abernathy the - unger memorial libraryunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1983/1983-08-25.pdf ·...

Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night and the reception following. Because this is a fund rllstnl proj ect sponsored by the Abern.thy Chamber of Commerce, tickets will be required of a ll guests . Cost of each ticket is $3 .SO and may be purchased at First Federal Savings and Loan. Plains Grain. The First State Bank, Cit y Hall, and Struve's Department Store. MY HEART BEATS rol YOU ••• is whit HiIIlry Larius. slid to Foolish Felix Snorthouser shortly after Felix proposed at a Sunday afternoon picnic. This is a re·enactment of the proposal as Felix (Bud Rhodes) warms up to his bride to be Hillary (Dayton Marr ). (Review Photo) Come Saturday. August 27. ai 7:30 p.m. in the Abernathy School Auditor· ium, purdy Hillary Larius is gonna get herself hitched to old FooliSh Felix Snonhouser in the dangdest wedding folks in these parts have ever seen. The two young'uns will stand together in front of about 9SO of their kin and friends. Reliable sources are spreading the rumor that the ridicu· lous affair is, without a doubt, gonna launch the fall social season. The gettin' together of the socially promi· nent Larius and Snorthouser families will gar·on·tee that the elite of Hale County Will show up In either the wedding party, or as spectators. Names of the gang that will be on stage were given to the local reporter and the list includes: Tommie Beck as the preac her : Da yton Man, the bride: Bud Rhodes. the groom: Shelton Hardin. maid of honor: and Laurin Prather. best man. Bridesmaids will be Ralph Wolf. Jimmy Gragg. Monroe Waits. Mac Houston. Billy Smyer. Robert Pope, and Bill Scott. Groomsmen will be Gid Adkisson. Dub Hannel. Lee Blanco, Gary Phillips. Cal Tucker, David Wai.ts. and Thomas Pettit. Dan Thompson and Larry Aldridge will light candles. Flower girls will be Clark Riley and Keith Ellis, and ring bearer will be Speck Cox . The organist Marvin Stephens and 'soloists are Richard DuBose and Y. F. Snodgrass. In the bride' s family: father , Dale Powell: mother. Har o ld Stillwell: sisters. Roddy Shipman. Toby Cox, Ri cky Dunn and Ri c hard Howard: grandparents. Clayton Enger. Condy Bill ings ley, Darrell Stephens, and Lowery Deering .. In the groom's bunch: father. Pee We e Myatt :. mother, Bill Waits : brothers and sisters. Rod Ellis. Jim Mills and Gerald Kelley: grandpar· ents, George Burnett. J. F. Buske, Carl Irlbeck. and Larry Steele. Among the guests will be the jilted lovers, two of which will be recognized as Morris Kerr and Harold McCune. Other family members of distant kin . will include: Randy Peepl es. Jim Thomas. and Jesse Morrison: David Pinson and John Kveton; Hoppy Toler. Scooter Cassler . Hugh Smith, Craig Schaap. Lindsey Webb, and Roland Murra y: Oris Cecil. l. G. Montgome· ry , Neal Stark, Bill y Grimsley. Joe Jack Connell, and Clyde Vandygriff: Do n Presley , Ll oy d Riddles . SCOIl Wells , Bobby Cunningham , Jame s Pope, Don Heath and James Shannon. Ushers will be Ken Moreland. Herb Hardin. Lewis Orti z, John Hale. David Sharp. and A. C. Harris. Everyone is invited to the wedding Proceeds from this sidesplitting pcr formance will be used to help fin ance the Abernathy 75th birthday celebration to be held August 4, 1984. Re me mber to get there early. Ya'lI come! Rehearsal . bd B ..... er Tonight Parti ci pants in the Womanless Wedding should be sure a nd attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner tonight (Thursday) at 7 p. m. The rehearsal will be held in the school auditorium followed by dinner in the cafeteria - ....... ..... ,----------..... _-----....... "IN ... , ..... " ......, ... - VOLUME 61. NO. 41 THURSDAY. AUGUST 15, 1983 [SERVING HALE , LUBBOCK COUNTIES ] U.S.P .S. NO. 003·340 Uons Broom Sale Aug. 25 1 h,' annual - l, on; mop .nd broom ,Jit- ",II be held Thunda' . Augu'l 1S ,n Ill<' 1'<"1 " ffk.: parkon!! "hI from !j fI 111 h) 5> pill . The mop'. broHm, a nd other <k.ning "'lu'pm"nl " mad... b.,' the hllnd and prllcl' cd, from Ih ..... Ie ""iii j!" 10 Ihc blind O'er SO different hou",h,)ld aid, are avai lable . All .d abo ul Ih" 10,,,,,01 ",Ie " in Ih" Cdllioll uf In, ' R"\lt'" benun ... IS Uf/led to look at pncc It'SI . and decide .. hat th ... ".n t to pun:hase befort' Inc .ale starts nCll ThursdlY. I Condog Events I A ..... 