1. john f. kennedy. swbat evaluate the presidency of john f. kennedy and assess the goals of his...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Unit 8: 1960-1980

1. John F. Kennedy

SWBAT evaluate the Presidency of John F. Kennedy and

assess the goals of his domestic policy.

Lesson Objective

Corps A body of people engaged in a particular activity.

A Post-WWII World How did America attempt to support the development of

countries affected by World War II in the decades following the war? How successful was America in its endeavors?

Chart & Share Out Discussion

Do you believe America’s efforts to support these countries were mostly selfish (trying to stop the spread of communism) or selfless (trying to help the people of these countries lead better lives)?

Word of the Day/Initial Activity

Focus Question: How did JFK redefine the relationship

between citizens and their country?

Read “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…” How might JFK’s request for the American people change

the country? Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze

Extension Activity Is the 1960s the right time period to request this change

of the American people? Share Out

Activity 1: JFK’s Domestic Agenda

2 minute to write down a response to this


Describe two ways by which the American people can fulfill JFK’s request to, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?”

Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner Share Out

JFK’s Domestic Agenda QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk

Focus Question: How did President Kennedy propose

Americans attempt to spread peace through volunteerism.

Read The Peace Corps How does JFK explain the purpose of the Peace Corps?

Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze Extension Activity

How may the Peace Corps help keep the peace between American and Russia during the Cold War?

Share Out

Activity 2: JFK’s Foreign Policy

1. John F. Kennedy

a. 35th president b. WWII hero c. Assassinated in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald

2. Foreign Policy a. Peace Corps

a. Help support developing nations to prevent them from falling to communism b. Similar to Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine.

b. Cuban Missile Crisis & Bay of Pigs c. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

a. prohibits nuclear tests on ground, in air, and under water 3. Domestic Policy

a. “New Frontier” a. Provides federal funds for education, elderly care, and lower taxes.

b. Supports integration and civil rights movement a. Will influence Johnson’s Civil Rights Act of 1964.


Exit Ticket

The Marshall Plan (1948) and the Cuban missile crisis (1962) are most closely associated witha. the establishment of the Peace Corpsb. the creation of the Alliance for Progressc. United States–Soviet relations during the Cold Ward. an increase in trade between the United States and Cuba

2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting?3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today.


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