advertising according to schizophrenic anteater

Advertising according to Edgar, the schizophrenic anteater.

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Advertising accordingto Edgar, the schizophrenic anteater.

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Lately Edgar, the schizophrenic anteater was having so many “good days” in a row that he lost his financial aid and had to find a job.

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He found a nice course in advertising, called - “10 days and you are the new Bernbach!”

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So they started:1. Think outside the box!

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Edgar, the schizophrenic anteater could not think out of the box, which was created by his mind.Actually, all the thoughts looked like nice boxes for him.

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2. Keep it simple

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It actually made sense. he didn't want to keep it in any fancy place.

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3. Gamification

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It was the hardest part as Edgar never had any real friends whom to play with. And all the imaginary friends where gone because of the “good days”

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4. User generated content

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Edgar loved this idea, as then he would not have to work. People had to do everything themselves.

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5. 360

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Edgar imagined that 360 communication is something like abig ball. Inside the ball is the ad and it goes all around in every possible way.

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6. Phygital

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That was simple. Something like aphoto booth.You go in, the digital camera takes a pictureand real pictures come out.

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7. Interaction

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People like to interact.Edgar could not believe it, asfor him it was called “bothering”.

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8. Digital is the new analogue

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Edgar tried to imagine, how his sickness wouldlook in the digital world.

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9. TV, newspapersare dying

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Edgar felt really sorry for them.Why did nobody take them to doctor?

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10. WOM

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Word of mouseIt was the strongest weapon in the advertising world.Only Edgar could not understand how you teach it to speak.

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So, after all of thoselectures they had to create an ad for whatever they wanted.

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Edgar, the schizophrenic anteater, combined all the things he liked in one ad. He created an ad for the mouse academy.

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After Edgar, the schizophrenic anteaterpresented his work, they took him straight away to a mental hospital and he got his financial aid back!

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Happy end.