aifa news may pages - welcome to the australia-indonesia

Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2011 1 A- IFA news May 2011 Congratulations to new AIFA elected new committee members. Meet your new Committee for 2011. From left to right: Tony Mitchener, Leliana Setiono, Dian Pandelaki, Betsy Phillips, Amanda Mitchener, Yuni Ryan, Yuanita Sunatrio and Roger Smith. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Australia-Indonesia Families Association, Canberra Trivia Night Mid-June (TBA) Dear AIFA members, Welcome to the first newsletter of the new Committee for 2011 - 2012 period which appointed following the AGM on 9 April 2011. I believe that you will join me in thanking Pak Eddie Ridwan for his leadership over the last few years. Our appreciation should also go Stephen Beeby and Fonny Kyle as outgoing members of the previous committee. They and the rest of the previous committee all worked hard to ‘professionalise’ AIFA and to provide relevant events for all members to participate. I am pleased to inform you that John Phillips has kindly accepted the role of Vice President. As you all know, John has not only assisted us by preparing the AIFA newsletter (which is now being kindly managed by Ade Dungga), but he has also been a tower of strength to various AIFA Committees providing support and advice over the years. The Committee is honored to have John on board.

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Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2011! 1

A-IFA newsMay 2011

Congratulations to new AIFA elected new committee members. Meet your new Committee for 2011. From left to right: Tony Mitchener, Leliana Setiono, Dian Pandelaki, Betsy Phillips, Amanda Mitchener, Yuni Ryan, Yuanita Sunatrio and Roger Smith.


Australia-Indonesia Families Association, Canberra

Trivia Night Mid-June (TBA)

Dear AIFA members,

Welcome to the first newsletter of the new Committee for 2011 - 2012 period which appointed following the AGM on 9 April 2011.

I believe that you will join me in thanking Pak Eddie Ridwan for his leadership over the last few years. Our appreciation should also go Stephen Beeby and Fonny Kyle as outgoing members of the previous committee. They and the rest of the previous committee all worked hard to ‘professionalise’ AIFA and to provide relevant events for all members to participate.

I am pleased to inform you that John Phillips has kindly accepted the role of Vice President. As you all know, John has not only assisted us by preparing the AIFA newsletter (which is now being kindly managed by Ade Dungga), but he has also been a tower of strength to various AIFA Committees providing support and advice over the years.  The Committee is honored to have John on board. 

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AIFA’s priorities this year are to increase the involvement by all members, increase representation from all Australian Indonesian families in Canberra and ensure that AIFA events and initiatives address the needs of the members.

The Committee has designed an online survey which was emailed to all of you to gather your views on a range of matters which will assist the Committee to provide events and services that are relevant to the members. The survey will be available until Sunday, 5 June 2011 at 10pm. This is your chance to make sure that AIFA can meet, or at least start working on meeting, your expectations as AIFA members. Two lucky members will receive two $50 shopping vouchers of their choice to thank them for completing the survey.Following the overwhelming success of last year’s Trivia Night, we propose that our first event will be a Trivia Night in mid June 2011. The Trivia Night this year will be a family event in which mums and dads will need help from their children to answer some of the questions. Some of the questions may relate to Dora the Explorer or Justin Bieber! More details will be available closer to the date.

The new Committee members are committed to make you feel at ‘home’ in Canberra and that AIFA is part of your extended family. We can only do that with your support and commitment. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of Committee members if you have further questions about the survey or about anything else we can assist you with.

Warm regards,Amanda Mitchener

AGM Report

There was a good attendance at the AIFA Annual General Meeting which was held at the Theo Notaries Building in Civic on 9 April 2011.

The AGM was preceded by a lavish lunch prepared by a number of AIFA members.

At the AGM, Pak Eddie Ridwan the 2010-2011 AIFA President, provided the annual Presidents update on the numerous AIFA activities over the past year. The highlight of the Presidentʼs report was the outstanding success of the Trivia Night, the annual dinner held in September 2010 and the amazing effort of members during the preparation for and holding the Sate Stall at the National Multicultural Festival. Pak Eddie was very appreciative of the efforts of all the members and pleased that members could work so well together to achieve so much.

It was also noted that AIFA was now a much more professional community based organization which had been incorporated, had a healthy financial situation and was well placed to expand its services through being eligible for various government grants.

At the AGM, there was also a members forum, where AIFA members could reflect on the history and evolution of AIFA and consider its relevance to the present day. Many members noted that AIFA is still an important and relevant institution for Australian- Indonesian families in Canberra. A number of members commented that while technology made it easier for many to communicate with home, there was still an important role for an organization like AIFA to assist new families in Canberra to feel at home and be part of a caring community. It was noted that the various social activities organized by AIFA were very welcomed and appreciated.

