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Page 1: 1937 March ANCHOR







~ VOL. XII j,_ NO. 2 \If MARCH

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Dedicated to the success of the new alumnae chapters at Charleston , W.Va ., and Kent, Ohio

Published thrice yearly by the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority


1937 N 0. 2


Be the Best of Whatever You Are 2

Education fo r Character . . . . . .. ....... .. . . 3

P ros fo r T eaching D ramatics in the Secondary Schools ...... . ... . . . ........ . . . .. . .. . . . 4

T he History of t he Effie E. Lyman Scholarship F und . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A Message from Our Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Popularity Bound . . . . . . . . . 8

Rho P unishes Pledaes .. . . . . . 9

Why Don 't T hey Oraan:ze ? . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Association of Education Sororit ies . . . . 10

Delta Brags ... ... .. . ... . ...... . . 12

Book Reviews .. .

Chapter News . . . ... . . . .. . .. . .. ... . ... ... . 15

Alumnre Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-J.

Personals 28

Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

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Be the Best of Whatever You Are


If you can't be a pine on the top of a hill ,

Be a scrub in the valley, but be

The best little scrub by the side of the rill;

Be a bush if you can 't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,

And some highway happier make ;

If you can 't be a muskie, then just be a bass­

But the liveliest bass in the lake !

vVe can 't all be captains, we've got to be crew,

There's something for all of us here,

There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,

And the task you must do is the near.

If you can't be the sun, be a star;

It isn't by size that you win or you fail

Be the best of whatever you are!

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Education for Character

S OMETIME ago I heard a group of people discussing what each one c?nsidered the most essential element in the character of an indi­vidual. There was considerable difference of opinion, and the result

was that I have done some thinking about the subject since; I have thought over the characteristics of the people whom I admire and trust and al­though it is hard to decide, my opinion is that reliability is the 'chief ne­ce sity for an outstanding character.

Several factors are requisites to reliability. One is accuracy of state­ment. Many people who exaggerate do not deliberately tell an untruth; they have simply acquired the habit of overstating the facts, yet you do not dare trust to the accuracy of the statement for fear it is misleading.

Sincerity of statement and of action is another key to reliability. While most of us enjoy being told nice things about ourselves, we are distrustful of the person who is constantly flattering us or telling us these fine things for what we fear is some hidden purpose.

Dependability implies the keeping of promises, the keeping of en­gagements, and the carrying out of responsibilities when once accepted. Isn 't it a joy to know that you can trust a friend! Isn't it a relief to know, if you hold a position of responsibility, that the people with whom you share that responsibility will carry out their part of the task- that when the day for checking-up arrives the work of each will be done?

There are many other elements that make for character and for good citizenshjp, but the point that I am concerned with here is this: Have we as students and as teachers so profited by our education that we are better prepared to meet the tests of character and good citizenship which will in­evitably come to us?

Are we really serious about putting into effect the principles which we know to be right? As sorority members we have all taken certain vows which bind us to high jdeals of living. Our education should strengthen our ability to live up to these vows. There is much discussion today about the need of readjustment in the field of education. Are not we the ones on whom at least partial responsibility for solving these problems of today and tomorrow rests?

May we be ready to meet whatever challenge comes to us , proving that our social attitudes are sound and wholesome, and our education worth while.

EDITH L. MANSELL, A.E.S. R ep1'esentative

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Pros for Teaching Dramatics 1n the

Secondary Schools

IN THE secondary schools the Department of Dramatics must be pre­pared to answer the question, "What is the value of the study of the drama? Why should it be included in the modern school curriculum?"

That question is a fair challenge, for a subject that cannot show immediate as well as future benefits has no place in the educational system.

Drama itself needs no justification, for it has long been accepted as an art essential to the culture and refinement of the world. Thus the realization that the future of American drama lies in the schools alone justifies its inclusion in the course of study. The audience of the future is being made in the schools,- that audience whose critical evaluation will determine the calibre of the plays to be presented to the public. The theater workers, the playwrights, the directors, and actors, and the scenic artists that will produce the drama of the future and will determine the rank that Ameri­can drama will take as a world art , are all in the schools.

Regardless of one's sphere in life, he will need certain qualifications which the study of dramatics will give to him. Briefly, these are the enrich­ment of life through the intelligent use of leisure time, the development of personality, the building of character, and the selection of a suitable vocation and avocation.

We are entering upon an era which places greater emphasis on the profit­able use of leisure time. Preparations for this leisure, one of the objectives of education, is also one of the foremost objectives for teaching dramatics. The play offers a solution of this problem for both actor and audience. Par­ticipation in a play teaches the pupil to respect the property of others and to take care of it. It stresses self reliance, for, when the curtain rises, he has only himself to depend on to "put his part across. " It teaches the value and joy of work, because a well-presented play requires both mental and physi­cal effort and compensates in direct proportion to the amount of effort expended.

Furthermore, the study of dramatics is valuable because it develops very definite character traits. We in America sometimes forget that the influence of the acted play is even more potent in the molding of character than the study of literature. One learns in a play that which he does not learn in public speaking or reading- the idea of teamwork. Such cooperation de­velops " those traits that constitute the foundations of fine citizenship and a loyalty rooted in the principle of each for all and all for each. "

Through the exercise of the dramatic instinct, the student can escape the restriction of the single limited personality. He can elude his individual environment ; he can find new uniforms. Such respites enable him to return to his workaday world with renewed vigor, in ight, and ambition.

The dramatic workshop offers the student an opportunity to develop a plea ing and forceful personality. Throuah appearance on the taae he may gradually acquire a desirable freedom from elf con ciou nes . He rna

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cultivate a pleasant voice which is an indication of a well developed per­son~lity. In addition, he is encouraged to develop pleasing and effective habtts of speech, posture, facial expression and freedom from annoying . ' mannensms. These are all ways of integrating the whole personality.

The study of dramatics may enable the student to choose the stage as his vocation or avocation at an early date. Stage work is not limited to acting but it includes many different occupations such as scene shifting, prompting,. costuming, and property managing. The stage thus offers a wide field for the student who wishes to enter the work. His school dramatic experience will point out to him either that he is fitted for the stage, or that he should turn into other channels for his life work. In the first instance, the classroom will offer unlimited encouragement for the development of his ability as a playwright, an actor, or an artist. His experiences here may lay the foundation for a successful dramatic career. In the latter case, there is a great advantage in early elimination of undesired activities.

The school 's dramatic department not only benefits the student but it offers something definite to the public today. The school play affords an excellent medium by which the public is attracted to the school and its interest in it maintained. Through this interest of parents in the work of their children, a sentiment for good plays and players may be molded; an appreciation of artistic presentations and worthwhile literary endeavor may be brought about. It is well to remember that the students of today will form the public of tomorrow. It is the responsibility of the schools to instill in today 's students the desire for finer plays and to develop the players and playwrights who will fill that demand.

Today, drama as an educational factor is steadily assuming more im­portance. Ken Macquowan in his recent survey " Footlights across America" estimates that one third of the 2 2,000 high schools of America are studying and applying play production methods. This means that approximately 100,000 young actors, designers, stage hands, and managers are producing plays for an audience that runs into the millions. The adage " the play's the thing" was never more true than now, thus justifying time, effort, and money expended in the inclusion of dramatics in the school curriculum.

EDITH PAuL, National Vice-P1·esident

The History of the E~ie E. Lyman

Scholarship Fund

THE Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority was founded Noveq~ber 4, 1899 at the Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti , Michigan. There were eight charter members and the faculty adviser, Mrs. Effie E. Lyman. From the very beginning it was a thriving sorority full of enthusiasm

and splendid school spirit. Through the guidance and untiring efforts of Mrs. Lyman it grew from mere infancy to a live national organization which now has fourteen collegiate and sixteen alumnre chapters.

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On June 29, 1926, Mrs. Lyman, our beloved founder and adviser, passed away, and all who knew her were saddened by her death.

Our first National Convention in 1926 at Detroit passed a resolution to the effect that some suitable memorial should be created sacred to her memory and the ideals for which she stood. The national officers and the committee in charge of the memorial agreed that the memorial take the form of a scholarship to be known as the "Effie E. Lyman Memorial Scholarship Fund."

To this end letters were sent to every member of Alpha Sigma Tau asking advice as to who should be eligible to draw on this fund . The answers came back almost unanimous that the fund should be for collegiate members of Alpha Sigma Tau only- in time of financial strain or stress.

