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ALL SAINTS CHURCH LA IGLESIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua April 1, 2018 A Progressive Expression of the Body of Christ

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Easter Sunday

Domingo de Pascua

April 1, 2018

A Progressive Expression of the Body of Christ

Welcome to All Saints Church!


All Saints Church is a Christ-centered, joy-filled community that is blessed by your

presence. Be assured that no matter who you are or where you are in your journey

of faith, you are welcome here.

Sunday School begins at 9:50 a.m. downstairs. Nursery care for infants to 3 year

olds is available from 9:00-11:30 am, next to the Guild Room. Youth are invited to

meet downstairs after the psalm for youth group. If you are a newcomer, please fill

out a visitor blue card and give it to a member of the clergy. Please join us for

coffee hour in Huntington Hall, through the double doors to your left, after


¡Bienvenido a la Iglesia de Todos los Santos! ¡BIENVENIDOS VISITANTES!

Iglesia de Todos los Santos es una comunidad llena de alegría centrada en Cristo

que es bendecida con su presencia. Tenga la seguridad de que no importa quién

eres o donde usted está en su camino de fe, eres bienvenido aquí.

La Dominical comienza a las 9:50 am en la planta baja. Cuidado de guardería para

bebés hasta niños de 3 años está disponible de 9: 00-11: 30 am, al lado de la

habitación del Guild Room. Los jóvenes están invitados a reunirse en la planta baja

después del salmo para el grupo de jóvenes. Si usted es un recién llegado, por favor

llene una tarjeta azul para visitantes y désela a un miembro del clero. Por favor,

únase a nosotros para la hora del café en Huntington Hall, a través de las puertas

dobles a la izquierda, después del servicio.

10 Irving Street

Worcester, MA 01609

(508) 752-3766



ORGAN PRELUDE “Organ Concerto No.5 in F” George Frederic Handel


INTROIT “This joyful Eastertide” arr. Charles Wood (1866-1926)

This joyful Eastertide,

Away with sin and sorrow!

My Love, the Crucified,

Hath sprung to life this morrow.

Had Christ, that once was slain,

Ne'er burst his three-day prison,

Our faith had been in vain:

But now hath Christ arisen,

arisen, arisen, arisen.

My flesh in hope shall rest,

And for a season slumber:

Till trump from east to west

Shall wake the dead in number.

Had Christ, that once...

Death's flood hath lost his chill,

Since Jesus cross'd the river

Lover of souls, from ill

My passing soul deliver.

Had Christ, that once...

PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Hail thee, Festival day!” HYMNAL 175



Celebrant: Alleluia! Christ is


People: The Lord is risen indeed!



Celebrante: ¡Aleluya! Cristo ha


Pueblo: ¡Es verdad! El Senor ha

resucitado. !Aleluya!


Almighty God, to you all hearts

are open, all desires known, and

from you no secrets are hid:

Cleanse the thoughts of

our hearts by the inspiration of

your Holy Spirit, that we

may perfectly love you, and

worthily magnify your holy

Name; through Christ our

Lord. Amen.


Dios omnipotente, para quien todos

los corazones están manifiestos,

todos los deseos son conocidos y

ningún secreto se halla encubierto:

Purifica los pensamientos de

nuestros corazones por la

inspiración de tu Santo Espíritu,

para que perfectamente te amemos

y dignamente proclamemos la

grandeza de tu santo Nombre; por

Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

GLORIA “Communion Service in F” Harold Darke (1888-1976)

Glory be to God on high, and in earth peace, goodwill towards men. We praise thee, we

bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee; we give thanks to thee, for thy great glory, O

Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesu

Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the

world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon

us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the

right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the

Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the

Father. Amen.



Celebrant: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Celebrant: Let us pray.

Almighty God, who through your

only-begotten Son Jesus Christ

overcame death and opened to us

the gate of everlasting life: Grant

that we, who celebrate with joy

the day of the Lord's

resurrection, may be raised from

the death of sin by your life-

giving Spirit; through Jesus

Christ our Lord, who lives and

reigns with you and the Holy

Spirit, one God, now and for

ever. Amen.


Celebrante: El Señor sea con ustedes

Pueblo: Y con tu espíritu.

Celebrante: Oremos.

