alert geomaterials · 2018. 5. 17. · three workshop sessions and a doctoral school (held as usual...

ALERT Geomaterials NEWSLETTER - April 2017 N 15 - year 11 In This Issue . . . EDITORIAL 1 Election of a new Board of Directors 4 ALERT Workshop 2016 2 ALERT Workshop 2017 5 ALERT PhD Prize 2016 2 ALERT Doctoral School 2017 5 ALERT Doctoral School 2016 3 ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course 2017 6 ALERT Special Lecture 2016 3 New Member of ALERT 6 ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course 2016 4 ALERT Special Lecture 2017 7 Impressions of Aussois Photographs of the photo competition 2012 EDITORIAL Dear ALERT members, it’s a great pleasure for me to open a new “ALERT” year, rich of scientific and didactic events, always aimed at sharing the knowl- edge in Geomechanical fields. ALERT, over the years, becomes more and more a meet- ing platform for scientists, researchers and students, as it is demonstrated by the large participation to our meetings, and by the nu- merous people that daily visit our website ( in all its spe- cific sections. Three Workshop sessions and a Doctoral School (held as usual in Aussois, France), to- gether with the ALERT summer school - Olek Zienkiewicz Course (this year organized in Assisi, Italy) have been organized. All the programs are very stimulating, and I thank all the organizers for their hard (and silent!) work. Detailed presentations of these events are provided hereafter. The year 2017 represents a very important passage for our association, and I truly have confidence that all our members will assure their contribution. Following our Statute, in October, during the Aussois meeting, the elec- tion of the new ALERT Board of Directors will take place, together with the choice of the new President and the formation of the new ALERT Bureau. Board of Directors, President and Bureau, in front of the General Assem- bly, will share the responsibility of managing our association for the next three years (2017- 2020). One section of the present issue of the Newsletter is specifically devoted to this im- portant point, but I warmly ask right now to each responsible of each ALERT institution to promote the internal debate among the mem- bers. This is the only way to get new manag- ing organisms that can be representative of all the different souls of our association: no one is excluded! I would thank all the members of the present Board of Directors (2014-2017), for having always guaranteed a high scientific level to all our activities. Finally, I would also per- sonally thank the colleagues of the Bureau, Prof. Manuel Pastor, Prof. Ivo Herle with Max Wiebicke and Prof. Stéphane Grange, for their effortless and always proactive contribution to the management of the current (and some- time very boring!) administrative duties the association. Once again, I close this Editorial by inviting all of you to enrich this newsletter: all contri- butions for the next issues are welcome! Happy new “ALERT” year to all of you!! Andrea Galli Director of ALERT Geomaterials

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  • ALERT GeomaterialsNEWSLETTER - April 2017N 15 - year 11

    In This Issue . . .EDITORIAL 1 Election of a new Board of Directors 4ALERT Workshop 2016 2 ALERT Workshop 2017 5ALERT PhD Prize 2016 2 ALERT Doctoral School 2017 5ALERT Doctoral School 2016 3 ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course 2017 6ALERT Special Lecture 2016 3 New Member of ALERT 6ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course 2016 4 ALERT Special Lecture 2017 7

    Impressions of AussoisPhotographs of the photo

    competition 2012


    Dear ALERT members,

    it’s a great pleasure for me to open a new“ALERT” year, rich of scientific and didacticevents, always aimed at sharing the knowl-edge in Geomechanical fields. ALERT, overthe years, becomes more and more a meet-ing platform for scientists, researchers andstudents, as it is demonstrated by the largeparticipation to our meetings, and by the nu-merous people that daily visit our website( in all its spe-cific sections.

    Three Workshop sessions and a DoctoralSchool (held as usual in Aussois, France), to-gether with the ALERT summer school - OlekZienkiewicz Course (this year organized inAssisi, Italy) have been organized. All theprograms are very stimulating, and I thankall the organizers for their hard (and silent!)work. Detailed presentations of these eventsare provided hereafter.

