agilent 1100 series uv-visible detectors...

Highly sensitive UV-visible detection at a wide range of needs Agilent 1100 Series UV-visible Detectors

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Highly sensitive UV-visible detectionat a wide range of needs

Agilent 1100 Series UV-visible Detectors

A choice of three detectors with high sensitivity ...

Whether you want a standalone UV-visible detector

that extends your analytical range or an automated

HPLC system with UV-visible detection for maximum

productivity, Agilent’s 1100 Series high performance

liquid chromatography (HPLC) system offers the

UV-detector that best suits your needs.

The Agilent 1100 Seriesvariable wavelengthdetector

lowers your detectionlimits with a simplifieddesign optimized forhigh sensitivity and lowbaseline drift.

The Agilent 1100 Seriesmultiwavelengthdetector

lets you detect up tofive different wave-lengths simultaneouslywithout sacrificingsensitivity.

The Agilent 1100 Seriesdiode array detector

gives you the full powerof multiwavelengthdetection and spectralinformation with thehighest resolution andsensitivity.

... that increase laboratory productivity

Configure your own Agilent 1100 Series

HPLC system from individual modules that

fit together to form an integrated system.

All detectors are designed to achieve high

sensitivity and outstanding productivity:

State-of-the-art optics.

These optics give high signal level, lowbaseline noise, low drift and minimumrefractive-index effects. A range of flowcells allows you to adapt to changingapplication needs such as columndiameter.

Convenient instrument control.

The Agilent 1100 Series handheld controlmodule offers intuitive, single-point instru-ment control and signal display in the palmof your hand. Or use the multitechniqueAgilent ChemStation for instrument controland convenient data evaluation, storageand retrieval.

Built-in GLP/GMP compliance.

Such features as automated wavelengthverification and built-in tracking of systemperformance and maintenance automati-cally document GLP compliance.

Early maintenance feedback (EMF).

Timely maintenance warnings at your ownpredefined limits help you keep yoursystem operating at maximum productivityand lowest cost.

Simple and fast maintenance.

Front access to higher-maintenance partssuch as lamps and flow cell cartridgesminimizes instrument downtime. You canadapt your methods and instrumentationin seconds.

The Agilent 1100 Series VWD provides high sensitivity and

improves productivity in routine work. This detector offers:

• Minimum baseline noise for lowest detection limits.

• Highest baseline stability and a wide linear range for reliable


• Programmable wavelength switching for sensitivity and

selectivity optimized to each analyte’s elution.

• Stop-flow wavelength scanning for quick wavelength


You achieve high sensitivity and a stable baseline.

Reengineered optics give high signal level, lowbaseline noise, low drift and minimum refractiveindex effects.

Deuterium lamp


Cut-off filterHolmiumoxide filter



Flow cell

Sample diode

Reference diode


10 pg AnthraceneBaseline noise < 1*10-5 AU

0 1 2 3 4 5Time [min]









Mirror 1

Mirror 2

Agilent 1100 Series variable wavelength detector –for high sensitivity and stability

You can verify wavelengthaccuracy for GLP compliance

– automatically.

The Holmium oxide filter swingsinto the light path to verify that

your wavelength is indeed whatthe setpoint says.

This is the first dedicated multiwavelength detector that offers the same high

sensitivity for both single- and multiwavelength detection based on a diode

array design from 190 – 950 nm. A temperature management system make the

optical design now even more tolerant to ambient temperature changes.

• Accelerate your analytical observations by monitoring analytes

and impurities simultaneously.

• Acquire up to 5 signals at different wavelengths during a single analysis -

each optimized for a specific analyte and therefore highest sensitivity.

• Optimize selectivity and sensitivity with the programmable slit.

• Upgrade later to full spectral capability.

You can perform sensitivequantitation of active compoundsand impurities in a single runwithout wavelength switching.


Tungsten lamp

Deuterium lamp


Holmiumoxide filter

Standardflow cell

Programmable slit

190 nm

950 nm

Time [min]2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18









254 nm

370 nm

204 nm




Active compoundsGinko Biloba extract

The longlife(> 2000 hours)

deuterium lampsaves operating

costs !