Dios omnipotente, que por medio

de tu Hijo unigénito Jesucristo has

vencido la muerte y nos abriste la

puerta de la vida eterna: Concede

a los que celebramos con gozo el

día de la resurrección del Señor,

que seamos resucitados de la

muerte del pecado por tu Espíritu

vivificador; mediante Jesucristo

nuestro Señor, que vive y reina

contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un

solo Dios, ahora y por siempre.



First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9

On this mountain the Lord of hosts

will make for all peoples a feast of

rich food, a feast of well-aged

wines, of rich food filled with

marrow, of well-aged wines

strained clear. And he will destroy

on this mountain the shroud that is

cast over all peoples, the sheet that

is spread over all nations; he will

swallow up death forever. Then the

Lord God will wipe away the tears

from all faces, and the disgrace of

his people he will take away from

Primera Lectura: Isaías 25:6–9

En el monte Sión, el Señor

todopoderoso preparará para

todas las naciones un banquete

con ricos manjares y vinos

añejos, con deliciosas comidas y

los más puros vinos. En este

monte destruirá el Señor el velo

que cubría a todos los pueblos,

el manto que envolvía a todas

las naciones. El Señor destruirá

para siempre la muerte, secará

las lágrimas de los ojos de todos

y hará desaparecer en toda la


all the earth, for the Lord has

spoken. It will be said on that

day, Lo, this is our God; we have

waited for him, so that he might

save us. This is the Lord for

whom we have waited; let us be

glad and rejoice in his salvation.

Reader: The Word of the Lord

People: Thanks to be God

tierra la deshonra de su

pueblo. El Señor lo ha dicho.

En ese día se dirá: Éste es

nuestro Dios, en él confiamos

y él nos salvó. Alegrémonos,

gocémonos, él nos ha


Lector: Palabra del Señor.

Pueblo: Demos gracias a Dios

Easter Anthem

1. Christ our passover is / sacri-•ficed / for us:

Therefore / let us / keep the / feast;

2. Not with the old leaven * nor with the leaven of / malice • and /


But with the unleavened / bread of • sin-/cerity • and / truth.

3. Christ being raised from the dead / dieth • no / more:

Death hath no / more do-/minion / over him.

4. For in that he died * he died unto / sin / once:

But in that he liveth * he / liveth / unto / God.

5. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed / unto / sin:

But alive unto God through / Jesus / Christ our / Lord.

6. Christ is / risen • from the / dead:

And become the / first-fruits • of / them that / slept.


7. For since by / man came / death:

By man came also the resur-/rection / of the / dead.

8. For as in / Adam • all / die:

Even so in Christ shall / all be / made a-/live.

Glory be to the Father * and / to the / Son:

And / to the / Holy / Ghost.

As it was in the beginning * is now and / ever / shall be:

World without / end * A-/ --/ men.

Second Reading: Acts 10:34-43

Peter began to speak to Cornelius

and the other Gentiles: "I truly

understand that God shows no

partiality, but in every nation

anyone who fears him and does

what is right is acceptable to him.

You know the message he sent to

the people of Israel, preaching

peace by Jesus Christ--he is Lord

of all. That message spread

throughout Judea, beginning in

Galilee after the baptism that

John announced: how God

anointed Jesus of Nazareth with

the Holy Spirit and with power;

how he went about doing good

and healing all who were

oppressed by the devil, for God

was with him. We are witnesses

to all that he did both in Judea

and in Jerusalem. They put him

to death by hanging him on a

tree; but God raised him on the

third day and allowed him to

Segunda Lectura: Hechos 10:34–43

Pedro entonces comenzó a hablar, y

dijo: Ahora entiendo que de veras

Dios no hace diferencia entre una

persona y otra, sino que en cualquier

nación acepta a los que lo reverencian

y hacen lo bueno. Dios habló a los

descendientes de Israel, anunciando el

mensaje de paz por medio de

Jesucristo, que es el Señor de todos.