At the second national convention also in Detroit the following rules and regulations were drawn up and accepted:

I. That the Effie E. Lyman Memorial Scholarship Fund begin to be active as soon as there is money enough in the treasury to make a loan.

II. That only Alpha Sigma Tau members apply for a loan. III. That no loan exceed $75.00, the same to be paid back without

interest one year after the girl is out of school and employed. IV. That each girl borrowing from the fund be required to take out

a life insurance policy covering the amount borrowed, stating in the policy that in case of the death of the insured the Memorial Scholarship Fund is to receive the amount borrowed.

V. That a girl applying for a loan must also send with her application a letter or recommendation from the President of her local chapter and one from the faculty adviser.

A Message from Our Founders

I HAVE always been very much interested in history of all kinds. I like to know how and why things began. In college I enrolled in as many history courses as I could, not only in classes that dealt with the history

of nations, but also those concerning the history of art, music, religion, philosophy, and anthropology. A knowledge of origins helps one to be more appreciative and understanding of things that make up his daily life. Depth and wisdom are added to a person's thought, and his actions become calmer and more sympathetic when he realizes the greatness of past ages.

Alpha Sigma Tau's past is comparatively short- a little more than a third of a century. Most of the members are still living and retain in their memory the history of our Sorority. In order that the members of the future will know the history of Alpha Sigma Tau, it is important that we cooperate with national and chapter historians and with the alumme repre entati e in keeping our record accurate.

Our founder were the eight charter members of lpha chapter- Helen

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M. Rice, May Gephart, Mayene Tracy, Mable Chase Harriet Marx Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Ruth Dutcher, and Mrs . E. A. Lyman, advi~er.

I think our most valuable bits of our history are the paragraphs which the early members wrote in the Autom, the college year book. I shall quote them just as they were written so tha"t you can see that their plans and aims were very similar to the ones which we are making now.


"~his organization claims to be strictly up to date, as it is purely of twentieth century growth, having been in existence only a few months. Its membership is eight with a limit of ten, but since the departure of Miss Dutcher, 'We are seven.'

"Though it numbers less than most of the similar organizations in the college, yet for loyalty and harmony among its members none can excel it.

" Its aim is, first of all, social and literary culture, but we count not least among the results obtained, the bond of sympathy among its members, which we trust will prove something more than a pleasant memory, when we leave our Alma Mater. We can only predict its future from its brief past. From the fidelity of its members to its interests, its high ideals and lofty aims, we feel assured that it is destined to become a permanent and an ennobling element in the college. Long may it live!"

1901 " 'College fri ends are like melons,

Shall I tell you why? To find one good, you must a hundred try'

"Although our sorority, is not , as yet, strong in numbers, the bonds of friendship are equal to the sororities of greater numbers. Alpha Sigma Tau sprang into existence in 1899. Its aim has ever been good scholarship and true cui ture.

"Our social gatherings have been not only pleasant, but we believe, beneficial- and will always remain with us among the pleasant memories of our Alma Mater. To those who may, in the future, join our mystic circle, we extend the wish that they may find as much enjoyment in its associations as we have found in the past."


"We have but one life to live, and we all wish to make the most of it. The question at once arises, 'How can we accomplish the most with the eneraies and powers at our command?' For three years we have sought to s;lve the problem, and we feel, that through our organization we have been enabled to accomplish much in the way of solution.

"The years of our college life have brought us into a true realization of the fact that 'a friend is the noblest gift that life can bring.'

"We have satisfactorily proved to ourselves that true friendship and catholicity of culture in sorority life, is 'worth while.' Our hearts ' desire

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is that those who are left to carry on the work of next year, may be the means of forming links which time and change cannot sever."

1904 "'Hand

Grasps hand , eye lights eye in good friendship, And great hearts expand And grow one in the sense of the worldship.'


"Alpha Sigma Tau was organized in 1899 with eight charter members, and Mrs. E. A. Lyman as patroness. Later we were so fortunate as to secure Miss Ada A. Norton and Miss Abigail Pearce as co-patronesses. Each year had added to our number, until now our sorority consists of fourteen active members who, by their interest in all things pertaining to the sorority, show that they realize the full meaning of their vows.

"We aim at true social and literary culture, and by working together in perfect harmony and friendship strive toward the attainment of our ideals.

"Our watchword is and shall be through life, Alpha Sigma Tau, the mention of which will always call forth pleasant thoughts of good times well spent, and the dearest of friends. "

After 1904 the practice of writing these paragraphs on the sorority page of the year book was discontinued. Next time I will try to tell you more about our Founders.

CARRIE W. STAEHLE, National President

Popularity Bound

THERE are two distinct methods of obtaining popularity. The more direct is the one used by the indolent individual who chooses it as the easier way of winning the approval of his associates. Instead of seriously

and carefully analyzing his faults and then conscientiously setting about to correct them, he attempts to win a place for himself by flattering and cajoling others into thinking he is something he is not. He readily agrees with the opinions of others lest he should incur dis-favor by daring to state his own convictions. While this method is sometimes successful for a time, it is bound to meet defeat eventually since we invariably dislike the person who makes a definite, concious effort for popularity. On the contrary, we admire and respect that person who follows the harder, but better, method of self-analysis; who lacking it, develops tact ; who learns to be considerate of the feelings and interests of others ; who is a good listener as well as an interesting conversationalist; who weeds out any habits offensive to others, replacing them with a manner which is pleasing to his fellow-men. Any one of us who is strong enough to make use of this direct method of molding our personality is certain of a harmonious, enjoyable life of plea ant as ociat ion .

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Rho Punishes Pledges

THE following article was clipped from The Durant Daily Democrat, describing a duty done by Rho pledges as punishment for misbehavior.



"Anyone waking from a deep sleep at the moment would probably be convinced that he had pulled a Rip Van Winkle and slept through the ensuing dozen or so months, coming out of it in one of the dormitories which it is hoped that Southeastern Teachers College will be permitted to build next year, fo r between each class at the college Wednesday, the halls were filled with such a variety of ringing and jangling that would put a double headed feature of the bells of St. Mary's and Saint ick's reindeer back in the burlesque class.

"Reasons for the burglar alarm effects evident on the campus were simple. Because the Alpha Sigma Tau pledges set their watches back and didn't return from chore duty to the regular meeting at the sorority house at the hours the members expected them last night, the wiser heads in the group decreed that each erring neophyte should appear at school this morning, draped about her lily-white neck one able-bodied alarm clock with lungs in good condition, and that each alarm would be given a brisk work­out while the bearer traversed the halls of the classroom buildings."


"With a dozen Big Bens and what-nots in operation at the same time, it was hard to tell whether it was 7 A.M. on a sleeping porch, or whether a three (or twelve, as the case might be) alarm fire had broken loose.

"The idea was that the bells should keep the belles from missing their classes as they had missed their date at the house last evening.

" Professors were cooperative. In fact, little was said when several of the alarms, forgotten by absorbed students, unwound themselves at inop­portune moments during the administration of tests , lectures and recitations in classroom .

"The girls were apologetic about the whole thing, though. Each wore on her back an attractive sign wishing every one within sight a merry Christ­mas and a happy Jew Year. Bells always were appropriate in those seasons.

"College authorities were considering asking the sorority sisters to con­tinue the practice of having the pledges bring alarm clocks to school in order to save wear and tear on the campus bell system,· which begins and ends each class period. Some of the professors, obviously radio listeners, whose lectures were interrupted by loud tinkles from the immediate vicinity of a co-ed, were readily thankful that alarm clocks were not equipped with gongs."

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Why Don't They Organize?

ONE cold night last winter I went to bed early, prepared to enjoy myself by catching up on some reading. As I glanced idly at the society page of the Journal, some words fairly jumped out at me.

Alpha Sigma Tau. " It must be a different sorority," I thought. But no, there it was-a notice of a meeting of all alumnce of Alpha Sigma Tau, national educational sorority. I had sometimes thought that there must be some alumnre of Alpha Sigma Tau in the vicinity of Lansing, but never having seen or heard of them, I had come to the conclusion that I must be the only one. I was on hand the next Monday evening, one of the stormiest nights of a cold winter, and found nine other Alpha Sigma Taus. I am still rejoicing in my find.

Doubtless my interest in the beginning was nostalgic, a wish to return to earlier days; but as time goes on and others have been added to our chapter, the interest has become a real one, concerning itself with the various personalities grouped together. We belong to various clubs and organiza­tions, and always there are some alien souls who prove to be the fly in the ointment. To me it seems different with our alumnce chapters. There is a common background. We were all subjected to the same influences for a few years while we were in the formative period of li fe. We were children of the same family; meeting together is going home.

