adju~~ments '1~~'.itax rate...

CIVILIANS AGAIN! E.R~EST J ART!, JR \-AL A BEST CH \RLES W. Bt:CHBlliDE1t JOH~ E CALLKI::\S HE'\RY J COl-CKE \\ALH.R R. DEs~!ET W G EL\\ ROTH\ ]R \\ ILL! \ \{ H F \HRI',GER \\ 11U \\f H FR\ZIER l,LOR(,E B G \<;TO~ \,ilL (>OT~CH\LL \\ \If \( E \ < .... )lLDE.R \\IlIl\\1 F I-..F"\E.. JIt \I\RK ~ I-..\, \PP \\ ILU-\\{ (; JE-\KLE TH \D 11 100' l:lf\R't F IlT7 I- R \ \ Cl:- \{ 1.1 O"'i-.EY J \ \, l \ R' l"' \ \1 L LLES \ I Rr-R r \\ 01 T 1.11\11 \1'1) f' \"'~r \ \Rl 1 RnL"CH Cht..T ""-\\IPSO\: ED\\ARD ~Ch\'BE.CX CL \ 't TO~ "Ch\\ -\RZ f'\tl F "TR\iTO'i R-\~\IO\'nl- "TREB no\, \1 n <;THFn Il' I I 'I" " ~\... 1\ \\\, \" \' - \' \" \' \, 1R ~EORGE H. "lL.U.AW' EDITOR'S ~OTE: Every weelre The Review WIll publish tbe namel of the men and women of Gt-oJSe POinte \lIho hue been and are being dIScharged from all branclto es of tll e armed services The Stf'oo vice fleople, themselves, their fam'- hes or friends are inVIted to sen. Ibelr names to The Re\ll~ office. \\ elcome Home I to the PftIPic .. -'0 must bet The chanty of this group.tee. ." end here Throughout tal: • year, boys and Iflrls are gTvelS aid if It IS learned th~t they need optical and dental work, they are Ii". rubbers and shoes. Entire fami1ica are ca{"ed for many limes. Fuel purchased, rent pa~'menU ue ~ limes made, doclor bIlls are ad .. food is given by the Goodle1lowL These llTe only 'ome of the charloo twle works CUrled on by the LieIII club IhrOllgh the generosity at GroSle Pomten, I Assisting Mr. Sc.h.. eikut -3 Jushce DeBaeke in the .up~ of the sale, S. Willard HMmg 11 been named to assist the co-chailooJ men In the tabulation of the fude "hlle ~orge Eh\orthy of the NClI1a- (Continued 011 Pagt 6.) ildteN to ~ •" f efIangei and improvtnlelSu ill YiIIlIBe government aDd community actln- ties. Adopted as immediale obJectvie. are increased educational aDd rec- reational faclllt,es, Impro\ed trans- portatIon and planned Village de- velopment are also under study by Ihe membershIp, Woods Residents to Have Taxi Service in Near Future Papers To Be So On Pointe Streets For Annual Drive BY CARRIER lOe A MO~TH , ** *** *** For Townshi ..... ; ... filii to Boa 5ec;cJan hospitaL Neither Duncan nOl" a comp.Diet!, DaVld R Denis, of 9315 Weyhel', sa .... the mall hi!fore he wu hit The drIver of the car was IAken the the prosecutor's office for a statement prior to being locked up in the Park jail &,. Slitrbtly Injured When Hit b,. Automobile The big day whIch the Grosse Pointe Lions dub bu looking forward to, will dawn next Tuesday, December for this is the day for the annual sale of The Goodfellow by thl! LIons and ~heir helpers: The pohce and tire d members of the Pointe, On this day, these "Santa Oauses" will don their ° ary red suits and tossel caps and solicit for funds for the work to be performed at Chnstmas time and throughout year by the Lions in the name of the Goodfellows, The determination of the men witl not be dampened by snow or fog white they are selling the speCIal official low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters of the Pointe-in every Ileok, c-.. League ner, side street lnd thorou&h~ leadmg to and from Grosse Polat4 Meets Dlstnbullon of The ReYinr ,....,.. begin in the early haun of .... morning and untit ",eryoue ia __ :~ TonI -ght communIty bas been contadM. The gOld thiS year has be. let" __ Gr ft-.'_ Woods Ci' live thousand dollus by Dr. WiIIiaIII:'r £Oe 06U cOlDie ne \Vatlens, pt'e!ltdeut of the LioM. ~f League .... ill meet tooigftt (Thun. co-chairmen of ~. 4r",,~ are- . David Co Duncan, 19, of '1E12 Yn- ~y), to dIICUl. tae relerev.du •• ate S<:h~ikart, Gt-ooh PoMrte iati.Co III beiIl.c heW '" <d'oHe to be held ou. Moada!, Jail. 1', 1946, ship .upenU«, ami Viet« DeB t II" • PoiBttI Pafr,1dice b m-~icm Oft ~~ -UlIl' Ol'clinucc ~g~ township jamce eI the peace-;. ~-. _____'htr ~ _ dectm8 .... ad: an_~ bu __ a Uotaa ~-",.rT"iC .~_ .. ~ ~ win men ;are 'W "~ ." 171Ia .-eative n-r, the . .ul .......... t Aged Pedestrian Killed by Auto * * * Rate * II( II, THlJl{:-'OAY, DI~CE;"fBE.R 13, 19-1S pointe lRt\liCUl &y A Paper Tuaday •• .;, " Woods Schedules Election for Jan. 14 on Mack Rezoning The spedal election which G{"~e asteed on buiM.- Poittte Woods win hold fer the rmb- hc'. ~iD.~ on theu-.,.. ;pf _ COMPLETE 0IlIy The REVIEW Giv.. You Cover o( ALL Homea in Gro Pointe a: Gratiot Twpa, VOL 22.--No 19 ~ ... 1te w.I. The ...... whidt.,.s an _.6,; ~ AWVS,. a Jft'P- tile ~- ill "'-stoiD is that ..... :-_. of"U' G" Du --" b ... .....-.... ,-. recelltly 1I'U set at.$.WI,f)()(), C-.nJlil_!lip.n. idecm 011 this tree by the teata of JU\taI'Y, resent_ y Iepl COIl_I. were ironta-e 011 },Lack from the village .. purchased $J97;OOO in bonds. is Rocher, and the offlc13ls of t"r ",illt eaea bpt representina: ODe those of ROllS W. ]udsOll, Robert - ..k to Bournemouth and from ..- amount rtPreseuu the cash en I GrOMc Pomte Bank who ah" thotlsa!ul ealu of food. Shiell, the Windmin POInle Land H1Jntington to the village bmils. The I lD for the bonds. handled the bond purchases company, Frecrerick S. Ford, ], B. rderendum vote was ad~ted by F d h J h S N wb The $304,000 quota for md' ual Superllltendent Leland F. Lllldow, or, t eon •e eITY estale CommiSSIoners Beauchamp, Burgess, AWVS CI Bo d of the Grosse POlDte post office, and others, Posl and V;ande.bush; CommiSSIon- bonds was also reached, ltut that i oses n h k b I d 'II tax bIlls w.r held n th tOW1l set for corporations (Ild not reach Booth T '8' II Urglllg t at pac -ages to e mal e'" ~e I e - ers Marco and Rowe opposed thiS t \. "f d" f the Ion This. '-!Iure IHS attributed I ., urns u to dlSlant pomts be brought to Ihe 'hiP, waltnlg or Ihe eClSOlD0 the move. ... ... S h to the fact that the majO, ,'V of cor- 0 V branch office as soon as possible, tax commls~loners '"ce t e com- Philip Allard, clerk of the village, ver to eterans t . , d b '{ pO!'atlCln offlaals \\ho "1 e in the thus Insunng dehvery before Christ- mumca Ion was receIve y .. r is now takIng regIstrations for this mas, He offen the follm\lng lips I Schwelkarl from LouIS M. Nlms, tax eleClton. Pointe purchase their bond, through for malhng, commiSSIOner, Ihe tax bills are now theIr companle1l lI\"th Olllce' ill De- After 35 months of aCllHty, sell- Allan Wire, fIve years old, of 1304 Mallon time. being put m the mail,. --------- trolt ing Wat Bonds and Stamp~, and \Vayburn, was struck bv a movmg Pack securely, SaIv R Because of the fall In '"c latter mo't recently, Victory Bonds, the automobile at Charlevoix and Wav- Addreu legibly. p. R 'd age esumed bonds, Ihe grand quota 01 Sl 581,000 Grosse Pomte COlt, A\\ V5, has l burn last Saturday afternoon. but Use ~hvery zone numbm. mote esl ent in City's Plant was not fulfIlled. The l('tal ac- closed Its bond booth m Its quonset upon an examlnatlon bv his grand- StParale and he in bundles local RIOt by Auto", Dloes counted for is $1,345,1l'J hut at Knche\al and Cadieux road mother it was found that only his A request to estabhsh a taxi cab d 'd I Mr. Moore ~J(plamed nowever, and is turning, the bUlldlng o"er to ltit le~ was shghlly brul<eJ senlce in Grosse POinte Woods was an oulsl e m~1 '. The City of Grosse Pointe sal- that although the VlCO"\ Loan the Gros~e Pomte CounCil of \ eter. A witness \\ ho saw the accid~nt, enthusiastIcally received by the \Ill- To honor the ."emory of the latc \\ hlle crossing 3,fack ~nenue at \Age plant, \\'arren and Radnor. drive ended last \\eek, alt "~~ds pur- ans Affair, this \\eek I absohed the dTl\'er, Marguet I. age commiSSIoners, and on Dec 4, \\'oodhall last Thursday mornmg at \\hlCh \\ as cotl<lderabl) damaged by chased durmg the man'" o! Decem All bond pU'cha'es anti bu,mess I Grant of 109 Mapleton, of all blame granted Harvey Allen of 21.301 Tele- ~~~n:[~:r~~~cl~f o;hee (\AI'I:~t o~;~ 5e\en o'clock, Henry E. Martz, 60, of I I1re on December J, has been re- ber \\111 be credlted to . , drhe, In Ihe POInte "'Ill be handled bv thel He said the boy ",'as at fault graph road, permISSIon to conducl %5 \\ ashmgton road, 1\as fatantln- 'I paired sufficIently', re'ume the sal- He IS, therefnre, confldcm ,t whrn Grosse Pomte Bank m the luture such a buslne"s, fellse of the Phil'PPine. m the early ... , days of Ihe ",'ar and a graduate of jured when he \\ as hit b~ an auto- \age of paper, aecordmg to ~:ell all labulaltons are mad~ c" y n"l The A\\ v S booth opened m Jan. Fire Call ThiS serHce '" ill gIve Ihe outer mobile. 1l10ndell, City oHlcla!. month, Goos~e Pointe ,"' exceed uar), 1943 portion' of \\'ayne counly good taxI \'layne unnerslty, the \\ a)ne LnJ- r-_ T ,. '\' k . ' b ,--"rmen uzzolino, 40, 01 ~20I' or m Ihe plant \\as held up ---------- A~ their concludmg effort in t"e, Cltv fnemen llIere called to tlote Ser\ICe, 1\lth cabs located I'n Ihe ,erslly Club Alumni are e'ta I,sh' Lei I' 0 R I OUlse, Mt leme clrl\ er of the I or only uor aa) s IlIhlle the re- ppose emova sale of bond', the A\\'\"5 recorded II H \' Scot home at 635 Neff la't Clt.\', \\ oods, 'lDd nel"hbonng St mg a memoflal scholilf'h1!, to be d d L' d d e eath car, "a~ h~l "v police lor pa,l'. "ere mol ~, !1fln~ thiS lime, $Nl8800 In \ le'ory bond,. of thl< "eek after smoke ilia. dl'co\ereu In ClaIr Shores ~y,arded annual' to a de<en mg and f TN' oulstandmg hIgh school graduate m mHltlgatll'n of ne,,"~ent homiCide the \\aste pa- r \' ",ch he depart. 0 avem to e\\' amoun., $L~.9.15 \Hre m E ,",and, tne hou<e. It "al cau.ed bv a -It' "-1lhough no regulation In the the Delrolt metropohtan area Sun 1\ Ing are th e '" Ido\" daugh- ment of publiC "ork~ I:atlwred In Sl"te ."n G" P. Farms The major"y of honis In lhls latter i Iect In th~ operal1on of the furncae \\ ClOdslaw books pertam to the taxI ter, Belly, son, Corp Emelson J thelr dol I) coller' on, "', b~rneG group came from the elementary, Park firemen eXllnqUl.hed a fire a' rabs It \\ as agreed thaI permiSSIon Gro«e Pomte Park pollcc had a \\ho arfl\ed at ~e"port ~ey,s re- Mr Blondell saId the 'mall baler j I school eh'ldren \\hose act"l1les now 998 ~oltlngham last Monday morn-l sho,;'d be Gwen at once, subject 10 centl) afler a tOLlr of o,ersea' duty \lias damaged by the flr< ,tnd l< un- Oppo,'tlOn has be~n ra d hy .', have been translerred 10 the banI.. mg an" regulatIOns "hlch the comm:s- perfect record for I ..ent) .four hours d d fd b -from Sunday, Decemher 9 at 8 The ecease \\as an executl\e 0 I er repair, ut thc latg~ baler ,. group of Gro',e Pomle Fd '"1Sresi- sl~n llIould laIC. draw up, The" am, there" as no entry made m the Stearns I aboratones beIR,! uI~d dents 10 the mcn mg of a al lav-' T t Plan Made "Ould sUllen Ise the actl\ Itles s mi- their day book unlll Ihe next morn- WARNI' NG TO READERS nil. to a new sile on ~{a" ?Hnur U or lar 10 other mUnlclpahtles, such as Th" 'tanti \\a, ta!"en at a meellnjt rates and slands The latter how- :~rlcafler the .8tO. 4.'hlft came 10 1 of the Gm«e Po,nte Far.,,' Prop- Avalelable To Vets ever, could be regulaled by Ih'e chlefl ert" 0" ners a«oc'allon 70n -0; e"m. of pollce. ]n an~\\cr to numerous mqulrle~. The Rellcw m "0 \\h ch wac held la.t \londay _ Of cour.r, ever~one 1< urglnf: ~ou dot'\ XOT have sol1cltorc; covef1ng- thc POlntes a\k- ------ 10 help Ihe Goodlello"s next T, e'- mg for )earl) mail subc;cflptlons in advance Such n ~':r a"ocla' on "ent on rc ord as The ,",oaTIl 01 education al'l'rO\ed rellrn'",\, to Cl\ i1an 1fe, and that Pointe Branch Post day durmg the,r annual 'ale of t"'e I hc,'l:;: "npo,c1 10 .... ~ remo" of t-, _, '" -, ", I n' an anequale n 'mber "f 'oeter-I Offo 0 S d I d f Th G P, unauthof1zcd ~olicitatlOn 1~ contran to mo,t muni- '" Ice pen un ay 'p~ela e Ilion 0 e eo«e OIl' e c' ai' I ,-ncn' Horn I" prc<c"' loca_llenoent of "''''', emoon ~" a ,n a'e c.,roded lor '~eh Str\lceS, Re"lew and \\e kn"" Ihe'c fe"' clpalttlcs' ordlnanCe\ The RC\ICI'J I~ dcll\crcd on iOn ,., \Iack a\CnllC he'\\( ., \10- pla~ \Hlrketi 01' 0\ .I'cr Clem ,t "o11 n he umd'e to In\ohe the! -- \\ords ",on't RO to \\a<tc the day of pl1hllca1l0n h\ <llllhofl7Cd car-lcr 1'0\5 '., I hCrl" 0 a ne\\ I ll<l,~ ''''''T, pr'l' ,,,' ': (, "" r'n c- "'I 1,'-\[ or the \-teran, Inl o\s an aid to Grosse POlDte re,I' The seconti project \\h,ch ama\' \Iho collect for the dcll\er\ at th~ end (If each he 1\: ,', ',n Y1 \I" I, hc'"rr, \f n ", 'l~O(\ "rrc,' l,e, , ',-r .'c 0'1" ", ,re >1 m,'nn 'nat "OJ d l tient; d,nn-: the Chn'tma' ru'" ,)fl ouches the hrart'<Ir,l" and In~ month " "'\ ...nti I 'lC- 'oa,l ... PC''''I' \ '''r of (I,mm 1n', " ,'l l'e no ( ,.1 \ IN (l';lan'lIn;: ~ \et-I mall,n>: pac1.alle, and IlfCctmll carrl •. ~Ui5e ~trmg ... (If rom cr~ " tht IIA'l" 'nr- h 1 (1 1:::''' ~(n ... 'r H.,)n 1."'~ T0 Itl R R.1.rnf'" .::I ... ~ "'lrrf 1 f'" ... .., l r th('" I'ln Il'e hranc, ot thr p<"ct "Ft1Le Grosse POInte To\ Clu" ~!lW~_!Ellll1!liS,..I!IIr1!IIl_IIiIQlII1!llill~~_~ __ !I!!ll(' hrrn ,«' cd \" ',c \ IA.C 'cndc 11 0' _ 10" "e C" \( 'ar, 111< I "r rOIl' r r' ..~ 'n~utnre \\l1! hc npen 1M hU'lnr« nrxl ~U'l' \\(1u\\onl la, el'''' ,r' i i '""a rl T 1l cn-cr 4i, I,B"I, ".',-nlll'( ,I,n,c". \ ,-.\, ~ r ',.r,"'c''ll[lr'lolr.m.\\''rre da Dc 1"1rom"n~!ofi\Cocl"cl.. •• n1Zallon thIS }ear \I "Not A Kid Without A Toy ~ (11. -ll1'n" h < f''!lm' C "~1 no' cvnr I (, r" at c- J., I, !')4f, nnc (1r '''0 I' 1"0 al'er~"on ---------- II- i jlarrr' \1 rr'" 4t-i1 \fora., \1 e. C~' "., 0" TCel ,e : n '[l , )1 -, ,r" cd •c U.11 'ca ,cr, " w'e 1'0' \ O'her c"anges In 'he re:;u"lt REMEMBER? f Ch 0" I, ,.'m,n 'ch"c< \' ac r>e ,. l.~, , <''''arc I 'Na-IT> .:( fil'ed ",cdl1,earea.{ol:o",. 1 i or flstmas WI \. ", \\A Al P'I' ) Ie, I" 1 (I". A "1'( \ \"'. C Ihr;:cncy lCOloers c;.n fr.,!.\ Dc, 14 anti ~lo.,day Dee OneYearAro Ii it c' 10\' ~,nl(I" n'ro! llrl'. " ) c01'"r'lme\)ll~thrll-da\,nc,217am'o I l,in .. ,,,efe: romp ('~(',i ltlf l-.L Ul II -------------------------- i I\ .... n ") 1 (' 1 \lnet 11 1-'''" \l h \\ ~) <i r, liP rr 1, J.I ulc of "(,,,0<IIe110\\ p.rr-, 1>" Ii \\ ;jot tn Rrlnn;::, tn th~ 104:; J ny rll R ~ 1," " "',' 'S'O \ 11111,., "" 11 ) "'rl '~\\"'I "c'- 11 ,," ( ": ,rd1\ Dc, 15 and::2 i a.n mrmhrr"iofthr(,Tn",,,,C'Pnln1rlt"ln ~ N 11\110... !)r('r-.;::.-1...t\.,~ ~1() "I ('" \~ \'1. "'o11~ ()( rmr{,"lhl')"'~'1r~ ...lU~ And lhr1f fl"'" ~t.1;" 1 (' f'1 : h("11t'\e 1" the ~h""',e .... 111:;:;:111 a '" "\1 1 \\ 1 'A 1 \~ {' ':l ~~ liT'" \,' Ii 1(' ;:l-.' ....1 I "1(-L1\ 1)" 11"1 1 lro ~ r'" 11ft mtn and hr(:mer\ p. ,. rom ~ i \ ... (' 1. ~I ..f'\ .1(" r 1.... 11 ' ~.... ,. \\., \,. "'rd"'" "I 111 h ~ l l r'l (' \' 0 ....-1.1'1 ('" munlt) It \ame I -i 'nr-'rrl.'"",i;'" ~ ""I" ",,. -\u~ THa.n ~:11\ a.~ "' ... I"'r "'T' Go1 f'c'""J. r 1",,.(11;' .l,ri n'.r .... l..1n~ \1.H ..m~e h".\\een~' Lrill r i,r'1d ~rft Open \ ~dmltl nil: t"'a' h~ h-o.e II ----------------------- i I ;.~" •• _ " '. ',. p"':>",--\ ,~of C~' ,,~. 'e-'-, -.1 ", ,r 0' f\''';: ."lI' ."pr~"rl " ll,e h ~l, I "ppnqr. 'l,~ p,,' c. ~.,d fire d~pH:- 11Ho at lealOt 't'''("~t''n Gr('lq(' P0\n.,. I tf "r'" r ....... I"- ..... r~ ..• .,~ "'(\('\1"~ 'l"rl,.-.l Z .,..,.... Co. .,01" r" ""I~ T ~t'r, r"" ,,("l ~ ri m",. Park horn ... , \H I a< <In' ,~ A~A\ i \cl,;,/,<~ ---------------------- g ~,>", \\ " r .-' "'l I.', e 1"', r -.- , ". 'c 'C1rlr-rrl "II a.,,", '" t,._, ", 11 Steal Tire and Wheel tllitht al110mnh l'. ilA-n P \\ 1 if( ....., -::t- .. h , ..."'11 (">.... Y '"" 1 ~.a"<,, a<. •m '1.7\.... "lr rl .... ("'" }1m:olC; \\hl)'Y.;;to(,1Pilr",lltlllri I '1 ~ 1 ~ Iml'" h\ rd~n~11"\nto11fr T()} (!t n. orl. ~j r' '''C' I~ 1.\(' lr1'1 f.1. .,,.. 1 \ro('f:ll,'" 11(. ~ ,." l,:ll tl\ ":::1,'(' 1. f r 1 p 1,."1 g I , ro 1 I ( I> l iJ. I........ I 1... I ~.. n ~} l 1 )hhn I('e:. <'1 HI" 11 (A 1 I fl I ., I.. "J 1.,.1 l.... ~ I1IPar'k "'I~ r-rlr""Kl'.( i i k " ..... \\ ",t. \\ 1(1,,\ n,., I)CC j ,..... (, 1" ~... .. \(', l~ ,0'4, n, \\ ...... rC'{) (CoGtltlued 011 Page 6) ~_l.'UII ""JI!IIDIIIlJ:lI __ """lIIliUIIll 1/11'1 their h!ln 5cn,">l el.,~,lOn liter! (Continued 00 Plgf 6) .to,en. Becuase of a re-adJu.tment whIch l!JUst hi! made by Ihe township SU!'>- trvlsor, Carl Schwelkart, on the tax r~b of Groue POinte township, the tax ~te which was announced on SOy. 21 has been increased 3c per thousand, The township rate is now 5tt at $1694. The ~re\ lously announced figure 1\as found to be madequate .... hen ~fr Scnweikart was told by the ~{Ichigan tax commis"on to reild- Just the reductIOns \\ hich he made last spring on the assessments of the Jake front and mansion type homes. For two ~ears now, lega,l represen- tatn e. of approxImately four score resident. appealed to the MichIgan tax commission for a decrease in Ihe Itown!hi~'s assessment., Last vear when the comm"'lOners heard- Ihe appeah, thCoYupheld Mr. Sch\\Cik- art's deciSIon, but recommended a few changes In some of .he asse.s- I,y THE P01NTER ment!; these reeel\ed reduction~ E"ery once In a while so-called ranging from nine-tenths of one per "rumors" are CIrculated t... the ef- cent to six per cent on their aneu- feet that consobdation oJf the five ments. POIntes i. seriOtlsly being conSIdered. On Nov 29 when attorneys Fred BUI \\hen It comes right down '0 representing one group, and II, Ju't who are people 'l\ ho wanl McMahon & Maxon, represenling tblS ,onsolldation? YOtI n~\er see I the other, asked for an adju,tment, aIt" names, Just ••• "It has beell it amouattd to a $4,737,900 reduction ramored" In aS1eS5ment~ Of thi~ amount, Behr SOtInds a wee bit hke so many uked for $4.56il,@; McMahon " of the c:e1umlllsts whose "rumors" Maxon, $169,JOO. oft-times backfired. This d1ange '" ao in•• ~,,_ POINTE PARAGRAPHS * * * *** ** "'1~ Adju~~ments Change~'.iTax Slight Increase Made Following Recent Appeal \ , I

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Page 1: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters


E.R~EST J ART!, JR\-AL A BESTCH \RLES W. Bt:CHBlliDE1tJOH~ E CALLKI::\SHE'\RY J COl-CKE\\ALH.R R. DEs~!ETW G EL\\ ROTH\ ]R\\ ILL! \ \{ H F \HRI',GER\\ 11U \\f H FR\ZIERl,LOR(,E B G \<;TO~\,ilL (>OT~CH\LL\\ \If \( E \ < .... )lLDE.R\\IlIl\\1 F I-..F"\E.. JIt\I\RK ~ I-..\, \PP\\ ILU-\\{ (; JE-\KLETH \D 11 100'l:lf\R't F IlT7I- R \ \ Cl:- \{ 1.1 O"'i-.EYJ \ \, l \ R' l"' \ \1 L LLES\ I Rr- R r \\ 01 T1.11\11 \1'1) f' \"'~r\ \Rl 1 RnL"CHCht..T ""-\\IPSO\:ED\\ARD ~Ch\'BE.CXCL \ 't TO~ "Ch\\ -\RZf'\tl F "TR\iTO'iR-\~\IO\'nl- "TREBno\, \1 n <;THFn

I l' I I 'I" " ~\...1\\\\, \"

\' - \' \" \' \, 1 R~EORGE H. "lL.U.AW'

EDITOR'S ~OTE: Every weelreThe Review WIll publish tbe namelof the men and women of Gt-oJSePOinte \lIho hue been and arebeing dIScharged from all brancltoes of tll e armed services The Stf'oovice fleople, themselves, their fam'-hes or friends are inVIted to sen.Ibelr names to The Re\ll~ office.\\ elcome Home I

to the PftIPic .. -'0 must betThe chanty of this group.tee. ."

end here Throughout tal: •year, boys and Iflrls are gTvelS aid ifIt IS learned th~t they need opticaland dental work, they are Ii".rubbers and shoes. Entire fami1icaare ca{"ed for many limes. Fuel •purchased, rent pa~'menU ue ~limes made, doclor bIlls are ad is given by the Goodle1lowL

These llTe only 'ome of the charlootwle works CUrled on by the LieIIIclub IhrOllgh the generosity atGroSle Pomten, I

Assisting Mr. Sc.h.. eikut -3Jushce DeBaeke in the .up~of the sale, S. Willard HMmg 11been named to assist the co-chailooJmen In the tabulation of the fude"hlle ~orge Eh\orthy of the NClI1a-

(Continued 011 Pagt 6.)

ildteN to ~ • " fefIangei and improvtnlelSu ill YiIIlIBegovernment aDd community actln-ties.

Adopted as immediale obJectvie.are increased educational aDd rec-reational faclllt,es, Impro\ed trans-portatIon and planned Village de-velopment are also under study byIhe membershIp,

Woods Residents toHave Taxi Servicein Near Future

Papers To Be SoOn Pointe StreetsFor Annual Drive


, •** *** ***For Townshi

..... ; ... filiito Boa 5ec;cJan hospitaL

Neither Duncan nOl" a comp.Diet!,DaVld R Denis, of 9315 Weyhel',sa .... the mall hi!fore he wu hit

The drIver of the car was IAkenthe the prosecutor's office for astatement prior to being locked upin the Park jail

&,. Slitrbtly InjuredWhen Hit b,. Automobile

The big day whIch the Grosse Pointe Lions dub bulooking forward to, will dawn next Tuesday, Decemberfor this is the day for the annual sale of The Goodfellowby thl! LIons and ~heir helpers: The pohce and tire dmembers of the Pointe,

On this day, these "Santa Oauses" will don their °ary red suits and tossel caps and solicit for funds for thework to be performed at Chnstmas time and throughoutyear by the Lions in the name of the Goodfellows,

The determination of the men witl not be dampened bysnow or fog white they are selling the speCIal officiallow Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

of the Pointe-in every Ileok, c-..

League ner, side street lnd thorou&h~leadmg to and from Grosse Polat4

Meets Dlstnbullon of The ReYinr ,....,..begin in the early haun of ....morning and untit ",eryoue ia __ :~

TonI-ght communIty bas been contadM.The gOld thiS year has be. let"

__ Gr ft-.'_ Woods Ci' live thousand dollus by Dr. WiIIiaIII:'r£Oe 06U cOlDie ne \Vatlens, pt'e!ltdeut of the LioM. ~f

League ....ill meet tooigftt (Thun. co-chairmen of ~. 4r",,~ are- .David Co Duncan, 19, of '1E12 Yn- ~y), to dIICUl. tae relerev.du •• ate S<:h~ikart, Gt-ooh PoMrte

iati.Co III beiIl.c heW '" <d'oHe to be held ou. Moada!, Jail. 1', 1946, ship .upenU«, ami Viet« DeB t II" •PoiBttI Pafr,1dice b m-~icm Oft ~~ -UlIl' Ol'clinucc ~g~ township jamce eI the peace-;. ~-._____'htr ~ _ dectm8 an_~ bu __ a Uotaa

~-",.rT"iC • .~_ .. ~ ~ win men ;are •'W "~ • ." 171Ia .-eative n-r, the

. .ul..........t

Aged PedestrianKilled by Auto

* * *Rate*

II( II, THlJl{:-'OAY, DI~CE;"fBE.R 13, 19-1S

pointe lRt\liCUl

&y A PaperTuaday


Woods SchedulesElection for Jan. 14on Mack Rezoning

The spedal election which G{"~easteed on buiM.- Poittte Woods win hold fer the rmb-

hc'. ~iD.~ on theu-.,.. ;pf _

COMPLETE0IlIy The REVIEW Giv .. YouCover o( ALL Homea inGro Pointe a: Gratiot Twpa,

VOL 22.--No 19

• ~ ... 1te w.I. The ...... whidt.,.s an _.6,; ~ AWVS,.a 0» • Jft'P- tile ~- ill "'-stoiD is that .....:-_. of"U' G" Du--" b ... .....-.... ,-. recelltly 1I'U set at.$.WI,f)()(), C-.nJlil_!lip.n. idecm •

011 this tree by the teata of JU\taI'Y, resent_ y Iepl COIl_I. were ironta-e 011 },Lack from the village.. purchased $J97;OOO in bonds. is Rocher, and the offlc13ls of t"r",illt eaea bpt representina: ODe those of ROllS W. ]udsOll, Robert - ..k to Bournemouth and from..- amount rtPreseuu the cash en I GrOMc Pomte Bank who ah"thotlsa!ul ealu of food. Shiell, the Windmin POInle Land H1Jntington to the village bmils. The I

lD for the bonds. handled the bond purchases• • • company, Frecrerick S. Ford, ], B. rderendum vote was ad~ted by

F d h J h S N wb The $304,000 quota for md' ualSuperllltendent Leland F. Lllldow, or, t eon • e eITY estale CommiSSIoners Beauchamp, Burgess, AWVS CI Bo d

of the Grosse POlDte post office, and others, Posl and V;ande.bush; CommiSSIon- bonds was also reached, ltut that i oses nh k b I d 'II tax bIlls w.r held n th tOW1l set for corporations (Ild not reach Booth T '8'II Urglllg t at pac -ages to e mal e'" ~ e I e - ers Marco and Rowe opposed thiS t

\ . "f d" f the Ion This. '-!Iure IHS attributed I ., urns uto dlSlant pomts be brought to Ihe 'hiP, waltnlg or Ihe eClSOlD0 the move. ... ...• S h to the fact that the majO, ,'V of cor- 0 Vbranch office as soon as possible, tax commls~loners '"ce t e com- Philip Allard, clerk of the village, ver to eterans

t. , d b '{ pO!'atlCln offlaals \\ho "1 e in thethus Insunng dehvery before Christ- mumca Ion was receIve y .. r is now takIng regIstrations for thismas, He offen the follm\lng lips I Schwelkarl from LouIS M. Nlms, tax eleClton. Pointe purchase their bond, throughfor malhng, commiSSIOner, Ihe tax bills are now theIr companle1l lI\"th Olllce' ill De- After 35 months of aCllHty, sell- Allan Wire, fIve years old, of 1304

Mallon time. being put m the mail,. --------- trolt ing Wat Bonds and Stamp~, and \Vayburn, was struck bv a movmgPack securely, SaIv R Because of the fall In '"c latter mo't recently, Victory Bonds, the automobile at Charlevoix and Wav-Addreu legibly. p. R 'd age esumed bonds, Ihe grand quota 01 Sl 581,000 Grosse Pomte COlt, A\\ V5, hasl burn last Saturday afternoon. butUse ~hvery zone numbm. mote esl ent in City's Plant was not fulfIlled. The l('tal ac- closed Its bond booth m Its quonset upon an examlnatlon bv his grand-StParale and he in bundles local RIOt by Auto", Dloes counted for is $1,345,1l'J hut at Knche\al and Cadieux road mother it was found that only his A request to estabhsh a taxi cabd 'd I Mr. Moore ~J(plamed nowever, and is turning, the bUlldlng o"er to ltit le~ was shghlly brul<eJ senlce in Grosse POinte Woods was

an oulsl e m~1 '. • The City of Grosse Pointe sal- that although the VlCO"\ Loan the Gros~e Pomte CounCil of \ eter. A witness \\ ho saw the accid~nt, enthusiastIcally received by the \Ill-To honor the ."emory of the latc \\ hlle crossing 3,fack ~nenue at \Age plant, \\'arren and Radnor. drive ended last \\eek, alt "~~ds pur- ans Affair, this \\eek I absohed the dTl\'er, Marguet I. age commiSSIoners, and on Dec 4,

\\'oodhall last Thursday mornmg at \\hlCh \\ as cotl<lderabl) damaged by chased durmg the man'" o! Decem All bond pU'cha'es anti bu,mess I Grant of 109 Mapleton, of all blame granted Harvey Allen of 21.301 Tele-~~~n:[~:r~~~cl~f o;hee (\AI'I:~t o~;~ 5e\en o'clock, Henry E. Martz, 60, of I I1re on December J, has been re- ber \\111 be credlted to . , drhe, In Ihe POInte "'Ill be handled bv thel He said the boy ",'as at fault graph road, permISSIon to conducl

%5 \\ ashmgton road, 1\as fatantln- 'I paired sufficIently', re'ume the sal- He IS, therefnre, confldcm ,t whrn Grosse Pomte Bank m the luture such a buslne"s,fellse of the Phil'PPine. m the early ... ,days of Ihe ",'ar and a graduate of jured when he \\ as hit b~ an auto- \age of paper, aecordmg to ~:ell all labulaltons are mad~ c " y n"l The A \\ v S booth opened m Jan. Fire Call ThiS serHce '" ill gIve Ihe outer

mobile. 1l10ndell, City oHlcla!. month, Goos~e Pointe ,"' exceed uar), 1943 portion' of \\'ayne counly good taxI\'layne unnerslty, the \\ a)ne LnJ- r-_ T ,. '\' k . 'b ,--"rmen uzzolino, 40, 01 ~20I' or m Ihe plant \\as held up ---------- A~ their concludmg effort in t"e, Cltv fnemen llIere called to tlote Ser\ICe, 1\lth cabs located I'n Ihe

,erslly Club Alumni are e'ta I,sh' Lei I' 0 R IOUlse, Mt leme clrl\ er of the I or only uor aa) s IlIhlle the re- ppose emova sale of bond', the A \\'\"5 recorded IIH \' Scot home at 635 Neff la't Clt.\', \\ oods, 'lDd nel"hbonng Stmg a memoflal scholilf'h1!, to be d d L' d d eeath car, "a~ h~l "v police lor pa,l'. "ere mol ~, !1fln~ thiS lime, $Nl8800 In \ le'ory bond,. of thl< "eek after smoke ilia. dl'co\ereu In ClaIr Shores~y,arded annual' to a de<en mg and f TN'oulstandmg hIgh school graduate m mHltlgatll'n of ne,,"~ent homiCide the \\aste pa- r \' ",ch he depart. 0 avem to e\\' amoun., $L~.9.15 \Hre m E ,",and, tne hou<e. It "al cau.ed bv a -It' "-1lhough no regulation In thethe Delrolt metropohtan area Sun 1\ Ing are th e '" Ido\" daugh- ment of publiC "ork~ I:atlwred In Sl"te ."n G" P. Farms The major"y of honis In lhls latter i Iect In th~ operal1on of the furncae \\ ClOdslaw books pertam to the taxI

• • • ter, Belly, son, Corp Emelson J thelr dol I) coller' on, "', b~rneG group came from the elementary, Park firemen eXllnqUl.hed a fire a' rabs It \\ as agreed thaI permiSSIonGro«e Pomte Park pollcc had a \\ho arfl\ed at ~e"port ~ey,s re- Mr Blondell saId the 'mall baler

jI school eh'ldren \\hose act"l1les now 998 ~oltlngham last Monday morn-l sho,;'d be Gwen at once, subject 10

centl) afler a tOLlr of o,ersea' duty \lias damaged by the flr< ,tnd l< un- Oppo,'tlOn has be~n ra d hy .', have been translerred 10 the banI.. mg an" regulatIOns "hlch the comm:s-perfect record for I ..ent) .four hours d d f d b-from Sunday, Decemher 9 at 8 The ecease \\as an executl\e 0 I er repair, ut thc latg~ baler ,. group of Gro',e Pomle Fd '"1Sresi- sl~n llIould laIC. draw up, The"am, there" as no entry made m the Stearns I aboratones beIR,! uI~d dents 10 the mcn mg of a al lav-' T t Plan Made "Ould sUllen Ise the actl\ Itles s mi-

their day book unlll Ihe next morn- WARNI' NG TO READERS nil. to a new sile on ~{a" ?Hnur U or lar 10 other mUnlclpahtles, such asTh" 'tanti \\a, ta!"en at a meellnjt rates and slands The latter how-

:~rlcafler the .8tO. 4.'hlft came 10


of the Gm«e Po,nte Far.,,' Prop- Avalelable To Vets ever, could be regulaled by Ih'e chleflert" 0" ners a«oc'allon 70n -0; e"m. of pollce.

