american studies: the role of the people€¦ · august 3, 2009 dear tenth grade social studies...

August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the tenth grade pacing guides. We hope that it is now easier to interpret and therefore will be utilized as a curriculum guide by every teacher. This year, all tenth graders will be tested using quarterly assessments in quarters one, two and four. As always, these pacing guides are aligned to Ohio’s Tenth Grade Academic Content Standards. Teaching the Content Standards is imperative for our students’ success. As teachers, it is our professional responsibility to insure that all students receive an education that hallmarks the minimum that the State of Ohio requires. The philosophy of Toledo Public Schools is that the textbooks are issued as a resource to assist in instruction and are not the definitive curriculum. American Studies: The Role of the People In tenth grade we examine the role of the citizen in American History. Students will compare and contrast the role of citizens and their plight through our history. Within the framework, plan on spending about one week for each central idea. The outline of the year would include the following: 1 st QUARTER I. Comparative Governments – This becomes the foundation for many classroom discussions. A graphic organizer has been included to facilitate comprehension. II. Comparative Economics Traditional, Command, Market and Mixed America’s Federal Reserve System III. U.S. Constitution A. Natural Rights, Enlightenment thinkers and their role in the American, Latin and French Revolutions B. Overview of the Bill of Rights – Especially the 13 th , 14 th , 17 th , 19 th , 24 th and 26 th amendments C. Extensions of the 14 th amendment through Plessy v. Ferguson, Jim Crow laws, Brown v. the Board, an Bakke v. Cali IV. Power of the People and the Limits of the 1 st Amendment A. Compare the Movement of women’s suffrage, NOW, AIM, and Vietnam Protesters B. Civil Rights groups: NAACP, CORE, SCLC and SNCC C. Limits: Liable and Slander: Schenck v. U.S., Debs v. U.S.; Korematsu v. U.S.

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Page 1: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the

August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the tenth grade pacing guides. We hope that it is now easier to interpret and therefore will be utilized as a curriculum guide by every teacher. This year, all tenth graders will be tested using quarterly assessments in quarters one, two and four. As always, these pacing guides are aligned to Ohio’s Tenth Grade Academic Content Standards. Teaching the Content Standards is imperative for our students’ success. As teachers, it is our professional responsibility to insure that all students receive an education that hallmarks the minimum that the State of Ohio requires. The philosophy of Toledo Public Schools is that the textbooks are issued as a resource to assist in instruction and are not the definitive curriculum.

American Studies: The Role of the People

In tenth grade we examine the role of the citizen in American History. Students will compare and contrast the role of citizens and their plight through our history. Within the framework, plan on spending about one week for each central idea. The outline of the year would include the following:


I. Comparative Governments – This becomes the foundation for many classroom discussions. A graphic organizer has been included to facilitate comprehension.

II. Comparative Economics Traditional, Command, Market and Mixed America’s Federal Reserve System

III. U.S. Constitution A. Natural Rights, Enlightenment thinkers and their role in the American, Latin and

French Revolutions B. Overview of the Bill of Rights – Especially the 13th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 24th and 26th

amendments C. Extensions of the 14th amendment through Plessy v. Ferguson, Jim Crow laws, Brown

v. the Board, an Bakke v. Cali

IV. Power of the People and the Limits of the 1st Amendment A. Compare the Movement of women’s suffrage, NOW, AIM, and Vietnam Protesters B. Civil Rights groups: NAACP, CORE, SCLC and SNCC C. Limits: Liable and Slander: Schenck v. U.S., Debs v. U.S.; Korematsu v. U.S.

Page 2: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the

V. American Rights v. Citizens’ Rights Abroad

A. State of Israel B. Partition of India and Pakistan C. Apartheid D. Reunification of Germany E. Genocide: Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda, My Lai

VI. Americans and the Industrial Revolution v. Industrial Revolution Anywhere

A. Population change from rural to urban; Household Economics to Market Economics B. Modernization of Agriculture causing population shift C. Impact of the Industrial Revolution on peoples’ living conditions D. Standard of living at this time and the reason; Exploration of Laisse-Faire and


VII. The Work Force A. Child Labor B. Immigration (European and Asian dominance) C. Great migration of African Americans D. Nativism and Quota systems

VIII. Society Responds to Industrialization

A. Progressivism and Populism B. Muckrakers, socialism C. Knights of Labor; AF of L and UFW D. Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Clayton Act, Conservation Act, meat Inspection and Pure

Food and Drug Act


IX. Keeping the People Employed and Imperialism A. Cultural Superiority; the need for New Markets (Open Door Policy); need for

resources B. Expansion into Hawaii; Seward’s Folly; and the Spanish American War C. Positives and Negatives of Imperialism on Indigenous peoples

X. Cultural Superiority and Imperialism Leads to War

A. Causes of WWI: American and European Causes (African and Asian Imperialism) B. Results of WWI C. Treaty of Versailles with emphasis on leading to WW II; Wilson’s 14 points and

League of Nations ( with emphasis on first 5 points)

XI. The Peoples’ Experience After WWI A. Revisit Immigration patterns, nativism and Quota Systems from week 7 B. Red Scare, reintroduce Command economy from week 2 and the Russian Revolution

from World Studies

Page 3: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the

C. Great Migration from week 7 and the establishment of the Harlem Renaissance D. Early signs which lead to the Great Depression, (installment buying, problems in

farming and house building industry, people not planning for the future (no savings) and buying stocks on margin

XII. The Great Depression and the Effect on the People A. Hoover’s Failure B. FDR’s 1st and 2nd New Deal

XIII. World War II and the People

A. Fascism vs. FDR and the role of the People (Week I – Comparative Governments – dictatorship to Presidential Democracy

B. Appeasement and revisit the Treaty of Versailles; Neutrality Acts C. U.S. oil embargo and Pearl Harbor

XIV. World War II

A. European Theater; Operation Torch; Battle of Stalingrad; Italian Campaign; Invasion of Normandy

B. Pacific Theater: Battle of Coral Sea; Midway; Doolittle’s Raid; Guadalcanal; Iwo Jima; Okinawa; and the Atomic Bomb

C. Mobilization and support of the war effort, Korematsu v. U.S.

XV. Cold War Begins A. Problems with Communism (Russian Revolution,; Red Scare; Stalin and Non-

Aggression Pact) B. Definition of the Cold War; Atomic Diplomacy C. Division of Germany and the Berlin Airlift D. Start of the Arms Race in 1949 and Sputnik in 1957

3rd Quarter

XVI. Cold War Continues

A. Marshall Plan; Truman Doctrine; NATO; Warsaw Pact; Non-Aligned nations B. McCarthyism; Korean Conflict and Domino Theory C. Cuban Missile Crisis; Vietnam Conflict D. NOW; Vietnam Protestors; Counterculture v. 50’s Conformity E. Israel revisid;1967 War and 1973 War

XVII. Fall of Communism and the Role of the U.S.

A. Eastern block wants democracy B. Brinkmanship to Détente; SALT I and SALT II C. Ronald Reagan and conservatism; SDI

XVIII. Geography and The Changing Face of the World

A. Changing areas of urbanization; suburbanization; farmland; centers of industry and technology

Page 4: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the

B. Industrialization and Post-Industrialization C. Immigration D. Comparison of death rates; birth rates; education levels; and per capita GDP E. Global Interdependence

*** The teacher will be able to work in the ideas of propaganda, bias, credible and non-credible sources in many of the weeks.

OGT REVIEW and 4th QUARTER * This schedule allows for approximately 20 days for OGT overview or a few extra days in case of snow days, assemblies, field trips, etc. One must keep in mind that every day taken from the schedule takes a day from the overall OGT review. If a subject does not get covered or is not presented in as much detail the teacher would like, you can use 4th quarter to add detail, complete projects or further enhance those areas of student or teacher interest.


*The fourth quarter assessment will cover information taught in third quarter. ABBREVIATION KEY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL


HD Hollandays Questions of the Day

LP Lesson Plan

HA History Alive Binders

IDR In-Depth Resources (with unit number)

EH Economics in History

WB Workbook

SCD Historic Supreme Court Decisions

RSG Reading Study Guide

Changes you may notice: Since the pacing guides are now divided by themes not all pages, sections or chapters in the book are addressed. Some graphic organizers are included to assist student comprehension.

Page 5: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the

Recommendations: Please use History Alive whenever possible. The Ohio Social Studies teacher with the highest OGT success rate in the state uses History Alive exclusively. History Alive binders are located in your school’s library. According to research vocabulary development is very important for every grade level and in every subject area. Marzano’s six-step process for teaching academic vocabulary includes:

1. Providing a description, explanation or example of the new term. 2. Ask students to restate the description, explanation or example in their own words. 3. Ask students to construct a picture, symbol or graphic representing the term. 4. Periodically engaging students in activities that help them add to their knowledge of

terms in their notebooks. 5. Frequently ask students to discuss the terms with one another. 6. Regularly involve students in games that allow them to play the terms.

*** Please note that Marzano’s list does not include having students write the word and definition multiple times. We know that our students have a difficult time remembering what they are taught from one day to the next, let alone for one year or three years (the grade span for the OAT). However, research tells us that we must review, review, review in order for students to retain what they have learned. This means relating a concept back to a prior learning whenever we can, asking questions about prior units, chapters or sections taught, having “questions of the day” be review questions and including a few review questions on every test or quiz given. One suggestion is to begin the year with a book scavenger hunt to help familiarize students with the textbook and how it is organized. We hope the pacing guide becomes the skeleton from which you design your lessons and by incorporating the above recommendations into your lessons your students will have the advantage they need to succeed. If you have questions, concerns or are in need of assistance, please contact Jennifer Lawless at 419-671-8235 or [email protected].

Page 6: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions


SSSM, 1: Determine the credibility of sources by considering the

following: a) The qualifications and

reputation of the writer

5 224, R15,

R21, R22

SSSM, 1: Determine the credibility of sources by considering the

following: b) Agreement with other credible


5 763, 875, R15,


15. Which source of information about candidates for public office probably would be free of bias? A. a pamphlet written by a; political campaign worker B. a newspaper

editorial stating the newspaper's position C. a reprint of the complete text of the last

candidate debate D. a political advertisement paid for by a political action


SSSM, 1: Determine the credibility of sources by considering the

following: c) Recognition of stereotypes

5 R9, R15, R17, R18,


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 1

Page 7: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

SSSM, 1: Determine the credibility of sources by considering the

following: d) Accuracy and consistency of


5 R15, R21-R23

SSSM, 1: Determine the credibility of sources by considering the

following: e) The circumstances in which the

author prepared the source.