    The year 2017 represents a very importantpassage for our association, and I truly haveconfidence that all our members will assuretheir contribution. Following our Statute, inOctober, during the Aussois meeting, the elec-tion of the new ALERT Board of Directors willtake place, together with the choice of thenew President and the formation of the newALERT Bureau. Board of Directors, President

    and Bureau, in front of the General Assem-bly, will share the responsibility of managingour association for the next three years (2017-2020). One section of the present issue of theNewsletter is specifically devoted to this im-portant point, but I warmly ask right now toeach responsible of each ALERT institution topromote the internal debate among the mem-bers. This is the only way to get new manag-ing organisms that can be representative ofall the different souls of our association: noone is excluded!

    I would thank all the members of the presentBoard of Directors (2014-2017), for havingalways guaranteed a high scientific level toall our activities. Finally, I would also per-sonally thank the colleagues of the Bureau,Prof. Manuel Pastor, Prof. Ivo Herle with MaxWiebicke and Prof. Stéphane Grange, for theireffortless and always proactive contributionto the management of the current (and some-time very boring!) administrative duties theassociation.

    Once again, I close this Editorial by invitingall of you to enrich this newsletter: all contri-butions for the next issues are welcome!

    Happy new “ALERT” year to all of you!!

    Andrea GalliDirector of ALERT Geomaterials

  • ALERT Geomaterials Page 2
















    0 10 20 30 40

    Number of Participants

    Participants of the ALERTWorkshop 2016

    ALERT Workshop 2016

    In 2016 the annual ALERT Workshop was heldfrom Monday, 3rd until Wednesday, 5th Oc-tober again in Aussois, France. The regionaldistribution of the participants from the insti-tutional members of ALERT Geomaterials isshown on the left hand side. In total, 153 par-ticipants registered for the ALERT workshop2016.

    As it was introduced in 2013, the session onTuesday lasted only half a day allowing theBoard of Directors meeting, the PhD-prize cer-emony and the Special lecture to be held inthe afternoon.

    The three topics of the ALERT Workshop 2016are listed below:

    1 New trends in micromechanical ap-proaches of Particulate Materials – ex-periments and modelling aspects

    coord. M. Karstunen, N. Benahmed & M.Hattab

    2 Mechanics of multiphase porous mediain modelling cementitious materials:from early ages to durability issuescoord. L. Sanavia, F. Pesavento & M. Brif-faut

    3 Geomechanics of faults, with applica-tions spanning from earthquake nucle-ation to landslidescoord. M. Veveakis, K. Regenauer-Lieb, I.Stefanou & J. Sulem

    We thank all active participants and coordina-tors for their effort.

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    The presentations of the speakers, that allowed us to share their contributions, canbe downloaded from the ALERT website.

    Alessandro Tengattini(University of Sydney, Université


    ALERT PhD Prize 2016

    The jury of the ALERT PhD Prize 2016 wascomposed of the professors Manuel Pastor(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), TakashiMatsushima (University of Tsukuba), GaryCouples (Heriot-Watt University) and MichaelHicks (Delft University of Technology). OnlyPhD students from one of the institutions be-longing to ALERT are eligible candidates forthe prize which is dated to 1000 Euro.

    The three finalists Alessandro Tengattini (Uni-versité Grenoble-Alpes and University of Syd-ney), Alessandro Leonardi (Swiss Federal In-stitute of Technology, Zurich) and Benoît Par-doen (Université de Liège) were chosen bythe jury out of 9 applications.

    The jury awarded the PhD student AlessandroTengattini for his work entitled

    A micro-mechanical study ofcemented granular materials

    With his thesis Dr. Tengattini contributed tothe development of a methodological frame-

    work for cemented granular materials. Thisis accomplished by relating the behaviour ofindividual grains to their collective responseobserved at engineering scale by developing acombination of analytical, experimental andnumerical approaches.

    The acknowledgement of grain-scale be-haviour within this methodological frame-work allows for a realistic validation of theconstitutive models not only at the scale ofthe specimen response and its localisation fea-tures, but also at the scale of individual grains.This is pivotal in a number of open engineer-ing problems where the localised evolutionof the micro-structure dictates the observedresponse (e.g. the compartmentalisation ofhydrocarbon reservoirs due to localised per-meability reduction).

    The abstract of the PhD thesis of Dr. Alessan-dro Tengattini is available on the ALERT web-site.