Ustedes bien saben lo que pasó en

toda la tierra de los judíos,

comenzando en Galilea, después que

Juan proclamó que era necesario

bautizarse. Saben que Dios llenó de

poder y del Espíritu Santo a Jesús de

Nazaret, y que Jesús anduvo haciendo

bien y sanando a todos los que sufrían

bajo el poder del diablo. Esto pudo

hacerlo porque Dios estaba con él, y

nosotros somos testigos de todo lo

que hizo Jesús en la región de Judea y

en Jerusalén. Después lo mataron,

colgándolo en una cruz. Pero Dios lo

resucitó al tercer día, e hizo que se


appear, not to all the people

but to us who were chosen by

God as witnesses, and who ate

and drank with him after he

rose from the dead. He

commanded us to preach to the

people and to testify that he is

the one ordained by God as

judge of the living and the

dead. All the prophets testify

about him that everyone who

believes in him receives

forgiveness of sins through his


Reader: The Word of the Lord

People: Thanks to be God

nos apareciera a nosotros. No se

apareció a todo el pueblo, sino a

nosotros, a quienes Dios había

escogido de antemano como

testigos. Nosotros comimos y

bebimos con él después que

resucitó. Y él nos envió a

anunciarle al pueblo que Dios lo

ha puesto como Juez de los vivos

y de los muertos. Todos los

profetas habían hablado ya de

Jesús, y habían dicho que quienes

creen en él reciben por medio de

él el perdón de los pecados.

Lector: Palabra del Señor.

Pueblo: Demos gracias a Dios

(Please stand, as able)

(Por favor todos de pie)


Gospel Sentence (sung by the choir): Very early in the morning on the

first day of the week they came to the tomb; just as the sun was rising.



THE GOSPEL Mark 16:1-8 Deacon: The Holy Gospel of our

Lord Jesus according to Mark.


When the sabbath was over,

Mary Magdalene, and Mary the

mother of James, and Salome

bought spices, so that they might

go and anoint Jesus. And very

early on the first day of the week,

when the sun had risen, they

went to the tomb. They had been

saying to one another, “Who will

roll away the stone for us from

the entrance to the tomb?” When

they looked up, they saw that the

stone, which was very large, had

already been rolled back. As they

entered the tomb, they saw a

young man, dressed in a white

robe, sitting on the right side; and

they were alarmed. But he said to

them, “Do not be alarmed; you

are looking for Jesus of Nazareth,

who was crucified. He has been

raised; he is not here. Look, there

is the place they laid him. But go,

tell his disciples and Peter that he

is going ahead of you to Galilee;

there you will see him, just as he

told you.” So they went out and

fled from the tomb, for terror and

amazement had seized them; and

EL EVANGELIO San Marcos 16: 1-8

Diácono: Santo Evangelio de Nuestro

Señor Jesucristo según San Marcos.


Pasado el sábado, María

Magdalena, María la madre de

Santiago, y Salomé, compraron

perfumes para perfumar el

cuerpo de Jesús. Y el primer día

de la semana fueron al sepulcro

muy temprano, apenas salido el

sol, diciéndose unas a otras:

¿Quién nos quitará la piedra de

la entrada del sepulcro? Pero, al

mirar, vieron que la piedra ya

no estaba en su lugar. Esta

piedra era muy grande. Cuando

entraron en el sepulcro vieron,

sentado al lado derecho, a un

joven vestido con una larga ropa

blanca. Las mujeres se

asustaron, pero él les dijo: —No

se asusten. Ustedes buscan a

Jesús de Nazaret, el que fue

crucificado. Ha resucitado; no

está aquí. Miren el lugar donde

lo pusieron. Vayan y digan a sus

discípulos, y a Pedro: “Él va a

Galilea para reunirlos de nuevo;

allí lo verán, tal como les dijo.”

Entonces las mujeres salieron

huyendo del sepulcro, pues

estaban temblando, asustadas. Y


they said nothing to anyone, for

they were afraid.

Deacon: The Gospel of our Lord


no dijeron nada a nadie, porque

tenían miedo.

Deacon: The Gospel of our Lord


THE SERMON Canon Rich Simpson

NICENE CREED (stand as able)

