mgujsh,xt^msel if m o f,xt^msel if m o f m...

Post on 09-Nov-2020






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® 'yf. i '?:i^ ^ g ‘.p a i! i^ r |^ £ g ^^^

- 'it il c l'liuk 't T ' M

' > y n t n y f t M B a , T - j , r


-P S O B A B IU T ? ' o r 4 U J E : i S A S T . r a o i n : W O M B 1 4 )

J H O ; w n ! H i J U P M * A H P : I O H A IT O E I D Z I f ^ W A ^

: V -' X iim silW r^^d^ C M

V tn l r t t r ^ b f VHtdkBOt, um oim oed ' ta tba &otu» tf 'ec m au s i todB rtbat *fitim is veo^*tt» «•«■*«» ■. ■t w ^ 'A n i ^ - M d tb* •&!•• z«- Kirdlttc,Ba>>^*Vlmt t b i t t e w u

' uuA le t» 'iiu k d '«a7 it«l«9MBt f<»-' ' ' :’ - M D B c n p a 'i r a ^ ',i W A S)^O V O ir, Jtaw«7<--Amir- • Ican tcUon M t b . B o ^ f

• n n . f l m t u ^ 'n m p»ii«bi7 » »■ 'dLvAtcb Of a 'com m faloB t o B si;^ . •

cU i6 ebtt^.op^ oA B iw ltii oe«dk «i ta d d e t t m ’i r t th '-p o i t tr 'to tc t- •tbarMB.;.-- ^'AV'v''' ■• ' ‘- • *!

. .■siitBBXA. o o n m a z N aW H B XAPAK *Ain> CHINA

: 'STOOKHOLBS, JO te - 2 7 ^ 0 0 - " ' fo m c o i are vm M dlaff b«twMo

■tepmeaUttvw of .tbo 'S lb tr l t t . goreimment and .of J s p u ■ u d -

^Ofalo* fo r tbo la tto r 'i old la o ro r tbrowlag tbo,BolBborikl. and mak- . 4 lag war'oa Oom aar. It w ai loazriod

■ bert today.- ■ ■■••-••■ ■ • • 9a9«a la nSd to %• M ld ^ cot- - ^

tala prlTllecM of SfboKls, sach a« ° ozplottetlon of t e r goU aad othor v roooorcea. I t la teUorod aa a«roH-. atoat wffl DO voiiebsd.

■ ' ■■' ---- dlm tHKSCT.fAV OBS _

AUUflD INTBBVENTION J• LONpoif, iJuao BT.-^Tho dramatie •

aod nnoxpoct^ oppflarance of Alowui •' dor .CeroBslgr a t tho 'labor pajty con* “ iforenco yo#t?rdaj,-/«d«d . iflany quai- •tloM coBeomlBg hU ’fntare aetioiia and Wa eonnoetlon Wh=Hho alllod policy towat^ SoMJa, which may bo oipWneil ln Wa™ocii"b«Yow tho eonforence. to- •

^ B' Th0.'Ualt''am::ili0.B0TeruBen»,.dld u

Fthat t e ;«a]i^’ :'tl|ihi<o£'saylsm ^aa.a

ll woaidei^ wbefchor'ICeronal^.bnalrM j- on iBTitation for .oUlod late^'aotiun from.the Rnulaa wodortte floelallata."' Tt lfl re11al>ly roportod tha t Coronjky . favom ali the. allle^— even thongh on^. conntry , fp.rnUbe* Bio»t of tho .troopa—nndor tho‘>logan ^'fighting Germany,'* whilo not toler- ^oring 'w ith. ^ a * l* > latem al affalw.

Kerouky.. Is said .to believe that al- ltod Intervention win nnlto 'the preo-' eat warring factions • opposed to tho BoUhovlld reported to bavo ,ln- ,• tlnatod tha.t Bnttlaa military asslft- anco la pouible^ If U U nsed'. bnly-ln a - defentivo way. -

LONDON, Juno’87.—Isiexandor Kc- ’ ‘ rensky, Bnaala's “ w m of dertlny^" told frienda today thero « « doflnlto IndlcaUon* that order, wUl W j^U y, . ro-e«t&blisbed In ' B aulo wiHT^the. aid of tho alllea-and'Amorica:, f ^ l l l a f In tho croatlon .o f aa / ‘oaat *^ront"

* ^ 0 * •ali'^li'- Ir^potltivo tU t -Baa«ia Im ready (0 join t te ^ ie o , aa! sooa at . tho yoko .of- the -B<)lahevlkl i» th ro ^ off. ' ............... , ,j '

j CZABVDBAp OB A IJT B? 'WASHINOTQNi > jan o ,*a7 .—Bomom

tkat Itho :c'sac haa beoa . usasiinated | reaehaa tho'atW o " flopartaonl to Ja / through Swedish'pniw roportit Those j{notad tho,aoviet, govemaient aa say* lag lhat t t e ' roport*.“ need” confir- j n a t i ^ '*• > I

■ TePARlS^,j;na«. 8T .T ^ ,a g « n c y dit- _

patch fro m -Z litt, ’vU' Baalo, today “ paTportod to eonflnn tho.a*oa*»lnatloft ' •of the f o ^ w .c a r U EteUrl^jhorg. J

B O T H S ID E S O I .A l l tV IO T O R Y nt D ^ O T A f

-BasobUcaa.,^ p M i4 d flsV jU w d ,...ia^ qJItaagaon OUiln 1

T ot te Bo BMrtTfeMs" '. - - - r r -* v . • ■,]

B IB lC A B C E ^ ^ irJP .r i7 S b ^ ^ 7 1 th .Joha S to n loading r«evpfBor I<ran ' Prftslar, Nonpa^aaa I<MgnO eaadf-■Ato.-by e ^ ^ to a iU to - to d a y r th o Be- ••

I . l a w W H .W li r i J w Yto- Iloiy. * '• ■ ^. Botarna M <s6 prodaets M t of :IgTS' giava .S tm M .rn 1

v ^ jh ^ M tlsaa I^oagoo ottioora -laeUr-, j lfoeiB«ta.7 «t to - te boanl from <1

• r* atroag laogao ta r i to r r u d aaid ] - F m ta r t e a w w t y l O ^ V o U C T te , : ^ w « k W ta a a , t t e .Voa- p S ^ ' l M f W r i e a o ^ . *

m p ' 1

ERENSKY I iS.TO RUSSIA) A I D T O R E J U T A B L I S H t O E - ^ S I B X B I A B S O O T Z A lr-h t t o il m ri r tT . ie 4 T .T .n a > C T -

fO T O H T O D E O i n E O O O ^

[• SSBBRSK7-SBZnM ' -!• / ' :^ * :.jU C B B ^ 'liB 8 8 A O S '^ '

|! .LONDON. Jonorl-W h l^ . woltlBg .to ;spoak -to.-tbo^<fw'laborveonforeneo, Aioaraitjof Kiwr.;• oniky aent tho- foUowiaf'nM l* 4* [•-ago to America, ' .thnmgh'. the 4* ^Unitod PrOia: , 4 .• ''B assia eounta on tho fan « ld ;^ i* o t ’ A aoriis a t - th lt moment of «i*• anpremo tragedy aosd Importaneo •{•• for her; . l-e a a n o t 'a a y now la •}«> what way Ameriea ean bost ^Id -h• Boasi^ I am coming to ozplaia •{•• -tho BussUa aitnatlon for yon. I 4*• 'hbjpe to do thla aooa.** ^ ^


W ^H IN O TpN ,. .Jano ST^EIgh^; Lsualtlea were reported to the war spartment by General Porahingi dl- ' ded as follows: : •Twenty-nln'e killed lo) Mtion; 6 dend om wound*;- 2 dead j ^ m ironndflj 2 ad. from disea*a;..2 ydead i rOm alr- ane accidental' 4"dm tea ./rom acci- a ta 'a n d otbor,ieaBio*'; 8 1 - wonnded rerely; 4 woapdod- (degroo. nndotcr- ned); S mlaalog la aetioa. • j The list foPowa: - . ’

UiW daaA. A. ’ Gironx,. Boatoa,

S e r ^ h ts lL D.-AUea, Nedextor.Me.; -O i^ m a ^ -Ja ltte o Oroek,,K; T .;1 I . jBlliooTy.Lakortogaa, A .;J .ilmiiaa,'f<JoTUtgt«V-®>i'v^’’‘Cotporal* O. B. , F rid ay Z)otroit ich.} P . K*rB*, ,Platbbittg-;W /T .' Qnglera B. -}£*Utor,'MartiB, te a a .r M ay n Iera ,.'O a^ r^^ JM vatea: • . IW. L.'Allon, Plainvlew.-Mlnn. • ■0. L . priggt, Honlton, Ue. *3. Ii. Snek, Strong, Me.'r.,8. Cnsack,,Molro*o Park, Dl. r..,K. Gnietto, Penacocjc, N ..T . (7.-Hodgaon, Ssagoa, UalB.B. .'W.'.fnllan, Hamilton; M.. l ^ h a l i ; Bmntwlek,- N. J.IL Nl^olson, ^ce n tre ,. V ath.

•Ifc'" Petkey, Newport, Vermont j ?. Ifl-Plior, Clanton, Ala. *■3. BldVet, Salt Lake City. .IL '£. -Bh'aw, Franklin, N. H. [«;-aBlth;-’lnka,' Miss.3. Taek,.Detroit, Mich.r.- O. *ltren, Iron Moantala, J l i^ . tr, W a ir f^ k i, Detroit.1. L. WaUier. .Batten, Me. . ’'J. 'Wober, MadUon, Ind.W. T: WMks, Brooklyn, N. T.

• D M from Wonada iiebteaaiil’ D. J . Koamey, Tonkora H T. ... . Clergeanta^A . Hertor, N o# Tork. - -n] >rivatos:' 'T. Famor,.T'oaksra, N. T . ^

Jaw a.Spri«gfIe ld , m ; • «).. Torkofakl, %-ankesha, Wls. "

' '-DMI flif Dlaaaao ^lergeaat H Ball, Pair I&ven.-'Vt. ..*rivato T. J . Provenco, CUaton, Xn4 tl

' D M of Aliplaao Aoddeat ^ ;<enloa<nt W. ,P- Chamberlain, Ar- a,lorgoaat J . B. 0*PUherty, New o]rk; '--.■ J . ind fraaiA cddairta aad Other Oaaaea ^ £aJor? Ol -B. Hllgard, BolIflvUlo, DL ta ‘rivataat *'. Brown, Cdlnmbla, 8 . 0 . «1r. Chase,'>HanaIbaI, Mo. ^4. Bocheford, 'Woonaockot, B. I.■he wonndod aeroW y laolndadj aenteaaat. B. B. Cooper, f t o ^ a n ,

'riTaloa:' , * ’ ^VTL Qreen, Alderdalo, Wo*ih. , ^■. Koraer, B arte, & D. • . S*i.‘.Newtoa’, 'T a f t , OaL- ’ • . 'L T.-OlooB, flpokaae, W a * .irmmded (Degno D M M aitea d ) f liorrwftl a d ^ lo rd , T o n 'iCadlaoa, ^

M ntea: ' ........................ ^'. Baker, Jowdl, Iowa.. H. StaJey, yromoa*. Keb. .>. T. Orovaa, D ea'tM aaa, Iow a...

M t i ^ la AettOB . b^vataa: > Ai‘. B Davia, Bkalaka, M ea t . thI. a.B oeha, I« a Aagolea, OaL * flix e n e ^ B w ^ l O i ^ I t o v . m*


r t M J^ T iw ate , 0 ^ »P»rfc ZD.

■rf* ^

T w n > A X £ i , w ia O f ¥ n n i ^ i

MARINES D l |r i i

i f

With great aattataetloa ^ 'A ^ W tbo f i g b t ^ la VTftac*.' A -lan* 4 a ^

i T A L i i■ ' / ' G i


• -

K O M B E S O F F ^ d i n p ^ B E S 1 J L T O Z - b O M T I N M i

; o i r S i i U i i i E S ^ I s v i ^ l w n q ^ p y s ^ r o i i ^ ,

i i i i i i r i E I HIGHLY HONORED I

F d R M W d llK j— ^ «



(United Prosa P ta ff Corrwpondeat) WITH THE AMEBI0AN8 ON THB ABNB, Jaae ? ? ( < ? • » -)—Premier * lemencoan today peraonally'eoagrat. j atod the American aa lt which atop- )d the Oermaa roah toward Parii. a0 arrived ,at headqaartera in an iclent farm-yard oarly t ^ neralng, * Ilowing a long aiotor trip., ■ Aftor ho ' u introdneed to t t e oCflcera ho aaldi ^ " I admire vary aosh . tte -w o rk of | la a n l t I eane ospoelally to fellel. * te It.**

• A t e l r * TnHltiiHfiiii. ** ''T h e R eneh general, toQa a e th'.o* ^ Mratioaa were ,poenlJiTly Aaerican

concepUonj'plaj^nf aad exocnttont a t they have teea e ^ a a e ly surcwe- . 1, and that they resolted in impor. . nt gibaa, with o ^ l^g h t loaaea.” 'The Amarieaa jpaetid remarked on - omeneoaa*a ayiqpaU^ >and. k n o ^ go of 'A m a ri^''T ea , I have long admire^ Dnltod . ate* Institntiona,*.* t t e p r e f e r «o> . Lod. *fl ontorod Biohmoad five mla. ‘ ^ a f t t t Q oaonl-Oraat did, la lOdS. *> >0 . Anotteaaa ehowod. groat flg ttln s laBtiae ia t t e t w ir.«*.. .-4 : :'V '^ '* * k • l t a • 'r > t a M a ' ^ fc^ to ta^ .an » * r•« f'^B ^eo aen la ■ t ^ y aight'a fffh aow offUlaUy Kod U ' M». -Toa t e a i^ aad 'flv o (ht •maebiao gnaa ware . coptarM, , ' ea aftor O oaoral,O nat did, ia U i b ^

• BLOW DP SSiAZOV- '. WITH THE A M S B K ^ 'A B M ^ 2 r >B A iraz, Jano M : (a lg h t)^% ^ 2

” n S o d * I t e £ £ 3wo (BO aileo oaot o f T n d aa ) «Uo A i r a i ^ aad n ta ra o T aafol^.-.' 0 ^ ‘HaMld ^ia.vK oaao (8a>kalbiii,^.0teadaf) s « ^ a a - « o o * ] a a l> ^ ^ .- w lk a -te ^ d o ta a t e d |M flt dow a 'loar irtA o a v f la r with ^ K K yri f l i l i i r ,o i f f i ' • %

IT- I " 7 T n T r i W j p F '

i TOUB m

M G U J S H ,X t^ M S E L1---------- " r t r ——n -( ’t-'"'

i m public b k a 'iM d 'o f tlip raloroua ec loieBt of the m eaiof t t o corpo la h e n 1

N F I D R C o t m :iFEATEDAT T OF BATTLET E i D n . 7 ik O B E A S IN O A S

V IO TO B I- B ^ W ItO ia T O riP B O iS S K D A T B t e S t A M TO U P

'E p M B , . ! ' 'J u n e a r . - r i t a J i a n F or^ lnade~fiirUicr g^ns 6n tti©‘lower , toldog 600

it waa semi-officjally innouiiccd: today. - - "• - J*‘Afthe Jondion of tbe Piave

b ach es (near San Dona dl PmTe) we. crossed tho ri^er md tw k . 100 prisoners,” It ftraa stated. >

*‘We enlai^ied the Capo Sile iridgebead, tMtlnff' 500 prison- ate;. VSilsewhere we.^crotjsie . tho

rIVCT and raided enemy ont- w a te .” :, _______ ■

WITH T ^ ITALIAN ABM I^ IN c m PIELD, Jane 26.-r-Moft of tho :ightlns. today wa sconfinod to tho Boantala aeetpr, on both aldee of the )ronta river.' ' ;

The ItaUaaa ' t n Improvlag their po.1 tloaa there, for aa'ioag.aa tho An . 0aao;teld thoir pr«atat Uao la tbat 4etor, aa. Itallaa adranco across the >Iavo -wonld loave their flank aad roar < mmaaicatlona ozpoMd to tho bnlk ef > te enemy'a roaervea -in tho nppor ' 6onta aad apper Plava valleys. '

Tl lo roportod tte t Emperor Kart > iroaided at the final eonncll of war * ad doddod oa the Anstrlaa with- • Irawal aereoa the Plavo. *

IM X lA jra OONTIBUB AOTZVB LOBDOB. Jane 27^X tallaa ae- ’

ttv lty « o t tBuaa ca tbe -rtola fw i^ i t v u ’ laaxBed a s tb o d ta t lv ^ to-

.'day. Qeaacal Dlat la ooaaotidaHag * p oalttea .in d z*«roepiag bia | forcea. I

. n o ItaUaaa haded -Ana- <itxlaaa ia 'tw o aaliaato ea t t e waat te a k a f t t e Plavo.

lanrwTWAW bSOIMBNX'. ioonm.TO iTAiT 1

w}UBliroTOir, JBBO 87<—Oefr- *t fa l F w AIbc baa oaloctod a zogl* * am taow torraaeefO poarvlM la *

-Iftrir. m a lodaaat^ wbK^ te t ' ^- t e n ta W n g la Ptayeow wfll t e >o>'. j ^ - b r <»e f M i t e m m od

t ; ' T H E W E A T B E B '+

. 'X U r '.M iU aM x a i a n <M kt W t, f l» '

i n i M m i , OMtaa. - tm m M tt t t m A t t . Meai M -

■rnm -'tt w ill IIIUHi M $ i j ^ ■■-.wfa.M-., .a

\JY mi W l S i i S i i E

mdaet'af t te ' Ualtad Btatea'iaajtM a W ibowB Ott lta w a r to «ha f lfh tla r 'tro o t

:e s ; , - ' ' -, 'G A l iS iKUEHLMANN'STAirrS^® ’ARGUgKi’k a t b b b r u B x o tn Ah p -’Bb x U


A W T m D ^ .^ .8 7 ;^ f :< & a n . c conet. W W tU n i 'a ip o o ^ -

th a t’ of Pi^rolga Mtolater gnohlmana, waa t t e .xaaolt of or-

,.d a n from t t e kalaor, i t ,waa ro> ported hero-todajr.. .The kaiaer la a Mid to t e fnrloa* a t Voa Knehl. o maaa. . ' fi

■ _____L ,: . JOOPBWHAOBB, -STv-^Tte

geaoral oplaloa ' prorafla aaioag - ° fteiaban of t t e Qonaaa Miebatag • tb a t FoM ga U lnltte r -voa Xaebl- ° SUBB Wffl t e odptpaDod to ioalfea. ' aecordiag tb adrfiM tooalvod bato today. T te; oeeaervattte preaa ia ^ attacking blm'vlolaQtly aad aak^ lag bla xvDorat- / • • . '•

ObaaoePor ▼oa BortUag'a opeoeb £ la roealved by > te p n u T v ttb aatla. factloa.

TAIXBD TOtf )PX;AIHLT ^ •WASHINOTON, Jone - 2 7 .- ^ r -

naa diploatata are aorr >lamlonr their nlUtarlsta fo r prdoaglag t t e war.^

Bea^tionj^ exce^ta .'.Fsndgn U a l ^ Toa Xaahlaaaa** addrM .to • t t e '.niebctac .TiModaj ^ U l a l n g hU remacte of Moaday ahow. that he lit- traHyatmek the jnnkora botwoen t te lyoa. . He; deelarotf t t e t Lodendorilf ibonld te'BUtde to aaswer for lack of 3ennan aneceas la tha war, aot • tte (}*maa ehaaeeUor. He aeorod Vat( ::apelle for aaylng the IT-boata would Keep Amerieaa aoldiert from Prance 'and there are 700,000 of theae iroo|M low there.'* •

He derided theee aulltarista who aald tae riea waalda*t eater tho war, and ■id ' Oermaa deaiaatien of Zithonla Ad Uvonia, '^pompously caHad libora- doB o f am allor.po^aa," la *'d»pIora- >Ie and hopelOsa.** - ' tl

' ' '' ' a OXVB0BIBO.X. ^

AM STBBDjbt Jnne S T ^ p e a K n g « n tho.reiete^g^ Toeeday, regarding roxoiga Minister voa Kaehlmana'a a*- ortioB that peaoe la militarily iaposal. ^ >k H err-N aaaaaa a a ld ,tte t " t te o - aada 'bf aoldlora-tU ak'tte a a i ^ " ^ % iatittBg to a BeBla* a i s p ^ V■-.-v

ix>s iTt ' - ^- » a i a F A T 1 0 T t ^ z b m

■ fO B>A3>'‘'S B B ' O L A SB iH D . V A D e t ^ W B M l t * o : * W r f'•t'M 9iC IB ^-:.S SU r-sT 0:;Q 91M .< ' ; u u M v < s B i M t v . a a i a n Z C ;

^ - 4 a p a o u u T ^ A B O T t r m > ^ ; ; •SHO o v m b t u k o e iM v.- -

^ r . r " ■■ f fr. , i

M O F M 'WAXHE KWO, ,or TWnt t ,



'Ms detejnmnad by ihe ^Ing of nambew ,-In the • eecdn^ , ■ draft I p t f ^ Jn l ! 7 a 8 h ^ ^ tliifi jfittofnin&^aj^^.K^Twin. Is/the, first, in d ^ of liabilify foT.niiiitaiT: 'nte* among the 192 yonfag meB - ’w llb .r^iate^d nnder, lecUve. 8€Er?i6?''r^nlatibih» >. • Twin • Falls • coonfy on Jone 5.-' • • l a s t ; -■>> •-v.:*'-;-.•

Sevea, namhm< wero' iraw a fro a^ tte : v . b lg .'bow ria W aahii^toa 'tefore latratloa aoabto 'a a a l M - to '« Twlar,v:''v.n Pal)a jBiBQa«3 'daa\was'reae&hd.'- • I W l o w . ' ^ iag la a ebaploU Hit o f t&a togbtriuitiiV^ ' oi Jnao'd,- IS IM b Twia'ltfla'^oottBtjr'T. ’ '■ in the wdor o f tBair iiahlllty fo r mlU.' . tary . oerrico aa .eetabUahed.- b y . i t te ,> ■ i drawing, this moralagt. ,1^. - V. !- -

194. Wayae Bing, T « ia M s . 'c - .*10; BlehaM Hooiy O f a a s t^ Twl»-. ; IWIa. . - ■

2». Samnd Alva Bartea, Twia lU la.;. - ' 17. WlUiaa Maxi»*n BoodT, Att#i7. ; .it. i P - r y

■ ■ 74.' J-Panl Dawn; W or.' ' .186.'. Lia' 'Boy ;Lu»ea;-- O^astal^M jii^-;. Utah.; . . .

BiJBSTTrtT^TbS'V ' " ' BOtteDB^ BILL'

WASHINGTONS'Jnae ;«7. ^ b M a . V ato 8gdcnltnn'coBimlitee-t0dfi3r*kra<id' on a prohlbltlOa'ameadmeat ottend-by*’. Sonitor'Norrio aa/ia^ittbitttBto'for tbo».’ Jonra bone dry ^en a in eatr'J ‘

Xt p ro v id a 'th a t Uie B teafaetare o f boor shal] cease threO nobtte-after, th^-. " ae t become* effeetlvo, and that'tho a ^ - a f whisky ta d the m antaetnro. o f wines 'shall atop Jnne 80;: 1919. The . vote'-wM 8 to 8 in^avor'o f thO'femnd*' ment, which wUl'prOteUy be repoVtoO' to the seBate tohierroir. -■ . ' - • - -

d U B H A s n n s s AOTiVx OFF ATLAimO OOAST

o o o n o u t i < ^ 'c ^ : ; ^ . A i « i j t o ea

.. A ^.A T L A im O -P M .e n g . t» • i r i r t a g . l U T . - t o J i v '

on a Canadian ♦itaaaior reportod. . - « that their voaoel pleked op & ^ S . : calls from-two v « s ^ ' t e b f . V b . aaed by-mtfwaziae^ wMIo,859, t» ‘800 .allea off the Aattioatf'ooaat.Toeeday. . . -

The f ln t uiws*ga waa . ^ t . t ^ ' — aa aaidestlfI*d>to«Bior o a rty .la . . t t e aoralag, whlA roQntod .ft.waa . belBg. ehelled. Tho aecedd.oaae

. t r o a a ateamer giving it« aa au u the Beaver, whleh deelarod I t .w u ■retnmlng the U*h6at'*l. flro. . • ' 1-

BAID IB TOMBS BBOXOK ^ABIB, 'JBaa 8 r . - < '7 a ^ a e t |y o ao

tiUory figh tiag"-ao rth of t t e .Alaao aad throe encM aafal''ra lda '-ia J t e ’ .■■i- Voogee region, reenlUag la tbo OOP- j ta re of prlsonora,' was^’ropOrtodTby.tho'Prench war ofAeo today. '

SEEK TO. M ASK i M A N E U V E ^.^N r | W E S T E R % L i ^ , J■SS8 BVBS1' A B a s s n i R i ^ t i t t ^ ^

V, .V -t ..

> l a W i i l i l i - a i l

S m W igMHyCT

S i i t i lt ^ d S D O A s w a b b M ^ t o i ^,

? i J ' y i l H ' f O A J l f A B l i i H r 'T O B O T S , jU B B b s p n > O T

•Tr V V D S W S U r U S T T E B

'!'••'M,; ; '" i '; ; '. '. ', • '-i / ';' ::;: Th8./eIIoiHBf «»pttralcU o':l«tt«r/^■ tm AvM tb ii WMk bj. J t td e W uribg* . 'tdBTfroB her tm tber. who lu a be«n

. r;«irttif>h'e-fiFii»5Uai.‘iB V naee jfer aear- : ly two y<»rii> ■ -■"■I ■’ '*'

Fnaec IImj 2 7 ,101&.. D«ar;-6Iat«r:>.' ■

.' ■ - ;,.T6w- dM ay l« t t« woeiTed ko4»y. "• A n g M to tour 70a tre taUag a ' a W -,B ta T «hoiiI4 lilM .t« ho. doFn

, : . ; t» n at Sloe I«kof with yoo aow. I

V :; )« p » ,f« ,w a i r a t , U l i Oh, Lota, u u ' .tirent.atroite']reo toia a3icrpt1

'Say,- let n o toU jo n abont *‘ ©01 'honitf’ * " ^ e r c aw throk of tit). U

. ll a. bolo dn« iato the . bank. Then pfooM o f ' rteol (red with n u t) fonn tho Wflet and •ro o t O rer;tho topil* aliont two fort of t ^ h . The front

* Iff elM ^ by lajlnff t ta d b a n . tUI»d wlUi chalk. The intorior deebratioiU a ^ : . bao ihelf, oae hono^mady atova,

' one 'tab le awde ‘of' t h m aBnmnltion boxe^ three budca.' The: waUa are ar- tiftiouly^hnBr with a Tarions>)ot,of

' eqidpmeat n eb . rlflM;,paeka, gaa ma«k»,’ ha»er»aeki, ete. The »!** of

; t liu prethniioiu aaneion la eight feet l m , t f ^ t foot Wide and ais feet hlgb;

' . ; * a r « i7 ose that' n w na bnUdlag It-aak-• .*4 i f we wwa bnlldiag. a ;e a ^ e ^ We ::: -ido ao t har* eleetrlo'Jigbta or a tele-

pbono/bot^. belter* mr, we haye a lot V. ' of fa ith i s . ^ a Big a o a np .yoader»

aad lB-the-AHied. A raiet., 6 o - what . \ BMM'oonld A n a a waiatt

B b u B a tM WoaU .Tztat - ' T ^ t do'- yon think -ot “ Fritaa** boTB^tng thoae hoe^tala a - fe w daya agof Aa'd now he U aqneallBg beeantow e ara bombing'—----- aad aoae moreof hla towna. He wanta to aign ' •

' t* * a^ ao t to bomb each placea.^"Whyt ' Beoanae we \ara dropping ten' boteba toV hla one. I orpeit .. aomo ' of thoee ' ' '*peaee xnongera'* wlU want to aign a

trea ^ -w tth Um. They e h ^ 4 line «p , oTW paelflat an4 ahoot "him..There

:— nhonld'be a bbnnty ^or thatr aealpa the . aaaa aa th e n ^ for eoyotee aad other

; u i ^ -ot the.eamtf epMlea. .’ *’i - t fh f le 'l #iuHa-W fi*im *Btl|^I.waBt

r down to th« Vi a Sallora and Boldleri' dob. I eortaUOy had a .g rand roeep. tlo a .a a d 'h a d a i la e 't lm e . i»ro*lr. ralda while ! ,waa there. - People

: did not aeenilto mlB’a I t mnoh.. Alao ; • -W M dowa.tiime^ I t f r th e oootbeaor

tifnl p lu e I .oror aaw. Waa awaj; 17 days. ‘W hen 'I eamo back «p hera I fe lt Ukd a new than. F rl ti imra.gaTo AO a ^ o d reeeptioa the alght I report- ed baek fe r dnty. Waa in the hoapltal 87 daya. H are be«i baek only a ahort time- aow. A n aH right , again. Be

- ■ haa aot bothered na rery mneh a t thla plaee y e t. T hare not been atatloned wher* there 'were waay U. 8 . troope yet, bot hop* to aee acme la the sear fntnre. 1 ,wonld be tha beat-pleaaed n a a In the world If I eonld get Into the 17. & aray .

