adria airways in-flight magazine april, may 2011

Cleared For Take Off! Adria , dovoljenje imate za vzlet!

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Page 1: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

Cleared For Take Off!

Adria ,dovoljenje imate za vzlet!

Page 2: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

How we built bridges with butterflies.Impossible you might think, but not when you bring the right global organisations together. Irina Bokova is the Director-General of UNESCO, who met with the Star Alliance network representatives in 2001 to create the Biosphere Connections partnership. This environmental initiative linked UNESCO’s network of biosphere reserves with the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands to conserve some of the world’s most unique locations. Being the largest airline network, Star Alliance was the natural partner for this initiative as its members were able to donate flights to scientists, field workers and educators involved in projects all over the world.

The Amani Nature Reserve in Tanzania, where the Amani Butterfly project was created, was one such project. This small scheme encouraged local people to breed butterflies for exhibition around the world, helping them to earn an income from the forest far beyond their expectations, without exploiting its resources. It’s amazing how a few small butterflies have managed to build bridges between local people and their environment.

Watch this story and four others that were made in partnership with National Geographic at

Another great example of global collaboration.

How we built bridges with butterflies.Impossible you might think, but not when you bring the right global organisations together. Irina Bokova is the Director-General of UNESCO, who met with the Star Alliance network representatives in 2001 to create the Biosphere Connections partnership. This environmental initiative linked UNESCO’s network of biosphere reserves with the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands to conserve some of the world’s most unique locations. Being the largest airline network, Star Alliance was the natural partner for this initiative as its members were able to donate flights to scientists, field workers and educators involved in projects all over the world.

The Amani Nature Reserve in Tanzania, where the Amani Butterfly project was created, was one such project. This small scheme encouraged local people to breed butterflies for exhibition around the world, helping them to earn an income from the forest far beyond their expectations, without exploiting its resources. It’s amazing how a few small butterflies have managed to build bridges between local people and their environment.

Watch this story and four others that were made in partnership with National Geographic at

Another great example of global collaboration.

Page 3: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

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{ Pismo }


Spoštovane potnice in potniki!Dobrodošli na našem letalu; veseli smo, da ste za svoje potovanje izbrali Adrio Airways!

Letošnje leto je za Adrio prav posebno, saj mineva 50 let,odkar je bilo davnega marca 1961 ustanovljeno podjete Adria Aviopromet. Od časov, ko so bili prvi poleti opravljeni z najetimi posadkami in rabljenimi letali, je Adria prehodila dolgo pot. Znala se je prilagajati vedno novim razmeram in z znanjem ter vztrajnostjo ostala pomemben igralec na trgu jugovzhodne Evrope.

Adria je danes ob svoji ‘polstoletnici’ ugleden letalski prevoznik. K temu smo pripomogli vsi, ki Adrio oblikujemo in sooblikujemo. Smo tisti, ki se vsakodnevno trudimo doseči zastavljene cilje in s svojim predanim, visoko motiviranim delom dosegamo visoko raven Adrijinih storitev. Pri tem gredo zasluge vsem našim pilotom skupaj z Letalsko šolo Adrie, kabinskemu osebju, sodelavcem, ki skrbijo za nemoteno letalsko in zemeljsko operativo, komercialnim službam, ki ugotavljajo in uresničujejo potrebe naših kupcev, družbi vzdrževanja letal Adria Airways Tehnika, ki konstantno zagotavlja visok nivo varnosti, ter vsem drugim zaposlenim v družbi. Z vsakim novim vzletom se vsi zaposleni trudimo stopati v korak ne le s tehnološkim napredkom, temveč tudi s potrebami in željami naših potnikov. Veseli smo odzivov na naše delo, ki jih dobimo od potnikov in poslovnih partnerjev, saj nam dajejo s tem priložnost, da postajamo še boljši.

Dragi potniki, naj vas še opozoriva, da smo kot večina letalskih prevoznikov konec marca prešli na poletni vozni red. Naši široko razvejani mreži rednih poletov iz Ljubljane na 28 destinacij smo dodali še nove redne povezave iz Prištine. Poleg že obstoječih v Duesseldorf, Frankfurt in Muenchen bo Prišina poleti z direktnimi leti povezana še s Parizom, Kopenhagnom in Brusljem.

V tej poletni sezoni vam nudimo tudi široko izbiro zanimivih počitniških ciljev. Z letali Adrie boste varno, hitro in udobno prispeli do evropskih mest in do mnogih turističnih krajev v Sredozemlju, kjer vas čaka obilo prijetnih doživetij. Vrsto ugodnih ponudb, ki jih pripravljamo za vas, si lahko ogledate na naših spletnih straneh

Hvala vam za zaupanje. Želiva vam udoben let in prijetno počutje med nami!

Robert Vuga, Klemen Boštjančič,izvršni direktor glavni izvršni direktor

Dear Passengers,Welcome aboard our aircraft; we are delighted you chose Adria Airways for your trip!

This year is a very special one for Adria, since it marks 50 years since the founding of the company Adria Aviopromet way back in March 1961. Since those days, when the first flights were operated with hired crews and used aircraft, Adria has come a very long way. It has been able to adapt to continually new conditions, and through knowledge and persistence it has stayed an important player in the market of south-eastern Europe.

Today, at its “half-century”, Adria is an airline of high standing. This has been made possible by everyone that makes up and shapes Adria. These are the people who strive every day to achieve our targets, and whose dedicated and highly motivated work ensures the high level of Adria services. Here, credit goes to all our pilots, together with the Adria Flight

School, cabin crews, staff work-ing to ensure smooth flight and ground operations, the commercial services that identify and fulfil the needs of our customers, the air-craft-maintenance operation Adria Airways Tehnika, which constantly ensures a high level of safety, and all the other employees in the com-pany. With every take-off, all our employees are working to be in step not just with technological ad-vances, but also with the needs and desires of our passengers. We are delighted with the responses our efforts have received from passen-gers and business partners, since they give us the chance to become even better.

We should also point out to you that, like the majority of airlines, at the end of March we shifted to our summer timetable. We have now added to our extensive network of scheduled flights, connecting Ljubljana to 28 destinations, new scheduled services from Pristina. In addition to the existing services to Duesseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich, in the summer Pristina will be linked by direct flights to Paris, Copenhagen and Brus-sels.

This summer we are also offering a wide selection of attractive holiday destinations. Adria aircraft will take you safely, quickly and comfort-ably to European cities and to many of the resorts on the Mediterranean, where all kinds of enjoyment await you. You can check out the range of special offers we have put together for you on our website,

Thank you for confidence in us. We wish you a comfortable flight and a pleasant time in our care.

Klemen Boštjančič, Robert Vuga,CEO Executive Director


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Page 4: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

Adria Airways In-Flight MagazineRevija Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine

je namenjena potnikom na poletih z Adrio Airways.Adria In-flight Magazine is complimentary

on Adria Airways flights.

Izdajatelj/Published:Adria Airways, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d.

Adria Airways, The Airline of SloveniaZgornji Brnik 130h, 4210 Brnik - Aerodrom

Uredništvo / Editorial: Barbara Mihevc BukovecTel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4541

E- mail: [email protected] / Edited by: Meta Krese

Oglaševanje / Advertising: Alenka DvoršakTel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4526

E- mail: [email protected] in AD / Design and AD: LUKS Studio

Prevod / Translated by: AmidasLektorica/ Language editing: Vera Samohod

Fotoliti / Lithography: SET, d.o.o.Tisk / Printed by: Korotan – Ljubljana, d.o.o.

ISSN 1318-0789

Mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgolj mnenja avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in ne odsevajo nujno

stališč Adrie Airways. Razmnoževanje brez pisnega dovoljenja je prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za nenaročeno gradivo.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed only and do not necessarily reflect the views of Adria Airways.

Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. The pub lish er accepts no responsibility

for unsolicit ed material.

Brezplačen izvod / Your personal copy

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Edi Šelhaus, arhiv MNZS

Adrijin potnik/Adria PassengerDr. Matjaž KmeclDr Matjaž KmeclMarjan Žiberna

OxfordOxford ‒ mesto spečih zvonikovOxford ‒ The City of Dreaming SpiresIzabela Rakar

GolfSlovenska golfska pravljicaA Golfing Fairytale in SloveniaAleš Fevžer

Urša Orehek: »Igrati med najboljšimi na svetu«Urša Orehek: Playing with the Best in the WorldAleš Fevžer

Oblikovanje golfske pokrajineDesigning a Golf LandscapeAleš Fevžer

JovsiGremo v Jovse poslušat mir?Listening to the Sound of Peace in JovsiVera Samohod

Zelenjavni vrtovi/Vegetable gardensZelenjavni vrt kot ogledalo lastnikaVegetable Gardens that Mirror Their OwnersStane Sušnik

Gartlca kot nekočThe Old Kitchen GardenStane Sušnik

LjubljanaNebotičnikNebotičnikAlja Bukovec

Kruh/BreadMentrgaMentrgaNataša Jager Radin

PoticaMojster Andrej Voh je dijake naučil peči poticeChef Andrej Voh Teaches Students to Make PoticaManca Pogladič

VietnamSrečno novo leto (z majhno zamudo!)Happy New Year (a little late!)Arne Hodalič

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Poletni vozni redAdria Airways ima 226 tedenskih letov iz Ljubljane na 28 destinacij, večinoma v Evropi: štirikrat dnevno v Frankfurt, trikrat dnevno v Muenchen, Zuerich in na Dunaj, dvakrat dnevno v Bruselj, Prištino in Skopje, enajst letov na teden v Tirano, deset letov na teden v Pariz in Istanbul, devet letov v Moskvo, osem v Beograd, sedem letov na teden v Amsterdam ter šest tedenskih letov v Sarajevo. Adria Airways bo opravila pet letov tedensko v Kopenhagen, London in v Varšavo, tri tedensko v Barcelono, dva leta tedensko v Atene, Kijev, Manchester in v Stockholm ter en polet tedensko v Dublin, Ohrid in Split. Od februarja 2004 letita Adria Airways in Montenegro Airlines med Ljubljano in Podgorico pod skupno oznako; Adria Airways leti v Podgorico trikrat tedensko, Montenegro Airlines pa mesti povezuje dvakrat na teden. Adria Airways je začela letos štirikrat tedensko leteti na novi redni progi – iz Ljubljane v Toulon na Azurni obali.

Na progi Dunaj–Frankfurt opravijo trinajst letov na teden.Adria Airways je decembra 2010 vzpostavila tri redne povezave med Prištino in Nemčijo

(Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Muenchen), poleti pa bo z direktnimi leti enkrat tedensko povezovala Prištino s Parizom in Kopenhagnom ter dvakrat tedensko z Brusljem.

V sodelovanju s člani združenja Star Alliance, katerega članica je Adria Airways, omogoča zelo dobre in cenovno ugodne povezave po vsem svetu. Združenje Star Alliance opravi dnevno 21.000 letov na 1160 letališč v 181 državah.

V poletni sezoni 2011 povezuje Adria Airways s čarterskimi leti, ki jih opravlja v sodelova-nju s turističnimi agencijami, Ljubljano s številnimi počitniškimi destinacijami, predvsem v Sredozemlju. Iz Ljubljane bodo tedensko leteli na naslednja letališča: v Grčijo na Kreto (Heraklion in Hania), Rodos, Kos, Santorini, Karpatos, Kefalonijo, Zakintos, Skiatos, Samos, Hios, Lezbos, Lefkas/Preveza in Kavala. V Španijo na Menorco, v Italijo v Catanio ter še na Malto in v Turčijo v Antalyo in Dalaman. Sharm el Sheikh in Hurgada v Egiptu sta edini čarterski destinaciji, kamor leti slovenski letalski prevoznik celo leto. Adria Airways bo iz Gradca letela na Kefalonijo, iz Celovca v Kavalo in iz Trsta na otoka Kos in Santorini.

Summer timetableOn 27 March – like other air carriers – Adria Airways will be transferring to its summer timetable, which

will remain in place until 29 October 2011. Adria Airways continually works to improve its scheduled time-

table and add new routes.

Adria Airways now offers 226 flights a week from Ljubljana to 28 destinations, mainly in Europe: four

times a day to Frankfurt, three times a day to Munich, Zürich and Vienna, and twice a day to Brussels,

Priština and Skopje; eleven flights a week to Tirana, ten flights a week to Paris and Istanbul, nine flights

to Moscow, eight to Belgrade, seven flights a week to Amsterdam, and six flights a week to Sarajevo.

Adria Airways will schedule five flights a week to Copenhagen, London and Warsaw, three flights a week

to Barcelona, two flights a week to Athens, Kiev, Manchester and Stockholm and one flight a week to

Dublin, Ohrid and Split. Since February 2004, Adria Airways and Montenegro Airlines have flown code-

sharing flights between Ljubljana and Podgorica, with Adria Airways flying to Podgorica three times a

week, and Montenegro Airlines connecting the two cities twice a week. Adria Airways has now started

running four flights a week on a new scheduled route – from Ljubljana to Toulon on the Côte d'Azur.

There are also thirteen flights a week on the Vienna-Frankfurt route.

In December 2010, Adria Airways set up three scheduled routes between Priština, Kosovo, and

Germany (Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich), and will now also offer direct flights once a week between

Priština and Paris and Copenhagen, and twice a week to Brussels.

In cooperation with other Star Alliance members, Adria Airways can offer excellent and competitively-

priced connections all over the world. The Star Alliance carries out 21,000 flights a day to 1,160 air-

ports in 181 countries.

In the summer season of 2011, charter flights operated by Adria Airways in conjunction with vari-

ous travel agencies will connect Ljubljana with a variety of holiday destinations, primarily in the

Mediterranean. Adria will fly weekly from Ljubljana to the following destinations – in Greece: to Crete

(Heraklion and Hania), Rhodes, Kos, Santorini, Karpatos, Cephalonia, Zakynthos, Skiathos, Samos,

Chios, Lesbos, Lefkas/Preveza and Kavala; in Spain: to Menorca; in Italy: to Catania and Malta; and in

Turkey: to Antalya and Dalaman. In Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada are currently the only charter

destinations served by Adria Airways all year round. Adria Airways will also fly from Graz to Cephalonia,

from Klagenfurt to Kavala and from Trieste to the islands of Kos and Samos.

Adria Airways tudi na mobilnih telefonihVsem uporabnikom pametnih telefonov sporočamo, da si lahko na svojem mobilnem brskalniku nastavijo našo mobilno stran ali pa s skenerjem kod poskenirajo QR kodo.

Če skenerja nimajo, si ga lahko naložijo na povezavi Uporabniki iPhona pa to najdejo v iStore.

Mobilna stran prinaša:• spremljanje statusa letov, • informacije o voznem redu, • informacije o naših destinacijah, • informacije o vremenu na destinacijah.

Poleg tega pa najdejo še:• vodič za potnike, • turistični vodnik, • naše kontakte, • različne povezave do sledenja prtljage, iskanja

poslovnih salonov po letališčih in preverjanja milj v klubu Miles&More.

Seveda pa so tu še novice in najbolj vroče cenovne ponudbe vozovnic ter "checkmytrip", kjer lahko preveri-jo svoje potovanje.

Adria Airways on mobile phonesTo all smartphone users – we would like to inform you

that you can now set our mobile site,, on your

mobile browser or scan your QR code with the code scan-


If you do not have a code scanner, you can download

it by clicking the following link

Downloadi-nigmaReader.html. iPhone users can find this

in the iStore.

The mobile site provides information on the following:

• Flight status

• Timetables

• Destinations

• Weather conditions

In addition, you will also find the following:

• Travellers guide

• Tourist guide

• Our contact details

• Various links to: baggage tracking, searches by

airport business lounge, and frequent flyer miles in

the Miles & More Club.

Of course, you can

also find news, the hot-

test ticket price bids and

"checkmytrip" where you

can check information on

your trip.

Adria Airways Novosti/News

Page 7: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

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Ujemi ugoden polet!Na vseh Adrijinih rednih linijah imamo ugodne ponudbe po načelu »Kupi prej, potuj ceneje«. Da bi našo ponudbo še bolj približali vašim potre-bam, imamo na voljo znižane ponudbe tudi za potovanje med tednom.

Adria Airways Special Offers!Special offers are available on all of Adria’s scheduled services on a “buy early, fly for less” basis. To make our services even more attractive, reduced fares are available for travel during the week.

Adrijine E-noviceVabimo vas, da obiščete naše spletne strani in se prijavite na Adrijine E-novice. S tem boste enkrat mesečno obveščeni o naših novostih in posebnih ponudbah. E-novice bodo za vas vir dragocenih informacij in idej pri načrtovanju potovanja ali počitnic.

Naj bo obveščenost vaša prednost!

Adria E-newsWhy not visit our website and subscribe to Adria’s E-news service? Once a month you will receive updates on new services and special offers – straight to your inbox! This means that E-news will be a valuable source of information and ideas when you are planning a journey or holiday.

Let information be to your advantage!

Delujem ekonomično,potujem poslovno!Za nakup letalske vozovnice vsaj sedem dni pred začetkom vašega poto-vanja vam za ceno potovanja v ekonomskem razredu nudimo polet v poslovnem. Ponudba velja za nakup vozovnice v ekonomskem razredu po najvišji ceni. Edina omejitev je nakup vozovnice najmanj sedem dni pred odhodom; spremembe rezervacij so brezplačne.

Varčujem, a ne na račun kakovosti!

Več o ponudbi preberite na ali pa pokličite tel. št. 080 13 00.

Work economically,travel in business!When you buy a ticket at least seven days in advance, you can travel in business class for the price of an economy-class fare. This offer applies to economy-class tickets purchased at the highest rate. The only restriction is that you must purchase your ticket at least seven days before you travel. Changes to the reservation can be made free of charge.

Savings, no change in quality!

For more information visit or call us on 080 13 00.

Aktualne ponudbe/Latest Offers

Zgoraj navedene cene so najnižje veljavne cene na Adrijinih poletih, vključujejo pa povratni prevoz in vse ostale dajatve, razen stroška rezervacije. Število ponujenih sedežev po tej ceni je omejeno.

The prices given above are the lowest valid prices for Adria flights, and include return flight and all other taxes and fees, except for booking fees. There are limited seats available at this price.


EUR 140


EUR 155


EUR 172


EUR 257

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V vsaki številki revije vas bomo seznanjali z najnovejšimi ugodnimi ponudbami, ki jih za vas

pripravljamo skozi vse leto. / We will keep you up to date with our latest special offers in each issue

of the magazine. Special offers are available throughout the year.

Page 8: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

Od 20. aprila do 30. septembra 2011 bo v

Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije odprta

razstava z naslovom »Adria 50, dovoljenje

imate za vzlet«, ki jo pripravlja muzej v sodelovanju z

Adrio Airways. Obiskovalce bodo več mesecev vabile

v prostore muzeja Adrijine prve stevardese z nosilne

fotografije razstave, ki jih je na letališču Brnik leta 1963 ujel

v objektiv fotoreporter Edi Šelhaus.

Sodelovanje Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije in Adrie Airways se je pričelo l. 2010 z donacijo uniform kabinskega osebja. Adria je muzeju podarila 402 uniformi. S tem se je tekstilna zbirka muzeja obogatila s prefinjeno oblikovanimi uniformami, ki obiskovalca popeljejo skozi različne časovne modne trende. Navdušenje z obeh strani je povezalo kulturno ustanovo in podjetje v odločitvi za skupen razstavni projekt ob 50. obletnici delovanja Adrie Airways. Tovrstno aktivno sodelovanje kul-turnih institucij z gospodarstvom spodbuja tudi nacionalni program za kulturo v okviru uresničevanja svojih vizij. Ker je polet z Adrio Airways vedno posebno doživetje, marsikdo pa ne pomisli na vse detajle, ki so potrebni za njegovo izvedbo, bodo z razstavo prikazani skrito zakulisje in mehanizmi, ki omogočajo polete, kar je običajnim potniškim očem ponavadi skrito.

Razstava bo sledila zgodovinskemu razvoju slovenske letalske družbe, vključno s predstavitvijo kronologije, flote in nekaterih statističnih po-

datkov. S fotografijami iz bogatega fototehničnega arhiva bodo ustvar-jalci razstave poskušali prikazati vse faze organizacije in izvedbe potova-nja. Obiskovalci se bodo lahko sprehodili mimo Adrijine poslovalnice, oddali prtljago na »letališču«, pokukali v hangar in pilotsko kabino ter se usedli v potniško kabino. Osrednjo nit razstave bodo predstavljale že omenjene različne uniforme – od prvih ženskih olivno zelenih kostimov s prikupnimi čepicami iz l. 1961 pa vse do prepoznavnih turkizno modrih zimskih plaščev iz l. 1991. Da bo vzdušje razstave res pravo, so sodelavci Adrie Airways prispevali veliko originalnih predmetov, ki so se v prete-klosti uporabljali pri vsakdanjem delovanju, nekateri pa so v rabi še da-nes. Za dodatno animacijo bo postavljen simulator, kjer se bodo letalski navdušenci lahko ob pomoči sodelavcev Kluba virtualnih pilotov posku-sili v čisto pravem letu in upravljanju letala. Razstavo bodo spremljali krajši predstavitveni teksti, njena nadgradnja pa bodo zvočne kulise in video pričevanja nekdanjih in sedanjih pilotov, stevardes in mehanikov.

Razstava je v želji, da bi bila zanimiva za vse družinske člane, zasno-vana dvoplastno. Medtem ko si bodo starejši obiskovalci širili znanje o družbi Adria Airways in obujali spomine, se bodo lahko najmlajši podali po razstavnem prostoru po posebej označeni pedagoški poti, ki jim bo predstavila posamezne faze na zanimiv in njim razumljiv način. Ob raz-stavi bo izšel katalog z zanimivimi fotografijami, ob katerih postanemo včasih kar malo nostalgični.

Več o Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Celovška cesta 23, Ljublja-na lahko preberete na spletni strani www.

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{ Adria Airways }

Adria 50,dovoljenje imate za vzlet!

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{ Adria Airways }

Adria 50,Cleared For Take Off!

From 20 April to 30 September 2011, Slovenia’s National Muse-um of Contemporary History will host an exhibition entitled “Adria 50, cleared for take off”, designed by the museum in cooperation with Adria Airways. For several months visitors

will be beckoned into the museum by Adria’s first stewardesses in the main exhibition photographs, captured by the lens of photojournalist Edi Šelhaus at Brnik Airport back in 1963.

The collaboration between the museum and Adria Airways began in 2010 with the donation of cabin crew uniforms. Adria donated to the museum 402 uniform items, and this enriched the textiles collection with exquisitely designed uniforms that take the visitor through vari-ous periods of fashion. Enthusiasm on both sides brought together the cultural institution and the commercial company in their decision to stage a joint exhibition project marking the 50th anniversary of Adria Airways. This kind of active cooperation between cultural institutions and the commercial sector is promoted by the national culture pro-gramme and what it envisions. Since flying with Adria is an experience always worth repeating, and many people do not think of all the de-tails involved in making flights happen, the exhibition will feature an attempt to show what goes on behind the scenes and the mechanisms that make flights possible, all of which is usually hidden from the view of ordinary passengers.

The exhibition will trace the historical development of the Slovenian airline, and will include a presentation of the chronology, fleet and other statistics. Using photographs from the extensive photo archive, we will try to show all the stages of organising and providing air travel. Visitors will be able to stroll past an Adria desk, put their baggage on the aircraft, take a peek in the hangar and cockpit and sit in the pas-senger cabin. The main thread of the exhibition will be the various uniforms – from the first olive green women’s suits with their cute caps dating from 1961 to the hallmark turquoise-blue winter coats from 1991. In order to get the atmosphere at the exhibition just right, Adria Airways staff have contributed a lot of original items used in the past, and some still today, in everyday operations. An additional point of in-terest will be a simulator, set up to allow aviation enthusiasts, helped by Virtual Pilots Club members, to try their hand at a real flight and air-craft operation. The exhibition will be furnished with short explana-tory texts and enhanced by background sounds and video interviews with former and current pilots, flight attendants and mechanics. Fo

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The exhibition aims to attract the interest of all family members, so it is presented on two levels. While older visitors will expand their knowledge of the Adria Airways company and will revive memories, the youngest visitors will be able to make their way through the ex-hibition on a specially marked interpretive route, which will present to these future air passengers individual phases in a way that will be interesting and understandable to them. The catalogue accompanying the exhibition will feature fascinating photographs that may evoke nostalgia in many of us.

You can discover more about the National Museum of Contemporary History, Celovška cesta 23, Ljubljana, on the museum’s website www.


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Page 12: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine April, May 2011

Ljubljana, Aksioma Projektni prostor: Prikaz nove družbene paradigme; od 22. aprila

Trevor Paglen:Skrite pokrajineZavod za sodobne umetnosti Aksioma odpira aprila nov galerijski prostor, kjer bodo predstavljeni predvsem projekti s področja novomedijske umetnosti. Glav-no izhodišče vseh letošnjih projektov zavoda Aksioma je odkrivanje in predstavi-tev spremenjenega odnosa med mediji in gledalci ter med gledalci samimi, kar je rezultat povečane uporabe in izpostavljenosti novim medijem. Svoj pogled na to bodo tako predstavili: Julian Oliver in Danja Vasiliev, Franco in Eva Mattes, Paolo Cirio, Sašo Sedlaček, Antoine Schmitt, Marko Batista, Frederik De Wilde in drugi.

Avtor otvoritvene razstave je ameriški ustvarjalec Trevor Paglen, ki že več let raziskuje tajne dejavnosti ameriške vojske in obveščevalnih služb ter preko svo-jevrstnih fotografij prikazuje ta »črni svet«.

Ljubljana, Aksioma Project Space: A new social paradigm; from 22 April

Trevor Paglen: A Hidden LandscapeContemporary arts centre Aksioma opens a new gallery space in April that will

mainly be used to present projects from the field of new media art. The main start-

ing point of all Aksioma's projects this year is the discovery and presentation of

the changed relationship between media and observers, and among observers

themselves, which is the result of the increased use of and exposure to new media.

The artists who will be presenting their own view of this include: Julian Oliver and

Danja Vasiliev, Franco and Eva Mattes, Paolo Cirio, Sašo Sedlaček, Antoine Schmitt,

Marko Batista, and Frederik De Wilde, among others.

The inaugural exhibition is by the American artist Trevor Paglen, who for several

years has been exploring the secret activities of the US army and intelligence serv-

ices and illustrating this "black world" via his unique photographs.

www.aksioma.orgDragica Čadež, Loški cikel, 2001

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{ Umetnost & kultura }Maribor, Umetnostna galerija Maribor; od 5. maja do 3. julija

Dragica Čadež,retrospektivaKiparski opus Dragice Čadež sodi v sam vrh slovenskega sodobnega kipar-stva. V Umetnostni galeriji Maribor bo na ogled unikatna, ambientalna retro-spektivna postavitev z več kot sedemdesetimi deli, nastalimi v obdobju od šestdesetih let pa vse do danes.

Razstavljena dela povezuje več formalno in vsebinsko zaokroženih ciklov: Sarkofagi, Asociacije na Pompeje, Vrata, Olesenele sence … Kiparka se osredotoča na konstruktivistične prvine, njen navdih pa je vedno tudi narava. Svoje zamisli oblikuje z lesom; strogo urejene kompozicije sčasoma vse bolj določajo celo-ten prostor, s katerim vodi premišljen dialog polnosti in praznine, svetlobe in sence, oblosti in oglatosti … Dragica Čadež obdeluje svoje grobe lesene klade z mislijo na človekovo razklanost, neprilagojenost in celo na temno stran njegovega značaja, ki sebi, soljudem in naravi ne prinaša nič dobrega. Pogosto asociira konfliktne prvine človekovega čutenja in dojemanja, ki se kažejo v številnih simbolnih konotacijah.

Maribor, UGM; 5 May to 3 July

Dragica Čadež, retrospectiveThe sculptural oeuvre of Dragica Čadež belongs at the very pinnacle of contem-

porary Slovene sculpture. UGM (Maribor Art Gallery) hosts a unique retrospective

installation with over 70 works dating from the 1960s to the present.

The works featured in the exhibition connect several cycles that are self-

contained in terms of form and content: Sarcophagi, Associations of Pompeii,

Doors, Lignified Shadows, etc. The sculptor focuses on constructivist elements

but nature is always her inspiration too. She shapes her ideas with wood; over

time her rigorously arranged compositions increasingly define the entire space,

with which she conducts a deliberate dialogue of fullness and emptiness, light

and shade, roundness and angularity... Dragica Čadež works her rough wooden

blocks with thoughts of man's split nature, his inability to adapt, and even the

dark side of his character that brings nothing good to himself, his fellow men or

nature. She frequently associates conflicting elements of human feelings and

understanding, which are reflected in numerous symbolic connotations.

Trevor Paglen, Limit-Telephotography, z dovoljenjem Galerije Thomas Zander / Reproduced by courtesy of the Galerie Thomas Zander

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Ljubljana, od 4. do 22. aprila

Festival Literature sveta – Fabula 2011V ospredju Festivala bodo izbrana pisateljska peresa in široko dostopni prevodi njihovih del v slovenščini. Lite-rarne nastope gostujočih literatov Pera Olova Enquista, Christopha Ransmayrja, Margriet de Moor, Niccolòja Am-manitija in Césarja Aire, ki se jim bo pridružil tudi sloven-ski pisatelj Drago Jančar, bodo pospremili umetniški in izobraževalni dogodki, ki povezujejo vrhunsko leposlovje s kvalitetnim, raznolikim, privlačnim in dostopnim pro-gramom, namenjenim najrazličnejšim profilom bralcev in naključnim obiskovalcem. V okviru projekta Knjiga za vsakogar bo gostovanja pospremil izid romanov vseh petih tujih avtorjev v visoki nakladi 5000 izvodov. Knjige bodo v broširani izdaji in na voljo po enotni ceni 5€.

Lansko leto je festival pod naslovom Literature sveta – Fabula 2010 Slovenijo prvič po osamosvojitvi obiskala Nobelova nagrajenka za literaturo, Herta Müller, poleg nje pa še pet drugih svetovno priznanih pisateljev: Jo-nathan Franzen, David Grossman, Daniel Kehlmann, Michal Viewegh in Richard Flanagan. Festival je lani zabeležil okoli 50.000 obiskovalcev na več kot stotih festi-valskih dogodkih.

