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When it comes to the true secret behind what makes a man feel truly attracted to a woman, one of my favorite ways to describe it is through this metaphor: a kid in a candy store!

When a kid is in a candy store, what do you imagine is going through their minds as they look over all the different little treats surrounding them? In that little enclosure, they have practically everything, and yet at the same time, everything can be nothing in the blink of an eye!

What do you think goes through a kid’s mind when he’s experiencing the appeal of all of those little candies aroundhim at the same time? How do you think he can handle theinfinite amount of choices he has? Do you think he’ll be able to keep a level head when there are so many differentflavors, or will he just jump right into it without a second thought?

No matter what the kid’s reaction might be, the most important thing to keep in mind will be is this - nothing that he sees is going to keep his attention permanently! With all of the options that the kid has, it will be almost impossible for him to fixate on just one thing at a time!

The second that he puts his eyes on the pink candy, he hasthe blue candy in his peripheral view! In the very next second, he’ll remove his attention from that blue candy


that stole his attention initially and refocus on a green candy instead. Every single second that passes, a candy with a new color is going to steal away his attention all over again.

For a kid in a candy store, every individual thing that he sees is practically going to equate to nothing in comparisonto the infinite array of choices he has at his fingertips. When it comes to the sweet tooth, we learn about something beyond the bite of the sweet tooth: the very nature of human desire itself.

When it comes to the things that we want, having a little taste of a single thing only increases the desire that we have for other things. The capacity for desire is endless and fickle, and one thing can never own it forever!

For example, let’s think back to that kid in the candy store again. If the kid jams his hand into one of those candy jarsand scoops a great big handful of those sweets up to his mouth, that taste isn’t going to satiate him for long. Getting the taste of one flavor is going to make him have an uncontrollable desire for all of the OTHER flavors that hecould potentially have.

So, you’ve probably already got an idea of how this relates to romance right now - when it comes to the romantic urges that a man has for all of the women that he wants tosee in the world, it’s really just like a kid being in a candy store. Believe it or not, intimate attraction, and all of the


deep lust and angst that comes in the package, can be compared to an everyday candy shop.

So long as a man has the ability to feel attraction a single person, there will always be that allure that can exist in theform of another person. The truth of it all can hard to digest, but if you can will yourself to accept this truth, thenyou will be in much better shape in the long run.

This of course isn’t a sign that you should just give up and settle for a polygamous relationship, but it is a sign to takenote of the fact of what your man is going to be feeling at any given time.

In truth, you’ve probably felt something similar to this on your own! Just because you’ve grown attracted to one mandoesn’t mean that other flavors won’t still entice you from time to time. If you want to be able to conquer this truth ofhuman attraction, then all it’s going to to take is the use of a few techniques that I’m going to share with you in this report.

You see, the thing is that a man isn’t usually aware of the fact that he’s like a kid faced with millions of different little flavors of candy. A man may not know it, but the truth is that he doesn’t actually have to know what’s going to happen in order to enjoy the sensation.

He may not really be out to just heartlessly sample every


little different romantic interest that crosses his mind, but the attraction is still going to be there. Taste, enjoy, and seek out further enjoyment through further taste; this is the sacred cycle that can’t be broken!

The truth of the matter is that just because a man feels drawn to all kinds of different flavors doesn’t mean he has to be with a thousand different women in order to be satisfied. If you can manage to create the kind of satisfaction within him that matches what he could get from meeting all kinds of different women, then he’s going to want to stay.

You see, you don’t have to be the single piece of candy in the store. With a little practice in the art of attraction, you can be like a mixed bag of all KINDS of delicious sweets that he just can’t get enough of. Be it simple affection, love, or sex, every different expression of attachment operates under this same golden rule!

Now here’s what you can do in order to make it so that the man’s natural want or affection can work in your favor instead of working against you! Don’t get too intimidated by the concept, because this is actually a lot easier than it sounds. It might be hard to pull off for women who don’t understand the truth we’ve covered, but soon, it’ll be second nature for you.

Now you that have a strong general idea of why knowing all of this is important as it is, it’s time to dig into the


specific reasons why it’s important to learn exactly what I have to offer here:

Specific Reason 1 - Too many women just don’t knowwhat they don’t know

This might seem a little bit tricky-sounding at first, but believe me, it’s truly the simplest thing in the world. The fact of the matter is that there are plenty of women out there who are unintentionally but thoroughly destroying their love lives by not knowing understanding “kid in a candy store mentality.

I know it might seem a little bit harsh at first, but as a woman who has made the same mistake, this comes from the heart. It’s not even really a strike against women who aren’t in the know, but it’s just a statement about the factsof the situation! Lots of the women that I coach are able toset aside their pride and realize that they can benefit from what they don’t know.

