1 pre colombian era and colonization

Post on 24-Dec-2014






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Mrs. Barnes

AP and Dual Credit US History

Pre-Colombian Era and Colonization

• Pre-Columbian

time period.• First

Americans came from

Asia• Crossed the Bering

Strait during the

Ice Age• Following

a food source

• Gradual migration

Inhabitants crossed over by way of the Bering Land Bridge

The Ice Melted… human beings started to pass over the land bridge.

They took their time! The travelers averaged about 1 mile of migration EVERY 2 YEARS!!!

Did you know that before Columbus “discovered” the New World that 100 MILLION natives actually lived there???

Also, when Columbus landed… the Aztec Capital was larger than ANY European city?? WOW!

35,000 years before he sailed the Ocean Blue…. Who is ________?

2,000 languages were spoke in the New WorldAgriculture was the reason these different

civilizations could survive.Unlike the dirty European cities of that time…

most of the large cities in the New World (Meso-America in particular) had Running water, clean streets and even botanical gardens

MesoAmerica more advanced than the simple Hunting/Gathering societies in Northern America

Explorers dominated native inhabitants due to WEAPONS +DISEASES +USE of Tribe RIVALRIES

2,000 Cultures and counting…

Want of WEALTH… Tales of GOLD! Renaissance ideals (humanism/optimism)

… “We can do ANYTHING”Trades Routes -looking for a waterway to

AsiaThey had the ability… SHIPS and

ACCESS! Mariner’s Compass was developed…

exploration was POSSIBLE!

REASONS for Exploration….

Europe was introduced to…. Corn Tobacco Tomatoes Avocado Rice Indigo (later)

DISEASE… Explorers were basically Biological WEAPONS!


EXCHANGE OF GOODS between Europe and New World

“Colombian Exchange”

Americas were introduced to…

IN REALITY….. The American Indians were on the loosing end of a

“White Elephant Gift Exchange”The OLD WORLD (Europe) brought death and

domination to the Natives.And… the NEW WORLD (Americas) gave Europe a

new life.

FRENCH explored and gave claim to Canada. built a fur-trading post in Quebec, Canada 1608-(this settlement

continued to the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River) Desired to covert natives

SPANISH Defeat Aztecs and Incas In the 16th Century (1500s) they explore Mexico, Florida and much

of the Southwest built a mission in Santa Fe, New Mexico (1610) Desired to covert natives

English first permanent colony -Sir Walter Raleigh was the 1st to found a

English colony—Roanoke (1585 to 1587), but when relief vessels arrived in 1590 the colonists were gone and never found.

So we study ….JAMESTOWN, VIRGINIA …. 1607

Europeans “settling” in…


Economic Motives Surplus capital and profit motive. Mercantilism stressed the need for precious metals. Sought Gold and

other metals. England wished to secure vital raw materials. Need for surplus of manufactures.

Religious Motives Protestant Reformation gave rise to dissenting sects (fought against the

Anglican Church). Catholics, Puritans, and Quakers wanted to flee the Kings pressure to

conform. Didn’t want to convert the natives to Christianity, unlike French and


Social and Political Motives Desire for adventure and new experiences. Wish for a greater degree of political freedom.

Mercantilism was the economic philosophy of Great Britain when establishing the Colonies

Colonies produced sugar, lumber, naval stores and fish (raw resources) for the Empire.…generally favors “protectionism” and colonial

acquisition as means to increase exports

Colonist developed great skill in evading British laws they found harmful and often showed an independent spirit toward English domination. (SMUGGLING)


Smokin’ Virginia- Jamestown- settled by Virginia Company (Joint stock Co. that’s motive was $$$$$). “He who shall not work shall not eat”- John Smith Disease and starvation almost wiped out colony

“The Starving Time” Pocahontas Tobacco!!! (John Rolfe)

Merry Maryland- CATHOLIC HAVEN! Maryland Act of Toleration- 1649

Protestants outnumber Catholics. The people must accept the Trinity. The Act was meant to protect Catholic freedom.

Individualistic Carolinas- more relaxed… some outcasts Carolina cultivated rice and brought African slaves to develop a plantation

type economy.