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  • ALERT Geomaterials Page 3
















    0 5 10 15 20 25

    Number of Participants

    Participants of the ALERTDoctoral School 2016

    ALERT Doctoral School 2016

    The ALERT Doctoral School 2016 lasted fromThursday, 6th October to Saturday, 8th Octo-ber and was attended by 96 participants. Theschool was dedicated to

    Modelling of instabilities andbifurcation in Geomechanics

    The organization was carried out by JeanSulem, Ioannis Stefanou (both from École desPonts ParisTech, France), Euripides Papami-chos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece) and Manolis Veveakis (University ofNew South Wales, Australia). The accompany-ing book, containing articles referring to thelectures, can be downloaded from the ALERTwebsite.

    The lectures were presented by

    • Jean Sulem (École des Ponts ParisTech)• Tomasz Hueckel (Duke University, USA)• Ioannis Stefanou (École des Ponts Paris-

    Tech)• Pierre Bésuelle (Laboratoire 3SR)• Antonis Zervos (University of Southamp-

    ton)• Panos Papanastasiou (University of

    Cyprus)• Euripides Papamichos (Aristotle University

    of Thessaloniki)• Manolis Veveakis (University of New

    South Wales)• Frédéric Collin (Université de Liège)• Thomas Poulet (University of New South


    In order to tackle this topic, the school wasdivided into two main parts:

    • lectures that explained the theoreticalbackground to experimental evidence andfinally the numerical modelling of suchproblems

    • an extensive practical session on Satur-day. The organisers supplied a virtual boxwith all the software already installed tothe participants and thus, lead smoothlythrough different numerical aspects of bi-furcation analysis.

    On behalf all the ALERT members we wantto thank the lecturers and the organizers fortheir commitment.

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    The accompanying book, containing articles referring to the lectures, as well assome books of previously held doctoral schools can be downloaded from the ALERTwebsite.

    The ALERT Special Lecturer 2016Prof. Takashi Matsushima

    Special Lecture 2016: Prof. Takashi Matsushima

    The ALERT Special lecture 2016 was deliv-ered by Prof. Takashi Matsushima from theUniversity of Tsukuba in Japan

    The title of the lecture was:

    Planetary Geomechanics

    The lecture was digitized during the presenta-tion and is available for downloading on theALERT website.

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  • ALERT Geomaterials Page 4

    Organising Institutions of theALERT OZ Course 2016

    Impressions of the ALERT OlekZienkiewicz Course 2016

    ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course 2016

    The 8th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course washeld for five days in September 2016 at theUniversity of Salerno, Italy.

    Within the framework of an institutionalagreement, the 8th ALERT OZ Course washeld jointly with the first week of the LARAMSchool (International School on LAndslideRisk Assessment and Mitigation) and it wasorganized by L. Cascini (University of Salerno,Italy) and C. di Prisco (Politecnico di Milano,Italy).

    The topic of the Course was

    Geomechanics of Landslides

    which represents a traditional yet challeng-ing field of investigation discussed in threeRankine Lectures: 4th Rankine Lecture “Long-term stability of clay slopes”, (A.W. Skempton,1964), 39th Rankine Lecture “Natural slopesand cuts: mevement and failure mechanisms”,(S. Leroueil, 1999), and 57th Rankine Lec-ture “Triggering and Motion of Landslides” (E.Alonso, 2017).

    The objectives of the course were to pro-vide PhD students and researchers with anoverview of the current knowledge in ge-

    omechanics of materials involved in land-slides as well as insights into modelling andgeomechanics-based susceptibility analysis oflandslides.

    Lectures and tutorials covered several issues:

    • Soil characterization for landslide analysis• Constitutive modeling for rainfall-induced

    and earthquake-induced landslides• Diagnosis of landslide processing in clayey

    soils• Modeling of rock slides, rock falls and

    landslides in coarse-grained soils• Landslide susceptibility deterministic (and

    statistical) analysis

    Lectures and tutorials were delivered by: E.Alonso, M. Calvello, L. Cascini, F. Cotecchia,S. Cuomo, C. di Prisco, S. Ferlisi, F. Nadim, M.Pastor, C. Scavia.

    The 8th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course wasattended by 54 PhD students and 2 YoungDoctors from 21 Countries (including the stu-dents of the LARAM School). Besides the lec-tures, the ALERT students had the opportunityto share scientific and technical knowledgewith the colleagues of the LARAM School.

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    Election of a new Board of Directors

    In October, during our annual meeting inAussois, the Board of Directors, the Pres-ident of ALERT and the Bureau will berenewed. Following the ALERT Statute,this procedure takes place each threeyears and it is composed by three dif-ferent phases:

    1. Election of the new members of theBoard of Directors

    2. Election of the new ALERT Presidentby the Board of Directors

    3. Appointment of the new members ofthe Bureau by the ALERT President

    The Board of Directors is composed by15 members, elected during General As-sembly, together with the members ofthe Bureau (President, Director, Vice Di-rector for Administration, Vice Director

    for Economy). A specific Jury composedby three scrutineers will be appointed bythe outgoing ALERT President to managethe election procedure.

    All permanent professors, researchersand technicians belonging to an ALERTmember Institution are eligible can-didates for the Board of Directors.Candidatures must be sent by emailto [email protected] beforeSeptember 15th. The list of candidateswill be then advertised on the ALERTwebsite.

    Each Institution belonging to ALERT hasone vote, cast by the named representa-tive. The ballot will contain the list ofcandidates in alphabetical order. Eachvoter must thick no more than fifteen

    candidates, and the 15 names which re-ceive the largest number of votes areelected. In case of a tie, the youngestcandidate is chosen.

    The list of ALERT members isavailable on

    During its first meeting, the new BoardDirectors elects the new ALERT Presi-dent, who finally choose the new mem-bers of the Bureau.

    For any further detail, the complete rulesfor the election are available on theALERT website.

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  • ALERT Geomaterials Page 5

    Organising Institutions of theALERT Workshop & School 2017

    ALERT Workshop 2017

    The ALERT Workshop in 2017 will be orga-nized from Monday, 2nd October to Wednes-day, 4th October. The workshop will againtake place in the Centre Paul Langevin in Aus-sois, France.

    The focus of the three workshop sessions andthe responsible coordinators are listed below:

    1 Porous Media Mechanics from geoma-terials to non-geological mediacoord. W. G. Gray, B. Schrefler & C. [email protected]@[email protected]

    2 Must Critical State Theory for GranularMechanics be Revisited?coord. Y. F. Dafalias & G. Viggiani

    [email protected]

    3 Advanced numerical modelling of geo-materials with emphasis on large defor-mation and flow problemscoord. M. A. Hicks, P. Mira & L. [email protected]@[email protected]

    Abstracts can only be submitted to the firstand third session (Monday and Wednesday,respectively), because the second half-day ses-sion on Tuesday will be held by invited speak-ers only. The deadline for the submission ofabstracts is 31st May 2017.

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    Please do not forget to submit your abstract by email directly to the coordinatorsusing the abstract form which can be downloaded at the ALERT site:

    The online registration for the ALERT Workshop & School is open.

    Organising Institutions of theALERT School 2017

    ALERT Doctoral School 2017

    The workshop is followed by the ALERT Doc-toral School which will be hosted from Thurs-day, 5th October to Saturday, 7th October alsoin Aussois. The topic of the ALERT School willbe dedicated to

    Discrete Element Modeling

    and will be organized by Gaël Combe (Lab-oratoire 3SR Grenoble) and Stefan Luding(University Twente).

    Lectures will be held on the first two days ofthe workshop and will include the followingtopics:

    • Simulations (Molecular Dynamics, EventDriven, DEM basics)

    • Advanced contact laws for DEM applica-tions

    • Contact Dynamics• Good practice and sample preparation

    • DEM applied to Soils Mechanics• DEM applied to Rock Mechanics• Granular rheology, granular matter, dense

    flows and micro-macro transition• LBM method for Fluid/Grain coupling

    On Saturday, these lectures will be followedup by 2 parallel sessions of practical com-puter exercises: for beginners and for ex-perts. The Lectures will be held by GaëlCOMBE, Stefan LUDING, Jean-Yves DELENNE,Frédéric Victor DONZÉ, Vanessa MAGNAN-IMO, Christophe MARTIN, Farhang RADJAÏ,Vincent RICHEFEU and Anthony THORN-TON.

