action-items ccxxxvii [rush limbaugh]

For whatever reason, “scribd” was “down” until just-now and, thus, three accumulated “Blast” e-mails are to be conveyed; they are initiated by the last four days’ summaries of Rush Limbaugh’s comments, illustrating again how his impact is seminal. It is advised that an e-mail to the authors thereof will yield direct input [although the preferred approach is to listen to his commentaries, of course]. Contact Charlie Shipp [[email protected] ] for the [email protected] . {Also, a “ Special Notice”—unrelated to Rush—has been reprinted @ the end; it’s a bit off-color, but it does communicate a unique message.} Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 8/20/14 Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official' Opening: Did the waters part as Eric Holder went in? ____________________________________________________________ _ Segment#1: Puppeteers decide to apply The Limbaugh Theorem “The president can’t go there because it wouldn’t help” gives pause to ponder. It is classic Limbaugh Theorem. It isn’t even his decision. ((Reading The Hill: The Whitehouse believes a trip by President Obama would do more harm than good.)) So Top Cop Eric Holder goes in. We are on the march to the biggest –ism transformation of America, and the leader of the march positions to not even go. Call it Socialism, Communism, or whatever –ism you want. They want DA Bob McCulloch to quit and recuse himself. His police officer father was killed in a line of duty. It is not about being ‘fair’ but finding to support the Agenda of a civil rights movement. It doesn’t matter that he is a Democrat. Everybody there is a buffoon and an idiot and have to go to the federal government and Eric Holder to get it done right. There are so many messages here. Eric Holder is going to make sure civil rights are protected, except for some. Nixon is not stupid in his pandering. He isn’t going to vigorously prosecute the looters. You know what he means.

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Rush Limbaugh


Page 1: Action-Items CCXXXVII [Rush Limbaugh]

For whatever reason, “scribd” was “down” until just-now and, thus, three accumulated “Blast” e-mails are to be conveyed; they are initiated by the last four days’ summaries of Rush Limbaugh’s comments, illustrating again how his impact is seminal. It is advised that an e-mail to the authors thereof will yield direct input [although the preferred approach is to listen to his commentaries, of course]. Contact Charlie Shipp [[email protected]] for the [email protected]. {Also, a “Special Notice”—unrelated to Rush—has been reprinted @ the end; it’s a bit off-color, but it does communicate a unique message.}

★ Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 8/20/14Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'Opening: Did the waters part as Eric Holder went in?_____________________________________________________________Segment#1: Puppeteers decide to apply The Limbaugh Theorem“The president can’t go there because it wouldn’t help” gives pause to ponder. It is classic Limbaugh Theorem. It isn’t even his decision. ((Reading The Hill: The Whitehouse believes a trip by President Obama would do more harm than good.)) So Top Cop Eric Holder goes in. We are on the march to the biggest –ism transformation of America, and the leader of the march positions to not even go. Call it Socialism, Communism, or whatever –ism you want. They want DA Bob McCulloch to quit and recuse himself. His police officer father was killed in a line of duty. It is not about being ‘fair’ but finding to support the Agenda of a civil rights movement. It doesn’t matter that he is a Democrat. Everybody there is a buffoon and an idiot and have to go to the federal government and Eric Holder to get it done right. There are so many messages here. Eric Holder is going to make sure civil rights are protected, except for some. Nixon is not stupid in his pandering. He isn’t going to vigorously prosecute the looters. You know what he means. They want the cop found guilty yesterday even though not even charged yet. To solve this is why the America people elected The Black President. Anderson Cooper interviews. ((Clip-Spike-Lee: Many thought racism would disappear; it hasn’t.)) Obama so badly wants to go and not play golf in Martha’s Vineyard but the WH says it wouldn’t help. CNN will set up a bureau there through the November elections. Don Lemon gives his phone number out to looters, “If you need anything, let me know.” ((Clip-on-Spike-Lee: Bring in Honore from Katrina effort; he could fix it.))>>> This is something I predicted (clip). The same way Honoré came in with Katrina, he could do it again. _____________________________________________________________

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Seg#2: Governor turned it over to Highway Patrol leader Ron JohnsonLast Thursday, Highway Patrol leader, Ron Johnson, looked really good and could be the next gov of Louisiana. Looters started and he had troops stand down and let it happen. Now he won’t be the governor. If there is one guy that could talk to looters,>>> it is Obama. Can’t he use his persuasive power? _____________________________________________________________Seg#3: The myth was shown to be a political lieSo the only way to stop Black on Black violence is convict this cop. It did happen in the South with Democrats in control in ages past. Rodney King happened over 20 years ago. It is a total myth that this happens in our day. Another example of a myth: a gentle giant was walking along and thinking about entering college for the first time. Then he was struck down. Media had been demanding the release of the store video and DoJ wanted it held back. What did the video show? The gentle giant was not being gentle. From that moment on, violence increased. Why? The myth was totally nuked. It wasn’t made up; now it wasn’t going to be easy to put the cop in jail. The cop was roughed up, and may have eye socket damage. One of the ways to get back to their myth is to go after the DA. All of a sudden Bob McCulloch is unqualified. He can’t be trusted to ignore all of the evidence. His mother was in a police dpt. ((Clip-McCulloch: We are going to proceed until the governor says differently. This family deserves getting on with [the grand jury, today].)) >>> The governor and Claire McCaskill are pandering to Democrat voters. of agitators/protestors are not from Ferguson.Of all 78 arrests, only three were Ferguson residents. ______________________________________________________________________From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Gullible’s Travels"

Many have long worried the American education system is dumbing down the population. Here’s a news item that validates that.

