almanah gm 10 - knifehelp · Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ÒÚËÎÂÚ Ì‡...

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ´ÕËÍÓ„‰‡ Ì ‡Á„Ó‚‡Ë‚‡ÈÚÂ Ò ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚Ï˪ . Õ. ÕÓ‚„ÓÓ‰, 2009 „. ¿‚ÚÓ ñ fi. ¬Î‡ÒÓ‚.  ÓÏÔÓÁËÚÌ˚È ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎ ñ —. ÀÛÌ∏‚. Desk-top piece ´Never talk to strangersª . Nizhny Novgorod, 2009. Designed and made by Y. Vlasov. Composite steel made by S. Lounyov.  ËÌʇΠ´◊ÂÚÓÔÓÎÓıª . ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009. ¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. flÌ˛ÚËÌ. Dagger ´Thistleª . Moscow, 2009. Designed and made by A. Yanyutin. flÕfi“»Õ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ fi¸Â‚˘. 1966 „. . e-mail: [email protected] JANJUTIN Andrey Jur'evich. 1966 year of birth. ¬À¿—Œ¬ fiËÈ ¿Ì‡ÚÓθ‚˘. 1956 „. . e-mail: [email protected] VLASOV Jury Anatol'evich. 1956 year of birth. 1

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Post on 22-Jan-2020




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Õ. ÕÓ‚„ÓÓ‰, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ fi. ¬Î‡ÒÓ‚.


Desk-top piece ´Never talk to

strangersª.Nizhny Novgorod, 2009.

Designed and made by Y. Vlasov.Composite steel made

by S. Lounyov.

 ËÌʇΠ´◊ÂÚÓÔÓÎÓıª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. flÌ˛ÚËÌ.

Dagger ´Thistleª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Yanyutin.

flÕfi“»Õ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ fi¸Â‚˘.

1966 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

JANJUTIN Andrey Jur'evich.1966 year of birth.

¬À¿—Œ¬ fiËÈ ¿Ì‡ÚÓθ‚˘. 1956 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

VLASOV Jury Anatol'evich. 1956 year of birth. 1


¡ÂÎ˚È Ã‰‚‰¸ª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ Ã. Δ¡‰ËÌ.

Hunting knife and the sheath ´Earl of Northumberland

the white bearª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed and made by M. Zheryadin.

—Œ ŒÀŒ¬ √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ ƒÏËÚË‚˘. 1953 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

SOKOLOV Gennady Dmitrievich. 1953 year of birth.

ÃÓÒÍÓÈ Ô‡Î‡¯ ´¿‰ÏˇΪ.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ≈ÔÓ̯ÌËÍÓ‚.“‡‚ÎÂÌË ñ ≈. √ÛÎËÏÓ‚‡.

Navyís broadsword ´Admiralª.Tula, 2009.Designed and made by S. Yeponeshnikov.Etching by E. Gulimova.

 ÎÛ·Ì˚È ÌÓÊ ‚ ÌÓÊ̇ı ´—Ë·ËÒÍËÈ ˝ÍÒÚËϪ.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ ¿. √ÂÓ„Ë‚, ≈. —ÓÓÍËÌ. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¿. ¡ÂÎ˚È.

Collectorsí club knife and the sheath ´Sibirian extremeª.Moscow, 2009.Designed and made by A. Georgiev and E. Sorokin.Blade made by A. Belyn.


´√ÓÒÚ¸ª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2008 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ √. —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚. ÀËڸ ñ ¿. ƒÓÁ‰Ó‚.

Desk-top piece ´Visitorª.Moscow, 2008.

Designed and made by G. Sokolov.

≈œŒÕ≈ÿÕ» Œ¬ —„ÂÈ ¬‡Î¸‚˘.1970 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

EPONESHNIKOV Sergey Valer'evich.1970 year of birth.

Δ≈–flƒ»Õ ÃËı‡ËÎ »ÓÒËÙӂ˘. 1963 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

ZHERIADINMihail Iosifovich.

1963 year of birth.

√≈Œ–√»≈¬ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ √ÂÓ„Ë‚˘.1958 „. .

GEORGIEV Alexander Georgievich.1958 year of birth.

2 3


ÕÓÊ ´œÂÓ ‚ÓÓ̇ª.“Û·, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ƒ‡ÌËÎËÌ.

Knife ´Ravenís featherª.Tula, 2009.

Designed and made by S. Danilin.