Konec aprila letos bo Ljubljana naziv »svetovna prestol-nica knjige« slovesno predala Buenos Airesu.

Ljubljana, 4 to 22 April

World Literatures – Fabula 2011The focus of the festival will be selected writers and widely

accessible Slovene translations of their works. Appear-

ances by guest writers Per Olov Enquist, Christoph Rans-

mayr, Margriet de Moor, Niccolò Ammaniti and César Aira,

who will be joined by the Slovene writer Drago Jančar, will

be accompanied by artistic and educational events linking

quality literature with a varied, attractive and accessible

programme aimed at readers of every kind and other visi-

tors. As part of the "A Book for Everyone" project, the ap-

pearances by the guest writers will be accompanied by the

publication of novels by all five foreign authors in special

editions of 5,000 copies. The books will be available in pa-

perback editions at the discounted price of '5.

Guests at last year's festival, entitled World Literatures –

Fabula 2010, included the winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize

for Literature, Herta Müller, and five other world-renowned

writers: Jonathan Franzen, David Grossman, Daniel Kehl-

mann, Michal Viewegh and Richard Flanagan. Last year's

festival attracted around 50,000 visitors to the more than

100 festival events.

At the end of April this year, Ljubljana will formally hand

over the title of "World Book Capital" to Buenos Aires.

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{ Art & Culture }

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{ Umetnost & kultura }

Ljubljana, park Tivoli, od 5. maja do 31. julija

Žiga Koritnik: »Urejevalcioblakov«Park Tivoli je brez dvoma kraj, ki ga to poletje morate obiskati. Poleg tega, da je park spokojna zelena oaza sredi mesta, bo letos poleti tudi prizorišče zgodo-vinske fotografske razstave legendarnega slovenskega jazzovskega fotografa Žige Koritnika. Razstava bo zajemala več kot 120 fotografij velikih formatov, posnetih v črnobeli tehniki, ki jih je Koritnik posnel na različnih koncih sveta. Razstava bo obenem tudi prva velika retrospektiva Koritnikov del.

Na ogled bo izbor najboljših fotografij glavnih akterjev jazzovske, sodobne improvizirane in svetovne scene, ki jih je Koritnik ustvaril od začetka svojega delovanja leta 1987 do danes. V tem času je spremljal glavne jazzovske festivale in festivale svetovne glasbe doma in po svetu.

Pri uresničitvi projekta sta združila moči ameriško veleposlaništvo v Slo-veniji in zavod Turizem Ljubljana. Vodja odnosov z javnostmi na ameriškem veleposlaništvu Christopher Wurst, ki je pripomogel k postavitvi razstave, je že dolgo privrženec Koritnikovega ustvarjanja. »Po mojem mnenju so njegovi jazzovski potreti med najboljšimi, kar jih obstaja na svetu. Razstava je popoln zadetek, saj se odlično poda k poletnemu ljubljanskemu jazzovskemu festiva-lu, prav tako pa je ni bolj ameriške umetniške zvrsti, kot je jazz!«

Ljubljana, Tivoli Park, 5 May to 31 July

Žiga Koritnik: Cloud ArrangersTivoli Park is without a doubt a place you must visit this summer. Apart from the

fact that the park is a tranquil green oasis in the centre of the city, this summer

will also be the venue of a historic photography exhibition by legendary Slovene

jazz photographer Žiga Koritnik. The exhibition includes over 120 large-format

black-and-white photographs shot by Koritnik in various parts of the world and will

at the same time be the first major retrospective of Koritnik's works,

featuring a selection of the finest photographs of leading lights of the jazz, con-

temporary improvisation and world music scenes that Koritnik has taken since

beginning his creative career in 1987. Since then he has followed the principal jazz

festivals and world music festivals at home and around the world.

The United States Embassy in Slovenia and Turizem Ljubljana have joined forces

to create this project. Christopher Wurst, public relations director at the US Em-

bassy, who helped set up the exhibition, has long been a fan of Koritnik's work. "In

my opinion his jazz portraits are among the best in the world. This exhibition really

hits the target because it forms an ideal complement to Ljubljana's summer jazz

festival, while at the same time there is no more American art form than jazz!"

Žiga Koritnik, Ron Carter

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Ljubljana; Kino Šiška, Klub Cankarjevega doma; od 7. do 14. maja

27. mednarodni festivalDruga godbaLetošnji festival se je uspešno začel že marca s koncertom Mulatuja Astatkeja – legende ethiojazza, a osrednji del se bo odvijal spomladi; otvorili ga bodo v Kinu Šiška z nastopom zasedbe Staff Benda Bilili iz Konga.

V Klubu Cankarjevega doma bodo 11. maja nastopili Jimmy Barka Experience in Ursula Rucker, prva dama hip hop poezije.

V Kinu Šiška si 13. maja v duhu chochek polke in gypsy swinga obetamo veder in poskočen večer z Vaskom Atanasovskim ter skupino Mljask. Isti večer nas bo očarala tudi v Parizu živeča maroška femme fatale berberskega rodu Hindi Zahra, ki se elegantno sprehaja med bluesom in soul-folkom z občasnimi izleti v temnej-še vode.

V dopoldanskih urah 14. maja bodo z Mundo Niños poskrbeli za zabavo naj-mlajših, ob 18. uri pa bo v Atriju ZRC nastopila Norvežanka Mari Kvien Brunvoll, katere solo nastop predstavlja unikaten spoj vokaliziranja, uporabe različnih aku-stičnih inštrumentov in elektronike.

Osrednji del Druge godbe bodo zaključili v Klubu Cankarjevega doma z večer-nim nastopom bosanskega sevdah mojstra Damirja Imamovića ter Mor Karbasi, v Londonu živeče Jeruzalemčanke judovskih, maroških in perzijskih korenin.

Revija Songlines je festival Druga godba ponovno uvrstila med 25 najboljših mednarodnih festivalov na svetu.

Ljubljana; Kino Šiška, Klub Cankarjev Dom, 7 to 14 May

Druga Godba, 27th International FestivalThis year's Druga Godba got off to an auspicious start in March with a concert by Ethio-

jazz legend Mulatu Astatke, but the main part of the festival takes place in the spring,

starting with a concert at Kino Šiška by Staff Benda Bilili from the Democratic Republic

of the Congo.

The Jimmy Barka Experience and the first lady of hip-hop poetry Ursula Rucker ap-

pear at Klub Cankarjev Dom on 11 May.

On 13 May Kino Šiška will be jumping to the sounds of chochek polka and gypsy

swing with Vasko Atanasovski and Mljask. That same evening we also have the oppor-

tunity to swoon to the sounds of the Paris-based Moroccan femme fatale of Berber ori-

gin, Hindi Zahra, as she walks elegantly between blues and soul folk, with occasional

excursions into darker waters.

On the morning of 14 May, Mundo Niños will provide entertainment for children,

while at 6.00pm the Atrium of the Scientific Research Centre is the venue for a concert

by Norwegian artist Mari Kvien Brunvoll, whose solo performance is a unique blend of

vocalising, various acoustic instruments and electronics.

The main part of Druga Godba will conclude at Klub Cankarjev Dom with evening

concerts by Bosnian master of sevdah music Damir Imamović and Mor Karbasi, a

Jerusalem-born, London-based singer of Moroccan and Persian Jewish descent.

World music magazine Songlines has once again included Druga Godba among its

25 best international festivals this year.

Staff Benda Bilili Hindi Zahra

{ Art & Culture }

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Ljubljana; junij 2011

Literatura prečka tvojo pot-3Literatura prečka tvojo pot je tretje leto izvajajoči program Inštituta za raziskovanje inovativnih umetnosti (IRIU – Intuicija, Raziskovanje, Inovacija, Univerzum), prve evropske organizacije s fokusom združevanja znanosti, umetnosti in vsakdanjega življenja. Na področju bralne kulture spodbuja z nevsakdanjimi, družbeno-angažiranimi, interaktiv-nimi in inovativnimi umetniškimi prijemi k nacio-nalni literarni vzgoji in izobraževanju.

Projekti:• FOTELJOKNJIG/The Couch Book bo v obliki bogatih

ulično-literarnih foteljev na treh mestih centra Lju-bljane preobrazil mestne klopi v tematske mestne knjižne dnevne sobe.

• OBVESTILO POEZIJE/The Poetry Report bo na 10.000 ljubljanskih avtomobilih, motorjih, kolesih priča-kalo njihove lastnike na način, kot to »počnejo« samo obvestila POETIČNEGA REDARSTVA.

• (ZA)VZETA POEZIJA/Take Away Poetry bo na Prešer-nov trg postavila hišico s HITRO POEZIJO/Fast Poet-ry, ki bo omogočala okušanje »hitrih«, a vrhunskih poetičnih obrokov, kot so: poetični burger, sok poezije ipd.

• LITERARNI VIRUS/The Literature Virus bo na ulicah prikazal Poezijo, Dramo in Prozo v človeški podobi s ciljem »bralnokuženja«.

• SLOVENIJA BERE/Slovenija Reads predstavlja nadgra-dnjo lani izvedenega Romanja knjig. Zainteresirani se lahko prijavljajo celo leto na naslov [email protected] tako, da pošljejo svoje podatke (ime in priimek, prebivališče), kamor prejmejo knji-go s preprostimi navodili, kako knjižno romanje razširiti po vsej Sloveniji.foto: Vidoslav Barac, © Hrvatski restauratorski zavod

Ljubljana, Mestni muzej Ljubljana; do 30. maja

Antični Grki na HrvaškemNa izjemni razstavi poleg celovite predstavitve an-tične grške prisotnosti na hrvaških tleh od 12. do 1. stol. pr. n. št. zagotovo izstopa med predstavljenimi predmeti, ki so zbrani iz več kot 30 muzejskih in privatnih zbirk na Hrvaškem, celopostavni bronasti kip Apoksiomena (atlet, ki se čisti po vadbi), odkrit v bližini otoka Lošinja. Kip, ki je eden od osmih znanih primerkov na svetu, bo poleg Firenc prvič na ogled izven Hrvaške.

Antična Grčija velja za zibelko zahodne civilizacije, pomorska sila, temelj znanosti, zgodovine, arhi-tekture, urbanizma, filozofije, umetnosti in vsega lepega. Je pojem urbane civilizacije, ki je za vselej za-znamovala zahodni svet. Številni materialni in pisni viri nam razkrivajo skrivnosti starodavne civilizacije, ki je v stoletjih po zatonu doživljala ponovna rojstva in iz katere se napajamo še danes.

Ljubljana, City Museum of Ljubljana; until 30


The Ancient Greeks in CroatiaOne of the highlights of this remarkable exhibition,

which as well as a complete presentation of Ancient

Greek presence on Croatian soil between the twelfth

and first centuries BC features exhibits collected from

over 30 museums and private collections in Croatia,

is the full-length bronze statue of the Apoxyomenos

(an athlete cleaning himself after training), discovered

near the island of Lošinj. The statue, one of eight

known examples in the world, will be on view outside

Croatia for the first time since being shown in Flor-

ence in 2006/07.

Ancient Greece is the cradle of Western civilisation,

a maritime power, and the foundation of science, his-

tory, architecture, town planning, philosophy, art and

everything beautiful. It is the epitome of an urban civi-

lisation and has left a permanent mark on the West-

ern world. Numerous material and written sources

reveal to us the secrets of an ancient civilisation that

in the centuries following its decline has experienced

numerous rebirths and from which we still draw today.

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{ Umetnost & kultura }

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{ Art & Culture }Ljubljana, od 10. do 26. junija

Junij v LjubljaniJunij v Ljubljani je največja kulturna prireditev na prostem v središču mesta. S skupaj več kot 60 predstavami je vrhunska kulturna produkcija že tretjič brezplačno dosto-pna najširšemu občinstvu.

Prireditev daje Ljubljani novo podobo, saj je postala s plesno-glasbeno-gledališki-mi dogodki osebna izkaznica kulturne podobe prestolnice. Dopoldanske predstave so namenjene otrokom, popoldanske širokemu občinstvu, večeri pa vrhunskim umetniškim uprizoritvam. V zadnjih dveh letih si jih je ogledalo več kot 200.000 obi-skovalcev. Program bo tudi letos izbran z velikim poudarkom na umetniški kvaliteti dogodkov, ki bodo zadovoljili okus najširšega občinstva, tako glasbenih in plesnih kot tudi gledaliških poznavalcev.

To je projekt, ki so ga 2009 zastavili Mestna občina Ljubljana, javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana in takratni umetniški vodja ljubljanskega baleta Jaš Otrin.

Glavna privlačnost prihajajočega »Junija v Ljubljani« je odpiranje k sodelovanju z mednarodno uveljavljenimi ansambli. V sodelovanju z agencijo OtrinArtManagement bodo gostili državno gledališče »Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz« z njihovima uspe-šnicama Romeo in Julija (10., 11. in 12. junija ) in Sen kresne noči (13. in 14. junija).

Ljubljana, 10 to 26 June

June in LjubljanaJune in Ljubljana is the capital's largest outdoor cultural event. With a total of more than

60 performances, the festival, which is now in its third edition, offers a cross-section of

cultural production to the widest possible audience.

The event gives Ljubljana a new look and its blend of dance, music and theatre has

become the calling card of the cultural image of Slovenia's capital. Performances in the

morning are aimed at children, afternoon performances cater for a broad audience and

the evenings are reserved for events of the highest artistic calibre. In the last two years

the festival events have attracted an audience of over 200,000. This year's programme

has been selected with an emphasis on artistic quality, with events that will satisfy the

tastes of a wide audience, including devotees of music, dance and theatre.

The project was created in 2009 by the City of Ljubljana, the public-service enterprise

Turizem Ljubljana and the then artistic director of the Ljubljana Ballet, Jaš Otrin.

The main attraction of the upcoming June in Ljubljana is the participation of interna-

tionally renowned performers. In collaboration with OtrinArtManagement, the festival

will host Munich's Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz with its hit productions of Romeo and

Juliet (10, 11 and 12 June) and A Midsummer Night's Dream (13 and 14 June).

Ida Zenna, Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet

Ljubljana; June 2011

Literature Crosses Your Path-3This is the third year of the "Literature Crosses Your Path" programme run by

the Institute of Innovative Arts Research (IRIU), the first organisation in Europe

to focus on combining science, art and everyday life. In the area of reading

culture it encourages reading through out-of-the-ordinary, socially engaged, in-

teractive and innovative artistic approaches to national literary education.


• THE COUCH BOOK in the form of opulent street-literature armchairs. At

three points in the centre of Ljubljana the project will transform ordinary city

benches into themed urban literary living rooms.

• A POETRY TICKET will be waiting for the owners of 10,000 cars, motorbikes

and bicycles parked in Ljubljana in the form of a unique ticket issued by the


• TAKE-AWAY POETRY will set up a kiosk in Prešeren Square offering Fast Po-

etry, enabling passers-by to sample "fast" but top-quality poetic snacks such

as a poetry burger, poetry juice, etc.

• THE LITERATURE VIRUS will show Poetry, Drama and Prose in human form

on the streets with the aim of "infecting" people with the reading bug.

• SLOVENIA READS builds on last year's Pilgrimage of Books project. roman-

[email protected] interested can register at any time by sending their

details (full name and address) to [email protected]. They will then

receive a book with simple instructions on how to spread the book pilgrim-

age throughout Slovenia.

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Frankfurt, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt; do 29. majaNadrealni predmeti. Trirazsežnostni svet od Dalíja do Mana Raya.To je prva obsežna razstava, ki se osredotoča izključno na trirazsežnostna dela nadrealistov – vseh skupaj jih je kar 150. Z današnjega vidika se mnoga zdijo presenetljivo sveža in sodobna, kot da sploh ne bi šlo za zgodovinske predmete. Izbira predstavlja umetnike iz nadrealističnega obdobja v času med letoma 1925 in 1945 – med njimi so znana imena, kot Duchamp, Magritte, Dalí, Picasso in Miró–, hkrati pa tudi mnoge druge, katerih dela mora splo-šna javnost šele odkriti. Na povabilo galerije Schirn je umetni-ška skupina et al. pripravila za razstavo poseben projekt, »EN PASSANT« – to je instalacija, skozi katero se sprehodijo obiskovalci, preden vstopijo v razstavno dvorano.

London, Tate Britain; do 31. julijaRomantikiGalerija Clore predstavlja romantično umetnost v Britaniji, njene začetke, nav-dihe in dediščino. Iz zbirke galerije Tate so na ogled velika dela, pod katera so

Frankfurt, Schirn KunsthalleSurreal Objects. Three-Dimensional works from Dalí to Man RayUntil 29 MayThis is the first wide-ranging exhibition to focus exclusively on the Surrealists' three-dimensional works – approximate-ly 150 in all. From today's perspective, many of the works seem surprisingly fresh and contemporary, not historical artefacts by any means. The selection presents artists from the surrealist period (1925–1945), including familiar names such as Duchamp, Magritte, Dalí, Picasso and Miró, but also many other artists whose striking works are yet to be discovered by the general public. At the invitation of the Schirn, the art-ist group et al.* has developed a special project for the exhibition entitled "EN PASSANT", which is an installation that visitors pass through before entering the exhibition itself.

London, Tate BritainRomanticsUntil 31 JulyIn the Clore Gallery, there is a presenta-tion of Romantic Art in Britain, focusing on its origins, inspirations and legacies.

se podpisali Henry Fuseli, J. M. W. Tur-ner, John Constable in Samuel Palmer, hkrati pa tudi nekaj nedavno kupljenih umetnin Williama Blaka. Od Turnerjevih svojstvenih krajin do Blakovih vizionar-skih zgodovinskih slik razkriva razstava domišljijo in inovativnost generacije, ki jo je prej zaznamovala vera v ustvar-jalno svobodo kot pa tradicija ali slog. Poleg tega si lahko v dveh prostorih ogledamo dediščino romantikov, kjer so predstavljena dela Grahama Sutherlan-da in drugih.

Amsterdam, Foam; do 8. junija AntifotožurnalizemFotožurnalizem se je znašel sredi ne-verjetnega in precej nepričakovanega preporoda. Nove prakse, strategije, stališča, tehnike in nosilci so korenito spremenili institucije in temeljna načela tega področja. Medtem ko je postalo že kar modno objokovati smrt fotožurna-lizma, dejanski dogodki dokazujejo, da se v resnici dogaja nekaj čisto drugega. Skupinska razstava Antifotožurnalizem na vznemirljive načine prikazuje ta novi razvoj dogodkov. Med avtorji, ki nastopajo na razstavi, so: Broomberg & Chanarin, Mauro

Drawn from the Tate's collection, it showcases major works by Henry Fuseli, JMW Turner, John Constable and Sam-uel Palmer, as well as newly-acquired works by William Blake. From Turner's reinvention of landscape to Blake's visionary histories, the display reveals the imagination and innovations of a generation defined by a belief in crea-tive freedom, as opposed to tradition or style. In addition, two rooms look at the legacy of the Romantics, presenting work by Graham Sutherland amongst others.

Amsterdam, FoamAntiphotojournalismUntil 8 June Photojournalism is in the midst of a remarkable, and singularly unexpected, renaissance. New practices, strategies, viewpoints, techniques, and agents have radically transformed the conven-tions and fundamental concepts of the field. Whilst it has become fashionable to lament the death of photojournalism, actual events suggest that something quite different is taking place. The Antiphotojournalism Group Exhibition charts these new developments in excit-ing ways.

Andrizzi, Jonathan Cavender, Robbie Wright, Shane McDonald, Hito Steyerl, Ariella Azoulay, Paul Lowe, Goran Galic & Gian-Reto Gredig, Laura Kurgan, Ren-zo Martens, Kadir van Lohuizen, Allan Sekula, Phil Collins, Walid Raad/The Atlas Group, Paul Fusco, Gilles Peress in Susan Meiselas. Kompilacije so prispe-vali Sohrab Mohebbi, Eyal Weizman ter Yazan Khalili in Tony Chakar. Nove metode poročanja o novicah in nove domislice glede tega, kaj bi lahko bila novica, so v samem bistvu omajale hegemonistično držo fotoreporterjev in porodile nadvse zanimive zamisli. Ta kri-tični pristop se imenuje »antifotožurna-lizem«, izraz pa je skoval Allan Sekula. Ima različne oblike: od filma, videa in diapozitivov do spletnih predstavitev in še česa.

Bruselj, Kulturni center ING; do 19. junija Joan MiróV sodelovanju s Fundacijo Joan Miró iz Barcelone organizirata Kulturni center ING in belgijski Kraljevi muzej umetnosti razstavo približno 120 slik, jedkanic, kipov in risb, ki ponazarjajo poetične vi-dike Mirójevega dela ter pomen odnosa

Included in the exhibition is work by Broomberg & Chanarin, Mauro Andrizzi, Jonathan Cavender, Robbie Wright, Shane McDonald, Hito Steyerl, Ariella Azoulay, Paul Lowe, Goran Galic & Gian-Reto Gredig, Laura Kurgan, Renzo Martens, Kadir van Lohuizen, Allan Sekula, Phil Collins, Walid Raad/The At-las Group, Paul Fusco, Gilles Peress and Susan Meiselas. There are also compi-lations by Sohrab Mohebbi, Eyal Weiz-man, Yazan Khalili and Tony Chakar. New methods of reporting the news and new ideas of what the news might be have challenged the hegemonic figure of the photojournalist at its core and given birth to the most interesting ideas. This critical approach is called, following Allan Sekula, "antiphotojour-nalism". It takes a variety of forms, such as film, video, slides, web-based presen-tations, amongst others.

Brussels, ING Cultural CentreJoan MiróUntil June 19 In cooperation with the Joan Miró Foun-dation in Barcelona, the ING Cultural Centre and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium have organised an exhi-bition of some 120 paintings, etchings,

med poezijo in slikarstvom v njegovih delih. Razstava poudarja umetniško produkcijo katalonskega umetnika od zadnjih del pred drugo svetovno vojno do pomembnega niza Konstelacije, ki je nastal med vojno.

Madrid, Reina Sofia, do 30. majaRoberto Jacoby: Poželenje vstaja iz kolapsaArgentinski umetnik Roberto Jacoby (Buenos Aires, 1944) ni le ena najpo-membnejših osebnosti v konceptualni umetnosti Latinske Amerike, temveč je tekom svoje kariere izkazal tudi izjemno vsestranskost. Pesnik, esejist, sociolog in pisec besedil za rockovske pesmi uporablja v svojem delu transverzalne mreže – to je gibanje, ki poteka od Instituto di Tella do Tucumán Arde – in poskuša ustvarjati eksperimentalne skupnosti, ki jih poganja poželenje. Ta projekt je prvi poskus, da bi odpravil razpršenost, ki sicer pogosto zaznamuje njegova umetniška dela.

sculptures and drawings that illustrate the poetical aspects of Miró's work, as well as the importance of the relation-ship between poetry and painting within his work. The exhibition emphasises the oeuvre of the Catalan artist, starting from his last works before the Second World War and the important Constel-lation series developed by the artist during the war.

Madrid, Reina SofiaRoberto Jacoby, Desire rises from CollapseUntil 30 MayNot only is the Argentine artist Roberto Jacoby (Buenos Aires, 1944) one of the most important figures in conceptual art in Latin America, he has also dem-onstrated an exceptional capacity for versatility over the course of his career. Poet, essayist, sociologist and writer of rock-song lyrics, he makes use of trans-versal networks in his work – as the movement from the Instituto di Tella to the Tucumán Arde demonstrates – and attempts to bring about the formation of experimental communities that are mo-tivated by desire. This project is a first attempt at ending the dispersion that tends to affect his art work.

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{ Umetnost & kultura / Art & Culture }

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Besedilo: Marjan Žiberna Fotografije: Igor Škafar

Dr. Matjaž Kmecl sodi med ljudi, pri katerih se je zelo težko odločiti, česa se boste v tako kratkem intervjuju, kot je ta, sploh dotaknili. Če bi želeli vsaj približno vedeti, kaj vse je v

življenju počel, bi lahko revijo, ki jo imate v rokah, od prve do zadnje strani napolnili z drobnim tiskom. Upokojeni univerzitetni profesor literarne zgodovine, pisatelj in publicist je eden najboljših poznavalcev slovenskega jezika in našega ljudskega izročila, nekdanji (kulturni) politik, redni član Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti … Je človek izjemno široke razgledanosti, ki je prišla do izraza tudi v Zakladih Slovenije, monografiji, ki je prvič izšla leta 1979, zadnjič, s povsem novim besedilom in fotografijami Joca Žnidaršiča, pa pred dvema letoma. Dr. Kmecl je prav tako človek iskrivega, blagega humorja; ta je prisoten tudi v Svetem Lenartu, vrtnicah in gamsovem skretu, knjigi, ki je izšla leta 2008 in jo je podnaslovil Spomini na skrite ljubezni. V uvodu je zapisal, da to niso spomini, saj spomine pišejo ljudje, ki so prepričani, da so odživeli pomembno življenje, pač pa nepomemben pogovor o življenju, kakršno mu je bilo dano. V njej razkriva tudi svojo širši javnosti morda še najmanj znano ljubezen – vrtnice. Ta izvira, kot pravi, iz zgodnjega otroštva. Njegov oče je bil podeželski učitelj v Podkumu, na dolenjsko stran zroči vasi v Posavskem hribovju, kjer so imeli ob šoli lep vrt. »Z mamo sta se z motorjem vozila vsepovsod po Sloveniji, prinašala domov cepiče vedno novih vrtnic, šolski otroci pa so ga oskrbovali s šipkom iz gozda, s tako imenovanimi divjaki vrtnic, ki jih je potem cepil. Tako sem se okužil z vrtnicami tudi sam …«

{ Adrijin potnik }

Dr. Matjaž Kmecl,pisatelj, publicist, a tudi oče vrtnice France Prešeren

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posadili in iz katerih bo mogoče zrasla vrtnica želenih lastnosti. Takšen je zelo v grobem postopek žlahtnjenja, vzgajanja nove sorte vrtnic.

Sami ste bili pred letom 2000 tik pred tem, da vzgojite novo sorto; ob dve-

stoletnici rojstva Franceta Prešerna ste jo želeli posvetiti našemu velike-

mu pesniku in jo poimenovati z njegovim imenom. Se vam je posrečilo?

Ja, se je posrečilo, a nekoliko drugače, kot sem načrtoval, in predvsem veliko kasneje. Sprva sem bil namreč samouk in nevednež, zato je bilo veliko zablod in slepih ulic. Potem pa sem si sčasoma nabavil literaturo, ugotovil, kako vrtnici izbrati očeta, mater … Tako je zrasla vrtnica, ki se mi je zdela že kar spodobna, imela je zanimivo nakodran cvet zamolklo rožna-te barve. A kmalu se je izkazalo, da je skrajno neodporna. Odpornost na kakšna dva ducata plesni in drugih bolezni pa je danes bistvena lastnost novih vrst vrtnic, saj s tem odpade večina preventivnega škropljenja in s

Ste gojitelj, ki se ukvarja z žlahtnjenjem, to je z ustvarjanjem novih sort

vrtnic. Kako pravzaprav poteka žlahtnjenje?

V cvetu vrtnice sta skupaj tako moški kot ženski razmnoževalni organ in praviloma prihaja do samoopraševanja – če ravno ne prileti naokoli kakšna čebelica, ki prinese cvetni prah z druge vrtnice. Ali če ne poseže vmes človek, ki po svoji volji izbere starševski par, 'očeta' in 'mamo' bo-doče vrtnice, za katero želi, da bi imela določene lastnosti. To pomeni, da jima populite iz cveta prašnike. 'Očetove' prašnike za približno dva dni shranite v kozarček, cvet 'mame' pa po taki kastraciji pokrijete, da ne bi prišlo do oploditve s prahom druge vrtnice, ki bi ga nanjo zanesel kak nepovabljen žužek. Ko pokriti cvet 'matere' 'zamedi' – v njem nasta-ne sok, ki olajša oprašitev –, vanj s prstom nanesete prah iz 'očetovih' prašnikov, ki so se medtem razpočili in ga iztresli. Potem pa čakate do jeseni in upate, da bodo zrasli šipki, plodovi s semeni, ki jih boste nato

Dr. Matjaž Kmecl,pisatelj, publicist, a tudi oče vrtnice France Prešeren

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{ Adria Passenger }

tem nadlegovanja okolja. Zato sem jo dalje križal z odpornimi sortami. Po nekaj letih je nastala sicer manj atraktivna, a zdrava vrtnica. Po dveh letih opazovanja v pristojni inštituciji v Hannovru je bila registrirana kot nova sorta. Imenuje se seveda France Prešeren, odločba o mednarodni registra-ciji pa je prispela prav na predvečer letošnjega Prešernovega dneva.

Kaj meni literarni zgodovinar o našem trenutnem literarnem in nasploh

kulturnem ustvarjanju? Koliko bo ostalo na situ časa?

Težko bi z gotovostjo rekel, a nekaj se bo zagotovo ohranilo. Današnja težava je odsotnost kritike, ki bi že sproti kolikor toliko ločevala zrnje od plev. Živimo namreč v času hiperprodukcije, kar ima za posledico veliko nepreglednost. V literaturi je razlog za to zelo poceni tisk. Zato si da lahko tako rekoč vsakdo natisniti knjigo, saj natisnjena knjiga še vedno velja kot potrditev njene kvalitete. V preteklosti je dražji tisk zahteval bolj premišljeno odločitev, kaj izdati v tiskani obliki, med avtorjem in tiskom so bili filtri, uredniki in drugi ustvarjalci knjig, ki so izbirali naj-boljše in pripomogli h končni kvaliteti del ... A nekaj se bo prav gotovo ohranilo; stvar je podobna kot pri vrtnicah: čas pokaže, kaj je res dobro in kaj se mogoče samo zdi kvalitetno.

V prvi polovici osemdesetih let ste bili minister za kulturo (predsednik

republiškega komiteja za kulturo), med letoma 1990 in 1992 pa član te-

daj neposredno voljenega predsedstva Slovenije. Kako gledate na čas,

ki ste ga namenili politiki?

