al masroor april 2011

gm Contents The Holy Quran - selected verse Hadith – Sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw) Friday Sermon – summary Majlis News Cleanup Australia Day Not possible to refuse Muhammad rationally Upcoming Events Quran Classes - Every Monday in Sydney at 6:45pm Ta’lim, Tarbiyyat and Sports Day - 15th May Khilafat Day - 29th May Contact Us [email protected] Cleanup Australia Day 2011 “Cleanliness is Part of Faith” Volume 2 Issue 5 April 2011 Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia (Youngmens' Auxiliary) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia Al Masroor Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009 by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia In the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful

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Al Masroor April 2011


Page 1: Al Masroor April 2011



� The Holy Quran - selected verse

� Hadith – Sayings of the Holy

Prophet (saw)

� Friday Sermon – summary

� Majlis News

� Cleanup Australia Day

� Not possible to refuse

Muhammad rationally

Upcoming Events

� Quran Classes - Every Monday in

Sydney at 6:45pm

� Ta’lim, Tarbiyyat and Sports Day -

15th May

� Khilafat Day - 29th May

Contact Us

[email protected]

Cleanup Australia Day 2011

“Cleanliness is Part of Faith”

Volume 2 Issue 5 April 2011

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

(Youngmens' Auxiliary) of

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia

Al Masroor

Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009

by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

In the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful

Page 2: Al Masroor April 2011

2 The Holy Quran

Surah Al-Araf Chapter 7: Verse 3

This is a Book revealed unto thee—so let there be no straitness in thy bosom

concerning it—that thou mayest warn thereby and that it be an exhortation to the


Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas

The Promised Messiah & Mahdi

1835 - 1908

Editorial Board

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia:

Rana Ejaz Ahmad

[email protected]

Muhtamim Isha’at:

Mohammed Irfaan


Sharfraz Ahmad Rahim

Editor (Urdu Section):

Tahir Sheikh

C o n tr i b u t i n g Ed i to rs :

Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad

Murad Mahmood Khan

Sikder Taher Ahmad

[email protected]


Uthman bin Affan (ra.) states that the Holy Prophet (sa) said:

“The best among you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it to others.”


Selected Sayings of the Holy Prophet of Islam, page 12-13

Published by

Islam International Publications Ltd.


Friday Sermon

The Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer is one form of congregational worship in Islam. It takes

place every Friday. Regular attendance at the Jumu'ah prayer is enjoined on the

believer. According to a Saying of Hazrat Muhammadsaw

this congregational prayer is

twenty-five times more blessed than worship performed alone.

We encourage members to read Huzur’s (atba) Friday sermons which can be found


For your benefit we have published below, a summary of Huzur’s (atba) recent Friday


Page 3: Al Masroor April 2011


Message from the

Editorial Board:

Please send any relevant

information or articles of interest to

us for publication.

Please also visit the following

informative sites:



A copy of this newsletter is also

available from the Khuddam page of

The Al Masroor editorial team takes

full responsibility for any errors or

miscommunications in this


“Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

established in Australia since 1903”

Natural Disasters and Divine Punishment


March 2011


Whenever any natural disaster occurs in the world, those who

fear God are frightened lest any such future disaster puts them

in difficulty. The blessed model of the Holy Prophet(saw) is there

for us to follow for the rest of time and incident from the life of

Holy Prophet(saw) narrated by Hazrat Aishah(ra). Holy

Prophet(saw) said Surah Hud had aged him, Huzur explained

that Surah Hud relates destruction of nations, No one

understood God’s Words more than the Holy Prophet(saw). True

believers do not just fear God at the time of their own trouble,

rather when affliction falls on others, it instils fear of God in

them. Incident in Ghana where earthquake occurred due to

prayers of missionary mubasher sahib resulting in people

coming in fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat as earthquake was

considered sign of arrival of imam mehdi. Extracts from the

noble writings of Promised Messiah(as) (The Will, pp. 3-5)

Earthquake followed by Tsunami in Japan. People of Japan have

Shintoo and Buddhist beliefs. Natural disasters in NewZealand,

Japan, Australia, USA and Pakistan. Extracts from noble writings

of Promised Messiah(as) (Haqiqat ul Wahi - Essence of Islam,

Vol. V, pp. 148 – 150) Martyrdom of Rana Zafarullah Sahib in

Sanghar, Pakistan.

