17 a cb personality theory 2015

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Consumer Behaviour 2015 -Prof. Rajesh Satpathy


“Personality stands for those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person respond to his/her environment”

- Prof. Schiffman and Kanuk

Individual Determinants of Behavior

PersonalityPersonality is another internal determinant which influences our consumption pattern. We tend to use products that go with our personality.

Personality can be defined as those inner psychological characteristics that determine and reflect how a person responds to his/her environment.

Inner characteristics are those specific qualities and attributes traits, factors, mannerism that distinguish one person from others.

Individual Determinants of Behavior

Personality influences the individual’s product choices and brand choices. It also responds to a company’s promotional efforts and when and how they consume particular products or avail services.

By associating personality characteristics with consumer behavior , a marketer can formulate marketing strategies in an effective manner.

Personality reflects individual differences. Therefore we can categorize them into groups on the basis of few traits.

e.g. Low sociability / High sociability

Dull / Bright

Practical vs Imaginative

Individual Determinants of Behavior

Video: Tata Sumo Grande MK II

Personality is consistent and enduring and is only one of the factors that affect Consumer Behavior. Personality can change due to major life events i.e. birth, death, marriage, job.

It can also change by a gradual process.

Individual Determinants of Behavior

Freudian Theory

>> The ID: The id consists of all the inherited components of personality… aggression

>> The SuperEgo: The superego is other side of the continuum, it incorporates the values and morals of the society, which are learnt from one’s parents n others. The superego consists of conscience.

>> Ego: Ego is the conscious effort of the person, it is between superego and id…

Individual Determinants of Behavior

Freudian Theory on Life Stages

>> Ego

> Oral Phase - 0-8 months

> Anal Phase- 1-2 yrs

> Phallic Phase- 2-6 yrs

> Latency Phase- 6-11 yrs

> Genital Phase- 11-19 yrs

Individual Determinants of Behavior

Freud theory believes that person personality is an out come of his biological and primitive unconscious needs.

Neo-Freudian Theory (CAD theory):

>> Compliant style: When one move towards the other… These persons want to reach out, join with, come together, cooperate, meet n affectionate.

EG: Brand Close Up

Video: Close Up

Neo-Freudian Theory (CAD theory):

>> Aggressive style: This type of person move against the others.

These persons have an ability to differ, argue, state their case and dare to be different. What they want to be- Powerful, Recognized n a Winner.

EG: Brand Old Spice

Video: Old Spice

Neo-Freudian Theory (CAD theory):

>> Detached style: This type of personality have the ability to move away, be contained in themselves befriend themselves and enjoy loneliness.

They believes ‘I should be independent, aloof, perfect’. These person are heavy drinkers of tea n coffee.

EG: Brand LacosteThey are not at all BRAND LOYAL

Lacoste POLO Shirts

Lacoste Garments

Video: Lacoste

Thank You!

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