange Grau li ch, Marga re t Collrell (Mr . Wm.), 50

Northfield Ave ...... . ..... .. ......... .. Alpha

W estmon t Troth, Anne Warren, (i\1 rs. Hal'l' y), 104

P a rk Ave .................... .. ....... Lambda

W estville H owe, Jane Mess imer (Mr . Robert), 902

High St ........... . ......... . ......... Lambda

Westwood Ang le, J osephine Choate (Mrs. Donald ), 479

Kinderkamack Rd .. ........... ... ..... Sigma


Lei\fa ste r , Mildred ....... ... ... . .......... . . Xi

Canchas Dam Tersons , Hel en M ae R ente (Mrs. David),

Box 138 ..... . ... .. .. . . . ..... .... ....... Theta

Magdelena Blake, Laura Serafi ne (Mrs. R.) .......... .. Nu

Silver City Anderson, Eulalia Al exa nder (Mrs. Ben·

ard), Box 454 ............ .... ............. Rh o


Foster, Ruth, 117 Main St ........ . . .. ... Sigma

Albany Harvey, Doris Kimball (Mrs. Andy). 2

Verplank . . . . ....... . ... . ............... Alpha

Amityville , L.I. Dauenhauer, Gera ldine Lockhart (i\f1·s. L.

H .), 24 South B a ldwin Pl ............... Zeta

Angelica Burlingame, Ruth, 24 Park Circle ...... Sigma

Arcade Cross, Agnes Isaacson (Mrs. Alferd J ,), 212

East Main St .......................... . Sigma Matusik, Mary . ... . .. . ...... . .. ..... ..... igma

Auburn Miller , Kathleen Hendricks (Mrs. R a lph ).

100 Lake Ave ............................. Zeta

Aurora Zabin sky e, H aze l Everingham (Mrs. Robert

L.) ............ . ........ . ................. Beta

Avon Hardy, J essie .. . .... ..................... Sigma

Baldwin, L.I. Ballagh, Amy R. , 51 R ockvill e Dr ...... igma

Barker Lmn, Caroline . ..... . .. . .. ....... .. ....... Sigma

Batavia Babcock, Edith Manter (Mrs. Sherman F.).

27 Summit St ............ .. ...... ...... S1gma Miller, Esther, 15 Brooklyn Ave ....... ~gma Peterson, E lsie, 21 Thomas Ave ......... S1gma Stabe ll, Irene, II Ross ! ........ ....... 1gma

Bolivar Schram, Erva P erkins (Mrs. Cere II ) ..... .

, ........ , . , ........... .. ...... ......... . Sigma


Bronxville Barnes, Char lton Locke (Mrs. Edward ) , 95

Kensington Rd . ................... . ...... Zeta

Brownville Parker , Ida Gonseth (Mrs. J ames \V. ) .. . ..

. .. .. ............................ . ....... Sigma

Buffalo All en, Pearl Cruickshank {Mrs. Lavergne) ,

21 Dakota Ave ........ . .. . ............. Signta Antene r, Dori s Cons ta ble (Mrs. John ) , 222

Lexington Ave . ... ........... .. ..... .. . Sigma Baer, Margaret Dive r (Mrs. Charles). 215

Woodwa rd Ave .............. . ......... Sigma Baker, Ruth H olden (Mrs. George) , 843

Potomac Ave ...... .. .. . ..... . .. . .. . ... Sigma Bird, Rita K., 423 B ay nes St .. .... ..... Sigma Bollard, B e verl y Y., 323 Bird Ave . ... .. Sigma Bmdie, Frederica F ox (Mrs. J ames), 28

Beaumaris Pl. ..... . ....... .. ...... . ... Sigma Broo ks, He len , 9 Verdi W a lk , Lake View

Project. ...... .... ... . .. . .. . .... . .. . . .. .. Sigma Burrows, L au ra Morri s ( Mrs. Stephen), ll 2

Rutla nd, S. P ark Sta ti on ... ....... . Zeta Tau Ca llaghan, Be tt y lllahoney (Mrs. Thomas

F.), 14 1\l ariemont Av e ..... ... ...... . . igma Ca rlson, E s ther Lind ( Mrs. Elmer), 849

B usti Ave ..... . ........... ... ........ . Sigma Ca rmody, Irma, 54 Tioga Ave ........ . . Sigma Crocuston, Catheri ne, 17 Auchinvole St.

. .. ..... . .. . . . ... . .. . . . ........ . ... . .. . .. Sigma D ryer, L ois Anne, 112 Congress St . .. . .. Sigma Duggan, illary Mulroy (Mrs. J oh n F. ), 2295

Se neca St .. .. .... . ............ .. . . . . . ... Sigrna Dunklin, L a ura Dolan (i\lrs. H oward) , 123

Norwood Av e ...... . .. .. ..... .. .... . . . .. . Zeta

Quayle, Margaret S. (Dr.), 805 Delaware Ave . T own Club . . . . .. ........ . . ...... Sigma

R ey no lds, H e le n Sue, 875 Lafaye tte Ave. , lllillard Fillmore Ho pi tal ............ Sigma

Ryer, F ern, 106 Shirley Ave .. .......... Sigma Safford, Mildred Sechrist ( i\Irs . Allen), 2439

D elaware Ave .......... . ..... . .... . ..... Zeta Saunders, Audrey tewart (M rs. Richard

L .), 280 Cresce n t Ave .................. Sigma locum, Eve lyn , 35 Carlyle Ave ........ Sigma mith, Catherine, 30 . Park Ave . ..... Sigma

Soucie. i\l o ll y R eda nz ( l\Irs . Edward), 709 Starin Ave . . . ... ... ... ... ...... ... . ... . igm a

Stachowicz, H e le n , 241 Gold St. .. . ..... Sigma wan, Arlene Dob meier ( l\lrs. Bernard G.), 56 Urba n Blvd .................... .... . Sigma

Tauriello, Pauline J ay {Mrs.), 485 Elm-wood Ave .... . .............. . .......... . Sigma

Tober, Dor is 190 K eys tone St ...... . .. Sigma Tober, Ruth Fischer (lllr s. A. Russe ll ). 351

Mine ra l Spring Rd .. . ....... . ...... . .. Sigma Traut, A r letta, 85 Indian Church Rd .. . .. .

. .. . . . ... . . ...... . ....... . . . . ....... . . ... igm a W aterwort h, Dor is, 95 P ooley Pl .. ..... igma \\'enze l, Evelyn, 34 Milford St .. ...... .. Si~ma \Villi ams, J osephine Severine ( Mrs. Aqa

R .), 70 W. Oakwood Ave . ........ .. .. igma Wil son , Leah H art la nd {Mrs. R obe rt ), 405

Elmwood .... . .. . ... . .. .. . . ........ . . .. . Sigma Zahm, Do lores Car lin (lll rs.), 183 W . Ferry

St. .......................... . ......... . . Sigma Zdarsky, May G., 1032 E . Ferry St .. . ... igma Zeder, H e len M ., 204 Eaton St ........... Sigma

Canseraga Pratt , Phyllis Carpenter (Mrs. George), 40

N. Church St ........ . .. . ... . .... . ..... . Sigma Erickson, Eleanor, 217 L a Sa ll e A ve .... . .

. . .. ...... ... .... . . . ...... . . . ............ Sigma Ever ill , Madge Stamp (Mrs. George), 73

Lisbon Ave . . .. .. ...... . . ... .. ... .... .. Sigma Fra n k, Glendore Fennell (Mrs. Joseph P. ),

124 E. N or th St ........ .. .. .. ........ .. . Sigma Glass, lll a rgaret Kane (i\lrs . Thomas F.),

244 Grant St . . .... .... ...... . ...... . . ... S igma Goodyear, Louise, Girl Scou t H eadquar ters

......... . .... . ...... . ..... . ............ . . Alpha Grampp, Eve lyn A., 686 Ri chmond Ave

. . . . .. ....... . ... .. ... . .. . ... . . . ......... S igma Gt·ile, Kathryn K ranichfe ld (Mrs. Roberts

J .), 27 E. Morris Ave ................. S igma Hodgson , Martha , 84 Villa Ave ........ . Sigma Hurley, Adeline Thie le (Mr . Franc is), 64

Victor ia Ave . ... . ...... . . . .......... . . Sigma Hurd , Edna, 246 Brya nt St. .... . ...... Sigma Kennedy, An nette, 278 Linde n Ave ... .. Sigma Kerw in , l\Ia ry, 620 Gra nt St. ... . . .. . ... Sigma Kick , R ita, 210 Amber St ..... . ... . , ... Sigma Lam pka, Ma r ie, 70 vV. Parade A ve .. . .. Sigma L a wton, A lmeda Hoskinson (Mrs. I. Ver·

ne ll) , 85 henandoa h Ave .. ........... Sigma Li lga, Dorothy M axwell (i\lrs. Norman), 35

Woodl a wn Ave . ..... . . . . .... . ... .. .... Sigma M acDona ld, Margaret i\I., 673 Richmond

Ave .... .. ....... . . . ........ . ....... .. ... Sigma :\[apes , Haze l, 85 Dewitt St ........... Sigma Mason, El ea nor Hird (Mrs. J ulian ]. ) . 211

Sande rs R d . .. . .. ..... . . ........ . .. , .. .. Sigma Mattern , Luc ill e, 112 L ongn ec ke r St. ..... .

· · · · · · . · _ . . . . ... . .. . . . ................ . .. . Sign1a l\fayer, Martha , 244 Peach St ..... . .. . . Sigma McGa n ,ey, Doro thy H eath (Mrs. James),

3~0 Ontario St. . .. . .. . ...... ... . ... , . . Sigma i\ l tltu s, M aq on e, 621 Wyoming Ave ........

. . .... .. ...... .. . . .. . ....... .. ....... . . . . Sigma O'Brien, H e le n R ed a nz (l\frs . Thomas J .),

1837 H e rte l Ave .. ...... .. . .. .. .. ...... Sigma Oc hs, Ruth E. , 319 P a rk s ide Av e ... . . .. . Sigma Parkes , H e le n T h ursac k (l\Irs. J oh n E.),

282 N orwood Ave ............. . ......... Sigma P ort er, Muri e l, 140 Lisbo n Ave ......... Sigma

Centra l Square Frese , Georg ia .... .. ... . ....... . . . .. . .... Sigma

Clarence Center :\ fcCiarin. Virginia Nesselbeck (i\Irs. Le-

R oy), Salt R d ......... .... ... . .. . .... igma

Clinton Karin, N ora H allahan (Mrs. J ohn ) ...... Sigma

Corfu Graham, Florence Cunningham (l\[r s.

Thomas H .) . . .. .... ..... . .. . . ....... . ... Sigma

Corning Stebbins, Eleanor Greene ( l\Ir s . Edwin), 177

P ine St. .... .. ........................... D e lta

Dansville H olt, B etty K ennedy {l\Irs. H arry F.) , 33

W. Ave . .... ..... .. . ... .... ....... ...... Sigma P e rine, Frances, 19 l\1orse t. ........ . Sigma

D elavan Peirce, 1\Iarj or ie ...... .. ... ...... ...... . . Sigma

Douglastown, L .l . Georg, Elsie H arper (lllrs. R a lph) , 50-26

Overbrook Pl. .... . ..... .. .. . . .... . ..... . Zeta

East Aurora J erge, Rit a, 175 S ycamo re St. .......... Sigma

East Pembroke Lane, Ruth R ech (Mrs . Laurence B.) ..... .

.............. . .. .. ...................... ign1a

Eggertsville Adams, J eanette Cady (Mrs. E . Dona ld). 65

Callodine Ave .................. ... .... igma W eit z, Olga Cragin {l\[rs . W illiam L.). 3921

1\fa in t ......... . ... .... . .......... . .... igrnn Wilkin , eronica [etzger ('frs. R obe rt),

65 Callod ine Ave ............... ... ..... Sigma


Elm a R euther, Dori s Boldt (Mrs. 1\[erl e), W ood-

a rd Rd . .. .. . . ... . . .... . . ... . .... . .. . . ... S igma

Endicott Ki n tz ing, L enore Sharp (Mrs. Ri chard), 405

E . 1\I a in St . ... ... .. ... ........... . . . ... S igma

Flushing, L .I . W a lke r, B er tha Sta tl e•· (Mrs. H . J.) , 69-66

179th St. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .... . .. . . . .... . Delta

Gasport Smith , M ar y L oui se F ew (Mrs. E d ward S.) ,

R.R. ~3 .. ... .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . ...... S igma

Gowanda Kra in z, F ra nces, 64 Broad way .. ... . .... S igma

Greenwood Ewe ll , Ca roly n , Box 39 . .. .. .. .... . ..... S igma

Hamburg H ag le, Arline Scull y (1\l rs. Leo nard).

P ie rce Ave . . .. ... . . .. .. .. .... . .. . .... .. Sigma Hanna n, Doroth y Gree n (M rs. Les ter T .),

Smi th Rd . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . .... . .. .. .... Sigma Sippre ll , Marjori e Cunso ll y (Mrs. She r ·

wood), S. F a irgrounds R d ... . . . . .. ... . S igma Walra th , H aze l Sob etze r (Mrs. Whitney) ,

45 N. St . . .. . ... .. .... . . ..... . . ... .. .. .. S igma

Hawthorne Shead!, The lma Cull en ( Mrs. Samue l) , 38

Broad S t .. .. ......... . .... . . . ..... . ...... Zet a

Hempstead, L .I . i\I aso n , K a the•·ine B a rtl ey (M rs. Chad es

H. ) , Co lon y H ouse Apts., 54 Gree n wic h St . . ...... .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . .. De lt a

Hinsdale Bur l in game, Ruth . ....... . .......... . . . .. S igma

Hornell F ox, Lo is G., R.R. ~3 .. ... ... . ..... . . ... S igma

Industry H ya t t, Mari on 1\l i ll er (Mrs. Fra nc is B .),

S ta te Schoo l for Boys.... ... .Sigma

Jamestown Larson, A li ce, 13 Fulton St .. . . .. . . .. .. S igma Stra nd, 1\fa ry, 24 B uffa lo St . ...... . .... Sigma

Kenmore B eebee, Ruth G., 123 Euge ne A ve ..... . S igma B e ll , Doroth y H a ls ted (1\I rs. F ores t ) . 74

E . H aze ltine Ave .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .... . S igma Carl so n , E i leen O' Day (Mrs . R a lph S.) , 414

W abash Ave .. . . . .. . . . . . .............. Si gma Crui cksha nk , Lorna Rober ts (1\lrs. Cadton),

147 Knowlton Ave ..... ... . ..... . ... . .. S igma Emb lidge . Doroth y Se tter (Mrs. W illi am),

95 D an bury L a ne .... .. ..... . .. .... . ... Sigma Ha rsch , Ma r y Douglas (Mrs. Frederick A .),

45 Deer hurs t P a rk Blvd .. . ........... S1gma H olds worth , Ma ri on T homas (Mrs. H a rvey),

24 H oove r Ave . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ....... Si gma H ora , H aze l , 265 E . H aze lt ine Ave .. ... Sigma J ohnso n , M il dred Anderson (Mrs. Carl 0.) ,

45 St. J ohn Ave . ... .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ... S igma K ee n , Ar! e in , 172 F aye tte A ve . . . . .... Sigma McGlynn Lucill e Mi tche ll (Mrs. W eld ].),

243 F aye tte Ave . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . . . .. ... Sigma M itche ll M arga re t H a rrington (Mrs. A ll i-

so n) , i 27 W end e l R d . .. . . . ... . ... . . . .. Sigma Morra11. Gilberta N elso n (Mrs. J . Burde tte) .

623 K enmore A ve . . . .. . . . .. ....... . . . . Si gma Obena uer M ar y 132 Euge ne Ave . . .. . . S igma Ol mstead : V eva ' Doug las (Mrs. L ew is) . . 90

T rema ine Ave .. .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... S1gma

Otto, E d ith, 30 W ashing ton Ave ........ Sigma Soeder, Edna Mae McK ee (Mrs Andrew),

76 D ela ware . . . . .. . ....... . ............ The ta S tee n , Luci l le H ull (1\lrs. J ose llh), 110 Dev -

onshi re R d ..... . . . . .. . ..... . ........... Sigma

Kill Buck Baxter, K ath ryn ............. . ........... Sigma

Larchmont Stewa rt , R uth, 62 R ockl and Ave ........ Zeta

L ewis ton Wa lke r , Ar l ine . . . .. . . . . .......... .. ....... igma

Liberty Fox, Lois G., 210 N. Main t .. . .... . . . S igma

Lockport Few, Ka t herine, 18 H ar vey St . . .. ..... S igma ~ [ a nk, :Margare t Lorra in e, 28 Beverl y Ave

. ...... .. . .................. . . .. .. . ...... Sigma Pa utl er, Doro th y Bruml ey (Mrs. Arthur),

104 Morrow Ave .. . ........ . .......... Sigma

Long Beach St ill , Eva ly n Jones (Mrs . George), State

St. ...... .. ... . ... . ....... .. . . ... . . . . . .... De lta

Lyons E hm a n, La ur a Mae, 30 H olley S t. ...... Sigma Sonthe im , Nl arion . .. . .. .. . ..... . .. . ...... S igrna

Macedon Doy le, 1\labe l. . . . . .. . ... . .... .. . . . . ........ Zeta

Middletown Durla nd, Vi va l\[erritt (Mrs. H arr y H .), 26

Lenox Pl. .. ...... ... ... . . . .. . ... . .. .... Sigma Mt. Morris

J ewer t , Ed na, Mt. i\Iorris Hospita l. ..... igma N ewburgh

B arton, Be tt y , 150 Montgomery St . .. ... S igma Newfane

H ave ns, El sa Proze ll er (l\lrs. Frederick 1\l. ) .. . . . . ... . ................ . . . . . ....... Sigma

New Paltz Rich , E ll en , S.T.C . .... . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . ..... Beta Va n de n Burg, Cla ra Vyn (Mrs. L. H .),

S.T.C . .. . . . .. ............ .. . . . . . . ....... .. Beta New York City

l\l irus, L uci ll e, 235 E . 49th St. ............... Pi Schu ber t , Grace i\1., 2644 llraria n Ave ... . . .

. . ........ .. .. . . . . . . ... . .. . . ..... . . ..... . S igtna Whi t ley, Ali ce Rowell ( Mrs. George F. ),

205 E . 78th S t .. . ........ . ....... . . . . . Ze ta Tau Niagara F a lls

Oswa! k , Doro th y Donovan (1\Irs. Edward), 300 74t h St ... . . ... . ................... . . Sigma

R ipp le, Clare P roze ll er (Mrs. F1·ank) , 361J/, Spruce A ve ......................... ... . Sigma

Sea t ter, Ruth MacNaugh to n (Mrs. J ames), 2944 S. Ave..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . igma imm ons, Leah, 1519 Li nwood Ave .. . ... S igma

Sp itz ig, Mild red, 914 Morl ey Ave ... . .. igma W eber , M arion, 726 Divis ion Ave . ...... Sigma

North Tonawanda Goodman, K at h lee n. 66 R ansom St . . .. Sigma Lee, Gladys , 379 Ol iver St ............ S igma Pi wowa rczy k , F ra nces R.. 765 Ol iver t.

. . . . ......... . . . .. .. ... . ............ . .... Sigma T ull y, Ma rtha, 100 Christ iana St ...... igma

Olean K autz. Gre tchen , 1106 W a h ington S t. . . igma Smith , Ethe l Knowlton ( 1rs. l\1. W esley),

811 Ma in S t . .. . . . ..... . .. . ........... . Sigma


Pavilion Ewell , Carolyn ... .. .. . ...... . .. . •....... Sigma

Peekskill Buckton. Eugenia Beare (i\ [t·s. Leonard).

950 Constant Ave .................... Sigma Doy le. Mary Louise Mandrea (Mrs. Justin

G.) . Peekskill Milit ary Academy . . .. . . Theta

Perry Larzelere, Nelle ........ . ............• . .... Beta

Rochester Ga llu p. Ruth yurge nor (i\lrs. J ack on).

2075 Monroe Ave ................... . ... Alpha Cup, Ruth. 1057 i\lonroe Ave ........... Sigma Leek. Patricia, 586 Averill Ave ... . ........ Rho Roll er, Grace l\IcKinney (lllrs . George). 87

Dake Ave .. ....... .................... . . Zeta T epas. Eunice . 1080 P or tla nd Ave ..... . S igma Van Bru nt. Sally Beard (Mrs. J ac k). 880

Grand Ave ....... . ... . .. .. . ..... . ... .. Sigma

Rockville Center, L .l . Butcher, Miriam Heafner (Mrs. Lawrence)

.... ... .. . . .. ..... . ...................... Sigma

Rush Smith. Winifred Cruik shank (i\frs. K en -

n eth ) .. . ..... .. ........ . ... . .... .. .. . .... Sigma

Salamanca \~' il dman, Verl a, 17 \ \Taite St. . . ....... Sigma

Schenectady Ludwig. Dorot hy Young (lllrs. Almore). 1807

E ast ern Pkw y ... . .. . ... . . . ... .. ........ Sigma

Snyder Blac k. Doro th y Sommers ( i\frs . Elmore),

206 L a marck Dr . .... . . . .. ... ... .... .. .. Sigma H a nson, Mildred Sharick ( i\l rs. Char les G.).

114 Concord Dr.. . ....... . ............ igma

Spencerport Smith. R e n e. 189 S. U nion St. ... .... ... Sigma Smith. Rita, 189 S. Union St . .. ... .. ... . Sigma

Suffern Yackuboskie , Esther, 29 M ap le Ave . ... . Si gma

Syracuse Robi nso n, J ean E .. R. D . l;3 .. . .. ... . . . Sigma Whitney . Bithia Schwendener (Mrs. P a ul ).