Začel sem že konec sedemdesetih let, ko sem si zamislil jezikovno raz-sodišče. Naše delo – med nami sta bila, denimo, Jože Toporišič in Janko Moder – je pomenilo drezanje v najpomembnejšo kulturnopolitično tva-rino bivše države, v jezik. Velikosrbska vizija enotne Jugoslavije, proti ka-kršni se je opredelil že Ivan Cankar, je bila zelo močna. Zaradi pritiskov so morali zato slovenski politiki, čeprav so nam bili zelo naklonjeni, začetno jezikovno razsodišče 'razhajkati'. – Kasneje, leta 1986, me je Mi-lan Kučan povabil k sodelovanju v predsedstvu reformistične Zveze ko-munistov Slovenije. Ker mi je obljubil proste roke in zagotovil, da me ne potrebuje za kulturnega komisarja ali celo priganjača, sem mesto sprejel. Kakorkoli že, pokojni Josip Vidmar je imel navado reči, da ko politik na koncu življenja potegne črto pod vloženi trud in čas, ugotovi, da je bilo učinka bore malo. Če tako pogledam na stvar, pa vseeno ne morem biti razočaran: vsekakor drži, da je bila osamosvojitev Slovenije velika stvar in pri njej sem dejavno sodeloval.

S čim se trenutno ukvarjate?

Vrtnice križam (smeh …). Sicer pa sem napisal knjižico, ne boste ver-jeli, o rokometu v Velenju. Tja smo se namreč s starši takoj po drugi sve-tovni vojni preselili in v povojnih letih je bil v Velenju eden prvih roko-metnih klubov pri nas. Naslednje leto bo 60-letnica prve uradne tekme, ki smo jo odigrali. Pravkar sem napisal tudi daljši spis o nastanku nove vrtnice, ki ga še ne mislim izdati, manjka mi še slikovno gradivo.

Podarite vrtnico za rojstni dan ali ob podobni priložnosti tudi svoji ženi?

Ona ima skoraj raje nekatere druge rože, zato ji prinesem, denimo, bele ciklame.

Dr Matjaž Kmeclwriter, journalist... and the fatherof the France Prešeren roseText: Marjan Žiberna Photography: Igor Škafar

Dr Matjaž Kmecl is one of those people with whom it is extremely difficult to decide what you are actually going to talk about in an interview such as this. If we were to touch even fleetingly on all the things he has done in his life, we could fill this magazine you are holding with small print from the first page to the last. A retired university professor of literary history, a writer and journalist, a leading expert on the Slovene language and Slovenia’s folk heritage, a former politician (in the field of culture), a full member of the national Academy of Sciences and Arts... He is a man of extraordinary erudition, something which is fully in evidence in Treasures of Slovenia, a monograph first published in 1979 and in its most recent edition, with brand-new text and photographs by Joco Žnidaršič, two years ago. Dr Kmecl is also a man of sparkling, genial humour; this is present in Sveti Lenart, vrtnice in gamsov skret, an autobiographical work published in 2008 which he subtitled “Memories of Secret Loves”. He states in the introduction that it is not a book of memoirs – because memoirs are written by people who believe that they have lived an important life – but rather an insignificant conversation about the life that he has been given to live. In it he reveals another of his great loves, a passion that is perhaps less well known to the general public: roses. This love derives, he explains, from his early childhood. His father was a country schoolteacher in Podkum, a village in the Posavje Hills facing towards Dolenjska, where there was a fine garden next to the school. “He and my mother travelled all over Slovenia by motorcycle and were always bringing home grafts of new roses. Meanwhile the schoolchildren kept him supplied with ‘wildings’ from the forest, dog rose plants which he used as stocks for grafting. And so I caught the roses bug too...”

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You are a grower who is involved in breeding, in other words in creating

new varieties of roses. How does this process work?

The flower of the rose contains both male and female reproductive organs and self-pollination is the norm – unless there is a bee flying around that brings pollen from another rose. Or unless a human being intervenes and selects a pair of parents, the “father” and “mother” of the future rose which he wishes to have specific characteristics. This means removing the stamens from the flowers. The “father’s” stamens are stored in a jar for approximately two days. Meanwhile the “mother” flower is emasculated (i.e. the stamens are removed) and covered so as to avoid fertilisation with the pollen of another rose brought by some uninvited bug. When the stigma in the covered “mother” flower starts to exude a sticky substance – to aid pollination – you apply pollen from the “father’s” stamens, which in the meantime have burst open and released their pollen. Then you wait until autumn and hope that hips – fruit with seeds – will grow, which you will then plant and from which a rose of the desired characteristics may grow. This is a very rough de-scription of the process of cultivating new varieties of roses.

You yourself, before 2000, were on the point of creating a new variety

that you wished to dedicate to our great national poet France Prešeren

to mark the bicentenary of his birth, and give it his name. Did you su-


Yes I did, although not quite as I had planned, and above all much later than planned. To start with I was self-taught and rather ignorant, so there were lots of mistakes and false starts. Then over time I got hold of the relevant literature, learned how to choose a father and mother for a rose... And I grew a rose that seemed to me to be very suitable, it had an interestingly curled flower of a muted pink colour. It soon turned out, however, that it was extremely delicate. These days, resistance to a couple of dozen moulds and other diseases is an essential quality of new rose varieties, since this makes most preventive spraying unneces-sary and at the same time helps the environment. So I crossed it further with more resistant varieties. A few years later I managed to create a slightly less attractive but healthy rose. Following two years of observa-tion at the testing authority in Hanover, it was registered as a new vari-ety. Its name, of course, is France Prešeren, and the ruling on its interna-tional registration arrived on the eve of this year’s Prešeren Day.

As a literary historian, what do you think of the current literary and gene-

ral cultural scene in Slovenia? How much will remain in the sieve of time?

It is difficult to say with certainty, but something will certainly remain. The problem today is the absence of criticism to separate the wheat from the chaff to a certain extent. We live in an age of hyperpro-duction, the consequence of which is enormous muddle and confusion. In literature the reason for this is that printing has become very cheap. This means that practically anyone can have a book printed, and a print-ed book is still seen as confirmation of its quality. In the past, printing was more expensive and therefore required a more careful decision about what to publish in printed form, and there were filters between the author and the printing process – editors and other book creators – who selected the best and contributed to the final quality of published works. But something will certainly remain; it is much the same as with roses: time shows what is really good and what perhaps only appears to be of good quality.

In the first half of the 1980s you were Minister of Culture (Chairman of

the Republic Committee for Culture) and from 1990 to 1992 a member

of the then directly elected Presidency of Slovenia. How do you view the

period that you devoted to politics?

I actually began in the late 1970s, when I came up with the idea of a linguistic arbitration board. Our work – our group included Jože Toporišič and Janko Moder – meant poking at the most important ma-terial of cultural policy in the former state: the language. The Greater Serbian vision of a uniform Yugoslavia, the same vision rejected much earlier by Ivan Cankar, was very strong. As a result of the pressures, poli-ticians in Slovenia, despite being strongly in our favour, were forced to “disperse” the nascent language board. Later, in 1986, Milan Kučan invit-ed me to be a member of the Presidency of the reformist League of Com-munists of Slovenia. Since he promised me a free hand and assured me that he did not need me to be a cultural commissar or even an agitator, I accepted the position. The late Josip Vidmar used to say that when, at the end of his life, a politician draws a line beneath the effort and time he has invested, he realises that the result is a negligible one. Yet even if I look at it from that point of view, I cannot be disappointed: There is no doubt that Slovenia’s achievement of independence was a great thing, and I was actively involved in that.

What are your current projects?

Crossing roses... [laughs] Apart from that, I have written a little book, believe it or not, about handball in Velenje. I moved there with my par-ents immediately after the Second World War and in the post-war years Velenje had one of the first handball clubs in the country. Next year is the 60th anniversary of the first official match that we played. I have also just finished a lengthy piece on the creation of a new rose, but I am not ready to publish it. I am still missing pictorial material.

Do you give your wife roses on her birthday and other special occasions?

She actually prefers other flowers, so I might bring her, for example, white cyclamen. A

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Besedilo in fotografije: Izabela Rakar

Na začetku je deževalo. Nebo se je

znižalo in ustavilo tik nad streho

avtobusa. Enigma prihoda. Jutranje

meglice nad stečiščem reke Temze in Chairwella.

Severna svetloba, ki se lomi ob robovih. Droben

dež prši po pročeljih stoletnih kolidžev, poraslih

z mahom, bršljanom in nevidno plastjo miru.

Vse spi. Spijo zvoniki nad strehami, spijo tlakovci

kvadratnih ulic, spijo muhe v knjižnicah, spijo

silhuete študentskih hermitov, zbranih ob vrčkih

piva. Teža tradicije se prevesi v lahkost, s katero

ideje lebdijo v zraku.

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Oxford Mestospečih zvonikov

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{ Oxford }

Ko ura na srednjeveškem zvoniku odbije dvanajst, se mesto z najstarejšo in eno najznamenitejših univerz v angleško govorečem svetu preobrazi iz stoječe vode v intelektualno in duhovno valilnico, iz katere se je izvalilo petindvajset No-

belovih nagrajencev, šestindvajset angleških predsednikov vlade in šte-vilni literati, kot na primer W. H. Auden, Philip Larkin in V. S. Naipaul. Biser v kroni Oxforda in Cambridgea je sistem tutorialov, ki ti omogoča, da kot študent prebiješ uro ali dve na teden individualno z umi, ostrimi kot koničasti vrhovi zvonikov.

Vrata v tempelj Bodleian Library, eno izmed najstarejših evropskih knjižnic, stojijo na stežaj odprta. Spoznaj samega sebe. Vstop je dovoljen samo izbranim romarjem, ki si v polglasnem šepetu izmenjavajo sveže prebrane mantre. Sedenje pod obokanimi stropi toplo zakurjene knji-žnice ter jadranje med premakljivimi knjižnimi policami je pozimi ena od oblik meditacije. Fotografije turističnega vodiča iz 50-ih razkrivajo, da so knjižnice tisti kraj, kjer čas stoji na miru.

Zgodbe o duhovih utopljencev, ki ob polni luni krožijo po Christ Church Meadows in livadi angelov in hrtov, ne burijo zgolj domišljije dobičkonosnih turistov. Duh preteklosti je zapustil železno skrinjo ple-mena Sasov in se povzpel nad speče zvonike. Študentje, ki konec maja in v začetku junija drvijo proti izpitni hiši na High Streetu v črnih plaščih in s štirioglato študentsko kapo v roki, izvajajo starodavni ritual.

Sredi majhne galerije Unicorn, ki so jo ob koncu 70-ih preuredili v trgovino s starimi oblačili, šiva belolasa Slovenka, izgubljena v kralje-stvu žametnih suknjičev. Nori klobučar srka v Grand Caféju, najstarejši angleški kavarni – tako dnevnik slavnega Samuela Pepyja –, črni čaj in grizlja sconese, krofom podobne slaščice. Individualizem s pridihom angleške ekscentričnosti in skromnosti. Muzej Pitt Rivers z arheološko in antropološko zbirko spominja na temno podstrešje, natrpano od tal do stropa z najrazličnejšimi predmeti, medtem ko ima sosednji priro-

doslovni muzej oxfordske univerze (Oxford University Natural History Museum) celo mumificirano glavo in nogo oxfordskega ptiča doda. Pra-gozd vitkih železnih stebrov, ki podpirajo železno streho, je notranjost gigantskega, davno izumrlega tiranozavra.

Oxford je čudežna dežela Aličinih dogodivščin, izmišljeni svet Har-ryja Potterja, zimska pravljica, ki jo grulijo golobi v starem osrčju mesta.

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Oxford je čudežna dežela Aličinih dogodivščin, izmišljeni svet Harryja Potterja, zimska pravljica, ki jo grulijo golobi v starem osrčju mesta.

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{ Oxford }

Iluzija mesta brez realnih problemov se razblini za vsakim vogalom, kjer se majejo krakajoči možici z zadnjo številko Big Issuea in žonglirajo z ulovljenimi funti. Ptice selivke gnezdijo v njihovi bradi in cvrkutajo ob jutranjem pozdravu »Bonjour, Madame«. Korak vzhodno se razprostira Cowley, industrijski multi-kulti krak mesta, kjer ima sedež tovarna av-tomobilov Mini. Dolga brada Charlesa Darwina je postala brada ostare-lih Jamajčanov, ki pred Hi-Lo barom polagajo domino.

Veverica v najstarejšem angleškem botaničnem vrtu, ki je pozabila, kam je skrila jesenske plodove, sestavlja del z bršljanom zaraščene slike zapuščenosti. Zdi se, kot da v eni od nasproti ležečih sob Magdalene Collegea spi rahitičen deček in sanja o vhodu v skrivni vrt. Toda iz divje trave, golih gredic in razpok v zidu naenkrat vzklijejo sveži listi in pop-ki, cvetovi modrih perunik in belih lilij vzdignejo glave v pozdrav son-cu. Zdaj veš, da se zgodba nadaljuje. Kot kaplje, ki se dvignejo iz zaspane reke v obliki vodne pare, se strnejo v oblake in se spustijo nad pročelja stoletnih kolidžev v obliki drobnega pršečega dežja.

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{ Oxford }

OxfordThe City of Dreaming SpiresText and photography: Izabela Rakar

In the beginning there was the rain. The sky grew lower and lower and stopped just above the roof of the bus. The enigma of arrival. The morning mist above the confluence of the Thames and the Cherwell. The northern light fracturing at the edges. The fine

rain pattering on the façades of the ancient colleges covered in moss, ivy and an invisible layer of peace. Everything slept. The spires rising above the roofs, the paving stones of the quads, the flies in the libraries, the silhouettes of students hunched over pints of beer. The weight of tradition becomes the lightness with which ideas float in the air.

When the clock in the medieval bell tower strikes twelve, the city that is home to the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in the English-speaking world is transformed from a silent backwater into the intellectual and spiritual hatchery that has produced 25 Nobel laureates, 26 British prime ministers and writers of the calibre of W.H. Auden, Philip Larkin and V.S. Naipaul. The jewel in the crown of Oxford and Cambridge is the tutorial system that allows students to spend an hour or two a week – individually – with minds as sharp as the spires atop the bell towers.

The gates to the temple that is the Bodleian Library, one of the oldest libraries in Europe, are wide open. Know thyself. Entry is only permitted to chosen pilgrims, who exchange fresh mantras in low whispers. Sit-ting beneath the vaulted ceilings of a warm library and sailing among the adjustable bookshelves can be, in winter, a form of meditation. Pho-tographs from a 1950s guidebook reveal that libraries are a place where time stands still.

Stories of the ghosts of drowned men who haunt Christ Church Meadow and Angel and Greyhound Meadow at the time of the full moon do not only stir the imagination of tourists with money to spend. The spirit of the past has abandoned the iron chest of the Saxons and climbed up above the dreaming spires. The students who hurry towards the Examination Schools in the High Street in late May and early June,

dressed in black academic gowns and carrying mortarboards, are acting out an ancient ritual.

Lost in a kingdom of velvet jackets in the middle of Unicorn, a former art gallery that became a second-hand clothes shop in the late 1970s, a white-haired lady from Slovenia sits and sews. The Mad Hatter sits in the Grand Café – the oldest coffeehouse in England, according to Samuel Pepys’s famous diary – sipping black tea and eating scones. Individualism with a hint of English eccentricity and frugality. The Pitt Rivers Museum, with its archaeological and anthropological collec-tions, resembles a dark attic crammed from floor to ceiling with exhib-its of every kind, while the adjacent Oxford University Natural History Museum contains the mummified head and foot of the famous Oxford dodo. The forest of slender cast-iron columns supporting the roof is the interior of a gigantic, long-extinct tyrannosaurus.

Oxford is the wonderland of Alice’s adventures, the imaginary world of Harry Potter, a winter’s fairytale cooed by the pigeons in the old heart of the city. But turn a corner and the illusion of a city without any real problems is shattered by the hoarse-voiced men shambling along with the latest edition of The Big Issue and juggling with the few pound coins they have managed to earn. Birds nest in their beards and twitter a morning greeting: Bonjour Madame. To the east of the city centre is multicultural Cowley, the city’s industrial area and home to the Mini car factory. Charles Darwin’s long beard gives way to the beards of the old Jamaicans playing dominoes outside the Hi-Lo Jamaican Eating House.

The squirrel in England’s oldest botanical garden that has forgot-ten where it hid its autumn hoard is part of the ivy-covered picture of desolation. You can almost imagine a sickly child sleeping in one of the rooms of Magdalen College over the way and dreaming about the entrance to a Secret Garden. But then, all at once, fresh leaves and buds start to appear amid the wild grass, the bare flowerbeds and the cracks in the walls, and blue irises and white lilies raise their heads to the sun’s greeting. Now you know that the story continues. Like the drop-lets that rise from the sleepy river in the form of water vapour, condense into clouds and fall back onto the façades of the ancient colleges in the form of a fine, drizzling rain. A

Oxford is the wonderland of Alice’s adventures, the imaginary world of Harry Potter, a winter’s fairytale cooed by the pigeons in the old heart of the city.

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Adria Airways leti na liniji Ljubljana–London petkrat na teden.Adria Airways flies between Ljubljana and London five times a week.

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Slovenska golfska pravljica


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Slovenska golfska pravljica

Besedilo in fotografije: Aleš Fevžer

Trinajst golfskih igrišč, ki jih je dobro zaznamovala raznolikost slovenskih pokrajin, ni zaman na spisku »must play« vseh pravih ljubiteljev te igre.

Brezhibno urejena igrišča so tako v Panonski nižini na severovzhodu Slovenije, v vinorodnih krajih na Štajerskem, na dolenjskih in posavskih gričih, v glavnem mestu z okolico, v bližini alpskih vršacev na severozahodu in v slikoviti kraški pokrajini na zahodu.

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{ Golf }

LjubljanaPrestolnica živi za golf

Golfisti in golfistke iz slovenske prestolnice so dolgo, za nekatere celo predolgo čakali na igrišče, ki je dovolj blizu mesta, da se lahko tja odpravijo kar z avtobusom ali s kolesom. Njihove želje

so se uresničile leta 2007, ko je v Trnovem odprl svoja vrata sodoben vad-beni center, kjer so odlični pogoji za trening vseh prvin golfske igre, pa tudi zanimivo igrišče z devetimi luknjami (dolžina 2470 metrov, par 34); na njem lahko igralec med igro opazuje mestne stolpiče in Grad, ki bdi nad našim glavnim mestom. Igrišče Trnovo je zaradi svoje bližine odlična izbira za vse, ki želijo poleg svojih dnevnih obveznosti odigrati tudi zani-mivo rundo golfa, saj ponuja dovolj izzivov za igralce vseh stopenj znanja. Začetniki so izzvani z vodnimi ovirami na drugi, tretji in peti luknji, boljši igralci najdejo idealne linije na zelenicah, tisti z nizkimi hendikepi pa lahko poskusijo že z začetnim udarcem na osmi luknji (dolžina 240 metrov, par 4) doseči zelenico. Ta je dobro varovana s peščenima ovirama in pomaknjena na rob gozda, tako da igralec z vsakim zgrešenim udarcem tvega, da bo žogica končala v visoki travi.

Šampionsko igrišče slovenske prestolnice je Diners Golf & Country klub v Smledniku, ki je oddaljen samo 15 minut vožnje iz mestnega središča. Na terenu, ki ga je našel Marko Štirn, eden najboljših slovenskih amater-skih igralcev, in na njem s pomočjo evropskih sredstev zgradil moderno igrišče in golfsko akademijo, tako že tretjo sezono navdušuje člane in goste od blizu in daleč. Zanimiva klubska hiša z vrhunsko restavracijo Evergreen samo zaokrožuje podobo igrišča, ki je po seriji družabnih in tekmovalnih turnirjev pripravljeno na največji izziv v prihodnjem letu, ko bo gostilo žensko evropsko prvenstvo. Ekipa vzdrževalcev je že v letošnji sezoni dodatno uredila igrišče, ki počasi dobiva končno podobo, kot si jo je zamislil golfski arhitekt Peter Škofic. Čeprav igrišče ne izstopa z dol-žino (5872 metrov, par 72), pa je njegova odlika razgiban teren, vrhunsko vzdrževanje in predvsem hitre in zelo raznolike zelenice. Gostje se zato radi vračajo tja, saj jim Diners ponuja možnost za vrhunski rezultat; to prav dobro vedo člani kluba, ki vsako leto v začetku marca komaj čakajo, da se igrišče po zimskem spanju odpre za igranje.


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{ Golf }

ArboretumLepotec pod Kamniškimi Alpami

Igrišče v Arboretumu je bilo zgrajeno 1998 v bližini botaničnega vrta v Volčjem Potoku in že od začetka navduševalo z brezhibno urejenostjo v osrčju Kamniških Alp. Odlikuje ga razgiban teren, speljan skozi

gozd iglavcev, zato so igralna polja ožja in krajša kot na Bledu ali v Lipici. Še vedno pa je s 5392 metri dolžine in parom 71 pravi test za igralce vseh nivojev. Na posameznih luknjah je potrebno igrati zelo natančno, saj prostora za napačne udarce ni veliko. Igralcu se vtisne v spomin sedma luknja, kjer je potrebno po spustu v dolino zaviti v levo in drugi udarec zaigrati preko malega jezera na zelenico, za katero se zdi, kot bi bila na otoku. Tudi deveto zelenico nad klubsko hišo varuje veliko jezero, zato je potrebno imeti pri igranju tudi nekaj sreče, saj se pri prekratkih udarcih

žogica pogosto skotali nazaj v vodo. Drugih devet lukenj je krajših, a nič manj zahtevnih. Mnogi igralci se radi pohvalijo z dosežki na 16. luknji – to je kratek par 4 z vsega 229 metri dolžine, ki teče po hribu navzdol, zato je moč doseči zelenico že s prvim udarcem. Na njej je bilo doseženih že veli-ko eaglov, pa tudi hole in one, kar je redkost celo v svetovnem merilu.

OtočecNajboljše igrišče v Sloveniji

Na Otočcu v bližini Novega mesta so se pred štirimi leti končno uresničile želje golfistov iz dolenjske prestolnice, da bodo lahko igrali na lastnem igrišču. Terme Krka so se ob pridobitvi evrop-

skih sredstev odločile za izgradnjo šampionskega igrišča (dolžina 6189 metrov, par 72), ki je takoj postalo pravi hit med slovenskimi golfisti. Raz-giban teren ob reki Krki, speljan skozi gozd pod Gorjanci, navduši igralce in igralke tako z dolžino kot s težavnostjo posameznih lukenj. Vrhunska urejenost pa mu je dve leti zapored prinesla tudi naziv najboljšega slo-venskega igrišča, ki bo v prihodnosti teren za veliko vrhunskih turnirjev. Tudi na Otočcu mora igralec igrati s trezno glavo in uporabljati vse palice, ki jih ima v torbi. Igrišče rado kaznuje vse predrzne poteze, saj je konfi-guracija zelo razgibana in ga prehodijo le tisti z veliko fizične kondicije, ostali pa raje uporabljajo električne avtomobile. Igrišče ima zares zanimiv dizajn, ki je najbolj učinkovit z razgibanimi zelenicami, kjer je potrebno imeti veliko znanja in izkušenj.

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Ljubljana Trnovo

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MokriceGrajsko razkošje

Na Mokricah je v okolici srednjeveškega gradu pred 17 leti na-stalo takrat šele tretje igrišče v Sloveniji. Odlikujejo ga dolge in težke luknje, speljane med nasadi hrušk, vinogradi in

gozdom. Dolgo je 5785 m s parom 71 in ga odlikuje prepoznaven slog golfskega arhitekta Donalda Harradina, ki le malo posega v okolje. Zato je ostalo igrišče naravno in ima razgiban teren tako kot Otočec. Igralcu se še posebej vtisne v spomin igranje s hriba v dolino na 10. luknji (140 metrov, par 3), saj leži zelenica tik ob grajskem obzidju. Tudi 11. luknja z udarjališčem ob grajskem stolpu (340 metrov, par 4) je slikovit dog leg v levo, kjer je potrebno premagati veliko višinsko razliko, ki jo varuje velik ribnik. Prostorna klubska hiša v srednjeveškem slogu nudi gostom vse ugodje, ki si ga igralec lahko le zaželi.

BledTradicija in kakovost

Na Bledu leži najstarejše slovensko igrišče, ki ima že več kot sedemdesetletno zgodovino. Prvo igrišče so zgradili na Hraški gmajni med Radovljico in Bledom že leta 1937, vendar je bilo

med 2. svetovno vojno uničeno in so ga obnovili in razširili na 18 lukenj šele v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja po načrtih Donalda Harra-dina. Na njem so sprva igrali samo tuji gostje, ki so prihajali na počitni-ce na Bled. Ti so bili nad kvaliteto in lepoto igrišča tako navdušeni, da se je novica o »golfskem raju pod Karavankami« hitro razširila po vsem svetu. Z mednarodnimi golfskimi turnirji so še dodatno poskrbeli za promocijo igrišča, ki je vse do današnjih dni ostalo vodilno v državi in med prvo petdeseterico v Evropi. Prva znanja o golfu smo Slovenci dobili kot nosači torb tujim igralcem, ko pa so 1975. ustanovili prvi do-mači golfski klub, se je krog novih domačih igralcev iz leta v leto širil. Poleg kraljevega igrišča (dolžina 6256 metrov, par 73) se Bled ponaša še z devetimi luknjami Jezerskega igrišča (dolžina 3047 metrov, par 36), ki ima dvojno jezero pred zelenicama druge in devete luknje. Obe igrišči odlikuje razgiban teren, ki teče po gozdu listavcev in prostranih travni-kih tako, da igralec brez težav udarja z drajverjem. Vse luknje s parom 3 varujejo številne peščene ovire (na kraljevem igrišču jih je skupno 54), ki zahtevajo dobro tehniko udarcev. Čeprav kraljevo igrišče nima vodnih ovir v obliki jezer ali potokov, pa ne pusti ravnodušnega prav nikogar, saj je Donald Harradine mojstrsko združil naravno konfiguracijo terena in zahteve investitorjev med gradnjo. Pogledi na Karavanke s Stolom in Julijske Alpe s Triglavom so kulisa, ki med igranjem prevzamejo še tako zavzetega igralca.

BovecNepozabni razgledi na alpske vršace

Na drugi strani alpskih vršacev je v Bovcu igrišče, ki ima devet lukenj (dolžina 3012 metrov, par 36 ), speljanih po gozdu in travnikih pod Kaninom, najvišjim smučiščem v Sloveniji, kjer

lahko smučamo še v začetku maja. Takrat je moč igrati tudi na golfskem turnirju, kjer igralci in igralke prvih devet lukenj odigrajo na Kaninu na sneženem igrišču na višini 2000 metrov. Nato pa se s kabinsko žičnico od-peljejo v dolino in odigrajo še devet lukenj na pravem travnatem, povsem naravnem igrišču, ki ima tudi najbolj slikovito luknjo v Sloveniji (215 me-trov, par 3): igralec z vrha hriba udarja proti zelenici, ki jo obkroža potok. Razgled na vsaki luknji je pravi zaklad.

LipicaIgranje med lipicanci

Drugo igrišče v Sloveniji je Harradine narisal v Lipici, kjer je ob pa-šnikih lipicancev po razgibanem kraškem terenu moč igrati na 9 luknjah (dolžina 6318 metrov, par 73). Igrišče je zaradi svoje lege

edino v Sloveniji odprto vse leto in posebej v zimskem času vredno obi-ska predvsem zaradi burje, ki narekuje potek igre. Na luknjah, kjer igralcu piha v hrbet, letijo žogice neskončno daleč, tam, kjer piha v prsi, pa včasih tudi z drajverjem ne doseže zelenice na paru 3.



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PtujModerno igrišče v najstarejšem slovenskem mestu

Prvo igrišče na Štajerskem je bilo zgrajeno na Ptuju (dolžina 5727 metrov, par 71); leži ob reki Dravi in v bližini termalnega kopališča. Moderna klubska hiša je pravo nasprotje staremu gradu iz 11. sto-

letja, ki se dviguje nad mestom in ga je moč videti tudi z igrišča. Igrišče je v zadnjih dveh sezonah gostilo turnir najboljših poklicnih evropskih igralcev, ki igrajo na Alps Touru, član domačega kluba pa je tudi najboljši slovenski poklicni igralec Matjaž Gojčič, ki je že nastopal tudi na turnirjih European Tour. Ptujsko igrišče je poznano tudi po zelenici na otoku – vsa-kič požene kri po žilah igralcev, ki stojijo na udarjališču 14. luknje. Tudi drugo veliko jezero, ob katerem potekata 10. in 18. luknja, pogoltne mar-sikatero žogico, zato je potrebno ptujsko igrišče odigrati z veliko mero samozavesti.

Slovenske KonjiceIzziv med vinogradi Zlatega griča

Slikovito igrišče je v Slovenskih Konjicah. Speljano med vinogradi na Zlatem griču zahteva od igralca natančno igro, saj so zelenice majh-ne in zelo razgibane. Ima 9 lukenj z dolžino 2165 metrov in parom

36. Za pravo veselje med igranjem poskrbijo razgledi na dravinjsko dolino proti Boču, na Konjiško goro in stari grad nad mestom. Posebej zanimivo igranje na njem je jeseni v času trgatve, ko lahko igralci med iskanjem žo-gic jedo še sveže grozdje. Še bolj veselo pa je po koncu igre, saj je klubska hiša v vinski kleti, zato razlogov za dobro voljo nikoli ne zmanjka.

OlimjeSkriti zaklad

V bližini termalnega zdravilišča Podčetrtek leži igrišče A v Olimju. Zgrajeno je bilo na zasebno pobudo in je zanimiva popestritev turistične ponudbe v krajih ob reki Sotli. Devet lukenj (dolžina

2081 metrov, par 31) je speljanih v dolini na posestvu Amonove domačije in se lahko pohvali tudi z dobro domačo gostilno.

