aish north jwrp momentum project


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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Page 3: Aish North JWRP Momentum Project

Rabbi Elisha studied at the Mirer Yeshiva and Aish HaTorah in Jeru-salem, where he received his rabbinic ordination. He was a senior lecturer for the renowned discovery program and has lectured to diverse audiences about Jewish philosophy and practice. Fraidy taught high school girls in Brooklyn for five years. She also worked for NCSY summer programs for five year, where she served as activity coordinator and lecturer of the second year program. Together Rabbi Elisha and Fraidy spearhead Aish Torontos efforts in Richmond Hill and Maple, one of the fastest growing Jewish com-munities in North America. They offer personal home learning in small groups on a variety of topics. They have also founded and direct the various innovative programs detailed below which have proven to engage and impact families in a profound way.

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The JWRP Momentum trips are a unique and unforgettable trip to Israel

where men and women from all walks of life and from around the globe spend an intense

week together bonding, learning and growing. Far from career and family, encouraged to

be “open” by their city leaders and Rabbis/Rebbetzins, they find that almost forgotten depth

of their lives and their Judaism. There are the usual fun activities- camel riding, jeeping, hiking

Masada- but at its core, the trip is an opportunity for the particpants to be free of their hang

ups and rediscover the Judaism that can make their lives vibrant and filled with meaning and

clarity.clarity. The unique itinerary, intensity of the trip and the leadership by Lori Palatnik on the

women's trips and the unparalleled Charlie Harary on the men's trips provide an amazing in-

spiration and connection to the Rabbis/Rebbetzins of the participants in a way that few other

programs can do in such a concrete and accelerated way.

The trips are a proven tool to build a profound relationship between the Aish Toronto City

leaders (The Rabbi and Rebbetzin ) with the madrichim and the participants, which ensures

accelerated and consistent follow up with educational and social programming upon their

return in Toronto. The Aish Toronto City leaders are the key to follow up in the growth of the

participants and activated them to become partners in encouraging their family and friends

to participate and grow in all areas of Judaism in a healthy, progressive and meaningful way.

The goal of the Momentum Project is to become the guides and leaders for the Jewish

growth of the participants AND to motivate them to encourage their families to grow with

them- which is why ideally we take the husband and wife respectively. They also become

active in the community because of the enormous inspiration they have received and the

trust in the Rabbi//Rebbetizn and become a catalyst for their friends to attend follow up pro-

grams and classes with them.

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My Aish Toronto Momen

tum trip has...

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Once a month, JWRP couples join us for Tues-day Date Night. Couples spend time with each other and gain tools to make their relationship better. Jewish experts in the field of love, rela-tionships, dating and marriage give great in-sights and answer their questions.

Once a month The FIX partners with a dif-ferent organization and brings JWRP fami-lies together to volunteer in a meaningful and fun activity. A volunteer activity is pro-vided for every age group starting from the age of two through adults.

Once a month, JWRP Men participants enjoy a drink and wings and connect to timeless Jewish wisdom and values that will transform men into happier, healthier and more inspired professionals, husbands and fathers!

Follow Up Programs

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Follow Up Programs

Challah BakingOnce a month, the JWRP women gather to-gether to hear an inspiring class on Jewish wisdom and bake challah for Shabbat.

Amen PartyOnce a month, the JWRP women get to-gether to hear an inspiring talk on Jewish wisdom and also enjoy a deeply spiritual and transformational Amen Party.

Monthly SocialOnce a month, JWRP men and women re-spectively gather for a social event where they have fun, hear words of Torah and share their own personal and spiritual growth.

Lunch n’ LearnOnce a week, Rabbi Elisha conducts excit-ing learning at the offices of the JWRP par-ticipants during their lunch hour.

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On March 20th we will be hosting a Shabbaton with the dynamic Rabbi Gav Friedman, where we will have an exclusive JWRP table.

and more...

On February 7th we will be hosting a Shabbaton with Charlie Harary the JWRP men’s trip leader. On Saturday night, February 8th, we will be hosting a JWRP reunion/ recruitment event with Charlie.

Follow Up Programs

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• How we reach our target market: There is an intensive and lengthy interview that takes place once the application is thoroughly reviewed. The applicant is chosen based on their positivity towards the trip, interest in discovering and learning more about their Judaism, and commitment to actively being a part of all follow up activities, whether they are social or educational. They must live in close proximity to the City Leader, and to the Aish Shuls in Toronto to enable appropriate follow up. They should have children at home so the entire family unit can be affected. The ideal participant selected is one that entire family unit can be affected. The ideal participant selected is one that has great leadership abilities to propel the growth of their family and commu-nities and who will be an active recruiter upon their return.

• Trip Staffing: Lay leaders, or “Madrichim”, are chosen based on their ability to relate to different types of Jews, their commitment to retain and follow up with the participants and their desire to actively help the Jewish people’s state of assimilation and apathy. They are chosen based on their diverse personalities and strengths.

•• Follow up: There are mandatory pre-trip and post-trip events. The pre-trip events are more social in order to meet the men and have them develop a camaraderie together. After the trip, there is an assessment of the nature of the participants and madrichim who developed a stronger relationship with certain participants are “assigned” to maintain a stronger relationship with them and invite for chavrusa learning, Shabbos invites etc. The Rabbi/City Leader will organize monthly socials and monthly learning in either class set-tings or smaller group learning.tings or smaller group learning.

Executive Summary

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• Return on Investment: The trips are a proven extreme “accelerator” in their growth and exponentially enhances the participant’s views on Torah Judaism. The participants all return very inspired and aware of the beauty and rele-vance of Judaism to their lives. Most importantly, they are engaged with the potential they have to change their families and communities with the power of Jewish wisdom and learning and the city leaders and madrichim who took them remain as their guides for future growth. The trip allows the city leader and madrichim to “fast forward” their growth because they are actively seekand madrichim to “fast forward” their growth because they are actively seek-ing higher understanding and knowledge of Judaism. The momentum they have and the continued learning carries onto the family, community and city at large to the point where a revolution in Jewish unity and growth is achieved.There is little impactful Jewish learning geared for the thousands of young Jewish families who have recently moved into the Richmond Hill/Maple area of the city. The momentum project is perfect for the follow up which will be enabled by the trip and will provide a focused revolution in this untapped Jewish area.

JWRP Momentum Project

Executive Summary