all hallows newsletter 15-02-13

Friday 15th February 2013 Letter from David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools 2012 SECONDARY SCHOOL PERFORMANCE TABLES Mr David Laws writes in a letter dated 27 January 2013; 'It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on your excellent GCSE performance of your students in 2012...we have looked at the performance in five GCSEs - English and Maths and three other GCSEs...your results show that you are amongst the 100 best improving schools for the progress your students have made between Key Stage 2 and their are also one of the highest improving schools in this measure. I would like to congratulate your staff, governors and students for their hard work and success and thank you for your leadership in continuing the drive towards high standards of educational attainment' High Performing Sixth Form We are delighted to announce that the 2012 national A Level Performance Score indicator (ALPS) conducted amongst 1,251 schools places All Hallows in the top 15% of national A Level providers. Advance Notices E-Safety – Keeping Children Safe - 26 March 2013, 6.30 – 7.30 by PC J. Commins If you have ever asked - What is my child doing online? What risks might my child face online? How do I keep my child safe online? ……. then this talk may be of Interest to you If you would like to attend this event, please email Julie Moorhouse at [email protected] At All Hallows in our Romero Centre Conference Room. THIS INFORMATION EVENING IS OPEN TO ALL PARENTS ATTENDING ALL HALLOWS PARTNER SCHOOLS - OR ATTENDING OTHER PRIMARY SCHOOLS IF THE CHILD IS TRANSFERING TO PARTNER SCHOOLS Yr8 German taster sessions - Every Monday, 13.00-13:30, C9, with Miss Rafferty. Students may not have experienced German as part of their language modules and so the taster sessions will enable them to make an informed choice as to which language they may want to study at KS4. Prayer Lord our God, you made us from the dust of the earth and breathed into us the spirit of life, but we turned away from you and sinned. In this season of repentance we call out for your mercy. Bring us back to you and to the life your Son Jesus won for us by his death on the cross, for he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen Specialism success On Sunday Morning, a number of students and families met with Mrs O'Shea and Mr Diamond for a brief tour of China town and then onto the celebrations in Albert Square. This was for the New Year celebrations, to bring in the Year of the Snake! For some of the families it was the first time they'd seen our local Spring Festival celebrations which included fireworks, and a dragon dance through the heart of Manchester. It was a great way to consolidate the learning of GCSE Mandarin students. Parents as partners: THE NEXT HALF- TERM Parents – please can you check your child’s equipment over half term and replenish any items as necessary. Every student should carry with them everyday a pen, pencil, ruler and their planner, in addition to their exercise books and textbooks. A calculator is also required for Math- ematics, Bible for RE and dictionaries for lan- guages and English. Students are also ex- pected to have a suitable bag (see policy) for carrying books and equipment. Please can you also check your child's uniform In particular: please check Coats must be dark, neutral colours and worn over a blazer. Smaller jackets or “hoodies‟ are not allowed. Footwear should be black shoes, not trainers. Female students should not wear any heels greater than one inch. The ballet style shoes some of our female students are wearing are not suitable or robust enough for all-day wear. Bags should have two shoulder straps and be navy blue or black with minimum logos. All students should have the college bag with BEC logo We welcome the support of all parents in ensur- ing that our students are equipped for learning and are 'Dressed for Success'. Sport Year 11 GCSE PE Trip to High Adventure A very successful trip saw 24 Year 11 GCSE PE students travel to West Yorkshire to develop their skills in either Rock Climbing or Orienteering. Students thoroughly enjoyed their time at High Adventure which saw some excellent GCSE marks achieved to reflect their hard work over the weekend. Year 8 Indoor Athletics Well done to the boys team which finished 4th and the girls who finished 6th against very tough opposition from the local schools in the Macclesfield indoor athletics competition

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All Hallows Newsletter


Page 1: All Hallows Newsletter 15-02-13

Friday 15th February 2013

Letter from David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools


Mr David Laws writes in a letter dated 27 January 2013; 'It gives me

great pleasure to congratulate you on your excellent GCSE performance

of your students in 2012...we have looked at the performance in five

GCSEs - English and Maths and three other GCSEs...your results show

that you are amongst the 100 best improving schools for the progress

your students have made between Key Stage 2 and their

are also one of the highest improving schools in this measure. I would

like to congratulate your staff, governors and students for their hard work

and success and thank you for your leadership in continuing the drive

towards high standards of educational attainment'

High Performing Sixth Form

We are delighted to announce that the 2012 national A Level

Performance Score indicator (ALPS) conducted amongst 1,251 schools

places All Hallows in the top 15% of national A Level providers.

Advance Notices

E-Safety – Keeping Children Safe - 26 March 2013, 6.30 – 7.30 by PC J. Commins

If you have ever asked -

What is my child doing online?

What risks might my child face online?

How do I keep my child safe online? ……. then this talk may be of Interest to you

If you would like to attend this event, please email Julie Moorhouse at

[email protected]

At All Hallows in our Romero Centre Conference Room.





