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ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INCORPORATED Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Atlanta, Georgia CHAPTER BYLAWS Revised October 2013

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Atlanta, Georgia

CHAPTER BYLAWS Revised October 2013

PREFACE The Chapter Bylaws serve as one of several internal documents used by Pi Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. This document is designed to be used in conjunction with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. governing documents and Roberts’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. The rank order of authority of Pi Alpha Omega Chapter governing documents is:

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Manual of Standard Procedure

Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws

Any other rules adopted by Pi Alpha Omega Chapter

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revise

Table of Contents ARTICLE I – NAME ............................................................................................ 1

ARTICLE II – PURPOSE ...................................................................................... 1

ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP .............................................................................. 1

ARTICLE IV – OFFICERS ..................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE V – MEETINGS .................................................................................... 7

ARTICLE VI – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .............................................................. 9

ARTICLE VII – COMMITTEES ........................................................................... 10

ARTICLE VIII – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY ................................................. 13

ARTICLE IX – AMENDING THE BYLAWS .......................................................... 13

ARTICLE X – DISSOLUTION ............................................................................. 13

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 1 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

ARTICLE I – Name The organization shall be known as Pi Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Chartered on September 21, 1985, and established in the city of Atlanta, GA, the chapter shall be composed of Graduate Sorors as defined by the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

ARTICLE II – Purpose The purpose of Pi Alpha Omega Chapter is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of service to all mankind as stated in the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

ARTICLE III – Membership Membership in Pi Alpha Omega shall be classified as Graduate, Associate and Life. These classifications are defined in the current editions of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws, Article IV, Sections 1-9, and Manual of Standard Procedure. SECTION 1. Qualifications for Chapter Membership An active member of Pi Alpha Omega is a Soror who meets all financial requirements set forth by both the local chapter and Corporate Office. A soror is considered inactive when she fails to meet all financial obligations. SECTION 2. Dues and Assessments 1. Chapter dues shall be based on a budget prepared by the Finance

Committee and voted on at the November meeting. Dues (local and Corporate) are due in full by December 31 of each year.

2. Assessments are included as a part of a Soror’s financial obligation. Each assessment and the due date must be approved by the chapter. Assessments may only be met by a chapter approved method.

3. Pi Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. , having chartered a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation known as the Ivy & Roses Community Fund, Inc., which operates under its own bylaws,

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

shall maintain the Foundation by supporting it in part with the payment of annual dues. This fee shall be included in the payment of chapter dues.

SECTION 3. Annual vote to request authorization for MIP The Chapter will take an annual vote to determine if a Request for Authorization to Conduct Graduate MIP is desired. SECTION 4. Active Chapter Participation for Membership Intake Process (MIP) Sponsors/Co-Sponsors A soror must be an active member of Pi Alpha Omega for two (2) years (24 consecutive months) before she is eligible to sponsor a candidate for membership. An active chapter member is defined as a Soror who: 1. Attends five (5) chapter meetings in the year (12 months) prior to

sponsorship. 2. Attends one of the last two (2) annual chapter retreats. 3. Attends one (1) of the following meetings within the two-year

period (24 months) prior to sponsorship: Cluster, Regional Conference, Boule or Leadership Seminar.

4. Participates in chapter activities by serving in all of the following

areas in the year (12 months) prior to sponsorship:

a. Serves on at least one chapter program committee, b. Serves on at least one chapter operating (standing or ad hoc)

committee, and, c. Completes at least one workshop sponsored by the chapter’s

Leadership Committee.

5. Fulfils all chapter financial obligations in the two-year period (24 months) prior to sponsorship, as defined in the Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws, Article III – Membership, Section 1. Qualifications for Chapter Membership.

SECTION 5. Penalties and Restoration of Privileges Each member shall have knowledge of and shall comply fully and in good faith with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of Standard Procedure, Soror Code of Ethics, Pi Alpha

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 3 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

Omega Chapter Bylaws, and any other rules governing members. Penalties or sanctions may be imposed when a member violates her obligations under any of the above mentioned documents. Behaviors subject to penalties and sanctions as well as conditions for revocation and restoration of privileges are identified in the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

ARTICLE IV – Officers The elected officers of this chapter are Basileus, Anti-Basileus, Grammateus, Anti-Grammateus, Tamiouchos, Pecunious Grammateus, Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Epistoleus, Ivy Leaf Reporter, Historian, Hodegos, Graduate Advisor, and Philacter. The appointed officers of this chapter are Parliamentarian and Chaplain, appointed by the Basileus biennially. SECTION 1. Qualifications for Chapter Officers A Soror must be an active member of Pi Alpha Omega before she can be elected to office. Additionally, she must:

1. Attend five (5) chapter meetings in the program year prior to candidacy.

2. Attend at least one (1) of the following: chapter retreat,

Cluster meeting, Regional Conference, Boule, or Leadership Seminar within the program year prior to candidacy.