ƒ¿Õ»À»Õ —„ÂÈ »‚‡Ìӂ˘. 1959 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

DANILIN Sergey Ivanovich. 1959 year of birth.

¿–”—“¿ÃŒ¬ ÃËı‡ËÎ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘. 1954 „. .

ARUSTAMOV Mikhail Aleksandrovich.1954 year of birth.

 ‡‰ ´ƒ‡ËȪ.“Û·, 2008 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ¡Ó·ÍÓ‚.»ÌÍÛÒÚ‡ˆËˇ ñ  . œÛ¯Í‡Â‚.

Kard ´Dariusª.Tula, 2008.

Designed and made by S. Bobkov.Inlaying ñ by K. Pushkarev.

ÕÓÊ ´ÃÂÚ‡ÙËÁ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ì‡Ú˛ÏÓÚª.ÃÓÒÍÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Ó·Î, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ».  Ó˜ÂÚÓ‚.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ À. ¿Î‰ÓıËÌ.

Knife ´Metaphysical still-lifeª.Moscow area, 2008.Designed and made by I. Kochetov.

Knife ´Hareª.Moscow, 2008.Designed and made by M. Arustamov and I. Oganov.Wootz made by V. Kuznetsov.

ÕÓÊ ´«‡ˇˆª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ Ã. ¿ÛÒÚ‡ÏÓ‚, ». Œ„‡ÌÓ‚.¡ÛÎ‡Ú ñ ¬.  ÛÁ̈ӂ.

¡Œ¡ Œ¬ —„ÂÈ ¬ËÍÚÓӂ˘.1975 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

BOBKOV Sergey Viktorovich.1975 year of birth.

 Œ◊≈“Œ¬ »„Ó¸ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘. 1961 „. .

KOCHETOVIgor Vasil'evich.1961 year of birth.


ÕÓÊ ‚ ÙÛÚΡ´¿ÌÚÓÌËÈ Ë  ÎÂÓÔ‡Ú‡ª.—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ ». √ÛÎËÌ, ». √ÛÎË̇.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ fi. —‡ÍËÒˇÌ.

Knife and the box ´Antony and Cleopatraª.St. Petersburg, 2009.Designed and made by I. Gulin and I. Gulina.Blade made by Y. Sarkisyan.

ÕÓÊ ‚ ÌÓÊ̇ı ´—‰Ó΢Ì˚Ȫ.œ‡‚ÎÓ‚Ó Ì‡ ŒÍÂ, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ƒÓ΄ӂ.

Sheath knife ´Carnelianª.Pavlovo on the Oka, 2008.Designed and made by S. Dolgov.


—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. ‘‰ÓÓ‚.

Desk-top piece ´The last Jarlª.St. Petersburg, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Fyodorov.


√”À»Õ »„Ó¸ √ÂÓ„Ë‚˘.

1964 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

GULIN Igor' Georgievich.1964 year of birth.

‘≈ƒŒ–Œ¬ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘.1957 „. .

FEDOROV Alexander Vasil'evich.1957 year of birth.

À»ÕÕ»  ¿ÌÚÓÌ ‘‰Óӂ˘.

1978 „. .

LINNIKAnton Fedorovich.

1978 year of birth.

ƒŒÀ√Œ¬ —„ÂÈ ¿Ì‡ÚÓθ‚˘.1978 „. .

DOLGOV Sergey Anatol'evich.1978 year of birth.


ÕÓÊ ‚ ÌÓÊ̇ı ´«‡„ÓÌ̇ˇ ÓıÓÚ‡ª. —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. ÀËÌÌËÍ.–ÂÁ¸·‡ ÔÓ ÍÓÒÚË ñ “. ¡ÛÓ‚‡.

Knife and the sheath ´Chasingª.St. Petersburg, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Linnik.Scrimshaw made by T. Burova.


“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ fi.  ÓÒÚÂÎÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ≈. ¡Û·‚.

Desk-top piece´IRISª.

Tula, 2009. Designed and made by Y. Kostelov.Blade made by E. Bulayev.

 ËÌʇΠ‚ ÌÓÊ̇ı ´»‡Ìˆª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬. Δ‡ËÍÓ‚.¡Û·ÚÌ˚È ÍÎËÌÓÍ (—‚ÂÌ˚È »‡Ì,

Ô‚‡ˇ ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ 19 ‚Â͇)

Sheath dagger ´IRANIANª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed and made by V. Zharikov.Wootz blade originates from northern Iran of the first half

of the 19th century.