Compelling Beauty of the Holy Qur'an


March 2011


An ill-natured American priest, who was verbally abusive about

the Holy Qur’an in September 2010 and had talked of burning

it, committed this foul act two days ago. The correct reaction to

such matters should be to present such a picture of the Qur’an

through one’s word and deed that the world itself condemns

the perpetrator. We are not concerned that their disrespectful

stance will, God forbid, harm the Qur’an, God has taken the

responsibility of safeguarding it Himself. The honour of the

Qur’an cannot be maintained by putting price on heads and

wrongful demonstrations. A true believer proves the superiority

of the Qur’an by practicing its beautiful teaching. Extracts from

writings of Promised Messiah(as) explaining the high station of

Holy Qur'an. Three stages of Unity of God. Huzur cited the

German Jama’at as an example of holding exhibitions in various

venues, including church halls, on the Holy Qur’an that had had

positive results. Huzur said our detractors talk a lot about Jihad

and ‘Qitaal’ but do not mention what are the conditions under

which fighting is allowed in Islam. Death of Hafiz Saleh

Muhammad Alladin sahib and some details about his life. Death

of Col.(r) Muhammad Saeed sahib.

Since 1903

Page 4: Al Masroor April 2011

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

said one who is careless and indolent


Obedience to the State

1st April 2011


With God’s grace, Ahmadis have understood that prayer alone is

the real ‘weapon’ and they do not participate in violent protests.

Once the Holy Prophet(saw) was asked how people should react if

unjust rulers are imposed on them, He declined to answer, he was

asked again, and again he declined, When he was asked the third

time, he replied that even in such a situation the ruler should be

obeyed. Huzur said in our Community there is one instance of

‘disobedience’ to the state, This is in Pakistan where we are told not

to call ourselves Muslims, not to read the Qur’an, not to say the

Kalima, not to offer the Islamic salutation of Salaam etc. Huzur said

we have the example of Prophets of God and their obedience to the

state. The Promised Messiah(as) said: ‘The Holy Qur’an states ‘obey

Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority over

you.’ The Promised Messiah(as) said that destruction of peace is

worse than killing. He said that to participate in strikes etc. in

colleges and universities is against our teaching and it is like

participating in rebellion. The Holy Qur’an does not only direct the

masses, it also enjoins the rulers, telling them not to be arrogant

about their power and not be unjust. Death of Amtul Wadood

sahiba, wife of Syed Abdul Hai Shah sahib. Death of Muhammad

Saeed Ashraf sahib. Death of Naeema Begum Sahiba daughter of

Dr. Hashmatullah Khan sahib. Death of Naeem Ahmad Waseem


Companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)


