acupuncture, acupressure


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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Acupuncture, originated in China more than 3000 years ago, is an important component of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

At the present time, Acupuncture therapeutics are used widely

as treatment modalities for various clinical disorders.


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Developed as part of system of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Dates back up to 3000 yearsspread to Korea, Japan, IndiaPractised in Europe.

History of Acupuncture

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Insertion of needlesPart of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)Related therapies eg acupressure,

therapeutic massage.

What is acupuncture?

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The art and science of using needles, and electrical/or manual stimulation of reflex centers throughout the body to create change within organs, glands, and tissues with intent to return the body to normal function.

What is acupuncture?

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6 pairs of meridians, 2 unpaired (Du and Ren)

361 points plus Extra pointsPoints have numbers and names,

standardised by WHO


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Probably less holistic but has common background with TCM

Western diagnostic modelMore likely to be used by western trained Drs

Western (Scientific) Acupuncture

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Local changes to skin and muscleProlonged elevation of 5-HTEffects on mood and behaviourEffect on reticular systemEffects on sensory nerves

Effects of acupuncture

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Local effectsNEURONAL-Segmental effects, gate control ,

Descending inhibition/ DNIC and Central effects

Release of endorphins

How does acupuncture work?

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Needle phobiaWarfarin and bleeding disordersHeart valve diseaseEpilepsyDiabetesPregnancyLocal infection

Cautions and Contraindications

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Sterilisation of needlesFull medical historyAccurate diagnosisCare with risky pointsCare of patient, informationRecord keepingFollow up


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Musculo skeletal problemsPain“Functional problems”.Neuralgia, migraine, dizzinessStress relatedAddictions?

Treatable conditions

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The WHO recommends Acupuncture for sinus problems, colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, conjunctivitis, toothache, gastritis, irritable bowel, colitis, constipation, diarrhoea, headaches,neuralgic pain, paralysis after stroke, vertigo, Meniere’s disease, frozen shoulder.

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Different way of looking at patient’s collection of symptoms

Another way of treating people, not just writing prescriptions or referring

Recognise limits of allopathic medicineLess side effects?RewardingCost effective

Why practice acupuncture?

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Manual pressure applied to specific acupuncture points with the intention of stimulating neurological flow to various organs, glands or tissues, with the purpose of returning the body to a normal status.


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Acupressure uses the power and sensitivity of human touch to eliminate stress, relieve pain and alleviate acute and chronic conditions. It is a science that deals with the human body and the flow of natural energy within the body. Pressure is applied on different 'pressure points' on the body, stimulating the corresponding glands of the body.

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A system of diagnosis and treatment based on the concept that the nervous system coordinates all of the body's functions, and that disease results from a lack of normal nerve function


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Modern chiropractic was founded by Daniel David Palmer, a grocer, who performed his first chiropractic adjustment in 1895. The term "chiropractic" derived from the Greek "chir-" referring to the hand + "prassein", to do = to do with the hands (to manipulate)


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Chiropractic employs manipulation and adjustment of body structures, such as the spinal column, so that pressure on nerves coming from the spinal cord due to displacement (subluxation) of a vertebral body may be relieved.

Chiropractic Technique

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Examples include: • Cervical adjusting • Thoracic adjusting • Lumbar adjusting • Pelvic/sacral adjusting • Extremity adjusting

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Chiropractic treatment appears to be effective for-

muscle spasms of the back and neck, tension headaches, and some sorts of leg pain.


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