JelšingradNajmlajše igrišče v državi

V Šmarju pri Jelšah so konec golfske sezone 2010 proslavili z otvo-ritvijo novega igrišča z devetimi luknjami (dolžina 2410 metrov, par 35), ki so ga načrtovali dolga leta. Gostje Term Rogaška Sla-

tina bodo lahko sedaj uživali še v dodatni turistični ponudbi. Igrišče je nastalo v okolici dvorca Jelšingrad in se ponaša z zanimivim dizajnom, igralcem pa predstavlja največji izziv šesta luknja, ki meri v dolžino kar 570 metrov.

Moravske TopliceGolfski dopust po željah cele družine

V Prekmurju so ponosni na igrišče Livada v Moravskih Toplicah (dolžina 6236 metrov, par 72). Prekmurci se sedaj poleg gibani-ce in štorkelj radi pohvalijo tudi z najdaljšo luknjo v Sloveniji

(596 metrov, par 5), na kateri mora igralec odigrati dva odlična udarca z drajverjem in lesom 3, da sploh pride na zelenico s tretjim udarcem. Ravninsko igrišče je bolj zahtevno, kot se zdi na prvi pogled, saj številne vodne ovire še dodatno otežijo igranje in postavijo igralca na raznovrstne preizkušnje med igro.

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{ Golf }

A Golfing Fairytale in SloveniaText and photography: Aleš Fevžer

Thirteen golf courses, reflecting the diversity of the different landscapes of Slovenia, feature for good reason on the “must play” list of all true enthusiasts of this game. These immaculately kept courses are to be found in the Pannonian

Plain in the north-east of the country, in the wine districts of Štajerska, in the hills of Dolenjska and Posavje, in and around the capital city, in the shadow of Alpine peaks in north-west Slovenia and in the picturesque karst landscape in the west.

Slovenske Konjice


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nik Alps. The undulating course snakes its way through a pine forest, so the fairways are narrower and shorter than at Bled or Lipica. This 5,392-metre, par 71 course is a real test for players of all levels. On some holes great accuracy is called for, since there is not much room for error. The seventh hole is particularly memorable: after descending into the valley the player has to turn to the left and play his second shot over a little lake onto a green that appears to be on an island. The ninth green, above the clubhouse, is guarded by a large lake, so a little luck is required when aiming for the flag: if your shot is too short the ball is likely to end up rolling back into the water. The other nine holes are shorter but no less demanding. Many players like to boast of their achievements on the sixteenth hole, a short par 4 of 229 metres, running downhill, making it possible to reach the green off the tee. Plenty of eagles have been scored here and even that great rarity, a hole in one.

OtočecThe best golf course in Slovenia

With the opening of the Otočec course near Novo Mesto four years ago, golfers from the capital of the Dolenjska region finally gained the opportunity to play on their own course.

After obtaining EU funding, Terme Krka decided to build a champion-ship course (length 6,189 metres, par 72) which immediately became a hit among Slovenia’s golfers. Set in undulating terrain along the river Krka and winding through woods below the Gorjanci Hills, the course is popu-lar both for its length and for the difficulty of individual holes. An excel-lent level of maintenance has won it the title of best golf course in Slov-enia two years in a row. A number of top-level tournaments are due to be held here in the future. Players at Otočec need a clear head and will find themselves using every club in the bag. The course tends to punish the over-ambitious and the very hilly terrain is only suitable for the fittest golfers – most prefer to use electric carts. The course has an extremely in-teresting design, which is at its most effective on the undulating greens, where a good deal of skill and experience are required.

LjubljanaThe capital lives for golf

Golfers from Slovenia’s capital city waited a long time – too long in some cases – for a golf course that was close enough to the city to be reached by bus or bicycle. Their wish was granted in

2007 when a modern practice centre opened its doors in Trnovo, providing them with excellent facilities to practise every element of their game and an interesting nine-hole course (length 2,470 metres, par 34) overlooking the city with a view of the castle on its hill above the capital. Thanks to its proximity, the Trnovo course is an excellent choice for all who wish to combine their daily commitments with an interesting round of golf, since it offers sufficient challenges for players of every level. Beginners are challenged by the water hazards on the second, third and fifth holes; bet-ter players try to find ideal lines on the greens; and low-handicap players can try to reach the green with their drive on the eighth hole (length 240 metres, par 4). The eighth green is guarded by two bunkers and sits on the edge of a wood, meaning that any misplayed shot carries the risk that the ball will end up in the rough.

The Slovenian capital’s championship course is the Diners Golf & Coun-try Club in Smlednik, just a 15-minute drive from the city centre. It was Marko Štirn, one of Slovenia’s best amateur golfers, who chose the site for the course and, with the help of funds from the European Union, created a modern golf course and golf academy that is now in its third season and is popular with an increasing number of members and visitors from near and far. The interesting clubhouse, home to the excellent Evergreen restaurant, is a perfect complement to the course, which, following a string of social and competitive tournaments, is now ready for its biggest challenge in the coming year, when it hosts the European Ladies Championship. This season the maintenance team have done further work on the course, which is slowly taking on its final appearance, as conceived by golf course archi-tect Peter Škofic. Although not particularly long (5,872 metres, par 72), the course is distinguished by varied terrain, an excellent level of maintenance, and fast greens of many different kinds. Visitors love to come back here, be-cause the Diners course offers them the chance of a great result, something the club members know very well, and each year at the beginning of March they can hardly wait for the course to reopen after its winter sleep.

ArboretumA beautiful course below the Kamnik Alps

The Arboretum golf course was built in 1998 near the botanical garden in Voljči Potok and has been popular ever since it opened as an immaculately maintained course in the heart of the Kam-

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MokriceThe magnificence of a castle

The golf course in the grounds of the medieval castle in Mokrice was built 17 years ago and was at the time only the third golf course in Slovenia. It is notable for its long, difficult holes wind-

ing through pear orchards, vineyards and forest. The 5,785-metre, 71 par course is built in the distinctive style of golf-course architect Donald Har-radine, with minimal impact on the environment. As a result the course has remained natural and its varied terrain reflects that of Otočec itself. Particularly memorable is the tenth hole (140 metres, par 3), where you play from the hill into the valley, because the green lies right up against the castle walls. The eleventh hole (340 metres, par 4), with its tee next to the castle tower, is a picturesque dogleg to the left, where the player has to overcome a marked difference in altitude and aim accurately for the green, which is protected by a large fishpond. The spacious medieval-style clubhouse offers every comfort that a golfer could wish for.

BledTradition and quality

Bled is home to Slovenia’s oldest golf course, with over 70 years of history behind it. The first course was built on common land in Hraška gmajna between Radovljica and Bled in 1937, but was

destroyed during the Second World War and was not renovated until the 1970s, at which point it was enlarged to 18 holes. The new course was designed by Donald Harradine. Initially it was only used by foreign visi-tors who came to Bled on holiday. They were so enthusiastic about the quality and beauty of the course that news of this golfing paradise below the Karavanke mountains quickly spread throughout the world. Inter-national golf tournaments have further contributed to the promotion of the course, which has remained the leading golf course in the country and ranks among the top 50 courses in Europe. We Slovenes gained our first knowledge of golf as caddies for foreign players, but when the first domestic golf club was founded in 1975, the number of new Slovene play-ers began to grow from year to year. As well as the King’s Course (6,256 metres, par 73), Bled boasts the nine-hole Lake Course (3,047 metres, par 36), with a double lake in front of the second and ninth greens. Both courses feature undulating terrain winding through a deciduous wood and wide meadows, where there is plenty of room to use a driver. All the par 3 holes are guarded by bunkers (there are a total of 54 on the King’s Course), requiring accurate play. Although the King’s Course has no water hazards in the shape of lakes and streams, it is not a course that leaves anyone indifferent, since Donald Harradine has masterfully combined the natural configuration of the terrain and the requirements of the developers. Views of the Karavanke mountains with Mount Stol and the

Julian Alps with Mount Triglav are a backdrop that will move even the most dedicated player.

BovecUnforgettable views of Alpine peaks

On the other side of the Alps the nine-hole Bovec golf course (length 3,012 metres, par 36) winds through woodland and meadows below Kanin, the highest ski resort in Slovenia,

where skiing is possible right up until early May. At that time of year it is even possible to play in a golf tournament where the first nine holes are played on Kanin itself, on a snow-covered course at 2,000 metres above sea level. A cable car then carries the players down into the val-ley to play another nine holes on a proper grass course which is entirely natural. The course also has the most picturesque hole in Slovenia (215 metres, par 3): the player tees off from the top of the hill towards a green surrounded by a stream. The view at every hole is to be treasured.

LipicaGolf among the Lipizzaners

The second golf course in Slovenia was designed by Donald Har-radine in Lipica: a nine-hole course (length 6,318 metres, par 73) on rolling karst terrain by the meadows where the famous Lipiz-

zaner horses graze. Thanks to its situation, the course is the only one in Slovenia open throughout the year, and is particularly worth a visit in winter, when the strong north wind known as the burja can dictate the course of a game. On holes where the wind is blowing from behind you, your ball can simply keep on going; on holes where the wind is against you, even using a driver you will sometimes fail to reach the green on a par 3 hole.


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PtujA modern golf course in the oldest town in Slovenia

The golf course in Ptuj (length 5,727 metres, par 71) was the first in the Štajerska region. It lies on the river Drava in the vicinity of the thermal spa. The modern clubhouse is the exact opposite of

the 11th- century castle that rises up above the town and is also visible from the course. In the last two seasons the course has hosted the Alps Tour, featuring some of Europe’s best professional golfers. It is also the home course of Slovenia’s top professional Matjaž Gojčič, who has also appeared on the European Tour. The Ptuj course is famous as the location of the first island green in Slovenia, which never fails to send the blood coursing through the veins of players at the fourteenth tee. The other big lake, alongside which the tenth and eighteenth holes run, has also swal-lowed many a ball, so the Ptuj golf course needs to be approached with a good degree of self-confidence.

Slovenske KonjiceA challenge among the vineyards of Zlati Grič

This picturesque golf course is located in Slovenske Konjice. Winding through the vineyards on Zlati Grič, the course de-mands accuracy, since the greens are small and very hilly. Par

for this nine-hole course (length 2,165 metres) is 36. Real pleasure is af-forded by the wonderful views over the Dravinja Valley towards Mount Boč and of Konjiška Gora and the Old Castle above the town. Playing here in autumn at the time of the grape harvest is particularly interest-ing and players can sample fresh grapes while searching for lost balls.

Even better: the clubhouse is located in a winery, so there are plenty of reasons for good cheer after the game is over.

OlimjeA hidden treasure

The “A Golf” course in Olimje is located near the thermal spa in Podčetrtek. A private initiative, it is an interesting additional tourist attraction in the area around the river Sotla. The nine-hole

course (length 2,081 metres, par 31) winds through a valley on the Amon estate and also boasts a good restaurant serving local cuisine.

JelšingradThe youngest course in the country

The end of the 2010 golf season was celebrated in Šmarje pri Jelšah with the opening of a long-planned new nine-hole course (length 2,410 metres, par 35). Visitors to the Rogaška Slatina spa will now

be able to enjoy a new attraction. The course is located on the grounds of Jelšingrad Castle and boasts an interesting design. The biggest challenge for players is the sixth hole, which is all of 570 metres long.

Moravske TopliceA golf holiday for the whole family

The people of Prekmurje are proud of the Livada golf course in Moravske Toplice (length 6,236 metres, par 72). Now, as well as gibanica (a traditional layer cake) and the stork, they can boast

of having the longest hole in Slovenia (596 metres, par 5), where a player needs two good strokes with a driver and a 3-wood just to get onto the green with his third shot. The flat course is more demanding than it ap-pears at first glance and the numerous water hazards are an additional dif-ficulty that present the player with a variety of challenges during a round.

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Urša Orehek: »Igrati med najboljšimi na svetu«Besedilo in fotografije: Aleš Fevžer

Urša Orehek je pri sedemnajstih letih najboljša slovenska golfistka, a njene želje segajo še veliko višje. Z odličnimi nastopi na turnirjih v tujini si je priigrala številne ponudbe ameriških univerz, da bi študirala onkraj luže in igrala za

šolsko ekipo. Njena dosedanja življenjska pot je na moč podobna zgodbam velikih

šampionov. Igro je spoznala pri 6 letih, ko je v vsem sledila svojemu devet let starejšemu bratu Luki, ki je v vadil v Arboretumu. Ker sta golf redno igrala tudi oče Iztok in mama Meta, je vse proste dni preživela v njihovi družbi na različnih igriščih in spoznavala skrivnosti golfa. »Ko sem bila stara sedem let, me ja mami peljala v Arboretum, da doma ne bi motila pleskarjev, ki so barvali naše stanovanje. Igrala sem na otroškem turnirju za pokal bambi, in ko je popoldne prišla pome, sem ji navdušeno pokazala pokal za drugo mesto,« se svojih tekmovalnih začetkov spomi-nja simpatična Urša. Njen talent ni ostal neopažen in Dani Kraljič, ki je takrat vodil otroško golfsko akademijo, jo je vzel pod svoje okrilje. Poleg rednih treningov je najboljši slovenski profesionalni igralec in izkušeni učitelj delal z Uršo še posebej, saj je hitro spoznal, kakšen talent je dekli-ca, ki je začela po nekaj letih redne vadbe zmagovati v vseh kategorijah. »Ni mi bilo težko trenirati, saj sem želela zmagovati. Ko sem bila stara 12 let, sem že začela nastopati za slovensko žensko člansko reprezentanco, v kateri so bile igralke šest let starejše od mene. Na evropskem mladin-skem prvenstvu v avstrijskem Murhofu sem nato prvič igrala pod vod-stvom novega trenerja slovenske reprezentance Davida Greena.«

Urša čez dan trenira, zvečer in ponoči pa sedi za šolskimi knjigami, saj se dobro zaveda, da je izobrazba v življenju zelo pomembna. Športni-kom v šoli prav nič ne gledajo skozi prste, in čeprav jim ni treba vsak dan k pouku, morajo zato vsak predmet opraviti z izpitom. Zato je njen urnik skrbno izdelan: vstaja ob 6. uri, med 7. in 9. vadi v fitnesu, od 10h do 17h pa trenira na golfski akademiji v Smledniku pod vodstvom reprezen-tančnega trenerja Uroša Gregoriča. Med poletnimi počitnicami vstaja celo ob 5h zjutraj, da lahko svoj trening opravi še pred opoldansko vroči-

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no, ki jo preživi v fitnesu ali v pokritem vadišču, in šele zvečer se odloči za tek v naravi. Njen glavni trener je Jonathan Mannie iz Južne Afrike, ki ima svoj vadbeni center v Salzburgu, kjer dela z avstrijsko reprezentan-co. »Enkrat na mesec cel dan preživim z njim v Avstriji in skupaj greva skozi vse faze treninga. Sicer pa sva vsak dan v stiku po elektronski po-šti. Je zelo strog in zahteva, da do potankosti izpolnim vadbeni načrt, ki si ga zadam za posamezen teden. Včasih bi raje še eno uro trenirala, kot pa sedela za računalnikom,« pravi Urša.

Nagrada za ves trud in trdo delo na treningih pride na turnirjih, na katerih Urša kot po pravilu zaseda mesta med najboljšimi. Njen največji uspeh je lanskoletno drugo mesto na Orange Bowlu, neuradnem svetov-nem mladinskem prvenstvu v Miamiju na Floridi. »Konkurenca tam je bila res strašna in vsakič znova dobim veliko izkušenj. Vesela sem, da sem premagala vse ameriške igralke, ki zaradi svojega odnosa do golfa dosežejo največ tudi kasneje med profesionalkami. Zato bom tudi odšla na šolanje v ZDA, saj si želim nekoč nastopiti med najboljšimi svetov-nimi igralkami. Ogledala sem si že univerzo na Floridi, kjer bom nada-ljevala šolanje, in jo izbrala predvsem zato, ker je vse usmerjeno v šport. Mi je pa žal, da letos ne bom mogla braniti osvojenega drugega mesta; ves december bom namreč preživela za knjigami, saj me čakajo težki izpiti. A šola bo takrat pred golfom, saj moram uspešno opraviti maturo, da bom lahko nadaljevala študij na Floridi,« je še povedala Urša, ki ima hendikep + 3.1, kar pomeni, da mora vsako igrišče odigrati več kot tri udarce pod parom.

Slovenska igrišča ima zelo rada, saj je vsako nekaj posebnega. Arbo-retum je njeno matično igrišče, saj je na njem naredila prve korake, in z veseljem igra na Bledu, kjer je največ turnirjev. Trenira na igrišču Diners pri Smledniku in novica, da bo prihodnje leto gostilo posamično žensko evropsko prvenstvo, jo je zelo razveselila. »Komaj čakam, da se začne, saj je igrišče kot nalašč za mojo igro z drajverjem. Vedno je vrhunsko urejeno in vsi – od lastnika Marka Štirna naprej – so zelo prijazni, zato verjamem, da bo to super turnir. Za slovo od slovenskih igrišč si želim zmagati in nato v ZDA po končanem šolanju uspeti tudi med profesio-nalkami. To so moje sanje in celo življenje sem podredila temu.«

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Urša Orehek: Playing with the Best in the WorldText and photography: Aleš Fevžer

At the age of 17, Urša Orehek is the best golfer in Slovenia, but she is aiming a lot higher than that. Her out-standing performances at tournaments abroad have earned her plenty of offers from American universities to study

across the pond and play for university teams. The life Urša Orehek has lived thus far shows some striking similari-

ties to the stories of great champions. She got to know the game at the age of six, when she wanted to do everything her brother Luka was doing. Her senior by nine years, Luka was then practicing at the Arbore-

tum. Since her father Iztok and mother Meta were also regular golfers, she spent all her free days in their company at various golf courses, get-ting to know the secrets of the game. “When I was seven years old, my mum took me to the Arboretum, so I wouldn’t bother the decorators who were painting our apartment. I played in the children’s tournament for the Bambi Cup, and when she came to pick me up in the afternoon, I enthusiastically showed her my second-place cup,” says Urša, sweetly, recalling her competitive beginnings. Her talent did not go unnoticed, and Dani Kraljič, who then headed a children’s golf academy, took her under his wing. In addition to the regular training sessions, the best Slovenian professional golfer and experienced teacher worked espe-cially with Urša, since it was soon apparent just how talented was this girl, who after a few years of regular training had started winning in all categories. “It wasn’t hard for me to train, since I wanted to win. When I was 12 years old I started playing for the Slovenian women’s team, which had players six years older than me. Then in the European youth championship at Murhof in Austria I first played under the leadership of the new Slovenian national team trainer, David Green.”

Urša trains during the day, then in the evening and night she sits down with her school books, since she is well aware that education is very important in life. Sports people are not given any kind of special dispensation at school, and although they do not have to attend classes

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every day, they have to pass all the exam subjects. So her timetable is worked out to the last detail: she gets up at 6, does fitness training from 7 to 9, and from 10 to 5 pm she trains at the golf academy in Smlednik under the leadership of national team trainer Uroš Gregorič. During the summer holidays she gets up as early as 5 am, so she can do her training before the midday heat, when she withdraws to a gym or covered practice range, and only in the evening does she opt for an outdoor run. Her head trainer is Jonathan Mannie from South Africa, who has a training centre in Salzburg, where he works with the Austrian national team. “Once a month I spend an entire day with him in Austria, and together we go through all the training stages. Meanwhile we’re in touch every day by e-mail. He’s very strict and demands that I complete every last detail of the practice plan that I set myself for each week. Sometimes I would like to train for another hour, rather than sit at a computer,” says Urša.

The reward for all the effort and hard work in training comes in the competitions, where Urša generally secures one of the top places. Her biggest success was last year’s second place in the Orange Bowl, the unofficial world youth championship in Miami, Florida. “The competi-tion there really was tough, and each time I gain a lot of experience. I’m happy that I beat all the American players, who have a relationship with golf that lets them achieve the most later as professionals. For that reason I’m also going to go and study in the USA, since I want one day

to play amongst the best in the world. I’ve already taken a look around a university in Florida, where I’ll continue my studies, and I chose it mainly because everything is geared towards sports. But I’m sad that this year I won’t be able to defend my second place, since I’ll be spend-ing the whole of December with my books, as I have some tough exams to take. And this time school will come before golf, since I have to pass the matura school leaving exam to be able to study in Florida,” added Urša, who has a handicap of + 3.1, meaning that on every course she has to play more than three strokes under par.

She really loves the Slovenian courses, since each one has something special. The Arboretum is her home course, where she took her first steps, and she happily plays at Bled, which has the most tournaments. She trains at the Diners course in Smlednik, and the news that in the coming year this course will host the individual European women’s championship has delighted her. “I can hardly wait for it to begin, since the course is tailor-made for my play with the driver. It’s always in top condition, and everyone, from owner Marko Štirn down, is very friendly, so I think it will be a great tournament. As a way of taking my leave of Slovenian courses, I would like to win, and then in the USA, after I fin-ish university, I want to succeed among the professionals. This is my dream, and my whole life is devoted to this.” A

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Oblikovanje golfskepokrajineBesedilo in fotografije: Aleš Fevžer

Zaradi raznolikosti slovenske pokrajine ima vsako od tri-najstih igrišč poseben čar, njihovo načrtovanje in gradnja pa sta bila prav zato velik izziv za golfske arhitekte.

Med legendarnimi imeni moramo na prvem mestu omeniti Donalda Harradina, ki je projektiral prva tri igrišča v Sloveniji. Njegov prepoznavni golfski podpis najdemo v kraški Lipici, na posavskih gričih na Mokricah in na Bledu, kjer je narisal enega najlepših igrišč v Evropi, obkroženega s čudovitimi pogledi na Julijske Alpe in Karavanke. Po njegovih stopinjah so nato hodili še mnogi priznani golfski arhitekti, med njimi je tudi domači strokovnjak Peter Škofic, edini Slovenec, ki se lahko pohvali z diplomo škotskega Edinburgh College of Art z oddelka za golfsko arhitekturo.

Pri nas je študiral krajinsko arhitekturo in je po treh letih sodelovanja pri gradnji igrišča v Arboretumu in dveh letih, ki jih je tam preživel kot upravnik igrišča, odšel na študij v domovino golfa. »Zame je bil pravi šok, ko sem dojel, kako povsem drugače kot pri nas gledajo na oblikovanje golfskih igrišč moji profesorji na Škotskem. Tudi sam sem bil na začet-ku pod vtisom ameriškega načina oblikovanja igrišč, ki ga vidimo na televiziji ob prenosih velikih turnirjev. Skoraj vsa so zelo velika, barvita, vrhunsko urejena in narejena s pomočjo moderne mehanizacije. V Veliki Britaniji in na Škotskem pa je poudarek na ohranjanju naravnih posebno-sti s čim manjšimi poseganji v okolico in prostor. Pred dvesto in več leti sta igrišča oblikovala veter in lokalna klima, zato so najstarejša na svetu še danes skoraj takšna kot takrat. Močan veter, da komaj stojiš pri miru, ko se pripravljaš na udarec, in ovire, ki jih je ustvarila narava in ne človek, jim dajejo poseben čar. Slovenska igrišča so nekje vmes. Starejša so bolj tradicionalno oblikovana, pri gradnji novejših pa si moramo arhitekti predvsem zaradi pomanjkanja prostora s pravilno izbiro lokacije zagoto-viti čim manjši vpliv na prostor in okolje,« je povedal Peter Škofic.

V Sloveniji gradijo igrišča po ekoloških načelih, vendar mora golfski arhitekt velikokrat spretno krmariti med željami investitorjev, ki že-lijo zapraviti čim manj denarja, in strokovnimi vidiki gradnje. »Poleg strokovnega ogleda lokacije pred začetkom risanja načrtov mora golfski arhitekt preživeti enako količino časa, ki ga prebije za risalno mizo, tudi na bodočem igrišču, da je potem lahko zadovoljen s končnim izdel-

kom,« pravi Peter, ki je podpisan pod večino novozgrajenih slovenskih igrišč v Sloveniji v zadnjem času, dela pa tudi v sosednjih državah. Včasih mu je žal, da investitorji na koncu ne vložijo še dodatnih 50 do 100 tisoč evrov v površinsko oblikovanje igrišča, ki ga opravijo ’shaperji’ – ti dodajo igrišču s strojno mehanizacijo kvaliteten končni zaključek. Po Petrovem mnenju bi bila lahko nekatera slovenska igrišča vsaj za 20 odstotkov boljša, saj bi prišli mnogi detajli na terenu v obliki strukture, oblike in barve bolj do izraza. »Shaper in arhitekt vidita detajle igrišča že takrat, ko je še v fazi gradnje, in jih mnogi ne opazijo niti takrat, ko je igrišče že zgrajeno. Dober arhitekt črpa ideje iz okolice in poudari poseb-nosti krajine, kjer igrišče stoji. Šele takrat, ko mu uspe pravilno umestiti igrišče v naravni prostor, lahko govorimo o golfski arhitekturi. Golfski arhitekti stremimo k temu, da prostor nadgradimo in mu vtisnemo do-dano vrednost, golfski oblikovalci pa zgolj k temu, da narišejo korektno igrišče.«

Z otvoritvijo novega igrišča se delo Petra Škofica še ne konča. »Na začetku vsake sezone rad zakosim igrišče in s tem oblikujem ’fairwaye’. Igrišče se spreminja iz leta v leto in raste tako kot človek. Zato »svoja«

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igrišča redno obiskujem in se z lastniki in vzdrževalci posvetujem, kaj storiti, da bi bila še boljša. Z leti igranja na njih se pokaže, kakšni popravki bi bili smiselni, da bi igralci še bolj uživali,« pravi Peter, ki je podpisan pod delo na Otočcu, Dinersu in v Trnovem. Po njegovih na-črtih so zgrajena tudi mnoga vadišča, poseben izziv za arhitekta, saj je potrebno na majhnem prostoru postaviti igralca v položaj, kot da bi bil na pravem igrišču.

Ko boste naslednjič igrali na katerem od »njegovih« igrišč, bodite po-zorni na majhne posebnosti, ki jih je Peter oblikoval tako, da se zlijejo z okolico. Poskrbel je tudi za to, da morate mnoge luknje odigrati premi-šljeno in za začetni udarec izbrati še kakšno drugo palico kot ’drajver’. Naravne in umetne ovire je postavil tako, da nagradijo za dobro izvede-ne udarce ali kaznujejo, kadar igrate preveč bahavo ali nepremišljeno. Njegov prepoznavni golfski podpis na slovenskih igriščih je garancija, da boste zadovoljni tudi potem, ko boste na koncu igre sešteli svoje udarce.

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Designing a Golf LandscapeText and photography: Aleš Fevžer

Given the highly varied terrain of Slovenia’s landscape, each of the country’s 13 golf courses has a special charm, and at the same time to plan and build them was a major challenge for golf architects.

Among the legendary names, we should first mention Donald Har-radine, who designed the first three courses in Slovenia. His recognis-able golf signature can be found in the Karst course of Lipica, among the Posavje hills of Mokrice and at Bled, where surrounded by magnificent views of the Julian Alps and the Karavanke range, he laid out one of the most beautiful courses in Europe. Then a number of acclaimed golf architects followed in his footsteps, including local expert Peter Škofic, the only Slovenian who can boast a diploma in Golf Course Architecture from the Edinburgh College of Art in Scotland.

In Slovenia he studied landscape architecture, and after three years collaborating on the construction of the Arboretum course, and the two years he spent there as the course manager, he went to study in the homeland of golf. “It was a real shock for me, when I realised how completely different my professors in Scotland are from us in how they look at golf course design. In the beginning, I myself was under the influence of the American way of designing courses, which we see on television during the major tournaments. Almost all of them are very big, colourful and superbly groomed, and they are also constructed us-ing modern mechanisation. In Britain and in Scotland, however, the


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emphasis is on preserving the natural features, with the least possible encroachment on the surrounding environment. Two hundred years ago and more, the courses were shaped by the wind and local climate, so today the oldest courses in the world are almost like they were then. The wind, which is so strong you can hardly stand still when you’re preparing for a stroke, and the obstacles created by nature and not man, lend them a special charm. Slovenian golf courses are something in between. The older ones are more traditionally designed, while in constructing the newer ones, mainly owing to a lack of space, architects have to choose the right location to minimise the impact on the land and environment”, says Peter Škofic.

In Slovenia the courses are built using ecological principles, but of-ten the golf architect has to steer skilfully between the desires of the investors, who want to minimise spending, and the technical aspects of construction. “In addition to making a professional inspection of the location prior to drawing the plans, the golf architect has to divide his time equally between the drawing board and the future course, so he can then be satisfied with the final product”, says Peter, whose name is behind most of the recently constructed courses in Slovenia, and who also works in neighbouring countries. Sometimes he regrets that in the end investors do not put in an extra 50,000 to 100,000 euros on shaping the course surface, something done by “shapers” who use machinery to add a high-quality finishing touch to the golf course layout. In Peter’s opinion, some of Slovenia’s courses could be at least 20 percent better, since many details on the ground in the form of structures, forms and colours would find better expression. “The shaper and architect see the details of the course right in the construction phase, and many people

don’t even notice them when the course is already built. A good archi-tect draws ideas from the surroundings and emphasises the special features of the landscape where the course lies. Only when he succeeds in correctly placing the course in the natural surroundings can we speak of golf architecture. Golf architects aspire to enhance the surroundings and give added value to them, while golf designers aspire simply to lay out a correct course.”

The opening of a new course does not mean that Peter Škofic’s work is over. “At the beginning of each season I like to mow the course and in this way shape the fairways. The course changes from year to year and grows, just like a person. So I visit “my” courses regularly and consult with the owners and maintenance staff about what to do to make things even better. The years of playing on them show up what modifications would make sense, so that the players can enjoy them even more,” says Peter, whose hand has been behind the Otočec, Diners and Trnovo courses. His plans have also shaped a lot of practice ranges, which is an interesting challenge, since there is just a small space avail-able to make the player feel like he is on a real course.

Next time you play at one of “his” courses, look out for the little fea-tures that Peter has designed so that they fuse into the surroundings. He has also worked to ensure that you have to play many of the holes with some thought, and maybe choose some club other than a driver. He has set up the natural and artificial obstacles in such a way that they reward well-executed strokes, or punish you when you get too cavalier or heedless. His recognisable signature on Slovenia’s golf courses is a guarantee that you will also find contentment when you count up your strokes at the end of the game. A


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Besedilo: Vera Samohod Fotografije: Hrvoje Teo Oršanič

Gremo v Jovse poslušat mir?

