aeg contract

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  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract



    concerts west


    A 0 MP Iv

    4.2 Advances of Contingent mpenspoh,V 4.2.1 Initial Artist Adance. Conditioned lipon the execu tion and delive ry of V

    the inducehient letter attached hereto:s. Exhibit 8, the promissory note attached hereto as EXhIbIt C(Which prom issory note shall no t be secured by any prope rty belonging to ArIst, bu t shall be secured byproperty owned by Artistc o), by Artistco and Artist, Promoter shall loan Artist and Artstco the sum ofV ) (the Initial ArtiS t Advance) as an advance again stArtlstcos future entitlmet to contingent Compensation. Such payment: shall be V. VVV - (45b - ;.o f the . - - - V conditions by wire V - -

    AEG Llv, 51V5.dVW iI shlra Blvd. Su.Ll.58ILs An301 ,.all[.ihia 80.038V VV


    LBIBPhOe: 323930.5T00 raxVV3.

    Idelivery of the indjcement letter -- onitired upon the execution andas-Exhibit C. Promotershall-jav

    4.2.3I: :

    Lette r of Credit/R esidence Purchase.V V

    V (a).V

    V Lette r of Credit. Conditioned p0 the issuanc e of cancellationinsurane ih accordance with Pargrp 13;1 below , P _ . r of credit in favor of Artistco in the amoV - V 4 - V

  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


    concerts westV 4

    forth in Paragraph 4.2.3(.b)(Vil) have been satisfied n (b) seven (7 bus iness days efore the scheduledV

    V V Closing ; V V V V V V . V V


    VV (vii) V , For the avO idance of doubt, Artistco sha ll be entitled tocon tinue to rece ive the In terim Ar tist Advances under Pa h 4 i) above until such time as th6sumofthe-I. VV






    VVV (vi) V In the .evnt Prcmoter paysthe AdvanEeV(anJ it is not returned to Promoter in accrdnce with Paragraph 4.2.3(iv) above, Art ist and Promo terVsh&l eXecute an amendment tO the Letter, of Credit reducing the principal amount ofVthe Letter of Cieditby the amount of the dvance paid by Promoter. V




    VV V


    4 2 4 AdditIonal Artist Advances From time to time, upon the execution of amutually approved promissory note by Artist and Artistco in a form Subs tantially sirn ifar to Exhibit,C (withappiOi late modifications to reflect the actual amount of loan), Promoter may, in its sole discretion, pay

    V VArtistCo additional advances against Artistcos future entitlement to Con tingen t Compensation (each, anAdditional Artist Advance, and collectively, Additional Artist Mvances). (The Initia l Artist Advance,Vthe Interim Artist Advances , the, , Advance , the Advances and each AdditionalAr tist Advance shall b individually as an Artist Advance and collectively referred to as,Artist Advances)

    V V 5 V VAEa [lye 51.50 ,W lIshl,rIvd. Suite 501 Lvs. AneiVes, 0eII1arn.laD036

    V trlepane: 3,23,.8S0.5-700 ax 323,930,5199

  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


    (. (

    concerts west6 4 BroadcastLRecordinc i Oppor tun ities Artist shall reasonably participate in alt mutuallyapproved broadcast and reco rda tion opportu ni ties re any Shows;6.5 pisorshJp Agreements. Artistco shall reasonably cOoperate with Prrnoterto avoidpo tential conflicts with Promoters solicitation of po ten tial mutua lly-app roved sponsors and to condudeSponsorsh ip Agreements Ofl mutually-approved terms. Artist shall easonabIy par ticip ate in fulfillmentrequirements QfV Sponsorsh i5 Agreements (e.g., attend meet and greets, prmit reasonable spbnorship

    V V signage); .V

    VV V.


    6.6 Maximize Net Pool Revenue. Artist and Artistco sha ll use commerciaIly rea sona ble effortstO maximize Net Pool Revenue and to minimize ProdudionCosts throughout the Terr; V



    :6.7V Inducement Lette r. V Vftg shallexecute and deliver the inducementletter ttachedas VEVxhibitB; VV







    VV : V

    V 68 V VVVManaement, Agency and Legal Costs . . With the exception of the mon thly fee owing

    under the terms of a separate agreement with V V.which shall be included in Produdion. Costs, Artistco. shall be .solelyrespons ible for and Shall, pay allcost associated with management and ancy commissions or fees andV legal fees of Artist and/or Artistco, if any; V V - V V

    V V V 6.9 Delivery of Poo i.V Rev en u to Prompter. ArtistcoVnd Artist shal! deliver any Pool RevenueV Vreceiv ed by them to Promoter for disbursement in accordance with this Agreemen t; , and V