Moreover, since we have left college, life has done so many things to us, led us in such widely separated paths, given us such diversified interests that we can 't help but be more entertained by each other than we would have been in our schooldays. I regret that we didn't discover each other sooner. I wonder that alumnce members in more cities don't realize the pleasure that they are missing. Why don't they organize too?


Lansing Alumnce Chapter

Association of Education Sororities


Piedmont, California February 9, 193 7

C·ouRTESY, the thought topic of this letter, is an indispensable part of every sorority's character and practice. It is defined as "genuine and habitual politeness, courtliness." Genuine means 'not affected or

hypocritical, frank, sincere, true." Polite is defined as "exhibiting in manner or speech a considerate regard of others; and if polite in the highest sen e, regard for the comforts and happiness of others in smallest matters. ourt­line (from courtly), "elegant in manners, suggesting that ·which befits a royal court" and a secondary meanina of royal ' of uperior qualit .

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Thus, the word becomes more than a mere suggestion. It runs the gamut from " consideration of others in smallest matters" to "courtliness" which is another way of saying that if we start by being courteous to others in smallest matters and make it an habitual practice, we are on the way of training ourselves into a state of superior quality. But we must take into account that word genuine. We may train ourselves into all the niceties listed in books of etiquette; we may have the appearance of "elegant man­ners"; we may be consistently "polite," but if all this lacks a genuine and sincere foundation, does not our courtesy become "affected and hypocritical" and lose its power to make us into beings of superior quality in thought and action?

Human nature is slow to evolve toward the highest plane and it some­times becomes necessary to give definite thought toward acquiring the ascending virtues. Courtesy may surely be considered a chief virtue when we remember that it is "a considerate regard of others." If practiced sin­cerely and consistently by every human being, humanity would sooner reach that higher plane, since most of the world's ailments result from selfishness which would be eliminated if we were all truly courteous to one another. Courtesy requires time as well as thought. Life seems complex; each day seems to have more duties than hours. But it is a part of education to learn the things worth keeping and the things to discard. Is not courtesy, with its curative potentialities, one of the worth while things to keep?

Sororities and Panhellenics may be but a small part of the great Uni­verse, but who has not tossed a pebble into the water and watched its resultant ever-widening circle? If we, in our college environment, practice a genuine and sincere courtesy toward all, being considerate of them from the smallest to the greatest matters, may it not become so habitual with us as to actually be a very part of our nature and disposition? and who shall place a limit on the influence thus exerted toward the world's better­ment?

Then let us give real thought to courtesy, not merely take it for granted, but determine to practice it in every detail of our daily life until it becomes not only an indispensable part of every sorority, but of all living.


Fraternally yours, MRS. 0RLEY SEE

A.E.S. Director of City Panlzellenics

DO YOU know the source of this quotation: "Habits of courtesy, con­sideration, tolerance and good humor are to be d_iligently practiced by college girls if they are to become cultured women"?

The word " culture" is derived from a Latin verb which means "to till" or " to cultivate." There are no short courses to culture. It is acquired by the patient and constant cultivation of intellect and character. Matthew Arnold speaks of culture as "a harmonious expansion of all the powers

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which make the beauty and worth of human nature." It is obvious, then, that one cannot "get" culture in a college, just as he cannot "get" an educa­tion. But certainly, the years spent in college should provide a cultural background. I believe that sororities have a definite contribution to make to this cultural background. Shall it be said of our sororities, as a very able critic has said of our American colleges that they leave not " the slightest cultural impress"?

I should like to see Panhellenic organizations stage a revival of interest in literature, art and history. Culture is gained by "contact with the best that has been thought and said." Is it not the obligation of sorority girls to set a high cultural standard on the campus? " Culture is essential in order to enable us to know how to live and how to get the best out of living."

Are the sororities on your campus actually encouraging the cultural development of their members?

Delta Brags

Fraternally yours, WILMA WILSON SHARP' Treasurer A.E.S.

AT LEAST there's a reason! One which makes all girls ' hearts bump! You all read Photoplay, don't you? It 's such an educational maga­zine, the very best for prospective teachers. However, this is beside

the point. In this magazine appeared an article about a certain young man who came from the small country town of Indiana, Pennsylvania ( 10,000 population). His father, owner of a hardware store, sent him to Princeton, from which he was graduated in 19 ... He was always very interested in dramatics and after playing in "Yellow Jacket" and "Say Goodbye Again" on Broadway, was given a trial in Hollywood, where he is making a very great success.

It so happens that his mother is one of our sorority patronesses. Last spring, just after "Next Time We Love" had been at our ritzy Ritz Theatre, Mrs. Stewart asked us all for luncheon. Our coats, hats, and the usual carry-a-longs were deposited in Jim 's room. You can imagine the "Ah's" and " Oh's" which were exclaimed, and the "Just think, he really sleeps in this bed! " " I wonder if this is his comb. I guess I 'll use it !" remarks. It really was a thrill. We'd certainly had it all over Ginger and Margaret. (Maybe Eleanor Powell should be included. )

But, anyway, the best is yet to come. About a month ago, who should arrive in the little country town but tall , lanky Jim himself. And guess what! His mother asked us to tea! Did we go! He 's exactly as we expected­awkward , bashful and didn 't know what to do with his hand or feet. But we were till entranced with him.

One of the most cherished things of our chapter is a real hone t-to­oodne autographed portrait, which he gave us on that eventful afternoon.

an you beat it, girl ? ELE OR B. REE

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Around the World in Eleven Years

~atience_, Richard, and Johnny are the children of James E. Abbe, an mterna_twnally known photographer, who traveled around the world gypsy fashion. The book-A1'0und the World in Eleven Yeat's-was written by Patience, who is eleven years old, with the help of her brothers, Richard and Johnny, revealing in a child-like manner their acquaintances, and amusmg adventures. In her naive fashion Patience reveals their lives from the time of her birth in Paris, through Austria, France, Russia, Germany, England, and America ; so portraying a very clear picture of both the social and economical conditions in those countries.

We see a communistic Russia- -not a very happy place to live. Where the children go to school they have no freedom of thought, but must learn The International- that Lenin is a good man who wants to help the people, and that Stalin has a big army which will build up the country and make the Russians rich. The Russians don 't like wars, but still how can they take money away from the capitalists without killing them? And anyway most of the people were hungry a lot of the time and didn 't seem .!'lappy. Patience gets quite mixed up when she tries to figure out the fairness of the Communists.

She is even more puzzled when she finds the Jews in Germany persecuted for no reason, especially when Jesus was a Jew. At least she doesn't starve in Germany and has a much better time than in Russia. The "Heil Hitler" regime intrigues her, but she can't understand why Goebbels burned all the books.

England bored Patience. Everyone was so polite, and you either flew kites or just walked around all day.

The trip by steamer to America was grand fun. All three of the children could brag of "never being sea-sick even for a minute"; not so their mother.

Their first impressions of America weren 't so good. Everybody was runnino- around as though they were crazy. Everything was nervous. There were s~ many people on the streets. No one was singing or marching. Everyone looked angry. But Mamma said that was the depression.

At their first American movie the children were terribly frightened by the o-angster picture. In Berlin and London children weren't allowed to see sucht:> pictures of robbers, shooting, sirens, and gangsters. They still don't like them.

The Abbe family finall y settles in a shack on a ranch in Colorado, where they are perfectly happy even as they would be anywhere. As Patience puts it:

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"We don't mind when we have no money nor nothing to eat. We know a lot of rich people who have plenty to eat all the time, but these people are always trying to get thin. And a lot of these people are always drinking because they are bored. We are never bored. And a lot of these rich people are spoiled and only think about having fun and they are jealous of the husbands. These rich people don't go out and bring bread to the people. They only invite special people to their houses. If we were rich we would divide with the people. We want to be rich only because we don't want to ask the President for money."

What an amount of philosophy Patience has! Sometimes we wonder if Pappa and Mamma didn't help write this book???