15 • First day of school for the 1983·84 school vear. Uons broom and mop sale in front of the post office. Womanl cs. Wedding rehearsal and dinn,'r al 7 p. m. at Ihe auditorium and ,'. fcteria. A ..... 16 . Varsi t y. junior varsit), and freshman f()otball teams scrimmage Frenship there beginning at 5:30 p.m. A..... 'l7 . Chamber of Commerce Womanless Wedding At 7: 30 p.m. at the high sl'hool auditorium. Au .... 29 . Booster Club meets. All"" 30 . U<'ns Club meets at '124 Steak' House at Jl noon . I - Chamber of' Commerce meets at 7 I .m. at Cit}, Hall small meeting room. Abernathy Hobby' Club meeting and salad luncheon. 1 . Antelopes play Peters· burg there at 8 p.m. ANTELOPE SENlOIS ... who will be leading the Lopes to victory this ye.r are: kneeling from left III righl. Tre y Stone (SSI. Robbie Fowler (65). Grady Arthur (25) . Pete Camacho (41), David Kemp (721. and Randal Sti llwell (24) . Pictured 51anding from left to right. Mark Be ll (99). Todd Barrick (()71. Danny MrDanlt'l (88). Brian Smith (3), Randy Houston (84), a nd Tracy Nichols on. Not piclUred is Scott Furgeson. (Review Phot o) School Board Adopts . Sets Tax Rate . .,\ .) (/ (" .._, The Abernathy School Board had a were the only visitors present at the . funds in order to have the same special meeting (budget hearing) last budget hea ring, which was conducted amount of revenue we had built into Thursdl Y at 8 p.m. and adopted the by Vice· Pre s id e nt Laurin Prather , the 1982·83 budget," Adkisson said. 1983·84 school budget. as well as set since President Richard Howard was The tax rate being increased was the tax rate. not able to attend . attributed to a dramatic loss in oil Charles Bowen and Keith Tooley production revenue of school owned oil ....... , .... __ ••• __ ••• __ ... __ ... _______ ... __ ...... __ .... __ ...... _ ... __ •• Budaet Adopted properties west of town. OtherBaIneM ON THE COUNTY LINE A ft er lengthy discussion by the board, they decided to adopt the 1983·84 budget, which amounts to 53,105,076. a 4/ 10tb of I percent increase over the 1982·83 school operating budget of 53.091,794. which was amended later on that evening. The board accepted the tr.ansfer of several students into the Abernathy I.S.D. New students accepted were as follow s: Kim Poe· New Dell·lIth grade: Larry Slawson· New Deal·IOth grade; Susan Slawson· New Deal; 5th grade; and Jose Ramirez·New Deal·lst grade. BY KEITH 100LEY _._a_._ EVEIl'ONE SHOULD MAKE plans to attend the Womanless Wedding Saturday ' night and the reception following the wedding. This event is being held to raise money for I good cause and the Chlmber of Commerce will 'need a good turnout. This event should prove to be the funniest to eve r occur in Abernlthy.". may be the first and last time locals Cln see this many grown men dress up like women. Also participants should be sure to attend the rehearsal and rehelrsal dinner tonight II the auditorium and cafeteril. See you .here! "1nTLE GEMS Collected By A. Sixth . Grlde Teicher From Ellm Plpera Over Several Ye.n." I, Queen Elizabeth wa. a fit womln, She stronaly reailted the demands of the Spanilh Ambauador. 2, SttatelY II when you cInn't lei the enemy are out, of Immuni- tIon. but keep 011 ftriiIl, - - - 3. .. TwD ..... Sleep" ........ you lit your dock til ... houri -'Y. ... A ......... II ..... wIIere thehudol_ .... ... . S. n. .......... 