als chemex schedule

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  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Mineral Division - ALS Chemex

    Schedule of Services & Fees (CAD)

  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


     ALS Laboratory Group, through its Mineral Division ALS Chemex, is the leading supplier of analytical and assayservices for the exploration and mining industries in the world. This new edition of our CAD Schedule of Services &

    Fees, describes a comprehensive number of services that cover a wide range of exploration and mining activities,

    and which we are able to deliver reliably and consistently on a global basis.

     ALS Laboratory Group is a diversied international analytical laboratory group that provides a broad range of

    sophisticated, state-of-the-art services in the elds of mining and geochemistry, environmental monitoring, food,

    pharmaceuticals, industrial hygiene, electronics, green testing, petroleum products and equipment monitoring. The

    company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Campbell Brothers Limited, a publicly listed Australian company (ASX

    code CPB). For more information please visit

    Prices listed here are applicable for clients submitting samples to our laboratories in Canada and do not include

    locally applicable taxes. ALS Laboratory Group reserves the right to alter prices at any time without prior notice.

    NATA registration,Brisbane, Australia

    ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 17025registration in North America

    ISO 9001:2000registration in Peru

    ISO 9001:2000registration in Chile &


    Please contact us for details regarding the scope of registration.

  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule



    Quality Assurance 2The Open Lab™ Initiative ............................................................................................................................................2

    Webtrieve™ ................................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Sample Tracking ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Sample Preparation 4

    Sample Preparation Packages .................................................................................................................................... 5Sample Preparation Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 6

    Drying ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6Crushing ................................................................................................................................................................... 6Splitting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6Pulverizing ................................................................................................................................................................ 7Screening ................................................................................................................................................................. 7Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Sample Storage ............................................................................................................................................................9

    Sample Pick-up Services ............................................................................................................................................. 9

    Sample Dispatch........................................................................................................................................................... 9

    Precious Metals Analysis 10Gold .............................................................................................................................................................................10

    Fire Assay Fusion ................................................................................................................................................... 10 Aqua Regia Digestion ..............................................................................................................................................11Cyanide Leach........................................................................................................................................................ 12Metallurgical Samples ............................................................................................................................................ 12

    Silver ............................................................................................................................................................................13

    Platinum, Palladium & Other Precious Metals .........................................................................................................13

    Exploration Geochemistry 14Ultra-Trace Level Methods Using ICP-MS & ICP-AES ............................................................................................. 15

     Aqua Regia Digestion ............................................................................................................................................. 15Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion ............................................................................................................................ 16Fusion (Lithium Metaborate)................................................................................................................................... 16

    Trace Level Methods Using Conventional ICP-AES Analysis ...........................................................................................17

     Aqua Regia Digestion ............................................................................................................................................. 17Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion ............................................................................................................................ 18ICP-AES Packages for Low Grade Mineralized Materials ....................................................................................... 18

     Aqua Regia Digestion ............................................................................................................................................. 18Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion ............................................................................................................................ 19

    Single Element Methods ............................................................................................................................................19

     Aqua Regia Digestion ............................................................................................................................................. 19Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion ............................................................................................................................ 20Pressed Pellet - Wavelength Dispersive XRF ........................................................................................................ 20

    Individual Methods - Miscellaneous Techniques .................................................................................................... 21

    Lithogeochemistry 22Whole Rock Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 22

    Rare Earth & Trace Elements .................................................................................................................................... 23

    Ores & High Grade Materials 24

    Iron, Nickel & Aluminium Ores 26

    Specialty Services 28Copper .........................................................................................................................................................................29

    Uranium .......................................................................................................................................................................30

    Selective Leach Geochemistry..................................................................................................................................32

    Mobile Metal Ion Technology (MMI) ........................................................................................................................ 32Non-Proprietary Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 33

    Commercial & Industrial Mineral Analysis ...............................................................................................................34

    Concentrate, Metallurgical Material & Bullion Analysis........................................................................................... 34

    Mineral Sands & Industrial Minerals ....................................................................................................................... 34Acid Generation Potential Evaluation ......................................................................................................................35Static Test Using Acid Base Accounting (ABA) ....................................................................................................... 35Kinetic Tests Using Humidity Cells ......................................................................................................................... 35

    Terms & Conditions 36


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Success in mining and mineral exploration depends on the ability to make sound

    decisions based on solid evidence. ALS Chemex understands that important

    decisions pivot on the accuracy of our results. Our processes ensure our clients

    receive the best information possible to assist with their decision making.

    A System You Can Trust

    The ALS Chemex quality system complies with the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2000

    and ISO 17025:2005 and operates in all laboratory sites. Our custom LIMS (Laboratory Information Management

    System) has been designed using these requirements to enhance laboratory quality assurance protocols and to

    provide the traceability necessary for today’s stringent reporting requirements.

    The Open Lab™ Initiative

    Site audits give only a snapshot of what is occurring but complete audit trails present the chain of custody and

    records for every action on a sample. The same level of record keeping that has been required in the pharmaceutical

    and environmental testing industries for years is now available for mineral exploration testing.

    Through new technology, ALS Chemex provides a deeper and more complete view into its laboratory and it is with

    this that we invite you to look over our shoulders at every step your samples take in their analysis. We are able

    to provide this service to our clients with the implementation of GEMS, a custom-written laboratory management

    interface to our centralized database.

    The Open Lab™ also possesses interactive functions that make it possible to discuss analytical results withlaboratory managers on-line, and to request information or selective re-runs with only a few mouse clicks.


    The Open Lab™ is made possible with the development of Webtrieve™, the on-line interface to our database.

    Through Webtrieve™ clients can access results and download certicates of analysis as well as track their samples’

    progress through the laboratory and obtain important quality control information.

    When we receive your samples and at each subsequent stage of their analysis, their barcodes are scanned and

    data regarding their location and results are stored. As soon as it is captured, data is available for viewing and

    retrieval by the client via an on-line, encrypted account. This real time data capture and display allows for viewing

    and retrieval of partial results from each separate procedure. As well, this partial data can be accessed prior tocompletion of the entire analysis. Your samples’ progress can be tracked through the Workorder Progress page on

    Webtrieve™ which displays information on which analytical steps are complete, and partial data that is currently


     Along with results, qualied persons will nd all the tools necessary for the proper signing off of data released to the

    public. Audit trails are produced and updated each time your samples are moved allowing for complete traceability

    of the time they spent in our laboratory. QC data for the sample preparation and analytical stages can also be

    obtained through Webtrieve™ including preparation sizing test data, and performance results for standards and

    duplicates run with your samples.

     All documents can be viewed and retrieved from Webtrieve™ including Certicates of Analysis and method


    This new technology gives you instant access to the deeper and more detailed information regarding the laboratory

    processes that is now required by regulators. Just as critically, this information is readily available 24 hours a day

    through the World Wide Web.

    Quality Assurance


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Sample TrackingIn order to provide complete traceability of your samples throughout the sample shipping and processing stages,

    all samples received at ALS Chemex are barcoded and weighed prior to being processed. A per sample fee is

    applicable. Two variants exist depending on whether samples are received with or without barcode labels.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Log sample in tracking system and weigh.

     All Samples.

    Samples received with barcode labels attached tosample bag.

    LOG-21 0.50

    Samples received without barcode labels attached. LOG-22 1.00

    Workorder / administration fee applied per submittal. BAT-01 30.00


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Obtaining accurate results begins with obtaining representative samples. ALS

    Chemex approaches sample preparation with the same rigorous quality control

    procedures and careful attention to detail as any other stage in analysis.

    The Most Important Step

    The purpose of sample preparation is to produce a homogeneous analytical sub-sample that is fully representative

    of the material submitted to the laboratory, unless the client wishes to assess a particular size fraction. The actual

    sample preparation procedure selected will vary depending on the type and size of the sample submitted.

    Sample preparation is the most critical step in the entire laboratory operation. ALS Chemex has specied certain

    parameters that must be achieved in preparing samples to ensure that homogeneous and representative sub-

    samples are submitted for analysis. These parameters will not be achieved if sample size exceeds the equipment


    To ensure that your samples are prepared correctly we recommend that you discuss your proposed requirements

    with the laboratory manager and advise our staff about any mineralized samples submitted that may require

    additional equipment clean-up to avoid contaminating following samples.

    Sample Preparation


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Sample Preparation Packages

    The packages described below are the most commonly used procedures in producing representative sub-samples.

    Please contact our marketing staff, your local client service representative or laboratory manager to discuss how

    we can best process your particular sample type for your particular analytical needs.

    Because of geographic differences in sample matrices and exploration techniques our most popular sample

    preparation packages vary by location.

    Commonly Used Procedures Internationally

     All packages include logging of sample in tracking system, weighing, drying, ne crushing of entire sample to better than 70%-2mm. Submitting excessively wet samples may result in a surcharge for additional drying procedures.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Split off 250g and pulverize split to better than 85%passing 75 microns.

    Rock chip or drill samples.

    PREP-31 6.00 plus0.60/kg

    Split off 1kg and pulverize split to better than 85%passing 75 microns.

    PREP-31B 7.00 plus0.60/kg

    Split off 1.5kg and pulverize split to better than 85%passing 75 microns.

    PREP-32 9.00 plus0.60/kg

    Package includes logging of sample in tracking system, weighing and drying (low temperature drying).

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Sieve sample to -180 micron (80 mesh). Retain bothfractions. Applicable to samples < 1kg.

    Soil or sediment samples. PREP-41 1.25 plus2.00/kg

    Commonly Used Procedures in Australia

     All packages include logging of sample in tracking system, weighing and drying. Submitting excessively wet samples mayresult in a surcharge for additional drying procedures.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Pulverize entire sample in multiple stages to 85% passing75 microns or better. Recombine and homogenize byrifing and/or re-pulverizing.