Õ‡·Ó ´5 ÚËÛÏÙÓ‚ ÷ÂÁ‡ˇª(Ϙ Ë ÍËÌʇÎ).“Û·, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ ƒ. ◊Â̈ӂ, –.  ‡ÎÓÚÚË.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ À. ¿Î‰ÓıËÌ.

Set of a sword and a dagger ´Five triumphs of Ceasarª.Tula, 2008.Designed and made by D. Chentsov and R. Calotti.Damascus blade made by L. Aldokhin.

—‡·Îˇ ´ÿ‡Ï¯Ëª.

 ‡ÒÌÓ‰‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ –.  Ó˜‡ˇÌ.

 ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¿. Œ‚˜‡ÂÌÍÓ.

Sabre ´Shamshirª.

Krasnodar, 2009. Designed and made by R. Kocharyan.

Blade made by A.Ovcharenko.

 Œ◊¿–flÕ –‡Ù‡˝Î¸  ‡ÎÂÌӂ˘.1964 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KOCHARYAN Rafael Karlenovich.1964 year of birth.

 Œ—“≈ÀŒ¬ fiËÈ

¡ÓËÒӂ˘.1962 „. .

KOSTELOVJurii Borisovich.

1962 year of birth.

◊≈Õ÷Œ¬ ƒÏËÚËÈ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘.

1972 „. . e-mail: [email protected]

CHENTSOV Dmitry Aleksandrovich.

1972 year of birth.

Δ¿–» Œ¬ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ¬ËÍÚÓӂ˘. 1946 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

ZHARIKOVValery Viktorovich.1946 year of birth.

8 9

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ÒÚËÎÂÚ Ì‡ ÔÓ‰ÒÚ‡‚Í ´À˛·ÓÔ˚ÚÌ˚È ƒ‡ÍÓÌ ËÎË œÓıˢÂÌË œË̈ÂÒÒ˚ª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ  . ◊ÂÌÓ‚.

Stiletto and the holder ´A curious Dragon or Abduction of Princessª.Moscow 2009.Designed and made by K. Chernov.

 ÓÚËÍ ´«‡ ¬ƒ¬ª.“Û·, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ Œ. —ÂÏ∏ÌÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ≈. ¿Ò‚. ÀËÚ¸∏ ñ ¿. ƒÓÁ‰Ó‚.

Navy dagger ´Cheers to VDV

(Russian Airborne Troops)!ª.Tula, 2009.

Designed and made by O. Semyonov.Blade made by Y. Aseyev.Casting ñ by A. Drozdov.

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ´ÕÂÁ‚‡ÌÌ˚È √ÓÒÚ¸ª. ‡·‡‰ËÌÓ-¡‡Î͇ˡ, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ Ã. ¿Î¸ÏÓ‚.

Desk-top piece ´Uninvited Guestª.

Kabardino-Balkaria, 2009. Designed and made by M. Almov.


◊≈–ÕŒ¬  ÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘.1978 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

CHERNOV Konstantin Vladimirovich.1978 year of birth.

—≈Ã≈ÕŒ¬ ŒÎ„ —„‚˘.1962 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]


Sergeevich.1962 year of birth.

¿À‹ÃŒ¬ ÃÛÒ‡ ’‡ÒÂÌӂ˘. 1968 „. .

ALMOV Musa Jasenovich.1968 year of birth.

 ËÌʇΠ´¬‡‚‡ √ËÔ·ÓÂÈÒÍËȪ.—Ú‡‚ÓÔÓθ, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ À. —‡‚ÓÒÚËÌ, —. —‡ÁÓÌÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ À. ¿Î‰ÓıËÌ.

Dagger ´Barbarian of Hyperboreaª.Stavropol, 2008.Designed and made by S. Sazonov and L. Savostin.Blade made by L. Aldokhin.

—¿«ŒÕŒ¬ —„ÂÈ ÃËı‡ÈÎӂ˘. 1964 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

SAZONOVSergey Mihajlovich.1964 year of birth.


ÕÓÊ ´ƒÛ·‡‚‡ª.

“Û·, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ ¬. ¡ÛÚÓ‚ÒÍËÈ,  . ‘Ë·ÚÓ‚.

