agromet for belg 2013 impact outlook

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  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Agro-Meteorological Impact Outlook for

    Belg 2013

    February, 2013

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Outline of Presentation

    IntroductionComputed Moisture status for analogue years

    2007,1978, 1980 & 2005

    Computed WRSI on BelgWheat, Maize, Teffanalogue year 2007 &2005

    Computed WRSI Rangeland for analogue

    years 2007 &2005Impact of expected Seasonal Rainfall

    Probabilities for Belg 2013 on Agriculture

    Conclusion and Recommendation

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Major Agricultural Activities of Belg Season

    Planting of Belg crops over SNNPR ( Konso, Derashe,Burji, Amaro kello, north Omo and Kanbata &Timbaro),south Tigray, north and northwest Shoa, south & northwollo, Bale, Arsi, and west Hararge.

    The main rainy season for the pastoral and agropastoralaraes of the south and southeastern parts of the country,including southern Somali, the lowlands of Borena, Guji andBale zones SNNPR also second rainy season for the pastoralregion ofAfar.


  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Belg growing areas of the country

    Normally Central parts of northern and easternhighlands, central, southwestern and southernEthiopia are known as Belg growing areas.

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    5-30 % of annual product from Belg rain

    3060% of annual product from Belg rain

    Contribution of Belg from annual total production

    The contribution of Belg rainfall

    is ranging from 5-30% over the

    north, northeastern and eastern

    highlands where as 30-60% oversouth and southwestern parts of

    the country from annual total

    crop production of the areas.

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Computed Moisture status for analogue

    years 2007, 1978, 1980 and 2005

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    Moisture status for the selected analog year for the month of February


    Moist to Humid moisture statusfor the month of February in the

    given analogue years over South

    Tigray, eastern Amhara and

    SNNPR. might have a positive

    impact on Belg land preparation,

    sowing of cereals, pulses and oil

    crops. Where as 2005 shows dry to

    very dry moisture condition over

    most Belg growing areas.



  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Moisture status for the selected analog year for the month of March

    During the month of March most

    of the analogue years indicate

    moist to humid moisture

    condition over most Belg growing

    areas of central and southern

    Oromiya, most parts of SNNPR,eastern Amhara and southern

    Tigray and northern Somali.




  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Moisture status for the selected analog year for the month of April

    The moisture status during themonth of April for the givenanalogue years indicate thatmoist to humid condition overmost Belg growing areas of thecountry for Belg agriculturalactivities, sowing of long cyclecrops like maize and sorghumincluding pulse crops like haricotbean. Moreover, it is also time toharvest water for pasture anddrinking water over the lowlands

    of pastoral and agro pastoralareas.




  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    In the month of May all the

    given analogue years indicatesthat moist to humid moisture

    condition over western parts of

    the country. The situation might

    have favor for Belg agricultural

    activities, land preparation for

    Meher season and availability of

    pasture and drinking water over

    pastoral and agro pastoral areas.

    Moisture status for the selected analog year for the month of May




  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    NDVI and Deviation from normal for thegiven Analog year 2007 and 2005

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    NDVI and deviation from normal for the given Analog year 2007



    MayMarchFeb April

    NDVI and deviation from normal for the given Analog year 2005

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Computed WRSI for Belg crops Wheat,Maize & Teff the analogue year

    2007 & 2005

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    WRSI for Belg crops Wheat, Maize & Teff the analogue year 2007 &2005

    Wheat Belg 2005 Maize Belg 2005 Teff Belg 2005

    Wheat Belg 2007Maize Belg 2007 Teff Belg 2007

    Total crops water requirement satisfaction index in the given analog yearshows poor moisture condition over northeastern, central & parts ofsouthern Oromia in all selected yield. Moderate to good WRSI conditionis confined over most parts of SNNPR, parts of southern and eastern Oromia ,northern Somalia and Bale & Arsi zones of Belg growing areas of the country.

    Belg Maize crop need proper attention over most Belg growing areas of thecountry .

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    Computed WRSI of rangeland foranalogue Years

    2007 & 2005

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Computed WRSI of rangeland for analogue years 2007 &2005

    Mar 2007

    Mar 2005Feb 2005

    Feb 2007

    May 2005

    May 2007

    Apr 2005

    Apr 2007

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    Western & northwestern Ethiopia will experience a probability of normal to abovenormal condition will favor for the availability of moist to humid moisture conditionwhich is Conducive for general agricultural activities and planting of long cyclecrops Therefore, proper input should be utilized to take advantage of the relativelybetter condition for long Cycle crops..

    Much of eastern half and northeastern portion of the country expected to experienceprobability of near normal to below normal moisture condition. Thus the situation

    might have slight negative impact on the general agricultural activities of the season,availability of pastor & drinking water over pastoral and agro pastoral areas. There forfarmers and the concerned bodies must given attention to the selection of seed whichtolerant to moisture stress, proper utilization of rain water harvesting and moistureconservation.

    Southwestern, southern and central parts of the country will expect a probability ofnear normal to above normal moisture condition this might have a positive impact forBelg agricultural activities, availability of pastor & drinking water over pastoral and agropastoral areas, perennial plants and planting long cycle crops.

    Southeastern and some parts of Southern low lands of Oromia will expect to have aprobability of normal to below normal moisture situation this will exhibit moisture stressfor perennial plants and negative impact for the availability of pasture and drinkingwater on the area.

    Conclusion & RecommendationImpact of expected Seasonal Rainfall

    Tercile Probabilities for Belg 2013 on Agriculture

  • 7/29/2019 Agromet for Belg 2013 impact outlook


    The analyzed moisture status of all selected analogue years expected to

    Moderate to good moisture over Belg growing areas particularly in the southern

    portion and SNNPR has paramount importance in the areas where their Belgproduction contribution ranges from 30-60 % from annual production.

    Total crops water requirement (WRSI) in all analog year showed total failure over

    northeastern, some parts of central & eastern Oromia. Moderate to very good

    WRSI condition is confined over southern and few parts of eastern Oromia , Bale

    & Arsi zones of Belg growing areas of the country. thus, farmers and theconcerned body need to give attention for those areas shows poor WRSI by

    utilize rain water harvesting, moisture conservation and adoption of suitable

    crops needing less water requirement should be adopted.

    The improvement of moisture condition in the month of April and May over

    western half, some parts ofsouth and southeast of all selected analogue yearsexpected to favor planting of long cycle crops and availability of pasture and

    drinking water.

    Conclusion & Recommendation

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