    For rock or drill samples with anominal particle size of 3kg.** Bagging charges only apply to samples >3kg where both the nely pulverized bulk residue and crushed residue are to be retained.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Sample Preparation Procedures

    The following procedures are used either separately or combined in a package in order to meet specic sample

    preparation requirements. Most of these procedures are charged out on a per kg basis.


    Drying charges are applied only to samples that are excessively wet, in the opinion of the laboratory manager.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Drying of excessively wet samples in drying ovens. Default drying procedure formost rock chip and drill samples.

    DRY-21 2.00 plus0.40/kg

    Drying of excessively wet samples in drying ovens thatare controlled to a maximum temperature of 60ºC.

    Most soil and sediment samplesthat are analyzed for volatileelements.

    DRY-22 2.00 plus0.40/kg

     Air-drying of samples. Samples that will be analyzedusing selective leachprocedures.

    DRY-23 2.00 plus0.40/kg


    Samples that are too coarse to be put directly into a large pulverizing mill, or where the particle size needs to be

    reduced before we are able to take a representative split for further pulverization, are crushed using jaw and/or rolls


    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Coarse crushing of rock chip and drill samples to 70%nominal -6mm.

    Used if the material is toocoarse for introduction intothe pulverizing mill, and as apreliminary step before necrushing of larger samples.

    CRU-21 2.25 plus0.40/kg

    Fine crushing of rock chip and drill samples to 70%-2mm or better.

    Standard preparationprocedure for samples wherea representative split will bepulverized.

    CRU-31 2.25 plus0.40/kg


    Some samples require the division of one or more size fractions into representative splits.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Split sample using a rife splitter. Standard splitting procedure. SPL-21 1.50 plus0.30/kg

    Split sample using a rotary splitter. Premium splitting procedure. SPL-22 2.50 plus1.50/kg

    Sample Preparation


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     All pulverizing procedures make use of “ying disk” or “ring and puck” style grinding mills. Unless otherwise indicated,

    all pulverizing procedures guarantee that for most sample types at least 85% of the material will be pulverized to 75

    micron (200 mesh) or better.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Pulverize a split or total sample of up to 250g to 85%passing 75 micron or better.

    Default procedure for samplesthat are nely crushed and splitprior to pulverizing or for totalsamples up to 250g.

    PUL-31 3.50

    Pulverize a 1000g split to 85% passing 75 micron orbetter.

    Pulverizing of a 1kg split or totalsample up to 1kg.

    PUL-32 5.00

    Pulverize the entire sample to 85% passing 75 micronor better.

     Appropriate for samples up to3kg.

    PUL-21 8.25

    Most pulverizing bowls and pucks are made from a low chrome steel. For “chrome free” pulverizing and non-

    metallic sample preparation, other bowls are available (i.e. tungsten carbide, agate, zirconia, etc.) Please enquire

    for pricing.


    For some sample types, one or more size fractions need to be separated from the bulk sample. Other mesh sizes,

    as well as multiple screening procedures are also available.

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Dry screening to 180 micron. Retain both fractions. Standard preparation for soil andstream sediment samples.

    SCR-41 1.25 plus3.00/kg

    Dry screening to 180 micron. Save minus fraction only. Standard preparation for soil andstream sediment samples.

    SCR-42 0.75 plus3.00/kg

    Dry screening to 500 micron (35 mesh). Remove coarse fraction. SCR-43 1.50 plus1.50/kg

    Dry screening to 840 micron (20 mesh). Remove coarse fraction. SCR-45 1.50 plus1.50/kg

    Wet screening to 75 micron (200 mesh) and save minusfraction only.

     Accurate separation of the 75micron fraction.

    SCR-31 4.00 plus3.50/kg


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    Sample Preparation - Limitations & Assumptions


    Every reasonable endeavour will be made to achieve the specied degree of neness for the crushed product.

    However, it is inevitable that the ultimate homogeneity and three dimensional aspect of the resultant fragmentsand grains making up that product will be a direct function of the fabric, mineralogy, texture and hardness of the

    material being crushed. Thus while feed material possessing varying degrees of weathering grain size, silicication,

    mineralization, bedding, foliation or schistosity is actually crushed to the specied degree of neness as dened

    by the jaw setting, anisotropic pieces exceeding the desired neness in one or two dimensions may nevertheless

    pass the jaws unimpeded. In these instances, repeated reintroduction of the crushed product through the crusher

    is the only remedy, and will only be done at the specic request of the client and at additional cost than quoted for

    single-pass crushing.

    Pulverizing - LM5

    Whether the required neness (nominal 85% passing 75 microns) can be achieved in one pulverizing pass (in

    very large LM5 bowls) is dependent on a critical range of physical variables. Those variables over which the client

    alone has a degree of control, or at least prior knowledge of, are initial sample weight/size, SG, hardness, and the

    mineralogy and texture of the samples. The only variables that the laboratory can control are pulverizing time and

    (by applying experience, observation and trial screen sizings of the initial pulps) the optimum sample size per pass.

    The sum total of these variables is unique to each project and on occasion even to each submission, and cannot

    always be predicted at the time of preparing the quote.

    Because ALS Chemex is not in a position to quantify in advance these outcomes, the initial assumption made for

    pricing purposes is that one, 6 minute pass in one LM5 bowl at a weight of 2.5 to 3kg (maximum) will be sufcient

    for the majority of the samples. Should the empirical facts demonstrate otherwise, the client will be advised and the

    protocols changed to maintain the standard of pulverizing that has been mandated by the client. Additional costs

    may apply and again this is done in consultation with the client.

    Miscellaneous Procedures

    Description Application Code Price perSample ($)

    Compositing of two or more pulp samples, includinghomogenizing the composite pulp. Volumetric procedure.

    The volumetric is the standardprocedure.

    CMP-21 1.75/fraction

    Compositing of two or more pulp samples, includinghomogenizing the composite pulp. Gravimetricprocedure.

    The gravimetric is used whenthe densities of the samples varygreatly.

    CMP-22 3.25/fraction

    Clean crushers with “barren” material after everysample.

     As required. (The standard nocharge procedure uses barrenmaterial between every batch).

    WSH-21 2.00

    Clean pulverizers with “barren” material after everysample.

     As required. (The standard nocharge procedure uses barrenmaterial between every batch).

    WSH-22 2.50

    Transfer sample to drying tray or new sample bag,applicable to samples requiring tray drying.

    Tray drying of samples submittedin plastic bags.

    TRA-21 1.00/fraction

    Re-bagging sample in new bag. For samples submitted in plasticbags or damaged bags.

    BAG-01 1.00/fraction

    Homogenize stored or composite sample by lightpulverizing.

    Re-homogenization of samplesincluding samples from long termstorage.

    HOM-01 4.50/fraction

    Quarantine (heat treatment, storage). Required for allsamples imported from other countries into Australia.

     AQIS approved heat treatmentand storage.

    QAR-01 1.00

    Sample Preparation


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  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Gold and other precious metals continue to be highly sought after by mining

    and exploration companies worldwide as a result of their strong prices in recent

    years. ALS Chemex has the analytical tools and years of expertise to help you

    with this potentially valuable search.

    The selection of the best method for the accurate determination of a precious metal is highly dependent on the

    nature of the sample and the objective of the analytical result. The methods described in this section are effective

    alternatives for the determination of gold, silver and platinum group metals.


    Fire Assay Fusion

    For fully quantitative gold contents, the re assay procedure is still the preferred choice of laboratories all over

    the world. However, it should also be recognized that a wide variety of minerals and metals such as chromite,

    base metal suldes and oxides, selenides and tellurides for example, in moderate to high concentrations, can

    interfere with the re assay process, generally leading to low precious metal recoveries. With prior knowledge of

    the presence of these minerals and metals, ALS Chemex can modify ux constituents and increase ux to sample

    ratios to improve recoveries. In most cases, a reduction in sample weight will yield higher precious metal recoveries,

    particularly in the presence of the interferants mentioned above. For optimum gold and PGE recoveries for most

    sample matrices, ALS Chemex recommends a 30g maximum charge weight.

    Analyte Range(ppm)***

    Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Trace Level 

     Au 0.001-10  Au by re assay and ICP-AES.30g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-ICP21 Au-ICP22


     Au 0.001-1  Au by re assay, solvent extraction and AAS.30g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA21 Au-AA22


     Au 0.005-10  Au by re assay and AAS.30g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA23 Au-AA24


    Ore Grade

     Au 0.01-100  Au by re assay and AAS.30g nominal sample weight50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA25 Au-AA26


     Au 0.05-1,000  Au by re assay and gravimetric nish.30g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-GRA21* Au-GRA22*


     Au 0.05-1,000  Au by 1,000g screen re assay. Duplicate assays onundersize, and assay entire oversize fraction. Calculateand report total gold content, individual assays andweight fractions.Dry screening to 100 micron

    Dry screening to 75 micron

     Au-SCR21** Au-SCR22**


    *Ag by gravimetric nish (ME-GRA21, ME-GRA22) can be added at a signicant discount.**Other screen and sample sizes may be available - please contact your local ofce for details.*** 1 oz/ton = 34.2857 ppm

    Precious Metals Analysis


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Analyte Range (ppm)* Description Code Price perSample ($)


     Au 0.07-50% Au by re assay and gravimetric nish.30g nominal sample weight 

     Au-CON01 60.00


     Au Fineness1-1,000

    Routine bullion assays by re assay with gravimetricnish.

     Au-GRA24 100.00

     Au Fineness1-1,000

     Au umpire assay in bullion samples by re assay withgravimetric nish.

     Au-UMP20 150.00

    *At your option, precious metals reporting units can be specied as ppb, ppm, g/t or oz/t (except for bullion assays).