Get Em’ Georgia- Created as a buffer between Spanish Florida and South Carolina New Start for Criminals and debtors

Southern Colonies…Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas and Georgia

****Rivers, Plantations, seasons suitable for farming= AGRICULTURE

Jamestown SettlementJamestown Settlement

Indentured ServantsIndentured servants

became the first means to meet this need for labor. In return for free passage

to Virginia, a laborer worked for four to five

years in the fields before being granted freedom. The Crown rewarded planters with 50 acres of land for every inhabitant they brought to the

New World. Naturally, the colony began to expand. That

expansion was soon challenged by the Native American

confederacy formed and named after Powhatan

**eventually led to SLAVERY**

• “Headright System”-

whomever paid passage for

“laborer” received the right to 50

acres.• Indentured

servants were Disenfranchised

and unable to receive their land

•Gov. Berkeley (Royal Governer) would not defend settlements from

Indian attacks

•Nathaniel Bacon acts as the

representative for rebels

•Gov. Berkeley refused to meet their conditions and erupts into a

civil war.•Bacon dies, Gov.

Berkeley puts down rebellion and

several rebels are hung

Consequence of Bacon’s Rebellion

Plantation owners gradually replaced indentured servants with African slaves because it was seen as

a better investment in the long term than indentured servitude.

*Decline of Headright System

Plymouth Pilgrims 1620- Just North of Virginia… Mayflower landed Mayflower Compact “Government by Majority”- “SELF GOVERNMENT” Puritans Eventually absorbed by Massachusetts Bay Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony- COD AND GOD! Theocracy … Church and State connected John Winthrop – “We must be a city upon a hill” Witch trials 1692 – 6 girls accusing people and the show trials. (Massachusetts

created (1692) Anne Hutchinson

Best known for her struggle with Massachusetts over religious doctrine and gender roles

Hutchinson was banished to Rhode Island

“Freethinking” Rhode Island- Roger Williams Paid Indians for land Separated Church and State

Connecticut comes to Order- Thomas Hooker Drafted “Fundamental Orders”… the beginning of a Constitution Women’s Rights

New Hampshire Fishing

Northern Colonies…Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New

Hampshire***Protestants, Shipping, fishing, small farms, harsh winters and


• 41 Male passengers on the Mayflower formed into a “civil

body politic”, signed a compact promising to write and obey "just and equal laws ... for the general

good of the colony." • The compact brought an

element of democracy to America and was an example of the

practice of self-government in the colonies.

• All the colonies practiced some form of self-government……and

would integrate a form of SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY into their


John Winthrop 1st governor of the

Massachusetts Bay Colony

the chief figure among the Puritan founders of New England

THEOCRACY= Church+State

Called on the Puritans to build a model society… which he referred to as “ a city upon a hill’

Indian Tensions Pequot War 1637: Fought

because tensions grew between Puritans and the Indians. Puritans ally themselves with Pequot tribal enemies (the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes). Pequot's are defeated and sign the treaty of Hartford which declared the Pequot Nation dissolved.

King Philips War – 1675: Fought because of Puritans moving onto more Indian land. Metacomet is defeated.


Unite against a common


Massachusetts Connecticut

but not Rhode IslandDemocratic

growthIndian Wars

Pequot War, 1644

King Philip’s War, 1675

Confederation dissolves once wars



Unite against a common


Massachusetts Connecticut

but not Rhode IslandDemocratic

growthIndian Wars

Pequot War, 1644

King Philip’s War, 1675

Confederation dissolves once wars


Not Rhode Island

NEW ENGLAND CONFEDERATION -1643The Puritan Colonies united to stand against Indians. The New England Confederation was highly successful in terms of bonding the colonies together, and provided a basis for the further collaboration of Colonies

Indians Vs. Colonists

The Iroquois Confederacy•Unification of many several different tribes in response to the threat posed by the European Colonists.•The Iroquois Confederacy was the MOST IMPORATANT and powerful Native American political alliance in history. It successfully ended generations of tribal warfare.

New York (Old Netherlands/New Amsterdam)Dutch CompanyAristocraticDutch Explorer Henry Hudson… Hudson river and

Bay??? Delaware

New SwedenPacifist Pennsylvania- William Penn

Quakers = Pacifist paid Indians for landThe “Holy Experiment” granted complete freedom

of worship and established democratic gov’t.