I/or* to aH. •Tonr brother Bdgar.

P . a —If yon eome to Franc* le t we ^know *w hea yon .gat to the Canadian

Gorpe Beadqnartera aad I eaa arrange to -neet yoo If yon ean fl* a oartala dat*. _ . . • • . •, "

.. . ‘ADTSBTZSBD ItBl'X'BM.Lettera a d d r e ^ to the followiag

peraona nm ala nncalled fo r a t the Twin

warded to th* dead letter offleo a t Waahingtoa. D- a In aakiag for lev

- tera-adreraa*d.below, aak for **adrer. tlaed'* latter*. Pleaae call for aane at general delirery window, glrlng daU ndrartiaad.' One eent dna

Alien, W .-B.; Battia, U r . Alvin; Bordln*. U r. Walter; B U ek,'U r. Ben; Cordea, U r. Wm.; Crana, U r. Barry; Carr, U r. Charley; DUon, Bewey; Beas, U r . Jo*; Baly, U n . Jenny; Ba-

. ton, U r. Olenn L.; ^ood, Ur. Uar.ka; Gdaota, Bafaela; O lb a o n ,^ . A-; Gro- Ter, J . JL; Hoiall, U ra B .; Kerr, J . R j

Ura; W. L ; I«bne, Oeo.; Law- con, U l« Uinnie; Uota, Ur. Lnla; Uowar. Uiaa B n a a ; Uetealf, Gee.; Uar«7 , U r. n o n a a ; UOler, U r. Chrla;

' Nflioa, Janea; Beymaa, U r. Bay; Bob- Inaoa. U r. Eamfltoa & ; Bead, Uta. A. I*; B M , Ura. ^ a n y ; 8 ^ k . ,U r . Ar- thnr; Street, 0 . O.; SaHle, U r. O. a ; Shanebarger, Otto; Shepbard, Ooe.; Twia Valla Uining Ezehaage; Tbe. l^ew T ^ * -Ufa Inaurane* ' 'Aganey; lU tfp ao a , Ura. B. C'; W orthnan, Ur.

• ■WaHaea; W*o4wa*d, U r. W. a j Thom- M Hatehlaaoa (package); W. a Tnek- *r'(pfcekag*).

'V'Ti..'',' T A X .m rx a p {<T*xpay«a-'irin paeaaa be wniaded

- t ^ th* aaiinaB litti1 T r- -i of th* 1917 , taxa* wm baeoaM daiaqnaat i f not

pHorite «h* ffaitXaad«y,<of Jnly, ctOcB

i ' ' 'T r « s * a a j 0 9 ^

ably to fit snugly ynecessary for the work, Tl

. are'“ niBt^probf,” there io i sidnuig the

Every corset gparaB t^ 1 " PItlOl

TbeGreatff daho Dej!r s s s s s s s s '"

. i w n i s B Y y g g f l

•" . _. (C ont^H ^ from Paga Qne)^ . u a . "Bden Oraham Braekea,'

ram. ' .* -87. A lb ^ 'Z ltter Bradley, BnhL 177; £ a o a ^ WaleotV BoUlatar, ■4. WBUaU. B g ^ e ^ B le h a r ^

BnU.' '. •ISOr Qeioiio ^fraak.Oomaa, Bogeno,

O**.-'.,'' . .TO.- Harbert Barl Thompaoi^ Paw­

nee, Okla.-• 108.-T hom u Arthar Watera, Jar-

28. Bobert Z*. UeCJraCken Twin lU la. , ‘ '

89. Oeorge A, Wiaeman, Hanaen. IffL Emeat John Toller, Twia TalU.90. Aognat Bremer^. M e r .. '

Uyrla A. .Blekard, Hanaen. ,125. Balph B-.Coz, Twla KDa. .40. Cliff ‘Pierce, Kimberly.72. Alfred'Stewart, Wellatoo, Okla 185. Stanley .Trerey, Bnhl01. Herman B. Olaen, Hanaen..

•91. Oeorge Aliya Patrlek, BuhL .81. Oaear WUliam Chriatlan, BohL' -08. B enjaaia Pranklin Sehooley, i l . Hoirard Byron Johnaoi^'BSer.

.8 4 .- Charlea Predriek fitriiekman, BnhL ..

82. Jflu Harlan HnUett, BnhL 69.' H. D a ^ is Harrey,-FUer. 'Ifl. Jaek' Henghea Smith, Twin

M la . '* '‘■l»L“ OrifritB' ,6wto'BHekaiB,'^B^k Creek. -

1S8. Tlfard ‘Paaoy Brown, Biog* gold, Gaor^a. . .

8a. BoUo Oeear Uorgaa, pnhL I47 . Jake Bledermaa Boyd, Barger. .69.'' William Frank Biaton, Hanaen.

. 88. Zenoa Thompeon, BnhL 69. Je n y Stenemon, 6 t Pella, Iowa,102. Olen W BreWer, Creaeent City,

[owa.48. OaUe Braaat Lowe, mmb*rly. 18. Qlean W. Jona^ B ^b erly .5. Andrew a Pereboom^ Holllater. 64. S llu J . Bonnd, Hanaen...m (3ttrlee Jaekaoa Bgbert, Uor-

taogh.187. Laalle O. Blair, Hanaen.

'166. -Balph J . Uqrrla, UoUae, Kan. 168. Walter Bpgeae Boweatt, Twin

Balia.-' ■ ,IL Bay R Bormelater, Twia Palla. 99. .WiUiam Oraham, Piler.86. Boniee Bryaa WUeoa, BnhL

. 118. George Ward Poekhaa^ Ullner. 92. Pred Bay Uathren, B nU18. John Thom u Traey, B enrer CoL148.. Howard Lapray, Bnhl 64. Janea Glean Baaaford, FUer.81. Tomon Atwood-Otven, BnhL




THIS IH W I T UT IO.’BS b b o a b d b d ihA STBCnCO Z S U B nBPBKDABIfl AB

OTO QPPIOBBS A] B O g n a B B P A M tff UUBPIBBBPB OPnrasBBsts or. i t

FIR ST NAtiC " n m r A u

v V ' . V ' .

» « K i l

t s l i e contertable^ fit ^ f and koqi their

/ 'i‘»Wpfc TLcy nnist a]i|o , 'Ifetnilt of the h8rae«fr;'■■ iklid'of v e ^ .

> 4i^^f{0raer>• ' ' i / A ” . ' ’" V K Qorseis- ;

all thoM roqnlrfr' .■ ments. They me odiiilr- ''

st to i ^ v all ,ttie freedom ; le^ b a ile e all metal p a ^ ^ ihsolnte^ no danger d( their.;

lot to msji break or'tear. ’*

' i78.*^CEjiirtet Hnafon Slaeo, B ^ rilIe.-;A»k.';. 189. 'n i n k ' H erb« i l « r ^ < Twii FaBa.

^ r s d w ^ Blnmberg» Btita0olo.'; ''ii.

88. <»UUDBa PMuklin Tow<^ Twli raJiM,..

Bor'lTraBkllii UeOnffia, Bog-iriom ■'V 114. Olaranee Ceell Whitehead, T w la.IW Ia.,-.,

89. WUner L. Harriaon, Twin Ftlla 80. F n d . Winiama BoeKm, Tflfl 119. Jonw Sdward Lee, .BnUr . 187. '.'Haaai.Jamee Hanaen, Th'omton

■ 190. W lQ Itt U arten, Twia . 98. Oeeil'& .Tneker, Haaaea. 49. IVad'UeCly DeBoard, BnhL 25 .' Bartoa>.WiUiam Dnnn, Kimb•^

ly. ^68. ’ Hathaa W. H vknrat, Hanaen. 12. C h arl^ Praneia Seara, FOer..: 84. Xioyd Allan Bnrkey, BoU.149. Panl & Briekey, Hanaen. 112.'P raderiek Barlea; Salt Uiu

a t y , Utah.- 2. 'Bert Leroy Belano; Kimberly.96. Ja a e a Alfred .Tonng, Twin

IPalla. '. 77. Oroaa Thom u Uartin, CafthagOj

Uiaa.49.—Jo h a BoUaaoa, Bpton, Bt«L

-8. Allan .Syhreater Z«waoB, Hbllla

r ' Tw iJ r im99: CBUUt Bfton Shaff,'FU ar.. 100. Barl Bom^ Twin Tana.

' 18L T a a l Tagar, pner.128,'‘ Leater T; Tatro, H aaaea..189. Cbarie* Wmiam Sayder, Bog- 180. H a rry , Bdwin Orerloy, Tirin

Fana.- .• ■ .....160.' Carl Earl Paater, Twin FliUa 94. .Olaa B. Hempleman, Twin Fall*.

- 148.' w iniam Horton Shnll, Twin FaHa.

159. Irria . L Creed, JackaonrlH#, Uo. ,

97. - Hai^y Grin Wilaon,-nier.40.* IDtey Daniel Chapman, Bolae.' 182. Byron Edward^ Twin FaUa.

■ 88. Boland telaado Harding, Bohl. 7. Delbert Ablga 'Hollowey, Berger. 87. Albert F ^ PorUand,. Oregon. 198. CUdlth Pivaton Ooodwin, Twio

FaHa. , ;179. Thom u W. Carter, Twin Pall*. 1. Paol Wmia Beott/ Kimberly.

. 62. W altar Olaa S^nlth, Twlo Palla 9. Leland Aralla nBai{Mtt, ' Twia

Palla. -.24. Harold F. Blrer, Kimberly.14. Perry B. Spangler, Tirin Palli.

* 71. Arthnr H. Uaaon, Watera, A r t





M TO PBSBBVB ' tAOB A3BP P O ia . . ' 'XSB. BUSDI^V...

m o o K u y in T T .

)NAL BANK B , r o ^ a .

I j J !

r ’ O M E W E il^ N O F ^ ^ i


l i o kalaor ia 'reponed to liiivif wui r recently t |u t tb* Ourmiuut 1 ^ take ^ enoti^'prfaoneM;<tbe Infervoce' beln .< th t t ^ thai woonded.ahoaM be. klliec

Thla .weapoa. on* 4if .many tIionBaad \ 'eaptitred,'l«.a aaiapla of thow.naed b. r tha 'H ooa 'to m ld im taken .1: . t b ^ 't r a a d i ra lte , . . - ;

1 178.' J>ri:S irabaen , Twin PUla..' 19. wnilam Henry Bneeho, Uneoli

. Nobr.: .186. Leo Betaraon,' Bogeraon.

, eraon. - ■*'■ •87.. Johb G'eard .Boea, Bohl*86. W inian Gordon Smith, •BnU.

I 98.- Oail .Jamea Horting,'hCiaaaapo . lla, Kana.. ■ 86.’ Leeli* Braeo Pajrne, BnU.

172. Walter Shamp Smith, BohL 191.' J o lu Hiller, N e r . ’ '

»88.- Jamiaa Harland Uonroo, Bnhl. .44. Jaa ea John Phamey, UeCallle

tar,, Okla.119. Thom u Emery Hathcox, Twii

Palla.188. Iiaae Blmer Handloy, BnhL 92. Clifford WiUlaa Bnma, BnU.

I 194. Lonia EmU Thmlla, BnU.181. Lonie Uagoffln, .Twin Palla. 140. WUbur Balph Leedom, Twli

I Palla.158. Harry Willard Boblneon, Twii

, P*Ha103. Lyle Taylor, Bagley, Iowa.79. Hogh Thomu Lewie, ' Twii

. Pallk. ..;16. -..WUber, W®«1®7 Bolton, Twli

k C l«l.^ Laaett .Smith, Twin Talla. ,'29 . Clarence Edward.BIU^-KimbetJy*

110. Andrew 'Jamea Ueeka, BohL 104: Pred Adolphne Pata, Twli

. Palla.I 167. Winiam Lloyd Secord, TwJi

PaUa. • •8L Joaeph Cohlior Burgoyno, Bnhl 99. Lhwranee Stanger' Hanaen.124.' .Ed Decker, Twin FaUa.63. Joha Joieph Bnchanan^ Twii 48. Charloa BIchard. Uintnn, Sim

berly. . . .142. Alriner Ployd Beyaolda, Bnhl 109.- Del^.Eldon-Wellbanm, Filer.

\184. Clarenee Stoaewall Jaekeon Ban .nranelaco; Calif.

127. .•DelboH Arnold Wreaoer, Dm aeU, U iaa , *

lOL Hymm Tonng, Uackay.159. Albert Alrln UiUlgan, Twl«

Fana.170. TenI 4i>rew D arii, Castleford 144. Doyle Eran 6briVer,.BohL28.. Kenneth Saek, Klmherly.

.2 2 . L* Boy Weller, Qmberly. .SL -W alter Whitcomb NIchoUoo,

Twin.Paila. . J - ' 180... Vemon Beeaon, Bahl.' 76. Bosoran'Charlea Brannen, m r r .

60. Bylraa U arrian Bate^ Bnhl F a l la . •/ 47 Joha ^aalah Sarage, Kimberly. . 120. Oeorge Leallo Boae, UnrUngb.

90.- Dock Uayflald, H a n ^129. Albert Joaeph Paeaaer, Olen.

d ^ C a l i f .188. OrrUle B. Qnllander; Kane, Di.

- 73.‘ J a m u l« U e liorala, Filer., 197. Lloyd Lnrla Jain, Unrtangh.

198. Jeaa* B y w Strong, Unrtangh. ’ 176. Oar| Wiatiaea B lalr-Honiater.

149. H a n r Coral, Berger.i. Bo7 H cln tiro , Twin FWll

, < 20.. ,Pi«atoa , Donlavy UcDongnl, -100. Jetferaoa Thom u Ohriawell,

PD av116. . CharlM.' Boder Head,. Twin

IWla. :10«.'.Haaa T. Jenaen, . Bedmond,

^ tah .- i ^•S. Herbert Hart, BohL

' 106.' '0 e ra FOetar'Hoeklna, UUner.117. P M Lee Bntherford, BahL189. OUa C a ^ BnU.183. Eauaet Snawerth.Baner. FU«r.

. 10&.. Heraehel J . Schmidt, Kimberly. 42. lU arria Brian OOL '179. G*erga Ualaer Bydalch, Bel-

liatar. ,.174. Harbert Oeorge Naaa, High-

i u d P n k , I lL . '. U L HaSrold IBgbaa Daly,. Twin Pana. . ' . ’■

181 ' Jacob Sandaa. Taber., m ;D alaEr*rM t Beer, Filer.U l.. Xraa BUi* Ifoaaa^, B&hL ■97. .Oawoa A 'W alton, Hanaaa.

’.ITL A agi^tia* ArdUo, Bohi; • 161. Edward Belehart, F fia r.\

M a h n a .68. JohaAadr«wUegeB8*a,Taaf^

«8a-, .aari: WUUaa SSm hm gb. B an . •• .T jeaapk W m iaa ^ W a l^ iB o U .111., Ua»to& J « r« » Oa^>bon,;BaU.

. i » Jo p n .,;! ! .; -

-> ^ u i T i n m n v D T V D i

r n o i P B O o r - a a . T . 1 ( O r K V B JJL A S J

‘b n U a U TacstaiT li 'locatM « t I/ PM W

1. . lm ...........; j srr.?Trvfgg'.'fi: i.s t« I

These bins were bailt I (^rinne Milling & jBlevafor

" ^ven complete Batisnciction.* ,) about 6,000 bushels of grais.

■ Write us for prices; sta

IntermountainKQ1 y y'p


■ I

W w < 3 t

v n t r h i■fescttliis i^ se n r lo

W liris i . ' tIfM a n I

j . ■ l o ^ a n d b

r H ie in r' - toriesTriia

® . made. '

; Standan

fbreknow) ' / Makos o

tbefor Unitedh ig tiiw rt»*f

Ukewisc . a i e o p i t m

toflniihed ■ml higber

Hww'atii o r U <be m udedby

.lU te d a • cvtohlgfai

T berabi dttiooofae

The nau . andSarvice

fa n ra m n

U n i t e i

* m r e . I

We tfMW .nntted-^ts^^Tir 'Thal’a why we aell them.

: l d U | ^ p - A u t b . ’ © S l

■ G o i i a i i :

....r - , L r r i i i ' - a a : a ; ii, !;'

Im m D i l iViB(0BAxv>.noKu<SBnn ^ i;

P B O O r - . r W A T a B T B O O F ;rplQ OONO&ETl!

-wa .v * l a peaWOB to UMit p toncttoB « I

by. 08 years ago for the r Co., Coriiip^ and have I.*. Each bin hite a capndfy of

a(ing capacity of bins dosir^

n Concrete Co.DO., O O D ^ , OTAH

e S e t T i r e ta h d s u rd sI it that Unitad Statea T b n g: new ivdmU foe mHaas* ccabilitTfit that tlM aalca of tiuaa co n s ta n t m oD Iwnnda?am r is foond in tiie &o- en Dnited Stataa T ina are

rds of .conatm ction t o t are Ugiiw. than ever bo­rn in tba tite lo d n s^ . of tiie &btica tcU na thmt ird* we iiavB g^Tcn d Statea Tbe ttbdea m in aoy previoualy Imowii..' m tbrongh t rocMa -iction from'cmde tDbber i t irea w eb ay ^ aa tjaw r i ta n d a ^ evarjrwln wL indnda work obt on yoor B pnctical aoonomyd*- fwar^imaa.Matea Tlrea win M at aar wefSdancy. a type to'snit evaiy coo-

errice. .irett Unitad SWea Sdea e Dqiot dealer wiU cbeer- I aelecting.rl^ tbea for

id S t a t u l l r e s G o o A T i r e s J

Iree a.e.K(»d tirea.

u p p l y . C i m p i E m y

p a n y , H o U i s t e r .

- r ;

» l ! ^ » ' + + + f + » + -■•]£*<(» !’t o » ' o i M ^ ^

* . ' . ‘ ‘ , P ilU il ta rb o r •hopi will, b«

' . ' ■ ^•■ 'ilili''iB ho««..lB :»ii«om »-: \ Boltb'i, f o rm e d /M M p l0 T «

h o jS ifp * T ta « n tn ito » liare^si: p icked on thia-M Uii« fo R « <D o b iU

; W a A ^ e to n , aeeordlBg to w<

■■ ' ^ * v r o i k ' ^ ' S i v r t i ^T iibo t O f i W ^ I ^ - ' w l w r t « / o r ' , ‘itoployin'6tt<»iui*a'•pJjpe

. tb e 'P * e ifle o o M t,.iU p 3raidi c fp t ia W «dnetd»y,tliroi)gl»..t

• . ' e u « i ' •njployia«iBt;,t6rvlM.o v M ^b ^ f» r '• ' WJ«Wb

I ■ aaati'to laftroetioiM o f th e i• • - ;^ V ■ ■ ;•------ L-

S B P w r ^ T oa i O ’Neil, f o r s e v e n i weeka i ^ t o f ••■ p a rty o f in n fe y b n I'w

'■ now to ll liao betw een Twlfl• -. Oobaiiig fo r th e U oo n ta in dl

. , pl^OB^ ft T degm ph odmpuny, . plo\e4 h la w o r^ h e re fwa le f t

% •, iojf fb r P o ea te llb .'

aMdnlaaes Ja z 7 . f ( ^ ;T,em-R A. B i ^ o e k in d ia trie t court, I day i^enlB g di«mi8>9d r th e .J t

' f o r do ty d u ring tbo M »y to rn S e v e n i caaes y e t rem ainb'Jr o i l . 'e iU e ^ o r a rill b o ’ adjud

. ch aa^e ra . Ju d g e Babcock ii h is n u t te rm 'o f d ia t^ c t coiit

- ■ tem b^^S , a t AlWbn.

Orgaolxe F am 'O o m p ao y -~ ^ .- J . O.l B radley 'iiBd PnrtI# T'

iden m icd , w ith the^T w in Fii * Triiat company here, w <

S porntohi o f th e H oIU ster-L iJ r pany ,’ w hich f l lo d 1~C Tpy *Tt

' J l ? ticleo o f incorporation th is weofflco o f tho c o n n ^ elo^rk. '

. pany ia form ed ifor tlio.phrpM rylng: on a geoeral .agrfeultti

, nesa and ia cap italized a t

B a i ^ ' o n T l d n t ftateaU^Sa Mason tick e ts for th e . Ch coune in Twin F a lls ju a t edmp which a to ta l o f tl,914.0S waa

' and tnm od ovor to th e EtUi OhDUtaiiqna, Is reported by J. rham p, who h ad charge o f tl aale^ fo r th e local Chautauqua too. Ujckota wero abld aa fol

. .. ailulis; 576; students, 113; ehlli Tho paym ent to tbe.C hantauqn

.covora oil o f tfle am qunt due il, local cttm'tolttoe. • '

.AzBir.. OftV.Mf^^ _ ^ c ^ t a - A. B enale 'oC .B Icb fle ld , w as. fo r ealia tm 'eai aa 'sn '^V tom A

'’-cbttlAiB (£o a lg sa h e o « i^ ^ ITnitod 'S ta tes aR a7'_'ncfDUW^ nnd .left T hursday" evening ,

• . Lako to complete his enllatmeni rocruit* uce'epied b y th** local

' e in ittng r ta tio n Includi' Tho( W arren o f T w in Falla, who lo; liny to jo in th e qnartorm aati nnd Beryl Taylor, fo r aevnml p u t a clerk in tho local p; >rjj<> JoavM oa M onday tins tilgnal corpa. *

B. p . & oau to ^ t t o r s —T Falln County Hed Cross chaptor ing out ^bo “ 8 . O. S . " call to

' o f the county to a ss ir t J n thi»ont of a q u o ta 'o f 2^2S pairs

. /ind 400 sw eaters which,' accoi orders from divialon headqua

.Seattle, m ust be compioted knlttoM o f ' thiti county dui months o f Ju ly and A ugust

■ . q u an tity o f yarn to fill thiain tran sit. Thero will bo knfl f itn ic to ra .in th e Ked Crosa roo overj* aftom oon between the. 1 hn o ond 5 o ’clock.

Thri.vo b y th r i f t—buy W. S.

Layering Theai

2N I 0 H tS ,S T A 1 IT IN 0

friiJay, J u ne

Nay Bros.' Famous Alater

Troubadours1 — I.IPW, Tti Skof If I Ttoinil U I lilt Itilrinilir Jia.lM


rU S K T OOMEDZAira O A T O W 80K 0S ^ ,. BBAZi 1p£AH%ATXOM~M3

‘ S IB 8 •‘ SK O B A ST Z Jro BCUJOO

Baaft Ip a n d a-a t aoon r t ' |; « t 4 B. B . A a ta n U r-

j' ObObm SSe' and le W tt_ BOC Be’ m c

A e ^ 1b | '

n ibur .W.h;^[f th a ^ T ^ -^ fI ao.w.cei»j^

ird receiv*

ppUn\lon f i t t e r Jn ;

'Ilo ft' tb rt{ton, pur- '

I b ^ J a r k ' | H n j B j 9 vinchargo B S j 9 B B | | | ^ ^ K : ' . veying a jPalls,aud titM Tele- *. ' j f l | j 3 8 W i f i ! i W r B Hbaa com.- ^ * B K 2 2 ^!5 B a S Bhia

rudge W. Xencphen R. WIfloy, app ero Tuns. « e v ^ o r Gardner ol ■ Mlaae rv called *“* “ '’oJ'P’wd term ol of court. Stetea Senator -St

»>tho'riv- -Wlfley Is a well*knov^n'Oeir eated in •**•" ■ '"®'«her o f the

to open eommlssfoner* of a t: 'o n '8 c'p-

S H g E P M E K F O K M J. H»hB, M O T U A L - A 8 S 0 0 1[m’ori'a ll '■ . " --Ila Bank nupoM la-to X>easo OoTanm ^e iocor- 90 Kertli Side fo r Beoe nd com- , M ambm' i t f i r * ' -. - ■■ —..... I wlk in tlie The Minidoka Sheep Ora ?ho com* riatioR, a non>profit cooper j o t ear- pontion, which fUed a copy, r a l 'busi- Nicies of incorporation Tuesd ^00. office of tho donn^ clerk, Is

icatloa formed by aeveral W'0 of 83S local sheep . mon fo r the p lutanqnii leaalag particularly laada in etodjfor known *aa th'e"Mlhldolca: oxt< coUected -log nortb of Snake river, froi m-'White eral govemment for the USO'o:C. Beau* ^ ra . Othor ptirposes qame .> tlcUot articles aro to build shearin commit- dipping apparatus and pure

0)vs: To ttod other artlclea osed in roD, 148. growing industry. The inc<1 syatom aro O. P. Bacon, T. C. Bac (rom tho Houghtolin,' iBobert Bogorso

Orny. Tho principle place oi of the association ia tbe off

•Androwf Bac<>n la Twin PaU i iccepted " aviTn^TKUi w n r r ^

'•“S/v!l Chantayqna leetuM

• Bed Crbaa rooma Tueaday i ’’®' The doctor apoko JengthUy.

^ <™nt, Il VCB jjj, hoanjra tho vnat field t>»ey were Inbortag and theinoiiths cooperation; for the real!

to en te r 'PICTUBB HASS » m TB

cniCAOO, Juao 20.-O nly le Twin hata" will bd shown by millirii is send- this year, tho Mllllnorjknitters ^ag Men’a Asnociatlon, in sosi I fulfil* annouoced today.)f aociu Saving excesa baggage drum ding tS carry*n book of pleturei* Inste -tors in “ portable lioxoars.”

lo^ tho + 4* + ^ *i* 4* 4* 4 'A large. 4 . •inota is + . P E R S O N A L Sking. in. 4,na. herr ^ 4* 4 -ouw. n / Proctor K. Perkina of Haih

mer pros^utlng attorney e:- eonnty, accompanied by Mrs.

. motored Wednesday to Twin ] apent the-^day here vlaiU

. . frienda'and transaetlng bnsint ] C. A, North of tho law firm

M p. A Stephan, has returned from mer home in^Indlanit where­about three, weeks on buslne*

B aection with tbo'closing up o thcr's e s t* ^

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bisbee i ed east the first of the week I <n Mrs. B l^ e e ’a f a i ^ .

J . n . Day of-Eden \ls spend! daya in town!'

Miss ITarrlot lloller, chicf atv the.;loca] telephone axel

llu.' aponding several day* la Bnb> ' lag the operators tbero, ia th

the sew switch boarda."P: Tj: ‘Orlffln of Miles City, 1

came here tFe .fir*t of the f ip S will remain an indefinite time.