2304 S. Ave ....... . ......... .. ... .. .. Gamma

Tonawanda McCormick, Genevieve , 39 Hill St. .... . Si gma P e rry, Elizabeth Prohask a ( l\Ir s. Richard ).

28 Grand Ave .... .. .... .. ....... . ...... Sigma R ec h , B etty, 57 Elmwood P ark ...... . . Sigma

Tuxedo Park Zclars ky , May G ... ...... .......... .... .. Sigma

Vestal H ornberger. P ear l M oo re (Mrs. \Va lter), R. D. i;2, Meadow Lane ........ , .......... Ze ta

Wolcott Clegg, i\lary, 17 W right t ............ .. Sigma

Woodside Hic ks, Gera ldin e Greaser (Mrs. Donald E.).

41-38 67t h t. .... .. ....... . ... .. .......... Zeta

Yonkers Cook, i\lary Be n zi nger (Mrs. Kenneth). 68

Trausnick PI.. ,., ............... , ...... iR:ma


Chesnut, Doris, 923)1, D acian Ave .... Zeta Tau

Leaksville Massey, Kathryn Jones ( l\Ir s. K arl) ...... .

... . ........................ . .. . ..... . Zeta Tau

Penland Morgan . Lucy, Appalachian School. Dept. o f

Fireside Industries .......... . .......... . B e ta

Rocky Mount Looney. Evelyn, 521 Falls R d ........ Zeta Tau liT orris, Mildred , 530 Park PI. ....... Zeta Tau

Saluda Sawyer, Christabel. ............ .. ...... . . Alpha


Custer, Evelyn , 724 College Ave .......... Zeta

OHIO Aberdeen

Sheldon, Anna Lou P a ngb urn (M rs. H e r -nlan) ................................... Kappa

Ada Phelps. Grace Rowell (Mrs. Arthur \ \1'.),

Ohio Northern University .......... Zeta Tau

Akron Budd, Adeline, 56 N . Balch St ........ .... . Eta Gainer, Corrine, 1321 Brown St. .. . ... . .. . Eta Hughes, Imogene, 73 W . Burns Ave .. ... . Eta J ow les, Margaret Armor (l\l r s. Robert), 59

College St. . ..... . ....... . . . .. . ..... . ...... Eta Jukes. Marjorie McDowell (Mrs. R. F.).

472 Palisades Dr .. . . .................... Beta McBee, Sula ea le (l\Irs. Bernard), 1204

Berwin St .................... . .... . .. . .. Eta Miller, Elizabeth Streine (ll l r . Jay E.).

246 Se ldo n St ........... . ..... . ......... Et~ Oliver, Gladys , R.R. it 3 .. .. .... ......... Eta Wilkner, Doro th y Lewis, (i\frs. C. H.).

727 N. Howard St,. Apt 1. ............. Eta

Alliance H a ines , P eg ........... . ...... . ....... . .... . . Eta H olmes. l\Jarvel, 169 E. lllarket St ...... Eta ll l ick , H e len, 663 Haines Ave ........... Kappa

Ashtabula Diehl. LaRue, 354 W e t St ........ .... .... Eta P ri tchard, H e len, 17 Summer St. . ... .. .... Eta Stiles. Margaret, 34 Mill St ............... Eta Vetrano, Antoinette, 1105 Columbus St

......................... . .... . .. .. ......... Eta

Ashville O'H ara , Thelma ...... . ................... K appa l\Iill er, Loui e Cromley (l\Irs Paul) ..... Kappa

Athens Hoyle. Dorothy, I Park PI. ........... Lambda

Aurora Bigger, Verone Gordon (l\Irs. Bierce) ...... Eta

Austintown Stekska l, [ildred all (Mrs .. \ rthur) ..... Eta

B arberton Robi nso n. Geraldine High (lllrs. R oy). SiQ

W ooster Rd ...................... . ....... Eta

T H E AN C H OR 59

Bellv ille Cleveland H eigh ts J ac kso n , Fra nces . .. . .. . . . .... .. ......... K appa La ntz, E s th er. . .... . . .... . . . . ......... .. . K ap Jla

Doner. J ea nn e t te Owe ns ( M•·s.). 919 Cale-doni a R d ....... . ............. . . . .......... Eta

Bloomingburg Pens} I, Ame l ia . ... . . . . .. . ... .. . . ... , ... . K a ppa

Botkins Monge r, Rubert a . . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .... Kappa Monge r , Ruh ann a .. . . ... ........... . . .. .. K appa

Bowling Green

Er ickson, Mar ion He s (M rs. Robert), 1141 2 A shbury Ave .... .. . .. ......... . ........... E ta

J a ndt, Ei leen Hue lsman (M•·s. Alfred) . 16205 Grey ton Ave ........................ E ta

1\Iorris, Aurora B iace ll a, ( Mrs. W illi am). 7819 Rose wood Ave ..... . ................. Eta

Wick , H e len Lundeen (Mrs. Al ber t F .). 15998 Ne la Crest .. . ... .. .. .. ...... .. . .. .... Eta

F a u ley , Nora Fra nz (Mrs. L eo n E.), 243 S. En te rpri se .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ....... .. .. I ot a


East Cleveland S ta nl ey , Leota, 1768 Roseda le Ave .. . .. ... Eta John so n. Ora Sanford ( i\! rs. }as.), Stand-

H offma n. P hy lli s . . .......... . .. . .. . .. ...... Eta wood Rd .. . ..... . ................. .. ...... Beta T ay lor , B e tt y H offman (Mrs. 'vVa l ter) ..... Eta Coldwater

Campbell Smith . Doroth y Shaffer (Mrs . H oward) .

\¥e •:del. Lucy Somm ers (Mrs. Sylves ter). E li za bet h St ............................ K appa

2318 Wil son Ave . ........................ . Eta Columbus Canton

Ca ll , H e len R obert s (Mrs.), 532 R osemon t Ct . N. W .... . .. . . ......................... Eta

Cramer , Ru th , 820 Claredon Ave . . ........ Eta Gordon , B a rgara Bost wic k , 819 lith St . N .\¥

.. . .... . .. . ..... . ... . .. ... ......... . ..... . . . E~ Le ininger , Ch r is tine, 908 H igh Ave. N. W

Baker, E leanor Bader (i\r rs. W. A .), 62 O•·cha rd L a ne .. . . . . ...... . .... . . .. . .. ..... Eta

Bors t . Mary W a ldeck ( ~1.- s. L aw rence M.) , 168 N . F rambes Ave ... . ... . .. .. . . .... Kappa

Staehl e . Carr ie W ashburn (Mrs . Haswe ll E.), 481 Torrence R d .. . .. ... ........... A lpha

Varney, H elen , N ei l Ave ..... . .... . . ... . K appa .. .... .. . .. .. . ... .... .. . . ... . . . . . ........... Eta

R obert s, Ma rga •·et, 532 R ose mont Ct. N. W .. . .... . .. ..... . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . ........ E~

Toth . J ean , 2402 14th St . N .E . . ....... . . . . . . Eta

Co ntinental F ra nce, H e len M .......... . ..... .. . . .. .. K appa Moot z, Viv ia n T royer (Mrs. Chas.) . . . . K appa

Spiede l, Lilli a n , 422 5th St. N .W .... ... .. . Eta Crestline Carlis le

Mount, J ea nette . .. . .. . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . . . . K appa Stra uch , An nabe l 'vVinem ill er (M•·s. Clar-

ence) , 515 N. Pea.-! S t .... . ..... . . .. . . . K appa

Cincinnati Cuyahoga F a lls

Be nner, Alice, Hudso n A ve .... . .. . . ... Kappa B ro wn, Grace Shoema ker (Mrs.) . 293 1 E ls -

mere Ave ., Norwood Sta . . . . . . . .. . . .. . Ga mm a Lockh orn , Lil a MacManus (Mrs. G. J. ), 3703

Ault Pk. Rd ., H yde P ark .... . . . . .. . . . . B et a Mu r ray, M arg uer ite Sch wie r (Mrs.), 1734

An d ina Ave . .. . ........................ Alpha Sch y ler, M abe l Kl e in (i\l rs. J ohn), 1218

Ca li fo rn ia S t. , Bond Hill. ....... . .... K appa Shaw . Mar y J a ne Greeninge r (Mrs. M. C.) ,

3029 Cl ifton A ve . ............. . . . .. . .. Lambda

A rcher. M ild red Nihousen (Mrs. H erbert) . 2660 F ront S t ...... . . .. ......... . . . . . ..... Eta

Cline. L uc ill e J acobs (l\ lrs. De lbert ) Si lver L a ke . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .... . .. . .. . ..... .' .... . . E ta

Dor t, Rub y, 133 N. Fron t St . . ............ Eta Finn , Doroth y J ane. 1855 5th St ... . ...... . Eta H in kl e, V irgi n ia Bet te r idge (l\frs. Clar-

ence), 2752 N. 3rd St. . .. . . . .. . ..... . ...... Eta Season s. Doroth y. 2044 6th St. ............. Eta Tozer R a nd a, 23 18 Front S t. .. . . . . . . .. . . . Eta \~Ta lli s, V era, Map lewood Ave ......... . . E t a W es tfa ll. M ildred Ri ebe r (Mrs. Orai) ..... Eta

Circleville Coe ll er, Cat her ine . . . ..... .. ..... . ....... K appa

White , Virg in ia Boone (l\11-s. R . H.). 500 ~'la rgu erite Ave . .. . . .. .. . .. ........ . Omicron

Cleveland B owke•·. R egina Stamm (Mrs. Al exa nde r ).

Dalton W illi ams, Lo is .. . ......... . ........•...... . . Eta

1389 E . 66th St . .... . . ... . .. .. . . . . ..... . ... Eta D a nville Bozarth . Ca th erine Brink (Mrs. Abe), 1728 Stout , E il ee n ........... . . . ..... . . .. . .. ... . .. Eta

E. ll6t h PI. ..... . .. . . ............. . . .. . S igma Cla rk , Florence, 1\[oore la nd Schoo l, haker

H e ights .. . . . ....... .. . .. . . . .. ............. Bet a Croft, Doroth y Willi a mson (M rs . George).

i\T a rqua dt A pt s., \¥ a n ·en R d ........ .. ... Eta Drema n. Ma r y Lou ise Morris (Mrs.), 13618

Rugby Rd .. . . ............... . .. . . . ........ Eta J acobso n , W ilda Bell e B osch ( i\Trs. Daniel).

Dayton Foster. Augu ta .... . ... . .. . ..... . . .. ..... K appa Le~ro , R uth anna Must ( Mr . Floyde S.). 119

N . Ga rl a n rl Ave ......... .. . . . . ...... K ap tla M arts .. H e len Steven (1\frs . Lester). 315

Lex tn gton Ave ................ . ... . ... K appa U rban, E the l, Iumma Ave . . ....... . . . K appa

14012 L a ke Shore Bl vd .. .. .. .. .... ....... Et a Lutz, H e len S ix t (Mrs. Gil ber t). 3727 W .

P ark Ave . .... .. ..... .. . .. . .......... . .. . .. Eta Deer fie ld

1\lf yers, Kat he ri ne . . . ............. .... . Eta Oett ing. Ma rgaret Whit te lsy (M rs. Ches-

te r ), 1374 W . Bl vd .............. .. .. .. .... E t a Pierce . Eli zabe th Bowser (i\[r . P . E.) , 3866

Delaw ar e Crawford, Harriet. 387 N. Frankli n Ave . Eta

W . 37th St ... ... . .. .. . .. . ... . . ............ Zet a Pierce , H e len J a ne, 5906 Clinton Ave ...... Et a Sio le . Edith Gri s wold (Mrs. Elmer S.)

D iamond Si de ll , H e len , R.R. 19 ...... ... ........... E ta

20820 Erie R d .. Rocky Ri ver ... . ... . Beta Sta dler, Doroth y. 642 E . II 5th St . . .. ...... E ta S t runk. Doroth y K ean (Mrs. S.). 1859 L amp-

son R d .. Colonial He i ~h ts .. ....... . .. The ta Thamer , Grace Con l in ( Mrs . Bud), And er -

son R d., So. E ucli<! ........ ........ .... Aiph a

Dover K eppler. Ma r jorie. 130 W . 6th St. ....... ... Eta K ohr. Charlotte, 210 I ron Ave ........... Eta N esbi t , Eun ice H ines (Mrs. R ay) 3rd t

. .... . ...... . .... . .... . .......... . .......... Eta


Eaton Klepinger, Mary . ................... .. ... Kappa

Edinburg Lewis, Elizabeth Rufner (Mrs. Gomer) ...

............... .. ..... .. .... . .. ... . ... .. . ... Eta

Elyria Foster, Mildred, 350 4th St ....... ... ...... . Eta Hoffman, Ruth. 349 8th St. ....... . ..... ... . Eta Saum, Ellen, Cambridge St. ............ Eta

Farmersville Teach, Dorothy Tullis ( l\Irs .) ........... Kappa

Findlay H eckathorn e, I sabe lle ........ . .. . .... ... K appa Ingle, Ruth \Vashburn (i\!rs. K enneth)

... .. ........... .... ......... . ...... .. .. . Alpha \Veaver, Maria n Rhyno (l\Irs . l\Iaria n). 210

E. lOth St ...... . ............ . ... . ...... Kappa

Fostoria Ewan, Dorothy , 1040 N. Union St. ..... K a ppa

Garfield Heights Merril, Murie l Whit e ( l\Ir s.), 16006 Sl ad d en

Ave . . . . .. ... . .... . ..... . ... .... ....... ... . Eta

Girard Bey non , Elizabeth, 223 Broad wa y . . .... . ... Eta Schrade r, Elizabeth , Libert y t .. ......... Eta

Greenville l\Ia rq uith, Margare t, Martin St. ...... . K appa

Hamilton Finkbine, Isabel, 504 Ross Ave . . .. .. ... Kappa Taylor, Susan Brown e (Mrs. Morri s G.),

129 Eaton Ave ................ . ....... . K appa

Harrison Campbell , Erma . ... . ............ .. .... . .. K a ppa

Hubbard Owens , Laurabe lle , S. Main St ... ... . . . .. Et a Phillips. Caroline . Box 11 3 . . .. ... Et a Williams, Virginia B ai ley (Mrs. Da le). H a·

ger St. ... . ........ . ............... . ...... .. Et a Huron

Hoffman , Stella Rutl edge (i\lrs. James) . 427 Homan St. .. ..... . .. . ........ . .. .. . . .. . K appa

Irondale Williams, Libera .. ... . . . . .. . .... . ....... ... Eta

Kent Adams , Harriett, 237 E. Main St. .. .. . .. .. Eta Bauer, Kather ine Smith (l\lrs . H arold), 344

High St ... . .......... . ....... ..... .. . ..... Eta Baumberger, Bernice, 311 E . Summit St. . . Eta Baumberger, Ruth , 311 E. Summit St. .... Eta B lum, Gretchen Coo ke (Mrs. Leona rd).

Franklin Apt s . ...... .... .. . ........... .... Eta Chapman, Martha Baumberger, Coll ege Ct.

. .......... . ..... . .. ....... ... ... . . .. . ...... Et a Clark, Margaret, 305 S. Prospec t St ... .... Eta Eva ns, Jean, 226 S. Ches tnut St. .. . .. . .... Et a Hill , Laura , 417 E . l\Iain St. ........ ... .... Eta Lauderbaugh, Betty, 703 Stow St. ........ Eta M a nches ter, Eliza beth, 208 N . Linco ln St

.......... .... .. . ... .. .......... . . . . . . ...... Et a Manches ter, llf a ry ( i\Jrs. R ay mond). 208 N .

Lincoln St ...... . ... . . . . . ........... ... . . .. Eta McSherry , Ada Swan (Mrs. Walter), 925 N.

Mantua St. .......... . .. .. ..... .... ...... . . Eta Nash , Mildred Pyle ( Mrs. R alph), 619 S.

W a te r St. ..... ... ......................... Eta Parri sh, Ruth, Kent ta te University ,

K ent , Ohio .. ..... ......................... Eta Pi erso n, Caroline Eaton (ll! r s . Glen), 318

N . Willow St . .. .. ... . . . .... .. ... ....... .. Eta

Reufner, Eliza beth . . ..................... Eta Terry, Iris Follin, 225 S. Mantua St. . . .. . . Eta \Vood, Margaret, 427 Rockwell St ......... Eta

Lakewood Lunham, Evelyn Haase (l\lrs. George), 1262

Westlake Ave .............. . ....... .. ... Eta Merrick, Ruth, 1431 Rosewood Ave .. . .. Eta

Lima Fuller . Ethel Hartsock (Mrs. Guy), 2 Kenil·

worth Ter. ...... .. .. ... ................. Zeta

Lisbon P a nnier, Bernice, 425 . Marke t St. .... Eta

Lorain Bohoric, Virginia Darrah (Mrs.), 2727

Broadway Rd ........ .... ....... . ... .. ... Eta K end e igh. l\I a be l, 1207 N. M ai n ..... . .. Alpha Leigh ton , J e wel , 602 6th St. . .... .. . . . .. Eta

Louisville Ca llahan, Jane , 214 Hi gh St. .... ... .. ..... Eta

Loud enville Ca rrey, Clara R aby (Mrs. Sta nton) .... .. Eta

iegfried. Verna .... .. .. . .. . .. ........ . ... Eta Strouse, Hel en ............................ Eta

Lowelville F e nton, Virginia .... ... ........... . ... . ... . Eta

Lyons Green , Glendora Gibson (Mrs. J . N .) ... Alph a Smith, M a ri e .. .......... . ........... . ... Alpha

Magadore Darra h, l\l axine Moore ( Mrs. Russe ll ) .. Eta

Ma nsfield Bunn . H e le n, 124 H a mmond ........ ...... Eta Manner , Haze l , 174 S. Main St. ........ Kappa W a ltma n , l\Iaud Vaughn (l\lrs. H. ) .... Alpha

Marysville P oling, l\l a r y M a rtha ................ Omicron

Massillon Knott, J a net, 807 Campbell Circ le ...... Eta Wales, Sall y Giltz (Mrs.) .. ...... ...... Eta Whitehead , M a rga ret Bracken (Mrs . C. M. )

. . . ... . ............... . . . . . ........ . . .. . .... Eta Zorger, Jea nne tt e, 314 2nd St. .......... Eta

Masury H age rdorn, Ella W a lke r ( l\Ir s. J a mes) .. Et a

McDonald L a user , H e le n .. .... . . .. . .... ..... . .. .... ... Eta

Mantua Mark s, Anne Chettle ( l\Irs.) .......... .... Eta

Maple Heights Hodge kins, Ruth P e kerak (l\lr s . Lynn) .

5152 Clemont Rd ... . ..... . ..... ..... ... . Eta

Medina Coo k , l\Iary E. , H omes tead Ave ......... Eta

Miamisburg Shaffer. J a ne, R.R. 2 .................... Kappa Shuster, l\I a r y L oui se ...... .. ...... .... Kappa Stocker, H e le n, R .R. I ................ Kappa Wo lfe, Doroth y Kinde rd e in (l\lrs . Ray )

.. .. . .. . . ................................ Kappa

Middletown Early, Frances, 225 Baltimore t. ...... Kappa

Mt. Arab Boyd , Georgi a ... . . . .... .... ........... . K appa


Niles Brooks, Elizabeth Williams (1\Ir s . Russe ll) ,

1372 Kenney St . ... . ............. . ..... . . Eta Cassidy, Agnes Kaley (M rs. John ), 319

Lafayette St ................ . .. . ...... . ... Eta Hanna, Lois , 32 Nea l St. ............ .... . Eta Holeton , Sara Peopl es (Mrs. James) , 126

Park Ave ............. . .................. Eta J ones, Marion Heyer (M•·s. R ay), W ebb

Rd. .. ................... . ............... .. Eta Lenney, Caro l ine Phillips (Mr . Edwa •·d) .

319 N . Be ntley . .. .. ..... .... ...... Eta Philli ps, Edna Eaton (~ I r s. Law rence), 125

Sayers Ave ........................ . .... .. Eta Williams, He len J enk in s (~ ! r s. AI ) , 552

Washington Ave . ..... .. . . ... .. ......... Eta

Norwood Evans , Margaret A sh (M rs. H . ].) , 4433

Ashland ................................ Alpha Parri sh, Eva, 4321 Floral Ave. S . ...... . Alpha

Olmstead Falls Schmied, B et ty Dea ring (Mrs. Osca r) .. K appa

Orville Shantz, Virginia .. . . ....... ............... Eta

Otway F1·eeman. Margare t .. . ....... ... . ... . . .. Kappa Turner, Lucille .. ..................... Kappa

Oxford ll!osbugh (M rs. R. P.) . . . . . . . .. Kappa 1 ob les. Minni e Leah, Tal lanwanda Rd ...

. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. K a ppa Rush , Carmill e H olley (i\ lrs. Guy H a mil -

ton) , Miam i U nivet·sit y ........ . ..... .. Iota Schake, I sabe ll e. R.R. 4 . Kappa

Parma McLe llan. Ed y th e O l iver ( Mrs. K e nn et h),

4203 Sh era ton Dr. ........ Eta

Pioneer Converse, R achel ........ .... .A lph a

Poland Davis, V iole t Thornqui s t (M•·s.) . R.R. .. Eta Moore, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Eta

Portsmouth Rai son, Bonnie Copas (i\l •·s. Paul ) , 703

\¥ashington Ave .... . ... .. .. .... ... .. . K appa Ravenna

Bal se r . Marian. 228 M adi so n St. ........ Eta Kendall, Katherine Kenney, 87 1 J ones ~ ................. . ..... . . . ... . ... E~

.\lo tz, Vi•·ginia , 786 E. ]\[a in St. .. . ....... Eta Reading

Fink, 1\Ia rtha, 1008 Mi ll St ........... K appa Richwood

Alder, Garnet .... Eta Rittman

Hockenberry, Grace H offman (M rs. J. H. ). Box 214 .... . . . ....... . .. . ........ .. .... Ze ta

Norman , o rm an,

Roxabell Clarice .. ............. .... .. ... K a ]>pa Marie ...... . .. . ......... .. .... K a J>pa

Salem Scullion , Mary L oui se . 1141 8th SL ...... Eta

Shaker Heights Foote , La Grace 'William s (Mrs. Eve•·e tt).

19016 Kinsman Rd . ... . ...... .. ... . .. ... Eta Shelby

Morga n . Ph:vllis Baker (M rs. E. L. ), 54l4 W. Main St .............. . .......... . . . . Eta

Short Cree k Kre idl e r, M arga ret William (Mrs. J) .. Ze ta

Sidney Gardner, Thelma Ri eck (Mrs. Everett) , 620

Lynn St ...... . . .. . . . .. .. . ...... . . . . . .. Ka ppa

Smithfield Kram e r , Mary i\ l argare t Finnicum (Mrs.

James) ....... ..... .............. , ........ Eta

South Amherst Pierce , H e le n Orcutt (Mrs.) .... .. ........ Eta

South Euclid Con lin , Grace B. , 4696 Anderso n Rd ... Alpha

Springfield Morri so n, Vi,·g ini a Moorman ( Mrs. E.).

1318 Clifton Av e ..... ................. Kappa

Struthers Brush. Eve lyn \¥il li ams (i\!rs). 400 M a i>le-

wood ............... . .. . ...... . ............ Eta Dunn. Mary Dickso n (M rs.), 58 Center St.

.... .. ....... . .......... . .. .. . .. . . ... Em Hix so n , Thelma You ng, 182 Sexton St ... Eta Scu lly. El ea no•· O ' Ma ll ey, Granrlview Av e.

· · ······· ··· ······· .. .. ............ E~ W ell s. i\! a•· th a . • . .. ...... Eta \~' illiam s . Eve ly n .. .. .... . Eta

Summerfie ld Reed , Da na i\!cVey (Mrs. T om). Box 336 Eta

Tilton ville F orgacs, Eli zabe th .. .. ..... . . .. . .. • .. ...... Eta

Toledo i\[aci\fana mon , H aze l F orreste r ( i\!r s . Rus-

se ll ) , 421 I s lington ........ .......... .. B eta Me mb er. Nell Church (Mrs. H. H.), 2828

Brooksid e . ...... .... . .. . ..... . ..... .... . B e ta Newman , E lea nor . R.R. 5. Box 407 ... Alph a Pierce, Agnes Collins (?lfr s. P. i\f. ) .... Alpha R eeves. Dori s Thompso n (Mrs. Theodo re) .

1756 W. B a nci'Oft St. ....... . Alpha Staple ton. Esther Di ehl (Mrs. H. A.) . 35 1.1

l\f ax we ll St .. .. . . . .. .. ................. Alpha Wall , Freda Garrett (i\lrs. Stewart S.).

20S4 Ca lumet Ave. . . . . . . . . . .. Al pha

Toronto Brezg-er . The lma .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .......... Eta R ey •io lds. Eve ly n , 106 'o rth Ri ver A ve .. Eta Secres t. Ruth Tarr (Mrs. \V a rd) ......... . Et a Shopfer, Luci ll e Tarr (i\lr ,. Al to n). 606

Loga n St. . . . . . . . . . ...... Eta

Troy Stra tton , Ruth , SIS \V . \Vater St ....... Kappa

Van Wert ha fTer , Ernes tin e ....... . ................ . Eta

Vermilion Buc k , Jane ........ . ................ . . . . . .. Eta

Wadsworth Hovey , Ruth Collier (Mrs. Frank), 276 a l-

lege St . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .......... Eta

W arren Brade n , Ruth Shi v• ly ( ill rs. Ceo.). 890

Gen f'ssee Av e. T. E . . .......... .. ....... Eta

Washington, C. H . Forsyth e, Edith R y la nd (Mrs. J ohn) . \\' osh -

ington Ave . .. .. .. .......... ... ........ K appa

W ellsville Dowling, El eanor H a nkame r (i\frs. Dean).

421 Myrtle Ave ..... .. ........ ............ Eta


Willoughby Fic kes, Marion W a lke r (Mrs. A. E .). 16

Center St. .......... . ... . .... .. . ... .. .. Al pha Singer, Ruth \Vaga r . 33 H ammon da le .. . . Et a

Wooster Adam s. Ruth \ Vhittl esey (:\frs. L yma n).

148 W a ln ut St. .. . ... . ................... Et a

Youngstown B a r re tt, Cath erin e Me weeney ( Mrs. C'.

L .) , 528 Judson St . . . .... . .. . .. . . .. ...... E ta B ur ro ws. A gne Bl ack (Mrs. L. D. ), 235

E. Auburnda le .. . . ... . . . ... . . . .. ..... . .. Eta Co lb y. Ma r y. 221 E . Dewey St ..... .. .... Eta H e lm ing . Ca th er ine Conroy . 2j21 ~Ia ho n ing

Ave. . . .. . . ... .... . ... .. . . . . .. .... .. ... . .. E ta K eyse r , Flore nce . 277 P a rk A ve .. .. .... . Eta Morrow, Mary Al ice. 1505 She lby ....... . E ta McGowe n, Fra nc is O we n ( Mrs. K ei th).

M idlothi a n Blvd . .. ........ . . . . . . . ... . ... Eta O' Ha ra . Ag nes , 237 Sco tt S t. ...... . .... . Eta O'N e il, B ern ade t te Kr a mer (Mrs. George).

110 N . Osborn e .. ... .. ........... . ...... . Et a Owe n. Fra nces .. . . . ... .... . . .. .. . . ........ Eta Phillips , K a th e rin e Schaab (Mrs. H orace).

1617 Elm St. .. ... .. ... . . ... ... .... . ....... Et a R eagan , Ali ce. 1875 Se lm a A ve ...... . .. Et a R ey nolt. B ett y Willi ams (Mrs. Will ia m).

907 Ed wa rds St. . . . ... . . . .. . . ... . .... .... E ta muc ke r. Blanche Hillma n (M rs . Orri n) 41 6 M a ple Ave ... .. ... . ..... . ..... ... ... Eta

Snow. !arion , 712 Oli ve tt e Ct. .. .. ..... . .. Eta Za hn iser. Virgini a M cF a rl a nd ( Mrs . R. C.).

9 T od L a n e .. ... .. .. ...... . ... .... .... De lt a

Zanesville P ac e, Ruth Jones (1\Irs .) , 707 Loc ust .... De lt a


Da vi s, Gl enna Col wic k (Mrs. Ch a rl es) . Rho

Altus In gram, Inez, 309 E~st Comm erce . . .. .. Rho

Antlers c k v · · · Eroct ~tt .. trgt nt a . .... . .. ... .. . . ....... . . Rho

.as o . J e<tn . . . . ............. . .. .. ....... . Rh o R edm a n. P a uline ... .. . ... .. . ..... .... . . Rh o

Ardmore R obe rso n , Muri e l J a ne , 226 B S. \V . ...... Rh o

Bartlesville Bi sho)J. Lilli a n Akright (M rs. \\' ill ia m J .) .

1320 J ohn tone . . . . .. . . .. ..... ... . . . . . . ... Tot a Sn eed. Eli za beth Arm st ro ng ( Mrs. Georg-e

L . Jr.), 404 Se neca St. .. .. . ..... .. .. .... Rho

Bennington lhac kett , Annab e l T oney (Mrs. Ben) .. R ho \Vomble, Erma Kathr y n . . . ..... .. ..... .. . Rho

Boise City F orema n , H e le n B ec k (Mrs. P e rcy) .Tot a

Calera Cotner , Ann .. .... .. . .. . .. . ... .. ....... .. . . Rh o Cotner , Da le ...... . . . .......... . .......... Rho


~ ~~: ~ ::: f~~~ ~ ~ :: ::::: :::: :::::: ::: :::::: :: ~~~ P o wet , Ma r y Ad e line Bola nd (Mrs. Hor -a~ .. .. . .. . ......... . . . . . . .. . ... . ....... . R~

Durant B a rr ett. Clor ie n e Sl a ugh te r (M rs . H a rrv)

920 W . Elm ...... . .... . ............... .' Ri1 o Bound s. Sa ra h Hugh ey ( Mrs. J a mes) . 401

N . 9th ........ . .... . .. . . . .............. . .. Rho

D av idge . Ma rgare t Croc ke tt ( ~Ir - . T . ~lil -ler ) . 312 . 5th ... .. .. ... .. ...... ..... ... Rho

Da vi s . Charlie M a rie Bos ton (Mrs. Rich -a rd ) , 2ll N . 5th . .. .. . .. .. .. ........ ..... Rho

D a wso n , L ou Elle n Gregg (Mrs. M elvin). 518 W . M a in .... .. . . ... . ...... ... . .... . . Rho

H ogga rd , Eilee n. 421 W. Cedar ... ..... Rho Hunter, Doro th y , c/ o Eve rg ree n a nitar ·

ium .. .. . . .. ... ... .. ... ..... .. .... . ...... . Rho J ohnso n , Ruth , Box 525 ... ... .. . ... .. ... .. Rh o K ee ner. Luree Milburn (Mrs. Ne wton).

1212 N . 7th ...... ..... . ........ ....... .. .. Rh o K e lchn er , K a thl een , 617 W . Elm ... . . ... Rho K ing . H e len M a ri e .... . . . .. .... .. . .... ... Rho McNutt, Doroth y, 1018 W . i\I a in ...... .. Rho 1 ixon . Rud e ne. 1320 N . 3rd ....... .. .. .. . Rh o Phillips, Da hl ee n . 623 W . Elm .. .... . . .. Rho T omlin , Magg ie Lee B ass ( M rs. Troy). 1425 W. M ai n .. . ... ......... . ..... . ... .... . Rho Womble, J enn y B. , 928 N. 8th ........ .. Rho

Enid P or ter , The lma , 1812 W . Okl a homa St . .. I o ta

Featherston Wri gh t. M e lba Ga rre tt ( Mrs. N e we ll ) , B ox

106 ..... .. ........ .. . . .... .. .. . ... . .. . ... . . Rh o

Fort Sill McPh erson , E lsie R obert so n (Mrs. Leonard)

. . ...... . . . . .. ...... . .. ... . ....... . . . .. .. ... Rh o

Holdenv ille Ables, Hild red Hughes (Mrs. Joe W .) .. Rho

Hugo P epper. J ohnn ie Sm ith (Mrs. J . 0.). 215

E . Blu ff . .......... .... .. . ..... .. ........ Rho S now, Jua nita. 215 N. 2n d ....... ...... . . . Rho

m ith . Ru th E va ly n. 215 E . Bluff ... . . .. Rho S turg is , Ann a K a th ry n \Vh a rton (Mrs.

J ohn W .) .. ...... .. .... .... .. .. . ..... .... Rho

Idabel Ab bo tt , Dori s . . .. . . .. ... .. . . ........ .. .... Rh o Sm ith . El izabe th S tra wn (Mrs. H erma n)

. . . . . . .. ... ... . . ... ... .. . ......... . . . . ... ... Rh o

Kingfisher King, M a r y Boyd Abbott ( l\fr s. Stephe n)

. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . ...... .. . . .. . .. . R~ McAlester

Hie ri ch, Ruth . .. .... . ... .. ... ... . .... .... . Rho

Norman Kre t s inge r , Ge neva B ucha n a n (Mrs. El -

wood) ............ .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. ...... .. . Rh o

Oklahoma City Shafe r . R ebecca .......... .. .. .. . .. . ... . .. . Rho Sne lso n . Dori s Ellenbe rger (Mrs. A . H .) .

609 N .W. 20t h ........ . ................ Tota

Okmulgee Boydston. Juani ta Lay ma nce (Mrs. Don).

700 . Okmul gee .. . ...................... Rh o

Perry Be u, Cla ire R obe rt on (M rs. 'Ra le igh ) . 611

I va nhoe , ..... . .. . .. . . .. . . ........ . ...... . l ot a

Ponca City Ba rri ckl ow. L ois Beck (Mrs. fa urice). 306

N . 4th .. .......... . .. ... . .. ....... .. ..... l a t a

Ryan J ones, J oy Cav in ess ()Jr . \\' arre n) ...... Rho

Shawnee H a r per , J o ephine H ogga rd ()frs. her·

ma n ) . ................... . ............ . . . . Rho P ay ne, D ro lh y B entl ey ( ~f rs. E I) . . . ... Rho


Tulsa ~[ill s, Tre va , 721 Kn oxvill e ......... ... . Jot a

Wirt E J>Iey . L ore n e Shan e ( i\1 r s. Geo rge ) .. .. Rh o

Wright City Tee!, L eah Hunter ( i\!rs. L . 1-J. ) .. . ..... B eta

OREGON Medford

J a nes, H aze l Dolph (i\hs. H. B.)


. Alpha

Doyl e, J ess ie i\Iead e (Mrs. Thos.) . Box 5666 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... B e ta

Sa nd e rs. Ruth Orse r ( Mrs. Ow en ) , 1839 S .W. B roadway D r . ...... .......... .. B e ta


Mci\ra hon , Edn a ... . ..... .. . ...... . . .. .. D e lta

Aliquippa Coo ley, i\f a rga ret M a rtin (i\lrs. R obe r t).

168 Fra nklin Ave . ... . . ... .... . . . . . . . .. . Ze ta Dic kso n , M yrna Mill er ( i\f rs . Robert ) . R . R .

l . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... Ze ta

Allentown F os te r. Doroth y R .. 223 S . 15th S t .. . .. De lt a i\l oll , Ruth Schmoyer Cllfrs. K en n eth ), 332

N. 13th St. , . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .... .... Zeta

Allenwood }a mi on , E li zabe th . . . ............ ... ..... Zeta Ti e tbo h I, Ge ra ldine .............. . ... . .... Ze ta

Altoona An sma n. E lea nor W e lsh ( Mrs. Robe rt T .) .

1226 18th Ave .............. . .. ..... .. . De lt a Antes, Cl a re, 316 13th A ve. , Juni a ta .... Zet a Bra un, M a de line W ea kl a nd ( Mrs. F . J.).

2106 Si x t eenth Ave . .. . . . . . . . .. .... .. ... Zeta Brown, B e tty. 515 B e ll e vi ew St. .... .. D e lt a Bunton , J ean Barte l ( Mrs. R obert), 2526

B ea le Ave . .. ..... ... . . . . . . .. ... . ...... . . Ze t a Crum , Eilee n , 318 9th A ve .. Juni ata .... D e lta Dorri es, M a rga re t, 1805 1s t Ave . . . . .. . . . Ze t a F ra nklin , R eba, 406 H owa rd Ave . . ... . ... Zeta Frisch , H e le n , 1003 2nd A ve .. . .. ... ... De lta Gea rh a rt, Doroth y . 715 7th A ve. . .... Ze ta Geesey, El s ie, 331 Cra wford Ave . . ..... Zeta Gfr ere r, M a rga ret Larkin (Mrs. Cla ir ), 320

Ma pl e Ave. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ze t a Grease r, H e le n , 1413 7th A ve . ....... . .. Ze ta K e ll, Eli za be th, 2717 6th A ve . .. . ... .. Ze ta L ong , i\[ a r y A. , 11 07 2nd Ave . . . . ... .... De lt a Loy , L o is P a tte rson ( Mrs. J osep h), 910 R ace

St .............. . . .. . . . .. . .. .... . . . .. .... D e lta i\f a rk s, Get·trude. 216 22 nd A ve. . . . . . . . . Zeta M a rk s. L eo n a F ern ( J\lr s . Wm .). 122 Pin e

A ve. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... .' . . Ze ta McE!vaine, Sa ra Wil son (Mrs. Ft·a nklin ),

1006 20th Ave . . . .. .. ...... . ... ..... ..... Zet a i\fill er. A li ce Kun es (i\[rs. Don a ld ), 613

E. Walton Ave. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. Zet a i\fo lyn a us, H e tti e Ho lma n (i\rrs.) . 109 W.

12th Ave. Jua n ita .. ... . .. . .. ... . . .. .... Zet a Sutte r, J oan , 120 Ru skin D r. . ......... D e lla Walke r , Virgini a L ogue (Mrs. Paul ) . B e ll ·

m ead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. De lt a W'ea kl a nd , De R onda . 1928 13th A ve . .. . . Ze ta Ze rbe. Ph y lli s Kinkead (Mrs. F a rre n ).

2603 6th A ve . .... . . ...... . .. . .. ......... Zeta

Alum Bank B a refoo t, Edith ............ ..... ... . .. ... Ze ta

Armaugh J ac k , K a theri ne W agne r (ll l rs. J oh n) .. Zeta

Ashland Ir win , Emm a T ra th e n ( J\lrs. P . W .), 338

Center St. ..... . ............... . ... . .... De l ta

Ashley Donohoe, i\l a r y, 16 Newport . l. ..... l.a mbrla

Avalon H ew itt , l one P ot ter ( Mrs .) .. .. ........ Zeta

Av is Tt·ex let·, i\Iade l in c F iedlet· ( llf rs. i\ 1. ) .. Zeta

Baden Brooks. Sat·a Ange l (i\ lrs . H erb) . 262 State

S t. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . ......... . .......... .... De lta

Barnesboro Davis. E ve lyn Thotn ton (lift s. J . i\fere·

d ith), 310 Lave ll Ave . . . Delta

Beave r La ird. J a ne Sma ll (Mr s. Dona ld). 250 W a l·

nut St. ..... . ...... . ........ ... . . . ..... Della

B eaver Falls B rooks, E ileen . 3412 7th Ave . ........ Delta

Beech Creek Willi a ms, Vi v ia n , R. D . . ..... .. . .. ...... Zeta

Be llefonte P eters, 1\fary K at her in e , 20 N . Thomas t .

. ...... . .. .. ........ . . . . .. .... ..... . . . . .. Ze ta

Bellev ue A rm strong. B ea tri ce. 567 Orcha rd Ave .. De lta Casey, i\rargaret Guc kert (i\ l rs. Mi chae l) .

719 Orcha rd A,·e . . . .. . .. ... .. ... .. .... De lta H a worth , Ruth , 33 Grant St. .. . . ... Delta 1\loun tsier, } 'ranees , 205 Linco ln Ave . .. Delta

B ellwood Dic k , L e nore, 414 S. 2nd St. .......... Zeta H owe, Clee, 414 S. 3rd St. .............. Zeta

Berlin Enge l. El ea nor i\ lill er ( M rs . Samue l) . 421

Vin e St . . .. . . . . ... .. . .. ....... ... . ... ... Zeta

B erwick F a irch i ld, i\Ia r y R u th , 1900 Orange St ... De lta Moo re. Mar ie, 329 E. 5th t. .... . . . . .. Delta

B ethlehem D a n ie ls, Eli zabe th Li sy ( M rs . }.) . . ........ Pi

Blooming Glen Guli ck, Ali ce D e t wi ler ( i\frs. \Varren) . ..

. .. . . . . . . . . . ..... . ..... . .. .......... . .. L a mbda

Bradford Bre nn ema n, ~'fa rga re t Farwel l (i\ frs. J.

Clay ton ). No. 7 Tuna Ave ... ... . ...... Zeta Br ve rton . N a ncy Kiset· (i\frs. J ack). 54

vV. Cor ydo n St. . ...... . .... . ...... .. ... Zeta Mutzabaugh . I sabe l \\' atso n ( i\frs . R . T.).