April 2011


Narratives of the companions of the Promised Messiah(as). Hadhrat

Hafiz Muhammad Ibrahim sahib(ra): He took his Ba'iat in 1900. He

was introduced to Ahmadiyyat via his close friend and teacher who

had given him books to read. Hadhrat Master Khalilur Rahman

sahib(ra): He took his Bai’at in 1896 as a fourteen year old, In 1898,

he went to Qadian early for the Jalsa and remained in the company

of the Promised Messiah(as). Hadhrat Hafiz Ghulam Rasul

Wazirabadi(ra): His son ‘Ubaidullah’ in the words of Hadhrat

Khalifatul Masih II(ra) was given the title of the first shaheed

(martyr) of India. Hadhrat Khan Munshi Barkat Ali sahib(ra): He was

a Director General of Indian Medical Service. He took his Bai’at in

1901 and also had an audience with the Promised Messiah(as) in

the same year. Hadhrat Muhammad Ismaeel sahib(ra): He was a

born Ahmadi who had his first audience with the Promised

Messiah(as) in 1904. Hadhrat Muhammad Akbar sahib(ra): He lived

in Jhelum where a vacant mosque was populated by Ahmadis. A

non-ahmadi maulvi came to the neighbourhood and started inciting

people that Ahmadis should be expelled from the mosque. Later on,

due to floods that part of city was destroyed and Ahmadis built a

new mosque. Hadhrat Nazam ud din sahib(ra): He related that in

1904 the Promised Messiah(as) visited Sialkot, where he lived, and

advised: ‘In order to incite you, people are abusive about me. But

you should never be provoked by this abuse and should not be

abusive in return. Munshi Abdullah sahib Ahmadi sahib(ra): He took

his Bai’at in 1902 when he was 13 years old. His Bai’at came about

after a dream he had. Hadhrat Muhammad Yahya sahib(ra): He had

his first audience with the Promised Messiah(as) in 1904. His father

had taken his Bai’at in Ludhiana, and in the past had been a certified

maulwi of the Deoband sect.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba)

Khalifatul Masih V

Page 5: Al Masroor April 2011


Salutations & Meanings

sas / saw

Salla Allaho alaihay wa

sallam - Peace & blessings

of Allah be on him, used for

Holy Prophet of Islam,

Sayyedna Muhammad, SAS


Alayhe Salam - Peace be on

him, used for Prophets of


atba/ aba

ayyadah Allah tala be-

Nasray hil-Aziz, may Allah

assist him.

A prayer recited with

Khalifat al-Masih’s official


Razi Allah


(RA) May Allah be pleased

with him. Used for a male

companion of the Prophet

or a revered person who

has passed away

Razi Alah


(RA) used for a female

companion of the Prophet

or revered lady who has

passed away

Caliph /


Head of the Muslim

community, literally

successor (Ar. Khalifa)



The Successor of the


Hadhrat /


A courtesy title used for a

revered & righteous person.



Muslim Television



Mr. or Esquire, implying


rh rahma'ullah

MAJALIS NEWS Majlis Bait-ul Huda (By Syed Tariq Ahmad, Qaid Majlis Bait-ul Huda)

March was a very busy month for Khuddam in general and for Majlis Baitul Huda

specifically as well. This month every year Khuddam take part in the two biggest

events related to serving humanity, Clean Up Australia Day and the Red Cross Door

Knock Appeal. Majlis Baitul Huda actively took part in both these events , with 25

Khuddam turning up on the Clean Up Australia Day on the 6th of March 2011 and

10 Khuddam participating on the Red Cross Door Knock Appeal on the 13th of

March 2011. Khuddam continued to collect funds for the Red Cross throughout the

month and the total amount collected was an impressive $ 1,157.00.

Atfal from Majlis Baitul Huda turned up in healthy numbers for both these events as

well. To continue with serving humanity in various ways, 3 Khuddam visited the

Nepean Blood Bank on the 31st of March to donate blood as well. This month

instead of a Majlis monthly meeting, both Halqas organised their own Halqa

meetings, where various taleem, tarbiyyat and tabligh issues were discussed.

Throughout the month, Khuddam also took part in distributing the Peace

Pamphlets, mainly by door-knocking houses in suburbs around the Mosque. Around

130 pamphlets were distributed by Majlis Baitul Huda Khuddam in this month.

Soccer training also commenced every Tuesday from the start of the month to keep

Khuddam fit and train for upcoming tournaments and Ijtemas. The training came to

fruition in the 7-a-side Inter-Majalis Soccer Tournament held at the Mosque on the

19th of March. There were two teams representing our Majlis and both teams

made it to the semi-finals, with the ‘white’ team from our Majlis going all the way

to win the final in a convincing manner. Soccer training has been stopped

temporarily due to Khuddam occupied with Jalsa Salana preparations, but will

Insha-Allah continue from May 2011.

Majlis Al-Noor (By Mohammad Iqbal, Mutmaa’d Majlis Al-Noor)

By the grace of Allah , all zuma & saqeen really worked hard to continue efforts for

Namaz with congregation, we had 3 meetings in different halqajat where we mainly

focused on namaz, the number of khuddams who offered 2 daily prayers in

congregation has improved .Allhamdullialh from all Namaz centers , around 33

khuddam who offered daily 2 times prayer at different namaz centers.