At the AGM, we also had the annual election of office bearers. After a number of years as the AIFA President, Pak Eddie felt it was necessary to step down and encourage a new generation of members to come forward to run AIFA. Amanda Mitchener was elected unopposed at the President, as well Leliana Setiono as the Secretary and Yuni Ryan as Treasurer. There was competition for the other committee member positions which required elections to be held. The elected members of the committee are Betsy Phillips, Yuanita Sunatrio, Dian Wardrobe, Roger Smith and Tony Mitchener.

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AGM Photos

Photos by Betsy, Shinta and Tommy

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AIFA Upcoming EventsTrivia NightThe Trivia Night will be held in mid-June. Full details for this fun event coming soon.

AIFA Monthly WalkWe had another enjoyable Sunday stroll on 8 May through Telopea Park and culminating with morning tea at the Kingston Markets. We are joined on this occasion by Peter Ryan (a pleasant surprise!), a newcomer to the walking ranks. Hopefully Peter and other members would also join the regular walkers on our next walk on Sunday 5 June, which will be at the Cotter river. We had originally planned to walk the National Arboretum area, but reports have come in that it may be a bit steep. As there may not be a café in the vicinity of the Cotter walk, we will have to bring our own provisions – a bit of a picnic out in the fresh air – what could be better! Please meet at 10am at the Cotter picnic area where the (adventure?) playground is (or used to be?). See you there.

Member & Family NewsAIFA would like to wish happy birthdays to

• Ella Bower,

• Betsy Phiilips,

• John Phillips,

• Varna Suratenaya,

• Iis Dunbar,

• Meita Gosal and

• Eddie Marshal.

AIFA Online Survey Have your say in AIFA online survey. We need to hear your ideas, opinions and expectations. Go to to complete 10 questions. It will be ONLY available until Sunday 5 June 2011 at 10pm, so hurry up. Two lucky members will receive two $50 shopping vouchers of their choice to thank

them for completing the survey. Your participation in this survey will assist AIFA Committee to understand and serve you better. We take your privacy seriously and will respect your confidentiality.  Your answers will be

combined with others, and will never be linked with you personally. Do not hesitate to let any committee members know if you have any questions regarding this survey. 

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AILSA ActivityAILSA (Australian Indonesian Language School Association) runs Indonesian traditional dancing classes for young children up to 8 years old each fortnight at AILSA premise, 98 Fullagar Crescent, Higgins. The first dancing class

starts at 10AM for children under 5 years old and the second one starts at 10.45-11.30 for children 6-8 years old. They collect $2 per child each time and all money donated to AILSA. This semester programs include introducing Indonesian songs, tari Badinding, Dayung-dayung and Kicir-kicir. For more information feel free to contact Ariane

Utomo at [email protected]

Sensus WNI untuk Wilayah ACT dan sekitarnyaSesuai dengan amanat Konstitusi pada Pembukaan UUD 1945, salah satu tugas utama Kementerian Luar Negeri RI adalah meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan perlindungan kepada rakyat Indonesia yang bertempat tinggal di luar negeri termasuk memberikan pengayoman, perlindungan dan bantuan hukum kepada WNI. Untuk membantu Perwakilan RI menjalankan kewajibannya, mari kita berpartisipasi aktif dalam sensus WNI di ACT dan sekitarnya (Jerrabomberra, Queanbeyan, Yass, Goulbourn dan Cooma). Bagaimana caranya?

✴ Isi formulir yang telah dikirimkan melalu pos ke alamat Anda, atau

✴ Isi formulir yang berada di website resmi KBRI yakni, atau

✴ Langsung datang ke Sekretariat Sensus WNI di Kedutaan Besar RI di Canberra, 8 Darwin Avenue, Yarralumla.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi Fungsi Konsuler Kedutaan Besar RI Canberra 8 Darwin Avenue Yarralumla atau telepon 6250 8661; 6250 8605; 6250 8606 atau email [email protected]

Pengajian Khataman Al Qur’anPengajian Khataman Qur’an was held at Yuni Ryan’s house, 18 Maygar Street Hughes on 29th May at 5PM. For the next Pengajian, please contact Yuni at 0408 295 171

Persekutuan Kristen Indonesia di Canberra (PMKIC)Next service: St Andrew Presbyterian Church, State Circle No. 1, Forrest

Date/Time: 12 June at 2PM

Contact: 6281 0627 (Pak Yama Radimin) and 0424 229 298 (Wanda Beeby). After the service you are invited to have afternoon tea, chat and or choir practice.