5 R21-R23

SSSM, 2: Critique evidence used to support a thesis.


SSSM, 3: e or more issues and present a persuasive argument to

defend a position.

R16-R20 Crit. Thinking Problems - Each Section Review

A town is considering building a community swimming pool. At a

public hearing on the issue, supporters and opponents of the

pool make the following statements: Supporters

A report by the U.S. Surgeon General emphasized the health benefits of

swimming for both children and adults. A recent university study

found that communities with adequate recreation facilities had

lower rates of juvenile delinquency than communities that did not.

Opponents The pool is a bad idea for many

reasons. There are better, more cost- effective ways to help kids than by building a pool. The town should be spending its money on more critical issues at this time. The pool would be a complete waste of the town’s


LP: A World Power

• Which of these two statements includes credible sources of information that uphold the

statement’s position? • Why does agreement with

credible sources of information help make a statement


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 2

Page 8: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions






ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

9 308-309 EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4 HD p.22.2

ECON, 3: Demonstrate how U.S. governmental policies, including taxes, antitrust legislation and

environmental regulations affect individuals and businesses.

9 319-324, 333-334

IDR (2): 32 IDR (7): 11, 15, 16

HT: 47, 48 WB: 96

LP: Death & Taxes,and HD p.23


ECON, 4: Explain the reasons for the creation of the Federal

Reserve System and its importance to the economy.

9 334

HD p.28


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 3

Page 9: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 5: Analyze the impact of the Great Depression and WWII

on the economy of the United States and the resulting expansion

of the role of the federal government .

14 462-523 EH: 20, 22-25 IDR (4): 41-84 IDR (5): 22, 25

RSG: 141-146, 149-158, 177

It is accurate to say that after the Depression and WW II the role of the US government in the US economy A. decreased to the point of absolute

laissez-faire B. decreased by eliminating taxation C. increased, as evidenced by New Deal

programs D. stayed

HA: Roaring 20's & Great Depression 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 HA: The US in WW II 3.1 LP: The Great Depression and the Federal

Government HD p.27

ECON, 5: Analyze the impact of the Great Depression and WWII

on the economy of the United States and the resulting expansion

of the role of the federal government .

17 562-568 591-592

EH: 20, 22-25 IDR (4): 41-84 IDR (5): 22, 25

RSG: 141-146, 149-158, 177

It is accurate to say that after the Depression and WW II the role of the US government in the US economy A. decreased to the point of absolute

laissez-faire B. decreased by eliminating taxation C. increased, as evidenced by New Deal

programs D. stayed

HA: Roaring 20's & Great Depression 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 HA: The US in WW II 3.1 LP: The Great Depression and the Federal

Government HD p.27

ECON, 3: Demonstrate how U.S. governmental policies, including taxes, antitrust legislation and

environmental regulations affect individuals and businesses.

17 567 IDR (2): 32 IDR (7): 11, 15, 16

HT: 47, 48 WB: 96

Ecuador is a major exporter of bananas, a product in high demand in the United States. How might the United States adjust its trade policy toward Ecuador to assure a supply?

A. eliminate the tariff on bananas from Ecuador

B. increase export taxes on U.S. products sold to Ecuador C. increase tariffs on bananas from

Ecuador D. prohibit the import of any other products from Ecuador

LP: Death & Taxes HD p.27


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 4

Page 10: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 5: Analyze the impact of the Great Depression and WWII

on the economy of the United States and the resulting expansion

of the role of the federal government.

19 635-636 EH: 20, 22-25 IDR (4): 41-84 IDR (5): 22, 25

RSG: 141-146, 149-158, 177

HA: Roaring 20's & Great Depression 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 HA: The US in WW II 3.1 LP: The Great Depression and the Federal

Government HD p.27

ECON, 3: Demonstrate how U.S. governmental policies, including taxes, antitrust legislation and

environmental regulations affect individuals and businesses.

20 687-691 IDR (2): 32 IDR (7): 11, 15, 16

HT: 47, 48 WB: 96

LP: Death & Taxes HD p.27


GOV, 2: Explain why the 19th and 26th Amendments were enacted and how they affected individuals

and groups.

24 798 WB: 91 RSG: 93-94

IDR (3): 13, 14, 17, 18, 23

IDR (4): 27

How did the U.S. Constitution change as a result of the

ratification of the 19th Amendment? A. The right of suffrage was

extended to women. B. Freedom of assembly was

restricted. C. The power of government

decreased. D. Freedom of the press was

HD p.39


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 5

Page 11: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 4: Explain the reasons for the creation of the Federal Reserve System and its

importance to the economy.

24 811 Key Developments for the United States in the 1920s • easy credit and a rise in

consumer debt • growing unemployment in key industries such as construction • overproduction and declining

farm income • buying stocks on margin and

soaring stock prices GC0072HIFXX0072B

17. What was significant about the developments shown above for the

United States in the 1920s? A. They were causes of World

War II. B. They were signs of difficulties

within the U.S. economy. C. They demonstrated the ability of

the Federal Reserve to control the money supply.

D. They led to legislation restricting immigration to the

United States.

HD p.28


ECON, 4: Explain the reasons for the creation of the Federal Reserve System and its

importance to the economy.

26 870, R42, R57

HD p.28


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 6

Page 12: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 3: Explain how Jim Crow laws legalized discrimination based on


8 286-291 WB: 33 SCD: 67-72 RSG: 85-86

GOV, 11: Examine the U.S. Constitution as a living document by analyzing its evolution through amendments and Supreme Court

decisions including: a) Plessey v. Ferguson

8 287-291 WB: 12, 82 RSG: 85-86

EH: 29 SCD: Case 12

4. In the case of Plessey v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that

A. lynching was a federal crime.

B. school segregation was unconstitutional.

C. voting rights could not be tied to any form of


D. racial segregation in public facility

LP: Preserving American Democracy LP: The Living Constitution

GOV, 2: Explain why the 19th and 26th Amendments were enacted and how they affected individuals

and groups.

9 314-316, 334-335

WB: 91 RSG: 93-94

IDR (3): 13, 14, 17, 18, 23

IDR (4): 27

PS, 3: Explain how Jim Crow laws legalized discrimination based on


9 325, 335-337

WB: 33 SCD: 67-72 RSG: 85-86


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 7

Page 13: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 3: Explain how Jim Crow laws legalized discrimination based on


21 700-702 WB: 33 SCD: 67-72 RSG: 85-86

Jim Crow laws, which were passed in Southern states following

Reconstruction, were intended to A. support the goals of the 13th,

14th and 15th Amendments. B. encourage African-Americans to

buy their own farms. C. provide basic education to

former slaves D. institue racial segregation

H, 14: Analyze the origins, major developments, controversies and consequences of the civil rights

movement with emphasis on: a) Brown v. Board of Education

21 702-703, 708-709

SCD: Case 13 IDR (6): 28

In Brown v. Board of Education, the doctrine of ___ relating to public education was finally


A. due process of law

B. "separate but equal"

C. "all deliberate speed"

D. equal protection under the law

GA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

GOV, 1: Examine the U.S. Constitution as a living document by analyzing its evolution through amendments and Supreme Court

decisions including: b) Brown v. Board of Education ;

21 702-709 IDR (6): 28-29 SCD: Case 13

The Brown v. Board of Education case dealt with the issue of A. voting rights B. school

desegregation C. rights of the accused D. the constitutionality of the poll tax

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1 LP: The Living Constitution

2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 8

Page 14: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 4: Analyze instances in which the rights of individuals were

restricted including: d) African-Americans during the

civil rights movement .

21 703-726 IDR (6): 20-38 Martin Luther King was the target of FBI surveillance in the 1960s because of the fear that

he was a communist. The director of the FBI at this time was A. Robert Kennedy B.. Elliot Ness C. Richard Nixon D. J. Edgar Hoover

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 4.2


GOV, 1: Examine the U.S. Constitution as a living document by analyzing its evolution through amendments and Supreme Court

decisions including: c) Regents of the University of

California v. Bakke .

24 818-819 The Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case dealt with the issue of A. literacy tests for voting B. the right to an attorney C.

women serving in the military D.. Reverse discrimination

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 4.2 LP: The Living Constitution

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

f) Equal opportunity.

24 818-819, 905

RSG: 197 Bakke vs. Cali

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

f) Equal opportunity.

25 843-845, 911-911

RSG: 197

2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 9

Page 15: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions


PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are evident in African-

American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and

media and how these contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

5 225 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71

Short-response: An American city is planning its yearly calendar of events. Scheduled is a Cinco de mayo Festival, A Juneteenth Celebration and

an indian pow-wow. Chosse one of the above events and 1) List which group is hosting the

celebration, and 2) Describe how this ethinic or cultural group hads contributed something to

American Culture. ( 2 points.)

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: g) Educational policy.

8 282-283 The Brown v. Board of Education case was argued by a lawyer from the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People). The image above shows this man (in the middle).1) Identify this lawyer who would go on to

become a Supreme Court Justice 2) Describe one important result of this case

See handout from text on education

PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: a) The National Association for

the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

8 288, 291 SCD: 73-78 RSG: 209-210

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the

United States was founded in 1909 by a diverse group including W.E.B. Du Bois. This group was

created to address

LP: The 60's HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.1,


H, 9: Analyze the major political, economic, and social

developments of the 1920's, including:

b) Women's right to vote

9 304-305, 315-316, 332-335

WB: 36 IDR (3) 13, 17, 18, 23

The 1848 Seneca Falls Convention is considered the birthplace of which social justice movement?

A. prohibition B. women's rights C. abolitionism D. animal rights

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 LP: The Roaring

Twenties LP: What Caused the Great Depression?


