aiesec unibraw - talent allocation for final bullet!

This is the talent allocation for the next 5 months! Further inquiry: Maulana President & VP HR line: mlnrzq

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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This is the talent allocation for the next 5 months!

Further inquiry:

Maulana – President & VP HR – line: mlnrzq

We will enable the exchange experience for all youth around Malang by inviting them to join Social Project abroad.

Zita Setyaningrum (Zita) – 085749561244Vice President of Outgoing Global Community Development Program

Aisyah ZardiAurora ParamithaBernadus AgungBramandito MClaudia MayaClaudia YusranDean PutrandiDio Dwi PutraFadilah ArdiyaniI Gede Danendra

Karhomatul Faqih

M. ReordanMahotma

Maharani AmaliaRizki

Nida Madiha

Nisrina Farah

Ratri Mayangsari

Satria Danu

Syarief Qayum S

Verodita Dwisari

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will help project people to create, maintain and boost their project through inviting more people and more school, NGOs or any other

communities to join us.

Deassy Rizky Syahputri (Dea) – 085257078887Vice President of Incoming Global Community Development Program for Project

Ahmad AfryanAstried K

Ayu Rizky ApriliaDaris Rafi F.

Dea Andhini

Dio RahadianPam Fina Ailah

Gisti Ayu Pratiwi

Hana Septiana

Irfan Maulana Lucky Brinanda Putra

M. Irfan F. Maulana

Nisrina HabibatyRosa

Siti Hidayanti M Yolanda P S N

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will enable more organization or schools to have people from abroad and maintain them.

Diani Nurul Muthmainnah (Diani) – 083848872409Vice President of Incoming Global Community Development Program for AdHoc

Afinza W.B

Alvian Fawaid

Ary Rahmady PAzka Aulia

Camelia FatihNida LuthfanSyah R

M Risky A

Nadhira Prima W

Nilna Fakhri R A

Nita AyuWidyasari

Novia Ayu Diah K H Novita Sari

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will enable more youth to go abroad to feel the international professional internship in companies

Virda Yasmin R– 083834258660Vice President of Outgoing Global Internship Program

Achmad Nasich

Ayu Devina

Balqis Shofiah

Dewinta Ayu Syahrani

Firdaus Marihot

Inge Ade Zinnia

Intan Meisari

Kun Muhammad Adi

Mohamad Rizaldy

Royyan Handela

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will manage the member of AIESEC in Unibraw for its education, development and engagement while also manage the volunteer that

want to join our project

Maulana Rizqi A – 085231106768Vice President of Human Resources & EwA MembershipPresident

Aisyah Permata

Fransiska Meigloria

Juliana Sari

Rochmatullah Eka Salvega

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will manage the financial management of our organization by doing administration management and coaching to our project and


Intan Aisyah – 085646768670Vice President of Finance & Governance

Irma Surya Frany

Karimah Jamal

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will manage the relation of AIESEC Unibraw with externals and also support our LC with creating more partnership with company or

other organization even government

Zaid Ramadhan Hanan – 085780040534Vice President of External Relation

Dewi Pursita


Firman Ridwan Petervan

Grace Stella Arisca

Irfandyari Masya K

Januar Dwi Budi

Reygama Dwisetyo

Yolandari Gustira

Yosef Tobing

Yuthika Anindya P

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will manage support the operation of AIESEC Unibraw through creating business activity and sales of our program

Frida Dini Chairunnisa – 085649835655Vice President of External Relation

Alia w. Silooy

Ananstasia Karina D.A

Daniel Sinambela

Farandi Rifki

Fatimah Nadia Zanzabila

Meirna puspita permatasari

Nur Uswatun Ch

Reve Restu

Ria Dina I

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will make AIESEC Unibraw be more known by more people by creating campaign, youth activity and collaborations. We also

maintain the quality of our experience delivery to the people that have felt our exchange experience

Galuh Purbaningtyas –085649934506Vice President of Marketing & Quality Management

Darius I Cordova

Deni Rizay Haryono

Dity Anggraeni


Engelbert Axel

Rachmadea Aisyah

Vega C. Mohani

Yan Akbar Pamungkas

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will manage the brand positioning of us in virtual space as well manage the information flow and resource inside of our LC. IMDB is also responsible toward the promotional tools for brand appearance

Alanna Alia Hannantyas–081389099166Vice President of Information Management & Digital Branding

Almira C.K

Ardhika Setyo

Arman Sofie

Bella Aulia M

Elena Michelle

Gendis S.P

Jasmine Fitri Yani

Kekeu Kirani Firdaus

WELCOME TO……………………….

We will manage the market outside Universitas Brawijaya which are in Universitas Jember, Universitas Udayana and Universitas

Muhammadiyah Malang

Oktifani Winarti (Oktif) - 085631875598Vice President of Expansion Operation

Burhanudin Yusuf

Dirthon Parubak

Selena Denysal

Taufiq Jibu

WELCOME TO……………………….

Warmest regards,Your Executive Board 1314


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