Alhamdulillah under shoba tarbiyat we had 5 visits during whole month in which

we visited almost 80% khuddams. Also during our visits we arranged namaz ba

jamat at different places .As per our routine we offered namaz in congregation at

our namaz centre and we have also been organising DARAS and kids class after


As always Majlis Al noor are ready to perform khidmat-e-Khalq duties. During Friday

namaz, Talim Tarbiyat & Sports day and other events 9 khuddam from Majlis Al

noor performed Security duties for 3 hours. On other mosque events, 8 khuddams

took part in khidmat-e-khalq at Langar Khana for duties such as, cooking, pot

cleaning. One of our Khadim visited 10 mentally disabled children and played

bowling with them. This was a very special day and we hope to encourage more

khuddam participating in such events. There were 27 khuddam who participated in

Australia cleanup day and 18 khuddam participated in the Red Cross collection.

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Majlis ACT (By Kamran Ahmed, Qaid Majlis ACT)

We actively participated in Clean up Australia day on 6th March 2011. The

program was organized and coordinated by Nazim Waqar-e- Amal brother

Rahimat Ali sahib. We did our Waqar-e- Amal at Canberra’s famous tourist

attraction “Mount Ainslie Look Out” (we are doing clean up Australia Day on that

location for approx last six years).

The program started at 9.00am.There were 29 people who registered with that

site including six non-Ahmadies. Six khuddam, seven ansar, four lajna, three

nasirat and three kids participated in the program. A reception table was also set

up with energy drinks and food at the site and decorated by beautiful banners

displaying the message “Love for All Hatred for None”, “Ahmadiyya Muslim

Association”, “Clean up Australia Day”. We collected approx 12 bags of rubbish.

Program finished at 12.30 followed by lunch and concluded with dua by president

Canberra Jammat.

Majlis ACT participated in Red Cross Door Knock Appeal on 13th March 2011.Three

khuddam and three ansar participated in the program. The program was organised

and arranged by brother Rahimat Ali sahib (Nazim Khidmat-e-Khalq).The event

started at 9.30 am after dua and finished at 12.00.We collected $500 in donation.

After the event there was BBQ lunch which was provided, prepared and arranged

by brother Hafizul Hasan Sahib (Secretary Ziafat-ACT) at his house.

We had our Tarbiyyati ijlas on 27th March 2011. 6 khudam participated in the

ijlas.In approximately one hour ijlas we focused on tarbiyyati issues related to 5

daily prayers, recitation of holy quran and writing letters to Huzur.

Taleem Class was also held on 27th March. Khuddam discussed on various taleemi

topics based on the syllabus.The (appox) one hour class finished with dua.

Majlis ACT khuddam distributed approx 300 tabligh pamphlet during this month.

These were distributed to different people at various public locations in Canberra

CBD.One of the khadim (brother Shahid Hasan delivered an introductory speech

about Islam at Canberra grammar school which was appreciated and liked by the

school students as well as staff members. He also got the opportunity to distribute

tabligh pamphlet to teachers and religious leaders of the church.

Khudam continued to play volley ball and soccer on weekly basis.

Majlis Al-Sadaqat (By Khalid Chohan, Nazim Tarbiyyat, Majlis Al-Sadaqat)

Majlis Al Sadaqat participated in this years Red Cross Calling Appeal on 13 March.

We spent three hours in the Glendenning area with eight participants (Khuddam

6, Atfal 2). Each participant was given a collection kit comprising of a bag for

collecting money, a receipt booklet, and a badge for Identification.

The participants were divided into two groups of four, each group having at least

one person experienced in collecting donation. Major streets within the

Glendenning area were then selected and allocated to each team to cover within

the allotted time.


Majlis ACT

Page 7: Al Masroor April 2011


Australia Cleanup Day Media Coverage

At the end of the collection period, the teams got together for light refreshments

and then headed back to the mosque, where the money, the voucher booklets and

the badges were all counted and returned to Muhtamim Khidmat e Khalq.

A Namaz Centre in the Hills District will Inshallah be pursued and a further centre in

Parramatta is being investigated.

Also, in order to cultivate a greater sense of duty within Khadims to observe all daily

prayers, each Khadim will Inshallah be contacted by Nazim Tarbiyyat and available

Saiqeen to individually speak to Al Sadaqat Khadims and gently encourage and

discuss the importance of observing namaz.