2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 10

Page 16: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: a) Extension of suffrage

9 314-316, 332, 334

IDR (3): 13, 17 RSG: 93

The Declaration of Sentiments that came out of the Seneca falls Convention in 1848 helped to influence public opinion regarding A. abolition B.. Immigration C. women's rights D. free

public schooling

PS, 4: Analyze the struggle for racial and gender equality and its impact on the changing status of

minorities since the late 19th century.

9 315-316, 332-335

SCD: 67-68, 157-162 WB: 33, 36, 52, 70, 70, 78,

82-84, 90-91, 99 RSG: 57-58, 83-84, 93-96, 99-101, 133-134, 153-154, 177-179, 197-199, 209-215, 229-232 IDR (2):

62, 63, 68,

What issue is represented in the image above? Describe one way that the status of women is

different today than in 1913 when this paper was published.

LP: Cultural Influence HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.2, 2.1

HA: Contemp. Amer. Society 2.3


CRR, 2: Explain how civil disobedience differs from other

forms of dissent and evaluate its application and consequences

including: a) Women's suffrage movement of

the later 1800's

9 316, 332-335

IDR (3): 9, 13, 17, 18, 23 In 1872, as part of a state-by-state campaign for women’s suffrage, Susan B. Anthony knowingly and

deliberately violated New York state law by casting a ballot in the

presidential election. She was tried, found guilty, and ordered to pay a

fine. What was the purpose of Susan B. Anthony’s act of civil disobedience?

A. to call attention to a perceived injustice

B. to use propaganda to influence public opinion

C. to gain support for a particular candidate

D. to show that unjust laws could not be enforced

2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 11

Page 17: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: a) The National Association for

the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

9 325, 335-336

SCD: 73-78 RSG: 209-210

LP: The 60's HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.1,


CRR, 4: Analyze instances in which the rights of individuals were

restricted including: a) Conscientious objectors in

World War I

11 386 IDR (3): 62, 66, 67 Conscientious objectors are those who A. refuse to cast votes in Congress that are considered

immoral B. Practice dissent by organizing marches and letter-writing campaigns C. refuse to serve in combat because of moral or religious reasons D. Stand up for their rights by refusing

to pay taxes

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

a) Clear and present danger

11 392, 396-397

SCD: Case 18 Schenck Case

HD p. 12

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

f) Equal opportunity.

12 428-429 RSG: 197 After President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order 11246 (Equal Opportunity

Employment) in 1965 t federal contractors were prohibited from discriminating against employees on the basis of all of the following except A. race,

B. sex C. religion D. job skills

2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 12

Page 18: American Studies: The Role of the People€¦ · August 3, 2009 Dear Tenth Grade Social Studies Teachers, Your tenth grade representatives have worked very diligently to revise the



Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: a) The National Association for

the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

13 453 SCD: 73-78 RSG: 209-210

LP: The 60's HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.1,


CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including: b) Compelling government interest

15 502-503

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

c) National security

17 594-597 SCD: Case 19 In the United States, a citizen’s exercise of speech and expression may be legally restricted when that

individual A. threatens public safety. B. opposes public opinion. C. criticizes public officials.

D. condemns public institutions.

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

a) Clear and present danger

18 620-621 SCD: Case 18 Korematsu Case

During times of war or perceived danger to the United States, groups of Americans have been singled out

as potentially disloyal to the country. For example, during World War I, patriotic support for the war led to a distrust and persecution of

German-Americans. In some places, German language instruction was

forbidden, and German culture and heritage were subject to

discrimination. • Identify a group of Americans that was targeted as potentially disloyal in the years between

1940 and 1985. • Explain why this group was


CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

c) National security

18 620-621 SCD: Case 19 Korematsu LP: Japanese Internment

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

d) Libel and slander

18 620-621 A newspaper cannot knowingly print lies about someone due to laws regarding A. libel B.

slander C. national security D. perjury

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: c) Civil rights legislation ;

19 637-640 IDR (2): 63, 69 IDR (6): 20-36, 72, 74

RSG: 209-214

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'" These words helped to urge Americans to fight for civil rights. The line is from a speech by A. Malcolm X B. William E.B. du Bois C. Martin Luther King D. Rev. Al


HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 4.1, 4.2

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 4: Analyze the struggle for racial and gender equality and its impact on the changing status of

minorities since the late 19th century.

19 641, 644-645

SCD: 67-68, 157-162 WB: 33, 36, 52, 70, 70, 78,

82-84, 90-91, 99 RSG: 57-58, 83-84, 93-96, 99-101, 133-134, 153-154, 177-179, 197-199, 209-215, 229-232 IDR (2):

62, 63, 68,

LP: Cultural Influence HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.2, 2.1

HA: Contemp. Amer. Society 2.3

H, 13: Trace social unrest, protest and change in the United

States including: c) The women's liberation


19 644-645 WB: 91 IDR (6) 70, 72, 76, 82

The modern feminist movement became more organized and focused after the

A. passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

B. publication of The Feminine Mystique.

C. publication of the first issue of Ms. magazine.

D. founding of the National Women's Political


HA: The Civil Rights Movement 3.2, 3.3

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups, lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: c) Civil rights legislation

20 687-688 IDR (2): 63, 69 IDR (6): 20-36, 72, 74

RSG: 209-214

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 4.1, 4.2

PS, 14: Analyze the struggle for racial and gender equality and its impact on the changing status of

minorities since the late 19th century.

20 688-690 SCD: 67-68, 157-162 WB: 33, 36, 52, 70, 70, 78,

82-84, 90-91, 99 RSG: 57-58, 83-84, 93-96, 99-101, 133-134, 153-154, 177-179, 197-199, 209-215, 229-232 IDR (2):

62, 63, 68,

LP: Cultural Influence HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.2, 2.1

HA: Contemp. Amer. Society 2.3

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

e) Public safety

20 692-695 Which of the following would not be protected under the First Amendment? A. a protester urging people to throw rocks B. a

satirical cartoon about the mayor C. profanity in an R-rated movie D. starting a newspaper

CRR, 2: Explain how civil disobedience differs from other

forms of dissent and evaluate its application and consequences

including: b) Civil rights movement of the


21 698-726 IDR (6): 20-38 RSG: 209-214

HT: 27

Martin Luther King wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail in 1963 after being jailed at a

protest. King's actions would be considered civil disobedience because A. his protest was non-

violent B. he broke the law C. his cause was just D. he was mistreated by the police

LP: Civil Disobedience During Civil Rights Movement HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 2.2

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: c) Civil rights legislation

21 698-727 IDR (2): 63, 69 IDR (6): 20-36, 72, 74

RSG: 209-214

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 4.1, 4.2


H, 14: Analyze the origins, major developments, controversies and consequences of the civil rights

movement with emphasis on: b) Changes in goals and tactics of leading civil rights advocates and


21 700-725 HT: 26, 27 WB: 82, 83, 84

RSG: 209, 211, 213 IDR (6): 20-22, 24, 26,

30-39, 63 Video:

Appealing to many African Americans' anger and frustration over a lack of social and economic

power, ___ preached a militant approach to civil rights.

A. Martin Luther King, Jr.

B. Malcolm X

C. Medgar Evars

D. Fannie Lou Hamer

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.2


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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: a) The National Association for

the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

21 702-709 SCD: 73-78 RSG: 209-210

LP: The 60's HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.1, 3.1

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: g) Educational policy.

21 702-709

PS, 4: Analyze the struggle for racial and gender equality and its impact on the changing status of

minorities since the late 19th century.

21 700-727 SCD: 67-68, 157-162 WB: 33, 36, 52, 70, 70, 78,

82-84, 90-91, 99 RSG: 57-58, 83-84, 93-96, 99-101, 133-134, 153-154, 177-179, 197-199, 209-215, 229-232 IDR (2):

62, 63, 68,

LP: Cultural Influence HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.2, 2.1

HA: Contemp. Amer. Society 2.3

CRR, 2: Explain how civil disobedience differs from other

forms of dissent and evaluate its application and consequences

including: c) Student protests during the

Vietnam War .

22 741-757 IDR (6): 41, 56, 57, 59-61, 63, 68

HA: The Cold War 2.3, 2.4

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PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: d) United Farm Workers.

23 768-770 EH: 31 IDR (4): 80-82

IDR (6): 74-75, 81

PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are evident in African-

American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and

media and how these contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

23 168, 772, 786

WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71

H, 14: Analyze the origins, major developments, controversies and consequences of the civil rights

movement with emphasis on: c) The linkages between the civil rights movement and movements to gain justice for other minorities.

23 768-773 HT: 29 EH: 29, 31 WB:

90 RSG: 229, 231 IDR (6): 64, 65, 74, 75,

78-81 Video: Amer. Stories: A S

Martin Luther King gave a speech in 1967 in which he charged that the United States was acting toward a country "to occupy it as an

American colony" and called the US government "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today'. To which country was he referring? A. USSR B. Cuba C. South Africa D. Vietnam

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.1, 1.2, 3.1

PS, 4: Analyze the struggle for racial and gender equality and its impact on the changing status of

minorities since the late 19th century.

23 768-773, 776-780

SCD: 67-68, 157-162 WB: 33, 36, 52, 70, 70, 78,

82-84, 90-91, 99 RSG: 57-58, 83-84, 93-96, 99-101, 133-134, 153-154, 177-179, 197-199, 209-215, 229-232 IDR (2):

62, 63, 68,

LP: Cultural Influence HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.2, 2.1

HA: Contemp. Amer. Society 2.3

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CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: b) Labor legislation

23 770-771 IDR (2): 22, 23 RSG: 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: c) American Indian Movement


23 771-773 RSG: 229-232

H, 13: Trace social unrest, protest and change in the United

States including: c) The women's liberation


23 776-780 WB: 91 IDR (6) 70, 72, 76, 82

PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: b) National Organization for

Women (NOW)

23 778, 780 IDR (6): 65, 70, 72, 76, 82

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 3.2, 3.3

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

f) Equal opportunity.

23 778-779 RSG: 197

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H, 13: Trace social unrest, protest and change in the United

States including: b) The counterculture movement

23 781-787 WB: 87, 92 RSG: 221, 233 IDR (6) 66, 68

The conservative reaction to the counterculture was

A. largely ineffective.

B. helped propel Richard M. Nixon into the White


C. set the nation on a more liberal course.

D. posed a danger to traditional values.

HA: Contemp Amer Society 3.3

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: g) Educational policy.