These Rolling Years Agnes Sligh Turnbull 's These Rolling Y ears seems somehow to belong

to us at Indiana. Mrs. Turnbull is one of our alumni, and one year not long ago we were proud to have her back as a commencement speaker. With these things in mind you can well imagine that almost everyone on campus has read her book. Most of those who have read These Rolling Y ea1's can supplement their reading with such memories or statements as:­"She was a classmate of mine"-"She is my cousin somehow"-"She lived near my home town"- "Why, my Uncle John dated her in Normal School" -There is a picture of her at grandfather's farm. Everyone can at least say, " Did you know that she went to school here? "

Then the book itself is so enriched for us because of the characters and settings we recognize. Parents and grandparents from Greensburg have known the originals of some of the sketches. My own grandfather attended Dr. Donaldson's long since disbanded Academy for Boys at Elders Ridge. If he, grandfather, were still living I should probably ask if he had known David- so real does the book seem ; and, who knows, perhaps he might have recalled a classmate resembling him.

Impersonally Mrs. Turnbull's book is a fine history of the period during which western Pennsylvania was changing from a farming to a mining center, of the growth of big business and capital , and of the social problems caused by the influx of so many foreigners. Her story is more than of interest historically, however. There are the poignant love stories of Jeannie and the young minister, her daughter and another theological student, and David 's life-time devotion to the one time bound girl.

This book will make interesting and pleasant reading for you even without "knowing someone who knew her, and she knew"; anyway, the names and places are forgotten , but the flavor lingers on.

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ALPHA CHAPTER Santa Claus was good to Eleanor Ackley this year. He left her a diamond

ring but she tells us that wedding bells won't be ringing for another year or two.

We are happy to announce that we have Mrs. VandenBelt (an alumna and Betty VandenBelt's mother) as our new patroness.

Our first rushing party vvas an informal tea at Starkweather Hall. We entertained eight girls and were grateful for the presence of so many of our loyal alumnre. Mrs. VandenBelt poured for us.

We are planning a box social for our last rushing party, carrying out the old-fashioned box social idea with each active bringing a box filled with a lunch for a guest and herself. Our invitations were in the form of small boxes.

' DELTA CHAPTER vVe have had such lots "Tau" do of late! For our Founders' Day cele­

bration, we journeyed out to Rustic Lodge, where we had our beautiful candle light service. The decorations were so lovely, with the big fireplace glowing, and our Tau roses flanked with gold cathedral candles, not to mention the delicious dinner. I might add here that we enjoyed hors d'ceuvres, which thrilled us no end. At Christmas Miss King gave us a grand party. We all received gifts and what fun we had reading the in­spired poems that accompanied some of them. As a windup to a full and happy semester, Mrs. Pealor gave us an exquisitely appointed tea held in her beautiful home. We relaxed , ate, and had the best time imaginable. Another of our more recent activities is our hospital work. On Wednesday afternoons we go to the city hospital, and under the leadership of Mrs. Zieglar, we manage to have almost as much fun as the children . We are looking forward to rushing with anticipation, and the freshies are so cute and promising that we know what fun its going to be.

ETA CHAPTER Eta chapter has moved again! It seems as though every time we write

we have just moved. We fell in love with a house, and we just couldn 't help ourselves. There are three big open fireplaces down stairs which were the main attraction. There is a darling den, a grand big living room- it is a perfect sorority house we think. The girls have quite a ways to walk to school, but they seem to think it will be just another way to keep thin.

Our pledges are giving us a dance on February 14 at the Walhaven,

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in Akron. The actives thought it would be nice to have everyone meet at the sorority house before the dance. We decided to serve light refreshments.

On February 3 we gave our annual Faculty Tea in honor of the new faculty members.


We have a little money but a little now and then adds to our bank account.

Our first little scheme was a benefit bridge which brought us fifteen dollars and were we proud of it! That was such good encouragement that we decided to have a rummage sale. Each girl contributed all the clothes of which she was tired, and we collected enough to hold our sale for two days. A twenty dollars profit rewarded our efforts.

The Taus couldn't slack at this point so we are now selling chances on a radio, donated by one of our pledges. This will add quite a bit more to keep the money-making scheme rolling.

Never let it be said that a Tau would slack when called upon to do her bit to keep Alpha Sigma Tau the "tops."


THETA CHAPTER That the over-worked depression had retreated around its famous corner

is best evidenced by the social calendar of the Theta chapter at the close of the year.

Perhaps the most encouraging and successful undertaking of the sorority was the bridge tea successfully conducted by Chairman Evelyn Mettler. This was held in the lovely auditorium of Bedell's Department Store, who contributed materially to the enjoyment of the party by their presentation of a fashion show. So surprising was the turn out that it provided an impetus for further efforts along this line.

Next in order was the Christmas festival for which Alpha Sigma Tau provided a fortune telling booth with a professional clairvoyant in attend­ance. Judging from the line-up, this feature is worth repeating at some future bazaar.

Closely following this event came the children's party sponsored by the sorority. About 79 needy children were present and their beaming faces at sight of the tree and gifts repaid any energy expended.

A pleasant interlude for the active members came in the form of a Christmas party given by the pledges. Their originality in planning the affair, even to entertainment and refreshments, was a real surpri e, and gave the members reason to be secretly joyful at their selection of such promising prospective sisters.

Nor was contact lost among the girls during the holidays. Procrre sive dinner was planned with tops at the homes of Ruth Rol ton Emma and Willie awkins, and finally dessert and bridge at the home of Hila ha' .

Th climax of the ea on wa the chapter' formal dance held at North-

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wood Inn. The numerous other affairs of the holidays in no way dimmed the success of this dance.

A glance at the program for the New Year reveals another active se­mester. What with more rushing and the usual spring functions.

In conclusion, the members wish to extend their grateful thanks to the alumnre who have taken an active part in many of the sorority's affairs which added so much to their success.



The activities of Iota chapter since the last publication of THE AN­CHOR have been for the most part social.

We had a lovely semi-formal Christmas house party December 21. For our favor dance, the guests drew Christmas socks from the mantel con­taining a gift and the name of his partner for the favor dance.

Late in the evening buffet refreshments were served. Music was furnished by an electric victrola. About forty persons attended the party.

Rush week netted us three lovely pledges, Ina Honeycutt, Ellen Herron and Theresa Watson. Monday night we held a "pledge" party, pledge being the main game of the evening. Bridge furnished the entertainment for Tuesday evening's party. Wednesday night the Yellow Rose Dinner was given.

February 13 marked the date of the peppiest Valentine party imaginable. Jocko Phillips Orchestra furnished the music for dancing in the Memorial Building ballroom. Favors of heart-shaped boxes of candy were given to guests and sponsors.


The tenth birthday of Lambda was celebrated in the evening of De­cember 12 , 1936, at the Tally-Ho, Philadelphia. The banquet was pre­ceded by the customary initiation ceremony, a truly inspiring spectacle to both old as well as new members. This delightfully pleasant social event was well attended by both alumnre and active members of the Philadelphia chapter, as well as our patronesses and sponsor. It was certainly a real birthday party- not only was there a gift for each guest and a cake adorned with ten candles, but we were also entertained with a resume of sorority history from 1926 to the present date. A beautiful leather-bound Bible was presented to the chapter by our sponsor, Mrs. Kirby. The songs rendered by a soloist made an appropriate finishing touch to this happy occasion.

The success of the evening may be directly attributed to Miss Claris Duke Collins. Lambda Alumnre President, and to Ethel Weimar, Lambda active president, who under the devoted guidance of Mrs. Ethel Harris Kirby, the Chapter Sponsor, is making history for the chapter.

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Top: Omicron ctive and Alumnre at a picnic. econd row, left: ( psilon) nna R ev s, Wenonah Fay Baughn, Romantic i il War Da . Right: Gr up f D Ita . Bottom row, left: Pi' . Right: Member of Zeta Tau, left to right: Margur t Pittard,

a ic Bo well, M rwyn Gathright, Le oir Hobbard, ay tieff n.

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Our next important social event was a bridge party held January 30 in the dining room of Strawbridge and Clothier, one of Philadelphia's leading department stores. The alumnre gave their full support to this occa-sion, making it a big success. CoRA ZIMMERMAN

NU CHAPTER In spite of blizzards and the flu , Nu was successful in rushing this quar­

ter, and pledged three grand girls, Katherine Ebel , Marjorie Farmer and Joan Funk. Rush week was supposed to have begun the first week of this quarter, but on the day we were to have our tea, a ban was put on all social activities because of the flu epidemic. When college settled down to normal, again the jinx smote us and at the very hour we had set for our tea, one of Greeley 's wildest snowstorms began to rage. A few hardy girls braved it however, and they certainly enjoyed the hot tea, and the cozy chats around the blazing fire.

After pledging services we enjoyed a supper in honor of our new pledges. The green and yellow color scheme was carried out in a charm­ing way.

A fortune telling booth was our entry in the Boosters' Club carnival, an annual event on our campus.