01 .... AIpa II ... ... •. A., .......... =" ...... die ....... ' .. through an aviator. 7. Most of the houses in France are made of Plaster of Paris. 8. The people who followed the Lord were cilled the 12 oppossums. 9. The spinal column is a lona bunch of bones. The head sit s on top and you sit on the Ilottom. 10. We do not rlise silk worms in the United Stiles, because we get our silk from rayon. He is a larger animal and gives more milk. II. One of the main c.uses of dust is janitors. 12. Animll husbandry is to have more thin one husb.nd. 13. A scout obeys all to whom obedience is due Ind relpects all duly constipated luthorities. 14. One by·product of raisina cattle is calves. 15. Nlpolecn' wanted an heir ·to the throne •. but since Joaephine WIS I bafoneII. she coukI not bear children . 16. To prevent head colds. use In apizer to Ipray into the _ Ulltil it drip' illto the throat. t 7. 'The-four- le.lonl .Ire IIltr- Tn:=-:- to tile Creator, 19. 0IMr ero.w.I W • ..,.. red no... but Ullder it wen 4ft,l, , ........ ....... . .. .,.. ........... ....... .................. "The increase of SI3,282 in the budget was attributed to a 5 percent p.yroll increase. a natural increase for schooi employees across the board." School Superintendent Gid Adkisson said, Tilt Rate IDereaaed Tl)e tax rate was set at 62 cents per $100 valuation, a 10.7 percent increase over the 1982·83 tilt rate of 56 cents per $100 vllultion. Adkisson stated that even though the tax rite was raised 6 cents, the increase won't be enough to generate as much revenue IS the budget required last year. "We will hive to dig into school reserve funds to meet this yelr's budaet." Adkisson said. "The sc:hool presendy hIS Ipprolti· mately S700.ooo in reaerve funds. We will use SlSO.ooo 01 these reserve ..... ..... .... 8-17 97 66 8-18 96 67 .. 19 97 67 .. JO 9l , 65 .. 21 100 65 .. lID 65 ... .. Under correspondence. it was an· nounced that the board had received a thank you card from Kellye DuBose thanking the board for sponsoring her at the State FFA Queen competition. ' In executive session. the board hired Beth Steele a;; school nurse. Two were also hired under the HONDol program. Connie P.u1 was hired under this program It Olton Ind Tinl Buill at New Dell. The meeting adjourned. The Abernathy Booster Club will meet Moaday, AUlust 29 .t 8 p.m. in the cafeteria, Everyone is invited to .tteDd to help plan events for the year lad "-t 1 community IpiritJor the football _ teama. The dub ofticen tIda ,.. lie: ............ MK ........ .. ... Harold Stillwell; ......... ,. ........... __ .0. ....... c.- ......... <.» __ .. ... ,... ........ 13 Seniors Give Abernathy The Depth Needed 1982 was not a good year for the Abernathy football team as they suffered all of the hard knocks a team can handle in one season. Last year the Lopes were plagued with fumbles, interceptions, slipped tackles ··all the ingredients that make up a young and inexperienced football team. Little depth. along with being in one of the toughest districts in the state, caused Abernathy to suffer. a 1·9 record season. This year the Lopes will be back with the depth necessary to tum this year into a winning season. Even though Abernathy has been picked to place fifth in this district by the Top 0 Texas football magazine, Coach Larry Aldridge has a much higher opinion of his team. Even though Littlefield is predicted to have a lock on first place at this point. with Mul eshoe running a close second , Aldridge does not doubt that hi s club will be in contention for at least second place. TEAM HAS MORE DEPI'H The Abernathy Antelopes are coming off of a hard season with a team that did not have much experience or depth . This year the lopes have the experience and depth with a total of 19 I 5 a,l:!S,,, }!r.e'{,etl!mi!la. as 7 defenSive. Tn air. approxlIn.afely 28 ,boys play on the varsity squad, 23 on junior varsity and 16 