24 797

CRR, 3: Explain the considerations and criteria commonly used in

determining what limits should be placed on specific rights including:

c) National security

24 806-807 SCD: Case 19 The Patriot law passed after 9/11 was controversial because A. it singled out Arab-

Americans B. it was passed over the president's veto C. it gave the government

more powers of surveillance over American citizens D. it repealed the First Amendment

LP: Japanese Internment

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: c) Civil rights legislation

24 818-819 IDR (2): 63, 69 IDR (6): 20-36, 72, 74

RSG: 209-214

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 4.1, 4.2

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: e) Environmental legislation

24 820-825 IDR (7): 4, 6, 10-12, 15, 16

RSG: 243

H, 13: Trace social unrest, protest and change in the United

States including: c) The women's liberation


25 842-843, 910-911

WB: 91 IDR (6) 70, 72, 76, 82

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 3.2, 3.3


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PS, 4: Analyze the struggle for racial and gender equality and its impact on the changing status of

minorities since the late 19th century.

25 842-845, 910-911

SCD: 67-68, 157-162 WB: 33, 36, 52, 70, 70, 78,

82-84, 90-91, 99 RSG: 57-58, 83-84, 93-96, 99-101, 133-134, 153-154, 177-179, 197-199, 209-215, 229-232 IDR (2):

62, 63, 68,

LP: Cultural Influence HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.2, 2.1

HA: Contemp. Amer. Society 2.3

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: c) Civil rights legislation

25 843-845 IDR (2): 63, 69 IDR (6): 20-36, 72, 74

RSG: 209-214

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 2.1, 4.1, 4.2

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H, 14: Analyze the origins, major developments, controversies and consequences of the civil rights

movement with emphasis on: c) The linkages between the civil rights movement and movements to gain justice for other minority


25 844-845 HT: 29 EH: 29, 31 WB:

90 RSG: 229, 231 IDR (6): 64, 65, 74, 75,

78-81 Video: Amer. Stories: A S

HA: The Civil Rights Movement 1.1, 1.2, 3.1


PS, 1: Describe how the perspectives of cultural groups helped to create political action

groups such as: c) American Indian Movement


26 887 RSG: 229-232

Week 5 is basically a review of 9th grade World History and therefore, the Holoclaust is the only standard listed. Week 4 is very long and addresses Peoples' Rights in the U.S. We are suggesting that you have students identify the similarities and differences between the United States and the world. Discuss the limits on the First Amendment

and limits placed on U.S. citizens as compared by those in othe parts of the world.

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H, 11: Analyze the impact of U.S. participation in World War II , with

emphasis on: b) the internment of Japanese-


17 594-597 SCD: Case 27 IDR (5) 40

LP: National Security-Japanese Internment HA: The U.S. in WWII 3.2, 3.3

H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

a) Changes in work and the workplace

6 230-250 DBQ: 43-50 RSG: 65, 67


H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern corporation in the United States

on economic and political practices with emphasis on:

c) Standard of living .

6 232-233 Video: Amer. Stories: Fong See

EH: 16 RSG: 87 IDR (2): 28

The Industrial Revolution can be described as a blessing and a curse for the working class. One benefit of industrialization for the working class

was A. Immediate guaranteed right to join a union B. Health benefits C. Job security D. Less

expensive consumer goods

H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

d) Urbanization

6 234-235 WB: 29, 31 RSG: 75, 81 DBQ: 56-63

IDR (2): 40, 48, 61

One effect of industrialization in the United States in the late 19th century

was A. a decrease in child labor. B. an increase in demand for

handicraft goods. C. a decrease in immigration to

the United States. D. an increase in urbanization



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H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern corporation in the United States

on economic and political practices with emphasis on:

a) Laissez-faire policies

6 242 EH: 12, 13 WB: 25, 26, 27

Which of the following resulted from the investigation of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?

A. the imprisonment of company officials

B. the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act

C. the adoption of equal wages for men and


D. changes in local labor laws for women and children

LP: Social, Political & Economic Effects of Industrialization

H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern corporation in the United States

on economic and political practices with emphasis on:

b) Monopolies

6 243, 249 HT: 35 IDR (2) 22, 32

Andrew Carnegie gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by doing all of

the following A. buying out his suppliers.

B. cutting the quality of his products. C. buying out his competitors.

D. underselling his competitors.

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.1 HA: U.S. Coming of Age 2.2

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

7 255-256, 262-263

An economic argument in support of allowing immigration into the US is that immigrants A.

usually demand high wages B. immediately seek to join labor unions C. have escaped political

persecution D. will often perform manual labor in jobs that are hard to fill by Americans

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PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: b) Political affiliation ;

7 259, 268, 272

Anti-Castro Cuban immigrants in Florida are mostly supporters of which political party? A.

Republican B. Green C. Socialist D. Democrat

H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

d) Urbanization; and

7 262-266 WB: 29, 31 RSG: 75, 81 DBQ: 56-63

IDR (2): 40, 48, 61

Industrialization affected the United States A. through the growth of urban centers B. by

encouraging westward movement C. through the growth of small family farms D. by emigration

from the United States to Europe

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society

including b) Urbanization and suburbanization

7 262-266 GT: 27One effect of widespread

suburbanization in the United States during the 1920s was

A. airlines adding routes to new cities.

B. increased reliance upon the automobile.

C. decreased immigration from Europe and Asia.

D. television replacing radio as the most popular medium.

LP: Immigration to the United States

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: c) Education system

7 263, 266

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: d) Language

8 284 IDR (4): 22

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: f) Religion.

8 284

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H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

d) Urbanization

8 276-279 WB: 29, 31 RSG: 75, 81 DBQ: 56-63

IDR (2): 40, 48, 61

The fact that the first 12 presidents of the United States came from small farming backgrounds,

but the Presidents from 1865 to 1912 represented urban or business families was a

result of: A. the Great Migration B. socialism C. the Industrial Revolution D. World War I

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society

including b) Urbanization and suburbanization

8 276-279 GT: 27 The main factor causing urban sprawl in the 1920s was

A. the automobile. B. the use of electricity. C. growth in industry.

D. a change in the birthrate.

H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern corporation in the United States

on economic and political practices with emphasis on:

b) Monopolies

9 319, 326, 330-334

HT: 35 IDR (2) 22, 32

Vertical integration, a business strategy used by steel mogul Andrew Carnegie, involves

A. buying out raw material producers and distributors.

B. merging with companies producing similar products.

C. forming trusts. D. using new methods to increase production

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H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern

corporation in the United States on economic and political practices

with emphasis on: b) Monopolies

10 356, R41, R43

HT: 35 IDR (2) 22, 32

The Sherman Antitrust Act

A. outlawed the formation of trusts that interfered with free trade.

B. was supported by millionaire industrialists.

C. was used by labor unions to fight for workers'


D. encouraged the establishment of large-scale businesses.

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.1 HA: U.S. Coming of Age 2.2

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


12 412-418 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69


ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

12 422-429 EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4


ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

19 648-649 EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4


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PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

23 769

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c) Immigration.

23 769 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


LP: Immigration to the United States

ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

24 798-799, 814

EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4


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ECON, 3: Demonstrate how U.S. governmental policies, including taxes, antitrust legislation and

environmental regulations affect individuals and businesses.

25 837 IDR (2): 32 IDR (7): 11, 15, 16

HT: 47, 48 WB: 96

ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

26 869-873, R44, 46,


EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4


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H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

b) Immigration and child labor and their impact on the labor force

6 237 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 WB: 28 RSG: 73

DBQ: 69-76 IDR (2): 39, 43, 52-54,

56--59 IDR (3) 16, 19

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 1.1 (I & J)


H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

b) Immigration and child labor and their impact on the labor force

7 252-263, 268

GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 WB: 28 RSG: 73

DBQ: 69-76 IDR (2): 39, 43, 52-54,

56--59 IDR (3) 16, 19


GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c) Immigration.

7 254-268 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


LP: Immigration to the United States


PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: a) Housing patterns

7 255, 263-264

WB: 28, 104 RSG: 73-76, 123-124, 263-265 IDR (2):

39, 45, 54, 56-59 IDR (7): 48, 54, 60-62

Which statement is true regarding most immigrants coming to the United States today? A. They are from Western Europe B. They are settling in small towns across the Midwest C. They are concentrating in large cities on both

coasts D. Most immediately buy their own homes

HA: Rise of Industrial America 2.1 thru 2.4 HA: U.S. Coming of Age Act 1.1 thru 1.4


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PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: f) Religion.

7 255, 258, 263

The high percentage of Catholics in the southwestern USA is partly due to A. the First

Amendment B. the high concentrations of Latinos C. government policies D. immigration


PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: d) Language

7 263 IDR (4): 22 A local newsstand carries newspapers in 15 different languages. This is most likely due to: A.

immigration to the USA B. assimilation C. foreign language instruction in local schools D.

government regulations


H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: e) The regulation of child labor.

9 306, 310-311, 314,


HA: U.S. Coming of Age 2.2 (G)


PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

9 310-311


H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

b) Immigration and child labor and their impact on the labor force

9 310-314 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 WB: 28 RSG: 73

DBQ: 69-76 IDR (2): 39, 43, 52-54,

56--59 IDR (3) 16, 19

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 1.1 (I & J)


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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c)


11 391 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


What factor contributed to the migration of large numbers of people from Europe

to the United States in the late 19th century? A. Industrialization in the United States attracted

laborers from Europe. B. Economic prosperity in Europe allowed people

to purchase land in the United States.

C. European social reform movements wanted to spread their beliefs to the

United States. D. The United States needed people to colonize the overseas territories it had recently acquired.

H, 9: Analyze the major political, economic, and social

developments of the 1920's, including:

c) African-American migrations from the South to the North

11 392-395

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 LP: The Roaring

Twenties LP: What Caused the Great Depression?

