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Alternative Suspension Center Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors March 3, 2015

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Page 2: Alternative Suspension Center Presentation to the Page · Alternative Suspension Center Presentation to the Page

Alternative Suspension Center

Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015


• Early in the 2013/2014 School Year the ASC Program and Procedures were developed by staff from CSA, DSS, NW CSB, PCJ&DRC, Private Provider and PCPS so that Page County would be able to meet the state CSA requirement of having a community-based prevention program for at-risk students. The goals of the ASC were to:

1. Improve the quality of behavior health services to children who live in Page County.

2. Provide academic supervision of students who, in the past,would have been suspended “out of school” due to their school discipline infractions and be sent home where they arenow more often than not, unsupervised, and

3. Provide prevention services to at-risk students that aremuch less expensive than detention, residential or day schoolplacements.

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Alternative Suspension Center

Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

ASC Program and Procedures included:

• ASC Regulations/Contract• ASC Identifying Information Form• ASC Daily Success Form• Crossroads Counseling Center – Social Skills / Aggression Replacement

Training • Crossroads Counseling Center – Social Skills Student Survey• Crossroads Counseling Center – Social Skills Staff Survey

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Alternative Suspension Center

Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015


• Briefly look at last school year’s ASC data• Review Crossroads information regarding the Aggression Replacement Training • Review a general summary of the ASC experience during the 2013/2014 school year


• Compare 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 ASC data • Look at 2014/2015 Crossroads survey data• Compare Crossroads referral data and other findings from the two years• Look at general discipline data from the two middle and high schools

• Review comments regarding the ASC from school administrators, parents and community agencies

• Review a general summary of the entire ASC experience

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Alternative Suspension Center

Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

ASC Data from June of 2014: 13/14


3 months or so

• Total # of individual students 52

• Total # of individual days 142

• 2nd referral to ASC 10

• 3rd referral to ASC 2

• Absences (1 excused, 1 to juvenile detention) 2


• Juvenile Detention 5

• Alternative Placements 2 (PCTC)

• Community Referrals 10

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

ASC – Social Skills Group/Crossroads Counseling Center

• Aggression Replacement Training – A Researched-based curriculum used

with students to help them manage anger, think ahead, and implement moral


CCC’s perception of the program last school year: Students were

cooperative, honest, and engaged in lessons being presented with few

incidents of misbehavior or disrespect.

Exit Student Survey

Staff Survey

Statistics provided to the BofS this past June

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

ASC - General Summary from June of 2014:

• Some delay due to weather but program began 2/24/14.• Mr. Don Grinnan, former Page County Juvenile Probation Officer

was hired to be the ASC Monitor.• There was at least one student in the program every day with the exception of one

single day.• Least #-1, Most #-6, Average#-3 to 4.• CCC started the 1 hour per day Social Skills Group on March 24th.

• CCC began giving the survey to students and staff on April 22nd.• There was good involvement by students with the Aggression Replacement

Training Program. 10 students (28%) requested additional, community-based behavioral/emotional supports and/or referrals.

• Types of infractions included; smoking or tobacco possession, fighting, disrespect to staff, disrupting class, leaving school without permission and profanity .

• Everything went very well. Very, very few behavioral problems.• Everyone that was required to attend, did attend.• There was one ASC placement with follow-up interventions that appeared to save

the county a significant amount of money due to PCPS not having to utilize a residential placement as DSS and NW CSB staff recommended to mother.

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Alternative Suspension Center

Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Let’s Compare Two Years of ASC Data: Spring/2014 2014/2015

2/24/14-6/6/14 8/25/14-2/27/15

3 months or so 6 months or so

• Total # of individual students 52 51

• Total # of individual days 142 138

• 2nd referral to ASC 10 3

• 3rd referral to ASC 2 0

• 4th referral to ASC 0 1

• Absences (students made up days missed) 2 1

• CHINS 2 4

• Juvenile Detention 5 3

• Alternative Placements (PCTC night or day) 2 4

• Referrals for Community-based Interventions 10 24

• Residential Placement (Medicaid/CSA) 0 1

• Days the ASC was in use 66 of 67 (99%) 76 of 121 (63%)