One Saturday afternoon we were hostesses at an informal luncheon for several of our alumnre from Denver.

The social ban delayed all sorority activities considerably, but we are now beginning to make exciting plans for the rest of the quarter.

PA HELLENIC FORMAL DINNER Our Panhellenic Council is trying out a new idea which we hope will

become a tradition on our campus. It is of having an annual formal dinner for all the members of the ten sororities represented here. We plan to make this one of the prettiest and most important events of the year. It seems like a grand idea for small colleges everywhere.

One of the nicest things about sorority life on our campus is the friendship and cooperation displayed between members of different sorori­ties. Since we are so far away from any other colleges of education where our sister chapters are located, we e pecially need this intersorority com­radeship. The spirit of rivalry seems to be almost entirely done away with because of the great number of activities that are carried on together. Our goal is to broaden that spirit of love and companionship that exists be­tween members of the same sorority so that it will also extend to members of the other groups, as well to non-Greeks. We want to live up to our reputation for being " the friendly campus." -


OMICRON CHAPTER Thursday December 3, 1936, Omicron chapter met at the college social

room for its' one rush party. At four o'clock the fifteen rushees arrived

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and the fun began. With the assistance of our patronesses, Mesdames Brad­ley, McNeer, and Klingensmith, we had two hours of entertainment. Dur­ing this informal time we played games and were served refreshments.

The next step in our party took us to the West Virginian Hotel, Blue­field, where we had dinner in the Bridge Room. After that we enjoyed a movie at Princeton.

Panhellenic Dance on Friday night climaxed Rush Week, but Omi­cron's biggest thrill came on Saturday when we found that the following girls had given Alpha Sigma Tau as their preference: Lillyan Lilly, Edith Eliot, Irene French, Katherine Hofstetter, Betty Lambert, Susan Perry, Mary Davis, Anne Elizabeth Morgan, Elizabeth Taylor Morgan, Eliza­beth Shelton, Virginia Preston.

Omicron's annual Christmas party with its exchange of gifts between Big Sisters and Little Sisters was held at the home of Helen Bradley, on December 16, 1936. Before the party began our eleven new girls were pin-pledged.


December 2 6- Annual Christmas Dance. December 29- Tea, Miss Glaelfelters. January 5- Installation of Officers. February 14- First Rush Party. February 20- Second Rush Party.


Miss Mildred Riling, and Miss Irene Scrivener, faculty advisers, en­tertained at their home Wednesday evening, December 16, with a Christ­mas party for members of the sorority. Mistletoe and other winter foliage were used in decorating, and a centerpiece on the table of pine-combs, which held lighted candles, carried out a holiday motif.

The evening was spent in playing games and prizes went to Martha Grider and Dahleen Phillips. A dessert course was served by the hostesses and favors were given each guest.

Beginning January 24, the sorority observed its annual Courtesy Week. After the regular meeting January 26, the members were hostesses to the pledges with lovely refreshments served at the K. C. Waffle House.

January 28, the members acrain entertained the pledge at a social at the home of Juanita Laymance. The evening was pent info rmally and dainty refreshments were served.

Friday evening, January 29, the members were entertained by the pledge and the group attended the show at the Plaza theatre.

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Top: Members of Zeta Tau, left to right: Lois Jinkins, Margaret Carroll, Frances Wil­liams, "Frankie" Bryan, Mable Burton. Second row, left: Miss Bottorf and Mrs. MacDougal. R ight: L eft to right, first row: Louise Selleck, June Freed, Jessie Leiby, Clee Howe, Romona Cromwell. Second row: Earlene Davis, Eula Glossner, Anna Landis, Alberla McGuire, Mrs. MacDougal, Doris Yarrison, Geraldine Hoover, Ellen Harding, Pauline Barrows, Gladys Shaffer. Bottom row: Upsilon Chapter.

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SIGMA CHAPTER Sigma chapter celebrated Christmas at the college Holly-Hanging sup­

per on December 14. We exchanged inexpensive gifts and enjoyed the gen­eral merriment at our own table, decorated according to the season by Ruth Burlingame. Fern Ryer entertained us at our January social meet­ing. After a delicious supper we chatted about our plans and looked for­ward to the many happy sorority experiences ahead of us in what we feel shall be a very successful year- our spring dance holding most of our attention. Ruth Gupp, the chairman, has some very exciting plans for a "Traffic Jam" dance, which we will hold early in March.


ZETA TAU CHAPTER On December 5, 1936, the Class of '36 gave their annual dance in the

college gymnasium. Among the seniors we found Margaret Pittard, Mer­wyn Gathright, Cassie Boswell, A'gnes Thompson, business manager for the dance, Margaret Carroll and Lois Jenkins, our own Zeta Taus.

Our annual Christmas party -was held on December 11 , 1936, from nine to eleven o'clock. The Christmas tree and the gifts under it occupied one corner of the room.

Exams were the most important events from December 16-19, but on the 19th, our Christmas holidays began. After two weeks we returned to school on January 5, our main thoughts taken up with " rushing" which was to take place the last of the month.

Gay Stieffen, Margaret Bailey and Margaret Pittard entertained the chapter at a formal tea on January 10, in the chapter room.

On January 14, Mary Annis Harper and Agnes Thompson entertained our chapter at an informal tea to precede their initiation.

Miss Bedford, our faculty members and adviser, entertained at cin in­formal tea for the chapter at her home.

The clima."X of our season- formal rushing- began on Monday, January 17, and ended on Friday, January 22. After a week of informal " rush" parties, we held ribbon pledging for twelve girls. Our pledges were : Laura Morris, Maude Rives, Marguerite Costello, "Huck" Berry, " Johnnie" Lybrook, Evelyn Bailey, Louise Painter, Alice Gayle Ferguson, Helen Hoyer, Bonnie Avery, Jeanne Nichols, and Frances Carroll.

Friday, January 22, the chapter entertained the pledges at an informal party after which each sorority on the campus held an informal open house.

Our local Panhellenic society held a meeting on Tuesday, January 26, at which all the pledges of the sororities on the campus were present. For the past few years the custom ha been for the pledge of each sororit to entertain the other pledges at an informal party. Thi year they decided at the meeting to give the money to the merican Red ro for th Flood Relief Fund instead of entertaining the pledo .

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Preceding our regular chapter meeting Wednesday, January 27, Mary Annis Harper and Agnes Thompson were initiated.


UPSILON SOCIALS On December 2 the Upsilon Alpha Sigs were busy in preparation of a

cleverly arranged Buffet supper followed by a poetic treasure hunt. The Buffet supper carried out our colors, emerald and gold. The rushees

were presented with corsages of yellow button hole chrysanthemums tied with emerald ribbon. After supper was completed a poetic lead was given for the search of a white fuzzy toy dog. It was named Tau.

Ribbon pledging brought us eight pledges which would be a credit to anyone. They are Grace Martin of North Little Rock, Constance Avery of Lake Village, Florence Byrd of Little Rock, La Vonne Wray of Bates­ville, Clara Scallion of Conway, Marion Lyles of Ola, Margaret Strickland of Pine Bluff, Emogine Layman of Cave City.

Alpha Sigs entertained on December 12 with a Christmas dance. The social room of McAlister Hall wa decorated with two large cedar trees illuminated with multi-colored lights. The sorority shield was embedded in pine in the fire place. Red and green candles supplied the lighting. The girls got a break when a smart member suspended mistletoe from chandeliers. Serpentine, confetti, and balloons completed the festive air.


On January 12 rain fell in torrents but the Alpha Sigs refused to have their plans ruined by weather. The sorority and dates climbed into autos singing and joking soon forgot the weather. We were safely and dryly taken to our destination which was Dixie Inn. The pledges were our host­esses (and good ones). Grace Martin directed a snazzy program which kept us busy. A Nickel-odeon furni hed the music for dancing. Hot choco­late and Pecan Pie as a menu made our evening complete.

Louise Cordrey, former president of Upsilon chapter who is attending University of Missouri has entered the finals in Ping Pong Tourney.

Edra Faye and Dena Rae Jones, Arkansas State Teachers women de­baters have won several debates in state tournaments and have entered in a meet at Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Power to our Alpha Sigma Taus!


1. Do not brood over the past. Forget it. 2. Be not too eager and anxious for the present. 3. Do your best . It is not how much you accomplish, but how well you do the things

you set out to do. 4. Don't worry. The future is not yet in your hands. When you see trouble, blessings

may really be in store for you. 5. Cultivate a cheerful temper.