3. Demonstrate leadership in chapter activities by serving in at

least one (1) of the following areas in the program year prior to candidacy:

a. Serve on at least one chapter program committee and, b. Serve on at least one chapter operating (standing or

ad hoc) committee.

4. Fulfill all chapter financial obligations in the program year prior to candidacy, as defined in the Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws, Article III. Section 1. Qualifications for Chapter Membership.

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

SECTION 2. Duties A. The Basileus presides at all meetings of the chapter and performs

all duties pertaining to her office as outlined in the most current edition of the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She appoints a parliamentarian, a chaplain, and all chairs of operating (standing and ad hoc) committees. She also serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

B. The Anti-Basileus presides in the absence of the Basileus; directs

the program activities of the chapter; and serves as chairman of the Program Committee. In case of an unexpired term of Basileus, the Anti-Basileus fills the vacancy.

C. The Grammateus keeps an accurate account of chapter meetings

and proceedings, maintains chapter attendance records, and prepares official ballots.

D. The Anti-Grammateus serves in the absence of the Grammateus;

assists the Grammateus in the performance of her duties; maintains records of service hours performed by chapter members; and performs other duties as assigned by the Basileus.

E. The Tamiouchos receives and deposits all monies from the

Pecunious Grammateus. She follows proper financial procedures, as outlined in the sorority’s Fiscal Fitness manual; keeps orderly records of income and expenditures; makes timely deposits of funds; issues checks; reconciles monthly bank statements; prepares and presents monthly reports; and maintains a cash disbursements journal. The Tamiouchos also serves as chairman of the Finance/ Budget Committee.

F. The Pecunious Grammateus maintains a current alphabetical list

of members; receives, records and maintains records of all chapter funds; and transfers all monies to the Tamiouchos for deposit.

G. The Anti-Pecunious Grammateus serves in the absence of the

Pecunious Grammateus; assists the Pecunious Grammateus in the performance of her duties; and performs other duties as assigned by the Basileus.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 5 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

H. The Epistoleus handles chapter correspondence; prepares and

circulates the chapter newsletter; and distributes meeting notices.

I. The Parliamentarian assists the presiding officer in interpreting the sorority’s governing documents and advises the presiding officer on proper use of parliamentary procedure. She also serves as chairman of the Bylaws Committee.

J. The Chaplain provides spiritual guidance at meetings, at chapter

functions, and whenever directed by the Basileus.

K. The Ivy Leaf Reporter prepares and distributes news articles to local media and/or to the Editor-in-Chief of the Ivy Leaf at least twice a year.

L. The Historian keeps the chapter’s history current and maintains

files (printed and electronic versions) of the chapter properties. Records may be maintained locally or with the Corporate Office. The Historian also serves as chairman of the Archives Committee.

M. The Hodegos receives and introduces all visitors and extends

courtesies. She also serves as chairman of the Sisterly Relations Committee.

N. The Graduate Advisor serves as liaison between the

undergraduate chapter, the graduate chapter, and the regional director. She establishes a working relationship with university officials, and advises the undergraduate chapter in the interpretations of the sorority’s governing documents, Undergraduate Membership Intake Process Manual and Anti-Hazing Handbook. She also serves as chairman of the chapter’s Graduate Advisor Council.

The Graduate Advisor must be certified as outlined in the current edition of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws.

O. The Philacter serves as chapter sentinel (doorkeeper), responsible for checking credentials, maintaining meeting sign-in sheets, and collecting fines.

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

SECTION 3: Term of Office Officers shall be elected, by ballot, in November for a term of two (2) years (24 months), not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms (48 months) in the same office. Officers are installed at the December meeting and their terms begin on January 1. A. Officers elected or appointed in even years are Basileus,

Grammateus, Pecunious Grammateus, Hodegos, Ivy Leaf Reporter, Graduate Advisor, Historian, Parliamentarian, and Chaplain.

B. Officers and committee members elected in odd years are Anti-Basileus, Anti-Grammateus, Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Tamiouchos, Epistoleus, Philacter, and Nominating Committee members (3).

SECTION 4: Nominations and Elections A. All candidates nominated for office must be active with Pi Alpha

Omega Chapter. In addition: 1. Each officer must be elected by a majority of members

present and voting.

2. A delegate must be active with Pi Alpha Omega Chapter. 3. A member who has served as a delegate in any given year,

may not serve again as a delegate in the same year or the succeeding year at the Chapter’s expense, with the exception of the Basileus, Anti-Basileus and Graduate Advisor, who are automatic delegates.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 7 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

SECTION 5: Resignations and Disciplinary Actions A. Should an elected officer resign or should the office be declared

vacant during the calendar year, the Basileus shall appoint a member of the Chapter to assume the office temporarily and shall ask the Epistoleus to send notice of a special election at the next regular meeting.

