
Visit to Varun Beach One is writing this from the swimming pool of Novotel Varun Resort at Visakhapatnam. Vishakaptnam is a paradise for all those who love the sun, the sea, the sand and the surf. Novotel is a short walk away from Varun beach, one of the many beaches that dot the coastal highway from Bheemli to Puri. R. K. Beach is one of several tourist attractions at Visakhapatnam. One can find old wooden houses and narrow streets with antique shops and several traditional Andhra restaurants overlooking the bay. The Marine Drive in Visakhapatnam stretches from R. K. Beach for 25 km. upto Bheemli beach. It is a pleasant experience to drive on this coastal highway which runs parallel to the ocean. As one walks along the road that leads to the beach, One can meet tourists from all over India, especially from West Bengal, bargaining with the vendors at the colourful kiosks that dot Varun beach. One can find several carts selling peanuts, cucumbers and custard apples along the beach. Novotel is a business cum leisure hotel, tucked away in the quietest corner of Varun beach, located a few hundred metres away from Varun beach. One can reach Varun beach from the hotel after a leisurely 5 minute stroll. Varun beach is located in the centre of Visakhapatnam, yet one can steal some moments of peace at dawn or after dusk, when the city is not abuzz with traffic. The turquoise waters of the Bay of Bengal stretch from horizon to horizon, the snow white clouds suspended above the water. The light blue sky, offers a stark contrast to the waters. The crimson sunrise streaks the clouds with a golden hue. Watching the sun rise over the waters is a memorable experience. Capturing this elusive moment on your digital camera is a challenge! I have it on my camera. Email us if you want to download the same. There are several beautiful beaches near Vizag but the most beautiful of them is at Varun beach. This beach boasts of gentle waves, clear transparent waters and a magnificent view of the verdant hills that surround this oasis of tranquility. The view from the beach is soothing to the eyes. Rust coloured sands, stretch for kilometers on end. One enjoys soaking in the warm waters of the sea, feeling the gentle waves lapping at your feet. Meditating on the beach at the break of dawn was an extremely relaxing experience. Just the sound of the waves and chirping of the birds transports one into a different world. Varun is a beautiful beach which is ideal for relaxation. One can have a wonderful view of the sunrise, while enjoying the cool ocean breeze and sway to the gurgle of the sea. One can close one's eyes and relax to the sights and sounds of nature, Once the novelty of the water wears off, one can explore the beach which is full of rocks. A few stalls selling souvenirs, coconut-water and snacks surround the beach. The view from Varun beach is picturesque. One can see the rusty sands, the wide arced bay, the swaying palms and the green treetops. The ocean breeze is cool and rejuvenating. Meditating here is a divine experience. Sitting on the rocks and creatively visualising one's goals at dawn is a powerful experience. Varun is an ideal setting for powerful self-affirmations termed auto-suggestion in ZeNLP. Varun lets you to be with just the sky the sun, the beach and the roar of the ocean. One exists in the present and all worries, tensions and stress seems to dissolve into thin air. After swimming in the crystal clear blue waters, one enjoys the warm water in the afternoon and returns to one's hotel to sip coconut water and visit the 100 year old Banyan tree that is located at the Railway

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Visit to Varun BeachOne s wrtng ths from the swmmng poo of Novote Varun Resort at Vsakhapatnam. Vshakaptnam s a paradse for a those who ove the sun, the sea, the sand and the surf. Novote s a short wak away from Varun beach, one ofthe many beaches that dot the coasta hghway from Bheem to Pur. R. K. Beach s one of severa tourst attractons at Vsakhapatnam. One can nd od wooden houses and narrow streets wth antque shops and severa tradtona Andhra restaurants overookng the bay. The Marne Drve n Vsakhapatnam stretches from R. K. Beach for 25 km. upto Bheem beach. It s a peasant experence to drve on ths coasta hghway whch runs parae to the ocean. As one waks aong the road that eadsto the beach, One can meet toursts from a over Inda, especay from West Benga, barganng wth the vendors atthe coourfu kosks that dot Varun beach. One can nd severa carts seng peanuts, cucumbers and custard appesaong the beach. Novote s a busness cum esure hote, tucked away n the quetest corner of Varun beach, ocated a few hundred metres away from Varun beach. One can reach Varun beach from the hote after a esurey 5mnute stro. Varun beach s ocated n the centre of Vsakhapatnam, yet one can stea some moments of peace at dawn or after dusk, when the cty s not abuzz wth tramc. The turquose waters of the Bay of Benga stretch from horzon to horzon, the snow whte couds suspended above the water. The ght bue sky, ohers a stark contrast to the waters. The crmson sunrse streaks the couds wth a goden hue. Watchng the sun rse over the waters s a memorabe experence. Capturng ths eusve moment on your dgta camera s a chaenge! I have t on my camera. Ema us f you want to downoad the same.There are severa beautfu beaches near Vzag but the most beautfu of them s at Varun beach. Ths beach boasts of gente waves, cear transparent waters and a magncent vew of the verdant hs that surround ths oass of tranquty. The vew from the beach s soothng to the eyes. Rust cooured sands, stretch for kometers on end. One en|oys soakng n the warm waters of the sea, feeng the gente waves appng at your feet. Medtatng on the beach at thebreak of dawn was