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Alternative Suspension Center

Presentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

ASC – Social Skills Group/Crossroads Counseling Center Student Survey Data

for September, 2014 through February 2015:

• Info was presented clearly by staff: 92% agree or strongly agree

• Students felt heard and respected: 91% agree or strongly agree

• Skills taught are helpful: 90% agree or strongly agree

• Student is likely to use skills: 66% agree or strongly agree

• Overall positive experience?: 87% agree or strongly agree

• Student requested follow up services? 21% (11 of 51 students)

ASC – Social Skills Group/Crossroads Counseling Center Staff Survey Data

• Students followed group rules: 80% Yes, 16% Somewhat

• Students were able to describe skills: 71% Yes, 15% Somewhat

• Students engaged in group discussion: 79% Yes, 14% Somewhat

• Students were respectful to all in group: 85% Yes, 10% Somewhat

• Student needs to be addressed for

additional services? 27% (14 of 51 students)

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

2013/2014 Crossroads referrals to outside agencies:

• 10 of 19 students requested a follow up call to their parents or guardians for additional services. Most of these referrals were for a VICAP Assessment (a required, initial Medicaid related assessment to determine the specific type of service allowable) and outpatient counseling.

• In addition to the above, there was one student who ended up receiving a VICAP assessment, psychiatric services, Intensive In-home Counseling and an alternative education placement as a result of his second referral to the ASC. This one case appeared to have saved Page County a significant amount of money as presented in June of 2014. Mr. Lauzier attended a meeting with the parent and verified this situation.

2014/2015 Crossroads referrals to outside agencies:

• 11 of 51 students requested a follow up call to their parents or guardians for additional services. Again, most of these referrals were for a VICAP Assessment and outpatient counseling.

• 14 of 51 different students were identified by CCC as those that might benefit from additional community-based services. In addition, one student was actively suicidal, a suicide assessment was completed, parents were contacted and services were initiated.

9 students are actually receiving services at this time as a result of involvement with the ASC.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

In addition to this data, CCC found:

1. There was a strong correlation between students who followed rules and participated in group appropriately and those who were able to describe the skills learned with accuracy.

2. Students who were at the ASC for a longer term were more likely to be able to describe skills with accuracy and indicate how changing their behavior in the future may assist them.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Future Data Reporting (As reviewed with the B of S on June 17, 2014):

• The same data presented in this presentation will be provided to the Board of Supervisors at the beginning of March, 2015.

• However, in addition to this information, I will present school discipline data that compares:

September, 2013 through February 26, 2014 (before ASC) with September, 2014 through February 27, 2015 (during ASC)

• in order to help us understand whether the ASC has caused a secondary benefit of decreasing the frequency of the disciplinary incidents that occurred during these time frames at the middle and high schools.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Data from dates prior to the Alternative Suspension Center (6 months)

8/26/13–2/28/14 HS Students - In-school Suspensions: 116 Total number of days of ISS: 226.5

8/26/13–2/28/14 HS Students - Out of School Suspensions: 76Total number of days of OSS: 275

8/26/13–2/28/14 MS Students - In-school Suspensions: 74Total number of days of ISS : 153.5

8/26/13 –2/28/14 MS Students - Out of School Suspensions: 32Total number of days of OSS: 137

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Data from dates after the Alternative Suspension Center (6 months)

8/25/14–2/27/15 High School In-school Suspensions: 75Total number of days of ISS: 152

8/25/14–2/27/15 High School Out of School Suspensions: 8Total number of days of OSS: 65

8/25/14–2/27/15 Middle School In-school Suspensions: 60Total number of days of ISS: 128

8/25/14 –2/27/15 Middle School Out of School Suspensions: 9Total number of days of OSS: 57

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High School Comparing 2013/2014 vs. 2014/2015

Individual Student In-school and Out-of-school Suspensions





13/14 HSISS

14/15 HSISS

13/14 HSOSS 14/15 HS





76 -89%


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Middle School Comparing 2013/2014 vs. 2014/2015

Individual Student In-school and Out-of-school Suspensions










13/14 MS ISS14/15 MS ISS

13/14 MSOSS 14/15 MS






- 19%

- 72%

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Short Summary of School Administration Comments regarding the ASC:

• LHS: Ms. Pettit – When first discussed with students, it was immediately apparent that students did not like the idea of the ASC. Our in and out of school suspensions have decreased dramatically. Students continue to be supported academically!