on the freshmen squad. The varsity squad will have the leadership of 13 seniors, all of which are lettermen . The Antelopes utilized the Houston Veer formation last year. This year they will be using the Multiple I. "Our backs are better suited to the Multiple I offensive formation, which is more of a straight ahead offensive formation, " Head Football Coach Larry Aldridge stated. ANTELOPES LOOK GOOD IN FIRST OUTING The Antelopes looked good in their ftrst scrimmage, which was against the Slaton Tigers last Friday night at Antelope Field. Slaton, who is ranked first in their district (F1oydada.Childress.Post.ldalou. Lockney). did not expect to scrimmage such a well· improved Abernathy squad. The Lopes racked up 293 yards total offense to Slaton's 284 yards. Abern.thy rushed 42 times for 184 yards. compared to Slaton rushing 43 times for 22 .. yards. The Lopes passed for 109 yards to Slaton passing for 60 yards. And· best of all. Abernathy scored two touchdowns to Slaton's one. In rushing, Chester Cooper rushed 13 times for 30 yards (1·7 yd. TO run); Billy Cooper, 7 times for 85 yards: Harold Miller. 6 times for 62 yards: and Darrell Young, 3 times for 13 yards. Receptions were made by Randy Houston, I for 16 yards. and Sammy Gallow.y. I for 6'7 yards and a TO. Brian Smith completed 3 of 7 passes for 90 yards and Jamie Mansanales I of 6 for 19 yards and 2 intercepted, Coach Aldridge stated that defensively, the team looked very sharp and tough. " Offensively, our inside running game looked good," Aldridge said. Aldridge especially 'impressed with a 70·yard offensive' drive· near- the end of . th!=- scnmmage . , ,\ "The defense looked the most improved. but we have a lot of'rough edges in all areas to smooth out after scrimmaging Slaton, " he added. OFFENSIVE UNE ROCK SOUD The offensive line is rock solid with such talent as Randy Houston. (Sr. 6'1"·200 Ibs.) a tight end who made second team all·district last year; Ross Bennett (Jr .·6'2"·I85 lb.). tight end; Tracy Nichols (Sr.·6··228 Ibs. ), tackle; Wade Wesley (Jr.·S'lO"·2IS Ibs.), tackle; Rene Vecchio (Jr.-S'10237 Ibs,), guard: Scott Furgeson (Sr·. ·6'3"·170 Ibs.), guard; and Trey Stone (Sr.-6·.I83 Ibs.). center. Sammy Galloway (Jr.·6'·I63 Ibs ,) will be playing on varsity his first year as a split end. Darrell Young (Jr.·6'·ISO Ibs. ), flanker, should make another good target, The offensive backfield is set with the Cooper brothers, Chester and Billy, at tailback, and Harold Miller at fullback. ' These are for the offens!ve line and backfield this year. The coaches are stili shifting playera from posItion to position, DEFENSIVE UNE BEING COMPILED Thus far, not all of the defensive players on the front line have been set by the coaches, Aldridge stated thlt Wesley, Kemp . and Vecchio are on the defensive front line at this point. Ross Bradley will be at one of the cornerback positions' and Billy Cooper possibly a defensive b.ck. Danny McDlniel, a trlnsfer student from Olton. will be linebacker. He made. the first team IU district last year It Olton, The other linebacker will be Ilicty Rodriquez. according to .Coach Aldridae. ' Houston will pl.y two positions this year. He has been switched back aDd forth from defensive end to linebacker" The definite startera on offense and defeaae will not be named tm\II the tint glme of the season, ' QUAIl'I'EUACK JOB UP FOR GI.\8S . Senior Brian Smith (6'2"·165 Ibl.) wu the startina .... 01 the I'mes in the 1982·83 --. Sa ' Sophomore Jamie (5"" .ISO Ibs,), • freahman lut year. stepped in IIUIIIY times .. qaarterIIact. lad by ... end of the __ , tile quarterback battle bad .. beea eetded. COld! Aldriclae bu not c:t.ea • ItaItiIIa yet. ..... , '*-' SnUth lad MaaaauIea ..... bad! ..... .... , ........ bop ........ ..-.t lmJll'O"Cl ..... , .... : __ ""10- .. The A......... , wII ....... ...... ................ .... ...... ..............