100 Pl easa nt Ave .. ............. . ....... Zeta ~( yers. E li zabeth Va n Scoyoc (;\[ rs. \ Va rd

L.) . 181 Dav is St . .. . .. . .. . ..... . ........ Zeta

Brockway S ib ley. Luc ill e T ay lor ( i\fr s. H owat·d). Bu>·

sa rei St . ...... ..... . . . . .. ............... . Zeta T ob in , M a r y . ............. . .... . ..... . .. De lta

Brownsville W a lker . i\ l ajor ie J effr ies ( i\fr . H arry). 718

2nd St. .. .... ....... .. ......... . .... . ... Delta


Butler Black , Caroline, 326 2nd St. .. . . ...... Eps ilon l\Iurph y , Eleanor, lli Ameri can Ave ... De lta McCafferty, Margaret . ill E . P ea rl St. De lta R ea, Georgi a, 234 H oward St. .... .... . . De lta

California B r ickl ey . A da lll a ir ( i\ l r s.) . . . . .. . . .... D e lta McElhoes, Mildred Willi a ms ( i\Ir s. R ob-

ert) . . . . . .. ... . .... . . ... . .. . . . ... ... .. .. . De lta

Camp Hill J ones, J ean , Ingha m (!\Irs. H a rold). R .R . I

.. . .. . .... . .. . . . . .. . ...... . . .. .. . . .... .. .. Ze ta S torey, M a rgare t , 149 N. 25 th S t. ...... D e lta

Canonsburg Boon e . Elea nor . 200 Elm S t., .. .. ...... De lta Rankin , M a rguet·ite Ya tes ( i\[ r . P ar k) .

R.R. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... De lta

Carlisle B a m e r . El s ie Hill ( l\l rs. El wood ). 350 W e t

North ..... . . .. ..... . ... . . .. . ..... . . .... .. Zet a

Carnegie llfa ps tone. Glad ys . 502 Boq uet t ... .. .. Zeta

Center Hall } [oove r, Geraldine ...... . .. .. . .. . . .. ..... . Zeta

Chambersburg Butz. Etta More la nd (Mrs. Fra n k). 300 S.

Main St. .. .... .. .... .. .. .... Zeta Cheltenham

R eedy , Emil y L., i Elm Ave . .. .... .. L ambda

Chester Rhodes . J eanette. Ches ter H osp ita l .. .. .. Ze ta Rooks, Reb ecca Brown ( Mrs . J a mes) . 615 E.

15th St ... . ..... . . .. .... . . .. ... . . .. ... La mbda

Chestnut Hill Quinn. i\fary. 251 E. Highland Ave . .. L a mbda Schinde l, I sa be l, 19 W. South ampton St.

. . ... . . . .. . ... .. ... . ........ . ... . . ... . . L ambda

Clarendon Culbertso n, Hele n Goa l (Mrs. E . H .) E ps ilon

Clearfield L ord , B ernice, Box 494 .. . ..... ... ... .. .. Ze ta i\!mphy, Marian, 1010 Old T own Rd . .. De lta P a tt er so n , Pauline Sch a ffn er (i\Ir s. Alex -

ande r) , 10 4th St ........... .. .......... Ze ta Ri em«n, Gwen R adebach (lilt-s. W ay ne) .

208 Pine t. .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... . Ze ta Smith , Kather ine . 504 E. L ocus t St. .... Ze ta S poo ner, l\Ia t·gare t, 121 Clea rfi e ld St. . . .. Ze ta

Clymer H a rvey . Gl adys . 63 6th S t. ............ D e lt a J ohn so n, Ruth .. .. ....... .. . .... .. ... .. . . De lt a

Coalport H egart y , Gertrude H aq >e r (Jilt-s. L. C.) Ze ta

Conemaugh Schofi e ld, llh rga ret Gradwe l! (llft·s.

Geo rge) , 16-l J ac kso n S t . .............. Ze ta

Connellsville Bradl ey, \ 'e roni ca , Box 16E ............ .. Ze ta

Cory ville Gu e nt e r , Albe rt a ... ... ............ . . . .... Zet a

Cresson Azar .-a , i\!ary K . \' eck ley ( lift- s . Sa mue l ) Ze t a Da vi s , Anne, 429 Keys tone Ave ....... De lt a ll a rri s, Al ve rd a I owl a nd ( llf r<. D. .) De lt a

Curwensville Sloppy, J e se L e ib y (M rs. Fred) ...... . . Ze ta

Davidsville R isch, Doroth y, Box 326 .. ........ .... .... Ze ta

Derry H arbuck , H e le n St ern e r ( lilt-s.) . .. ... .. Delta

Dewart Russe ll. H e le n ...... .... .. .... .... .... ... Zeta Da t esma n , Ru th .. . .. .. . .... . . . . ... ... .... Zeta

Dillsburg Young, Sa ra Ki ft ( i\Ir s. George) .... .... Ze ta

Dormont Bowke r . E lla G. K ohler (lll t·s. H ar r y L .).

1320 K e lto n Ave . .. .... ............ .... De lt a

Drexel Hill l\Jilne. Annet te H age n b uch (l\Ir . Thomas) .

105 Edmond Ave. .. .. .. . .. ... Lambda

DuBois i\! ay ne , J a ne Sha ffer ( i\lrs.) .. .......... D e lt a R obb , Ruth J ohns ton (:11rs. T. R .). 41 5

W. Long Ave . .... .. .. .... .... .. .... L a mbd a

Duquesne K eyse r , i\! a r y \Vorkm a n ( li-It-s . H owa rd ) .

106 S. 6th St . ...... .. .... .. .... .... ... De lt a Runk , i\!ar y Dunmire ( i\l rs. R e nw ic k J .).

214 W . Oli ve r Ave . .. ...... .......... D e lt a W a rd. Bl a nche, 1109 L owry St. . ... . . L a mbda

Earnest O'H ara, J ea n .... . . .. . ... ... . .. . . . . . ..... D e lt a

Easton llfcN a ir, Anne tt a . 122 Mi lton A ve .. Sou th

Side .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. . igma

Ebensburg H a rr ison , Mild re d All e n (Mrs. Cl a re nce) Ze ta Thompson. J a ne All iso n ( i\Ir . H e rbe rt ). 315

South Ce n ter St . . . . ..... . .. . . .. . . . ... . . De lt a

Edgewood R ob b . M argaret . 222 De wey S t ..... .. .. Delta

Eldred Va n D y k e, Ali ce Lilli b ri dge (M rs. \\'. R .)

.. .......... .. .... .. ........ .. ..... ..... Ze ta Elfin wild

Oe lschl age r , E oline Lloyd (Mrs. Fra nklin ) . .. . . .. . ... . . . . ...... .. .. . ..... . ..... .. ... De lt a

Elizabethtown Kun tze lm an n, \ ' erna H e rshey (f\f rg . l-1)

· · · ·· · ·· · .... . . .. . .. ... . . .. . . . .. . .. ... . . Ep il on Ellwood

Kin g, i\Ia t·y \ Vorcheste r (:IIrs . J ohn . Jr.) Ze ta \\' ieso n , Ali ce . 41 3 4th St. .......... .. .... Ze ta

Elwood City K ing, Marga re t S ta rk (i\fr s. D aY id) . . D e lt a

Emaus Keener, Katherine. 204 N . 2nd t . . .... . Ze ta

Emlenton \\'ade , Cla ir, \ ·ena ngo o .............. Zeta

E vans City Nic kl as, llf a rtha Plunke t t ( 'f rs.) ...... De lt a

. Export F otght , Rut h . . ...... . . . ....... .. ........ D e lt a

F a irbanks

N ~~ ~ : . .' ~ :'~ :· .. ~ --~ '-' ~ ~~. _1:~•-st _•~·-~ ·~ . _<-~~ ·:~ --. ~ -- . ~~ t "


Fayetteville Lehman, Fanny H . ..... .. .. .. . . .. ... . Eps ilon

Fleming I\ason , Elizabeth \Villiam s (?-Irs. Cha rl e )

· · · · · · · ·· · ·. · .......... . ...... . .. .. ...... .. Zeta Stere, Char lott e ......... . ..... . .. . .. . .. . .. Zeta

Flemington Beckenbaugh, Helen. 625 F rederick St. Zeta Sheasley, Dorothy, 138 High St .. ...... . Zet a

Folcroft Ga mbl e , Li lli an, 1721 Elmwood Ave. Lambd a

Ford City Weaver, Betty. 1525 4th Ave .. . . .. . .. De lt a Weaver , Marion F., 1235 4th Ave . .. ... . De lta

Forty Fort J e nkins , Dorothy Palmer (Mrs. \Villi a m) .

14 Deniso n St. . .... . ..... ..... . . .. . ... .. Zeta

Freedom Betz , L e nore , 365 Fifth Ave .. ... .. .. .. De lt a

Gallitzen Pirtle, Mae O lson (Mrs. W . H .) , 417 Gra nt

St ........ . ... . . . . .. . ...... . .... ........ . . Zeta

Germantown Crawford , Rh ea W ebb (Mrs. Charl es). Clo·

verly Apts ., 437 W. School Lane, .. Lambda Sawte ll e, Lena Hutton (Mrs. H arold ) . 716

Carpenter Lane .. . .. . ........ .. .. ... Lambda

Glenolden Atherton , Ruth, 20 E . A shland Ave . . . L a mbda

Glenshaw Conley, H e len Fauso ld (Mrs. Robert ) . Ste·

phenson Apt. . ............ . ... . .. . .. . .. De lt a

Glenside Ma isch , Betty Cole (i\Irs . J ohn) . 146 W.

Wharton R d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L a mbda

Greensburg B eehne r , M argare t Fogle (Mrs. William

D.) , 700 Welty St . . . . ....... . ...... . .. . . Zeta Cadzow, Mildred. Forbes Rd ........... Delta Cadzow, R achel, Forbes Rd ......... . ... . Delta J ohn son , Louise, 508 Ridgeway Av e . . ... Delta Kline , Kathryn Perma t· (?-Ir s . Wade T .).

c/ o W. C. Permar ................... De lta McNulty , Ruth , 120 Talbot St ... .. .. .. De lt a

Halifax H ecke r t , l\Iargare t Breth (M rs. Fred) . . Ze ta

Hanover \.Yeaver, Betty Sturm (Mrs. Arthur l\L ) .

315 St ock St. .... ........ .. .. .. ...... .. De lta

Harrisburg Schlosse r , Dorothy Rupert (Mrs. Edward) .

2326 H offer St., Pen b rook ...... .. . .. . .. Ze ta Shaffe r. Gladys , 215 N . 14th St . .... .. .. Ze ta St e ininger, Alma, 1722 North St ....... De lta Swe igart, Olive L .. 1941 Ches tnut t . Eps ilon

Hazelton McCann , 1\Iargat·et, Janesville .. .. ...... De lt a

Helvetia Thoma , J a ne .. .. ........ .... .... .. ...... D e lt a

Hepburn ville

E l~ta tlf~ .~~a~~~1• r~~n~ .. ( ]\'[~~-.. ~a~· l) •. . ~~gZ~t a Hershey

Martin , Avonelle Cat lin (l\frs . Rohet·t ) .. Zeta

Holldaysburg Ha me l, i\Ia r y Thompso n ( Ai r s. K e nn e th ),

R .R., Brush lllountain Rd ............. Ze ta

Holsupple \\'c n crd, Ruth ...... . .. . .. ............... De lt a

Homestead Gt·a nt , i\Iar y Arbuckl e (Mrs. I L. B. ), J ohn

St. . . . . . ...... . . . ...... .... . .. . ... .. . .. . . De lt a H organ , Marga ret, 227 9th Av e. . ... . De lt a

Honesdale Garey, H e le n , Box 547 ...... ..... .. .... De lt a

Hooversville K ie fl , Loui se .. ............ .... ...... .. .. .. Ze ta

Houtzdale H oo pe r, Rita Da le ( Mrs. John ) .. .. .. .... Zet a

Hughesville Kohl er , H e le n . ... .. .... .... . . . . .. . .. . .... Ze ta

Hyndman Allen, \Vil ma .. ... .. .... . .... .... . . .. ..... Zeta

Indiana Bee , Glady s Ove rholt ( l\[r s. H a rold) , 133

N. 6th ....... .............. .... ........ . De lt a Davis , Helen, 942 Ches tnut St. ........ De lta Gass lander, Alma Mun so n ( Mrs.), State

Teachers Coll ege .... .. .. .. .......... .. . De lt a Gess le r, Betty, 422 11th St. .. . ...... . . . . Delta Gess le r, Ca roline, 422 lith St. ........ De lta Gillespie, J a n e, South 7th St ...... .. . .. De lt a Guard, Mary Kin g (Mrs. Russe ll ) , 12 Krape

Ave . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. ...... . . . . . . ... .. .... De lta Heath , Marie H a rr is ( Mrs. Linus), 309 N.

6th St . .. .......... . .. ...... .......... ... De lta Hoover, Twila , 696 S . 6th St. . ... . . . . .... De lt a l\IcFeeley , Margare t . 635 L oc ust St . .. De lt a S im pson, Carolyn, Cl ymer Rd . .... .... .. De lta Simpson, Carolyn , Clymer Rd . ... . .. . . De lt a Stewart , Emma, 126 R.R. A ve . .. . . .. . . De lt a Stewart, Martha l\IcLain (ll! rs . Ft·a nk) .

Clark St. ..... .......... .. .... .. ... ..... D e lt a Spech t , Frances R a ymond ( Mrs. l\L B .) .

309 N. 6th St ........................... Delta Tweed , Clarabe l, 1033 Schoo l St . . ..... De lt a Tweed , Gera ldine. 1033 Schoo l St . .... .. De lta Walsh, Loui se G. (Mrs. M. J.), 282 S. 6th

St . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . ........ . . . ... ........ De lta

Irwin Blakl ey , Doroth y Drake ( Mrs.) , 220 P enn .

Ave ..................... ... . .. ... . . .. . .. . Ze ta Corbett , E li za Ei sman (i\Trs. Alfred ) . 314

P ennsylvania Ave . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. De lta

Jeannette Griffith, Vi rgin ia K .. F orthin gha m A ve. De lt a Miller, Mi ldred, 22 '- 3rd St . ..... . .... De lt a Savage , Ruth , 527 Sco tt Ave ............. Zet a

Jersey Shore Barrows. Pauline, 410 S. l\l a in St ....... Ze ta H olbrook, Ma r y , 1031 Thompso n St. .. . . Ze ta William s, Emily, 1228 Wa lnut St. . .. . .. Zeta

Johnstown Beas , Geraldine. 183 Spri ng St .. .. , ...... Ze ta Cover, Clare, Cover Hil l ...... .. ...... De lt a Furs t, Edith , 119 Hic kor y t. ............ Ze ta Kyler, Margaret, I Cox St. .. ...... .... .. Ze ta L eat·, H e len, 529 W ood t. .. .. ..... ..... Ze t a McClintock, E li za beth DeFrehn (Mrs. Wil ·

I iam), 629 i\'I esse nge r St . . ............. Ze ta Mill e r , F lorence Straye r ( Mrs. I. \V.), 209

Charl es St . . ..... .. .. . .. ... .. ........... . Ze ta i\ lomb e rger , Glady s . 11 61 Luze rn e t. .. De lt a Moors , Grace N e lson ( Mrs. \\' a lt e r). 2i

Harding St . .. ........ .. .. ........ .. .... De lt a N e lso n. Dorothy , IS Ha rding, t. .... .. .. De lt a


Nelson, Dorothy , 801 Summit Ave ..... De lt a Paul , Edith. 106 Lincoln St .... . ........ Zeta Paul, J osephine, 106 Lincoln St. . . .. ... . Zeta Pfa rr, Marga ret. 117 Spring St. ....... . .. Zeta Skelly. Alice Martin ( ~Irs. Ernest), 905

Lemon St ...... . . .... . .... . ... ... . .... . . Ze ta Snow. J a n e Stombaugh (~I rs. Dempsey).

118 Cooker St. . ... . .... . ... .... . .... ... Delta Wi l liams, A lma Soyster (lllr . W a ll ace),

1001 i\lilcree k Rd . . ............... .. . . .. Ze ta Wil so n . Margaret Marsh (M rs. Clarence).

139 Strayer St. . .. . .. .. . . ... . . . Zeta

K a n e Campbell, Arde ll e, 37 Fraley St .. ..... Delt a Chri ti e. Ida 111.. 128 Yarnell St. . . .... Delta

Torbeck, Elizabeth Swa nseen. Box 95 . Delta

Kersey Em t, Li bby . .. .. .. . .... . ... . ...... . ..... Zeta

Kingston ~[cl\ [a nus, H ele n, 284 W right St. .. .. Lambda

Kinzua he ldon , Charlotte M a haffey ( Mrs. Lester) .... . . .... .... . .. ..... . .... . . .... . ......... Zeta

Kittanning Ellenberger. Alice, R .R . 2 ... . . . . ... . . De lt a Ellenberger, E lsie i\Jar ie R .R . 2 . . .... De lt a

Knox Rich a rd so n , Mar lys . ... .. .. . . . ........ . . Delta

Kylertown Con way, Geraldine ..... . ................. Zeta Hopper, H e le n Shearer (Mrs. H. A.) .. Zeta

Lancaster Mi esse, Charlotte, 38 S. Prince St ... Lambda

Lansdowne Ives. Ve ne ti e Schmid ( Mrs. V. ), 121 E.

LaCrosse Av e. . . .... .. .... .. .. . . .. . . Lambda Kna pp, Charlott e. W ay· Lin Manor, Garrett

Rd ... . ... .. .... .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .... . ...... Zeta

Leechburg Klinge nsmith , Doroth y, 558 1s t St. . . Omicron

Ligonier Betz, Ada. . ..... . .. . .. . ..... .. . . . . •. .. . . . De lta ?,[urph y, Dorothy , R .R ....... ... . .• ...... Delta

Lewistown Cromwell, Remona, R .R. 1 ...... .. . . ... . Ze ta Dettry , M a rth a Schmidt (M rs. E d ward) Zet a Ka ll ee, Yvonne Youn g ( Mrs.), K a la mazoo

Store . .. . . ... . .. ... .. . . .......... . ..... .. Zeta McNitt , J\l a r y M a rgare t , 230 Elec tri c Ave .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . Zeta

Lock Haven A ll e n , i\Iyra Evans (Mrs. D a le W .), 123

Summit Ave . ....... ..... ... .. . .... ..... . Zeta Aurand , Ph y lli s. 305 S. High St . . ....... Ze ta Barkhuff, Pauline, 164 Susq ueha nna Ave.

... .... . ... . . . ..... . ........ .. ... .. . . . . .... Zeta Barner, Ruth . 384 E. Park St. . . ........ Zeta B e tt s, Al en e. I s land Rout e . . .... ...... Zeta Bottorf. Dr. Edna. 215 E . \Val nut St. .. Zeta Hurd, H e le n P arsons (1\ l!·s. A. E.), Center

St .... . ........... . ...... . ...... ... . ...... Zeta Byrol, Shirl ey, 40 W . l\Jain St. ...... .. Zeta Edler, H e le n , 330 E. M a in St. ... . . ..... Zeta Greir, Elva Willi a ms (1\Irs. Willi a m), 5

Corning St., Apt. 4 .................... Zeta Gri ero, Mary Fox ( Mrs. Carl), Lockport Zeta Himes, J esse Scott. 47 Susquehanna Av e.

.................... . ................. . .... Zeta lfoml e r . Ali ce Jun e. 210 E. Clinton t. Ze ta Ke rns, Martha. 218 E. Church t. ..... . Zeta

Kling. Eula Gloss ner (1\Irs. Sterl ing), W . 4th St. , . .. . ......... . . . .... . . ... ...... . .. Zeta

Long. Eve lyn. 311 N. Fairview t. .... Zeta ~IcDouga ll, ?,[rs. R. S .. Glen Dr ....... Ze ta P etrucci , Lore tta . 840 E . i\Ia in St. .... Zeta Pipes. Dorothy R.R. I .... . ........ . ...... Zeta Se ltzer. R obe rt a. 100 N. H enderson St. .. Zeta Sharp. Mary Frances. 907 W . 4th St. .. Zeta Smith. Betty Lou. 137 E. W atet" St. .. Zeta Ulmer. Mary. 110 Susquehanna Ave ... . . Zeta \Vi ed ham, Marguerite, 542 P.O. Box .... Eta

M adera Nelson. E l izabeth. Box 494 ...•........ Zeta

M a haffey Fry . Emma Frances ...... ..... .. . ...... .. Zeta

M anheim tauffer, Miriam. 254 \\". teegle. t. .. Epsilon

Martin sburg T eeter. ]\[. Lois ........... .... ... .. .. . .. Delta

McKeesport Du ff. Sara Penny (1\ l rs. Arthur). 1603 Un ion

Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... De lt a Knauber, Glad ys Bowen (i\ l rs. Willi am A.).

lOIS McCleary St. ......... . .. ... . .. .. . De lt a 'N e it z. Juli e tt e Price ( i\lrs. H omer 0.).

25 12 Ri verview Ave ...... . .. . .... . . . . . . De lt a

Meadeville Anderson, W ilma H en ni ng (Mrs. Geo rge)

. . .... .. ......... . .. . ............ De lt a

Meyersdale Eng lehart. Ruth , 315 Hi gh t ........... D e lt a Tressle r , Dorea . 309 North St .. . . . ...... Zeta

M ifflinburg Harbach. Phyllis ............... . ... . . .... Zeta

Mill H a ll Brown . ~f a r ion. Box 42 . . ................ Zeta Cummings, Estella McClintock (Mrs. Guy)

............ .. ......... . . . .. . .. .. . .... Zeta

M idway Bamford , ara ... .. .. . .......... . .... ... . D elta

Milan K ee ler . Alice C. . .Lambda

Milton Keiser. Mary ~[owerer (?.1rs. Fred). 389

Vine St. ........ .... ...... . .............. Zeta

M in ersv ille Hummel. H e len . 4th and Sunbury ts .