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c)


12 414-415 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


Which of the following would be considered a push factor regarding immigration to the United States? A. political oppression in the country of

birth B. the prospect of a job C. relatives in America D. Protection under the US Constitution

LP: Immigration to the United States

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

12 414, 428-429

H, 9: Analyze the major political, economic, and social

developments of the 1920's, including:

c) African-American migrations from the South to the North

13 452-453 HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 LP: The Roaring

Twenties LP: What Caused the Great Depression?

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political, economic, and social

developments of the 1920's, including:

c) African-American migrations from the South to the North

19 660 HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 LP: The Roaring

Twenties LP: What Caused the Great Depression?

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

19 662

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c)


19 662 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


LP: Immigration to the United States

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political, economic, and social

developments of the 1920's, including:

c) African-American migrations from the South to the North

26 689 HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 LP: The Roaring

Twenties LP: What Caused the Great Depression?

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: a) Housing patterns

23 769 WB: 28, 104 RSG: 73-76, 123-124, 263-265 IDR (2):

39, 45, 54, 56-59 IDR (7): 48, 54, 60-62

HA: Rise of Industrial America 2.1 thru 2.4 HA: U.S. Coming of Age Act 1.1 thru 1.4


PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: a) Housing patterns

26 885, R5 WB: 28, 104 RSG: 73-76, 123-124, 263-265 IDR (2):

39, 45, 54, 56-59 IDR (7): 48, 54, 60-62

HA: Rise of Industrial America 2.1 thru 2.4 HA: U.S. Coming of Age Act 1.1 thru 1.4

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c)


26 885-889, 896-897

GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


LP: Immigration to the United States


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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

26 888-889, 896-897,


H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

b) Immigration and child labor and their impact on the labor force

26 896-897 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 WB: 28 RSG: 73

DBQ: 69-76 IDR (2): 39, 43, 52-54,

56--59 IDR (3) 16, 19

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 1.1 (I & J)

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

c) Modernization of agriculture

5 211, 214-218

WB: 23, 24 RSG: 59

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


5 220-221 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

From the perspective of a business owner, a unionized work force might not be desirable because A. wages may rise B. workers may demand to send work overseas C. unionized workers do not pay taxes D. union workers

usually have less job-security

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: f) Business regulation

6 239-240 IDR (3): 3, 16, 19 Upton Sinclair, author of The Jungle, is considered a muckraker. This term refers to

people who A. expose social ills in an attempt to remedy them B. accept pay-offs from business owners to keep quiet C. run for office to solve

problems D. avoid responsibility for their actions

Primary Source excerpt for the the jungle


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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: b) Labor legislation

6 239-249 IDR (2): 22, 23 RSG: 69

After much lobbying by unions the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), a United States federal law, was signed into law by President

Richard M. Nixon on December 29, 1970. This legislation A. created the minimum wage B. outlawed sweatshops C. made the workplace safer D. created a system of health care for all


HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


6 241-249 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern corporation in the United States

on economic and political practices with emphasis on:

a) Laissez-faire policies

6 242 EH: 12, 13 WB: 25, 26, 27

Which of the following resulted from the investigation of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?

A. the imprisonment of company officials

B. the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act

C. the adoption of equal wages for men and


D. changes in local labor laws for women and children

LP: Social, Political & Economic Effects of Industrialization

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 3: Analyze the reasons for the rise and growth of labor

organizations in the United States (I.e. Knights of Labor, American

Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations)

including: b) Laissez-faire politics toward big


6 242 One reason that workers organized to form labor unions was because of unsafe working conditions due to laissez-faire policies by the government. The term laissez-faire refers to A. a "hands-off"

attitude toward regulating business B. strict governmental controls over many aspects of

business C. Regulation of the currency supply D. the outlawing of labor unions

Use handout in textbook cause and effect inductrial growth

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: c) Business regulation and

antitrust legislation

6 244, 249 HT: 35 SCD: Case 7 8. Progressive reformers after 1900

sought federal legislation to regulate working conditions and to set a minimum age for child labor. The need for this legislation was

prompted by A. Civil War casualties leading to

children taking the jobs of adults.

B. unions restricting membership to adult workers.

C. industrialists using child labor to keep production costs down.

D. lack of job opportunities for children seeking after-school


H, 3: Analyze the reasons for the rise and growth of labor

organizations in the United States (I.e. Knights of Labor , American

Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations )

including: a) Unregulated working conditions

6 244-249 EH: 14 RSG: 69

SCD: Case 9 & 10 Video: Amer. Stories: A Child

on Strike

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 2.2

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: e) The regulation of child labor.

6 245-246 Why were early progressive attempts to enact federal bans on child labor unsuccessful?

A. The bans had little public support.

B. Labor unions fought the legislation.

C. Factory owners simply ignored the laws.

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 2.2 (G)

H, 3: Analyze the reasons for the rise and growth of labor

organizations in the United States (I.e. Knights of Labor, American

Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations )

including: c) Violence toward supports of

organized labor.

6 247-248 IDR (2): 33, 38 In the late 1800s, collective bargaining was a technique used to

A. expand industry.

B. win workers' rights.

C. restrict labor unions.

D. organize labor unions.

HD. P. 6

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: a) Urban reforms

7 266 WB: 35, 37, 38, 39 RSG: 91, 93, 95, 97, 99

IDR (3) 1-5, 22 IDR (2) 71

In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed

A. dangers faced by coal miners.

B. corrupt business practices of the Standard Oil Company.

C. unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing


D. illegal deals between special interests and the government.

HA: Rise of Industrial America 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 HD P.6

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 2: Analyze the impact of industrialization and the modern

corporation in the United States on economic and political practices

with emphasis on: c) Standard of living.

8 279-285, 292-299

Video: Amer. Stories: Fong See

EH: 16 RSG: 87 IDR (2): 28

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: d) The movement for public


8 282-285 WB: 32 RSG: 83

IDR (2) 62

The factor that prevented the greatest number of children from attending public high schools was

A. racism. B. poverty.

C. language differences. D. transportation problems.

HD. P. 6

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: c) Education system

8 282-285

use handout in textbook cause and effect expanding educatuin

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in American society including; c) Immigration.

8 284-289 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39 RSG:


LP: Immigration to the United States

PS, 5: Explain the effects of immigration on society in the

United States: e) Labor practices

8 288-289


H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

e) the emergence of a middle class and its impact on leisure, art, music, literature and other

aspects of culture.

8 292-299 Thomas Edison changed life for Americans in the 19th century by inventing the A. telephone B.

phonograph C. sewing machine D. automobile

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 1: Explain the effects of industrialization in the United

States in the 19th century including:

a) Changes in work and the workplace

8 296-297 DBQ: 43-50 RSG: 65, 67

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.2, 1.4

ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

8 296-297 EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

Short Response: The effects of trade globalization are evident with a trip to any

department store. An examination of where goods are produced will show that our products come from many regions, especially Asia. 1)

Describe one reason why this is so, and 2) Describe how this phenomenon effects the

American economy.

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


9 306-309 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: a) Urban reforms

9 306-312 WB: 35, 37, 38, 39 RSG: 91, 93, 95, 97, 99

IDR (3) 1-5, 22 IDR (2) 71

HA: Rise of Industrial America 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: b) Labor legislation

9 310-311 IDR (2): 22, 23 RSG: 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: c) Business regulation and

antitrust legislation

9 310-311, 319-320, 329, 333

HT: 35 SCD: Case 7

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: f) Business regulation

9 310-333 IDR (3): 3, 16, 19

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: f) Business regulation

9 310-333 IDR (3): 3, 16, 19

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: b) Conservation

9 322-324, 329

Which US President who had a deep interest in conservation is credited with creating the National

Park System? A. Theodore Roosevelt B. Franklin Roosevelt C. Herbert Hoover D. William


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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


11 389, 394 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

H, 3: Analyze the reasons for the rise and growth of labor

organizations in the United States (I.e. Knights of Labor, American

Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations)

including: c) Violence toward supports of

organized labor .

12 417 IDR (2): 33, 38 Why were scabs unpopular with striking workers during the late 1800s?

A. They were socialists.

B. They were federal troops.

C. They were part of management.

D. They were workers used to break strikes.

H, 3: Analyze the reasons for the rise and growth of labor

organizations in the United States (I.e. Knights of Labor, American

Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations )

including: a) Unregulated working conditions

12 412, 417-418

EH: 14 RSG: 69

SCD: Case 9 & 10 Video: Amer. Stories: A Child

on Strike

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 2.2

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: d) The movement for public


13 446-447 WB: 32 RSG: 83

IDR (2) 62

Which of the following was true of public education around 1900?

A. High school curriculums were expanding to include science and civics.

B. Kindergartens were being added to elementary school programs.

C. The number of blacks attending public school was rapidly catching up with whites.

D. State laws required students to attend school from ages 8 to 14.

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


14 466-471 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


15 499-509, 518

EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: b) Labor legislation

15 499-509, 518

IDR (2): 22, 23 RSG: 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 3: Demonstrate how U.S. governmental policies, including taxes, antitrust legislation and

environmental regulations affect individuals and businesses.

15 519 IDR (2): 32 IDR (7): 11, 15, 16

HT: 47, 48 WB: 96

HD P.5

H, 4: Explain the goals and outcomes of the late 19th and

early 20th century reform movements of Populism and

Progressivism with emphasis on: b) Conservation

15 519 HD P.6

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: b) Labor legislation

17 565-566 IDR (2): 22, 23 RSG: 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


19 642-643 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


24 813-814 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties , interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: b) Labor legislation

26 864, 870 IDR (2): 22, 23 RSG: 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

ECON, 2: Analyze the development and impacts of labor

unions , farm organizations and business organizations on the U.S.


26 869-873 EH: 14, 16, 31 IDR (2): 21, 22, 28, 32, 33

IDR (3): 16, 19 IDR (4): 13

RSG: 61, 67, 69

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.5

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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 5: Trace the development of the United States as a world power

with emphasis on: b) U.S. imperialism in the Far East, South Pacific, Caribbean

and Central America.

10 342-345, 356-357, 359-365

GT: 18 EH: 18 HT: 37

WB: 42, 43 IDR (3): 24, 26, 27, 34-37, 40-


Which of the following did not stimulate U.S. imperialism?