We believe in one God, the

Father, the Almighty, maker of

heaven and earth, of all that is,

seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus

Christ, the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from

Light, true God from true God,

begotten, not made, of one Being

with the Father. Through him

all things were made. For us and

for our salvation he came down

from heaven: by the power of

the Holy Spirit he became

incarnate from the Virgin Mary,

and was made man. For our

sake he was crucified under

Pontius Pilate; he suffered death

and was buried. On the third

day he rose again in accordance

with the Scriptures; he ascended

into heaven and is seated at the


Creemos en un solo Dios, Padre

todopoderoso, Creador de cielo

y tierra, de todo lo visible e


Creemos en un solo Señor,

Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios,

nacido del Padre antes de todos

los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de

Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios

verdadero, engendrado, no

creado, de la misma naturaleza

que el Padre, por quien todo fue

hecho; que por nosotros y por

nuestra salvación bajó del cielo:

por obra del Espíritu Santo se

encarnó de María, la Virgen, y

se hizo hombre. Por nuestra

causa fue crucificado en tiempos

de Poncio Pilato: padeció y fue

sepultado. Resucitó al tercer día,

según las Escrituras, subió al

cielo y esta sentado a la derecha

del Padre.


right hand of the Father. He will

come again in glory to judge the

living and the dead, and his

kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Lord, the giver of life, who

proceeds from the Father and

the Son. With the Father and

the Son he is worshiped and

glorified. He has spoken

through the Prophets. We

believe in one holy catholic and

apostolic Church. We

acknowledge one baptism for

the forgiveness of sins. We look

for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to

come. Amen


Petition: Gracious God

Response: Hear our prayer


Celebrante: La paz del Señor sea

siempre con ustedes.

Pueblo: Y con tu espíritu.

De nuevo vendrá con gloria

para juzgar a vivos y muertos,

y su reino no tendrá fin.

Creemos en el Espíritu Santo,

Señor y dador de vida, que

procede del Padre y del Hijo,

que con el Padre y el Hijo

recibe una misma adoración y

gloria, y que habló por los

profetas. Creemos en la Iglesia,

que es una, santa, católica y

apostólica. Reconocemos un

solo Bautismo para el perdón

de los pecados. Esperamos la

resurrección de los muertos y

la vida del mundo futuro.



Intercesor: Dios de Gracia

Pueblo: Escucha nuestra oración


Celebrant: The peace of Christ be

always with you

People: And also with you.





OFFERTORY ANTHEM “Sing ye to the Lord” Edward Bairstow


Sing ye to the Lord,

For He hath triumphed gloriously.

Pharoah's chariots and his host

Hath He cast into the sea.

Mighty victim from the sky,

Hell's fierce pow'rs beneath Thee lie;

Thou hast conquer'd in the fight,

Thou hast brought us life and light.

Now no more can death appal,

Now no more the grave enthral,

Thou hast open'd Paradise,

And in Thee Thy Saints shall rise.

Alleluia, Amen.

OFFERTORY HYMN “Jesus Christ is risen today” HYMNAL 207



Celebrante: El Señor sea con ustedes.

Pueblo: Y con tu espíritu.

Celebrante: Elevemos los corazones.

Pueblo: Los elevamos al Señor.

Celebrante: Demos gracias a Dios

nuestro Señor.

Pueblo: Es justo darle gracias y



Then, facing the Holy Table, the Celebrant proceeds

It is truly right to glorify you,

Father, and to give you thanks;

for you alone are God, living and

true, dwelling in light

inaccessible from before time

and for ever.

Fountain of life and source of all

goodness, you made all

things and fill them with your

blessing; you created them to

rejoice in the splendor of your


Countless throngs of angels stand

before you to serve you

night and day; and, beholding the

glory of your presence,

they offer you unceasing praise.

Joining with them, and

giving voice to every creature

under heaven, we acclaim you,

and glorify your Name, as we


El Celebrante continúa:

En verdad, oh Padre, es justo

glorificarte y darte gracias;

porque sólo tú eres Dios, vivo

y verdadero, morando en luz

inaccesible desde siempre y

para siempre.

Fuente de vida y toda bondad,

hiciste todas las cosas y las

colmaste de tu bendición; tú

las creaste para que se

regocijen en el esplendor de tu


Innumerables ángeles están

delante de ti para servirte

noche y día; y contemplando la

gloria de tu presencia, te

ofrecen alabanza sin cesar. Y

con ellos, también nosotros, y

por nuestra voz las demás

criaturas bajo el cielo, te

aclamamos y glorificamos tu

Nombre, cantando,

SANCTUS & BENEDICTUS “Communion Service in F” Harold Darke

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts,

Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory,

Glory be to Thee, O Lord most high. Amen.

Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord,

Hosanna in the Highest!