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BECKLEY ALUMNIE Beckley is surrounded by several towns. In some of these towns many

Alpha Sigma Taus live. This fall at our first meeting we decided to meet at a different home each time.

Our first meeting was held in September at the home of our president, Ferne Shumate, 39 East Main St. After the business meeting the members were served delightful refreshments.

In October Dorcie Shumate entertained with a Hallowe'en party at her home in Glen Daniel.

In November we journeyed to Winding Gulf to the home of Ina Ring Cooke. She and Helen Cheer Cooke (sisters-in-law) were joint hostesses to Beckley alumnc.e.

Marie Walker Brewster assisted by Kitty Bowling Rice entertained the alumnc.e at Marie's apartment. This meeting was in fo rm of a "Tom Thumb" Christmas party.

The month of January finds the alumnc.e at the home of Opal Via. Opal and Belva McVey were the hostesses.

Jessie Worley entertained the members at her home. Games were played and pictures made. A Valentine theme was used in the refreshments.

Our next meeting will again find us traveling about. We girls love these meetings.



Every year the Buffalo Evening News runs a campaign to collect money for the " Fifty Neediest Families" in the city. This year rather than choosing a family at random to send a Christmas basket to we sent a contribution to this fund .

Monday, December 28, all the old Alpha Sigma Tau friends gathered at the Fairfax Hotel to celebrate our annual Christmas Bridge Breakfast. There was much chattering and many greetings of friends that hadn 't been seen since the breakfast last year. Amid Christmas green and in the light of red candles we were served: grapefruit, chicken a la king, rolls and coffee. After breakfa t we played bridge.

February 12 , we held our annual Valentine Dance in the Georgian room of the Hotel tatler. In a room trimmed with alentine decoration w dane d to " wing music" until the small hours. t midniaht -. e wer in­terrupted to eat our upper.

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DENVER-GREELEY ALUMNA: The Christmas Holidays were celebrated by a lovely party at the home

of Marie Cosmi with Dorothy Atschel and Burnadine Womack assisting hostesses. Husbands and boy friends were guests for the evening of bridge. Later in the evening all sat around the tree sang carols and exchanged Christmas presents. ' '

Edna Romans entertained at a Book Review Tea at her home January 9. At that time she reviewed " I Found No Peace" which was a journalistic story woven around the turmoil and social unrest of the world. During the afternoon she gave short reviews of several other books.

DETROIT ALUMNA: The Detroit alumnre have enjoyed a busy season- home meetings,

Founders ' Day banquet at the Ingleside Club and a charity Christmas party for thirty little girls, kept everyone busy.

Now it is "busy" with a capital " B" for "The Valentine Dance" is oh! so near. (Lenore Filer, the dance chairman and her committee, could very easily inform anyone just how many hours, yea even minutes, before February 12.) The dance is to be held at the Whittier and a grand time for all has been promised.

Other enjoyable gatherings will be planned to close the season.

LANSING ALUMNA: In November a Founder ' Day meeting was held at the home of Willow

Cameron . Two new members were initiated, Ruth Lemon (Alpha) of Howell, and Mary Hulse (Lambda) of Lansing. Everyone had a very en­joyable time. Seven of our members attended the Founders' Day Luncheon held at Charles McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, on Iovember 7.

In December Margaret Craddock entertained with a Christmas party. A Bohemian dinner was served. The decorations carried out the Christmas motif. Each member brought a gift for a deserving family.

January 11 , a Mexican bridge was held at Dorothy Martin 's. Dorothy, who took a trip to Mexico this summer, showed pictures and gave a talk on her trip during the evening. After such a pleasant time every one was anxious to take the trip.

Lansing has been enjoying a very good attendance this year. Out of seventeen active members between twelve and fifteen are at each meeting.

NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH ALUMNA: A charming old colonial home, a lovely open fireplace and a blazing

fire welcomed our alumnre to the Christmas chapter meeting at the home of our president, Jean West. After a short business meeting we had the pleasant surprise of a wienie roast in the living room before the inviting fire. Games were played and humorous gifts were exchanged. To add

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to our delight Grace Virginia Woodhouse gave an interesting report on the convention.

On January 21 we held our monthly business meeting in the foyer of the Monticello Hotel. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President, Ellen Mason ; vice-president, Virginia Goffigan ; recording and correspond.: ing secretary, Charlotte H. Roberts; treasurer, Abbe Edwards ; historian and editor, Doris Coates.

At our November chapter meeting one alumna, Doris Coates, was ini­tiated into the chapter from the Zeta Tau Collegiate Chapter. This also was our Founders' Day meeting. We celebrated by a lovely dinner party which preceded our business meeting and initiation service.



Pittsburgh Taus are fairly brimming over with plans for the new year. The old year ended with a bang and in style if you please. Possibly some

of you convention girls remember the William Penn Hotel's Chatterbox from your convention visit. At any rate the holiday season found the Pittsburgh alumnre celebrating with a formal dance. It was all very gay, what with tuxs, snazzy gowns, and all the trimmin 's, not to say anything of the crowd and our sore tootsies.

Our January business meeting provided a big surprise in the guise of some of our older alumnre. Need I mention how proud we were to have them and how meaningful is that steadily advancing membership.

We are all pulling for the life membership and are very much aware of its value to the future status of our group.

Our calendar is covered with interesting plans. I might let you peak at just a few, say up until about the time of our next ANCHOR.

A Valentine-Benefit-Bridge luncheon is scheduled for February 15. Kit Kramer is making the favors in the traditional hearts and candle motif.

March 13 has been set aside for the initiation of our new members. Rumor has it that there will be a supper dance along about Easter-tide. April 10 has been set aside for the election of officers. It has been decided not to discontinue the meetings during the summer.

A group vacation is also in the offing. This should give you a pretty fair idea about what a comparatively

new group has done in a short time. What with our present able leadership and fast growing membership, we should be sproutincr alumnre branches · about this time next year.

Fraternally, MARY E BER

WELCH ALUM Nlf W lch girl have been keeping up their promi e mad at th beginning the fall me ting to have at lea t on meetin cr ea h m nth. '' hav

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found that a little variety is a wonderful tonic for lagging attendance. In­stead of planning our get-togethers far in advance we decide each time what we would like for our next one. Some times we are invited to the home of some girl who lives in town. Often we meet for chatter and business at our leading hotel. Recently- we tried an innovation that has pleased all the girls no end. Instead of our regular Saturday afternoon convene we agreed to have supper together in town on Wednesday night. No wonder successful business men take their clients out to lunch or dinner if they want to make sure of an order. There is something about the merry banter of your sisters over a good meal in pleasant surroundings that makes you feel that fraternal tie of real relation hip. We had our business session right at the table after the dessert, and we all voted for another dinner date for the following month. Attendance certainly hit a new high mark.

We have adopted wholly all the alumnre traditions and intend to make our Valentine Day event the first one on our list.

Each year the girls of the Welch alumnre present to the collegiate chap­ter a gift. It is a great deal of fun trying to find out what they need with­out arousing suspicion, for the gift is always a surprise.

Our local treasury is our pride. Each girl makes a point of paying her monthly dues. It does wonders for the chapter bank account.

Miss Lilian Wolstencroft is the first of our girls to become a life mem­ber. Her mother made it her Yule tide gift. But the other girls have all made a start toward a life membership. Soon we will have a chapter of all "lifers."

W ICHITA ALUMN/E During the first part of January; Nora Forrester attended the National

Commercial Teachers Federation Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the national secretary of the Accounting Section.

Mildred Chaimberlain has gone to Chicago to take some work in Re­ligious Education at the University of Chicago.

We had a bower for Mary Bess Hannah Burnam, in the home of Hil­dred Dungan. Mrs. Dungan, Hildred 's mother showed the girls her col­lection of "old glass."

Our "waffle supper" at Alma Ashley's home was a load of fun. With a beautiful Christmas tree as setting, we had our Christmas party

in the home of Helen Logan Renfro. Eva Belle Manion has moved to Emporia, Kansas . Evelyn Alpin is

busy reviewing books in Foreign Languages to be used later in the form of a textbook. Wilda Woods is resting now, after supervising several Christ­mas pageants during the holidays.

One of the most severe nights of our snow storm, Mary Bess Burnam entertained the girls in her new apartment.

Most of us are getting settled after the Holidays- Helen Renfro is still spoiling "Jackie," Alma Ashley is working hard on her typewriter, Evelyn Alphin, Helen Steele, Nora Forrester, Gwen Killion are all busy starting their new semester.

