: a polarized neutron diffraction study

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P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending25 JULY 2003VOLUME 91, NUMBER 4

Field-Induced Ferromagnetic Metallic State of Bilayer Manganite �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7:A Polarized Neutron Diffraction Study

F. Wang,1 A. Gukasov,1 F. Moussa,1 M. Hennion,1 M. Apostu,2 R. Suryanarayanan,2 and A. Revcolevschi2

1Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS), CE Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France2Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’Etat Solide, Universite Paris-Sud, 91405, Orsay, France

(Received 5 February 2003; published 25 July 2003)


Unpolarized and polarized neutron diffraction measurements have been carried out on the bilayermanganite �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 which undergoes simultaneous semiconductor-metal paraferro-magnetic transitions under magnetic field. Maximum entropy magnetization density reconstructionand multipole refinement on flipping ratios evidence the existence of two distinct field-induced states.The field-induced ferromagnetic state where the field is parallel to the c axis is characterized by thepresence of magnetic moment on the Sr site of 0:48�2��B, due to the Pr substitution. It also shows a highpopulation of the d3z2�r2 orbitals of Mn3�. For the field-induced state where the field is parallel to the aor b axes no magnetization density was found at the Sr site and the dx2�y2 orbital is slightly morepopulated than the d3z2�r2 one.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.047204 PACS numbers: 75.25.+z, 75.50.Cc, 75.50.Gg

pied orbitals [6,7]. Although PND does not measure the La1:4Sr1:6Mn2O7 [9–11].

Though the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) andother properties such as charge ordering exhibited bythe manganese perovskites have been extensively inves-tigated, there has been no quantitative theoretical modelto account for all of these properties [1]. However, it isgenerally accepted that these varied properties are a resultof the manifestation of the orbital degree of freedom ofthe eg electrons. More recently, the double layer mangan-ites La2�2xSr1�2xMn2O7 (x � 0–0:5) have attracted muchattention [2,3], not only because of a CMR reaching 98%for x � 0:4 (Tc � 125 K) but also due to the highlyanisotropic properties arising from the 2D structure incontrast with the cubic perovskites. Further, it was re-cently shown [4] that the Pr-substituted compound,�La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7, did not show any spontaneousmagnetic ordering but, on an application of a field of 5 Tparallel to the c axis, exhibited a first-order paraferro-magnetic transition, with the resistance along the c axisreduced by a factor of 106 at 5 K. This was accompaniedby a large negative magnetostriction. Further, below 50 K,an anisotropic magnetic memory effect was observed [5]in which both resistivity and magnetization were mag-netic history dependent. These were thought to arise fromfield-induced changes in the occupancy of the eg elec-trons. However, no microscopic evidence has been foundso far to explain this. To elucidate this phenomenonfurther, we have carried out extensive polarized neutrondiffraction (PND) measurements on a single crystalsample of �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7.

PND is an extremely powerful tool to study magneti-zation densities in crystals. It provides direct informationon the distribution of the magnetization at different crys-tallographic sites of the unit cell, their local anisotropy,and also allows separation of the spin and orbital contri-butions to magnetic moments. In favorable cases, PNDfurther allows one to determine the symmetry of occu-


orbital occupancies directly, it gives information aboutthe unpaired electron density, which can be compared tothe theory predictions for the Mn3� orbital configuration.

Neutron diffraction studies were performed at theORPHEE 14 MW reactor of the Leon BrillouinLaboratory, CEA/CNRS Saclay. Integrated intensitiesof Bragg reflections were collected on the lifting-counterdiffractometer 6T2, with the 7.5 T cryomagnet usingunpolarized neutrons of wavelength �n � 0:90 �A.Polarized neutron flipping ratios were measured on thelifting-counter diffractometer 5C1 using neutrons with�n � 0:84 �A obtained with a Heusler alloy monochro-mator, with polarization of the incident neutron beamP0 � 0:91. The programs SORGAM and MPLSQ of theCambridge Crystallography Subroutine Library [8] wereused for the calculation of magnetic amplitudes and forthe least squares refinements on the signed magneticstructure factors, respectively.