Mr*. C. P . fipaaglor left 4WsI ■' fo r’ O o lc ^ o B r^np ,' Cold, w 7 V / will.apond an iadefinlto Um*.

I f f : w n } 8 P B i m 'o P .A1TX&1 ,9 . . In the trial of .the.oa^ of T

aon ofiEden, agalBif Wck-.l* T n ia ; Falls, la diftriet eowft b>

daj, tha Jory found fimm th* that Mr. Smith did aot a t th* Ofe u2* ti.3Cr~'m iwp-vt M whioh wa* a*Sd to! be. defeetli

“ "■■■ reeplntoiy'e*pa«Hy,*'pe»«* I for sneh « le , aa^ aeeo cd ln ^ sa«aee of the lastraetlen of i retnrned a vardlet for tbe ] Judgment wa* eatered reqnl: defendant to n t« n i te the the pifrchM p ^ of the a ^

^ ’ * IP WB c a x 's h o w ’t o u 1t e t aa-re m o^tf aad labor eveir

. ^ 1 O a ir i lU AA m i k i v - r f

W :

d e v e lo p m m t ^ o f ‘ h u tin e ta ehterprun ttxn n in g A '.fo r- ^ le tn ie h h ip d n i h ^

[ m uH itv, ffoa m i l d to io ^ d -your f in

^ V ■ : in te re s ts to ih e s tr■ a n d service o f thia.

• iu i io n , h y f tra n ^, ; y o u r hanking bu

here. H pegs.

j ^ V i N r A u ^: T B iJS T COM Ffl T w nrrA m uM

bJntod by I . . . •urr te (III ', tite late ................... iimiilllBUIIli'limaione. . Mr. «'»■' ■ ' " ■ ■locrat and ‘ ._•bbart ot JfejGyi **■

[ A w o ' i i ' i - 7 ^ ; i 3 3 ; 3 >

^ f . An nltra-Bobemlaa, Parlsl ^ the liatfn Qaarter waa bnilt

tro - stndloa for the - atagtag dng a**o- «Bevelatlon,” the groat 1 »tivo cor. starring vehicle aade*“ t T baaaer,,whleh la the attraci ay la thn America Theatre today oalj M organ- . *paeIoB# setting r. 9U known .^.^he Cabaret of the Thre* u p o a ^ o f _ ^ e , womea and aonrrli

elo tle Bohisffllan atao*phew orton, ly. pori,U a eafe to the Metro “ the M - ipho Jolly “ froqoentera' .it* mom- .m'oitoa pf Uble* 1** *" revelry, while waltora *cnr g corral*. dl*pon*Ing drink*. A t the 1 6a*o *aJt wore gathored A w h ee .ae Ibeep of the uncoaveatli

m a t BDHOJ HBW 80An olKtlon' r f *U qu«lU

. " *• of the Art«.l»ii C itj tehool t held Satui

38 ' ' nobh, Jonb fifi,'.Vefweea'thi led Crow '2 aad 6 o'clook,..on. the q r held an vdting '^nda'^df 'O e

Llnooln 000 to *6,000 to bolld u i ir, a t the. sehool b u lling . M ri' ] fternoon. ot Murtaugh, I* the eli upoa his b o ^ of tmateea.

In'which wire* In Lotidon.necoaalty London'n irlOEmph nnd eatioo of wires. If lit pstlmntwl. rxtr

mile* oTiThond nnd 021.000INOB;“ pIeturo . .

• BISHOP PATRICK J., , ' ‘ -/ft/,

mer* willad of six •_

4-4-4*4* E a w w

. 4* .

<y,,a for- ' r Blaine - 'P erk lu , ran* andDg with %

of North »hla for. ^ 7\

1 . .pom a w AI<ln con- ■ « (5Asff . Vf.hi* fa- , B l ':irero call- '"]ly Illnoss M

Dg a .fe ^ 8i

operator >^Bge 1*Instm et' ^*.&*«.o f ,


momlngm h h h h i h h b h i■’^Thfa'I*'the rpaet'recant p

IAX> ■ «f Bletiop P a ^ e k .4 . Hayai . 0 . WU. York. Who hae'been nam*d Im ltb-or the American* army at the m Ifon* ' FraiMe by Pape Benedict, evldeacetime of prttfU en ------------ -

S | . T 0 : t 0 aM eeorf;£i“ l£ Private money on

m o r tg a s e g o o d la n d i So: ily, <1000 tt)' $4000.-!tow TO j e a r te rm , iniiMj lo p a j a b l e a n n u a l ly . ■

. - A aiOEAUciiiV

8'• ■ ■ :i| ■ '.a«of((»'B;'*lWi<^JSWi

) w m - 1 the B a n g ^ r r b io te t td tt f9 .|' haa plaoed • 0 U,,for «lx '{ft ^ 0 the-:-fede>al ;.e»plo]

T le e alao U aaW .to-aeea W. i » |f laborera fo f W k in the

aood iig ,^ .M ld ;w ;fo t B 00m^'\^ side* nnmerouTotben f

o' other la t^ .d i* t ro n c io l i 'en g th i.

t A i n n n l i i ^KJh’n ^ i j P ^ . i —Wned#.{! .'.I1M(flMF.Adatai. . ■ The mMoU^ «e. Mr*. J

aad B. 7 . Yleteker teok | . ^ p r a a e e ef i .lafge numbe

;! a t 4:80 o'eloek'^Saaday a I l f 'A ji hom^ *38 aiJtth av!*• ■, The e e n m e v w * * ;perfon

I A. H. Brmsd, paator of the ]. _ _ ■ ] ehnrch. The • eoflple were

'■ Mr. „J.Itr» .I> ll*m on, .0 to the altar whSeh w«a beaa

n n n H of new er aasd'ferfta whUe i . '-• ■ be* of Idaho »»Ilf,i»* tho p

.. v -r - Mead*laaoha/a ^Wedding a ' « The brW*'‘»eTe •;beantij

navy bine hiuid^abroldered The m atron’e f honor wore

i K V k ^ r *' 'Tbe Jb rid e 'a e rr^ -% b t r

11 i t l foUowing tha eereaony.r Mrfc Tleteher baa b**n a

; Twin FaSa fo r eight year m naW S'* i* held in high ecteem by a tan cafe''of made her-aeqnalntaneo. it in tbe Mo- 1* a valoed employe of tt• of aepaM hotel.WaidmoVa '* . ‘-----r the IC^ro ■ Truly euphomlctltio^ atl 'the - ’‘J o it what I* meant by r. . lamt? •Til explain." aaldopreeeatiag peraon. . .‘‘Wbeo a wtdon D dlg liU r heen marrted three or four 1

« e ^ * t 'lhe lo another mao It Is anno I ^ s ' n y *he waa *lod to tbe altaiT ^ o . *«>y•" P**™"®- *'®<*drank aud *“ *’•' *• * ' enpbemlsm.~—E l a e a r ^ e Age-Herali^^^^____________

jn tjjo Effoctlvo Thunday moml and oUior contlBulag untU the co

onal I* tln improvement work bo re**, tb ^ ShoohoBe faU* gn clo*ed to traffic of all »

L m v , between .the hours of 6 o'l rled voter* 8 o'clock a. nSSttlct biS Oriit o f the Cbniity ( ra«r .Jtoii ■ J

“J a i . a '5 V ciMrinrt a j>

i x io itr .i ' ■ .r - ■I T h etetcphone M*) K JH

•nd 73X00 /mile* on* m - " m

^ Of /! . f • I t took a gow

6 f th o s e In terefitec

^ . t i o n 'o f th e flupcrio

^ . v o n h a n d ily . R n n

■ M : I t hns re m a inI J r t V . . .

' I?bsinf*.‘ s m on nad

i M . i oppo.‘<ition to chan

IH I-\ a ^ ' 'S iiico th ^ hogi

■ a n d pIv*^<^pe in th

f tropl»> a n d a Bndd

[ J y e n r s o f s te a d y n j

? S j •’ Till* IN TK EK

| S | | i a j c s a l a i'k n o w lo d g m ei

2 ^ S f p ^ ‘ piv'Timhlt* firm n e R


hotAtfraW ';. E e so lv e

In . • p o m ih lb nne - J t h e S ta t e C

- a< »ary s te p s - -1 ■« . ~ a l a t i o n s th a

WHf i r t t ' I

g ; G0<j W ' L ■ OOODING

> -. ■ ' - ' ' T ' - ' . v - '

ovTEtoB ,vl]P^eli|n» a J t a .

I* district, ' ' iet.'iaipe^ ■

v ia r.]],,.

;I. Hi* of*- 1^40 farm .vlelnl^ of .a p « t, b ...or varloua W g 'V: 'il*- ? ■■■• [ f r ■ H i J b s w— = lat-espea[2 C u H •> S . . whole ham

*■* \3 -nor.too mt^ I 1 = le a n a n d aI ;] l ;5 . d e a le rs .roslo'AdaiB* I ?II ott^jftenooB a t B \ F f O V i •enuo aorth.«ed by Dr. ; ■ j . % •«Pre*byt«rlaif .atteaded by ' ■ B l i - 'd proceeded • ■

: l l l l l i i S■areh.

J D B Y A W A M S P A I white ino» .. O F J X T D M B n iT -

t lm k m n u Vffdlet O ln a D u lU fn orB tt t a u im t f n a l M I

r«*idont of . - - W U te s* past and _______ ’rt who have ' Damage* In th e n m bftr. Flotcher titutlon of the premUea la e le BogerKia were c i^ rded to the plalntUl

Ib the trl«l of the e m of T. a^lB St.Ira Brsekett a ^ bis

®- , Brackett, In 'a i* tr ie f ebort :• a«T. Mr. -W tltan «Ulin'o« i

the em «i# $aOO tor 'ia ja r f d

am’S r o S ; ]““tr* ‘^® ®' Ott aoeobnt ;« preveaUon on the part of

tlrmlncKam dant* o f the a*o of tbee* pn of hay *tack* on them. 'I

, . involved In the lltlgatloB a Iff w ._ B livestock grower* o f the

diatriet In Tvrtn FalU eonni S ^ l. Mr. ,Wdu

S ri “ r 8- T. H « « U ^:lock p. m. “1. Monday*. P*** ■>'d Future Reepen* 7omm£**io&. Between <»ie'e aneeeter* i

posterity eae lead* an nneo life of llttl* frcedort and mai

»' «bnityl;-i<5hlcnjm Kew*.

Final^ p p r o v j

1 m a n y y e a ra f o r th e M o to r T n ic

! in th e t r a n s p o r ta t io n p ro b le m s

ir i ty o f th e T r u c k o v e r th e h o rs e ;

illy, h o w e v e r, r i g h t o f w a y o f s tn

e d fop th e f o r c e o f p u b l ic o p in io n

f a n n e rs . S e n t im e n ta l a t ta c h m e

Ige w e r tT ^ e p r in c ip a l fo rc o s th a t

n n in g o f t h e w a r th e m o to r t r u c k

f> c o m m e rc ia l a n d fa r m in g u ’o rJd

en s tH d in g ac ro w t a g e s a n d deca

)b n lld in g . ' '

F A T IO N A L M O T O E T R U C K , t,\

a n d a p p la n sp . A l l i t n e e d e d t r

R waj« ^ T c m m e n t a l s a n c tio n nnd

id, T h a t t h e C o o n c il o f N a tio n a l o f t h e m o to r ticac k a s a t r ^ s p o i

o u n c ils o f D e fe n s e a n d o th e r S ta to f a c i l i t a te s n d i m e a n s o f t r a n s

it te n d to r e s t r i c t a n d d isc o n ra g )

3 d in g Nfif. T ^ N F A L L S - .

. Boiled Ham^ ^ ^ F o r / - t t e ’ e W n in g • n j W , 'J t t ^ ' j o r fo r '.th & .p icn ltf^ 'W h atJ itiA ^ s

I .z e s tfu lly ‘a p p e t iz in g th a n .> ’5■ te n d e r boiled ' b a m ^ t^ e J d n d T o a .^ u : ~ .g e t w h e n i t 's ■ .. - r

M O U N T ^ s I N B R A N j b ? I

Kid h a m i s a o ee bnom i- ’ ,- : sially w h e n yo u b u y a •' - t 'QO— ^ n o ttd o m u c h lea nm ch f a t ; b u t u le n ty o f i C : 3 l l | | !t Uttle. f a t . A ll reU ab le j p U

P a d d i v A Y idon -’Co.;::aad M l U k a .

i s i S i i ^ BST BOIBX lUX TO BE < '-ABEED OEUSBAnOfTW^t ' fSOO- ^ J g ^ J . f t , < M av M 1

; u « O n H ( m n B » ’«B»ooi1t

they win b*Te tbe e p p o » ^ t r « occaalea ,ef hettlaft one o f ^forceful and eapaUe oraton .1"»»«• P^.

J 2 ; i f u S • '« « « » B l o h M * i . » * ) i i n » J m n Solae'aad a ferxaer )ndg* .<tf th

triet eoo ri He U one. o f . tb .. ico B iaak a ltea iira of Ibe ttaK

and 'oo^li — . - ■■ , •IO B BXOHAHO»-Jeb pilatta


ck to s e c u re a p la c e I n O ie c o n f j ^ c e

( o f b u sin esR ^o f a l l k in d s . B w g n l -

a a a m e a ^ o f t r a n s p o r t h a d to be

r e e ts a n d h ig h w a y s h a s b e e n s e c m ^ .

n to c o m p e l re c o g n it io n o f m e r i t f ro m

icDt f o r 'o ld w a y s a n d te m p e r a m e n ta l

i t to th e e n d w e re a r r a y e d a g a i n i i i .

; h a s w o n , i n h fe w m o n th s , s t a n d i ^

d w h ich w i th o u t a u o iv e r s a l ca tas>

»d«>.9 o f t im e s w o n ld h a v e r e q u ir e d

s in ce t h e w a r , h a s w o n a lm o s t u n i r e r -

to e s ta b l is h i t s e l f i n a p o s i tio n o f im -

id a p p r o v a l . N o w ' ^ n t h a t h a s com e,

i " . ■

D e fe n s e a p p r o v e s th e w i d ^ * s r ta t io n O f ^ c y , a n d re q u e s ts . - a t e a u th o r i t i e s to t a k e a U n ec - . . . isportati<m y re m o v in g a n y ieg - . ^ s n . c h n s e .” , :i .•-

^ " ' H U i i L ' - s V'»-v-"

Sp p*«i!ii feM lW M

I . ;JS^-ft»%romfi‘»SSf’i:i^ V 'T i^ ''lU lf '^ m 'T ^ 6 U a ia g -0 e m p u 7 ,

L td , PoKUriwr*. . .

I , T H D ^ A Y , i(UNB *T, WIB . ■

SBB XA2nB*ftrSK bBS IDBDIBb too M rlr/ t o 'T r e d U i i f l ^ ^

t t a r W tr U s n o t wm b o - t ^ ^• 0 «cUire Tictoir fo r tbe lU lU at, er

: ■ wballel i t irtll. ta ^ m d , comUtuHe a l^ ^ Mrtotu'MVbtiek.fOT Ap«t*U. iB elUier.«Taat there i t pleafy of C r ^ d «

. for inmease . sTbe WV' ta Ita pr«Mat ctage U a

riMe a g a la it 'tlae . The q iB ita^ eact* appfBcIata the aeeej^tjr o f wiaalag

. tbe v a r Infer* tbe 'fe ree e f J j u r t e . ie t«o fltresglj f d t ca the W e rtm

fro a t Zt U .tbU i^ te e d g e th a t.b w led tb«m to flt^ « t ^ an ea tU

• of eoftly • t t e a ^ .^ t o ^ a e tra te U'e W ettera-Fraaeh froat. Nor is there Toaeea to heUere that tb tte wm b« a eiewHoti o f offM^Toe on that fro a t

•' Bather U a f ra a tle effort to be eip«et^ od to iferertha.iMoe to a deeieloa ^ th « ia the » ^ ' f ^ w M b a t eaa or more of th# MT«nl Tital polate that are

’ now withia eaa^.«trlklBg'dl«tm^M from the new-Oermaa Uaee. ^

— Aw tria 'in u ' dbsbtlM fo te ^ t>7 Oermaaj, aa weQ u b j the aeeenity e f dinvtlBg atteatloB. a t booM. tn m food ^ d l tio a a , to a aew otfesaiTO, to

. etrtlco a t I t a l j to pTOToat forther w ia* drawala i t -ItaUaa troope 'to Tctre^th; in t h e ^ M h U ^ wel|* ea*

. dMTor to ladoee t l^ ADlaa to sn d ire -' a i ^ ' l a t o Italy*

'Tka c o m p l i faOoM of thU »tt»tesr ' eoBiiata w t ^ o f'th e fai]iin>torws-

- ' e o ^ ^ . iheee objelet^ b’at'*U 6> thei.. ^ I '^ a ab la tb w '.ao it . ,

^ A f ^ .weeki age Ju a^e a . had 8(to,*000 i a n la Fraaee. ‘ ■

A ' few ' daja' age ib 'iw ^ a a B n a e ^ that'ttCTO were 900,0(M m ra.ia . A |ew daija more aad it win have eroBaod.tbemnUoamttfc:' - ! ’ .. . •

The Potadam g ta g ^ ^ ' npf bliHd to the ablpplag toaaage 'f lg u M . Tbejr

. Itm tiT to fool tto lr po;iH tt *«k- ' aggerated eJaima of eobmarlaV T t^ r>

iM, b at t h ^ aro aa t d e ^ v ia g them*

r A aedeoa tmamition Amerieaa plMM-■Am0ripin gaaa—«n are erowd*

r la g t t e briirf^ ^ la wUflh tha P o t»'. dam g a a g .^ T * givea tbemaatree io

" ; r ^ B tbe war. r Anerieaa flghtiag e f fM tiru already ; proTo aaaiTlBg o b a t a ^ -la t i e j« th

/j'to .'P arfa. ■Now eomee aot oidr delay bn t a .dia<

' -aatrova' roat id th Ita dampeaiag of*' fee t oa the awrale of the* armiee aad

people* of the pea tnJ Powera, aad the ' >; erer-iaertadag OBreat of Ure AnibiaBi

treetly .M eelerated by the defeat of Iholr foieoo. '

Tha aiahiag fertnaea of tbe C eatrd | « Powera eaa be atayed by bo other

meaaa thaa brm iast rietory a t arma, t ftad th e Potadam” g t;^ ' win endeavor to ^

■ deliTcr thla vietory ragexdlen of coat * 'Whether the mad n a h that le im« i

peadiag wDl h it the Weatera froat . la P raae^ or' etriha o«t from the moBa* , ta lB 'd laM et la aertheta Italy, only i tin e will ahow. ti

................— aBBBtOVXMCI TBB LO O T ''

. Tho oeaato eomadtteo oa miUtaiy af* ^ fa in h u approved tbe hooM provlaiea

' giviag tbe P iW deat B alloted powof to p iBcrease tbe aiae of the army, u he « aeea f i t Thla lim plj meaaa, la view °

: o f tbe Preaideat^-roeeBt a t te ^ e e a , 'that the 0Bl7 limit will be tbe Uadt q to th* anaber of a u a the ladoitry «t w thia aatioa. eaa traia. eqvip aad t r a a r ^

V »The eeaato-eommittee reported ^ e ^ largeet tn a y ^proprla tioa bin ia the n aatioa 'a bljtorT—«airylag-«12,089,78S,* ei 082.11. We stroagly a o ^ t that the * elevea eeaU ia eamooflage, bnt tha ^ reet of th* fignree are . impreeaiv* e a o n ^ Plv* UUioa dollara of tbe ap* «(

' propriatloa ia for field artillery for 9i the aext year, wbieh- meaaa foimattoa ^ of throe A M r im armiee of 1 ,8 7 0 ^ fo ioaa eaeh. Baah-.of tbeae azmiea wDl to eoaeiat of) thirty , dlviabaa aad five ^ e o r n mahlBg ^ dlviaioaa to the eoipa. » laeladed ia e ^ h 'a ra y -a ra SOOOOO aoa* br combataBta, UivlBg' 1^76,000 flghtiag jti iaea to the an jy . th

Thee* e loqo^ t Uttle figoree wUl m .dooMIaa ko ooplM ti r B u lta u d T in - „r a s jp ^ e sT -e t 'th ito 'e w a risk. u l

• m i.T nr XBB JOB ^ n . a w i t l i n n l t k . O ostn l ,

* T ' 4tJ

B a . . .m S K S i i i i i i i g i r a t i a M d * '< d l o d l „

KDj niOT ^f S E N M S E D B Y

p f O F l J i i

JokoioBB TASi _mw . WAIT AgFAIHfl OOT Oy OP ooxn^ p|)M.

% THB VOTB j i^ , - F o r Agat 44 . Twin Pplli No. S _____ 178 S 4of. Twla FaTli No. 1 --------200 i 4^ K im borly________ L— 88 , 1* 4 .

4 * U ort^ngh ---------------- V 1 4 ^4 . HoUlator ------------------ se4 . Boger«)B-------------- L - 49' 0 ^+ B erg e r______________ IB i 4*

Boek Ore«k __ 18 8 4^ Blverdale ------:---------- '+

^ Total ___• M 4 ;

' OreaUoa'of the Twla FaUa highway dlatrlet to iBeloda ia ita boaadarlea all o f 'th e territory of Twin FaU« eoaaty outdde. tbe Bob! aad propoaed FUer highway dlitrieU wita' antberlaed by10 to 1 Tote-at u eleietlpn beld in the diatriet Sctnrday.' . The retnraa' ahoK ^raetieally bo oppdBtioa'to-t&e propo* iltloB, Mortaagh 'pwdact aloae, by a roto ef 14 to 0, daelariag ag^nat the a r g ^ u t io a of the diatriet BogeraoB Mut* 40 votea, aU In favor of the dia* T iet .4

S *o lam BlMttoa Legal >No qneatiea aa to tbe legality of.the iloetloB exltta oa aeeooat o f the amall roto oaaty Proaoentlag Attoraej F taak U Stephaa aaid thla moniiiig. A ma> ority oaly of .the; voto eaat, whatever h4 t may«bo,.l« cany the >ropoait!o^ be-«Uted.-

'- '•O oV f^to .lT M B a'X ^xoetogr.; W lthia..t^a daTt, from -the date of he 'eleetioB.'tbo.eoao^' eommlaaiOBani ire tb.ij«eet' to>eaavu tbe retajma of be dMtioB^ A-certified'eoio' of the otnrBa win be forwarded to the gover* ■or, who wiU-appoInt -the throo-mem- >era of. .the. highway diatriet board of UreetoTj, to aervo nnti'l Jannarj 1, :910, .-and^for'fonr yeara ’ thereafter, ntalr aoeeeeaora are* to be eleeted by 'Oto of the p m le of tb'e.dlatrlet

. - H e 8 ^ Smm Tet Tbe croatios of 4be diatriet aemov'ea

idmlBlatratlon of road affalra withia U boondariea from' tbe jnrisdletloa of he eonaty eeausiaaioaera aad places t la the baada o f tb* road diatrlet'dl* •etora. The laaoaaeo of boada h j tbo tiatriet.U Bot eontomplated a t tbe ireaent t im e . '

A em BtaBti XHvlde Ohartae Within toa daya after the eommla-

loa'era .of the’ highway diatriet'ahall inalUy, they ibaU moet with thp eoun- y eommiaalonara aad eaeb ahaH ep- o lat a eempetaat aeeonntant, th e two eeonntaiito thoa detignate^ to aet u he anditiag board, whieb ranat meet ive daxa thereafte r .to ueertain the Aole... amonnt of the IndebtedBeai of otb tbe eooaty and dlatrlet vid do* trmlBB npon a dlvliIoa of the Indebt* dneaa. The ereation ef the diatriet oea Bot relieve it of llabality for, and

aball th'ereafter be aaaeued by the »Bnt7- for aeeeaaary taxes' to pay eff !ie ontataadlBg bonds a t tbe tine of ■M creation or any extoulon or inter- It u I t ahall beeome doe.

Povexi of Bead*Dlatxlet Among the powera granted' to tho

Ilrw ay diatriet are tbe righta to aae ad ba aood; to psrehaae a n d ' hoM ada or peraoaal propony u may be K eeatrj or cenTenlent; to levy and >p1y taxea for pnrposea nnder Ua «x- uttvn juriidietioD , aod to exerelte ‘ sneral anpervlidoa over all hlghwaya Ithia. tbe distriet witb fnll power to inatmet, maintain, repair and lm ■oye, all hJgbwaya'witblB the dUtrlet xept thoao Inelnded in lneorponitn<T nnlelpalitlea-within ita boandarles. 'L A seetion of the atate law lo this aaeetlon aays farther,. '<Tbe cran t powers ia thla aet contained to hleh-

%j diatrieta iLnd highway boards and offieera aad agenta thereof, shall

I U^raHy eeaatraed u a board, and aeral graat of powera ta the ead tbat e eondoet aad adnialatratlon of the itriet may be efficient; oor ahall tbe nmeratloa of certain powers that inld be implied withont sueh ennmer- roa be eoBftrued u the denial or eloalon o t otber implied i>owera nec­tary fer the {reo and efficient ex- :!m ef the powers expreaaly graat-

We aeo 80 telagrama thia timo ^ e Eaiaoria talUag wbat "o n r arau i O od" have aecompliabed.. Aa a t ie r o f ^ t I t ^ a o d l fenporary dga* waahod oat aad iaee^derataiy t qnit* a a n m ^ of Ansti^aaa oa .■ wroag d d * '^ tha rlvr* . . Thia « a to h«T* bo«B abont tha extept t^ A n a t r la a daah, aH bo^b it is

a that A sitria massed' pra«U- '' ly an of her offeetlvaa for the big **h-taiy b u roflactod of .ered opoa. h e a ^ tlM g i^ to d e ef ADle* w m flow W to her fo r the

u e la g abe gar* th* . I t Ist f m U y faw 'oB tlN ^ Wiafkctory

Md*a of the war darlBg reeeat ith&

.MAiS ATTBin)'; / U X 'O I B V I O E B r Q B v r a ; ' E . M A B B H A T J . '

. ■-------- ^. in-.v. < • r • V ' ■ , ' ■/.

■ • ;(8 p i W to Tbe Newa): nVpJSRT^iScmatM '■ aervioM: . ftt P riva te , Oobrip £X bUrahaU, ajmeml)o of S .eom £iiv,;O no unnorsd Slzteei^tl S a '^ o ^ . ^ h e wae killed ia aStioB 'ii F riw e e 'Ju tf iS , were attended Soadi] IvealBg Ui 'iho higb aebool aodltoHsa by one.of tho'largest Maerablagea-ev«i b ro n g lit'ito g e ^ r here.,; Tbo dkath of Private . Marahall pla«e.0 0 thta' H laldoka county' a e ^ c o , flaj Ita Jtirk atar of gold. Of hla Ipanati tb u a U le f t only hU father, Albert S U u ih a n , to.iaonm bis death, hla moth' or havlB^.di«d.^abont two.nlontha.aftn Mb o&Uatmant,.April 0, 1017, la oao o2 tb 6 uaito of 'the old Seeond Id a h o -r^ Im,eat, wliieh lator wore convertod lntc tbo O ne/H oBdi^ Bixtoenth Bnglneert S e .w u OBO..of the first to enliat f rm thla: o o n a^ -aftor tbe deelaratloa ol w u .a g a iu t Ocrmaay. Tbe only othei Bnpert; hla company' la Ooa Jobnaoa, althoagh tbere are othera fron thla olty U U s nftaM at. ■

Prirato K tishaU w u bom Harob 17, 1899, la Eallapell, HonUna. He eame hAr* Is Jaanary, 1008, with hla family movingvfrom. Calgary, Oaaada. He attended the Bpiseopal cbnreh. He WM ftt hoao Ib October, 1017, 00 furlo&gb, Jtwt before learJog tor New Tork, fm a . whaace bis c o m ^ y em­barked fot Bnrope In the U tter part of-November.,. Tbe telegram received Friday by the fa ther from the adjutant genoral break­ing the.) a m o t Private Mcrabaira death ia u 'fo lU w a: “ Deeply regret to inform yon - t h a t , Private George : t. Marahall,.-engifieera, ia offlelally re­ported as klUed to aetlon, June 12 ." r

BTABItrifllC LI0BNBB8 'I. A ipaiji^go lleqaajo was Isaned here <ii> Tharaday' to- Glea Frank Wooda and OUlrft'M ildred.Froet, botb of Twin- Fan*.