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Eleanor Green to Edwin Stebbins. Virginia McFarland to Robert Zahniser.

Bernadette Cramer, '33 , to George O'Neil of Youngstown, Ohio.

Sigma Edith Manter to Sherman Babcock.


Barbara Bostwick, '35, to Edgar Gordon of Alliance, Ohio.

Iota Fyrne McDaniels, a pledge, January 15, 1937. Mirriam Walters, a pledge, to Fred Dufflemyer, of Springfield, Missouri,

January 18, 1937.

Beckley Alumnce Gula V. Halstead to Virgil A. Ball, January 16, 1937.

Buffalo Alumnce Betty Kennedy to Harry Holt, June, 1936.

BIRTHS Buffalo Alumnce

To Mr. and Mrs. William Weitz (Olga Cragin) , a daughter, Ann Gret­chen, November 7, 1936.

To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H . Butcher (Miriam Haefner) , a son, Law­rence Hornby, Jr. , December 5, 1936.

To Mr. and Mrs. Dean (Blanche Bellinger) , a daughter, Linda, March 8, 1936.

National Editor (Theta) To Captain and Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Mary Loui e Mandrea) a

daughter, Patricia Margaret, February 3, 1937.

Omicron A lumnce To Mr. and Mrs. Tony E . Cline (Clarice Oaks) , a daughter and a son

November 11 , 1936. DEATHS

D enver-Greeley Alumnce Denver- reeley alumnre mourn with Mr. and Mr . D. Gi h (Iota in

th los of th ir little eleven-year-old daucrhter Florenc who di d of pn u-monia, cember 20, 1936.

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President .. .. . . . ........... . . .. .. .... ...... ....... . Mrs. Carrie W. Staehle (Alpha) 2838 Holyoke Dr. , Toledo, Ohio

Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing: Mrs. F . J . Schumann, 904 E. ·Grand Blvd., Detroit , Mich . . . ...... (Theta) Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln St ., Johnstown, Pa .. ..... . ........... (Zeta) Mrs. Howard Dall , 1114 Exchange St., Emporia, Kan . . . ....... ... (Iota) Mrs. Meade McNeill, Athens, W.Va ........ ... . . ... . .......... (Omicron)

A .E.S . R epresentative . . ....... . .... .. . ... ..... ......... Miss Edith Mansell (Beta) 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich.

Secretary .... . .... .. .. .................. ... . .. . Miss Mary Jane Manchester (Eta) 1020 S. University, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Treasurer . . ............. .. ......... . .... . . ....... . Mrs. Adrian Ridderhof (Zeta) 16502 Blackstone, Detroit , Mich.

Editor ..... . . ......... . .... . .. .. ... . . . ... . ..... . ...... Mrs. J. G. Doyle (Theta) Peekskill Military Academy, Peekskill, N.Y.

Chaplain and Historian .. .... . ... . ... . ... . . ......... . . . ... Mrs. Royal Lucke (Nu) Henderson, Colo.

Central Office . . . . . ............... . ...... .. .. .. . ... . . 2838 Holyoke, Toledo, Ohio

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Scholarship Awards . .... . .. . ........ . .. . .... . .... . .. Mrs. R . S. MacDougall (Zeta)

College Glen Dr., Lock Haven, Pa. Examination . ..... . ... . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . . .... ... .... Mrs. W. Ralph Delaney (Theta)

15341 Alden Ave. , Detroit, Mich. Scholarship Loan Fund ...... ...... ... . .. . ..... Miss Margaret MacDonald (Sigma)

673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N .Y. Life M embership ... . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . ... . .............. Miss Maxine Mirus (Pi )

3636 Connecticut, St. Louis, Mo. Song-Book . . .... . . .. . .. .. . . ..... .. . . . ... . . .......... . Mrs. Robert Smink (Zeta)

708 2nd Ave., Williamsport, Pa. Founders' Day . . . . ...... . ... .... ... .. .. . .... .. . . .... Mrs. Aim ore Ludwig (Sigma)

150 Saranac, Buffalo, N .Y.

ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATION SORORITIES Chairman .. . .. . .... ..... . ... . .. ........ . ...... . . . ..... Miss Edith Mansell, A.S.T.

161 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich. Secretary . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . ....................... Miss Mabel Lee Walton, S.S.S.

Drawer 27 1, Woodstock, Va. Treasurer . . .. . .. . .. . ..... . .. . ....... . ........ . . ..... .. . .. Mrs. Fred Sharp, A.S.A.

1405 Hardy Ave. , Independence, Mo . . Director of Local Panhellenics ..... . . . .............. . ..... Mrs. C. P . Neidig, P .K.S.

3632 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Director of Cit y Panhellenics ... . . . . .... . . . . .. . .......... . .. . Mrs. Or ley See, D.S.E.

48 Wildwood Ave. , Piedmont, Calif. Chairman of Eligibility and Nationalization . ............ . Miss Carrie E. Walter, T.S.U.

3815 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Mae Warfield Chairman of Publicit y

717 Linden St. , Allentown, Pa.

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COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS AND CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES ALPHA-Michigan State Normal College ............................ Ypsilanti, Mich.

Lucille Disenroth, 613 W. Cross St., Ypsilanti, Mich. DELTA-State Teachers College ...... . . .. .. ............... . ............ Indiana, Pa.

Marion Weaver, 2 Clark Hall, I.S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. ZETA-Lock Haven State Teachers College ... . . . .................. Lock Haven, Pa.

Pauline Barrows, c/ o A.S.T., S.T.C. , Lock Haven, Pa. ETA-Kent State College ........ . ..................... .. .............. Kent, Ohio

Verna Siegfried, 270 Columbus St., Kent, Ohio THETA-Wayne University ............................... ...... . . .. Detroit, Mich.

Ruth Heilman, 311 W. Montana, Detroit, Mich. IoTA-Kansas State Teachers College ..... ... . ........ . ........... .. . Emporia, Kan.

Myrel Yost, R.F.D. #1, Emporia, Kan. LAMBDA- Temple University .......... ... .. .......... . .... ...... Philadelphia, Pa.

Cora Zimmerman, 551 Unruh St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nu-Colorado State College of Education . ........ . ................. Greeley, Colo.

Zina Beck, 1805 12th Ave., Greeley, Colo. OMICRON-Concord State Teachers College ................. . . ... .... Athens, W.Va.

Madeline McNeill, Athens, W.Va. PI-Harris Teachers College ....................... . ..... ............ St. Louis, Mo.

Margaret Wallis, 7019 Hancock, St. Louis, Mo. RHo-Southeastern Teachers College .. .. .. ..... ..... . ............ . .. . Durant, Okla.

Kathleen Kelchner, 617 W. Elm St., Durant, Okla. SIGMA-State Teachers College ............................. . ........ Buffalo, N.Y.

Marjorie Milius, 621 Wyoming, Buffalo, N.Y. ZETA TAu-State Teachers College .......................... ........ Farmville, Va.

Margaret Bailey, Box 167, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. UPSILON-State Teachers College .... . ................. .. ........... Conway, Ark.

Anna Reeves, McAlister Hall, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark.

ALUMNJE CHAPTERS AND CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES ALTOONA-Helen Frisch, 1003 2nd Ave., Altoona, Pa. BECKLEY-Dessie Sarrett, 3rd Street, Beckley, W.Va. BLUEFIELD-Thelma Bailey, 1808 Jefferson St., Bluefield, W.Va. BuFFALo-Marion Holdsworth , 24 Hoover Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. DENVER-GREELEY-Ruth Magneson Ewer, 1145 Clayton St., Denver, Colo. DETROIT-Dorothy Connelly, 4535 Vancouver, Detroit, Mich. EMPORIA-Mrs. Lee Wayman, 918 Peyton, Emporia, Kan. JoHNSTOWN-Margaret Kyler, Cox St., Johnstown, Pa. LANSING-Ellen Brandel, 310 W. Lenawee St. , Lansing, Mich. ToRFOLK-PORTSMOUTH- Alberta Collings, 532 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, Va.

PITTSBURGH- Margaret Guckert, 719 Orchard Ave. , Bellevue, Pa. ST. Loms-Madolyn Kehl, 7400 Florissant Rd ., St. Louis County, Mo. WELCH- Lillian Crockett, Davy, W.Va. WICHITA- Helen Renfro, 1206 Fairview, Wichita, Kan. WILLIAMSPORT- Helen Dittmar, 1558 Scott St., Williamsport, Pa. YouNGSTOWN- Caroline Phillips, Myron St., Hubbard , Ohio.