. . . . . .. . .. . ..... .. . ... ... . .. ... . Lambda

Monessen K irk , B etty Ricks (l\Irs. J a me ). 33 i\fcK ee

Ave ....... ... ... . ........... . ....... .. .. D e lt a

Monongah ela R ober tso n . Louise R obertson ( i\[rs. An·

dre w), 4th St. Ext. ..................... Zeta

Mt. Leba non Burre ll. Grace J am ison ( Mrs. Guy). 526

Lyndhurst Dr ... . ............. . ...... .. Delta Bybee, Cora Spires ( Mrs . \\' alter V.). 61

R a lston Pl. .... .. . . .. . ...... . .. . ...... Delta Davis , Lydia Custer ( ~Irs. Norman). 310

P ennsy lva ni a Blvd ........ . . . . . . . ...... Zeta Freed. June, 47 Florence PI. .. . ........ Zeta llrorris. l\I argaret Ament . 163" ~lemorial Dr.

. ... . ...................... .. ............. Delta W hitehead. Margare t Brack e n (i\lrs. C.

111.), 20S Princess Ann Apt.. Beverly R d. .................. . . . ...................... Z~ta


Muncy Banzhaf, Anna, 28 N. M a in St. . .. . .... Zeta

Murrysville R emaley, H e len H omer (Mrs. Cha rl es B. )

. .. . . ..... . .. . . . ....... . ... ... ... .. ... .. . .. Ze ta

Myersdale Lucente, P a lm a, 110 Center St . .. . ... .. De lla

Narbeth Nern , Valj ean Orr ( Mrs. Al len), 5 C.

Beech wood A pt s . . .......... . .. . .. ..... D e Ita

Neffsville Haver s tic k , M a e G .......... . ... . .. . .. Eps ilon

New Bedford Cooper , ~l aud e Atkinso n (Mrs. \\1 . D .) De lta

New Brighton Hunter, El eanor Jane , 1713 3rd Ave . . . De ll a

New Castle Burkho lde r , Virginia Knox ( i\lr s .) . 701

Court St. ....... .... . . . . . ... . .... .. .. .. De It a H a wkin s , B ea tri ce, 411 Hill cres t Ave .. Et a Morrow, Eli zabe th. 219 L a ure l A ve . .... De lt a P ost , Bernice McKre ll (Mrs. Gera ld), Cha-

pin Rd .... . .. . ..... . . . . . . ..... .. . . . .. .. De lta Rud olph. Ca the rin e Morrow (i\lr s . Ja y),

410 Hillcres t A ve . . .. .. . .. ........... . De lt a Young, Jane E ., 734 E. W as hington St. De lt a

New Cumberland Lucke tt , lllercedes Burn s (i\ft- s.) . 402 Brid ge

St ...... . . . ...... .. .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. . . . .... Ze ta

New Florence W ag ne r , \-Vi Ida .... . . ... . ...... ... .. ... . De lta

New Kensington Co lli e •·, M a r y Die tric k (Mrs. Wil so n) .

R.R. 2 . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .... . ... . .. . . . . . . . Ze ta R earick El s ie Ament ( Mrs. W a lter) , 1021

P a r k Vie w Ave ... ... ...... . .. ... . .. . . D ell a

New Wilmington Boyd, B erni ce Hamme r (Mrs. D a vid i\L ) .

Maple Ave ... . . . ................... . .... Zet a

Norristown Fricke , Harri e t. 111 7 Willow St .. .. . Lambd a Kopenhaver , J ean , 1327 DeKalb St. .Ze ta

Northumberland Diehl, M a r y D •·e ibe lbi s ( i\fr s. Fred) . 357

Queen St ... . ... . .... . .. . .. . .... . ....... . Ze ta

Norwood, DeJa. Co. Collins . Cla ri ce Duke ( Mrs. Willi a m) . 137

W. Ridle y Ave . . .... . . .. .. ...... .. . L a mbd a Schre iber, M a be l, 37 W. Winona Ave .

.......... . .. .. .... . . .... . . . . . ... . ... . Lambd a

Oil City Laurel, Mi ldred Comad (i\frs . L ee) . 16

Co lbert St. . ....... .. ............ .. . . . . D e lt a

Osceola Mills Albe rt. Katherine H a rd y (i\frs. E . A.) .

403 Eli zabe th St. .... . . . . .. . . ..... ... . . Ze ta

Palmyra Bae r , Eve lyn Livings ton ( Mrs. St a nfor9l .

135 S. H etri c k Ave ...... . . . . .. ... ..... . Ze ta Tmboden M a rgie Bombe•·ger ( i\ l rs . \\'es ley)

....... .' ...... . ... .. .... . . .... ... . . .... E ps ilon

Patton Prindibl e, Wi lmina Kelly (Mrs. J ohn ) De lt a


r.~~~~~~in,~~i ls';~ . ~~~~h .. - ~~~·:~ · .. -~- Ie.~l: .. r.ta

Pen Argyl Brong, Ruth, 302 Geo rge St. ........ L a mbda

Philadelphia Arn s th a lt, M a ri a n , 6159 N . 17th St. L a mbda Burke, Virg ini a , 401 W . R oosevelt Ave.

.. . .... . . . . ....... .. ... . . ............ . . L a mbda Coo ling, Be tt y R. , 2006 Stenton Ave. L a mbd a Daminger , Cora, 2021 D e la ncey S t. .. L a mbda Da y , Mi ldred Curry (Mrs. Fred eri ck ),

3617 Old York Rd ........ . . .... ... L a mbda F a beck , Ruth H ., 2026 66th A ve .. .. . L a mbda Fl eming, A lice, 5902 M as te r S t. .. .... L a mbda F le ming, Phy lli s Y., 5902 i\l a te r St. L a mbda Guili a no, G•·ace Ru therford ( i\lrs. John ),

6227 N . 17th St. .. . .... .. . .. . . . . ... . La mbda Hawkins, Jac Morton ( i\fr s. H a ro ld), 338

M eeh a n A ve ., Mt. Air y . ..... . .. Ze ta T au H ood , Eli za beth A., 7229 T a bor Ave. L a mb!la J enkin s, Claire, 5029 i\lorr is S t. . ... La mbda J ohn, Hildegard H.. 1443 '· 28th St. La mbda J ones, H e len, 807 Wind so r Squa re .. L a mbda K a ufm ann , Dori s E .. 5516 N . 6th St. L a mbd a K e nn y, Kathleen , B ., 1830 W . Atl anti c St.

. . . . . . . . . ........ .. . . . . .. . .... . .. ... . .. Eps ilon King, Cha rlotte E .. 4404 N . 8th St. .. L a mbda L illi e . Opal J on es (M rs. W . I. ) , 35 Be·

wick Rd ....... .. ........ .... .. .. ...... Alph a MacNea l, Sa ra , 1422 Shunk S t. . .. . .. Lambda R eed. Marga re t Gent e l (Mrs. Ch a rl es), 214

Borbeck St., F ox Chase . ......... . . Lambda Schw eikart , Lo is, 5233 T a bor Rd . . . . . L a mbda Sinc lair, Alice H esse r (Mrs. R obe rt ) , JJ OI

S. 49t11 St. .......... .. .. ...... .. .. ...... Ze ta W eimar , Ethe l , 200 Loney St .. F ox Chase

.... . ..... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... ....... L a mbda Za ph , Hel e n G. K ., 5454 L a n sdow ne Ave.

... .... ....... ... . .... . . ... . . . ....... . .. E ps d on Zimmerm a n , Cora , 551 U nruh St. .. .. L a mbd a

Phil ipps burg Carroll Dori s i\lattern (Mrs. D.). 514 Pine

St. . : . ... . ..... .. ... . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . ... Zeta Craine, Elizabeth , 324 lOth St ... .. . .. ... Ze ta T a y lor, Dorothy .. . . .. ... . .. ... . ... . . .. . . . Ze ta

Pitcairn H olshu , Ruth Arnold (Mrs.), 41 5 Cente•·

Ave. .. .. .. .. ...... ................ .. De lt a


Anderson, \-Vilma H a fer ( Mr . J a mes), 1416 P otomac Ave (1 6) ...... .... ...... ...... De lt a

Boyer, H e len I-Ier l it z ius ( Mrs. Robe rt ), 230 Princeton Ave., Wes t V ie w ........ Lambda

Crowl e y , Flore nce Pri ddey ( i\frs. J ohn ) . 1419 Macon Ave., R egent Sq ......... Ze ta

Ebe t-, M a r y, 202 S. B ra ddoc k A ve. ( E . E. ) . ... .. ...... . .... ... .. . . .. . ... . . . . ...... .. De lt a

Guc ke rt, i\f y rtl e T ay lor ( i\frs. Elm er ) , 3614 Wic k ershir e St., N .S ....... .... ....... De lta

Kiley , J ea n Moo re ( i\lr s. Ri ch a rd ). 446 S. Aiken St . ...... . ... . ..... . ....... .. . ... De lta

Kra mer , Eileen , 1313 Oa khill St. .. .... De lta L ee t y, A lice Mill er ( Mrs. Jac k ). 6320 Phd-

li ps Ave., Squirre l Hill .............. .. Ze ta McK enney, J ean. 1307 Alton St. .. .... .. De lt a Robe•·ts , Doroth y, 2337 Los Ange les A ve .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De lt a Robert s , Virg in ia, 2.137 Los An ge les Ave .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De lt a Sha wkey, L oui se utton ( i\f•·s. Ada m). 22

N . F a irmont A ve . ...... ...... .. ....... D e lt a Thorn . Sue i\font sie r ( i\frs. Clare nce) . 60

S. D a ll as St. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .... .. ... De lt a U tme r, El s ie M assey ( ~I rs . H . F .). 64 19

K entucky Ave. (E. E.) ...... .. ........ Delt a


W e tze l, Emm ie L ou, 546 Clemcsh a Ave. De lta Wh ite, M innie Lauderba ugh ( Mrs.), 420

Brownsvi ll e R d ., Mt. Oli ve r ... ... . . De lt a

Pleasant Gap Adams, E d ith Ril e ( Mrs. Cl yde) .... Ze ta Tuc ker, lll a r y R ile (Mrs. Willi a m ]. ) . . Ze ta

Plymouth F la naga n , M a r y, 142 High St .. .. ... L a mbda

Portage Patte r so n, J ea ne t te, 908 Ca ldwe ll Ave . . Ze ta

Port Allegheny W eller, Rose aege ly (Mrs.) . . . . .. .. EJlsi lon

Pottstown W a lt, Au re li a H ope, 43 E. 4th S t. .. .. De lta

Punxsutawney Gourl ey, A l ice, 509 N. P e nn St ..... . . De lt a Ha n ic k . Flora H a hn (M rs. Joseph) . 104

vVoodland Ave . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . ....... De lt a Ha wk. J osephine Stear ( ~lrs . Cha rl es) , 405

N . P e nn St . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . ... . ... . .... D e lt a Hill. Doroth y Go url ey ( Mrs.) .......... De lta J oh ns. Ma rion. 111 N . Mai n St. .. .. .. . . De lt a J ones, K a th erin e Kunt z (Mrs. B en) . 1022

W . lll a hon in g St . . . ... . . ... .. .... . .. . . . D e lt a

Quakertown Hedrick , P auline E .. 114 S. 7th St. .. L a mbda

Reading Nester, V io let. 1506 N . lOth St .... ..... Ze ta Os is lo. Anne Kowa lska (Mrs. J a mes) . 33 1

S. 7th St . . . . . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . . . ..... . . L a mbd a

Richfield Barne r, E lva Gt·ee n (Mrs. L ehm a n) . .. . Ze ta

Ridgeway l\I a n v ill e, Be tt y. 17 Church St . .... .... De lt a Shea s le y, E s th er , 218 Little A ve . . . .... Ze ta

Ridley Park De nsmore , Nata l ie, 110 Ches ter Pike L a mbd a

Ringgold H olbe n, Sara ... . . . .... .. . . .. ... . .. . . .. .. De lta

Rixford P a rk e r , Gertrude Dola n (Mrs. Theodo re)

..... . . . ... . . .. ........ . .. . .. . . . ... . .. .. ... Ze ta

Roaring Branch Ward , R uth .... . .. ... ... ... . .. .. ... ....... Ze ta

Roar ing Springs Camp. B a rbara E .. 697 R ooseve lt A ve. Delt a W h itma n, Dori s, 529 \Va l nut St. . ..... De lt a

R ockland Borl a nd. M a r y L oui se, Ve na ngo Co ..... Zeta

Roxborough Hoff , Ge rt ru de, 5908 H enr y Av e .... . L a mbda F a h y. Doroth y Kit sc h (lift-- . Willi a m).

Gett ys burg Rd . & Summit Ave ... Lambda St. Marys

Burde n , Eleanor Dunn (M rs. Al v in ) .... Ze ta Dunn, Grace ... . . .. ..... . ...... . .......... Zeta

Scottda le B a rk e ll. Emma J a ne, 402 hes tnut St. D e lt a

Seller sville Rausch e nbe rge r , Ruth D .. 24 Church S t.

..... . ... .. .... .. ......... . .... . ....... Larn hrla Sewickley

Fu m ess, ll il da N., 217 H aze l La ne .... D dt a

Shanksville Landi s, Anna . .. .. . . . . ... .. . .... ... . . . . . . . Zeta

Sharon Rome lfonger , M a rgaret Ca rpe nt e r (Mrs.

Oscar), 265 Euclid Ave ............. . .. . Zet a

Sheffield D u nn . Shirley Chri s te nse n ( M rs .) ..... . Zeta H inkley, R osa Lee .. . . . ... . .... . ....... . Ze ta

Shippensburg Se ton , F ra nces L e fev re ( lllr s. P a ul ) .. De lta

Smethport Ander so n . Dor is. R.R. 3 ... . ......... . . . Ze ta Lillibridge, Doroth y. 41 2 M ec ha nic t. .. Ze ta McG ui re. Alber ta , 202 Gree n t. ...... . ... Ze ta Ross. Grace Broo ks (M rs. Willi a m). 202 E .

Kin g St. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .......... Ze ta

Snow Shoe K e ll y, Agn es .. .. .. .. ............ ........ . Ze ta

Somerset B ittne .-. Da r y l Hec km a n ( i\lr s.) ...... De lt a K a n t nor. Lou ise, 156 E . a nn e r t. .... D el ta St ern, H a rri e t . . ...... . .. . . . . . ......... . De lt a

State College Ca ll e nbach. M a rgare t Mill er ( i\lt·s. E .) .

Gl en la nd A pts . .... .. .. .. ........... ... Ze ta Roan , E ve ly n Will iam s (1\lrs. H arr y). 908

\V . Bea n er A ve ... ............ .. .... ... Ze ta R obert so n , Anna llf ae Murph y (llft·s. ].

K enneth), Fos ter Court A pt .. .. . . . . . D e lt a

Steelton E ck e ls, J ea n , 1 N. H a rri s b urgh St ... .. D e lt a

Stewartstown H ewlett, M ary L oui se L e w is (Mrs. T. D .)

. . . . . ... .. . ...... .. . .. ... . .. . .. . . . .. . . . ... Ze ta M echtl ey, M ae Green (l\Ir I va n) . . . ... Ze t a

Stroudsburg All , l\I r s. Ca r ro ll. 1206 W. M a in ... Ze ta

Summerhill Plummer , M ildred .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . Ze t a

Swissvale Steffe y , Sa ra Scott (Mrs . ]. K en neth ). 900

Block , \Ves tmore la nd Ave ... ...... .. De lt a Tarentum

Bart e l l. Doroth y E ., 607 Corbe tt St. . . D el ta B e ll. Lou ise B irchfi e ld (Mrs. W a lt er) De lt a Ca ll s, J ean , 1113 H ighl a nd St. ......... Delt a

Tyrone Andre ws, M yrtl e . 501 \ V. 18th St . ..... . Ze t a Va n Scoyoc, I va M ae, 656 \Vash ington Ave.

.... ... . .. . ...... . ... ... . . ... .. . . . . .... . .. . Zet a Union City

Wil so n , Sa ra E .. 6 Cente r St. ........ E psilon Upper Darby

H a los, El a nor W yl ie ( ll!r s. George). 402 Broo kl y n Court Apt s .. B roo kl yn . ..... De lt a

P os tp ich a l , J acque line Gilmer (M r . A. ]. ) . 2003 Oa kmont A ve ...... . ..... ... . . .. L a mbda

\ Va tki n. E va, 35 H a rwood D r ........ L a mbda Vandergrif t

L a mphere, H arrie t . ........ . ............ D e lt a W arren

Kn a pp. Guineve re. 110 J ac k so n ' t ....... Zeta Ma it la n d. M artha. lOi N . a rver , t. . . .. Zt'ta

Ieve ns. Flore nce R eed ( Mrs. Al fred) . 20.~ Cre ce nt t. ...................... .. ..... Zeta

W a lt, Eleanor M cM a k in ( ll! rs.). R.R . I Zda


Warrendale Nesbit, Norma, T horn Hill Sch0o l

Washington Barton, Gladys , 349 Burton Ave ....... De lta Be on, l\largaret, 149 S. Wade Ave ..... Ze ta Curran, Marga ret . 58 i\IacKennan Ave. De lta Glass, Loui se Wh erry ( i\Ir s . J ohn) , 310 E.

Beau St ...... . . . . . ... . ... . ........... ... Delta

Waynesburg Phamah, A l ice tafford (Mrs. H enry). 195

Bowlby S t. ......... . ................. . Delta

Wellsboro Di ll man , J anet .......................... . Delta Rees, Ann P•·ice, 47 Pearl St. .... .. . . Delta

West Chester l\losteller, Ahce Ca rl so n (Mrs. Jame s) , 600

N. Frankhn St . ... ... . .. . . . .. ..... Lambda West Fairview

Davis, Clair, 209 Clay St ., Cumberland Co. ... . . ...... . .. ... . .. . . . . .. . . . ......... . .... Ze~

Davis, Earlene, 209 Clay St. , Cumber land Co .................................. . ..... Zeta

West Milton 1\leyers, Sarah . ........... . . ... . . ......... Ze ta

Westmoreland City Hart, J ean Rymer (i\hs. Alex) , c/ o i\Ir s.

John Rymer .... . .. . ............ ... . .... Zeta R ymer , Mary .. ................. ... ..... Delta

Wilawana B o uton, B etty ................ . . .... . .. Delta

Wilkes-Barre Trex le r, Anna , 2 Oxford St. .............. Ze ta

Williams burg Bidd le, Ruth H e nninge r (Mrs. i\lyron) .. Zeta

Williamsport Basta in, Marjorie, 829 W. 4th St ..... . . .. Zeta Belcher, Emma Lloyd (Mrs. Roy), 2218

W ebb St ........ ... . . . ... .. ......... .. .. Zeta Conn, Ruth, 905 vV ash ington Blvd ....... Zeta Dittmar, He len, 440 Tinsman Ave . ..... . Zeta Dyken s, J ea n , 950 2nd St. .............. Zeta Harding, E ll en, SO Ross St . ............ Zeta Lyons, Vera , 2238 W . 4th St ..... .. ...... Zeta M atchett, Martha Dice (Mrs . Robert), 2502

W . 4th St ............................... Zeta l\lcKean, Flora, 944 Funston Ave . ...... .. Zeta Montgomery, Virginia, 1221 l sabe ll a St. Zeta i\Ioore, Dorothy Bastian (Mrs. Theodore).

829 W. 4th St ........ .... ............... Zeta Plankenhorn , Virginia Cheesman (i\f ,·s . W.

F.), 1026 Mulberry St ................. Zeta P1·iest,_ Ma rga •·et, 342 Main St. , Sot~th

\Vdhamsport .... . . . .. . .................. Zeta R e ill ey , M. Esthe r, 331 Lycoming St. Epsilon Sande•·s, Violet, 620 Loui sa St .. ....... Zeta Selleck, Louise. 42 Maple Ave ........... Zeta

haheen Winifred Heim (i\frs. Ra ymond) , 324 Ho\vard St .. South V.' illiamsport .. Zeta

Smin k, Blanche Swope (M rs. Robert), 941 High St ... .. ............. . .. . ........... Zeta

Tallman Marianna , 832 Fun ston Ave . . . Zeta Thomas,'Helen, 1421 \Vashington Blvd . Zet a Tietbohl, Mary Ed la Miller (Mrs. John,

Jr.) , 638 H oward St., South Willi amsport, .. . ..... . ......... . ........ . ......... . .. . .. Zeta

\Vol£, El ea nor, 331 Lowe St. , South \Vi l-liamsport .... ..... . . ..... . . ..... ......... Zeta

\Volfe, Zelma Newcomer (Mrs .). 2345 Fair-v ie\V T e r . .... . ....... . ........ .. . ....... . Zeta

Wri gh t. Edith Morrison (M rs. Chades). 341 H astings Ave., South William sport . . . . . ... ... . .......... . . .. .... . .... ... ... . . Zeta

Yarrison, Dor is, 1525 Sherman St. .. . ... Zeta

Willow Grove Weigner, F lore nce Maginn (Mrs.) ... I .ambda

Yardley Conover, Polly Miller (Mrs. Herbert) , Sut-

phin Rd . .... ....... .... .. .. . ........ Lambda

Yeadon P a rker, Gertrude Lewi s (i\[•·s. Thomas), 829

Myra Ave .... . ........... . .. .. .... .. Lambda

York Yingling, Thelma, 952 S. Pine St. . . ... . Zeta

Zerbe Zerbe, Alberta ... . ...................... De lt a


lfaqler, 1viary An ness .. . . ..... . ... . Ze ta Tau


Ray , Jo Ellen H arrison (Mrs. Glenn) .... Rh o

Nashville Resnach. Elizabe th Marsh (i\frs. Phillip),

2609 Westwood Dr. . . . . . . . ... . ... Theta

TEXAS Austin

Ritte r . Edith ?l[un so n (i\frs . Armin ), 104 Lam·el Lane ....... ........ ......... ... .. Rho

Beaumont Anderso n , Henrietta vVa lrat h (Mrs. R. i\L ),

1095 McFadden ....... . . . ............ .. Alpha

Colorado City Custer, Thelma Davi s (Mrs. Charles) .... I ota

Commerce Qui nb y, Grace, Box 283 ........... . _ .. . .... Xi

Corpus Christi Joh nso n. i\Iarjorie Doby ns (Mrs. C. A. Jr.).