In 1988, “The Onion” began publishing parody news stories that were obvious satire. They were so popular that the website became a staple of the parody news environment.

The Onion reaches about 11 million people a month. A significant number of those visits are from people who are driven there by Facebook. Apparently, a significant number of these readers “just don’t get it.” Because Facebook is testing a tag, a “notice” for their

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users, to let them know that what reading from the Onion is “satire.” This became necessary because so many gullible Facebook users believed the Onion stories were true.

For example, headlines like this: “Busch Gardens Unveils New 9,600-Mile-Long Endurance Roller Coaster.” Many Facebook believed it.

It’s not just young people on social media websites who are gullible. Millions believe Republicans want to take Social Security from the elderly, take school lunches away from students, or that they’re waging a war on women. Millions believe in the global warming hoax despite reams of irrefutable evidence that researchers cooked the books.

So Facebook having to identify “satire” for the gullible doesn’t surprise me. How could it? I’m the one who coined the phrase “low-information voter” (I did) to explain how millions of the duped could re-elect the Regime. There are lots of gullible Americans out there! Way too many.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...

Forbes: Facebook Is Testing A 'Satire' Tag Since Users Think The Onion Articles Are True [[Heard AM on radio across America]]


Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"There are now photos of a Democrat voter registration tent that has been set up in Ferguson. The death of Michael Brown is being used to register Democrats in Ferguson, Missouri, practically right next to the memorial for the kid."

"Sometimes I feel like I've fallen into a time warp here. A Democrat governor's just sent in the National Guard to shut down a bunch of black protesters. The Democrats are doing sit-ins in the offices of somebody named Nixon. I mean, if you stop and think about it, if you're old enough, this is really uncanny."

"Amnesty is Democrat Party control for a generation. I mean, barring some unforeseen, unpredictable event, you have to conclude, educated guess, that newly arrived poor, uneducated, unskilled people equal Democrat voters."

"Yeah, you've got all these guys, Obama and Eric Holder and Governor Nixon, and they're all running around decrying the militarization of police officers. They're the ones that did it! What do you think the militarization equipment comes from for these police departments? It comes from the US Department of Defense, the DOD."

"The media's going to be in Ferguson longer than CNN tried to find the missing Malaysian jet."

"If Michael Brown had been 6'4; if he'd been 290 lbs; if he had just held up a convenience store; if he was bull rushing the cop, everything the same, the cop would

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not have pulled the trigger on a white guy. That's the left's story and they're going to manufacture that. They don't care whether it's true."

"Some of the Ferguson protesters, like the New Black Panthers, are claiming to be the new civil rights movement, which I guess is only natural. The civil rights era is the only period in our nation's history that's glorified in the schools these days."

"We have the president of the United States, who cannot be criticized, cannot be opposed, it is thought, by elected officials who otherwise would be opposing him because they disagree with the policies and ideas. But they don't dare go there."

"We have a Republican Party afraid to push back on anything, 'cause they don't want to be called racist."

"What do you bet that Obama extends the family vacation another week for total of three, using this three-day break in Washington as an excuse or justification or whatever for, 'Hey, he came back to work, so he's is going to be gone an additional week just to make up for the time he lost'?"

"Leftists are singularly alike, and they have singular objectives. The problem is trying to convince people of them. They sound so outrageous, most people will never believe any of it."

"It's clear, ladies and gentlemen: Ferguson, Missouri, is attracting a lot of people who -- like Obama and Holder -- wish they had been alive during the civil rights movement in the sixties, and that's another thing that's going on here. This is a flashback; this is not opportunity."

"If Obama does this amnesty thing before the election, that's going to really tick many people off and the Democrats are not going to be reelected. He doesn't care. I honestly believe that."

"Modern Democrat politics is the fight between left-wing Alinskyites and even more radical left-wing Alinskyites. There is no moderate center in the Democrat Party anymore."

"Remember, Obama's not here to transform the Democrat Party. He's here to transform the country."


★ Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 9/16/14

Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'

Open: It takes DbM six years to see Obama as he is.


Seg#1: DbM is ‘shocked’ that Obama doesn’t seem to care.

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WH hung a blue banner at the HS to make it look official; and after his pathetic statement about the beheading of Jim Foley, the banner comes down and he changes clothes to leave for golf in Martha’s Vineyard.

Because of their own bias and bigotry, DbM wouldn’t accept what I told them six years ago. Obama doesn’t seem to care and DbM is ‘shocked’. They had high hopes because he is them.

Obama announces special forces went in rescue hostages including Jim Foley, but when they got there, the hostages were not there. You never reveal the success or failures of special ops, so why did they do it? They did it to cover up for Obama’s weak statement. ((Montage: He literally went from the podium to the first tee. . . . He is a cold son of a bitch.))