Then the Celebrant continues

We acclaim you, holy Lord,

glorious in power. Your mighty

works reveal your wisdom and

love. You formed us in your own

image, giving the whole world into

our care, so that, in obedience to

you, our Creator, we might rule and

serve all your creatures. When our

disobedience took us far from you,

you did not abandon us to the

power of death. In your mercy you

came to our help, so that in seeking

you we might find you. Again and

again you called us into covenant

with you, and through the prophets

you taught us to hope for salvation.

Father, you loved the world so

much that in the fullness of time

you sent your only Son to be our

Savior. Incarnate by the Holy

Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, he

lived as one of us, yet without sin.

To the poor he proclaimed the good

news of salvation; to prisoners,

freedom; to the sorrowful, joy. To

fulfill your purpose he gave himself

up to death; and, rising from the

grave, destroyed death, and made

the whole creation new.

El Celebrante continúa:

Te aclamamos, santo Señor, glorioso

en poder. Tus grandes obras revelan

tu sabiduría y amor. Nos formaste a

tu propia Imagen, encomendándonos

el mundo entero, para que, en

obediencia a ti, nuestro Creador,

pudiéramos regir y servir a todas tus

criaturas. Cuando por desobediencia

nos alejamos de ti, no nos

abandonaste al poder de la muerte. En

tu misericordia, viniste en nuestra

ayuda, para que buscándote, te

encontráramos. Una y otra vez nos

has llamado al pacto contigo, y por

los profetas nos enseñaste la

esperanza de salvación.

Tanto amaste al mundo, Padre, que en

la plenitud del tiempo nos enviaste

como Salvador a tu único Hijo.

Encarnado por obra del Espíritu

Santo y nacido de María, la Virgen,

vivió como uno de nosotros, empero

sin pecado. A los pobres proclamó las

buenas nuevas de salvación; a los

prisioneros, libertad; a los afligidos,

gozo. Para cumplir tus designios, se

entregó a la muerte y, resucitando de

la tumba, destruyó la muerte e hizo

nueva la creación entera.


And, that we might live no longer

for ourselves, but for him

who died and rose for us, he sent

the Holy Spirit, his own

first gift for those who believe, to

complete his work in

the world, and to bring to

fulfillment the sanctification of all.

When the hour had come for him to

be glorified by you, his heavenly

Father, having loved his own who

were in the world, he loved them to

the end; at supper with them he

took bread, and when he had given

thanks to you, he broke it, and gave

it to his disciples, and said, "Take,

eat: This is my Body, which is

given for you. Do this for the

remembrance of me."

Después de la cena tomó el cáliz; y

dándote gracias, se lo entregó, y

dijo: "Beban todos de él. Esta es mi

Sangre del nuevo Pacto, sangre

derramada por ustedes y por

muchos para el perdón de los

pecados. Siempre que lo beban,

háganlo como memorial mío".

Father, we now celebrate this

memorial of our redemption.

Recalling Christ's death and his

descent among the dead,

proclaiming his resurrection and

ascension to your right hand,

Y a fin de que no viviésemos más

para nosotros mismos, sino para él,

que por nosotros murió y resucitó,

envió al Espíritu Santo como su

primicia a los que creen, para

completar su obra en el mundo y

llevar a plenitud la santificación de


Llegada la hora en que había de ser

glorificado por ti, su Padre

celestial, habiendo amado a los

suyos que estaban en el mundo, los

amó hasta el final; y mientras

cenaba con ellos, tomó pan, y

dándote gracias, lo partió y se lo

dio a sus discípulos, y dijo: "Tomen

y coman. Este es mi Cuerpo,

entregado por ustedes. Hagan esto

como memorial mío".

After supper he took the cup of

wine; and when he had given

thanks, he gave it to them, and said,

"Drink this, all of you: This is my

Blood of the new Covenant, which

is shed for you and for many for the

forgiveness of sins. Whenever you

drink it, do this for the

remembrance of me."

Padre, celebramos ahora este

memorial de nuestra redención.

Recordando la muerte de Cristo y

su descenso entre los muertos,

proclamando su resurrección y

ascensión a tu derecha,


awaiting his coming in glory; and

offering to you, from the gifts

you have given us, this bread and

this cup, we praise you and we

bless you.

esperando su venida en gloria; y

ofreciéndote, de las dádivas que

tú nos has dado, este pan y este

cáliz, te alabamos y te


Celebrant and People

We praise you,

We bless you,

We give thanks to you, and

We pray to you, Lord our God.