Agilent 1100 Series multiwavelength detector–for more information and flexibility without any loss in sensitivity

The Agilent 1100 Series diode-array detector is designed for highest optical

performance and reliability, more than 10,000 users have decided on a detector that

offers an astonishing set of features.

• Expand your detection range with the deuterium and tungsten lamps, offering

190 to 950 nm with highest intensity and lowest detection limit.

• Use the power of 1024 diodes and the 1-nm slit for high spectral resolution.

• Optimize sensitivity, linearity and spectral resolution rapidly with the programmable

slit (1 to 16 nm). A motor allows you to program the slit as part of your method for

optimum incident light conditions. There is no need for separate documentation.

• Verify separation quality with peak purity, multiple signal and spectral libraries—

interactively or automatically in the same run as your analytical quantification.

• Use a reference wavelength to eliminate background interferences.

Agilent 1100 Series diode array detector–for complete confidence from spectral data

Do capillary HPLC with the500-nanoliter flow cell to improvedetection limits 50 to 100-foldcompared to standard-bore HPLC

Twin lamps design lets youovercome the sensitivity limitsof conventional detectors in thevisible range.

Independent control of lampsensures maximum lifetime.

Time [min]20 30 40 50 60 70








600 Sample: 10 pmol of tryptic digest of horseskeletal muscle myoglobin

Column: 300 µm id, 25 cm length,ZORBAX 300SB-C18, 5 µm

Flow rate: 5.5 µl/minSolvent: A: 0.05 % TFA in water

B: 0.045 % TFA in acetonitrileGradient: 1 – 61 % B in 120 minutes

Typical peak width

0.025 min

0.05 min

0.1 min

0.2 min

Typical column length

T <= 5 cm

10 cm

20 cm

>= 40 cm

Recommended flow cell

Typical flow rate 0.01 – 0.2 ml/min 0.2 – 0.4 ml/min 0.4 – 0.4 ml/min 1– 2 ml/min 0.01 – 5 ml/min

High-pressureflow cell

For pressures above 100 bar

Internal column diameter 0.3 – 1 mm 2.1 mm 3.0 mm 4.6 mm

500 nl flow cell

Semi-microflow cell

Standard flow cell

The 500 nanoliterflow cell assuresminimized dispersionthrough its optimizedgeometry

Quantitative and qualitative information intrace analysis.

The optics are designed to provide highestsignal-to-noise ratios and a large dynamicrange. Together with sophisticated spectralsearch and compare algorithms, match factorsare excellent—even for trace-level spectrawith less than 1 mAUFS.

You can focus on fine bands withthe narrow slit setting.

Spectral resolution depends on slitwidth, here just 1 nm. At this settingthe fine structure of benzene can berevealed—even at 0.7 mAUFS.

240 320260 280 300 340 360 380

Wavelength [nm]

Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneStandard, 725 mAUFS

DAD 1, 21.801Sample, 1.1 mAUFS

Match factor: 988


1 nm slit


1 nm

2 nm

4 nm

8 nm

0.7 mAU

230 240 250 260 270 280 nm

A temperaturemanagement system

makes the proven optical designnow even more tolerantto ambient temperatures


Built-in tools that makeyour work easier and faster

Setting up the analytical method

System features such as an intuitivegraphical user interface, context-sensitivehelp and an online tutorial save operatortraining time. You can use the AgilentChemStation’s color-coded system displayor the cue card-like screens of thehandheld control module to enter alldetector parameters easily. You can storemethod information on a PC card in thehandheld controller or on the computer’shard disk for GLP compliance. Thisincludes all instrument parameters, evenslit settings.

Validating the HPLC detector

Built-in automated tools for installationand performance verification prove thesuitability of the complete Agilent 1100Series HPLC system or the standalonedetector. This makes it easy to complywith regulatory and quality standards thatrequire routine verification of wavelengthaccuracy for UV-visible detectors. Resultscan be stored on a disk for easy review.A qualification workbook and standardoperating procedures for such activitiesas wavelength verification are available.

1. 2.