]n an~\\cr to numerous mqulrle~. The Rellcw m "0 \\h ch wac held la.t \londay _Of cour.r, ever~one 1< urglnf: ~ou dot'\ XOT have sol1cltorc; covef1ng- thc POlntes a\k- ------

10 help Ihe Goodlello"s next T, e'- mg for )earl) mail subc;cflptlons in advance Such n ~':ra"ocla' on "ent on rc ord as The ,",oaTIl 01 education al'l'rO\ed rellrn'",\, to Cl\ i1an 1 fe, and that Pointe Branch Postday durmg the,r annual 'ale of t"'e I hc,'l:;: "npo,c1 10 ....~ remo" of t-, _, '" -, ", I n' an anequale n 'mber "f 'oeter-I Offo 0 S d

I d f Th G P, unauthof1zcd ~olicitatlOn 1~ contran to mo,t muni- '" Ice pen un ay'p~ela e Ilion 0 e eo«e OIl' e c' ai' I ,-ncn' Horn I" prc<c"' loca_llenoent of "''''', emoon ~" a ,n a'e c.,roded lor '~eh Str\lceS,Re"lew and \\e kn"" Ihe'c fe"' clpalttlcs' ordlnanCe\ The RC\ICI'J I~ dcll\crcd on iOn ,., \Iack a\CnllC he'\\( ., \10- pla~ \Hlrketi 01' 0\ .I'cr Clem ,t "o11 n he umd'e to In\ohe the! --\\ords ",on't RO to \\a<tc the day of pl1hllca1l0n h\ <llllhofl7Cd car-lcr 1'0\5 • '., I hCrl" 0 a ne\\ I ll<l,~ ''''''T, pr'l' ,,,' ': (, "" r'n c - "'I 1,'-\[ or the \-teran, Inl o\s an aid to Grosse POlDte re,I'

The seconti project \\h,ch ama\' \Iho collect for the dcll\er\ at th~ end (If each he 1\: ,', ',n Y1 \I" I, hc'"rr, \f n ", 'l~O(\ "rrc,' l,e, , ',-r .'c 0'1" ", ,re >1 m,'nn 'nat "OJ dl tient; d,nn-: the Chn'tma' ru'" ,)flouches the hrart'<Ir,l" and In~ month " "'\ ...nti I 'lC- 'oa,l ... PC''''I' \ '''r of (I,mm 1n', " ,'l l'e no ( ,.1 \ IN (l';lan'lIn;: ~ \et-I mall,n>: pac1.alle, and IlfCctmll carrl •.

~Ui5e ~trmg ... (If rom cr~ " tht IIA'l" 'nr- h 1 (1 1:::''' ~(n ...'r H.,)n 1."'~ T0 Itl R R.1.rnf'" .::I ... ~ "'lrrf 1 f'" ... .., l r th('" I'ln Il'e hranc, ot thr p<"ct "Ft1Le

Grosse POInte To\ Clu" ~!lW~_!Ellll1!liS,..I!IIr1!IIl_IIiIQlII1!llill~~_~ __ !I!!ll(' hrrn ,«' cd \" ',c \ IA.C 'cndc 11 0' _ 10" "e C" \ ( 'ar, 111< I "r rOIl' r r' ..~ 'n~utnre \\l1! hc npen 1M hU'lnr« nrxl ~U'l'

\\(1u\\onl la, el'''' ,r' i i '""a rl T 1l cn-cr 4i, I,B"I, ".',-nlll'( ,I,n,c". \ ,-.\, ~ r ',.r,"'c''ll[lr'lolr.m.\\''rre da Dc 1"1rom"n~!ofi\Cocl"cl..•• n1Zallon thIS }ear \I "Not A Kid Without A Toy ~ (11. -ll1'n" h < f''!lm' C "~1 no' cvnr I (, r" at c- J., I, !')4f, nnc (1r '''0 I' 1"0 al'er~"on---------- II- i jlarrr' \1 rr'" 4t-i1 \fora., \1 e. C~' "., 0" TCel ,e : n '[l , )1 -, ,r" cd • c U.11 'ca ,cr, " w'e 1'0' \ O'her c"anges In 'he re:;u"ltREMEMBER? f Ch 0" I, ,.'m,n 'ch"c< \' ac r>e ,. l.~, , <''''arc I 'Na-IT> .:( fil'ed ",cdl1,earea.{ol:o",.

1i or flstmas WI \. ", \\A Al P'I' ) Ie, I" 1 (I". A "1'( \ \"'. C Ihr;:cncy lCOloers c;.n fr.,!.\ Dc, 14 anti ~lo.,day DeeOneYearAro Ii it c' 10\' ~,nl(I" n'ro! llrl'. " ) c01'"r'lme\)ll~thrll-da\,nc,217am'o

I l,in .. ,,,efe: romp ('~(',i ltlf l-.L Ul II -------------------------- i I \ ....n ") 1 (' 1 \lnet 11 1-'''" \ l h \\ ~) <i r, liP rr

1, J.I ulc of "(,,,0<IIe110\\ p.rr-, 1>" Ii \\;jot tn Rrlnn;::, tn th~ 104:; J ny rll R ~ 1," " "',' 'S'O \ 11111,., "" 11 ) "'rl '~\\"'I "c'- 11 ,," ( ": ,rd1\ Dc, 15 and::2 i a.nmrmhrr"iofthr(,Tn",,,,C'Pnln1rlt"ln ~ N 11\110... !)r('r-.;::.-1...t\.,~ ~1() "I ('" \~ \'1. "'o11~ ()( rmr{,"lhl')"'~'1r~...lU~ And lhr1f fl"'" ~t.1;" 1 (' f'1 : h("11t'\e 1" the ~h""',e ....111:;:;:111 a '" "\1 1 \\ 1 'A 1 \~ {' ':l ~~ liT'" \,' Ii 1(' ;:l-.' ....1 I "1(-L1\ 1)" 11"1 1 lro ~ r'"11ft mtn and hr(:mer\ p. ,. rom ~ i \ ...('1. ~I ..f'\ .1(" r 1.... 11 ' ~.... ,. \\., \,. "'rd"'" "I 111 h ~ l l r'l (' \' 0 .....-1.1'1 ('"

munlt) It \ame I -i 'nr-'rrl.'"",i;'" ~ ""I" ",,. -\u~ THa.n ~:11\ a.~ "' ... I"'r "'T' Go1 f'c'""J. r 1",,.(11;' .l,ri n'.r ....l..1n~ \1.H ..m~e h".\\een~' Lrill r i,r'1d ~rftOpen \ ~dmltl nil: t"'a' h~ h-o.e II ----------------------- i I ;.~" •• _ " '. ',. p"':>",--\ ,~of C~' ,,~. 'e-'-, -.1 ", ,r 0' f\''';: ."lI' ."pr~"rl " ll,e h ~l, I "ppnqr. 'l,~ p,,' c. ~.,d fire d~pH:-

11Ho at lealOt 't'''("~t''n Gr('lq(' P0\n.,. I tf "r'" r .......I"- .....r~ ..• .,~ "'(\('\1"~ 'l"rl,.-.l Z .,..,.... Co. .,01" r" ""I~ T ~t'r, r"" ,,("l ~ ri m",.Park horn ... , \H I a< <In' ,~ A~A\ i \cl,;,/,<~ ---------------------- g ~,>", \\ " r .-' "'l I.', e 1"', r -.- , ". 'c 'C1rlr-rrl "II a.,,", '" t,._, ", 11 Steal Tire and Wheeltllitht al110mnh l'. ilA-n P \\ 1 if( ....., -::t- .. h , ..."'11 (">.... Y '"" 1 ~.a"<,, a<. • m '1.7\.... "lr rl ....("'"}1m:olC; \\hl)'Y.;;to(,1Pilr",lltlllri I '1 ~ 1 ~ Iml'" h\ rd~n~11"\nto11fr T()} (!t n. orl. ~j r' '''C' I~ 1.\(' lr1'1 f.1. .,,.. 1 \ro('f:ll,'" 11(. ~ ,." l,:ll

tl\ ":::1,'(' 1. f r 1 p 1,."1 g I , ro 1 I ( I> l iJ. I........ I 1... I ~.. n ~} l 1

)hhn I('e:. <'1 HI" 11 (A 1 I fl I ., I.. "J 1.,.1 l.... ~

I1IPar'k "'I~ r-rlr""Kl'.( i i k " ..... \\ ",t. \\ 1(1,,\ n,., I)CCj ,.....(, 1" ~... .. \(', l ~ ,0'4, n, • \\ ...... rC'{)(CoGtltlued 011 Page 6) ~_l.'UII ""JI!IIDIIIlJ:lI __ """lIIliUIIll • 1/11'1 their h!ln 5cn,">l el.,~,lOn liter! (Continued 00 Plgf 6) .to,en.

Becuase of a re-adJu.tment whIchl!JUst hi! made by Ihe township SU!'>-trvlsor, Carl Schwelkart, on the taxr~b of Groue POinte township, thetax ~te which was announced onSOy. 21 has been increased 3c perthousand,

The township rate is now 5tt at$1694.

The ~re\ lously announced figure

1\as found to be madequate ....hen~fr Scnweikart was told by the~{Ichigan tax commis"on to reild-Just the reductIOns \\ hich he madelast spring on the assessments of theJake front and mansion type homes.

For two ~ears now, lega,l represen-tatn e. of approxImately four scoreresident. appealed to the MichIgantax commission for a decrease in Ihe

Itown!hi~'s assessment., Last vearwhen the comm"'lOners heard- Iheappeah, thCoYupheld Mr. Sch\\Cik-art's deciSIon, but recommended afew changes In some of . he asse.s-

I,y THE P01NTER ment!; these reeel\ed reduction~E"ery once In a while so-called ranging from nine-tenths of one per

"rumors" are CIrculated t ... the ef- cent to six per cent on their aneu-feet that consobdation oJf the five ments.POIntes i. seriOtlsly being conSIdered. On Nov 29 when attorneys FredBUI \\hen It comes right down '0 representing one group, andII, Ju't who are people 'l\ ho wanl McMahon & Maxon, represenlingtblS ,onsolldation? YOtI n~\er see I the other, asked for an adju,tment,aIt" names, Just ••• "It has beell it amouattd to a $4,737,900 reductionramored" In aS1eS5ment~ Of thi~ amount, Behr

SOtInds a wee bit hke so many uked for $4.56il,@; McMahon "of the c:e1umlllsts whose "rumors" Maxon, $169,JOO.oft-times backfired. This d1ange '" ao

• • • in•• ~,,_


* * * * * * * * "'1~Adju~~ments Change~'.iTaxSlight IncreaseMade FollowingRecent Appeal




Page 2: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters



PL'RCH -\SES ~r -\ D E XOW~OT P -\ \ \, R LEI "TlL

l-I:.BRL \Rl 10, 1'J~


Golden rule for Yule-give her a gold-bright bauble to poise like sunshine onher costume. C 1ip 5, multitudinousbracelets, unusual earrings, buckles,belts, cigarette cases-if it's gold, it'sthe "gift with a lift" that will send herspirits soaring! Moderate prices makeyour choosing easy. ..4

KENT i. the Christmas Store


EAST JEFFERSON, Corn.r E•• tlawn13933

"k ... 't ......;l.~~....;:t • i.'I





• NECKLACES/ ......



Ford Sunday afternoon we found~haron, :Kaney Schmldt, and Barb),[ann scr, mg tea and lusclou s good-Ies to some of their fnends GerryRounds. )'lary o\nn l-lann. HelenPlath, Sue CrUlck~hank, Joan Rlan.1chard, and Sally S" art, "cre someof the gals '" ho attended Ihelrbest ature.

IT \\ Ol"LD BE APPRECI \TEDIf you d call, e ed,lor at TL 1-2413 Ifor an~' Teen o\ge limn"s

Luncheon and ~leetll'g

Schec1nlcd h~ ~SXl:.\V I\t th~ mcLl 1\.'1: Ol Dctr";t Colon)

:-... ',on,1 ~o"rt, 01 :-'e\\ r.ngland\\ omen, 10 hc hr]'\ \\ cdne"ia}Dc, 1'J at "e\\ hern H l\l'C on r.a,t'Telter'on a,enllC, \Irs \Ihcrt CP.."nl of Reotord rn.d, and },Ir') 0\\ ud \ \I ace. 101m. of De' on-,h,re r,""o "I' I be co.ho"c,'e~ at ;Ihe 12 ~l n t ('Oc:" l,,"e neon preced,ng I

tn(' m~(' l'~I" pr., den' \[t< Jj'"f\ D

\: ...~ t'..;n (' "Jl \0"10l0 I hrl~t bUlij- ine" ''', on. heo: nn nil: ~I I';") Io( 0l k I

}or lC elr In..... pr0""r.Am t,e'e.. rr • nment <t "rm,n. \1" \\ 11 I

",\ H ll1"I\"d (,' (,r;l\ I<>n nla I II

\\ I III l,ee \I " ] II lIe )led",(.- hr, \\ 10 \\ II .. ,. '\\() 111 mher""

1)1("" \\ II n 1<4 I A k .... Ilild l\ herIII I I I I n 1 d\ ...~ I \ (' 1

\1 ... \ 1 \\ II ~ "rnl .a r ~"....lil)!l!I'" rrn \1 "f r(h.., r \ <;.rtr('I'''1\ I

\1,...,., (1""50 " I r ....f'\ "n~lr .ll1nU.41

lonr." ma, j!lil e\' ha" ~r IC(')nRratllli1tllin~ I

\Ir "0 \(~"h" Ham 11M1

\1, ,. (If \10f1n rc»o ,,"1n0\1n el

• 'If!' r,"1 1 of .1 ri ~ Ill: n "'r "1c.~l"Il'.. ", al 0., ".C ,. \'o',l;l. 011 :,.,v J()

GUEST OF THE WEEKAll ....... tios ... tlel.hbor, Mlect'" tit raHo. "'- __ I

Wlaie.H_ 'tltnM

1lI-w. B.., an .m,lt. a, .he drop. ,n al Wh'l~ H"u'e Cl~an ....

--.otfttt Cor" P",nl. W,,<>d. hron." at Ma,~ .nd "",IaProMi>I7 • Marr.' h.. an ..nral~m f"r d.nonr and II happy

~ It all. ror da""n, II h.... fo."rll. pa."m.

1'1oe Br7 ........... Emily and Mar .... own and npeorale Ihe Bry. TWin,

a-", 5&1_. nut door.

Wlnt. Hov••• r"" r ..mlnd, h"" .. hold , that '''''''''Met ......... tI, r t w., to prol...,1 fin... ,.m r d"th'"1 ""on"mle.any f-.- dtrt , a ... m"I".

F~ ,I,nr and bl",I.,n, "I ""n", h.I, ha' h~.n a lI"p"l .."0. a--'~ to tb. ,". clun,n, ' at Wh,la Hou_


11410 e:-~ '-1811

PAre Two

<-. at 15121 lterchnal ~tweetl Maryland aDd Lakepolnte

~ ODIy W.ld)' Newspaper Co...erinR An the Home. inero.. Pointe ADd Gratiot Town.h;,.'"L. .. 0l.DI-IAN ,....,'AUL J. 8L\CbtJRN Utor. Aci'YePh_, II ",e. 'pll.a-: By Mai1.12.00 pit ,...; Jc ,. .".

By Carriec, 10 CIeDlI • MGMIL• , •••• 1t~ayTbunda, b, The GrOtH Pointe Printin« Co ALTHOLGH W! H 4. 0 NO

'110 .... la~t \Htk.end the attrlosph 1162-1161 al the JLlnior Pr(lm ""u etr'allll,. a

'" UAD, OTH!U 'OLLOW- 1,'OSIV one ,.,tth tht theme "White....... -------------------------ICllmttrl;l,s .. Some of the kith who. GOODFELLOWS ALL painted the and slaved ('On

- other th,nj!s for the dllace l1,duded------ \larv Hudson, Jim Fmdley. Bill

Although next Tuesday, December 18, is a day c1o~e to the liMper, l-legs Lamb, Sallv StrWon,hearts of all Groue Pointe Lions club members, it IS also a da \ Paul Fnrse, Rodger ~hlerk, anl1loufor the relt of Groue Pointe to open their hea rts and "dig d0111l of othcr Juniorsdeep" in their pocket~for the results of tIllS \\ ell-"nol\ n day The ~r~nd mdreh \I is led hy thein the community wilt make "Goodfello\\ s" of all POlllters pre'ldent of the 114. class, Raythrournout the yiat. Schumann, ....ho escorted Letty

y 1...__ Ch . .. Kretschmar, folro\Hd by the otheres, ~use rlstmas time IS gl\ tng' tIme, the people WIll offlcers of the c1d's Dlck Phillips,

not be I() reluctant to !fash a bill and drop it into the contain- \\hose d~le US Joan Crowley. Ill-

en which the Goodfellows carry \\hen selling theIr papers next Ilted a fev. of hIS pals to hiS bouseTuesday. They know that they are helpmg a. worthy cau se. I for dmner bdere the dance, ,.,hlle

They know that some child in the future \, III benefit thru I ~tthe same lime ~netber dlOocr par-their charity offered now. Iv "as gOing on at M.g. Vlerhns'.

• who sqUired by Jack S xnow that some famtly Will have a roof over their S '{ Th 'D B kaw .' ary orn n an ec,

head. betause of their contrtbutlon made at this time. Relty Jo Faulk 'n DICK FlOch, BobGoodfellow Day in Grosse Pomte is not a day just for the Cudhp 'n Jeanie Gelllert, Barb

Lion. and their co-workers-the poltce and firemen of the jive ~[oi) neaux 'n Tommy Ronan. Bust-Pointes-it is the day when everyone-man, woman and child. er Pinkston 'n Roe Schraeder, Don-is given the opponumty to cio theIr bit to bring happmess to uBa D

ka~len,\:n dJlmGBallc>'('h Manlyn

hildt d h. T . UC D 00 Y elst, ome on

C en an t elr parents, hIS happlne~s extends through the turloullh) Tom McGargle 'II AnnieYuletide Season of 1945 and continues through the whole) ear, Davl'. Don Hiles '. Beth KInerwhenever the need anses. (home frotrl U of M ) JM Cobane 'II

Goodfellow Day is everybody's day, and we sincerely hope Belsy Bachman, and Eddy Baker 'nthat everybody Will take advantage of the paper sale and drop EVle Osborn all whlrllnl merrilyin their share of "happiness" to help their fellowmen, hving up 'round the being "A Goodfellow." After the dance Andy Klm,beil

hung out the welcome 'Ign for many, Hunt Club Sees 11B. and Pat G1.l1berg; and fourth a prom go'er. She .erved deliciou.10 Sue Cruuhank. lOB and Joan punch and sandWiches. and those, . Skill in Evening Werll 128 partakmg were Joe Hickey 'n Mari-

.j ~Th:J IS the first tIme that the I)n Kaiser, Belt,. Auch 'n Bill~Horse Show Dee 3 Riding dub has attempted Juch a Queen, Jack Tanner 'n Barb Bundy,1 • show and II wenl off With flYing col. Pat Gullberg 'n Jerry Thelde, and, Uhibrting m~ skIll II riders, 1on," said ~[rs Anne MaJncri, spon- ),[ary Ann Queen 'n In Dy ~ehon

llI_bu_ of the Grosse POlOte high sor of the club. - -ec:bool Ridmr club presented a horse I "We could not hav put on the SA,LLY SOUTHERJ...o\ND WASshow Yonday l11ght, Dec. 3 It the C:.hlbl11on \I Ithout the help of many another who enterl,uned a big crowdGrocH Pointe Hunt club I reople," Mrs. Majnen explamel1 last 'Hek.end. It 'us the Country

I The program begall 'A Ith a mu~iclll . \\'e are partlcularlv grateful to the Day-Dl.:S bunch "ho ,warmed into


ride in whIch all clUb memben par- I Hunt dub for theIr courtesy, \1, e her house Fnday Dlght. Carol Mac-tidpate1l.. lo ...e much of our ~\Icceu to J H. Pher&On 'n Bin \\ ood, Anme \Ved.

na. illtenllediate horselllanihip EVinger. manager of the Hunt club toff 'n Lee ~hddleditch, J o~ce Mu\l(-: lIisplay follO'll"e4 ....,th Sally Vla"c, for drilling and helping u, In many ey '0 JIm Cosgrove, LOll McKmley~ 11B. Yor". PIck lOB Fehce I ,,'ay!" 'n JIM Lorelield, DIck De~e~ I 'n Lee

~ lOB; ... Paulin' i'errO'lle, \ Tbe judges, Mr&. Robert. ~Maull, aDd 5a1?'~.,4.Jte ... JUIl......... wiaen .. that and Miss Adela ~~ ~ J:i'caDJ'. • _. . t '

,:,.. pert~ .... ~~, EQ~K

,..., "- ftC ,... fII ~3:~~~aryint plaa; Duban Hauelblad, lOA. Will also apprKllted as wu the an- Thomplaa'. bOUle lut Saturday

I a«:oftd; Pat Gelberg, lIB; third; nouncmg done by Sally Grylls. [1.\ ul3ht for a farewell party she Kave, v_ B f for Barb Ackerman, v.ho WIll soon

I,ad !If!...,. Y!Cn.Jl1, 11 , OIlrth. The comma lee or dul. DJemLer,

R-~.'hl'p m pal'r' w" dlvld. f E b J be 011 her way to Arizona Ann Hal'-"" ... _. ••• conslsllng 0 Illa etft ones, presl-.. iDto two groups, mterme~lIate and dent of the club, PIt Day, Paulinc erty, Janet Ohver, Sue O'Leary,

, ~ Th. WllIDers of the inter- Perrone, Mary Lou S'~),lth, and Joan ROlley. Barb Kears, and Barb

j.-ediate groap ....ere Sally Vtuu:, Gery Rounds was III charle of ar- Klelll \\ ere a few \\ ho came to bidInell' Kood.byes to Barb.

ud Joan.Blanchard, lOa. firs.t; M~ry l"anj!ements. _. _Lou Stnlth. 11.'., and Juch' Zlck, I_H. "The tiding club is a worthwhile LAST WEEK THE GROSSE

IMlCOIld: and Sara Steven,on, 11A, aCllv it,.. The partiCIpants III the 1'01Ote high Girls' Rldmg club, un-_d Pat ROSSIter, lOB, third, horse show have acqUIred muche' dcr the sponsorship of Mn. Ann

I ...1ht place in the advanccd pairs Sklll m a short lime. The many spec". "'{ ),IaJnen put on their leml-annualwa_ pell to,. "acKay. tlB, taton showed great interest m theI"~ ... horse sho\\ at the Hunt club It

'L ud V"'y J\ounds, lOB; second to horseman,hip displayed." said Mrs.E1' .. ~ .. J 11 a spectacular event, with the Kalsi IDue<n one!, A and Barbara Ruth Flom, dUD of girlS, and ODeof

IHuterblad, 10.\; third to Pat Day, the spet':tatorl. domg their best to spur thm horsesthrouRh their paces. Some nderswere Sara Stephenson. LIZZie Jones,Pat Day, Leana Lindh, Sally Grylband othen.

Page 3: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

.._~_IE_R_R_Y_CH_R_IS_T_~_IA_S_" T~H:...E~~G..:.R:.OSSE 0 r '\ T ERE V IE W Page Three

*(OX'\\dlll l<olJtrt Hoyt, son of Mr.lilli \1 r, \\ alter • rex" Hoyt.. ill1 m( 011 !e.'1( tor 30 d ..ys

~ ....; I .... ,,~

~ -~~


Tllllh rc",cd na~y reLord, WIth the group, of attaLk tran,porl> that I the landu,g, on Ie C:;huna anuther ",.1, l,rol1/0 ',r for taklllg parl III'lflll'g," t'l'O of Ihe ~ltal campaign" made the lIlltlal II"",on of the Kpr-I ,trate~(lC "land nCdrb)', and the IhaT 'ampa'.;"

111 m..rked the c1o>1ng ,t, of I .. ma Rello group 'L\ tr ..1 <1 .. y, before ,Leue of Erme P}le" dtathI l'.clfl<. ",ar and help.d bring thc I D-Day on Okmalla, and help('d clear In add,t,on to the'e C,p,r<tIOIl-

I I JJne'e to theIr knee, 1 f I d I I dIt Ie \\ay or an IIlg> un t Ie IS an I CrLwmen of the tac,rang, ... medI he LaGr.lnge Yoa. \11th ant of I [he ,1111> 31>0 took part Idter In the PlllhpplOc, Llbtr .. tJOn 1~1l>1""

DOrlald J ..m~s Carey, chic. yeomarl,932 Lakc[lolnte and otht:f na~men who ,erved on the attack 'ran'vort U " S La(,range arc c:re<\ited

* Service Parad *YOUR

Christmas Turkey

Phone NI. 3200

Pound Package


Graceful bow - knot engage.ment ring. enhancd by a bright,flashmg diamond,

$49.50Trim, modern, tailored enga!:"c-ment ring, di~pla\ lllg a brilhantdiamond. 14k gold ~ettmg.

lb. 29c••


for Oven or Pot Roast

Pure LardPURE

U. S. Grade AA

Shoulder Roast Beef

Gracie A.

Eggs DoZel 64cMedium-In Carton

Armour'. Star


SHRIMPFrom the Gulf of Mexico

Smoked Tounge . lb. 49cLet Us Cook a Turkey 'for

Your ChristDlas Dinner






TWOfor 35c

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ImportedDates .. , , , .14 oz. pkg. 57cDining Car BrandiedMincemeat . , .36 oz. jar 59cEdwards-No. 21/~ Size Can

Pumpkin 2 cans 33cLibby's

Tomato Juice 46 oz. can 23c

Quaker Coffee ..... lb. 31cHeinz

Tomtao SOUp ... 3 cans 3ScFrozen Peas 12 oz. pkg. 2ScBurry's Homespun

Cookies",.,. ,.pkg. 31cRockwood's - 1/2 PoundBaking Chocolate .pkg. 19c


If ~(Jur~ \- to he a holtd'l\ romance,choo~e the nng-s to '\ mbo1l7e the eventfrom the hlle~t In all Detroit from \\ tllens

$215.008 l>la7\n;:; dIamonds~l()nf\ Ih~ mag-n1fi.(ent palr,

$250.002 :,nr IlanF" ,I, "PI" t 1:'(',,,llt,lIfr In the ('n;:1..;:ePlr'ltTIll:: Ih('rr .I1r:; It' ( '11.1-''''lIrh -1\lul \~.(, 11 ..: l,a,lJ


O,<ll'f1l\(' 1 "r-l::n ""~1l1i1rt lilll"fe I i1lri l1'lr~ ." ,,1-trn "rddll:::: I 11' P P 1 I III ....t t

"'nil {)d'i1ll1r'l I

14319 M:\CK AVE. Ret. Lakewood & Chalmers

Open Every Evening 'Til Christmas




ORDER EARLYPacked full of delicious dehe~lCIes,Wines, Champagnes, BeauhfulIy eel-lophane.wrap~,

CRoc;<;r POINTE PHO'll[ NIAGARA 32..

SFIR£" B'M'''"lfha", Stor_Pho". JIll

SFIRE BROS. - Successors to

c-1-.z2 KERCHEVAl AVFII/Ill'

• W_ M.Nrcholo-Ph,,_ UN1'"

Page 4: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters


GAS BURIERSA....... for1IOI£DU.'ft IHftALI.AftOIil'

.. .... wile am lIDIIfJ.


COOLER CO •142M....,.

LI. "'1

Baseball andBats





A e1~e and friendly rel.tioluh.p betweeD Ihe palient &.Del thedoctor i. II.. fi,.t lIep .n learDinl to Ii"e wilh dialoele •. Th.dia.betic wbo Cooper.tK f"lI,. wilh hi. phy.ideD, aad follow.the doctor' •• d ..iee on lb. lunda of food, ia""Un, -.nd ."erei ••C.D Ii..e n-ny Ihe IfIe of a normal peroon. W. are prep ... ecIto ... iot the diabelie in carry,n, o"t Ih. doclor'. in.lruclion ••We m&lntain a fre.h ."ppl,. of in ... lin in all alreDltl", and...... Diabetic Department olle,. a wide &election of aeedle.,.yron,K, aec:euoroe., IlDd ... ariety of, he&1tlsfood ••

V.caam Clea.nero and Sewiar Macbine Repair. - Part. for AllMak ... - Pick"p ... e1. Deli'J' Set'I'ice - We Do Lamp Repaj ...

Repauinl of B_ut,. Parlor D'J'er. &.Dd Electric E'luipJD"1lt


1$228 East Jefenoa


Waco ...

THE !'Llentlhc remedy forconflIct, In Industq and

ehc\\ here, IS brought tolight and continually demoon ...trated In C h r i 5 t i a n~clence,

It IS the unde r!>landlllg (1)that 10 arw &Ituation what is~o()d [or one mu!>t be ~oodfor all, and (2) that whAt IS~ood [or alliS alway!> In theirreach-understanding whichrests on the ha~lc f.lct m Sci-ence that authentic good ISby Its very nature Impal t1:t1and uni\'er~ally avaIlable.

If a propo,ed course of dC-tlOn promtses benefits [orsome but IS not good for all,Christian SCience leaves nodoubt wha tsoever that a pro-gram far better for I!\ en theapparently favored one.> isa v ail a b Ie, If mdl\'lduals,hlocs, or natIons have an ap.parent opportunity for prontthrough Injustice to others,they can do far better forthemselves, to say nothingof the others, through actIOnIn the mterest o[ all.

This, Chnstlan S c i e n c emakes plain, IS the l::"reatpractical truth under!vmgthe teachin~. "Thou ~haltlove thy neIghbor as thy-self:'

The comp!ete explanationof ChrJstl~m SCience and itsmethGd of healing strife, dJS~ease, and other evils is given

inSCIENCE and HEALTH\'11th Key to the Scriptures

by Mary Baker Eddy

This unique and immenselyuseful book can be read. bor-rowed, or purchased (invarious edttlons at prices be~ginning at $200) at


14730 Kercheval AvenueDetrOit

The Actual Curefor Strife


"ere's What They Want

Sleigh BeDs in the Snow - Candles in the Window - Tinsel onthe Tree. Stockings on the ftlantle . Loved Ones at Homeand Little Children - That's CHRISTMAS!!!


REV. HUGH C. WHITE,Mini. tel'

Building Site: MOl'Ola Rei.,between Kerchenl • Ridge

ZUOak at MeMill&.D TV I-Ita

Ul" A,M. S"auJ' • clio 0 I ,..clulta &JId .cbool ace J'0WlCpeople.

IltM A.M. MorniDC ....... ip_eIS"nday .chool for Jl't"e-.cbool.. e.


E, t'r\ Ollt h Ill\ III 1 to the ~urlltofl.1um 01 Deler "ho"\ "n I lIe.d.}' Dec. I

III at four 0 dOlI. to ., e the play"I he Cradle" prt .(f,ted I". 1 roup' God the PH \erHr of ~lan" ~ III

" the "lhJrd of the I,'sson-.ermon324 (If '\llld, \Ir, Jilt\<. 0 Brien i~ r all Chn,t,an "u(ll,e chunhesI,~,hr \ftu tlte l'erform~llce, lea rOllRltout the ""r1d on Sunday,"lil be s,n ld DOll t lori(':' J", IIIellnone 1< \lllulIT'" 1 Il (,,,ldr"! Te'! (P.alm. 121.7.

~ I> lit.: Lord .',all pre.erve thee1')1I\ dll l ,,1 he ,hall I1resen'e thy••ul fbe Lorc1 ,hall p,resene th~~ 1l1l~ out and th,' ~ommg In from(~I. lime forth, ~nd elen lor ever-fDort,> ,


IiIPamb Pull Di.h Dolls I

Crayons To,. Seta I

<?j,~ q II<-' ~ ~1 t~~ ~

l~~~~ I~ ,~~ ...c.......... ~ I~~ I* * Unusual lift for Christmas. • • I:Moreand I

More SCOTTS iHard-to-Get BIRD SEED

Items Ikh;:llt \Oll, frH',,(I, \\l!h thl~ I':1ft pl( l,,,~(' 1il(' !,l(,'(,Tl,(' (If IArriving 11\('11 <" .. ]n-l111 "1!'('"", hlnl,hnn~, ,h('(. t .. tl r hnm(' Hlrd

Daily l' ('('(1,1"';:::' !l1'l!-.,' '" pll','rtnt h..h-l ~ h\\ Visit Our Store P",--l - ", .. " ""vi $119 I( * * ~r~., r"n'~ nrr ---- • I

16915 E. Jefferson N! 4420 ..- ~ ~j ~;:::S;llQ;:::sltla~~>:sl:<:', -:>;~~l::S;:::S;:::S~;IlSi\l:I$ili~;:::S;;::l:li;:::Sll:lQJ:,q~M_;:::S;M~lIS!lllS!l MlIII&llISli-liIili-,"""-,"",,-_liIili_-_-M-,",,,,-_MM"'~ __ -.u

I, ,


11( 1 , '"

1 I. "1 1



Eo "..... .... PIUlip A .._ ...IlEV. C. H, LAN<a:, Put ...~ ~.5WARTZFAGER, V~


I •

t j( I.

Fnd~1 Ihe 14 7 10 r 1Il R,I" ,rs~l for Sundal' ~,hool ("hn<tma'pro!:r~m \11 tho,e ha\tn~ par:',plea'e he pre,e,"

'ialllrd<l' De' 15 9 00 am Cate-cht<m e1a"e,

Su"",,, Dec.16-9 30 a m Church <choolII • m Dn lOe "or,htp \ermon I)v

the \tcar on the IneOle, "Cirlst'sHerald PrOdal'TlS HIS Amen" o\fter hung HI'V 1 •• 1 wee~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS

5 pm o\nnual chOir ChrhtOl'l.' preadllllg at an 101m er,an -eTVke, PRESBYTERIAN alURdiconcert the pa,tor II 111 .~!l1l OIL<Ill') /hebPut,h'- REV. ANDREW F. RAUTH.

1\" m "'dull tllstruclIon cla<s Pit thh ~unda, 111. I llll\e at 0 MiDi.t.,; 30 pm SenIor Ll1her league 'Crlicr., 8 .Tld 111 4\ am, \\111 b.e, , 1010 am \Iornlllg \Iorsh,p Ser.

Chrl<tmas partv and fell,,,,' Il,> 0\ I' The'l ~erm'''\1, xl °lle\us 1I1 "1' I Iheme "Prepared to Receivespellal IOlllat,on IS e" eudl'l to t',e I the "',nago~u, at a/dr,t I Jilin"retufnln strvlcemen "j •• ~Ue ~ge I 1 he la't '" a ,efll' of nlld-1I eek I I" ~I a m Church school meetmg

---------- \dHlII .( nil'. \I ,11 he held ~t 11 .i,p"rtment<, follolled by Chn,t- I

N · hOO hood Club I fl Pin. \\ "'ht"d,H ll1ght, Dn 19. I~h' I'r(\lI;r~lIl jelg r ;"hn tue 13.1""1, \ 11peof ChrIst - ~I pill Ihe 'lu""s dub \'I,ll hold

N E W S \1111be t'le thUlll "'I Ihl> nn'll nllJ. 'lhn'lma, ,crllce m the httle red• •• \\ e-ck s("n h..t:' II ~'" 1(\0Ihou~e.