The Celebrant continues

Lord, we pray that in your

goodness and mercy your Holy

Spirit may descend upon us, and

upon these gifts, sanctifying

them and showing them to be

holy gifts for your holy people,

the bread of life and the cup of

salvation, the Body and Blood of

your Son Jesus Christ.

Grant that all who share this

bread and cup may become one

body and one spirit, a living

sacrifice in Christ, to the praise

of your Name.

Remember, Lord, your one holy

catholic and apostolic Church,

redeemed by the blood of your

Christ. Reveal its unity, guard its

faith, and preserve it in peace.

Celebrante y Pueblo:

Te alabamos,

Te bendecimos,

Te damos gracias, y oramos a

ti, Señor nuestro Dios.

El Celebrante continúa:

Señor, te rogamos que en tu

bondad y misericordia, tu Espíritu

Santo descienda sobre nosotros y

sobre estos dones, santificándolos

y mostrando que son dones santos

para tu pueblo santo, el pan de

vida y el cáliz de salvación, el

Cuerpo y la Sangre de tu Hijo


Concede que todos los que

compartan este pan y este cáliz

sean un solo cuerpo y un solo

espíritu, un sacrificio vivo en

Cristo, para alabanza de tu


Recuerda, Señor, a tu Iglesia, una,

santa, católica y apostólica,

redimida por la sangre de tu Cristo.

Manifiesta su unidad, guarda su fe

y presérvala en paz.


And grant that we may find our

inheritance with the Blessed Virgin

Mary, with patriarchs, prophets,

apostles, and martyrs, and all the

saints who have found favor with

you in ages past. We praise you in

union with them and give you glory

through your Son Jesus Christ our


Through Christ, and with Christ,

and in Christ, all honor and glory

are yours, Almighty God and

Father, in the unity of the Holy

Spirit, forever and for ever. AMEN.

Y concede que alcancemos

nuestra herencia con la Bendita

Virgen María, con los patriarcas,

profetas, apóstoles y mártires, y

todos los santos que han

encontrado favor contigo en

tiempos pasados. Junto con ellos

te alabamos y te damos gloria, por

tu Hijo Jesucristo nuestro Señor.

Por Cristo, y con Cristo y en Cristo,

tuyos son el honor y la gloria,

omnipotente Dios y Padre, en la

unidad del Espíritu Santo, por los

siglos de los siglos. AMEN.


Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.


Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo,

santificado sea tu Nombre,

venga tu reino,

hagase tu voluntad,

en la tierra como en el cielo.

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.

Perdona nuestras ofensas,

Asi como nosotros perdonamos

a los que nos ofenden.

No nos dejes caer en tentación

y líbranos del mal.

Porque tuyo es el reino,

tuyo es el poder, y tuya es la gloria,

ahora y por siempre. Amen




AGNUS DEI “Communion Service in F” Harold Darke

O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy upon us.

O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy upon us.

O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Grant us Thy peace.


All are welcome at the Lord’s Table

We offer gluten free hosts and a chalice at the left lower rail. Please

identify yourself there to those administering communion. All who wish to receive

Jesus in the bread and wine please come forward to receive Him. If you wish not to

receive, you are invited to come forward for a blessing, indicating that desire by

placing your arms across your chest. Healing is offered in the St. Pierre Chapel for

Healing, right side of the church or the left side of the church after receiving


Todos están invitados a la Mesa del Señor

Ofrecemos la hostia sin gluten en el riel inferior izquierdo. Por favor

hable con unos de los ministros eucarísticos. Todos los que quieran recibir a Jesús

en el pan y el vino, están invitados a recibirlo. Si usted no desea recibir, están

invitados a venir adelante para una bendición, que pueden indicar su deseo,

colocando los brazos sobre el pecho.


COMMUNION “I got me flowers (Five Mystical Songs)” Ralph V. Williams


I got me flowers to strew thy way;

I got me boughs off many a tree:

But thou wast up by break of day,

And brought’st thy sweets along with thee.

The Sun arising in the East,

Though he give light, and the East perfume;

If they should offer to contest

With thy arising, they presume.

Can there be any day but this,

Though many suns to shine endeavour?

We count three hundred, but we miss:

There is but one, and that one ever.

COMMUNION HYMN “Alleluia, Alleluia” HYMNAL 191




Let us pray.