There’s no shame in being honest about the fact that you could use a little bit more help in understanding just what it is that your man wants in order to be completely satisfied. Wondering about what a man wants in order to feel satisfied is, without a doubt, one of the biggest topics when it comes to the realm of realm of relationship advice!

We’d all like it if these confounding men came with


instruction manuals, but unfortunately, it just comes down to little bit more effort than that. Once you make peace with the fact that it’s going to take a little bit more work than just being loved unconditionally, you’ll be ready to make this work for you in the way that it truly should!

Now, onto the second reason why it’s absolutely in your best interest to learn the real key to male desire patterns.

Specific Reason # 2 - It will keep you from mistakenly blaming your man

This might not exactly hit a pleasant chord with all of the readers, but ti’s something that can only be beneficial to take note of. If we’re unaware of the the truly uncontrollable nature of a man’s attraction patterns, then we might run the risk of accidentally blaming him at the worst possible times.

You have to be aware of just how many relationships are completely compromised, for no good reason, all because of the blame game. It’s most likely to happen when a couple is out and about and comes across a woman that catches the man’s eye.

When a man starts paying a conspicuous amount of attention to a woman that he’s not in a relationship with, and he notices it, it can be very easy for her to start takingsome serious offense to that and confront him in a very


hostile manner. If you make the mistake of attacking your man at this crucial point, you could end up making things even worse.

Once again, we’ve just got to have a little bit of mercy on men for being human - after all, we’re just as human as they are! We can’t help it if we get a little case of wandering eye if a stud comes trolling around when we’re out with our men, so though it might seem a little bit tough, we’ve got to resist the urge to flip if the man gets a wandering eye too.

If you can resist the urge to brand your man a lecherous good-for-nothing, then following the next steps in the process can seriously help you flip that little annoying situation into one that’s a lot more in your favor.

Now, here’s the third reason why this technique is going to help you out in a big way...

Specific Reason #3 - The power of absolute mind control

Now go ahead and try to wrap your mind around this one! If you have the power to understand these little ebbs and flows that can occur in a man’s desire, you can achieve something that’s nearly on the level of complete mind control.


Now slow down! There’s just a little bit of hyperbole in there, but I mean it. You won’t be controlling your man’s mind as in you can make him memorize the lines to all of your favorite movies in single afternoon, but what it WILL help you reach a new level of understanding with him that few women with less patience can normally reach.

When you know the different triggers and cues that activate desire in his mind, you’ll know how to make his emotions spike a crucial moments, allowing you to strategically get him on your wavelength at any moment.

A man’s desires are kind of like a train that goes rumbling down a track with unpredictable bends and twists. Can you stop a train just by standing in front of them and yelling at it to stop? Not unless you want to get slammed into and run over for your trouble. You can’t beg and plead for the train to stop because your voice is simply not going to be heard.

So, how is it that you can handle the velocity of a raging train? It’s simple, really. All that you have to do is WAIT. Wait for the train to slow down to pace at which you can run alongside it, and when the time is right, leap onto that train start moving at a steady pace.

Once you’ve managed to board the “train”, you make your way to the main engine and room and slowly commandeer the control room. In this scenario, the “control room” that you’re looking for represents the core of your man’s


emotional brain. Once you can assume control, you can guide the course of the man’s desire from the deepest part of his subconscious.

There’s no need to try stopping a moving train when you can simply have influence over the course that it takes from the very beginning. Women who try to plead and fightwith their men are doomed to get run over, but when you’re in control, there won’t be anything to worry about.

In a way, you could say that you’re not even really trying to make your man do anything. Once you’ve managed to get a lock onto what triggers your man’s desires, he’s going to willingly do the things that you would like him to of his own accord.

It’s safe to say that all of these are more than appetizing reasons to establish some real emotional influence over your man from the inside-out! Why is it that this approach works as well as it does? It’s all due to two fundamental truths that underlie the basic concept of a man’s emotional functions.

The First Truth - Men are at war with their own urgesconstantly

It might be hard to imagine, but men aren’t just always completely slaves to their own impulses like some make their out to be. Most men, believe or not, are actually


FIGHTING their inner urges constantly!

The life of a man is a complicated one. We’re making it all seem pretty simple here, but most men won’t really have any idea about all of the complex physiology going on beneath their skin. We’re understanding this on an emotional AND logical level, but most men are only left with the experience of all this chaos happening under their skin.

To be truthful, the society we’ve built up isn’t one-hundred percent in-line with the way that nature has designed us! Monogamy is something that we’re constantly struggling tocompromise with on a biological level. Humans didn’t originally mate for life, and so today, trying to make that work is understandably still one of life’s greatest challenges!

