1 membrane protein structures. 4 構造解析とシミュ...

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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タンパク質の構造を解きあかせ!Revealing Atomic details of protein structure!

Membrane proteins are so tiny (1/100,000 mm) that it is very difficult to analyze their structures. To grow protein crystals,researchers need more amount of pure membrane proteins than those in our body. Researchers develop techniques that use insect and yeast cells to make pure, large quantities of the specific membrane proteins.

In order to learn how the atoms are arranged in, protein crystals are exposed to the X-ray beams. Because membrane protein crystals are very fragile, they cannot be exposed to the X-ray beams for a prolonged time. Prof. Iwata’s team developed a new technique to carry tiny protein crystals through a syringe needle, which allows each of the protein crystals to be exposed to the X-ray beam at a certain rate.

膜タンパク質は10万分の1ミリと非常に小さく、構造を調べることはとても難しいため、研究ではたくさんの膜タンパク質が必要です。構造を調べるためには、 タンパク質を効率よく作れる昆虫や酵母の細胞を使って、 大量の膜タンパク質をつくります。


Once membrane proteins are purified, they are crystallized for X-rays diffraction.Protein crystals are formed from the well-aligned membrane protein molecules. To make these molecules well-aligned, Team B develops to use special “anti-bodies” that can bind to membrane protein molecules and act as sticky tabs for their alignment.

Prof. Iwata’s group and collaborator developed a new way to keep the protein crystals in a needle-shaped carrier so that the protein crystals flow at constant speed while being exposed to the X-ray.

膜タンパク質をX線計測すると、左の写真のようなデータが得られます。これをコンピュータで処理すると、右図のように、原子の並びをシミュレーションすることができます。これにより膜タンパク質の機能を特定し、その応用として、膜タンパク質の働きを変えることで副作用を抑える新薬の開発などにつながります。Picture on the left is an example of diffraction data obtained at SACLA. By using various computer techniques, the arrangement of atoms within protein crystals can be restored, as shown on the figure on the right. Studying the detailed protein structure make it possible to figure out their functions. Such analysis may be applied for development of new medicines with fewer side effects by altering the function of such membrane proteins.



膜タンパク質を大量に作る岩田 想

京都大学医学研究科 教授


岩田 想

京都大学医学研究科 教授


So Iwata

Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London

So Iwata

Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London

“I would like to develop a technical platform for revealing membrane protein structures more efficiently, which contributes to

various researches including drug development.” For this goal, I decided to gather young talented researchers who possessed the various technologies. By collaborating each other, we have succeeded to develop new techniques that enable to elucidate

membrane protein structures. 1

2 結晶にするX線回折データ取得3 X線自由電子レーザー SACLA オリジナル手法を開発

構造解析とシミュレーションPurification of membrane proteins


X-ray DiffractionX-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) SACLA Developing a carrier for the protein crystals

Elucidating the Protein Structure and its Simulation4


開発して、 創薬をはじめとするさまざまな研究に貢献したい」。 そう考えた私は、多様な専門性をもつ若手研究者を集めて チームをつくりました。1つの目標に向かって互いに連携することで、これまでにない新しい

技術が生まれ、 詳細な構造解析をスピーディに行うことが可能になりました。


All substances are composed of tiny units called atoms. It is essential to examine how atoms are arranged in a substance, in order to know the shape of the substance. By analyzing diffraction patterns of X-rays from the crystalized substances (X-ray crystallography), we can reveal the structural details of the substances

Cells in our bodies receive substances from other cells or outside of the body and then respond to the others. Membrane proteins are localized in the cell membrane, the exterior wall of the cell, and enable the cell to receive information and substances from outside of the cell. By elucidating the precise shape of the receptors, we can understand how the cells receive information from the outside.

私たちの体の中にある細胞は、 他の細胞や外界との間で情報や物質をやりとりしています。その際に働くのが 「膜タンパク質」です。膜タンパク質は、 細胞の外壁である細胞膜に埋め込まれており、 外から来た情報や物質を受け取る役割を担っています。この膜タンパク質の形を 詳細に調べることで、細胞が情報や物質を やりとりする方法がわかるようになるのです。

What is the protein structural analysis?構造解析とはなにか?構造解析とはなにか?膜タンパク質とはなにか?膜タンパク質とはなにか?

What are membrane proteins?


膜タンパク質Membrane proteins

細胞膜Cell membranes

The three-dimensional (3D) structure of histamine H1 receptor revealed by X-ray Crystallography

回折点のデータ→原子を色別に表示し、構造を可視化Diffraction data →Restored the atomic details of protein structure (Different colors represent different atoms)

SACLAはX線解析装置の中でも、100兆分の1秒という特に短い時間で物質にX線自由電子レーザーを当てることができます。とても短い時間なので、 結晶が壊れる前にX線の反射データを得ることができます。このプロジェクトでは、SACLAを使って膜タンパク質の形を詳しく調べています。

At SACLA, new device to apply a stronger X-ray laser called X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) enable to expose protein crystals to the X-ray for an ultrashort time, just one hundred-trillionth of a second. Such ver y shor t t ime of exposure makes it possible to record diffraction data from the protein crystals before they are destroyed. Prof. Iwata’s group work on elucidation of membrane protein structure at SACLA.








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