13612_rp mindwriter

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Introduction (Excecutive summary)

The company (Mind writer) has recently created a service and repair program, complete care for its portable computers for providing rapid response to customer service problems. The company is experiencing a shortage of trained technical operators in the telephone centre. The package courier, contracted to pick up and deliver customer’s machines to complete care has provided irregular service. Mind writer has experienced parts availability problems for some machines.(Background)

Recent phone logs show complaints about complete care, its is unknown how representative these complaints are and implications for satisfaction of mind writer products.(Management Dilemma). Management desires information on program’s effectiveness and impact on customer satisfaction to determine what should be done to improve complete care program for mindwriter products. (Mangement Question)

Research Objectives

The objective of the study is to discover the level of satisfaction with complete care program. (Research Question).Specifically, we intend to find out the component and overall level of satisfaction with the complete care program.(Refined research question).Components of research process are important targets for investigation because they reveal(1) How customer tolerance levels for repair performance affect overall satisfaction and (2) Which process components should be immediately improved to elevate overall satisfaction of mindwriter customers experiencing product failures? (Investigative Questions)

Importance of the Study

High levels of user tolerance translate into positive word of mouth product endorsements. These endorsements influence the purchase outcomes for (1) friends and relatives (2) business associates.Critical incidents such as product failures potentially undermine existing satisfaction levels and preserve or increase existing levels of product satisfaction. The outcome depends on the quality of maufacturer’s response.

Literature Review

Impact of Online/Internet Marketing on Computer Industry in Malaysia in Enhancing Consumer ExperienceHamed Armesh, Habibollah Salarzehi, Noor Mohammad Yaghoobi, Alireza Heydari, Davoud Nikbin. International Journal of Marketing Studies. Toronto: Nov 2010. Vol. 2, Iss. 2; pg. 75, 12 pgs

A study on customer’s perception by ABC research organization towards such a customer satisfaction program run by XYZ Computer Company revealed a high degree of correlation between slow response time to repairing servicing technical faults and overall customer satisfaction. The study surveyed 200 respondents across India in the middle income young population who were active users of technology products to arrive at this conclusion. However, we intend to use a broader sample for our study across a wide cross section of demographic income groups to arrive at a more balanced and representative response.

A study conducted by ABC research on the initial consumer perception towards such a program concluded a clear ranking of customer preferences towards various elements of servicing repairs and complaints.

(a) Friendliness and promptness in attending complaints

(b) Technical expertise in servicing complaints.(c) Turnaround time in completing requests.

Research Design

Qualitative Study;ExplorationWe intend to augment our knowledge of the company by interviewing the service manager, call centre manager and independent package company’s account executive. Based on a thorough understanding of the company’s internal and external process, we develop a mail survey.

Questionnaire Design

A postcard size questionnaire offers the most cost effective method of securing feedback on complete care. Some Questions will be based on investigative questions mentioned previously while others will be dawn from executive interviews. A maximum of 10 questions will be asked A new 5 point expectation scale, compatible with existing customer satisfaction scales is being designed.


Postal arrangements are “business reply priveleges” to be arranged in a few days. Approval for a reduced postage rate will take one to two weeks.

Pilot Testing

We will test the questionnaire with a small sample of customers using tech line operators. Revised questions will be incorporated and forwarded to the graphics designer for a layout.

Nonresponse bias

Non responders will be interviewed on telephone and responses compared statistically to those of responders.

Data Analysis

We will review the postcards and send a weekly report on customers who express a 1 or 2 rating with any question or submit a negative response to enable you to resolve customer complaints in a timely fashion. A report will be prepared on ferquencies and category percentages for each question. Visual displays of data will be chart/histogram form.


Hamed Armesh, Habibollah Salarzehi, Noor Mohammad Yaghoobi, Alireza Heydari, Davoud Nikbin “Impact of Online/Internet Marketing on Computer Industry in Malaysia in Enhancing Consumer Experience” Toronto: Nov 2010. Vol. 2, Iss. 2; pg. 75, 12 pgs

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