 ÎËÌÓÍ ñ —. ¡Ó·ÍÓ‚.√‡‚Ëӂ͇ ñ ¿. ¡ÛÚÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ¿. C‡Î¸ÌËÍÓ‚.

»ÌÍÛÒÚ‡ˆËˇ ñ  . ‘Ë·ÚÓ‚.

Knife ´Oak woodsª.

Tula, 2008.Designed by V. Butovsky and K. Filatov.

Blade made by S. Bobkov.Engraving ñ by A. Butovsky

and A. Salnikov.Inlaying ñ by K. Filatov.



—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. “ËıÓÌÍÓ‚,

ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ¬. ÿËÔˈË̇, ≈. ÀÓ·Ó‚ÓÈ.

 ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¿. Çڂ‚.

Desk-top knife´Round-the world

yacht raceª.

St. Petersburg, 2009.Designed by A. Tikhonko.

Assisted by V. Shipitsin and E. Lobova.

Smith work ñ A. Matveev.

ÕÓÊ ´œÓ ÔÂÛª.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬.  ÛÚËÍÓ‚.œÓÍӂ͇ ÍÎËÌ͇ ñ ¿. Çڂ‚.fi‚ÂÎËÌ˚ ÚÂıÌËÍË ñ ¬. ¿ÌÚ˛ıÓ‚.

Knife ´Game bird huntingª.Designed and made by V. Kutikov.Damascus steel made by A. Matveev.

ÕÓÊ ÓıÓÚÌ˘ËÈ ´œÓ΂‡ˇ ‰Ë˜¸ª.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ≈Ô˯ÍËÌ.√‡‚Ëӂ͇ ñ ¿. —‡Î¸ÌËÍÓ‚.»ÌÍÛÒÚ‡ˆËˇ ñ —.  ÛÁ̈ӂ.

Hunting knife ´Game birdsª.Tula, 2009. Designed and made by S. Yepishkin.Engraved by A. Salnikov.Inlaying ñ by S. Kuznetsov.

“»’ŒÕ Œ¬ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉  ÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌӂ˘. 1956 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

TIKHONKOVAlexander Konstantinovich. 1956 year of birth.

≈œ»ÿ »Õ —„ÂÈ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘.1978 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

EPISHKINM Sergey Aleksandrovich.1978 year of birth.

¡”“Œ¬— »… ¬‡ÎÂËÈ √۸‚˘.

1961 „. .

BUTOVSKYValery Gur'evich.

1961 year of birth.

 ”“» Œ¬ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ¡ÓËÒӂ˘.1956 „. .

KUTIKOVVladimir Borisovich.1956 year of birth.


ÕÓÊ ´ÿ‡ı ËÌ ÿ‡ıª.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ À. —‡‚ÓÒÚËÌ, —. —‡ÁÓÌÓ‚.

 ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¬. —ÓÒÍÓ‚.

´Shahenshahª.Stavropol, 2009.

Designed and made by L. Savostin and S. Sazonov.

Blade made by V. Soskov.

ÕÓÊ ÒÍ·‰ÌÓÈ, ‰‚ÓÈÌÓÈ ÙËÍÒ‡ˆËË´¿ÒÚ‡È-ÒÛ̇ª.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿.  ËÒÛËÌ.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÒ͇ˇ Òڇθ ñ ≈. ¿Ò‚.

 ‡‰ ‚ ÌÓÊ̇ı ´ Î˛˜ ÏËÓÁ‰‡Ìˡª.

“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. √ÓÎÓ‚ËÌ.

¡ÛÎ‡Ú ñ À. ¿ı‡Ì„ÂθÒÍËÈ.

Sheath kard ´Key to the universeª.Tula, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Golvin.Wootz steel blade made by L. Arkhangelsky.

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ´ÀÂÚÛ˜ËÈ „Óη̉ˆª.ÃÓÒÍÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Ó·Î, 2007 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ≈. —ÓÓÍËÌ.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ —. ¡Ó·ÍÓ‚.–ÂÁ¸·‡ ÔÓ ‰ÂÂ‚Û (ÔÓ‰ÒÚ‡‚͇) ñ À. ŒÂ¯ÍËÌ.

Desk-top piece ´Flying dutchª.Moscow, 2007.Designed and made by E. Sorokin.Damascus blade made by S. Bobkov.Wood carving (the holder) ñ by L. Oreshkin.

—Œ–Œ »Õ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ¬ËÍÚÓӂ˘.1975 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

SOROKIN ≈vgeny Viktorovich.1975 year of birth.