Kar majčkeno sram me je priznati, da za Jovse, ki so tako blizu Brežic, dolgo nisem vedela. Mislim, da me je nanje

prva opozorila kolegica in prijateljica Darinka. »Nič kaj privlačno ime, ki še najbolj spominja na žalosten vzdihljaj ’jou’,« sem se malo zgražala. »Pa res niso mogli najti lepšega?« (Tudi v resnici izhaja poimenovanje iz nemške besede, ki ni povezana s čim lepim ali dišečim.) In posledično – ni me ravno zanimalo, kako je tam.

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{ Jovsi }

A naneslo je, da sva z možem nekega toplega maja do onemoglosti kolesarila in se bolj po naključju znašla sredi Jovsov. Bil je čas, ko je vsa narava razigrana, ko vse živo poje, žvižga, čivka, cvrči, valovi, diši, nekam hoče ... In v

Jovsih je bilo tisto pomlad točno tako. Tudi naslednjo in še kdaj. Iz Kapel sva se od cerkvice spustila po gozdičku. No, še prej sva po-

stala pred lesenim hramom in s pogledom zaobjela velik del Jovsov vse tja do Sotle in hrvaških hribčkov na oni strani. S strminice delujejo kot pejsaž, naslikan v akvarelu: prepredajo jih travniki, njivice, šopki grmi-čevja, skupinice močvirskih drevesc, »lužice«, vmes zagledaš še kakšno nižje samotno drevo … Gozdiček, po katerem vodi pot do njih, je odet v preprogo zimzelena, jetrnikov in pljučnikov, še »valdmajster« ali dišeča perla zadiši ponekod iz nizkega rastja, pa bele rožice, ki jim ne vem ime-na ... Hodiš in se pogrezaš v mir, ki ga prav nič ne zmoti. In v naravo, precej zamočvirjeno, ponekod celo neprehodno. Med potjo naletiš le na samotnega sprehajalca, družinico, ki si je zaželela malo drugačnega izle-ta stran od ponorelosti, pa mlad parček … In dišijo, dišijo ti Jovsi!

Ob nekem obisku tega čudežnega kraja sredi kipenja pomladi sem se mimogrede spomnila precej odljudnega, redkobesednega oskrbnika planinskega doma na Golteh, kjer smo nekoč preživljali zimsko šolo v naravi. Neko popoldne ga je zaneslo iz koče k nam na smučišče. Razgle-doval se je po bližnjih in daljnih strminah, kot bi jih prvič videl, iznena-da pa je razprl svojo trdo lupino in v zvonki štajerščini je kar privrelo iz njega: »Tako lepo, kot je pri nas, ni nikjer na svetu! Pa ne le pozimi. Pri-

dite sem gor spomladi ali poleti. Usedete se takole v gosto gorsko travo in – vam povem – v ’radijusu’ enega metra boste našli tisoč rožic. Vsaka je drugačna. Naj me vrag, če jih ne vidim tisoč! Srce mi takrat kar poje!« O, kakšna mehka duša je ta mrakobnež, sem si rekla, celo rožice prešte-va! In v hipu je zrasel v mojih očeh. Najbrž bi tudi za Jovse našel cel kup besednih okraskov. Tukaj je prav tako na stotine rožic ali pa vsaj različ-nih rastlinic, med njimi mnogo nenavadnih, posebno lepih. Preštevala jih še nisem, le zmehčala sem se ob vsakem novem odkritju. Perunike, kukavice pa prelepe travniške narcise v ostri gosti travi, večcvetni dišeči zvončki … Med vsem tem zelenjem in cvetjem je »nekaj izredno redkih vrst, značilnih za mokrišča«, piše na tablah ob poti ... Nekaterih kje dru-gje res še nisem videla. Zadnjič, bil je že jesenski čas in so se tudi Jovsi že zapirali vase, sem začudena obstala med šopi trave, ki so že od nekdaj moja ljubezen. Vanje se je skoraj do vrha zarila vlažna prst, da so se lah-ko prav na njihovem vrhu ugnezdile materine dušice. Seveda, timijani ljubijo sonce in peščena tla, a veter je zanesel seme v močvirnat kraj in tu si je našlo dom na sončni »terasi« združbe močnih travnatih bilk.

Doslej sva prehodila le del tega zaščitenega prostora. A tudi na tej poti je svet tako raznolik. Močvirske trave vseh vrst, debelin in višin – zame najlepše so tiste suličaste v bogatih šopih – pa grmičasti gabri s šopki bele omele, skrivenčene stoletne vrbe z mnogimi duplinami, ki nudijo zavetje živalicam, šipkovi grmi pa še kak osamel bolj pritlikav hrast … In – da ne pozabim na šaš in rogoz, zlasti pa na trstiko s košati-mi »metlami« na vrhu!

Pa ptice. Že dolgo si prizadevam, da bi jih poznala čim več, predvsem po njihovem oglašanju, petju. Razen tega me vedno dobijo na tisto: »To

In dišijo, dišijo ti Jovsi!

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je posebnost, ki je ni daleč naokoli« ali »nikjer drugje.« Ali pa: »Vražjo srečo moraš imeti, da ga lahko vidiš.« In tako me je vabil zapis o skriv-nostnem koscu. Saj sem že slišala zanj in tudi za njegovo »brušenje kose«. Morda pa se nama le posreči in ga zaslišiva ali celo zagledava. Potem se lahko malo pohvališ pred tistimi, ki se jim ta ptič še ni razkril. Ubrala sva jo po njegovi poti, a – ne, žal ni šlo, nisva ga ugledala. Si že nisva zaslužila tega!? Vsakič pozneje, ko sva ob obisku Jovsov tenko pri-sluškovala, če se bo kje oglasil ali pokukal iz trave, so bila vsa prizade-vanja zaman. Zato pa se tod preliva tako raznovrstna ptičja govorica, da človeka ob poslušanju tam v prsih kar zaboli, tako prijetno zaboli – od posebnega ugodja, morda celo od vzhičenosti posebne vrste.

Sicer pa: še sreča, da se vse redkejšim živalskim in rastlinskim vr-stam tudi pri nas posveča vse večja skrb. Gotovo bi tudi koscem zaradi spreminjajočega se kmetijstva kmalu odzvonilo, a hvala bogu so Jovsi in njim podobni kraji posebej varovani in zaščiteni kot naravni park. Preprosto, a prav zanimivo misel sem prebrala še nedolgo tega. Izrekla jo je znana doktorica znanosti Karin Kanc Hanžel, internistka in diabe-tologinja: »Vsa Evropa nam lahko zavida te kosce, pravzaprav vse ptiče, travnike, vso lepoto, ki jo imamo tu. Mi smo res vrt Evrope.« No, lahko nam zavida tudi Jovse, dodajam sama. Pa ne le Evropa!

»A greva v Jovse poslušat mir?« predlagam včasih, sita vse bolj gla-snega, nemirnega sveta. In se odpeljeva ... In na delčku te evropske gredice vsakič začutim radost, dobro energijo, srečo. Ste že bili tam? In začutili kaj podobnega?

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{ Jovsi }

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“Listening to the Sound of Peace in Jovsi”Text: Vera Samohod Photography: Hrvoje Teo Oršanič

I am rather ashamed to admit that for a long time I knew nothing about Jovsi, despite the proximity of the area to Brežice, my home town. I think the first person to draw my at-tention to it was my colleague and friend Darinka. “Not a very

attractive name,” I complained. “It sounds like a mournful sigh: joj! – woe is me! Couldn’t they have come up with a nicer name?” (In fact the name derives from the German word Jauche, with associations that are anything but beautiful and fragrant.) And so – I had never been particu-larly concerned to find out where it was.

As chance would have it, however, one warm day in May my husband and I stopped for a rest during a long cycle ride and found ourselves, by chance, in the middle of Jovsi. It was the time of year when the whole of nature is full of life, when every living thing sings, whistles, chirps,

surges, fills the air with fragrance, yearns to be on the move… And that is exactly what it was like in Jovsi that spring. And the next spring and every spring since.

From Kapele we made our way down from the church through the lit-tle wood. Actually, before that we stopped in front of the little wooden vineyard cottage and gazed out across a large part of Jovsi as far as the river Sotla and the hills of Croatia on the other side. From up on the slope they look like a landscape painted in watercolours: a patchwork of meadows, fields, clumps of bushes, little groups of marsh trees, the occasional solitary tree, ponds, and so on. The wood through which the path leads in that direction is wrapped in a carpet of lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor), interspersed with liverwort and lungwort. You also catch the occasional scent of woodruff (Galium odoratum), and then there are the little white flowers whose name I do not know… You walk and im-merse yourself in a peace that nothing can disturb. And in countryside that is quite boggy and, in places, impassable. Along the way you meet the occasional solitary walker, a family that has decided to take a day out away from all the madness, a young couple… And what a perfume, what a fragrance in this Jovsi!

During one visit to this wonderful place, in the midst of the surging effervescence of spring, I found myself remembering the rather lugubri-ous, taciturn custodian of a mountain hut on the Golte plateau, where we once went for a winter activities week. One afternoon he came out of the hut and walked over to the ski slope where we were. He gazed at the surrounding hills, and at those further away, as though seeing them for the first time, and all of a sudden his hard exterior melted away and in his sonorous local dialect he burst out: “There is nowhere in the world

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{ Jovsi }

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{ Jovsi }

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{ Jovsi }

as beautiful as it is here! And not only in winter. Come up here in spring or summer. Lie down in the soft grass and – I tell you – you will find a thousand flowers in a one-metre radius. Each one different. The devil take me if I don’t see a thousand of them! And how my heart sings!” Oh, what a tender soul beneath that bluff exterior, I said to myself: he even counts the flowers! And he instantly went up in my estimation. I am sure he would find plenty of beautiful epithets for Jovsi as well. There are certainly thousands of flowers here, or at least an infinite variety of plants, including many unusual and particularly beautiful ones. I have not counted them yet, but with every new discovery I melt fur-ther. Irises, wild orchids and beautiful meadow daffodils in the sharp, thick grass, fragrant campanulas with multiple flowers… Amid all the greenery and flowers are “some extremely rare species characteristic of wetland areas”, it says on the information boards next to the path. And it is true that in some cases I have never seen them anywhere else. Re-cently – it was already autumn and even Jovsi was beginning to close in on itself – I stood in wonder amid the tufts of grass that had long been a particular favourite of mine. Damp soil had pushed its way almost to

the top of the tufts and thyme was growing at the very top. Of course, thyme loves the sun and sandy soil, but in this case the wind had car-ried the seed to a marshy area, where it had found itself a home on the sunny “terrace” of a group of strong blades of grass.

So far we have only explored part of this protected area. But even along this path there is a great deal of variety. Marsh grasses of all types, thicknesses and heights (my favourites are the rich tufts of spear-shaped grasses), shrubby hornbeams with bunches of white mistletoe, ancient willows with many hollows providing shelter for woodland creatures, dog rose bushes and even the occasional solitary dwarf oak... And – last but not least – sedge and reeds topped by bushy “brooms”!

And birds. It has long been an ambition of mine to get to know as many birds as possible, and in particular to recognise them by their calls and songs. Apart from that, I can never resist it when they tell me that such-and-such is a curiosity not found “anywhere else in the area” or, indeed, “anywhere else”. Or: “You need an awful lot of luck if you’re going to see one.” So naturally I was attracted by the reference to the mysterious corncrake on the information board. I had already heard of it and knew it had a rasping call supposedly reminiscent of someone sharpening a scythe. If only we could manage to hear it or even catch sight of it! Then we could boast a little to those who have yet to discover this bird. We set off in pursuit, but unfortunately it was not to be and there was no sign of the corncrake – perhaps we had not earned it yet. On every subsequent visit to Jovsi, as we listen carefully in the hope of hearing its call – or of catching sight of it peeping out of the grass – our efforts have been in vain. But the air here is filled with such a variety of

And what a perfume, what a fragrance in this Jovsi!

birdsong that listening to it is almost painful – in a pleasurable way. It is a special feeling, perhaps even a special kind of rapture.

On another note, we are fortunate that an increasing amount of care and attention is being devoted to ever rarer animal and plant species in Slovenia. Changes in agriculture would almost certainly have led to the disappearance of the corncrake too, had not Jovsi and other similar landscapes been granted special protected status as nature parks. Not long ago I came across a simple but very interesting thought expressed by Karin Kanc Hanžel PhD, a doctor of internal medicine and diabetes specialist: “The whole of Europe can envy us these corncrakes, and in fact all the birds, grasslands and beauty that we have here. We truly are the garden of Europe.” Well, I add, they can also envy us Jovsi. And not only Europe!

“Shall we go to Jovsi to listen to the sound of peace?” I sometimes ask, when I am fed up with the noisy, turbulent world. And off we go... And every time I find myself in this little portion of this flowerbed of Europe I feel joy, positive energy, happiness. Have you ever been there? Have you ever felt anything like it?. A

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Zelenjavni vrtkot ogledalo


Zelenjavni vrtkot ogledalo


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Besedilo in fotografije: Stane SušnikBesedilo in fotografije: Stane Sušnik

Zelenjavni vrtovi so v deželi, kjer dve tretjini prebivalstva živi v lastnih hišah, že od nekdaj obvezna sestavina hišne okolice. Prve gredice za pridelovanje zelenjave so

nastale ob domovih na podeželju, s širjenjem mestnih površin na obrobja pa so tudi ob novih hišah uredili vrtove. Tako je še danes, le da v zadnjem obdobju prevladujejo

okrasni vrtovi, gredice z zelenjavo pa so se skrčile na kotiček z dišavnicami.

Zelenjavni vrtkot ogledalo


Zelenjavni vrtkot ogledalo


Zelenjavni vrtovi so v deželi, kjer dve tretjini prebivalstva živi v lastnih hišah, že od nekdaj obvezna sestavina hišne okolice. Prve gredice za pridelovanje zelenjave so

nastale ob domovih na podeželju, s širjenjem mestnih površin na obrobja pa so tudi ob novih hišah uredili vrtove. Tako je še danes, le da v zadnjem obdobju prevladujejo

okrasni vrtovi, gredice z zelenjavo pa so se skrčile na kotiček z dišavnicami.

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{ Zelenjavni vrtovi }

Seveda niso vsi zelenjavni vrtovi v Sloveniji kar izginili. Ob nedomiselnih hišah iz 70. in 80. let prejšnjega stoletja ostaja-jo dolgočasni vrtovi. Ob novih pa so nekateri mlajši lastniki ure-dili zelenjavne vrtove, ki so uporabni in lepi hkrati – to je nekaj,

kar se je še pred desetimi leti zdelo povsem nepredstavljivo. Ozaveščeni mladi ljudje gojijo vrtnine zato, ker hočejo vedeti, kaj jedo;

uvajajo nove sorte, bistveno so razširili izbor vrtnin – v primerjavi z nek-danjimi gartlci. Vsi po vrsti se odločajo za biološko gojenje; vsi hočejo imeti poleg vrtnin tudi veliko dišavnic in zdravilnih zelišč. Ni jim vseeno, kakšen je izgled vrta, zato nekaterim izdela načrt ureditve krajinski arhi-tekt. Grede razporedijo tako, da lahko na njih kolobarijo; vrtnine skrbno negujejo in zelišča kombinirajo s cvetlicami. Ureditev in vsebino gredic izberejo glede na svoja nagnjenja: nekaterim je bliže tradicionalna zasno-va, drugi vrt oblikujejo povsem po svoje, izvirno. Delo na vrtu zanje ni napor, temveč sprostitev.

Danica in Simon sta nevsakdanji par. Značilna sodobna razumnika – ona je novinarka, on vodja centra za mladinsko kulturo. Kljub zaposlitvi v Ljubljani sta izbrala dom na podeželju. Tam lahko vrtnarita, uživata na-ravo v polnem zamahu, hkrati pa sta s pomočjo sodobnih komunikacij-skih sredstev vselej v stiku s svetom. Tako poiščeta preverjeno biološko

pridelana semena in sadike, saj hočeta zase le najboljše in najbolj zdravo. Manjši vrt z zelišči in najnujnejšimi vrtninami sta uredila blizu doma, ve-čje količine zelenjave pa pridelata na njivi, ki leži blizu vasi.

V vasi sredi Dolenjske ležita podobna vrtička, ki ju povezuje prijatelj-stvo med sosedama. Miriam je začela vrtnariti že pred 15 leti; njen vrtiček, obdan z ograjo iz protja, je izvirna mešanica zelenjave, zelišč in cvetja. Tudi ona večji del zelenjave pridela na njivi izven vasi, tako da je njen ljubki gartlc pravzaprav tipični »potager«, kot Francozi imenujejo kuhinj-ski vrt – to je vrt, kamor gospodinja stopi, da utrga sveža zelišča, obere dozorele paradižnike, odreže solato in osveži šopek na mizi. Miriam sicer skupaj z možem vodi prijazen družinski penzion in kuha slastne jedi za družino in goste.

Delo na vrtu zanje ni napor, temveč sprostitev.

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Njena soseda Sabina je svoj prvi vrt uredila šele pred dvema letoma. Vrtnarjenja se je lotila nadvse resno, tako kot dela v svoji odvetniški pi-sarni. Zasnovo vrta ji je pomagal urediti strokovnjak, sama pa se je podu-čila o načinu vzgoje in izboru rastlin. Tako kot Miriam tudi ona obdeluje vrt povsem organsko, zdrava hrana za družino ji je najbolj pomembna. Po vzoru srednjeveških vrtov je vrt razdelila na štiri poljine s sredinsko točko, v katero je namesto vodnjaka posadila okrasno češnjo. Vrt odseva njeno osebnost: vse gredice, poti, ograja in tudi hišna okolica so urejeni do zadnje podrobnosti in usklajeni tako oblikovno kot barvno.

Ti vrtički pričajo o tem, da se podobe sodobnih zelenjavnih vrtov, ne glede na to, v katerem delu Slovenije ležijo, razlikujejo precej bolj, kot so se razlikovali nekdanji gartlci. V času, ki spodbuja razvoj individualizma med Slovenci, se to odraža tudi na zelenjavnih vrtovih.

{ Zelenjavni vrtovi }

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{ Vegetable gardens }

Vegetable Gardens that Mirror Their OwnersText and photography: Stane Sušnik

In a country where two thirds of the population live in their own houses, vegetable gardens have always been an obligatory component of the back yard. The first little beds for vegetable cultivation appeared next to homes in the countryside, but with

the spread of urban areas to the city margins, garden plots were also ar-ranged next to new houses. This is still the case today, except that more recently gardens have been predominantly ornamental, and vegetable beds have shrunk to little corners with aromatic plants.

Of course, the vegetable gardens in Slovenia have not all just disap-peared. Next to the drab houses of the 70s and 80s there are still drab gar-dens. But next to the new houses, some younger owners have arranged vegetable gardens that are both useful and nice-looking, something that seemed entirely unimaginable just ten years ago.

Ecologically aware young people are cultivating their own vegetables be-cause they want to know what they are eating; they are introducing new va-rieties, and have significantly expanded the range of plants compared with the kitchen-gardens of the past or gartlci. One by one they are all opting for organic cultivation; in addition to vegetables, they all want a lot of aromat-ic plants and beneficial herbs. And they care about how their gardens look, so some even hire professionals to design their gardens. They arrange the beds so that they can rotate them; they tend the vegetables painstakingly, and combine herbs with flowers. The layout and content of the beds are based on personal inclinations: some prefer the traditional layout, while

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others arrange their gardens entirely in their own original way. Working in the garden is not a chore for them, it is more of a relaxation.

Danica and Simon are no ordinary couple. They are definitely modern intellectuals – she is a journalist and he runs a youth cultural centre. Yet despite their jobs in Ljubljana, they chose a home in the countryside. There they can garden, enjoy the full experience of nature and at the same time, using the latest communication tools they can always be in touch with the outside world. So they are seeking out verified organically pro-duced seeds and young plants, since they want only the best and healthi-est food for themselves. They have set up a small garden with herbs and the most essential vegetables close to their house, while they are cultivat-ing larger quantities of vegetables in a field close to the village.

In a village in the middle of Dolenjska there are two similar little gar-dens linked together by a friendship between neighbours. Miriam started gardening 15 years ago; her little garden is an original mixture of vegeta-bles, herbs and flowers, enclosed by a wattle fence. She also produces the major portion of her vegetables in a field outside the village, so her beloved kitchen-garden is actually a typical “potager” as the French call their kitchen-gardens – a garden where the housewife goes to cut fresh herbs, pick ripe tomatoes, clip salad leaves and to refresh the bouquet on the table. Miriam and her husband run a friendly family guest-house, and she cooks delicious dishes for her family and guests.

Her neighbour Sabina arranged her first garden just two years ago. She has taken to gardening very seriously, just as seriously as she runs her lawyer's office. An expert helped her lay out the garden, but she taught herself how to cultivate and choose the right plants. Like Miriam, she works an entirely organic garden, and healthy food for her family is a top priority. Along the lines of a medieval garden, hers is divided into four bed areas with a central point where, instead of a fountain, she has plant-ed an ornamental cherry (tree). The garden reflects her personality: all the beds, paths, fencing and the surroundings of the house are arranged to the last detail, and are harmonised both in their form and colour.

These little gardens bear witness to how the appearance of modern vegetable gardens, irrespective of their location in Slovenia, differ from each other considerably more than the old gartlci. At a time when individ-ualism among Slovenians is on the rise, this can be seen in the vegetable gardens. A

Working in the garden is not a chore for them, it is more of a relaxation.

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Visoko v hribih nad Dravo je odmaknjen

svet, razmetan med grape Kozjaka. Tu so

stare domačije, zasnovane v 19. stoletju

ali še prej. Takšne domačije seveda niso

samo tu, vendar izbrani kmetiji pomagata razumeti

preteklost: da bi družine lahko preživele, so morale

ženske gojiti vrtnine v tradicionalno zasnovanih vr-

tovih – gartlcih.

Vrtova sta že od nastanka na tolikšni strmini, da strojna obdelava ni možna. Oba sta velika, a lastnici sta prisiljeni zemljo obdelovati ročno, torej z lopato, grabljami in motiko. Jožica Hauptman ima zares povsem klasičen gartlc, medtem ko je Hermina Grace napravila korak naprej – ker je podlaga vrta kamnita, so si morali grede ustvariti z dodajanjem prsti. Nastale so svojevrstne dvignjene grede.

Jožica dela na vrtu največkrat sama, saj so otroci odšli z doma, le ena hči pomaga ob koncih tedna in na višku sezone, težja dela pa postori Jo-žičin mož. Hermini marsikaj olajša tašča, ki se ji rada pridruži na vrtu. Pri-delovanje vrtnin na hribovski kmetiji v tako zahtevnih razmerah je lahko namenjeno samo lastni družini, saj so kmetije preveč odmaknjene, da bi bilo smiselno voziti pridelke prodajat v dolino.

Pridne ženske roke so vajene obdelovanja zemlje; pomagajo si z do-mačim gnojem. Obe gospodinji še vedno, tako kot nekoč, sami pobereta seme z najbolj kakovostnih rastlin za prihodnjo setev. Njun izbor vrtnin ostaja bolj ali manj nespremenjen – pač tisto, kar domači radi jedo in kar v izbranem okolju uspeva. Vsebina njunih gartlcev se od tistega, kar so na njih gojili predniki, razlikuje le po tem, da raste na gredah več plodovk (paradižnik, paprika, jajčevci, buče).

Višina, na kateri ležita kmetiji – okoli 850 metrov nad morjem – določa tudi dolžino rastne sezone. Pomlad nastopi nekaj tednov pozneje kot v dolini, pa tudi jesen se priplazi prej kot v nižinah.

Kar težko je razumeti, da pomeni Jožici vrt sprostitev, glede na njegovo zahtevno lego in velik obseg. A ona podpira tri vogale na kmetiji, na kate-ri z možem gojita govedo, obdelujeta še kakšno njivo ter skrbita za sadno drevje in vinograd. Lega in odmaknjenost od doline kmetiji ne omogo-

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Besedilo in fotografije: Stane Sušnik

Gartlca kot nekoč

{ Zelenjavni vrtovi }

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čata sodobnejših pristopov. Tudi leta, ki se nalagajo na Jožičina ramena, prispevajo k njeni resignaciji, ko pravi, da tega vrta ne bo več, ko ona ne bo mogla več skrbeti zanj. Zaenkrat pa se vsak dan odpravi med gredice, saj jo tam od pomladi do jeseni razveseli tudi tisoče cvetov.

Hermina ima precej let manj, pa tudi sicer prekipeva od moči in dobre volje. Zdi se, kot da vrt obdeluje za šalo. Poleg gartlca obdeluje še njivo, kjer zrastejo krompir, zelje in drugi pridelki v večjih količinah. Hermina vsak dan napolni krožnike, polne okusne hrane, pridelane na domačem vrtu in v hlevu. In tako nasiti devet ljudi pri hiši.

Tu dnevni ritem določata skrb za živino in delo na prostem. Poleg tega je samoumevno, da žena poskrbi še za hrano in red po hiši. Zato je vrt resnično drobna prispodoba raja, kamor se gospodinja zateče, da v stiku z zemljo in rastlinami najde novo moč.

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{ Zelenjavni vrtovi }

Vrt je resnično drobna prispodoba raja.

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The Old Kitchen GardenText and photography: Stane Sušnik

High in the hills above the River Drava is a remote area scattered among the ravines of Kozjak. Here you can find old homesteads set up in the 19th century or earlier. Of course this is not the only place with this kind of homestead, but

two particular farms here can help us understand the past: for families to get by, the women had to cultivate vegetables in a traditionally laid out garden called a gartlc.

The two gardens in question have always been on such steep slopes that using any machinery is impossible. Both gardens are big, but the owners are forced to work the soil by hand, in other words with spade, rake and hoe. Jožica Hauptman has indeed a fully traditional gartlc, while Hermina Grace has made some advances – since the garden beds are on a rocky base,

they had to build up the beds by adding soil. This created some rather unu-sual raised beds.

For the most part, Jožica works in the garden on her own, since her chil-dren have left home, and just one daughter helps out at the weekend and in the high season, while Jožica’s husband does the heavier work. Hermina is often given a hand by her mother-in-law, who likes to join her in the garden. Growing vegetables on a hill farm, in such difficult conditions, is something you can only do for your own family, since the farms are too re-mote for it to make sense to haul the produce to the valley and sell it.

The industrious women’s hands are well-used to working the soil, and they make use of their own farm manure; and as was always the practice, both women still collect the seeds themselves for the next sowing from the best-quality plants. Their choice of crops remains more or less unchanged – what their families like to eat and what will thrive in the given environ-ment. The produce from their gartlci differs from what their forebears culti-vated only in that several vegetables of the nightshade family grow in the beds (tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and squashes).

The elevation of the farms – around 850 metres above sea level – also determines the length of the growing season. Spring arrives several weeks later than in the valleys, while autumn comes earlier.

It is quite hard to grasp that for Jožica, the garden represents relaxation, given its challenging aspect and large expanse. But she is more than pull-ing her weight on the farm, where she and her husband raise beef (cattle), as well as working a field or two and tending fruit trees and vineyards. The position and remoteness of the farm from the lowlands preclude a more modern approach. And the years weighing on Jožica’s shoulders contribute

{ Vegetable gardens }

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to her resignation, when she says that the garden will be no more when she is no longer able to tend it. For the moment she still works away every day among the beds, since from spring to autumn there are also thousands of flowers to brighten her day.

Hermina is a lot less advanced in years, and she is also bubbling with strength and cheerfulness. She gives the impression of working the garden just for fun. Apart from her gartlc, she also works a field planted with po-tatoes, cabbage and other produce in large quantities. Every day, Hermina fills up plates with tasty food produced in her own home garden and barn. And in this way she fills up nine people at the house.

Here the daily rhythm is defined by taking care of the livestock and work-ing outside. Apart from that, it goes without saying that the wife sees to the food and order in the house. So the garden is truly a tiny little image of heaven, where the woman of the house can escape to find new strength in contact with the earth and plants. A

The garden is truly a tiny little image of heaven.

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Besedilo: Alja Bukovec Fotografije: iz arhiva Zmaga Tančiča



ik »Sva šla na malo terasonad širno Ljubljano,da najina vsa Ljubljana bi bila.Na Nebotičniksva odšla,bliže sonca in modrega neba…«

Tako pravi zimzelena melodija iz leta 1969 o enem odsimbolov Ljubljane. Bogata, včasih celo kontroverzna zgodo-vina nam govori zgodbo same stavbe, je pa tudi zanimiv soci-ološki oris preteklih dogodkov in ljudi v mestu.

Za nebotičnike velja, da so simbol razvoja, napredka, (kapitalske) moči, velemesta in urbanosti. Tudi v Ljubljani se je zamisel o graditvi nebotičnika porodila v letih po razpadu avstroogrske monarhije in ustanovitvi države SHS, v obdobju, ko je v naše kraje pripihal veter povojnega optimizma, novega narodnega zanosa in gospodarskega razcveta, kar je ključno vplivalo na pobudo za projekt takega merila. Vendar so se leta 1930, ko je padla končna odločitev za postavitev, že kazali prvi znaki prihajajoče krize v Jugoslaviji, projekt pa je bil dokončan v obdobju najhujšega gospodarskega zloma. Zaradi simbolnih in časovnih vzporednic ga pogosto primerjajo z newyorškima Empire State Buildingom (1930–1931) in Rockefellerjevim centrom (1931–1940).