A single crystal of �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 was grownfrom a sintered rod of the same nominal composition bythe floating-zone technique, using a mirror furnace [4].Prior to polarized neutron measurements the crystal wascharacterized by neutron diffraction at 180 and 2 K in thezero-field cooled state. No additional intensity was foundat 2 K, which confirms the absence of the magnetic order-ing in the zero-field cooled state. Therefore the refinementof the crystal structure was performed using space groupI4/mmm. The refinement has shown that, as in the parent(Pr-free) compound La1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 [9], the bondlengths of O1 shared by two Mn ions are shorter[Mn-O1 � 1:955�5� �A] than that of the O2 [Mn-O2 �2:017�5� �A] ionically coordinated by one Mn and oneLa(Pr,Sr) atom. The distortion of MnO6 octahedra �JT ��dMn-O1 � dMn-O2�=2dMn-O3 � 1:028�3� is slightly largerthan that of the parent compound La1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 andcomparable to the distortion of the lightly hole-doped

2003 The American Physical Society 047204-1

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending25 JULY 2003VOLUME 91, NUMBER 4

The magnetization of our �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7

crystal was measured directly by neutron diffraction.Before each measurement the sample was zero-fieldcooled from room temperature. Then the magnetic fieldwas increased from 0 to 7 T, lowered to �7 T, and raisedback to 7 T at a sweep rate of 100 mT per min, while thepeak intensity of the (110) reflection was simultaneouslyrecorded. Figures 1(a) and 1(c) show the field dependen-cies of the intensity of the (110) reflection at 2 K, with thefield applied parallel to the ��1110� and the [001] direc-tion, respectively. (In both cases, the field-independentnuclear part of the scattering intensity was subtracted.)The jumps of intensities corresponding to the first-orderphase transition from the magnetically disordered state tothe field-induced ferromagnetic (FIFM) state are clearlyseen in the figure. Several important features of the in-tensity curves are to be noted. First, the critical field forthe in-plane magnetization, Hab � 6:1 T, is about 20%higher than that for the out-of-plane magnetization,Hc � 5:0 T, which confirms the anisotropy of the FIFMstate reported earlier [4]. Second, upon removing the fieldthe intensity does not return to its original zero-fieldvalue for either field orientation. Third, the remanentintensity at H � 0 is very high for the in-plane fieldand relatively small for the out-of-plane one. The mea-sured neutron intensities can be easily converted intoconventional field-magnetization curves by scaling overa well known nuclear scattering structure factor of the

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6-4






H (T)






ty (




-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

H (T)

FIG. 1. Field-induced neutron scattering intensity of the(110) reflection at 2 K: (a) H parallel to the ��1110� direction,(c) H k �001�. Magnetization deduced from the scattering in-tensity of the (110) reflection: (b) H parallel to the ��1110�direction, (d) H parallel to �001�.


(110) reflection and the theoretical magnetic form factorof Mn3� ion [see Figs. 1(b) and 1(d)]. This procedureyields the remanent magnetization 1:1�B and 3:0�B perMn atom for the in-plane and the out-of-plane field,respectively. We note as well that the out-of-plane satura-tion magnetization Mc � 3:8�B is 20% higher than thein-plane magnetization Mab � 3:2�B, in agreement with[4]. Thus, depending on field orientation, two differentFIFM states can be obtained, both being stable uponremoving the field but having different remanent magnet-izations. At 2 K, the relaxation time of both states was toolarge to be measured by neutron scattering; however, theoriginal nonmagnetic state could be recovered by heatingthe crystal above 34 K. Finally, the critical field valueHa,measured with the field along the [100] direction, wasfound to be the same as Hab, indicating that the anisot-ropy within the tetragonal plane can be neglected.

To clarify the difference between two FIFM states,three sets of polarized neutron flipping ratios were mea-sured at 2 K. First, a field of 6.5 T (higher than the criticalfield Hab � 6:1 T) was applied parallel to the ��1110� di-rection on the zero-field cooled sample and 116 (68 inde-pendent) flipping ratios were measured. Second, the sameprocedure was applied for H k �100� giving 179 (59)flipping ratios. We considered that in both cases thesample was in the same FIFM�ab� state and two setshave been merged in the data treatment. The third set of174 (73) flipping ratios was measured in the FIFM�c�state, which was created by an application of a magneticfield of 5.5 T along the [001] direction. Since this state ischaracterized by a lower critical field Hc � 5 T and ahigher saturation (and remanent) magnetization, thesedata were treated separately. For comparison the samesets of flipping ratios were also measured just below thecritical field of the FIFM transition, namely, at H �5:0 T for the [100], ��1110� directions and at H � 4:5 Tfor the [001] one.

The magnetic amplitudes fM�Q� of all measured re-flections were obtained using the SORGAM [8] program.They are shown in Fig. 2 together with the theoreticalmagnetic form factor of the Mn3� ion. (For convenience,the amplitudes were normalized by the geometrical struc-ture factor for the Mn atoms [4 cos�2�lzMn�]. If all themagnetization M�Q� is associated with the Mn site and isdistributed spherically, one should expect fM�Q� to be asmooth function of Q.