((Clip-Karl-Rove: President Bush gave up golf for the rest of his presidency. [With Obama] somebody made a mistake.)) How is it Obama escapes accountability for his own actions?

With Greta VanSusteren ((Clip-John.Bolton: This is a stunning breach of [military secrets]. The person that gave us the tip may be dead by now. You keep this secret for 50 years.)) Narcissists don’t have time to care about others since they are too focused about what people think about them.

They are busy waiting for love and adulation.

Obama telling special ops details is to show low-info voters that he cares.

((Clip: If an ISIS terrorist showed up at a NYC mall with AK-47s, I would not be surprised.)) That is Mike Morrell.

In UK, among the most popular names given to newborn boys is Mohammad or variations. Because of political correctness, England opened their borders and are being overtaken by Muslims. The executioner of Tim Foley spoke with a British accent and is nicknamed “The Beatle”.

>>> What about our own open southern border?


Segment#2: Progressive-Liberals are Liberals first

A funny eMail note from a friend, “Even if they had listened to you, they still would have elected Obama, twice.” That is because they are Liberals first.

We’ll discuss in depth later. You have to understand what Obama has always believed: the United States is the problem, and never the solution.

>>> This was not supposed to happen after he was elected.

News: Two USA doctors cured of Ebola, “Please continue praying for Liberia.”


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Seg#3: What do you do when the Commander-In-Chief has no clue ?

Liberals are ‘shocked’, ‘dismayed’, and ‘angry’ that Obama seemed to not care, changing to golf clothes, laughing and yukking it up. It fuels the opinion of some that Obama has checked out.

There are a couple of different ways to view this (1) how Obama was raised and taught the United States is the reason there is anger. People on the Left see the US Military as the center of evil. Flash back to the campaign of 2008, “Those days will end with my election.”

Obama made his speech in Berlin where he agrees with criticism of USA. Now, after his election, the despots were supposed to stand down. Obama was raised with this view. He got the full dose from his home and colleges: economic, social, political. This is taught to our young in college. Obama arrived with these views and fit right in.

“We have forced poverty in Gaza because we have been standing with Israel. It is not fair.” He was elected campaigning he could make the world love us. He brought it up in his speech: “This is not how things happen in the 21st Century” when it clearly is !

His election was supposed to end hatred.

Can you imagine the shock? Obama thought his existence was unique and special. (2) What if Obama is so shocked that he is paralyzed.

This is why he has ‘checked out’? Terrorists ratchets it up, even as Obama says we ended Terrorism and bans the word. This was so we wouldn’t provoke the bad guys.

Some in the Drive-bys think and say that Obama is shocked into paralysis.

“Now what do we do?” they ask.

>>> We started out with a guy that had no clue.


Segment#4: “In God we trust!”

Caller:  Media is upset?

        Peter Jennings was on the Committee to Protect Journalists. They wanted to bring ‘the truth’ to the American people about war-torn places of the world. Media loves talking about themselves and how they do it. They love the self-praise.

The US doctor has been cured from Ebola and was totally devoted to God and Christianity. It was Christian Missionary 101. Did you hear ‘Bless You’ got a young school girl kicked out?

>>> “We are not going to have Godly talk in our class.” (In Tennessee)

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Segment#6: The aloof president

(Theme Music) America’s Real Anchorman, doctor of democracy. ((Reading: A high school coed senior said, “Bless you” after her friend sneezed. “I told the teacher I had a Constitutional right.”)) It happened and the school is backing up the suspension.

Do you know why it is said, Snerdley? In case you heart stops, a blessing will restart the heart. People on the Left don’t like that.

From the UK, the reporting of Obama leaving for golf is brutal.

'We will be relentless' (right after my vacation): Fury as Obama is seen fist-bumping, high-fiving and laughing on the golf course just MINUTES after pledging justice for journalist James Foley

>>> [UK reporting does the job USA reporting should do.]


Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Reiner’s Ultimate Solution"

Rob Reiner is one of Hollywood’s institutional liberals. Every so often, he erupts, and spews nonsense, then fades away until the next time.

Reiner was recently the guest on Larry King’s internet show. Which is why few people actually saw the interview. But it’s getting some coverage due to the venom Reiner unleashed at the Tea Party. According to Reiner, the Tea Party and the terrorist organization Hamas are both extremists, and cannot be negotiated with. So the only way to make them go away, Reiner says, is to “eliminate” them.

Reiner’s ultimate solution is based on his ridiculous belief that the Tea Party controls the entire Congress. They supposedly have a stranglehold on Boehner, which is why nothing gets done. What’s needed to break the logjam, says Reiner, is to “eliminate” them. Reiner didn’t go into the logistics of his ultimate solution. But he still says “eliminate” them.

Members of the Tea Party have as much right to participate in politics as anyone else. They have a point of view. They want financial sanity restored, they want the Constitution honored, the rule of law followed, and a country that is strong and respected again.

But because they don’t bow to the liberal Democrat agenda, they have been vilified by the drive-by media, by elected Democrats, and subjected to hate speech from low-information hacks like Rob Reiner, whose biggest claim to fame was playing “Meathead” on TV a long, long, time ago.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...