140 Shely St. ...... ............ .. ...... .. I ota

Dallas Duckworth. Mary June Saul s (i\Trs.

Char les), 1719 Maryland ................ Rho

Denison H ayden. ]\[a,·y Jane. 700 Owing .......... Rho Jenk in s. Juan ita D eni so n (Mrs. Haro ld).

318 E. Main ............................ .. Rh o

Electra i\foore, Charlene Shane (Mrs. J oe) ....... Rho

Fort Worth Gard nH, E. Claire Schooler (Mrs. Victor

K) . .. .. ... . ....................... .. . .... R~ London. Mary Grider (Mrs. D. N.) ...... Rho Paddison. Delores H oner (i\ lr s. Lou is J .

0.), 769 Samuels Ave. ... .. .. Tot a

Houston Buchanan. Dorothy D odds (Mrs. George).

4905 L a Branch St ............ ......... . B · ta Whitfi e ld. Ruth Ellington Ofrs. J ames). Rh o

Odessa O'Neill, .Alberta Town se nd C•frs. R .) ..... l\"u

Orange Tilley, i\Jary Ellen ... ... .................. Phi


Plainview McSwain . Dorothy Gentr y ( i\[r . Ch es ter)


Sherman Du lane y, Li ly H otchkin (1\ l •·s. B as il ) . c/o

Fi•·es tone Garage .. . . ... .. . .. . .. . ...... .. Rho

Wichita Falls Trotter , J ea n Sa u ls (Mrs. J ohn T . ). 1610

14th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rh o

UTAH Castle Gate

Bu rdi c k. Lili as . . . .. , . . . . . .. . . Xi

Scofield Gori s hc k , Ca ro lin a . . ... . . ..... . . ....... Xi

VERMONT Burlington

Sta pl eton . Gl ad ys F e n ner (Mrs. H erbert ) . 15 R obinso n Ct. .. ...... ........ .. .. ..... I ota

Montpelier Loc ke , A l ice R ead ( i\f r s . R a lph 1\ L). 23

R idge St. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ..Ze ta

VIRGINIA Alexandria

Gentry . Frances Willi a ms (1[r s . L yn n) . 110 Braddock R d. .. .. .. . Ze ta Tau

Amherst Rit cheson, M abe l L uc ill e .. .. .... .. Zeta T a u

Amonate Bl e v in s, Eli za be th .. .. House, Edi th W ag ne•·

Appomattox Burge . K a thr yn


. . . Omicro n

.. . Omicro n

. Ze ta T au

Gates . Doroth y K ill en ( Mrs. M erl e) . 133 S. Glebe R d. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Zeta

Bassetts Fraz ier. H e le n St eve nson (1frs. George) ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Om ic ron

Beaver Dam I sbe ll , Dori s .. . .. .. . Ze ta T a u

Bedford Br ya n , Fra nces .. . .. . .. . ..... . .. . .. . . Zeta T au

Bishop M us ta n l. M e l li e Casse ll ( i\[ ,·s. Barnes) .... .

. .... . ...... .. . ....... . .. .. . ..... . . ... Onticron

Blacksburg Austin. B e t sy .... .. .... .. .... .... ... Zet a T a n T ate, Jun e . . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . . . .... . . Omicron

Bluefield \Va rd e n , M ildred W hit ehead (Mrs. Ta mes

C.) .. .. . .. ........ . . .. . . .. . . . . ........ Omicron

Boydton Bland, N a ncy Goode .. .. ............ Ze ta T a u

Brownsburg Hosworth , Fa nni e . .. . ... .. .......... Zt~ta T a u

Buffa lo Junction \\' i ll iams. 1\1 il <lred Cha ndl e r ( ~ l r>. f. . Ra n-

dolph) . .... . ... . .. .. .. . ............ Zet a T a u

Burkeville Bos we ll , Cass ie .. ................ . .. Zeta Tau Lush , Anne P erry (i\lr s. Gl e n n ) .. .. Ze ta Tau

Cape Charles Long, Maria n Fitche tt ( 1\! r s . R a lph E.) .. .

.. .. ......... .... .... .. .... .. ........ Zeta Tau

Capron a un ders, N a ncy ..... . . . ... . . . .. . .. . Ze ta Tau

. Chase City _ • Goode, V. Bl a 1r .. .... ........ .... .... Ze ta Ta u

Chatham \\'hit ehead. Lou ise Anderso n ( i\ l rs. Hunt )

Omic ro n

Clarksville B a il ey. M a rga re t ... .. . . . . . . . ........ Ze ta T a u H ub ba r . L e 'o ir ........ .. .. .... ..... Ze ta T a u

Clifton Forge M aso n. M a rj ori e Lill y (11-11-s. L a wre nce) . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1icron

Covington Curfm a n . Lou ise Va nLear (M rs. \\' a lt er R .)

.. . . .. .. .. . . .. ...... . . . . ...... .. .. . .. Ze ta T a u Dav is . Luci ll e . Box 339 ...... ...... . Zeta T a u Dress ler. Ade la id e . . . . ..... Ze ta T a u Gre ig. Be tt y . Rosed a le ............. Zet a T a u W es t, M a r y Effinge r. Clear wa te r P a rk . . Ze ta

Crewe Ba ll . Fra nce F ari · (Mr . i\L Theron). 303

Oli n r A ve . .Ze ta T a u

Cumberland Cra wl e y . M arth a de . Ze ta T au

Danville Rob inso n. Lucy Thompso n ( i\frs. Fl ee t ) .. ..

.. .. .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. . . .... . . .. . .. . Ze ta T a u

Dorchester R e nf.-o, Eli zabe th .. .. . .. ..... Zet a T au

Draper P a inter. L oui se Croc ke tt ........... Zet a T a u

Drewryville P ope . F ra nces .... .... .. ........ .. .. . Ze ta T a u

Dumbarton mi t h. Yirgi n ia \\1 . • . • .•. • • • • ••• •• •• . Ze ta T au

Thomas, Fra nces . . . .. ...... . .. ... . . . Ze ta T au

Emporia K r ie nbaum , V irgi n ia Jordan (1\ f r . Bill ) ...

. . ....... . . . . . . .. . ..... . .. . ......... . Ze ta T a u Mc Dea rm on , J ean e tt e J ohn s ton (M rs.

H enr y) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. ...... Ze ta T au lbwlings. P a ige Magee (M rs. W. G. , J r .).

403 Southa mpton t. .. .. .. ......... Ze ta Tau

Farmville B edford. V irg inia Es tes, S tate T eache rs

Coll ege .. .. .. ........ .... .. ...... .. . Ze ta T a u Boo te n , M a rj ori e . S ta te T eacher s Co llege . .

. . . .. . .. . .. ... . ....................... Ze ta T a u Ca rson. Ju a nit a . . . . . .. . ... . ... . .... . Ze ta T a u Ni chols. 1\Ia r y P omeroy . 410 B eech t .. . ..

. . ... . .. . . . . ..... . . . ..... . .. .. .. . .... Ze t a T a u . mith . Eli za be th M orin g (1\frs. \\'. Ed-

wa rd ) .. . .. . ................. . .. . ... Ze ta T a u

Fincastl e l. yb roo k . J ane ...... .. .. . ............ Zt'la T au T. ybroo k. Johnn y ................... . Ze ta T au

Franklin Turne r, ~ l arga re t , "lny ... t .......... Zd :l. T nu


Galax Alderman, Irene, 310 Ca lhoun St . .. Ze ta Tan

Gloucester Rhod es, Merwyn Gathright (1\Irs. G. Sin-

clair) .. ... . . ............ . ........... Ze ta Tau

Gloucester Poin t Pfolsgrof, J a ne lllain (Mrs. i\!arce i).Zeta Tau

Hampton Hoyer, Anna (Moussa), 93 Hampt on Roads

Ave . .. . .. ...... . .. . .. . . .. . . . . ... . . . Zeta rrau Hoyet· , H e len , 93 Hampton Roads A_ve . r,

...... .. .. .. ..... . ...... .. ..... . . . .. .. Zeta I an Shaw. Gay Steiffen (Mrs. W . H.). 163 La

Salle Ave . ......................... Ze ta Tau

Harmon Harris, Irene Ft·encll (l\Ir s. Eve t·ette N .) ..

. .. . ............ .. ...... . ............. On1icron llla ssey, E l izabeth Linkous (i\ l r s. Ri chard)

. ............. ...... . ................. On1icron

Hold croft Avery, Chadotte ............... . .... Zet a Tau

Ivor Rawls , Mary Thomas ..... . ......... Ze ta Tau

Kenbridge Copley, Bernice ... . . .... .. . . .. .. .... Zeta Tau Dickerson, Alice Ferguson (Mrs. Wil son

Lambert) .. . .. . .. . . ...... .. . ... . .. . Zeta Tau Hawthorne , Katherine ............ .. Ze ta Tau

Lanexa Martin, J ean Bruce ................. Ze ta Tau

Lynchburg Davi s. Margaret, 701 Euc lid Ave ... Zeta Tau Peak, Eve lyn, 504 Clay St. . ... Zeta Tau \'latts, Helen, 3707 Nicholas St. .... Zeta Tau

Luray Meem, Buena Vi s ta Speake (Mrs . J, L., Jr.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ze ta Tau Spitler, Elizabeth, 144 South Court St. ....

.... . .. . ... .. . . .. .. .................. Ze ta Tau

McKenney Rives, Maud ... .. . ... ................ Zeta Tau Ri ves, Sally R oyster .... . ........... Ze ta Tau

Meredithville Evans, 1\Iartha lt·ene ......... .. ... . . Ze ta Tau

Norfolk Coates, Dori s , 700 'vV . Princess Anne Rd.

.... ....... . ........... . .... .. ..... . .. Zeta T a u Collings , Alfred L. , 532 Shirl ey Ave .....

...... . ............................... Zeta T a u Edwards, Abbye i\L, 37ll Co loni a l A ve .. .

.............. . ... ...... .......... .... Zeta T a u Goffigon, Virginia Bledsoe (1\Irs. Page N. ),

1326 Buckinghain Ave ... .......... Zeta Tau Little, Nell McArdle Newton ( Mrs. L. C.).

123 Laurel Crescent ....... . . ..... . Zeta Tau Smith , Marjor ie Goodwin ( i\Jrs . Oscar), 1307

\ 'li llow Wood DL ................. Zeta T au Stinson. Jamie Meadows (Mrs . Lavater} ,

2710 Bowe ns Ferry Rd .... . . . . .. . . . Omicron Webb, Virginia Rice (Mrs. Lewis W.), 5234

Edgewater Dr ...... . ... . . . .. . .. .... Zeta Tau \Vest, Jean S. W., Box 152-C, R oute 2 ....

...................................... Zeta Tan

Norton Roberts , Annette, 1040 Pine St .... .. Zeta T a n

Pamplin Gilliam. Coralee ............ .... .... . Zeta T a u

P etersburg Pritchett, Fra nces, 27 S. South St. . Zeta Tau Spinner, Judith , 302 Pi edm ont Ave., Colo-

nial He ights .. .... ..... .... ... ..... Ze ta T au Willi a ms. Ma t·y r,; ll e n, 143 Carroll Ave.

... ................... . . ...... ........ Ze ta T au

Portsmouth Bea ton, K a thr y n , I 06 Pre nti s Ave .. Ze ta Tau Brinkley, There ·a, 528 Broad St. ... Zeta Tau Cat·dw e ll , i\l a r y Lee Ma lbon (~ I rs . J ohn,

Jr.) , 522 Queen St. ................. Ze ta Tau Carney, Ru th , 308 North St. ........ Zeta Tau Can·oll, Fra nces, 558 Broad St. .... Zeta T au Dea ns, Dorothy, 930 B. St. .. .... ... Zeta Tau

'la jor, Han·iett Branch ( ~Irs. Robert L., Jr. ), 303 ol'lh St ... ............... Ze ta Tau

i\ loye t·, J ea n , 1702 Prenti s Ave ...... Zeta T au R a w! , Grace Vit·g inia Woodhouse ( Mrs.

lyde), 1048 Naval Ave ..... ...... Ze ta T a u Robert s , Ch a l'l otte Hutchins ( Mrs. Linwood

B.), 1100 Ann St . ............ ...... Zeta T au Sta nl ey, B etty, 300 Court t. ........ Ze ta T au Thomson, Mabe l H ayes (i\Ir s. Frank K. ),

326 Douglas Ave ..... ...... ........ Zeta T au Yelve r ton, i\l a ry Ethel Barnes ( ~Irs.

Ku!on), 431 Florida Ave ..... .... Zeta T au

P ulask i H erring, Eli zabe th H a ught (i\Irs. 'vVilli am

D.), R obin so n Apt. ................ Omic ron

Richmond Bail ey, Evely n , 2JJ North Bou levard .. ..

....... . . . ... . .... . ...... . .... .. . . . ... Zeta Tau Boo ker, Ophe li a, 2609 H a nover Ave .. Zeta T au Brigg, H e len , 2917 Seminary A ve .. Zeta T au Bugg, Bonn a lyn Avery (i\Ir s . Albe rt D. ).

4103 Forest Hill Ave . .... .. . .. ..... Ze ta T a u Burton , Mabl e, R.R. 1 .. ...... ...... Zet a Tau Che wntng, M a rga re t Pittard (Mrs. A. J .,

III), 2810 Kens ington Ave., Apt. 13 . . . .. .. . .. .. ............ . . ...... ..... . ..... Ze ta Tau

Cos te ll o, Carol , 211 5 Ha nover Ave .. Zeta T au oste ll o , Marguerite, 2ll j H a nover Ave . .. . . ..... . .. . . .. . ........... . ... . ... .. .. Ze ta T au

Fields, Lo is Jinkin s ( i\Irs. H erm a n R. ). 7109 Hor epe n Rd ......... .... .......... Zeta T a u

Harri s , Ada Moo re. 3301 Dill Rd ... Ze ta T au i\fan son , Mary K ather ine Ta y lor ( Mrs.

Campbe ll ), 4200 Cham berl yn A ve .. Zeta T a u Stuart, M artha von hilling (Mrs. \¥alter

D.) , 4508 Semina r y Ave ..... ...... Ze ta T au Turner , Anne, 1208 Bellevue Ave . . . Zeta T au Turne t·, Dori s Moore (i\[rs . J, L., J L), 704

W. 20th St ... .... ..... ............. Zeta T au W ebs ter. M a rgu erite Oyler (Mr .), 3223

vVoodro w Ave . ....... ...... . . .. . . . ... .. .. Et a

Roanoke Bowe n , Juli a Dalton ( i\!t·s. J a mes i\1. ) , 303

W eave r R d .......................... Omicron Gree ley, Charlotte, 104 Arbutu s Ave. S ....

. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ze ta Tau Hall , Louise, 209 Sherwood Ave ... . Ze ta T au Hall , N e ll , 209 Sherwood Ave . ...... Zeta T a u Hill, Se lma B etTy (Mrs . Scott). P .O. Box

55, Hedge Law n At>t. ....... . ...... Zeta T a u Lehmann , The lma Yost ( i\[r s . N . R.) . 436

Virginia Ave. N. R . ....... ......... Zeta T a u Oben shain , Sa lly P age , 1000 T errace R d ..

R a leigh Ct ...... . .. . ............... Ze ta T a u Turner, Lil a n, A van Rd .. R a le igh Ct. ... .

... ............. . ... . . .. . . .. .. ........ Zeta T au Yost, Sylvi a, 522 Virginia Ave. S.R . .. ..

. ........ .... . . . .... .... .... .. . .... ... Zeta Tau

Shawsville Si sson, Kate Ell en . . . . .. .... ........ . Omicron

Smit hfie ld Rry a nt. 'a ncy ...................... Zeta T au


South Hill Thompson, Agnes ......... . .. . .. .. ... Zeta T a u Thompson, Marie ... ... .... ... . ..... . Zeta Tau Turner, Mary B. Epes (Mrs . J. H. ). Zeta T a u

Suffolk Brandon , Faye, 107 Park Rd .. . . .. . Ze ta T au Bri n kle y, Virginia, 310 Cedar S t. . . Zeta T au Oliver, Eleanor Elizabeth ................ Chi

Tazewell Cruise, Louise French (Mrs. Theron) ..... .

· · · · ·. ·... . . ... ... . . ... ....... ... ... . On1icron

Union Level P owe ll , Lucie Ellen .. . ... .. ......... Zeta Tau

Virginia Beach Commings, Thelma Mae, R oland Ct., Apt. 7

... .. ... .. . ... . ..... ...... . .... . .... . .. . . D e lt a

Warm Springs Payne, Ernes tin e, Box 64 .. . ....... . Zeta Tau

West Point Donn e ll, Evelyn Claytor (Mrs.) .... Zeta T a u

W eyers Ca ve Ada ms, P at ti e J effe ri es (Mrs. Aubrey) . . ..

. . .... . ...... ..... . . . .. . ..... . ........ Ze ta T au

Williamsburg Finch, Thi argaret . ..... .. ..... .. .. .... Zeta T au

Woodford W as hington, Alice McK ay (Mrs. George) ..

......... . ..... . ...... ....... . .. ... . Zeta Tau


Boo n e, L ore t ta I rw in (i\Irs . H. R. ) , c/ o Naval H osp it a l . ................ . ..... .. Beta

Monroe Hathorn, Alice Judd (Mrs. J. A.), R.R. 2 .. Pi

Seattle Dimm, Alice P eck (!\Irs.), 7701 17th St .. ..

..... . . . . ....... .... . .. . ....... ....... . Gan1ma Etoff, Audrey Batche lder (Mrs. S .) ... Gamma Hoc um, 1 ora i\Ioulton (Mrs. Stewart), 240

32nd Ave ... .. .. .... .. .......... .. ........ 1 u

Spokane Edge, Grace Mulcah y (Mrs.), 1117 S. M c-

Clell a n ...... . .. . .. . . . .......... ... .. .. . . Beta

Walla Walla Gmseclose, !II able Leek 1 ider (l\[rs. Robert),

34 Boyer . .................. . ........ . . .. . Iota

WASHINGTON, D.C. Evertt s . Evelyn Hinkl eman (Mrs. R oy),

1343 29th St. S.E ., Apt. ~2 .............. Zeta Ge isl er , Doroth y, 2633 W ood ley Pl. ...... I ota Lacey, B eulah Bl a nk e nship (!\Irs. Clair E.),

2514 Sherrier Pl. N. W. .. .. .. ........... I ota Linder, Doro th y, 304 4th St. S.E .. . . . Lambda Stephenson, M el vin a ... . .. . . .... . . ... .... Rho Thornton, M a rga ret Wigg ins (Mrs. Victor),

305 N ewport Ave .. F r iendly P .O ...... D elta \\'a lk er , Domthy . 1499 Irving St. N.W .. Alpha


Lit e !, Haze l ............ .. ............. Gam ma

Appleton Embrey, Lilia n Webb (Mrs. !II. L.), 112 W.

Franklin St .............. ........... Gamma

Ashland Kendrigan, Allie M a rch (M•·s. J oh n) .... Beta

Ava lon Dean, Dorothy \ Vil cox (Mrs.) .. .... .. Gamma

Bowler Schmidt , Jane Groh (l\ [r s. 0. A.) ...... Alpha

E a u Cla ire Sands, Carol Berkey (!If•· .) .... . . . . . . Gamma

J a nesvill e Gree n, Phoebe l\IcManus (Mrs.) , R.R. ji3,

Delevan Rd ............. .. ........... Gamma

L ak e Beu lah Samphere, Florence Bowes (Mrs.) ... Ga mma

Ma n itowoc Schmidt, Nora H ., 2016 vVash ington St . ..