Arhitekt Vladimir Šubic se je navdušil nad nebotičniki, o katerih so prihajale vesti najprej iz Chicaga, potem New Yorka in drugih ameriških mest, še preden se je leta 1930 zaposlil kot arhitekt inženir pri Pokojninskem zavodu, takrat eni najpomembnejših kapitalskih združb na Slovenskem. Na Pokojninskem zavodu je bil sprva celo član žirije pri natečaju za predvideno stavbo na lokaciji kasnejšega sklopa stavb Nebotičnik, ki jo je podjetje kupilo leta 1929. Potem, ko v prvem krogu niso izbrali nobene od prijavljenih rešitev, so za nasvet vprašali eminenco na arhitekturnem področju v Ljubljani, arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika; ta je potrdil zamisel o izgradnji bloka z vertikalno dominanto na vogalu med današnjima Slovensko in Štefanovo ulico. Na podlagi njegovega predloga so mestne oblasti dovolile preseči takratno mestno regulativo, ki je dovoljevala največ pet nadstropij. Temeljni kamen so slavnostno položili 16. aprila 1931 z verzoma pesnika Otona Župančiča: »Da naše zrno bo imelo leho in nam bo letina pod varno streho.«

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Z urbanističnega vidika je bil tako Nebotičnik s svojimi 70 metri višine prva stavba, ki se je v mestni veduti postavila ob bok ljubljanskemu Gradu, do takrat edini vertikalni orientacijski točki. To je med Ljubljančani vzbudilo precej burnih razprav, tako med privrženci – tem je predstavljal potrebno novodobno pridobitev, ki bo prinesla nov velemestni pridih – in med nasprotniki, ki so menili, da bo kvaril skladno baročno podobo mesta. Nasprotna stran je opozarjala tudi na potresne nevarnosti take stavbe, saj je bil v zavesti prebivalcev še vedno močan spomin na rušilni potres iz leta 1895.

In prav strah pred potresom je botroval nastanku ene potresno najbolj varnih stavb v mestu. Pri gradnji so uporabili japonski model gradnje z varnostnim faktorjem 35 (zakon je predvideval od 0 do 15-kratni varnostni faktor). Konstrukcija je armiranobetonski skelet z vmesnimi betonskimi in opečnatimi stenami, ki stoji na 16 betonskih vodnjakih, segajočih 18 metrov v globino vse do žive skale. To je bil v tistem času inženirski podvig, o katerem so s ponosom govorili kot o delu domačih rok in pameti. Iz tujine so uvozili le troje dvigal in hladilne naprave.

Poleg tehnoloških novosti se je stavba ponašala z deli priznanih slovenskih umetnikov. Na pročelju stoji ob stiku z današnjo stavbo Banke Slovenije (včasih stavba Ljubljanske kreditne banke) v višini 6. nadstropja 4-metrski kip v prihodnost zazrte Genije, delo kiparja Lojzeta Dolinarja. Monumentalno preddverje v pritličju je obloženo s poliranim podpeškim marmorjem, krasijo ga 4 glave penatov Franceta Goršeta, po grško-rimski mitologiji hišnih varuhov, zavetnikov doma in družine. Iz preddverja se lahko v gornja nadstropja odpeljemo z dvigalom, ki je bilo takrat velika novost in senzacija, ali pa se povzpnemo po monumentalnih spiralnih stopnicah vse do 10. nadstropja, do kavarne.

Kavarniška kultura je imela v Ljubljani od nekdaj pomembno funkcijo v oblikovanju družabnega življenja. Tam so se meščani vseh slojev družili, pili kavo, brali časopise in revije, debatirali, imeli ob nedeljah

čajanke ipd. Močna tradicija zahajanja v kavarne je bila prisotna še iz avstroogrskih časov, ko je bil po vsej monarhiji razširjen tip dunajskih kavarn. Kavarna na vrhu Nebotičnika je bila ob otvoritvi 21. februarja 1933 urejena z izbrano opremo in dekoracijo, ki se je zgledovala po ameriških vzorih. Stene so bile oblečene v kraški marmor, strop je bil okrašen z zlatim meandrom na modri podlagi, tudi dolge modre

žametne zavese so v prostor pričarale novodoben in svečan ambient z razgledom na mesto pod njim. Pred drugo svetovno vojno je bila to najnovejša pridobitev v Ljubljani, ki je bila vedno dobro obiskana in znana po izbrani družbi. V prostore nad mestom, kjer je redno igrala živa glasba, je še posebej rado zahajalo novo ljubljansko meščanstvo, ki se je izoblikovalo v letih med obema vojnama.

Čas pa ni prizanesel niti tej kultni stavbi. Politične, gospodarske in družbene spremembe so na njej pustile svoj pečat. Že od samega začetka je o Nebotičniku krožilo več različnih zgodb, ki so nanj pogosto metale slabo luč. Stavba, ki naj bi investitorju – Pokojninskemu zavodu – prinašala dobiček, je zaradi drage gradnje in visokih najemnin, ki so bile za takratno plačilno zmogljivost previsoke, veljala za slabo naložbo. Gostinski del je kasneje večkrat zamenjal lastnika in od izbrane kavarne in kabareta se je zvrstilo več ne najboljših poskusov ohranitve te kulturne dediščine vse do leta 1999, ko so ga zaprli.

V poletnih mesecih preteklega leta pa je kavarna po temeljiti prenovi in restavraciji v sodelovanju z Zavodom za varstvo kulturne dediščine zopet odprla svoja vrata. S tem je mesto dobilo nazaj dragocen delček svoje zgodovine, ki v marsikom vzbudi nostalgijo po preteklih časih in spomni na bogato dediščino, ki v preteklem obdobju vse prevečkrat ni dobila zaslužene pozornosti. Mi pa se lahko spet dvignemo »na malo teraso« in uživamo v razgledu »na širno Ljubljano«.

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NebotičnikText: Alja Bukovec Photography: Zmago Tančič Archives

“To a little terrace above broad Ljubljana we went,so that all Ljubljana would be ours.Off we wentto Nebotičnik,close to the sun and the blue sky…”

THeSe are tHe WordS oF a Golden oldie From tHe 1969 Hit parade about one of the symbols of Ljubljana. A rich and oc-casionally controversial history tells us the story of the build-ing itself and is also an interesting outline of past events and

people in the city.Skyscrapers (the Slovene word nebotičnik literally means “skytoucher”)

are considered a symbol of development, progress, power (that of capi-tal), metropolitan status and urban culture. In Ljubljana, as in other cit-ies, the idea of building a skyscraper was first mooted in the years follow-ing the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the establishment of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, a period when the winds of post-war optimism, a new national enthusiasm and the promise of eco-nomic prosperity were blowing in our part of the world. This atmosphere was a significant factor behind the initiative for a project of this scale. By 1930, however, when the final decision was taken on the project, the first signs of the approaching crisis were already evident in Yugoslavia and the project was completed in the period of the worst financial crash in

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history. Owing to symbolic and chronological parallels, Ljubljana’s sky-scraper – Nebotičnik – is frequently compared to the Empire State Build-ing (1930-1931) and the Rockefeller Centre (1932-1940) in New York.

The architect Vladimir Šubic became enthusiastic about skyscrapers, news of which arrived first from Chicago and then from New York and other American cities, even before his appointment in 1930 to the post of architect/engineer at the Pensions Institute, then one of the most important capital corporations in Slovenia. At the Pensions Institute he was initially even a member of the jury entrusted with selecting a design for the building planned to be built on the site of the later Nebotičnik complex, a site that had been purchased in 1929. After the jury failed to select any of the solutions submitted in the first round of the competi-tion, they turned for advice to Ljubljana’s recognised archi-tectural authority, the architect Jože Plečnik: he confirmed the idea of building a block with a vertical dominant at the corner of the two streets today known as Slovenska and Štefanova. On the basis of Plečnik’s proposal, the city government allowed the project to exceed current city regulations which permitted a maximum of five storeys. The foundation stone was formally laid on 16 April 1931. The stone was adorned with these lines by the poet Oton Župančič: “That our seed may fall on fer-tile ground and our harvest be safely gathered.”

From the town-planning point of view, the 70-metre Nebotičnik was the first build-ing to place itself in the city skyline on a level with Ljubljana Castle, until then the only vertical point of orientation. This provoked fierce discussions among the people of Ljubljana, both those in favour of the new building – to whom the skyscraper represented a necessary modern acquisition that would give the city a new metropolitan air – and those against, who claimed that it would disfigure the city’s harmonious ba-roque appearance. The opponents also drew attention to the dangers that an earthquake would represent for such a building, since memories

of the terrible earthquake of 1895 were still very present in the minds of the people of Ljubljana.

This fear of earthquakes, in fact, led to the construction of one of the most earthquake-proof buildings in the city. The builders used the Japanese model of construction with a safety factor of 35 (contemporary building regulations envisaged a safety factor of between 0 and 15). The

structure consists of a rein-forced concrete skeleton with intermediate concrete and brick walls standing in 16 concrete shafts reaching down 18 metres to the bedrock. This was a con-siderable feat of engineering for the time, and people spoke with pride of this achievement built by local hands and local ingenuity. The only elements that were imported from abroad were the three lifts and the ventilation system.

As well as these technologi-cal innovations, the building boasted works by renowned Slovenian artists. On the façade of the building, at the height of the sixth storey, where it meets the present-day Bank of Slove-nia building (once the building of the Ljubljana Credit Bank), stands a four-metre statue of Genius gazing at the future, the work of the sculptor Lojze Doli-nar. The monumental entrance hall is panelled with polished Podpeč marble and adorned by the heads of four penates (the household gods of classical my-thology, the protectors of home and family) by France Gorše. From the entrance hall the up-per floors can be reached by lift – a great novelty and sensation at the time – or by the monu-

mental spiral stairs leading all the way up to the café on the tenth floor. Café culture had long played an important part in the life of Ljubljana

society. People of all classes would meet in cafés to drink coffee, read newspapers and magazines, debate, take tea on Sundays, and so on. The tradition of frequenting cafés began in Austro-Hungarian times, when cafés of the Viennese type spread throughout the empire. At the time of its opening on 21 February 1933, the café at the top of Nebotičnik boasted carefully chosen fittings and décor based on American models. The walls

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were lined with Karst marble, the ceiling was decorated with a golden meander on a blue background, and the long blue velvet curtains helped give the place a modern and refined atmosphere with a view of the city below it. Before the Second World War the café was considered the latest thing in Ljubljana, always well frequented and favoured by a select clien-tele. This venue above the city, where there was also regular live music, was particularly popular with the new Ljubljana middle class of the pe-riod between the wars.

Yet time has not been kind to this cult building. Political, economic and social changes have left their mark on it. Even from the very be-ginning stories circulated about Nebotičnik that often showed it in a poor light. This building which was supposed to bring a profit to the developer – the Pensions Institute – was considered a poor investment because of the high costs of construction and rents that were too high for

tenants at the time. The part of the building dedicated to hospitality sub-sequently changed owners several times, and the once exclusive café and cabaret were followed by several less successful attempts at preserving this cultural heritage, right up until 1999, when it was closed.

Last summer, however, after a thorough refurbishment and restora-tion in conjunction with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, the café once again opened its doors. In this way the city has regained a valuable piece of its history which causes many people to feel nostalgia for the past and reminds us of a rich heritage that all too often has failed to receive the attention it deserves. For our part, we can once again climb up to that “little terrace” and enjoy the view of “broad Ljubljana”. A

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Besedilo: Nataša Jager Radin Fotografije: Bojan Radin

Vonj po sveže pečenem kruhu. Mikaven, prijeten, domačen. Težko se mu je upreti. Še topel grižljaj prikliče zgodbo o njegovem rojstvu. Začne se v

mentrgi, kruhovi zibeli.

mentrge so imele enega ali več predalov, kjer so hranili moko in orodje za peko. Tako kot vso ostalo notranjo hišno opremo so jih izdelovali spretni domači mizarji. Najbolj cenjene so bile mentrge iz orehovega lesa.

Vzhajano testo, ki ga je bilo vsaj dvakrat toliko kot prej, je Micka ponovno potrpežljivo pregnetla. Razrezala in oblikovala je hlebce ter jih preložila v peharje, da bi še drugič vzhajali. Potem je mentrgo skrbno očistila, iz ostankov testa pa oblikovala majhne hlebčke. Z njimi bo razveselila sosedove otroke. Vzhajane hlebce je zvrnila na lesen lopar. Pred peko jih je še zarezala in namazala s stepenim jajčnim rumenjakom, da bi se lepo svetili. Ko so se ognjeni zublji umirili in je ostala le še žerjavica, je hlebce drugega za drugim položila v peč. Medtem ko so se pekli, se je okrepčala z zajtrkom. Pečene hlebce je nato skrbno očistila, da spodaj ne bi bili preveč črni. Zadovoljstvo ob pogledu na mamljivo dišeč kruh je na njen obraz zarisalo smehljaj. Domač kruh ima neizmerno rada. Pravi, da se ga nikoli ne bo preobjedla.

Prav skrb za vsakdanji kruh je bila nekdaj glavna skrb vsake gospodinje. Ker ga skoraj nikoli ni bilo dovolj, se je do kruha izoblikoval še posebej spoštljiv odnos. Kruh, ki je padel na tla, so poljubljali in za greh je veljalo že, če si hodil po drobtinicah. Kruh je pomenil prav posebno vrednoto. Ločeval je bogate od revnih in praznik od vsakdanjika. Omamno je dišal vedno in vsem.

Mentrga je ponavadi stala v »hiši«, ki je bila reprezentančni prostor, lahko pa tudi v ’štibelcu’ ali kašči. Pogosto je služila kot pomožna miza, pri revnejših družinah pa tudi za obedovanje namesto običajne. Nemalokrat pa so v mentrgah tudi postiljali majhnim otrokom ter v njih zibali novorojenčke. Tako kot kruh.

Tekst in fotografije so nastali kot del razstave v sodelovanju z

Ustanovo PKD Slovenija.

V hiši Pavletove Micke v Globokem bo danes dišalo. Zgodaj je vstala, že ob pol štirih, da bi pekla kruh. Skrb-no se je uredila, zvila lase pod ruto, si nadela predpasnik in zakurila peč. V mentrgo je presejala moko in pripra-

vila kvas. Nato je pričela gnesti. Mesila ga je dolgo in vztrajno, nežno, kakor bi ga zibala. Pod njenimi rokami je nastajalo voljno krušno testo. Prvič je vzhajalo v pokriti mentrgi. Raslo je, da bi postalo kruh.

Ko so kruh še pekli doma, je bila mentrga, če so jo le premogli, nepogrešljiv kos pohištva. Čeprav so se prve mentrge pojavile šele proti koncu 19. stoletja, so jih poznali domala povsod po Sloveniji. Mentrgi so rekli tudi metrga, mentruga ali vinkla. To je posebej izdelana miza, ki ima pod ploščo korito za pripravo krušnega ali drugega testa. Boljše


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{ Bread }

MentrgaText: Nataša Jager Radin Photography: Bojan Radin

The smell of freshly baked bread. Enticing, agreeable, homely. Hard to resist. A mouthful of still-warm bread evokes the story of how it is born. It begins in the mentrga, the bread’s cradle.

Micka Pavle’s house in Globoko is going to smell good today. She got up early – at half past three in the morning – to bake bread. She made careful preparations, tying up her hair under a headscarf, putting on her apron and lighting the oven. She sifted the flour into the mentrga and prepared the yeast. And then she started kneading. A supple dough began to form under her hands. She worked it long and patiently, gently as though she were cradling it. It rose for the first time in the covered mentrga. It grew, so as to become bread.

Back in the days when bread was still made at home, the mentrga, in those houses that could afford one, was an essential piece of furniture. Although the first mentrga (plural: mentrge) did not appear until towards the end of the 19th century, they were known practically throughout Slovenia. Variations of the name included metrga, mentruga and vinkla. The mentrga was a specially made table with a trough under the table top that was used for preparing dough for bread or other kinds of dough. Better mentrge had one or more drawers in which the flour and baking tools were kept. Like all the rest of a house’s furniture, they were made by skilled local carpenters. Most highly prized of all were mentrge made of walnut.

Micka took the risen dough – now at least double the size – and patiently started to knead it again. Then she cut it and formed it into loaves, transferring it into round baskets where it would rise for a second time. She cleaned the mentrga carefully and made little loaves from the remains of the dough, to give to the neighbours’ children. She turned the risen loaves onto a wooden baker’s shovel. Before putting them in the oven, she made cuts in them and brushed them with beat-en egg yolk to give them an attractive glaze. Once the flames had died down and only embers remained, she placed the loaves one after the other into the oven. While the bread was baking, Micka ate her break-fast. Then she cleaned the baked loaves carefully so that they would not be too black underneath. Her satisfaction as she looked at the enticingly fragrant bread drew a smile on her face. She loves home-made bread. She says that she could never eat too much of it.

Providing the daily bread was at one time every housewife’s biggest worry. Since there was almost never enough of it, people developed a particularly respectful attitude towards bread. Bread that fell on the floor was picked up and caressed, and it was considered a sin even to

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walk on breadcrumbs. Bread had a very special value. It separated rich from poor and holidays from work days. And it smelt delicious, always and to everyone.

The mentrga usually stood in the hiša, the main part of the house, but it could also be kept in the štibelc, a smaller secondary room usually used as a bedroom, or in the granary. It was often used as an extra table, while poorer families would eat all their meals at it, in the absence of a normal table. It was not uncommon for the mentrga to be used as a bed for small children, or as a cradle for babies.

Just like for the bread. A

The above text and photographs form part of an exhibition created in conjunction with the

Cultural Heritage Trails Foundation, Slovenia.

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Besedilo: Manca Pogladič Fotografije: Jaka Gasar

Mojster Andrej Vohje dijake naučil peči


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{ Potica, slovenska kraljica }

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Potice zdaj že dobivajo obliko, nadevi so pripravljeni: lepo mazljivi morajo biti, vendar ne premokri, sicer bo potica »padla skupaj«, podučijo obiskovalce dijaki, prav tako ne smejo biti pretežki. In zakaj je treba rozine, ki jih uporabijo za smetanov nadev, prevreti in odcediti ter šele nato zaliti z rumom? »Če trosiš suhe rozine, vpijejo vlago iz nadeva in plasti potice lahko odstopijo,« smo hitro podučeni, pa tudi o tem, da je treba pred peko potico ali kolač prebosti z leseno iglo do dna, da lahko izhajata odvečna vlaga in zrak, na dno pečice pa postaviti lonček z vrelo vodo, ki med peko izpareva, in tako dobi potička lepšo skorjico.

Na eni strani tako že pripravljajo kraljico vseh slovenskih potic z orehovim nadevom, na drugi mizi zvijajo nič manj slastna pehtranov in metin kolač, na tretji smetanovo potico z rozinami, profesor Andrej Voh pa pripravlja prav posebno – kokosovo. Po nekaj urah intenzivnega dela v šolski kuhinji so potice pečene, dijaki pa – izmučeni, a ponosni na svoje mojstrovine, s katerimi so prepričali tudi strokovno komisijo na Festivalu potic.

Dijaki celjske Srednje šole za gostinstvo in turizem lahko že v prvem letniku izvedo vse skrivnosti in podrob-nosti o pripravi in peki potic; zaupal jim jih je profesor An-drej Voh, ki že nekaj let velja za najboljšega peka potic in po-

bira zanje zlata priznanja na tradicionalnem Festivalu potic v Preboldu. »Ker je bila peka potic dolgo v domeni žensk, so bile te prvič kar malce užaljene, ko je ta prestižni naziv prejel moški; no, zdaj so pa že navdu-šene,« hudomušno prizna Andrej Voh, ki je profesor kuharstva na ome-njeni šoli. Dobro ve, da nekatere starejše ženske hranijo svoj recept za potico do zadnje ure, sam pa ga ne skriva in ga zaupa vsem, ki ga želijo.

»To je recept, po katerem potica vedno uspe!« Največja težava pri peki potic je ravno v tem, da se je ljudje s strahom lotijo, kar pa je povsem nepotrebno, je prepričan profesor, ki z budnim očesom opazuje dijake, jih opozarja, kaj delajo narobe, na kaj morajo paziti ... Vsaka podrobnost je pri peki potice pomembna. Bo že držalo, da je nekaj tudi na tem, da so pri peki potic med poglavitnimi stvarmi tudi ljubeča roka in majhne skrivnosti velikih kuharjev. Kaj je še pomembno, sprašujemo Mirjano Šarac, edino dijakinjo med številnimi fanti, ki se je podala v »tekmo« za najboljšo potico. »Mleko, v katerega damo kvas, ne sme biti prevroče niti premrzlo; kvas v mleku dobro raztepemo, da se povsem raztopi, in sol naj nikoli ne pride v neposreden stik s kvasom,« nas poduči.

»Kdo je pokril testo s kuhinjsko krpo?« se zdaj že malce razhudi profesor, saj je vendar povedal, da se testo vedno pokrije s folijo, da se ne bi izsušilo. In valjanje, uf, to valjanje, si bržkone mislijo tudi dijaki, ko v vroči kuhinji v posebej krojenih črno-oranžnih kuharskih uniformah vneto valjajo testo v pravokotno obliko. Ni lahko, a fantje se ne dajo. Valjajo testo, meljejo orehe, preverjajo, če je testo že dovolj vzhajalo, režejo svežo meto in meliso, pomivajo …

»Čigavo je tisto testo?« »Daj, Blaž, ti mo-raš valjati, testo ti je že vzhajalo!« »Kdo je pustil tukaj te orehe?« »Tu so ena jajca, kdo jih nima?« »Gospod profesor, gospod profesor, kaj pa zdaj, kako naj valjam, da ne bo predebelih robov?«

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{ Potica, the queen of Slovenia }

Chef Andrej Voh teaches students to make poticaText: Manca Pogladič Photography: Jaka Gasar

The students of the Secondary School of Catering and Tourism in Celje have the chance to find out all the secrets and details of preparing and baking potica in their very first year at the school; they learn them from Andrej Voh, who

for some years now has been recognised as the best potica maker in the country, winning gold awards for his creations at the traditional Potica Festival in Prebold. “For a long time making potica was something that women did, so the first time this prestigious title was won by a man they were somewhat miffed; now they are enthusiastic,” admits Andrej Voh, the cookery teacher at the school, with a mischievous grin. He is well aware that some old ladies jealously guard their potica recipes their whole lives, even on their deathbeds, but he makes no secret of his recipe and gladly offers it to all who want it.

“Using this recipe, your potica always turns out well!” The biggest problem when making potica is that people approach it with fear – some-thing entirely unnecessary, believes Voh, as he observes his students with a watchful eye, points out what they are doing wrong and what they need to watch out for... Every detail is important when making potica. There may also be something in the belief that the most impor-tant ingredients of potica are a loving hand and the little secrets of great chefs. “What else is important?” we ask Mirjana Šarac, the only girl in a large class of boys to have opted to take part in the competition to bake the best potica. “The milk into which you put the yeast mustn’t be too hot or too cold; you have to beat the yeast well so that it completely dissolves in the milk, and the salt must never come into direct contact with the yeast,” she explains.

“Who has covered this dough with a tea towel?” asks the teacher, somewhat crossly. He has already told the students that the dough must always be covered with foil so as not to dry out. Rolling is the part that gives the students the most trouble. “Here we go again”, they are probably thinking, as in their black-and-orange chef’s uniforms they busily roll out their dough into a rectangular shape. It is not easy but the students do not give up. They roll the dough, grind walnuts, check whether the dough has risen enough, chop fresh mint and balm, wash it...

Now the potica is taking shape. The fillings are ready: they have to be moist but not too moist, otherwise the potica will collapse, explain the students, but they must not be too heavy either. And why must the raisins that they use for the cream filling be boiled and drained and only then splashed with rum? “If you use dry raisins, they absorb the moisture from the filling and the layers of the potica can separate,” we are quickly told. We also learned that before baking you have to pierce the potica or cake down to the bottom with a wooden skewer so that ex-cess moisture and air can get out, and that you have to place a small pan of boiling water at the bottom of the oven. The water evaporates during baking and this gives the potica a better crust.

On one side they are already preparing the queen of all Slovene potice, with a walnut filling. On another table they are making an equally deli-cious tarragon and mint cake. On a third table there is a cream potica with raisins. Andrej Voh himself is preparing a special coconut potica. After a few hours of intense work in the school kitchen, the potice are baked. The students, for their part, are exhausted but proud of their masterpieces – which also convinced the expert panel at the Potica Fes-tival. A

“Whose is this dough?” “Come on, Blaž, you have to roll it out, the dough has already risen!” “Who left these walnuts here?” “There are some eggs here, who hasn’t got any?” “Teacher, teacher! What do I do now? How do I roll it so the edges are not too thick?”

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{ Potica }

Sestavine za testo:1 kg moke, 4 cela jajca, 4 dl mlačnega mleka, čajna žlička soli, nariba-na lupina ene limone, 120 g sladkorja, 1 vanilin sladkor, jedilna žlica ruma, 42 g kvasa (1 kocka)

PripravaV posodo nalijemo mlačno mleko in vanj razdrobimo kvas. Dodamo vse sestavine, razen moke. S šibo razmešamo in dodamo še moko. Strojno (ali ročno) pregnetemo in pustimo, da testo vzhaja do dvojne količine. Med vzhajanjem ga pokrijemo s folijo, da se ne izsuši. Vzhajano testo prestavimo na prt, potresen z ostro moko. Razvaljamo ga kar precej na tanko v pravokotno obliko. Nadev enakomerno razporedimo po testu. Z rokami tesno zavijemo in razrežemo na dolžino pekača. Zvito potico položimo v model, premazan s stopljenim maslom. Pokrijemo jo s folijo in pustimo, da vzhaja do dvojne velikosti. Zatem jo z iglo prebodemo na več mestih do dna in obilno namažemo s stopljenim maslom. Pečemo v pečici 45 minut pri 140 stopinjah Celzija. Pečeno potico pustimo še nekaj minut v modelu, nato jo zvrnemo na prt, obilno potresen z vanilijevim sladkorjem. Med ohlajanjem potico večkrat obrnemo, hladno pa rahlo potresemo s sladkorjem v prahu.

Nadev iz oreščkov (orehi, lešniki, rožiči, mak, mandlji):80 dag mletih orehov, 3 cela jajca, sladkor po okusu, naribana lupina ene limone, 1 vanilin sladkor, rum po okusu, malo cimeta, vrelega mle-ka po potrebi

Orehom dodamo malo vrelega mleka, jajca in vse preostale sestavine. Dobro premešamo in po potrebi dolivamo vrelo mleko, da dobimo lepo mazav, vendar ne premoker nadev.

Pehtranov nadev:4 dl kisle smetane, 1 jajce, 1 rumenjak, naribana lupina ene limone, sladkor po okusu, 1 vanilin sladkor, pest krušnih drobtin, suh ali svež pehtran (okoli 60 g)

Kisli smetani dodamo vse preostale sestavine, razen pehtrana in drob-tin. Dobro premešamo in z maso namažemo testo. Potresemo z drobti-nami in nato še precej na gosto s pehtranom.

Ingredients for the dough:1 kg flour, 4 whole eggs, 400 ml warm milk, 1 tsp salt, the grated peel of 1 lemon, 120 g sugar, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp rum, 42 g yeast (1 cube)

PreparationPour the warm milk into a bowl and crumble the yeast into it. Add all the ingredients except the flour. Mix well with a whisk and add the flour. Knead using a mixer (or by hand) and leave to rise. Cover the dough with foil while it is rising so that it does not dry out. Transfer the risen dough (which should have doubled in size) onto a cloth which has been sprinkled with coarse flour. Roll it out quite thinly into a rectangu-lar shape. Spread the filling evenly across the dough. Roll up tightly and cut to the length of the baking tin. Place the rolled-up potica in a mould that has been greased with melted butter. Cover with foil and leave to rise to double the size. Pierce with a skewer in several places down to the bottom and coat liberally with melted butter. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 140°C. Leave the baked potica in the mould for a few more minutes and then turn out onto a cloth that has been liberally sprin-kled with vanilla sugar. Turn the potica over several times as it cools. Once it is cold, sprinkle with caster sugar.

Nut filling (walnuts, hazelnuts, carob beans, poppy seeds, almonds): 800 g ground walnuts, 3 whole eggs, sugar to taste, the grated peel of 1 lemon, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, rum to taste, a little cin-namon, boiling milk as needed

Place the walnuts in a bowl and add a little boiling milk, followed by the eggs and all the other ingredients. Mix well and add milk as neces-sary until you get a filling that is nicely moist but not too soggy.

Tarragon filling:400 ml sour cream, 1 egg, 1 egg yolk, the grated peel of 1 lemon, sugar to taste, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, a handful of breadcrumbs, dried or fresh tarragon (approx. 60 g)

Place the sour cream in a bowl and add all the other ingredients except the tarragon and the breadcrumbs. Mix well and coat the dough with the resulting mixture. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and then add a dense sprinkling of tarragon.

Potica po receptu Andreja Voha

Andrej Voh'spotica recipe

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Že v 17. stoletju je to sladko in slastno praznično jed

opisal baron Janez Vajkard Valvasor, zgodovinski

podatki pa pričajo, da se je potica kot praznična in

obredna jed že stoletja pojavljala na praznični mizi slovenskega

kmeta, plemiča in meščana. Njen izvor moramo, pravi etnolog

Damjan J. Ovsec, iskati v srednjem veku v samostanskih

kuhinjah, če sledimo latinskemu izvoru imena potica.

This sweet and delicious festive dish was described in

as early as the 17th century by the famous Carniolan

polymath Johann Weichard Freiherr von Valvasor,

while historical records show that potica had been appearing

as a festive and ceremonial dish on the tables of Slovenian

peasants, burghers and noblemen for centuries. According to

ethnologist Damjan J. Ovsec its origin should be sought in the

monastery kitchens of the Middle Ages, judging from the Latin

origin of the name potica.

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Besedilo in fotografije: Arne Hodalič

Srečnonovo leto(z majhno zamudo!)