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Newsbusters: Rob Reiner: Tea Party Should Be 'Eliminated' Like Hamas [[Heard AM on radio across America]]


Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"Every one of Obama's appearances is staged usually now in front of young, low-information college students in a controlled environment, with Obama on the campaign stage, campaigning for something, complaining about one of his own policies that the audience doesn't realize is his own policy. But an environment like Ferguson, they couldn't control."

"Snerdley is in there drinking a bottle of Two If By Tea, and he's just commenting on how good it is. Thank you, Mr. Snerdley, I appreciate that. It's incredible. It is. It's the best iced tea in the country."

"You're not watching news out of Ferguson. You're watching politics in action. They don't find anybody who disagrees with the myth, not one person in that town, huh?"

"I'm wondering, did the waters of the Mississippi River part as Holder flew over the Mississippi en route to Lambert-St. Louis International Airport? Have the lions laid down with the lambs? Are the Crips making peace with the Bloods? Is it all better now because Eric Holder has touched down?"

"It's something like 90% of the agitators and protesters are not from Ferguson. If that weren't happening, if they weren't busing in New Black Panther Party members and others from Oakland, who knows what might be going on there?"

"This Obama appearance of being disengaged and bored and having checked out from the job -- not challenged, not interested in it anymore -- is the greatest cover for political activism that you can imagine."

"If the truth behind any of the Democrat Party's policies is ever revealed, what happens? Whoever reveals the truth becomes a target, and the nature of the evidence and the truth is obliterated, nuked, and destroyed."

"A female Democrat Party activist and party member was on the grand jury that indicted Rick Perry, and she's out singing a sweet song and just bragging about it, how cool it is."

"Obama called ISIS the JV team. So the JV team has beheaded an American reporter, a photojournalist, actually, James Foley, beheaded on videotape. They're threatening to behead yet another American journalist, the JV team."

"You notice how often Obama says he's powerless to do anything, even stop the rioting in Ferguson. Powerless to do anything about Benghazi. He's just powerless to do anything."

"The reporters on the ground in Ferguson are not standing there with notebooks and cameras and microphones and recording what happens and then trying to be the first to

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tell everybody. They are all trying to find things that will fit their version of the story that already exists."

"I used to say back in the early days of this program, if you miss this program, you miss this program. There's nowhere else you can go to hear what happened on this program. But if you missed CBS, no big deal, watch ABC."

"In the current climate in the United States a black person can never be the oppressor, and a white person can never be a victim."

"Students in the high school in Ferguson, Missouri -- still closed because of rioting -- are not just missing classes. They are missing their free lunches. I kid you not. Students in the high school, closed because of the rioting, aren't just missing classes. They are missing their free lunches."


★ Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 9/16/14

Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'

Opening: Latest Democrat reason is silly


Seg#1: If we don’t grant them Amnesty, they will become Terrorists

Chuck Hagel thinks that if they get mad, they will join ISIS [pronounce it ‘eee-sis’. The first vowel should be pronounced like the ‘y’ in city. ] It’s openline Friday and we will cover the spectrum, not just Obama golfing and Ferguson.

The AP has a story that Immigration is a ‘non-factor’ in the 2014 elections. You people don’t care about it. ((Reading-Daily-Caller: Pat Murphy said that if the underage migrants aren’t given Amnesty, they could become terrorists. We need to make sure we treat them like they are our children and grandchildren. (1) pathway w/education; (2) Ensure they are not terrorists.)) He is a state rep in Iowa seeking a US House seat.

This is certifiable proof that some Liberal Democrats in Iowa are insane. How stupid does he think his constituents are? We are the problem in the world and we had better make amends. They want to come here so bad they ride on the top of trains and if we don’t be nice to them when they get here they are going to become terrorists.

Rick Perry spoke at the Heritage Foundation yesterday and postulated that ISIS is already in America now.

It was refreshing to see the missionary doctor back from Liberia giving praise to God. He was out-front with it and there was no question he is a missionary.

Look at what happened in Tennessee: a coed sneezes, her friend says, “God Bless You”, and gets suspended for the rest of the day. No pre-game prayers in some school districts. Speech at graduations suppressed. There is absolute furry on Twitter against

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Kent Brantley. His was a ‘feel good’ story and not that long ago, his comments were acceptable. Praising God has been under assault and intense attack for a decade as everything is politicized.

Here’s an idea: Walter Isaacson used to be managing editor of Times, and for a short time ran CNN. Now he is with Aspen: he makes the case that privacy is different from anonymity. He does not like anonymity in social media. You wouldn’t say half of what you say if you were not anonymous. He didn’t propose the government get involved.

>> Privacy and anonymity are different, he believes and postulates.


Seg#2: Providers need to remove anonymity to bring back civility

On Twitter they call him ‘douche-bag’ and that is minor compared to other anonymous viciousness. There is absolute furry on Twitter against Kent Brantley.

On Uber, the passengers rate the drivers and they are more civil and polite. Character is what you do when nobody is watching. It is traceable back to Plato.

>>> Morality is how you are in private moments, postulates Plato.


Seg#3: Liberals see their dreams crumbling while Obama twitters in golf

Not just Twitter and Facebook, the gutter-talk is expanding. It is also on Leftist blogs. People ask, are they just this stupid and inconsiderate? Has it always been this way? This poor doctor is being ripped to shreds just for thanking God that he is still alive.

