chapter 27: nationalism and revolutions around the world

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Chapter 27: Nationalism and

Revolutions Around the World

Section 1: Struggle in Latin America

1900s in Latin America

Latin America’s economy was based on exports

Latin America sent their natural resources and cash crops to industrial countries

Latin America was buying products made from the industrial countries

Governments Around Latin America

Uruguay and Argentina had democratic constitutions

Military and small group of wealthy held the power

Middle class peasants had little say in their government

The Mexican Revolution

1910- dictator Porfiro Diaz ruled Mexico for 35 years

Diaz welcomed foreign investors to develop mines, railroads, and drilled for oil

Country’s prosperity benefitted only a small group

Most Mexican were Mestizo or Indian peasants

Peasants worked on haciendas- large plantations

Middle class wanted democracy and elite wanted power

The Mexican Revolution

Francisco Madero- liberal reformer- demanded free elections

Diaz resigned in 1911

Started a struggle over government form and leaders

Revolutions Lead to Change

1917- voters elected Venustiano Carranza president of Mexico Approved a new constitution that included land and

labor reform Constitution is still used today

Constitution of 1917

Addressed three major issues: land, religion, and labor

Constitution strengthened government control over the economy

The government placed restrictions on foreigners owning land

Allowed nationalization- government takeover of natural resources

Constitution of 1917

Church land was made “property of the nation”

Constitution set a minimum wage and protected workers right to strike

Constitution gave suffrage to men

Women could have the same jobs as men and same pay

The PRI Controls Mexico

Carranza was overthrown in 1920

1929- government established Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

PRI accommodated many groups in Mexican society

Suppressed opposition and dissent

Brought stability to Mexico

Dominated Mexican politics from 1930s to 2000


1920s- government helped some Indian communities regain lands that had been taken from them

1930s- under President Lazaro Cardenas- millions of acres of land were redistributed to peasants under a communal land program

Government supported labor unions and launched an effort to combat illiteracy


Mexico became the first Latin American nation to pursue real social and economic reforms for the majority of its people

Government also controlled the economy- specifically the petroleum companies

Nationalism at Work in Latin America

Spirit of nationalism- wanted to end economic dependence on the Industrial powers

Economic Nationalism

WWI and the Great Depression impacted global economies

Prices for Latin American exports plunged and demand dried up; cost of consumer goods rose

Latin American economies depended on export trade

Economic nationalism- emphasis on home control of the economy Local entrepreneurs set up factories to produce goods Governments raised tariffs to protect new industries Governments invested directly into new business

Political Nationalism

Great Depression triggered political changes

Liberalism was found not to work in Latin America

People wanted a government that could control, direct, and protect each country’s economy

Cultural Nationalism

Pride in one’s own culture was reflected in the revival of mural painting, a major art form of the Aztecs and Mayas

Good Neighbor Policy

US were considered the international policemen

Driving Mexican Revolution- US stepped in to support the leaders that favored American interest

1930s- President Franklin Roosevelt- Good Neighbor Policy- US pledges to lessen the interference in the affairs of Latin America

Section 2: Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East

Africans Resist Colonial Rule

Early 1900s- almost every part of Africa was a European colony

Europeans forced Africans to work on farms and mines

The money that was earned in this work was given to taxes and to the European governments

Kenya and Rhodesia- white settlers forced Africans off the best land

Africans Resist Colonial Rule

Only Europeans could grow crops

Kenya- the British made all Africans carry an identification card, imposed a tax on only Africans, and restricted where they could live or travel

In other areas of Africa, the Africans were forced to grow only cash crops which caused famine

During WWI- more than 1 million Africans had fought on behalf of European powers

Opposing Imperialism

Many western-educated Africans criticized imperial rule

President Woodrow Wilson asked for self-determination

Socialism began to grow

Protests and opposition multiplied

Racial Segregation

1910-1940- whites strengthened their grip in South Africa Imposed racial segregation

Goal: to ensure white economic, political, and social supremacy South Africans were evicted from the best land Europeans abolished the Africans right to vote


Apartheid- policy of rigid segregation became law

Nelson Mandela! South Africa

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