    Aqua Regia Digestion

     Aqua regia digestion is generally suitable for the determination of gold in soil and stream sediment samples. If this

    digestion procedure is used to measure the acid extractable gold contents of rock chips and other more mineralized

    materials, roasting of samples containing suldes and/or carbon prior to analysis is recommended.

    Analyte Range (ppm) Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Super Trace Level 

     Au 0.0002-0.1 Au by aqua regia, ICP-MS (MARG).25g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight  Au-ST43 Au-ST44


    Trace Level 

     Au 0.001-1 Au by aqua regia extraction with graphite furnace AASor ICP-MS nish.25g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-TL43 Au-TL44


    Ore Grade

     Au 0.01-100  Au by aqua regia extraction with AAS or ICP-MS nish.25g nominal sample weight

    50g nominal sample weight 

     Au-OG43 Au-OG44


    Samples containing suldic, calcareous or organic material require the roasting procedure RST-21 as an additional

    preparation step prior to the aqua regia digestion.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Cyanide Leach

    Cyanide leach procedures are used in grassroots exploration where cyanide extractable gold from a very large

    sample can sometimes detect small gold anomalies that otherwise would go unnoticed, and in mine development

    and exploration to establish potential gold cyanide extraction efciency.

    Analyte Range (ppm) Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Super Trace Level 

     Au 0.0001-10 BLEG Au-cyanide leach with ICP-MS nish.1000-3000g nominal sample weight 

     Au-CN12* 30.00

     Au 0.0001-10 BLEG Au-cyanide leach with extraction AA nish.1000-3000g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA12* 30.00

    Trace Level 

     Au 0.001-10 BLEG Au-cyanide leach with ICP-MS nish.500g nominal sample weight 

     Au-CN11* 20.00

     Au 0.001-10 BLEG Au-cyanide leach with extraction AA nish.500g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA11* 20.00

    Ore Grade

     Au 0.03-50  Au by cyanide leach with AAS nish.30g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA13* 12.00

     Au 0.01-200  Au by cyanide leach with AAS nish.1000g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA14* 25.00

     Au 0.01-300 Au by accelerated cyanide leach using “Leachwell”reagent with AAS nish.500-3000g nominal sample weight 

     Au-AA15 30.00

    *The following additional elements can be reported on request at additional cost.

     Ag (0.001), Cu (0.01), Pd (0.001) on method Au-CN12 3.00/element

     Ag (0.001), Cu (0.01), Pd (0.001) on method Au-CN11 2.00/element

     Ag (0.03), Cu (0.1) on method Au-AA13 2.00/element

    Metallurgical Samples

    Analyte Range (ppm) Description Code Price perSample ($)

     Au 0.01-50  Au in cyanide liquor by extraction with AA nish.  Au-AA16 By quotation

    Note: A full range of minor and trace elements can be determined on cyanide liquors by ICP-AES/ICP-MS. Please enquire fordetails.

     Au 1-10,000 Au by ashing, aqua regia digestion and AAS. Duplicateanalysis.

     Au-AA44 32.00

    Note: A full range of minor and trace elements can be determined on the ashed carbon by ICP-AES/ICP-MS. Please enquirefor details.

    Precious Metals Analysis


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule



    Analyte Range(ppm)

    Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Trace Level 

     Ag 0.2-100 Ag by aqua regia digestion and AAS. Ag-AA45 5.00

     Ag 0.5-100 Ag by HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion, HCl leach and AAS. Ag-AA61 7.00

    Note: See also multi-element methods that include Ag under “Exploration Geochemistry”, pages 14-21.

    Ore Grade

     Ag 1-1,500  Ag by aqua regia digestion, ICP-AES or AAS nish.  Ag-OG46(Ag-AA46)


     Ag 1-1,000 Ag by HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion with HCl leach, ICP-AESor AAS nish.



     Ag 5-10,000  Ag by re assay and gravimetric nish.30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight 

     Ag-GRA21 Ag-GRA22



     Ag 50-15,000  Ag by re assay and gravimetric nish.  Ag-CON01 60.00


     Ag Fineness1-1,000

    Routine bullion assays by re assay with gravimetric nish.  Ag-GRA24 100.00

     Ag Fineness1-1,000

     Ag umpire assay in bullion samples by re assay withgravimetric nish.

     Ag-UMP20 150.00

    *Can be packaged with base metal analysis at a discounted price.**Can be bundled with Au (ME-GRA21, ME-GRA22) at a discounted price.

    Platinum, Palladium & Other Precious Metals

    Analyte Range(ppm)

    Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Trace Level 




    Pt, Pd and Au by re assay and ICP-AES nish.30g nominal sample weight50g nominal sample weight 






    Pt, Pd and Au by re assay and ICP-MS nish.30g nominal sample weight50g nominal sample weight 








    Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru and Au by re assay with nickelsulde collection and ICP-AES.

    30g nominal sample weight

    Note: Au is not quantitative by this method.

    PGM-MS26 125.00

    Ore Grade




    Pt, Pd and Au by re assay and ICP-AES (or ICP-MS) nish.30g nominal sample weight  PGM-ICP27 18.50

     At your request, precious metals reporting units can be specied as ppb, ppm, g/t or oz/t (except for bullion assays).

    For optimum PGE recovery for most sample matrices, ALS Chemex recommends a 30g charge weight.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    The search for gold and other exploration targets can employ many different

    techniques. More and more, today’s explorationists are relying upon trends and

    patterns in trace elements as indicators of what may lie deep below.

    Find the Methods That Suit You

    The effectiveness of a geochemical exploration program is largely dependent on the availability of analytical

    methods that properly meet the requirements of the problems at hand. Element coverage, detection limits, reliability

    and cost are often the main factors considered by explorationists when choosing an analytical method for a given

    sample type.

     ALS Chemex offers a wide range of multi-element and single-element methods that can satisfy the requirements

    of today’s exploration geochemists, both technically and economically. The analytical methods described in this

    section include different sample decomposition procedures, such as aqua regia and multi-acid digestions, fusions

    and selective leaches. The instrumental analytical techniques comprise inductively coupled plasma with atomic

    emission spectroscopy or mass spectroscopy, atomic absorption, x-ray uorescence and infrared spectroscopy.

    Exploration Geochemistry


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Ultra-Trace Level Methods Using ICP-MS & ICP-AES

    Aqua Regia Digestion

     Although some base metals may dissolve quantitatively, in the majority of geological matrices, data reported from

    an aqua regia leach should be considered as representing only the leachable portion of the particular analyte.

    The recovery percentages for many analytes from more resistive minerals can be very low, but the acid leachable

    portion can also be an excellent exploration tool.

    In order to be able to report the widest possible concentration range, this method uses both the ICP-MS and the

    ICP-AES techniques.


    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 0.01-100 Cs 0.05-500 Mo  0.05-10,000 Sr 0.2-10,000 ME-MS41 18.75

    (Sold only as

    a completepackage).

     Al 0.01-25% Cu 0.2-10,000 Na 0.01%-10% Ta 0.01-500

     As 0.1-10,000 Fe 0.01%-50% Nb 0.05-500 Te 0.01-500

     Au 0.2-25 Ga 0.05-10,000 Ni 0.2-10,000 Th 0.2-10,000

    B 10-10,000 Ge 0.05-500 P 10-10,000 Ti 0.005%-10%

    Ba 10-10,000 Hf 0.02-500 Pb 0.2-10,000 Tl 0.02-10,000

    Be 0.05-1,000 Hg 0.01-10,000 Rb 0.1-10,000 U 0.05-10,000

    Bi 0.01-10,000 In 0.005-500 Re 0.001-50 V 1-10,000

    Ca 0.01%-25% K 0.01%-10% S 0.01%-10% W 0.05-10,000

    Cd 0.01-1,000 La 0.2-10,000 Sb 0.05-10,000 Y 0.05-500

    Ce 0.02-500 Li 0.1-10,000 Sc 0.1-10,000 Zn 2-10,000

    Co 0.1-10,000 Mg 0.01%-25% Se 0.2-1,000 Zr 0.5-500

    Cr 1-10,000 Mn  5-50,000 Sn 0.2-500

     A full suite of rare earth elements can be added to this package, keeping in mind that this data will represent the

    acid leachable portion of the rare earth elements and as such cannot be used, for instance, to do a chondrite plot.

    (See page 23 for quantitative REE packages).

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

    Dy 0.05-1,000 Gd 0.05-1,000 Nd 0.1-10,000 Tb 0.01-1,000 ME-MS41r 3.00*

    (Add-on price).Er 0.03-1,000 Ho 0.01-1,000 Pr 0.03-1,000   Tm 0.01-1,000

    Eu 0.03-1,000 Lu 0.01-1,000 Sm 0.03-1,000 Yb 0.03-1,000

    *This is only available as an add-on to the ME-MS41 package, and can only be provided if both the ME-MS41 and the ME-MS41r are ordered atthe same time.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion

     Although the four acid digestion is able to dissolve most minerals, it may sometimes be necessary to use even

    stronger dissolution techniques such as fusions in order to get fully quantitative results. However, in most cases this

    procedure quantitatively dissolves nearly all elements for the majority of geological materials.

    In order to be able to report the widest possible concentration range, this method uses both the ICP-MS and ICP-

     AES techniques.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 0.01-100 Cu 0.2-10,000 Na 0.01%-10% Sr 0.2-10,000 ME-MS61



    (Sold only asa completepackage).