It is one thing to say you do not believe in God;

it is another thing to rip those that do.

A city board allowed a woman to rename her street, “Redskin Drive”. Drive-by Media wants everyone that does not view things as they do, or you are ‘odd’ and out of step. They act ‘all-knowing’ and ‘perfect’, and any disagreement is not allowed.

We now know why Obama went back to Washington ((Clip-Major-Garrett: It included other parties and a bachelor party.)) Dashing back to the golf course in Left-media. Obama represented their idealism. It was an added bonus he is [half] Black. In all of the Liberal characteristics that matter to them, he was the whole package. For the first two years they remained fully invested.

“He’s just so far ahead of us intellectually, the job becomes boring to him. Instead of reverence for the Oval Office, he doesn’t even like going to the Oval Office and thinks it is a prison. He is capable of so much more.”

All of these invested people see their world crashing down on them.

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Their liberal icon has failed to meet their expectations. He was supposed to bring the Progressive-Communist-Liberal Utopia. We say goodbye to Global Warming and have free Healthcare. The one man chosen by history and destiny can’t get himself off the damn golf course.

Do you know how much the Left hates golf? Rich 1% are out there in open space while the 99% have to sweat to support them. Women were not allowed and the golf carts are causing Global Warming.

>>> The Leftist Dream is falling apart and they are beside themselves.


Seg#4: Transforming America into a third-world nation

Ben White talks to Politico about Obama on the golf course ((Clip: I’m not concerned about the optic, I’m concerned about what he does. There are Democrats quoted that this was a bad move, and shows Obama checked out.)) I don’t believe he has lost interest in transforming the country. His deception is brilliant. He doesn’t care about Obamacare—that is beneath him.

He grew up being taught that the United States is the cause of every problem. He also believed the silly notion that his election would solve everything. America has a president that sees America like other leaders of the world do. Maybe Obama is now in a state of shock.

>>> As a narcissist, he may be in denial and shock.


Seg#5: Liberals out of power are funny; in power, dangerous

It could be that Obama knows full well that his policies are failing.

That could make him double down —He thinks others are stupid.

Barack Hussein Obama thinks others do not recognize his brilliance.

>>> You know how Liberals get when they are rejected.

[ED: Do you remember his real name? Did you buy D’Souza’s movie?]


Seg#6: The Limbaugh Theorem: Obama is above his destruction

Ben White talked about Obama yukking it up mere moments after talking about the beheading by ISIS. Only Democrats can give correct criticism? Any Republican criticism is automatically rejected, especially from Conservatives. No, it is the Leftist Obama defenders that cannot be trusted. They support the Liberal Agenda and see Obama playing on the damn golf course.

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I know these Leftists better than they know themselves because I am honest, and they deceive themselves. To them, it is bad enough that we are the lone superpower, we did this with hard work. No, this game to them is rigged. They see ordinary people as just not capable.

America was and is founded on the concept that government is subservient to the citizens. To Leftists, that just is not acceptable. They want The Regime to control everyone life and liberty.

Do not doubt me: there are people that believe this way, and Obama is one of them; he had the ‘messianic’ complex with his Greek towers and speaking around the world. Now, as he sees himself rejected, things could get messy. He could double-down for Justice for the world against America.

His policies failing doesn’t matter to Obama—he will still transform America. He will still ‘fix’ the injustices. Obama doesn’t not have to be fully immersed in the Oval Office. He can keep the borders from the golf course.

>>> Let me reassure you Obama-supporters on the Left:

>>>> Obama can continue to destroy American traditions;

>>>>> He can do it and appear to have nothing to do with it.


Seg#7: Republicans tried to be ‘color blind’ // but Democrats don’t

We had a massive recording session; and yet, here I am as a professional.

Caller: Had it been a Black journalist would Obama have spoken more strongly?

Others are asking this, looking at Ferguson and the Agenda. What did George H W Bush do during the Rodney King incident? He sent the DoJ quickly there to investigate and pay special attention to any racial aspects. If things were the same, these questions would not be raised about Obama/Holder/DoJ.

Republicans go out of their way to nominate great and qualified Black candidates to positions, and what do they get? Democrats seek to destroy them. Not just their positions but their lives.

>>> Why do we even have to ask if Obama views everything as political?


Seg#8: CNN is not succeeding in convicting the Ferguson cop

CNN is noticeably ‘down’ today, and the reason can be seen in their headlines. The MYTH in Ferguson is falling apart. They Myth was that The Gentle Giant was walking to his grandmother’s house, thinking about his first day at college. They he was accosted by a cop who shot him in the back while he was raising his hands, which happens all too often across America, all the time.

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Now the grand jury begins to hear the facts.

Watching CNN you do not see their prior confidence. It started with one huge flaw: White cops shot Black kids all the time. It is different from the days of Rodney King. Myth-makers do not have free reign. They no longer get to dictate what is and is not the news.

New Media challenges Drive-by Media at every turn. The Trayvon Martin was another example of DbM taking it on the chin. Now there are people willing to stand up and call them out with facts. They were not ready for pushback.