Middle Colonies…New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania

***fertile soil, industry, shipbuilding, plantations/small farms

Life in the Colonies

SOUTH WIDE GAP between rich and

poor hierarchy of wealth and


1. Planter aristocracy w/ slaves mimicking feudalism of Europe

2. However, these planters were hardworking, involved in day-to-day affairs

3. Few cities – poor transportation

4. Women more powerful – men die leaving property to widows

b. Divorce rare – courts could order you to reunite

Was a gap between Rich/Poor… but not as wide as South

Because of harsh weather… industrialization begins

Growing Population– fertile people/not soil

1. Early marriage = high birth rates, women would often die during childbirtha. Obedient family ties, strong links to grandparentsb. Women’s role not as powerful – no property or legal rights

Social Structure and Family Life


**Women lost legal and social identity when she married.

Religion leads Northern lifestyleTowns in New England unite

Geography & Fear of Indians force close relations

Religion makes unity important50+ families in town requires a schoolPuritans ran churches

DEMOCRATICALLY…… led to democratic government

Farm and Town Life…

Germans – left because of war, religion and a bad economy settled in Pennsylvania

Scotts-Irish – Scottish kicked out of Ireland because not Catholic – settled in mountainsLawless, individualistic – lived in Appalachian hills –

whiskey making fools! Not wanted by Germans or New Englanders –

forced to hillsOther groups were embraced by Colonial Settlers

French, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, SwissLargest immigrant group ----SLAVES

Melting Pot from the start…Immigration

Natural Resources to England

Economy:Triangular Trade

Weapons and Textiles to Africa

Slaves to Indies and Southern


Sugar to Americas

This is called the Middle


Mercantilism leads to Salutary NeglectThe Navigation Acts (1660-1680s)1. Navigation Acts passed

to control colonial overseas commerce and shipping in the interests of the whole empire.

2. During the 17th and early 18th Centuries MANY colonists ignored Navigation Acts and smuggled without punishment

3. Becomes known as the era of “SALUTARY NEGLECT”

A wave of religious revivals that spread across the American Colonies during 1730s and 1740s

After the Colonial Regions started to become

settled… along came….

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening 1730-1740 gave colonists a shared national religious experience

Reasons for The Great AwakeningPeople felt that OLD religion

was dry, dull and distant Half-Way Covenant- The Puritans

established to ease requirements for Church Membership (allowed the baptism of children of baptized but unconverted Puritans (Massachusetts Bay)

Increases # of religious people but diversifies the SECTS of religion

Preachers felt that people needed to be concerned with inner emotions as opposed to outward religious behavior

People in New England can read and interrupt the Bible on their own

George WhitefieldFamous Puritan

minster who used raw emotional sermons to reach all classes of colonists

Preached that “good works” and “godly lives” would bring you salvation

Puritan Minster terrified listeners with his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

Famous ministers of the Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

Outcomes of the Great Awakening

Birth of deep religious convictions in the colonies

New churches built to accommodate new members

Colleges founded found to train new ministers


The Great Awakening leads to….the EnlightenmentGreat surge of literacy in

the coloniesNewspapers and book

publications increase Schools are synonymous

with new towns and villages

Deism- belief that God created universe that is governed by NATURAL LAW and human reasonPhilosophers used the

doctrine of “natural rights” to justify revolution against political tyranny.

John LockeJean

Jacques Rousseau

New colleges founded after the

Great Awakenin




New colleges founded after the

Great Awakenin




France --> lost her Canadian possessions, most of her empire in India, and claims to lands east of the Mississippi River.Spain --> got all French lands west of the Mississippi River, New Orleans, but lost Florida to England.England --> got all French lands in Canada, exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and commercial dominance in India.

1763 Treaty of Paris


1763 Treaty of Paris


North America in 1763

North America in 1763

1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas.

2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt.

3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials created bitter feelings.

Therefore, England felt that amajor reorganization of her

American Empire was necessary!

Effects of the War on Britain?

Effects of the War on Britain?

1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time.

2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated.

3. It created bitter feelings

towards the British that would only intensify.

Effects of the War on the American


Effects of the War on the American


1. Sugar Act - 1764

2. Currency Act - 1764

4. Stamp Act - 1765

3. Quartering Act - 1765

George Grenville’s Program, 1763-1765George Grenville’s

Program, 1763-1765

Settling of the Colonies+

Unification through Fear of Indians and Religion (The Great Awakening)

+Economy of the TRIANGULAR TRADE

+Enlightenment Ideals

+increased taxes/bullying by British

=A growing Independence in the

Colonieswhich leads to…….

The Stage for the American Revolution

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