A marriage Ueoaae w u iaaoed hero Friday to. Heary J . Prough and Bevle

PanlaoB, both of Twia Falla. Marriage Ueeuoa w«re iasuod Satur­

day la Twin Falla' to the following:L. V. Nlcholaon, Filer, and Bnih

Beeghley, BnUL Alfrod B. H a i^ , Twin ^allsf and

Edith C. Clark, Cutleford.'P /estoa B. 'Owfttfs, Twin Falb, and

Oertrode A x ^ .Bt Charlea, Idaho.

P' !' ■'• W . i

■ ■

I ,■


r i\

P >■ £

■ ■ .

' I rIa

6 H i e b a n i d i a n i t b e

I6 I t i i OQ t:

b u a i n j ] ' _ m a d c i




I n j

J Recij) I ofU t3r 'O I • ■

* -I ■ ttai*. the seir ^ e m » fo r ih e uae

; ■ : ' public iB, there fo ( e x p e c tin g t ^ V th e s e r‘ ft f f tt i iU c to ry q u a lity a• * m e e t th e needa o f th e c

' B u t no utility^cftn bc I ; • . o u t' th e co-operfttion o f> a re U tio n a h ip o f r« ' b e tw e e n ' th e ' utiUQr a I T h e d u ty o f th e u tU itj f . . ftnd the. d tt ty o f th eI Hjj utility i» rectprocftl ftn<' e* ted In th e w e lf tr c b f

M . I f th e d t iM n d M i i|W '* utillQr loMS it* pftteohftjH is n o t p rosperous, t!B th ro u g h .in fe rio r o r inftd

H i H e n ce th e q uestion olm enoes fo r th e .u tility k <n b q (h th e u ti li ty ftnd th e m t uAl y concerned .

p The Mountain

IS f o r t u n £ , JUST AHEAD?


111 tb e cUy of Twin Palls—anybody can look at lt>~there ia a copy of an edition nt the Bible printed in London


I t P a y s ]

^ ff ff U M I f s a ia ^a Ktft D e

^ itl dutiea and m um ^ h a' typew itoa v i a d < ^ m

6 k» m c f f i d q i c y ; c i p r a i ^ n

his ytry. pnctical baai diat i eW.^' Itt

Paige ^ xepotedl; tmexit'-7.a car worth every trttpeU and)ehnfidg>ce aa a)

H K O r r K t o T O R C A R O

i O O l S i N G M Q T;y B U H L ■ T

rocal R ei iHty and ]vnersh tp o f . a . - . T h e T e k p h o c :d w f th tn d iv id - ' ' g . te rr if ic load;vjce. ;wfticn It m ftteri»l an d I

o f Ihe^pubU c. f , c t t h f t t b w r* re , -juo tifitd in , ; p ^ c H 'c U y Mric e ,. l u l l b« o l w ith th e incfe in d «dcini»to to i t r v i r t , tlie .b |lomrailratjr. heavy fo r t u 't o ittCMSsfol w ith -th e public. I n T h e yeftr 19

d p r o c i ^ < n i t< »Ione m :d««dt o

nd t h e ; ^ l i . . , u i « | : .d j u . t . ■ t o t h e d h . ? n ■atizen to th eI e ic h {. in te r- ’ th e o th e r . ' , dej>ends w ill rei

o t p ro sp e r th e N * tamre . I f th e n til- o f tb e pabU e yiM c itise n loses bq w . S o : lequftte sen d e e . ' in taraa to w h M If.ft^equate re v - utiHtjr in « B F .i>Ae w ith w hieh - m eltee t ^ p r o *public a re mn- to m oo t & e ro q

. . iee. *

States Telephone'and

by Bobert B u k er Iq tha y*af U 0«.'In Oakland, California, a few

months ago, a: copy.of an edition of U19 Bible printed In. London In 1712 sold for IfiSJOO. There la no. questioa as -to the ^ntbentlc^ty of the sale. Mrv. M. p ; Haynld of Sacramento got the money. ‘ ' ' '' The Twin FalU . book U of the edi­

tion known u the "Britehea Bible." Tt U In a . aplendld aU te-^f preaerva^

I G 6SaOitdt/iaaia

[ t s W a y

: h a i t t c a l e q u ^ m e n t a h a l l i t e r a t o a i n v e s t m e n t . . \

^ A j f l o r a n a s t 1 tfc i 't i i i o £ p f p f L .

h e h a s _ q m l i f i e d i n t h e i e v e r y o t h e r . d a t h e A

> i t 15

p t o o y o f i ^ p r i c e ^ e n t i t l e D e o Q io Q it iy - p ia c t ic s i l u t i li^ y »


O R G O M P A N T f: \y iN F A iX S GOO

i s S S u B u B u ) ^

' c » i

'ations j l Public Ijoe.Cooipftny u e a n y ^ : >|M .1 of abnoffmal ootto of ' {■[ labor. Ia view of tha . ., Iw

a. leyel, not' tecxeaiing . |fl|i sased cotta bl renderiiif W : bprdeii hM. grown' too Wg' 0 c a ^ alone. IlH ‘917 prodMoed to .Uato 11 offllMSlMu : * Hi tmeats «n ma4t that. . Bhis condition, tte tde> M[ tipOB whidi tba fiMte He n ^ in jkoparii .; l l■ Beat lha eavatMkaa [|l wfthat ais^irta rara- . ■ | |• paWa a m ka «»• « Ol1 ft II ipwatsi wHfctha yi .

wlkfc luh e a f w w i i , i r f « r l M t . j f l qrireasB^ al lha aerr- in

1 Telegraph Co. |

SI^^=SSS!SSSSSS ' ' ■ .tloa, printeil in old EngUah'type bf a

V quaint' an'd cnrioua aiyie. and has a ^ woodcut frontispiece whleb carriw J with it an air of antiquity Impoasible s t'l mifiteke.)- D. C. Watebn ia the owner o t the 01- e ble, and lhe question whleb be Is now

engaged in tomlBg ove^ln bU mind is- th la-,lf a 1712 Bible U worth *22,600.’ wbat U tbe possible volno of One which ,* antedates it by b etter tbaa 100 year**


I dW b e t h e r Ht o m o M ty - u

w o d d o f Cl\m(rican Ip r e f e r r e d ^ e d t o t h t J

I . 4


f ]O p iN G Y

p1^l(^*]diDiQlf and ^

Vkdnedw aa judayto avpei andTpntUdretate the w

XOBTAVOH VhASS y v;o o in v m r^ pioi

TmirkHn« » c o |iw i fb t .OacMtnr ‘ . A m acad U tt te 2Mt«etf«i of :• • " A . A ; i t a t S • ■;■

' i n 7BTATT0 9 ^-^*npantieni'' tre ' der y n j ter a big conm nid^. pl

. to .be held » t the Boyd •ehool b ' rr id a y ftft«»M a a t ,S o ’elOek.. E'

ose U reqauM ta «one aad brli bu k et well flUed with good thiag ea t, ;/L A. H « r ^ le chalman of doeorattag aod ent«|tainineni com toe .asd a,n le^ program hae ! ^ a

, .ranged.' ................. i •Mr. aad U n . Elmer^ Ohasce

family m otwod'to Bhoihone P*U» " urd»y. * . . ,

■Mt. and Mra. Warren Boberit., b a b / le ft Tnesday m onlag for M( tain Home,,whero they, will reelde. Boberte has been the . .agent a t ■‘h taugh for the “past fow months, wl they have made a host of;fHrad»^

'Vegret Tory-.maoh eeelng flWm I<rt ' JiW(e Boyd of Twia Falls will fiU

Ta«aey. •V M iie’Denie Jonos retnreed' h( ^ Tneiidiy, a f te r Tisitlng eeTerel d

. with friends a t Bnrley. : ' ,. Mr. and Mrs. A. E..Carlson Ter, Colo., a n Tisltlng a t tbe home Mrs. Carlson's sister, M ra R Eead 'The. Childs brothers Were ealled

Lehi Thnrsday oa accoant of the dei of their m other.;.

M ^ Ons Jobaston aad chUdrea < ‘ ipeadiflg .the week a t the bome of F

ey Johaason la H atdtba.


(S p^ial tp Tho Nows)- ’ HBTBUBN,—Patriotie • senriees

lh e 3C. B. ehareh next Boaday will of iaterest to all. A TioUn aolo , James ;7«sieodeo .will bo Ipart o f t program. The pobIi« ts lsTited to i

• tend.Thore will be A Uwa toeial next P

day evening a t the beautifal home ^(r. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell. I cream and cookies wiil be served a' the small tnm of 10 een^ will ohnrgsd' to defray expenses. Bvoi

> . ODO U Inrited.UUs Ters. Campbell vWted a t Kii

berly Ust week' irith' relatives. ■MUa Bertha Pullmftn was on the sli

list last week.MrB..Ohai. Card ha« beea v idtiag h

sUter, Mrs..'Chadwiel(, la BtadUa.M n. F, ^8syder.a& d '^ .U dsra..w l

spont the l|^Bter in Des Moines .Tow \ retnraed homo last Prfday..

Misses Gerty and. Esther. Olaen r turned homo Tueaday morning afti apoading some time visiting reUtivi In Shoahoae. •

Miss Oala Jeaaon, who has heen .i delicate health ' for the psat year, dir ftb{)ut 0 o ’clock THii'uday evening '* the home of her i^renta, Mr. and Mr Aruthur Jensen. Th<» bereaved fainU have the sympathy of every one. .

Leslie Prescott ban purchased th Star livery bora at Burloy and move

,hls family to BurloyJast Bundsy.

AmaHean Painter's Work..It, fell to the' honor of BpnJnmlB

West, ao Atberlcnn. la beoomr> lhe fa' vored painter of acorin> III.-' Thmagt

' pnJotihg a hSsrorimI wuhji'ri. Arnfipi Landing Mie Ashes of Oortnnnl*^*. foi the archhliihop of York. ‘WMt waa to- t^ Q c c d to George III. who b<H*anr till sienctfast pntron for oearl; .30 yeara hi* conunlMlona .nmnimdns to nhoal

‘ I I.OOO-fl year, n e »lsn p a in t i n s* rtcs of r»*nirtouB hm) historical worlu for Wlnd*of. . .

J ______ 1-:________ •Marred Fiimlture.

Whon furnltun* Iuim Uocnmc maM>d toHcli up tIic'«poti .with Iodine to t)rlng bnck |fic color, ihPD rub with farnltnre poUth.


■ D O E O X H y n A ]cBownro t b u b i d a t .

‘e ‘ ’

s.-'Stamps and:i1iu:wt'Mae tc

..; A.

~ ISOLVZS P jW PIJOT n o • W A r a s * p i r f i o u L T

r a r t i a 'M 'X i t t ^ , A e ^« P tu to a n p m X M f f t t t a ^

^ fb r i r o ^ ' . a d b 'i ^ a c i . - . ,

■ (Speilal to The News) ' **« V H A 2 B W 0 N .-^e 'c o o n ty eooae

dafeasa ewdnetpd a beariag bera W digr .to .asee»tain.;the ttasoa why ^ * f k m m .under, the pomp were'.not ♦k t t e required amoaot of ‘w

The defease.eonneU-'waa repreae '“ *• by p. B. M aynaii, acting ebain *'* T. 0 . Bnrrengh^ secretair, aad I

BaAipIer, attoney; ' Sereral. empi u a of the Twin vails North 8!de Lat '•»* W ater compaay appeared as' wltne

as did also .B. B. Kiag of the I< Power Co., W , a -Bletee, aa eagl irom Bnpert, and H .B. BIxby, of

*?• ley, aa eleotrlcal . expert." Mr., B made: the -foilowing. recoinmeadati whioh wero jiaopted by the Def and witb which the water ehmpaay

^ power eompany agreed to comply;That the Pow:er eompany keep

' fre<[neney of pow;er up to normal; i * • ,:That the. Water company pUc 'y* alght operator a t plaat No. 2, to v

with day man and also to b tba-repiain aa;neeommeaded.

f / Beth eoB>paalee:im>ml«ed to do 4 tUajg possible that these f'armer^ i

•? n n t l d r e n p t <” - Last Batorday*-a deal yrwt cons

mated whenln Dr. K A. M e e sold ^ resideaee property to John Calasdr *'■ Joha Dlngmaa, fonaerly of T

Falls, b a t who has been, epiployed the* past few moaths l>y Newbcj Hording, proprleton of the Basel

*B Meat A Grocery Co., bas pn re ^ Mr. Newbrye ia terestd a the firm.

D. t ; MeDoaongh, o f . Bapert, ’ ^ here IViday Saturday, staking >y the road'froni*be bighway to the ,i >• of:the propoeeQ Hansen bridge, t* .W. P. Goodwaii, wbo reeeatly j

chased the Haselton hotel, ia*rem'o( i- ing the interior and makiag a nt >f ber of improve.menta.•e Peterson b Smith of-O ak ley t ■1 atort an implement honso here In *e veiy near future. The geatlemen i y ;occapy tbe.Newbry bailding o a ’Mi

> Mlas ‘Bertha Krauth, of Mountj Home, who h u 'bmn viaitiag her i

h ter, Mra. P. J.' McE^.oy, aad fami• returned home Thunday.•r Q. e. Brooks received wfrd tha t :

son,' OUrk, wbo Is lo traiaing a t Csi0 .w o n l4 ,b e ':m v e4 --.^ i; 'j^iaU sooa, aad Kb and U n . Bro«

le |f W ^nesday evening for Taeon tor a short visit with him.

f ' Mrs; C. & Bobbidge, wife j j f Bi a Mr. Babbid^, retnmed homo Saturd

from Portland, .Oregon, wbere ohe h1 been vialtfng. She was aecompani 1 by Rev. Mr. Babbidgoa mother, w t will maka her homo here.

A rubbit drive was held a t the 8< f* phon Droko farm Sunday -and abo

800 of the pests wero destroyed.) A. B. Bice was in Rupert Sundi I aad-Vonday on,bnslne#s., ,

Outthrata Contentment Tbe happy stat* of mlod so rare

posscfincd. Is which we cao ony. **1 hai ebongh.” ta the ht*h«wt nXnlanent i phllosophyr'BappIneu connlsta ool I pnwscMing muoh. In »H>Jpg c i ^ « wtth wbnt fro ^ho S aUftta alwnys has enni'jch.—ZImroe mao..

• ‘ ' - f Justmsble Curiosity.

It bnppcnM 1n*| nluht M;nt 0 « .Wattles dropped onto the mniF set be beld the night before al the* mov ahow. Bnt the irini he left attclclE onder the sent the flnt night was goi last night Ur. Wattles doero’t vrai the «nm. bm he docs coofew to a vei natnral corloalty to know who did gi it.—Kansas O ty .Star. . • •

i lU 0 A t^ A.; ] o > - a A r u B ^

J 9m, A9film m v

: ' Captain s.; M. . T n i ^ n ^ s = dou;;ef;«k0:%tkr«diecineas'yt^o< . grata ie«rporaU eB;:P^tedStiitw !

»<lni8istratlos, wko .if e'oadoetlai sloaa j f tba. tkrasbenaeB's Mb^

' ; T w ia^I^U . county ;thU ' ww k,\U ” * H e n d that the grain w ep .af tbia ei iljr niay ba baad led /^ th : the tMudno

effieleaey aad eeonomy,.b|S .askai permission to. eoaduet dmllar M 4a .adjolaihg 'eooBUes.;aa.itora u

I, sesslonj'here the eiuapletad. . Ban. • opeaiag seadoa a t TOer, W*

day afteraooa m ^tteaded by 44 . aoBM, mostly tbrasheraisi^ wbo i

S : , completely woa to 4be.-plaa tfa'4 -B ntod ^ iastroetioa em ploy^ by.the.

emment in 'these sebooLk ' Tba ,'m ^ d ’ se ^ o n is being held'tbis aftaraoe ^ Kimberly, and the Mhool la tb b ( 7 * *7 close Priday aftameqp witl ^ sessioa a t BnbL-

. Captain 5^ Ite , who Is a vetera ■MV the l^aalsh-Amerieoa war and fb 5 ^ commaader of .a Nations! Guard ixbv retired oa acconnt of pby

dUij>lUty, Is a practical farmer i „ ' ing and operating a large raaeb'.ia

state e f Teicas and, k« bas oper* threshing n a e h la e i r ^ r m<tre th«

yean past .• . ■ '■« ■»■ .i..*-*—10 0

nsv FlLBB.»Dr. Pr«d Hack is a t B . *NeT., on b u in ess .,

QQ,. C. Hud|0o and family of Goot his apent Sunday here a t tho,Oeorge DiI., home.irio . Ulss Andrey UcCaw spent tbe w for ead visiting In Twin Falls.'.A Mr. and Mrs. M. StradI6y. and f

ton ^7 left last week to visit relative! Washington.

Art Beem .left laat week on a b ras nes; trip to Sonth Dakota. . out nnd,Mrs. Elmer & Haag tfrej te parent^ of a new girl bora Jnn^ #

M r.'a sd Mr& Frank ^ s e . v i s l nr- Tom Beeao at Cedar Dmw flonday. lel. Mrs. Oha&. Arms-speat Batord^'

Twin Falls. ^Edna Comegys -was a shoppe^ in T'

,ni Palls Sat«pia«y.tho W. P. Boberts and family and’E. rill'Payne and family 'o( Bnhl, spent B i5ri day a t the P. R. Mncaw home.

Jim QulUvan Uft the first of ,ln week for Twin Palla.,{t. ' Theoddre Britzell o f Tw in: Fi W si>ent Sunday here with.friends.

H i S r S n r M«c«w u d Mr. »na ji Ills Eari Murray were among the many np ShoshoDe Falls Snnday.: ,

A. is.-La Monte and •family A fll . were’ calling on friends here Sunday

IV. Bora -to Mr. and Mrs. B. F . AllIV June. 24, a daagbter. nil M iss'E . B. 'Lars«n of Logan, U t ej,arrived PHday and will spend an li(,Ulnflnile time here with-ber sister, M

J. P . M a W .- c- Dr. Newberry was ctMod to the at at ^ i d ( n t eiut of 'tow a Sonday, b

t^ m d no-one serlonsly hurt. j /T • J. A. Johnson retnmed Monday fr.

I a two weeks visit with bis parents■ I Cheyenne, Wyo.* Mr. Johnson U call

in this draft, and will leavo with \ , ‘ contliigest from this eonnty Jue £S. ? | f te d Munyon-and Charley IWlli ^ ja iad CUude Ooger. returned Mond

ifn m .F o rt Douglas at' Balt Lako wbi jJ .they .were rejected, owing tb one.b JJ eye, and other defects. ' • '- • A new baby nrrived a e h’ome

Mr.’and Mrs. Clarence l^ c a s te r F day, Jrine 21.

Mr. and Mm. A. B. Woods motOt to Twin Palla Monday eveaing.

7 Mr.*and Mrs. J . C. Boeben attead It the ChaalaniTDB a t Twia Falla Mond '• evening.^ Mr. and Mr*. Boadolpb, Mr. and U

Arvid Johnson and Mr. « d Mrs. X ae*Edwards were sight eeeing a t 81

^ shone Palls Sonday.< Miss Srivla Boberte of Buhl sp«

last week with Bertha Maesw.

■ s n *

I " 'lip 'bobla ‘ ■

; - V P i B p H B l..

.per. . . \ ‘

S ^leead . .: ' ..........

I M a iown^r the . . . ' • •

- B a r r'■■■; C e

;i A N lono, . . . .

Hng ■ ireait J

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H. |mHH|Ion.


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™i . , SHOWS K'P B I 0 J S S ,B 1

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OOMMENOT n r o o u f f l


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Uh the Worid’s Greatc

r y P t de d F r o m C h i c a ] n s o r B e c a u s e 1

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L i e A me d b y T h a t P a s

o f r . S c r e e i l

I. ;B .:' i t e : ; :OBE w n x BK THE TALK 0



MSSIT-Gflt^ D A Y CI N O A T 10 O 'O L O O K A N D ] . 7 T H R O U G H O T IT T H S 1 )A


1 0 T H Ele of (he Most I Ihb Greatest Phot

tG lBM t.Sfar. -

k t o r t fg o t h e i f W a s


i o 7 | ^ H j | L£//|B S59

i m a i i ’’s t M a s t e r

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iA T R EP o i M i l a r ; v § ^ ^ ^

I 6 p l a y i s ? ^ £ ! v ^ i i ^; : r " .

j^Miyaw ‘ * 1.''' '. V T .‘ “-r

b im tiiiiw i-,W 3

t7. F^ iUwM4b^FrMldaBi--In dU ri -.; • , ; 'iy*ak D |^ .t^ ;y t» :p w ^ « n f c - - < ^

i ■ J.- M tH w i pa aeeretMT—Ptttfc ■

M. jL Thom «tf^Ia ehaj^D o f otow.' L«]m Boaaw rr^-eliw ft.;Of O a ^ M

a s . UiOtinrUn « lu iff. o£ B«ad«.. Albwt P B lk !« -Ia e l w o f l*bor;


1. TJ*ho '8Ute B ten Bor»n—V- S’* ^2. Twin F tlU Coonty FMXo'BnrMB-

■ B eeraU rj3. Twin TiUt Coantjr Mntn»l J lw I

- 4. Bnbl Pioaeer Cow'TesUng AsiooUTester ,

B. Twin SU ll County ^ ttio a al Firm

. F A ^ BinVSAtr WAOB I8InBle meni^fl0.i>0'm month with 1

<1«y, eare of tMm «ztra.Short tinie-^*3.00 a day And board

boaM yoaraelf. - , . * j ,£xp«rt irrigator»^7S.Q0'a moath. Married mea->*80.00 a month with I

pouibly eow fumlahed.

. '■ -"-'r. t » b n '■ , \ 'T■-' The Buhl ComrariWal.CTnbVla order

. :, > 0 facUiUtej the-dUtributibtt «rf. Ubor •‘I ' . w ottering^ their aorvicea FBHB.^ /Farmera’ caU on them , for help; fa m ^A^haada Wek employment there.,/, ::, v : . , .•AV- ' ^ o - o f Wageaj Coneral ^ ^ hau^ ;

*80.00 per moath and boaVd; ;oxpirt li^ * per month’ ,

married .men, *SaflO> ihanda, 14.00 per d a / 'A a d * o ^ ; ; <

h. # o M B 8 ,^ ;^ t« r .* f - ■•. Phone-08.’v. Abort ’ r Otfica hoora liUi 5 . V

.Twin JU la C ew ity-IV m ;apr«B . w* 'openitbg with the 7.: <AgrlenltMB »ad. U.^|t:^]^>*pM t^ ,

The « T e ^ w ^ i^ d 'la 'id ) ih o ia ^ l l year wm. m P « a f i ^ ikiid !# « « , , United BUloa; 8i8 .T 0r \ h

Idaho U.iow p ilin g the Wghart f#«n I . -wages in the couo ty aa&^.tiiU ^ l e n k Is payiog'ttie hIghMt ia^IdMO... . . . V ■

Week eadiag Satorday,-JBB».U3 .. ; j . Belp AppUed for, alngla ^7S, : n ^ M |

IS; help l o ^ e d , aingle 18{L'b M H ; £ C 'spplleaUo’n for imLUea^ glnKlb'.K(7;L n a td a d 12. I ♦'

• D on't forget the ;. threahem ea/il ■ ifehoolat the finhl Park tomorrow, F ri'f^

V day. M, , , ■ ^ ' ■ U. ' The PresllM t U lleeaWbg Implement

dealera. Thoee'i^o,‘V i 4 |^ tlia n i ^ tlona eannot g e tiiM H ea C a :^ ^ ;; b

Oet 7 our re p a ln M d ir; aowmaehinery F «rtO ||rgD U ^te .M iw rd t^jei g lpp^ la ^ ^ iu '- ' \ y

REC^ipES: A N D « l / f o r w a r '

Fflkbwing are rwilpoa 'an i auggMtlbna '. fun ished by l6 ik .BdUh Wilaon .Bol^

eri|f, who i p i ^ ^ a W edaeada/'m onlnf ', t f the Chaatauqoa on Food Oonaerrp* ^ Xion: ' TV

\VHBATLS88 -BSOffBS . p<■ (1) 0 “ » Floor'BlaJriilt - .«

' One eop liqold; 8 2-3 cope corn.floor; ?*8 tablespooaa fa t; « (loVel). teaspoons « baklnjg powder; 1 teaspoon s a l t , I f “ wlUlBg to make a^ Drop Blseolt, the texture wiU be atlU better. • The

:ipe win then road: « i -M cope Uqnld; dS S4 <npa eora floor; 8 Ubla^soona fa t; cu4 (l«Taf)-laaspooBB bakjng powtfor; 1 i« taaspeoA sa lt lep

. Bnggestloa: l a mUJag any Wnds c t Bi lw ada,:oso>!lk,; or wat«r, or whey, or d , the water in.whl^h riee, or maearoni, or **] p o |a tM U »e b*eh eooked. Whey Is tai fapeelanr viloaMe* as I t contains .»haj

• m lnerd valaM o f th e milk, andvmtik-inn

( t ) StMmed Brown Bread One aad one-half cop* com « oal;,^ tj

1% e«t-> barley floar; B >oilag powder; 1*4 teaspoon salt; 1-4 tea* sDOOn s l a n r : 1' teaspoon soda; S cnp* ( ■oor mflk; 8-4 eop molassea. Blft „ , dry JngredlenU* together aad eomblwe « , w ith the Uqolda. Beat well, and s t« m .,p , in well-greased tins or baking powder cans 4 lo 5 hoor*; or, better stlD. U ke „ in tbe fireless cooker.

(3) MUo Malaa Braad ,One quart mashed poUto; 1 c u p ^ . j .

U tow ato r:J«B paga ldedm U k;2U ble ^ ^spoons eyropf S taWespoons fa t; « t e a - . ^ spoons s a l t s ' 1 eaka eompreased , .

,y«»st{ 1 l . f jaalse floor aa-i ^either of.Uui t1 » foDowing .eowWua- Uons of s S d te itM t T h is-1 1-8 CBp g ^ groond rolled oala, 1 eup (aeant) earn . flonr; or tUa—T-8 cap riee floor,' t 3-«j cops barley flow. . |. This b r ^ m v Im mada by e itM T )^

the lon» e r ^ h ^ e k ^ •■pr»w^: shoald o n l y A g i j ^ i l^dowB'onee aftw T *11 th i

(4) P e t f * '

BtREAu yyen O B U Ai(D' B C B O D T ^ 'im » of d rgaiiaatloai, ; Mrfc WU< nmerbU Commit- Wdrk.

, - MUs Brtttomurfecaob -';-/-, *.■ •' / : p. A Bmnti#—Le

t l a t e r i ^ . . ' : ‘ M p h H .'.;8 mi

d Irrigatioa. •: ' . . . Mio^Oertrode X• Dooald ICeLeaa*" . , Alfred Wleher—

tS'FOB W SI0H-TH18 FABM BUBSi Jworth, Prosldont . 0. Twio Falls Bi

8 . T-ifpM !!4oa—B Ft Sharp. ers’ Asaoel

g. Twio Falls 0 Loan .Assoelatloar. ' Childs, P n

lOALB ‘ ' . . BIO BVHKT8 1ibard, JO hours a , , • •

. July 10—Three

Aufn»t 24 and Dwight Lincoln s

lOUse, nrdon and January, 1010-Falls. ,

.. ,, ^'.V For Bala.. .Ouse, and-V»deraon, Filor,* have 1000

i'es<l„(^ Bamb'ouUlet ewes for fall de* iTorj ., VfcirUngs, Bred.

