agenda and minutes of the meeting

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  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Agenda and Minutes of the meeting

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting



    Three phases:

    A) The Preparatory Phase

    B)The conduct Phase

    C)The Follow-up Phase

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Purpose of the Meeting

    Meeting Can be held for various purposes:

    Reviewing the state of progress of aproject/activity

    Sharing of information

    Issues on which decision have to be taken

    It should be clear

    Periodical meetings-review meetings-fixedagenda

    Specific action meetings

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Cycle of a meeting

    Agenda drafted



    briefing meeting

    The RoutineAdministration

    Draft MinutesTyped

    MinutesAmended bychairperson

    MinutesApproved &Dispatched

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    The participants

    To lead( the chairperson)

    To support(secretary)

    To contribute

    To observe

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    The chairperson

    Before the meeting:

    Decides the need of meeting, identifies the

    partcipants,approves the agenda, briefs the

    minute taker

    During the meeting:

    Introduce newcomers & visitors, informs the

    delegates of the agreed points, control the

    agenda,controle participation After the meeting:

    Approve the minutes within 3 days of meeting,

    collect & assess any feedback,support

    participants with their action points

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    The minute-taker Before the meeting:Set up for meeting

    Ensures that everyone knows where & when to attend

    Prepare a detailed agend

    Ensures distribution of information During the meeting:

    Take the minutes

    After the meeting:

    Approach the chairperson or participants to clarify any

    misunderstandings Prepare the minutes within 2 days

    Ensures the minutes are approved and dispatched

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    After the meeting:

    Complete action points within deadlines agreed

    Read & respond to minutes

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting



    Before the meeting:

    Request a meeting if necessary

    Respond quickly to the invitation of meeting

    Send item of the agenda in good time

    Read the agenda & accompanying papers

    Ensure the previous actions are complete

    During meeting: arrive on time:

    Contribute appropriatelyShow common courtesy

    Note personal action points

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting



    Function- to ensure group decision processsmooth, goal oriented.

    Features: agenda should outline specific items to

    be discussed

    Name of the person responsible for addressing

    the issue.

    Time allocated to each topic

    Any preparation required Draft agenda well in advance n distribute among

    the members for a change in agenda at the

    Chairmans will.

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Thus a meeting agenda:

    Make sure all group members are informed andprepared for the meeting.

    Makes sure each item is raised by specific

    persons and to desired outcome

    Prevent waste of time during the meeting.

    It enables the participants prepared for the


    It channelizes the discussion in a plannedmanner

    It facilitates good time management

    It brings focus in all discussions

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting



    Comprises of items to be discussed in themeeting.

    One should group the items department wise

    within each department list all the points with

    subject wise/individual concerned

    These groups can be arranged in a logical

    order/degree of importance

    Each item group is numbered

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Order of the items :

    Members determine the record(minutes) of thelast meeting is accurate and pass it

    Items for review

    Items requiring decision

    Items meant for sharing information


  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Conduct Phase of a Meeting

    Each meeting must have an agenda

    Each participant must be given adequate time to


    Time management: each item/group must be

    allotted some time for discussion.

    Handling of awkward situation

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting



    Minutes are a record of discussion,secretory of the

    meeting records minutes

    Who participated in the decision making , what

    were the decision taken and who is responsible

    for implementing them

    Two parts: Discussion


  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Minute shows :

    Secretary of the meeting

    The detail of the person who initiated the


    Participation who took part in discussion

    A record of the decision arrived at

    A record of the direction/instruction passed by the


    The detail of the person/department who shouldtake action

    If the exact words of importance they arte

    recorded as such otherwise only gist to be


  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Some of the expressions used

    Mr., ABC briefed all present..

    Mr.XYZ was of the View

    Mr. . BCD suggested

    Mr.KLM Presented. The Chairman expressed Concern over.

    The Chairperson appreciated

    It was Resolved

    The Chairman Instructed/directed/Suggested

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    The first minute would be the Chairmanwelcomed all. .The Chairman Called the

    meeting to order..

    The Title Minute "the name of company/group

    date, time, venue of the meeting at the top.

    Who attended the meeting, headed by.. And

    who were absent and on Leave with prior


    The order of the minute ideally should be similar

    to Agenda

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    When you want to make a motion ,attract theChairs attention by raising hand.

    If the Chair decides a discussion ensues, after

    enough discussion you can say that I move that

    we table the motion if this seconded, the chair willcall for the immediate vote.

    If you want any clarification ask Chairs attention

    and say I rise for Information or point of


  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting


    Follow- Up phase Circulation of minutes: within 3 days be

    circulated to all the members. Comments are

    asked, if received they are examined and

    amendments are made. Give the specific timing.

  • 7/30/2019 Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting
