advisory on sp trends 130609

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  • 8/13/2019 Advisory on SP Trends 130609


    P H I L I P P I N E A S S O C I AT I O N O F S P E E C H PAT H O L O G I S T S

    A ff i l i a t e S o c i e t y, I n t e r n a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f L o g o p e d i c s a n d P h o n i a t r i c s


    June 9, 2013

    The Philippine Association of Speech Pathologists (PASP) is a professional organizationdevoted to promote the practice of speech-language pathology, monitor and enhance the qualityof speech pathology services in the country, stimulate exchange and dissemination ofinformation relevant to speech pathology among persons and organizations.

    Different individuals, groups and insti tutions have been offering continuingeducation activities that target individuals and groups interested in knowing thelatest assessment, diagnostic, therapeutic, service delivery, communication programdevelopment trends related to the speech-language pathology profession. PASP encouragesthese activities that would promote competency and professional development resulting toprovision of quality services and programs for individuals with communication difficulties.

    To guide practitioners and the general public in choosing a forum/seminar/workshopthat would truly lead to the development of persons with communication disabilities and theirfamilies as well as professionals who have and would be working with speech-languagepathologists, PAS P is is sui ng thi s advi sor y.

    1. SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY CONTINUING EDUCATION ACTIVITIESWITHIN THE PHILIPPINES SHOULD BE ENDORSED BY PASP. Look for thePASP logo when deciding what seminars to go to. PASP is comprised of speech-language professionals who can certify which seminars are beneficial for interestedindividuals in learning more about communication disorders and workshops ortraining programs that would facilitate the development of skills necessary for

    implementing specialized speech and language techniques or utilizing specificequipment.

    ENSURE THAT THE SPEAKERS ARE RECOGNIZED EXPERTS AND MEMBERSOF THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPEECH-LANGUAGEPATHOLOGISTS. We would want to protect the human rights of persons withdisabilities, both local and international, by ensuring that knowledge disseminatedand skills taught would be coming from a speech-language professional who is at parwith the minimum local and international standard as decided upon by speech-language pathologist professional associations.

  • 8/13/2019 Advisory on SP Trends 130609


    As of the momennamely the UniveDoctors Universitdate, only the Uni

    However, some oour members brospeech therapistsprograms.

    Should there be fare recognized exlanguage associati

    We hope that this advisory

    promote the development ofproviding quality services and

    Should you have any querietrends, PASP is always reasecretariat through pasp_sec Thank you very much.

    Sincerely yours,


    t, we are only aware of 3 institutions offerrsity of the Philippines, University of Sanwho are employing faculty with speech p

    ersity of the Philippines have produced mor

    the parents and family members of persought to our attention that certain individual

    or speech pathologists who are not gr

    reign speech pathologist speakers, PASPerts in the field by coordinating with their pr


    will help you in deciding which seminars/

    the speech-language pathology professioprograms to persons with communication di

    about the speech-language pathology proy to assist individuals and [email protected]


    ing the said program,o Thomas and Cebuthology degrees. Tothan 400 graduates.

    s with disabilities andls claim that they areaduates of the three

    ould ensure that theyofessional speech and

    orkshops would truly

    that is committed tosorders and society.

    fession and the latestKindly contact PASP