aiaa ground test technical committee outreach to sata and stai members dr. steven dunn, jacobs/nasa...

AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee [email protected] , 757- 864-1116 9 June 2015

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Page 1: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test

AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members

Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee [email protected], 757-864-11169 June 2015

Page 2: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


• What is the AIAA?• AIAA Technical Committees• GTTC

Background Working Groups Relationships with other TCs

• Outreach to STAI and SATA members Let’s look for areas of collaboration


Page 3: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


AIAA Vision & Mission Statement

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

Vision Statement:To be the voice of the aerospace profession through innovation, technical excellence and global leadership.

Mission Statement:

To inspire and advance the future of Aerospace for the benefit of humanity.

AIAA Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Web Site:

Page 4: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test

AIAA Strategic Imperatives and Objectives

• Develop and Expand our Community: Engage underrepresented constituencies and key technology areas Increase our legacy technical and corporate members Develop a comprehensive outreach and engagement strategy

• Strengthen Our Existing Community: Institutionalize a prioritization methodology to align products, programs, and services to

Vision, Mission and goals. Develop and institutionalize an adaptable and forward-leaning culture Develop and implement responsive and collaborative governance structure and staff-

volunteer partnership Sustain the institute with operational funds

• Deliver Exceptional Results: Leverage online infrastructure and technology assets. Capture and/or develop new opportunities that impact our broad and mission-based focus. Strengthen our core role as the premier aerospace technology clearinghouse Strengthen our leadership relationships with Government, Industry and Academia

4AIAA Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Page 5: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test

AIAA Products and Services

• Events Forums Courses Workshops

• Publications Journals Books Conference proceedings Standards Aerospace America


• Education Continuing education University student programs STEM K-12 outreach ABET Accreditation

• Advocacy Congressional Visits Day State affairs Policy papers

Page 6: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test

AIAA Organization – Board of Directors







Liaisons• 3 Staff• 1 YP• 1 Student

Technical Group Directors:• Aerospace Sciences• Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems• Engineering and Technology Management• Information Systems• Propulsion and Energy• Space and Missiles• Aerospace Design and Structures

Executive Committee

PresidentPresident-ElectPast President

8 Vice-Presidents

Standing Committee VPs:• Education• Finance• International Activities• Member Services• Public Policy• Publications• Standards• Technical Activities

AIAA BoD January 2014

Page 7: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


AIAA Technical Activities Committee Organization

Engineering and Technology Management

Nancy Andersen

Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems

Dimitri Mavris

Propulsion and EnergyJeff Hamstra

Space and Missiles

Peter Montgomery

Aerospace SciencesJames Keenan

Information Systems

Sanjay Garg

Aerospace Design and Structures

Kathleen Atkins




CommitteesMark Melanson









Systems and Technology Integration

New Initiatives Subcommittee

Jeff Laube

Strategic Advisory Group

Tom Duerr

Public Policy CoordinatorJoaquin Castro

Managing Director, Products and

ProgramsMegan Scheidt

Staff Liaison, Technical Activities

Betty Guillie

Page 8: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


AIAA Technical Activities Committee Organization

Page 9: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


Example TC Organization (Chair “Down”)



Membership Committee

Liaison Activities


Forums PublicationsAwardsPublicPolicy

Procedures Committee



Vice Chairor Chair-Elect

Technical Focus AreaSubcommittee

Technical Focus AreaSubcommittee

Standard/Guide WG

Technical Panel Technical Panel

Short Course WGPosition Paper WG

Technical Panels/Working Groups

Page 10: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GTTC Objectives, Membership, and Major Tenants

GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Advance the state-of-the-art and technologies associated with ground testing and ground testing facilities Technical Conferences

– Including Technical Papers and Sessions Ground Test Award Outstanding Paper Awards Aerospace America articles Working Groups

– AIAA Standards, Guides, and Recommended Practices Technical Short Courses White Papers Liaisons

Page 11: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GTTC Objectives, Membership, and Major Tenants

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• Membership Diverse membership spanning government, industry, and academia (50

max) Types: Full/USA, International, Associates (≥35 yrs old)

• Major Tenets Impact Ownership and involvement Distributed leadership Communication Learning Mentoring Liaisons Have Fun!!!