    6.10 Positive Public Ima., Throughout the Term, Artist shall USe his best efforts to maintainVpo sitive public percept Ion of Artist, and Artist shall not condu ct himseif in a manne i that will negatively

    im pac t the reput ation of th e Artist or Promter. V VV V




    V 7 Ticketing Activiti es:V






    VV V

    7 1 Complimentary Tickets Except as othe rwise mutually approved , there shall be nocomplimentary tickets issued except for ten (10) complim entary tickets fo r Artis tcos use pe r Show, andcomplimentary tickets used for promotional purposes and to satisfy venue license agreements andSponsorship Agreements. VV



    V V V 72V, Ticket andVSecondary Ticket Sales . Promoter halI con trol ticket sales and e,condaryticke t activi ties , with inv entory for ticket auc tions and other secondary ticket prog rams in a first holdposition V VVV V


    V V VV

    V VV


    V ,

    VV V





    8. V Production ofthe ShowS V V VV



    V V


    - 8.1 Production Se rvi ces : V Pomoter shall provid e producer services In. connection with thedesign and production of the Show inc lud ing , without lim ita tion, workingclOsely with the Artist rega rdingcre ativ e aspe cts of th e de sign V of V the ShoW, managing the production in accordance with mutu ally-app roved paramete rs and a mutually-appr ove d prod uct ion budget, and enga ging th e services of third

    7 V VV

    V AEIIV liv a, 5750 WIlsklra Blvd,VDVi,te5Ul, VtO S Aniles, JaliiG rn ,ia 00036.tlephoe: 3V2.V,9aP.570o fV 323930 V579

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    coflcerts west




    Th e parties will Work together t prepare a

    8AE.L.lvR, 5750 W iishr.r:B Iy.SuJlg 501, to s Angeles Calliorn Ia 90036

    party vendors to assist in the production of the Show.niutually-approved tour rider for the Shows.

    8,3. pmdi.r r c Fee. ArtlSt shall bayamount equal tothe Producers. Fe from amount ayabIe to Aftistco heieunder.-- n__

    Promter a oroducers fee (Producers Fee). In aoPromoter shall be entitled to deduct

    I.10 Accountinas IShow Settlement JAudit

    10.1 Show Settlements. Artistco, shall have the right to have a represntativeparticipte in llshow settlements. Promoter shal[ provide Artistcb with a written settlement far each Show, which shallcontain the itemized calculation f Pool Revenue and Pool Expenses far each Show.V

    LaUphana 32a.930.5 70 lax 323.930.5795

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  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract


  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract



    concerts vst. ANiC3. M P A N V

    16.1 tntegrated Acireement. This Agreement, With its Exhibits, i Intended by the pa rties to bethe, complete and final exp ression of their agreement, and is speclflcally Intended to be an Integrate dcontract with respect to the matters affected herein Each pa rty agrees that any prior negotiations,statements, representations or agreements with reSpect to the subject matter hereini :a i merged in andsuperseded by this Agreement, and that such part.has no t rel ied on any representation or promise, oralor othe rwise, which is not set forth in this Agreement . This Agreem ent may notbe modified or arneiidedexcept by a writing signed by the party to be bound;:16.2 Confidentiality. All of the rnateiil supplied to each of the par ties .by the. other which is ofa confidential nature shall be the sole and excluive prope rty of the party producing such.material, andeach of the parties shall keep the materia l confidential and refrain from disc los ing such material to anythwd party (except for the , pWes respediverepresntatives who agree to honor suc.contidentiality)without the expi ess wi itten consent of the other par ty The mateiial tei ms of this Agieernent shall be

    kept.confidentia l except to the extent enforce the terms hereof or as required to complywith the laW (such as for example, pursuant to a. cOurt Order , or whe re a party mus t disclose suchinformation to a tax advisor or accountant for purposes of preparing tx returns or financial statements)1 3 Secu rity To secure the faithful performance of Artistco of Artistcos and Artastsob liga tions under this Agreement (inc lud ihg to repay the Advances), Artistc. hereby grants Promoter alien in all of Artistcos right, tit le and In terest in, tb and: under the followihg propertie s, as sets and rIghts,wherever loc ated , whe ther now owned orhereaftr acqulred.or arising, and all

    Sj -4 4-,..

    B al lf a rn la 90.036fax 323 .9 30.5 1,99

    15 2 Arti stco and Artist shall defend , indemnify and hold Promoter and its respective affiliates,employees , ae n ts and representatives (the PrOmOtei-Related_I es hless fn -P ms a -4- - - (a) I=I

    16. Miscellaneous

    Promoter in its ee Drts to perfect such security interest.1:6.4.: Conditions to. Advances.

    -- ..._.._._I L.-.

