always on

Always on Life is different. Very different. Since Ptolmeys VIII invented the pollution free, automatic drive, car the world has evolved. You used to drive by your self and eat, sleep,and do everything in a house by your self but in this time,in 2055~6@*17, well to give you an idea of London I will describe my window view. Roads reach into the city like the arms of greedy kids in a sweet shop and cars like little ants crawling down them. Further in is the H.U.B the big brain of the world,let me explain,the world is controlled by a computer, not humans but cars and trains and stuff ,and everyone lives in a pollution free , automatic drive car. Objects are traded by materialiser which is bluetooth connected, but it was going a bit funny . Cars had been crashing a lot, the statistics for crashes are two per year however, now it was two per month. But people don't notice, so I decided to find out for myself I'll stop the story for a minute to explain. Hi I'm Tom, Tom Walker .I'm 12 and I live the only flat in the world and find that really sad. I'm exceedingly good at chess. I'm also good at interrogation, snooping around and asking questions so I suppose you can call me a detective but now back to the story. The only posable suspect was

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Post on 13-May-2017




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Page 1: Always on

Always on

Life is different. Very different. Since Ptolmeys VIII invented the pollution free, automatic drive, car the world has evolved. You used to drive by your self and eat, sleep,and do everything in a house by your self but in this time,in 2055~6@*17, well to give you an idea of London I will describe my window view. Roads reach into the city like the arms of greedy kids in a sweet shop and cars like little ants crawling down them. Further in is the H.U.B the big brain of the world,let me explain,the world is controlled by a computer, not humans but cars and trains and stuff ,and everyone lives in a pollution free , automatic drive car. Objects are traded by materialiser which is bluetooth connected, but it was going a bit funny . Cars had been crashing a lot, the statistics for crashes are two per year however, now it was two per month. But people don't notice, so I decided to find out for myself

I'll stop the story for a minute to explain. Hi I'm Tom, Tom Walker .I'm 12 and I live the only flat in the world and find that really sad. I'm exceedingly good at chess. I'm also good at interrogation, snooping around and asking questions so I suppose you can call me a detective but now back to the story. The only posable suspect was Ptolmey VIII so I paid him a visit.

Ptolmey's car was a grand limousine with 2 floors and a on-suit Jacuzzi. I was envious when I saw it from the taxi but when I holographed in to see if I could come in, the car ran away “quick, follow it!” I bellowed“Sorry” the taxi driver said calmly “ the H.U.B only allows one speed.” so I knocked out the driver with a well judged punch and I fiddled with the electrics until I saw a big button labelled 'emergency drive mode'. I pressed it quickly. A huge wheel popped out of the dash board. I grabbed it, pushed the pedals that had grown under my

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feet and sped after the car; it was fast but I was faster.5 fast and furious minutes later Ptolmey's car went off the road onto the one below it and i saw where we were heading, towards the H.U.B, but first we had to get there which was hard since we were facing traffic and it was flowing fast. It was quite hard. We, after an hour of car dodging, arrived at the H.U.B and Ptolmey's car rolled. It is quite impressive to see £2,000,000 worth of two floor limousine with on built Jacuzzi rolling over 5 times to eventually smash into a wall ,you should try it some time. I ran to the flaming wreck and opened the front door. Empty. Ptolmey hadn't led me to the H.U.B, the H.U.B had lead me to itself. A maniacal voice cried from behind the machine “ you will never destroy my plans.” A demented man with a beard came from behind the machinery. “Who are you?” I asked, appalled at the man's appearance “I'm William Riches and I reprogrammed the H.U.B. “But why me?” I said “Because you are the only one who could be bothered to find out, my plan for world chaos could have been ruined, but now you must die!” With that he launched himself at me. He flew. I ducked. He crashed. Straight into the burning car. Like most evil people he only managed five minutes of world domination. And as for me: I had a long walk back. Maybe life isn't that different.