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Page 1: Abernathy The - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1983/1983-08-25.pdf · 8/25/1983  · Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night and the reception following

Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night

and the reception following. Because this is a fund rllstnl

project sponsored by the Abern.thy Chamber of Commerce, tickets will be required of all guests . Cost of each ticket is $3 .SO and may be purchased at First Federal Savings and Loan. Plains Grain. The First State Bank, Cit y Hall, and Struve's Department Store .

MY HEART BEATS rol YOU ••• is whit HiIIlry Larius. slid to Foolish Felix Snorthouser shortly after Felix proposed at a Sunday afternoon picnic. This is a re·enactment of the proposal as Felix (Bud Rhodes) warms up to his bride to be Hillary (Dayton Marr). (Review Photo)

Come Saturday. August 27. ai 7:30 p.m. in the Abernathy School Auditor· ium, purdy Hillary Larius is gonna get herself hitched to old FooliSh Felix Snonhouser in the dangdest wedding folks in these parts have ever seen.

The two young'uns will stand together in front of about 9SO of their kin and friends. Reliable sources are spreading the rumor that the ridicu· lous affair is, without a doubt, gonna launch the fall social season. The gettin' together of the socially promi· nent Larius and Snorthouser families will gar·on·tee that the elite of Hale County Will show up In either the wedding party, or as spectators.

Names of the gang that will be on stage were given to the local reporter and the list includes: Tommie Beck as the preacher: Dayton Man, the bride: Bud Rhodes. the groom: Shelton Hardin. maid of honor: and Laurin

Prather. best man. Bridesmaids will be Ralph Wolf.

Jimmy Gragg. Monroe Waits. Mac Houston. Billy Smyer. Robert Pope, and Bill Scott. Groomsmen will be Gid Adkisson. Dub Hannel. Lee Blanco, Gary Phillips. Cal Tucker, David Wai.ts. and Thomas Pettit. Dan Thompson and Larry Aldridge will light candles. Flower girls will be Clark Riley and Keith Ellis, and ring bearer will be Speck Cox. The organist i~ Marvin Stephens and 'soloists are Richard DuBose and Y. F. Snodgrass. In the bride' s family: father , Dale

Powell: mother. Harold Stillwell: sisters. Roddy Shipman. Toby Cox, Ri cky Dunn and Ri chard Howard: grandparent s. Clayton Enger. Condy Bill ings ley, Darrell Stephens, and Lowery Deering . .

In the groom's bunch: father. Pee Wee Myatt :. mother, Bill Waits :

brothers and sisters. Rod Ellis . Jim Mills and Gerald Kelley: grandpar· ents, George Burnett . J . F. Buske, Carl Irlbeck. and Larry Steele.

Among the guests will be the jilted lovers , two of which will be recognized as Morris Kerr and Harold McCune.

Other family members of distant kin . will include: Randy Peepl es. Jim

Thomas. and Jesse Morrison : David Pinson and John Kveton ; Hoppy Toler. Scooter Cassler. Hugh Smith , Craig Schaap. Lindsey Webb , and Roland Murray: Oris Cecil . l. G. Montgome· ry , Neal Stark , Billy Grimsley. Joe Jack Connell, and Clyde Vandygriff: Do n Presley , Lloy d Riddles . SCOIl Wells , Bobby Cunningham , Jame s Pope, Don Heath and J ames Shannon.