• PCHS: Mr. Cale – Positive impact on the discipline process. Before the ASC students returned from their suspension behind and unprepared to enter the classroom. They are now held accountable for their work.

• LMS: Mr. McCaughan – Parents have given us positive feedback-they would rather have their child continue learning in an alternative environment than have them sit home unsupervised.

• PCMS: Mr. Moran – Invaluable component of our school-wide discipline system. The ASC has proven to be an extremely successful deterrent to poor behavior.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Parent thoughts:

• PTO President at PCMS – Ms. Melissa CampbellThe ASC has been a helpful and useful tool to keep students in class vs.sending them home to their own devices…

• PTO President at LHS – Ms. Amy ChuThe ASC makes the student have to ”wake up” and attend school rather sleep in and have numerous vacations days. The student is heldaccountable for completing their school work and homework during their time out of the classroom.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Thoughts from community partners:

• Peter Rousso, Director – 26th District Court Service UnitThe ASC offers a sensible solution to deal with the supervision and continued education of youth that were put out of school due to disciplinary issues……The Juvenile Court Service Unit views this program as a valuable resource.

• Mark Gleason, Chief Operations Officer – Northwestern CSBThe FAPT Team and the CPMT supported the creation of the ASC in order to offer preventative services less expensive than commonly used alternatives paid for through the matching of state and local funds. Monthly reports to the CPMT support that the ASC is meeting this objective.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

Thoughts from community partners:

• Sheriff John Thomas – Page County Sheriff ’s DepartmentThe ASC offers a positive, pro-active effort……I applaud your efforts.

• Pat Koontz – Director of the Page County Department of Social ServicesI strongly support continued funding of the ASC….I have seen firsthand how this program has provided preventative services to our at-risk youth…..avoiding spending substantial amounts (state and local funds) for more restrictive services.

• Judge William Logan, Chief Judge, 26th District J&DR CourtI have the pleasure of working with three different school divisions and I must observe that Page County is the most progressive in their approach toreaching out to students that have behavioral issues in an effort to get them an education and prepare them for their adult life. It is with great pleasure that I request your consideration to fund the ASC.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

ASC - General Summary Overall:

• Some delay due to weather but program began 2/24/14.• Mr. Don Grinnan, was hired to be the ASC Monitor (here tonight).• We have seen the use of the ASC go from 99% to just 63% of school days• Least #-0, Most #-5, Average#-2 to 3.• There was good involvement by students with the Social Skills Aggression

Replacement Training Program this year. 24 of 51 students (47%) requested and/or were referred for additional, community-based behavioral/emotional supports. 9 students are actually receiving services at this time as a result of ASC involvement.

• Types of infractions included; smoking or tobacco possession, fighting, disrespect to staff, disrupting class, leaving school without permission and profanity.

• Everything continues to go very well. Very, very few behavioral problems.• Last school year there was one ASC placement with follow-up interventions that

appeared to save the county a significant amount of money due to PCPS not having to utilize a residential placement as DSS and NW CSB staff recommended to mother.

• One student this year received a full suicide assessment with follow up interventions. • The ASC seems to be having a positive impact on the learning environment overall at

the middle and high schools having caused a drop in ISS infractions by 35% at the high schools and 19% at the middle schools.

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Alternative Suspension CenterPresentation to the Page County Board of Supervisors

March 3, 2015

So at this time school officials, parents and community partners do believe that the Alternative Suspension Center is meeting it’s three primary goals:

1. Improving the quality of behavior health services to children who live in Page County.

2. Providing academic supervision of students who, in the past,would have been suspended “out of school” due to their school discipline infractions and be sent home were they arenow more often than not, unsupervised, and

3. Providing preventative services to at-risk students that aremuch less expensive than detention, residential or day schoolplacements.
