amnaya stotram wth guidance

आनायतोम ् यानम ् ीनाथादग यं गणपतं पीठयं भैरवं सौघं बत कयं पदय गं ती"मं म#डलम ्। ’वरा()*य+ट चत +क षि+ट नवकं वीरावल0 प1चकं ीम(मालनी म(राज सहतं व(दे गुरोम6#डलम ्॥ The sloka ‘shrInAthAdi gurutrayaM’ invokes the gurumandala that is very important in shrIvidyA kramA. It deals with the mantras of the AmnAyas of shrIvidyA. It is said that from the five faces of Sri Parameshwara (aghora, tatpurusha, vAmadeva, sadyojaAta, IshAna), the five Amnayas with their various mantras originated. The Sixth secret face of Parameshwara is what is termed 'Anuttara' and this is the seat of Parabrahma Shakti Mahatripurasundari. It is highly subtle and not revealed easily to a Sadhaka. The first four Amnayas (pUrva, dakshiNa, pashchima and uttara) are applicable to pancadashi upasaka’s. The eligibility for the higher two Amnayas i.e. Urdhwa and anuttara is initiation into ShoDashI and pUrnabhishekA. Explanation of the dhyana sloka ीनाथाद गुयं - This refers to one's own guru (shrinAtha), parama guru and parameshthi guru. गणपतं - The mantra of mahAganapati and whose upasana is a must even before initiation into pancadashi. पीठयं - The mantras for jAlandhara, pUrnagiri and kAmarUpa piThas, which are the first three shakti piThas of amba and represent the trinity and their shaktis – mahAkAmeshwarI, mahAvajreshwarI and mahAabhagamAlini. The fourth pITha is mahoDyAna and is the seat of parabrahma shakti mahAtripurasundarI, has to imagined in a state of transcendence over these three pITha. The fourth represents the state of turIya and it is imagined as existing in the state of absolute silence that exists between each of these pIThas, which are actually states of citta.

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Post on 07-Dec-2015




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Amnaya Stotram


Page 1: Amnaya Stotram Wth Guidance

आ�नाय�तोम ् �यानम ्

�ीनाथादगु��यं गणप�त ंपीठ�य ंभैरवं

�स�ौघं बतुक�यं पदयुगं दतूी"मं म#डलम।्

'वरा()*य+ट चतु+क षि+ट नवकं वीरावल0 प1चकं

�ीम(मा�लनी म(�राज सहत ंव(दे गुरोम6#डलम॥् The sloka ‘shrInAthAdi gurutrayaM’ invokes the gurumandala that is very

important in shrIvidyA kramA. It deals with the mantras of the AmnAyas of

shrIvidyA. It is said that from the five faces of Sri Parameshwara (aghora,

tatpurusha, vAmadeva, sadyojaAta, IshAna), the five Amnayas with their

various mantras originated. The Sixth secret face of Parameshwara is what is

termed 'Anuttara' and this is the seat of Parabrahma Shakti

Mahatripurasundari. It is highly subtle and not revealed easily to a Sadhaka.

The first four Amnayas (pUrva, dakshiNa, pashchima and uttara) are

applicable to pancadashi upasaka’s. The eligibility for the higher two Amnayas

i.e. Urdhwa and anuttara is initiation into ShoDashI and pUrnabhishekA. Explanation of the dhyana sloka �ीनाथा�द गु�यं - This refers to one's own guru (shrinAtha), parama guru and

parameshthi guru.

गणप�त ं- The mantra of mahAganapati and whose upasana is a must even

before initiation into pancadashi.

पीठय ं- The mantras for jAlandhara, pUrnagiri and kAmarUpa piThas, which

are the first three shakti piThas of amba and represent the trinity and their

shaktis – mahAkAmeshwarI, mahAvajreshwarI and mahAabhagamAlini. The

fourth pITha is mahoDyAna and is the seat of parabrahma shakti

mahAtripurasundarI, has to imagined in a state of transcendence over these

three pITha. The fourth represents the state of turIya and it is imagined as

existing in the state of absolute silence that exists between each of these

pIThas, which are actually states of citta.

Page 2: Amnaya Stotram Wth Guidance

भैरवं - The mantras for eight bhairavas starting with mahAmanthana bhairava


�स ौघं - The mantras for nine siddhas starting from mahAdurmanAmba

siddha etc.