     Al 0.01%-50% Fe 0.01%-50% Nb 0.1-500 Ta 0.05-100

     As 0.2-10,000 Ga 0.05-10,000 Ni 0.2-10,000 Te 0.05-500

    Ba 10-10,000 Ge 0.05-500 P 10-10,000 Th 0.2-10,000

    Be 0.05-1,000 Hf 0.1-500 Pb 0.5-10,000 Ti 0.005%-10%

    Bi 0.01-10,000 In 0.005-500 Rb 0.1-10,000 Tl 0.02-10,000

    Ca 0.01%-50% K 0.01%-10% Re 0.002-50 U 0.1-10,000

    Cd 0.02-1,000 La 0.5-10,000 S 0.01%-10% V 1-10,000

    Ce 0.01-500 Li 0.2-10,000 Sb 0.05-10,000 W 0.1-10,000

    Co 0.1-10,000 Mg 0.01%-50% Sc 0.1-10,000 Y 0.1-500

    Cr 1-10,000 Mn 5-100,000 Se 1-1,000 Zn 2-10,000

    Cs 0.05-500 Mo 0.05-10,000 Sn 0.2-500 Zr 0.5-500

    Note: To include Hg by a separate procedure in the suite of elements above, please request ME-MS61m instead of ME-MS61.

     A full suite of rare earth elements can be added to this package, keeping in mind that this data will represent the

    acid leachable portion of the rare earth elements and as such cannot be used, for instance to do a chondrite plot.(See page 23 for quantitative REE packages).

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

    Dy 0.05-1,000 Gd 0.05-1,000 Nd 0.1-10,000 Tb 0.01-1,000 ME-MS61r 3.00*

    (Add-on price).Er 0.03-1,000 Ho 0.01-1,000 Pr 0.03-1,000 Tm 0.01-1,000

    Eu 0.03-1,000 Lu 0.01-1,000 Sm 0.03-1,000 Yb 0.03-1,000

    *This is only available as an add-on to the ME-MS61 package, and can only be provided if both the ME-MS61 and the ME-MS61r are ordered atthe same time.

    Fusion (Lithium Borate)

     A lithium borate fusion of the sample prior to dissolution in acids provides the most quantitative analysis of a wide

    suite of elements. By using ICP-MS, most elements can be determined to low detection limits.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 1-1,000 Ga 0.1-1,000 Pb 5-10,000 Tm 0.01-1,000 ME-MS81 25.00

    (Sold only asa completepackage).

    Ba 0.5-10,000 Gd 0.05-1,000 Pr 0.03-1,000 U 0.05-1,000

    Ce 0.5-10,000 Hf 0.2-10,000 Rb 0.2-10,000 V 5-10,000

    Co 0.5-10,000 Ho 0.01-1,000 Sm 0.03-1,000 W 1-10,000

    Cr 10-10,000 La 0.5-10,000 Sn 1-10,000 Y 0.5-10,000

    Cs 0.01-10,000 Lu 0.01-1,000 Sr 0.1-10,000 Yb 0.03-1,000

    Cu 5-10,000 Mo 2-10,000 Ta 0.1-10,000 Zn 5-10,000

    Dy 0.05-1,000 Nb 0.2-10,000 Tb 0.01-1,000 Zr 2-10,000

    Er 0.03-1,000 Nd 0.1-10,000 Th 0.05-1,000

    Eu 0.03-1,000 Ni 5-10,000 Tl 0.5-1,000

    Exploration Geochemistry


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Trace Level Methods Using Conventional ICP-AES Analysis

    Aqua Regia Digestion

     An economical tool for rst pass exploration geochemistry. Again, although some base metals may dissolve

    quantitatively in the majority of geological matrices, data reported from an aqua regia leach should be considered

    as representing only the leachable portion of the particular analyte.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 0.2-100 Co 1-10,000 Mn 5-50,000 Sr 1-10,000 ME-ICP41



    or6.50 plus



     Al 0.01%-25% Cr 1-10,000 Mo 1-10,000 Th 20-10,000

     As 2-10,000 Cu 1-10,000 Na 0.01%-10% Ti 0.01%-10%

    B 10-10,000 Fe 0.01%-50% Ni 1-10,000 Tl 10-10,000

    Ba 10-10,000 Ga 10-10,000 P 10-10,000 U 10-10,000

    Be 0.5-1,000 Hg 1-10,000 Pb 2-10,000 V 1-10,000

    Bi 2-10,000 K 0.01%-10% S 0.01%-10% W 10-10,000

    Ca 0.01%-25% La 10-10,000 Sb 2-10,000 Zn 2-10,000

    Cd 0.5-1,000 Mg 0.01%-25% Sc 1-10,000

    Note: To include Hg to a lower detection limit of 0.01ppm in the suite of elements above, please request method ME-ICP41m instead of ME-ICP41.


    Add-on Elements to a Larger (25g or 50g) Aqua Regia Gold Digestion

    Following an aqua regia gold digestion (method Au-ST43 or Au-ST44 - see page 11), an aliquot can be analyzed

    by ICP-AES to give additional information for acid leachable elements. The method below is a cost effective way of

    obtaining additional multi-element data in conjunction with gold when ultra-low detection limits are not crucial.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 0.2-100 Cd 1-5,000 Mn 5-10,000 S 0.01%-10% 10.00Completepackage

    or6.00 plus


     As 1-10,000 Co 1-10,000 Mo 1-5,000 Sb 2-10,000

    Ba 10-10,000 Cu 1-10,000 Ni 1-10,000 Zn 1-10,000

    Bi 2-10,000 Fe 0.01%-20% P 10-10,000

    Ca 0.01%-15% Mg 0.01%-15% Pb 1-10,000

    25g nominal sample weight  ME-ICP43

    50g nominal sample weight  ME-ICP44


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion

    If ultra-trace levels are not required, the ICP-AES version of the four acid leach is a more economical alternative to

    using ICP-MS packages. Four acid digestions are able to dissolve most minerals; however, although the term “near-

    total” is used, depending on the sample matrix, not all elements are quantitatively extracted.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 0.5-100 Cr 1-10,000 Na 0.01%-10% Ti 0.01%-10% ME-ICP61



    or8.25 plus



     Al 0.01%-50% Cu 1-10,000 Ni 1-10,000 Tl 10-10,000

     As 5-10,000 Fe 0.01%-50% P 10-10,000 U 10-10,000

    Ba 10-10,000 Ga 10-10,000 Pb 2-10,000 V 1-10,000

    Be 0.5-1,000 K 0.01%-10% S 0.01%-10% W 10-10,000

    Bi 2-10,000 La 10-10,000 Sb 5-10,000 Zn 2-10,000

    Ca 0.01%-50% Mg 0.01%-50% Sc 1-10,000

    Cd 0.5-1,000 Mn 5-100,000 Sr 1-10,000

    Co 1-10,000 Mo 1-10,000 Th 20-10,000

    Note: To include Hg to a lower detection limit of 0.01ppm in the suite of elements above, please request method ME-ICP61m instead of ME-ICP61.

    ICP-AES Packages for Low Grade Mineralized Materials

    These packages can be used as an economical alternative to analyzing low grade ore samples, or rock samples

    with some mineralization. They are NOT suitable for commercial assays, ore reserve calculations or bankable

    feasibility studies.

    Aqua Regia DigestionThe aqua regia digestion package is limited to determining the acid leachable portion of elements.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 1-200 Cr 5-100,000 Mo 5-50,000 Th 100-50,000 ME-ICP41a 15.00Completepackage

    or9.00 plus


     Al 0.05%-50% Cu 5-100,000 Na 0.05%-30% Ti 0.05%-30%

     As 20-100,000 Fe 0.05%-50% Ni 5-100,000 Tl 50-50,000

    Ba 50-50,000 Ga 50-50,000 P 50-100,000 U 50-50,000

    Be 5-10,000 Hg 5-50,000 Pb 10-100,000 V 5-100,000

    Bi 10-50,000 K 0.05%-30% S 0.05%-50% W 50-50,000

    Ca 0.05%-50% La 50-50,000 Sb 10-50,000 Zn 10-100,000

    Cd 5-10,000 Mg 0.05%-50% Sc 5-50,000

    Co 5-50,000 Mn 25-100,000 Sr 5-100,000

    Exploration Geochemistry


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    Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion

    The four acid digestion package, which will provide more quantitative data for most sample matrices should still be

    considered as semi-quantitative, and for some samples will be incomplete.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 1-200 Cr 10-100,000 Na 0.05%-30% Ti 0.05%-30% ME-ICP61a 17.00Completepackage

    or11.00 plus


     Al 0.05%-50% Cu 10-100,000 Ni 10-100,000 Tl 50-50,000

     As 50-100,000 Fe 0.05%-50% P 50-100,000 U 50-50,000

    Ba 50-50,000 Ga 50-50,000 Pb 20-100,000 V 10-100,000

    Be 10-10,000 K 0.1%-30% S 0.1%-50% W 50-50,000

    Bi 20-50,000 La 50-50,000 Sb 50-50,000 Zn 20-100,000

    Ca 0.05%-50% Mg 0.05%-50% Sc 10-50,000

    Cd 10-10,000 Mn 10-100,000 Sr 10-100,000

    Co 10-50,000 Mo 10-50,000 Th 50-50,000

    Single Element Methods

    These methods are effective options when analytical results for one or only a few elements are required. You can

    create your own package of elements specic to your exploration program.

    Aqua Regia Digestion

     Although some base metals may dissolve quantitatively in the majority of geological matrices, data reported from

    an aqua regia leach should be considered as representing only the leachable portion of the particular analyte.