Dengarkan Suara Indonesia Radio CMS FM 91.1 every Sundays from 4PM-6PM. Send your requests to 0407 295 583 or 0424 640 538

Australia Indonesia Association (AIA) Winter DinnerOur sister organisation, AIA (ACT) will be holding its annual Winter Dinner on Saturday, 23 July. Full details for this event coming soon.

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Profile by Yuanita Sunatrio

Hi Everyone, salam kenal. My name is Yuanita but my family call me Ita, but I’m also called Anit by some friends. I married to Harin Widjanarko (he currently works at Malaysian High Commission) and we have two

wonderful boys, Daffa (11.5 years old) and Adam (22 months). We arrived in Canberra in March 2007, so we have been living here for about four years. Before living in Canberra, we lived in Jakarta. My parents are from Central Java and West Java, but I was born and grew up in Jakarta.

We received our permanent residency to stay in Australia through the Sponsored Skilled Migration Scheme. My uncle and auntie, Om Hatar and Tante Nana, were my sponsors. They have been supporting us for years, even

before we arrived in Canberra. I am so grateful to have them. They helped us settling in Canberra and also introduced us to many wonderful people. Then I met Tante Amy and Om Tony Spinks. They helped me getting a job in Human Resources Unit at the University of Canberra, which was suitable with my education and work

experiences. I also heard about AIFA from them. However, I did not join AIFA as life became busier with our new born baby, Adam. Only last year I joined in AIFA and I am glad I did because I enjoyed having gatherings and

getting to know AIFA families.

During our living in Canberra, there were many changes such as changing of jobs, additional family member, moving to new house and many other things. I remember we started from the scratch; we only brought

suitcases filled with clothes when we arrived in Canberra and we had no jobs. Thank God, because of supports we received from our families and friends, we are able to have what we have now. Their help and support

inspires me to help other people, especially for Indonesian people who are new in Canberra. One of the channels to help and support others is through joining AIFA committee members.

I look forward to meeting new people and making my contributions to AIFA families."

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Pumpkin Soup Recipe by Dian Pandelaki

I got this recipe from Rob's mum when I have just move to Brisbane. It is very easy to make and warm you up

on cold winter nights or quick lunch serve with baguette or toast.


1 Tomato (or two)

2 Cloves of Garlic

1 Large Onion

1 tbsp Oil

1 Tbsp butter1 large butternut pumpkin

1 cup of milk

4 cups chicken stock ( I use liquid stock )

Salt and Pepper


- Finely chopped onion and garlic

- Heat oil and butter, fry the both ingredients until nice yellow colour.

- Finely chopped tomato, and then added to the above.

- Add chicken stock, and then the pumpkin. Make sure the pumpkin is covered in the stock.

- Cook in low heat until pumpkin is soft.

- Next step is to puree the pumpkin. You either do it in the saucepan using hand mixer (bamix) or

take the pumpkin out and put it in the blender.

- Put  the pumpkin puree back in the saucepan.

- Add the milk and salt and pepper to your taste.

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AIFA InformationAIFA postal address. is AIFA Inc. PO Box 9049, Deakin ACT


AIFA has a Yahoo Group called aifa_act. All members are added

to the aifa_act mailing list (using the email you provided in your

membership form). To post a message to the mailing list, send

an email to [email protected].

Previous newsletters and other AIFA documents are available on

our Yahoo Group at http://au.groups.


To login you will need to use your Yahoo ID (it is free to register

with Yahoo). Information on upcoming events is available on the

Yahoo Group site.

AIFA also has a Facebook Group. Just login to Facebook (free to

register) and search for AIFA.

If you encounter difficulties in accessing any of the above,

please contact any Committee member for assistance.

President — Amanda Mitchener, M: 0408 084 545

Email [email protected]

Vice President —John Phillips, M:

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer — Yuni Ryan, M: 0408 295 171

Email: [email protected]

Secretary — Leliana Arnold, M: 0401 567 902

Email: [email protected]

Committee — Betsy Phillips, M: 0407 295 583

Email: [email protected]

Committee — Tony Mitchener, M: 0408 084 525

Email: [email protected]

Committee —Dian Pandelaki, M: 0488 284 757

Email: [email protected]

Committee —Yuanita Sunatrio M: 0404 139 004

Email: [email protected]

Committee —Roger Smith M: 0438 142 954

Email: [email protected]