    .1J y cooperate v...h164 1 Notwhstanding any other p ro vIo of thAgrE

    E0 LIve, 5150 W Ilshire 3lv.SulIa 501, Los A n e le s ,fa le p h a n e 3.23,.93057DU

  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract



    16 5 greement Not Assignable Except as otherw ise provided in this Agreement, no partyhereto rnay.assJgn its rights or obliga tiohsunde rthis Agreementto any other person or entit. without theprior written consent of the other party; provided, however, Proff(oter shall be entitled to assign its rightsand .obllgafions under this Agreem en t tan affiliate for purpo ses of promoting Shows ou tside the UnitedStates, if any, provided that Promoter shall remain principally respons ible for all of its obliga tions16 6 Sevei ab le If any piovision of this Agreemen t oi the application thereof is he ld invalid,the Invalidity sha ll not affe ct other provisions or applications of this Agreemen t; provided that.:thematerial terms of this Agreement can be given their inten ded effect without the invalid provis ion s, and tothis extent the provisions of this Agreement are dedared to be severable16 7 Govern ing Law /Forum This Agreement, and the parties conduct ar ising out of orrelated to it, shall be governed by California law, without regard to its choice of law rules Any dispu tearIsing out of V or related to this Areement must be brought in federal.or state court in. Los Angeles VCounty, and the parties hereby consent to the exclUsive jur isdiction and venue of such forum


    V 16 ,8 No tices. All . no tices, approvals , arid consents required or perm itted to be givenhereunder, or which are given with respect to this Agreement, shall be in writing, and shall be deemedV duly given or made (i) upon delivery or refusal of such delivery Of such notice by a recognized courier(which shall be deemed to be given upon delivery if de livered on a bus ine ss day, or the nextbusiness day if delivered VOfl a holiday or weekend); (ii) upon personal delive ry (which shall be deemed to

    V have been given upon delive ry) (which shall be. deemed to be given upon delivery if de livered onaV

    VV business day, or the next busin ess day if delivered on a holiday or weekend); or (iii) upon delivery by.fax Vmachine capable of confirming receipt (which shall be deemed to be given upon delive ry if delive red on abUsiness day , or the next bus iness dy if delivered on a h liday or weekend),.and in each case addressedV

    V as fOllows (or at.Such other address forVa party as shall be spedfled in a VVnotice so given) : V V

    Live , 51D WllshlrB VV 12 VVV. V V V V V V V V VBlvd. Suite 5Ol:Los AeeI.a s VGaljVforn la 9fl6

    V lAVlehOne.V 323 935 5100 f 3239305199

    concerts Vt 4VV . AM. OVOMJAVJf

  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract



    concerts west VV

    To AftistoVand Artist; The Mich ael Jackson Company, LLC V1875 Century Pa rk East, Su ite 600

    Los Angeles, CA90067 VAttn: Dr. Tohme Tohme V V

    V VTel: (310) 2843144. V VV

    V V

    V V V

    VV Fax: (310) 284-3145 V V VV

    With a simultaneous copy to: V V V VV


    br. Tbhme Tohme .V



    V V





    V 1875 etury Pa rk Ease, Suite 600 V V V VV

    V V V ( Anele 90067 V V V V V VV

    V Tel: (310) 283144 V V VV V V V V VV Fax: V (3Vffl) 284-3145 V VV V VVV V V

    V Dennis 3. Hawk , q V VV V V VV

    V3100 Donald Doug las Lop N. V VSanta Monica, CA 9.0405.VV Tel: (310) 664 -8000 . V V V V V V



    VV Fa :.(3 10) 51O-769.. V


    To Promoter: AEG Live,LLC V V V V VV V VV


    V 5750 Wilshire Blvd. Su ite 501 VV

    V V



    V V


    V Los Angeles, CA 90036: V V V VVV V V


    VV Attn: V Generalunsel VVV V V


    V Tel: (323) V930_5700 V VV


    V V

    V Fax: V (323) 930-5785 VV


    With a simultaneOus copy to: V V VV V

    V V Luce Forward Hamilton & Scripps LLP V VV

    V 601 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 3900 VV

    V V

    V Los Angeles, CA 90017 VV



    V V V





    Attn : VKathyA Jorrie V V V V V V V VV VV: Phone: (213) 892-4947 : V VV Fax:(213) 452-8024 VV V V

    16,9 counterpart/Fax Signatures. V This Agreement mayV

    be executed in ahy number of VcOunterparts each of which Shall be deemed an orlinaI, and &sthile copies or photocopies of Vsignatures shall be as valid as originals




    V 13V

    V V

    VAEB Live 5750 Wilshire Blvd.VSU il& 501 VLUSAflEelBS. Galitsrn.ia 90038V


    V tlVopha8; V23.3D.57fl0 lsx 3239305799

  • 8/4/2019 AEG Contract



    14AEa Live, 5750 WIlsh ire guile 501, Los, Oa.IIforn la 10036t.eLephne: 3.2S930,57B0 fax 3239.0.7

    concerts:west. 4 0 M P A jiBy sign ing b&ow each party acknowledges its agreement to the forego ing and agrees to nego tiate thedefiitive agreement expeditiously and in good faith.

    Ver\l you rs,AEG