Putfl ^Ericson) Twin FalU, has two >air o f, work mulct, seron and six yMrs lid. -4900.00 and MSO.OO a paif. ‘ ’ rS. W. .M eaure, .Melntyre bnpding, Uit U k e . h a s lo r sale 05 head of por« irad‘ttambouUiot ^wos of. the «OB^aIag* iam sto^ki’ Probably SO head broken ^thod."D elivery any time iit lEfeptem* mi a t '810,00 « 'head. Bheared ^ o n d s hU..spriag..'*,Oobd ‘ohanoe.for some a t^ i r ipt-hjij. '

■Si-reoiuemUTe estlaiate by the high' M~/«i(librity.'ja that YSO,000 . eana of ^ j^ b le a A ' s h i p p e d -- iatO: Tw(o ■hIlIr,;«^oiity'lait .year. Think for a m 'i^ V ^ h a t th ii faet meana.^e^r '^ha tijnany^ .thoosaads of doi- . ifs'-ofr^sM ’TwlD Fiills money U be^ ; Ift'^n 'jrto other states aad lo ea liti^ : ^ b a d i , - f ^ t ' maay tons of shipplag A tM l^-fosed .aeedlessly In brlngiog W r tU / 'e o u a ^ p ^ u e U tlm t grow ; a d lw a ^ . ia oalimlted quantities on ' ifl'Twln; PaUs tract. I t means that ' ie-'p«&pl«'bf this.edunty'hreaot' doioi{ \ Iti*', p a ro tic ' duty: lli Sdnseklng this u£-slw*-of foo|d-«toff-«od'tnat tliey ’ r« paying an .anay of .workera. who ight Juat as well be* emplfO'«d~t&''oth« ] ■'.irwi:: ■: - ;• >Tn view of the faers that the world «es a food ahortago,. tha t every In- i >»r .-Is; ae ^ e d in patriotle aerviee, ' at e.very ton of ship|ring U neednd, < a'-you lot thU w asteun onf Bervo C rur goveramont In yfljr spare‘.ho<iTs I

IQQESTIONS It PIME ' c o o k e r y ;. (P) M W 'potato Orlddle Oakes' ^ Poor goipd s lw d potatoes and one j| tali onioa groQod v<ry fine i a loott ppper, saving the'starchy liquid tjiat DS throogh and returning i,t, to tbn t^ o ; 2 eggs; I teaspoon ^tV enough „ K ^ o te flour to bind. Bake slowly

'we'U-greased Rriddie, like pnn- q Wm, aad servo with honey,' applo- iee, or syrop.'(8). 0stiBeal Oeats or *^B«&ita*' n JaS'poood grooBd rolle^ oatsj^l cup !• Bpped a i ^ aod raUlas (mixed); l P' ? whito ■caro ayrnp; 3 level teaspooai* ^ ki&g powder; 1-2 teaspoon salt; 1 1-2 ■< >s sweet milk; flavoring to soit taste, ko as muffins tn hot gem pans,.or A »p from spoon on bifltered tin, as » i e ^ t ^ ’V Notlte that t h U ^ i iM bi b te r ao sogar or / a t save vAat « -atshed .hy the ^ s l ^ , canv ,aad oi

(7) Oheeae'Cakea ilne patty-tlaa with aay good snb- into pastry-enwt; flll with the fo!- ® 'iag mixture, aad bake about twes- minntes In a modt'rnti* oven': *>ae cop'fresh cord (cotlage-cheM«>); „ ablevpoons honey or s jrap ; yolk* of ggs; speck of nntmeg; 1 1-2 table- eos.m dted fa t; 1-3 cnp dried eur- Z, t « ^ small-raisins;. S tabletpooas •etmUk. "

’ (8) bora Maia O logerbrud >ne cup corn meai; 1 cup nonr milk; ■■fi barley flour; 1 cap maUsics;' MUpoon aoda; £ tablespoons fa t; 3-4 | i>, ipooD salt; 1 egg (aiay be o m itte d );.^ mapoens ginger; 1 l-S teaspoons ein- p M n. ' Sift dry ingr«dients together, hi

Mmbine with lipoids. .Beat well.* r« a . i a modsrat^* oven. ’ • p*

(0) TamaU Pla . >» Wo cops o£ieora meal aad 1 1-2 ta» ;^^

(iOqDINGp* «oooM6 BOBt ni

Marmon Franklin-' ai ;G.iii:^c.JraciB'^

» ~ I a 'e U ^ . ^ f Bome Oemoaatratioa ;*

W e ffc ^ -JM ^isa of Qtfyi'.aad OlrU ' ■

tdtt « T 'B ^ > '& d Oirls’ Qnb Work; . t b r ^ • c h t i^ v of elover apkU ia>

e n ^ Home-'Oraonttratlon Agent. ' ;:<fc»Wt7 AgrieWtoral Agont..- ' 9peeUl D flm o as^ o n A ^ t -

t v XB SBASQUABTBBS . *m B ^a A a ao ^ o Q r-B . E . SehSldmu,

io^8 hbrllibni-Br«eders‘ Assotlatlon—

>rth u 'd % o a ? i d e Bborthora Breed- j *tfoa—B. O. Walter, President 0. Jeraey B r ie r s '- A s s 'n . Geo. A.

Oarl Irwia, Twla Falls, Bee'y. .

C o o ^ D i i n '^ t e n Picnic a t BIom. parta' from air:«ver tho United SUtes peak ... . 1' .: 2ff-.<rwia'FaUa'County B aa Sale, ad a pii?iraItwa,';nuctioncer8.-Tdaho A i ^ c n l t ^ Societies, Twin

— ' ; ------------ --—by -cafiaia'^ ali of. the corn, tomatoes, peas, besiu-and-jothor vegetables that would .otherwto go to waste. Tha ex­cuse that i t ' l i Impossible to keep theso prodaeta is oafoooded. The SU te of Idaho has more than a thousand girU between the agM of 10 and 18 who are doing thU work ■tteee»afa!ly,'as part of ehib work. '\.ii'eBOBs^tloi>a ,of canning wero ^v* V i'by.M lia. qhilrtotte I^wls and Miss Oettnide r l w a ^ a t canaing dnb meeflags{at Martangh, Kimberly, Han-: aea aad 'C aaU ^ord during the past' woek, Theae;-eaaalng elub glris ai« onJojiBg themaelTos, learoing maeh ef practical viilaa' to themselves and aUo •fe doljv, to Uncle Saai.Bhoald any, ebmmonlt/ not repreeeated ^ ' a elab ^ to toke advantage of thla free aerriea’'b?; organising tboy may, dd ao .by eorrespondlng with Mr. P. A. Bmfttz,'Coaaty Club loader, Twin PalU, Idaho., who win gladly supply tho aeeeaaary l^om ation .

Twin FaOa (Huba T^o eiobs organlz- 9i1 by Mr. .Dtamaa ia the loe^l sehools kave tnet'w ith a , great mlsfortoae la the losa of their leader, who left for HJamp Foastoa, Banday morning. I t U ioped by all .that the military author- tiea win realise tlie importanee. of th 's n r k <nd fiad ’ It poalble to grant- Mr. [>etamaa a furlotigh oirtii the elob work a-flaiahad. >• •• - ';W: T. M c(M ,-8 ik tS% 0b iM d w , iin. pent a*v«ral . d ^ iii the eounty this reek la; t h r lateMst' f cjnb work. ,Ee xpressea ,ma^k-. a4 Ia ^ C i |n la*. tb« Towth aa .ddevalopitfint o f elub aenv- tics threnghoot4 h« atate.

poons salt stifrad loto 0 cops boiling rater. Cook 46 mlaotes in doable boil- r. One onloa; 1 tablespoon fa tp l tea- [lOQD sfit; 1 poDBd Hamburger steak; copa toaiatoes; 1-2 teaspoon cayenne

epper or 1 chopped sauUl green pep- er. Brown tfie oaloa in the fa t; add \o Hamburger aad .atir nntil. the red >1or has disappeared -*Add the toma- », salt and pepp«^.-' Grease a baking , ii<b n d put in a layer of tbe cora' j etf mush. Add' the seaaoood meat , QtT cover with th e . remaining maan. , ako 30 mrnotes. <(Toy C o t ^ . C&seae aod Not Loaf , 1 cup eohage dteose; 1 cup chopped •

lit-meats; 1 eop bread e'rumbs; jolee - S' rcmouf 1 teaapoon aalt; 1-4 teaspoon ?pp«r: Z tablespooaa chopped oniba; 1 iblesposa fa t; eaoogh' water or meat- ock to moistenl Cook the onloa in j le fa t 'W ith a littie* water, tlU tender. , dd te the other ingredients, and mix < ell. Bako in graas*d baking dish till < rowned: Lima beana ithat have been , okM aad ron thtvaglk a sieve may be ] led ito place of tia-wirta: : , i

-------------------------- 1. Waary World- tor tha Pup. • ■ nomell. foor. was delighted wbeo

Is grandma gave bim a pttppy for hts -. lrth(lay,.ao we were rather rarpriaed

coQp(«'of daya later when he ao- - onneod \tbat be waa gofajt to send rolay~ ibaek home ogala to jtmnd- in. T aald. “Wby. no«'Hl. 1 ihouglJt - ou lilted your liitfr ptjpty-" H'* *nW. ^ I do like h^r. mnmma. nni •hn'* not napy. She hnsa'r. rnnilnl •>inr«> she

Oevelsn<t Plain tVnii-r.----------------------h

"Mlnd~ and -Body." *At> Rncllsh writer Prof. L. T. Hob- t >uk . rciaorts that, i h r ~mlo<t** of >1 ni»Hnn Is a rral n«*oer. and H'«rs there la a» analogy la the tinmaa ~ «rty whJch U t l» reralt o f vHiU pro» • tfa oiiBK OO.<B a ’ y r ta d <>r md*-, j ndcnt cells. The sn » th ^ *|II. I> Is Mtmethlux fon'ca tbaa sll th a C Ils •»*.. campnw I f . ■ ^

01»RS$0.'pt m ■ ^ *

gB pliBvnilet-Gars

• c:

*n M ||S ra

1 |/ . j ^ n

s * « H< WS ' f l

r \ W \ JHI' 7 7 6 \ \ N J U H

^ > .0 t h e c i t

i' We sell Goodrich Tires^ epin^Mc


A H . rtA’MPTtTTf.T., MAq

Xatsphoaa S06 • • ISO A

. T w n r FAXXS, id a i

• Urflent Plea for Aid ICddte w w »fl»irins In ,thi» eoontry,

and some older Thll<lr<>n. tltlnklng t» rntfrtalD hlrn pnt lilm nn^thr hark of I small pony cnllnl'niiiy.' The* pony started ofT a t a co6«l pnco aroond tha. lot. frightening Iho llttl** visitor. w l» wasn't oaed to rtdlng. Holding U ^ t ■K he Mold t^ the pony, he shribked Bttttotheoldcroiiea: “Oh.'come aolck loit help DC let loose to B U tyr

word* Fraquently Mlttpelled.Kote." froth the Outlook: ^Vhnt

Worda ara triost freqoently misspelled la lha- paper*? Two cainlldutc* for j the hot»r hay* food.<*IaJm>l •Hnley’— ! •haled loto io in t'—often oppeor» aai' •hailed.* • Identify,' for 'some cnrlons reason, la frequentiy printed *1ndentl- f>.* *8tiperc«ded.‘ ‘ecatacy' and •de­relope' (Dight Kcelve hooomble,.aMO* lUn In the UsL?. *.

I> eo t yoo waat u r Advertise it i-.. h« Claaaifled Column and gat rid of H

TOO LATE TO OLASSiry^O B SALE—(Too<3 second-haml Stu- i labaker c a i ^ bargain. Must sen at « o . PhoBg.7SU..

" r o i 8AL»-FBrBUbed two-room oftse, pU stlee* tiatad and clsan. M t aad -a b a* trees, ^ e a eompteto 750, ;oh aaqr (arms, ar will sell for IW oafarsiabad. Pbona 3C. Darrow, lorehoaaa * » o a k , llS Baat Main.

TO TBAMS—-Who waats to trade aa rrlgatod tmtm, abt .lAis thaa 40-aeres, »r. A ,No.' t good 'reaUble Brfghami iiy prepartyt W rite box .308, Brig-; a a OQr, Utah. ' 'Win aot consider aay- i l a g ^ s p t J k 1 procarty.F0B*‘9 A U S - ^ a r ^ ekalr.. Aadar^

>a- P ^ EaS , BiHFOB SALE—Maa's ' dnrable weric

a ^ >3.65. Modd Shoe Co.

FOB BALB-W amea'a «7 to 89.90 nm akeaa /o r IS.89. Moda| ShM Co.;FOB 8A L S -B oya' aU laathar ahoaa,

L78, «LM aad S.45. .Modal Bhoa Oo.K )B SA fe^^W ^m anV eM ole $8.00

IBM aad oxlorda for 8tJS. Medal koaCtoL \ JFOB fliTiTI-Uadarwood ty y w ritan >odaaW w . X% aa498. , \

How The

• wlrAfts^ 'ag ”rfanjji» iiia t h c ttfl

- • Pashipoed with.a s6lid butt, t( tbcimuzide, it reodei^ a grn m

The butt was sooa-c^tfed to , before the newfan|l^ baycmetbi srmy to. grief iit Kiuf^ -

v l i i e R n^ifsti ik> Id i^ i!b"und t£el hard to get into l^kgun; and whei

; to get out. When he .had to hay ; bayooet:-when he had;to ahoot, I

U i i i sS l^ gaTE T

.T l i e b ^ o n e te ic p e r i f n e a t t f a y ^ . T o safeguisrd t i r e n se rs^a g a m 4Xp0iimnt; G o o d r id i T e s t - G a r F J

. / t o f to G o o d r ic h T ire ^ 'to m a k e i] SBRVICB VALUE TIKES; .

I G o o d r ic h s e e a b u to M /Z rv t’d/iM’ji & .T h a t i^ " w h a t a t i r e , p ro v e s i i m o to r is t o h h is w tm d o h th e■ ' tcom m y, d h M dabili^ , and dur B A U G o o d r ic h .sk ill a n d sii ■ . SBRVICB VALUE, W h e th e r j r o■ SILVERTOWN CORD Tli■ o r B L A C K S A r E T Y T R E■ y o u tfe t^ R V IC S VALUE TtH& H G a in m ile ag e , a n d th e se c u r■ ; k n o w in g y o u r t i r e s w ill n o t fa■ d e m a n d m g SERVICE VALUB 1■ THE B. P . GOODRICH RUBDEB ■ a m L 8 k « 0 1 t7 B lv ie & : . 4S B .4U k8o,S t

V O F G O O D R I C H * .A K R OissW BaavieaK^«Murscr«swtaoeBsv»a»

and Tubes

'®*®* AilSliroco.age t . . .SEAL.iK .i4 AT.. K0B1.


B B D 0BO 68 O A l j j l _________ %FO B V0LUJNTBBB8 4*

+ ------------ ^^ Tbo Twia FalU .County Bad ^ .1 Cross ehapter ^ been -given a •{• ^ q u o ta of 325 comfort bags to ^ .fr. ^ mado 4i»d returned by July •{< (m Bocausa' of the bianeh6s be- .{• .{• ing so busy with thirir n g o la r

work, i t U hoped tbat tha wom- .{• ^ en ’8 cUiba and tbe Ugh aehool 4> •{.-girla will votuntoor to do this ^

work. Material for these bags 4*. 4 * may bo had a t the supply rooou 4 *

on Sbosbone street or from Miss 4* i 4< Crosaland a t tbo blgh-achooL

: I 111 111 l i 11 111 i t <

H ealih Comes"T he human bmly is in hooith hy .

simpip llrlnit. wMch. e r t.?p 'n iris 'n test* of fitness for sorrca . W lihntit hciilih * ttjpro cnn Im* no success, for p iln t i f foiiie o r irnld n-ITT nnt tvnHr n man who bnrtcrw nw sy hfs henlth. The w earth of th e wnrtil some /lay will be Jndjwd hy the^ health and hnpplneaa of tw ia- Klnd.-:^BIUer Ler. M. D.. lo QcftKh Ooltorei'

im CROSBli K t r p o i

F u n e ra l d a n d M or

Ours Mone'oir the most mo undOTfaJdng establishnienl

Specif attention has b«e . icnce« and comAirto of on


L w n e t -

pstfcii i S f \Biyon5e,,Fnuw^P n e , to b e j ^ w e r e . . rm y w ith thein .1w .~ ' .

to b e ja m m e d in to* ■s e le s s iw ; firing . •o 'a 's io c k e t i 'b u th o t - '> r o u j { h t t f a e ^ i ^

i 'b a y p n e ta p o a ir f iV ' .'e n h e g o t i t m , h u 4 W ’•y o n e t / h e c o u ld n 't^ .h e co u ld n ’t s h o o t I

M p :

^ e ^ t s ^ e b a t t l e * - ||p4|U||,, n s t t h e 'c h a n c e .of ^Jeets p o t th e rood th e m m .v b i ^ . a n d .

liSERVICEyALOB^ I 1 ? ;' i t i s w o r th to th ee ro a d , in comfort, ll V ; cerity b u ild u p ’ ! I *,

;|'J ■

:r CO.' *j t , e » i t i . i i » o t tT ;u t » i i T ^ ' U y p

. . i v ' '

i £ h T i r p s a n d l u b f e s

ESS. ( t e i a p l e t e S t o c k

AUTO COMPANY120 Sacoad St. 'West

One Ineh^lOO Mllea Telephone cspi’/ts dcclnre thnt If n

person spooking over n phooo holds thc transmlttur foor Inches from lils month It Is ^ iilrn len t tn nddlns fihnnt 220 miles to th r Une over whlclu he ts converslnR. wys Popolar Bferhnn- lea jklagnstne. Cnrelessneas In Ihc ninn- aer oC o stag 'a telephone Instrument U.ooe of tmnsmlsslon. The best' re- ■tilts ore ohtnlned by allowing nbout half'on Inch to Jntcrveae between tlia aaootb and tbe transmitter.

Mako W. 8. >8. moaa somethlag to ‘ yoa.

♦ . y






d i r e c t o r s

r t l c l a n a v

odern and best-eqnipped Its In the state.

en given to the conven- nr dbapeL '

t s o L E o w a x B a

= s= = = = = = = = = = = iS = J | 7-

i l l( W V K U n m i T T A ^

H A B D ' O I b X B C S E D m i l

i z a T i D B m O K d k A

^ a v q M i > i . A r o b i w

( S A N . D E B E A U 7 0 B T B: I N O I i m B n a A T E D ^

A mimiion waa created Ghantaiiqaa Satu: ^ 7 evenii when annQancemeDt -was mai that Captain X M. deBeaafo] .a star attraction of this year

- Chantaaqua, had been discr« ' ited. In maJdn’g' his annomiG

ment Soperii^^d^t Flint d not go into detail exc^t to gl dne c ^ ! t to Captain deBea' fort for Jiia splendid work bol in the ChatitanqDa and in XT. 1 ,{;o7eniment war work

' t e O C fiM s 'B u u u R i t le&rai^ tiia t «o p»pen -hi

filed agAinit OkpUla deB eufo rtj. ti that there Ig a poedbUify tbat be U German gpy or an ImpQiter ifOBlag t lior tbo namei be acrw glwe.

For ’seme , ^ e fedetil offie«tn ha .been trailing,the-capUUiy asd-U e El M D-W hita.bnms'haa beea in*ebtitta tooeh -wlth -thc ©fflcerfc . - i •

- ' At Idaho FAlIa;IWda7 oveBiag we .-wu Mnt by '^ e A n n /Z o t^ l^aea :> l partineat t« the Cbautauqoa »aoa£ meat to dlaeredlt deBwof.ort ,aad wai aaked to go to Salt Lake, then to Baa FraaelKO. Although apparent aurpriaid, he ezproased wUlln^esa K^'and w u readily released by tho 1 liwn-Wbito buroao.

"T be caso aoems to be a peenli ono,” aald A. J . Jtaakltt, from the E l »ou-While oflice, who wae in town -81 urday evening. - | ‘C«ptain deBeaafo -was ona of the aoa t aetlrp asd effoc uol workara La-New York aad P l t ^ w

- .daring the m c'o^. U b ^ . I ^ ' ^ 1 and Uio l ib e rty L o u w ozkm we most IncredDloaa when thay hoaid thi Ihero'wa# any auipleloft wbataoaw-ilo the captain's genuineness. .He wi employed by the gororament to assilo tho aeeond L i b e ^ 'Loan, lator (

, tho Botary .dnb of Washington, D. C Worked fo r tr. B.

‘ ' In Texas Tecently while filling h GhantAuqoa.ongagomont he w as.lastr mental In raising 110,000 la bis Chai tanqua.aadlenco for the Liberty Loa: Enllitfflonts frequently resulted' froi hls lecture. '

“ la ovory w iy he has ‘made gooi In bis Chautattqua and Liberty Loa m>rk. -Hls leetnre was well reeelve overywhert;. Bot w|{h the flrat bint « snspiclon the Elliscn-Whlte compan has boen oa the alort and has eo-ope: ated with the fedoral authorities 1 much as poulblo In. trying to detemlo deDeaufort's position.- The-, corapan hail nothing bat lnti)itlon on which t -base their susplcloiia. But in then

. -time* the government can take a ' chance* aa'd neither can the poopI<

Wo certainly feel relieved now tha this action has been taken, for we hop tb'e federa) antborltlea will aoon detv mine withont a doubt whether he'la a

. . wrong or all right.”Esgagemest Hera Cancelled

Captala d ^ a iu fo r t was to hav spoken in Twin Falls on Sunday ever

- log. following the ,lectore by Charle •Crawford Gorst,.the,‘bird niaa, la. th afternoon.’ The program for Boada was changed and the ZeJelor Bj-mphot le q ^n te t gave a full concert instea. of a p)«Iado In tho aftornooa. The ov cning plugram Included a prelude b. the q n la )^ fo llo v ^ by . Mr. Oorat' leetnre. ’


Soothem Idaho Wool Qcowara Aaioeia ttoQ AeUre In Flaaa for Flzft

Yoar B rani

H. H. Bchildmaa of I^ler, and othe officers of the Sonthem Idabo Woo Growers’ assoclaUon, a n seadiag oa entry blanks to sheepmen of iridelj separated dlstrteta for the firat aanaa ram sale to be held nndar the dUeetioi o f tho assoeiatio aa t F iler oa Apgut23 Sdd 2i. The sale is ' opea to pnn* brod regtatered rama a a . dewea ab« raage rama. Eatrlea -ar* to ba mad. oa or ^ o r a Angost L

‘ KAfl ▲ 0 0 0 0 O nH IO K OF GBAM 8BB6A IK '8 t a b l e t s ^

«ChaxBb«tlaIa’s TableU ara a-won dar. I ae rar aold aaytUag th a t hm them ," wrttaa P* B. Tt«aaay> Bieksoad ICy. Whea tzonblod with Udlgestioi or eoastipattoa gire thata a tria l—J id r .

n S lS S Z H O. DBV8L0FING FZUC& lOe par ^

I T A *B B 'lA SL A D lioW ATO T E

"j: j^qsn ipB f .

“ 1 M> joat .bow" b n ''w f tkira .^ " of 'TiiaUe,t aaa -haTia' aetoiiily ga) ^ . flftaea poonda,*' -was th« ^Tamarfe

■tatamaat mad« b j W. B .‘ Wataei aa.iat«rviaw rMaatly a t hU reside 428 ^ M F lfth Bootb a t r ^ Balt L

' TTliBl . Kfc^* a n d li m n for a'-'Ioog^tio^'.hs*..^or tha ]

.: two yean ,l>eas''«BpUjM by tha ' ia '.the bridi^ d q w r t s a t

A '*IV r tw aaty^«an^\t& it is ,.oat a began 'taking T^OaoiM ooAtianad

Watsoo/<<I «a£fared m ora,thaa I 7 * t«ll from.-gaa.'Md palM in a y at -- ic L IhM.'W Otlld.‘0OIM ' ^ c k '

"T a h ^ «ad W W adw tM 'l-w oold h B_ to gWo op. iiiat«T«r ;7 w ia dolagi ^ five y « a n 't '^ e r e d , t b e ’: ^ t e a ^

oay. .Abobt'-itfteaa'Tsan-iifD a f i < ditl^..bww«;M .-«BioB* . t ^ . ^ b a j bara aa. bp««tlon, aad af te r th i

IjJ s«m ad '~ tb^ t;be ttaT ; bat ln"abpo year tho paias retoraed jost as M

| 8 ever. My atomadi woaJi knot op le graat r i d ^ aad the pain was perfec t . awfoL Kothing I wonld eat agr »g with ma. I had. ao appetite, aad ]_ my food woo'ia aoor and nake gaa 1

miaery-fbr me. .Uy. ne'ryaa were ^ shattered tha t I eoold hardly' sleep d til, aad many a day. I obold not ra m ywork a t aB. My color inu 'bad 1 . . a y , ftrengtli .was gettlag. away fr u me . r a p l^ . I fell off aome. f l “ ponnds fn weight, and nobody will «'i . kaow how I, suffered b«caase I <

only partially dewrlba i t ■ " B a t my re lf^ ^ h aa-^ m e a t Ii thanka to Tan].a& -I aaw whora^s v

.. prbvingof snch benefit to poople hc ' and as X d M ed everything elae wi■ ont gefHng any resnlta, I coaelnded

aee .what i t woold do for me, aad w<„ derfol is .the oaly word tha t exprpa , -it. A fter taking about half a doi* doaea my appetite begaa picking op a . I fqoad my stomach waa beginaiag . dlgeat’my,food. W hen.f finished 1 ” first bottlo that tired feeling had I<

mo. - I felt stronger and coold wi ^ witbo-nt my logs giving ont. Wi

, when:I flrst began on Taniae I woi| ' od 130 pounds. I now weigh H 5 -• octual gain of 15 pounds—and I'm 1 . ginning to.foel llko a brand new m

My nerves aro greatly Improved, a I Bleep, better, every, night X noi

, thnt my kidneys and bladder aro m< / rof^lar and natural, too, and so . gottea good results all over. I am f7 ly eoaviseed by what those two b

tles.have done for me that two or thi *. mora’ will put me ia aa good health : ^ M a my life? I ’m slmj? fealijig altogether differeat in ere

way,-.Md I can’t praise Taniae to hi« ly fo rth o has done mo.”

. Tanlac is aoid in Twin Falls by Cl ' Phannaey, ia Bogersoa by Thompa ^ Drag- Co., In Murtaugh by Mortao]

Prug Co., In FUer by A. B. Wood. Buhl by C. D. Boring Brothers Co., ai

• In Kimberly by W. A. L Btowe.—Ad

' O I B L B E O E IV X S I N J U E Y ; • I N A U T O M O B IU ! SM A S:

Twn— BpaoglBr Shoolder Bi J kea Wliea D rirer Attempts te I ‘ Arold CoUlsloa ■t ^ --------r Bonday afternoon while en route . Bhoshone Falls, 0. A. Jungst, drlring I now Hupmobllo, ran his car into - ) muddy dlteh In an offort to avoid stri r log a-Ford, owned by D. W. Updegn ) standing by tho roadside,' turnlpg li , car over on its side and seriously, i ) luring Miss Helen Spangler, who wi . Howard Bowlea ocenpiod the back so<■ The young lady's collar-bone was fra I tured and severaT palnfol bsiisos sc . taiaod. Ko&e of tho otber oteopan 1 wcro injared. The Jungat car was ba

ly mashed.

, O L Y O i a ^ i M I X T U R BF O B A F P E N D I O m

I Twin Falls people'ean prevent.a I pondiciUs with simple buckthorn bar ' glycerine, etc., as mliod in Adler-l-k• ONB BPOONFUL flnshos tbe ENTIB 1 bowel t ract so completely i f relievi> AN'Y CASE sour stomach, gas or eo■ stipation and prevents appendiclti I The INBTAKT, pleasant action of A

lor-l-ka jprprises both doctors and p tients. Leaves stomach clean at stroag. Flaher Drog Co.—Adv.