—¿¬Œ—“»Õ ÀÂÓÌˉ ¿ÎÂÍÒ‚˘. 1948 „. .

SAVOSTINLeonid Alekseevich.

1948 year of birth.

 »—”–»Õ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘. 1971 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KISURINAndrey Vladimirovich. 1971 year of birth.

√ŒÀŒ¬»Õ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘. 1970 „. .

GOLOVIN Andrey Vladimirovich.1970 year of birth.

Double-action double-blade folding knife ´Astai-sunaª.Tula, 2009. Designed and made by A. Kisurin.Damascus steel made by Y. Aseyev.


 ‡Ú‡Ì‡ ´œÓıˢÂÌË „ÓÎÓ‚˚ ‰‡ÍÓ̇ ËÁ ÎÓ„Ó‚‡ ‚ÓÒ¸Ï˄·ÁÓ„Ó ‰ÂÏÓ̇ª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ƒ. »‚‡ÌÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ: —ڇθ ñ ·ÛÎ‡Ú —. ÀÛÌ∏‚.  Ó‚͇ ñ –. —‡·‡ÚÓ‚.“‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ˇ Á‡Í‡Î͇ ñ –. —‡·‡ÚÓ‚.“‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ˇ ÔÓÎËӂ͇ ñ ¿. ÀÛÌ∏‚.

Katana sword ´Stealing of dragonís head from an eight-eyed demonís lairª.Moscow, 2008. Designed and made by D. Ivanov.Blade: Wootz made by S. Lounyov. Forged by R. Sarbatov.Tempered in a traditional Japanese way by R. Sarbatov.Polished in a traditional Japanese way by A. Lounyov.


ÍÎ˚Í ‰Îˇ χÒÚ‡ È‡È‰Ó ¬‡Í‡Û˚-ÒÂÌÒ¡ª.

2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ÀÛÌ∏‚.

 ÎËÌÓÍ: —ڇθ ñ ÎËÚÓÈ ·ÛÎ‡Ú —. ÀÛÌ∏‚‡.  Ó‚͇ ñ –. —‡·‡ÚÓ‚.“‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ˇ Á‡Í‡Î͇ ñ –. —‡·‡ÚÓ‚, —. ÀÛÌ∏‚.

“‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ˇ ÔÓÎËӂ͇ ñ ¿. ÀÛÌ∏‚.

Katana sword ´Iron fang for Wakaura-sensei, iaido masterª.2009.

Designed by S. Lounyov.Blade: Wootz made by S. Lounyov.

Forged by R. Sarbatov.Tempered in a traditional Japanese way by R. Sarbatov and S. Lounyov

Polished in a traditional Japanese way by A. Lounyov.

ÕÓÊ ´ƒ‡ ·Û‰ÂÚ ‚ÓΡ Ú‚Óˇª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. —Ëχ„ËÌ.

Knife ´Be it your willª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Simagin.

À”Õ®¬ —„ÂÈ ¿ÎÂÍÒ‚˘.1968 „. .

LUNEVSergey Alekseevich.1968 year of birth.

√”Ÿ»ÕŒÎ„ ≈‚„Â̸‚˘.

1971 „. .

GUSHCHIN Oleg Evgen'evich.1971 year of birth.

»¬¿ÕŒ¬ ƒ‡ÌË· À¸‚ӂ˘.1980 „. .

IVANOVDanila L'vovich.1980 year of birth.

—»Ã¿√»Õ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÂÚӂ˘.

1954 „. .

SIMAGINAlexander Petrovich.

1954 year of birth.


Ø ´¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ‚ÒÍËȪ.“Û·, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ Œ. √Û˘ËÌ. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ≈. ¿Ò‚.—ÍËϯÓÛ ñ Õ. ¡Ó·Ó‚Ò͇ˇ.—ÍÛθÔÚÛ‡ „ËÙÓ̇ ñ ¬.  ÓÒÚÂÌÍÓ.

Sword ´Alexander Nevskyª.Tula, 2008.Designed and made by O. Gushin.Blade made by Y. Aseyev.Scrimshaw ñ by N. Bobrovskaya.Figurine of the Griffon sculptured by V. Kostenko.


ÕÓÊ ´ Û‚¯ËÌÍ˪.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿.  Ó¯ÍÓ‚.

Knife ´Water liliesª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Koreshkov.