    The online registration for the ALERT Work-shop & School will open in June 2017 on theALERT website and will be announced in ad-vance again.

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    Assisi, Italy

    Organising Institutions of theALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course


    ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Course 2017

    The 10th edition of the ALERT OlekZienkiewicz Course will be held from Monday,26th June to Friday, 30th June 2017 in Assisi,Italy. The topic of the school is

    Geotechnics of soft and organic soils

    The school is organised by Cristina Jommi(Delft University of Technology, the Nether-lands) and Claudio Tamagnini (University ofPerugia, Italy).

    Abstract: All over the world, habitable spacein deltas and river areas is under increasingpressure from economic expansion, growingpopulation, subsidence and the impact of cli-mate change. In such environments, the typ-ical geological profile consists of soft to verysoft soils, including soft clays, organic claysand peats, which are particularly challengingboth from the theoretical and the engineer-ing viewpoint. High compressibility togetherwith relatively high shear strength, anisotropy,time-dependent behaviour, biodegradation ofthe organic matter are some of the key is-

    sues which typically characterise these soils.Geotechnical engineering in these contexts isextremely challenging and requires advancedmaterial behaviour models and analysis tools,to reduce the risk for damage and casualtiesand improve design and assessment method-ologies. The main goal of the course is toprovide PhD students and researchers witha comprehensive overview on soft soils me-chanics and engineering, as well as an insightinto current issues and advanced topics. Bothfundamental and applied topics are tackled,during 4.5 days organised with lectures andpractical sessions.

    Lectures covering the following topics as wellas practical sessions on some of them will bedelivered:

    • Fundamental Behaviour• Constitutive Modelling• Modelling and Numerical Implementation• Engineering of Soft Soils

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    For more details as well as the online registration form please visit the ALERT web-site:

    New institutional Member ofALERT

    New Institutional Member of ALERT

    During its meeting in Aussois, held in October2016, the ALERT Board of Directors approvedthe application for the membership in ALERTGeomaterials of

    INSA Lyonrepresented by Ali Daouadji

    With these decisions, the present number ofmembers of ALERT Geomaterials is 34!

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    The ALERT Special Lecturer 2017Prof. William G. Gray

    Special Lecture 2017: Prof. William G. Gray

    The Special lecture during the coming ALERTWorkshop 2017 will be presented by Prof.William G. Gray from University of North Car-olina, Chapel Hill and University of Vermont,Burlington. He will talk about

    Systematic Description of MultiphaseFlow in Porous Media

    The mathematical description of the behav-ior of the fluid and solid phases in porousmedia systems has evolved over the last 150years primarily in concert with, and as lim-ited by, experimental capabilities to measurephysical system features. More recent theo-retical approaches have advocated derivationof governing equations based on conservationand thermodynamic relations and rigorousmathematical tools. The resulting govern-ing equations confirm that standard modelsare significant simplifications of more gen-eral equations. A more complete and con-sistent set of model equations includes de-pendence on parameters and quantities thatare inaccessible using older experimental ap-proaches. The extended theories, which in-clude quantities such as interfacial areas per

    volume and which recognize the formationof disconnected phases, make demands onexperimentalists to develop methods for ac-cessing time-dependent deformation and dis-tribution of phases in a system. The neededexpertise is not to mine data in an effort tocome up with correlations that describe thesystem behavior but to use the data to deter-mine coefficient and function values in de-rived equations. Concurrently, access to ad-vanced supercomputers provides the ability tosimulate multiphase flows within porous sys-tems at an intrapore scale. Knowledge gainedfrom highly resolved studies sets the stage forsupporting larger scale models of real systems.The recognition of the importance of phasedistributions within a system provides a chal-lenge both in simulating these distributions ata manageable scale and in parameterizing themodels of the transient distributions. Here,we will highlight some of the challenges andopportunities for advancing physically-based,systematic theoretical descriptions of multi-phase flow in porous media for practical us-age.

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    Newsletter productionMax Wiebicke