alt warwick session tm contribution

Scaffolded on moodle, incorporating tools for interaction, 4 th year of use, 3,500+ users. 3 iterations: pilot; Hosted Mahoodle, Moodlerooms Joule.

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Post on 16-Dec-2014




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my part of the Warwick TEL presentation at ALTC 2014 3rf Sept.


  • 1. Scaffolded on moodle, incorporating tools for interaction, 4th year of use, 3,500+ users. 3 iterations: pilot; Hosted Mahoodle, Moodlerooms Joule.

2. Second language acquisition: Macaro, 2003 Empirically designed to provide flexible online teaching spaces to cover range of approaches to secondlanguage acquisition and support innovation. Principles of design and tool choice include: International support for characters/scripts used Re-purposable, sustainable resource management Flexible user management (locally controlled) Support for open sharing of resources (Creative Commons licensing, repositories, galleries) Mobile, BYOD supported, platform independent, LTI. 3. new pedagogical approaches include anemphasis on exploration, learning bydoing and reflection in authenticcontexts. However, these need to bemixed with rather than simply replaceexisting approaches.UK Employability Skills project report (2008) 4. Projects and papers:Voice in online environments and virtual open spaces: IATL fellowship#clavier Online Intercultural Exchange: 900 students, social and informal reaching beyond the classroom walls,multi-modal communication skills#clavier online CPD for teachersVirtual mobility: uni-collaboration contributions, #mexco project, HEA e-tools survey and reportCreating and nurturing a Community of Practice for language teachers in Higher Education.E-portfolio assessment project: international team fostering transversal literacies and reflection for learning.Using video to enhance teaching and learning: Jisc Digital Media case studyVideo for All (EU project): Gallery dissemination with Kaltura Media Space 5. A partnership approach to development Students and tutors ascollaborators Interdisciplinary approach Learning from outside Warwick Commercial partners