. ...... . ......... . .......... . .... . .. . .. Gan1n1 a

Milwa ukee Hinkamp, M a r tha R euter (Mrs. Grant), 2946

N . Prospect Ave . . . . ...... .. .. .. . .. . . Gam ma K och , Zoe W a ld ron (Mrs . A. A.) , 3242 N.

lith St. . .... .... . . ......... . .. . .. . ..... Alpha McGee, E d na P eck (Mrs. J ohn ). 2757 N.

Frederick Ave . . ........ . .. .. ... ... . . Gamma Mayer, Magdalen , 628 E. Knapp St., Apt. 6

. ....... . .. .... ........ . . ... .. . . .. ... .. Gamn1a Ovitz. Delia, 2964 N. Mary land Ave .. . Gamma Ri ce, Florence Gray (Mrs . Paul), 3450 N.

D owner Ave . .. . .. . .. ............... . Gamm a Sto iber. H e le n Chamberlain ( Mrs. !If.) , 1807

E. Oiive St .............. . . . ......... Gamma Stove•·, Ger trude Gray (i\f rs . H. B.). 3965 N.

Stowe ll Ave . ... . .............. .. .... . Ga mm a Wick, Annabell e Erdman (i\l rs .). 3204 N.

47th St ......... . ................. .. . . . Gamma

W aukesha Thurwacher, Carolyn Taylor (l\[r .). 323

McCa ll St. .. .. .. .... ...... ........ Gamma

Wauwatos a Ferguson, Edna , 1252 Kavanaugh Pl. .. Gamma H ammond, Ge rtrude Owen (Mrs. R. P.),

2016 U nd erwood Ave . .. . .. ... ... ... . . Gam ma Matso n , J eanette Meigs (Mrs.) . 1626 N. 70th

St . .. .... .. . .. . .. . . .. .. ...... . ......... Ga mm a St rickl er , H e len Perry (M rs.). 2211 N. 71st

St . .. ......... .. . . . . ............. .. .... Gamma

Whitew ater Graham, Orpha J ones (Mrs. Vi rgi l) , 1012

Conger St . . .. . ........................... l ot a


Bow lin g, Elizabeth Thornton (l\Ir s. J ames) ............ . . . ....... . ... ..... . . . .... Omicrotl

Carroll, l\Jae Hunter (l\Irs. Robert L.) .... ...................................... Otnicrotl

Charlton, Virg ini a ... . ............... . Omicron Cus hm a n, Virginia ................. . . Omicron Gatherum, H e len Bradley (l\J r s . R ober t ..

Jr .) .. . ............................. .. Omicron K anode, Elouise . .......... . ....... . . . Omicron K anode, Romaine .... .. ..... . ....... . Omicron Lilly, Lillyan ........................ Omicron L ill y , Ph y lli s ..... . ............ . ...... micron i\l cNe ill. Bula i\fct\rana way (l\[r ,. Meade)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n1icron


Perry, Rebecca . .. . ........ .. .... . .... Omicron Stone, Beulah ....... . . . . . ............ Omicron

Atkins Sexton, Corlette Smith (Mrs. Thom as) ....

· · ............. . . ...... . .. . .. ......... On1icron

Baker Ely , Georgia Pauli ne .................. .... Chi

B arna bus Browning, ~lildred .. . ..... ... .. ..... . Omicro n

Beckley Farley, Ruth , 87 S. Kanaw ha St. ... Omicron Phipps, Ferne Shumate (Mrs. Emmett), 39

2nd Ave ... . ...... . .. ... ............. Omicron Sarrett, Dess ie , 304 3rd St . . ......... Omicron Shumate, Ruth, 39 2nd Ave ....... . . . . Omicron Via, Opal Montgomery (i\lrs. Lewis), Wil-

liam St . ......... . . . .. . ... .......... . Omicron Worley, Jess ie Edra, 210 Elkins St .. Omicron

B ellepo int Jones , Elizabe th . . . .. . .......... _., .. Omicron

B er wind 1-. [ artin, Ire ne, B ox 42 .............. . Omicron ~lartin, Margaret Ann , B ox 42 ... . . Omicron

Bluefield Bailey, Helen, 1808 Jefferso n St. ... . Omicron Bailey, The lma, 1808 Jeffe rson St. .. Omicron Bailey, Virgini a, 2115 Wythe St. ... Omicron Croye, Pansy Holt (Mrs. Roy), 2317 R ose

St. . . .. . ... . .. .. .. .. ...... . ........... Omicron Godsey, Eileen, 71 Princeton Rd . .. . Omicron Johnson , Virginia , 800 College Ave . . Omicron Lindsey, Dorthea, 2118 Wythe Ave . . . Omicron Litz, Lucille, 416 Union St .. . . . ..... . Omicron Looney, Clara B e ll e H onaker (Mrs. Har-

old) , Washington St ............ . ... Omicron i\fahood, H enri e tta , 116 Cedar St. .... Omicron Mayberry, Margare t, R.R. I ........ Omicron Sm ith , Nina, 441 Un ion St. .. ....... . Omicron Tabor , Anne Bl evi ns (Mrs. Luke). 1004

Highland Ave ... . . ......... . ....... Omicron Udy, Gladys , 324 Parkwa y ......... . Omicron Wadkins , Maymie 1\larshal l ( l\Ir s. Bernard)

c/ o Mrs. J, W. i\[arshall, Bramwell Rd. . ... .... .. .. . ..... . ... . .. . .. . .... . .. .. Ornic ron

Whitlock , Marcella D ee, 309 P ear is St. .. .. . . . ... . .................. .. ......... On1icro n

Bolivar Butts, Catherine Full er .... .... ......... .. Chi

Buckeye McNe il l Madaline ... . .. . .. .... . ..... Omicron i\lcNe ill ; T eresa Bingham (Mrs. Addi so n)

............... . . . .. . .. . . ............. On1tcron

Burnwell Morgan, Anne Elizabe th ....... . .... Omicron

Canebrak e E ll iott , Edith . . . ...................... Omicron Elliott , Meda Ray ...... .. ....... _ .. .. Onucron

Caretta Cox, Mary A lyce J ohnston (Mrs . Guy),. ..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On11cron Waite, Lal lah Collier (Mrs. R a lph ) .. Omicron

Charleston Barton, Pauline Williams (Mrs. M ark),, 15

Piedmont Rd ... . . . . . . . ...... . ....... Onucron Donna ll y. Alberta , Vi ll a Route ..... Om.icron Hamilton, Jea nette Kyle (Mrs. L ee), Vtl! a

Route ..... . ...... . ...... . ........... Omtcron Sawyers, Mary S. Bea ne (Mrs. Bur l A.).

1623)1, Seve n th Ave ............... Omtcron

V.1illiams, l lva Thornton (Mrs. Thomas), P ennsy lvania Ave., South Charles ton .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1icron

Chatteroy H ofste tte r , K ather ine ................ Omicron

Clear Fork I-Iarvey, D o nn a Jean .. . ... .. ........ . Omicron

Coalwood Culler, Althea, Box 618 ............. Omicron

Crab Or chard Knapp , Lo is F ay (Mrs. Herbert), Box 949

... . .. ................ .. ........ ... .. . On1icron

Crumpler Bower, The lma .................. .... . Omicron

Davin Hinchm a n, Laura .. ........... .. .... . Omicron

D avy Bearre, Thelma Fay (Mrs . Mike) .... Omicron

Delbarton .Aiarcum, Irene ..... ................. . Omicron

Dutfie lds Hunter, Mary Christine ........ _ .... ...... Chi

Dunbar Davi s, Mary B. Johnston (Mrs. Edward).

815 Gras cup Ave ................... Omicron

East Ly n n Fry, Sadie ... .. .. . ...... ... ....... .. .. Omicron

Eckman Funk, Betty Talmadge .. .... . _ ...... Omicron \•Vhite, Julia ....... . .... .. ....... _ .... Omicron

E lber t Bagley, Mary Buta (Mrs. George Vv., Ill)

. . . . .. . ... . .. . ............ .. .......... On1icron

Fay etteville Crotty, Theda . . ... . . . ........... .. . . . Omicron

Ga p M ills Meacham, Mild red Appling (Mrs. Fra nk) ..

. .... , ............ . ................... On1i c ron

Gauley Bridge Meadows, Bernice Gun noe (i\lrs . Azel ) ....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1icron

Gerrards town Millard Elizabeth M ay ................... Chi Mill ard: J ean Lowe ....................... Chi

Glen D anie l Shumate, D orcie ........... . .... .. ... . Omicron

Glen White Pitotti, Ida ........ . ....... . ... . ...... Omicron

Gorman ia \~T inters , Gladys H offman (]\[r s.) ....... Delta

Green Sprin g Twigg, Marie Kathryn ........ . .... . . ..... Chi

H ansford Caldwell , Nita Griggs (i\lrs . J ack ) .. Omicron

H edgesv ille Hie tt, Lillie Bird alee ............ ......... Chi

H emphill Cox. Lillian J obe (Mrs. Joe). Tl ox 69.0micron Miller, Virginia J obe (Mrs. Cha rl es) .. ·: . .

. . ...... ... ..... ... ... ... .. ... ... . .. . . On11cron


Hiawatha Hal e, Rub y J a ne . ... .. . . ............. Om icron

H inton Conner, ~lar y Avi s H int on, 216 I\Iain St.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1icron H olor yd , Eveline Brown ( l\lrs . Samuel) . ..

. ... . ............................ ..... On1icron H ova tt er, M a r y Ellen . 212 5th Ave .. .. ... .

.. ... ... . . . . . .... . . ..... .. ... . ..... . .. On1icro n Mil ler , Geraldine F ox (l\lrs. William ) .. .. .

..... . .. . ... .. . ... .... . .... . .. .. . . .... On1i cro n

Huntersville D e v e r, Bly Anne . . .. .... . .. . .. . . . ... . Omicron

Laeger Brown . Anna M a rgaret Hurd ( Mr . George)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1icro n Callaghan, Ruth Wynne (i\l rs. W illi am).

Box 94 ..... . ...... .. ............ . ... Omicron Ke ith. Gladys .. . .... .... . . ..... .. .... Omicron Litton, Doroth y L idd le (Mrs. Brady) ... .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otni c ron 'Tate, He le n Ja ne t .. . .. .. ... ......... . Omicro n

Independence Rogers . Lo ui se .. . ..... . .. .. . . ... ... . . Omi c ro n

Inwood Grove, Katharin e T enn y .... . . . ........ . . . Chi

Jenkinjones \ :Vhite hea d, B e rn ice ..... . ... . . . ... . . Omicro n

Kellysville Stauffer, Allie Whitlow (Mrs. Oti s). Omicron

Kermit Ostros ki , Deane Donohoe ( Mrs. J ohn) ....

. . ......... . . ...... . .. . . ... .. . . ....... On1icron

Keyser Shoc key, Margare t Elo ise, 138 D St. ..... Chi

Keystone P a is , Irma .. . ... .. ..... . ...... . . ..... . Omicron Thompso n, Arl e ne . . . .. . . .......... . . . Omic t·on

Kimball Amici , Virginia M arine l la ( i\lrs. Amaday)

............ . .. ... . . . ........... . .. . .. 01nicron H urt , i\I e lba ........ .. .... ........ . ... Omicron Hurt , ~1uri e l .. . . . .. ... . . . ....... . ... . Omicro n Hur t , i\lyra ..... . .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .. . ... Omicron P ochick , Linda Frigo (Mrs. Da n) ... Omicron

Lego Kidd , N e ll Gunter (Mrs. Richard) .. Omicron

Lillybrooke Cook, Hele n Cheere ( Mrs. Norvill e). Omicron

Logan R ice, Kitty Bowling (Mrs. J a mes), c/o

St a nd a rd Oil Co .. . . .... . ... ........ Omicron

Longacre Ke rn s, J u lia DeLozie r ( i\Ir s. Lawrence) ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otnicron

Martin burg Chapma n , B ertha Ali ce, 806 V irg ini a Ave .

.. . . . ............. . .... .. . . ..... . . ......... Chi Fritt s . E l iza be th Lee, R .R . 4 ..... ... .... Chi Smith, Marga ret L oui se, 314 N. M ap le Ave .

........ . ... . ........ .. ...... . ... . .... . . ... Chi Smith , Wanda Loui se, 121 St r ine Ave .... Chi

Mat oaka a lfee, Ann Barbery (Mrs. Lawre nce). c/o ~ l at oa ka H ote l . .......... .. . .. ..... Omicron

May berr y .Barna , Anna .. . ........ . . . .. . . .. a ••••• Omicron

Montcalm Graves, Frances .. . ..... . . . . ......... . Omicro n Love rn. M vrt le De Losie r ( Mrs. J ohn) ....

.......... : .. ..... . . ....... .... .. ..... On1 ic ron

Moorefi eld Dola n, June .. ... . .. . ......... . .... . .. ..... . Chi W ilson, J a ne t Xantippe . .. . ....... . . .. . . . . Ch1

Mt . Hope Ball , Gula Hal s tead ( Mrs. Virgil) .. Omicron

Mullens Brown , Thelma Brown (i\lrs.) . .... . Omicron Karme n , Madge R as na ke ( l\lrs. Louis). Box

27 1 . . . ... ..... .. . ........ . ......... ... Omicron i\lc Nutt, Claudine Spangler (Mrs. H arr y) ..

...... .. ....... . . . .. . ...... . .... ... ... Omicron

N eedmore Ha wse, Nell ie P a uline ...... .. ... . ... . . .. . Chi

Nor thfor k Crotty. Eli za be th .. . ...... .. . .. ...... Omicron Ruff, M y rtle Carr (Mrs. Edgar B .) .. Omicron

e ligman. Lenore ... ...... .......... . Omicro n he lton , Eli zabet h . . ................. Omicron

North Mountain Lingamfe lter, Av a lo n Loui e ............ . Chi

Oakhill B a limgardner, Lillian Moses ( i\lr s. J. Au ·

burn) ... . . . . ... ..... . .... ........ .. . . Omicro n lll oses, l\l argaret D av i (lllrs. Tracy).Omicron

Oa k vale Joh ns ton. Mildred H earn e . . .. ... .... Omicron

P a rkersburg Da n ie ls, H e le n Knott . 528 5th St. . ... .... Chi

Peach Creek P erry, Ju a nita . . ..... . .............. . Omicro n Perry, usan .. ..... ...... .. .. .. . .... . Omicron

Petersburg South erl y, Lilli a n E s ther ............... .. Chi

P et erstown Symm s, Evelyn .. . ................. . . . Omicron

Pren t er Bro wn, Anna l\Ja e ........... . ...... . Omicro n Morga n, Eloise Fry ( Mrs. Grover) .. Omicron

P rincetown B arbet·y , L oui se .... . .......... .. . ... . Omicron Dudley. Iris . ....... . .. . ... . ....... .. . Omicron Hunter, K e nnie, 1600 Honak e r Ave ... Omi cron Lambert, Beryl W oodroof ( l\Irs . R ay). 917

1V[ erc er St. ..... . . . . . . . ............. . Omicron Miller, Mill icent, 1105 S. 9t h St. . . . Omicron Morgan, Elizabe th T ay lor . 20 College Ave.

........... . . . . .. .. ....... . ... ..... ... On1 icron Richards. Anne . 717 Highland Ave . . . Omicron Richards, Josephine. 717 Hi gh la nd Av e . ...

.. ..... ... .... . ....... . . . . . ... .. .. . ... On1icron R orrer , Josephine Lilly ( i\l rs. D aniel). 1901

M a in St ............. . . . .. ... ........ Omicron Tuggl e . H aze l, Box 511 ... . .. ... .. . .. Omicron \\"a llingford, Ali ce 225 Center t .. .. Omicron

R ain elle l3rew ter. M ar ie \ \"a lker Clfr . . M arion).

East R ai n e ll e .... ..... .... . ..... . .. Omicron

R en ick H an n a. Jayne .rey .... . . ......•.... . Om ic ron


Rock Hancock, E l izabeth ............. ..... Omicron

Romney Potter, Sarah Catherine .............. . ... Chi

Sandstone Fox, Gladys Ca les (Mrs. J ohn) . .. . .. Omicron

Scarbro F les hma n , He le n Moses (1\I rs. Fred) .Omicron Vento, Luci ll e llloses (Mrs. Dan ie l P. ) ....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1icron

Sharples Effler, Gladys . ... . ..... . .............. Om icron

Shepherdstown Cree, Sara H e len .................. . ... .. . . Chi Cross, i\Ieda Kearney . ....... . . . .... ... . .. Chi Hodges, Katherine ... . . .. ... . . . . . .. ..... . .. Chi

Sophia i\IcVey, Belva Farley (i\Irs . Earl) .. . Omicron

Stanaford Lindl ey, Mary .. . ........ . _. .... . . . . .. Omicron

Sterr at Lowe. Sarah Ann Dower (i\rrs. Frank) ....

...................................... Omicron

Summit Point Keen, i\rar y Stuart ..... .. .. . ............ . Chi

Switchback Joh nson. Channie .................... . Omicron Ka luk , ~1ary . .. . ........... . ...... . . . Omicron

Union Young, l\Targuet·it e . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . Omicron

War Buckberry. Lilly W olste ncro ft (l\rrs. J oseph

W .) , W a r H ot el Annex .. . .... . . .. . Omicron Harl ess, Ruth Cruise (i\rrs. Seibert).Omicron Rhineh a rt . Virginia Linkou (Mrs. Ed·

ward), Hundl ey Apts .... ........... Omicron

War Eagle Cli ne , lar ice Oakes (Mrs. Toney) .. Om ic ron

Welch Bero, H e len . ........ . . . .. . ... .. ...... . Omicron Bivens, Ruth ... . ... .. ............... . Omicron Caprossi , Lena Bary (Mrs. Domenick L.) .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On1ict·on Cox , Betty Gat·rett . . . . . . . . .. .. Omicron Pendl eton, Elizabe th Belcher (Mrs. Guy

M.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . Om ici'On P erald o, Clara, Box 887 .. . ........... Omicron Preston, Virginia .. ... . .. . .. . . ... . . .. . Omicron

Whitesville Gunnoe, Helen McNeer (Mrs. Garth) ......

. . .. . ..................... . ... . ...... . Omicron

Winding Gulf Cook, Ina R ing (M rs. Harr )') .. . ... Omic ron


Harrell, Wilma Knowles (Mrs. 0 . B.), Box 21 ........ . ...................... .... ..... I ota

Cheyenne W agge, Laura Mae Blake (i\frs. H .), 512 E.

19th St ...... .......... ................ .... Nu

Fort L ar a mie Clark, Gene .............. .. ................ Nu

Gillette Vo lkman . Anna Faye Barngrove r (i\Tr s. W.

E.) . ..... ... ................... . .......... ~~

L a nd er Sherlock, i\farie ...... . ............... .... .. N u

Thermopoli s Flint, Iary .................. ... . .. ... .. ... Nu

AFRICA L iber ia , Mon rovia

Lotz, Marguer ite Yoos (Mrs. Arthur W .), Firestone Pl antatio n .. . .. . ......... . .. Delta

ALASKA Nunivah I s land

Ste wa•·t. Mary Wor ley (Mr . Dale) . . L;psi lo"

CANADA Montreal, Que bec

J ohn son, Adah Platt (i\Irs. C. F.), 4853 St. Cather ine St. E. , Viauville ......... ..... Xi

'Wise, Katherine Kramer (Mrs.), 5880 Cote St., Antoine Rd. , N.D.G .. .......... ... Delta

Oshawa, Ontario Harding. J eannette Butenschoen (i\Irs. A.

W .). 22i S imcoe St . S ................. Alpha

Vaucouver, B .C. Octeson. Edna Boyd (Mrs. i\L). 4621 B elle·

view Dr., Point Gt'ey . . . . . .Gamma

INDIA Barud Khana, Lucknow

Joardar, Grace Challis (Mrs. N. G. D .) , AII>h a


Young. Mildred Shafer (Mrs. '- D. ) . F ort Mills ............. . . ... . ............... Alpha

PUERTO RICO Sa nt urc i

Auld, .Maxine Min1s (i\rrs. R obert) . Cres· . cion• Apts .... .. ....... . . .. ... . .. . ......... P1

ALPHA r\hre t, Lilli a n H a ll (Mrs.

Albe rt ) Baer, Emma , '03 Barre t, J a ne R a thbun (Mrs .

L. P .) , ' 12 B ergegrun , Dr . K a th er ine ,

' IS Bra ve nder. Grace. '25 Brown, B e rnice Bla nchard

( i\Irs. W. B.) . ' 14 Brown, L ydia P owe ll (i\Irs .) .

'22 Brown , V io le t , '03 Cameron. i\I ario n Whip ple

(Mrs. D avid). '16 Carpenter. D oroth y. ' IS Chase, M abl e . 1899 Cooper, Donn a Morto n (Mrs.

G. E.), '07 D e l l. B e rth a . '08 D olph. H e le n. 'II DutcheL Ruth, 1899 Ell io tt , Ethel Sober (M rs.

Geo.) . '06 Erickson, Evelyn. '29 F ordyce. M a rgaret Holli s ter

(Mrs. H . A. ) . '06 Giddings, Mary Monroe , '01 Gepha rt. May. '00 Gmff, Ruth Barlow (Mrs. W.

B .), ' 18 H ade n, Ca ther ine \Vil ey

( Mrs .) , '30 H a le, Ruth . '04 Hoffma n, Ire ne. '28 J ohn so n. Caro line . '27 J olly , Mabe l Pitt s (?lhs. C.

