\\ace\students\11\olivia cox\my documents\task 5

Task 5 How did you attract/address your audience?

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Task 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

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• There are certain elements in our production that will attract people to it. For example during the beginning of our sequence it seems very serene and tranquil, and there is a build up with the effects of music and facial expressions throughout the sequence which could get your adrenaline going.

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• Another aspect of attraction would be the fact that the main star is attractive and this could attract a wider female audience. For example when good looking actors are in films girls will go and see the film just because they are in it.

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• Our film also has an intriguing story line which would attract people who enjoy complex films.

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• Our film is physiological thriller. This genre could attract people who enjoy this particular type of genre and who will go see the film just because of they genre.