Eternal God, heavenly Father,

you have graciously accepted us

as living members of your Son

our Savior Jesus Christ, and you

have fed us with spiritual food in

the Sacrament of his Body and

Blood. Send us now into the

world in peace, and grant us

strength and courage to love and

serve you with gladness and

singleness of heart; through

Christ our Lord. Amen.


Eterno Dios, Padre celestial, en

tu bondad nos has aceptado como

miembros vivos de tu Hijo,

nuestro Salvador Jesucristo; nos

has nutrido con alimento

espiritual en el Sacramento de su

Cuerpo y de su Sangre. Envíanos

ahora en paz al mundo;

revístenos de fuerza y de valor

para amarte y servirte con

alegría y sencillez de corazón;

por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen.



RECESSIONAL HYMN “Thine be the Glory”



Deacon: Let us go forth in the

name of Christ. Alleluia! Alleluia!

People: Thanks be to God.

Alleluia! Alleluia!


Diacono: Salgamos en nombre de

Cristo. Aleluya! Aleluya!

Pueblo: Demos Gracias a Dios.

Aleluya! Aleluya!

POSTLUDE “Symphony No. 10 "Romane" (Finale)” Charles-Marie Widor


Presider: The Reverend José Reyes

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Richard Simpson

Deacon: The Reverend Beatrice Kayigwa

Seminarian: Ann Scannell

Organist and Director of Music: Graeme McCullough

Assistant Organist: Michael Celularo

The All Saints Choir

Vergers: David Leitko, Brian Major

Acolytes: Kevin Mulcahy, Samuel Sasu, Nadia Sarpong, Joseph Uzor

Thurifer: Derek Frimpong, Banner: Ben Atuquayfio

Lectors: Neel Smith, Anibelka Reyes, Michael Gondek

Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Zoe Lellios, Charles Quist, Ann Scannell

Kathleen Robbins, Ted Ling

Ushers: Guillian Neequaye, Benjamin Atuquayfio, Elizabeth Horton

Rasheeda Tatum, Frank Kuffour, Estsher Atuquayfio

Altar Guild: Scott Archard, Stuart Drake


Joan Douty

Roland & Evelyn


Roland Beauvais

Robert Beauvais

Pauline Johnson

Lloyd & Svea Douty

Donald Douty

Julia Ochoa

Jose Perez

Harold Marshall

Marion Marshall

Henry Mattocks

Dorothy Mattocks

Bruce T. Marshall

David Lessard

Joan Odlin Kalat

George Robert Kalat

Joanne & Elise Kalat

Andrea Austin

Jayne Chrobak

Mary J. Menanson

Carol L. Daley

Pearl Tetreault

Martin Hanrahan

Diana Johnson

LTC. Sanford W. &

Melissa R. Harvey

Dr. Kevin G. Harvey

Debbie O Leary RN

Joy W. McGovern

Ruth & Arthur Moore

Richard Moore

Mary Page

Frank MacDonald

Adrienne MacDonald

Miklos & Jeannette


Leroy & Lillian Young

Chamberlain &

Augusto Family


Frank & May E. Stark

Leslie & Donald Stark

Bridget Reddick

Arthur Reddick

Grace Hess

Grace Meuger

Anna Magnusson

Wayne Partridge

Baby Harry

Helen A. Valinski

Our Family & Friends

Leonard & Anne White

Ralph & Thelma White

Perlie & Agnella Temple

Charles & Shirley Temple

Nancy J. Kilroy

Richard Wagen

Richard F. Talbot

Joan H. Talbot

Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Coz

Olga Dessauer

Juanita Starr Urban

Jane F. Kilroy

Edward F. Kilroy

Richard & Janet Schuyler

Raymond & Rose Schuyler

Richard Schuyler Jr.