Počasi tudi jaz prihajam v tista leta, ko zjutraj namesto v ogledalo raje pogledam v tla, saj me tak prizor lahko za cel dan spravi v slabo voljo. Če kaj, potem je prav to pogled na okrutno

relativnost časa …, pa ne tistega Einsteinovega, pač pa našega osebnega. Ko ravno preženeš šampanjskega mačka po prekrokani silvestrski noči, že nabereš šopek spomladanskih zvončkov, v poletni vročini na hitro skočiš v morje, greš v mesto na veliko merico kostanja in že se spet sprehajaš v novoletno okrašenem mestnem jedru ter iz obupa piješ kuhano vino. Pufff … Še eno leto je šlo mimo in spet zaživiš v vse hitrejšem ritmu mesecev, ki se spreminjajo v dneve, in v redosledu ur, ki se spreminjajo v sekunde. A da bi bila katastrofa še večja, sem se letos odpravil na praznovanje kitajskega novega leta v Vietnam in tako se mi je že itak prekratko leto še dodatno skrčilo v virtualnem dejstvu, da bom preživel kar dva silvestra v dobrem mesecu …

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{ Vietnam }

Kitajci so že od nekdaj znani po tem, da zapletene stvari še dodatno zakomplicirajo in skrijejo v neskončno dolge mitološke kače tradicij in misterijev. In točno tako je tudi z njihovim novim

letom. Kitajski koledar namreč temelji na kombinaciji sončnega in lunine-ga gibanja, kjer en cikel šteje devetindvajset dni in pol, novo leto pa pade na drugi mlaj po zimskem solsticiju. Ker pa se lunin in sončni cikel malo razlikujeta, je treba vsakih sedem let dodati še en lunin cikel. Veliko pre-več za moje matematične sposobnosti, zato sem raje pogledal na internet in ugotovil, da je letos kitajsko leto tretjega februarja opolnoči.

Legenda pravi, da se je vsako kitajsko novo leto začelo z neusmiljeno borbo z mitološko pošastjo Niam, ki je prihajala na prvi dan novega leta in sejala opustošenje, požirala živino in pridelke, še posebej pa so ji šli v slast majhni otroci. Kmetje so jo uspeli ukaniti s tem, da so ji pred hiše nasta-vili hrano, vse so zavili v rdečo barvo, ki se jo je zverina bala, s pokanjem petard pa so jo še dodatno prestrašili in nagnali v beg. No, danes Kitajci s svojo rdečo barvo ne strašijo samo pošasti, pač pa predvsem navadne lju-di, za demografske posege in zmanjševanje števila prebivalcev pa so raje uvedli »politiko enega otroka«. Še tako požrešna zver namreč ne bi mogla prebaviti na desetine milijonov kitajskih novorojenčkov letno. A običaji so ostali in danes se to novo leto praznuje tudi v drugih državah, kjer je svoj pečat pustila kitajska dinastija Han, ki je temu delu sveta vladala dve-sto let pred našim štetjem in še dvesto let po njem.

Tudi v Vietnamu je kot v eni zadnjih komunističnih utrdb praznovanje novega leta največji praznik. Imenuje se , a ime nam je bolj znano po ve-liki ofenzivi, ki jo je komunistični Severni Vietnam začel proti Južnemu v trideset let dolgi vietnamski vojni in je pomenila začetek konca ameriške-ga vojaškega posredovanja v tem delu sveta. Ofenziva se je namreč začela na prvi dan novega leta 1968 in je pomenila popolno presenečenje, saj česa takega v prazničnem času ni pričakoval nihče. In ko danes preživiš novo leto v Vietnamu, šele zares lahko začutiš, kako strateško pravilno je bil iz-

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bran začetek te ofenzive. Vse se namreč dobesedno ustavi, trgovine so za-prte in drugače prenatrpane ulice skoraj samevajo. Že nekaj dni prej so na programu generalna čiščenja hiš in okolice, za praznične dni pa se družine zberejo doma na slavnostnih pojedinah. Očistijo in na novo prebelijo tudi grobove prednikov, saj tudi njih simbolično povabijo na praznično večerjo s tem, da zanje pogrnejo mizo in jim pripravijo takšno hrano, kot jo jedo sami. Prav hrana ima med praznovanjem še poseben pomen in za vsak dan posebej predvideva tradicija poseben jedilnik. Seveda pa so tržnice že nekaj dni pred prazniki oblegane, zagotovo pa se novega leta prav nič ne veselijo piščanci in pujsi, saj je to tudi obdobje kolin in posebnih jedi, kjer meso ne sme manjkati.

Vietnamsko novo leto pa se od kitajskega vseeno razlikuje v nekaj malenkostih. Vietnamci so letos vstopili v leto »mačke« za razliko od Kitajcev, ki živijo v letu »zajca«, predvsem pa je vietnamsko praznovanje osiromašeno za veličastno pokanje petard, ki je danes zaščitni znak ki-tajskega praznovanja. Leta 1996 so petarde v Vietnamu zaradi številnih nesreč prepovedali in (ne tako kot pri nas!) med celim praznovanjem ni počila niti ena.

Silvestrsko noč sem preživel na ulicah Hošiminha ali Saigona, kot so ga imenovali prej. Težko je oceniti, koliko ljudi se je zbralo v centru, a zago-

tovo so šle številke v milijone. Take gneče še nisem videl, a obenem so se vsa moja pričakovanja o divjem rajanju in nebrzdanem veselju izjalovila. Kljub temu da je bila povprečna starost vseh nagnetenih teles zagotovo pod dvajset let, v tej nepopisni množici skoraj ni bilo policaja, ki bi ljudi in milijone mopedov usmerjal ali urejal. Popolna disciplina in neverjetna toleranca sta bili nepredvidljivi in celotno druženje je bolj spominjalo na popoldansko čajanko v domu za ostarele, na katero je po številu udeležen-cev povabljeno zagotovo celotno prebivalstvo Slovenije. Lahko si samo predstavljamo, kaj bi bilo, če bi tja res prišli le Slovenci te starosti, a v vsej tej gneči nisem videl nikogar (ampak prav nikogar!!!), ki bi malo globlje pogledal v kozarec ali (bognedaj) pokadil kaj travnatega. Vsaka primerjava s praznovanjem na ulicah Ljubljane je popolnoma brezpredmetna, saj ni bilo prav nobenega opotekanja, vpitja, pokanja, objemanja, kaj šele naz-dravljanja. Po polnoči se je množica disciplinirano razšla, s slovenskimi prijatelji smo si v hotelu (še enkrat letos) zaželeli srečno novo leto, naz-dravili š šampanjcem in odšli spat …

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{ Vietnam }

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{ Vietnam }

HappyNew Year(a little late!)Text and photography: Arne Hodalič

I am slowly getting to the age where instead of looking in the mirror in the morning I prefer to look at the floor, because the reflection that greets me in the mirror is capable of putting me

in a bad mood for the whole day. If anything, it is this that gives us a glimpse of the cruel relativity of time... not Einstein’s time but our own personal time. No sooner have you got over your champagne hango-ver from that boozy New Year’s Eve than you are gathering a bunch of spring snowdrops, diving into the sea in the summer heat, popping into town for a large portion of roasted chestnuts, and already strolling again through a city centre adorned with Christmas decorations and drinking mulled wine out of despair. Pufff … Another year has gone by and once again you are living in an ever-faster rhythm of months that turn into days, and in a sequence of hours that turn into seconds. And just to make the catastrophe even bigger, this year I set off to celebrate Chinese New Year in Vietnam, so my already too-short year shrunk even further in the face of the virtual fact that I will be living through two New Year’s Eves in the space of just over a month...

The Chinese have long been famous for making complicated things even more complicated and hiding them in infinitely long mythological

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{ Vietnam }

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{ Vietnam }

snakes of traditions and mysteries. Their New Year is a perfect example of this. The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of solar and lu-nar movements, where one cycle lasts twenty-nine and a half days and New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. But since the lunar and solar cycles differ slightly, it is necessary to add an extra lunar cycle every seven years. Far too much for my mathematical abilities, so instead I went online and found out that this year Chinese New Year falls at midnight on 3 February.

Legend has it that every Chinese New Year began with a desperate battle with a mythological monster called a Nian, which used to come to the villages on the first day of the new year and wreak destruction and devour cattle and crops. It was also rather partial to small children. The villagers used to trick it by placing food outside the houses for it, wrapping everything in red, which the beast feared, and letting off firecrackers, which further frightened the monster and scared it away. These days it is mainly ordinary people and not monsters who are intimidated by the Chinese and their use of the colour red, while for demographic interventions and reducing the size of the population they have preferred to introduce the “one-child policy”. Even the most raven-ous of beasts would struggle to digest the tens of millions of Chinese babies born every year. Yet the customs have remained, and today this New Year is also celebrated in other countries where the Han Dynasty of imperial China has left its mark, after ruling in this part of the world for 200 years both before and after Christ.

Even in Vietnam, one of the last bastions of Communism, the New Year celebrations are the biggest holiday of the year. Here New Year is known as , a name better known to us in the context of the Tet Of-fensive, the military campaign that North Vietnam launched against the South during the thirty-year Vietnam War, marking the beginning of the end of US military intervention in this part of the world. The campaign in fact began on the first day of the Vietnamese New Year in 1968 and was a complete surprise, since no one expected anything of the kind during the festive season. It is only when you spend New Year in Vietnam that you really get a sense of what a strategically good decision it was to begin the attack on that day. Everything literally comes to a stop. The shops are closed and the otherwise overcrowded

streets are practically deserted. A few days before the holiday there is a general cleaning of houses, inside and out, while on the holiday days themselves, families gather at home for lavish feasts. They also clean and whitewash the graves of their ancestors, for they too are symboli-cally invited to the holiday feast: a table is laid for them and people

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prepare for them the same food that they eat themselves. Food has a particular importance during the celebrations and tradition prescribes a special menu for each day. In the days leading up to the markets are besieged by shoppers. Chickens and pigs have little to look forward to at New Year, since this is also the period of ritual slaughter and special dishes where meat is essential.

The Vietnamese New Year nevertheless differs from the Chinese New Year in a number of details. This year is the year of the cat for the Vietnam-ese, whereas for the Chinese it is the year of the rabbit. The main differ-ence, however, is the absence in Vietnam of the countless exploding fire-crackers that are today a trademark of the Chinese celebration. Firecrackers were banned in Vietnam in 1996 as a result of numerous accidents and (un-like in Slovenia!) not a single one went off during the celebrations.

I spent New Year’s Eve on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon as it was once called. It is difficult to estimate how many people thronged the centre of the city, but there is no doubt that the numbers ran into millions. I have never seen such a crowd, although at the same time my expectations of wild merrymaking and unbridled happiness proved to be wrong. Despite the fact that the average age was certainly under 20, there were practically no police officers to be seen among this num-

berless multitude to direct or control the people and the millions of mopeds. The perfect discipline and incredible tolerance were not at all what I expected. The entire gathering was actually more reminiscent of an afternoon tea party at an old people’s home – a tea party to which, in terms of the number of participants, the entire population of Slovenia had been invited. I shudder to think what it would have been like if that New Year’s Eve crowd really had consisted of Slovenians of a similar age, yet among that enormous mass of people I did not see anyone (not a single person!) under the influence of too much alcohol or (heaven forbid) smoking anything “herbal”. Any comparison with a celebration on the streets of Ljubljana is pointless, because of the total absence of staggering, shouting, explosions, hugging, not to mention toasting the new year. After midnight, the crowd dispersed in a disciplined manner, while back at the hotel my Slovenian friends and I wished each other (for the second time this year) a “Happy New Year”, toasted each other with champagne and went off to bed... A

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Nekaj osnovnih podatkovpovršina (v km2) 20 273gozdovi 10 124travniki 5 593polja in vrtovi 2 471sadovnjaki 363vinogradi 216

dolžina meje (v km) s Hrvaško 546z Avstijo 324z Italijo 235z Madžarsko 102obala (v km) 46,6

najvišja točka

Triglav 2864 m

gostota naseljenosti (prebivalcev/km) 98

prebivalstvo 2 milijona

glavno mesto Ljubljana

večja mesta: Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenje

podnebje: alpsko, celinsko, sredozemsko

jezik: Uradni jezik je slovenščina, na območjih z mešanim prebival-stvom pa madžarščina in italijanščina. Pri stiku s tujci uporabljajo prebivalci Slovenije največkrat angleščino, nemščino, italijanščino in francoščino.

denarna valuta: Denarna valuta je evro (EUR). Tuje valute lahko zamenjate na mejnih prehodih, v bankah, menjalnicah in hotelih.


1. in 2. januar novo leto8. februar Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik8. april velika noč27. april dan upora proti okupatorju (druga svetovna vojna)1. in 2. maj praznik dela25. junij dan državnosti15. avgust Marijino vnebovzetje31. oktober dan reformacije1. november dan spomina na mrtve25. december božič26. december dan samostojnosti

S L O V E N I J AA few factsterritory area (in sq. km) 20273forests 10124grassland 5593fields and gardens 2471orchards 363vineyards 216

border length (in km) with Croatia 546with Austria 324with Italy 235with Hungary 102coastline (in km) 46.6

highest point

Triglav 2864 m

population density (inhabitants/km) 98

population 2 million

capital Ljubljana

major towns: Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenje

climate: Alpine, Continental, Mediterranean

language: The official language is Slovene, as well as Hungarian and Italian in areas of mixed population. People who live in Slovenia most commonly use English to communicate with foreigners, then German, Italian and French.

currency: The currency is the euro (EUR). Foreign currency may be exchanged at border crossings, in banks, exchange offices and hotels.


January 1 & 2 New Year’s HolidayFebruary 8 Prešeren Day,

Slovene Day of CultureApril 8 Easter Sunday and MondayApril 27 Day of Uprising Against the Occupation (WW2) May 1 & 2 Labour Day PentecostJune 25 Statehood DayAugust 15 Assumption DayOctober 31 Reformation DayNovember 1 All Saints’ DayDecember 25 Christmas DayDecember 26 Independence Day

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Adria Airways has used the map of Europe exclusively as an illustration of its flight connections and without any political or other implications.


Redni poleti / Scheduled FlightsZimski in poletni vozni red

Iz/from LJUBLJANA/Brnik Nm/km Čas poleta/Flight time


Amsterdam 606/1122 1.35 h

Athens 761/1409 2.05 h

Banjaluka 157/291 0.45 h

Barcelona 686/1270 1.46 h

Belgrade 267/494 0.65 h

Brussels 559/1035 1.26 h

Copenhagen 641/1187 1.39 h

Dublin 1026/1900 2.38 h

Frankfurt 420/778 1.07 h

Istanbul 781/1446 1.53 h

Kiev 730/1352 2.05 h

London (Gatwick) 757/1402 1.56 h

Manchester 868/1608 2.11 h

Moscow (Sheremetyevo) 1120/2074 2.35 h

Munich 224/415 0.41 h

Ohrid 434/803 1.09 h

Paris (C. de Gaulle) 616/1141 1.36 h

Pristina 622/1150 1.50 h

Podgorica 365/676 1.25 h

Sarajevo 222/411 0.41 h

Skopje 413/765 1.07 h

Split 207/383 0.50 h

Stockholm 910/1685 2.35 h

Tirana 474/878 1.14 h

Toulon 510/945 1.40 h

Vienna 153/283 0.30 h

Zürich 334/619 0.56 h

Warsaw 463/859 1.35 h

Vienna - Frankfurt 358/663 1.10 h


Brussels 931/1706 2.35 h

Copenhagen 1065/1972 3.05 h

Duesseldorf 924/1711 2.40 h

Frankfurt 930/1722 2.50 h

Munich 646/1196 2.00 h

Paris 981/1817 2.40 h

Čarterski poleti / Charter FlightsWinter and summer timetables

Iz/from LJUBLJANA/Brnik Nm/km Čas poleta/Flight time


Antalya 966/1789 2.35 h

Aqaba 1454/2692 3.18 h

Cairo 1276/2363 3.25 h

Chios 738/1367 2.10 h

Constanca 654/1211 1.55 h

Djerba 796/1474 2.20 h

Dubrovnik 292/541 1.05 h

Heraklion 832/1540 2.15 h

Hurghada 1533/2839 3.45 h

Ibiza 799/1480 2.20 h

Karpathos 996/1844 2.35 h

Kefalonija 585/1083 1.45 h

Kerkira (Corfu) 523/968 1.35 h

Kos 873/1616 2.20 h

Larnaca 1197/2216 3.00 h

Lefkas (Preveza) 567/1050 1.40 h

Lesbos (Mitiline) 746/1381 2.10 h

Malta 670/1241 2.00 h

Menorca 646/1196 1.55 h

Mykonos 793/1468 1.56 h

Palma de Mallorca 723/1339 2.10 h

Rhodos 947/1753 2.30 h

Samos 823/1524 2.10 h

Santorini 836/1548 2.15 h

Sharm el Sheikh 1505/2787 3.45 h

Skiatos 632/1170 1.50 h

Thassos (Kavala) 563/1043 1.45 h

Tel Aviv 1286/2382 2.57 h

Thessaloniki 571/1057 1.24 h

Zakinthos 632/1170 1.50h

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{ Adria Airways }Adria Airways

Airbus A319

Število/Total 2

Dolžina/Length 33.84 m

Višina/Height 11.76 m

Razpon kril/Wingspan 34.10 m

Hitrost/Cruising speed 900 km/h

Višina poleta/Max. altitude 11 700 m

Dolet/Range 6 650 km

Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity 135

Canadair Regional Jet 900

Število/Total 4

Dolžina/Length 32.50 m

Višina/Height 7.57 m

Razpon kril/Wingspan 23.20 m

Hitrost/Cruising speed 882 km/h

Višina poleta/Max. altitude 12 496 m

Dolet/Range 3 600 km

Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity 86

Canadair Regional Jet 200 LR

Število/Total 6

Dolžina/Length 26.77 m

Višina/Height 6.22 m

Razpon kril/Wingspan 21.21 m

Hitrost/Cruising speed 860 km/h

Višina poleta/Max. altitude 12 496 m

Dolet/Range 3 285 km

Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity 48/50




je: M




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{ Adria Airways }

Ekonomski in poslovni razredNa večini Adrijinih prog izmenično letijo letala tipa Airbus A-319, Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-100/200LR in CRJ-900.

Vozovnica za potovanje v poslovnem razredu je izdana po veljavni tarifi za poslovni razred in velja eno leto z možnostjo rezervacije, plačila in prevzema kadarkoli, omogoča pa tudi druge ugodnosti, kot so: sprememba datumov potovanja brez doplačila, večja količina brezplačne prtljage, uporaba poslov-nih salonov na letališčih idr.

V ekonomskem razredu potujejo potniki z vozovnicami po ekonomskih tarifah, ki so nižje in vsebujejo določene omejitve.

Nakup vozovnice prek spleta

Letalsko vozovnico lahko najceneje in hitro rezervirate in kupite na Adrijinih spletnih straneh To velja le za polete na Adrijinih letih. Nakup prek interneta je zaščiten z varnostnim certifikatom. Elektronske vozovnice prejme potnik po elektronski pošti.

V primeru, da potrebujete letalsko vozovnico, kjer bodo vključeni tudi drugi prevozniki, vas prosimo, da pokličete naš Klicni center za rezervacije in prodajo letalskih vozovnic na telefonski številki: 386 1 369 10 10 ali 080 13 00.

Potujte z elektronsko vozovnicoNa vseh rednih poletih slovenskega letalskega prevoznika je možno leteti z elektronsko vozovnico.

Potnik dobi ob nakupu potniški kupon, ki velja kot račun, in načrt poti (itinerar) v ovitku Adrie Airways. Dokument lahko prejme tudi na svoj ele-ktronski naslov in ga natisne sam. To dokumentacijo mora imeti s seboj ves čas potovanja. Pri okencu za prijavo na let se identificira s potnim listom ali osebno izkaznico. Uslužbenec izda potniku vstopni kupon za let, s katerim ta vstopi v letalo. Elektronski način dokumentiranja prodaje zagotavlja sproten vpogled v dogajanje z vozovico, hiter prenos podatkov in manjše možnosti zlorab. Najpomembnejše pri tem pa je, da so potnikovi kuponi za let shranje-ni v elektronski obliki in tako varni pred izgubo.

Web Check-inV Adrii Airways se zavedamo, da je pri potovanju pogosto dragocena vsaka minuta. Še posebej takrat, kadar nas na poti na letališče ovira gost promet. Web check-in je naša novost, s katero boste prihranili čas pri okencu za prija-vo na let, saj se nanj lahko prijavite že od doma, z delovnega mesta oziroma povsod, kjer je vzpostavljena internetna povezava. Svoj planirani let lahko prijavite največ 24 ur in najmanj 60 minut pred poletom. Storitev web check-in je trenutno možna le za določene lete Adrie Airways. V prihodnjih mesecih bomo obstoječim destinacijam postopoma dodajali še nove.

Omejitve pri vnosu živil v EUPotnikom svetujemo, da pred potovanjem preverijo seznam artiklov, ki jih je mogoče vnesti na območje Evropske skupnosti. Strog nadzor nad uvozom mesa, mleka, rib, lupinarjev ter njihovih izdelkov je nujen za zaščito ljudi in živali pred boleznimi, ki se s temi živili lahko prenašajo.

V primeru, da carinska služba pri rutinskem pregledu osebne prtljage ugo-tovi prisotnost nedovoljenih živil živalskega izvora, le-ta zaseže. Informativni letak “Kaj prinesti domov?” vam je na voljo na naši spletni strani.

Več informacij lahko dobite na Glavnem uradu VURS-a ali na njihovi sple-tni strani pod poglavjem Javne objave/Uvoz živil za osebno rabo.

Ročna prtljagaZaradi vaše varnosti in udobja vas vljudno prosimo, da upoštevate medna-rodna pravila, ki potniku dovoljujejo imeti pri sebi en kos ročne prtljage v velikosti 55 x 40 x 20 cm in z največjo težo osem kilogramov.

Ročno prtljago namestite v za to namenjeni predal nad sedežem, težje kose pa, če je le mogoče, shranite pod sedež pred sabo. Priporočamo vam, da predal s prtljago pazljivo odpirate, saj se lahko med poletom predmeti v njem premaknejo.

Na letalih CRJ oddajte večjo ročno prtljago pred letalom. Tam jo takoj po izstopu iz letala tudi prevzemite.

Varnostna pravilaEvropska unija (EU) je v letu 2006 sprejela nova varnostna pravila. Ta omejuje-jo količino tekočin, ki jo lahko vzamete s seboj na letalo.

V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate samo majhne količine tekočin, ki morajo biti shranjene v posamičnih posodah z največjo prostornino 100 mililitrov. Te posode morate zapakirati v prozorno plastično vrečko, ki jo je mogoče znova zatesniti; prostornina vrečke posameznega potnika ne sme biti večja od enega litra. Med tekočine spadajo: voda in druge pijače; juhe in sirupi; kreme, losjoni in olja; parfumi; razpršilci; geli, vključno z geli za lase in tuširanje; posode z vsebinami pod pritiskom, vključno s peno za britje ter drugimi penami in dezodoranti; kreme, vključno z zobno kremo; mešanice tekočih in trdnih snovi; črtalo za veke in tuš za trepalnice; ter katerekoli druge snovi s podobno vsebnostjo.

Še vedno lahko tekočine prenašate v oddani prtljagi – nova pravila se nana-šajo samo na ročno prtljago. V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate:• zdravila in nujno potrebna živila, (vključno z otroško hrano), ki jih boste

uporabljali med potovanjem; morda boste morali dokazati, da jih nujno potrebujete;

• tekočine, kot so pijače in parfumi, (kupite jih lahko bodisi v prodajalni na letališču EU, ki je za točko, na kateri pokažete svoj vstopni kupon, ali pa na letalu, ki ga upravlja prevoznik EU).

Dobrodošli v letalu Adrie Airways

Spoštovani potniki, vaše zadovoljstvo je naš uspeh. Da bi bilo potovanje z nami čim bolj prijetno, nam dovolite, da vas opozorimo na nekaj napotkov, ki so pomembni za vaše udobje in varnost pred letom, med poletom in po pristanku.

Pred letom

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{ Adria Airways }

Napotki za varnostZ najpomembnejšimi varnostnimi napotki vas bo pred poletom seznanilo naše kabinsko osebje, poleg tega pa boste v žepu sedeža pred sabo našli navo-dila za postopke v sili. Ker se glede na tip letala ta navodila razlikujejo, vas prosimo, da jih pred vsakim poletom pazljivo preučite.

Med vzletanjem in pristajanjem si morate pripeti varnostni pas, zaradi var-nosti in udobja pa vam priporočamo, da ostanete pripeti tudi med poletom.

Po pristanku počakajte na svojem sedežu, dokler se letalo popolnoma ne ustavi oziroma dokler ne ugasne znak za obvezno uporabo varnostnih pasov.

Kapitan letala lahko podeli potniku, ki se v letalu neprimerno vede, tako-imenovani RDEČI KARTON. Ta je namenjen vsem, ki s svojim vedenjem ovi-rajo delo kabinskega osebja, ne spoštujejo varnostnih pravil ali pa ogrožajo varnost in udobje sopotnikov. Napad na varnost zračnega prometa je kaznivo dejanje po 330. členu Kazenskega zakonika RS (KZ-1), ki za tovrstna dejanja predpisuje zaporno kazen.

Uporaba elektronskih napravV letalu ni dovoljeno uporabljati prenosnih telefonov (biti morajo popolnoma izključeni!), radijskih in televizijskih sprejemnikov, videoiger z daljinskim upravljanjem, računalniških tiskalnikov in drugih naprav, ki bi z elektroma-gnetnimi valovi lahko motile delovanje občutljivih letalskih instrumentov.

Druge elektronske naprave, kot so prenosni računalniki, CD in DVD pred-vajalniki ter žepni kalkulatorji, je dovoljeno uporabljati le med poletom (če ne povzročajo motenj), med vzletanjem in pristajanjem pa ne. Prosimo vas, da se pred uporabo elektronskih naprav posvetujete s kabinskim osebjem in dosle-dno upoštevate njihove napotke.

Nevarni predmetiPo mednarodnih varnostnih predpisih potnikom v letalu ni dovoljeno imeti (ne pri sebi ne v prtljagi) orožja in drugih nevarnih predmetov, kot so: vnetlji-ve tekočine, pločevinke s stisnjenim ali utekočinjenim plinom, lahko vnetlji-ve snovi, vžigalice, ki niso označene kot varne, in podobno.

Počutje in zdravjeVašemu dobremu počutju sta namenjena ventil za uravnavanje dotoka zraka in lučka za branje, ki sta nameščena nad sedežem. Tam je tudi pozivni gumb, s katerim lahko po potrebi pokličete stevardeso.

V letalu je na voljo priročna lekarna, opremljena s sredstvi za nudenje prve pomoči. Med poletom lahko včasih v ušesih občutite neprijeten pritisk, do kate-rega prihaja zaradi sprememb višine in zračnega pritiska v letalu; težavo boste zlahka odpravili s poudarjenim požiranjem sline ali z nakazanim zehanjem.

Da bi se izognili težavam z ožiljem, ko gre za dolg polet, vam svetujemo, da se večkrat sprehodite po potniški kabini, med sedenjem pa delate vaje za raztezanje celega telesa.

Alkohol na letaluV letalu ni dovoljeno uživanje alkoholnih pijač, ki jih prinesete s sabo. Kabinsko osebje ne sme streči alkoholnih pijač osebam, ki kažejo znake vinjenosti, in osebam, mlajšim od 18 let. Dobronamerno vas opozarjamo, da alkohol zaradi nekoliko nižjega zračnega pritiska med poletom deluje na telo hitreje in bolj intenzivno kot na tleh.

Zamujena, izgubljena ali poškodovana prtljagaČe bi med vašim potovanjem prišlo do nepravilnega ravnanja z vašo regi-strirano prtljago (velja tudi za prtljago, oddano pred letalom), zadevo takoj po prihodu prijavite na letališču pri ustrezni službi (Izgubljeno/Najdeno, Lost&Found, Arrival Service). Telefonska številka + 386 (0 ) 25 94 339.

Center za stike s potnikiV Adrijinem Centru za stike s potniki lahko dobite vse informacije o naši ponudbi in novostih, pa tudi pomoč ali nasvet.

Sem lahko potniki posredujete pritožbo ali odškodninski zahtevek, veseli pa bomo tudi pohvale. Na naš center se lahko obrnete osebno, pisno, po elektron-ski pošti [email protected] ali po telefonu na brezplačno številko 080 13 03 za klice znotraj Slovenije oziroma kot doslej na telefonsko številko +386 (0)1 369 11 33.

Najemi avtomobilov in hoteliNa Adrijini spletni strani smo pred kratkim dodali zavihka Rent-a-car in Hoteli, ki vam omogočata najugodnejše najeme vozil in rezervacije hotelskih namestitev. Zelo enostavno: obiščite in poiščite željeni zavihek. Na voljo je nekaj deset tisoč hotelskih objektov na vseh kontinentih, od tistih z eno zvezdico do prestižnih mednarodnih verig ter najemi vozil na več kot 3.400 lokacijah v 128 državah po celem svetu.

Med letom

Po pristanku

Če ste jih kupili zapakirane v posebni zatesnjeni vrečki, te vrečke pred pre-gledom ne odpirajte, sicer lahko varnostno osebje na kontrolni točki njeno vsebino zaseže. (Če na letališču EU presedate na drug let, vrečke ne odpiraj-te pred varnostnim pregledom na transfernem letališču ali na zadnjem letali-šču, če presedate več kot enkrat.)

Če imate kakršnekoli dvome ali vprašanja, se pred potovanjem obrnite na svojega letalskega prevoznika ali potovalno agencijo.

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{ Adria Airways }Adria Airways Welcomes You Aboard

Economy and business classThe majority of Adria routes are served by the following aircraft: Airbus A319, Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-100/200LR and CRJ-900.

A business class ticket is issued according to the current business class tariff and is valid for one year. The ticket can be booked, paid for and picked up at any time and includes other advantages such as changing the date of travel without additional charge, a larger free luggage allowance, the use of business lounges at airports, etc.

Economy class is for passengers with economy class tickets, which are cheaper and carry certain restrictions.

Online ticketingThe cheapest and quickest way to book a flight and buy a ticket is to visit Adria's website at This only applies to flights operated by Adria. Online purchases are protected by a security certificate. Passengers receive their electronic tickets via e-mail.

If you require a ticket that will also include other carriers, please contact our Call Centre for Reservations and Ticket Sales on: 386 1 369 10 10 or 080 13 00.

Travel with an electronic ticketYou can travel with an electronic ticket on all Adria Airways scheduled flights.