Yr8 German taster sessions - Every Monday, 13.00-13:30, C9, with Miss Rafferty. Students may not have experienced German as part of their language modules and so the taster sessions will enable them to make an informed choice as to which language they may want to study at KS4.


Lord our God, you made us from the dust of the earth and breathed into us the spirit of life, but we turned away from you and sinned. In this season of repentance we call out for your mercy. Bring us back to you and to the life your Son Jesus won for us by his death on the cross, for he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen

Specialism success

On Sunday Morning, a number of students and families met with Mrs O'Shea and Mr Diamond for a brief tour of China town and then onto the celebrations in Albert Square. This was for the New Year celebrations, to bring in the Year of the Snake! For some of the families it was the first time they'd seen our local Spring Festival celebrations which included fireworks, and a dragon dance through the heart of Manchester. It was a great way to consolidate the learning of GCSE Mandarin students.

Parents as partners: THE NEXT HALF-


Parents – please can you check your child’s equipment over half term and replenish any items as necessary. Every student should carry with them everyday a pen, pencil, ruler and their planner, in addition to their exercise books and textbooks. A calculator is also required for Math-ematics, Bible for RE and dictionaries for lan-guages and English. Students are also ex-pected to have a suitable bag (see policy) for carrying books and equipment.

Please can you also check your child's uniform In particular: please check

Coats must be dark, neutral colours and worn over a blazer. Smaller jackets or “hoodies‟ are not allowed.

Footwear should be black shoes, not trainers. Female students should not wear any heels greater than one inch. The ballet style shoes some of our female students are wearing are not suitable or robust enough for all-day wear.

Bags should have two shoulder straps and be navy blue or black with minimum logos. All students should have the college bag with BEC logo

We welcome the support of all parents in ensur-ing that our students are equipped for learning and are 'Dressed for Success'.

Sport Year 11 GCSE PE Trip to High Adventure

A very successful trip saw 24 Year 11 GCSE PE students travel to West Yorkshire to develop their skills in either Rock Climbing or Orienteering. Students thoroughly enjoyed their time at High Adventure which saw some excellent GCSE marks achieved to reflect their hard work over the


Year 8 Indoor Athletics

Well done to the boys team which finished 4th and the girls who finished 6th against very tough opposition from the local schools in the Macclesfield indoor athletics competition

Page 2: All Hallows Newsletter 15-02-13

Exam Dates and Results

Spring & Summer Exam Dates

Last GCE Exam - 24th June 2013

Last GCSE Exam - 26th June 2013

Y10 Mock Exams - week commencing 11th March 2013

Y12/13 Mock Exams - 21st to 27th March 2013

Y7,8,9 Mock Exams - week commencing 17th June 2013

Draft March & Summer timetables on College Website

24th May 2013 (Inset Day) Public Exams



GCE: ENGB1 - English Language; MM1B & MD01 - Mathe-


GCSE: A293 - Business Studies; 5MU03 - Music.

Results Days

A-level (8:30am) & AS-Level (11am): Thursday 15th August


GCSE (10:00am): Thursday 22nd August 2013


Reminder INSET Days: Tuesday 7 May 2013 following May Day is an INSET day. Please note that Friday 24 May and

Wednesday 24 July are also INSET days and that students finish for Whitsun Half term on Thursday 23 May and for Summer

on Tuesday 23 July.

Term College Opens to Students College Closes to Students

Epiphany Monday 7 January 2013 Friday 15 February 2013

Easter Tuesday 26 February 2013 Thursday 28 March 2013

Whitsun Monday 15 April 2013 Thursday 23 May 2013

Trinity Monday 3 June 2013 Tuesday 23 July 2013

Student Punctuality

Attendance to college is improving at present but we still have a small number of students who have poor punctuality to college. These students often live locally and walk to college. Their lateness is often down to getting up late or a detour to a local shop, neither of which are valid excuses.

Parents are reminded the college day starts at 8.55am and students are expected to be in registration or lessons at this time. A warning bell is sounded at 8.50am to give students advanced notice to make their way to registration or their lesson.

Students who arrive after 9.15am must sign in at the office and not go straight to lessons. Students who arrive af-ter 9.30am must sign in at the office and this lateness may result in an unauthorised absence for the whole morning. This may lead to referrals to the Educational Welfare Service and potential fines.

Being late twice in a week may result in a detention and, in some cases, students who are persistently late may be isolated and not enjoy end of year rewards. Most students get to college on time and do not lose any of their education, learning good habits for the world of work as well. We would like the support of all parents to ensure that all students not only attend college but are punctual to college as well.


This week college attendance has increased to 91.8%

Year 7 - 94.2% increasing

Year 8 - 95.3% increasing

Year 9 - 90.2% staying the same

Year 10 - 89.3% decreasing

Year 11 - 89.7% increasing

The importance of full attendance is known to students

and we ask parents to keep us regularly updated if

their child is absent and for staff to keep talking about

attendance with students in their classes.