As seen from Fig. 2(a), where the amplitudes for the in-plane FIFM state are shown, the majority of the measuredmagnetic amplitudes lies reasonably close to the theoreti-cal curve. On the contrary, for the out-of-plane FIFMstate [Fig. 2(b)] the amplitudes of many reflections, es-pecially those at low Q, deviate strongly from the theo-retical function. This usually indicates that a considerableamount of the moment is delocalized from the Mn site tosome other position.

To localize the position and the magnitude of thisadditional density we used a model-free analysis of our





H // c H ⊥ c







FIG. 3. Maximum entropy reconstruction of the magneti-zation distribution in �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 at 2 K. Themaps show the projections of the magnetization density onthe [100] direction: a for a magnetic field of 6.5 T in the abplane [FIFM�ab� state] and b for a magnetic field of 5.5 Tperpendicular to the ab plane [FIFM�c� state]. The contour stepis 0:2�B.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

H = 5.5 T

sinθ/λ (Å-1)


H = 4.5 T

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

H = 6.5 T

sinθ/λ (Å-1)








3.5f m



H = 5.0 T

FIG. 2. The magnetic amplitudes per Mn atom in�La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 at 2 K: (a) magnetic field in the abplane: open circles H � 5:0 T; filled circles H � 6:5 T[FIFM�ab� state]. (b) Field perpendicular to the ab plane:open squares H � 4:5 T; filled squares H � 5:5 T [FIFM�c�state]. The solid lines are the Mn3� form factor scaled to 1:1�Band 3:3�B for the low- and high-field data, respectively.

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending25 JULY 2003VOLUME 91, NUMBER 4

data based on the reconstruction of the 3D magnetizationdistribution using the maximum entropy method (MEM).This method has been shown to give more reliable resultsthan conventional Fourier syntheses, by considerably re-ducing both noise and truncation effects [12–14].

Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show the magnetic densitydistributions of our crystal for the in-plane FIFM�ab�and the out-of-plane FIFM�c� state, respectively. Asseen from Fig. 3(a), the magnetization density of theFIFM�ab� state is concentrated only at the Mn sites. Onthe contrary the FIFM�c� state, apart from the Mn spindensity, exhibits a very substantial density at the Sr2 site[see Fig. 3(b)]. The total moment present at the Sr2 site ismore than 15% of the total magnetization density and canbe estimated as 0:5�B–0:6�B per Sr2 site. The magneticmoment can be attributed to the Pr atoms substituting Sr(or La) and appears only when the magnetic field isapplied parallel to the c axis. Taking into account theoccupancy factor of Pr (0.24), we can estimate the aver-age moment induced on Pr atoms as 2�B.

Similar analysis performed for the zero-field cooledsemiconducting states in the fields H � 4:5 T k �001�and H � 5:5 T k ��1110�, below their critical values,gives qualitatively similar results. In both cases the mo-ment induced at the Mn site was found to be equal to1:1�B. No Pr moment was found for H k ab and 0:3�Bwas found for H k c. This shows a very strong anisot-ropy of the local susceptibility parameters of Sr2 [15],which is probably due to the uniaxial (tetragonal) sym-metry of its local environment. Thus, two FIFM states of�La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7, characterized by different mag-


netic and transport properties, are microscopically differ-ent and can be distinguished by the presence (the absence)of the induced moment on the Pr occupying the Sr2 site.We note that MEM does not show any magnetic momentat the Sr1 site.

Further analysis of the measured flipping ratios wasperformed by refinement. First we used a spherical modelin which both spin and orbital contributions to the 3d Mnmoments were allowed. For this purpose the series ex-pansion of the form factors of Mn3� in the dipole ap-proximation was used:�f�Q� � ��S ��L�hj0i ��Lhj2i[8]. As seen from Table I this simple model works quitewell for the FIFM�ab� state and gives relatively good(low) agreement indices (�2 � 7:42 and Rw � 6:1%).(We note that neglecting the orbital part of the Mnform factor deteriorates the quality of the fit considerably,indicating that the orbital part of the Mn moment existsand should be taken into account.) On the contrary, themodel with only two parameters of Mn fails to describethe FIFM�c� state; �2 � 54:4 and Rw � 32%.

In the second model a spherically distributed momentdescribed by the radial functions hj0i and hj2i of Pr3�

around the SR2 position was allowed. These additionalparameters do not change the agreement factors for theFIFM�ab� state (see Table I) but improve drastically thefit quality for the out-of-plane FIFM�c� one, �2 � 10:9and Rw � 13:2%. One can see that the fit shows thepresence of a considerable amount of magnetic moment,0:48�2��B, at the SR2 site. This moment amounts to more


TABLE I. Results of refinement on signed magnetic structurefactors deduced from the polarized neutron flipping ratioscollected on the �La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 at 2 K in magneticfields of 6.5 and 5.5 T, applied perpendicular and parallel to thec axis, respectively. The values of all variables are given inBohr magnetons per atom.