Peau 'ollllda\ "hnol h Im.y prac- _..... n..a1 .. ParI,: -hlOi: lhr"tma, cuol, and prq)ar- \fdnutacturers constantly seek 109

0... d !) h 21 at ' J() 'Tll': lor IIIe • u flu.l Utrl.t m~, E\ e b I ,r product> u,e man-made ~old In ~atur a\, teem lr . - I dlltdrul'~ ",er\1U. ~undd'~ ~lhO()l bt- l , .pm, the annual Chnstma< Part\ g,n, at 930 am, at \lll1l11 tllne the I".tller to m'll..e parts more precise~lll be staged for all ,hlldren ofl Bible lId"e, ai,,) bale I'lc,r open. ~-~ ~_Ihe lommunltl un(j~r 13 )ear, Ofj'llR 'lhe les,oll Ir,.tlc1 tIll', ~unday SIxth Church o[ Christ,age The r' "" t,er Claus' \I !II II III be '1 he 'allum lat,on Scientist, Detroit

be put on by the Camp Fire G,r1, , LUTHERAN CHURCH OF 14730 Kercheval AI enueof the Xelghhorhood Club under I THE REFORMATION Sunday Sm Icesthe dlrect,,,n of ~ll>s A Dl,oll IV...... Hi.h •• ,. Eut at l..aJo:..... 5"hlle the t~p of the club I c. F. STICKLES, D.D .. P .. t. I 10 30 A ~L and 00 P,M.

Sunday School",11 put on the dante\, __f 9 30 5 I I I CI First SesslOn 10 30 AMSanta Claus ~lll make hIS appeu- I am 1111/ a) S, 1Of) asses

d \'I,ll be an"IOUS to meet' lor all agtS \\lth adult BIble class Second SessIon 11 50 AM.ance an lOr men And \lomen I Wednesday Evening Testlmomal"'I the children, Admls<lol to the III am "A YOM 10 the \\ ,lder.1 Meeting 8 00 P M.parly IS free tle<,' \\ ,II be the suhlect of the pas-Cbn.tllJu CaroUDll tor's ,ermon th,s Sundav, Are you Readmll Room open week day.

1 d 1100 A, M, to 9 00 P M - Sun. lThe Xelghborhood Club Chmtmas l"telllng: to the \OICe t lat so!'n , Z'30 P M to 5 00 P. M. ICarolers are extendIng their season's through the "aste plates of Ihe day .•

h nltl' 0'1 Sun \\llderne<s of today's lIorld? 1-greellngs to t e commu _ -f 69Th' r' dues 6 pm. Luther J eague.

day rom to 's g Oup Sunday School Chfl5tmas program, GROSSE POINTEnot accept financial offermL:' and Frida" Dec 21, 7 30 pm\\.11 W"ar theIr tradlllOnal red cap« I T\IO Identical candlehght servic~ I METHODIST CHURCHand hats If you wl.h a Vl'lt from II iii be held at 8 30 and 11 p.m M t' • K-.... C!_L I

• Ch I F ee mg In ...-uy ~ootlus group please call Xlagra 4600, _r_I_' ~m~a_'_I_e_. _

American Legi~n 303N-E-W-S

I' ,

(nlHlt \ 01 01

1'-4 f\ l 1<"11...,... ~'Hl 1IJp 1 lr I r .... \ 11cs

l Tro).p )2~ m"c1 ;jI rploiIntr'\ 01

1- ...... nli ... Ip B:.I){"" t\ "I i" ht ~,...I(

h d 1\ " .':"1, >! ;l. I I. ,J. ;l.ll! .r,,'tl.llt~'(h rir('n(\t ...... ..,((' T",('\ ~I\()

m1r1("! ."('\n(h 'm-i"''''',HI''

f \1 ..... I, 1 ('r

I (. ..t \ l '- , ,. 1 j l

UpJ.ol.lereci Roclrin.Chair. su.

lelllherelte Itocl.e... _ • anel CI.air

Seta SU. &: ".se




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nl Be at the Toy Shop AgainSaturday

December 15th1.. 12 A.M. 2-5 P.M.


Complete Line ofaina. Della. Gamea - Greeting Card. and TOYI

The Toy Shop14$37 East Jrffersop.

Briween Marlborough and Philip

0.1 H-. c_plete WIlli 5- fill ...... reo $US, ,..Hr I' nIo I'e lip

Oocks called for and delivered RepaIred In the

order in which they are taken in at our store,




17((8 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe

• • • for Service


-------A LS0--- _

Arthur G. VaughnPbotua ......

Will ... ..n.w. ueI SuacfIQ. tIarouP the hoG-..,. ••• ,.with •••

Phone NI 7788

0.- n....J', FridaJ' Sat1lruJ' 'til ••


GROSSE POINTE - EAST SIDEPlumbing and Heating Service

...... tiaI • r.duatrial - Repain • s.nice • AltenatioaaE*tric Sew.- a--.

BroedeD Plumbing & Heating Co.I at7II MIlC'k • GrotH Poiate TUxedo %-3737


Complete Stock of

E1cia. Hamtlton, Bulova, Gruen and Other Xatlonally KnownWatch Parts on Hand,


Page 5: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

[Ho R"lI BoMw.t},. E"t'Tli


:Page ......

planes which are being conurttd ..'f, pa' ,enger a rl ners for operatic.-()\ er the Pc. \ system u"" _.Icar

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(,rurn- a INL<te!'lllE'<'<' m tm,,~ and <\y,e<'! <OS '<'lU prefe1'-tnmlv 8I"A8rt Ht "It'llant ~ "ur new,v unvPd stvl_~llut1ful. dutiful G~ foto both 1M'ft and ~





• fil'lt Aid Suppliea • Cosmetic:a • Preae:riptiolu

, " ** .. U. S. S. Parker. - Robert',.ller R De,mct former serg-~. John \larshall, fire con!rolman, thlnl

,11 of the 4th \1 R' mol"le ,'mlpanv cia», 858 5t ClaIr, (,rosse POintehrJme \\lth hb IHr~nh \Ir and ,ened on Ihl> destro~er, ~hlch ar

\1, R De<met of 1413 \\ "ourn I med at San DIego. Calif, ~ov. 22)re "a, In the arm) three }tar', 24 after three }ears of con\o) and pam n'l" 0\ WillI h \H'e 'pent mer- trol dut\ro, In tne lo:rO I -"he part\( .pated m toe ~orth Af.ll, hrother Donald, IS ,tdt'oner) rlcan. ~Icill' and <'outhern France

" Fort r-nux: l\\ I mla"on, and In the occupatio'} ofPromotIon of L,eut Col John C. ]lnsen r-orea

I') 'I'e Wood, IS now ,en Ing In the Cook, 874 \~ cstchester, Grosse' PCA (Pennsylvanla.Central Air., f( tarldt e.,e~tlon of (,en Mark POInte, from mdjOr has been an. hnes) today announced the purrha~e\ lIark, L ~ forces In ';'UStrJd noun, ed by the (cntral DIStuct, AIr of an addltlOnal three D(-4 pldne,

ii, IS ,ho~n hue at hi' desk In lechnllal Serllce Command, Chl,1 '>r1llJ:lIngto 15 ItS fleet of four-engllle'I '\ hedd'juar\lr, m Vlenn" ,_go, ~hcre h~ I~ clllef of the Ter-* mlll«tJ(ln -"ecllon He entered theJ"rk Porler Y" L,n "In rrM 1 IS '\'\1-- >n 1942 and" the son of Mrone on a ChrJ'lmas lur' Jugh. en and \Irs l-rank ( Cook of the same

.( He to an army .ur fiel~ ~t ')r1an<!",1 address



A lor.eo,u, p1ly ~ 1946Ca!endazo is )'O\Il'I tree - DO purcbue~ ....duI. 0I1lJ'.


'I in cntlcal ptnods took caTt of m",.d,dn I 000 men

\ prime contribution of lhu tl P"I U<l1t was In releaSing fait Irall'ports for acme combat duly.

Home DelivW)' Department

East Side Store Prepared for Christmas

~ ...""' .....Io"''''''''\


.. ~~....

Our rad.q te<:bnlclans with yearl of experience behind them, ateequipped Wlth the tinest laboratory equipment made - your a$Sur-alICe of competent, effiCient lervlce. BTlng your sets here XOW I

Russell Barnes. commentator on inter-national affairs, is back on the Job atThe Detroit News at the conclUSionofhis work as chief of the PsychologicalWarfare Bureau of the OWl in theMediterranean area, dunng which timehe commanded 2,000American, Britishand French anny men and civilian •.

Mr. Barnes is the first civilian in theOWl to win the highly coveted WarDepartment's Exceptional CivilianService Emblem. Read his reports oninternational affairs.


'"• .... ..... • Doe. - lIIOI"e thab ~ carriers, ktthHips,cnlisers, alld attack trlUlSportI ill I

• METAL IRONS • BUBBLE SETS the Davy's famed wMaax: Carpet.I • PLA I SETS • BLACKBOARDS IBeet-left Guam, Nov. 17, &Ild III• scheduled to arrIve in Sa" Frallci ••

• TOY TELEPHONES • TEA SETS co about Dec 1. III Pa!5engers ....111 go directlY' to theIISeparation Centers nearest their

FOR THE GROWN-UPS I home~ to complete the formahtlel of

I! obtammg thm d~chaTgel before re-• Archery Sets IIturIlln&: to clvlhan hfe. II• Metal Can. *• F lower e d Sugar Can.. Ii Guam. - Lieut J. G. Schafer, 1352 'IIIBallour, served on one of a small

Games I number of "secret weapon" vesselljtI • Pal Baby Walkeri I V.hlCh upset the enemy lImet.ble and" • Diaper Can. IIhastened hl5 defe.t, the navy no"

I I re'eals. - iIf. --- .... --------- ,I The ship, the APL-IS, a .servlce 1" BIDIGARE HARDWARE STORE torce barracks craft, made up a veri. II t.ble f10atmg Cll'- composed of hos- I

• III'll ai, operatIng room, dental cluue, II 19328 KELLY ROAD, Between KenoHa and Elkbart IIlaundry, soda fountam, mov!e pro-lU!SM __ lIlli_JlIiDl:lli llIlI~ lector and messIng faCIlIties whICh I

SERGT. JOSEPH McMAHONUait'" Stat.. F....cee ill ~-

, Staff Sergt Joseph F. McMahon,,of 1~ RoslYIl road, Gs"oue

l I Jl. l~ montjl~ of prlJ)~ratlon been III )Lar~, iCdtUflllg beautl~ul ~ Irlp tllrough the DeR~ stores I ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~- --~~-and l,pan-Ion, the DeRov ] ewelrv I mountmgs in the modern trend as re\ eals a most comprehenSive list Icompany announces Its readme\s for ~ ell as a generous representation of of items deSigned to please onChnstmas shoppers. E\ en though the more conserl'illve st)les. Chnstmas morn mg. There are bIrth. I\\ arllme restrKtlons on merchan- Despite restridions on the manu, I stone nngs, lockets, crosses, lugpge,ld"e are not fully lJited, stocks at facture of fine v, atches, DeRo\ 's are pen and penCIl sets, slh erware, dln-\DeRo) s are unll~ually complete now able to offer a most co~plele Iner\\are, necklaces and hosts of ath-\Ilth a ~Ide selectlOn of gIfts to slock, featunng such famous namesl er 100ely articles, all prepared forplease the mo.t dlsCTtmmatlIlg of as Bulo\3, Gruen, Benru5, Longme',1 Chnstmas gllingbu~ ers ElglIl, HamIlton and others In at- DeRoy's urge shoppers to take

The as,ortment of DeRoy's certl- tractl\ e styles for both men and ad\ anlage of the Chmtmas Giftlied 'ilamonds IS greater than It has \\omen. Check that appears In the DeRoy

adyerllSements, for the speCial sa ...Ing. It affords.


Iii *Service Parade * I

I Sergt Carl J. Roesch, son of Mr ~

I i I and Mrs Carl <\. Roesch of Barrlng-, ton road, has been stationed at Camp

ROBERTS RADIO SHOP , I Campbell, Ky: SlIlce hi, return from, 0\ erscas and expects to be d,s-

1136. East Warren at Cournue I charged 10 December, after spendingOpea. , A.M • P M ru 2 45SO three years III the army, one year of

__ • to ~. • • Iwhich Ins spent.: the ETO.

DlfIM~~)1$;Ij~~~~lIIliUllli_'.lIliUlllbllili:ll. llIlI. P ..... l H.nor, T. H. - frankhn E.I • :Morgan, HA l/c, US~R, husbandI ~fA~ '.1' • $'f IIof ElIzabeth R Morgan of 1906

I .;,~'\'"~~~., I Hunt Club DrIve. Groue Poune," ~,',,-" I Woocb, IS on hI! way hOllle} " R WorPJI is, 0tM of ona"" ~

Page 6: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

Woman', Group to Meet

CharlevOiX and Somerset wu thescene of an accident lut Saturdaymo~nlng when Edward O'Hara of5513 Audubon collided "'lIh MarcelR. Kauer of 1291 S, Oxford Kaiserlost control of hIS automobile andcrashed mto the house and shrub-bery at 1389 Somerset, the home ofMac Khne.

Thursday, December 6, 1945

Car Crub .. Into Another;Second Auto Rami HOUle

The Save The Children Federa-hon of Grosse POinte Woods wl11hold 'Ii monthly meetmg andChrIStmas party at the home of MrsJoseph Schwen of 1338 Hamptonroad on Thursdav, December 20.

li'008 XerehenJ. ~ Poiate

Conyenient Terms

1B!{ \ R 't \ T E G RA:-' D !{1\ E:. R.



Bon Secours GuildPlans Benefit Party

M embers of the Bon SecoursGuild will be hosts to thel~ fnendsat a games parly Saturday night,Dec. IS The affair Will be held In

-\nnunclallon Hall at 8 30Proceeds fro Ihe party Will be

used to furnish the maternity depart.ment of the new hospital on Cadieuxroad

There wlll be prIZes and refresh-ments

" I\"f , n .... 1 ~ ...

Cub Scout News

New Veteran CroupI. Formed at Wayne

named an offIcer of the National As-SOCiation of Asse.srng officers

II Y..... AloSeveral amendments \\ ere made to

the Grosse POlllte Farms ordInanceregulahni the ownershIp and har.bOflng and po~sessmg dogs m the\ lllage , A klddles' half brushmgclass '" as scheduled to open at aneighborhood drug store . , • Athorough campaign to abolish the"toumg" of h~ndbll1s on reSidentsporche, was III progreso in GrossePOinte Park and the Village headswere urged by the people to passlegislation outlawmg thiS m thePark .•. A free tflP to "'Iaska ~on- .!olesdames John L, Mitchell andtest "'as launched by the Inshtute of I John T. Condon are co.chllrmen.Arts . It was learned that 45,000 i ,\,mhng Will be Mesdames Haroldpeople III the country were Injured I G Frear, Elmer T. Labadie, JosephIII balhtubs Walsh, Dahon J Snyder and Charles

15 Ye... a 1.10 W. WiebeThe Gfl)Sse POinte board of edu- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:==:-- -_-_--=---_-=--=-:::_-_

cation at a speCIal meetmg passed a --------------------resolution to construct a new ele- *mentary s<:hool on Cadieux roadnear Kerchc\ al a\ enue. Erecllon ofthe schOOl at that local1on thefirst step In -a IO-year school build-Ing program prepared by Dr S MBrownell, superintendent of schoolsPrecedmg the action, the Jumor highschool site on Audubon avenue In IGrosse Pomte Park was f"rmall~'wlthdrav. n as a deSIgnated sIte for aproposed JUnior hIgh school. i

Plans proceeded for the annual,Goodfellow d"lve . TOllnshlp taxbills were mallOO to all residents •.• 1Grosse POInte high school won itsfirst game of basketball With U. of Dhigh

Cub Scouts of Paek 86, Tromblv"hool, enlO\ ed a s" Imming partyH Grosse Pomte hlgh school Thurs-lav nIght, under the supervISion of\1 r. P. J Burke, who IS also denmolher of Den 5

Tho,e In the S\\lm of thmgs, \'0 ere :Harold Bate. Joe Lenz, Tom Swan-'on, Pat Burke, Don \\ alOiOncr, JImPI"lh, Da'e Petrash.) , Da,. \l<-Kee,!Ray FAd), BIll T).son. Barr) \\'11-ham<. Jerry Da'I<, Ronald Hartungand Da,.,d Cobb.

Annual CIuiUaT~~'for Motheti' Club

Induction Scheduled II

Yesterday MorningSIX men v.ere scheduled to leave ~

from Grosse Pomte ) esterday mora-mg fo~ Inducllon mto the armed I

forces of the country IThese men, their families and

fflends '" ere asked to report at the I

Xelgltborhood club on Wednesdaymornmg at 6.30, for the traditionalsendoff ceremonies. These "good.bye" gestures began 50011 after thefirst draftees left the Pomte for thearmed sen.lces and are contmuingfor the present time.

The men who were s~heduled I J

leave are James R. Brown, 270 ~ler-nweather, Robert K. Stark, 253Hillcrest, Robert C. Peltier, 1211Maryland; John A. Kuecken, 806

1Hawthorne; Godfrey Deneve, 4712Maryland; and John E. Holmes,Grand Blanc, Mlch.

A new veterans' orgall17allor. hasI heen lormed at \\ a\ ne nnlHrsl'y

and ha, been ful') rcc0ii:nllcd a< an"ff",,1 ,ampl 'p;ronp I\.nown a' the\\"' ne In'Hr'IlY \ elcrans \""cla-:1'0n, lhe ,::rollp e"l~n,l< memhcr,h III,) all of the 1 1\l honorahl) d,,-\";lr~rei (',~r;,rr\l(rm('n no" C'nrcd:C'n'1 the UnlHr,ltV ..rrc"h ,,,me fo'"111nrlred mr-n h;\\ ~ Ci.'Q"n('rl Ip for ac- I

le"l)-klnlhe\\\\\ II' If I' l(,(' \1 .11'(" ~Tl r,' I ) ,1ppl('

1.,'n' r~ l.., 1 H lnl\ rr .. I ::Ii,"-f n I( (" tor

,r "'111.1 11 11 \(' CT'.AI1'-~, \\(' l.i1')prn\ld(' ~ It .... il) fl I( r fll r

roll (In ~ .11l"!r-n! .. lli r~

! \1(" a.,~(l( I.. tllin \\hl(~ \\ 111h"(')m~In In1",0 ~I p;lr" nf d"," r'l.qmJil: m..n 11

The Mothus' club of GrossePointe hlgb school is to have Itsannual ChrIStmas tea Saturday af-ternoon, Dec. 15 at three otclock III

the school cafeteria.Mrs. Andrew Foulds, program

chaIrman, has planned a \'Cry enter-tammg afternoon for the mothers ofstudents of Brownell and the high<ehoot. She has arranged to have~{,SS Jean McDougall, ",ho teachesauthentlc Scotch, Irish and Englishfolk dances at the Internatlonal In.stltute, bring a group of gIrls in na-tlVe costumes to do these dances.

:. George Duncan, champIon bagplp-• I er of the Vmted States and Canada, I

Ipiper fo~ the Detroit H,ghlanderband and MIchigan State troops, is

I to supply authentlc music for thedances.

Girls from the school choir, di-rectOO by John Fmch, are to smg IChristmas carols from the various Io\ngl0-5axon countn« Other stu

, dents Will amst in the serving oftea.


Phone TV 2-22i5*




Lions ,Iul> dre a, Jollo'" 'Remember?Lorne AI hnl;, -\ J Barrett, BuSi 1- -

Beaupre, J Ben", I <ill Ir<I Ihder- «(0ntmued from Page One)man, Dr 0 D Bn'" II< II \l Coul- __ter V II n, !lal k, R~I ml1l1tl DLe- Off lal, of Ihe drtle to {alse $50,-rt, k", (J' or~e r 1\\ III, \ 1~lhte\n, UOJ l' r the COlliCrSlOn of the Bon\\ ill"m J lorull \ (,ar,k .., 110 '\ ~ecol r, cOllldk"ent home IIlto a('I1""n I! (,Ia" r, \ Grill h \' Gt .. r, mod, ,hv'pltal, announced that the\\ lily Grucllch,rg, Loren lI"ben, lamp' ,n .. a, well under way, withand S \,' I!"'ktng Ithe Ilulero,rty of Grosse Pornters

G,orge lllgr.un R h.amh,hkl Dr reach nl; a high peak\\ I\.,r,tcn Ihlllliton h.otlbu G Pol Ie Officer "'nhur Conlan ofII Krd,Lhnldr, \ohle 1 drklll" l G, the Pdrk eStaped sertous lIl)urte.LISch, Otto I on,k,), \\ Lud", ,g, when ~e narro neaped belllg hItJames ~ \11,.11/\, leell \laC'hall, by an automobile while directlllgLee .!o{a,ou, rred \lner, Peter H .d,o<" tralflC at Kercheval and \\'ay-\{oors, J"'lph ... \!lHpfn, J \,agel" burn . The do ...nfall of the firstL B Oldham, 0", en .!.l O'Toole, I ,noVo :!u-cd a fe 'Inor accidentsLe,ter '" 1'rc.,el, and "'rthur H In the Pornte . EnthUSiasts theP,' tr" To)' cl,b v.~re telling of the merrl"

Ernest Putnam, R F Radfor<l, ment lle orgamzallon offers POinteTheodore J R" tIter EdwLn Schaub, chIldren and adults .. , 1v.0 youthsCarl Scl1\lClkart, \\ alter ~ch ...elk- v.ert slnttnced for the robbery of aart, Philip Skillman, Fred Stem- hOUle, n Pemberton. ,I he I red S "\\ lItzer ...Ibert "an cOllt,nued the sa!. of E Bonds forlIull, Sr, .\Ihen \ an Hull, ja.per a ho,p,'al umt ••• A school ....aste\ an Op) nen, Charle, '\'ad" Dr papc" r-ll e "as scheduled, • , The\\ Iiham \\ ath.ln., \\ lllv ". \\ erner, memher, of the C,ly police and fireand Ben "oung deparl nls received Red Cross cer-


_ VETERANS -I Fi•• Y..... A,oJo," and Salvatore Serra, lWO

(Continued from Page One) brother., who attempted to rob the

apartment of George DeLOria, 15117Vernor H,ghway, were convIcted ofbrealdng and entering by a CIrcuitcourt Jur), DelOria 'estlfied that healld a neighbor struggled With theburglar pair, but were unable tohold them,

Jofm SIlva Ill, 18, of 2127 Anderdon,dri. er or the car In which a 16-year-old boy met death on Sept, 22 In acra.h at CharleVOIX and Nottingham,had been found gUllty of manslaugh.ter by Judge Joseph A. ~{oYlllhan,in c rCUlI court. The young drll erlost control of his car while drivmg80 mlb an hour

La\ erne FIUllt of Kerbv returnedhome from an auto triP in whIch hetoured 13 states ••• The Park Vill-age preSIdent Issued a safety procla-matIon for the hohdays .. _ NorbertDenk, late townshIp supen loor, was

Air conditioning, luxurious ap-pomtmenls, speed and safety willcombme to glY< travellers 011 U. S.shIps the best afloaL

cran:,o, \\ I hm tJ\(. nt""\t tllrce or fourmonth" \\ e lIould gl\ e up the Ideaof organlzlIlg a velerans' inslltn'eIf suffICient dem ..nd {or such Ill-

strucllon does develop, we y, ouldrecommend that steps be taken toorgan,ze a veterans' inS' tute withthe appro\ al of the local board ofeducatlon," saId Dr Es.ert,

Families of returnIng \Cteransshould adVISe them of the POSSibIli-ties avallable and If the veteran isinterested, he should get in touchwith Forreit Geary, supen Isor of'OnlIn'lnlt) services of the Gros.ePOinte public school" 389 5t Clair,or telepohne NI 2000

(Continued from Page One)

borhood club ,,111 again handle the"elfare department of the (,ood.le11011 ,

Head'l.uarters for the ,.Ie II III be,n the tOlln,h'll offICe> In Ihe (,ro"cPomte Park munl< Ipal hl1l1dll111 \l're',denlo dtld lr>cnd, 01 the Good.lello'" \\ ho 1\111 be out of tOil nnext Tuesday e ag ..m urged 10

m, I dnd deli r In r ,r InClrtflbu t,on to the drive at the hedtl-qUdrierS

CO-I hdlrmc n ~c1", art and DeBael.e seek the assIstance of all reS!dents of the communlt) m mak\ll'th I' annual campaIgn a SJcce',

~lrmb~.s of Ihe Grosse PO\llte


TV. 2.7010





17140 Kercheval


The Finest Selection In Town




If You Can Buy for Less Anywhere - We Will Cheerfully Refund Your Money


3 Ft. To 20 Ft. Tall

Get Acquainted With

Queen's Grosse Pointe Branch

Queen ltkt's to take pains WIthev,ry "operation" and asks for"time to do an even better job."

FItzroy 4100

It's Next to the A & P

You11 find Mrs. Reynolds very helpfulwith your c1eanin~ problems.

Chnstmas and Sew Year's willcatch you if YOU don't hustle

.. so get out those prettiesnow!

Gay hohday parties are justahead and you'i1 want to lookyour IOfellest in CriSp, freshlycleaned and pressed garments.Send slip covers and drapes,too!



E. LOl\\"ERS

Greater Detroit Landscape ServiceSEE us FIRST OR LAST

Send Holiday CleaningNow-- You'll Be Ready

Pare Six

GE Applianc .. ad Bendix WuheraISI.. K......... A"enue LEnox 6740•••• ----;Ji.IUMI--- __ iJl_IU•• JlIIIi...... __ lIlI lIlI:Jl'


Page 7: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters



Arthur L. Paselk73 Ken:he..J AYeaae


7410 W Seven Mile RoadUNIversity 2-0343

*30Z David WhItney Bul1dill,RAndolph .4656



Yoar Cooperation Will Be Appreciat.aDurine naia Holida, Seuoa I


Ord.-a for DeliVt1r7 Ouuide GroNe PointeMUlt B. ill by 3 p.m. Frida,

Our Stores Will Be

Harlow J. Lingeman17009 Kerc:he..J ro 2-1121


There Will Be No Deliveries Outside ofGrosse Pointe After Saturday, December 22

Your Favorite Florist--Right in Grosse Pointe

DePetris, Inc.230 Grone Pointe Boulevard

174 Kerby Road

Grosse Pointe Florists



Merchandise and Help is Still ShortPLEASE ORDER EARLY to Avoid Disappointment






I justment may be madt del' "rilll": I guard. 10 a .peclal order published .... ------------ ••• ---on lhe ability shown by e \ tan al Cuher ~llItary Academy. Culver.

Adjustments are to be mad, "I th~ [n, just recently He was one of thepay of veterans hired prior ' 0 the I ,dected group of cadets who meteffecllve date of the plan. t he rigid. military qualifications

""e!eh pomted out the practllc ap- utce.sary for membership m theplies only to \Cterans who De, t be- honor guard Founded m 1931, the(ore worked for the compam j m-I 'rack mfatllry exhibition unit spe-ployees In the armed forces dt~ on I L1aIlZLS10 Intncate dnlls and maneu-leave of ab,ence and, upon ret IrD. vers Cadet Ralss recently returnedmg to the company. reeen III to Grosse Pomle for the C1mSlmucreda for all ,en ICe In the I III < d I \ <lcallonforces and the ... me pay ratL, nadthey remamed on their old joh, Southeastern Women Provide

The company expects to t nploy ~ranne Hospital With Records<lbout two thousand new telep~oneworkers, many of whom wlll LJme The Southeastern Woman's clubfrom the ranks of returntng "ct- wlll hold It. annual Chnstmas tea onans, when ItS $120,000.000 po \\,jr ~Ionday, Dec 17 at I 30 pm at 5tconstructIon program lS well under 'I<lrk, Methodist churc\!~ay. Those are In addItion t,) 'n- Th,s meetmg I> all\ays a festn eployees 10 the armed forces, 0'1,10- Olta,lOn wllh holiday decorallons 111

ally numbermg more than •II"ee the parlors and on the lea tablesthousand who Will return to •~elr I 'I he .oclal and war servile commit-Jobs. MII.hlgan Bell now has .. lJQUI

Ilee, under the dlreclton of Mr.!. Ed-

2,480 employees In the service 468 \\ ..rd ~1alo and Mrs LaVerne Cran-back on the Job from the armed I ddll ha\ e charge of the afLllrfQrces, and 53 on the Gold Star !len-Qr Ron. There Will be a shower of reco'ds

or money for records for the MannePromoted at Culver hospItal.

CvJ ....... lod. - Carl F. RlllSS, son An appropriate program has beeaof Harold N RaIn, 402 Ulllversl'y planned by the hostesses of the day:Place, Grosse Pointe, was D'amed a ~fesdames Edwin Klink, Leroy Sin.corporal of the Culver Rilles {l,>oor, claIr <lnd Glelln SLotrles , ~_~ .... •


Veteranewsfom the

Office of Veterans'Affairs, Lansing

The Michigan Bell Telephonecompany has ;lDnounced lhat, In

recognltlon of experience In thearmed forces, It Will grant IOcre<l.(dslartlng p<ly rales to returnmg vet-erans entering the company's servicefor the first hme.

George M. Welch, president of thecompany, said the extent of the In-crease Will depend upon lhe experi-ence of veterans wlllle m the armedforces He emphaSized, however, thatthe practice ~ III not eliminate theeJement of Judgement In the mdl.\ Idual hanng of new employeei

"The new practice Simply grantsrecognltlon to the fact that the vet-eran has undergone a measure of de-velopment useful in the telephonebusmess \\ hlle 10 the armed forces,"Welch Slid "For such purposes, \'et.erans are placed IOta two generalclassificatIOns' 1 Those ~ Ith noCOmmUnlLatlons experience but InwhQ mIlitary rVlce has developedmalurlty and certain other abilitiesZ. Those With communIcations ex-perIence related to telephone occu-pations, or have had specializedtramlni courses whIle in the serv-Ice."

For those Without communicationsexperience, the startmg pay rates\IoJlIbe advanced up to a maxImumot eight months on the wage-pro-gression schedules, depf:ndmi on thelength of their mtlltary service.Startmg pay of those with a year ormore of communlcattons experienceWill he advanced an addItional fourmonths on the schedules Thus, if :I

\ eteran Yo ere In the armed forces 32months, mdudmg a year of tele-phone trammg, a maxunum cred.itof one year could be allowed.

The case of every veteran withtelephone experience will be review-ed three months after entering thecompany's service. After compannghis progress With that of other em-ployees In Similar work, another ad-

,,, ',I '~'

?~- \ \ I\ ,...~



..• in red,. am to tie on your

gift packages or wear on lapels•.• and to put in tops of stock-

ings ...


~$8.95 $16.95 $25.00

Juvenile Ul.d

Sports Footwear

both for ladies and menbeautiful SWISS Petit Pointe and

lace 75t to $6 00.ALSO INITIALS

We HaveSlippers

fo!' All Ages

Need 7hese....

Good Sports ....

Gift SuggestionsHandkerchiefs


Page 8: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

-- - --------------Ii-


THE r.ROSSE POll'- c n ~ ,.1\ L \ EW "MERRY CHRrSnr -\S"


Entertainment 6 Nights A WeekMonday Throu&,h Saturday


.t th. Con. ole of





Kern's Bar


Full Courae Lunchea 7Se


STORK CLUBServing From 11 A.M. to 3 P.M.*

"Dillinctive Rendition of Your Favorite Tune.••• Old or Newl"


Special Luncheon Parties by Reservation Only NI 9693

, 17441 Mack at Neff Road


Playing Your Favorite R~est Selection.



s...r..,., II...,.. T...., .~~.'Adt .. u:rn en, ~tl cotten.

Shirley Tet:aplc in.''Ll. .£ SEElJ!fG' YOU'"Plus

Frcd MacMurray, Joan Le~lieIII


III technlcolorDisney Cartoon

Capt. Shumway's14948 E. Jefferson at Barrington

MUrray 9289



5:00 P. ~f. to 1l:00 P. M.ENTERT AfNMENT BY



Wed.. Thur. Dee. 19, 20WeGnescla,. Barrai .. Matinee at 3

Peggy R)an Jack OakleIn


\. eda "nn Eocit, Charles "\rn!III

NDANGEROUS INTRUDER"~'ooRe Comed" - Xe\\5reel


Cousins Meet

Fri, Sat. Dec. 14, ISKen CurtI', HoOSIer Hotshots


P[u~Glona Jean, KIrby Grant


CartoonChap 2 of new Serial, "The Phan-'om R,der" al<n t" 0 color car-'"",,, sho\\n SallHrlav, Dec. 13. Laot Tune.Tonil'ht, "Salome Wh ....e She IDanced" in tec:hnicolor aDd "M ••ma Love. ..



Pho". MU 9786

ClubFinest of Liqu(>rJl

S t " " 1~y Sh""to 1'1",.FOur r~qu"," nl~h Iv,....('("pt M~nd,,'\.) Ill' I'hl'"" I

a"hv Gr.nd






Aero .. From H"".on Mot .... PI"nt

12620 East Jefferson



I'-CiS PERREC"', Prop


Cltv police \\ ere called to thesccne of an accldent at 541 Lmcolnroad last Sunda~ e\cnmg "hereBarrv Phelps of 396 Prolencal,.olhded WIth Eo D, O'Leaty of 615Lmcoln,


* Fancy and PlainBOltes

* Wrapped forChrIstmas

Free D,.hu to the Ladi .......Wedaeada, ..... n....ada,. Nipu

Hnm~ m"d~, Wllhdf-IrCl(')U. (rfO ...m,.

,oft e~"ler., o"ly

Li,ht and Dark Fudge • Carmela •

• Peanut lInd Raisin Pattie.a•



SPECIAL!!Beautifully Boxed and Wrapped

Chocolate Covered Marsc:hino Cherries

"Tony" Koinis Confectionery




-------- Featuring --------* BUNNY PAUL

w. Abc> Have A Large Selection of:

• Hershey Milk Chocolates

• Sea Foam and Filbert

The Best Place in Town to Buy

Bittersweet Chocolates

ILEs9lil-' R13i15E.Jefferson II


"lOo- A«~, ,

u.ter CoDapIete New

East Warren ecreation17225 E. WARREN at Cadieux Road

~NJ'P:~;'.NL~s"" NI 0060 and NI 9437.. 1;" I ~ ZO BRUNSWICK LANES ON FIRST FLOOR1lIl!h!, £ MENTr""£ l'~~11\'I"ht to Beautiful Cocktail Loange

lIttel'llId ::---..- LIF;ftS E"t ... tainment E'ret'J' N,I. Enept Suod.,B l! 1\'0

Y I1AR,,:;.acbord !If Hu. OpeDln'l f. Da,. Leap.., Now FormiDI Ladie.' LealrUel~ FREENl.'CCU::OS,e. FUN ~ nunda, all 31p......


...... Mondavl:t Eve:. Till ':31 P.M.• od After 11 P.M. aDa'ght All D., S.tardaJ' ... d S..nclaYI

1If000erate 1M e 'iii ':J'It_ at "II l' PrIces ]m~EIE!!!Iii5iilm~Be;;;;;;;;;;s e:;;;;;;;;:;1B!i;;;;;z;;5

'MeN s...;;.:~~;;.::: I! Dining Roo~ N;o=;~1...... IbIINlt YOU 7 llotd5 A. WRK,- ) Every Evening Except Monday Ir-;U7YOUR~-..-- ....""~..~:~nu'~i!I ~~~in~oDin::.s From4 p.m. to 1 a.m. ~~lli

.-Sf#:'" ill We are specializing inChicken, Steak and FrogLeg Dinners - also thebest in fine drinks., CAN D Y "..1ftJ;9 WI Try an order of our ffl

, / • St.. k Chop S...,. rn


LAKEPOINTE INN! mlill 15203 E. Warren at Lakepointe III! =:Il!ll!i!!!555l0r:=;;;;;sul5i2:5lDI I13l!5!ii!5l0 I 'IDI ':I~!