Young ‘journalists’ rarely try to take out and destroy Democrats—they only seek to destroy Conservative/Republicans.

Caller-Utah:  Our school children love your Freedom/Liberty books.

An example of an ‘Easter Egg’ in the pages, to be discovered, is a sentence delivered by Steve Jobs in a commencement speech. The Liberty character has a lot of ‘horse-sense’ and we’ll send her the audio versions:

>>> . . . read by me.


Seg#9: Thank our servicemen and our first responders

The talking horse Liberty is always dependable. I’m thrilled caller picked it up.

Caller:   I  was  on   the   streets  of  Ferguson   for  30  yrs.   My  friend  was  knocked  down.  Another was shot with his own gun. 

      You are seeing your hands tied, and forced into a defensive posture.

>>> You, in law enforcement, are taken for granted way too often.


Seg#10: There is one more hour of Broadcast Excellence

Harry Reid makes racial jokes at Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce.

>>> [ED: He said the ‘wong’ thing and the ‘wong’ time.]


Segment#11: Mankind is not part of ‘Nature’ ?

Animal Rights movement, all of the movements, are Leftist. They disguise themselves as being not political: “You and Dad are destroying the polar bears” after they photo-shop floating ice pieces with a baby polar bear floating away.

Many Leftist environmentalists think the human race is a blight on the planet Earth. Insects and plants are natural, but we are not. I’m telling you what I read, I’m not

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making it up. Hetch Hetchy water is diverted to San Francisco; everybody else is supposed to cut back, but not Leftists in San Francisco.

Because of the CA drought, the central valley farm lands have to cut back 15%. They have to cut back their farmlands because of nature. We are never allowed to be considered ‘part of nature’. Other parts of nature adapt. It is the way of nature that species that don’t adapt, die out.

I had an associate who thought dolphins were smarter than we are: if they had hands, they could build hospitals. And if deer had shotguns, they could shoot back. ((Reading from Sweden: We need to be careful inventing robots since if we are not careful, they could decide the kindest thing would be to wipe us out.))

This woman, Nell Watson, thinks the chips could have the same intelligence as a bumblebee. We deserve to be wiped out. We pollute the oceans. It will be pristine and perfect once it is just dolphins and robots.

This engineers conference would have been parody a decade ago.

>>> Extreme idiocy has become mainstream thinking.


Seg#12: What is different between Reagan and Obama ?

Caller: Newt Gingrich put in a line-item veto.  Reagan balanced the budget.

>>> Obama-puppeteers do not want to rile their core base.


Seg#13: LAPD in 1997 had to go to a local gun store to buy rifles

There are days I feel like I am starting all over again, and I love it. The point is, whether you want to believe it or not, there are highly-respected engineers with kooky Leftist ideas.

One day your kid might come home and say the world would be better off without humans, and you will say, “What the HELL is going on in public education?” These are mainstream idealists like Paul Ehrlich saying we would have to start killing off large swabs of people because there simply not enough resources. He is still at Stanford and has influence among young minds.

It gives young lives meaning to think they can drive a golf cart to save the world. They give their lives meaning by supporting The Regime. It may sound kooky to you but they teach your kids this; then they become gov’t officals and teachers.

Liberals couch every belief in compassion. I explained it all 25 years ago. Who opposes clean air and clean water? They mischaracterize their opponents. They have one objective: Governments must be bigger; you can’t decide for yourselves; you need to be controlled, while they claim to look out for common people. In truth, they want you to control as little as possible.

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The people that create the problems set themselves up as the only people that can rectify the messes they create.

Caller-cop-St.Louis:  (1) In 1997, L.A. PD was held at bay for three hours with AU-47s and military gear.  The LAPD had to go to local gun stores to buy rifles since they didn’t have any;   (2) 53 officers have been killed with their own guns.  It only takes one good punch and the officer is laid out and they have the gun.

I couldn’t agree more. It is a total myth that you shoot Black kids. The police are automatically on defense because of political correctly.

Is it true that you are automatically suspended when you discharge your weapon? [Yes, training and review.] Why did you want to be a cop? [Help people, steady pay, comradery, I’m from the military.]

There were other witnesses

>>> and that is one reason the Myth is falling apart.


Segment#14: Seize the Day !

Caller: I appreciate what you do and why you do it.  Media is embarrassed.  

Caller: Who should own the future of the American people? People, or The Regime?

Caller:  We need a Grand Strategy to simply fight for citizen survival.

>>> That movement is ‘already on the move’. We’ll discuss it later.


From Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Obamacare Audit"

AP is always reporting on events that unfold "unexpectedly." And now they reveal that, according to a government audit, the Obamacare tax on medical devices isn't bringing in as much money "as expected" because thousands of companies subject to the tax aren't paying it. Unexpectedly.

The Treasury's Inspector General for Tax Administration, Russell George, conducted the audit. He says the IRS had better step up its game in policing the tax, which took effect in January of '13. But the agency can't even figure out which companies owe the money.

The IRS expected they'd rake in over $1 billion in new revenue within the first six months, but it didn't happen. They fell short by 24 percent. The IRS expected they'd get some 16,000 tax returns from medical device makers, but they barely got 5,000. So, either the businesses don't know about the tax requirements or they're simply ignoring them.