Doris Harris Schuyler

Lucia Kellett Jones Whitlock

Louis Shropshire

Chloe Shropshire

John Driscoll

Anibelca Pérez

José Pérez

Magdalena Pérez

Ricardo Pérez

Bienvenido Reyes

Faustina Reyes

Marcelina Reyes

Jesús Reyes

Bienvenido Del Villar

Rev. William Dwyer

José Antonio Rosa

Miguel Alfonso Rosa

Charles & Ada Bostock

Frank & Marjorie Nordin

John Zamoida

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Wood

Charles & Nellie Dee

Richard & Jeanne Mulcahy


William Douty-Perez

Anna Douty and Douty family

Our family all over the country

Elizabeth Prevost

Michael Guenther

Grace Guenther

Marnie, Matt & Timothy Weir

All Saints Church

All Saints Church continuing to evolve



Easter egg hunt – All children 12 years old and younger are welcome to

participate in our Easter egg hunt in the courtyard following the service. There will

be two rounds of egg searching. The first round will be for kids ages 6 and down

and the second round will be for kids ages 7 to 12. Please do join us as we continue

celebrating this festive day.

Adult Forum – Adult Forum will begin again, next Sunday, April 8th at 9:00am in

the Guild Room with; A Conversation with Canon Rich Simpson.

All Saints Magazine - “The All Saints Magazine has an opportunity for you! Due

to necessary budget cuts for 2018, this year the funding for this wonderful parish

resource will come from those of us who choose to be sponsors! Sponsorship cards

with various options for giving are available on the table outside Huntington Hall

and may be given with your donations to Ned Prevost, Bev Prevost, or Donna

Crocker; mailed back to the Church with your check; or turned in to the church

office, with checks made out to All Saints and with Magazine on the memo line.

The Magazine has been such an effective way to spread the good news of All

Saints’ programs and worship and fellowship, and this support will help toward

restoration in the budget next year.”

Rule Britannia! An Evening Cabaret - Saturday, April 14, 6pm - Cabaret by

Elisabeth and Michael Gondek has become an annual sell-out tradition in the

Music Series. This spring, come visit the British Isles with glorious song and

delicious cuisine. Tickets $35 – reserve yours early from [email protected] or


Choral Evensong for Eastertide - Sunday, April 15, 4PM - The Choir of All

Saints returns after an Easter break to present this festal choral evensong. As

winter turns to spring, we rejoice in the renewal of the season.

Community Clean Up – On Saturday, April 21 from 9:00-12:00, all are

welcomed to join the youth group and the property committee as we make our

neighborhood a little cleaner and a little brighter. All who are interested in

volunteering please sign up in Huntington Hall or speak with Ani Reyes.


Father Greg Lisby and family, Lynn Abusamra, John Greco, Gilbert Jordan, Ron

and Grace L., Bob L. Chuck Pescaro, Liz W, Ann W, Jason and Paula, Judy

Nichols, Myra Yanna, Robert Jacob, Lewuma, Carol H., Jennie Olivier and

Family, Doris S., Coral, Amy, Nicholas, Sarah G, Lianne Miller, Maureen

Laconsolo, Sara Ross, Moyna Ermshausen, Evelyn K., Richard Knowlton, Wayne

Partridge, Anne Cerrone, George Turpin, Pastor Muriel Sanborn & Dana

Sanborn, Nancy Broshihan, Elaine Andros, Robert Mulcahy, Kathy Bonnici, John

Gardner, Tony Spalatro, Beverly Heath, Stephen Ekstrom, Lyra, Len Kottnitz,

Jessie & family, Michelle, Jason, Paula, William Burnett, Gloria Lewicki, Gloria

Hopewell, Rachel McLean, Augustus K., Deborah Giordan, Richard Ehrich,

Powers family, Margaret Kittrege, Edith Lavin, Dr. S.R, James, Christopher,

Toni, Heather MacDonald, Angel Hampton, Josie Macaruso, Lorenzo Monson,

Elaine, Henry C, Tyson Goldstein, Maureen & Marc Lavoie, Elizabeth Hassett,

Darwin Toribio, Angel Hampton, Stacey and Dana Bishop, Diana Sullivan,

Caitlyn, Emilia, Evie, and Lulu Dunham, Gwen Peart, Larry Minion, Susan, Ron,

Charlie Y. Phyllis Callahan, Linda St. Pierre, Emelia George

We pray for those in the hospital and rehab centers: Manny Guerrero and Gus


For those celebrating birthdays: Jenna Davis 4-1, Oliver Dinsmore 4-1, Sophia

Gallo 4-2, Jennifer Yarnie 4-2, Aubrey Frimpong 4-3, Nick Conti 4-4, Emma

Sarpong 4-4, Osiris Berry 4-5, Shanelle Burbo 4-5, Barbara Sanders 4-6