'"I$1 Box I!II!I!!!!III

Corner of Barrington lInd Ea<l J~lferson at the Bu. Stop ~ i--~~~MM~~~~M~~_~_~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~I

t;INGER ROGERS Co:~een a~l~Os;~r~~~,;gern~~:ture IJ~~:~ht:rOUa:I~,n~"ah;~'.tlr~~sI~l~~ t~II~;IEXCITING MOVIE IPopular Singer at ,IJEADS CAS T OF \\ hm Do \\ e Go from Hm II,ueen lor "" 1l\r1 '''''Ie penon ISCHEDULED FOR I"";est~Bar in Savarine

SHORES PICTURE"Ith l"ed \[a'.\[urra) and JCldn 1I111'''lofh"otrl,rp'lure,:'rtjISHOWATCOLONylLe'he. \I aL \1 urral ,< ". >11 'elt III tl,e ' HOle' ~.n anne's popular FIr.ta

II 'I II Bl ~eelll~ \'O~ "a Pll lure I ,,'m(,11 .rnm.1l1 e n\Ol 'e 01 \\ h~re I Bar,s I' until{ tlte mll'le of Baror:One of the most poplliar double "ill,h eler)Clne,' rall!lg .bou' Iltt' Do \\ eGo lr,'m H,r~ He I, .."ell Re,au,e of the ~reat pOpUlarll) Kohler" t hI> \',>I.!-\ ..\" "'her~

bIlls "h,th has prDlcd a fa,onte h35' eXlel,ent '.'!lllll Ilh\ch IS <I,"'e .n (\C(]J~lIt ,.,II P'f hI j" , L"',, \LIlith the I a,slc' pIcture CllJO) ed, danclI' ,n'" llIJ'l\(d lll~\,.h. Ibcen slhedulcd lorthc Shnrc, thca- t'lI< mo,'c IIlth \.,111>;tr jO"1'1l anli ,"~ ,t'lr Irl'm (lc,r,,,, "h,,,. ae'HI': I" l,petled th.t the se'l~enle to Tht "",'t olll,e e\elllll~' en-tre fo- ::'unda\, :<fnnda\ and Tues- "hlrle, Temp'~ doc, '''!llC '0 t"~ 'Irl<:ln,; oI'HI d"n'lll~ I' "I)(rl>. Ih, I'"lure :>nll 01 I '''''C,'' \\.11 tertal! '\)l" "II' R ""1\ l'J.ldd:1I lhl',lJ Is'Ili BeSeeln!! \ou' ,'M' \LhIO!" 'Ie h"I..hone ,I !n( ..1,(1n1(,t \\lth the approlal of the

r starr1l1g G,"~er Rogers, Jo<eph I etlter'alllm~'\1 \I,,, temple ,!lOll> ~- • tllOlle gClng puhll, 'II", latter pll- ~i--------------- •• lure 1\111 he ,hrllln at the Col,)ny

Uotel SaVarl-ne III 11)':,a:;:he:oln~o:~~\\lt:~ge~I:~ur\~~t~15635 MACK AVENUE I :>trdllge LO'lIe"IOn" featUring Lon'

l !lall~1 a"d J Carr,,11 ~al<hTUsedo 2.232" ;"01101 LaSSie 1II1ILh star. Peter

FIESTA BAR I all lord, D<:>nald (.r:<p and June

IFri~ Sat. Dec, 1., IS I ol~hart IS entertamment not onl\ r

Ii "SON OF LASSIE"D · N· I \\\ \,or dClg 10\ ers or cllIldren but foranclng Ite Y II Pcter Lal\IIl;:~ ,!)onaltllr ,p I :\n:rmel~~f~t:~n:i;,e~t IsIS~"aLe:;:~;II:

I'STRANGE CONFESSION' portraHd on the Slrten and v.lllLh

* BARON KOHLER\\ 'j 11 \\111 be tnlO\ cd tn 1Is utmost b)

Lon Chan~1 1 Larroll Xalsh ) tl en' member of the famIly, The(olClr Cartoon , t~, hlllrn'or det'lIls, the dlalogut and ':." 7

Coat;n"o". Saturcl.ay from 1'45 I luman Interest sequences are among U~" ~~+

5"", Mon. Dec. 16, 17 tne fa\orrtes "h"h all mO\le fan. t" "'>«"NAUGHTY MARIETTA" jlllll enJO) It's a story whIch no on~ ",

\\ l'h ,hould mt>s I ~'-:I --,------ ~t ,. ":

\bbot. dno Lostello Sorority Plan, Popular' 1PI" ...

"BEDSIDE MANNER" j Millionaire', Party Dee. 15' _ BUNNY PAUL

WI'h I The Beta Alpha Chapter of "'ho is thc featured \~caltst IIlth theRuth Hu«e\, I"hn CarrClII 'I b d Ch' 0 1 band.. R\!(1tlv called CIne of Amer-I am a a I mcga, nallona , d

Color Cartoon • :-..ell s II h Id th' 1 ILa s line<t Slfllllfl~ an entcrtalfllflg<Clrorlt), ~'I 0 elT annua I comblnatlOn-, , .\llss Paul h.~ prol ed

Contlnll ..... Slincl.ay_Fr_o_m_I_Z'_.S I m1ll,onalre s party for chanty next: I tr 0 ular at the ntght club She------ :-.aturday cvenmg, December 15 at I y P pTueeday, W .... escl.,l Thursclay I h R V k h II IS bar~ed Ifl mam numhers by four

December lit. I' and ze I9. pm. at t e DOse an er a, male IO'les from the hand"ROUGHLY EAKING" Cad eux near Harptr. Proceeds go

SP h • d h hid' BarCln hohler, hlOl.elt h one of,Ilto I e lun to ave C I rell seres\\ llFl h d the ,countn s foremost :\01 achord I• tralg teneRosallOd Ru'<ell, Jack Carson artjJts and carnes hIS O"fl ).,Old-I

Plu. City Accident Chord on eacn bonl-Ing, doublms on I

"PHANTOM OF plano and Ilbraphone<&2ndSTREET"

\\ IthDa\ e O'Bnen, K",' -\Idnc!l

Trl.HI Featurc FI SahadClT

Page 9: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters


Retumed to YouWrapped in CeIlophue


Silk .hade. beaubfully c1....... ..,. ,..,a1lamp .hade cleaner.





Lamp Shades Cleaned--f FOR CHRISTMAS




Rocking Horses ** Steel Irish Mails

To EadJ Child When Accompanied byParents.

LE 9299

To L. POinte wellt J4ICquesMarquette (10691. u Allouezll'Iov&d to Green Bdy.

Telephone Company Spon&Or."Number Please" Radio Show

1 ht .... l!1~ """pllIntf'J dfl J..,I"(J Jp

0% liJur "llll,..,er"" - h-\() mcn and t\. ...o"omtll - led 11\ lhe hl"h.IHj.\\llele.m of j ra'" and \1 ar!(aret John-'on and 'TlLilld,ng Bell. \11'n .n1Len :.toke' 1 he) ha\ e a IUlrar) of.ome 15 I)(~J IOlk songl, maTl\ ''l'1l

authentllaltd, fd'Ul1allll'; h"lnnt'

32'8 11Irn ami ,,"men \\ho haa soldatlnR hack to pre Rel,llltlOlldrJfar a«~pt.d dpp0lnlm.nt >s local dd)' I-dd e lJllhn IS the alll10Unlerch.,rmen

If! 1665 Fr. AUoll1Z fOIl"dedL. POInte. succeedl"9 Fr.Me'".,d ,n thet dreo.

Opposite Eaquire Theatre




Induding the New Westinghouse LAUNDROMAT* The New Complete Automatic' Washer ** May tag Wa.her. * Farnsworth Radios and Combinations

* I>Hpfreeze * RCA Radios * Motorola Radioa

COMPLETE STOCK OFWeatinghoule Fluorescent Bed Lamp. and Desk Lamp. * Recordio

Recorchnl1 Diaca * Westinghouse Mazda Fluorescent Tubes

Small EMERSON Radio. Available in About 38 Days_ Reserve Your.

On DisplayWestinghouse and Gibson


f ~.~18 East Jefferson

Pointe ApplianceSHOP




* Steel Wagons * Tricycles* Bronco Walking Horses ** Steel Toy Vacuum Cleaners and Ironers

* Dolls * Games * Blackboards * Teeter Planes* Rocky-Jumpy Horses * Steel Toys of All Kinds~~~~~~~~~~ w,,,t.r Ft R.... Me'nerd.'M04.It& to f"gstlV' Huronwl"te'ed dt L' Aftse



e D.i ""UUIlEP PO:;c',.lI11I.lIlCh '':>l.JoIoIC>~ I:IIPOftr"Gl! LA><t I'.. ~~RO'rAJ.£S O¥QI WlNOl ", ...I+l.II~~..j

R.d,uoll w&l+bou"d ," tll59"'Slt.d ttI&s. Sit., ."dh•• d.scrlbed th ....







LEnox 9000



W .. he... aISII RadiN1r ... cl SWeepo!rlREFRIGERATION




Given by

Dancing 9 'til 12:30



Our Exclusive



Grosse Pointe ParkFirefighters' Association

Tickets, s.k-Tn. 16c - Total, $1.00



:Make Your Reservations Early

Burns at River

Salea and Service20947 Mack Ayeaue

TUsedo 1.2130

New Year's Eve.Inforntal Party

GARAGES* *1111111Ullt. s.-ice


Friday, December 14ROOSE-VANKER HALL

9189 Cadieux Road Near Harper

Storm Sash

Many New Applianc:ea Coming Soon

Other. Nationally Advertised - To Be Added• Ma;e.lic RacLo • Simple,. Ironer • Hanultv".Beach

• Ape,. • Nor ..e





ExtenSive plans ha\ e ueen made atFaIth church for the celebration ofthe Chnstma, 'eason On Sunday.Dec. 16. tne three chOirs , Faithchurch, under the ,\,reC!lon of },{, '.\In Zeidler. \\ III pre>ent a Christmasrnu'lcal ,e'per '<1\ Ile at five o'c1ockTh" "Ill be tn the form of a candl~-light sen ,ce "lth the church appro-priately de<orated,

On Sunday I1Ight, Dec 23, the Sun-day schOOl of 1 alth church \\ 111pre-

Faith LutheranChurch AnnouncesYuletide Services

senl its Christmas program underthe dnecuoll of 'fr, 1'roest IhngIn addlllon 10 ,ong. and rec'lallonsby the vanou, li~"e, al1d Ml mbersof Ihe SlIllday 'lhool, the programhas been arranged to aIIo~ suffluentllme for a good old-fa,hlOned Chr"t-md' 'h) mn-,lI1R ' 1 he old fa\ omeswill be lI1clllded 111 the proRram Tileprogram \\ III be conclllded \\11 IIthree pageantry Slenes In \\ Ill' n.elllor and adult members of lhe~undav school'" III partKlpdte.

On Chnstmas Eve, Dec 24, dupl,-late .ervlces at 10 pm and 12 mid.Illgill \'111 be condul ted In former) Cd" onh one .er\lle at 11 30 \\~,held, but It '" as deemed ad\ ,sableto hold two ,ervlce, to alcommJ-


RADLOFF LANDSCAPING date the large number of \\or,hlp- Represent ti" R b t PI d f UNRRA \fr \\ e'l. "ho 's dlreLlor of theCHRISTMAS Per. on thiS holy 1Ilght. The cholra a ve a au ea s orrill "1011 of ,ontr,iJuled 'upplle, 01

T R E E S again ""lI be presented 1I1 special Appropriation", Lauds Its Leading Role ' l \ RR \ lid' ('U "tlve director <'fmus,cal numbers and the pastor of 'thl \pnl Lnlled '- .. llOnal Cloth \~the church w,lI del\\er the Chnstm.15 ------ l.I feet to 20 feet message W ... h"llto",--Congressman LOUIS InK hlifJlIl our, h es 'h-",~ -he olledlon and \1 r I-.dl,er \I 01, IlS

CHOICE TREES C. RaOdut, Democr ..t of ~{Ichl"dn, ,;r."ou, hand 01 ... n\l~h!, I, n.t,oll.1 \ hdl-man In Ihls l npldgnLocated at --------- dUring a relent d",cu»IOI\ on the -\lter uHhlrlerahle dl 'Ie n( \nlunan people wnlrl"uled14600 GRATIOT fioor of the hou.e III con"derallon n.m'l l',,-.ed thl bill aJl'" llg an U1ou!lh doth" 'hr:>c, and beddlnJ

\Var developments Sllcn as radar of an alilhorlfallOn for an ..pprorma- .llprupna\l(>I! for $1,350,(01111) to bemenrl 2; I~JOUOO",ar VIctIms 111

at Coram II I I Europe, tile Phll'PPlnel, 'nd Cilina \ new tn .... ee"l\ rad", progr.m..., pay an Important part 111 con- tlOn for Cnlted Katlons Nehd and --_______ ~ II To help mllhons of other men. ,pon,ortd bv the 'I I( hll(dn Bell,

Acro.s from t1l1Ulllg the American record for I Rehab,htallon Admlllhtr .. llol\. solId. U, lans Proceed forI hI women and chIldren In "ar-scarr"d Telephone\ made ", debut

M t W d safety, no longer wlll icebergs, logs, etas ... whJch L \ RR \ hd, as.on romery ar d ld '\.T t. I CI tho lands, Pr~sldent Truman called upon thIS \\ eek II hen the' :'ong ::,plnnen" I

TUsedo 1.1609 and starless ",ghts be a threat, sume WOll make L:\ RR "" the ~ a lona 0 InO' ~lr Kmer to head anoth-r nallotl ,I II ent on the air", Ilh 'he'r repertOIre__________________ w greatest .mgle customer of the ~ •~---------------- -------~ ""menlan tarmer \\ hlle she l> In- Drive Next Month ('O'I\lll~ rh-e ~he Koal 'n.lhe ~ I.C- ~f. ballad" fol" tunel, and modernPOINTE CLEANERS & TAILORS gaged 111 the great humanltamn I tory Clollnng COlleCtiOn, Jan "Jl, ",,5

.. ork of helpmg the unfortunate peo- H~nry J. K~aationil chair- I' 100.000,000 5enlceahle used gar- Approprtatelv entHI~d, ':-'umberl

(WINDMILL POINTE) ples of liberated areas In europc and Illdn of the Vlctory Clotbmg Lollec- ments, lJl addition to shoes and hed-I Please," Ihe prO!lram IS broadcastM.'I &Bel Ladi.... Saita TailOI'ed to Otd...

AltentiOlll, R.liDIAI', Cleaai ... aIld P ..... ia. ChIna to .urVl\e, L~RRA Will at lion, today announced the appomt. ,lIng from 6.\0 10 6 -t5 pm over eightthe same tm,e bc playmg a leadlllg Illlnt of Ddn A West as execullve ~lr \\ est reported thdt 1I,81G com. 1outstate ,tatlons ~Iondavs, \\ ednes-14931 E. JEFFERSON, at City Limits role m mallltilnmg a strong elono- dIrector of the nallOll-wide c10thmg munllles throughout -\menca are al. da)" and Fnda),. and over \\'\\'J,

,~ M • .sch__ Eat. 1m Opes E_ till f,. LE." my for our aVon '1llLens, The rehef dm e for 01 er,eas relief In Jann-I ready organlzlIlK local c lot h In g Detroit, from 6 15to tJ 30 pm the I" ----------- purchases Will I'enefit the grain ary dm es under the directIOn of the ,ame "'!lhts. I

grower, the sloc!- rauer, the daIry 'b....'IJ."...... ~~~farmer, the poultr}manand the cot- t:~~~~~~~~~~~~~.- .. ~~~ton planter" ~l~ -; .~ -.. - :~~.., r.:- ~

Rahaut further pOlllted out that I /" , ~'J y '~V,XRR.\ IS in a posItion to further '!& - ~-~

vent the senous threat to the pros- M ,I ....

penty of the Amencan farmer b): 1£ f/:;;.'obtainm8 certam food Item. whIch itare certam to lJe surplus smce thc ;;~partial curta,lment of procurement ~by the armed forces. and that :..Ur-RRRA IS In a poslllon to further 11help the Amencan farmer m the dls-! ~posillon of cerlam produclf, the 1£present or prospective suppl) Ilf it'" hlch IS III excess of effedl\" de- 1'imand, through ne" or the can- MtllluatlOn of wartIme use. ot these I l'f.prodULts. ~

Congrtssman Rabaut's entire re- l

ffi..rks on the fioor m support IJI

l",r-RRA tended to Imng home to ~the people 01 Amenca the trutlt 011 •the aae-old stuement. "To whom Mmuch IS g,ven, much IS expected in ~return ' Rabaut "ent on to s..y that ~even as we do all lhese thlllp;s for ~the peoples 01 the wodol, We are bC_j

~'Beieita, ,~J{eepI

Family TogetherThe Larsell fannly lived ill a rural ~

commullity. Joe Larsen was domg 'Mprelly well farmmg on leased lani l'f.iu the summer tIme and workmg 111 MleggmB' camps dunng the wmter 'If.months. Every fall and eHry spnng 11the Larsen bank account would "Iishoot lip. M

One ) ear they deCided to buy a 'Itplace of their own They had ,aved, ~enough to make a substantial downpa'ment on a cottage and a fewacrc< 01 land ~Iadd,e, who II as five,l1tand Dan, three, thought II h,gh ad-Ili.\ enture "hen Just at 1'10\\mg tIme Mthe\ mO\ed into theIr o\\n home. If.

But that \\lIlter Joe Larsen fell till M01 a ieHr and III a little \\ hlle tie 1'£"a, dead '11

B} the time Ihe funeral e'l'cn.cs: li-"ere paid, absoluteh nOlhlllg re- i MI..mamed tor the support of the \\ Idow Iand the t\\O children Penple <hook ItheIr heads sympathellcall,. "It's a ~had hU'lIless," thev <aId Bllt notl1.11£mg '\I~n1ficant \\ as done to help tlte' itfamlh. i Ii.

Then one da\ Joc I ar<en', form- Mer emplo) er chanced h' and drop- If.ped III on the" ,do\\ 1I1 th e neat 11l'le! Mcollage -\ <udden thought !truck l':.him "\\'hv, ~Irs Lar,en," he <aIr!~I ..\ Il'(' \.ou \ eliot lIl,mance bene- ~

fits comlll" to \OU \\ hen Joe "ork-, ~ for me ,n the camp he palll on <,,-llal secllnty I Pair! Inr h m too'\ ou'd heller 1Il'l\1lrc at thl ncarc, M:On<"\alSecunl\ hoarr! nfflce , Ir

, ~lr, I ar<en \\tnl 10 l',t "nc A' ~~e(Uflt\ Roard t"c 'cn nn' atltr. 11'

I n""n 10 file her, am He- '\'I>AI1<1 ~.

: v.a, t('Und to ht tn,mer! ,•.,der old-l.a~t' ~nrl ~Hn,\ nr ... m 11"::1111 c ..u, t .0.

I ria' 'e and h rr r 1I Ire., arc re< en - Mtn~ .1. 1nt;l! of ~)::: ;l, nH)1111, 11r

Th, ...... n,'" .:t .. r( A ltr~ (If monrv 1t:,.. mllnlc"'''''~l '(".1.\('rA~"r.1. ..... ;t~

mf'n~ to a "'In H\ \\ 1 '\\n ("1 rt .. ton .MUnr1rf 01.-l.tlQ:r fi:,fi ...ln1\('\~ ... In'''' ', r foo- I H" rt~ ()n l,~. l()(' 1 .tlro;,tn ~ ..,,{,r'k,..d no l I'"\ 11 \ p~P. l1mr

I RlI. \Ir"" t ;lr,,{ "".,,~ lA~ 1,,:' \ -\

j ",.. 'lie h~..... A"rt1 In ...( h ....'l It! IrA' h~r tn hoa-r! a 1r1 "bar" ,11 ~'l;~ ...,,'"' ~Ar,;r., In '11"i"'''' .. C' M

1f,m I, " rl" n~ >, r :;:n' 0 rl .>:c Ir.l,ti 'l,lIn \or ... hrn"I'1' ... ~r(" ti .....ln~ M

11"" r pa" n .."ep'n" 'n. m,,'"'r • .,<1 Ilr.rh,lrlrtn l"ll"tlhrr - .' J"r I .-,rn I t~"~t'lti 'I,:4\~ "'Hh~ci T

\\ r. lr tor namr ,'rrl nr-r l' ~ ItA-"'11<:' 11 (h:l .....1' I.... P"'ri <:. f(f

r r, l'" rl '" (" \\ , 1 • 1 i" I ,r~C.( .... I nll'l""" ~h l~ I~

'('(J '\ :In ~( l~rll (' ~\ \ \ .... ~

('If 1''1, ,,'" .A1........ :l~t • Ii ...., - r 11 r' 0"'1

I \ \, ~ n I ~ ;l ~,14.

Page 10: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

,. .. J ~~1lWHVf~H~RlM~~IH~



Uny CllTWIIIQS al/d the NelJ./ Year bringgel/lillie -(1Q/JpllleH a"d JOY to n'eryoneamlllla) II blll/g /},e lullil/mtlll 0/ yourtte/ y II I ,It a"d a'lIburoll,



It' ...... t. h, •• Chr,st",ol. ItS'volu. i, i",,,,oolu,,bl. b.,,"se .ftIl. fe.linl of ICHldwili "ch he.t,word onother.

Hit. ind•• cr. ;. on opporhllt."

t. rein, .. b. cOlllenled Md ..• n I 0 Y tfI. allOc.'.on. of ... 'loved on.. and t&. f,iendship. 01our .cqlloiMn,u 10 .11. Mlutoxt.nt.

ITSUMS 0fI1y yesttr"y w..."ustl ... , ChriltMe..lNtin,' but 1I0W .ltOthtf,oo, hot .on. IJ,. Milch h.

ho,ponod. on. we .,. SII" ther.!HIv. ..... eI• .,. on. wa.ka tfIot... ",a. IInll_11y lon, I., ofVI. Yet tha , .. , po cuickl,01141 OtIC, o,oi" wo .. ,iva ., tho1'II00t ,I.,iou. 1I0IOn .f !fl. YlOr.

So. w. wi.h you, Me", Chrllt.11M. 'K. t'lI.t tho nut twelv.lIIOlltfl. w,ll .... 1 b, a. 4uickr,on. th't IlIl1ch hoppi., Jay' WIll J•• found o. the Hew Year 1m 1.Knd.r WI,. iii

reetl"PUNCH and JUDY

,:~~~TAIL .LOU~GE123 Kercheval

H... returned from the oenice and will be 10_11i. eharce ill J.tluU'1


Mack at Waabincton Road NI H40i ~


1. Bulb Exchange ., Burned-out elec-tric lamp bulbs are exchanged free.

2. Appliance Cord Exchange . . . Wornand burned-out appliance cords maybe exchanged for new ones

3. Appliance Repairs .. Small electricapplIances may be left for repatrs.

4. Bill Payments . . . Electnc bills maybe paid and mqmrIes made rrgardmgTates and charges

5. Electric Service, Arrangementsmay be made for tllrnm~ electrIc serv-Ice "on" and "off."

An Edison Staff brings you complete service right inyour own neighborhood. Included in the service are thefollowing:


availabLe to you at


The Detroit Edison CompanySI R\ I~C 'vlORL I}I/\f\o \1;\1J THE PI.OPLE OF MICHIGAN


This neighborhood office is maintained to save you steps and time.


All Typeo; In"talled

HO 2166Great NorthernInsulation Co.

13105 Grand River

TeJorplaoll': Ofriu TU I-11MRe.iullce NI tsS7

Dr. MargaretVerbrugghe

O.teopatbic Pby.icianand Sur,eon

1843 LancuterOlfie. Hour. 2 to 4 and 7 to •Ellcept Tburoday aDei Sunda,..Sunday b,. Appointmellt Onl,.

Co-_ Pointe Woocla 341,

A Butler, Ky, ~tore clerk shot111mself dCdd \\ lien l cuSlomer a,kedlor ugar~ttes.


<lU' Poinl~, Mil h.

a' Ihose WIthin the boundlJriu

o/Ihl..f IIMlon.

Th,s I.' our lIerztlJ!e-to par.IIClpale In tM freedom modepO'llble by OIU' courlJ!eous

lor'la,la,.r~ "ho jourultd th"nn, eltOn the Mill 0/ LIbert)0' I !I/'I,r( It /I our moral"I ,allOn 10 carry 011 the Ira

liS 01 ChnJlrrt4.. lIS • dellt t, flarl 01 the AmtrlCall Itay

(I, , It' Thl..f IS "hat TtI! melln

I"" 1/' 'II)' lit 111.11 lOll IT

, , ') .4merlcan Chr"rmol

I 'Kdll' hal I ~ppcd HI".", \Ull re- Piano. WiD Pu.b Ea.y I'M------- ....-------------.,erne first !r\~t.rcl1ce lJOU-.t\\1\ l'. ~lllng It,.., \\ork, less

\".r and tear OU carpet, d"d rugs, OUR WISH FOR yOU AND YOUR'alld plano rno\crs. feet III!: less\\elght, \\ \11 wdcome ne», Ihatthe) 11 soon ue 'tlhng pldno, utJl,t-1Il>{ .!lllIllInlllll dlloy.

Be hght enoll~h to pmh arollnu<a,lly - the IIblue mctal part welgll-mg 45 pounds as agalllst the 125pounds of the usual cast iron plate,Reduced plant worker fatigue IS an.other bellcfit i Irs! major challge In

pianos III ycars, It de\'eloped fromfe,earch of the plano manufacturerand Aiumlllum comp?ny.



Mack Avenue at Lochmoor

GrO'N Pointe Woodl

We Wish You, 0 ... end All


17145 ~I Paul

Lochmoor Market

Old Glory




Old Glory ua~s over Amn.ICtln homes at Chrl..ftmtJ.f time.

The Stars alld Stripes are sym-bol/(: oj th~ trru mt'omll! 01 anAm~rrcan CltrutmQ$. It repre-It'nt •• jrf'edom oj dOing lilt'

/1a/l'I:' "f' IUllit /0 do--ol bt'lIl((

MPI" I' 'II. lOt ~d n,,'1 olin

j",.nd ~AI'I/nIlC/' II,,. } ,drllde "

al"hTnI"d IhTOI'1.hol't Iht: 1/ orldIherr " nn rlaO' II hrce pr"pl"

<Iff' Tn"" I'"! ,Ircrr! '" 1'11/0\

Ihl. /t'S/ll t: tX'callOrl OJ h""pl!)

II,~,..~,.~~ga,: ~ ,._ ...,.,.-

I , .. ~!Sll---~---I

N. J. Manufacturer. Joinin Veteran Job Program



I e, I

l or (~l 1

( "I (r "1l

T)0 \1

d I

1 ( ( ( ,

II, 'I

\ "

d'n r nr (

" (

The' knrw he "oulll "orne

I ,




I (ll( ()

fo~\(d 1ft (h,re- '( d,..\rnr lr'In Ih prrrr'o rn ....

I.." "l.ld childl l'n < II bl' 111 ~l' '"

b( r\c In c",nta Cl.J I"" ~ 10 Ilei thr\('n (\ (l', (' r I ... r of ("I Iri'1o( d

I \\ (' .}-(

I' I I I


I ("I

Mothers of America ara over-"helmmg!y agreed that parenta~hou1d teach their chIldren to belle\'ein Santa Claus.

At least that IS the conclUSIOndra"." from a recent op'nlon poll bya leadmg woman's magazme

One ot the women polled made anans\\ er 1) plcal of many "Bellet 111Santa Clalls IS one ot the beautIfulwonders of chIldhood It gl~es us aperiod III \l hlch dream< come trueand anythmg IS possible"

Chnstmas ts like heaven on earthfor 1he very ~oung, the roa ga7tnepom1s out But as America mo\ esfrom to peace, there 's an m.1" ltable emphd'ls on reality andtruth No one \I ants to fool or be

Santa a& arm,. ou&posL

ones \I Ith mv bundle of birch rods,lBut \\ hat IS all thiS ChnstmllS bUS1']ness-and \lhere did that red SUItcom@' from"'"

"When the Dutch settler6 cameto Amenca," repbed Santa Claus,l'They brought many legends about I

St NIcholas WIth them. These leg.ends. wllh wnters and cartoonistscooperatl.l1g, gradually supped lllto IAmerIcan traditIons, Santa Clausstarted commg around at Christmasltme, Washmgton Irv10g suggestedthe sleigh and remdeer 1.11 1809;Thomas Nast supphed the red SUIt.and Dr. Clemen~ Moore sor.t ot tledthe \\ hotI' Idea together "hen he\\ rote The VISIt of 51. NIcholas' 1IllSn"

Someone torgot to turn out thelights after the Sunday School party-and 5t Nicholas was so mterested10 Santa's zIppered boots that he for-got hiS bundle of bll"ch rods.

Santa Claus IsBeareroiG~

" I'InMany Limlfs




) ou ha\ e extended us Inthe past, for the manyfavors large and smallwhIch ha\'e made ourcareer In )our communItymore enjoyable and more\\ orthwhlle,

Let's all realIze for aday at least the lId tS offand It IS our moral obll-gatton to ourselves and toour f!lends to make thIS adelJghHul Chnstn;las andone to be long remem-bered

\Idl 11\ '\ 11'1 "h. lIe, hJ' b~,n

I" cHIle ,u III ",,11, dl IIN lid".IL Evalution Given(.0rdlll~ tl1 \\llrd TCc..c..l\ cd h{'rl lr '+111

Ok" n" II, " t"r '0'\ ,'I \Ir.' Of Santa\l,n Illiol 0.1. ,telL', ii, \I ,


Chas. Nightingale Bar

It's timE' for pach of us to ('nJO) Ihe finest time ofthe )'ear-Chnstmas It's al-;o time for ('ach of us totakp stock of the ~ ear JUst clo'mg and to maJ...p ourplAns for the commg year.

16219 Mack Avenue

20797 MA(K AVI NUl "111 ..",\110",,

Lookmc; back 0\1'1' the p;;~ 1\'C'h(' monllh \\1'

fmd that \\ e ha\ I' fallen far 'horl of \\ hal ma' ha' e~n expected of us and noVo., at th,,, eh, "tmd,tnll(!.....e pledgE' to } ot.. that we \\ ill ma J...!' ('\ ('r\ eHOl t tn doa better Job in the future

o,. ""'hen wc exprf' (,t.l llil h'lll,h (,n',!

to }nu. v.e \\;mt \OU 10, Ih;;t \\"f. lly aware of ~ odr proiJlf 11' "nd It "

our hop<' II1 .. t )O\! n ,I dfrJ\{'<;orne of h"ppm,,', 111tnl' exprE.""i<m \,ng 'hatl rorr." '" frO"11 I hn l \ (l ~r


It 15 tune for the JOysthat corne from good fel.Iowshlp and from the re-membrance <f loved onesand friends v. hom we holddear.

As you e n JOY thepleasure of openmg )'ourChriStmas packages andthe atmosphere whIch !>ur-l'oW'lds such occasions,please 'keep In mind thatwe are remembenng youfor the courtesIes \\ hleh


WINDOW SHADE CLEANINCCALL MUMFORD'S-A~liIl.ton7'" for .lIulow .bade de..ninlnor. .hadea ."el .bade ~epIl.roWe .enl paint .pra)'.n, equ.p-",,,nl. MUMFORD'S. lset6Harper.

PluJ .. mg eo-,)per"tton '" "pro' 1 hc ~tat" gO\ ,rnor, \\ .. Itcr 1::.

el llrJIIl of \Ctrr.!n Job 1'1JlCIllCIlI, I'Jd- CugC 'ounu. a'i OptllllbllC note \\tlhaus 11Ilg mUII'tn II"" 01 \," )u.C\ h.!H the ,talem,fI' lilal tilere " prm,pectI ..l.oru.d to IllIc Olll { nthlt \t'\l'rJfI uf a 24 prr '-llit ~,-pan"lon of em..

• I),,, (,,11\ Il ,,' \ .Irc J) .n" Ilor each non-Hlcran ,,,,11 pre ter-I pJo\lllcnt r,<!lltrellll1l1S "Hlllll ~e\\___ - .... ---lIlI\lill=ili-lt~ilt~iltJi~i~ltIi... ~MltJiIiJ::>ilJ::>illll: <:\ \IIJ101,< 3tld <;;'l\la C'ell' !lIpt ,IlLC lor t',e \,""Hr \ldlldl,l, ph,.IJ,r,~)

I al 111<' "\Ild 1\ ~chool Cllll,lmJ~ - -- ----rl~rt' ~nd be ng sort of busy n~ht i 'i_MB~ -~~----~~ -7,lIll""2'"::I"~~~~~~lIlP.;_.

the') a;:rerd to rcndmous at mld- THE MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNELnight under Ine Chnstm u tI ee

5t NIchola' a lcan ASiatiC \lear.ln~ h lS mJler and robel.spokp Ii, 'I

I 11\ed :n A<la Minor ~ome 10(1)\edrS <11:<> I "dS Ar,ob"hop ot111\ ra and \l hde 11\mg on earth,I dId d,op a fpw pur,es or golddo" n a poor man ~ chllnney so hISrldu~htel' could be 'up plied \lltndOV.l tl'S !:.urope-dn countIles t.ele-bl d,. mv liturgical Feast Da\' -Drc('mlJer 6-as a day of gl1\ glv.lllg and for C£"I1IUl J('''; I rode acr05S

I urope on mv old gra, mare, mypocl.ets bulged \\ 'Ih apples and nulland trmkel' \\lllch I ga, e to goodchlidren \lhtle s\\ Itchmg the naughty


Page 11: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

MU 9597

nJxedo 2...,4



Grosse Pointe Garage17153 E. JEFFERSON

F. T. MURPHY. Prop.

But because of them, Amencacontinues to celebrate Chnstmo~We are truly grateful.


We believe In obserVing ChrISt.mas. Come what may, Christmasis the one occasion of the year whena feeling of good fellowship pre-domlllotes the thinking of every-one That's why we like Christmas

It gives us an opportunity of abetter understanding With thosewhom we serve What lOy and hap-piness would be manifest If eachof us would carry thiS feeling ofgoodwd I and cheerfulness through.out the year.

Let us be proud that we may en-joy the greatness of Amenca-thefreedom which IS our heritage Letus be proud of the achievements ofthose who have mode It pOSSible torus to continue enjoying thiS free-dom Without their efforts andsacrifices It would be on unhappyChnstmas, Indeed

We "ekvllle the lhance to edend our b6t"I,he. to ealh of }ou on thi5, 'he happiett 0c-casion of llip. ) ear-CHRISTMAS.

It is our hope lhatlhe New Year Will be lined"ith In Ibundance of good thing. lor you andyours as • relOard for your IO)llty Ind con.ider.,Ition.

Hagen's Cafe15021 Kercheval

Dolan's Super Service

Amoq Our ANet. We Like to Colmt

The Oal, ODe That Money CanDot Buy-Your Good Will

So at Thia Holiday Seaton We Extend to You-

Not .. a CUltomer Alone,

But .. a Fri~d-The Best of Willse. for the Comma Year.

Lions Goodfellow! Wish AllA MERRY CHRISTMAS

;-----_--.~-_ _-.,............_.....----.,.;---- ......




.., ................

BeSIdes the Untted Stat" moreth.n 4() dll'ferent c,)untr,es thr) gh.oul t11e I'orld n(m ha\e or h, • ., bad,Chr1q;fm~c: <;:,po31~or c:t'HT'PS ~;..,..."t Clre:sold \\hollv or pa-llall" f.r 1\ o~-cu-losls'1>orl- LI't\e dId F n" l" 110~1l

reall7(!, "rif"n hI! concPt\pd l ........q f--4;,tDan <h Chn~tma~ <eal I. r ~'i ,ntQ0.4 thaI hI! ~l'f'pl~ lrl~a"nuld 111• ,enerat,"n Circle lhe " rhr

CIa mInI! tn~ honor of h. no; Ofl"t.,at"d the ("r c:tm::'l~ 0;;",11 ,,') IE" nf"1""fnlrk: hat v.. t~ t~ r1(' ; c 1t.n'ry, <;",~<le'1 held <"a 1 sa\". annu-JlIy Ii nee l\)(i-4 Tn t'1if" 1 .....11~t'd ":11('''~al .. I" b-ga"l n l~Up f) 1C)'Q 1'1(1' ''llp' ('~ C~ 1 .::tn as:

t""ah n 11 (' 1 II :t ......t3.t. ...... a 0'1e' fl). \

ll,"d "'- ..... lion {)fM~ ~11 of' \1.11 ('l, 11';;

n ( " r-i tn ~ (" I I (r II ) ...,. 1


(),J..::l rr-1 f' ~ 'n ......r ... '" \1-

h.. ,., " rr

t~'h ~ ~'" "'" ti"".I -p.. r t'~ rt • ""f \;P ...~ ,- _' • ,n..

DECEMBE. UYear E...eD'... CbarlemalJlf', Frent'll IIlnl,

cr.WDH at •• me, Emptr-.r et the "'ut.1... William the C.DfJuenr

erll1r1lH at Londo ••IMI 81r I••• e Newlell b.l1I. He

.I.eenre' the Ia." ef .r .....II) ,

1171 WasblD&1G1I erolse' IheDela."are Ie .tt.ell TreD-&011

1m Vermont d~larec III lade-pe"enee frem EII.lancL

1121 Clar. Harl • .,e Bartell born.IlIIe folllWleti Ihe Amellenaec Cr_ .. 1811.

113'1 Ge.. zaebar,. Tayler H-fuled Ille SemlDole bldla ..ID Florin.