Data set H � 6:5 T k ab H � 5:5 T k cNo. of observ. 295 174

Spherical model: two variables�2 7.42 54.4Rw 6.1 32.2

Mn ��S ��L�hj0i 3.32(2) 2.9(1)Mn �Lhj2i � 0:38�5� �0:6�2�

Spherical model: four variables�2 7.42 10.9Rw 6.0 13.2

Mn ��S ��L�hj0i 3.32(2) 2.9(1)Mn �Lhj2i �0:38�5� �0:6�2�

Sr2 ��S ��L�hj0i 0.00(2) 0.48(2)Sr2 �Lhj2i �0:01�2� 0.77(4)

Multipole model�2 4.20 5.68Rw 4.3 8.8

Mn Y00hj0i 3:36�3� 3:12�5�Mn Y20hj2i 0.03(2) 0.01(5)

Mn Y44�hj4i �0:18�9� �0:35�6�Mn Y40hj4i �0:50�7�) 0.1(1)Mn �Lhj2i �0:48�4� �0:58�7�

Sr2 ��S ��L�hj0i � � � 0:50�3�Sr2 �Lhj2i � � � 0:77�4�

O1 Y00hj0i 0:15�2� �0:3�1�O2 Y00hj0i 0.03(2) -0.2(1)O3 Y00hj0i �0:05�1� 0.05(5)

Orbital occupancies from multipole model (%)Mn dx2�y2 14(3) 9(4)Mn d3z2�r2 11(3) 20(4)

Mn dxy 23(3) 30(4)Mn dzx�zy 52(3) 41(4)

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending25 JULY 2003VOLUME 91, NUMBER 4

than 15% of that of Mn in agreement with the MEMresults.

In the third model the Mn density was modeled by asum of spherical harmonic multipole functions allowedby the site symmetry (4mm). The presence of a spheri-cally distributed moment around the three oxygen siteswas also allowed. The results given in Table I show aconsiderable improvement (by a factor of 2 for �2) of theagreement indices for the third model.We should note thatnot all of the six additional parameters have the sameimpact on the agreement factors. For example, only twoof the parameters, Mn Y40 and O1 Y00, give any significantimprovement to the fit to the FIFM�ab� state, while theothers have little influence on the fit quality. The same isvalid for the FIFM�c� state. In fact, the Mn Y44� aloneaccounts for more than half of the �2 decrease. To stressthis point, the parameters which are essential for therefinement are written in bold characters in Table I.


The final block of Table I shows the occupancies of the3d orbitals of Mn derived from the refined multipoleparameters. One can see that, as in the parent compound[7], the majority of spin, 70(8)%, at the Mn site arisesfrom the t2g electrons in both FIFM states. As with the egelectons, we found that for the FIFM�ab� state the dx2�y2orbital occupation is slightly higher than that of thed3z2�r2 one. On the contrary, the FIFM�c� state is charac-terized by the preferential occupation of the d3z2�r2 orbi-tal over the dx2�y2 one.

In conclusion, PND demonstrates the existence oftwo different field-induced metastable states in�La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7. The FIFM�c� state (H k c) ischaracterized by the presence of a moment on the Srsite of 0:48�2��B, due to the Pr substitution. It alsoshows a high population of the d3z2�r2 orbitals of Mn3�.For the FIFM�ab� state (H k a; b), no magnetization den-sity was found at the Sr site and the dx2�y2 orbital isslightly more populated than the d3z2�r2 one. Thus, theanisotropy of transport and magnetic properties of�La0:4Pr0:6�1:2Sr1:8Mn2O7 is probably due to two differentfactors: (i) the presence of magnetically sensitive Pratoms having highly anisotropic local susceptibilitiesand (ii) the changes of the orbital occupancies of the egelectrons between the d3z2�r2 and dx2�y2 orbitals. Thisshows as well that the role of the rare-earth ion in thesubstitution of Sr in manganites cannot be reduced to asimple decrease of the average ionic radius of cations.Although it is supposed to control the key parameter ofmanganites, the magnitude of hopping integral for car-riers [16], the presence of magnetically active rare-earthions in the crystal can also manifest itself in the anisot-ropy of the physical properties.

We are very grateful to P. J. Brown for her help in usingCCSL and for interesting discussions.

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