    The recovery percentages for many analytes from more resistive minerals can be very low, but the acid leachableportion can also be an excellent exploration tool.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)

     Ag 0.2-100 Co 1-10,000 Mo 1-10,000 Pb 1-10,000 (+)-AA45 3.00 plus2.00/element

     As 5-10,000 Cu 1-10,000 Ni 1-10,000 Zn 1-10,000

    ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)

     Ag 0.2-100 Co 1-10,000 Mo 1-10,000 Th 20-10,000 (+)-ICP41 6.50 plus0.50/element

     Al 0.01%-25% Cr 1-10,000 Na 0.01%-10% Ti 0.01%-10% As 2-10,000 Cu 1-10,000 Ni 1-10,000 U 10-10,000

    Ba 10-10,000 Fe 0.01%-50% P 10-10,000 V 1-10,000

    Be 0.5-1,000 Hg 1-10,000 Pb 2-10,000 Zn 2-10,000

    Bi 2-10,000 K 0.01%-10% S 0.01%-10%

    Ca 0.01%-25% Mg 0.01%-25% Sb 2-10,000

    Cd 0.5-1,000 Mn 5-50,000 Sr 1-10,000

    ICP Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

     Ag 0.01-25 Hg 0.005-25 Se 0.2-250 U 0.05-250 (+)-MS42 10.00 plus1.00/element

     As 0.1-250 Mo 0.05-250 Te 0.01-250

    Bi 0.01-250 Sb 0.05-250 Tl 0.02-250

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion

     Although the four acid digestion is able to dissolve most minerals, it may sometimes be necessary to use even

    stronger dissolution techniques such as fusions in order to get fully quantitative results. However, in most cases this

    procedure quantitatively dissolves nearly all elements for the majority of geological materials.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)

     Ag 0.5-100 Co 5-10,000 Mo 5-10,000 Pb 5-10,000 (+)-AA61 5.00 plus2.00/element

     As 10-10,000 Cu 2-10,000 Ni 5-10,000 Zn 5-10,000

    ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)

     Ag 0.5-100 Cr 1-10,000 Mo 1-10,000 Sr 1-10,000 (+)-ICP61 8.25 plus0.50/element Al 0.01%-50% Cu 1-10,000 Na 0.01%-10% Th 20-10,000

     As 5-10,000 Fe 0.01%-50% Ni 1-10,000 Ti 0.01%-10%

    Ba 10-10,000 Ga 10-10,000 P 10-10,000 Tl 10-10,000

    Be 0.5-1,000 K 0.01%-10% Pb 2-10,000 U 10-10,000

    Bi 2-10,000 La 10-10,000 Rb 10-10,000 V 1-10,000

    Ca 0.01%-50% Li 10-10,000 S 0.01%-10% W 10-10,000

    Cd 0.5-1,000 Mg 0.01%-50% Sb 5-10,000 Zn 2-10,000

    Co 1-10,000 Mn 5-100,000 Sc 1-10,000 Zr 5-10,000

    ICP Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

     Ag 0.02-100 Ga 0.05-500 Se 0.5-500 Tl 0.02-500 (+)-MS62 12.00 plus1.00/element

     As 0.2-500 Mo 0.05-500 Sn 0.2-500 U 0.1-500

    Bi 0.01-500 Re 0.002-50 Te 0.05-500 W 0.1-500Cd 0.02-500 Sb 0.05-500 Th 0.2-500

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.

    Pressed Pellet - Wavelength Dispersive XRF

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     As 5-5,000 Mo 4-10,000 Sn 5-10,000 U 4-10,000 (+)-XRF05 8.00 plus2.00/element

    Ba 10-10,000 Nb 2-10,000 Sr 2-10,000 W 10-10,000

    Bi 4-10,000 Rb 2-10,000 Ta 10-10,000 Y 2-10,000

    Cr 5-10,000 Sb 4-10,000 Th 4-10,000 Zr 2-10,000

    Ga 4-10,000 Se 2-10,000 Ti 5-10,000

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.

    Exploration Geochemistry


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Individual Methods - Miscellaneous Techniques

    Analyte Range(ppm)

    Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Carbon & Sulfur 

    C (Total) 0.01%-50% Total carbon by Leco furnace. C-IR07 12.00

    C (Non-Carbonate) 0.01%-50% Dilute acid digestion followed by Leco furnace. C-IR06 16.00

    C (Carbonate) 0.2%-50% Inorganic carbon by coulometer. C-GAS05 17.00

    S (Total) 0.01%-50% Total sulfur by Leco furnace. S-IR08 12.00

    S (Sulfate)* 0.01%-50% Sulfate sulfur by carbonate leach andgravimetric analysis.

    S-GRA06 25.00

    S (Sulde) 0.01%-50% Calculated by the difference between total sulfurand sulfate sulfur.

    S-IR07 25.00


    Br** 0.5-10,000 Neutron activation. Br-NAA05 30.00Cl 50-10,000 Neutron activation. Cl-NAA06 30.00

    Cl 10-40,000 Fusion - XRF. CL-XRF11 21.00

    F 20-10,000 Fusion - S.I.E. F-ELE81a 15.00

    F 0.01%-100% Fusion - S.I.E. F-ELE82 22.50

    I** 20-10,000 Neutron activation. I-NAA07 30.00


    FeO 0.01%-100% Ferrous iron by HCl-HF acid digestion andtitrimetric nish.

    Fe-VOL05 15.00

    Hg 0.01-100 Aqua regia digestion/cold vapour, AAS. Hg-CV41 8.00

    pH - Soil pH (1:1 ratio). OA-ELE05 10.00

    Conductivity 1-50,000us/cm

    Conductivity of soil extract. OA-ELE04 10.00

    H2O- (Moisture) 0.01%-100% Gravimetric procedure after drying at 105°C. OA-GRA10 12.00

    H2O+ (Water ofCrystallization)

    0.01%-100% By Leco. OA-IR06 12.00

    LOI 0.01%-100% LOI at 1000°C. OA-GRA05 10.00

    SG - Specic gravity on solid objects. OA-GRA08 10.00

    SG - Specic gravity on solid objects, parafn coat. OA-GRA08a 13.00

    SG - Specic gravity on pulps (Pycnometer). OA-GRA08b 10.00

    BD 0.01-20g/cm3 Bulk density. OA-GRA09 10.00

    BD 0.01-20g/cm3 Bulk density - parafn coat. OA-GRA09a 16.00

    * Sulfate S may be understated if BaSO4 or SrSO4 present.** A surcharge may apply for batches of less than 20 samples.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


     Analysis related to lithogeochemistry, alteration minerals, and trace element

    mobility are important tools in understanding geological environments.

    The selections of analytical packages on this page are designed to offer

    comprehensive information for these studies.

    The nature of lithophile elements and the matrices they occur in require stronger dissolution procedures to separate

    them from the bulk matter. The most accurate results will therefore be obtained using fusion as the separation

    procedure or through direct analysis. X-ray uorescence is the preferred technique for analysis, however, ICP-AES

    can also be effectively used.

    Whole Rock Analysis Using XRF or ICP-AES

    Fusion (Lithium Metaborate)

    Analytes & Ranges (%) Code Price perSample ($)

    SiO2 0.01-100 MgO 0.01-100 TiO2 0.01-100 BaO 0.01-100 ME-XRF06* 25.00

    (Sold only asa completepackage).

     Al2O3 0.01-100 Na2O 0.01-100 MnO 0.01-100 LOI 0.01-100

    Fe2O3 0.01-100 K2O 0.01-100 P2O5 0.01-100

    CaO 0.01-100 Cr  2O3 0.01-100 SrO 0.01-100

    *The same element package is available by ICP-AES. Please quote ME-ICP06.

    Carbon and sulfur determinations by Leco can be added to a whole rock determination upon request at an additional


    Analytes & Ranges Code Price perSample ($)

    C (0.01%-50%)S (0.01-50%)

    ME-IR08 14.00(Add-on price).

    Pressed Pellet - Wavelength Dispersive XRF

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     As 5-5,000 Mo 4-10,000 Sn 5-10,000 U 4-10,000 (+)-XRF05 8.00 plus2.00/element

    Ba 10-10,000 Nb 2-10,000 Sr 2-10,000 W 10-10,000

    Bi 4-10,000 Rb 2-10,000 Ta 10-10,000 Y 2-10,000

    Cr 5-10,000 Sb 4-10,000 Th 4-10,000 Zr 2-10,000

    Ga 4-10,000 Se 2-10,000 Ti 5-10,000

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.



  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Rare Earth & Trace Elements Using ICP-MS

    Fusion (Lithium Metaborate)

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 1-1,000 Ga 0.1-1,000 Pb 5-10,000 Tm 0.01-1,000 ME-MS81 25.00

    (Sold only asa completepackage).

    Ba 0.5-10,000 Gd 0.05-1,000 Pr 0.03-1,000 U 0.05-1,000

    Ce 0.5-10,000 Hf 0.2-10,000 Rb 0.2-10,000 V 5-10,000

    Co 0.5-10,000 Ho 0.01-1,000 Sm 0.03-1,000 W 1-10,000

    Cr 10-10,000 La 0.5-10,000 Sn 1-10,000 Y 0.5-10,000

    Cs 0.01-10,000 Lu 0.01-1,000 Sr 0.1-10,000 Yb 0.03-1,000

    Cu 5-10,000 Mo 2-10,000 Ta 0.1-10,000 Zn 5-10,000

    Dy 0.05-1,000 Nb 0.2-10,000 Tb 0.01-1,000 Zr 0.5-10,000

    Er 0.03-1,000 Nd 0.1-10,000 Th 0.05-1,000

    Eu 0.03-1,000 Ni 5-10,000 Tl 0.5-1,000Suite of elements above added to ME-ICP06 whole rock package. 35.00

    (Sold only asa completepackage).

    Complete Characterization

    By combining a number of methods into one cost effective package, a complete sample characterization can be

    obtained. This package uses the whole rock package ME-ICP06 (page 22) plus carbon and sulfur by Leco to

    quantify the major elements of the sample. Trace elements, including the full rare earth suite, are reported using

    ME-MS81 and from a separate aqua regia digestion, the volatile Au related trace elements are added using method

    ME-MS42 (page 19).

