ageing plan in france

18 Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, et de l'Énergie Ageing plan in France Programme for the prevention of accidents related to the ageing of installations

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Programme for the prevention of accidents related to the ageing of installations. Ageing plan in France. Definition of ageing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, et de l'Énergie

Ageing plan in France

Programme for the prevention of accidents related to the ageing of installations

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Ageing is the accumulation of changes an equipment is subject to. These changes can be the effect of time only, or can be related to the equipment’s operating conditions.

Ageing monitoring, for an industrial equipement, involves early detection of ageing evidence and effective control of the actions taken to deal with ageing.

Definition of ageing

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Aims of the programme

Obligations for operators

Implementation of the programme

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Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, et de l'Énergie

Aims of the programme

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Lessons learnt from accidents

Ambès accident (11 Jan. 2007)

Crude oil tank rupture in a petroleum storage plant

Pollution of the Garonne river

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Lessons learnt from accidents

Donges accident (16 Mar. 2008)

Pipe leak in an oil refinery

Pollution of the Loire river

Total cost of repairs and de-pollution operations = 50 M€

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Lessons learnt from accidents

Plaine de la Crau accident (7 Aug. 2009)

Oil transportation pipe leak

Pollution in a nature reserve in the Camargue region

And also : some near accidents and several alarming inspection results

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A collectively defined programme

First talks between the French administration, industry representatives and experts in 2009

Programme publicly announced by the French government in January 2010

Involves 38 measures in 6 separate fields

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Main objectives

1. Identification of the most critical equipments in terms of technological risk and environmental risk

2. Implementation of a monitoring with periodical inspections, adapted to the equipment type and operating conditions

Possible use of technical guides

Outcome : updated regulations

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Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, et de l'Énergie

Obligations for operators

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Concerned equipments types

Seveso operators required to identify potential sources of major accident or environmental pollution in case of rupture or breach, among :

Flammable or toxic liquid storages

On-site pipes connected to these storages

Fundament of storages and pipe rack support (civil engineering)

Transportation pipes

Pressurized equipments

Safety instrumentation

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For each piece of equipment :

Initial state assessment obligation

Monitoring procedures to be implemented

Post-inspection results and corrective actions

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Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, et de l'Énergie

Implementation of the programme

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Technical guides

Methodology defined in technical guides

Guides written by industry experts between 2010 and 2012

Officially recognized by the French administration

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Due dates

Initial state assessments and definition of monitoring plans (at equipment and site levels) required by end of :

2011 for the earliest deadlines

2014 for the latest

Monitoring plans define actions beyond 2014 Example for storage tanks :

Routine inspection every year Detailled inspection every 5 years Detailled internal inspection during operation stop every

10 years Repairs and corrective actions when needed

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200 controls per year in 2011, 2012 by Seveso inspectors to check operators awareness of the ageing programme

Mainly on Seveso sites

No sanctions (pedagogy)

Teaching all actors about the programme (eg. presentations)

200 controls per year planned between 2013 and 2017 to check fulfillment of obligations

Non-Seveso sites also targeted

Sanctions to be applied if obligations not fulfilled by operators

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Programme elaboration

Unique technical cooperation within working groups First large-scale programme relying on technical guides from the industry

First analysis (2011 2013)

Operators Huge workload required to identify all equipments in scope SMEs often need to externalize monitoring because of tasks

complexity Inspectors

Huge workload required to identify all plants targeted by the programme (especially for non-Seveso sites)

Technical training sometimes needed to check enforcement of the methodology described in guides

Positive overall feedback : new programmes relying on technical guides being launched in other fields

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Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, et de l'Énergie

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