The Twla FaBa Jersey Cattle Clu will moet a t Buhl oa Batorday, Jona 2 a t 1:00 o ’clock p. m.

This meotlng /irin be held for tl purpose of promoting the interests ( all Interested in Jerwy cattle, eith« grades or pore bre<}s, as well as ai vanelng tjt« progress of tho breed i this eommunity.

Mr. Gm . Bmlth of the Bmltb Bre Jersey cattlo Co. will be- present i t a talk along Jersey lines well I one or two government representative

Bvery oae at* aH interested in ti Jersey cow is urged to be present.

CABL D- IB W m , (B«it.)

X>on’t yoo want I t f '.A d 'ir t is e it i th« C3aaaifled Coloms and got rid of I

(l P G A NP i a n o T u n e r

■ n a


laod . - W K K ?Ible • • . ■I la , .,aea, The doors of. tiia .TwiB F«Ua eoi ika, geaeral, hospitalf^ftow praotlcaUy,/ «ad plated, „wiU bo . . ^ p e ^ probal^; >ast T h o rs ^ . a e j t fot> tha.'.reeaptiaa aity, between.-30 slod 18 ‘iad lg«nt:-i«

haretofora eared for in.. tha ,b t^ il I ksowB M 'tlM.. Cottage >lna, . a t th* Mr. aer of Secoad areaae aad SMoad'at can aoath, which has beea leased-for om- parpose by the eonaty. and - The owner of the Cottage lan

leased ;it to U exleau, who wHl .< For doet a hotel^ In it, aad he' la aax Kg.' that, the eooaty, shall vacate. . loq- A p a r a t e ward ' ia the aew J pltal reaerv^ for the ta n I 1 tho indlgeBta.:tha.a^or portloa of f a iastltotioa tm ng opeaed to .the .ra> aa tioa of general patlaata, tha whole in sUtatioa.;-being eosdaoted ond tt.,

rtij s o p e ^ U n io f aa orgaaizatioa of.X Md eoaaty phyaieiaaa aad aorgeoa ail Withia tbe aezt.fffw days th e .I u a siciaas aad .eorgaeaa ,ho^tal,'^ 'i fo Gem areaoa aortif, aatabliahad .1 7 »t J . ' B.. Morgaa, w iU :^ oloaed, sad to equipmeat nm ored to the coonty |

md e n l hospital,' arrangemeat te th]U^l om e « M t for details, having beaa agr

opA b y M o r g a n aad tha .eoa coiAmis^aei^i ’ •

lan A » -^e a iag of the hospital a t wh Ume the .pobUo wUl bo inyited to

It, spect the institotlon la likely to> announced'shortly. ' ■


to V. .. , .nv Jodge Babcock Inoea Beatiiinlng < ^ , dtf AgaloM BoU O o o m at'

mstsAce of Ooooty Attetnay . fh- :_______nn . ■>0- An injunction order of tha distr in. court' to rMtraii) Herman Andeii n<] and F. Do'ztor,. proprietors of 1 Ice Andorson poor hall a t Buhl, from' p iro mltting any peraon to resort to ''th vo place of buiUnoss for the porpoae' nl* drinfcing'ihto'zicating llqnor, aad f r It their aale .of iatoxlcating-'liqoors, n 09 isaned Batorday afteraooa by Distr *• Jfl<lga.W.iA....B*bcocJ^rBjlM>j»oaplk iTy filed in the name of thtf atata of Ida ry by Prosecuting Attoraey Fraak :h- stephaa. The eompiaiat r««itea tt

tho Anderson ostabUshaeat has' bf ty notoriona for time past as a pli in whero llqnor was sold and'dronk. ith Tbe aeUoa la tho firat of ito U in brought in Twia. Falls coonty six id 1912, when it was' proven aa effecti V. moana of oombattlng the illegal aale


3 I tE A D E B S I N F I E L D ^ O F D A ^ T O T O O O M m

B. S . Bawl, oiuef of Fadanil D irld to ba Ona e f Speakera a t KUk

. icea’s Fpaicto - ............ ..a B. H. Bawl of Washington, O. '

'a chief of the dairy dirialon, borean l(* animal lodoatry, aad 3. E. Donnas, t«f , resentative, of the dairy dlvialon Is Balt Lake, are to be among .the spes n- era a t the picnic to be beld in rte Tw ■h Falls city park 7\;dy 10, ondor the ai it. plees of the Pioneer Cow Testing 1 C' soeiation and Twin Italia coonty fai

bnreao for the dairymen of five coo U tioa-Cassia, Minidoka, Uncola, Ooo d* ing ,apd Twin Falls. F n ^ e r arrang

menta for this event were made at meeting of several loeal dairymen wi F..B. C am aek , dairyman; of the sts

S university extension dopartment, in i p* f&nn bnrean officea here Thnrsdi Ic, eveniag. A campaign of pobllelty w a. arranged for, and a high degree of 1 E terest-in the event is aatieipated.


Omelty la Baala fe r Camplaiats FUe ° Ooe by Bntfbasd, AaotSus by


J , Petitloos for divorce in the cason of two oabappUy wadded p ^ «

} were filed llio n d a y la distriet ’ eourt here.g la hia petition fer divorce on

the gronnda of emelty, filed by b>> attorney, E. V. L am o, Fred H Wheeler avwa that Wa wife, Fan*

,, nie T.. Wheeler, since their mar­riage in Bapola, Oklafioou^ In Jone,

^ 1B08, has so ceadneted herself to- ' wards him a ato make life a bar-

J, dea ia her society asd companion-

< ^e lty also Is the basis for the action for divorce aad tb s^ am ef W,000 fUed by Mra. Blanche Commiaga agaiast-Carl U

a Commiaga, by. her attorneys, SwMley A Sweeley. The Com> m iap wera married la November,

■ 1917, ia Twin FUla. '

' Joins Hatlna Baad—H. B. Cnttiaj antomobOe palater, who aiaee eomla here aboot three yoara ago, haa bae oae of the aulnatayt e f tha Twia Tal baad^'.haa aalliAad fo t awriea irith

I BBOfiBa. eorpa band, a ^ azeeeta i le a r i abeet AagMt L

I '

^ 6 o ^ . n w i 6 | i P A i u « : MHil WITH lUOE j rUETHKK SEBKOn

^ TEDSm SOSBUOk' 1 ^ O F E ^ T A O B A B ]


% ■ --------------- _ 1 _ ____ __

I TWIN I« V i m Y O O N O K IV A B

. 1 3 Ju A

7^ — ~


: TowramI 'i; I N S I X H o m m 4 4 * T B


P B o b o o E $37,omo ,

In tl>. < lnt U U O i . O k .1 ] .444 eoam. owaod by mambara ef Pioneer Cow Testing aaaoelatioa h

. produced 1,887,573 poaada e f aaOk < ^ talning 74,027.7 pooada o f te t te r

This is aa average of 16S.7 pooads per eow. FIgorad a t the praaaat a ket priee for ha ttar fk t phta the ft

.*% ixkg valoa of the a U s a ^ t i ^ B M ^ the aaozBoaa ao a a t . #3T01SJM. ^ ' Whna thia la ladaad p tM f t Ir t 4 airyB»n in thia aaeHaaa** dola* tl Jat V h it” to win U » ymt,3tk ia « 4 y ,•«

t^ lh i r d a of what i t woaU h n * U ^ tiester B. F . Sharp aa(yi had all

eowa aad hards baaa Bk* tha follaw MQ soBataazy ef moathty hoaor roBa

laadiag.herda:.' l a thla liat the total aamber a f «<

.nd axe 'erM ited to « a ^ mambar tha t ice eqoaled or exeeoded the raqalraaae ive fer isatry to the rolls oMh aoa th of the first six moaths of the year.

T. H . Irw in’s Browaia la aow la lead for flrat place for batter fBt ( doetloa this year with m t Iba.

fQ to 'har credit• F if ty poonds of batterfat per *

loB p er.aoath : Irwin Broa, Twia FUla cow*); 8 . H. Kayler, -Twia FkHa cows): 0««- Childs, Bahl ( 7 . eow E a d Boding, Bahl ( 6 eowa); Oasi Eonxe, Bohl (3 eows).

of Thirty ponnds herd a ran g a 1 sp. month: Irwin Broa., Twi& TtiSkn at moBtha); & H. Kayler, Twia VUI* ik- moatha); Geo. ChUds, Bahl. (S moath rin E. O. Ehlera, Twia F U b (5 a a a th at- Xj. j . TeaekiBek, Twia FaSa as- moatha): W. D. Howard, Waadell rm moatha).in- ISOO ponnds of mBk per amath: G ><1- taye Knnze, Boh) (7 eows); K ail B (9- dlag^ Bnhl (4 cows); S . a BU. a Twia FalU (1 eow); a H. Boeh!

th Twin FalU (1 eow).Ite . 900 poonda of. mBk arataga he monU: U J . Teaekiaek» Twia FhUa ay m'ontha); Kart B a ^ ^ as month*); E. a Bhlet% Twia F tila in- moath); L. J . J a e o b ^ Weadell


„ D B 0 P 8 B E A B A T ^ B B S A E F A S T T A B I

^ O r r a F . Lack of FOer DIaa 8 aA *i •ft Stat* SanttarlBa. W ta * B e

Waa Bec^hrad Bwaatty

Orval F. I^ rk , aoa of Tfcnaaa Ll of n ie r , dropped dead a t the biMkf! tables Satnrday aMralag a t the ab a^ lom a t Blaekfoak ta w hkh iasa< tioa he was eeauaittad Ja a e IS, 1 cording to word tn m the aapailatai «nt rocetvod h ei^ H r. Lark aafSat from a maatal bnakdew a n a ^ ttpm overwork oa hia fh>« a t Fa7«t according to slataaaata of witaea a t the hearing h « a a* to hia aaaity. waa atated th a t ha had frai|aa1 workad eoBtiaooaaty f ie « eariy, mm Ing aa tn IS aad 1 o ’clock the as s o n ia g . n ’waa baUarad tha t A b>j W a a of tra a ta a a t a t tha saaltaih woold (oaten h£a ta haaltk. Mr. La bore aa axeaDeat lapalaHna tm* U e papplo of FQar. whara ha WM «

^ - — .'

!g Mr:, aad Mssl a D. Os»erM ^ ta the death eftw lia^ a a a a aad 4 i ^ Ij vhoee daatha' oesvrod a t a r t^ « a t h ^ ^ W iT a iiliy . latsnao

t t e i l w WM ia tha T A M k aaa taqr ii*M ‘kha chafWL

8=Si=ffiESln ^ T ^ ' i n t o u i T O ' S n ^ ' n ’fl

LER a t' . ; r

L B t a l o z s

U t D T m P A T O m , T H D S A V O D i : ; ' . V

U JE O R H O M E B T S W IT H O N» i T O B . : ........

D D O B W B A V E Q a i m

$ 1 0 . $ 1 2 a n d $

FAUS* STRAW HU s n u s O F S X B A W H A n

iO . $ 2 . 5 0 . $ 3 . 5 0 t

e T o gS M A IN A V U N U f: j

BEAVERS DAM UP IR MFT m e WATEt^ pjLiiBWAiannr x m . n s s n i a i o

s r a R o e r o n n r n im cA M^ IB O OBSTKOOCKOni '

The watera of Baft riror, forty ml soothaast of Bartay,.wara aada an

tbe ahle fbr tha iirigatiaa of a Urge a are af laad ia crop thla w*ek whan . ^ B. F^taimaoas of Twla Vails,

siataat d^oty to ta ga.aa -waxdoa, fat periatcaded th* dyualtlBC ef ai ^ toea daaa eoastrsetad by bear

acnaa tho river a t latarrala aloag n t . coarae fw a ^aiant* of abeat £

aOea. n * deatnetieB ef the daaa efftetire «a)y teaporarily, daM 1

^ baay imi* Miaala begaa teaadlab

2 <y»«itlag-^ Mr. ntarfaaoBB waa aecoffipaalad 2 ^ irip.t* « « * “ k y « . K. Day

thto eity, aad waa aariated ia th« wc by' a aaabw e f fameta. Ba acted 1

I** der iaatraetioaa froaa the atat* ga: “ ward*a. fva r dayt ww* oeeopled ^ Oa^ la 'aoae plaM the daaa ralaed I

terd of th* atraaa aa aoeh aa'thi the aad oa*-haIf f ^ the river beiag ■ro- slew-atoriBg oao Bcroas level laada. fat some iaataacea aa aach‘ aa 180 ae

ot laad was laaadatad back o t < »w dama.(15 The dama ia thU aeetioa are c« (9 atrocted of a ecrab wOlow, whleh I

a); iageaioaa Uttl* a*atat«e ksaw off tar the b«tt aad float down atrea^ 1

ehoriag it with the batt op a^eam par ateaaa of aod^aad wearlag a aetwo (4 of moaa aad leavea throo^oat. 8 oi (8 of the dama are as -wide aa tea fi

a), acros the t ^ aad oxtaad ia 'leai a); for eereral yarda 00 that the wat«

14 ot th* atxeaa de aot flow trw (4 hiooad the «batroetiA

la the coaiae of the work of rom< foa- lag the dams, ao bearers were t ^ eooatnod beeaaaa th*y took f l l ^ t ^ a . c ™ t > n x « > u o t t i l i e n . . . n«, . 0 r u i w « kSI.>d.

p « F O R M K B R K f f lD K N T O F « -T O J B 1 3 W O U H P g

n b M s A. B > m M , u> a m i o . -m n ft»aricafi A m j ta F ra m on


Lewia A. Haggard, a wagoner m SCI ric* with the American army " Fraae*, aad who formorty reaidod

FUor, bat was takea la the firs: dn ^ caB trooa Ota, Idaho, has b e n woond

In actioa, aecordlag ta the racual rrport canicd ia the dolly prow 8c day. I t waa aot aaeortaU»J wheth th* woaad la oerioaa or digbt

" Wageaer Haggard ia the flrrt m; ^ from FUer to U repored ia the n

aalty Ust,iBi^ the fOor Joamal. 1 ^ has a bcothor, W. H. Haggard, m

emphiy*d aear FOer.

5 J E B a g y 0 A T T U 5 O L T O t*. ‘ W IL L W S B T A T B U H11 OfOKgo Sitfth. F r w i n SaH Lal ay , * m ^ a t je e » e a k

^ lavj'tatioas a n heiag ismmd to mser i ^ sif the Twi* FUla -Ooaaty J<

^ o«y cuts* tloh t* b* held a t 1 o*do> ^ Batorday aftaiaeua, Jsatf t», at Bal _ nOa aoartag la called to proaoto tl 2 iBtenala ef aB tatsrastsil U Jaraoy cs

tla, oKha» g n te or p o o M . aa w< a* adraaelat tho pasi i wa ef th* bt*i la khia^eeaaty. Oaerg* Salth «f-ti Smifik ftralhsn Jeney OattI* compai

” s« Balk Lak% wiD altoid aad addr* "■ t ta misHa.,

A l«v» ia tha M rkal fkr M ad » t a l ^ h i i9 . W a a h a id h x y W a ^ I


i l MA .- rQ im X V E B Y tiBQ O lBB -';^^^ [DIHO T H B B B O B S S in : W W

n a m FAVOB; F B O H H S i r I■ ‘ ■ ' ' V ' .? ■ ' - 'fl

M 5 V :■


t o $ 6 .0 0


- / JL



O l a s M h f t T O ^ i n . ^ p r i ^ ^ , ^ fitted to

• factioDl'

i E L = = = = £ = —=== :

OASUALTYLIST r- HITS P E here;«restbo PABaons o f oospobj& ;Bonr.

■ BBnniLOS b b u b iv b .w obi> \6 fthe HIS SBBXODS IBJDBT A S-nO BT

t atan. " ' . .

1 by Corporal Boy Bayaolda^ aon of Mr. rork and Mrs. a Bstyaolda, SSt Fterth av- omo eono weat, a nai^Mr ct th*. AsMrtean feet expeditionary fo*oea ia FtaaB% .'wh ifth ffveroly wmadad ia aetloa i b j S9» .tors occordiag to a talagras fiom th* v a r «ety departaeBt raedtrad by -hb p M ta . '

Corporal Beyaolda waa fomadjr iaa oa- nov- ginoer in tho^iqlaya af th* Halea Fa- OB- cifie r^w ay eOB^aity. toaadag dat ef .

t at Balt Lake, wh*r* th* faaity r«U*d and oatU Soptembar laal,: whea th^y ra>

moved to Twia FaD*. Be onllatad last Beptembor ia Salt Lake»: aad weat. abroad with th* l^rty^flrat lafaatir

mv) reghBsat, landlag la Sa^aad Doeea. ^ bet SS. la a letter r*e«atty roceirod ^ by hU paroata, Oorpo^ Bayaolda aaid

that he had beaa oat once aaar the "big Bolsa,” iud that h* might aoon retara to the front. A letter r«colred froa him shortly befor* th« i*o*lpt

1° of the telegram aanoaaced that h* was ' , wen asd happy. ■

^ s o n s 8TOXACEThU is a mOd tn m of iadigastloa.

I t is osnally brongbt on by eattag too ? rapidly or too mneh, or ef food aot

aoitad to yoar digeetire orgaaa. I f yoo win Mt alowly, aasticat* yonr food thoronghly, eat bot Uttla BMat aad^aaa

^ at all for sapper, yoa will BorO thaa llktsly avoid tho aooT stoaaeh without ta l^ g aay madieiao what*r*r. Whaa yoo have soar atmaaeh taka ea* ot Chambortala'a Tableta te aid digaattoa. .

. —Adr.

^ Prlsoa Saateae* Tnmn* nsiloaea ofr elgi imprisonment In (ha atate peatta^laqr

looms for Haary Oraham. Ba*ood ayea* ae weet, la the ereat of Ua eeavtiruea

> a of illegal possaaaioa • ef lataxietttatletK liqoor foaad on his preaiaaa'Jtaadaj coek when he waa taksn in ««tt»dyld‘; S ^ 'ahl- iff F .IL KeadaB. i OcahMr ha» tko convicted twie* b*te«* eit ^BBt> th* liqaar

^ 2 ^^ vat* «karlea :& J^.hC ihla

■/ 1 , E . ^ : « i ^ O ! « M i . : . , l ^ \ j n a s n t m B A S B m

EOO OOAL ..,...„...$8.<,. 1

J r a o i ^ SBBVIOE• ; ; , ..1 Phooe 1«. '


C a ll 21. , K W ■ -C ' 9 . , 'Gt

' . M O ( ^ ’S S S O P

HBASPOSYOmOB ■■ V — — " — ■


;. S M ^ o a l jZ ia v a l lb w w O itB d ^

fiH-88C0H D BT.-BAflT J.;

o n n r ' i S 5 s i & —4h»' K iilic” i’i!'W e^do'^eVeli^lttg’ sb4 (iHotlaff. IJ

* , OrdAn loUcltfld.

# Attoipiiyii."

SWBEIiBY 'tl' -BWBBLB7—Attorbi • a t -haw:' P netlce in All Cow TwU/Talls, Id«ho. ■ ■

J . H.„WI BB L twyw. -IHillyiorguiJ* CoUttcUoA ,, . .Otfic

.BoomB 6 aad 7 O rer T i ^ FaUa Bi T r a i t T w l a Falli, Ida ty .'

a n . WQbpB-'Z.awTer. B«onu' V m ^ l ^ o-Pgpartmoot 8 lor«, Ti

' A S B Sa B. .WXLBOKr-Lawv«r. Pr . Uca. iB AU ..Covta... Booa 14, Fi ..Natioaal .Bapk.JBldtf., Twin Fa

Idabo. Otfici^p^pne flg; Baa.. 86»-

J . O. FOBTBBFmUp—Ctril. HydrM

WB OOIXSOT loONBT for you 'ai . wbara. Wa do .not charjro advai

/aea..: Give w ;o n r bardeat. onei f t and (et na prore -to jo a th a t we J livo one*. Tha ^nuaareia l SerTl Bareaa, C. T, .B P^wer baUdlog.

0B068BCAH * D S W in —> o a a n l ractora aiUl Ueaaaad- anbalm an. J calla.Taapeadad to prompUf dajr'

- £ « ^ aa d au a L ' ZAtfa, w ' CT.<ihai>air Pritrato amhnlancaL B

tM SaSdlaft. 4W-U0 Badoad e t.Saa., S95 or 111

f l H E r w w M S S W B o n m.Twin M l Oaap lOWO

<JCMta aae«ad4 « » d .f0 BHli Tboifada -> Sa Maoaa balL Pbona aflg j.,

. X SO N IU BTH , O au. i .;•! . . •. BAOI/ A O T E , r.

c>"-ii4Tir,iwufr 3nag[. ia b m

:> .*s - T ^ t t L a B r a h S S ^ ^ S E a s i W e . -

" i : ' ' i i ' ' •,{ ,


w . : S A n

■ ■■ ..... ..•CCHatWi' 28 coMlnoed)' ; l a tbe t n r

] alQ) a t tbla.iiquiire.. <T I iif i ii ofithe'f01)0 liiinUciHl a white

on tba wall. TIiIr would bo ttjr tt ,,■: ;^«B«*tl3rl::AlniJr.J1ce.r ...I:"..-.

Tba dark fonu nuntc Into a bui> heap. Uy bullet s(ic^.oa;ltii:^<iy

i M t^ e .w b td a li ouAibci wo . f ^'(dlJaw;tlMi;-?pUHlc^^ Some

^ u ,d '^ r« ^ v e i;> b e rlOo cohtu Uif-f^ank',cartridge, but'niy nilnd

at' e*«B, "tboro woa no blood

F. . . Armal Stapd—Clear.” .'—•■ v71)»«taelm were re>foraad.

* ^ ^ c k — M arcbl -B lg h ^ ^ W b Aad we teft tfae sevae o f oxocatloi bioAnM. r,:

I t waa o^iw W w t . lDE,{tbpiit fivo mlnutea, wa woro

: m U .'wltb' tbfl toltowlag Inatn it ; { ro m W iffla o rfb e o ip m ^' alone, to yoor reape<

CjBQip&nlea, 9.od ~ Ntoanbcri po tal .' abbot this 'afTalr,' o r elae It wiU so

.wltb.-tlwgailtT^onMt**!!'.' Wfl Deeded no.,ar£,ge^ avp ■i did not r«eogiiu» any o f tbe mci

tbo firing aQiud; a rea tbe oflleer yi 1 arranger to me, . ,. ,

’. Tbe yltfila'a rclatlaas an'd frleui B U ^ty w lll'neTer’know th a t 'b e

, fic to tijd ; ttiey will be nnder tbe : p tea lon tbiaV be died-doing hl6 bll { Idniv'And Mnbtry. " j Ja th&pabUe'easttaltr liaU bfa a •. wlU 'Oppear .tinder tbe caption "J

dentaUy KiUed.;' o r rDled."' ''Tbi#' day 'aftM tbe excenUon 1

M OBtred'orden to report bocW to• T ttna.’ aod to keep a’ atill tongue in

'ttxecQtions are a part of ih'a dthe ^ r t 'we b a ti^ 'tto a

' ■ i t 'T tb ln k -c c r ta la ly tb O ^ d e a t ;; K ltlab w ar'departm ent is tboAgbl : m i^ lM o p ie 'to be cdibpoaed of r

N g a la O ^ dil .wotad a ro ia d wltb t a t ^ rBot It b i^ .f t.b e i|r t ;iD<f| oDi

^ ^ , 'e i l d e n ^ of tbla'la tho couitdei >mjr.ln which an creo»tion if eoneci

S and rrp- <t to tbe relatiTa o£,tbe ,^ o rt^ (« . .unn. T h e j norer Imbw

“ ' t ro tk ilw .b Usted l3 lha b.ulletlni aao iig tho 'Accidentally Ubed.*'. In ,tbe laat ten yeara I b a re aeV'

tin ea . atoH tt to m a i^ s e a cowarda chosglob in' a ebarge, to roca. I naod to laugii a t t i I t aeei

"* easy ior. atoty-wrltera, b a t . I a re <^en a n b ’t o fd e t lu t way.r Bnt <

th ,rraac e I 'le a rn e d once tbat ■traalc of yellow^cao to rn all wbl^

“ Jacked tip’ the atory, bit, by bit, t tbe captain of tba company, the i

r . .t^lea who rfoartcd tbe poor fcHow 7* weQ aa 'trom m'y own obacrraUooa. ta 'f in t I^dld not rcallao'tbo wbole of

a to ^ . bw a f t t r a w ^ of Inycat ^ tiob .lt atood oiut aa clear In my tt

as the tnoostalni o f my natlra Wea ^ the apring annahln^ I t Imprvaaed

ao m ndi that' I wrote It aU dowo— raat. blTleta oa acrapa o t odd paj ad Tb'e In'ddenta are, aa I aay, «rery id tro e ; the fn}taga of the man a n ' t

—I.know from all I tindorwent In flgbUog over In France.

“ ^r^jrU Iaarh lh iA Jbftrt Lloyd. T t!; wju^'t Ida n a^ e , bnt i t will d « :^ ' Albert Lloyd waa,-whnt the w(— t«?Da,a.cowarfJ, /

In Lont^is .^ e y telled h>n r idacl 1 Hla conntry bad been a t w ar niei ).> eighteen mootba, aad atUI he waa It In k|inkl, ,

, Ue. g o ^ reaaon f<^'sot r 'lis ting , being al&je in ^he 'world, ti

|.l9g .b < ^ c d n a t |^ In an qrpban a :.Imn, and'there being no ^e.depcod

y opoQ h ^ .f o r aappo;^ He bad no p p o a l t ^ .to loae. and th e re . woa a w ^ e a r t td t tV him wlUi ber I

” to go, WhUe her eyea pleaded for 1 to.atay. ......................... •

— B re ^ Ume he aaw a recmtting i " gran^ he'd alInk.aroabd the comcr i •> of algbt. ^ t b & teiirible fear gnaw 11' flth ls hm'rt. When*paaalng the big •U c ^ U n g poatera. and on bla wayV b w n e » and back he p aa a^ tnany, J ' t« v ld pQll dQwn.lUa cap-and look. 1 ' w «y-:fK >»,^t^t awful fift 2 pi^lttting « t him. m d er the capti

Iftdar f in g and. Oonntry.Meed Toi ^ o r the boring eyea at K ltdtener. wb

burned into bia re ry aonl. ouaiDg.t tO'«badd«r. >- TiMtt. . tbe . SfppailB rald»»diin

A t h ^ ite m e d to croncb ia a comet ' hla boantlnrbaoaa eeilar, whimperl

Uke a wtupped popsy «nd caUlag OJ U ie X r^ toDRrt«ct b ln - .

^ .,^E m Ida landlady deaplawl him.tbomfh^UM bad. tititdvfit, «

r-good 'pw ,**g ..H aT ei7 .f4dom JT «dtiM ja«e(«,1• «M ...flK #t«n^ oo^O B f Ch« lauDfl

.pet the Qormng paper a t bia d U ^ J il. X a ra b e a « d o m .tQ in tf c f a a t . a. i w bl* a n t ha M d tlw flaitag bai k Jlaa.;/rConaedptiba ^ P a a a ^ " . aI ^i^utrAtattd, Vrrw^mf Mmeatfc

((cI he dUNHDl

w lW .'^ 'h o rro r of it~gnaji^ng Ic

(np a few ^ 'n n a i i n 'deeded not to leave the bouae, t vUt9 ,ahatn Blckneaa, ao be atayed in bll w m ‘'ahd “bad the landlady aerre hla

tbere waa a knock rgcL door lie trembled aU over, tmagit t.".:;..* wM«'PoUc«5mnwho.h8d,.cgm^Li’ Idled him awoy to the army., ufid Oae tn o t i i ^ ia f eara .were r« II; 1 Snre enoniftr'there,Btodd a potli t ood witb tb e '^ ta l paper. Taking it inliig trembling band he rfMd'tbat h e ,. wni Uoyd, >’waa''orderod to-report h!