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A majority of Congress is in favor of repealing the medical device tax requirement. In states with lots of medical device companies, like New York, California, and Minnesota, even Democrats have gone on record saying they want it repealed. But it's still around. Just as the majority of Americans didn't want Obamacare, and still don't want Obamacare, but it's still around.

There's only one thing left in the IRS playbook to turn this situation around. And that is, call Lois Lerner back to service and treat the medical device companies like they are the Tea Party. Harass them until they squeeze every last dime out of them. And then put them in jail. And then criminalize everything they do. And then throw away the key. And then tell them to go to... just get rid of them!

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...

FT: How the IRS Is Botching Obamacare Tax Collection


Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"Britain lost their immigration war a long time ago. There is no Great Britain as your grandfather knew it. You know, in Great Britain, the most popular name for newborn boys past three years, Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohamed. Top three."

"The Drive-Bys are shocked that Obama doesn't appear to care about Jim Foley. The Drive-Bys are shocked that Obama would go play golf. But they had all these high hopes. They bought into all of it because Obama's them, and they are Obama, same generation, same worldview, same pedigree. And they all care."

"Narcissists don't have time to care about other people. They're too busy wondering about everybody else caring about them. They're too busy expecting everybody to be focused on them. Narcissists can't possibly be effusive or emotive, by clinical definition."

"Obama has always believed, the United States is the problem in the world. He was raised, educated, and believes in his own self that the United States is the reason the world is the way it is."

"'The White House'" made Obama play golf? One of our guys is saying this? So Obama finishes his remarks about Jim Foley, and then he looks at his BlackBerry for instructions from the White House, and on his BlackBerry it says: 'Hit first tee next'?"

"I got so excited to do these children's books on American history, to tell the truth at an early age, in a fun way, so that kids learn historical truth and get a foundation of love and respect for this country, despite our flaws -- and there are some."

"Tune into any cable news network or read any Drive-By website or newspaper. You will have no problem coming across people shocked, surprised, angry, outraged, what have you, that President Obama delivered a passionless, almost rote, because-he-had-to, set of remarks on the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley -- and then, in 10 minutes, is spotted out there in the driver's seat of the presidential golf cart laughing and yukking it up."

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"This show is not some exercise in bashing Obama. I don't ever do that, just bash to bash. Never, ever. I have a reason for doing everything here."

"The media loves nothing more than talking about themselves. And they love nothing more than talking about what they do and how they do it."

"Jimmy Carter, the worst acknowledged president ever, and the Democrats elevate him to emeritus status in order to save the party."

"So I think now, in the aftermath of the death of James Foley, the question, does Hillary know how bad things are going to be get? I wonder if she knew how bad this ISIS business was."

"When an officer tells you to lay down, you don't have to. You can rush the guy. What are people thinking?"

"I'm sitting here wondering about this picture of Obama that ran New York Daily News, I think. I mean, mere moments after he finishes his heartfelt slap at the JV team, he's out there on the first tee. He's in the driver's seat of his golf cart, and he is smiling, and he is just happy as he can be. I'm just wondering if the photographer who took that picture is going to be forced to apologize."

"Nobody gets to tell anybody nothing. Nobody gets to tell anybody what to do. That's what America 2014 is. Nobody gets to tell anybody anything!


★ Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 8/25/14Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'Opening: Is there looting in Napa CA? Earthquake! _____________________________________________________________Segment#1: Look at what Liberal media has done to us!The lights were out; the electricity was off; you could just walk into stores. Was there no injustice to cause looting? Listen to Martha MacCallum and Claudia Cowan. They have identified “Jihadist John” from London; his dad is a Terrorist also, held in prison in Manhattan for bombings. Would it bother you that The New York Times attended the autopsy of The Gentle Giant. The point of their story was it was not very professional in their view. The 1960s movement is back; the New Black Panthers joins in. There are exceptions, but the single most animating topic that excites sports media culture is race. They are more intent than their buddies in Drive-by Media. A lot of the sports commentators are young and were not tied to the Hippy movement. Education does not honor American history. To public educators, Slavery can never be erased. Obama came along to erase as much as possible. The Civil Acts of 1864 required Republicans to vote down Democrats. History has been rewritten. So Ferguson offered an opportunity for the young to relive history.