an extremey reaxng experence. |ust the sound of the waves and chrpng of the brds transports one nto a dherent word. Varun s a beautfu beach whch s dea for reaxaton. One can have a wonderfu vew of the sunrse, whe en|oyng the coo ocean breeze and sway to the gurge of the sea. One can cose one's eyes and reax to the sghts and sounds of nature, Once the novety of the water wears oh, one can expore the beach whch s fu of rocks. A few stas seng souvenrs, coconut-water and snacks surround the beach. The vew from Varun beach s pcturesque. One can see the rusty sands, the wde arced bay, the swayng pams and the green treetops. The ocean breeze s coo and re|uvenatng. Medtatng here s a dvne experence. Sttng on the rocks and creatvey vsuasng one's goas at dawn s a powerfu experence. Varun s an dea settng for powerfu sef-amrmatons termed auto-suggeston n ZeNLP.Varun ets you to be wth |ust the sky the sun, the beach and the roar of the ocean. One exsts n the present and a worres, tensons and stress seems to dssove nto thn ar. After swmmng n the crysta cear bue waters, one en|oys the warm water n the afternoon and returns to one's hote to sp coconut water and vst the 100 year od Banyan tree that s ocated at the Raway Guest House. Fu credt to Indan Raways for preservng ths gant tree whch was panted n 1912. It s dmcut to beeve that a short drve from Vzag staton, w brng one to an amost secuded cove surrounded by prstne pure waters, rust cooured sands and cear bue skes. In a regon as ush as Inda's east coast one woud expect to see a ran-coud or two at certan tmes of the year. There s a rany season but not day-ong torrenta ran, but a few soated showers towards the evenng. Vzag s a year round destnaton where beaches are open regardess of the season. The beach at Varun s a rust-cooured at beach and s dea for medtaton. One can be aone wth the eements and en|oy peace,tranquty,serenty and camness whe reaxng on the edges of the water. At sx-monthy ntervas, there s a gente swng n the wnds from the south-west to the south-east. Thus, f one beach faces the wnd and breakers, another s bessed by cam waters and soft breezes. Amost a afternoon drzzes are foowed by strong coong breezes from the ocean. Rushkonda s the popuar beach after Varun and Bheem. Beach chdren ove the surfy waters of ths paradse on earth! There are severa other tourst attractons around Vzag ncudng Borra caves, Kaashgr H and Tyda. Trba handcrafts, beads, pottery and tradtona cothes are sod at the nght-bazaars of Vzag. How to get there:The nearest nternatona arport to reach Vzag s at Hyderabad. There are severa optons for Indan toursts to get to Vsakhapatnam from Hyderabad. By air:The easest way to get to Vsakhapatnam from Hyderabad s by ght. Vzag s aso connected by drect ghts from New Deh, Mumba, Kokata, Chenna, Bangaore and Bhubaneshwar. By train:The other way to get to Vsakhapatnam from Hyderabad s by tran. Tran number 18310, Nagava Express eaves Secunderabad staton at 10 p.m. and arrves at Vsakhapatnam staton at 10 a.m. and s an dea overnght |ourney. A trans connectng Chenna wth Kokata and vce versa, pass through Vsakhapatnam. Vsakhapatnam s connected by trans from amost a state captas. Where to stay?The Raway Guest House s an dea pace to stay for Government Omcers. For budget traveers Hote Hartha ohers cean rooms, baths and beds. Hote Karanths s ad|acent to Hote Hartha and matches Hartha n prces and ceanness. Hgh end traveers and trave coumnsts can opt to stay at the brand new Novote wth 400 ocean facng rooms. Where to eat?Few sma restaurants servng pure vegetaran Andhra cusne dot Vshakhapatnam. Freshy steamed spnach wth da, served wth Neore rce boed n an earthen pot, s a oca dsh whch mets n the mouth. Boed pumpkn wth gnger and gongura eaves s served wth boed whte rce at the pure vegetaran Andhra Mess ocated n Daba Gardens. Vegans shoud avod the Andhra Tha, ches and pckes (as they are acdc), but order ony gongura da, boed rce and tradtona spce powder (as they are akane). The food at the hgh proe restaurants s ony for thegastronomcay adventurous who ke greasy food oatng n o. Fresh fruts ncudng custard-appes, tender-coconuts, bananas and |ack-fruts are avaabe at the oca market. The best custard-appes n Asa are sod by the Ban|ara women who farm at Medcha, on the outskrts of Hyderabad.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mur Menon, satrave wrter, stressmanagementconsutantandauthorbasedatAhmedabad, Inda. Hestheauthorof"ZeNLP-Learningthroughstories"pubshedbyTheWrttenWordPubcatons,"ZeNLP-thepowertosucceed" pubshed by Sage pubcatons and ZeNLP-the power to relax byNew Dawn Press. He can be reached at [email protected]_____________________________________________________________________________Courer payments/pubshed magazne author copes to:Mur MenonE/503, Borsa Apt;KhanpurAhmedabad-380001Phone:079-25600269________________________________________________________________________Hghresouton dgta photographs attached wth capton.Thefoowngartceandphotographsarecopyrghtedanda rghtsarereserved. No part of ths artce or the accompanyng photographs may bereproduced or utsed n any form or by any means eectronc or mechanca,ncudng photocopyng, recordng or by any nformaton storage or retrevasystemwthout wrtten permsson fromthe author by emang us [email protected]________________________________________________________________________Courer payments/pubshed magazne author copes to:Mur MenonE/503, Borsa Apt;KhanpurAhmedabad-380001Phone:079-25600269________________________________________________________________________Hgh resouton dgta photographs attached wth capton.________________________________________________________________________A gant banyan tree near Vshakapatnam Raway StatonTradtona Andhra vegetabe curry at Vshakapatnam Sunrse over Varun BeachAuthor at Varun beach