    Analytes Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Major Elements:Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, Mn, P, LOI

    Lithium metaboratefusion,ICP-AES.

    CCP-PKG01 55.00

    (Sold only asa completepackage).

    C, S By Leco.

    Trace Elements and REE’s: Ag, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Gd, Hf, Ho, La, Lu,Mo, Nb, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Tl, Tm, U, V,W, Y, Yb, Zn, Zr 

    Lithium borate fusion,ICP-MS.

    Volatiles: As, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Te Aqua regia, ICP-MS.

    Individual Methods - Miscellaneous Techniques

    Analyte Range (ppm) Description Code Price perSample ($)

    H2O- (Moisture) 0.01%-100% Gravimetr ic procedure after drying at 105°C. OA-GRA10 12.00

    H2O+ (Water ofCrystallization)

    0.01%-100% By Leco. OA-IR06 12.00

    LOI 0.01%-100% LOI at 1000°C. OA-GRA05 10.00

    LOI/H2O 0.01%-100% LOI or Moisture by Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer.

    ME-GRA05 10.00


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    The focus of exploration is no longer just on gold. There is a need to be able to

    accurately quantify base metals and other commodity elements of value at higher

    concentrations. ALS Chemex has the experience and a range of procedures to

    meet these requirements.

    The Evaluation of Ores & High Grade Materials

    While analytical methods for geochemical exploration are optimized for low detection limits, the assays for evaluation

    of ores and high grade materials are optimized for accuracy and precision at high concentrations. The methods

    described in this section are suitable for most ores and high grade materials. Depending on the purpose of the

    analytical results, concentrations greater than 15%-20% may require the use of more expensive methods, such as

    titrimetric and gravimetric analysis, in order to achieve the maximum accuracy. Please contact your nearest ALSChemex laboratory should you require this type of analysis.

    Ores & High Grade Materials


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Aqua Regia Digestion

    Analytes & Ranges (%) Description Code Price perSample ($)

     Ag 1-1,500ppm Mn 0.01-50 Analyte by aqua regia digestion andICP-AES or AAS.



    7.00 plus2.00/element

    5.00 plus4.00/element

     As 0.01-30 Mo 0.001-10

    Cd 0.001-10 Ni 0.01-10

    Co 0.01-20 Pb 0.01-20

    Cu 0.01-40 Zn 0.01-60

    Fe 0.01-100

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.

    Four Acid “Near-Total” Digestion

    Analytes & Ranges (%) Description Code Price per

    Sample ($) Ag 1-1,500ppm Fe 0.01-100 Analyte by HF-HNO3-HClO4 

    digestion, HCl leach, and ICP-AESor AAS.



    9.00 plus2.00/element

    7.00 plus4.00/element

     As 0.01-30 Mn 0.01-50

    Bi 0.01-30 Mo 0.001-10

    Cd 0.0001-10 Ni 0.01-30

    Co 0.001-20 Pb 0.01-20

    Cr 0.002-30 Zn 0.01-30

    Cu 0.01-40

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.

    Fusion (Peroxide)Analytes & Ranges (%) Description Code Price per

    Sample ($)

     Al 0.01-50 Mn 0.01-50 Analyte by peroxide fusion and ICP- AES.

    (+)-ICP81 10.00 plus2.00/element

     As 0.01-10 Ni 0.005-30

    Ca 0.05-10 P 0.01-30

    Co 0.002-30 Pb 0.01-30

    Cr 0.01-30 S 0.01-60

    Cu 0.005-30 Si 0.01-50

    Fe 0.05-100 Ti 0.01-30

    K 0.1-30 Zn 0.01-30

    Mg 0.01-30

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.

    Fusion (Metaborate) - Wavelength Dispersive XRF

    Analytes & Ranges (%) Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Ba 0.01-50 Th 0.01-15 Analyte by metaborate fusion andXRF.

    (+)-XRF10 12.00 plus3.00/element

    Nb 0.01-10 U 0.01-15

    Sb 0.01-50 W 0.01-50

    Sn 0.01-60 Zr 0.01-50Ta 0.01-50

    + Add element symbol as prex to method code.


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    Commodities such as iron ore and bauxite represent a substantial portion of the

    world’s mining and mineral exploration activity. ALS Chemex is now capable of

    providing analytical services specically tailored for these industries.

    Fusion followed by X-Ray uorescence spectrometry is the preferred choice of procedure in the industry for the

    characterization of ores. At ALS Chemex, we have expanded our XRF capabilities with the purchase of three new

    state-of-the-art XRF spectrometers. The main packages available are listed on the following pages. Other ore types

    are available upon request.

    Iron Ore

    Fusion (Lithium Metaborate)

    Analytes & Ranges (%) Code Price perSample ($)

    Fe 0.01-75 Na2O 0.01-5 Cu 0.001-3 V 0.001-1 ME-XRF11 45.00

    SiO2 0.01-70 TiO2 0.001-20 Ni 0.001-3 Zn 0.001-5

     Al2O3 0.01-30 As 0.001-0.6 P 0.001-5 Zr 0.001-1

    CaO 0.01-10 Ba 0.001-0.3 Pb 0.001-4 LOI 0.01-100

    K2O 0.001-5 Cl 0.001-4 S 0.001-5

    MgO 0.01-10 Co 0.001-2 Sn 0.001-1

    MnO 0.001-75 Cr 0.001-5 Sr 0.001-1

    Nickel Laterites


    Analytes & Ranges (%) Code Price perSample ($)

    Ni 0.001-20 Al2O3 0.01-100 MnO 0.001-75 Zn 0.001-5 ME-XRF12 40.00

    Co 0.001-0.5 CaO 0.01-50 Na2O 0.001-10 LOI 0.01-100

    Cu 0.001-3 Cr  2O3 0.001-10 P2O5 0.001-35

    Fe2O3 0.01-100 K2O 0.001-15 TiO2 0.01-100

    SiO2 0.01-100 MgO 0.01-50 Pb 0.001-4Note: Nickel sulde ores are best characterized by the ME-ICP81 peroxide fusion package.

    Iron, Nickel & Aluminium Ores


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Aluminium Ore (Bauxite)


    Analytes & Ranges (%) Code Price perSample ($)

     Al2O3 0.01-60 K2O 0.001-15 SO3 0.001-15 Zn 0.001-25 ME-XRF13 40.00

    BaO 0.001-6 MgO 0.01-50 SiO2 0.01-100 ZrO2 0.001-100

    CaO 0.01-50 MnO 0.001-75 SrO 0.001-1 LOI 0.01-100

    Cr 2O3 0.001-4 Na2O 0.001-10 TiO2 0.01-100

    Fe2O3 0.01-100 P2O5 0.001-35 V2O5 0.001-1

     A number of additional elements can be added to these packages upon request.

    Other mineral and commodity specic packages are also available.


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    There are many different reasons for analyzing geological samples, and in

    some cases, the target of exploration may require specialized techniques. ALS

    Chemex has a wide range of exibility in its capabilities so that no matter what

    your exploration objective is, we have an analytical package to suit your needs.

     ALS Chemex has used its experience and variety of instrumentation to tailor several specialty packages to specic

    needs commonly encountered in geological exploration. However, our range of specialty services is not limited to

    those listed on the following pages as we can also provide services such as geochronology and isotopic studies,

    diamond exploration and much more. We would be pleased to discuss your project’s analytical needs should they

    fall outside the scope of the packages discussed in this section.

    Specialty Services


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule



    The methods described below are commonly used when copper is the main target commodity. Complementary

    multi-element methods and packages can be found elsewhere in this service schedule. We would be pleased to

    discuss the specic analytical requirements for your projects.

    Analyte Range (%) Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Ore Grade

    Cu 0.01-50 Cu by aqua regia digestion, AAS or ICP-AES nish. Cu-OG46 9.00

    Cu 0.01-50 Cu by HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion, HCl leach, and ICP- AES or AAS.

    Cu-OG62 11.00

    Cu 0.005-30 Cu by sodium peroxide fusion and ICP-AES. Cu-ICP81 12.00


    Cu 0.01-100 Cu by HNO3-HCl-HCl4-H2SO4 acid digestion, shortiodide titration according to ISO 10258.2.

    Cu-VOL61 35.00

    Cu 0.01-100 Cu by HNO3-HCl-HCl4-H2SO4 acid digestion andelectro-deposition according to ISO 10258.

    Cu-ELE61 150.00

    Mineralogical Assays

    Evaluation of copper prospects often involves the need to know more about the mineral forms the copper is present

    in. This information can be obtained by leaching samples with different chemicals. For example, to determine a

    sample’s tenorite (oxide copper) content, citric acid can be used to leach the mineral from the matrix. Malachite,

    azurite, chrysocolla and portions of the cuprite, in addition to tenorite can be leached using sulfuric acid. The results

    of the preceding are often referred to as “acid soluble” copper and “non-sulde” copper. Another leaching agent

    commonly used for copper mineral selection is cyanide which will give the chalcocite, bornite and a portion of the

    chalcopyrite contents of the sample. The mineral forms listed as being solubilized in each leach are meant as a

    guide only and there can be quite different outcomes depending on the sample matrix and specic mineralogy. For

    each project and mineral type, adjustments to leach conditions and chemicals will be needed to ensure the correct

    mineral types are being targeted.

     A few of the leaches available from ALS Chemex for this type of work are listed below. Custom methods using

    different leaches and conditions are available on request.