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Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want “no change” and race tensions to “never go away”. ((Reading-Politico: Six years ago, Obama was going usher in etc., but that hasn’t happened. For him it is a constant lose-lose situation.)) Try this different thought experiment: Image in The Black President had been Dr Ben Carson. Do you think The New York Times would praise him and say racial tension is going to be over? HELL NO: they would write this is the worst possible disaster! No criticism was allowed with Obama (you would be called ‘racist’.)>>> Republicans were afraid to push back on anything.>>>>>>> Obama/Democrats have had free reign. _____________________________________________________________Seg#2: Media creates the news they want to report onFor those that remember, it is a change to relive the 1960 Civil Rights, and for those who are too young, they want to join in per what they have been taught. There are questions about what the president should do. ((Clip: These young people want to join the soap opera. “Is that America?” is being asked. We need to fix that.)) Media is making the Agenda. >>> You can see that media is in love with the event. _____________________________________________________________Seg#3: Most Americans are fed up with the outsiders coming in((Clip: We like to cover it like a soap opera.)) Andrew McCarthy noted this. The ‘news’ now is the Leftist-Democrat Agenda. ((Clip-on: There is a new Civil Rights Movement that has sprung up.)) What did I tell you? ((Clip-on: There is something we can’t miss: it feels different from Trayvon Martin and Rodney King.)) I wonder what is different(?) ((Clip-on: People are saying, “Is that America?”)) >>> No, they are saying they are fed up with this. _____________________________________________________________Seg#4: To understand Obama’s ideology, understand his rootsEverybody thinks Obama has check out; but I don’t: He is as cold and calculating as he ever has been. His Agenda rolls on; he may want to appear as aloof for The Limbaugh Theorem, but he is not. He is as intent as he has ever been. >>> No one asked what Obama meant, ‘remake America’. ________________________________________________________________________From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "The Poor Door"One way big-city liberals exert power is by forcing real estate developers to jump through hoops. Like developers must build “affordable” housing units in their upscale developments.

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One new luxury Manhattan skyscraper was forced to include “affordable” rental apartments in order to qualify for government incentives. The upscale residents have access to their condos from the front lobby. The rental tenants have a separate side entrance. They call it “the poor door.”

In another building, upscale tenants can use a brand new gym for free but it’s off-limits to their “affordable,” rent-regulated neighbors. This led to a complaint being filed with New York’s Human Rights Commission. Says renter Jean Green Dorsey: “Nobody treats me like a second-class citizen in my own home.” She and the other rent-stabilized tenants say they’re willing to pay a fee to use the gym, but it shouldn’t be off-limits entirely.

The landlord of the building sees things differently, pointing out that rent-stabilized tenants get valuable benefits of their very own, including much lower rent.

New York Mayor de Blasio recently weighed in: “We believe there should be a much more equal approach to all the residents,” he said. When he was a mere Councilman, he voted for the zoning code change that allows the “unequal” arrangements. But Mayor de Blasio doesn’t have to use “the poor door” anymore, so I guess things have changed as he's gotten higher on the ladder.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...CBS: De Blasio On ‘Poor Doors:’ Future Development Should Have ‘Equal Approach’ _____________________________________________________________

Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"Liberalism has been so good at disguising itself and trying to make itself look like it's apolitical. I mean, what little kid would think an animal rights group has anything to do with politics?"

"Have you heard the latest reason from a Democrat why we need to grant illegal immigrants amnesty? I'm not kidding. If we don't, they'll become terrorists."

"This business of Obama making a really halfhearted statement about the beheading of James Foley and then immediately dashing back to the golf course is causing a great sense of panic among the Drive-By Media. So many of them had such lofty goals. So many of them invested totally in Obama."

"So, Obama had to come back to Washington for a bachelor party. He left his own vacation -- one set of parties and the golf course -- for another party. He didn't announce that until after it was over, and even then it wasn't announced as a bachelor party."

"You don't know if social media is simply allowing the people who've always been this way to finally come out and behave this way, or if it has creating this new level of uncivil discourse."

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"A common tactic of the left is when they get behind a cause, they make it look like everybody agrees with them, like they speak for everybody, and it creates this false impression that there is no disagreement. So, if you do disagree, you're automatically supposed to feel odd and weird and behind the times, unhip, uncool, whatever; the world's passing you by."

"The media is starting to get really, really worried about Obama checking out, playing golf, not being interested. They're really, really worried."

"We don't see public recognitions of and devotion to God, because it's laughed at and mocked and made fun of. Even that's been politicized."

"If everybody who posted something on the Internet had to be identified by who they really are... I'm not suggesting it, but I think the theory is true that if everybody had to go by who they really are, their true identity, that you'd have a lot less of this."

"A common tactic of the left is when they get behind a cause, whatever it is, they make it look like everybody agrees with them."

"Do you know how much the left hates golf? Do you know why the left hates golf? Global warming! There's too much empty space out there. Look at all that green! Look at all the water that's being used to keep that golf. For who? The top 1%!"

"Obama's an ideologue. He's going to keep transforming this country, and he's going to maybe even speed it up 'cause people refuse to appreciate just how genius he is."

"CNN is noticeably down today, and you can see it, see the reason why in their own headlines. It's starting to return to normal in Ferguson."

Finally a friend provided a copy of the following notice [with a related photo that, alas, won’t be circulated here because it’s X-Rated, although a copy is available upon request…and proof of age > 18]:


Don't forget to mark your calendars.

It is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked and if he does, he must commit suicide. Therefore, next Saturday at 1:00 pm, all Australian women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. It is recommended that they circle their block for one hour to maximize this anti-terrorist effort.

All patriotic Australian men are advised to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their houses to demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they are not Muslim terrorist sympathizers. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, placing a cold 6-pack at your side is further proof of your patriotism.

Page 21: Action-Items CCXXXVII [Rush Limbaugh]

The Australian government appreciates such efforts to root-out terrorists and applauds participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

P.S. If you don't send this to at least one person, you will be subject to the charge that you are a terrorist-sympathizer and, possibly, are aiding and abetting Islamists.