On purchasing a ticket, passengers receive a passenger coupon and itiner-ary in an Adria Airways cover. You can also receive the document via e-mail and print it yourself. You must keep this document with you throughout the journey. At the check-in, present your passport or identity card. The check-in personnel will issue you with your boarding pass. Electronic documentation of the ticket sale means that the ticket status can be verified at any time. It also facilitates rapid transfer of data and reduces the chance of abuse. Most importantly, there is no danger of losing the boarding pass, since it is stored in electronic form.

Web Check-inAt Adria we are aware that every minute is precious when you are travelling. Especially when heavy traffic holds you up on the way to the airport. The web check-in service is a new service that lets you save time at the check-in desk: because you can check in from home or office – or anywhere with an Internet connection. You can check in as early as 24 hours and up to 60 minutes before your scheduled departure time. Web check-in is currently only available on selected Adria flights. In the coming months new destinations will gradually be added.

Restrictions on bringing food into the EUWe advise passengers to check the list of articles that may be brought into the EU before travelling. Strict controls of the import of meat, milk, fish, shellfish and products derived from them is necessary to protect people and animals from the diseases that they can transmit.

If customs officials discover prohibited foodstuffs of animal origin dur-ing routine luggage checks, they will be confiscated. The informative leaflet “What to bring home” is available on our website.

More information is available from the Veterinary Administration of the

Republic of Slovenia or on its website under the sec-tion Public Announcements/Import of Foodstuffs for Personal Use.

Carry-on luggageFor your safety and comfort, we ask you to observe international rules that permit passengers to have one piece of carry-on luggage of a maximum size of 55 x 40 x 20 cm and a maximum weight of 8 kg.

Carry-on luggage should be placed in the overhead bins. Heavier items may be stored under the seat in front of you if possible.

We recommend that you take care when opening the overhead bins as items may have moved during the flight and may fall out.

If your flight is on a CRJ aircraft, larger items of carry-on luggage must be surrendered on boarding. They will be returned to you when you leave the aircraft.

EU airport security rules

In 2006 the European Union adopted new security rules that restrict the amount of liquids that passengers can take aboard aircraft.

You are only allowed to take small quantities of liquids in your hand lug-gage. These liquids must be in individual containers with a maximum capac-ity of 100 millilitres each. These containers must be packed in one transpar-ent re-sealable plastic bag of not more than one litre capacity per passenger. Liquids include: water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and oils; perfumes; sprays; gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of pres-surised containers, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants; pastes, including toothpaste; liquid-solid mixtures; mascara; any other item of similar consistency.

You can still: • pack liquids in bags that you check in – the new rules only affect hand lug-

gage;• carry in your hand luggage medicines and dietary requirements, including

baby foods, for use during the trip. You may be asked for proof that they are needed;

• buy liquids such as drinks and perfumes in an EU airport shop when located beyond the point where you show your boarding pass or on board an aircraft operated by an EU airline. If they are sold in a special sealed bag, do not open it before you are screened – otherwise the contents may be

Dear passengers, your satisfaction is our success. In order to ensure that your Adria flight is as pleasant as possible, allow us to draw your attention to certain points that are important for your comfort and safety before take-off, during the flight and after landing.

Before take-off

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{ Adria Airways }

Safety informationOur cabin crew will give you important safety information before take-off. You will find instructions for emergency procedures in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Since these procedures differ depending on the type of air-craft, we ask you to read the instructions carefully before every flight.

During take-off and landing you must fasten your seatbelt. For your own safety and comfort we also recommend that you leave it fastened during the flight. After landing, wait in your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop or until the seatbelt sign is switched off.

The captain can issue a passenger who acts inappropriately on the air-craft with what is called a RED CARD. The red card is intended for anyone whose behaviour obstructs the work of the cabin crew, who does not observe safety instructions or who threatens the safety and comfort of passengers. Unacceptable behaviour on board an aircraft is a violation of the law. Placing air traffic in jeopardy is a criminal offence in accordance with Article 330 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (KZ-1), carrying with it the pen-alty of imprisonment.

Use of electronic devicesUse of the following devices is not permitted aboard the aircraft: mobile phones (they must be switched off!), radios and televisions, video games with remote control, computer printers and other devices emitting electro-magnetic waves which could interfere with sensitive aircraft systems.

Other electronic devices such as portable computers, CD and DVD players and pocket calculators may only be used during the flight (if they do not cause a disturbance). They may not be used during take-off and landing. Please check with the cabin crew before using electronic devices and be sure to follow their instructions.

Hazardous itemsUnder international safety regulations air passengers may not transport, either on their person or in their luggage, weapons and other hazardous

items such as flammable liquids, compressed or liquefied gas cylinders, high-ly inflammable materials, matches (except safety matches), and so on.

Comfort and healthFor your comfort, an adjustable air vent and a reading light are located above your seat. There is also a button which you can use to call a member of the cabin crew if necessary.

The aircraft is equipped with a first aid kit. During the flight you may feel an uncomfortable pressure in your ears. This is caused by changes in altitude and the air pressure in the aircraft; swallowing or yawning will help relieve the discomfort.

In order to avoid vein problems associated with long flights, we advise you to take frequent walks up and down the cabin and to do stretching exercises for the whole body while seated.

Alcohol on boardConsuming alcoholic beverages that you have brought on board the aircraft yourself is not permitted. The cabin crew is not allowed to serve alcohol to passengers who show signs of intoxication or to passengers under 18 years old. Please bear in mind that because of the lower air pressure during flight, alcohol has a faster and stronger effect than on the ground.

Delayed, lost and damaged luggageIf problems occur with your checked luggage during your journey (also appli-es to luggage surrendered on boarding), contact the appropriate service as soon as you arrive at the airport (Lost & Found, Arrival Service, etc.)

Passenger Relations CentreAdria's Passenger Relations Centre provides you with news and information about our services and can also offer assistance and advice.

Passengers can submit complaints or compensation claims, and praise is always welcome. You can contact the Centre in person, in writing, by e-mail to [email protected], by phoning the free telephone number 080 13 03 if calling from Slovenia, +386 1 369 11 33 if calling from outside Slovenia.

Rent-a-cars and hotelsWe have recently added two tabs to Adria's website that enables you to book a rent-a-car or hotel accomodation throughout the world at favourable rates. Simply visit, click on the desired tab. Choose from among tens of thousands of hotels on every continent, ranging from one-star hotels to prestigious international hotel chains.

Budget Rent-a-Car Slovenia offers Adria Airways customers the best deals on car rental in more than 3,400 destinations in 128 countries!

During the flight

After landing

confiscated at the checkpoint. (If you transfer at an EU airport, do not open the bag before screening at your airport of transfer, or at the last one if you transfer more than once).

If you have any doubts, please ask your airline or travel agent in advance of travel.

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Ostale storitve/Other services

Prevoz tovoraBlagovna služba Adrie Airways odpremi vse pošiljke hitro in kakovostno do vseh letališč po svetu. V sodelovanju z drugimi prevozniki in s pomočjo raču-nalniško podprtega rezervacijskega sistema spremljamo vsako pošiljko od sprejema do predaje naslovniku.

Naša blagovna služba in prodajna zastopništva v tujini vam bodo z vese-ljem pomagala odpremiti oz. dostaviti blago po najhitrejši in cenovno naju-godnejši poti.

ADRIA CARGO, Letališče Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana – Prevoz tovora,telefon: 04 259 43 40, faks: 04 202 30 30,e-pošta: [email protected]

CargoThe Adria Airways cargo service provides fast, high quality goods transport to every airport in the world. In conjunction with other carriers, and with the help of a computerised booking system, we monitor every item from recep-tion to delivery.

Our goods service and sales offices abroad will be happy to help you dis-patch or deliver goods by the fastest and most competitively priced route.

ADRIA CARGO, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport – Cargo Transport,Telephone: + 386 (04) 259 43 40, Fax: + 386 (04) 202 30 30,e-mail: [email protected]

Zaposlene v družbi Adria Tehnika odlikuje vrhunsko tehnično znanje, ki temelji na več kot 40-letnih izkušnjah vzdrževanja letal proizvajalcev McDonnel Douglas, Airbus in Bombardier.

Več informacij na spletni strani

Adria Tehnika maintenance staff have superlative technical know-how deri-ving from more than 40 years' experience in maintaining McDonnell Douglas, Airbus and Bombardier aircraft.

For more information visit

Čarterski prevoziAdria Airways ponuja potnikom, agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim prevoznikom poleg svojih rednih linij tudi čarterske polete iz Ljubljane in z vseh drugih (predvsem evropskih) letališč. Z vstopom v Evropsko unijo ponu-jamo agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim prevoznikom tudi polete z vseh drugih evropskih letališč.

Odlikujejo nas zlasti prilagodljivost, ažurnost, visoka kakovost in točnost poletov.

E-pošta: [email protected]

ChartersIn addition to its scheduled services, Adria Airways offers charter flights from Ljubljana and other (mainly European) airports to passengers, agen-cies, companies and other carriers. Now that Slovenia is part of the European Union, we can also offer flights from all other European airports to agencies, companies and other carriers.

Adria charters offer flexibility, up-to-the-minute services, high quality and punctuality.

E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways

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Avio taxi - Panoramski letiZ letalom Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28R-201T s tremi sedeži za potnike lahko poletite do vseh večjih mest s špotnimi letališči v Sloveniji in do bližnjih leta-lišč sosednjih držav.

Za lete se lahko naročite po telefonu: 04 23 63 460 (Adria Airways Aviotaxi)ali 041 636 420 (tel. pilota).

Aviotaxi – Panoramic flightsOur Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28R-201T, with its three passenger seats, can fly you to all major towns with sports airfields in Slovenia and to nearby air-ports in neighbouring countries.

To book flights, call us on: 04 23 63 460 (Adria Airways Aviotaxi)or 041 636 420 (pilot)

Uradni prevoznik dogodkovKot sodobna družba razumemo potrebe poslovnega vsakdanjika, ki se vse pogo-steje odvija v globalnem prostoru. Zato stopamo naproti tistim, ki organizirajo konference, kongrese, sejme ali druge mednarodne dogodke tako, da postanemo njihov uradni ekskluzivni prevoznik, udeležencem ter organizatorju pa nudimo posebne ugodnosti. Preprosto, učinkovito in prilagojeno potrebam svojih upo-rabnikov poskrbimo za to, da dogodek poteka uspešno, udeleženci pa prispejo na cilj pravočasno, varno in zanesljivo. Kot članica združenja Star Alliancea lahko za večje mednarodne kongrese zagotovimo produkt »Conventions Plus™«, v sklopu

katerega postane več članov združenja uradni prevoznik dogodka. Za vse nadalj-nje informacije smo dosegljivi po elektronski pošti: [email protected].

Official events carrierAs a modern company we understand the needs of modern business, which increasingly takes place in the global arena. For this reason we are ideally positioned to work with organisers of conferences, congresses, fairs and other international events by becoming their official exclusive carrier and offering discounted fares and other advantages to participants and organi-sers. With a simple, efficient approach adapted to the needs of our customers, we make sure that the event runs smoothly, with participants arriving at their destination on time, safely and reliably. As a Star Alliance member we offer the Conventions Plus service for major international conferences, which effectively makes all Star Alliance members the official carrier for the event. For more information write to us at: [email protected].

Spoznajte letenje v virtualnem svetu z našimi odličnimi inštruktorji.V simulatorju letenja – v 30 minutah za samo 39 EUR (DDV je vključen v ceno) – boste spoznali osnove letenja.

Za rezervacijo termina in dodatne informacije o obisku simulatorja pošlji-te email na naslov: [email protected]; GSM: +386 (0)41 604 116. Letenje je možno po plačilu vnaprej in predhodni rezervaciji termina.

Več o ponudbi preberite na spletni strani

Flight SchoolLearn to fly in a virtual world with our excellent instructors.In our flight simulator you can learn the basics of flying in just 30 minutes for a mere 39 euros (VAT included).

To book a session and for more information about a visit to the simulator, e-mail us at the following address: [email protected]; GSM: +386 (0)41 604 116. Booking essential. Payment in advance.

For more information visit

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Adria Airways

Partnerska kartica Diners Club-AdriaPotniki s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji se lahko odločite za sku-pno plačilno kartico Diners Cluba in Adrie Airways. Z uporabo partnerske pla-čilne kartice Diners Club-Adria lahko zbirate milje in koristite nagradne vozov-nice in druge ugodnosti v programu Miles & More. Vsak porabljen evro vam bo prinesel 1 miljo. Dogovor, sklenjen med Adrio in klubom Miles & More, prinaša imetnikom partnerske kartice pomembno dodatno ugodnost: milje, zbrane z nakupi s plačilno kartico Diners Club-Adria, ne zapadejo, če ste vsaj tri mesece član, opravite z njo vsak mesec vsaj en nakup in račune poravnavate v roku. Kartica pa vam odpira vrata in nudi brezplačne storitve tudi v več kot 130 letaliških salonih po vsem svetu, kjer boste lahko v miru počakali na odhod svojega letala, brezplačno prelistali časopis, se osvežili z napitki, telefonirali ali poslali faks.

Informacije: telefon 080 13 45,, [email protected]

Star Alliance partnerstvoAdria Airways je letalski prevoznik z več kot 49-letnimi izkušnjami v čarterskem in rednem prometu. Uspešno sodeluje v evropskih integracijskih tokovih in se partner-sko povezuje z drugimi letalskimi prevozniki. Decembra 2004 se je Adria kot regional-na članica pridružila največjemu globalnemu združenju letalskih prevoznikov Star Allianceu, z januarjem 2010 pa je napredovala v polnopravno članico združenja.

Potnikom tako zagotavljamo vse prednosti, ki jih prinaša izboljšan dostop do svetovnega omrežja prevoznikov, združenih v Star Allianceu. V povezavi s partner-ji vam omogočamo dostop do svetovne mreže poletov 27 letalskih prevoznikov, ki z več kot 21.000 leti dnevno povezujejo 1160 destinacij v 181 državah.

Poleg tega so vam na voljo ugodnosti, ki jih ponujajo prevozniki člani Star Alliancea, kot so: prijava na let do končne destinacije, priznavanje statusa, vstop v letališke salone ter zbiranje in uveljavljanje točk ali milj v okviru programov za pogoste potnike. Za številne destinacije po svetu so vam na voljo potovanja po ugodnejših cenah in posebna ponudba Star Alliancea Round the World – potovanje okoli sveta. Za več informacij smo vam na voljo na naših prodajnih mestih.

Nagradne prestope v višji razred potovanja omogoča20 prevoznikov, članov združenja Star Alliance.

Največja nagrada, ki jo lahko dobite, ko zberete milje ali točke, je to, da jih lahko uporabite svobodno, kjer koli in kadar koli želite. V okviru združenja Star Alliance lahko sedaj svoje točke ali milje uporabite za prestov v višji razred potovanja pri 20 prevoznikih, članih združenja, za potovanja po vsem svetu.

S samodejnim sistemom za prestop v višji razred potovanja v našem združenju lahko sedaj svoj prestop v višji razred uredite po telefonu ali v spletu do 24 ur pred potovanjem, če je v višjem razredu prosto mesto, pri tem pa ne potrebujete nove vozovnice ali kupona za prestop v višji razred.

Več informacij o prestopu v višji razred potovanja in drugih ugodnostih, ki jih ponuja združenje Star Alliance, najdete na spletni strani

Zaslužili ste si!Adria Airways zaenkrat še ne nudi teh storitev na svojih letih.

Diners Club-Adria Partner CardPassengers with permanent residence in Slovenia can obtain the joint Diners Club and Adria Airways charge card. By using the Diners Club – Adria Airways charge

card, you can collect miles and enjoy bonus tickets and other privileges in the Miles & More programme. Every euro spent will give you one mile. The agreement between Adria and Miles & More brings partner card holders an important addi-tional benefit: miles collected through purchases using the Diners Club-Adria payment card will not lapse if you have been a member for at least three months, you use the card for at least one purchase each month and you settle your account balance on time. At the same time, the card opens the door to free services in more than 130 airport lounges

around the world, where you can await your departure in tranquillity, browse through newspapers, enjoy a refreshing drink, make phone calls or send faxes.

Information: Telephone: 080 13 45,, [email protected]

Star Alliance partnershipAdria Airways has more than 49 years of experience in operating both charter and scheduled flights. We are successfully participating in the process of European integration and have established partnership arrangements with other air car-riers. In December 2004 Adria joined the Star Alliance, the world's largest airline alliance, as a regional member and she became a full member in January 2010.

Our customers now benefit from improved access to the world-wide Star Alliance network. In connection with our partners, we offer access to a global net-work of flights on 27 airlines, which offer more than 21,000 flights daily serving 1,160 destinations in 181 countries.

Moreover, our passengers enjoy customer benefits offered by Star Alliance member carriers, such as through check-in, status recognition, lounge access, frequent flyer accrual and redemption. Reduced-price flights are available for numerous destinations throughout the world, along with the Star Alliance Round-the-World special offer. We will be glad to provide details at any Adria sales outlet.

Upgrade across 20 of our member airlines,with Star Alliance Upgrade Awards.

After accumulating miles or points, the biggest reward is the freedom to use them, wherever you are, whenever you want. So with the Star Alliance network, you can now use your points or miles to upgrade to a more comfortable seat, across 20 of our member airlines to destinations around the globe.

With the network’s automated upgrade system you can now arrange your upgrade over the phone or online up to 24 hours before the flight, depending on availability. And there’s no need for a new ticket or an upgrade voucher.

To find out more about upgrading your travel experience and other benefits of the Star Alliance network, visit

You’ve earned it.

For the moment, Adria Airways is not yet offering this service on flights.

Klubi zvestobe/Loyalty Clubs

Star Alliance

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Dobrodošli v Miles & More Razlog več, da poletite z Adrio AirwaysAdria Airways nudi svojim pogostim potnikom program Miles & More in jim s tem omogoča pestrost zbiranja in uporabljanja milj v celotni mreži poletov članic Star Alliancea. Sem spadajo tudi vse redne proge Adrie Airways.

Prijava v klubV klub se lahko prijavite s prijavnico, ki jo dobite na vseh prodajnih mestih in v letalih Adrie Airways, ali pa to storite na naslovu na naših spletnih straneh.

Zbiranje miljMilje lahko zbirate na celotni mreži poletov članic Star Alliancea. Dodatne milje lahko zbirate z bivanjem v hotelih, z najemom vozil, telefoniranjem, nakupi v določenih trgovinah in z uporabo kreditnih kartic.

Člani Miles & More v Sloveniji bodo milje pridobili tudi s plačilno kartico Diners Club-Adria. Vsak nakup v vrednosti 1 EUR vam bo prinesel eno miljo. Milje, zbrane z nakupi s plačilno kartico Diners Club - Adria, ne zapadejo, če ste vsaj tri mesece član, opravite z njo vsak mesec vsaj en nakup in račune poravnavate v roku.

Poleg zbiranja milj imajo člani Miles & More še dodatne ugodnosti, kot so prednost na čakalnih listah, prevoz večje količine prtljage idr.

Veljavnost zbranih milj je tri leta.

Koriščenje miljZbrane milje lahko uporabite za številne nagrade: brezplačne vozovnice na progah članic Star Alliancea, potovanje v višjem razredu, počitniška potovanja, nakup različnih artiklov.

Članske karticeZ včlanitvijo postanete član kluba in imetnik osnovne kartice. Doseženo število zahtevanih milj, zbranih v koledarskem letu, zagotavlja višje nivoje članstva, kot so: srebrni član ali Frequent Traveller, zlati član ali Senator in HON Circle Member. Višji nivo članstva vam prinese posebne ugodnosti.

Člansko kartico imejte vedno pri roki, potrebujete jo za beleženje milj, uveljavljanje ugodnosti in naročanje nagrad.

Dobrodošli na poletih Adrie Airways, članice združenja Star Alliance!

Informacije o zbranih miljah, novostih v klubu, naročila nagradnih vozovnic in drugih nagrad v klicnem centru Miles & More dobite na tel. št. (0)40 747 440 ali na naslovu Navesti morate člansko številko in PIN številko. V delovnem času od 8. do 18. ure vam bodo informacije na voljo v slovenskem jeziku, kasneje v angleškem ali nemškem.

Welcome to Miles & More One more reason for flying Adria AirwaysAdria Airways is offering its frequent flyers the Miles & More programme, which makes available a variety of ways to collect and use miles on the entire flight network of Star Alliance members. All Adria Airways scheduled routes are included in this network.

Club registrationYou can join the club by filling in the registration form available at all sales offices and on board Adria Airways aircraft, or by registering on-line at our website,

Collecting milesYou can collect miles within the entire Star Alliance network. You can also collect additional miles through hotel stays, car rental, telephone calls, purchases at selected shops and using your credit cards.

Miles & More members in Slovenia also receive miles when you use the Diners Club-Adria charge card. Every euro charged earns you 1 mile. Miles collected through purchases using the Diners Club-Adria payment card will not lapse if you have been a member for at least three months, you use the card for at least one purchase each month and you settle your account balance on time.

In addition to collecting miles, Miles & More members enjoy additional benefits such as priority on waiting lists, excess baggage allowance and so on.

Miles are valid for three years.

Using milesYou can use the miles you have accumulated for various benefits: free tickets on Star Alliance member routes, upgrades to business class, holiday travel and various purchases.

Membership cards You become a club member as soon as you join. Accumulating the required number of miles in a calendar year leads to higher levels of membership: silver member or Frequent Traveller, or gold member or Senator, or HON Circle Member. A higher level of membership offers you special benefits.

Always have your membership card on hand, because you’ll need it to register miles, claim benefits and request awards.

Welcome aboard Adria Airways, a Star Alliance member!

For information on miles, Club news, to order free tickets or other benefits, call the Miles & More call centre at +386 40 747 440 or visit our website at You’ll be asked for your membership number and PIN. We’ll be happy to take your calls in Slovene from 8 am to 6 pm, and service is also available in English and German outside these hours.

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Prodaja vozovnic in rezervacije Ticket Offices and Booking

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Klicni center: telefon 00386 (0)1 36 91 010

Brezplačna številka v Sloveniji: 080 13 00

Adria AirwaysZgornji Brnik 130h4210 Brnik - AerodromTel.: +386 (0)1 36 91 010 E-mail: [email protected]

Poslovalnice / Sales offices:

LJUBLJANAGosposvetska 61000 LjubljanaKlicni center: 36 91 010, 080 13 00Tel.: +386 (0)1 23 91 910 Fax: +386 (0)1 23 21 668E-mail: [email protected]

Letališče Jožeta Pučnika LJUBLJANALJUBLJANA Jože Pučnik AirportAdria Airways Sales OfficeKlicni center: 36 91 010, 080 13 00Tel.: +386 (0)4 25 94 245Fax: +386 (0)4 23 63 461E-mail: [email protected]

AMSTERDAMAdria Airways, NetherlandsP.O. Box 756441118 ZR Schiphol TriportTel.: +31 20 625 11 22Fax: +32 2 753 23 37E-mail: [email protected]

Airport Ticketing Desk Amsterdam Schiphol AirportGlobeground Ticketing Desk Terminal 3, opposite check-in row 20 Tel.: +31 20 79 52 600 Fax: +31 20 79 52 601 E-mail: [email protected]

ATHENSAdria Airways, General Sales AgentK.G. KOMPAS GREECE, 572 Vouliagmenis Ave & Karaiskaki, 164 51 Athina ArgiroupoliTel.: + 30 21 09 94 7263,Fax: + 30 21 09 94 7288,E-mail: [email protected]

BANJALUKABosnia and HerzegovinaSKY SRPSKATel.: +397 (0)51 220 330Mobile: +387 (0)65 321 817E-mail: office@sky

BARCELONA Adria Airways, General Sales AgentKompas SpainC/ Paris, 162-164 Entlo 2a08036 Barcelona Tel.: + 34 93 246 67 77Fax: +34 93 245 41 88E-mail: [email protected]

BELGRADEAdria Airways Representative Office OKI AIR INTERNATIONALAirport “Nikola Tesla”11180 Belgrade 59 Tel/Fax: +381 11 2286457,2286458, 2097457E-mail: [email protected],[email protected]

BRUSSELS Adria AirwaysBrussels Airport – Box 41930 ZaventemTel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 336Fax: +32 (0)2 75 32 337E-mail: [email protected] Airways Ticket Desk Airport Zaventem / Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 337

COPENHAGENAdria AirwaysRepresentative and InformationAntello AB, Tings Gatan 2256 56 Helsingborg, SWEDENTel.: +46 (0)42 28 47 78Fax: +46 (0)42 14 47 78Mobil: +46 708 28 47 78 E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways Airport Ticket DeskCopenhagen AirportTerminal 2, Floor 2, Office 2302770 Kastrup, DenmarkTel. & Fax: +45 (0)32 51 59 59Mobil: +46 708 28 47 78E-mail: [email protected]

FRANKFURTAdria Airways Frankfurt Airport Terminal 1, Building 201 Room 201. 4043/4044P.O.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am MainTel.: +49 (0)69 269 56 720, 269 56 721 Fax: +49 (0)69 269 56 730E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways Airport Ticket DeskFrankfurt Airport, Terminal 1, Hall B Sales Desk 307P.O.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49 (0)69 269 56 722

ISTANBULAdria Airways General Sales AgentOrdu Cad No. 206/1 34470 Laleli, IstanbulTel.: +90 (0)212 51 24 232Fax: +90 (0)212 51 24 234, 51 25 436E-mail: [email protected]

KIEVGeneral Sales Agent: AVIAREPS - town officeChervonoarmijska st. 9/2Office number 201004 Kiev, UkraineTel.: +38 044 287 07 47Fax: +38 044 490 65 04E-mail: [email protected]

Adria AirwaysBorispol International AirportTicketing agent: Aquavita Tel.: +38 044 230 00 49, 230 00 50Fax: +38 044 230 00 48E-mail: [email protected]

LONDON, MANCHESTER,DUBLINAdria Airways - London Gatwick Airport Ticketing Agent: SkybreakNorth Terminal, Zone A, Ticket DeskTel.: +44 (0) 1293 507 182Fax: +44 (0) 1293 507 144Reservations: Tel: +44 (0) 1293 555 707E-mail: [email protected]

MOSCOWAdria Airways Derbenevskaja 4113 114 MoscowTel.: +7 495 727 08 85 Fax: +7 495 727 08 88E-mail: [email protected]

Adria AirwaysSheremetyevo Airport6th Floor, Room Nr. 42 (6.42)Tel.: +7 495 578 80 24

MUNICHProsimo, obrnite se na predstavništvo v Frankfurtu.Please contact our office in Frankfurt.

PARISAdria Airways94 rue Saint Lazare75009 ParisStopnišče A, II. nadstropjeStaircase A, 2nd floor

Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 42 95 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 47 42 00 67 E-mail: [email protected]

PODGORICAAdria Airways, General Sales AgentOki Air International Ivana Vujoševića 4681000 PodgoricaTel.: +382 (0) 20 201 201Tel. & Fax: +382 (0) 20 241 154Mobil: +382 (0)67 24 11 54E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways Ticket Office Podgorica Airport OKI AIR INTERNATIONALTel. & Fax: +382 (0) 20 623 232Mobil: +382 (0)67 24 11 54E-mail: [email protected] PRISTINA Adria representative office – town officePal Palucij 3, 38000 Pristina Tel.: +381 (0)38 54 34 11 Tel. & Fax: +381 (0)38 54 32 85 E-mail: [email protected]

Ticket issue at the airport Tel.: +381 (0) 38 548 437 Fax: +381 (0) 38 548 437 Mobile: +377 44 501 241

SARAJEVOAdria AirwaysRepresentative and InformationFerhadija 2371000 SarajevoTel.: +387 (0)33 23 21 25, 23 21 26 Fax: +387 (0)33 23 36 92E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways Airport Ticket DeskSarajevo International AirportTel. & Fax: +387 33 464 331E-mail: [email protected]

SKOPJEAdria AirwaysGeneral Sales Agent AAM dooelUlica Dame Gruev, Gradski Zid, blok 4/8 1000 SkopjeTel.: +389 (0)2 31 17 009, 32 29 975Fax: +389 (0)2 31 65 531E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways Airport Ticket Office Skopje AirportTel. +389 (0)2 25 50 133

STOCKHOLMAdria AirwaysRepresentative and InformationAntello AB, Tings Gatan 2256 56 Helsingborg, SwedenTel.: +46 (0)42 28 4778Fax: +46 0)42 14 4778Mobil.: +46 708 28 4778E-mail: [email protected]

TEL AVIVAdria AirwaysMirus Services (1996) Ltd. General Sales Agent8 Mendele Str.Tel Aviv 63432Tel.: +972 (0)3 52 23 161Fax: +972 (0)3 52 40 895

Adria Airways Ticket DeskBen Gurion AirportLaufer Aviation Ltd.Tel.: +972 (0)3 97 74 300Fax: +972 (0)3 97 12 022

TIRANAAdria Airways AlbaniaEuropian Trade CenterStreet bajram Curri No. 19Town OfficeTel.: +355 4 227 4666Tel. & Fax: +355 4 227 2666Mobil Off.: +355 6 94076614AirportTel. & Fax: +355 4 238 1911Mobil in Rinas Apt.: +355 6 94076611E-mail: [email protected]

VIENNAReservations and purchaseAdria Airways Station A-1300 Vienna Airport Tel.: +43 (1) 700 736 913 Fax: +43 (1) 700 736 914 E-mail: [email protected]

WARSAWAdria Airways, General Sales AgentGLOBAIR Polska Sp z o.o.Marszalkowska St. 28,office number 1U-35Warsaw 00-576Tel: +48 (022) 696 85 20Fax: +48 ( 022) 696 85 24Mobile: +48 696 49 14 77 E-mail: [email protected]

ZAGREBAdria AirwaysPraška 910000 ZagrebTel.: +385 (0)1 48 10 011, 48 10 016Fax: +385 (0)1 48 10 008E-mail: [email protected]

ZÜRICHAdria AirwaysLoewenstrasse 54/II.8001 ZürichTel.: +41 (0)44 212 63 93Fax: +41 (0)44 212 52 66E-mail: [email protected]

Adria Airways Airport Ticket Office Zürich AirportTerminal B-2-521Tel.: +41 (0)43 81 64 437