3f a to the nearest'recruiting ataUc p l ^ p a l examlnnUon. H e report

lie— nirtlately,- bccanee be waa Afn .disobey.

w.Tbe doctor..looked. wiUi..ap] upon U oyd’s alx faet.of-pbyaica

, 5 *. focUon,. apd tbpwh^^ ^iiat ^ . gnardsmai^, ho would make^b^^lt j

Ined hie heart twice beforo be p him aa “physically fit;” It waa b<

'tive wittf many oUi’e n , ina aergeant, to tbe training depot i

hflrd dorahot. whero hc was given an dtikhakl. and drew 'fifiro

-■IJ shoQlde^. bnd t l» boated ^ook. i

•eTBa.^ . A t the training depot, it doei

take ^ong to find ont,a maa'a cban and Lloyd ’ waa prbmfc'tly ' dc

fnp ‘S*'lndy.”.Ib 'tli6 .fingUah army “w! . meana c o w o rto .' ■■ The r a r e s t rw n ilt tnU e.W ir

■ looked OD him wiUi cbntCTpt,.M(l not alow to ahow‘It In m aiv waw

Lloyd ' d ' good a ^ e r . I ti ^ iinickly', oboyed 'ev i^ oMer prdd

n e r e r ' ^ n ^ a t the bardeat fat! He ^ a f ^ d toi- He Uv«a In d<

^ fear of tbo ofBcen and “Doncomirhim »Tln>y1«ft Mm. One- mom UigiaboDf.ttaee. nil

hia 'enliatiDcnt'JJoyd'a.coiB was pandM . and tbe Dimea plcke

•f® for the next d ra ft to Ftanoew ei^ f*" When hia name w u:callad;.he dll ) ot atep. ont amohly, two pacea to rate fron t,,an J (d^eerfoliXii "ilied sir.” as the o^i.en.4 ^ '. ^ e , J n a t I QD* ed In th'if ronka.and.waf'cairle<i to Ui'e; rackn amid tb« a i^ ^ ^ .p f the.rc«t I aa' T h a t .n l^ t wM.aQ agoay of ,m

to him. He. con(d not, aleep.. Joat • BTOl aud whimpered, i o ,hia .bank,'hec

of OQ the! morrow, tl^e d i i ^ wa^ to hV tor Franw , where be wonld aeo i

ned ona lla ide^aodpcrtopabe 'kW ed ald^ aclf. Oo thje Meainer^' c r o ln g iver cbanoi^ ho woold have".^i3!.ped < the aboard'to eacape. Iret, waa.,alrai< . I drowning. . *1 ; .rom Arriring in F ranck be and the ten* were huddled into a tU e d an . Oc , aa Bide of each a p p e f t^ In white ^at At *'Hommea 40, ^ o v a n z S." ' After h bla of b rap lng ’ over the .abev6n F r >ga* n » d l ^ ' t b a 7 arrtvad a t tb* tral Ind baae bf Ronen.' ' '• T , t in At thla place they WH*. pot thn me a week'a rigid tra la to f'In 'trench ' J f fcirew , pn the momlng pf tbe «1,

day th«v, ten o’clock.' were ln*po«ed oad palsaed hy Oee

JW. H— , then were marched to the «j temaBtcr'a, to draw tbelr ga^ hcli

J. and trench eqnlpmeni' . ' .' At fpnr li tho afternoon Uioy \ . . nimln hasUc^ > Into cattie cara. '

tlmo the . jou^ey I n i t ^ . two . i They d la^b ark ed 'a t the tc?wn of

V ven t'and conld brair a distant ‘ ^ booming. With kncea abaking, L

aaked the sergeant what tbe noise ' _ and neariy dropped when the Mrg< ^ CepU«l,in a« p m ew ^ t hore(Ltone: ^ “Oh, them’* lho gnna op th* 1

W ell be op there in a conple o’ < ^ -or ao. Don’t worry, my laddie, yi

aee more o t ’em thao you want te Im yoa K et’ome-to P^l^hty again, tha lm yoo’re locky enough to got h ‘ Now lend a band there unloadin' tl

CBRk and q.iilt' that everlasUn*^ t beUeve yer acared.** Tlw laat wl I _ contemptnooa aneer.^ T ie r marched teo kUos; foU pi 'a to a UtUe diUptdated vUlage. aad V. aotmd of tbe gmia grew loader. i ,f ® ^ t l y lender.

■ The village waa fall of aoldlera ' Cnnied oat to Inspect the new dz

^ the 'men who were ahortly to b* tl mat** In the trenchea, fo r tbey «

. gulBg “op.the Uae" oo the morrow .•take over^ their certain aector trenchea. y

. T b* draft W paraded in front _ battalion beildqoartcTa a sd .th^ i

^ wereaaslgneatocompaAle*. .-n .Xiojd waa tba ooly manaaaigbci

^ t> company. Perhapa th* -oflker charge of the draft bad aomcthlni

^ do with it. fo r h* caUed Uoyd mi aad aaid: •

^ r U o j ^ 7 a a a ry fo ln g ,te « a * w ,f D*tty.vNd,sot.>»ow?.y?ia..-*dw;:V tt.b * .M /jp o ,iB i^ lt^ » > ,4 p r.,a

^ **k% liqtf* b*.a OM^. I tb

fc, g lM N M 7 a D d ,V ^ b « ^ ^ ^ D « ^ M n . lb *M C tda r.tb*bM ta lleatoak fl

' tasi^sssessi f Old campaiBjr xmm.'wa*« ,• ■.•' one of th t tP a re M ^ ’. ■


^ * ' t ' lio t-r^b lred 'to^« liB d‘ '»rttb^' 1 ‘ v a r the H e 'o i j y ^ t a ’

i . whlle'tbe to1dw'm«b Wiitd r f 'A t n b o u t^ V a o c k , ''a i l 'o f i :

. •! l i e t b o a ^ t f a ^ l t a ‘(l 6 > i ^ * l S- c i ip a c b ^ 'ttd 'a h i^ m

jj5 ^ p a ra p e t^ -« j* la ir ta r t® « % ^ r ImogUied. right la th e lr 'trn c h ,’

d«. he <sct'they w m 'la n d in g dboiit Jm Jyilrda'lnjre«pflftbem,'Ja^^ ondune*.

mMiK One of'the olderm ea oD cnax la j tb 'b la’Tttit^‘*ild?r •

a t the ' “There fo U -F k ts w ith OOM 6 ^ c b m drtan< «ia lo .' ItVfoba

0 tak« "n** arttn*rjr ‘t f tp w :th « n , '« i . ' 5 over « ''f*w .A '*W dl,'in i’ i)* allMdl 'ivbere'a tb a t'‘blisbter o f a ’d nc e ^ n 'ivbe toT (niw«ri b is 'r if l* ’' in h l* B « s io s t" th e 'v ^ n i^ '- 'H e cm ai Albeit l«gsed l t ‘ l o i t 'k e ^ your'«y*' ftniMHf Dick,'while t re ^w t I t to th» M >D <04 I wonder lt^'th* fool kaow* he ed lm< 'Shot fo r sad i trick* a* leav lid tq portl?

^ Lloyd bad goa*.,. .W beb.tbe proval m o rta j^ iw ie d .o p , a . a j a d ^ J>pcr* roc seised b lo . so d a* .wanted

.n ie to get away from tbat. bortib Bxffi"«*ty.;*89 9 Uietlr

log around the traVarsev M.camc saUng eatranco o f a.;commoiUcatioa:

r and ran modly« and .blindly: dc ti waa running Into travenea, atomblii .ge oC muddy hQlca, aad falling foU' a tA l- over tre n c h 'g rlw , outfit, Groplnir ‘ b l ln ^ ^ -with' eqolp: atretched oot. ia 'f ro n t of, him. (Idler, last came ou t i^!t& e'treoebila o' hlif .vlilago. or what t > ^ to be a a hi* before the Qermao artiUery m

Mixed WlUl hla fear,. b e Jiod B no t' CQlibr sort of cnnn^ ,..w h ich acter. pered to hlid to avold'all'sentrf ihbM cfluso if they aaw him ha woi indy”, sent back to that awfnl destmd . ' ' ' the front line, "and i^rtuips be n d c* . or m a im ^ The tbou i^ t mad1 im .. shudder, tbe cold .sweat coming1.]" '^ iM ds on hia face. ,. .Hraod .O nfals.left,ln^darlcB e*a.bfl a ttiy .' mnko.qat tho ahadowy.formji of [flfoaa. crawling oa )^-h«nda and.kDeei eedly ping and ierouchlng w ith fear «< over sheU^.ori^. he, f i n ^ .reached'!

f /„ o rc b i^ apd,,^.wered ak the bas.

Ipuv .::£[* remalaed. tb«M.ajl,.sight.,d-ont log jtQ the sound of the guns amrmd. praying, praying that hia uaelad.not wtmld .he s p w d .; .....I the ,...A* I^w n ^ g a n to break, beBcre. dl*eer|i„Uttle.'dark.obJccts ppjtirolnt* ,the ground oil about ,him^t bar* oalty mastered hi* fe a r and bc cr

. to o m of the objects; and thorc.iMry n n c ^ n ln l^ b t. :h e r e a d .o n .acried wooden croiia:.atuse “P te 'H . 9 . Wheaton. No. IW. soil London B e g t E . F . BUlled ia t

pSS'!^’ ^ihe ' Whea i t dawned on him that b

oveK l>eeD"‘fildIhg'aU night in a'cifnd of 1)1* M ^ n 'se e o ie d to leave him,

' mad desire to be 'free fra'm It allreat him n u h madly awor, falling nv

I thc f i t woodea crosses^ smashing soaters. trampling o th en nnder his feet.lOun In his f lig h t'h e came f o 'aeneh F rcndi dugout, half n v e d In aatinlng tlaJly filled witb slimy and filth

t e r r ■ , ■Qugh '- lik e a tax i> ein^ chased b:

h o o n ^ ' be ducWd lnto'thls-hol. ghth 'tlu W bimitelf on (i pile of old andl a a n ilb a ^ wet and jn l ld e w e d ^

leral o n c o n s i d o n s n e s s . ' v I'uar* ".Oa^ the ii'ext day, be t< nets dta'tant 'v o lc ^ ' sounded In h'ls

Op^dlng hla e y ^ . I p ' tM etitrat trero O ie 'd t^ o t he saw a corporal an This men 'wltb fixed bayonet*.' laya. ^ e 'c p rp o ra l waa addreaalng'h Frfr* np. .yoo wWlo-Uvered blliduU Onrae yoo and-<he dny you ever : loyd D com pany.'spoiling their fine woa. ord I IfU be you a;> against tho eant aod « goo^ job loo. Oet Void ol

.men, fln^.lf.he makes a.brcak, glv Une. tbe bayonet, and send It home. th« lays Mdiy .soeak. Oome oo, yoo, oull t>eco ..looking fo r . y,pofore •a o o g t".t is. tJoyd. trenbU ng and weakent ack. bi*.Josg fa « t tottered o n t aaalsi hem. aao l^Ieron each side o£ him... . kin’. Zb«y took^ him before the ca] th a tm t could g e t aothing out of him

T o r Ood’j sake, 4 ir.. don't hai adc, «hot,doa?e.b*?9 ff i« sb M r.. the Z te.fikp ta ia ..atterly dlsgtuted

eon- him, *eot him onder escort to dli h*adauatten Xpr trial by coort

whe tlal, .cbargvd with desertloa'ttndei r»fU S i « sbooc deaerten in rrmaft. heir Doling, h i s . '^ I , .L lo y d aa t.a i rer* d a i ^ : aad could pot nothing fox r, to tn h ii defease, only an occai• df -D5B’tb a T » .m e k h o tr> . . .

< < M M U .K «st Xm**.).t of , t0^ . OSOLS&A'UOSBtTB

T h li'ls -a -T o ry 'p a in fu l-a ad dl A to e u ' <UMas• l a almost every nei . iB bood aoma. oaa haa dltd intm U 2 f t 0 m ediaae 'eoaJd be obtaliwj 0/ a 1 tide eiaa smiimow»!. 'T h e 'right way

* * t> a ri^ th e s to a a a r .b f m i . t i

■Ji":CMIe a d

^ gav* th*B liam*^tif* nUeC.**—j

i i f l r d j i i u t t y l.ahd »©*■:■{« o « w r -

r.V'fl 'o = * ■ >».'•* T«b

l l i iodffra, B M;''iDd '-^D (nat the * '

. t il. - • . «* ‘hub> ■'''•R-

t b e W "

d,taiD - .r H » < : | | | | | | ^ | | j | | | | | | H | H

u ^ S o a B a a i D B D B a Bot'tfnieM'Mtot . •••' . : . -

t t ' ib to V ' . X - Wteaalng .■It Itav* -A IM bttttm X s o w i ^

r i - f-itg*aaL . < '' can b» la'^^hla :

■tnn^n r te r ^ a : B : ^ I S t S f e s ^ w S f c fiOMO, I ml e . . ^ n e a k - ,■ to th e .trench.iwa it.

arins.'M «tto: thedUage. . .,iEed i t

«:po--Jvhi*' 1 Jea,' be- • i^d -b * / a o a u i ’•killed

I DEVOEI, ItOJht each ' ila old :e,ot a , - . . '1

iiA*6- jle v e r . rM Ufe . «

could «■BdJp« iOurt- . . ' ' *

nwled IIn the . ' ■ *

Uttle <

0. 1st JicUon. . • ■ r ■ 1 J


>e and

c old — ' ■

p, and y JQi' '«'mpty ' iM llS)!lien— p B jy

>: fa r j D

>w of

la>: ’ ' j i ® - . 'd iterl v l < l ) s V •(otned t ^ W UI rec-Woll, ll II

’ him. •e hUn WHOOP2HO OOtTOH; cow- tills disease. It Is. importanimore, .eoagb be kept loo*e and oxpe

long tion easy,, which, can be done by ( Chamberlaia's Cough Bemedy.,

l) j P. H. Martin, Peru, .Ind., writea: M b r **** daughters had whooping'eou

^ v e them Chamberlaia’s Cough ptalo. edy and it worked like a ch w tm t: Adr.'• “ • ■ ■ .


riaton The Mgnlar aeml-aannal steel •mar- ers' meeUag of tha Idaho Depar rfire . Store, Ltd., iriU be h eld 'a t tbe

of tho company oa Monday ew I on ; July 1, a t 8 p. at. ward (Signed) • D. D. ALVOldonal Jane 21, 1918. Secr^

Rheijn isnt Arf^ghbor. . U you suffrf w ith buna ta u id i Mfart stlilened joiota. look oo t fo r Ifflj ph^> ties i a th e blood, .becatae caci U ^ , U de gets tnoro a c ^ a a d stoU

I T o th e o m it i t in jo a i

t e

& , . : w a y ; A ' ' 9

I*' V“‘ i' fl

, l!3i«Hdbs:oFLusr I1' • T - u « j !.o 'i K C n r r r a u i i M

■:. , 0 ^ 1 '

■. - ■ * ■

gtrii In

Wfct. vm iK t

■ •' .■'•••■ WWffStr-

■‘‘: r t e e ’S - : a ' g » ^ • ;.: :E a n n e r r” . .T.; Ab ybjt drive tiiTbagli tUe boun-■ Ixy.vitjs easy: to ■ plck' oui tbe .fan n ^ - Who' are ■progressiTib and I prospeTOns.;;.' 1-A". .shiftless mim, allowB'hls buildings to be­come shabby 'and wfeatfaer- bMten." Th'e "thrifty 'farma keeps everytl^g painted with

' ! i C B a f m t n d ,

J Lead and Zinc PaintOf cotrrie, any paiidt yoii p u t bn i ^ ^ t t e r ’th an no paint; 'B u t for lon^ 'and^tisfacto iy . a^xvice we alw&ya ieco n ii^ iiij -Deyoe’. ^ d Z inc 'Paint because we can giiarettitee ; W’ to ’ be a,bwlutelypttre. - I t w ii^ n i^ ^ b ttm K ^ ';,.io o d 0 a i , 'o r any otlier . w p ^ ^ ' ,^ u )ten Q t» . . Thatf* w hy D evoe pain t goe* *6 ‘m uch f a ^ c r u d lasts to m oeh longer than ordinaiy pain t C om e in and le t os ^ w , you wbjr tt^* real ^ n o i ^ ' f d r you to ^atn t D e v o t paint nwo. A a r for ffee booklet ob painting— **Keep AppearaU^e* U b and-'Eidpinsei D o w n ."

M Riiw M .m_ I '<1.11 t-Tl Mi »irw ID A lj 'O

PLENTY OP jFDKDS 'm jm nln-nys on hand to meet oil domands ii^Lm bankl .We ke^p' on hand a' large

•Ulth rvttorve iban tbe law require* anpH !? honor our ^ep.osltore' . 'cheek* at liighI >Ve, ,iiiake, coli^ctioot ,f^r ofir. ^dfpoiltoiL nlxo. An account )isr« saves them uue

• trouble and eonsl-lenible''expense.. i-c

' I d a h o S t a t e ’ B a n t

Money to toaa. oo improved /a n a . .. V Lowe,i Interest and bett repajmei

a t that privilege*. .Irrigated Lands CompaajMCt0 » - '

-------------r ; = i r T : r r ------------- ---

A WOMKrs EAeilh Rchi-rra.” — ' ' ■' • ' • . •'H.

The Adviee ot Thla Twin i^alls Warn an la of Certain Value.

^ Many a voman's back has man;*«ires asd y:

Ofttl.nci 'l i t ti:p k5dncT«‘ fault, irtmeat lo a n 's Kldn«y PtU* an

“'fi** * 0 eSecUTB.. . ,v e a l ^ M a » Twin Faiis womea kaow t&fi

Bead what one has .to say abou t t t 3B1>. . i t n . M*rie J . Steveo*, Third At*. Tetary. a , aay»: “1 have used Doaa’a lUda*:

PiUa seTciaU.. timei And hav* bM thoroughly sati«tled with th a r o n iu

i f a i l .“ y .» o w t cotnplaint fro® m j ktdawn i | t ; U t e Always beeo with my back: M]

^ w eak 'aad lam * *b( aehed so 1 could harSly kaap api 1

“P ^ h a H alway« beea disx^^lod ttft aii n a dona a t such time*. i a t« t goi

H W V boM o t Dian-* Ktdoey PlUe throogt WO*: a friend’* rvcom aM ndaU on .asd .t^

I fh d O d m* * 0 moch good 1 ,ha«a awd e r ^ : 4h«nL wh*a*vw 1 hav* ae*d«d *ndi *

t«B*dy .**ie<V,]3e*^f'KJAM y PUka l i t t . bdlied to 'o o ra a * e t 1

raUaL MObani Co„ M tp « ; BafU *. H. T.•’’s— •

r 3 b I

l A a A I i A D V S T J B E U E I t T S f• •• •■ •___ V'. :' ■ • ■': _». . Ie

' BSniCATB OF BZPBirSBS ; ' ^ For tb0 riBcal Y m t Migr 1. .1918, to U

liUT .l* lS19t fo r tlia Oltr-Of Twin Bt •T«II^ . Id iio . \ g

M ty w 'i *alMy ___________ # lftO.00 ?,Cl«k'» Mlary •_____ _______ MO.OO "Ooaneilinen’a M Urr ... ------- 406.(M „TreM onr'a M ltr j'(o n e-th ird . w

■ o£ 1 per e e n t )___ ______ ; 1^ 00.00 "Atloraey^B m Ia i j ___;__ :___1^00.00 ~B n ^ e e r and i d p _______ 1,800.00 il?■Bmp;, c l e r k ______________ 300.00prtnting r^ooioo - •Printing ordlnaneea ----------- 1,000.90 p.Offico r a p p l i u ___________850.00Bmt, ,clerk»« o tf le e --------360,00 • 'JadgM u d elorks oleeUon..:... . 600.000 t«no£T«pher'« oervlee*. .— .. 200.00dasnalt^' In n n n e e ____— . 1^89.68 ^

I . : To£ » . _____________ * U .8 » .0 «• PUBUC.SATBTy: • gi^

• Pollco— , Be'Chief •■........I-.-____________ 1 1 ,800.06 1Two otticor*_____ ------------2,640.00 imTwo epeeial officer*_______ ' 2,280.00 .Pollco Judgo la U r jr ----------- 400.00 ^Bontal Jndgo qa*rter* ........... 600.00 \Spoclftl officer* and jtll----- 1 ,200.00foond and dog catcher ----- 250.00

---------- — 1Total v..^:_____ ______ • 8,870.00 "

FIBE BBPABTMBNT: .SUarie* -------------------------- ♦ 9,000.00 jq iOhamieal. hose -------- - 800.00 jBopalr**--------------------------- 700.00O o d --------------------------- L - 270.00 j ; ,Bmj, grain, otc------------------- 800.00Blackamlth and repair* — .u. S2S.00 . »Waato, aeidi, oU ....._______ 100.00J m i i ta r r .onglu lighter.^.;.- .00.00

dr. 7 m o oV H I P g ^ chief'* car.™:---- 1«|JH)S in plnjr xentaJ — ----------2,292.00 —Tower, light, phone _____ 115.00 'Firemea, oxtra vaeatlonB..........190.00 _PolUh Uit*,'repair harnou.—' . '7S.00

• , T o t a l ------- ----------------- «16,072.00 ^WATEB W0EK8: ^

Inspector'* «aldry ................• . 600.00 ^Clerk a*sUtaniy«aIary_..w 2,100.00 Caial Co., maintenajjee.:— 4,820.00New topi aad rroalr ______ 0,000.00Chldrine _ • -------------------- 2,000.00 J J JBoeervoir. attendant* ............ 1,600.00 ^ ^Repair paTcraent ............. ...... 6,000.00 •Now main* aad improTemcDl* 17,000.00 Warehoue aad oqulpment.... 6,000.00

Total ----------- ------ — 444,820.00PINANOB: n

Iaterest aad slaking fund....$49,C79-00ra * cttHecUon* ........... 1......... COO.OOIfifiidoBtala -------------------- - 400.00 j

‘ Total ■-•—■-___________ #41.769.00 *®**8TBEETS AND, ALLBtS: ■ “ “

Salarr itroet comral**ioBor 1 ,200.00 [Jpkeep atreeta and alledi— 12,000 .00 Kotl> 0** walk* and bridgw----- 2,000.00Sock Creek b rid g o ------------ 1,000.00LighUag t tro e t* -------- 5,150.00- jf,rod* aad street repair ----- 600.00J tro efB lg n ^ ---------------------• 200.00Street *prinkllng a**’t_..:----- 9,000 00 Twh

— Bt atTotal .’- i : --------------------Wl,050.00 noU

WATER BENT AND 8EWEnS: ^>lwablng li*poetor -----------1 660.00iewer flnshlng ___________ 720.00Water for eprinVlIiig .........-J 850.00 “^ow coanocUon* -------------- l.ooaooleaning w d repair.----------- 500.00

T o t a l -------- ----------------» 3,730.00 1-PUBLIC GB0UND8 AND BTJIJ.D.

laaitarr inipector ............. ...< 300.00>ttfflp groaads and garbage... 3,000.00Bddenlal* .... ......................... ?00.00•ork to n d e r--------------------- 1,200.00>aik o ipeaao ------------------- 300..i0 “ J•nblle comfort _____ — _ 4,000.00 ' j«d]es* reet ro o m -------------- 180.00 ^Iqalpment and *opplle« — . SOO.OO .? ilih » M ter _________ _ 1.080;00 " “Ja k » t7 -- -------- :-------------- a.«25-“appUea eUy M ale*----------- 125.00 j

• , - ,T ,« iV 'a Total ------------- -----------$14,510.00 j jBBOAFITtTIATIOlY 5 .

idodn ls^ tion -----• ' ..-Olt,890.00■abllc S a fe ty ----------------- ^ 8,870.00 ^oidtlro D epartm eat------------15,072.00 ' ^rater Work* J------------- 44,8?0.00laanee ------------ ------------- - 41,769.00 7,treeU and aU ejn -------------- 31,050ji0 „e i,,rator* rent* and *ewer*.-J— . 3,780.00 ^onie,abllc groaads *aad- baildlag* 14^0.00 ^

— flowaTotal - i : --------------^171.780.63ECEIPT8 PBOM ICAY 1, 1917, TO , . . iU X h M l* H ort

oaoral taxa*,..----- — :--------•89,760.72’••tw 'wofko --------------------- . '- 4 3 ^ J 3 • '

I?^ w i 5 i a 3 i o * « ^

i l ’

,■■■ ■ ' IlflHr

A d s Q e tle ridowalk . W d * ’___ 1..- 10;080.00 Itoroat OB bank d o ^ ^ t* __ 2,073.75 -BO* --------------- --- 2,169.60»ta ................. - .....— ______ J,205:i0conijeo -------- : --------------- 1,492.13 Jffer eoonMtlon* « ... 969JJ8 i> jployaeat agency — 83L60J , aehlea ............. .... ......... 782.70 5y t a x ' . .■ 247,60 JDBd foos ..—_______ ;______: 9.00 SB«ellanoons ■"■'I'l,', ' «4.4o ^fna^ plpo. to connty uloqpital ---------- ------------- 7,0*4.36 b a l .________ BOM Botort paid by error, L. t • n>. *86 ---------- g . ^ ____.: .216.00 BL D .88 w uxaaiby error.. ,21.7.0 ® eet aprlnkllng warrant by' m r ______ . 140.4-t ^

Total j'ecelpls from all 'odreea .........,..!....4.........4180,166.43 tkaneo on hand May 1, 1917.«19,61&21 B< set sprinkling fond bal* Hsee U ay 1_______ 4,156.32ewalk* bal. lia y 1, 1913 - 1,425J)S ^ risr di*trlet 26 balance Uay ^

1818 U:------■' 8S9.S7 JJ). D ls t 19 balanoe Uay w, 1918’----- ---- L-------------- 44.25 'witBOd iBtorost wator work* Lcond improvement --------- ... 4,1M.OO B<

Q m d to ta l---------- .i_ « 5 9 ,860.23 whe Connell will hear and past apon ^ (eata and objeeUoa* toi ench, oaU* e nt it* rogular meeting Jnly 15,I ' ' . ■ Islrepared and adopted,.by the City neU of the City of Twin Fall*, Ida- toi thi* aevOAteenth day of Jnne, lOlS. Z. pproTod by the Uayor on thi* ser- lenth day of Jnne, 1918; ‘ ,

F . P. BBACKBN,’Uayor. E“ ^ r . W. A Ulnntck, City Clerk. ^

■ ; foi■ ab<---------- r - -----------------^

KOTIOB TO CiSDXXOBa ' thf lUto of Helen C. Shank (Mi*. ^ IB 0. 8hank Oorman), Doceaaed. '9tlce 1* bereby given by the under- ^ ed, adminiitrator with the wUI an- id of .the estato of Helen C. Bhanfc, m Ii aaed, .to the creditor* and alt per- *pe having claima againat the aald dn- me: ftd, to ezUblt then^wltb tho neecfi* con voQchers, within t4^ month* after

flrat pnblleation of tbls notice, to ^ ^ d Herman S.iDelSB, admlalitn**lth tbe will annexed, .a t Twiu[m,jI, eounty of Twin Falls, state of inti0 , tbls beiog the place fixed for rigi tranaaetlon of the buslneu of eald theio. ■ . t i f fitod Jone 17, J918. Pl^

HEBMAN E. DB1B8. lmiai*trator with the will annexoJ lie eetate of Helen C. Shank, Do- 'd. . eati

, ' ■ - BantrO n O l FOB P[DBLIOATION » ' of P roof'of AroUcatloo of Wa-■ tor to Beoeflclal TTae