A. need for a new source of cheap labor B. thirst for new economic markets

C. desire for military strength D. a belief in the cultural superiority of the Anglo-

Saxon culture

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 LP: A World Power

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties, interest groups , lobbyists, the media and public

opinion with emphasis on: d) Military policy

10 346-351 TE: 339d IDR (3): 36, 48, 50, 52-

56 IDR (5): 22

IDR (7): 31, 34 RSG: 103, 105, 115,

167-177, 217-226

The Vietnam War has been called the first "TV War" because of the extensive coverage by the media. The images of war brought into people's living rooms each evening had the effect of A.

turning public opinion against the war B. increasing support for the war in Vietnam C.

guaranteeing the reelection of the president D. Congress passing laws forbidding television

coverage of the war

HA: US Coming of Age 4.1 HA: The US in WWII 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 HA:

The Cold War 2.2


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Standard/Grade Level Indicator Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 5: Trace the development of the United States as a world power

with emphasis on: a) The Spanish-American War ;


10 346-355, 358

RSG: 103, 107, 109 WB: 40, 41 RSG: 105 IDR

(3) 25, 38, 39

All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-

American War except A. Cuba.

B. Hawaii. C. Puerto Rico.

D. the Philippines.

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 LP: A World Power

ECON, 1: Evaluate the affects of specialization, trade and

interdependence on the economic system of the United States.

10 354-367 EH: 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29 IDR (2): 20, 23, 48

IDR (7): 46, 55 RSG: 65

WB: 102, 103

HA: Rise of Industrial America 1.4

H, 5: Trace the development of the United States as a world power

with emphasis on: a) The Spanish-American War

11 404 RSG: 103, 107, 109 WB: 40, 41 RSG: 105 IDR

(3) 25, 38, 39

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 LP: A World Power

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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 6: Trace the development of the United States as a world power with

emphasis on: a) The decision to enter into WW I

11 372-373, 377-380

RSG: 113, 115 GT: 19

WB: 44, 45, 46 RSG: 117

IDR(3): 48, 49, 59-66 Video: Ame

Of the following, the most compelling reason for the United States to enter World War I

was A. a moral obligation to halt the refugee

crisis in Belgium. B. concern over the repayment of Allied

debts to American banks. C. a desire to become more involved n the

affairs of Europe D. the outrage of American citizens over German

submarine warefare

HA: U.S. Coming of Age 4.1, 4.2 and

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which

government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of

political parties , interest groups ,

lobbyists, the media and public opinion with emphasis on: d) Military policy

11 377-381, 404-405

TE: 339d IDR (3): 36, 48, 50,

52-56 IDR (5): 22

IDR (7): 31, 34 RSG: 103, 105, 115,

167-177, 217-226

HA: US Coming of Age 4.1 HA: The US in WWII 1.3, 2.1,

2.2 HA: The Cold War 2.2


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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

11 393 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71

H, 6: Trace the development of the United States as a world power with

emphasis on: b) President Wilson's

Fourteen Points

11 398-400, 403

RSG: 119 Extended Response Question:Toward the end of World War I, US

President Woodrow Wilson delivered a speech before Congress in which he outlined

his Fourteen Points, a set of ideas that he felt would create a more just and peaceful world and prevent future wars. Wilson felt

that the adoption of his ideas would address the underlying causes of WWI.

H, 6: Trace the development of the United States as a world power with

emphasis on: c) The Treaty of


11 400-403, R20

WB: 47 IDR (3): 50


HA: U.S. Coming of Age 4.4 and HD p.11

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H, 6: Trace the development of the United States as a world power with

emphasis on: d) The decision of the United States not to

participate in the League of Nations .

11 401-402 HT: 38 RSG: 119


HD p.11


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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

8 298-299 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71

PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

9 325 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71


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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: d) Immigration

restrictions, nativism, race riots and the

reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan

11 394 WB: 33 Which of the following did not keep African Americans in the South from voting?

A. poll taxes

B. grandfather clauses

C. the separate-but-equal doctrine

D. literacy tests

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great



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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: c) African-American migrations from the South to the North;

11 392-395


HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great


CRR, 4: Analyze instances in which the

rights of individuals were restricted

including: b) Immigrants during

the Red Scare

12 413-414 IDR (4): 11-12 The Palmer Raids (1919-1921) resulted in A. a government crackdown on political radicals

in the United States B. the complete destruction of the Mafia in New York City C. The resignation of the director of the FBI for abusing power D. the US Constitution being

amended to limit police power

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: a) The Red Scare

12 413-415 RSG: 123 IDR (4) 1, 11, 13, 17

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged with, and convicted of,

A. treason.

B. anarchy.

C. receiving bribes.

D. robbery and murder

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great



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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: d) Immigration

restrictions, nativism, race riots and the

reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan

12 414-415 WB: 33 Which term refers to the belief that immigrants pose a threat to American

society? A. nativism B. assimilation C. appeasement D.


HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great



H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: e) The Roaring

Twenties and the Harlem Renaissance

12 422-427 WB: 50, 51, 52, 54 RSG: 137

IDR (4): 23, 35, 40 Video: Amer. Stories:

Jump at the Sun


HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great


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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

11 452-459 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: d) Immigration

restrictions, nativism, race riots and the

reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan

13 453 WB: 33 To expand its membership in the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan engaged in all of the following

except A. blaming national problems on

immigrants. B. encouraging white women to join the

organization. C. playing on people's fears of political

radical. D. allowing members to profit from recruiting new members.

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great



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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: e) The Roaring

Twenties and the Harlem Renaissance ;


13 432-459 WB: 50, 51, 52, 54 RSG: 137

IDR (4): 23, 35, 40 Video: Amer. Stories:

Jump at the Sun

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great


H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: c) African-American migrations from the South to the North

13 452-453 HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great


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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: f) Stock market

speculation and the stock market crash of


14 464, 467-471


EH: 20 WB: 55, 56, 57 RSG: 127, 141,

143, 145 IDR (4): 41-46, 51, 52

Buying stocks on the chance of a quick profit without considering risks is known as

A. buying on margin.

B. speculation.

C. profit-taking.

D. living on credit.

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great



H, 9: Analyze the major political,

economic, and social developments of the

1920's, including: c) African-American migrations from the South to the North

19 660 HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

LP: The Roaring Twenties LP: What Caused the Great


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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 10: Analyze the causes and

consequences of major political,

economic and social developments of the 1930's with emphasis

on: a) The Great Depression

14 464-483 EH: 22, 23 HT: 22

RSG: 149, 151, 153, 157 IDR

(4): 49, 55

All of the following were important causes of the Great Depression except

A. both individuals and businesses built up large debts because of easy credit.

B. tariffs on foreign imports were lowered. C. the federal government did not insure

people's bank accounts D. the stock market crashed

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1,

3.2 LP: The Great Depression and the Federal Government LP: What

Caused the Great Depression? And HD p.27

H, 10: Analyze the causes and

consequences of major political,

economic and social developments of the 1930's with emphasis

on: b) The Dust Bowl

14 474-475 HT: 21 IDR (4) 53

Video: Amer. Stories Broke but not Broken

Which was not a cause of the Dust Bowl?

A. drought

B. high winds

C. thick layers of prairie grasses

D. overproduction of crops

LP: The Dust Bowl and HD p.27


H, 10: Analyze the causes and

consequences of major political,

economic and social developments of the 1930's with emphasis

on: b) The Dust Bowl

15 514 HT: 21 IDR (4) 53

Video: Amer. Stories Broke but not Broken

LP: The Dust Bowl and HD p.27



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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 10: Analyze the causes and

consequences of major political,

economic and social developments of the 1930's with emphasis

on: c) The New Deal .

15 486-522, 906-909

GT: 22, 23 SCD: Case 25, 26 WB: 58, 59, 60, 62

IDR (4) 60-64, 74-76, 78, 80-84

The New Deal was controversial because A. it was largely designed to create

opportunities for African-Americans B. it was started during a time of prosperity C. the

president vetoed most of its provisions D. the national government became involved in

regulating the economy

LP: The Great Depression and the Federal Government

LP: What Caused the Great Depression?

H, 10: Analyze the causes and

consequences of major political,

economic and social developments of the 1930's with emphasis

on: a) The Great Depression

15 497, 510-514

EH: 22, 23 HT: 22

RSG: 149, 151, 153, 157 IDR

(4): 49, 55

Which of the following was not an effect of the Great Depression?

A. Many children had a poor diet.

B. Many families became homeless.

C. Many men became unemployed.

D. Many people started farming.

HA: Roaring Twenties & Great Depression: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1,

3.2 LP: The Great Depression and the Federal Government LP: What

Caused the Great Depression?


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QUARTER 2Standard/Grade Level Indicator

Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 5: Analyze the impact of the Great

Depression and WWII on the

economy of the United States and the resulting expansion of the role of the federal


15 462-523 EH: 20, 22-25 IDR (4): 41-84 IDR (5): 22, 25

RSG: 141-146, 149-158, 177

HA: Roaring 20's & Great Depression 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 HA: The US in WWII 3.1

LP: The Great Depression and the Federal Government

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which

government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of

political parties , interest groups ,

lobbyists, the media and public opinion with emphasis on: d) Military policy

16 534-535, 550, 557

TE: 339d IDR (3): 36, 48, 50,

52-56 IDR (5): 22

IDR (7): 31, 34 RSG: 103, 105, 115,

167-177, 217-226

HA: US Coming of Age 4.1 HA: The US in WWII 1.3, 2.1,

2.2 HA: The Cold War 2.2


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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 7: Analyze the impact of U.S.

participation in World War II , with emphasis on the change from

isolationism to international

involvement including the reaction to the

attack on Pearl Harbor.

16 534-535, 550-558

GT: 24, 25 EH: 24, 25 HT: 23, 24

WB: 63, 64-66, 67 DBQ: 81-88

IDR (5):

Foreign policy refers to how a nation deals with other countries. United States foreign policy made a drastic change in the late

1930s and early 1940s.

® Describe the United States’ outlook on involvement in foreign affairs for most of the

interwar years(between the World Wars). Describe a factor that caused the United

States foriegn policy to change direction and ultimately lead to war.