E .), '01 K e lley, J ea nette Gray ( i\Ir s.

Roy), '02 Lucas, H e le n. '28 Mathews, Rub y Haze n ( i\lrs.

R . H. ) . '04 i\I cCa nd les , P a ulin e Bentley

(i\Irs. J. R. ) . '26 Mc Do na ld , Kat e, '06 M c Dona ld. Wini fr •d Emens

(ll f rs . J a mes). '22 ~IcCe llar , ~ ~ yrl D esNoyer

( i\Irs. Michae l). '12 1\ fc Lea n, Loui se Ai gre ll e

( Mrs . i\I. C.). 'OJ M ei l, Marga ret \Voodworth

(Mrs . . C.), '08 Mill er. D onn a Phillips

( i\frs .) . '06 Oram, Myrtle , '01 Roberts, e tti e, '24 Schmidt, Winifred Loo k er

( i\Ir .). '12 Smith , i\Iame Giddings

(1\f rs .) , '02 n yder. Dorothy Seyde ll ( Mrs .), '27

Sorenson. Frances 'N eed ( llfrs. Carl). ' IS

Stallery, 1\'[arga ret, '05 Stevens. Luci ll e Smith (Mrs.

Edward), '09 Taylor, J ea n Ruth \Vard

(1\ft-s . Clyde), '27 Tracy, Maye ne, '00 Van De n B o ch, H arri e t, '0 1 Whee ler , B er th a O'Dell

( llfr . H aro ld ), '07 White , Flor a R ega l ( [rs.

Do na ld). '11 Wil cox, b e lla W a lton

( l\l rs.), '28

NO ADDRESSES Williams, J a ne B e nne tt

(Mrs. W. K.) . '07 W oodford , I va . '23 Younglove, Harri e t. '32 Zimmerman , Donna ~:loine

(Mr . 0.), '21

DELTA Chamberlain. i\faric D a ,·is. Margaret Hatcher

(i\J rs.) Forbes, Haze l K . Galer. M ar jori e Huffma n , Edith W orkman

(M rs.) K e ll er, Evelyn K e ll y, Elizabeth Ril ey. France Wil so n, Sara Zimm ers. Loui e Seeds

( M rs . D av id F.)

EPSILON Humme l, M ary E. Kirk , Ruth C. Munn, Luc ill e Blatchford

(i\f rs.) P ark , Le ta E . R esto fs ki. Anne L.

a nderson . E1 izabeth Stm·ges, Edythe E.

ZETA Caldwell, Charlotte, '31 H ammitt, Edna Fitzsimmons

(1\Irs.), '25 Hintsi nge t-, Anna Mae Lan·

di (Mrs. 1\f. E.), '24 King, M a rion Hudson (M rs.

Thomas Carl ton). '35 Lynch, Virginia H arnish

( Mrs. Arth ur). '26 1\lill er, M a ry Nason (i\Irs.

Ed. ), '26 R a ymond. M ary, '27 Troxe l, Althea. '35 \ Vin s low. ~Iargueri t e

Gsch we ndtner (i\hs.) . '26 Youtz, T eresa , '21

THETA Akroyd, El sie Brown, Lou ise Bubel, M ery l Butl er, K ath erine , '27 Childer s. Virg inia D avey , Doro th y Fortain, R eba Gardner. H aze l Gleis. M argaret Graham, Beatrice Hilton , H e le n Lang. Luci ll e Lappay, Irma Lingo, M a r y M acK e lean l\Ia rkey, M argare t l\JcCiure, D oro th y Nie lson, Ruth N axo n , 1\f a rgaret \\'a ! ters

( M r . H erbert ) Owen, Jea nette Quin , J ea ne tte Qucnnei s, K at herine S'chul z, Luci ll e

ieler, H e le n

Smith , Virginia Thomas, Jane

IOTA Brace. Mary Shupp ( l\Irs.

P a ul H.) Butler. L eeta Connell. Eva Bigham (1\[rs.

L. S.) \Villis. Lena Brandom


LAMBDA Behme. H e le n Bower, P o ll y E y non ( l\Irs .

R o ll e) Casselberry, Betty Shutts

( Mrs. H enry ) Flexer, Mary P e ters (1\Jrs.

George) H o lcroft. Charlotte C rumm

(1\[rs. Thomas) K oehl er, M abel L a w son, M ary Breen ( l\Jrs.

Arthur) Monroe , N. Elizabeth 1\ [ood y, Ruth Ra ina, Lorraine Truitt, K itt y Noble ( l\I rs.

L. B.)

RHO Pitts, M ay Sallee Fry, M ary Loui e Ne lms

(1\lrs. Orville)

NU B ay les, Virginia. '28 Broma n, Ebba . '30 Crut chfi e ld, Ferne Elfeldt

(Mrs. C.). '28 Calhoun, Doro thy, '28. Di xon. Hele n Schuster ( :\Irs .

Dudley), '28 Ellis, Virginia. '34 Ebe l. Katherine. '37 Fowler, I va. '29 Gra ham, D oro th y. '33 Graham. M argaret. '33 Hic km a n, Leona D e lores. '34 Hum phrey, Alice Strelesky

( i\frs. S.) H arri s, Theda Morris (Mrs.).

'38 :Manning, Louise, '29 M ayne, Audrey. '31. M ayne, Rub y, ' 30. 1\lille r , J ean ette, '30 1\lcR obert s. Ellen. '33 Mit che ll. 1\Ta urine 1\l yers, Ruth Evans C\Ir .) .

'30 Nessler, Alice L .. '33 Oh mes, W ane ta D eForest

(Mrs. J oh n). '2 Pla tt, H aze l , '30. P otte r, Alice Pl att (1\I rs. C.) .

'28 Richardson. D ai y Gair

(1\Irs.). '29 ilvey, Frances Thompson ( Mrs.)

Smith, Ru th Pinkston Oir .) Vincent, Betty \\' ilmes, N ancy M cLinden

( ~fr .)

XI O!le, Grace '33

SIGMA Bailey, Edna Clark (1\Irs.

Fred) Campbe ll , Hele n Bruce (Mrs.

Edward) Coonradt, Catherine, '34 E l li s. Margaret F erris , Sarah H a ley, Doris


Mil le r , 1\[a rgare t , '23 Minkler, Althea Singl e ton,

'24 Owe n , E lma J. Ri ce. An ge line. '29 R ob in son , Ruth Oe l\Iond

(Mrs. R ay), '33 Roche, Virginia, '32 Sampson, Glad y Lull (Mr" .

Hoss T .), '26


Stan g, M artha Viquesney , Eugeni c Mac

B a in (lllrs. Burton W .), '25


Sanders , W oodrow (Mrs. ) Winn , Maxine Mill s (Mrs.

H enry)



President .. .. . .. .... . . . ......... . ....... ........ Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha) 481 T orrence Road, Columbus, Ohio

Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing : Miss Dorothy Stadler, 642 E. 115 St., Cleveland, Ohio .. . ............. (Eta) Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln St., Johnstown, Pa ............. . ..... . (Zeta) Mrs. S. C. Robinson, S119 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo .............. (Pi ) Mrs. Meade McNeill, Athens, W.Va ... .. ... .. ....... . .. .... .... (Omicron)

A.E.S. R epresentative . . .... .. . .. . .. . . . .. . ...... . ... . .. . Miss Edith Mansell (Beta) 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich.

Secretary ... . ........... . ..... . .............. .. Miss Mary Jane Manchester (Eta) 11 McLean , Highland T owers, Highland Park , Mich.

Treasurer ..... ... ...... . .... ... . . . .... . . ..... . ..... Mrs. Adrian Ridderhof (Zeta) 16502 Blackstone, Detroit, Mich.

Editor ...................... . ....... . .. ... . .... .. .. Mrs. Jus tin G. Doyle (Theta) Peekskill Military Academy, Peekskill , N.Y.

Chaplain and Historian ............. ....... . . ..... Mrs. W. Leon Mason (Zeta Tau) Route 3, Portsmouth, Va.


Awards Committee ....... . . . ............. ... . .. ... . Mrs. R. S. MacDougall (Zeta) College Glen Dr., Lock Haven, Pa .

Examination .. . . .. .. ... . ...... . . . .. .. .... .. ...... Mrs. Carmen S. Delaney (Theta ) 1251 Glynn Ct., Apt. C-6, Detroit, Mich.

Scholarship Loan Fund . . .. .. . . . ................ Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma) 673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo , N.Y.

Life M embership .. ... ....... . ..... . ..... . ...... . .... . ... Mrs. Howard Dall (Iota) -+22 Rural St., Emporia, Kan .

Song-Book ...... . . .............. _ .... .. ... . . ... . . ... Mrs. Austin Perrine (Alpha) 1001 Dupont St., Flint, Mich.

Program .......... . . . .......... .. .. ..... ...... . ... Miss Mary Alice Seller (Iota) 91-t Merchant St., Emporia, Kan.


Chairman ............................ .. ... Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

Secretary ......... . ........ ... ... ....... .. .. . . Mrs. C. P . Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma 1503 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio

Treasurer . .. . .. .... .... . . .............. . . Mrs. Robert S. Hill , Delta Sigma Epsilon 816 Columbus St., Rapid City, S.D.

Director of Local Panhellenics ......... . . Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon 123 West Tulpehocken, Philadelphia, Pa.

Chairman of Eligibility atzd Nat ionalization ..... Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park , Mich.

Chairman of Publicity ....... . .. .. ........... . . . Miss Mae Wartield, Pi Delta Theta Administration Bldg., Allentown , Pa.

Chairman of Intersororit y R elationships .. Miss Mabel Lee Walton, igma iama iama P.O. Drawer 108 Clermont, Fla.



ALPHA (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti , Mich . President- Florence Bowers, 2308 Holmes Rd., Ypsilanti, Mich. Corresponding Secretary- Laurabella Wileden, 425 Perrin, Yp3ilanti , Mich. Editor- Laurabella Wileden , 425 Perrin , Ypsilanti , Mich. Adviser- Mrs. R. B. Bates, 20 S. Normal, Ypsilanti, Mich.


Alumn::e Representative-Margaret Pollock, Bloomfield Hi crhlands, Pontiac, Mich.

BETA (1905-1917; 1940)-Central State Teachers' College, Mt. Pleasant , Mich. President- Kathleen Walcott, Ronan Hall , Mt. Pleasant , Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Corinne Watson, Ronan Hall , Mt. Pleasant , Mich . Editor- Cathryn McConnell, 1026 Main St ., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Adviser-Mrs. Malcolm R. McCrea, S.T.C., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Alumn::e Representatives- Mrs. Claude Larzelere, 405 High St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich.

Maxine Dellamater, St. Johns, Mich .

GAMMA (1909-1913)-State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumn::e Representative-Mrs. R. P. Hammond , 2016 Underwood Ave., Wauwatosa,


EPSILON (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda 1926) - Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.

Alumn::e Representa tive- See Lambda Chapter.

DELTA (1916)-State Teachers' College, Indiana, Pa. President- Lois Teeter, 21 Clark Hall , Indiana, Pa. Corresponding Secretary- Alma Steininger, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. Editor- Peg-gy McCaffery, 50 Clark Hall , Indiana, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. Alumn::e Representative-Miss Betty Weaver, 1235 4th Ave., Ford City, Pa.

ZETA (1921) - Lock H aven State T eachers' College, Lock Haven, Pa. President- Dorothy Sheasley, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Esther Sheasley, S.T .C., Lock Haven , Pa. Editor-Marguerite Wiedhahn, P.O. Box 542, Lock Haven, Pa. Adviser-Dr. Edna Bottorf, S. T . C., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumn::e Representatives-Mrs. W. F. Plankenhorn , 1026 Mulberry St., Williams­

port, Pa.; Mrs. Dale Allen, 123 Summit, Lock Haven, Pa.

ETA (1927-1939) - Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Alumn::e Representative-Ruth Merrick, 143 1 Rosewood Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

THETA (1923)-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President- Ruth Miesel, 1980 Tuxedo, Detroit, Mich . Corresponding Secretary-Nan Hartman , 12067 Manor, Detroit, Mich. Editor- Marguerite Bernard, 1333 W. Grand Blvd ., Detroit , Mich. Adviser- Dr. Gertha Williams, The Wardell, 15 E. Kirby, Detroit, Mich. Alumn::e R epresentative-Mrs. T . W. Briggs, 11072 Wayburn Ave., Detroit, Mich.

IoTA (1923)-Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kan. President-Irene Stevenson, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan. Corresponding Secretary- Rosemary Haslouer, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan . Editor-Mildred Graber, 1006 Constitution, E mporia, Kan. Adviser-Miss Helen R . Garman, 105 W. 12th St., Emporia, Kan. Alumn::e Representatives-Mrs. Fred R . Griffith, 1520 Market St., Emporia, Kan .;

Le Royce Downing, Scott City, Kan.

KAPPA (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Alumn::e Representative-Isabel Finkbine, 50-1 Ross Ave., H amilton, Ohio.

LAMBDA (1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. President-Phyllis Fleming, 5902 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary- Lila Todd, 214 Mabash Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Editor-Betty H ood, 7229 1'abor Ave., Philadelphia, Pa . Adviser- Mrs. Ethel H . Kirby, 1917 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnre Representatives- E linore De Cou, 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, .J .:

Mabel Schreiber, 37 W. Winona Ave., Norwood, Pa.


Nu (1928-1940)-Colorado State Colle)!e of Education, Greeley, Colo . Alumnre Representa tive-Pauline Allen, 930 Logan, Denver, Colo.

XI (1929-1933)-Western State Teachers' College, Gunnison, Colo. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Elizabeth M. Osborne, Box 8~5 , Gunnison, Colo.

OMICRON (1930)-Concord State Teachers' College, Athens, W.Va. President- Lucille Litz, Box 37, Athens, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary- Mary Ellen Hovatter, 809 Highland Ave., Princeton,

W.Va. Editor- Juanita Perry, 113 New Wing, Girls' Hall, Athens, W.Va. Adviser- Mrs. Robert L. Carroll, Athens, W.Va. Alumnre Representative-Romaine Kanode, Athens, W.Va.

PI (1930)- Harris Teachers' College, St. Louis, Mo. President- Marilyn Kilburg, 735 Tuxedo, Webster Groves, Mo. Corresponding Secretary-Marie SurKamp, 1516 Kienlen St., St. Louis, Mo. Editor- Joanna Barnes, 724 . Florissant Rd ., Ferguson, Mo. Adviser-Miss Edith Glatfelter, 4720 N. 20th St., St. Louis, Mo. Alumnre Representative-Virginia H erron, 1702 Wagoner Pl., St. Louis, Mo.

RHo (1932)-Southeastern Teachers' College, Durant, Okla. President- Dorothy McNutt, 1018 West Main St., Durant, Okla. Editor- Jean Easton, 902 N. 6th, Durant, Okla . Corresponding Secretary-Ann Cotner, 902 . 6th, Durant, Okla. Adviser- Miss Irene Scrivener, 902 N. 6th, Durant , Okla. Alumnre Representative-Kathleen Kelchner, 617 W. Elm St., Durant, Okla.

SIGMA (1925)-State Teachers' College, Buffalo, N .Y. President- Marjorie Peirce, 503 W. Delavan Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Corresponding ·Secretary-Kathleen Goodman, 66 Ransom St., N. T onawanda , N .Y. Editor- Doris Waterworth, 95 Pooley Place, Buffa lo, N.Y. Adviser-Dr. Margaret S. Quayle, 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, .Y. Alumnre Representative-Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

ZETA TAu (1935)-State Teachers' College, Farmville, Va. President-Faye Brandon, Box 428, Farmville, Va. Corresponding Secretary- Marie Thompson, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Editor- Nancy Saunders, S.T.C., Farmville , Va. Adviser-Miss Virginia Bedford, S.T.C., Farmville, \'a. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. W. Leon Mason, Route 3, Portsmouth, Va.

UPSILON (1935)-State Teachers' College, Conway, Ark. President- Lucille Evatt, A.T .C., Conway, Ark. Corresponding Secretary-Elizabeth Calloway, A.T .C., Conway, Ark . Editor- Glae Dickerson, A.T.C., Conway, Ark. Adviser- Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark. Alumnre Representative-Marjie Perkins, 800 E. 6th St., N . Little Rock, Ark .

Pru (1940)-Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, La. President- Ann Twigg, S.L.C., Hammond , La. Corresponding Secretary- Christina Petersen, S.L.C., H ammond, La. Editor- Mary Alexander, S.L.C ., Hammond, La. Adviser- Miss Margaret Lowe, S.L.C., Hammond, La. Alumnre Representative-Fleda Edmundson, Covington, La.

Cru (1940) - Shepherd State Teachers' College, Shepherdstown, W.Va. President- J anet Wilson, Shepherd town, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary- Birdalee Hiett , Shepherd town, W.Va. Editor- Virginia H oward, Sharp burg, Md. Adviser- Mi Sara Helen Cree. .T . ., hepherdst wn, \ .\'a. Alumnre Rcpre cntativ.e- Christinc Hunter, Duffield (P.O. Darke), \ .\ \.



President- Mrs. Margaret Moses, Oak Hill , W.Va. Editor-Jessie Worley, 21 0 Elkins St., Beckley, W.Va.

BLUEFIELD President-Virginia Bailey, 2115 Wythe Ave., Bluefield, W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Beryl Woodroof Lambert , 917 Mercer St. , Princeton , W.Va.

BUFFALO President- Mrs. E. Donald Adams, 65 Callodine Ave., Eggertsville, N.Y. Editor-Lois Anne Dryer, 112 Congress St., Buffalo, N.Y.

CLEVELAND President- Mrs. Helen Wick, 1660 E. 133rd St. , East Cleveland, Ohio. Editor-Mrs. Catherine Bozarth, 1727 E . 116th Pl., Cleveland , Ohio.

DENVER-GREELE'll President- Juanita Emerick, 3033 W. Highland Park Pl. , Denver, Colo. Editor- Ruth Ewer, 1145 Clayton, Denver, Colo.

DETROIT President- Evelyn Mettler, 3091 Belmont, Hamtramck, Mich. Editor- Ruth Schilling, 5519 Helen St. , Detroit, Mich.

D URANT President- Ruth Johnson, 419 N. 18th St., Box 525, Durant , Okla. Editor- Kathleen Kelchner, 617 W. Elm St., Durant, Okla.

EMPORIA President- Mrs. Madeline D. Gwinner, 309 E. 11th St., Emporia, Kan. Editor- Mrs. Grace Leatherberry, 909 West St., Emporia, Kan .

FLINT President- Mrs. Leo Gaffney, 222 E . Eldrid:;e. Flint, Mich . Editor-Lucille Gale, Rural Route, Fenton, Mich.

JoHNSTOWN President- Mrs. Walter Moors, 27 Harding St., J ohnstown, Pa. Editor- Mrs. Dempsey Snow, 118 Cooper Ave., Johnstown, Pa.

LANSING President- Dorothy Martin, 1137 S. Holme3 Rd ., Lansi ng, Mich. Editor- Mrs. William Cameron, 1415 Hess, Lansing, Mich .

LITTLE RocK-CONWAY President-Mrs. Ruth Hood Whitley, 1720 Battery St., Little Rock , Ark . Editor-Mrs. Frances Cole Wenzel, 1309 Chester St., Little Rock, Ark.

NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH President- Dorothy Deans, 920 B St., Portsmouth, Va. Editor-Aifreda Collings, 532 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, Va.



President- Mrs. Dorothy K. Fahy, Gettysburg Rd. & Summit Ave., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa.

Editor- Virginia Burke, 401 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, Pa.

RICHMOND President- Marguerite Costello, 211 5 Hanover , Richmond , Va. Editor- Virginia Winston Smith, R .R . 12, Richmond, Va.

:ST. Lours President- June McCarthy, 4527 Harris St. , St. Louis, Mo. Editor- Bernice Pace, 587 5 Plymouth St., St. Louis, Mo.



President-Mrs. Walter Harless, War, W.Va. Editor- Irene Martin, Berwind, W.Va.


President- Mrs. Lena Bary Caporossi, Box 607, Welch, W.Va. Editor- Ruth Bivens, Welch, W.Va.


President-Helen Steele, 3214 Victor Pl., Wichita, Kan. Editor- Mrs. Helen Pfanschmidt, 352 S. Chautauqua St., Wichita, Kan.


President- Eleanore Wolf, 331 Lowe St. , South Williamsport, Pa. Editor- Marianna P. Tallman, 832 Funston Ave. , Williamsport, Pa.


President- Mrs. John Cas idy, 319 Lafayette St., Niles, Ohio Editor- Elizabeth Beynon, 223 E . Broadway, Girard, Ohio.


First District: (central) Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin. President- Miss Dorothy Stadler, 642 E. 115 St., Cleveland , Ohio .

Second District: (eastern) New York, Pennsylvania, ew Jersey, Maine, Tew Hamp­shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island .

President- Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln St. , Johnstown, Pa. Third District: (western) All states west of the Mississippi River.

President- Mrs. S. C. Robinson, 5119 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Fm1rth District: (southern) Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware,

Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.

President- Mrs. Meade McNeill , Athens, W.Va.


481 Torrence Road, Columbus, Ohio

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