B. Any elected member of the Executive Committee, who is found

guilty of neglecting or failing to discharge her duties, as established in the sorority’s governing documents or Chapter Bylaws, may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at the ensuing chapter meeting.

C. Any appointed chair of a Standing Committee who is found guilty of neglecting or failing to discharge her duties may be removed as chair of the committee with approval of two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee present at the ensuing Executive Committee meeting.

D. If an officer or committee chairman misses three (3) consecutive chapter meetings or three (3) consecutive Executive Committee meetings without notice, the Soror shall be subject to a reprimand or removal from her duties. With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Basileus will send written correspondence to the offending officer or committee chairman to notify her that she is subject to reprimand or removal from duties. The Executive Committee will determine the outcome.

ARTICLE V – Meetings

SECTION 1. Regular Meetings Chapter meetings will be held as described below at a specified location. A. Ten (10) Meetings Annually. Pi Alpha Omega shall have a total

of 10 meetings annually.

B. Regular Meeting Schedule. The fourth (4th) Saturday of each month is designated as the regular meeting date, except during the

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

months of May, November, December, and other occasions when the meeting is scheduled on an alternate date.

C. Meeting Notification. Notification of regular meetings shall

be sent via chapter newsletter, electronic mail, telephone (calling post), or U.S. Mail at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

D. Joint Meetings. The chapter shall hold at least two (2) joint

meetings per year with the Sigma Sigma Chapter at Clayton State University, to be held in April and December of each year or as designated by the Basileus.

E. Quorum. Forty-five (45) active chapter members shall constitute a

quorum. This number is the minimum necessary to conduct business during a regular chapter meeting.

F. Voting. Only active chapter members may vote. SECTION 2. Executive Committee Meetings The Executive Committee meets monthly prior to the regularly scheduled chapter meeting. The exact meeting date is at the discretion of the Basileus. A. Quorum. Six (6) elected officers, appointed officers or

operating committee chairmen constitute a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.

B. Voting. Attendance at Executive Committee meetings is open to

all members of the chapter, but only those elected and appointed officers and committee chairmen are eligible to vote.

C. Meeting notification. Notification of Executive Committee

Meetings shall be sent via electronic mail, telephone (calling post), or U.S. Mail at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 9 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

SECTION 3. Special/Called Meetings The Basileus or the Executive Committee may schedule special/called meetings. A. Notice of special/called meetings shall be given electronically

(via e-mail), by telephone (via calling post), or by U.S. Mail at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

B. The quorum requirement of 45 active chapter members for special/called meetings is the same as that for regular meetings.

ARTICLE VI – Executive Committee SECTION 1. Composition The Executive Committee, also known as the Executive Board (e-Board) consists of all officers (elected and appointed) and all operating committee chairmen. The Executive Committee acts in the management of the business affairs of the chapter and exists perpetually in duration. SECTION 2. Duties The duties of the Executive Committee are to:

1. Assist the Basileus in planning the monthly chapter meeting agenda.

2. Hear all matters relating to the Chapter, and make

recommendations regarding business brought before the chapter.

3. Discharge other duties deemed appropriate and necessary by

the chapter. SECTION 3. Term of Office Each Executive Committee Member’s term exists until the following election, appointment, or until her successor is installed.

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

ARTICLE VII – Committees SECTION 1. Standing Committees The Standing Committees are: Finance, Program, Bylaws, Membership, Connection, Standards, Fundraising, Graduate Advisor Council, Technology, Awards and Exhibits, Archives, Sisterly Relations, and Nominating Committees. Unless otherwise noted in the Chapter Bylaws, all Standing committee chairmen are appointed by the Basileus for a term of two (2) years.

SECTION 2. Duties of Standing Committees A. Finance Committee – The Finance Committee prepares the

chapter budget (to include the recommended amount of dues) for the upcoming year; presents a proposed budget at the October chapter meeting and submits a finalized budget for chapter approval at the November chapter meeting. This committee shall consist of the Tamiouchos, Anti-Basileus, Pecunious Grammateus, Fundraising Chair, Graduate Advisor, the past Basileus and two members at large to be appointed by the Basileus. The Tamiouchos will chair the Finance Committee and present all findings to the Executive board prior to presentation to the chapter.

B. Program Committee – The Program Committee formulates

the Pi Alpha Omega Chapter program activities as directed by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. The committee consists of representatives for each international program initiative, and the Anti-Basileus serves as chairman.