    Analyte Range (%) Description Code Price per

    Sample ($)Cu (Oxide) 0.01-10 Citric acid leach and AAS. Cu-AA04 10.00

    Cu (Non-Sulde)

    0.001-10 Sulfuric acid leach and AAS. Cu-AA05 10.00

    Cu 0.01-10 Cyanide leach and AAS. Cu-AA17 12.00

    Cu - Cu sequential analysis. Cu results are reported forsulfuric acid soluble, cyanide soluble and total.

    Cu-PKG06 30.00


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  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Uranium in Resistate Mineral Forms By Fusion

    Resistate minerals (including apatite, zircon, monazite, and sphene) require either a fusion to solubilize the elements

    or direct determination on the solid. A lithium metaborate fusion followed by an ICP-MS nish includes the widest

    range of elements, high temperature fusion to dissolve resistive minerals, and ICP-MS nish for low detection limits.

    Analytes & Ranges (ppm) Code Price perSample ($)

    U 0.05-1,000 Eu 0.03-1,000 Ni 5-10,000 Tl 0.5-1,000 ME-MS81u 37.50

     Ag 1-1,000 Ga 0.1-1,000 Pb 5-10,000 Tm 0.01-1,000

    Ba 0.5-10,000 Gd 0.05-1,000 Pr 0.03-1,000 V 5-10,000

    Ce 0.5-10,000 Hf 0.2-10,000 Rb 0.2-10,000 W 1-10,000

    Co 0.5-10,000 Ho 0.01-1,000 Sm 0.03-1,000 Y 0.5-10,000

    Cr 10-10,000 La 0.5-10,000 Sn 1-10,000 Yb 0.03-1,000

    Cs 0.01-10,000 Lu 0.01-1,000 Sr 0.1-10,000 Zn 5-10,000

    Cu 5-10,000 Mo 2-10,000 Ta 0.1-10,000 Zr 0.5-10,000Dy 0.05-1,000 Nb 0.2-10,000 Tb 0.01-1,000

    Er 0.03-1,000 Nd 0.1-10,000 Th 0.05-1,000

    Note: Major elements can be added with the addition of the ME-ICP06 whole rock package.

    X-Ray Fluorescence & NAA

    Analyte Range (ppm) Description Code Price perSample ($)

    U 4-10,000 U by pressed pellet, XRF. U-XRF05 10.00

    U 0.01%-15% U by lithium metaborate fusion, XRF. U-XRF10 15.00

    U 0.2-10,000 U by neutron activation. U-NAA05 30.00


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    Selective Leach Geochemistry

    Mineral exploration is moving into mature terrain and the best potential often lies beneath deep overburden. Subtle

    anomalies can be detected using conventional analytical methods; however, these types of strong acid digestions

    are less selective and the bulk chemistry of the overburden may mask the presence of trace elements. There are a

    variety of weaker leaches that are effective in selectively dissolving specic components of the sample.

     ALS Chemex offers a wide variety of selective leaches to allow our clients to select the leach which is most applicable

    to their geological and surcial geochemical eld environment. We offer non-proprietary methods including, but not

    limited to, cold and hot hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium pyrophosphate leaches. We also offer the proprietary

    leach method Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) technology. In all cases instrumental analysis is carried out using ICP-MS.

    Contact an ALS Chemex representative who can discuss your needs for your particular exploration projects.

    MMI - Mobile Metal Ion Leaches

    MMI analysis is performed by ALS Chemex under a licensing arrangement with Wamtech Pty Ltd, owners of the

    technology. In the right geological environment the MMI Process enables the detection of deeply buried mineralizationusing a surface soil medium, through the dissolution and subsequent measurement of mobile metal ions, which are

    loosely attached to the surface soil particles. MMI uses proprietary leach reagents suitable for the extraction of the

    target elements.

    Analytes & Lower Reporting Limits(ppm)

    Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Cu 0.01 Pb 0.01 Zn 0.02 MMI-A leach for base metals(ICP-MS).

    ME-MS09 28.00

    Cd 0.001

     Au 0.00001 Ni 0.003 Co 0.00025 MMI-B leach for precious metals


    ME-MS10 28.00

     Ag 0.0001 Pd 0.0001

     Au 0.0005 Ni 0.015 Co 0.001 MMI-L leach for preciousmetals (ICP-MS) analysis insaline environments and waterabsorbing samples.

    ME-MS16 28.00

     Ag 0.0005 Pd 0.0005

     Ag 0.0001 Li 0.0002 Sr 0.01 MMI-M: Neutral pH, bufferedleach for multi-element analysis ofcommodity elements, pathndersand litho-discriminators.

    ME-MS17 22.00for rst 3elements

     Additionalelements0.75 each

     As 0.001 Mg 0.01 Tb 0.0001

     Au 0.0001 Mn 0.01 Te 0.001

    Ba 0.01 Mo 0.005 Th 0.001

    Bi 0.003 Nb 0.0001 Ti 0.01

    Ca 0.2 Nd 0.0001 Tl 0.01

    Cd 0.001 Ni 0.003 U 0.001

    Ce 0.0001 Pb 0.01 W 0.0002

    Co 0.0003 Pd 0.0001 Y 0.0001

    Cr 0.001 Pr 0.0001 Yb 0.0001

    Cu 0.01 Rb 0.005 Zn 0.02

    Er 0.0001 Sb 0.001 Zr 0.001

    Fe 0.1 Sc 0.003

    Gd 0.0001 Sm 0.0001

    La 0.0001 Sn 0.0002

     All elements above. MMI-M complete package. ME-MS18 34.00

    Specialty Services


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    Cold Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride

    The cold hydroxylamine leach has been used extensively by explorationists because it is selective for manganese

    oxides, long known to be powerful scavengers of heavy metals of geochemical signicance. Manganese forms

    several oxidation states and exists in a variety of amorphous and crystalline forms. As a result, manganese oxidehas an extraordinarily high cation exchange capacity, accommodating many different trace elements on its surfaces.

    This leach does not dissolve crystalline iron oxides but does dissolve very small amounts of amorphous hydrous

    iron oxide.

    Hot Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride

    The hot hydroxylamine leach, which combines a higher concentration of hydroxylamine with elevated temperature

    (60°C) and a reducing acid environment, is capable of effectively dissolving amorphous hydrous iron oxide while

    leaving crystalline iron oxide substantially intact (typically

  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Commercial & Industrial Mineral Analysis

    Concentrate, Metallurgical Material & Bullion Analysis

    The analysis of mine concentrate samples is a critical step in the purchase and sale of these commodities. These control

    assays require meticulous work by highly trained laboratory professionals to obtain accurate and highly precise data.

     ALS Chemex maintains separate laboratory facilities for the testing of mineral concentrates, and employs registered

    assayers to oversee the work, which is done using traditional techniques carried out in duplicate, as a minimum. In

    cases of buyer/seller dispute, ALS Chemex will perform umpire analyses of concentrate materials with the same

    careful attention to detail and even greater precision. In addition to concentrate work, the specialty facilities are

    available for the analysis of precious metal bullions and metallurgical materials such as carbon from leach circuits.

    Analyte Description Price perSample ($)

     Ag Cd K P Sb Acid Insolubles Analysis in concentrates. By quotation

     As Co Mg Pb Se Moisture Au Cr Mn Pd Sn

    Bi Cu Mo Pt Te

    C Fe Na Rh V

    Ca Hg Ni S Zn

    Analyte Description Price perSample ($)

     Ag Cd Fe Mo Pd Si Umpire analysis. By quotation

     As Co Hg Ni Pt Sn

     Au Cr Mn Pb Sb Zn

    Bi Cu*For details on the applicable codes, procedural details, detection limits and precisions for any of the above listed elements or parameters, pleasecontact your local ofce.

    Mineral Sands & Industrial Minerals

    The packages listed below are only a subset of those available at ALS Chemex. There are additional specialized

    packages for the analysis of other ores and products. Please consult with a laboratory representative for more



    Analytes Description Code Price perSample ($)

    Bauxite Total Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, LOI Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP88 55.00

    IntermediatePlant Products

     Any of the following: TiO2, ZrO2, Fe2O3, CaO, Cr 2O3,MgO, MnO, Nb2O5, P2O5, SiO2, V2O5, Al2O3

    Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP94 145.00

    Iron Ore Total Fe, SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, CaO, MgO, MnO, P, LOI Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP87 55.00


    CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, LOI Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP86 55.00


    Ni, Co, Fe, SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2,P2O5, MnO, Cr 2O3, LOI

    Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP93 55.00

    Silicates SiO2, Al2O3, Total Fe as Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O,K2O, TiO2, MnO, P2O5, SrO, LOI

    Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP85 55.00

    Zircons Any of the following: ZrO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, CaO,HfO2, MgO, P2O5, SiO2

    Fusion, ICP-AES. ME-ICP83 180.00

    Specialty Services


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    Acid Generation Potential Evaluation

    Natural oxidation of sulde minerals in rocks and tailings by a combination of chemical and biological weathering

    can result in the formation of sulfuric acid, thus lowering pH and causing increased levels of dissolved trace metals.

    The rate of acid generation is extremely complex and is affected by such variables as pH, temperature, humidity,

    oxygenation, particle size and sulde mineral species. In addition, the rate of acid generation is accelerated by

    certain bacterial species such as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The degree of bacterial action depends in turn upon

    such factors as pH, population density and growth, and nutrient concentrations.

     Acid-generating minerals include the various mineral forms of pyrite as well as other common sulde minerals such

    as arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. However, other species in the waste rock frequently include alkaline minerals

    such as calcite as well. These alkaline minerals can effectively neutralize acid-generating and alkaline materials,

    both in the short term and over extended periods of time. Depending on the amount of alkaline material present, the

    sulfuric acid may be partially or completely neutralized. If the production of sulfuric acid exceeds its neutralization

    by alkaline materials, then the result is acid rock drainage.