Majlis South Australia (By Ahmad Dilshad, Majlis South Australia)

Majlis SA participated in the Australia Cleanup Day with 41 khuddam, 17 atfal and 16

ansar members participating to make Australia a better place to live. We collected

over forty bags of garbage as well as $200 donation towards Australia Cleanup Day


Cleanup Australia Day – 6th March 2011 (By Murad Khan, Muhtamim Khidmat e Khalq )

Jazakamullah to all those who registered online or turned up on the day to help

clean up our environment. We had over 750 volunteers around our centres in

Australia to help cleanup and conserve our environment. In Sydney alone, we had

over 200 volunteers (90 Khuddam, 30 Atfal, 40 Lajna/Nasirat, 40 Ansar). Though

cleaning was our primary objective, we also got rewarded with endless benefits in

terms of 9 media groups mentioning and praising our Jamaat. This included 8

newspapers and SBS radio Melbourne.

(9th March 2011 @ 11:14am by Penelope Bradely)

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association members participating in Clean Up Australia Day.

MARSDEN Park’s Ahmadiyya Muslim Association topped the tally for the largest

group registered for Clean Up Australia Day with more than 200 association

members participating on the weekend.

Ahmadiyya covered 25km of roadway, including Richmond Rd, Rooty Hill Rd and

Hollinsworth Rd.

Page 8: Al Masroor April 2011

Event co-ordinator Murad Khan said it was the association’s 21st Clean Up

Australia Day.

The event was important for Ahmadiyya because cleanliness was central to the

Islamic faith, he said.

“We grew up with the teaching that cleanliness is a part of faith,” Mr Khan said.

“We have to be clean 24 hours a day because we have to pray five times a day,

so it’s important for us to maintain clean houses and clean mosques as well as

outside areas.”

Mr Khan said the association also joined the event as a matter of civic pride.

“We celebrate Australia Day and pledge our loyalty, so (Clean Up Australia Day)

is also part of that demonstration of loyalty,” he said.

Mr Khan said the association participated in clean-up initiatives throughout the

year, focusing on areas of illegal dumping.

The association was considering setting up another clean-up project focusing on

graffiti removal.

Total Sites : 4683

Australia Cleanup Day - Sunday 6 March 2011

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association

Site Name State



Cleanliness-Part of Faith NSW 273

Tepely Hills Road SA 170

Leisure Land Drive VIC 147

Jimboomba QLD 54

Mt Ainslie Lookout ACT 28

Regency Park Bushland QLD 26

Wilson Park WA 21

Stockleigh Road QLD 20

Rotary Park Cusack Lane QLD 9




Page 9: Al Masroor April 2011

I hope we can make 2012 Cleanup Australia Day bigger & better than this year

and collect few more tonnes of rubbish.

May Allah reward our hard work and commitment

Not possible to refuse Muhammad rationally:

Analyzing William Montgomery Watt

By Zia H Shah

William Montgomery Watt called Muhammad, may peace be on him, 'one of the

greatest sons of Adam,' he regarded the Holy Quran as divinely inspired, though

not infallible, yet he continued to be an apologist for Christianity all his life. Is

there any rational way to reconcile Watt's views?

The more we study Watt and other reasonable Christian Orientalists, it seems

that only way to deny prophethood of Muhammad, is to have an irrational

animosity against him, like the medieval Christians or a deceptive approach of

constantly shifting sands! Propping up necessary illusions against the greatest

champion for humanity and propaganda seem to be the only way to sustain

denial of Muhammad. This Google Knol is dedicated to analyzing person and

writings of William Montgomery Watt.

Any interpretation of individual incidents of the prophet Muhammad's life that is

not consistent with his well established achievements and well documented

developments of his life, completely violates the principles of history. It is an

obligation of every historian to give the readers a plausible and a consistent

account of the person they write about. Unfortunately, when it comes to the

Holy Prophet Muhammad, many Christian writers are unable to rise above the

centuries of medieval prejudices against him that the Catholic Church had

cultivated in the times of crusades. This introduces numerous contradictions in

their writings and in my opinion William Montgomery Watt is a prime example of

this phenomenon.

To read more click here


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