Page 12: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


ChairSteven Dunn

Vice-ChairWink Baker

SecretaryDale Belter

Chairs and Vice Chairs of Primary and Task SC’s

Turbine Engine Testing

WT Flow Quality


Focus Groups

Working Groups

Primary SC

Task SCs

Dynamic Space Simulation

Model Attitude & Deformation

Dual Flow Reference Nozzle

Design of Experiments

Internal Balances

Awards & Upgrades



Education & Student Activities



> Current Chair is active through Winter 2016 Meeting <

Future of Ground Testing

Measurement Uncertainty

GTTC Organization

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Page 13: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Established to address technical needs in aerospace ground testing community

• Provide forum for discussion and the development of solutions and standardization

• Not a continuous activity - each working group identifies a specific goal or product that will be developed Typically an AIAA Standard, Guide, Recommended Practice, or Special

Project Report• Anticipate each working group to exist for 4-10 years• Must be chaired by GTTC member• Membership includes both GTTC and non-GTTC and non-AIAA• Meetings held to coincide with GTTC meetings• “Lessons Learned” developed to provide “How To” guidelines for new working


GTTC Working Groups

Page 14: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Wind Tunnel Flow Quality Chair: Ben Mills – AEDC/Aerospace Testing Alliance Objectives: Develop best practices and/or standards on the measurement and

reporting of unsteady or fluctuating flow parameters related to wind tunnel testing Status:

– Draft reviews– Finalizing document

• Model Attitude and Deformation Chair: Bob Guyton – USAF/AFRL Objectives: Develop a recommended practice AIAA document that discusses

methods to measure model attitude and/or deformation in wind tunnel testing Status:

– Document taking shape– Updating draft write-ups

GTTC Working Groups

Page 15: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Internal Balance Technology Chair: Ray Rhew – NASA Langley Objectives:

– Review the recommended math model or calibration matrix (6x96); Provide guidance/ formulas, on selecting the appropriate subset matrix

– Investigate uncertainty estimate calculations to provide better estimates of the balance calibration uncertainty

– Provide recommendations for thermal effects on balance performance.– Investigate and provide recommendations on how to include pressure effects.– Develop metrics for evaluating a balance’s condition.– Review the current axis system and determine if it is appropriate to shift to an

international standard.– Provide recommendations on wind tunnel check loads.

Status:– Draft sections have been developed for 3 objectives

GTTC Working Groups

Page 16: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Dual Flow Reference Nozzle Chair: David Myren – ASE FluiDyne Objectives: Develop a recommended practice AIAA document for defining a

“standard” configuration for dual flow reference nozzles– Dual Separate Flow– Dual Mixed Flow

Status:– Very active WG; regular telecom meetings between conferences– Work product in development

GTTC Working Groups

Page 17: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Measurement Uncertainty Chair: Christi Pastor-Barsi – Sierra Lobo/NASA Glenn Objectives: Assess and evaluate AIAA G-045-2003 and AIAA S-071A-1999 to

determine if they need to be modified to align more with current national and international standards (ASME and ISO), pertaining to wind tunnel measurement uncertainty.

Status: First full meeting in January 2015; excellent membership; discussed background, technical needs, goals, actions

GTTC Working Groups

Page 18: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test


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• Future of Ground Testing Chair: Steven Dunn – Jacobs/NASA Langley Issue: There is a need to define the integrated S&T and DT&E capabilities required to

support the nation’s needs through/beyond the year 2030 and to ensure that national stakeholders and decision makers understand how this works and why it is important.

Objectives:– WG team to develop GT meta-analysis based on major publications assessing the GT

environment; product will be one or more conference papers.– In parallel, assemble joint team to organize the approach for producing an assessment

report of integrated EFD and CFD requirements and recommendations across the RDT&E life cycle.

– AIAA cross-cutting team to develop information advocacy briefing for non-engineers based on foundational info from the integrated assessment report

Status:– GT meta-analysis and document/writing ongoing– Developed initial framework for integrated EFD/CFD assessment

GTTC Working Groups

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GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

• Aerospace Sciences Group Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Technical Committee Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee

• Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems Group Flight Testing Technical Committee V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee

• Propulsion and Energy Group Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Technical Committee Gas Turbine Engines Technical Committee High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Technical Committee

Historically Strong GTTC Relationships With Other TC’s

Page 20: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test

Closing Remarks

• Provided a very brief overview of the AIAA and the GTTC• The GTTC and SATA and STAI share many common areas of interest• Consider involvement in AIAA in your specialty areas of interest• Consider participating in the AIAA SciTech Forum 2016 at the

Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, January 4-8 2016 • Consider involvement in the GTTC and the GTTC working groups• Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you!


GG TT TT CCPutting the “T” in TCPutting the “T” in TC

AIAA Web Site: AIAA.orgGTTC Web Site:

Page 21: AIAA Ground Test Technical Committee Outreach to SATA and STAI Members Dr. Steven Dunn, Jacobs/NASA Langley Research Center and Chair, AIAA Ground Test