----------- , of ttice is hereby given that a t 11 prio on tho f ^ t day.of July, 1918, at , F ^ s , Connty of Twin Falls,I .of Idaho,'before Georgb Herriott, into y public, proof ■will be *ubmittod by >0 application to beneficial nso of i a ^ (2 ) cubic feet per aocond of the ” rs of an nnnamod drainage coulee, eordonee with the terms and con- u of Termlt No. J1799, heretofore I by ::•* Stato Engtnoer of tha (Sm of Idaho. . • aThe name aad postoffiee addren plaii

le porson. or eorporatlon holding drea permit -are, Utah Construction soy, 421 Sccle* Bldg., Ogden, jro i

The use to.w hle^eaid kate r bas HBI applied i* Irrigation and dom ^le la

CoujThe amonat applied to beneficial In I two (2 ) en. ft. per second. wah The plaee where said water is .(if for Irrigation, give foil and Bte description, of the lands lr «»d) 8 E ^ of SEU, NE 1-4 of BE rw 1*4 of SB l- i , SW 1*4 of SE EUoi id 'SW 1-4 of NB 1-4, Boo. 23, T. CiUsB. 18 R , B. U . ArthThe xtame of the eaaal or ditch Chii leg wofV> by whieh said w»Ur Is 0111® eted to such placo of nso I*The right to tako waUr from'jaeh

is basod npoa Permit Ko. 11790.The aonrea 0^ supply from , whleh <1% wator is divortod is an nnnamed Athii

into whleh dralnag* and aeep* CUn from ' adjacent Irrigated ' Uads a ^ r

The dato of tho priority w h lc h te j j u t r la prepared to establish is Bbor 6 . 1916. ^

FBBD A. WILKn:,SW o Bafinoef. ^

u m ToofcM

[Mr*tTiaH7'L^ ■ . ^

IK t - i f l

R e su lt& j,a S A L A D V I R T O ^ i n i O T B

ASZABSDUHOim ,In ' the Distriet Court of the 'Fonrth

6dloIal Distriet of tho Stato of Idaho;I aad for the Conaty of Twin FaU*. •. The Utah Constmetlon Conpaaj,

lalatiff, vs. Twin Falls Bhoshone Oaaai0., • corporation; Clyde A. Blalr; Joah- , B T. Wilir*; UarU WiUla: Joaeph WU- < *; Joseph WiUis, J r j Bryant WUUa} < ;ngh Wmiss'Alonto WUUa: Isaao^m i- < Ri Aaa WillU; Fratfk L. Dlffendorfa*;:. B. Lorain; Frank Lorain; O. ^A. , shnltker: Bertha Sohnitkof; Earl U un «, ly; Ben L SchuIU; BUIy iC-TUot; H, * . ^ t h e r o ; Aaron E. HarriH: H ..B . Md: U a ^ S. Boed: Bertha H. Ath«r> - n; Bmll Brann; R B. Chandler; U afd uneioa; OlelUe U . Chesley; I n Po?* i; WUU* a .F ore if; W. L Howard; lanio U . ]bherw oodiEean Joaea; Al- irt Jones; IVanel* B. U eC o n ii^B err a . s . Norton, B. J . Boberta; Tiw. B. le; Wm. Z. WUaon; Bay Pond; PhU Brdy; Samuel B. Sexton, defondaat*/ Th« Stato of Idaho' sonda greetings

Twin Falla Shoshone CauS Co.. a rpora^on; Clyde A Blair, Joshua T'. ifiia; U arU Wmia; Joseph WUUs; •eph WUUa, Jr.; Bryant WlUlat Hugh ma; Alonao W ^ ; Xsaso WUUa: la a UUa; Frank L. Ditfendorfer: IL & irala; Frank Lorain; O. A. Bennltker; irtha Bchnitker; Earl Unrray; Bea L. hnlU; BUIy A -Vliet; H. fe Projh- >; Aaron E. Harrla: H. R Boed; Mary

Booi^ 'Bortha U . Atherton; BdiU aon; £ .'B . Chandler; Uand Cameron; aUlo U . Chesley: Ira Forea; WiUia Foren; W. L. Ho^Kwd; Jennie IL

ierw6od; Henry JonMYAlbert Jonea; anel* R UeConneU; Bertha a Nor- >; R- j ; Bobert*; Ja*. B. Bne; Wm. WU«>b; Bay Fond; PhU ^ y ; Bam- . :R Boaton, defendanta: . . ^fon are hereby. aoUfled. that a eon'* 'I i a t haa beea filed against you In tho itrlet .Court of tha Fonrth JodleUI ^ Itriet o f the s ta te of Idaho, In and-;' tho County of Twin Fklla^ by tbo 88 )To named plaintiff,' and yoa are ^ oby dlTMtod to itp p w aad aba ter .I said complaint wiUiin tw en ^ (CO) ra o f 'th e aerrleo of thla attomOn*, larvod withia *aia Jndleial DUtriet.1 within forty (40). daya If •erred 7* iwhero; asd 'you are further notified - t nnleaa you *0' appear and answer *1 1 eomplaint within the time herein Be cifiod the plaintiff iriU take Judg- — It against' you aa prayed for In said ■] m lalnt ' .anihU aetlon U brought by the plain- P.'' to determine the right to the nie — :ertaln watera frcm Shoahone Creek *]

Big Creek and their tributariesi 14, to compel the defendant* to come mvi

I said aetion'and. set op whatever ^ I t or claima they br either or any of _ a m av have, adversO to the plain- , aod for a dMroe decroelag to the n tlff the prior right to the nso of ;eeo Hundred (ISOO) Inihea of the ~T era -of said atream* for Irrigation *

domeatle purposes npoa' certain U beloagiag to u o plainUtf and lo* id In Township F lfm n (16) ^ a th , go. Seventeen (17) East; .Sixteen I South, Bango Seventeen (17) East; det oen (16) South >nd Eighteen (18) be_

of U e BoUe Ueridlaji, and par- T larly described In the complaint and la a liiot In plalntlif tho tIUe and r ig h t of i he uao of.said water as a firat and ad, r right to any right or elajm of the I U indhats or a a y or either of thenij 7, 1 for th e purpoie of enjoining the de- 0 0 ; lanta aad eaeh and all f them, from B u rJering with the uso of aald waters « the plaintiff upon th* laads here- foro moatloned. *itneas my hand aad the seal of the

District Court this 6 tb dsy of », A. D. 1918. wo

R J . FINCU. “ J” a e rk of said Court, aald

i;!rffe Herriott, Attoraey for tbe who jtif f , residence aad postofflce »d- eaU1, Twin FaUs, Idaho. ^----------------- ---------------------------- Ida]nOB UPON PILINO OP PBIX-, iDU X>ir TO A80BBTA1N BIOHTS A8 of a BS proi

the Probate Conrt of Twin FalU of Ity, s u t e of Idaho. aald

the matter of the EsUte of Ed- petl I a Friebly, deeeaaed.1 CaUo Fahraey, Administrator; ' P ie B. Friebty, Uzxie U . Wnaderiy, o f.t I a Koelar, WilHam H. Priebely, ty, ] 7 R Friebolgk C. Daaiel Friebely, <8 ei r U . Fo:^ BTKoros, Adiun Kerns, W » W olty /J . M. OUles, M r^ B. A Uin *, Harry Chambers, Lela Chambers, nr Chambers, BUa Malmes, J . 8 . j tm abora, Stmhen U. OUle^ Mary Ann T. *, Bam Chambers, J.- B. Comstock, yi I Bilraett, and. tho nakaowa helra . i i dwnrd a Priebely, deceased. Comn aad eaeh of you are bereby ao* Ib 1: H. 1* t on the Sth day of v iy , 1918, - p , e B. Friebely, Uxxle M. Wnaderiy, mad I C Keelar, WUUam IL Friebefy, sotii y R Friebely, C. Daaiel Friebely the- km rrV . Fox. elaimlag to be heirs' e ’ek w of Edward C. W i e ^ . deeeaaed, Boot their petitlea In this Court pray- F iih

has th* righta of aU ^raoaa lator- ^ 1 Ul tka eatato of he aald Bdward ^ 1

ia b ^ i doeoaaed, be aaeartalaod asd B . rad ^ (h l | Oe«rt;.aad th a t It be the 1

' . . . - . . - . . .a'.. , v .j.

ynimnm. t v - ' '

• • • • . • • •


'rrr.aM TWTiin 'BATB8 'Jne lasartloa, per w o rd ___ :_____-lcJae week,' par. w a rd --------------:___60 >ao month (S6 laaartioaa)-..—

Mtfllamn eharge for any claKtflad id, 16 ceata. Ada mnat nm for a gtatad >orio4 of tlBia. <

P ^ H B sa ^


alaavea Joljr la t. Saa tha Ooldaa ■Oooaa Laka V a ll^ In ‘BontihiRB «Oregon. Deep black aUmflal Faoft, pure artaaUn ‘aratar; no .al< ^kaU; np rock; abnadanea of wa* tar for Irrigation. Daprorad landcaa atlU bo booght fo r 975 per ..

. acre: $6 caah. balance th irty an- ^ anal paymenta. Lat oa taD yod tha parttedlara.

■ I t

Darrow, Mordiousc S Brunk■ PhOD« No. M , P

113 U aln ATena. B u t ..

• TOH 8ALK ,K>».«A LB —D im ., M t • BuveIii. *'15, Fourth avenne eaat '*'■ **

FOE SALE—1917 ' Tonring Ford; : DO condition, oxtra equipment'Booma I u d 14, B. Jj T. Bldg.- , - * g

FOB SALE—Thoroughbred t) . L a ~ hlte 'p igs, either aex, adroa* Bdw. <p, >seh, Boute 2, Twin Falls. _

POB S A I ^ ^ room modera honao 81 d lot; priee rig h t Phone M3*J^ 6r B.O. Box 673. . . —

r o s SALE—Oood bam, two story;i28, spiondid condlUbn. Inquire 427 •» lrd Bvenae north. '

I I . ■ ■ ' ......... miPOB BALB-3 acree with good lm* U rremeats; Highland View addition. oae 603-J2. H. J . Aadrw. ~

^ B SALE—Indian motor eyele fore. cheep. Boe E. J.- Jenkins, at jding Motor Co. ^ - M i

ormined'io wbom distribution shonld thi made; of%at aa fa r as known, the foUowing aff I description of the real ostato where- to] said deceased diod aeized; or po**e**‘- aai

to*wltt Lo*f 18, Bloek 63, Twin ] Js, Idaho; I^ ta 4, 5,*6 and 7, Bloek SImwood Addition to'B lackfoot Ida- part of Lot 1 Sec. 30, Twp. 2 South, •

IKO 36, Bingham County, Idahot part Lot 4, Soetlon 19, Twp. 2 ^ n th , .B Igo 36 E. B. M., Bingham Co., Idaho; 1 •hat the said above named aro ihe sig r persons who have appoared aad thi jned aoy Intereet In *ald estate la course of tho admlnUtratlon of the

le up to the time of the'ibaklag of . * 1 order; “h a t you aad all persons not namod,> havo or elalm aa Interest la aald Ite, are cltod to appear before this aal rt, a t the Conrtroom theroof. In the ter I Conaty of Twin .PUU, State of bnl ho, on'-the 10th day of Mptamber, 7 :8, a t tha hour of 10 o'clock a. m. . t l lald day, and exhibit. In tho manner w„, rided by law, your respoctivo claim* , helnhip, ownership, or Intereat in I estate, aad show canao wby said :tion ahould not be g m to d .

O. P . DUTALL. — robato Jndge aad ax-OWclo Clerk he Probate Court, Twia Conn* Idaho. ' ;»1) . - JParser B ro^ Attorneys for Admin* tig: stor, rosldeaco, Twia Falls, Idaho. wil

^ ^ J o t nOB FOB POBLIOATION OP of IMB APPOXKTBD FOB PBOVXHO .g , 'IL ^ BTO. the:I the- Probato Coart of Twla FalU Bty, s u t e of Idaho.I the matUr of tho esUte of Joha 9ox*ey, deeaaaad. ynrcnaat to an order of said Cottrt, Lai e on Ihe Oth day of Jnne, 1918, log ee U hereby given that Saturday, of ' S9th day' of -Joae, 1918, a t 10 ii,g

Kk a; m. of aald day, a t a t Oourt of* B of aald C o i^ a t tho ( 9 ^ ef Twia ^ s, i s the CMUtr of Twin FaHa, Zd»> kaa baea m o U ta d as th* tUaa and _ _ a for p t « ^ tha^Vm of aaid J o te ^ Ul rm laolM ^appKeatioa o f SasaaBa Hoxaey fa r Att«

' U : ■ .

n e < ^ n t PFOB^ALE ;

FOB BALB-8 econd hattd sulky kay ' rake. Call a t Crozier T m a fe r company. 1,

, f o b BALE^Five. or toa aena on Blue Lakea bonlevafd; somo'DaUdona g^ploa, faadly orchard; aU' in ’erop’; jb l ^ Improved and a b a rg i^ a t »«00 . per aore; o a ^ te n n a . Phono 615-J8 orlea O.' W. Dougherty, Blue Lake* boul- bBvard. '.J . - 1

FOB a iU S - A good m o a l.liu ld j lutomobUe, reaaonablo. ' Apply 318 _ }econd avenno north. . < ~

FOB SALBr-I^ve heid good heavy rork atoek, cheap. 310 Bhoahona ao < ^ ' "~WAB^&0U8B LOT o 7 4 ra ek near ^ lepot for aale by owpor, ^ 847. , ^~BAi£*BABbAIN IN HIOH Q B ^ B .. >IANO—Por iQimedUta aalh walwiU “ d l at,.a ra b a tu tla l redneUoa la pi^ea I? . high grado pliwo Whleb wa hava ■tb^ _ d In Twin FalU;.tarms to araqwaatUa ir ty ; quality guaraatwed; parUenlars riU ;be furallhad by writiag to ^ a 40 >enver Muaie C o in p i , Daavar, Cola gBBICR BUILDINO oo Mala Ave. f t t

■Je a t aaerlflea. Paya good jreatiil. iwaer. Box 347, Twin F alla . ' ■ ”

FOB BAIiE—Gooseborria*. Iffe s«i- ^ m on bush. CorranU, 26« gaUon on ^ nsh; also aound, amaU Jonathan ' ap* < Iee. Ono-half mll6 N R elty any tlaw Brly or late u e e p t Bnnday*. J . M. '

................... " fu

JOB BEHT . : ”FOB BBNT-Eonaekaeping Apart-* ^

lents by the d ay or week, for traa> ^ mU, .o h .h j, tho. noBtli. OopjW t.!r ' iraUhed, ^ sy , comfortable and. elean. •*. he Oxford, .'428 Main north.- •. . ‘ •FOB BBNT—Fonrroom hooae, part^ “ • fnmUhed or nnfnmlaied. anqnlro ; 10 Seventh ave. R or phone 782B. ^FOR B B m > -F n n ililrt koiua, SOI, »nth aTOauo nortb, phoae 856W. 'POB ■ BENT—Offlee room froatlag = loehone in Idaho theatre buUding.

W. Magel.

- D ^ & B l U E I N aBTBICTLy" F IB S f . c l a m " dreM-’. Bn Iking and ladiee '>^loriog a t ' 116H ^ Bin avenuo north. Mra. Oeo. E «y ..

^ .p iA i r o t r a r a a 2PIANO TUNINO—Phone 108. Logiw bot u ie Co. ■

t ia*uav* to M. J . Sweeley of leltOT J J - ^ U J s tra t io n with the Wm ^ led; when and where any person ln« -ested may ^ p o a r and e o n ^ t the j na. * ViDatod Juae 6th, 1018. “

0 . P. DUVALL, ProbaU Judge.-----------7- ^ — :--------- r" ------- -— * u i

NOTIOB TO OBBDITOBS IttffsUU of Harsy 0. Twr^n, Deceased. ^ Motice is herebft giveo by the nader- «e^, R E . Maher, administrator of ^ »aaUU of E arry a Twraln, deeeased, he, the creditors of aad all peisoa* hav- lo^ t alalma against tho aaid daeaaaod, Mei exhibit them with the ' Beee***ry SU

ichera, withia fo w months aftor the ■t pabileation oi this notice, to the d R H. Maher, a t the office o( Wai- ^ s * Hod^n, F irst National bank Iding, Twin B dls; eoaaty df Twla . g Os, sUto of Idaho, thie being the ^e, CO fixed for the transaction of the ilness of said eeUto.>ated Jnno 12, 1918. B

R E. MAHEB,Administrator.' ven

________________________________MalNOTIOB TO OBSDITOB8 . ' ^

:u u to of John BaTlick, Deceased. fotlco is horeby given by the nador- D I oed M. J . Sweoley. AdmlaUtrator D l h the w m Aaaexd of the Z^tato of in Eavliek deceissed, te th* erodltori _. .

and all *.penoa*' havlkf! elafaa* Oaa Jnst the sald^deeos,*^-to oA iU t Ooa BB with tho n'oee**ary_ vottehsrs, 0 ®* hln ton months after the fli«t pub*Uon o f tMs'abtrei^ Iti the 'iald M. Sweeley % Swedey^ -Attornsys iii r In the F lm -NatiAatl B kaf Bmld- , T la the d t y ^ T w la - lU U * Coacty ^

rwin p a ^ State of Idaho, thU bo* A C the plaM,fixed for the intaaaetion *'C<

ho bosiBM of a^ d e ^ t 4C•atod, Ju0 a 22, 191S. -. ' r. hC J . SWEBtXt^^AdalaUtratof; • t x s ^ - k 'e v x B U p r , ta FaHs/..iafl£a,' 'J l '' M«yirfor.Adddj^U»ra*o^. V

.J- ./ » f -J

*er W o r d^ ^ ;g 0 B ,B 3 5 M T V ^ 7 ^ . '~ |: - r t

FOB BBNT—Five' 'loom m b d ^ ' ■‘' hon»'.-.Inqnlrt of"F; R ' Oor,- Tait.4 ^

OFFIOB ^ o m s for- n n t over: Aleo' >' B<o're.' '.Iaqulrb of F. B. Cox,.same ad*'

- C n i ' jFOB BENT~Typewrit«r*; aiiy-maka,’

by moath or loBgar; I pay «xpre*a t»Twfa Falla;.wrUo me for tanas} alaa”. ' good roboUta fo r *a]« oa. aaay tataia;J.-B . Blehey, Bupert; Idaho.

. WANTBD-To'rd or amaU anto. Oofe'' '

WANTffl)—tairoo to~fiva*aero'tr a ^ -~' ' ; tlve or .a lx * ^ ia . modflm' houM ' WHL '- - ' . >; pay .eaah, dowa. ' Bb*rlX6 , R F...D..-*?’ ■ r ^ n FaUr, Idaho.' ;. '. . v.vVi'

~ M O I ^ ;V^4in*ED^Wa b a V r lM ^ v'> ror private Bnoox"aa.fbD«wai. t2SOO iS '10 aerM,' (1260-es. SO-iaaraa, B yaaia i p«r e ^ fTrat d u i r t ^ ) a t e *500 g : , J I eorsar luU and boOdlBg a t 4Q 'sea^ vaJuatioa r 'eeBt‘ ; '>r writo Blpley * Tbam, the 'Baalai^ . j

FUer, ■ Idaho. ’ •.

•r~ faBLB ;'WANTED—U aa or boy to'•.'oeeiTO ■

• o r ^ e d room fo r a l i ^ aarvlaaa la,• e tn ^ 0 . 0 .,.eara

■ WANTBI>;:-Ote’i« .^hinaawbtle^*ach. ■ John P. -Johaao^-Bottta.;il->/Vr^T";u • Iriki'A

FABM W A l^ -A .,L .'B w lm .: ,- .: ;^ - ^ U n i l N O LpAN8 , A. L. Bwla. : .

TOPEWBiygBS ■ :rant* >fm; aoil 'am; f i i »ea or

uy 'em. Oood^robnUu of aU makaa n oaay Urm*. .JT.B. B leh^.’inpert, Idaho. ’

W S T ' . ■■',..1 L O S M 4 i4 ir o S o 5 r S S T 5 ^ w a ^ ^

oad tiro, BooatM oa A X e la » ..ria ;' ' ' . :j stween here and Twla 8 prlhgi. \ |{ a i^ , roa...

J O A L A b y X B T l S E a m i T S ^ i.

NOTIOB SSD CBBDITOIU ' . '^ U U bf t e k G rifd tk deieeaa^

s s t ' i r s s i s i ’s . s i s i i g sla eatatb of .F raak Griffith, deeeaaed, , :I the eroditora o f .u d 'a n pereoaa'haT-' ff elaiiM agaUui the eafd .d e e e a ^ ' u '> exhib it A am w ith th e aeeeeaaiy mehors, w ith h i’tan nioBth* after, tha,* ., . rst pnbUeitlon ttf thU notice, to tH»Jd BeUa Orltflth, admlaUtratrix, a t ' ir resideaee on ^ t i o n 8, Townahip- - -

Bonth, B aai^ 16; Baat o f tho BoUe eridlaa, in the County of Twin F a ^ a to -of Idaho, thU being th* plaeo xfad'fer the traasaetion of tho Wi- •■a of «ald eaUto.Dated Jnao 6 th; 1818;'• • " {

< BBLLBGBIFFrrH , •• • x S la U tra tr l* .

Bwoeley * Bweoley, Twla FkUs, Ida:I, Attorneys for AdnUalstratrlx. - «

BBSroNBIBLB MBN ABB MAR- g big'moaey'latrodflelBg the aaw in- ntioa beiag demoastratod a t IIO ' aln avaan* aorth. Ckll aad lav**tU t » —Adv. ^


la Inaartlon. par Una ,f, n i— i « woak,.»ar U&a :r. . oa-, la montb. per Una _ .^ ..,- . .> ___^78®, ^

■. . • , r a o ^ ; « . i.j..;-- ’-vs'■T r "* - '' '■P U B U O A d p p p M i i u r r a f j V g t

B. OtOOOaAxOe, wUk S d e o - I ^ # - S C .p h tM .m . ;•

^ ^ |9 S | | | |i i l B wi$-£s^:^M0.(c V r^vy’ H ’3 iH':'''r*'*V/'r-'-’;-M' '--. ' ~'- ’‘.* M\"'

| w # f i l J i i K £V.-'.\vV- l 'r.- •L»4l^i•^-••.«l!4V••;■eh0dMa'l

; :^ 'B ; • '«Ut«'';»ad''Uuk, i& .:d i '^ i^'.''■■.•v:B. -8Se' viiMi;••»’•.■

• : .i'’ I ■■'/’ ■ v 'H y ®«.' ‘¥9*^ ■

Ia tci 6AHMI

■•-'..v’t®*'.-'- ' it/r^

I' v>)j. J { ■ \ l i k I

i i i i j i i i i

I SofI, Cw

■ i ^ q l a e t

■ ' : 8 5 ^ .F a n c j .G r a p e s _______- " ' K v . . ' '. ' ......... ' -I"'" ' T• J J ; - • fiOc Ftin^ Orepea

V■' > f c - COc<^ttoaV^M ----------

' j y ^ O o t to n y o l l e a .^:— :.

:. B - ’ iraro Lawm

oJr isft ENjii■., ' ■ > : , . '■ ■ ' ' - . A t Z S P c

K U oi’a Dnss.'Shirts, $1.M -' ■ -^U m ’s Dress Shirts, ^5 0 .

■ }Ten’B D renS h{^t2 .00■ ■ Uen’a D n a 8 h ^ HOO . ■ lien ’s I W Shirty «S.OO

py <x ^ •iSS i

M®J,1P ^ i n n i qi Teft P ^ C ^ t,D b ^ ii,. ■ •■■.■■■vConaf-pn-.AH' .'- , ;?\

; ;Chnd/enV Parasols:

iS i®i E i iISk.iji

Til'. mer


L M ll^ ^ E T ^ ^ k jH


,$i.7sr $2.00Wm-'\ J I t e n w , *


1 < io o d sl^altiesiiil e: »l fabrics for ;ather Wrartea*..»....:....:....-...:.-.-::.^.....:;...

U R E N T I R E ; S T O C H

IMER clOTHESF C e n t D l s c o i i n t


* • • 'V»

10 P e r C e D is c o u n

* »• • .*

Men’s D ress St -and Work Shoi

y .


l i i i i l

w h a t t w e / ^; , ■ W H A T W E 8 E :

SAMli« l t O C »

Muslinndierwear^ gannente assure aum- comfort and at' this tc~ able -reductlgn yoQ/ cozi > Afford to secure a j>Ient-. , snpply^t, op Mnslin UndOTear in . I )iimtiott Suits and .. , 3U ps; Tyorth ^ .0 0. at 95o.'BKXBXik wri nWTWHT ^es ___ _ j|1.0fivai'affl 1 ^ '; 5

/yalu’es ...:.;.....;..‘....'....c.;lJS9TOlnes ,................:1:1.TO.; ’

- v l i l u e s ......... .‘..'I___:___. 2 ^^ a e s ......................... . 2JS9 . ll

~ F A N CAmong ihese yon will;

selling veares'and colb■ . . quick to: ta lu f^T o n t^

♦2^25 Taloei ___ .— !_i.AJ O »L60 Foulards L_i.-A3 ^ $1.28 ®naaah SlUffl-lil.:..

76c^;TnS'SUlta .2:....

■«9c * ""» & » ' ' ■"' ~— / v a k■69c,42c

£ c . r2 3 c . .

f /.4 1 2 5 £ i f ,..*1.75 a * , \ i-*3.45 H b \.l ..*435

n t It ■ . ■

lo es .ss . ' ,

[OE,' ^ ^

S L - ^ ^ E E sS f T ^ l l i -I .L .:. . - Q 'J I^ V E R f l S E ; W E 9 E L E , t l i ^ D y E K r F i S E S v i i i s ^

?*!S- J k ■■ '?if;.VV'5

p t : ! * 8 0 S ANI

Waiste- t io o ir^ ta s t if Ja it Silft W a isb ; Here yoi^w ill f in d a sav ing i r i l t t ie s e m u c h ^ a n te d

* TOBSILBBl i d t « .5 o . „ . . . ; . : ; ; ; , i 4 . . . . . . . » 2 ^ ^ ^

ja p : SILKS ," V -Hot $2.69

5 Y S I L K S \/fin^lec^ of the season’s best

l ie thx^T: bnyer wall b# | f c ^ > l ^ y m » ‘l 7 . t e » ! t a , n e %

. . . ; . ^ . . . ^ . i . . _ ; . . . „ . . . . ^ : . . — .4 1 .1 9----------------_______________ ;...: .98.....„ ;...; . . .„ u : .. ._ .._ _ ; ..: .i_ 6 9 c . e ic

'*1*1 ■ '

Y%wmr^sssssS^^Sik *«v


i t a i

i l H E ' v .^ '^ W H B I I .O i A t

■ “^,v' ' '} ,' i \ 1,

' A l t : ^m i l

2 5 P e r G e o

P i s i c o u i i f

Oil All Ladies’ Silk Driessesi

^^its%rid Coati■ Our big, hlli line of D re^ Suits oiid\Coatft comes In fo

! this 25 per cent cut A ' .'r^ ‘savii^ for you. You will='tini something here for yotir 4th o

• Julyheeds. ' . ,

IQ Per Cer

on Men’s f


1 L o t o f

B oys*O xfor<W orth U p t a $3.54

| J . 5 » $ 1 . 9 5 $ 2 . i

. ST<

4 ' , " ' 4*1l l w s IxM», . rpHifiiFii' I

and It i M . " ' B iP8eBi .w o a 6 '- < l i6 0 , « t ■

U, I_ I I


' It s : : v j T O

IGPerrentDi^ount on Ail Ladies’ and Children’s. Dress

Shoes *Wo offer you here an oppor- :

tunity to fit yourself aid the lit­tle ones in shoes at a substan-

I tial saving.

1 lot‘of ladies’ Oxfords and . Pumps, worth up to $4 at H^5.'

nt Discount

Stetson and

on Hats-

d s

top related