I,.. Peter TllChalll.,ull,. "r •.Fam ... BIlSMaa eompowr.

1161 VlIcoadllioDai pardoa aD'.mDC'SI,. proclaimed by IbePrell'elll Ie aU InbabilalllaID SOlltbe~ !tatea.

Christmas WatdredHistory in ~lukingAlmu., 111,.".,110141 110. _,lJ,

fnopl. ar. ""',,,,,, fu,wtU'd Ie •mrrry CII,u,m., 1It" d.v, JO ",.

n./iconl 10 a', II•• 'Nn "HI rt en"«<,Ur .11 ./" lIi"",y of tII. teJo,ld

folllltHlI' I, • 1", of .mporllllli.un/J tlilliCIo on:urrN on CIo,IJI/ftIIJd.y'

Antitubt"r('ulosis SealsSold in Fortv ~ations

'Dear Santa~

TheH bey. saD"" Claas t.Dew a"1I& tbelr f.vorlle toy. ill~l!IIIt1 ... time before Christ .......... IM-y're wiUlq to rise 10 the ll6-Ill..... WltII tbe he,p .r hi" o.oIer...... Iof'r. this yo... 1!' .. a.. 1IO"''''1l\J'... Ida IeUer" "bear SudL"

Ifolhmg eRll spoIl the festive .al.• It)< of a ChrJstrnas ~elebratloll more

eompletel~' than a fire or aCCident.ID the home There are se\'eral eo.lenhal precautIons .. lucb WIll helpto assure a truly ),Ierry Christmas.C. Don't risk 115m, frayed cord. Indbroken plugs.C. Don't handle electncal appU.ance. \\ llh wet handsC. Don't yank at cord. or run themunder rug.C. Don't torget to have Insulatedltaples on hand for strmgmg cord.around.C. Don't overload your house Cll-eull Usually 1,000 walt.! IS as muchas anyone CIrCUit"Ill standC. Don'l neglecl pro\ ldmg plenty otextra lamp bulb; of the vanousIlzes and colors )ou're u~mg forChnstmas cheer. so you can replacebumed-oul Of'esC. Don't put pennies m a blown.outfuse A blo...'Il ruse IS 8 \\ amlng!.. Don't ha\ e high "alla ~e laml=bult>snear f;mcy mflammable om •.ments s)nthet,e rna:crl~l~ paperor cotton Watch out abe".! uSlDgc.ndles too near drapene~ \\ all pa-per or ....00<1\\ orkC. Don't plan to have. rOW01 Cln.dlel too close to a mirror or theheat may cnclc It.

AJld abo~e 811, don't bum realcandles on your Chrlstmu tree un.In' II has first been thoroughly!Uproofed

..,,\ II =Offer

To Yule Gaiety

LEnox 9516

" ........----.,II-------------"




Who 11 Still Stationed in Germany



And Hopes to Spend the NextChristmas With All His Friends!





Grosse Pointe's Own Transportation System

It Has Been A Pleasure to Have Been of Serviceto You in the Year Just Past. ~Iay We Continueto l\ferit Your Good Will!



Our first Peace-Time Christmas in years calls for a particularly strongwish for your health and happiness. This year will see many, manymore of our loved OIteS with us . . . others safe, though they areaway and family circles once again more normal through Peace.