Originally, the male specie’s only obligation was to spread their genes out across as many different women to carry them as possible; today, in the age of a world in which we have four walls around us and an internet connection, things are a lot different! The ancient law is still in effect in more ways than one, and because of that, a lot of sacrifices have to be made for stable relationships.

So when you catch your man checking out another woman,just keep in mind that he’s working against millions of years of instinctive coding! In terms of attraction, that “kid in the candy shop” is actually a lot OLDER than the man



Now when it comes to the matter of making sense of the fact that your man still has a tendency to check other women out from time to time, the key to keep your sanity is truly just to not over-think it at all. Mother nature spoke long before we ever had a say, and so all that we can do is work within the frame of her commands in the best way that we can manage!

If we neglect to make sure that we have some consideration for man’s natural attraction triggers, then things can get very ugly and very fast! Women who guilt their man for paying attention to other women in pubic will often see that he winds up feelings bitter because of it. Theman will be bitter due to the fact that he feels like he’s under attack for things out of his control.

Remember, the key to actually making this kind of mind control actually work is to AVOID giving the impression that you’re actively trying to control his mind! If you can avoid making it seem like you’re launching a personal attack on his agency, then things will be a lot easier for youin the long run!

It’s very possible for you tot find a way that you can get bythe man’s natural hound-dog lust without making him feel like you’re trying to neglect a part of himself that can’t be removed or adjusted with all of the money in the world.


Now, here’s the second truth to a man’s desires that’s completely invaluable.

The Second Truth - Appreciating his WEAKNESS will give his love STRENGTH

It might kind of seem like walking backwards when you think of it this way, but think of it like a moonwalk that still goes forward! A man’s genetic wiring really can’t be bargained with, but once you’ve learned to embrace the fact that he is what he is, you’re going to make a serious impression on him that not every other girl will have the power to match.

When a girl gives a man the impression that she’s not going to try and change him, it will go against a lot of preconceptions that a lot of men will have about the sacrifices required in order to make a relationship work.

Lots of men, even the ones who are desperate for a relationship, harbor a fear that commitment is going to force them to change themselves. Showing the man that you’re not going to be one of those women who acts like a “ball and chain” in terms of his sexuality is going to make you seem like a complete anomaly to him!

The “woman of a man’s dreams” is not just one woman - every different man has a different ideal partner. One thingthat you can be sure of is that the woman of a man’s


dreams is a woman that lets him operate within his own frame, no matter who he is or what it is that he does for a living.

Even to a man who seems completely obsessed with looks,there is still a very NOVEL and amazing experience in beingwith a woman who’s appealing on a psychological level. After all, there are only so many amazing-looking women in the world that a man can see before the highest level of physical attractiveness stops being brand new and “shiny” in his mind.

The dream woman is a woman who speaks to the man on abrand new level, which is one that transcends appearances and makes him feel like there’s a different part of him that calls out for her. Good looks are a dime a dozen, but a woman who makes him feel like he can be his own man to the fullest is the type of woman that he can imagine spending his life with!

After enough time has passed, the way that he feels about you is going to be SIGNIFICANTLY different from the type of women that just likes to look at. Physically attractive women will still catch his eyes, but you’ll be the type of woman who can override that and catch his heart instead.

So now that you’re aware of those three major reasons to tap into your man’s emotional desires, you might be wondering exactly what the steps are that you can do to make this happen. Remember the metaphor of the little kid


in the candy store? Considering this candy, what is it that you think actually draws a kid to one type of candy over the other types?

Here’s the secret: the first kind of candy that the kid is going to be drawn towards is the candy that is in short supply. You see, beyond just being constantly attracted to variety, a man is extremely drawn to the things around himthat seem hard to acquire.

The reason that a man won’t usually maintain the same level attraction to the same woman forever is because, after he’s spent enough time around her, it starts to seem like her company is is HIGH SUPPLY. High supply is going tocreate a lower kind of demand.

The candy that seems like it’s completely overflowing out of the bag won’t seem as appetizing as the kind with only three or four pieces left! So, considering the fact that lowersupply equals higher demand, there are TWO major things that you can do in order to create this reaction inside of him:

1. Make the man think that he has you

2. Pull away just a little bit once he does think that he has you

This is just a little exercise in the art of give and take! You make him think that your affection has just gotten into


high supply, but then at last moment, you make it seem like your affection is limited!

You don’t have to go as far as completely leaving him in the dust. All that you have to do is make yourself seem just a tiny bit more distant at the right point in time in order to make his interest spike up!

Men are naturally chasers, and they love the thrill of being able to work in order to get something that challenges and eludes them. The kid in the candy store is going to be ten times more excited to get his hands on the candy that he heard was in limited edition!