C. Bylaws Committee – The Bylaws Committee proposes

needed changes in the Bylaws; carefully examines all proposed amendments from approved sources; and formulates revisions to be circulated and voted upon by the chapter. Chapter bylaws shall be reviewed annually, amended following the Boule, as required, and revised in accordance with Corporate Office guidelines. The Parliamentarian shall serve as chairman of the committee.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 11 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

D. Membership Committee – The Membership Committee monitors membership status and trends, and recommends strategies for recruitment, retention, and reactivation of members.

E. Connection Committee – The Connection Committee

identifies and studies local, national, and international issues which impact upon quality of life; formulates and recommends strategies for communication with the membership regarding issues; and mobilizes the membership for action.

F. Standards Committee – The Standards Committee ensures

that the chapter adheres to the established guidelines for effective chapter operations as described in the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of Standard Procedure and the Standards Resource Guide: A Guide for Effective Chapter Operations. Additionally, this committee supervises the self-assessment and external evaluation of the Chapter.

G. Fundraising Committee – The Fundraising Committee raises

funds for the chapter and recommends targets for disbursement of these funds.

H. Graduate Advisor Council – The Graduate Advisor Council

stimulates interest in the total sorority program, studies problems pertinent to undergraduate chapters, and encourages high scholastic and ethical standards. The Basileus shall appoint members who have been active in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. for two (2) consecutive years (24 months) immediately prior to the appointment. The Graduate Advisor, as well as members of the Graduate Advisor Council, must be certified by the Directorate-approved Graduate Advisor Certification Program.

I. Technology Committee – The Technology Committee assists

the chapter in addressing technology issues and provides strategic direction on the effective use of technology to increase communication and connection within the chapter.

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

J. Awards and Exhibits Committee – The Awards and Exhibits Committee chronicles the activities and programs of the Pi Alpha Omega Chapter and spearheads the entry of exhibits at regional and international conferences. The committee works in conjunction with the Historian and Ivy Leaf Reporter to increase the local, regional, and international exposure of the chapter.

K. Archives Committee – The Archives Committee advises the

chapter in the development and implementation of policy for the archival records. The Historian serves as committee chairman.

L. Sisterly Relations Committee – The Sisterly Relations

Committee continuously fosters activities which enhance sisterliness among members. The Hodegos serves as committee chairman.

M. Nominating Committee – The Nominating Committee consists

of at least three (3) members elected in November of odd years, who make recommendations for Chapter officers, Soror of the Year, and conference delegates. The Nominating Committee chairman is appointed by the Basileus.

SECTION 3. Special and Ad Hoc Committees The Basileus shall create committees as needed to facilitate the purpose and objectives of Pi Alpha Omega.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Page 13 Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014 Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian

ARTICLE VIII – Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Pi Alpha Omega Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with Alpha Kappa Alpha’s governing documents, these bylaws, and any special rules of order adopted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. The rank order of authority of Pi Alpha Omega governing documents is:

1. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws 2. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Manual of Standard Procedure 3. Pi Alpha Omega Chapter Bylaws 4. Any other rules adopted by Pi Alpha Omega Chapter 5. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of

Order Newly Revised

ARTICLE IX – Amending the Bylaws Amendments may be presented by any active chapter member at any time, and must meet the following criteria.

1. Proposed amendments will be presented in writing (via email or correspondence) at least one (1) week prior to voting.

2. A two-thirds (2/3) vote at a regularly scheduled chapter

meeting shall be necessary to amend the bylaws.

3. Chapter Bylaws must be amended after each Boule if there are relevant constitutional changes.

ARTICLE X – Dissolution Upon dissolution of the Pi Alpha Omega Chapter, its assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Service Code or correspond-ing section of any future federal tax code, or for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose.

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Adopted Oct. 26, 2013 Submitted to the Regional Director August 22, 2014

Marilyn J. Arrington, Basileus Marcia E. Chandler, Parliamentarian


Definition Description Ad Hoc, Select or Special Committee

A committee appointed, as the need arises, to carry out a specified task, at the completion of which – that is, on presentation of its final report to the assembly – it automatically ceases to exist. (RONR, p. 492)

Majority Vote Direct approval – implying assumption of responsibility for the act – registered by more than half of the members present and voting on a particular matter, in a regular or properly called meeting at which the necessary minimum number of members, known as quorum, is present. (RONR, p. 4)

Plurality Vote Largest number of votes to be given any candidate or proposition when three or more choices are possible. A plurality that is not a majority never chooses a proposition or elects anyone to office except by virtue of a special rule previously adopted. If such a rule is to apply to the election of officers, it must be prescribed in the bylaws. (RONR, p. 404-405)

Quorum The minimum number of members who must be present at the meetings of a deliberative assembly for business to be legally transacted. (RONR, p. 21)


P. O. Box 42992 Atlanta, GA 30311