     ALS Chemex offers different methods to assess the acid generating potential of your waste piles, both in the short

    term (Static Test) and over extended periods of time (Humidity Cells).

    Static Test Using Acid-Base Accounting

    Our acid rock drainage static test has been designed to measure the balance between potentially acid-generating

    minerals (maximum potential acidity) and acid-neutralizing minerals (neutralization potential) in a sample. This

    procedure, known as Acid-Base Accounting (ABA), yields a gure known as Net Neutralization Potential (NNP),

    which determines whether a particular sample will theoretically generate acidity over time. Depending on the

    parameters included, there are different static test options.

    Parameters Method Code


    Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) √ √ √ √ √

    Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA) √ √ √ √ √

    Neutralization Potential & Fizz Rating √ √ √ √ √

    Ratio (Neutralization Potential:MPA) √ √ √ √ √

    Paste pH √ √ √ √ √

    Total Sulfur  √ √ √ √ √

    HCl-leachable Sulfate √ √ √ √

    Sulde √ √ √ √

    Total Sulfate (Carbonate Leach) √ √

    Inorganic Carbon (CO2) √ √

    Price per Sample ($) 65.00 95.00 105.00 105.00 115.00

    Kinetic Tests Using Humidity Cells

    Kinetic tests are used to further evaluate samples which were identied to have net acid generating potential.

    Samples are subjected to chemical weathering under controlled laboratory conditions. Tests are carried out in

    humidity cells typically using 7-day test cycles.

    Parameters Code Price per

    Sample ($)

    pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Acidity, Sulfate, Trace Elements ICP-MS Scan. ABA-PKG10 By quotation


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    1. ALS Chemex will provide the services described in the

    accompanying tender, quotation, letter, fax or email, hereafter called

    the “Agreement” to the client.

    2. ALS Chemex will provide the services by exercising the same degree

    of skill, care and diligence that would be exercised by professional

    service providers in similar circumstances.

    3. The placement of an order for or receipt of samples for analysis

    based on this Agreement will constitute acceptance of these Terms

    & Conditions by the client.

    4. This Agreement is valid for 30 days from the issue date unless

    specically indicated otherwise.

    5. ALS Chemex reserves the right to review prices at any time if

    signicant changes to our costs are incurred that are beyond our

    control eg changes in legislative requirements or Client variations

    to sample numbers, analytes requested, turnaround required,

    reporting requirements and such.

    6. Payment terms are 30 days from invoice date, subject to credit

    approval, unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to sample

    submission. To ensure timely release of results, you may wish to

    contact our credit department prior to submitting samples to check

    the status of your existing trade account, submit a credit application

    (available at

    appform.htm) or arrange for payment prior to our release of results.

    7. To the full extent permitted by law ALS Chemex excludes all

    warranties, terms, conditions or undertakings, (‘terms’) whether

    expressed or implied, in relation to the services, the report, or its

    contents. Where any legislation implies any terms in this Agreement

    that cannot be modied or excluded then such terms shall deemto be included. However, to the full extent permitted by law, ALS

    Chemex liability to the Client is limited at ALS Chemex’s option to

    the re-performance of the service or the refund of the service fee.

    8. Without limiting the generality of clause 7, it is agreed that, to the

    full extent permitted by any applicable laws having jurisdiction, ALS

    Chemex will not be liable to the Client or any other person for any

    special, indirect or consequential damages arising from the Clients

    use of ALS Chemex’s services or reports.

    9. The Client hereby releases and indemnies and shall continue to

    release and indemnify ALS Chemex, its ofcers, employees and

    agents from and against all actions, claims, proceedings or demands

    (including any costs and expenses in defending or servicing same)which may be brought against it or them, in respect of any loss,

    death, injury, illness or damage to persons or property, and whether

    direct or indirect and in respect of any breach of any industrial or

    intellectual property rights, howsoever arising out of the use of the

    services or report of ALS Chemex.

    10. The Client acknowledges that it is the client’s sole responsibility to

    make its own assessment of the suitability for any purpose of the

    service, report and its contents.

    11. The service provided is subject to detection limits and condence

    intervals inherent in our current methodology. Because each client

    is reliant upon assay results for a particular purpose and often

    in a unique geological or metallurgical context, it is the client’sresponsibility to inform him or herself fully as to ALS Chemex’s

    detection limits and condence intervals relevant to that particular

    set of assay results.

    12. The Client will give written notice of all known safety or health

    hazards and special procedures applicable to the safe handling,

    testing, storage, transport and disposal of samples submitted. ALS

    Chemex may in its absolute discretion, refuse to provide services

    where it determines the provision of such services may pose a

    health or safety hazard.

    13. The Client acknowledges that during the performance of the

    services the samples or parts thereof may be altered, lost, damaged

    or destroyed. ALS Chemex shall not be liable to the Client or any

    third party for any samples so altered, lost, damaged or destroyed.

    14. Subject to the Clients approval, and if ALS Chemex considers it

    appropriate, then ALS Chemex may engage a third party service

    provider. The Client shall not unreasonably withhold such approval.

    15. ALS Chemex may suspend or terminate its obligations under this

     Agreement if (a) monies payable to ALS Chemex by the client are

    outstanding 60 days or more (unless otherwise agreed), (b) other

    substantial breach by the client of their obligations hereunder, which

    breach is not remedied within 30 days of written notice from ALS

    Chemex requiring the breach to be remedied, (c) by giving the

    Client 60 days written notice of their intention to do so.

    16. The Client may terminate its obligations under this Agreement in

    the event of a substantial breach by ALS Chemex in its obligations

    hereunder, which breach has not been remedied within 30 days of

    written notice from the client requiring the breach to be remedied.

    17. ALS Chemex will retain client data for 3 years only from date of nal


    18. Unless otherwise agreed, sample disposal is the responsibility of

    the client. Samples may be collected within 90 days of receivingthe report. Uncollected samples may incur a storage or disposal


    19. For samples, pulps and rejects that are in storage at an ALS Chemex

    facility, warehouse, or at a third party storage facility sub-contracted

    by ALS Chemex, the Client should obtain coverage for re and

    theft. The responsibility of ALS Chemex for client’s goods is strictly

    limited to exercising the reasonable care and diligence as required

    by statute. All of ALS Chemex other obligations, undertakings,

    covenants, representations, warranties and conditions, are

    excluded, unless they are expressly agreed to in writing by an

    authorized representative of ALS Chemex.

    20. Except as provided in clause 19 above, client’s goods are storedat the clients exclusive risk of loss, damage or delay in delivery

    whatsoever, including, without limitation, loss, damage or delay

    caused through (a) any action or failure to act beyond the reasonable

    control of ALS Chemex, (b) ordinary wear and tear in handling, (c)

    natural deterioration of packing material over time, (d) theft, (e)

    sprinkler or other water damage, (f) re.

    21. ALS Chemex may assign or subcontract the storage and handling

    of pulps and rejects under this agreement without prior written

    approval of the client.

    Terms & Conditions


  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


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       t  e  r   i  a   l  s

  • 8/17/2019 ALS Chemex Schedule


    Mineral Division - ALS Chemex


     Altos Homos Zapla 1605Godoy Cruz, MendozaTel: 54 261 431 9880Fax: 54 261 432 1445


    Unit 1, 1 Burma Road, Pooraka Adelaide, South Australia 5095Tel: 61 8 8359 0890Fax: 61 8 8359 0875

    Alice Springs

    13 Price Street, Alice SpringsNorthern Territory 0870Tel: 61 8 8952 6020Fax: 61 8 8952 6028


    32 Shand Street, StaffordBrisbane, Queensland 4053Tel: 61 7 3243 7222

    Fax: 61 7 3243 7218


    5 Keogh Way, KalgoorlieWestern Australia 6430Tel: 61 8 9021 1457Fax: 61 8 9021 6253


    1535 Pyramid Road, KarrathaWestern Australia 6714Tel: 61 8 9144 2577Fax: 61 8 9144 1355


    10 Leewood Drive, OrangeNew South Wales 2800Tel: 61 2 6393 1100Fax: 61 2 6393 1111


    31 Denninup Way, MalagaPerth, Western Australia 6090Tel: 61 8 9347 3222Fax: 61 8 9347 3232


    21 Bombala Street, GarbuttTownsville, Queensland 4814Tel: 61 7 4796 0600Fax: 61 7 4796 0620


     Avenida 24 De Junio S/N KM 2.7

    BrazilBelo Horizonte

    Rua São Paulo 685Vespasiano MG 33.200-000Belo HorizonteTel: 55 31 3621 3907Fax: 55 31 3621 8433


    Modulo 22, Quadra 27VPD-DIAL, Setor Agro -Industrial, Caixa Postal 138Luziania, GOCEP 72.814-300Tel: 55 61 3620 1858Fax: 55 61 3620 1633


    Rua 4, No 165 Quadra15 Cidade NovaParauapebas, PACEP:68.515-000Tel: 55 94 3346 2280Fax: 55 94 3346 1034


    (Admin Ofce)5420 Mainway Drive - Unit 5Burlington, Ontario L7L 6A4Tel: 1 905 331 3111Fax: 1 905 331 4567


    1512 Old Falconbridge RoadSudbury, Ontario P3A 4N8Tel: 1 705 560 7225Fax: 1 705 560 6688

    Thunder Bay

    Unit 5, 1160 Commerce StreetThunder Bay, Ontario P7E 6E9

    Tel: 1 807 475 3329Fax: 1 807 475 9196


    The Timmins Industrial Centre2090 Riverside Drive, Unit 10Timmins, Ontario P4R 1M9Tel: 1 705 360 1987


    1322B HarricanaVal-d’Or, Quebec J9P 3X6Tel: 1 819 825 0178Fax: 1