वटुकयं - The mantras for the three vatukAs (brahmacArI’s or

bhairavA’s) - skanda and citra and virinci vatukas.

पदयुगं - The mantras for prakAsha carana and vimarsha carana of shridevI.

दतूी &मं - The nine (ten according to some tantras) dUti goddesses starting

from yonyAmbA and yonisiddhantAmba etc.

म'डलं - The mantras for agni and sUrya and candra mandalas.

वीर - The mantras for the ten vIra’s starting from shriShTi bhairava etc. Then

come the mantras for the 64 Siddhas starting with mangalanAtha etc.

नवकं - The nine mudra mantras starting from sarvasamkshobhiNi.

वीरावल* प+चकं - The mantras for brahma, viShNu, rudra , Ishwara and

Sadashiva virAvali’s.

मा�लनी - The mAtrika saraswatI mantra.

म-राज - mantrarAja nrisimha mantra according to our sampradAya. Others

follow devi tAraka in its place.

गु�म-डलं - The gurumaNdala proper includes mantras for Urdhwaugha,

paraugha, kAmarAjaugha, lopAmudraugha and parAparaugha, depending on

one’s sampradAya. Each of these again have divyaugha, siddhaugha and

mAnavaugha guru’s in them. Thus, this shloka invokes all these deities who

form the AmnAya parivAra and gurumaNDala of shrIvidya parAbhattArika.

The shloka 'pUrvam dakshiNa pashcimottarAmnAyaM' speaks about the 27

rahasyA’s or secrets. The above mantra’s along with a few other esoteric

additions and the numerous mantras of the 6 AmnAyas will constitute these

27 secrets of shrIvidya.

Page 3: Amnaya Stotram Wth Guidance

�तोम ् (पूवा/�नाया – Originated from त;पु�ष मुखं of सदा�शव)

शु�'व)या च बाला च )वादशाधा6 मत?@गनी।

)'वज;व-सा@धनी-'व)या गाय�ी वेदमातकृा॥ १ ॥ गाणप;यं का�त 6केयं म;ृयु1जयं नीलक#ठम।्

CयDबकं जातवेदाEच तथा F;य?@गरादयः॥ २ ॥ मुखा;त;पु�षाIजाता )'वकोट0-म(�-ना�यकाः।

एताः काम-@गर0(KाEच पूवा6DनायLय देवताः॥ ३ ॥ गु�-�याद-पीठा(तं चतु'वNशत ्सहOकम।्

एतदावरणोपेतं पूवा6Dनायं भजाDयहम॥् ४ ॥ 'वशु�ौ @च(तये�ीमान ्पूवा6DनायLय देवताः। (द01णा�नाया - Originated from अघोर मुख ंof सदा�शव)

सौभाRय'व)या बगला वाराह0 बटुकLतथा॥ ५ । �ी�तरLकTरणी FोUता महामाया FकV�त6ता।

अघोरं शरभं खWग-रावणं वीरभKकम॥् ६ ॥ रौKं शाLता पाशुपता)यL�-शL�ाद-भैरवाः।

दYZणामू�त 6-म(�ा)याः शैवागम-सम[ुवाः॥ ७॥ अघोर-मुख-सDभूतं मदंशं कोटसं]यकम।्

पूव6पीठिLथता दे'व दYZणाDनाय-देवताः॥ ८॥ )'वसहOं त ुदे*यLताः पTरवार-समि(वताः।

Page 4: Amnaya Stotram Wth Guidance

भैरवाद-पद-)व()वं भजे दYZणमु;तमम॥् ९॥ अनाहते @च(तये`च दYZणाDनाय देवताः। (पि3चमा�नाया - Originated from स)योजात मुख ंof सदा�शव)

लोपामुKा महादेवी अDबा च भुवनेEवर0॥ १०॥ अ(नपूणा6 कामकला सव6-�स'�-Fदा�यनी।

सुदश6नं वैनतेयं कात6वीयN न�ृसहंकम॥् ११॥ नाम�यं रामम(� ंगोपालं सौरमेव च।

ध(व(तर0(Kजालं च इ(Kाद-सुर-म(�कम॥् १२॥ द;ता�यंे )वादशा+टौ वै+णवागम-चोदताः।

स)योजात-मुखो[तूा म(�ाः Lयुः कोटसं]यकाः॥ १३ ॥ एता जाल(cपीठLथाः पिEचमाDनाय-देवताः।

द;ूयाद च चतु+षि+ट �स�ा(तं d�सहOकम॥् १४ ॥ आDनायं पिEचमं व(दे सव6दा सव6कामदम।्

मfणपूरे @च(तनीयाः पिEचमाDनायदेवताः॥ १५ ॥ (उ5तरा�नाया - Originated from वामदेव मुखं of सदा�शव)