Reviewing results immediately

You can monitor separation progressonline with the handheld control moduleor the Agilent ChemStation. Moreover, theAgilent ChemStation lets you view onlineplots of multiple signals and spectral dataor take snapshots for evaluation while therun is underway.

Combine the ChemStation with Agilent'sSecurity Pack and you get FDA 21 CFRPart 11 compliance for electronicsignatures and records.

Automating quality assurance

You can preset chromatographic qualitycontrol criteria for automated qualityassurance. If the system does not passyour preset criteria, the built-in systemsuitability software alerts you and can stopthe system before more time and samplesare wasted. You can alsodefine a lamp burn-timelimit to prevent qualitycontrol failures.


5.Saving costs of ownership

Time-programming, early maintenancefeedback (EMF) and diagnostic softwarehelp to prevent costly instrument down-time. You can preserve the lamp for alonger productive life with automaticshutdown after analysis, or use clocktimeprogramming to switch on the lamp andeliminate waiting periods at the start of theday. Pre-aligned for fast, error-freeexchange, the lamp is easy to install fromthe front.

The built-in diagnostic software lets youidentify sources of chromatographicproblems, such as a contaminated flowcell or failing lamp.


Spectral landscapes that enable faster sample characterization–routinely

The Agilent 1100 Series industry-standard

diode array detector has made its way

into routine laboratories because of its

sensitivity, ease of use and automated

features for spectral analysis. Now you

can quantify and confirm the identity of

analytes at the lowest trace-level amounts

in a single analysis.

A bird’s eye view speeds up wavelength optimizationand extraction of additional signals.

You can view the data from above and follow thecontours of an analyte’s isoabsorbance plot. Slidingthe cursor through the spectral landscape lets youfind the best signal response.

With the Agilent 1100 Series diode arraydetector:• A single method encompasses both

quantitative and spectral routines forpeak purity and peak confirmation.

• A variety of automatic spectralacquisition modes (all-spectra-in-run,peak-controlled, slopes and apex) areoptimized for minimum file size. Collectonly the wavelength range you wantand it prevents your PC’s hard diskfrom overflowing during unattendedoperation, even in high-throughputapplications.

• Spectral libraries and sophisticatedsearch routines support interactive orautomatic compound confirmation.

• Impurity detection routines, such aspeak purity algorithms, are advancedenough to detect irregularities at thefront and tail of a peak—interactively orautomatically, in research and qualitycontrol.

• Report templates let you present signaland spectral data tailored to corporate,regulatory or client standards, automati-cally.

Additional signals can be extractedand added to the existing method forquantitative data analysis.

An interactive online Show-me tutorialdemonstrates step-by-step the simple routeto peak purity.

You can take the simple route, or explore thedepths with spectra similarity routines.The Agilent 1100 Series diode array detectorcombined with the Agilent ChemStation canreveal impurities as small as 0.1 percent—evenwhen coeluting at the beginning or end of anotherwise well-resolved peak.

You can create your own library ofspectral standards and rapidly map anunknown compound’s spectrum.

The Agilent ChemStation lets you screenunknowns automatically. Interactively orunattended.

Various tools give you fast setup.

The Agilent ChemStation’s graphical userinterface makes it fast and simple to set upand run standards and store method-specificspectra together with search criteria. OnlineShow-me tutorials can greatly reduceoperator training time.

Combining search criteria enhances certainty.

Applying reference spectra, averaged referencespectra, retention time windows, smooth factorsand absorbance thresholds refines your searchprocedure, for the best match.

Copyright © 2001 Agilent Technologies

The information in this publication is subject tochange without notice.

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation ortranslation without prior written permission isprohibited, except as allowed under the copyrightlaws.