~fain Office and Garatze, 1J 840 Edlie Avenue, Detroit



II (n ,

~~~~~~~s-~~~~~~~~~s...a~~~~~~ ,,11,1

\____________________________ .:T...:H:-:E--:::C~R0 C; 9 ~ ~ 0 r ~ T R R E_"_T_E__W _.-------- .., .. . ~~M---- _

*~o theFarthere$tCornersof the World~ -Our Wishes Go This Chmlmas


..----~----------------..._-------------_--_.~I~ ',-.... .- ......

14641 Mack Ayenue TU 1.01H

----------------~-------.................. _--_...

Page 12: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

15528 Harper at Somerset


MtIf ekti4lM. 4. ~tUJ G M..., f)". J •• IIg... f{- UJIJJ 1I~'G'1'R..... &...







Want a job you'd be proud of?

Draperies and Slipcovers

'Up Your HOme For The Holidays

Michigan Bell Telephone Company


TO oua FIUJ:NDS AND CUSTOMERS WHOM 'WJ':RAft B."~~ ..-~ ~l'-••

• ~ ...........3. oI! ........

Ambitious Girls

Of c:oane you'D WIlDt your home apraeed up for the Holiday.••• Let U. BeautifuDn CJe&II Your •••


"In the Heart 01 Groue Pointe"

17214 Made Aveaue Two Bloelu Eut of Cadieu Road

If you do, you're likely to 6nel what you want at Michipn BeD.

Your Telephone Company has launched the bigrest expan.ion and impro ...ment prorram in Its history. We need the help of ambitiou. young Woatellwho are interested in po.itions with an anured future. Now i. the time towin a place for younelf in a rrowinr enterprise with which you'll be prouelto be identified.

No previous experience i. nece .. ary. You'll be trained for the kind of ;011you like be.t. You'U be paid while training, and you can look forward to ,teadyemployment and regular pay increllSe ..

Job opportunitie. are waiting for you in an departments. There are openinrafor clerical workers, typi.ts, business office representative. and tenen,'wltchboard operator. and a variety of other intere.tinr job ..

For full dehllls, C311.mmec!lattly "t our employment offIce, 1365 Cua Avenu ..where a mendly mteniewer will be ,lad to talk to you.


15508 Eo Warrea at Nottinghams ~_-_- ~---.

".' '



'10 liB

Cro,~ Pointe Park


Becouse of the socrlflces of Amer.Icon youths ond theIr willingness toserve, on Ameflcon Chnstmas isagOIn POSSible Without their effortsChnstmas thiS )-ear would be of smollImportance

It IS fitting a, d appropriate thatwe remember them at thiS glad seasonof the year At the same time re-membemlQ our friends here at homewho have also made tremendous socn-flees In order that the Amerrcon wayof life may be ma ntOlned

We Wish yo...ell the best poSSible

jHJlEJlJCiH]~II"J ~ 0/ II~









With the DireclioD of Melvin Zeidler








Seat Covers for Coupes, Sedans and CoachesGoodyear Tires - All Sizes * Tire JacksBatteries for All Cars - Goodyear - Delco - GM


Christmas Trees

***Snyder's Super Service

16505 E. \Yarre" at Outer DriveTVxedo 1-9828



Pare Twelve THE G R 0 ~ S J!: POI I T I!: R F: V I E W -Mmtlty emttSTMAS.------------------------------------------------- ._----_..:._------------------------------....... -------------- W'l~_""~ .. • Gr-k. Face Hard Job I 1'h se are Ihe concluuons of ld. NOlI-Stop to Bo.toIl Women Esecuth,.. 1 Patricia Tro .. "', Retum.I »l "'" I J k T To Studiea At Adriu

INTHRILLING GIFT IDEAS '~~... -. , ~,~~ )t Livinr Standarel du<tr\\~ per~onnel spena 1~1I, out- ac A. ompkln~, district man-

:: ill I hned at a recent meellnjl: In Plll,- dIU for Amencan Alrhnes announc- 1l1dl<dllllg Ihe growing Importance I Patricia Trombly has returned ,IIH A T S De<cnn ng condlliona she saw In bur~1 of the I ndu<tflal Hygiene ed today thu the CAB had recenlly of the distaff Side in Industry, the I her studle, at St. Joseph'. ,.tal ademy," W /. . , ~\\estern !-lacedonla "h,le selllnll up rOIO(IJ\lOn approved his company's request to two first women to hold corporate I Adnan, Mlchlaan, alter ,pel\dtnll a~ ~ a chllcl-fecdmg pro"ram for the 1'. ;tory "as told of l ~oung operate non-stop "hcdules directly office In a world ... ide company have I three-day vacation at her home wI'h

~ Greek \\ ar Rehel '\5,oClallon, Fran. l'e\CWl Ilho. haling Insl hiS Sight, from Dttroit to Boston ThlS new neen named aSSIstant secretaries of her parenls, Chief and M" Thoma~ ces 110m" Illllflllon"l \llIh thIs \10 ,ell ,,,ust.ttorllv for 51'!: month< senlee 11111 supplement Delrolt noPl. ~tandard Ot! company of New Jer- Trombly of the Clly of (,ro •• eI r:ullIn, new cre. ;/ Lnmllllllll' \\ ar Che'l "gency, told on t',C \ills.Chalmer. !-If!: Lo, as- ~lop serl1te 10 New York, ChIcago, sey Both starltd wilh the company POinte.I ahon •... off.tI.... l>l (If dn Offlh.n",-e In (,rt' cnd \\ h .. e ,tlllhil hnt at " 1 .r 'rte, Ind plant Mid Huffalo. as llenOlrapheri. _

I f." .., for .... rel pIli. ~ Ihe Ill> children halt onlv seyen th,o "., promoted to be the planl's -----___ _ .___ New York Qty in 1850 requtredI 100 h'rh "ro ...n ~ I" d, .nd no I1ldtlre"" or" oolen Itl' An, coun""lor '\ Iter work ne Be Sur. 10 BlIT Y_ Goodfellow J.i" th. To)' Club •• e1 HeI, a trains to be preceded by a man on a

bru etc, See our ~ Illanh CIS ,tud " IIldustrial I nagement ,n Paper Child E.j.T C....i-r..... horse WIth a red !aa.I w~l~wblt_ Q Iile ~d" ~e w~ a~ m~e ~ IlIR ~llool --------_. :::::::: __ ~I .on the Iloor, shall l(1l1HlaIL(111S With Many Job. Op"n- --~---"'_-..----------.----- ••__ • __ ._.r-._. •I $3 9S --/ \Cry tlnTl cotton hldllkets and no ~j \<rn ITIdLlslry, With Its repel!-I • r, ' 1.It<els \11 tlte \\lndo", are without tl\C "per"tlons, has many Jobs thd _I f 110:1.<" \S IS ndlur,,!. tlte children <an be nlled h) the 1,100 U S soi-

Ita $IU5 L"..-.- ~_ ,eem unh 1rr) and It'lkss die', and saIlors \I ho lost their Sight. Grelena .Ias burned 011 July 15, 10 'ne lldr, It was reported,


I Popular Beanie Styles $1.95 ~ 1944 and 84 <'ther IIllages IOhtht dls. Dr H A. Vonachen, medical di.* * * ~ltflCI \lere de.tro) cd at t e same rector of Caterpillar Tractor com-, ,*- f Lo II lime 1 he Germans took ever) thing pam Ptona. lJJ, saId a labor de-I __.e ~C- ..ctaOlli 0 nQ "~ift ~ they could The Greeks are no\\ tr~ - partOlenl sun ty 10 hiS company',

I COSTUafE JEWELR\1 1 lng, l\lth the hclp of the C.ommLln- plan < <holled that the only handl-I ~ n BAGS ~ It, \\.r (he>! L~RR-\ and oth~r capl'( I 1I0rkers \lho.e prOdUdlOIl

1 agen"u 10 return to a detenl slant!- IliI' bclclV normal I'tere tho.e not

•1 $1.95 r--:;- -- ] lr2.95 1 "rd of III mg, spec hcall)' trained for their Job~~-J" 1 ----- Otner, "rre above par, and theI to $%2.95 n Few New Tire. hlgne'\ mdl\lduaJ rate of output InI to $Z3.9S ~ Before Next Fall b h dChok ..r ......... 'nll. ather. renu. {~ 1 the "(lmpany I\aS elnll ac leve by

I e1i ..... pin •• pearh Ie Corcle. pl.. l'l It 11111be at least late next sum- a handl,apped man

i loelreb. IC 1.. lh .... and • III f f - ---Not'eltJ' P ••• $1 plune pAt.nt. ~ mer or early ne"t ~Il lbkeare thhe Electricity for All

l'l .1\ erage motomt can "a, IIUo IS ICalifornia Farms

S H 0 P lil favoflte store and buy hiS favorIteR 0 E H A T !mes lD quantlly, the Rubber Manu-! California WIll be the lint sta1e to

I ~lacturers ASSOClallon believes. I electnfy all ,ts fanns, It now seems~ Producllon of cnlhan passenier certaIn

Co f EQd~J fI d C I' I llres lS running 35 per cent behand I Pm ale utIlities are doing the jobmer 0 ~e erson an op In J requirements, prinCipally due to lack WIth electrIC,ty already on lJ4,em~ ~._~ l!l:SN: ~ ~ of manpoller The andu~ry could of the state', 140,()()()..oddfarms Pri-

~._---- • -' III"" ilt. ... ~_ use 7,000 additIOnal wor en no ...., vate farms Will soon have ,upphed".I...-- ,.IIJ.iit- ----.-r:.It:.""Cf4l the aSSOCIation says. _ nearly 85 per cent of the larm cus-

I I . bled V tomersTHE CHOIRS ! nlsa eterans Apphcahons for 1,000 rural hne IIt Pd' P extensions now crowd the files, andill ro Delog ar the utIlities expect to connect these t_...... __ .,. __ . ~ fjI(J

OF I Or Even Better new lInes Within the next three W8IWI:(W. lI!IlO!I¥ __ -.:_- -..: __

FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH I Disabled I'eterans back on the ,ob I Ye;~~e other statu-notably New~ In Amenca's factOries are prodUCIng Jersey and Rhode Island-are al.o)t as much as able-bodied workers nearing the goal of 100 per cent rur-; They are absent from work less, 1 aI elecl!lficauon.ill .hey have fewer aCCidents, and .y _

I and large are as good and often RadiO manufacturers expect to em-D belter than the phYSically untmpalr- ploy 68 per cent more people tb.anled. • I In prell ar days.


III Christmas Greetings


.... iIl..... 6 ElL1kik...... !iilM JI1.iil ......... '_~.fik__ ....J---..--------_..-------~----_!IIII•IIIIIIIIiiiiIIIiiiIIii

M••• \,\\¥\~iFme ... ~~ ~~




Page 13: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

Fine Watches



~$~••fHE HOUSE OF JF~Wt:.LS"

Other Fine DiamondsUp to $Z,IM



14299 HARPER - Opposite Harper Theatre



Mea'a and Women'. Birthatonell


Page 14: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

- -------.'

. ..


S THEhighest joys of

Christma.s come to us from theblessing of giving, we gatherour humble share by giving ourservice to this community andour cordial and heartfelt wishesfor your happiness. May theSpirit of the Nativity go withyou throughout the comingyear, and may your share of joybe brightened by the ;\cknowl-edgment of our appreciation ofyour past favors.




Judge James N. McNallyWho Ha. Returned to Hi. Practice of Law

-_...----------_.----~~Longo'. • Appliance

1.711 Whittier at RuINry Aft 1110 or AR Z710.BdIM:.------.------ __~r.:~liQ~,BUY A GOODFELLOW. PAPER


............ ......

----WISHING- _


1. Speedy Return to My Buddies Over There-2. To ThOle Who Pray for Their Speedy Return

r----------..., 1[------•• --------------- ..Bayberries Contain r OUf Very Best MannerGood Candle Wax We Wish You the..... -- ..01

Nicest ChristmasYou've Ever Had ...


Orowtnl III the aand y IOU fromAla .. to J'tor1da u a shrub ImowaII the Bayberry The branches arethickly be•• t with ~.y, wall-,Ivlll,berrl.. In .arl,. Colomal days ani•mal 'at. wera rather scarce, so thBttile children ,athlUd theM belTl.e.tor makin, candle •. Today, the hlbt-bI, or Ba,.berry undles on Chrl.t-mu eve !II a ewltom the countryOVeT

The.. candl.. are more brittle.nd Ie .. ~a .. y than thole mad.from tallc.. They art tran.lucent~HII, .net .. hen the ftam. u ....tlnCUlshed, the relultinl odor !II IIIWeet and pun.ent as lI1cense.

In the event that IOme may wantto make their own candles. here aredirections'

Cover the berrIes WIth water andb<JU tor an hour. The 011 cornel to Ithe top but It Is ~en .oiled wltbleaves/and small twigS, so It shouldb•• tralDed throu,h a cloth Whenthl. wax become. cold. It WIll form• cak. at thtl top ot the wllter. IIshol.lkl be beated a,sin, preparltoryto molclm. the eandl.. U you bavecllndl. mold. you wilt. 01 cOW'se,use tbem. It IIot, you may tuten.everal WIck. to a piece of .. ood,....1l1cb can be dIpped Into tha hotwax. u.ln, a tall eontalll.r at .maDdIameter Each coat should dulland become hard before dlppm,-reIn, :lId to't. diPPing .hould con.llnu. IlIltil tII. de.lred diameter !IIobtafDed. ..J

- ------- ~----

Frozen Land Lacks 1Snow for Yuletide

'l'h.0II. people who thinlI: t:tI. Alaskau a oC itI IZld IDOW are mJ"taken' :

It .eem. that It\eral ot the FarNorth communlhe •• 'ere notlceabl,-even embarr"'!J1IIY-lacklng In1ItO'II' last Chrfstm .. , llId manyAlaskan bo,o. and IirJa who rot De..Ileda from Sallta we,. \"lIrY dlsapopolllted.

In Seward, c:ftfJ:en... ere makll1gplana to' hlul bI .ever.I loads otmow from the mountalna to plleU'OW1d tb. trees aDJ'ourth .venue •• a reftrlnder thatIt re.n,. ..... the hoIlda,. .eason Inthe "bl.ak and tZ'ozeu north.. A.blbl tall of mo'll' earn. just iJItUne to •• ve tIIem the trouble how.ever.

In ltetcb.lkall, a .llowless Chrl.~mas 11'" celebra ted, but thl' IS notImusual tor Ketchikan. lllhere De-cember 25, 1940, WII the elghteenlhIl10Wlesl Chrlatmas .ince 1917.

Presents of CottonFOJ;Holiday Gifts. IUId et;rlista hava='=' .ut'Pb'

be1fne It Clr IlOt.-:t:'~ar~cotton!

Par .very member at the famllythen !II an tIIdl'lI Yariety at ...traetfve cotton artfcle.. For moth-er ther. ar. hllldlterchlet., dress",UJUIerwear, ... eaten, bou.e coat.,bathrobe. For 'Ilter, pajama sWla, blouse., avenlng dress e.,IllOrta frock.. rldln, breeehe ..pun... For tather, kl\UlIinI robea,ahlrta, hlUldkerchiafl, pajama ...port .h!rts. Tor brother, lOcks. WI-derwear, huntln, ella\l, slack.,lWea t shlrta :

And lor the whole family. towel.. :ta bl. 1.u'Iell" rill', bedspread.. cur. IItams, a uto seat covers qUll\lsheetl•• 11p coven " Treuur ... Gro ... Pointe TOWIlship

So you .ee. your ChriStal .. allow. I .._.-ance WIll rean,. s.t-r-e-t-c.h, There'. 1I: ..--~------~ II\ll: __

~~:~t1=1or...,.".ml!JJlberor BUY A GOODFELLOW PAPER----~------,-----~~~ r- ~~

~Ii,. Season's

Bo.UamFir Cholen byHeflt'enly ,tre$$t>ngt'r~

4eNrdilll .. ABprl., wH I-"erUd UIe VW.,. .. CIIrIt- I""'.lIIe IAtotl _I ,..JiIl, .... '... Chlrfty .. earUI .. MIeet I81. ClIrl.lm .. Tree, t

11Iey Irlecte4 tile II..... ",Itee_ It .... a. h'-1l ......... wide I' Lov., Hf INre tile I..en It the cr_ ... enrr

Constructive ToysMake Better Gifts

When IOU buy toy. lor ch1l.dren,C!ve a lhoucht to their eonatructlv.1ualrUe, How much can they dowllh tht gIfts )'OU are, provldin,them? Ildl they soon tire of themand 10 bark 10 the 100d old .poon.and pa~, m the cupboard thlt do so many thmgs \\'llh~ It youbuy • doll get one that can beCreSIed bdthed and brushed, U aboy wanls a doll. let him have It.Falhers 10\e cl1l1dren

Grow,", children De-ed bl' toy.that requ re IJflll1ll. tugging, runnln.-movement of muscle.. Block. areIdeal. Th rk of the thing. that eaD

I be done ",th them! On. carpenter

Ieut ot work made QUIte I cOO<! tbln,last Ows/mas of duldren'. block.,He collected odds and ends ot boa rdsat the lumber yard, planed themell .moothlv, pamted them lay colerrs and sold them In lots of • dOZe!!Up to WO Wagons, cars, scooter.,aka 'e, "eds, and sims ara 'OO<!But rt In .... 1uI,,1!! f1J1t tile a,. oftIl" ent. Every b<J,. Ibouldba, ' of acm. lt1nd. Boyl" ....ooden blocQ l'alnted toft' (ar. are better than theokl • can NIl 01117 OIl track •.C, plea&ed with rollilll pili ••do, hOUle.. trunlta. amallc:b.; 1 tllbItt, IlDd dilhe.. OnfIno' \\r lea th.t her lon'l mos'eherls led gift Ial't Ou'iatJhu "'.,aVe pIlJllds of uaorted nella I1VeI111mby In underslalldUlg uncle.

For older tolb, boob and Christ-lDaa just leem to ro 10rether asuturall., .. bread and Jam, or


I L The utfCltlaI Christm .. tree of~ America is located In Ca) Indlana.

(b) New York, (c) Cab. 0torllLa. (d) Texas.

2 The POl1l.aettla plant owes IIIaa". 10 (al Stanley Cluller, (b)H, E EDders, (cl Jame, Madl.10 ,a' Joel Rob- 0u', :>Olb.elt.

3 " (hen In AmerIca are O\'et'-.. !'('In ngly alreed that they (al

I Ihou'd lb) should not teach theaI eluldren to bebeve 0

III Santa Claus.I 4. The natIon's Chnstmas tree wa.

dealcated on ChrIstmas day (8) 1918,(b) 1925, (c) 019'35, (d) tHO.

5 If the sun shmes through theapple tree on Chnstmas day, there".11 be (al good. (b) medtum, (e)bad crops the 0fono\\ tng year.

6. A \\arm Chr,stal .. gives. (a)told 'h) wann, (e) 0'I'll '"' coal Easter

7 "'h~re are Ca) .. (b) 100, (c)4,0 d' 800 .:1I'arletIe. at mf.t1etotII'rn\\ r In the variOUI 0p_r,< or the world

8 • mistletoe [s the state 110....f' n' ,,,) Flonda. (b) Delaware. Ce)Okl"noma, (d) 0M,s<l<slPJll

• ,",'ON EnglAnd mIStletoe hi .e.m"ll that botlnl<ts ov~rlooked 11ant 1 (a) 1776. (b) 1871, D(el ,qOO, Cd) 19~O

10 RII1/o!s of mistletoe lll'ere wora1r00.rd the neck to pre<pnt IlrkneSiIn (.) Denmark, (b) France, 0Ie) "J'l"n, Cd) SwedenAl'o"WFRS:

1 (cl CalIfornul2 (d) Jt>el Robem POinsett.3 (al Shnuld.4 (b) 19255 (al GoM.II (al Cnld, (d) !IOO8 (rl Okl"hnmll9 fb) 1871

10 fd) !'i""lirnRatmll-'l() 100 • lI.nll]' IlOIlO .Jr.

cr' /'nt, 71>-80 111'1"<1 ';0 70. fair. leI'than 50. vou br thr j ,dj[e

F.cll correct ar'" I'r COU"Ih a'CMI' ot 10 po nls Corrl'ct your 0'<1111IU\s",en.








~Ianor CafeWID. ud Emelie S ..... Ave. at Manor

I*IlIlIlIi~ll9""""''''' JIlIIJIIIi __















~mfHl[~~~• f1Rf •rHt\~jH~~l


-Pledred to Remain "Ev~thnir tile Name rmphea-Ism Char)~voill: • LEftI)'lt 4225

, ~ : : I ' , I I, '!. I














'VE 'VILL BE CLOSED ~IOND:\ Y, DECEMBER 24The Day Before Christmas


Pete Moors

A.eriealu • " • r y •wile,. are pateful to..... "" III" pvn •~ ~ ... ,....tIIttIq aM .feDltiactilt ..... If our 1Iadft.\\'lletMr they 1M ..hollMl _I ., 1ft dbtutpoints, tJIelr part .....been mq1IJlIcnt ladlI'llrthy of cOIIIIDenda.tlon.

Lee U 1ICIt tol'fltwhit thf, have ...Out rreetiDc tJl1a )'eu

II _ptd.IU, witJa tillthoupt bI III1JId dlatwlthoul the fiae youtll01 QdJ Iud AmericaCIU I. .ot cele'"CluUtnw ill the trlMB.tiOlll1 spirito

IREftfttfvI III,....... el die ..t •• I ... _1M•• 11. CIuittIus

tWI ,. a, -.w",

.... tIl&a jUit • heli.lfq "-erttanl haye

........... clOl4!r to.pdIer IIl4 the tiel .,autual udentalldial1M peetv _ thuever W.,.,

an..... c.- -_tit...,. r....... t..

;:~~ Lo Gold, 5i1,,_, 81.1., led 01' er...- .. (-...w.... ..,. >--O.e D., .......

aoWLlN<; GaUN (;1" SHOPI-I K--...a 4~ 4tI. RoM

'are Fourt~n

Page 15: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters


CHAFFEE, Inc.East Side Distributors

* * *11636 East Jetlerson Ave.Phone

LEnox 0547

CO.TOBIN'S I R I S H.:\ \I E R I C :\ ~ 'II \ T r R E

T 0 BIN 1 S COR K T 0 \\ ~ T 0 B .\ ceo





• Ind 16 01. (Mi, •• 1 CCUO~M Wr.ppcd


* *AT

Jar Tobaccoand

Tobin ts Irish - American Mixture



tMn death.

hate, good mightier than lVII, hfe auona_

world that love i. more powerful than

lor the birth of the Saviour who taught the

wheft "P6IlU Oft !ath., Cood Will to Men"

_ proEouDd tLat It tnaMcencls uttenLDce.

W111 ... um. a greater meaning ... a hope

..._ u wen u make merry ••• a da,.

tatlv.. ). friendly da,. in which to

loollUl u the moat .cJul.. tirrini. tIi.. moat medi.

Oirfstmal. , 943 . • • 01 an Chri8tma~ . . •



iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iii .. ililiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiQiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiili ••WIil'tliMIII.ii'I...... nwili..iliiiIiii_iiiiiii_iii_iil. _

I..... 1- .- .... ~._I'llI __...._I'llI_..,__=..=b_III:__ ~_5.h_..... _.,_.. I..=.. , 1I1. iJl_I_•• I._Ul_IIJ_•• ..,. .. iJIIJI...... _ .. .-_IlAJ.:__ ..... __ ~ _

Page 16: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters



;JtJGRATEFULLY ackno\\ledging your

many favors of the put lear, pleaN acceptour best "i,hes for

SFIRE BROS.(Succeuora to McMillan'.)



--__-w••• -- __


Grosse Pointe Curtain LaundryGroIN Pointe'l Exclulive Curtain Laundry




~7#11}~dry martini · MANHA'ITAN

S2.95~e.e. M.. lat

LEao:s 3171

May Peace and Free.dom bless the earth andall its peoples,



$2 81 ~/IQaart

Coole N", 1212


We have a host of fnends In thiScrea whom we would like to see per-sonally In order to extend a personalChristmas Greeting

....... II\())' nol geT around to every-body so we ask thot you conSider thiSos being 0 genuine expression ofgood Wishes to each of you ond 0!'learty thank you for post courtesIes

'. Itt3I E. J........ A~.

Supervaoa; Croaae Pointe Townahip ~ B¥ ~_!fIIl ....M~~~ __ M_~ .II •• _

Amsterdam DutchBrought Santa Claus

Across With Them


R40a<nn for Flltht Re,nd .. "Ha\ e \ Ou C\C" < opped te hrnk

...hv St AlCho,s dr,'e, e1l'rt -em'

.ocr Inl('ad of one? You r, rn't'\' 0' let s pau'c !N a morrer' andfi, -e t 0 f

c;. '\ r}.,rl.?c; lS <l 1" \th r~i char-j1C

I('- he r l1(''' lr A 'Y'\6r cal ,,( ~"'.

:~rr rs a ......,~., r";}' 11~ ~""'11 " \cS:m'\ I"lcal rrlf'dc('r 1! C Cf(',' -c; t')t~t "\ rhf) ;P;. ",1 (' .. r I~ O"'~ r ~"'e(l'r.. o\lld do the J~h bot In M"'r tom:l!<f- fhe rt":lr"C'tr-! rY"'or'" l..........,rr-s.51\4' .nd lon~r' r~n-"n-ho'( lhryhitched a matcred unlt rf C ,ht tothe sleIgh

over New York, the Dutch bOJ Sandglrls kept right on celebrating S o'erKlaas day In spite ot the F', Ishla" s Later Nor" eglan and BelgIanchIldren who settled In aod nearNew York, also celebrated theday In a slmllar manner. It II, n'tlong berore English boys and f'rlsiIoanted to receIve gIfts, Smce "ey,Iready ",ere celebratmg Cnrl5t"ablrthday on December 25, thev ("osethat day as the one on \I h ch toexchange gIrts The Eng151 (111.jdren called Smter hlaas S'1taClaus,

As more and more people 0' dlf.ferent natlOnalJtles came to, each added Ils bit to Ir- cele-bration of Santa Claus da\ 'omthe Nor\\ eglans came hls re' "eer.the !lahans ga\ e us the CU' ~ ofhangIng un o,r StOcklrl1S , ' soon The rc/:al figure or Sm'c- l\ all'slo\\ly ch"~ged to the fat, JOll, ~,nta:la us 01 tod.o'

The Dutcb "SiDter Klaas" fromwham our santa. Claus descelldarepresents tbe bishop of Myra III.bia MInar, wba 1l"as noted for hilicbarity IUId goodness. lD the Dutcbpareanta Slllter klaas Mdes on awhIte horse. ac('ompallied by hltllervant "Black Plet.'.

The AmerIcan venlon of SantaClaus", as founa chlefty In New YorkunW a paper In that city publUhedthe poem we know as "'Twas theNIght Be10re ChrIstmas," then itIpread rapidly over the whole coun-try and now every community hall a&lnular legend. I

It all began about 300 year. ago.When the Dutch boy. and CU'lsftnt came to Amenca In the eu1717th century, and nttled In NewAmsterdam, they brought 5mtelKIa .. \\ltb them, and SUIter Klaa.Eva ""as atlll their most ImporiaDtd.y. Attir a time, the EllJlIh ...A.rnsterdaft'l from tbe DutehlIamed It New York.

Jlany years before this, the\lIb baa bad a Saint Ni.choJaIbn.uoa.. In the~,.... bon '*"- •__..a.- ' .Cbe_tInmlNttriu. hadt'II1'a1 decree. "- ..


tt1CROWNCllll,utJ - :::J:>YlU

Nt 620~1'323 £A4IT )(""fASON

r:X~"ESSIH;' ou~ A .... R:ECIATION

O~ Yoult "'''Ny COUItTUIIi O~


CO""~I"INTS O~ THe HAlO"';

we WI'" YOU A "'lit • ., CHitIn:

~ ""'0 .. H"_ "'IW I'1All



LEnox 7786

May you hale. on e'ery day of the New Year. the Slme

luppme"s 'oo\hlch\\e are sure" III be yours on ChrIStmas day,



.-_.-._-------..., ...__...-......

Once again we welcome tMChristmas season. This year, now.rver, the occasion takes on addedimporttJnce bec(Juse 01 the tryinglimes ead. 01 U$ Mt'e experienced,ince Uut ChristmtUtime.

Cratefully we ~knowledge thecourtes~1 you Mve extended U$

tk$t! paJI 'welve months, and weIm.tJw of no better time to expressour tJpprecilllion than on this, OCCGSwn of them all.

Mcr CJaristnuu hold for ,ou andyour, all the good things pos.lible.

It doesn't toke COupons ond rationing 10spreod happiness and good cheer There'splenty for all and na POints necessary

Here's Wishing you unbounded JOY thiSCt'lrlstmos season Moy It be extendedtf"ouct'l the days of the commg year





~ ,HER,\~H ISrmRS

_Plt'e__ Sixt_HIl T_H __ E__ G_R_O_S_S_E __ P_O_J-.:..:\:.....'.:.T-=E:..~_R:..:....::E::......:..V....:f:.-:E::.....:W..:.- .. M_E_R_R._y_CH_R_I_S_T_M_A_S_"

--No.iiiiiiNiNir- }U"h.,.~.j c;~sS~~~~J~~~~ 1--~..-;--;-G--~;;'--;-T70-~-~.,* 1-- 1;Af~ U S D' I 'fl' "ish you much hap-& I • • lp omat pincsSlt Christmas and in

---- the New Year.Poinsettia Brought Here 7:GOOD CH EER AN D From Mexico Adopted

HA P P IN ESS Hert's a brief htlle As Chriltmas Plant. 0 ALL who live beneathmessage to thoS<! of the shining Itght of fr~om. weyou whom Wl!' hal e Po!nsettlas "hlch ha\'e eorne to beservt'd tht' past \ e,r a 'must' for home Chnstmas deco- extl'nd our slncert'St wishes for aand to tho<t' ...hom h d J,O"OUa Christmas. n'A sln-rAlywe hopt' to serve ratIOns o\le t ell' name an popu. }". ~••next year-ma\ !tllS lan!v to an early American dlplo- and affectionately dedicate our:a: 'pl~;sa~to~hr~~d :r~:';~:~~~~:and scholar-Joel Rol> e(forts in the coming year toward

yours Nearly a century and a quartet a beuer ~rvlce lo our fellow man,ago, POJnselt, then U S ambassa.dor to MeXICO,tirst brought cutbnCIot the "lire plant" to hlS South Caro-Ima home Carefully he tended thetransplanted tropIcal beauty UnderhiS sklll!ul hands the fto\\er thnvedand Improl'ed

Soon the tame or this colorful newplant spread to other states and RoD-ert BUist. 8 PhIladelphIa botamst,bouiht some cultmgs from POll15ett.fie named them euphorbIa pomset.Grosse Pointe lIa

Smce that day enthUSiast. not onlyBarber Shop In the Untted States but throughoutI the ,,"orld hale contmued to unprove

1"'....5 Kercheval at Waybum I the pOinSettIa, untll today there areiJVV a Icore ot vanetles trom giant sur;.

il root Italks to dlmmutlve dwarfs,double and Single varieties, green------ ....... -1 pOUlsettlas WIth red veinS, white va.netlu and a gradation ot reds fromthe tradltjOnal llaU1Ull" scar leY tQ

pale pinks.BeSIdes serving al ambasl8dor to

MeXICO, Pomsett was a member ofcongress trom South Carolma andlerved as secretary of war In Pres-Ident Van Euren's cabmet He ,...::~I personal friend ot PresldenlaMadison, Monroe, Jackson and VanBuren.

....--_._------------~_.• .w.w... _._ .. ..... _._




Page 17: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

Page &veMeca

~, -


, .

LE. 5376



For Other "Wanted Gifts" Please RememberOur Optical Service and Complete Line of Jewelry Is

"The Finest in the City"

* **** ***




: 4400 Charlevoix at Chalmers •


Page 18: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

I, iNIN78


M. .--- __ .,

May tM joY' of tile Christmuoeeaaion remain with our and frienda throughout theNew Year.

Our thanks, too. for your patron.age and kind eourteei .. in !he paat.

Wheel Ciooda • Gamel • Don.. Ete.

'01' Your eea• ...


.YTOYSCoamllda - ,Fir,t Aid Remediea • Medicines

Vilit Our Fountain for A Deliciou, Treat



Pay Your Light, Gas, and TelephoneBms Here



F01'III.-I, St ... dmaa'.217ft Mack. Near Anita



Best Wuhes


To The Lions Club

Ad-Plate Engraving Co.


The Grosse Pointe Review


251 W. Larned RA 1212

TU 1-0120

Curtain Laundryand Cleaners

Comer Manistique


Vernier SchoolN-E-W-S

Richard SchoolN-E-W.S


Specialiats in LaunderingFine Curtailu

14641 Mack Ave.

A large number of Vernier schoolsclllldren's parenls turned out Mon-da v, Dec 3, for a PT A, meehnghlghhghted by a talk by the super-Inlendent of schools, Dr Paul L.ESlert, and musIc by the chIldren'schOIr.

To open the program, MarshallJameson presented hiS rholr of 4thand 5th grade children In a group ofdeltghtfu! Otnstmas songs -------------------------_

Of great 1Otere.t la every personpresent was Dr Ess~"" explanationof the board of education', plans fornew school buildings In this area ...period of open dl>cuSIIC>n followedand lhe supetlntendell answeredmany questions pertinent to VerOlerschool's hOUSing oroblems Refresh-pements were served and a SOCIalpenod followed

The RIchard school had a verysuccessful PTA meeting on Nov. 28,when MISS Jean Taylor, the chll-dten's librarian for lhe Grosse POinteschools talked on "Children's Books"She reviewed impartially the prob.lem of conu<; magazmes citing lit-erature and ntw, items which favorand disfavor the reading of comlCI

y Children. Probably more evidenceIS to be found in fa\ or of lheir a few of the mort .eltct types.Mlu Taylor brought along with hernumerc>us books on each age level,all comparatively recent, Which Ihediscussed. SInce many parenti pre. ~ ._ ..... __ - _sent were pial ng on purcbasmg

books .for their children as. Chrilt- tH.o.~. 1mu glfu, a fine opportunity walpreaenltd them to Jee and hear about ro--_ _ _them. I

Because tht paper shortage in lhe ~~country II still a critical one, the ;;Is As we come to theschoola are collecting waate paper. close of another

year, it is our liin'The next collection WIll lake place eere )lope that the friendliness that haslomorrow. marked our auoeiltiona in the past will

The second grade clan of MIldred continue and Fow .tronger I' the yeln goWeyrauch recently vistled a radiO by.station and produted one In thelr <1t " Beet withet for a Merry Christmas androom. • • Hippy New Year.

TUxedo 2-3737I .;



1444 ....,....., at CiNdIelEV. M. OUWINGA. ....

On Sunday, Dee 16, the !turd Sun-day of the season of Advent, thepastor '" III continue the seriel ofstrmons on "Advents, ')r Comings ofJesu' ' The sermon theme Will be."He came, dOIng mlrade." TwoSen l< '" III be conducted, the firstbtglllIllng at 8 a m., the second at10 1() a m. The Sunday Ichool willmeet at 9 IS am

The last of the I~S nlld-week "'d.vent len Ices WIll talce place onWednesday, Dec 19, at 7 :45 pm"The ~{elSJah, the Son of David"WIll be the sermon subject


........e-.. eI LnMn.I ....

.. ~..... A-.., A. H.A. LOE.UR, p__ • 14M J..aMw ... A_T_IteM UMaIiD.


M... ~ ....... _DR. THEODORE V, MOLDINJtK.

Tb.D .. D.R.E .. M .....

II 4; a m Sunday school, ]. \V es-ley Cordes, superintendent

II a m Morning worshIp, the past-or preaching

~ursery for small children withlhllled attendant in ch.rie is o~nd'unng thIS strvice whtre parentsmay levae their children while ~heyattend church service.

6 lS pm. Youth aroups. Ouryoung people art urged to attendtbe!e meetlngs

7 30 p m. E\ enma warship. TheWomen 5 AUOClatlOJ\ will havecharge af this service. Dr. Moldenkewill bring the message.


......... at It........ ~ uUu-g lptWALTER S. 'RESS, MIaht. NMcI Men to Move cr'.

!am011~ UI, and we beheld His Illor,..s of the only bej;lOllen of Ih. Fat.l'er, I Lli of grace and truth" John1:I~

1, \ our Chr"tmas hs! complete'Let • rememher Ihe "Deal" ChIldas I' ,cason of ~1\lnR draws lIearOp, f' \ uur 11<,rh to the 1:.\ anl/rillalLUI'Hran Instllute for the DC1f. 0&>1Nelar1a a\ Cnue, Delr",t. llf leh

1171% Mack AvenueThe theme of the sermon next The Coast Guard announced the I

id • I 'I k 1---...... -_- BlI:Bll -_'!"'"'Iln ay mornmg at t even 0 C oc b~glDnlIlg of an Intense recrultlDg __11be "The Christian Heritage of drive this weelc: .,.. rtplace a percent. BUY A GOODFELLOW PAPERope." The church Ichool teUlon .-glDl .t 9:J() a m. age of the many thousands of high- liiQjuiii.i .. jjQiiQiiiIi----iiii_iiiii[!jjjiiiiimimdniii!iidiiO~_The Intermediate Youth Fello.... pOInt lDen belDS released from tile I .. -- .... ---.------fllll]II;I __5!l:dlIIS~

~lIp will Dlut next Sunclay !liPt.t ...artime te"icc. with the

ell o'clock. The Tn.c • .w IlIeet ~ 01 ISWl,J' lI'oop lI'uapor'U NU RS ERY ~"--:'#J" - ~=..~~:~ _. ~'j'

are... the Coast (i1l"cI ia in lmmedi. _ate need of thousaDds of men be-

t_ 17 Ind 2S (inclulive) II ap- T R E E Sprentice seanlen. I Im~:~~~~ g;,:st~~C::~a:,:s .::p~:~ • I~::; th~t:::e~~m;lt:m~ntl~,~x:::~:~ ! Fine F~~::~~:::From Ithe prewar 31,000 Ex-~er\ Ice men t.( '"

~~I~~:e:an~~tmbe o:~I~:te;er;;\;;lc;;es;;;;;;o;;;:niIIC h.- istiiliii-- ......'I TI2I:I:~ Ill.....~~~~_,;; = II* WREATHS * POINSElTlAS * CYCLEME~ Ii * ctrr FLOWERS I


ANEW YEAROF GREATHAPPINESSMay old $onta remember\()d well thIS Chnstmas-()t..o Ish for you and yours.

------ --



M ... I.i... i'" Kerb,. 5cbool, Kerb,.REV. HUCH C. WHI1'£, P .. t ...


QlURQI.. ...... III aw-.I ....."dW., _ It......


20752 Mllck Avenue

Sunda,.-10 a m Senior hIgh school depart.

ment of the churCh school.11 a m Church schoolII a m \Vorshlp sen Ice Second

Sunda) ,n '\d>ent Sermon, "TheChrISt of ralill •

7 pm 1 he CDC's \\ 111meet at thehome of Shlla ~{I.Comb, 252 LeWIS-Ion The program w'!1 be a set ofkodachrome sildes ent,tled "In HI5~ ame and for TheIr ~ake" Illustrat.Ing lhe \\ ork of the CongregationalCommlllee on \Var Vlchm9 and Re-construction The recorded commen.tar)' IS by House Jameson. the Mro\ldnch on the Henry Aldnch show;the mUSIcal background by \Vdham~leeder, natIOnally known networkorganist.




9 JO a 111, Sunday .choot The chil-dren'l Cuistmu Hr'rice wID takepial;" 011 CbriItmu Eft at wftno'clock. The .... ~ will . twith tile Pro«r.... ~

11 a.m. Divint 1UYice. "AWord was made lesh. and


E. J..ffer.o", A .... "'.... al M ... I__ .1aRECINALD R. FEUELL, MbWt ..

5..".,., D_. S, INS10 a m. Morning worship with str.

mon by the pastor. Sermon theme, Sec\lcCI at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m"Seeing Stars." Sunday Ichool .t 11 :30. Clants

10-11 SS a m Church school for for allbeginner, pnmary and Jumor depart. The putor will continut his .eriesments. A well eqUIpped nursery \I of Advent ,ermonl In the morOlnialso open during this time under service The topic: "Mekhizedek, Acompetent leadershIp Type of Christ."

11.15-11 :SS am Churcb school Lllten to tht Back to God Hour,classes for mtermediates, younS peo- oyer WeAR, Ponti.c, at 8.30 Sun.pie and adulls. day morning.

7 pm Youth Fellow,hip lDeetinll'Thursday, 10 a.m, Red Crc.s sew-

ing.7.10 pm Recreation for teen are

young people.

LE 1103



GEOII" Eo ItURZ, Pul ...

W. Spedali .. iat.

Cleaning Carpets011 Yoar FloorW.II Cur .. I....Pr .. ,t Senie.

F.. P'~ E.tiluteePhone Tusedo 1.1%M


"~fan. the ~(other of Jesus" \\111 The fint anntlal Clm,lm L' pa!(eanlof the Grosse POinte \~ ethOOlst

he the ,ermon subject of the pastor (hurch \\ ill be presenled at the Ker-ne'-! ....unda) at St James Lutheran h\ .ehool promptlv at 7 pm on Sun.<hu reh the sen Ice startlOg at 11 I da\ Dee 23 1 he Chn'lmas storya m 1~ lhe Punch and Judv theatre I "'Ill be pre,enleo 10 t~bleau by t'le

• • "unda\ school Th. \ outh Fell.>w.1 hIs" ,II be the third In a senes of ,hIp and the ChOir of lhe ~hurcn-\dHnt sermons hlghllghong the 0\1\ member. and friend, of the\ arIOt1S characters appearing In Ihe Grosse POinte ~lelhodlst church areChrhtmas story. On Christmas Da\' <ordlall\ 1I1\11ed to IhlS eventthere'" L1I be a speCIal senlce at II 0\ "'~" Year. Io_ve watchnlghtam. at "hlch pupIls of the Sunday party LS to be held from Dec Jl. 1945school \\111 tell the Christmas men- to Jan I, 190WJat Ihe home of Mra!(e '\ t1ntque feature 01 the lenlce and \Irs L S \\ alker 865 Bedford,thl5 \ car ",Ill be the U'e of colore,d beS'l'nlng at 8 lO Xe" Year's Evtsltde, to accompanv the chtldren s Shortl) before mIdnIght a short ':led.reutdllon. The Sunday school meet! llatlOn ser\ ICe Will he held to usherat 9 4S a m In the ~ew Year ThiS e\tnt IS for

all members and friends and thtlrfamtllel of the Grv ... POinte Mttho-dlsl lhurch


Groaae Pointe