तुर0याDबामहाधा6 च अEवाgढा तथैव च।

�म�ाDबा च महालiमीः �ीम)वाRवादनी अ'प ॥ १६ ॥ दगुा6 काल0 ततEच#डी नकुल0 च ्पु�लि(दनी।

रेणुका लिiमवागीशमातकृा)याः Lवयंवरा॥ १७ ॥ प1चाDनायसमोपेत ं�ी'व)या]यं मदंशकम।्

Page 5: Amnaya Stotram Wth Guidance

वामदेवमुखो[तूा )'वकोटम(�ना�यकाः॥ १८ ॥ एता ओWयाणपीठLथाः शाUतागमसमु[वाः।

)'वसहOम ्त ुदे*यLताः पTरवारसमि(वताः॥ १९ ॥ मुKादनवकं चैव �स�ानां �मथुन ंतथा।

वीरावल0प1चकं च भजेदाDनायमु;तरम॥् २०॥ Lवा@ध+ठाने @च(तनीया उ;तराDनाय-देवताः। (ऊ7वा/�नाया - Originated from ईशान मुख ंof सदा�शव)

परापरा च सा देवी परा-शाDभवमेव च॥ २१॥ Fासादं दहरं हंसं महा-वाUयादकं परम।्

प1चाZरं महाम(�ं तारकं ज(मतारकम॥् २२ ॥ ईशान-मुख-सDभूतं Lवा;मान(द-Fकाशकम।्

कोटसं]या महादे'व मKपूाः सव6�स'�दाः॥ २३ ॥ एताः शाDभव-पीठLथाः सहO-पTरवाTरताः।

आरा�य मा�लनीपूवN म#डला(त ंतथैव च॥ २४॥ सायुIय-हेतुकं �न;य ंव(दे चो�व6मकmमषम।्

ऊ�वा6Dनाय-मनूि(न;य ंमूलाधारे 'वभावयेत॥् २५॥ (अनु5तरा�नाया) प1चाDबा नवनाथाEच मूल'व)याLततः परम।्

आधार-'व)या-षoकं च पुनरं�p-)वयं "मात॥् २६॥ शाDभवी चाथ qmलेखा समया परबो@धनी।

Page 6: Amnaya Stotram Wth Guidance

कौलप1चाZर0 प1च-दशाणा6ऽनु;तराि;मका॥ २७॥ षोडशी पू�त 6'व)या च महाd�पुरसु(दर0।

ऊ�व6�ी-पादकुापूवN चरणा(तं गु�"मात॥् २८॥ पEचादनु;तरं व(दे परstम-Lवg'पणीम।्

अनु;तराDनाय-मनूनाuा-च"े 'वभावयेत॥् २९॥ �ीनाथ-गु�म(�ाद0न ्म#डला(तं यथा"मम।्

सvतकोटमहाम(� ं)वादशा(ते सदा Lमरेत॥् ३०॥ शु@चवा6vयशु@चवा6'प ग`छंिLत+ठन ्Lवप(न'प।

म(�कैशरणे 'व)वान ्मनसा'प सदा Lमरन॥् ३१॥ त;ति;स'� ंच साहOं जपे;साधकपु?गवः।

जपा(ते शु�माला च आDनायLतो�मु;तमम॥् ३२॥ ल�लतानामसाहOं सव6पू�त6करं Lतवम।्

Lतवराजं च प1चैत ेभUतः F�तदनं पठेत॥् ३३॥ भुU;वा भोगा(यथाकामं सव6भूतहते रतः।

सभाया6पु�सौभाRयः सभ�ूतः पशुमान ्भवेत॥् ३४॥ एकवारं जपेदेतत ्कोटयuफलं लभेत।्

एत)'वuानमा�णे सवyषां दे�शको;तमः॥

�शवसायुIयमाvनो�त �शवयोरेव शासनात॥् ३५॥

॥ इ�त आDनायLतो�म ् ॥