HA: The U.S. in WWII 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

H, 7: Analyze the impact of U.S.

participation in World War II, with emphasis on the change from

isolationism to international

involvement including the reaction to the

attack on Pearl Harbor.

17 562-568, 594-597

GT: 24, 25 EH: 24, 25 HT: 23, 24

WB: 63, 64-66, 67 DBQ: 81-88

IDR (5):

HA: The U.S. in WWII 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

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PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

17 590-593 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-196

IDR (4): 23, 29, 35, 40, 58

IDR (5): 71

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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

ECON, 5: Analyze the impact of the Great

Depression and WWII on the

economy of the United States and the resulting expansion of the role of the federal


15 462-523 EH: 20, 22-25 IDR (4): 41-84 IDR (5): 22, 25

RSG: 141-146, 149-158, 177

HA: Roaring 20's & Great Depression 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 HA: The US in WWII 3.1

LP: The Great Depression and the Federal Government

H, 11: Analyze the impact of U.S.

participation in World War II , with emphasis

on: a) Events on the

home front to support the war effort,

including industrial mobilization, women and minorities in the

work force.

17 562-568, 590-591

WB: 70 RSG: 167, 171, 177

During WW II "Rosie the Riveter" became the symbol for A. Women serving in the

military B. women working in factories to make war goods C. Women's newly-gained right to vote D. women elected to Congress

HA: The U.S. in WWII 3.1 http://www.historyandtheheadline



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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which

government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of

political parties, interest groups ,

lobbyists, the media and public opinion with emphasis on:

g) Educational policy.

19 640

H, 12: Explain major domestic developments

after 1945 with emphasis on:

a) Postwar prosperity in the United States

19 641-659 RSG: 181, 183, 185, 187 EH: 27, 28

WB: 75, 76, 77, 78 RSG: 191, 193, 195, 197

With more money to spend and an increased number of products to buy, ___ became an

American way of life.

A. consumerism

B. social conformity

C. planned obsolescence

D. a 40-hour work week

HA: Contemp Amer Society 2.1 and HD p.12


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Chapter Pages Supplemental Material Assessment Interventions

H, 12: Explain major domestic developments

after 1945 with emphasis on:

c) The space race

20 668-669, 679, 681

EH: 26 Which event in 1957 shocked many Americans into thinking that the Soviet Union was ahead of

the US in technology? A. the launching of Sputnik B. The construction of the Berlin Wall C. the first super-computer D. the invention of wireless radio


H, 12: Explain major domestic developments

after 1945 with emphasis on:

c) The space race ;

24 796 EH: 26

H, 12: Explain major domestic developments

after 1945 with emphasis on:

d) Immigration patterns.

26 882-889 The Displaced Persons (DP) Act of 1948 finally allowed displaced people of World War II to start immigrating to the United States. Most of these

immigrants came from which continent? A. Europe B. Asia C. Africa D. South America

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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

H, 12: Explain major domestic developments

after 1945 with emphasis on:

b) McCarthyism

18 600-601, 616-621

WB: 72, 73 3 One of Senator Joseph McCarthy's legacies is the term McCarthyism which refers to A. using political

office to get rich B. unfairly questioning one's

patriotism and loyalty C. using illegal campaign tactics D. introducing

legislation and then voting against it

HA: The Cold War 1.3


H, 8: Explain how the Cold War and related

conflicts influenced U.S. foreign policy after

1945 with emphasis on: a) The Marshall Plan

18 606-608 IDR (5): 45-48, 50, 61 IDR (5): 55

3 The main goal of the ___ was to help rebuild

European nations friendly to the United States after

WW II. A. Truman Doctrine

B. Marshall Plan C. iron curtain

D. Warsaw Pact

and HD p.13 http://www.trumanlibrary.o


COLD WAR (continued)

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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

H, 8: Explain how the Cold War and related

conflicts influenced U.S. foreign policy after

1945 with emphasis on: c) The Korean War and

the Vietnam War .

18 611-615 GT: 30 WB: 85, 86, 88, 89

RSG: 217, 219, 225

DBQ: 93-100 IDR (6): 39-40, 43,

45, 53-55, 58-62

3 When an armistice was signed ending the Korean

War, A. North and South Korea were still divided along the

38th parallel. B. a communist government was

established in South Korea. C. communist fears in the United States were lifted.

D. China gained control of the entire penisula

HD p.13 http://www.korean-


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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

CRR, 4: Analyze instances in which the

rights of individuals were restricted

including: c) Intellectuals and artists during the

McCarthy Era

18 616-618 3 During the McCarthy era in the 1950s "blacklisting" referred to A.identifying

individuals as unpatriotic or subversive and banning them from working in the Hollywood film industry B.

removing a suspected communist from the voting

rolls C. discriminating against potential

government agents based on race D. using illegal tactics to win an election

HA: The Cold War 1.3


H, 8: Explain how the Cold War and related

conflicts influenced U.S. foreign policy after

1945 with emphasis on: b) Communist

containment, including the Truman Doctrine , Berlin Blockade and Cuban Missile Crisis

20 673-678 GT: 26 HT: 25



HD p.13


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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

H, 8: Explain how the Cold War and related

conflicts influenced U.S. foreign policy after

1945 with emphasis on: c) The Korean War and

the Vietnam War.

22 728-750, 754-755, 758-763

GT: 30 WB: 85, 86, 88, 89

RSG: 217, 219, 225

DBQ: 93-100 IDR (6): 39-40, 43,

45, 53-55, 58-62



CRR, 1: Describe the ways in which

government policy has been shaped and set by the influence of political parties ,

interest groups , lobbyists, the media

and public opinion with emphasis on: d) Military policy

22 732-761 TE: 339d IDR (3): 36, 48, 50, 52-56

IDR (5): 22 IDR (7): 31, 34

RSG: 103, 105, 115, 167-

177, 217-226

4 HA: US Coming of Age 4.1 HA:

The US in WWII 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 HA:

The Cold War 2.2 68, 101, 102

H, 13: Trace social unrest, protest and change in the United

States including: a) Antiwar protest

during the Vietnam War

22 741, 744-752, 756-


IDR (6) 41, 56, 57 Video: Amer

Stories: Matters of Conscience

3 Burning draft cards in the 1960s was a protest

against A. the Korean war B. segregated schools C. the Vietnam War D. poll


HA: The Cold War 2.3, 2.4


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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 2: Explain how perceptions and characteristics of

geographic regions in the United States have changed over

time including: c) Farmland

5 214-218, 220

RSG: 59 HT: 21, 42



LP: The Dust Bowl 76-80 and HD p.46


GEO, 2: Explain how perceptions and characteristics of

geographic regions in the United States have

changed over time including:

c) Farmland

5 214-218, 220

RSG: 59 HT: 21, 42



LP: The Dust Bowl and HD p.46

FALL OF COMMUNISM and the ROLE of the U.S.


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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 1: Explain how perceptions and characteristics of

geographic regions in the United States have changed over

time including: d) Centers of industry and technology.

6 230-244 GT: 16, 17, 22 IDR (3): 34

HT: 14 RSG: 65, 67, 69,

259, 261 IDR (4): 9

4 LP: The Dust Bowl and HD p.46


GEO, 2: Describe how changes in

technology, transportation and

communication affect the location and

patterns of economic activities and use of

productive resources.

6 230-249 RSG: 81 IDR (3): 41



1, 3 and HD p.45

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IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; a) Industrialization

and post-industrialization

6 230-250 IDR (7): 55 1

LP: Immigration to the United States and HD p.47


GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in

American society including; b) Urbanization and


6 234-235 GT: 27 1

LP: Immigration to the United States and HD



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QUARTER 3Standard/Grade Level

IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 2: Explain how perceptions and characteristics of

geographic regions in the United States have changed over

time including: a) Urban areas

7 252-253, 262-279

GT: 14, 15 IDR (2): 50-51

RSG: 75 HT: 15



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QUARTER 3Standard/Grade Level

IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes that contributed to changes in

American society including; b) Urbanization and


7 262-266 GT: 27 1One effect of widespread

suburbanization in the United States

during the 1920s was A. airlines adding routes to

new cities.

B. increased reliance upon the automobile.

C. decreased immigration from Europe and Asia.

D. television replacing radio as the

most popular medium.

LP: Immigration to the United States and HD



GEO, 1: Explain how perceptions and characteristics of

geographic regions in the United States have changed over

time including: c) Farmland; and

7 263 RSG: 59 HT: 21, 42

4 76-80 HD p.46


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QUARTER 3Standard/Grade Level

IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; b) Urbanization and


8 276-279 GT: 27 1 The main factor causing urban sprawl in the 1920s was

A. the automobile. B. the use of electricity. C. growth in industry.

D. a change in the birthrate.

LP: Immigration to the United States and HD



GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; a) Industrialization

and post-industrialization

8 276-280, 296-297

IDR (7): 55 1

LP: Immigration to the United States and HD



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QUARTER 3Standard/Grade Level

IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; c) Immigration.

11 391 GT: 15, 20 HT: 39

RSG: 73

1 What factor contributed to the migration of large numbers of

people from Europe to the United States in the late

19th century? A. Industrialization in the United States attracted laborers from Europe.

B. Economic prosperity in Europe allowed people to

purchase land in the United States.

C. European social reform movements wanted to spread

their beliefs to the United States.

D. The United States needed people to colonize the

overseas territories it had recently acquired.

LP: Immigration to the United States


GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; b) Urbanization and


12 423 GT: 27 1 LP: Immigration to the United States and HD



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QUARTER 3Standard/Grade Level

IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; b) Urbanization and


19 643, 646 GT: 27 1 LP: Immigration to the United States and HD



PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

19 655-657, 660

WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-

196 IDR (4): 23, 29,

35, 40, 58 IDR (5): 71

3 HD p.47


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QUARTER 3Standard/Grade Level

IndicatorChapter Pages Supplemental

MaterialQtr. Assessment Interventions

PS, 2: Analyze the perspectives that are

evident in African-American, American Indian and Latino art, music, literature and media and how these

contributions reflect and shape culture in the

United States.