 ËÌʇΠ´≈„ÓÁ‡ª.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿.  Û·‡ÚÓ‚.  ÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂ̇ˇ „‡ÙË͇.

Stiletto ´Fidgetª.Tula, 2009. Designed by A. Kurbatov.Computer graphics.

“»ÃŒ‘≈≈¬ ¬‡ÎÂÌÚËÌ ¬ËÍÚÓӂ˘.1940 „. .e-mail:[email protected]

TIMOFEEVValentineViktorovich.1940 year of birth.

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ´“ÂÓËÁÏÛ ÌÂÚª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬. “ËÏÓÙ‚.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ ¬. —ÓÒÍÓ‚.

Desk-top piece´No to terrorismª.Moscow, 2009. Designed and made by V. Timofeev.Damask steel made by V. Soskov.

 ËÌʇΠÍÛ·˜Ì˚È ´◊ÛÊÓÈ ÔÓÚË‚ ıˢÌË͇ª.flÓÒ·‚θ, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ».  ÛÎËÍÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¬. —ÓÒÍÓ‚.

Push dagger ´Alien against predatorª.Yaroslavl, 2009.Designed and made by I. Kulikov.Blade made by V. Soskov.

 ”À» Œ¬ »Î¸ˇ fi¸Â‚˘.

1974 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KULIKOVIl'ya Jur'evich.1974 year of birth.

 Œ–≈ÿ Œ¬ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘. 1958 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KORESHKOV Andrey Aleksandrovich. 1958 year of birth.

 ”–¡¿“Œ¬ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉

ÃËı‡ÈÎӂ˘.1955 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

KURBATOV Alexander

Mihajlovich.1955 year of birth.


—”ÿ Œ¬ ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘. 1973 „. .

SUSHKOV Vitaliy Aleksandrovich.1973 year of birth.

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ´œË̇‰ÎÂʇ˘ËÈ Ì·۪.œ‡‚ÎÓ‚Ó Ì‡ ŒÍÂ, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬. —Û¯ÍÓ‚.

Desk-top piece ´One that belongs to the skyª.Pavlovo on the Oka, 2009.Designed and made by V. Sushkov.

Õ‡ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ´—Âϸ ÌÓÚª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ». œ‡ÏÔÛı‡.’Û‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ڇ‚ÎÂÌË ñ ¿.  Ó¯ÍÓ‚.

Desk-top piece ´Seven notesª.Moscow, 2008.Designed and made by I. Pampukha.Etching made by A. Koreshkov.

 ‡·ËÌÂÚ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ´»Á ¬‡ˇ„ª.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬.  ÛÁ̈ӂ.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÒ͇ˇ Òڇθ ñ ¬.  ÓÔÚ‚.

Desk-top piece ´One from the Varyagsª.Tula 2009. Designed and made by V. Kuznetsov.Damascus steel made by V. Koptev.


“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. ¡ÓÁÓ‚.

ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ —. ≈Ô˯ÍËÌ.ÀËÚ¸∏ ñ —. “¯ÍËÌ.

Desk-top piece ´Ghostª.Tula, 2009. Designed and made by A. Borzov.Damascus steel ñ by S. Yepishkin.Casting ñ by S. Tereshkin.

 ”«Õ≈÷Œ¬ ¬ËÍÚÓ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘.

1958 „. .

KUZNETSOV Victor Vasil'evich.1958 year of birth.

œ¿Ãœ”’¿ »„Ó¸

fi¸Â‚˘. 1961 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]


Jur'evich.1961 year of birth.

¡Œ–«Œ¬ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÂÚӂ˘. 1955 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

BORZOVAlexander Petrovich.1955 year of birth. 2120

 ÓÚËÍ ‡‰ÏˇθÒÍËÈ ´—·‚‡ –ÛÒÒÍÓ„Ó ‘ÎÓÚ‡ª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ ¿. —ÔËËÌ, ¿. √‡Ù‡Ó‚,  . ◊ÂÌÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ –. ŒÍÛ¯ÍÓ.

Admiralís dagger ´Glory of russian navyª.Moscow, 2009.Designed and made by A. Spirin, A. Gafarov and K. Chernov.Blade made by R. Okushko.

—‡·Îˇ ´Œ¡≈–≈√ª.“Û·, 2007 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ —. ÀÛ͇¯ËÌ. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ». œ‡ÏÔÛı‡.

Sabre ´Talismanª.Tula, 2007.Designed and made by S. Lukashin.Blade made by I. Pampukha.