At the very beginning of the relationship, it’s very easy to get into that state where you’re addicted to every little bit of affection that he gives you. That hand-holding, kissing and snuggling will all be brand new and intoxicating in the way that they make you feel. Still, even if you get addictedto that feeling, you can’t get too attached to that feeling!

Women who keep on gushing unconditional affection to their men, without giving any give and take, will gradually start to experience their men slowly getting a lot more distant. The men won’t be getting more distant just because he cares less, but only because there’s just only solong that all of the affection can feel brand new.

It’s not a fun process at all, but it’s one that happens far


too often! The woman will notice that those sweet little gestures happen more few and far in-between, and eventually, it will be like it’s not happening any more at all.

Sooner or later, the woman might get desperate and start wondering what desperate measures she has to go throughin order to set things straight! As we’ve already covered, getting desperate and trying to force the man’s desires to grow stronger is only going to make things worse. You can’t change the direction of a man’s desires any more than you can stop train with your hands.

Now, if you were to become just a little bit slower to returnhis calls and texts, just a little bit shorter in your responses, just a little bit less accessible, then chances are your man is going to become a lot more persistent than he was before! You’re not going to pull away so much that the man things there’s no chance, but just enough so that he keeps chasing your affection.

A man who works hard in the beginning of the relationship,but gets no incentive to keep on working harder, will just start to think “what next?” A man who works hard and finds that the woman starts to pull away a little bit more, however, will instead think “what so I have to do next?”

When a man starts to feel like he’s completely captured you, he won’t feel like there’s a great deal of “stakes” in going after you. If he feels like you’re out of reach, then he’s always going to feel that twinge of tension in his spine


that makes him wonder whether or not he still has a chance of winning you over!

When you deny the man the chance to feel like he’s completely captured you, he’ll perpetually feel that same kind of pressure to constant perform that a man feels in the very beginning of the relationship. He’s going to feel hisdesires constantly renewed due to the fact that those desires aren’t ever 100% satisfied.

So you see, keeping his desires slightly at bay is the complete illustration of how to commandeer that emotional“control room” in the man’s emotional locomotive. It can be tricky process to keep a firm grasp on if you’ve never done it before, but once you’ve set things into motion, the rest of the work will practically take care of itself.

It might seem incredibly exhausting to keep on doing this for a long time, but the best part of this is that you don’t have to actually have to keep this up forever. To have to keep on pulling this game of hot and cold without ever stopping would be practically impossible for even the masters, and that’s precisely why it isn’t even necessary.

The only moment that you actually have to employ this desire-generating technique is when you get the feeling that the relationship is losing its shine. Don’t feel alarmed when you think the passion is running a little bit more cold,because as we’ve covered so far, the passion in a relationship is something that is ALWAYS in flux.


You can feel free to enjoy the flowery vibes of the brand new relationship to the fullest, but the point is that you’re going to paying attention to just how long that keep this up.

All that you need to do is make sure that you watch out forwhen you think that the man is just getting a bit too comfortable with the idea of how easy it is to “capture” your attention.

In order to illustrate just how effective this technique is, letme just share a little story with you of a client whose situation really called for it like nothing else.

I had a client who was in a long-term relationship with a man, and in the very beginning, things were going incredibly sweetly. This client of mine and her man were talking on the phone for upwards to six hours a day on Skype! Sometimes, it would seem as though they could have no topic of conversation at all and still talk until the sun went down.

Eventually, she got to actually meeting her Skype lover in person and turning him into a physical lover. Though the conversion from being online flirt buddies to real-life sweethearts isn’t always a smooth transition, my client actually happened to be one of the lucky ones who figured out how to make it work!


Hand-holding, cute little walks in the park, dinner dates, they did it all! My client was even amazed to find that their conversations didn’t even drag or get awkward. Though it was almost like she was getting high off of their contact at first, as we’ve covered in section so far, it didn’t last permanently.

After a couple of weeks had passed, things started to simmer down between the two of them. They weren’t clicking as well as they had the very first time that they met up; as a matter of fact, it didn’t even seem as though they were actually clicking as well as they did when they had been chatting online!

My client was at a loss for ways to completely restore the spark, and so she came to me in search of way to rekindle the heat. Just as I’ve described in this section so far, the advice that I gave her was to make herself just a little bit less available than she had been before.

They had been attached at the hip since before they had even met in-person, so naturally, the time was long overdue for her to refresh his interest! She didn’t “step in front of the train” by trying to force him to pay more attention to her, but she did what she had to in order to make him feel like more work was required in order to get her attention.

Just as if it was completely clockwork, all it took was a few


days for the man to start calling her up frantically for a wayto arrange a special date!