26 874-875 WB: 54, 77 RSG: 137-139, 195-

196 IDR (4): 23, 29,

35, 40, 58 IDR (5): 71

3 HD p.45


GEO, 3: Analyze the geography processes

that contributed to changes in American

society including; b) Urbanization and


26 882-884 GT: 27 1 LP: Immigration to the United States and HD




*** This schedule allows for approximately 20 days for OGT overview or a few extra days in case of snow days, assemblies, field trips, etc. One must keep in mind that every day taken from the schedule takes a day from the overall OGT review. If a subject does not get covered or is not presented in as much detail the teacher would like, you can use 4th quarter to add detail, complete projects or further enhance those

areas of student or teacher interest

2009-10, Toledo Public Schools, Office of Curriculum 99

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Content Term Quarter Test Termaffiliation 1 analyze agriculture 1 interpret antitrust 1 explain antitrust legislation 1 causes and effects civic 1 trace conscientious objectors 1 connect conservation 1 show the interrelationship consistency 1 compare Constitution 1 evaluate consumers 1 describe and compare corporation 1 Students collect, organize, evaluate and synthesize information credibility 1 use data and evidence to support or refute a thesis.criteria 1 develop and present critique 1 detect cultural practices 1culture 1economic 1emigration 1immigration 1interdependent 1investors 1labor 1Laissez-faire 1middle class 1migrations 1minorities 1oppression 1persuasive 1political 1populism 1post-industrialization 1producers 1Progressivism 1redistributes 1refute 1relative 1reliability 1rural 1savers 1social 1sources 1specialization 1stereotypes 1suburbanization 1suffrage 1textile 1thesis 1trade 1urban 1urbanization 1working class 1

19 th Amendment 126th Amendment 1

Vocabulary and Identification Terms Drawn for 10th Grade Standards

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Content Term QuarterVocabulary and Identification Terms Drawn for 10th Grade Standards

enacted 1federal government. 1Harlem Renaissance 1mobilization 1nativism 1advocates 1amendments 1American Indian Movement 1Brown v. Board of Education 1civil rights 1consequences 1controversies 1cultural groups 1discrimination 1domestic 1environmental regulations 1foreign policy 1gender 1intellectuals 1Jim Crow 1Latino 1liberation 1living document 1NAACP 1National Organization for Women 1perspectives 1Plessy v. Ferguson 1prosperity 1protest 1United Farm Workers 1University of California v. Bakke 1unrest 1Vietnam War 1civil disobedience 1clear and present danger 1compelling 1interest groups 1libel 1lobbyists 1media 1national security 1perception 1political action groups 1political parties 1slander 1wilderness 1economy 1thesis 1Fourteen Points 2imperialism 2League of Nations 2legislation 2monopolies 2

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Content Term QuarterVocabulary and Identification Terms Drawn for 10th Grade Standards

Treaty of Versailles 2Dust Bowl 2Great Depression 2home front 2internment 2isolationism 2Ku Klux Klan 2New Deal 2Red Scare 2Roaring Twenties 2speculation 2stock market 2Cold War 2containment 2evolution 2Marshall Plan 2Truman Doctrine 2Federal Reserve System 2Pearl Harbor 2World War II 2Marshall Plan 2Berlin Blockade 3counterculture 3Cuban Missile Crisis 3Korean War 3McCarthyism 3compelling government interest 3geographic regions 3region 3space race 3

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   Pacing Guide Activity A           

Name ___________________________________                                Date ______________  


Governmental System

Acquisition of Power

Governmental Structure

Governmental Function


Absolute Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy


Parliamentary Democracy

Presidential Democracy


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Pacing Guide Activity B           

Name ____________________________________________          Date _______________ 




Colonial Power  Colonial Territories  Economic Advantage  Military Advantage   










Great Britain    






United States    



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Pacing Guide Activity C           

Name ____________________________________________          Date _______________ 

Power to the People


TYPE OF ORGANIZATIONS (Citizen Involvement)

ACTIONS OF THE PEOPLE (Effectiveness of Citizen Involvement)

French Revolution

Abolitionist Anti-Slavery Movement

Russian Revolution

India Independence Movement

Fall of Communism in Europe

End of Apartheid in South Africa

Women’s Suffrage Movement

Civil Rights Movement

Vietnam War Protests


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traditional economy, command economy, 

market economy, capitalism, free 

enterprise, mixed economy 




Describe the main features of 

traditional economies, command 

economies, and market economies. 


Explain how mixed economies are 

a combination of other economic 



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Economists have identified three basic 

kinds of economic systems – the 

traditional economy, the command 

economy and the market economy.  In 

each of these systems, economic decisions 

are made differently.  For example, in a 

command economy, the government 

makes economic decisions; in a market 

economy, the consumers make these 

choices.  However, rarely does a country 

have only one kind of system.  Most 

countries have a combination of economic 

systems or a mixed economy. 


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In a traditional economy, economic decisions are made according to customs handed down from one generation to another.  People supply the goods they need b hunting, farming, gathering, and making things by hand.  Traditional economies are largely untouched by technology.  Farmers use the same methods as their parents and grandparents did.  People make their clothing and tools and build their homes the same way their ancestors did.  In a traditional economy, economic activities generally center on the family and the ethnic group or other social unit.  In addition, men and women often have different economic roles and perform different tasks.  Traditional economies exist primarily in rural, non‐industrial areas of the world.  Some traditional economies can be found in parts of Africa, outh America, Asia and the Middle East.    S



   In a command economy, the government makes all economic decisions.  In decides what products to make, how many to make, how to make them, and who gets them.  The leaders of the government direct the economy as they see fit.  The government also controls the means of production – the factories, farms, natural resources, transportation systems, and stores.  In a command economy, the individual has 

little, if any, influence on basic economic 



     Until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the economy of that nation was primarily a command economy controlled by the government.  The soviet people had little or no say in economic matters.  The government told the managers of the each farm and factory what to produce and provided the necessary money and raw materials.  The government also determined how much to produce by setting weekly, monthly and yearly production quotas or goals for each factory and farm.  For example, a shirt factory would be expected to produce a certain number of shirts each month.     

D ies isadvantages of Command Econom

   One of the major characteristics of a command economy is that there is no competition.  The government does not have its factories compete with one another.  As a result, consumers have little or no choice about what type of refrigerator or what style of shoes to buy.  In addition, consumer goods may be poorly made or in short supply.  Factories are more concerned with meeting quotas than with producing well‐made goods. Farms and factories tend to be poorly run and shortages of goods are common.   

  In addition, although the government in a command economy often provides low‐cost housing, free medical care and free education, the citizens have no individual freedoms.  Nor do the people 

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have basic human rights.  They must even ork at the jobs the government dictates. w


Advantages of Command Econ

On the other hand, because the government in a command economy owns the factories and farms, it is able to set the prices of goods.  Factories and farms are in business to provide the goods that the government wants to produce.  Therefore, the government can set low prices for consumer goods and it can provide financial support for factories that lose money.  Consumers can thus be assured of buying goods at reasonable 


prices when they are available.   

     Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, only a few nations have primarily command economies.  The best known are the People’s Republic of China, North orea and Cuba.   K



     The word market refers to buying and selling.  A market can be a physical place – such as a supermarket or a shopping mall – where buyers and sellers come together 

ange goods and seto exch rvices.   

     In a market economy, individual consumers make basic economic decisions according to the principles of supply and demand.  People are free to buy, sell and produce whatever they want, whenever they want and in any way 

they want.  They can also work wherever they want.  In addition, individuals own the means of production in a market economy.  Many nations in the world, including the United States, have some form of market economy.   

     Market economies are often called capitalist economies.  In capitalism, individuals put their capital (money) into a business in hopes of making a profit.  This profit motive is what influences people to take the risk of starting a business enterprise.   

     An important characteristic of capitalism is free enterprise.  In a system of free enterprise, people enjoy many economic freedoms.  These include the freedom of individuals to own their own property, to go into business for themselves and to buy and sell things to make a profit.  Business owners are free to compete with others.  Competition helps determine prices.  Since consumers have freedom of choice, they are likely to choose the product that offers the best uality at the lowest price.   q



     Pure forms of command or market economies are rare.  In most cases a country’s economic system combines these principles in what is known as a mixed economy.  In a mixed economy, individuals and the government share the decision‐making process.  In mixed economies most of the means of 

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production are privately owned, but the government also plays an important role in guiding and regulating the economy.  Mixed economies are the most efficient way of providing consumers with goods and services.  At the same time, government regulation prevents business owners from cheating or abusing workers and consumers.   

     The economy of the United States can be considered a mixed economy.  Although it is primarily a market economy, it also combines features of other economic systems.  For example, the federal, state and local governments play a large role in regulating and promoting the American economy.  Various agencies regulate business to ensure that they sell safe products (they do not pollute or harm individuals) and do not cheat consumers.   

     The United States government also promotes the economy by providing services to businesses and consumers.  For example, the federal and state governments have built extensive highway systems that have helped promote travel and the transportation of goods.  The government also owns and operates some businesses itself, such as the U.S. Postal Service and Amtrak, the federally owned passenger rail system. 

Review Questions 

VOCABULARY DEFINE THE FOLLOWING: traditional economy, command economy, market economy, capitalism, free 

nomy. enterprise, mixed eco


1. What are the main features of a traditional economy? 

2. What are the main features of a command economy? 

3. What are the main features of a market economy? 

4. In what ways can mixed economies be considered a combination of other economic systems?   

5. Traditional economies use the methods of past generations to produce goods.  What group is the major focus of economic activity in a traditional economy? 

6. The United States has a mixed economy.  The federal government provides some services, such as passenger train service, directly to consumers.  What other government actions make this a mixed economy? 

7. You can compare economic systems on a number of key features.  Under which system does the government make all economic decisions? 

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Name ____________________________________________  Date __________________ 


  Keyword  Private 


Freedom of 











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Study Chart

Three Economic Systems

Traditional Economy:

• Economic decisions made according to custom

• People meet basic needs by hunting, gathering, and farming

• Little technology

Command Economy:

• Government owns all means of production and distribution

• Government makes all economic decisions

• Businesses not run for profit

Market Economy (Free Enterprise)

• Means of production privately owned

• Supply and demand are the main factors in economic decisions

• Competition for business

• Individual profit is the motive