Ushers will be Ken Moreland. Herb Hardin. Lewis Ortiz, John Hale. David Sharp. and A. C. Harris.

Everyone is invited to the wedding

Proceeds from this sidesplitting pcrformance will be used to help finance the Abernathy 75th birthday ce lebration to be held August 4, 1984.

Re member to get there early. Ya'lI come!

Rehearsal .bd

B ..... er Tonight

Parti ci pants in the Womanless Wedding should be sure and attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner tonight (Thursday) at 7 p. m.

The rehearsal will be held in the school auditorium followed by dinner in the cafeteria -....... .....,----------..... _-----....... _--------_._------_._-_.-.-_.-..._----.-----..-.--~-----..-.-----.-.--.---.--------.


\~ "IN ... , ..... " oo,~ ...... , ... - VOLUME 61. NO. 41 THURSDAY. AUGUST 15, 1983 [SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES] U.S.P .S. NO. 003·340

Uons Broom

Sale Aug. 25 1 h,' annual -l,on; mop .nd broom

,Jit- ",II be held Thunda' . Augu'l 1S ,n Ill<' 1'<"1 " ffk.: parkon!! "hI from !j

fI 111 h ) 5> pill . The mop'. broHm, a nd other

<k.ning "'lu'pm"nl " mad... b.,' the hllnd and prllcl'cd, from Ih ..... Ie ""iii j!" 10 Ihc blind O'er SO different hou",h,)ld aid, are avai lable .

All .d aboul Ih" 10,,,,,01 ",Ie " in Ih" Cdllioll uf In,' R"\lt'" benun ... IS

Uf/led to look at Ihi~ pncc It'SI . and decide .. hat th ... ~ ".nt to pun:hase befort' Inc .ale starts nCll ThursdlY.

I Condog Events I A ..... 15 • First day of school for the 1983·84 school vear . Uons broom and mop sale in front of the post office . Womanlcs. Wedding rehearsal and dinn,' r al 7 p. m. at Ihe auditorium and ,'. fcteria .

A ..... 16 . Varsity. junior varsit), and freshman f()otball teams scrimmage Frenship there beginning at 5:30 p.m.

A..... 'l7 . Chamber of Commerce Womanless Wedding At 7: 30 p.m. at the high sl'hool auditorium.

Au .... 29 . Booster Club meets.

All"" 30 . U<'ns Club meets at '124 Steak' House at Jl noon .

~plember I - Chamber of' Commerce meets at 7 I .m. at Cit}, Hall small meeting room. Abernathy Hobby' Club meeting and salad luncheon.

~plelllber 1 . Antelopes play Peters· burg there at 8 p.m.

ANTELOPE SENlOIS ... who will be leading the Lopes to victory this ye.r are: kneeling from left III righ l. Trey Stone (SSI. Robbie Fowler (65). Grady Arthur (25) . Pete Camacho (41), David Kemp (721. and Randal Sti llwell (24) . Pictured 51anding from left to right. Mark Bell (99). Todd Barrick (()71. Danny Mr Danlt' l (88). Brian Smith (3), Randy Houston (84), and Tracy Nichols on. Not piclUred is Scott Furgeson . (Review Photo)

School Board Adopts ,B~4g~t, .Sets Tax Rate . .,\ .) (/ (" .._,

The Abernathy School Board had a were the only visitors present at the . funds in order to have the same special meeting (budget hearing) last budget hearing , which was conducted amount of revenue we had built into ThursdlY at 8 p.m. and adopted the by Vice · Pres ide nt Laurin Prather , the 1982·83 budget," Adkisson said. 1983·84 school budget. as well as set since President Richard Howard was The tax rate being increased was the tax rate. not able to attend. attributed to a dramatic loss in oil

Charles Bowen and Keith Tooley production revenue of school owned oil ....... , .... __ ••• __ ••• __ ... __ ... _______ ... __ ...... __ .... __ ...... _ ... __ •• Budaet Adopted properties west of town.