In times such as these Christmas bnngshome to us the realization that "Peace onEarth, good will toward men" IS more than anempty phrase It IS the foundation of theAmencan way of life, the goo I which each ofus look forward to so that the greatest happl'ness may be achieved

The Yuletide brings WIth It pleasantthoughts of tried, proven and cherished asso-Ciations, bound together more firmly by theexperiences of past months

To you, our friends, may oNe extend theSeason's Greetings and a Sincere Wish for gen-Uine happiness at thiS Chrlstmastlme

CARS and TRUCKSPlace your order now



"cuE\1RO LET



B. & B. Chevrolet




Mack at Seven Mile Road


---- _ _------._-----.------88JJ I.Jelfersoo at Crane, Near the Whittier

Kerchevlll .t Lllkepolnte__________________ ~ ~M M •

..--.--._----~--------~,. --- 1I"I..A:".o-_---." THE G R 0 SSE 'P 0 I N T ERE V IE W ltJl!:RJtyonusTMAS----------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------..,....------


Page 19: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters


...... $3.IS


... ). .. ).

ParePark fire a.wAcWa ............

$7.50 a lit 72$1.75

Siae J s 4 feet .

Size 27 s 48



$3.95Matching LID COVERS

8coM, aDd Joh Ryu, lbe ~"'"herds; Pirie Gall, Dougl.. CoIIID.,and John Nlchohon, the Wise Men;Rose Marie Caroselli, Betsy Buell.Mary Louise Bremer, Sue Beh,Sharon Sanders. Margo Wells, anJPat Freydl, the Children

The dancmg c1uses under the dl-rectlon of MISS Reta Roney ",111present "Chrutmas Today" n dance

and sonll.

The nursery class Will do a Dutchdance and "Hop.So-S.:>." the :uOIor

kindergarten a folk dance "L.ttlePlaym"te" Ind I Cane dance the_eOlor kanderllarlen the "Ga~otte

The se hand30me "VAL TWIS T" rugs will anS\\er most decorating asw~lI as your gift problems .. o\vallable In Blue, Rose. Peach. Natural andTurquois~

Make handsome a.nd unusual gifts. Fascinating patterns ingeniousl,.fashIOned from brightly color threads on natural white backl(l'ounds.

Size 21 s 36

Size 411:• feet

S~If-toned and accent floral designs on plain backgrounds. Colon thatare simply IUSCIOU!, and available in matching sets. Past~l Green. Rose.Blue, Gold and Peach.



STORE HOURS: .:11 ..... to 1.11 1'.... Op.. 'b1 1.11 11......._7 and Frida,. Nipts

pocketbook was intact except forthe money .

On Monday, December 10, ChiefTom TMll'b1y "25 notified that thelndlana pohce were holdml thethree boy.. They cOllfessed to thepurse snatchill8' and the theft ofthree cars.

They told the officers how thetwelve _r old drove the getaw ..ycar while hi' 'JXteen year oldbrother snatched the purse j thelookout for the "J ob" was a flfteeDyear old neighbor They drove thestolen SagInaw car into Ilhnoi.,where they picked up a second car;this they drove into Indiana and the proceu. It was while illSeymour in the thIrd stolen car thatthey were arrested.

of Ferntlale, first VIce oresldent.Deputy Supenntendent L.hnstianNelson, of Detroit, second "ce oreSI-dent; and Robert F DuChane, sec-retary of the DetrOIt detectlve divi-Sion, lecretary-treasurer.

COMPANY16903E. JeIterson Ave. betweeJl cadieux -Botre Dame




Named President

Henry \\ Plel, Grosse PomtePark pollce chIef, was elected prell-dent of the Southeastern MIchIganPollce Cluds' Assoclahon a' Dear.born Inn la,t Thursd ..,.

Other offIcers are Roy Butcher,


Tubercuosis Seal

Sale in America R..,ultedIn Big Life Suin,.

by .lIcob Ril ••• nd .at down '" ,...IIIn the ll.rlt CbrlJtma. SeAl 10rAmenc. WIth Ile.... dnlgn in h,-doMI •• BII~ll let OIIt 10 get hell" IIIpullin' her plan across She .~.eounteNd trooble from those •• ,1c:euld .ftord to help Finally ahe 10'<her desllD to • m'lall pnnter "-0ap'eed. to ....alt tor his pa,.. 'i"!talked with the JlOstal clerk. • ~they .. Id that the,. ....ould IS'''' ttbe peoplo woold be ad>l.ed ,',tthe penny Itamp ould not Co-"".nythl~-that It purely or •.mentaL

'nl e pr1rlter tu rnf'd out SO()()Il rftho nampa-the people of ~I~,," !

bad begun to hear about l'lbercl .,..I_and • Christmas ~al table" ! I

let up In the W,lmm!11oT' po~t "..- r.and the flnt Chrlltmn ~al sale I.'

ADluJC:. wa. under .. ay.



New YWCA Officer.

Quick ServiceNOWl

r r .. in .. d, eaper;_ed _.II'iIl. oa r Now, SciMttlficMethod wtIt CI ud MotJr,......oof , Ew-i-.,br :r- .......

LastCall forChristmasCleaning!

*Greet Your CIWith RUGS aDdFURNITURESparkling Clean I


Ml.Ilr B. SI)OW has bHn re.elect.ed ohalrman, and Rell",lIe Wheat,secretary, of the bMrd of trustee.of the YWCA of Detroit for 1946.Trustees George R. Cooke. and MrsJohn J. O'Brien were re.e1ected fora three-year term. A H Sarver andHarvey B. Wallace contmue to .erveon the board with Mrs. Allell B.Crow, YWCA presjdent, who I. IIIex-offlcia member.


Mawne. Machizaol ... W ....Work Dono ..,

M....Goer,. _d Mrs. Kort.MI•• M....,. Jaao • Mis. BoaDie

Mil. M...,. L..... Mi.. M...,. Tack ..For A wt Milluto Appoiatm_t

When their troopship task. arecompleted, Amencan passenger lines"'III be reconverted to peacetuuetrades.

Korte Beauty Salon14Ne MACK TU l-m1

Send Your Holiday CleaninrEARLY----1~ ..


CASH AND CARRYn......CObftDioat St_

11311E. Warrell TV Z,1111181ZZK_bnal TU Z....18111 Ha,.. BI"d. at Oat. Dri o

AR\iactoa In.


JawoledBand. ud Ph"$1... to $5.llt

Fur Feltl, Read, for Trim$1.95

* * *Cultom Maie ... dHats Re.SI7Iec1

Helen's Millineryand Supplies

Lo....l, pl.. tic lenlnlr tra,.;leat.... loocit. filtecl eat ...Iewel bosel.

Still tima for mOIl0lrrammed11&.1 .. h.

'.S Gift Shop17151 Kerche"aI

BetwMa St. Clair ui N"ffOppo.ite A At P Merket

11Jseclo 1.0330

Draperies - SliocoversBellutifully Cleaned

Spruce Up for the Holidayal

lS009 Garlevoa: - Groue Pointe Park


Tuxedos * Formals* Evening WrapsMUST BE SENT NOW!




Pleat,. of Flllo To,...... I Mu.iu1 Tori



11743 HARPER 11J. Z-48OI



E.... .,. Frida, 7.' P.M.Childreta'. 5urprlae Packaaeo

.zsc and He

CHRISTMAS ATGrosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian ChurchThurlClay, Dee. 20-7:30 p.m. Ourcb School Pro,ramSunclay, Dee. 23-10:30 Lm. Worabip SeniceSuade.y, Dec. 23-- 4:00 p.m. Choir Caaclleijebt Service

(Temporarily Meetia .. in Muoa. School)ANDREW F. RAUTH, Minuter

'".erpoint crultal "aiel. a beau.tiful complimellt to an,m... tI••

Still A Lonl, Sel.tioa ofCOS11JME JEWELRY

Cro,", Pia .ad Matchia. Earriz •••.•• AI••Wide Cold brae.lot. With Matcbill. E ..... in •••

Beautiful Golclth.idarChina Fi.urine.

Pierpoint er,.t" ._. abeautiful compliment to an,...... tle.





Reprobatus Becomes51. Christopher-Answers Christ's Call

Reprobatlu WI. a ,.oaDI giantwho.e heathen pbUoIophlea prompt-ed b!m to de .. rt ODe muter .fteranother wheDltVer ~ fouDl1 a mu.ter .tron,er than the OM lie thenaervecl.

Notlehlt tIlat tile milhty P1uraohfearecl Sale, Reprobatua dller1edPh.raab to .. tve sataD; pereelv.!na that the DevU blmHIt ... liar.tied b, the eroal, be left the IIl'Vlcesof 5al&ll aII4 went IJl MUch 01Chrilt.

When b' retuaed to pra,. be "81;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;3!;!!!5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iii!i!!!!!!!ie;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;a; j eommellded to do JlCl'I&lleeaDd liven

the taak of c:'mlJl, travelen .crollI deep river.

On ChrUtmll Eve a vole. e.Uedfor Reprobatlu and, .Mwet!DC theIUmlnOU. 1M found a nr1 .malleb1J4 ..... 1&. to be carried a ero",the river. When he had placed thehttl. 0IlI upon bi•• houlder, tho bur-dID of hi. welgbt nearl,' bowedRaprobatua to the ,round.

"You are, indnd ... 1M• ...,. •• theworld," daclared Beprobatu.. I

e~cr~~~~e'm~~r~: :~ a~~ Youths Arrested in Indiana in Stolen Car;t :~ot::~1nJ • Confess to Snatching Purse in City Dec. 4beathen Ilant. be 11'11 CbriIto!era.the bearer of ChrIst. a. St. Chns. A danng adventure which endedtopber, he I. the GolJath of !.tIe 1Il the juvenile courts this weekSalnt~, patroD lalnt of all tr.YeI~rsbi. emblem Is a palm .tem y,ruch climaxes • brief epIsode of cnmeCbrllt bide him thru.t iDto the !ml for three IU emles. ages twelvf',-wherefore the date paim ia saId fifteen and blolJom aDd bear fruit et ChrISt- The boys, all reSidents of Mackm .. time. I avenue in DetrOIt, were arrested

10 Seymour, Indiana, while drivin&a stolen automobIle, and after in-vesllgatlon, 11 was learned that theircnme career began JD Grone PomteIdea Originated ~nw~:C:nmsb;:r~eY,::~ ~:e:e s~~t~i::the money whIch it contamed.

In Copenhagen: lV~h~r:iC~::D;:S t~~ ~;~~~ J~~~---- 570 Cadieux, "ho, while y, alkmg

on Notre Dame between St. P.uland VIllage Lane shortly beforenoon on December 4, had her punesnatched from under her arm by a

It Will a busy afternoon jult be. young boy. Millia Sebool Chilclrea tofore Christmas In 1903 and plies Give Chriatmaa Pareantupon pUes of hoUda)' letters and Mrs. Brassy told City pohce thatpackages were :pouring through tbe the lad appeared to be in his late The chJ1dren of the Millin schoolpOst omce in Copenha.en. A postal teens are entertaming their parents nextclerk. Einar Holboell, expertly han- However, before the yoong theif Wednesday morning, Dec. 19, bydled the letters .nd packa,... andII he cUd 10, he pondered an Idea made hiS getaway 1ft I car drIven by presentmg the Christmu story inwhl.eb wa. to have great ,fl'ect upon a companion, she was able to o'>taiD pantomine 50llg and verle. The col.the destlny of mlllJons of people in the auto's license number Subse- oriul costumes make the picture .erythe WOrld. quent mvestigation revealed that the effective.

Thl. Idea of Holboen'. ft. to car had been stolen from Saginu' Those taking part are:marl!: the begl.rmln, oJ: ODI gf the the previous day. Bill LeWIS, first narrator; MIchael Istrangest war. ever fOll&'ht-1 "ar11\ whleh human livel were to be The purse which y,as taken con- Hunter, second narrator; Christine \sav,d, not •• cnllced; in "'blch lained $2?; it was found Ipproxi. Schulte, Mary; Ch.rles Snow, Jo- \horn .. , have been save4. 'not Ufately t .....o hours later at St. Clair &cph; Ernest Donin. Pi;oue Good.':lombed; one III '\bl .., Ihere e'l .... and Charlevoix by a milkman. The enough, Sammy Bra.ncaleone, Peter- armJatlee, JlO peace tnatr' .the worl1f.wid. war IPIDatlook .. a total war aDd. tIDalwm _ -.. ..I.. ..2& ......... I I !1M ~-II A.:m .~ ,,.._ 'n n ll1111to1'1. I.

117 1IlW 11M :DIItfIIl Cb~IM1I ... aJlPlUtac on lettere tie

1I=~I:.m='1'headore Roosereh

I -. called "Anler-leI" molt usefulc1ti&m, " publ1tbedI 1Ul artlcl. "Th.CbNtm .. Stamp,"

wtlieh Ht people fa Wa cOWlt!7 to~ about what tbey could dowith the id... They tboUlht thoetor7 Iood. but tbq poadered thattile problem w.. too rreat for •

I peIlIQ' ltamp.

-------------..-.:--------- I Late.IzJ tile .utumn /fJI.lllll7. EmJ11~--------~ ~ BiueD,. ,.oun, pu.bl1c:IMllth wort..- _. - . - .- . ill eria Wilmln.-.on. DeL. became _

I eerMd about the tate at .. llttle ._

I~= t:e..=::m~::that could live alway. replied 1n th.lIe.atlve with the post5eript that m.ahoul4 !lOt waste the money.

In her blaek'A moment, EmJqBtaJe1l reell1ed the articlo WTIttell



IIIIIIIII Regal Cleaners . I

I 15029 KERCHEVAL Q~..~ II at Muyland LE 78SS ,,\....)" ~ IW I,-------------------------------------

Page 20: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters








I5c to $2.50

Select Your Christmas Trees at

Staelen's Gardens17540 MACK AVENUE


.f the Season

LOG CABIN INN21014Maek Crone Pointe Wood.$------- lI'i _


FRANK SNA Y, CoIIIIIUUIderClubroom_I8311 Mack Avenue

. .We ,wish to take this ~rtunity to express our appreciation to The GrossePointe Review for the gea.eDl)U5 use of their columns and to express our goodwishes to the entire community and especially the Lions Goodfellows at the.

. time of their annual sale on December 18th,

TU 1.2313


Home Appliance.383 Kercheval Ave.

@]l;I~t--G REE'lr, l'1 G S

* Bendix Home Laundry* GE Refrigerator.* GE Electric Ranges* r.oleman Gas Floor Fur.nace* Coleman Oil Heater* Cadillac Vacuum Clean-er* Fluorescent Lights* Room He.t~rs

-Distributor. For-ReA Radiol aDd Combination.,

Sunb ...... Appll.nce.BI.d .. to.... W.. b.erl. Ge..eral!,oule Appllancea, Fri,Jci.,r .. andboou. ADpliane .. , Frirn!e.'re ace!DIU)' oth..... ...,

* * *Complete Radio and Appli.ance Repair Service



OF DIVINE FAVORTh. ~~stnm <>f)oa~sme under the

M'Slle!()e decrenes from Sc~ndlna.vlan m,t",lngv

Frlg~a goddess Ilf lov~ and b~au,ty _ COli 'terpart of Venus - 10

lIrleven "npn her son BaldE'T Yo R'slruck CO 1\ n b' an arrow fashIonedout of \11 Ilo'oe that her tears be'came lilt \ hlle ben IE'Sof the plamBalder"" restneed to hfe by theeonceT'~ et1nrts of the god~ andFTigga ~'a!ef~J rOTher s~n s rE'slo.ration legenda'IIY besto" s a ~lllUpon thG" \I ho pass under the !\lIS.tletoe

The ~ll' ,to" "as sacred to theDrUids of 11lLlelltBrllam and m Vir.gll. It I' "I' Golden Soug'! ",htchenable' ~0I10" to descend to theunder\\o' " nod relurn ,afel,'

Cons dp Il~ Its hf'l then assoc:;lions, 1he 1I Jrch has ne\'t>r sano.tloned 'he the of the ml,t1etoe asa d~ )ral ( 1 a()~ rnpflate to PI re'l1gWUti; ed £ He ~c\ £'r no rel:i .fietlons ~ale oern sllong en, gh \"barush Ire, dr?<I11C plant from thehome ,he"e t contmues 10 be em.blcJrlallC of pea~e, trlel rlsh'p andLrue IOle-'c'led by a hiSS.



" ~I~' ;'

THE G R () ~ S E POI N 1 ERE' V I E W ":\!J:RRY CHRISnIAS"------ -----~~----------------------_.-




2x4's Wood Moldings, Boards andInside Doors


,16x16--12xl.Z-I6x32, Sq, Ft.INSULATED PLANK, Sq. Ft.

8 in.-12 in.-16 in, by 8 Feet




Call Us For FREE Estimates


Insulation Board, 4xS-o/a-in.. , , , $1.40Insulation Board, 4xS-:~-in .. , .. $1.40

Review Want-Ads Get RESULTS!

Notice To Taxpayers


nu. notice it l'iyen purely in the intereat of tlte Board" Edacatioa in .tatina the facta conoectly. Many of tbetu .tahaleab bad been mailed before the fuD reaulta of.. SIMa T. Caw i.... lleuiDa for reductioB of .......- ... -U ....... ,. 't


New Maytags ...

Your DeceadIer to .tatementa from Grone PointeTOW'DIhip iacludes all eado.ure of • card with • financialatat_t aacI pertinent fam rel'ardm, the operation of,our public: acboola. Oa tha card, .iraed by the CroaaePaiute Bovd of Education, a .tatement appear. abowiqtMt your to rate it $8.78 per $1,818 rweaaed valuation forad'NDt operation and $Z.Z6 for debt aerviee, a total of$1.... These card. w~e printed previou. to the recentdaaq-e Us aueaaed valuation of Wayne County, re.ultingfrvm bearing. before the State Tax Commihion on No.~ 28. The reault of thi. chanl'e it to mcrtlaae the torate for Grone Pointe Schools &om $8,76 to $8.72 for

...... tion per $1,810.80 of ..... Ied valuation and fromIUI to $U7 for debt aervi.ce, or • total of $10.99 rather.... total of $11.91.

8IlcAlJS£ you WaDt ~~ m<>:.l for \ our lIlOOey-rou _&lit a MaruI ~ DeW Ma)ugs 11'111

be ~ _ R.igbt _, Nayug II mabng

W'Uheta ag.un, alter aq~ CWo aod a half ~earstL I1l-OUI ...u woek. ADd whal washers they~It lot reus ol elioent, carefree set",1Cle, with a whole hSt of exclusive fealures,

IIDd manv Importaftt "post."u" IlllprO\=ents, 10 carry on Ma) lag 5 tra-

c1mCIQof lesdership! Come ill. now and get the facts-and }OU may beone of the 6rSt ro g« '0....!U'It! M.,I"K

C 0 ~I E INN 0 W FOR F U L L D t.: T A I L S,IU'34 Mack A,-enue Niagara 6872



ACC\O~N"SLA~To Ecel',A,e.~1L

~M \CHI6AK--84 O~A"~S I \\

2,418 \ \-,lNJUp.,If=o:. I / ~-AU",'"O nv I I

r:A~lOJi"vIHCf • { "si "'~."f:\lJIH1'U.V ~1'It!1lTS ", "'"' ~ ,~-<~

J UV6HIL.f< \ iiB '" ~ ~~~;~~.~~~IICAtl~FUL\..'/ ~~~ Rules for S(,luling

._!Q[!Q[ fJ:llU[~:! !';t~:l;JII:<~~ __ !Q[~ ennIs to Pprsmmela

I • f X II OFArmed Forces!Scotch PInes or mas I With so 'en' of our flll'nds stillM Vi In serllee 1he code of mJlltary etl'i tl! I Quette I' qu,te Impnrtant In slgmng 1

If , II; and addre« ng Chrlstmu cards,• No Men From Falling Needlel 1,lglln thiS )eal.I ..,... llIIIJIl!Ii lI'i ----- I When .ena ng greetmg cards toII If eomm,'.,ored officers. the rank IIlf WE NOW FEATURE _I DlllStbede,gnated Howcler, when IIII I sendmg 8 Chr stmas card to an en. ,

II "Sunoco Dynafuel" i ~:~:Sn;'~~elhb:.~'thJ~~ ~~et:~~~O:~I:I i tbe form the .erll~e~an or ,\omanI{ I used a! a return addressI tl! IIn sendng Chflslma, greetl'1gs -111 THE NEW HIGH OCTANE GAS .. 'I.'hen tjle hu'band In lerl'lce is not

Ill( I It bome on !~rlollgh, a s,mple noteAT REGULAR PRICE I may be added to the greetmg.

I 11! !saYinl 'John s "'i'hes are Includedll!' * TRY A TANKFUL AT '" 'I."Ith mine and \\ I' bopI' to see youf,l I wh.en nexthe IS home on furlo\ gh ..I J I Be certam both names are on the

! M a rVe B0 uteln s I ca~etber the card .5 sent to a per.Il I SOil In senIce or to sOrPeone In theI I ImmedIate Circle ot 1nends andI B fi Id K h I Se • relative. II IS al\\ays ....lSe to be

I eaeons e .. ere eva rvlce I~~:::tot,~t~~:c;r~,~"~ne~~:t~~ts

I 12 USI~g first names, or e\ en affee-i • Expert Lubrication .• Muffler. In.taIled Ie I timate nicknames IS permissIbleII! • Tire •• Batteri .. ad Acee.aori.. I onChnrtmas cards for clllse fflends... I and rela'ives Some marned couplesI G P . t H d rt s frAIl \I stiU Wam the formal "Mr (or II rosse 010. e ~ ~ua er 0 ,- =:Ico~~~es,~:~e~:r~e;refe~~:~I GENERAL Flre E:ltiDp.lIher. and Cbargetl II\tr~er "John and Alice Jones"

i ~ I It perfectly PToper to inelude theI 1 "t. .... __ .,. -'be,a -.- U- I

J"" All -- .... .... ~ tne. ..... . , I. .........", .-_.

W ,. TELEPHONE ORDERS: MU ten . I;'. lltlIll:llallllUlll • __ .. _7 ... 1

I IIIII - ---,; I Ready For THE Evening? II ~ ~I i ~I ~ < ) ~i Addr61 mall properly \(l reach aU ~ • ~i aen1eemell everywhere. a ~ , l!tf ~ ;.. ....$.... j'J.. thlldren:. names and even the name ~ ., l:Qij ot the 'famIl; Scott e Or make the a.A " '\ ~t:: slgnature all inclUSIve and Ilmpler ;I ~ ,..,.. , ~I( by wrltlng "The John Laqes . 1,( , 4:r' ,,. <, t~,\ 'I Because Chnstmas ea rds are the ~ ~ 0 ' :;, af rersonal el'presslon of ; ow regard a c ~ ~ ~ j;!

!rlr tne per<::on to \\ f'l0m t~("\ are .... ~~~.. l }'/~ <ent, you shol'ld dOI.ble check to be ~ (_it~r, . .. 011

h \ ~ :;;"'f • " .~ }'/~ certam t at a I cards are c,>rrec'!y I~ • " lA"lgned dand Redressed The be't ell, ~ :~~ ",' .!'~ , , l'!

• quette ,rects t~at the} oe ma \e~ 1 ~ I nI' "Ith first.cla<s pO':Bl;e nMn ''>,1 .t I ;';lS se nrst cIa.. postage on \ our i ~~ Chnstmas card' ; Cm or(' n (''Yecl i ' ~'1/ ~~Ylng to your fr,('nd. I m not la ,: .~ ! :il1. ng any chan~~s Ih.t Ih" ~r('etl"1l( Q U~ ","',U be deJa;ed On Its "a; 10 ;Oll J \ 1~ a 1~ Bean Tf';nurr Rlllrs a av ~ _A ~I On Tn'elflll Sight I " ~.. Eplphany, or the F,,?<t nr th" till) , ~(I Kmjts, IS the I!re.' h.nm£'rnrrln~ d", tl( 1; In France9 '=E"T\ ~nt £ "1,, \\ r d i ~

ON rather loo;e th£'lr rO<lllon, 1""n Trl'< Q ~I' the famIlv reunion anrl ('>:pert In tl!1 ,..1 d

* Recreat •.on Rooms * Attl'c Rooms and (I rer"l~e en extra mnn'n', r"\ to". II( ..,1' ;ilII ~ elaborate dinner 1~at'Jrr, a i ~

cR~e '" "n ~h a ('0,,," t>~"n h;" if ~* Ceiling Tile for Basements, Offices and Stores ~ ~:~y\~:;::"t~~h:;r~ea'r: rp~tr:~,~n.~~ i ~I r the par1v II) 0('\ er find< the b~"n ~ ~• II------~~ m~_ .. ln l\\~ ()f h('r p ~cp nf c"'e i, ...... ~,. A L DAM MAN /::J~~7.~h:?:~;;:~:~~.~~:~t:~~' r ~/-~~Y~*t ~I •• : ::;:~~~~:,~!~:£;:;:;;::;~0;!I y I F 1\W",.~, .., R d? 1'I CI~Tlral "mrl", .. c ""rrri a nor •• - sou r 0rma ear ea y . I

, '"ld tr"d"'r"orl~ ar'lc !'"', Cn' <' a ), -------H A R DWA RE ma. bll"'" em Fplpnonv B"rl ('~fI" i * TUXEDOS * DRESS SUITS * EVENING WRAPS !I orO' 'r"PC Arp crt 110 ln "n'" arrl Ii * FORMALS ,1FLOOR COVERING LUMBER ,1, .r-lc ro,,,' ,"" n~ "r , p',n-< * CAPES _ BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED ..r po hr-"pc; ('>t 1IZIf~<"~l""o hf'" r!l;;t .. h." ... ;: ~

I -------- ;:n I'o<rl" s ono ;o~,'r;: th, PI C,: ~ Bnghten Up Your Home for the HohdaYlI WIth Cle"n l!


i 2- (Ht;,s~~ I~"ark Avenue at Nottingham reXMO 2-3000 j--------------~~~~~--~~~~~--~~~~---~~~~~-~~-~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~_M __ M~~~~_~~ __ ~ ~~_M~~~~~~~~_

Page 21: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters


AR 1811 or AR me

We are Spe.:Iali.ta atMayt.. F.actDI'Y DoaIen.We.lter., ReA R.... aM WRefrilierator •.P,ck up and de1&~ery ia Detnlit.uburb ••



TUXEDO 2.3000




Tbey are co minI, ye., but when they do come, It will .....amall quantltle •.Too, YOllr repaIred appliance Will 1... 0 • hills .. ~~allle and Y.... Will enJoy IIl1ng a perfect warkin ...... "'........ _So, why not have It repaired now?

All wDrk moderately priced .... d q.ality ............


Pioneer Roofing and Sheet MetIJLEa. ..

AN IDEAL eln\ Lar,. SeleetioD of F.........Uufr..... Mirrwa,

ALSOMilTOh Mu. to o..Iw

l.eadeel Cia •• Rep.t..ira - Ho_ S..-riceVISIT OUR SHOWROOM DISPLAY




Longb's Appliance

Pickup and Delivery* A.Z Lubrication

• Car Waahinw • Poli.h.inW • Simonizing, Etc.





Beacon.field and Jeleraon



11711 Wh,ther.t Ro"bury

11800 Kercbnal AvenaeOpen En.ungl Until Chri.t .....

,PAg!! Tweftt,..o.e ,.

In Alouqu~r'lue, K .\1, a proWle~ Flend,x helJol'Jpter plant to ...broke mto a tavern three tImes In 'he public a four ,eater pl~ ......three weeks Simply arranged IUrnt- a 400 to 500 mIle ranle at tJM l'riIlt'ture,' lof a good automobile. ';\l


Syria Camel of leslUBlessed .., Child Chri.e I..~ .............

.. se.lIe- a-.aI .., ~ .... ......... lIaen _ .,.,..0" Eve brill..... ...-.. Ie,ood ehJkIrn..

Lecead ",.1 tile YOllJlpat 01the camels which here t.1Ie Wloe IMell to Bethlehem was exhaust. Iell b,. the Pl'HSln8 Jelll'lle1 aDd,a., 1& 1.,. mum,. before UteSta-hle, the Cbrlst Cb!Jd blessed 1&wtth !DuuriaUly.


LENOX 7055


New Year's BlessingsAncient Swiss u~end

.&ccordlD( to Swiss le(eud, theRol, Family I. abroad brinlr tbeIaollr .r mldJJl,bt mal. ODChrl.t-mas Eve.

Therefore, a. bowl .f fresh milkIa plaeetl 'IpOn the dlDlllr tabte.nd each member of the hOIlle-hold carefDlly lay. bI' spoon apo.the taille clotb.

The persoD 1Ibo, reta.nllDI fromcbDrch. find. 111. l))OOn ha. beeDmoved may auhclpale lJlIf!clalblessillt. darlDr the comma- year:for IIl1rel;, Kary andJ_ph huerested wiUlln the ahocle d11rlD1Uleir F1lgb1 ID&e Egypt and theVlrli_ ased tbat a\lOllDto feed theIIlCaDt JesDs,


!'iI'W Year s Complim.,nlsD~nl~h b.mlhf's ~UII\.fI th,. r br~~'"

crockl'rv - to t"'l '11~,nst tr,'tr'l'nds doors on ~e ..... ) ~a r I r 'I

Thlt rrocx.erv 1o~..c;:,.rl 1h" fee; ..Ml!l bllt not 100 fAr thel' expl"rt )be ,nl,tPd III for do 'l1h~ 's

Tht' mo.t p"p"lor ho l<l'hold 10

corrn lnlt\. It; so dt'lii ~n9 ~d on "'\ P" 'noern ng b> t',e dtoru aro", jtho doorltep, I


LEnox 8400

UN o.r CoInpIeM


Rec:r.tM. __ ... L.

b'a Attie .-. .."'e'l, F du .... 0,-Con r'lle Cupeatry ...




Complimenta of


May this old fashIOned Greetingconvey our


"l\fERRY CHRTSnr .\5"


Of }our good \Ill! and patronageand our e\ ery \I Ish for 1I most hap-

py and prosperous New Year.




CLIff u:wrs. ~ Mana,er

14801 E. Jefferson at Ashland


ALL WINDOWS• ComhinatioD and UDIqae

Suh for Steel WindowsFree Eatimates - Terml

WENDLAND CONTRACTING CO.Open Wedne .. lay and !hur.cIa, nenin._, 7 to ,.

atrlC.I Ni,lltl\TU.eelo 1.1_ 111321Harpoor A~_ •• at CoarriU. MU. 5117

1--- .... --:es;--lIIIli __ ltlIlIIIliMMMM..,. • I. Want-Ads Continued FOR S~ALE-MiMeUaneo~ I S tit' T Id i Change Made infrom Pa e 23 FOR_ ~~LE=-Mi,ceUa~eou~ upers I Ions 0 .

g 0111 D ~ plllk formal <lre' "Ab t NY' I CelebratIng Day-F-O-R--S-A-L-E--M--i-IC-et-tan--eo-u-.-I 10.12, hrand ne", $II, al;n ,I '!Ie au ew ear s. he"" \\,nler w"t, $S TV _ ,4,2 _BRA '\f) nlll -t<p 'al er Unit, $20, I I M l d New Year'l beeame a hollday IonI

dOll hou,e, $5 IV 1-2171 B""KI-T R\LL and rtng ''',er n any an s a!ter the Amenean custom of New. 'h' d [lIrner, r\ 'tal mlcrarl ne Year's calls, .....hlCh justify lis 0'0.V \Cl L \1 ""dll' ho} 's deluxe "ndll drnphiler, pld"" record. - ff .ervance, had lone the way of the

hJk~, l8" -I U 1-2451. (ordlll,t(" 22 target rille, nell I"", hoop skirt and the polka There ISGlHl .., 2R" IJlCvde, good condition Heaupr cor l\.el1l'ooo Good Luck Offered in Many I nothing Amencan abollt the carn!.

C"II Tt. 2.9165, ------------- W Bel ' v.I.llke merrymakmg which nowa.--.----------- GIRl 'c;; hIke 26" ~lrl'S tlrl"s", '111" ay. to' leVerS. day. welcomes the New Yeer OrMI\K trImmed hlad. coat, Slle 12, 1l red ~dh"rd,ne ~hel"r<kl" ,.d I can It be that even thiS IS a meta-

Rlfl s tan coat, Sill" 14, hlul" ,kin, lacl.(\, IC' ,kate" 'III" 5 TU I '~'I New Year's Day affords everyone morphoslS ot the watchmght meet-m"n, "lit, Slle 38 TL 2.'!<;4() ------ ._ the opoortunlty to brlnl himself 10011 Ing or 40 years or more ago' To--- --- ------ I '\I{(,F 'olid mahogany '1 line' luck throughout the year. At le8lt deacons and elders, to all anxIousBOY'" and l:pr'" 2H lOch h'cvcle de<k :,:ood (ondlllOn, pre-",a- [ H' that II supposed to be true aceord- heads of families, It used to seem

II nh I"gh pre»ure tire" reed doll ,lrUCllon XI 3772 Inl to several old luperstltlonl con. flttm, to .pend the last three hour.bu"g" ,h,ld's to} s, good CondlilOr I '"-------------- cermng the belmmnl of • new year. o! the year In Imgmg uguurlousr( d,0na"le man's nell lu'\edo, ,IU j h

42 hlue ~lcxlcan gla<sware ru O"J!-..O:'>H II ardrobe trunk, hk, ne... The "Flut Foot"-the tlrst per.on hymn. and glvmg thanks that t ey2.5734 I 'terhnl/: Sill er pires, rial 1nd to enter the hoult on New Year's had been Singled out tor presl"rva--------------- hoUO\\Ml three p'~ce horn (<HI n;; mormnl _ play. a ~_ " "'"'lJLO\'I I Y-Blalk Per>lan paw coat, 'ct, br"'HI 'leI' "oman's hlal~ \ n~' B1llJlltlant role In the

hat to match; 10lely hlack I-orst- 'Iller to ... coll.r, Size 38, m"roon CamJly'. future for-mann, "at, Pen Ian lamtl trim Both I ell et tull lenllth el enln!f Coa' IIU tune. He must be ahke III \I '>lIe 14 1U 1 03.30 In J.(lrl, h" \ de TC 2 8943 dark man to bring,

15117 Kercheval Avenue 1-------- ------------- good luck, but It heT1bR TA..RLE-<"i1lened, he'\aJwnal L \I>Y''i b" \( Ie, 2R", $10; l" '00. also brings a ,tft Ind

fMlIIili .... ll5lI-M-~ __ __ Il!I;U.iI __ :es;~_lIIIli' ,hape, "II maho!(a'l\, $1650,port. !(raph Lleltrll !\oI 9340 "carnes 10" more,--~ ft.!_'::':~I:l:!:l:::..."::!I:.'";;!~~r.:::-~~ll'~l:l'._~_~ _ _.: ahle lnderllood, perfect londlllOn ,-------------- than he "takes out,"

~O. \1 7.?7H I \\ -\1. \"L T rerlar chest, hl.e nc" then the house II as.--------------: rOSe ,dour (haIr, pre-Ytar, "prlnR; I\\ LRI,ITl~R - Student butterR\', ,o'htruLlIon 960 '\otllOll'ham sured peace and plenty for .. whole

I plano Call 1 U 1-032IJ I ' year. The most aUlplCIOUJ 11ft. III1-------------- j BO\ "-Skates "Ilh shoes, 'III" 11 luck.brlnger. arl a lump of coal I\"II 109 \\ ae hat, JUnior prlntlllg "7152' Unmarried personl are adll'lSed to

HARDWOOD pres" taffeta formal, S'Le R, Duma'1 . look out ot the Window 011 New IPhyfe console tatJle, ,ullable far BL -\CK Per>lan lamb coa' 16 Year's momlnl It

I Clothes PI-ns 2 doz. 25c I dressln\{ tahle, ILl"skates" ,th shoes I dre"c', 14' children's gam" and I you lee a man, It II-- ~lurra\ 1049 :v," '; iuLIJ\.1 Lvui .., ~1J'e 3, 1,e ~hate5 a IJgn that yoU "111jllpERFECT-CondltlOn, sIze J tUh"-1 on ,hoe< '171" 10 DR 7332. be wed be!ore the

I --------------------------II lar shoe skates, all-\\ool knlcker ~1&. '\ "J-Beaulllul , "e- year II out, ShouldI I 9-11 s ell us bo' • clo- I you lee. horse, you!d!!!!!I SUI, ,rol c aneo J • I do "71" 37 lIorn Ollle ~{U 1f1iWi•~ . Ithing TlJ 2-7419 ' • - can have a WI,h, and v ID Ua~' ,,,., •• m ~ ALL METAL. \[EDt,n{ SIze tra\cle, good ,ondl- It Will be reahzed Bin. e Xew Year.~ TRli M PET -\\ Ith 7case, good con- dillOn bar!!alll 3450 -\lgonQl1,n 5- WIthin the year. To I tlon when .0 many had been re-~ SI d $5 95 I dltlon, $40 ~I 46_~ I R pm Thur,d,n 0- an)'ttme SJ1.ndV see a dOl 11 lucky, i moved by an equally discerninge S I ' I b I I' 26 I but. cat foretells worry. prOVidence,

p • B~Y 5128-- ~h IC~C e, g$z! I~ : ~:\O\\' sult, hkc nell, I pc, ""fr A little care ....:!! m;.!:" '! ~--n ~~~ nUL to tne young me watchmghtI I b IC\l ed' g wn .... llonh ~ 'Ii ru -I IIlnd repeJJwt, I\lth Zipper, $5 XI to brln' onenU ,ood luck for the I meetJDg alwa}'1 a dreary servoI er tire scooter, "".: w Ite $lure ISl/JO' t wSLEDS metal runnerl wood tops 33 in. $5.95 44 in. $6,95 I skates, SIZe 5, ~ 50 876 Lakepolnte - en Ir~ ,.ear. Ita~ Ice, only to be endured ID VI'!W ofIY'0 'S' I LenD,," 5406 DI:\IXG room SUIte, natural oa~ 8 lome'blnl' new

N, the JOy. of the morrow, And when


' ,- All ICindo of Fillu. plele, 856 Barrlugton POSSI e, on ew the hfe and color were taken out ofT 5 Gam I PIXG POXG - Table, net, paddles, I Year'. Day. but the the obser\'ance 01 New Year's Itsel!,I 0"- cooten, ea, I $3IJ, 'hoe skate" bo\ 's size 8, gIrl s FI \" Elfish -ettcr, male, penll(reed garmeol mUlt be I there leemed little .ense In usheringI • Rockin. Hone., &tc. size 7 $5; electrlc coffee maker TV and registered, 7 mo old :,ee put on ""hen you I m a day of lloom With I stlll gloom-

I .?-9444 0\1 ner. 8;6 Barrmgton Rd. first dress in the I ler New Year's Eve So they Il'ft ,J M~ I 'TER' d k I' 14 '''EL' r. h f mommg. Recltlpt 011 the watehmeetmg to those \\ho'~ w::~ ,. I S\VE.... - ...n S Irts, -- ) ears. - - L-<.Jr (X, Bilge pair a K,r!'S a gift IS eertam to 110unr1 no more plellure In theirII Buy A Man I Gift !\ lac:ara 8577 figure Ice ,kale", Sl7e 3, for "7e 6 earry lude. Wish everyone you meet days, and !or themsell'es IntroducedJ T I' I .\fA~':,-LO\ ely hlack tUJo.edo, ,ize pa,r bov> hard-toe hockey Skates', "A Happ,. New.Year," but remem. I the prachee now generally preva-It 0 S I38; tllO dress shirt', 'Ize 14Y, anrllslzl 8 for "7e Il, TU 2-4914 ber wben the greetm, I. given to lent of Indulllmg In a last lllng mII 0 15; beautiful i<.e blue satin {ormal,.. .It • size 12; both excellent condlllon BO\ ~-=-Hockey sl..ates, IlZe 6, !food cross your tlngers Cor luck Be sure preparation for the morrow's d,s-II LE 1148 condItIon, $7" roller slcates, <mdll to .. ,. "rabbits" as the tlrlt word agreeable busmess ot tummg over aI I --------------$150 football ma,k, small; rro'!,,_ When 70U wake before anyone baa new leaf.II ICHILD 5 desk and chair. LE 6660 nole hoard ~[15ceJlaneous item, I L- bad a cbance to speak to you. They have revived tbe old palanII 9 I"neb Block pL_e M eft -------------- 2.0081. Love'. progress WIU be aided on ceremony, except that no mIDla-I 0 UUI .~ PI'\G T A..BLE-DI\ Ides into t"o NY., D If Cul kIdI Bracel, 2.way Ratchet 1,85 I tables, \\ oman's ,l..ate<, brand new, SILVER - \[ uskrat fur coal nne t ew t earth I attv toYkOUla~e tcaerethe tthurefs e etons are dPathsSedathroun


o pu on e e • c In ul' or I" eut to remm em a "yI Limited amount "I 6 fL Folding Rule "29 I sIze B, manl<le, perfect COnd1tlOn, \ear old In-18, $50. 21006 \lack rliht The potency of thiS charm are mortal Notlunl In thlS modernYankee Screwdrlvero ~e Electric Soldering doll home and furllllure; maple dm- -\1 erille. 1 L: 2-9020 II SUPPOled to be mcreased It yOll I New Year'l Eve abandon, however,I in alock - 18 incb Irom 1,65 I ettl" 'et; has,ock, Ilkc new. Tuxedo ~IOVIE-Camera, 8 mm. ma~azlne do all thingl as far as pOSllble left-I commends It II a subshtute for theI and 12 ,nck Cre.cent Nickle Plated Hack SaWI 1.85 I 2-7687 Cme I..odal.., complete witn I 9 bandedly durlllg the day, old gracIous custom at paymg andI Wrencbe.. IGRI~XELL-tJprighl plano; da\en- Telephoto and \Ilde angle len' an,1 To open a bank account 011 New receiving calls, a custom for wblchL h H d port; educational blarkboard, met- acceSlOf,e< Xl 0011 Year'. Day was eonsld~red lucky desuetude hastened by theI oc moor ar ware al toys; ch,ldren', bookll; ndlll,.( ----- __ in Old England, the custom ~ro"mr prodigious growth of the large clhe~I ~ boot" '171"5 XI 0992 (,IRT S 2&-lnrh blrvrle; 00\" 26 probably from the belll"! or many m the 25 }enrs foUOWlO1 the C1VU

If 28799.83 Mack We Deliver NI0616 -------------- lIl,h' ,hoc 'katn, <171"5; C'Ctn itna. centuMu that \\hatever you do on \Iar.1 ~:ltIiS_ll!a ~_ SU!'\BE.A)'I-Sha\emaster electnci ,Ion radIO \ Ictmla, need, Salle r~- the tlrst dav of the 'ear WIll be an _

ra70r \\lth leather ,ase, like ne", paIr, lar.,. I'nRIl<h doll bug _ ~l Indication at "'bat WIU happen dur-{our-button automobll. mu"cal horn, 8152 aller 1hurodal'. lDII the month. that WlU follow.excellent condltlOn. ~I ~. LElCA-eamera, SUmMar d In _ paN ClIf:l'.l1JllaDd ant Scot-ICE SKATES-Metal --eon: ten- wi~aBfIc~.' a,,- 1aDd it Is lU"oulI to" UftIucIly to

_is .Uppers: large doll; larae tel't. ~~J ....... .mm _e ClUblderblackboard; lIda's satin bathrobe; Will ~lL O:lf'nfl1he 1lu t1ht entered itchild's balldillg blocks; black leath- -equ;pment. S.. ~,... and _III' suitcase; woman's slacks; two ~lv 252!;(~~ corneburner electric hot plate; man's dark' .... -~.wool flannel shorts TV 2-5213,

VACClJM.CLE \XrVICTROLA-Portable; trombone mgood condItion. TU 2-2166. Kew and l,ed

IFREE DEMOSS 1R.\ I IE.'\GLI5H - Springer spaniel, fe- • __

male, car radiO, Lnited Motors EXPERT REPAIR sERVICL Imooel; girl's Ice shoe skates, s,ze Ii, Plckerl Cp and Dl'll\ered Igirl's dresses, 'J7C 10 and 12; winter Tl' "'edo 1-)of:;1coat, S'7e 12 '\ I 4727. - - ICOA.T 1\11 1 d bll I XIXE.PIECE :.. \\ ainut dl~

• -, -woo,. me 111m ue, "Ilh pads, II all bu,lt, 1ll good can-tu'\~do style, llr~v JIll' tnm, \\ orn dillon, also bo)"s pool table, Tt.: I

only ,our time, "Ie In-IS, 1\ a' $90, '-4293 Ifor $35; electriC broIler $10, Burpec I ._- 'p:e'Suro cooker and canner, large nO\ :->-Elue finger tIp coat. Size 20 1Sl7e, new V 8924 T\\() ''.lIt coat', same Size LE 95~~ I

EIGHT -PIECE-DlOmg room set, itea "aRon, electnc .ron; tah'l

lamp' ,l(lfl s ) ello\\ net lorrnal, age I12 LE 3152. I----------- ,I.IOXfo:L-ElectrlC tra n, $22, three i

coache', track. stat on; Reo" nle Mlraele Pia,.. sun ReIdramera, Xo 2, $1;).,0 2&., $2, t\\O Amonlmoretradltlon.observingpairs bo'C np; l<l,,\(, '.ze 'l' lin- commumtles of the world, old.umeleatncr, nel.r 1 rd F 'ach, ~I elro. n-lIracle plays are .UU performed,

Inome. $2 Ca' TL 2-l!i29. often In the fonn a! elaborateGOOD - Cnrhtma:t~~e~l1-jard -,I dancu. In solemn, but laVish, .et.

clectric ra70r, electric r "lee, tlOgs aramst the colorful back:.