Printed in Germany, October 1, 2001Publication Number 5980-1532E

SpecificationsAgilent 1100 Series UV-visible Detectors

Detector type:

Light source:

Short-term noise:*



Wavelength range:

Wavelength accuracy:

Slit width:

Diode width:

Wavelength bunching:

Flow cells: • Standard

• Semi-micro

• Micro

• Nano

� High pressure

Time programmable:

Spectral tools:

Analog output:


Variable wavelength detector

Double beam

Deuterium lamp

± 0.75 × 10-5AU at 254 nm

1 × 10-4 AU/h at 254 nm

> 2 AU upper limit

190 – 600 nm

±1 nm, self-calibration with deuteriumlines, verification with Holmium oxidefilter

6.5 nm typical

not applicable

not applicable

14 µl, volume, 10 mm cell path length40 bar (588 psi) pressure maximum5 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length40 bar (588 psi) pressure maximum1 µl, volume, 5 mm cell path length40 bar (588 psi) pressure maximumThird party, contact Agilent for details

14 µl, volume, 10 mm cell path length400 bar (5880 psi) pressure maximum

Wavelength, polarity, peak width,lamp on/off

Stop-flow wavelength scan

Recorder/Integrator 100 mV or 1 V,1 output

Optional cuvette holder

Multiwavelength detector Diode array detector

1024-element diode array 1024-element diode array

Deuterium and tungsten lamp Deuterium and tungsten lamp

±1.0 x 10-5 AU at 254 nm and at 750 nm ±1.0 × 10-5 AU at 254 nm and at 750 nm

2 x 10-3 AU/h at 254 nm 2 × 10-3 AU/h at 254 nm

> 2 AU upper limit > 2 AU upper limit

190 – 950 nm 190 – 950 nm

±1 nm, self-calibration with deuterium lines, ±1 nm, self-calibration with deuterium lines,verification with Holmium oxide filter verification with Holmium oxide filter

Programmable: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 nm Programmable: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 nm

< 1 nm < 1 nm

Programmable: 2 to 400 nm, in steps of 1nm Programmable: 2 to 400 nm, in steps of 1nm

13 µl, volume, 10 mm cell path length 13 µl, volume, 10 mm cell path length120 bar (1760 psi) pressure maximum 120 bar (1760 psi) pressure maximum5 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length 5 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length120 bar (1760 psi) pressure maximum 120 bar (1760 psi) pressure maximum1.7 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length 1.7 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length400 bar (5880 psi) pressure maximum 400 bar (5880 psi) pressure maximum500 nanoliter, volume, 10 mm cell path length 500 nanoliter, volume, 10 mm cell path length40 bar (588 psi) pressure maximum 40 bar (588 psi) pressure maximum1.7 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length 1.7 µl, volume, 6 mm cell path length400 bar (5880 psi) pressure maximum 400 bar (5880 psi) pressure maximum

Wavelength, polarity, peak width, Wavelength, polarity, peak width, lamp on/offlamp on/off bandwidth, autobalance bandwidth, autobalance

WL range, threshold, spectra storage mode

Stop-flow wavelength scan Data analysis software for spectra evaluation,including spectral libraries and peak purityfunctions

Recorder/Integrator 100 mV or 1 V, 2 outputs Recorder/Integrator 100 mV or 1 V, 2 outputs

Specifications common to all detectors

Control: Parameter entry, multi-signal display, online help and diagnostics on the Agilent 1100Series control module, optional PC (PCMCIA) card for method, sequence and logbookstorage. Agilent ChemStation for HPLC as computer platform for control and dataevaluation.

Communications: Controller-area network (CAN), HP-IB, RS-232C, APG.Remote outputs: ready signal. In- and outputs: start, stop and shutdown signals

Safety and Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display (through control module andmaintenance: Agilent ChemStation), leak detection, safe leak handling, leak output signal for

shutdown of pumping system. Low voltages in major maintenance areas.GLP features: Early maintenance feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of instrument usage in

terms of lamp burn time with user-settable limits and feedback messages. Electronicrecords of maintenance and errors. Verification of wavelength accuracy with built-inHolmium oxide filter.

Housing: All materials recyclableEnvironment: 0 to 55 °C constant temperature at < 95 % humidity (non-condensing)Dimensions: (h × w × d) =140 mm × 345 mm × 435 mm, (5.5 × 13.5 × 17 inches)Weight: 11.5 kg (25.5 lbs)

*According to ASTM E1657-96