œÂ¯-͇·Ò ´“˚Òˇ˜‡ Ë Ó‰Ì‡ ÌÓ˜¸ª.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ›. —Í‚ÓˆÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ≈. ¿Ò‚.

Pesh Kabz Dagger ´One thousand and one nightsª.Tula, 2009. Designed and made by E. Skvortsov.Blade made by Y. Aseyev.

— ¬Œ–÷Œ¬ ›‰Û‡‰ ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘.

1968 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

SKVORTSOVEduard Vladimirovich.

1968 year of birth.

 ‡Ú‡Ì‡ ´œ¸ÂÒ‡ —„¡ ÀÛÌ∏‚‡


√ÂÌ̇‰Ëˇ  ÓÔ˚ÎÓ‚‡ËÎË ´ ‡ÏË͇‰Áª, ‚ÂÒˡ Ô‚‡ˇª.

ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „. ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ √.  ÓÔ˚ÎÓ‚, ƒ. »‚‡ÌÓ‚, —. ÀÛÌ∏‚.

—ڇθ ñ ·ÛÎ‡Ú —. ÀÛÌ∏‚‡.  Ó‚͇ ñ –. —‡·‡ÚÓ‚.“‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ˇ Á‡Í‡Î͇ ñ –. —‡·‡ÚÓ‚, —. ÀÛÌ∏‚.

“‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ˇ ÔÓÎËӂ͇ ñ ¿. ÀÛÌ∏‚. √‡‚Ëӂ͇ ÔÓ ÍÎËÌÍÛ ñ ƒ. »‚‡ÌÓ‚.

Katana sword ´Divine wind Serguey Lounyovís play staged by Gennady Kopylov

or ´Kamikazeª, version oneª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed by G. Kopylov, D. Ivanov and S. Lounyov.Blade: Wootz made by S. Lounyov. Forged by R. Sarbatov.

Tempered in a traditional Japanese way by R. Sarbatov and S. Lounyov.Polished in a traditional Japanese way by A. Lounyov. Chiselled by D. Ivanov.

À” ¿ÿ»Õ —„ÂÈ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘.

1959 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

LUKASHIN Sergey Vasil'evich.1959 year of birth. 22

 Œœ¤ÀŒ¬ √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ ¬‡Î¸‚˘.1963 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KOPYLOVGennady Valer'evich.1963 year of birth.

—œ»–»Õ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¿Ì‡ÚÓθ‚˘. 1955 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

SPIRIN Andrey Anatol'evich.1955 year of birth.



All-metal one-piece knife (replica of a bronze knife)

´Toothyª.Moscow, 2009.

Designed and made by V. Soskov.

 ËÌʇΠ´›ÿ≈–ª.—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ, 2008 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. “͇˜ÂÌÍÓ.ƒ‡Ï‡ÒÍ ñ fi. —‡ÍËÒˇÌ.‘ÓÚÓ„‡Ù ñ Ã. ÕÂÒÚÂÓ‚.

Dagger ´Escherª.St. Petersburg, 2008.Designed and made by A. Tkachenko.Damascus steel made by Y. Sarkisyan.Photo ñ by M. Nesterov.

 ‡·ËÌÂÚÌ˚È ÌÓÊ ´ŒÒ¸ÏËÌÓÊ͇ª.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ƒ.  ‡ÔÂβı‡. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ —. ≈Ô˯ÍËÌ, –. ŒÍÛ¯ÍÓ.

Desk-top knife ´Octopussyª.Tula, 2009.Designed and made by D. Kapelyukha.Blade made by S. Yepishkin. and R. Okushko.

flÔÓÌÒÍËÈ Ï˜ ´¬ÒÂΡ˛˘ËÈ Ì‡‰Âʉ۪.

ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ƒ. «‡ı‡Ó‚.  ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¬. —ÓÒÍÓ‚.

Japanese sword ´Giving hopeª.

Moscow, 2009.Designed and made

by D. Zakharov.Blade made by V. Soskov.

«¿’¿–Œ¬ ƒÏËÚËÈ ŒÎ„ӂ˘.1972 „. .e-mail: [email protected].

ZAJAROV Dmitry Olegovich.1972 year of birth. 25

—Œ— Œ¬ ¬Ò‚ÓÎÓ‰ ŒÎ„ӂ˘.1969 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

SOSKOV Vsevolod Olegovich.1969 year of birth.