ALUMNJE REPRESENTATIVES ............ . ... . ........ . .. . .................. Mrs. Emily Fitzgerald

5230 Audubon, Detroit, Mich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr . D nald Baxter

153 0 Forrer Ave ., Detroit, Mich.

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DELTA ....... ... . .. ... . ....... . ......... . .. . ..... . .......... Miss Betty Weaver 1235 4th Ave., Ford City, Pa.

ZETA .... . . .. .. .... .. .. ....... .... ....... .... .......... ... ... Mrs. Blanche Smink 708 Second Ave., Williamsport, Pa.

ETA . .. . ...... . .. . .. . ..... . . .. ... ......... ...... . ...... .. ...... . Miss Helen Sext 3731 W. Park Rd ., Cleveland , Ohio

THETA . . .. ... .. . ...... . ........ .... . . . .. . ............. . .. Miss Eleanor Brinkman 3326 Maybury Grand, Detroit, Mich.

IoTA {: ::: .: ::::::: : ::: :~~~ :~~~~~~~~:~~·: ~~P~~i~: ~~~ : :~:s~· ~·e· ·~~:e r;:zw::: 114 Exchange St., Emporia, Mich.

LAMBDA .. ......... . . .. . .. ... ..... . .. .... . .............. Mrs. Anne Warren Troth 104 Park Ave., Westmont, N .J .

Nu ...... ..... . ...... .. .... . . .. .... . ....... . . .. ........... Miss J oanna Eberhart Hudson, Colo.

OMICRON . . . .... . .... . . ............. . ... . .... . . .. . .. .... . .. Miss Romaine Kanode Athens, W.Va.

Pr. . ........... . ... . ......... . ... .. . .......... . .............. Miss Virginia Ruby 3439 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

RHo .. . . ......... . ..... . . .. .. . ... . ......... . ............ . Mrs. Pauline McQueen 424 N. 2nd, Durant, Okla.

SIGMA ....... . .... . .. . .......... . ...... ... .... .... ....... . Miss Beverly Bollard 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo, r.v.

ZETA TAu ........ . ..... ... ..... .. .. . . ....... . .. . . . ..... ... ... Miss Mary Nichols 410 Beech St., Farmville, Va.

UPSILON . . ... .. . ............. ....... . . .... . ....... Mrs. Mary Sharrock McHughes 243 Conway Blvd. , Conway, Ark.

I NACTIVES BETA .. ...... ... . . ... . ..... .. .... . .. .. .. .. . .............. Mrs. Claude Larzelere

405 High St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich . XI . .. ... .. ...................... .. . .. ...... . ............. Miss Mildred LeMaster

246 S. Third, Montrose, Colo. GAMJ\1A .... . . ...... . .... .. ...... . ....... . . .. . .. . .... ....... .. . . . Mrs. Leona Hay

3019 Harding Ave., Detroit , Mich. KAPPA ...... . ........... . ..... ... .................... ....... Miss Isabel Finkbine

Oxford . Ohio


ALPHA .. . .. . ........... ... ...... Mrs. Gertrude Flint, 914 Conaress, Ypsilanti, Mich. DELTA .... . ....... ... ..... . ... Miss Mary St. Clair King, 134 S. 7th St., Indiana, Pa.

Mrs. M. J. Walsh, 282 S. 7th St. , Indiana, Pa. Miss Alma Gaslander, 911 School St., Indiana, Pa.

ZETA .. . . ... ..... . ....... .. .. Miss Edna Bottorf, 215 E . Walnut St., Lock Haven, Pa. ETA... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .......... Miss Laura Hill , 417 E. Main St. , Kent, Ohio

Miss Harriet Adams, 23 7 E. Main St., Kent, Ohio T HETA . . . . . ......... . .... Miss Edith L. Mansell, 161 Highland , Highland Park, Mich.

Dr. Gertha Williams, 630 Merrick, Detroit , Mich. Miss Jane B. Welling, 630 Merrick, Detroit, Mich.

IoTA .. . ..... . ....... . . . ...... . .. Miss Helen R. Garman, 105 W. 12th , Emporia, Kan. LAMBDA . ... .. ... ... . .. .. . ... Mrs. Ethel H . Kirby, 1901 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Nu .... ...... ... . ........... . .. Mrs. Catherine Gibert, 1703 lOth Ave., Greeley, Colo.

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OMICRON .... . ........ .. ........ ... ... . . . .... . Miss Mae R. Hunter, Athens, W.Va. PI. .... . . ... .. . ..... .......... ... Miss Edith Glatfelter, 4720 N. 20th, St. Louis, Mo. RHo ..... . . . . ....... ... . . ... ... . Miss Mildred Riling, 624 W. Elm, Durant, Okla.

Miss Irene Scrivener, 624 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. SIGMA ... . ......... . ... . .. . . Miss Luella Chapman, 916 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N .Y.

Miss Ruth McLean, 10 Claremont, Buffalo, N.Y. ZETA TAu ... . . . . . . ......... ... . .. ... . Miss Virginia Bedford, S.T .C., Farmville, Va. UPSILON ........ .. ...... . . . .... . Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark.

CHAPTER EDITORS ALPHA ........ . ........ . . .... . Lucille Disenroth, 613 W. Cross St., Ypsilanti, Mich. DELTA .............. .... .... .. .. ...... Anne Davis, 429 Keystone Ave., Cresson, Pa. ZETA ... ........... . . . .... . . .. .. .. ......... Ellen Harding, S.T .C., Lock Haven, Pa. ETA ... . ...... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ...... .. Dorothy Season, 334 E . Main St., Kent, Ohio THETA .......... .. .. ................ Willie Dawkins, 2912 Vicksburg, Detroit, Mich. IoTA . . . . . . . .. ..... . ... .. . .. .. . . Lucretia Peacock, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan .

u .... . ............. . .. . .. ....... .. .. Lillian Griffith , 1723 7th Ave., Greeley, Colo. OMICRON ... . .... . . . . . ... .. . ... . . . .. Dorothy Klingensmith , Box 176, Athens, W.Va. PI. ... . ..... . ... ... ... . .... .. ..... . .. Janice Wrausmann, 4324 Lee, St. Louis, Mo. RHo ....... . ... . .. . ... . .. . . . ....... Kathleen Kelchner, 617 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. SIGMA . . . . ..... . ... . ...... . .. . .. . ...... Doris Tober, 190 Keystone St., Buffalo, N.Y. ZETA TAu .. . . .... . .. . ............. LeNoir H ubbard, Box 136, S.T .C., Farmville, Va. ALTOONA .. . ... . . ..................... Margaret Dorries, 1805 1st Ave., Altoona, Pa. BECKLEY ......................... ......... .. Dorcie Shumate, Glen Daniel, W .Va. BLUEFIELD .. . . . . ..... .... ... ....... . ... ... ..... Frances Graves, Montcalm, W.Va. BuFFALO ........... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ..... Mary Whiting, 424 Dodge St., Buffalo, N.Y. DENVER-GREELEY .. . ... ... . . .. .. Burnadine Womack, 234 S. 3rd St., Brighton, Colo. DETROIT ............ . .... . ..... . . . ........ Grace Myers, 7 830 Prairie, Detroit, Mich. EMPORIA . .. .. .. . . ........ . .......... . ....... . .. . . . .. . Inez M . Boy, Strawn, Kan. J OHNSTOWN . . . . ....... . . ...... ... ......... .. ...... Dorothy Risch, Davidsville, Pa. LANSING ... . ...... .... Mrs. Hazel Georgia Eaegle, 411 S. Butler Blvd., Lansing, Mich. NoRFOLK-PORTSMOUTH ...... Mrs. Frank Thomson, 626 Douglas Ave., Portsmouth, Va. PITTSBURGH ....... . . . Mary Eber, 202 S. Braddock Ave. , East End, Pittsburgh, Pa. ST. Loms .. . .... . ........... . .. . . Dorothea Schaberg, 510-J. Wabada, St. Louis, Mo. WELCH .. . .... . ..... . . ... ... . ...................... Julia White, Eckman, W .Va. WicHITA . .. ...... . .... . .Mildred Chamberlin, 305 W . Eleventh, Wichita, Kan. WILLIAMSPORT ...... . . .. . . . ..... Martha Matchett, 2502 W . 4th St., Williamsport, Pa.

A Reminder-That due to our new policy of publishing THE AN CHOR three times a year, material for the next issue (June) will be due not later than May 1, 1937.