Inew matlre" Ior h'll:~<:r\' odn ,"lr, ground o! tropical folIagedrapes, \\all plaqlleo;, m ~...('~ \\lnter

I loal; bo, s polo coa' :\1 822,' "1IIiIi1llili~IIIiIiIllili-l1IIUlI~~ICIII-_-i

DOLL H'l?L':>I: - \\ ~d, ,;;, i i My Daily Prayer \lI1beaut 11I1, made ilia., II 1~)", '" • • , lil

"rcn ann l,O<C '1'\ r"om "a<:e i ~BlI:_~~~Bl_rIIllurn"hed fircplace, light', &1 'cd- Author UnlmoWII I<Iv hear, '" IIllhes tall, ne", <" I(~ll "Thl. comln( ,~ar I'd lite Co be aRalrollr R'Jad rrleud to e ..en one;IRI"JH 'f \lI-F"rell~nt r,,~r ::;; I rd like to fel"l eaeh da~ well lJlIf!lIt

...h;t'" d- \ e, ho). ,ka'~', ' • 3 I It It'tltnK or the AID;,hoc :\I I~".l [ I'd hke to kuo .... that I h'lI'e done-------- ----- - i at Il'ut one 'undlv deed,Il V I-:\! I F -I urnllur(, mal' ~e(l I ~ore I I... me doWII Ie ~I'p that

10\ cuplJ[)ard, pI" ;;th,e 1 "d, I ha ..e (' .. en heed-! 11M To .ome onl"s cry Cor aympathy,-------- ---- - , or rrlend'hlp or that I I

T\\ 0- I nen t;thler10tn. 1110' .,~, Rave made the 'a, leem 1Irlthter \car'l 12 lar~c nap~II1' :'" n'l .., lo"'e clIallce ,._roby,

I~a<p,on, <1'" RO!i:er, e",r> 1, And that thl" world la1leUer atllllllL l'r, I 1 114.~ Just I"me little _,.,

I \f \ \ "-l amd 'Jalr ro., larR' • I Be~all!le J'..e Irled Ie "~. UIe lI'el'1Io!"nn cond"10n It I 4410 I III'st J cOllld each '.,..

I (,1R 1 " - \\ 0"1 <n"" ,,' -, -, '''.'d h"~ t<l hi' I ra~ ., liaht whell11,." ~")) ""Ir~ .1l1~ to," .. "Iof'~ are ovrrC'ast..

,\\e~ - dre"e, t\\, h", , , I'd ""I'''' help !lome .ne wh. railed'.:r J~ I,nl'" .de ,corn" I to blot oot all the put,p' - . '<:~,~, ,,,- c,' '( ~ I To mrt .«alll r1"plte the "tormllo\1'< 2 ~~~'-"::~'___ _ and !lnd tbl' ,l<les are blu('

IB \! 'I , \1 ap'e r" p 11 1 'I To Im"w that In Ih •• lrood .Id .. orld

Ill)'!'" h.1ll\ ....\\ ln~ 11 .. A 111 t'her~"!1 lot, that's fine and tra .." I

" \ ", ("11 I, 'I' I 1 Jl~' I'd like to lIP th~ kmd ef pprtHIlI----------- - I 1'''I'T\on~ ,"111 ....e,1,11'1 '-(i"t',11;: , e ; II 1 And mak~ Ih~ .. "rid Il'em ja,t a

1 <' rj-c"c, 1 ,-, " ,~ •• IIttl~ more hke h~a~n a!>ft.-e,,,, 011' j "'1'" ,-r" ' , ~, I'd IIkp In all m.- deaU.,. to he tnleI 4;'"1;:(" !;:h (' '.-l h '"'" ,,' ....;1 and ju,t and 'aIr.

..,,.. 111 I I .~'. 'l'hat ("rlIl! .nil hel1t me d" th~Sfl

thlllP 'ball be m, .aIIy prayer,"

Page 22: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters

















, all

,~, II..


,I," ,

I\,1 ,p

,\1 \ ~l't(

II ~J,~j~lO

~I '200

TU 1.3744


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t... 4nil f 1 1n -.h \\ \' 1 \ 1 t • I m.

I r \ • 'It ~II ,) r I ~ppr~ ( ;.I r,--L\ I • 21

I _FOR SALE-Mi ..cellaneoul


top. eleLlrlt: Ira\CI "on P,"gr~eSii'2

GO\ I:R:-'UR \\'1 \ I HkOP-De,k:$35, t $5 Xorge rc(ngera_

tor !>ox, $15 XI 7579

B[,"UTIFUL mle green floweredchellllle bed .pread for double bed,

like nel\. $7. 3-pltee \ase set, $3;rose upholstered chair, $15; ladv'5blacl-. wool SUll, "Ze 40, $12, Chlllesetr), $? mirrors. $3, \I hilt fernerv,S? old "hrar\' tahle, $4, lad}'s shottr,~K 1 U 2-S649 '

Rebuilt Bicycles -~ow in stoc!.. ; also a few trioC\ des, model supplies.

Graggs Salesand Service

2Oi88 ~IACK A\'£.TCxedo 1-9799

TUXEOO. hke new. sIze 36-37.boy's sport coats, size 14 and'l&.

~W 0370.

5-PC. CHROME breakfast set, Lhase accordIOn, lady', bicycle, size

28, new: lady's tubular ice skatessize 6 5581 Lodewyck. Detroit

CR "FTS\{E~ 7" rip saw, 4" joinemounted tORether on stand, II

h p motor dnves bOlh; pnce $100.1577 Brvs Dri\e

A..."'JTIQtJE Jove sea.t, walnut clt".TU 1.3955.

LIONEL electric train layout, complete. DRad 8886.

GE."\'UINE iftlpo;rt"d tlavilandinner set, service for lZ. in per

fect condllion, $175. FI 2661.

UXIVERSAL furnace, 6 monthold' hot water tank, same age

reasonable DRe"el 0&52, 1057 Wayburn

\\ IRE haired terrter puppy, md.le5 mos., lemale, 3 )'rs old. bOI

\KC registered 1424 )[ar} land

PRI\--\TE o"ner Beautllul walnJcabtnet. Zcu,th push-button radIO

three hands. lovcly Xmas glttPnted for qUick ,ale Call eventnq~bet\\eell Ii and S, at 5i& Xeff RoaGro •• e Potnle

L-\D\'" \\hlle fce skate •. h).,c ne\C\i/r' 6. &>; al,o lad} 's blall-. 1l

,kate,. Sl/C 7. $3 canary bIrd Lagand 'land, $10, 16 ~au~e shotgu

S hke n('\\ $50 cleLtflc bah} bolll5 \\armer \\ ltll \ apoT17er attachmen- thcd ou1\ onre, $1 IIl-l(} Ro,h1 Road "\ 1 70'2

BL-\CK r..l1c 'uit ~17e 12 blace Hhct c\Cnlllt: \\rap. 'l;17C 12- rrm1nr Irtmmcd ptilC" t condillo- :\ I 51..0(,./>.

\\ \"!ll\(, m;:u..',II\c.. \pc" \\1t

fm ..ef ~I\d dr, cr, $100. a 1""0\\ .rlU" J lll' cr 1010 Bu(').,tngham

PI \ \,Q--<'ma'l upn~ht. mahog-ann l a ...( n((::d~ 1nnlug, $..'0 DR 21I ').l, "\ot!ltll(l,am

1\ (,()()D condlt'on. man, 0' for. grcv 0\ ercoal SI7C 46-48. \lrr D'ar, S-' BeaconsfIeld, cvcnm'-d atter (, all da\ "at and Sun

\\ILTO\, rng and pad !la, pl.1r lift ~ratc 'i En; DIIIC

, ,

I~r I ,

" , ,, ' 11


(,rOIl~" POlnll! W 00.1, Oft 1<.,



I"l ,

20111 Mack Avenue


" ,



, 1(1\

",\' I

TUxedo 2-2275

F or ImmedIate sale of your property WIth the lea.t inconvenlence to you - Call upon

J 1.1 ...

, \\ I .., I ! '\


, ,

, \,, \\ rI, \ \


I\ ,

I I, , I

, "


I d, I

PRT\;l<., - f'llOto:::-r.1pll' 011pamtm:;<; l1urror' hnlttJful1<

'-,Imrrllo" 11' Il\rll\ d't111:t'!('1 'I "rill "1 \, I "1' 11 ", ( (I ril', " I 1 IrITr" It\ \ (' II I " [I 1\ 1,1 J ... I,.

" I

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[) I, 1) 1)0 I !- \\ I I'" • '1 PTI rj lr -.t ('n 1 I '1 l"1 I II d\ d, ..11 In .:'0) tlilt -" 11 ~ (h117

l R\ ITI Rl \\ ",,~,1 - '\ ~ "1\/1) !,,('ho(\ t lrnl11!1 In In" ... I li"'1 I m

\ L \\ l:\ rIll n I \ ] q ..q ~ r, 1 \ I r 11 111 l (

I nu\. 211 I I \ I I .. •


\\'ANTED- I~I ,-.."(i I P I ~

'1ll'~~" pnre. p."l 1M men I tutU I I, , 11\\ , >t,'"~ •hot. T r f1) 1()nt c~ I "'11 hnnll I 1:1 I>-'c 0 '"''''11 rmmr-dul!tl,. Tt1f',:",;oflr j 1, 1 II, er • v,:?~ --


1,111 I'I

1)< ,I I

I ~-2 ~9N',

I', ,I I \ I I

, II

NIagara .J.2SS



PI "~O II '..!\G - J-Jee:nc cl;;llIg C) I-.d"""d,,6111 Ln.-ersty

,Place Tl 1-3173

C R .\1' I. ::J ),1 \:.. :::,11 1 P

II '

I, J

{\..WL ,,1_= _==-...--'--- "


, ,

:; me

Want Ad,

/7'".... -=-===;;;; .. ~

DRexel 8004

L tJ j I

PAinting and DecorallnlWall Wa.hlng

Patch P[ut"nng

George S. Dally



j l


- "

1 r "

I \

Siding- andRf'pail ~



, J\


I \1\ I j

722 Notrl' D,.mr

"fu l)cIV\o(J Ptt, nlrllt

11".- .. ." ,,,. I" I'.~

1RI II'1lhlll' all I IJtI,,, \

CallJ I ~f R E ~ ()

'Il xedo 2-0554

, , ,

C\hl" I - r 1"\0: II \1In T \ 11~

L,I\llIl1lU\\lr, "lid "'l\

'-h"rp(,lllli ,llId 1\11"1 {,J

1 \ I


Taz aDd Re-port oro;,. r WOlf",..... fOral 6rat4> and (aBacl'a. I

Notary Publior W1rh "'ea. I

RaITT Ra:L~ Tall Con~lIlb1nt I14l;t1 Inn' RF\ AI ~\ r i I

t'M'ft., '" Ifl"T" Rn~11 r J ...-.. ..~

\\ \ II \ I , I, I

, IlL \ - I, I ,

r I ... "

1 J \ \

, )


4150 Cadieux Road i

C \RI'II:'~~'~':I:~:O~~: "d~ Ip trcll ~ d r carpet ,lit ed \1\'



\'\)HlfW, I~~()J,I \I~ \"OLR. 11(1\11

T,1 1 L yI I\ J I

" I

r r



, ..•••

....... VL Will


" t I \'J I,..- A


Work Guaranteed

DRexel 1073


()pen t a.m. to 9 p.m.~x~ 1.3280

I1ZJO Mad, Avenue

Groue Pointe

REPAIRSN... Conatructioa

CD .. cia! ancI ShopMaintenance


W•• hers - Ironers andVacuum Cleaners



E & E ElectricalAppliance

". . .......n ........... , &"1 ... ....,

LAM' Ilf,,,rR SUIVICETO .. 3773

Brick UHI Cemeat Repain

,~l'. ,




Cecil Ayliag N I. 6Z48

Con:; Jete Electrical Repair._ lroaen, Sweepe.... Etc.

White RoU.

."v m ,.fi ~41 t~,.",. 1 J

r"'" J r-r"~ ( !,l. j ::ft


Gen. R. A. IE Col F, M.Ale. POlt "5 V. F. W.

\Ieets :,ec(lnd .wd 1< IIn I \1,,",la,.1 ~I h ~lontlt at 17\4' "I I'dtl \1 e.'H' r'Tt''''~(' Pl.'1ntr ~u \lh.11Igtt1

, \ ~ \\ .11'\ 1'0"" dl \1unbcr,\\ ck ..,m~

WALL::,-o\nd cel1lOgs \\ashed andpaper clcanecl HIgh qualtll \I ork

done by e>.perlcnced men DR IBI4

\\ ALL W \SHI'\G - \nd \\mdm\cleaning, Itlng e~pCflrnce "'dt".

~ faction Itlaranteed. ~I 7678. LE 2733

'I II r (, R () ~ '- r POT ~ I r R r \' T r w---- --- - ---------------



15i!IIaIIIi:l SGiiiE!5!!ilO lB5Eii5IIlElE!ii!iiiiiil:J ~i!I ~:!l tii5!aii!l1iI1l!iIii:a!iiEI ~ Ill" I \ I ..,,, I'" ,_, I" I ' 'I "


in. ~\ I'l rl tt \ \ II. I .... (I I r

E ' ed G CI k I J ~Ih h illti II till It \\ lllUHI. Ill ...xpenenc rocery er 1'1 III II, \,IIL_, 1l,1l~'''I, '\llId III .ILld 211lllli Ltllgt1ls--- p" &0 t' n nll"\I1'~I" f~rd"l Il 1,11~1', \\tll~L"'UII(d

Plumbing ahf! H_tin. SERVICES I amtmg ecora 109 _ m AT ONCE ~ I!\I~I'II~ "'''IL \111, 211;11I\\ ,,' I I'('.lt \10" _,1I lJayGl-ORGl M I'RICI IJi, Bra Ill,1 1l0\ - 10' Ie" Ide.' lor 1l0\,OR,\BI\ Dlsc'l~rg~,1 tromlrn II"'" ," "",",, I",,'t I')~.: 111'1 17727 kA

con~fie'd I e!tox ~'~2 "Id"" I' "and ".d 1 IS< PR 31h' L' , Arnn FldCk tn bU'ln~s~ i or II!! * * * ",Iu',. "" ii, III ,1< "111",rI1l1,, I , Mac ve,WINDOW WASHING p Jmber 1" mb ng and ',~., "R r•. ~&l!b'::':u::,:.:Q:~~~~~~~1f)alntllll( and decoratlnR can \\ 11I1a'~ ~ 1!I "dr ,,," I" 'I'"'" llld ,I"" Ill, I

---- ()J'" of 3LI k nd, I,~~'n,"" \'1 lO'lS guaranleed TL I ~ ''''', Ilrh p""'''''''I, 1"1" I TV 2-9085::-TOR~l \\ I~DO\\ S-Put np \\ tn. -------- - '1 Ill' 29M3 __ ~____ _ I P W k ",.;111 II""" "I" 1\ 0\1 '" r I

do" s "a,hed ::'creens lal-.cll do\\ n I LANDSCAPING -- - ermanent or _ Good Pay _and !torm lash put up \\"~ also do --- -- - -- ';'"'' 1'< 11'1' "'II, I" \!1\"C! 1'\1\ IJ\(.-f),ullatlY!>. \lll\\a,h- a l,Rl)-."'1 1'01\1] \\(lOIl" 1'\1,) \\IIC 1'"'Lttg \l1\1L fitllllg< i.130ulkmp; E;>,!Cnor and ItlICrlOr ,kco. -\.1 I I:STI:D- Blacl-. d r' ]a r~e a Id I I L '0 \ < I' " \ 101m L ('110 I'"" J,"" lIlr pr e"ln"r, l D ~ B~' Prl ,I \\" .. I{u"d lot ~(J,I;(I \ l>,,-. h'H'd "'l1dllllll1 1013 K Clh'lIgton,ratmg Prompt and eff,clcnt ser\'ce 5maJ' load, Oll,er had" 'P a,\; I iI,o' \ Phi bppi I L .:.(~li8 Apply ~"'Il \1012'1 I L I .:i21,rL 2\110 alalhb\e rc:? 8(,(7 Or TU I I,~~) .__ _ _

- - -I ';..'J'I I \"1 111 J! 1,"0;-' 1'\[\,lJ\(,-\lld d-roralmg Guar- El CI~O:''>I P(~I\11 P-\Rh.-Ouoa.


2 IlO\.., 'Odl 'I/l U, bl-.e n~Y(.\\ J~DO\\ - \\ ashlll!! ,lorn" PilI ODD Jon,,-c', ,,1l It'!" ",' ," r ,k '~I I J "'" 2,',')'i I aaIC"! I,,'rkmaa,hlp lad mat~tlal ~ G & R M M ID .IJIt~ "nl' I lloh'b lour brd. I III 'p Il 21,7&1

"I', "reen. 'd.kcn dO\\11 '1\" 1ed\C' trl11ll111~ 'Ill Hn ,II (rh" O\lr tlllrll Har. ,,-pertcncc) C illan Company ~ room", three hdths,po\\dtrroom,on _IfOul:b d~an~d, \\ all \\ a,b,ng, 1 L glllcr,I! la',d" 'I' n.: Il 2 2," I4lilll>\~Jll$1~~~~ll:f.I~~lIlF.\J:'" r\l' c a"" \1 "' h I 1 \\ orl.. Oil all • • • t",t tloor RLCllallon rooll1 ,dp () RI 1 \ I -\ [ rtlg ."1,48; h"ad IUddel-fI9l,l. CAR WORK T I 1"1,, \\ III I" "It I I~~O K~'I"Il~lon I roolll D'dl \I lIh 0\, Iler IllLplwac I "pplll,\l' d '111111 'pr, ad, full b, j------------- .PENTER __ ree remova , prur: \1 ~~fli_,_r_1l1~_',117 . 16822 Kercheval Av n lJ d"},, PI. 1".iU CI~IlLLl"" Il' 2-0807 'Ill l,hlt 'Ollr, 11,11' IlIdhogal'yP t C RPI e ue ~ -,--- ~~--- I fnnl '10111 JX" It II.11 KrtCn hne:lres 0 \ '\IIH-I~,,,"rll~ ""'('1' '\"1 & B k l'\I"TI'.'-\n" (Iec S lOR \ I I tit!l"'h, 1l,ld 110. I.." , ", Ing I cox a ea I 'I" U t U oral1ng pe. , <JtliL \ ,III' ',I " .Ll ur~ III 1/, III,a~ r ."m lllllLlI J < nn\ I 'nd

1 "'!,fllll-,d 10< -, \ '''II~' ' C13l/1Il1'11n ,ne r:,,,I~ntlal "ork IiIliIi!Iiiil!!O~l!l~~Ell5!!!liii!l!55I£il~1!I~e==5=U:li ~,tle "I \llIlt pl"l'ttt\ ,,1,,1 \I,h"lt '''lfl h,,1 Jarl::t " ..e

\\ IIlU<lI\ and \\ a II \\.< ,lll'\g \1 I I ( J I' 1l L' ed) PL 4543 I .t rt 1<Ond I e pflr~ "all OLlie \1694 ; I' \ I I I J \ L dr"., r ,Iwc ,l..,tl" 'lIe /I \1 U_, _'::' ill< d'" , (Icens. ,jllilwe D~p~g ..ere 5805 French Rd I~"I

.\ Lo Z ],lIlItOt SCI \ Ile I 1'<, ,ull,li "('I \ II (' III I 11'1 \ _- _IUCI{1 \JIO\ I,,~'"-- ~ 1\1 DICOR-\f!'\G-I,tmor. m-: I JII,I.III<I' ll'\IIlO ladll,I111!(\"t ''''e37-38,

,I< 11> olf I ~ rO'1I\' Ifill." d III pi Beach & Burman I t, n"r du <ltl'lllp: \\ all pJper re- I I T\u, l'i 114 'o.t ,~, 1\\11 'l11 lor $2;, dre',lIood I'dll' h h, " \I' ,1II'1l ' [1 'n 0 , ~ d Rc ,.olldhk Guaranteed Sheet ~'Ietal Layout ~'fan I ' "' I l~l. ~.: dr", ,ho', "n 9,I rcc e"llll,', R", I L 110: I 1\I,1Ik'"IlI.11 p 1 d,t ",de Olli< PI./a 1f 1f I (,I<U""I Plll\ 11 _;_"1 "'1 Udll ;" \1J 1,1" a, \\ 1L' 2,1473-----------.~ - II 1,1 \ I I~ \ I (I)\ ll( \C [()R"; 12010 rll,,"" Ill' I, d,>\\\', ~ I "r <.\"rdb", _

C 1-- - -- - --I 11<,r "" PIli Ie I,,,, dlld "bOlli, HIl'\ l J I -k," , 2B ,a(h Rollfa,t.arpenter • 1,'tILI,II'I.:! \ I l' \1\ 11'\1)-l'ap,rhdnga,~ re- 1 .__ III hllod ,0lldlllOn skate •• b\)\',RICK - Stone and cement ~e\\ - , I II \' k HI 100' 'lIg "a, .Ial::' \I a < or I M sw P I r II I J' 1'1 I \\'d epa,r \\ork Brick "ork t spe C Allr'""Ad I • Iltl!ldlll, 'r j oll' 11 <ol' e d '1 .. " .• \\' I ammer an AS} d , III II , 'O'MI aller lOnrr,n r. . ement \\0\ k, <;tep< c, c ~ Il:U"rantl\ " erlln', ',>V1 ~\ ler'i " ..e 'J \1 ~07

lil'v TU 1.2450 v I • J'tLlltllt~ ,'c Ihllllllll g OIOio.: \\II I ,,\\ \1' art'" Illd a,,\\ r,t1d _

Iporche' briLl, ~Hht1;..:- , ,,) 10 l I

RICK S d I' d ch ,.;Id" lur Il,mlll 7511" ,I' prOJlltor I I 1 <- 1 RIC tr""", hand q\llll-Ie\\a ...,. lives, po' e., t II J ~ \f B t ! j"'II\[\JI';;1"1 l'lIDECOR,\Tl"G h C"cps, basements and rat \\all5 DK 00 ~ma ,\. -' It, ('no", " • .., ,paper anglng "II Il "do 2 Z2!-)7

1103 800S I;;,,, I 1"'11J " and palOllng guaranleed. 25 years Sheet ~Ietal Finisher --- _, --I -------- ------- I e~pertence :,team remo,.t. MU FOR SALE-Miscellaneous' B. k P hR' I \\,Y-R,p.,r "P,I-. (j,,'wmc' '(lCt, I LEnox ::462 1471 .f'er ~ _r j flC orc epatrs I or apartmellt J r.t c' "," rh III II oJ PRI\ \ I j home, antIque couch,

or,''l1pt ,,'r\lC, <; I" f'"h<r 211;"<.,(1 PAINTING - DECORATING W P p,llIltlllg,. ~11\er te. set, figufllles,• (-acked porche" broken step' \, ,1m "\,agar. '}7S~ 1______________ EXTER10R. INTERIOR - e ay - 'lIl1p. orlllLta! ru~, etl TC 2-;733

Ii It's wrecked, we'll fi" ,t 5at.,-I--------- 1 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 1 _

' ~~~lt;~C~,~~:r:.~;~:te ~~~"hRP~5~~e -\~Jc~~~~~~~~I\l~ a;~I~~.'ofin~;,I~~~- Mimeographing 0 1 SOLTERISCH I W _0_0_D-------IOffJccs cablOet- <creened porCle. Addressing MURRAY 1058 Top Wages for Experienced Men IDe Nolf and Poplier ~~tp?~~~I",orl.., general cont-ac'-! "rlal'll"no- Ip.."IXlIXG-o\nd decorating QUick 16 and 24-inch

I I 1l ~ 5en ICe and reasonable rate, I All Hardwood and8 t dROOl I\C-\lld r'''','r !lr ,l.. '0 b Guaranteed "ork and matenab MU Iasemen an I n'l a 'Il~CIJII\ \'1) III 11 1\ <Iu\\l1 I Pu lie Stenographer 39OlJ, ~IU 8J.l5 Plenty of Well SeaaonedT""e }<dr' to p" !In', h." ,01 l CALDWELL I 'TV cd 2 6305Cement Work jlC"d1mtr' Ic'lp'ICIIC 'IL ;1':3 CLEA.N .. d X 0 _

' .• , neat mterlor an

DR. 6133


' SERVICES - TTER SERVICE exterior pamtinj(' and IO-IL---F-u-rn-a-c-e'-.-'-to-k-e-r-s,-o-I-l-c-on-v-e-r.l3i~ \\ d' 'J Jrn "lOR'! \\ 1:\ DO\\'" - I'llI r 115653 Faircrest PR 5462 decoratin~. III III )"l I slon burners Dell\ ery now TV

-------------- \\ lldollS \la'hld :::,(rC~lb tdk,) J~\.pert Wall \\ ash,n~ " " " ;2.-_9_1_2_6_o_r_p_R_6600__ T_h_o_rn_a_'_M_u_n_'_o_nELECTRICAL REPAIRS d ""J "nu ,,,,rm ,,,'h Il": Ull \\ l PAINTING- & DECORATING I

<i,o do caull-.m~ I ,'Cllor ~nd 'lItcr, CALL \VALT 4 G-\R-\GI: doors alld flttlng<KELLY &. :>0\ IIlr dccOrallnQ Prompi and eff,cI nil' \1\Tl\'G _ ., d d II LEnox' 0981 humidilicr radiator '\1 0944

Electrical COll'rdclor -cn "'e PL 20W I' "n ccoratmg, wa _-------------- papcn '& Gu"ran teed '" orkman- L. I M h. L -\DY'''-Bcautlful trous.eau. ;ile'

l'censed C-\CLKI:\(,-::'ale Iud \"ull.. \\lll- j • lip and material P-ompt 'entce IDCO n Ie Ine and Eng.-neer.-ng 10 and 12. practlcallv ne\\. fIfteenCommcrual • R~'ldent al dOli, "lid t!OOt--lt prllults "'I" I R~"sonable -a'cs Don Sherman P'I~'Tl"G- drcsse', four SUits .kirts, blouse.,~ I d d r I' II ['0 I' 11£' I' ,." ., And decoratlnll. F. D.lIase Plugs • 1 "lurc< • ,,\I .ll IC' 'p' ers "ll !erm IC' ,"u ~Ill'l h 1 I ' 'CI Ie..,.. , Relsener, 5260 Courville Nl 5944 lme d,.tincl1\ e formal>, <ell at sac-

Fluorescent tt,turcs \Ie 00 J~Ld-on"lJlc pr"" J r,e c'I' --L-B-T-AYLOR /I not at bome call TU)<edo 2.5257. rifi"e Xo dealcrs TU 1-0650DRe,el 47iI' mdtcs PL 20ln I. , 15010 Chari .309 :\<hland evolx PERCY JOXES patient, beautlful

-------------- RLS fOR \1 lOX - () f fill e (-"Ill pit te P.lllltlll~ and Deco- Att fl. Christmas card as.ortmcnt $1 forATTE~TI0~ - \\ d,h11l!, mdLhm" en on bO"l:of 21; ele\Cn a.sorted Chmlmas,'a~'um cllallcr, rlllalrtd !>, ,ct. pallltln~, plL ture frdl11l' I e r"tlll~ '-CI I ILL L,t.lhit,l!ed 23 \ bl I $1

,_u b fi I - I VETI:RAr\' W A .....''TS Happmg., rI lon'. sea" tag., ;eran. Frec ulllllall. (.dll \,1 0703. I stand, U Illg po 1'\11\.:':- \ (,II' CO or "I)(ll.lh,t,., ! bcaullfu! cloth !>oulld hohdav r~corddriIllll!:; ~uttlng- and ~f1nd J l"nu\ +428 I Pamtlllg" and Decoratmg Work HELP WANTED-Female I FOR RENT bool-.s. $1. make, a nice gfJt. Free1l1g' \\ e lire and mend gla-- 1---- ------ ,,",dls "'ashed - Wallpaper Re. dellvcn PI 16..'lI,china. porcelal11 hl'que H. BOR~'IAN I moved by S tea m - \Vindow COOKI\G--\.nd downstaIrs White, XOTTI~GH Ul, near Jcffcr,on-~ -!-E-D-I-L-\-I-'-17-c-tr-'l-\-c-I~-,-sl-.-l-ll-s-al\-"

I\\'1~XT1-) car'i c\,pet lellte I - Caulkl11g smgle or \lldow Stav nIghts Re!" Large room for gentleman or em- generator 10 rUll ,amc, 100 feetIII tl11~ line IX f[RIOR - r:XTERIOR I r,pelienc('t! _ RcierclIces ;r;~.ccs reqUlrcd. Good ,"agc, NI plo\d girl 960 XOllml\ham. hea" ('"ble <'-Ir. blade' Call Sun-

1.)(,3(, I I \r \'l L I II: PJ.lntln~ ,1l1d Decorating' G W L b ~ I PRIV"TE hOllle Gentleman Goo'! dav oah __ ~_'_I_9(_18_; _!J,tllJlt 7 'Jill! om us \\O~r\\-r, cool-. meals lor tllO Iran,portatlOn' rClerenLc, L"

I 1S!09 I-ledl\ uod Dr XI. ~83U ' , and, j11lp IlIh )lOu,e\\orl. .. ::,ta)/ 4509 ' . '- Tree Removm' g0J'lll 12 )"UUlI tu (j .l':\I. Call L G p \V or gO llome ,light pJease discuss

FItzr_o) ~4_~ ves ros;e t oods \ TUXedo 1-0019 salar~ Illth mr. ~lr., Miller. 1113 GRhOS~J POINTE-Furnubed and *Beaccjl5T,eld LEnox 5199. eat ..... th~ beth-ooms two bat1r~F D R . --~-- ~. I A ::X Iibrvy. bftakill$l room, 'etc:. 'R.k;~ *liolls prepar . Y Dudler P •• eJSener I . \T II'!: ... s Itth ~'woclc; ences. $235 monthly. Apply Box !I).s", *

3011 Painting and Decoratin, DRESSMAKINC $-,5(1 and ca.r fare; references Call clo Grosse Pointe RevI~w, 151.21GE'TER'L-C L -\R Ii78.J ~\. Kcreheval Avenue, Gro5se Potnte General Pruning and

.. " arpet 'cr\l~ aymo:, 5266 CourviDe I DRE 'is \1 -\KI:\ r, - "lteration, ~11~ IIOl"EKEF~PER~To care for ,n- Park 'lO ~r ,elt Thinning of Sh rub~clcanlng and repamng LE 312i NI sa"" I mdlmcn 11117 ::'Iear 1740 -\1ll1l _ _ _ _ __,. - agara ...... I Tu'e<!o 2.108,i ,,',<.I LEno' ~257 WANTED-:T R * * *' I LR (;jO~ -\ LT II' D - 'en Ice" If Not at Home Call TU 2-5257 __ _ _ ~ _ 0 eat

It1 r(",ltod("ltl1~ I'un \l'r and I I DRESS\r "Kl'\G "nr! llter<- SitJatioas Wanted-Female ISC Have Your Springt I -(-[------ - - !tOllS Specialize In alterallOm '\1 D If-\RGJ:E--\ Dctrolt bU'IIIl",Ll "r L ) ORT D- \.1 P"I!1tll1~ dcc(lra.- ~9'l) P\RT TnIE':" ark a, receptIOn. I il man need, :? or 3 hou« Peunm' g Done Now'.S A HOSTA I 1"C: D,"Ulllltl, '[1ra, "I \\ all J J I SlCrlldf\ i" dOllor S or dellt-I "at or du!,lc". B~sl ot reference,

, • ",,!tllQ \'l"t \\,'rl..mll\"H[1 T,\lIl-IDRE:>:::'\I\r;:[\,G _ E,pert st\It'! "tsOfflll \1241>, PLua 1O(j~ evelllllg, FII7 2I,J.~Rl"l<let1l(" li-l..'l-t ~ ;\101 lit!.:; Dr I I~ \, Ir' "!HrllIl(C ~5,.o 1l.rd11ld: and fillcr Jour \lorl-. altcrtllOn I _ * * *J 1I,t Olt "'L It II \1 de H".-I III UI~2 SUlts. coats clr~s,e" f,ncst \I orkm ,n. IF \CH FR dt 'Irl' lutofln~ • .,d \1 ll)D [ J - \~cd \\ oman \\ ould Irkc I 1l11nuli.l tt _ Dependahle

-----------,--.--- ~hlp hy c'pert RClcrcnces can he Ctl e 01 chllcln n; c\ enmgli; \\ trh. .. 1 to :-harc apartt1H. nt or home or-R-r.-F-R-I-G-L-R-,--\lOR- -\no mlitor ser- LLn(), (,,:,88 fUP".bed DR 71~8 111 DR -l8UO rcn, (lIt< "r 1\\0 111l1\lrn"lIcd r,)om, ~Ln ILC b) I "'pens

N I S \Iurrd\ L1l70\Ice L'c~nscd anti bonder! "ell e s wanson ------~ - - ----~ -- -- - -_ G ter D trOI.tnator, Fng dalrc Leona-d Cold;i'>'" DRI' ';S '1 \KIXC.-- \lteral on, and r,ll<! -\\ 1,lIcs to ,are I,'r ,'ltldn n rea eUn\\cr,al and ot 'er, \\ ,"Hms LI p m,lhlllfl Ine; 'lear, li~11 \m. \'Clllll' (,ro", l'oll1lc 'II) l.~III \R\!Y Oltl«r, pcrm"'Hnlll' ,tl. d C6ilJ3 h no dn,'lCr TR I ~WO I ,11t1ttl1~, Parer Hal1~ltlg and 1 L 218-1') ",r 3 Tl.J :?-92i2 t'Il' r!c"r", hedrnolll 111l. Lan scape ompany-------------- Decor,lttl1~ ------ - ----I ~ .~------------lfllfllhh<ll IlOU'l. <I<'l'll' or t<na,'

50:;CJLLXO~ ,\\ I ~Lr. SLIPCOVERS MUSIC LESSONS (,r'.e I'mlle or \1'1\1 P"ma- FR1~1: r"ll\f \TFe;-- - ---------- - ----------- ---- - -- - - ---- t1(,Llt rt. Hknh LH l}))(l t '\.ten.,IOII

II \ \ I.-I "ur 'Ill" D\ cr. aad ,Irap. ICCORDIOXS-Journ. hed 10 Le. 4)~ 'cnt, nlJdt at the Dc D

L::,hcr t;" nner~ Lc-..sons bv Joseph )'fa~- j --- _

Office. RO.l \Ilk 31,0 • 11cno, :?7 \elr, e,peflenc~ i()4(j I I 1\ E room lparlm, 'l! !I 100.,111\1,

--------------- Ihrper T\\ 1-5~3S or 1\ 633~ I" I: <'r b" h< lurnl.l"d or un- HI -\L 1 IFL L - Color hrcd smg.rEMPLOYMENT AGENCIES -- - -- - - - -- I IIrn ':1<' '()LlP!<' l10t I" t' (Ift rn and brecdttlt: paIr,' mhcelJaneou

------------- - Situations Wanted-Male 2\111. t,tUI-'OIl.% TI\\\lI hr"pp <1\lr:cr, dnd femalt, 301'0babv pa."WILLER-Employment agency FI ----------- -- -- I I).,cel' "mall dcpo,,' \\111 hold ru

2656 Domestic help. ",omen for UI-\ll I r:lR-J~\ thc 'lOlIr \'t<dl RI ~f\~D adult Wllpi< titTle 10lr 2,~2{)7 171lJO D~trol; Streetlaundry and d~~nJng v lm( one to clrnc 'Oll \\ II or fl\C rOOTll ""I , nnfurnhlH.C IIlC )ml:' ~",eell) Good laundre55e, and c1un ' e \ ,)U \\ h crl \ 0 I lJ).,l a' ,0'" Ior dpartmcllt C\ ~-1()(.2 CIIILD"; t(1\ clect"c 'to\ c, t()\ 11

en f1\emel1, I [,pert tiC Icr good I DrPF\I' <t,I,Ic 1>0" and to\ enallle! .to\e, HAm,1------------ ,,'rencc, ,rL ~~511 - )-\RLF, JlIIallalh " ton Rc.,h "IIl,m ,1<al'er rller"

----- --- -~- coup" reL<nth 'r.ll\ fcrr,,1 to De- ')I~ plaIT! '0.11 ""l 111 Cl'l I I' noHOSPITALS IrOll, ,I< 'Ill untllfllhl "I ,>11< Ilr 1\\0 7%~ alt, rill' m

---- -------- !hUirl..H)tl) lllu)lIl(' ('r tl n dll, dlJrirt-I---.----- . _\ '\~ UL ~ C I\ (,- '\"Il Com .ll~'L 'Ilt m,lll t r h '11 'c (,n, , P",nt, P"I-._ I BOY.., \I c.t, rll rITllIl~ h(lOh, "/c 9

1l"",plta1. \l1l1lld c..I, p-l', onc" \ errll'r 1t''''1\' lV d"'nll ('lIltll" \lorn' '" Tl ':-)108,• 1rac:urc .... ('UlI\alc..,. t.rt ;).1.) '\0 (lnldrc-1I H.lllfllllt .... C\ bl)\~},1 '

I Ie ca'tS an "lied C..lI \\ "rell I' ,\ 2,Ii HI \l" TO\\l,!n ,oat l\ III Per" ...11 lte!l\een 128 p 1Il ,11 h ,---------,--- __ I I.m!> \l ,tc~, nardh \lorn ~I \,

------------ 11 '\-\, \\ \1 olillcr dnd '\\1' d~,trLIIOS;PERSONALS I Hat ()f IIll0me ll(), 1,1Idrcn or I

--------------- pet •. (.,11110.7-1117" R'\CCOO\' eo.l \\ tit rcd \\001 11.,rO\, TR \CT-Bndgc pla\Cr. Iltt~r-I--------------~~ 111". 'IU 12 ,hon red coat \\Int~

~sled m duphLate tournaments I"J-.TER \\ \\1I~ and cl> III \,.ot IHI"I>I '17C 14 bbr)., P~r<,an andl PI 07.,1 lrnu'c nr 11;1\ '1111'Tlll,hul LI-n'" hroadrIollr mull SIn \ I ~ 1

.----~.----------- 2i9S ,---- _LOST AND FOUND 1----------- -- 1\1-.\\ - I-I,.!T,! I(lot ,,011 (,rcllla

-------------- !II II" III I I" -[), ,11\r~rd ~'nl\ n"ho"~l1\ l,.r 1\1111 hlnnd IcY)

fl"'l 111 \HlIl t\ '{(rn \l~"llr l\ Qlllttf .-Illd \\ It II rT1Hr rr HIll1 .. ' -:::::11' ...~ur(h ( l'n.l m;n 1H IlllRr ..... r \£ , ..... ~llt 'Of h(''1\Grnc:""c t\IHlh ntlul('\a,d ...lbl'llt Tr...('ll1 '1 ~rllll 111IHl ..1,d1l0!(' ll ....tq ~... P1r1ll.h or ,,(d lII'ttlf1. 1ll1~i1I'lrK.(\"'.I"hpr('lJ(\t0

1(,\ 1 t..lnlll.trhrllllh ",1" 1 \\1 r1\Umt l;j If I) \.. ~ d'll1 ,)f hT1 \qlllpHd \\~I "'lll.. ..cld) II''',,, ,,~, l~"'J Tramp.on Ro:" ...tOIH .. I,t\\~rd l.llill 2))_1 hI .... t'llfn III I 11 , tHt ~~( .. tlll\11'\"'(ln 110... 11'" \\.P"lrt 1.... <ll.j(c; l\' n~

-, '-"-I----I'-,-'_-I-T,-'-,-.-e-I\-,-r-,,--r,-,-t,-"-'-d r('!<. r ll\. t... l~ ~ ~{r:} _ ,Illltc1 1'~~1~1:::\ ~r ~tn\,1~i;hl:hll\"llrtl~)1:" it)l.!} -, ,-I-I~-T-"-,-,-,-t-,-,-l..-a-tc-,-,-'-1I-e-4--~.-,;

'\\ l1tt :ilh(lllt :;0 pOlud .. 1\(\\;. : {rl 'I R \1 11 he. I R:I< -I ,(I I l\ll \'of\\))(l Tl 1-,141 hI)\. ....... )...a'( .... "17(':; S3 O~lt"

It..., Ll,a'm(r... ~ ",d \\ !t 11dll..llrr ..d lri,m L (\, i 1 hla .. k pafnl. l('a"h~r pump ... ll\e-Irl.',df\ljlr rl I rn III 11\1'" J,rlr~ \\'Ilfl 1 ....1lr~ "'}....l" "'171' 1\.."11H\\ n<.\('f "orn 1\\\ $3:;,0 TU

HI" 'If 1 11 ( I ( II t \ HI \\ It 1 ) 1...,' 1 \ I r l l' do l. -1"'4' iI , j r II( I I I I": ~ ~I ~ " 1 1~ ~, 't t "I ::;I -:;..

Page 23: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters



24 Hour •Service



We f'lehuild &r exdum ...yo ft r washing mHhi_motor.

We pick up and deliver, _you rail brln( the work t..ur ..hop and you can !'antime and money.

1-&410 F..'n'RSO~

at rhalOH'n '.F. 595S-St5C







Factory AuthorizedMAYTAG


~ WAlTeN'S

"Wutem" Venetian Blind.

J. & T. HURLEY, INC.11851 Kercheval




" .,#If ELF~~t ~ .. ~ ""='-

IP~. Uij. f '.(tV':'1

os", o' ~~

lnDersprlnc We KeltuUd Your All Cotto.IDDenprlDrMattresses MATTRESSES Felt Mattrese

$30.00 Ie They Feel .nd Look $16.50Like New



MOTOR CITY TIRE SERVICE3455 £. Je.enoe MEIroee 34A

w..... Lart-t Dri-.. ~





YDII ""if'a.MY ...1l~1I,... ~., IUI! re \' ou."1 .hlet tr_ &II •.1UI.r&et.rer


CoMpleteLilM ofP.rtsfew AnM.k..


White Writloer Rolls... All Make "'a.~eh

NEW HOURSFew Your COII" ... iettc:e--9 A.M, to , P.M. Dei"


<[0' PO~_Wind_Ow _Shad_e8

GET YOUR SUPPLY NOWWhile It I. Available

Cannel - Cameo Block. Grate Hart. Packa,e CoalStop at Our Grosle Pointe Yard

A.k for AttrachYe D •• k C.leftdar


~~I. i

Page Twenty.nlT~ ~1



AGAIN AVAILABLE * '1,Made to Fit Your Window 3.,,-.

Standard Window Shade Company 'i~ISt.S E. W..... n., BuelUn.hom TU 105M I

_B_U_Y _A_GO_O_D_FE_L_L_OW_P_A_PE_R~ 'i:7'1

I~na~p,~.~.t~!on~:$5500ISpring to Match. Set Com-

plete. ... -, .

LE 8800



WANTED 200 CARSW. Pa,. More - Ca.h Waitin •


Call AR. 9840

... Here for A Few Days

Knotty PinePanelling


Gratiot Townlhip



Or Come to 19397 Kenosha



Call Mom ... or E....enmc.========== Floor LamPIAL JARCHOW • ~~~:trieaJ

Trade NOW! Before Price. Drop-Or SeU for CASH



PAYINC $50 to $100 FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS from '36to '42 mode". If you are thinking of telling your car, BET.TER SEE ME, fOf'I am reany paying off for tbe right kind.

14801 E. Jeffenon

Limited Quantity Now Available forIMMEDIATE JOBS

,. .. de ftot care to _II, let •• repair y_ carT.,. 0... E.Z Tim. P•.,.,...n. Plaa


ALFltED F. STEINER. COMPANYFa ....... , • LiaeoIa-ZepIIJ'1' Sale. A.s.-rice

• 1... Mack A"enue at Grayton NJ....







* Invisible Metal Weather, Stripped Combination 'Vindows

Miller Screen and Sash Co.17801 Mack Avenue NIagara 3665



PORCH ROOFSPorch Enclosures Glassed and Screened In

Call LI. 2-1990Royal Oak

Have the Backsand Seats;e;....'p....',..-,,-,.-;....5-'....

For a F.... Eeti.ate

Of )'Oar am-. a..irt We haYe• limitedamoant 01 prewar lead..ette on hancL

Grosse Pte. BicycleII3II.IS Meek Aft.

rollMo 2.41.

w..... -Used em

1938 • 1939 • 1940Models

Gl:ORCE KUllA'll


1.. AlHLUID AVE...LENOx ..

• At t1M im lalaaGoD ofimpaired b.. ltJa. connlt apIl,.idaa, ucI abia br llUnperiltlcecl aJIIDMl. 'oUcnrhi. lead. too. illplaoa. ,.ourcoa6c1cu" la tbit "lleUablePrelC:ripdoD." pbarm.CJ"Brio. 'OV prescription... _ cueW. _. •

..... fraIt, .............Jdcet rhac .,. a1-. fair.

Insulin Availablein AD Quantities

(!A/t p""


2103. Mack TV. l-Z4Z8



* * *Buaranteed Workmanship--Low Prices



...--,.Have Tmrr Tires Recapped

While You Work

Prompt Service - Expert MechanicsAvailable to Serve You NO \V on All Chrysler Cars

Lake Shore Motor Sales14615 E. JEFFERSON LEnox 1185

MARATHON~ Tire Service...

20700 Harper at Vernier RoadTUxedo 1-9842


Beween Philip and MAnistique

Car left Wore 10:00 .. m. will be ready hy 6:00 p.m. withaD til'ft carefuu,. m.peetN and repaired or recappedwb ...



A....... C~"Il'" 'AtTl nooc

- ---~--- - -"MERRY CHRJSnr -\S"



AI's Bicycle ShopKercheval at Chalmers LE 8042...... ------IJiW1W1!ll!!CW .... !l!lWW'IAl!I;

FOR SALE-MilcellaMOUI I FOR SALE-Mi.~llaneou. ~OR SALE-:M~e~neou. FOR SALE-Mile"a ... ' I F~R SA-=~~I~eJ_laneou. , .!OR SAL£-MilC:eUaneo~._TOY ml~ll1": lior'r brand IIIII,II,OJ)) ""Ilh 1ll(J\' PO'hd >". ,1111 n'> pr<,"U ,I"llon ,,"~on 1J\IJI!\'I'j 1~--1'14Y P~lI ",\I,,, 2 P\1!~" I,,,, I,r 'hair, '''I ,h"" t \\ \I~IJ" _ \ l1>n,.( hl1llcbrl1,

prtle $.3; 4.N.? Hchl<hll, Ihtrolt I hl ...ll"'llll n!:~ I ... llhll l',llit I! .Hl.i Irtrgt ..lIt j ,,~h"'l ...hle hrth\ ltir "'\\llt~ !uh ... r lrtl "'11(" 12, lnl I I/( ir/ .-ifltl q '" tI flrt r \1 :;'C)lfJ ...111,.:(r.... rtll rolnrs

• . r,"r"I!, '''"1,1'''1' pl"1f1 "001 rlol.' 7 ""r boll" 'rli. "1111 .rlrll1~ ."r""1 "" ~II r,.,oll.I,I •• J'~l'. \1"1." ,d,a[Chrhllll"' ~'I: \1,0 Ie.A~TIQL:!' oil 1"1lli', ,rl1'\'olll .Illri ,'"I IlIlllK room I.lhk, Ilk, lIllI )lJ dlld m"t1r<" 1'",,.( 7441 rd,l1" 1"1"1 ,""d,l, hkL lie" " 11,1 ( J(i[{ "I \\J h m"l, r mn"I,1 111.11" 1~41 \"ltlllghdrn, (Jrn".

rut, lhllla 1.1Ip'" rind "'ri\H('(~ .! 014') -- l)(~t If,2-4 11\"" "t.t to\ ",., 1 rlAlIH t l\ tic ~ ['ollllt l'cirhdlshe" ].;C',Inll' lI\mll p,oJeclor ---- I\\lIJj~ r"I"n ,le, fa '''"111( m... - II -10\( \11C)7~ _and tOlS DR 1824 \\ \"III\G mddlln" Illn hdll mol- ,1l111l 'dlll"'1 morlcl rolll "_lor 2 1'( I j\ 1\(, ro')m '1\1le, gll~,' ---.--------- W tAd C t' cd--------- .llIlI' 1\\"f1ll"rrn~\\ltnghalland '>"11, 2!41'J Dnrrmu, Dr", R,,,.- ,,,n'!;I1On rea,on.hIL Pro~p 29-_ fIIR["I\l\" h"IHtl.rnlllrll' an- an. s on Inu IT~ETI" .he $4 <i\lldrell' 'hoe' I'd': ho" !IHI1l'h bll \lIe 20-45 I Ill' 11,;4H - 1 1 If r\ I~, f rorm.I, blur, 'Ill' ~I I P 21

,:;Oc to ~I ,mdll "/r. \1 l>;i4 \\ ... h\(II"" ---------- J{J'.(O/{!) - 1'1.1\ lr "nd d!lll'l _ lilli' j lAmA "Mt, "'" 4!l 4/21 on age\7 I\CII DOl I ""dk,, dol! IHlIl,e t)' ludlJl" 1111' 'I" "_I, \' { ,M1 I.--ffIIl:-----BIl:_gx~ f:$llI: Bll:_~ fUrtlllurr I\ltrclharroll' 1.11\(1.. l(r, _, \\,,It, lilt ... _ _ _

klldo''' >hellr" ho\\lllIg nail Ol{ lliphol1c 'Illd ICllird ,ullahil.' 1'1 ['J \\0 "m"1I h,d" Krall'! (\,,1- MOVING &r: CARTAGE

TOY SR.Jil' on.hlblru or )loInl. I II'~"~I ,olldll""1 tl(~J R'"el1lc •

::,1 ~,f:J~-Clolhes Iln. pole, $4, Hllcl- '1 Lxedo 1-.!-l51 I - . ILo I--d'''n ,edl ,0,,1 flilC ,k,"" nc\, IlI\lll~, -- ," (,I I \I alnul br,1 \\1111 "ox ,pn.,~ I ca an$.10 \1',1'15 lOR\FR "or '\llli,r tnm an ""d m.ltlr,,,, 'I'"tl< .. "ndll, )..\.. .., ,--------- I! Illrror J<lrg( \lIllIe .oam Ir r I'111l1l ""I \\,I:"n 'IIro', 'uburban Movmg-CO\ 1 \llI\h !tke nll', slIe 16.18, I "'d I r d' tr m \ lo-ro'" "HI'. ,,11' "/C luorr.pnllg mol'lre" JWE U L b I d t b ,rca >0\, rc I,.. ,- 1'°' \ R I* NDER SE L * It)', C lire, an u e" ne\\, l,re. IIlR m.,IIIIIC, lomp.ct pnnt<r:' , .. )I olara (corner C\I n('d" Ocld pieCes, baJ:'J:'a2'e."ar, real rul~ber lIe,.r unpalkcd, II \14 ,lllld> tap ,hoes, 1R, CllI ' II ii,

$ 139 W D 98 al,o R"I'ar ';I01l31 hot \'~I,r h •• IU \llln '11)e ~I 54li I{!-Ir-~CJ()R I~pe 11..;:;;: I"ml) andl Gardner Cartage· ac oils .. ", ,. $ . 1\:\0) IY pme frllill and hack 6 f. L\':>Y rollm", J'nll",h hpe, lad I ,I Rl ~ ,allinet rad,o ~I 41117 'I 2139 H tI har, hOIl'c"old fllnl1lUre, ml>' ' hrolll -------- - - ar4 95 Kidd' K 395 'C,i\ln,ll: lilY :<'1 010() blndl, almo't nel\, C d I I \J(I,!, han bcar'll;:: \n,,,lr $1')· Ie ars .. , . , . . . . . . . . '1-------- \lhe.l>: .B~UI1'''"Lk floor mo', It 0"1 l1or,e on Sf' 1l,.!.8250 l-4il Dl{exel 9250' B Fl &.T soprano, cunrd plpC, Conn radiO It _.3906 I 'inll, 1\ 'nrl (, P \\ ood'12.50 Table and Chair Sets . 10001 saxophone, a beauty for tone and ('E~Ul\'E Hohner accordion, 1211 WANTE-D--U-ed-C----W-A-NTE-D--U-aed-c.-r.-

, • , 'action, no; an ",s'n~ml.nt for a be- bass, orRan Slop, Iiir<lVmolh r I I arlj(mn.r $:;0 I cn _R'h pearl, ~I ,a,n 9150 Kenslnillon

$5.95 Dol) Buggy $4.25 B~a1~l,'I~~~"I;;la~~ l.a~:eb~I~I:k~:~ after 5'0 Fnda,. I Te n n ess e e De a I e rItahan Import, $75 !\ I UW9 I

$ 8 95 Rockl'ng Chal'r $ 6 95 TOT'S handmake dressel, d"tinc'we Metal• , • • • • • • • • • , ftyles, 1-4 ~hown t.)' appotnt-menl. DR 4990

$6 95 Steel Sleds $5 95 D~~IY ~~:-.E~~G~~~~~:, Jar:eC~ Wagons• • Tomboy golf clubs, left hand. Tu"e- Scooter&!

do 2-92i3 I"$ 1.95 Steel Toy Wagons .... , " $ 1.59 DRUM, FIeld, l2xl,4, .SlI'\..S an,d Kiddl'e Kars

slraps, skates, man 5 size 7 j lady.I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT 6; SUl1, good COD,1ItI00, l12:eI OF TOYS IN THE CITY _38_K_I _42_47_, _

Page 24: Adju~~ments '1~~'.iTax Rate **For***Townshi*** · low Edition of The Grosse Pointe Review at every inters



This year, however, is different. PEACE, through VICTORY, seesus all on the threshold of the most glorious Christmas in years. Theunchec~ed spirit of old Saint Nick will be truly working once more.Christrr.a: will mean more than ever to every service man, wherever heis. It will mean more than ever before to us, and we hope it will meanmore than ever before to you.







As the season grOWl!closer to Christmas once more, our thoughts onceagain turn toward you, our valued friends and customers. Its been along, long time since we have really felt hke taking down our hair andexpressing OUr hapiness and appreciation. Four long years of war .. ,

absence of friends and loved ones .•. has held us, like you, in mixedfeelings of restraint.

1 his



Season's Greetings

At Your Service!\\' e lake pnde In the lact t hat thr(,u~h the ~ean \\ e ha\ e e,tahli"hed a tmereputation frr -et \ICe to La"t ~Hler" Our ,laff of qualified lurnace men. roof-er" and lmner, '" lO!1,tar.,l, 'It) (l1r call \\'helher 1t ,<; to lI1<;(al1 a ne\\ furn-

ae!" rOOI or tlnllll1i; loh or ,'t '!"T\ Il P \ our pr!",ent lIl<,tal\at\On \\ e areeqlllppNJ to do trte Jol, \\ uh all ',<'t {'--an part~ and matl~rlal In <tock-\nrl, r_'lllnate- of ('f>\lTGP, are 1 RLL!



Thinking oj You!







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