“ ¿◊≈Õ Œ ¿ÌÚÓÌ fi¸Â‚˘. 1981 „. .

e-mail: [email protected]

TKACHENKO Anton Jur'evich.1981 year of birth.

 ¿œ≈Àfi’¿ ƒÏËÚËÈ œÂÚӂ˘.1967 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KAPELJUHADmitry Petrovich.1967 year of birth.


ÕÓÊ ˆÂθÌÓÍÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚È ´«Û·‡ÒÚ˚Ȫ (ÂÔÎË͇ Ò ·ÓÌÁÓ‚Ó„Ó ÌÓʇ).ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬. —ÓÒÍÓ‚.

Õ‡ÒÚÓθÌ˚È ÌÓÊ ´‘„‡Ú Û‰‡˜Ëª.—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ˚ ñ ¬. ÿËÔˈËÌ, ¿. “ËıÓÌÍÓ‚. œË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ≈. ÀÓ·Ó‚ÓÈ. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¿. Çڂ‚.

Desk-top knife ´Gentlemen of fortune (Frigate)ª.St. Petersburg, 2009.Designed and made by V. Shipitsin and A. Tikhonkov.Assisted by E. Lobova.Smith work ñ A. Matveev.

—ÚËÎÂÚ ´—Ë̉‡ª.¬Î‡‰ËÏË, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿.  ÓÎÂÒÌËÍÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¿. ÷˚ÔÍËÌ.

Stiletto ´Sindarª.Vladimir, 2009.

Designed and made by A. Kolesnikov.Blade made by A. Tsypkin.

´ƒÓ΄‡ˇ ‰ÓÓ„‡ ‰ÓÏÓÈ...ª.ÕÓ‚ÓÍÛÁ̈Í, 2007 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬. fi˜ÂÌÍÓ.

´Itís a long way to tipperary...ª.Novokuznetsk, 2007.Designed and made by V. Yurchenko.

ÕÓÊ Í‡·ËÌÂÚÌ˚È ´‘ÓÚÛ̇ª.¡ˇÌÒÍ, 2009 „.

¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¬. √·ÁÍÓ‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¿. Çڂ‚.

Desk-top piece ´Fortunaª.Bryansk, 2009.Designed and made by V. Glazkov.Blade made by A. Matveev.


ÿ»œ»÷»Õ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘. 1956 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

SHIPITSINVladimir Aleksandrovich. 1956 year of birth.

√À¿« Œ¬ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘.1963 „. .

GLAZKOV Valeriy Vladimirovich.1963 year of birth.

fi–◊≈Õ Œ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ ÕËÍÓ·‚˘.

1960 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

JURCHENKOVitaliy Nikolaevich.

1960 year of birth.

 ŒÀ≈—Õ» Œ¬ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ÕËÍÓ·‚˘.

1960 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

KOLESNIKOVAndrey Nikolaevich.

1960 year of birth.


ÕÓÊ ´—ÍËÌ ‰Ûª.ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ ¿. √‡Ù‡Ó‚. ÎËÌÓÍ ñ ¬. —ÓÒÍÓ‚.

Knife ´Skin duª.Moscow, 2009.Designed and made by A. Gafarov.Blade made by V. Soskov.

ÕÓÊ Ì‡ ÔÓ‰ÒÚ‡‚Í ´“‡∏ÊÌ˚Ȫ.“Û·, 2009 „.¿‚ÚÓ ñ –. ŒÍÛ¯ÍÓ.√‡‚Ëӂ͇ ñ ¿. —‡Î¸ÌËÍÓ‚.–ÂÁ¸·‡ ÔÓ ‰ÂÂ‚Û ñ —.  ÛÁ̈ӂ.fi‚ÂÎËÌ˚ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ñ fi.  ÓÓÎ∏‚.

Knife and the holder ´Taigaª.Tula, 2009.Designed and made by R. Okushko.Engraving ñ by A. Salnikov.Wood carving ñ by S. Kuznetsov.Jewellery work ñ Y. Korolev.

Œ ”ÿ Œ –ÓχÌ

¬‡ÒËθ‚˘. 1976 „. .

OKUSHKO Roman Vasil'evich.1976 year of birth.

√¿‘¿–Œ¬ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡ÓËÒӂ˘.1976 „. .e-mail: [email protected]

GAFAROVAlexander Borisovich.1976 year of birth.