ON THE COUNTY LINE A ft e r lengthy discussion by the

board, they decided to adopt the 1983·84 budget , which amounts to 53,105,076. a 4/ 10tb of I percent increase over the 1982·83 school operating budget of 53.091,794. which was amended later on that evening.

The board accepted the tr.ansfer of several students into the Abernathy I.S .D. New students accepted were as follow s: Kim Poe· New Dell·lIth grade: Larry Slawson· New Deal·IOth grade; Susan Slawson· New Deal; 5th grade; and Jose Ramirez·New Deal·lst grade.

BY KEITH 100LEY _._a_._ -.-.-.-.-.-.-.~

EVEIl'ONE SHOULD MAKE plans to attend the Womanless Wedding Saturday 'night and the reception following the wedding. This event is being he ld to raise money for I good cause and the Chlmber of Commerce will 'need a good turnout .

This event should prove to be the funniest to ever occur in Abernlthy.". may be the first and last time locals Cln see this many grown men dress up like women.

Also participants should be sure to attend the rehearsal and rehelrsal dinner tonight II the auditorium and cafeteril.

See you .here!

"1nTLE GEMS Collected By A. Sixth . Grlde Teicher From Ellm Plpera Over Several Ye.n."

I , Queen Elizabeth wa. a fit womln, She stronaly reailted the demands of the Spanilh Ambauador.

2, SttatelY II when you cInn't lei the enemy k~ ~ are out, of Immuni­tIon. but keep 011 ftriiIl, - - -

3 . .. TwD ..... Sleep" ........ you lit your dock til ... houri -'Y.

... A ......... II ..... wIIere thehudol_ .... ~IIt ... .

S. n. .......... 01 .... AIpa II ... ... •. A., .......... =" ...... die ....... ' ..

through an aviator. 7. Most of the houses in France are

made of Plaster of Paris. 8. The people who followed the Lord

were cilled the 12 oppossums. 9. The spinal column is a lona

bunch of bones. The head sits on top and you sit on the Ilottom.

10. We do not rlise silk worms in the United Stiles, because we get our silk from rayon. He is a larger animal and gives more milk .

II. One of the main c.uses of dust is janitors.

12. Animll husbandry is to have more thin one husb.nd.

13. A scout obeys all to whom obedience is due Ind relpects all duly constipated luthorities.

14. One by·product of raisina cattle is calves.

15. Nlpolecn' wanted an heir ·to the throne • . but since Joaephine WIS I bafoneII. she coukI not bear children.

16. To prevent head colds. use In apizer to Ipray into the _ Ulltil it drip' illto the throat .

t 7. 'The-four- le.lonl .Ire IIltr -

Tn:=-:-"'~~II to tile Creator,

19. 0IMr ero.w.I W • ..,.. red no... but Ullder it wen 4ft,l, ,........ ....... . .. .,.. ........... ....... ..................

"The increase of SI3,282 in the budget was attributed to a 5 percent p.yroll increase. a natural increase for schooi employees across the board." School Superintendent Gid Adkisson said,

Tilt Rate IDereaaed

Tl)e tax rate was set at 62 cents per $100 valuation, a 10.7 percent increase over the 1982·83 tilt rate of 56 cents per $100 vllultion.

Adkisson stated that even though the tax rite was raised 6 cents, the increase won't be enough to generate as much revenue IS the budget required last year. "We will hive to dig into school reserve funds to meet this yelr's budaet." Adkisson said. "The sc:hool presendy hIS Ipprolti· mately S700.ooo in reaerve funds. We will use SlSO.ooo 01 these reserve

..... ..... .... 8-17 97 66 8-18 96 67 .. 19 97 67 .. JO 9l ,65 .. 21 100 65 .. ~ lID 65 ... • ..

Under correspondence. it was an· nounced that the board had received a thank you card from Kellye DuBose thanking the board for sponsoring her at the State FFA Queen competition. '

In executive session. the board hired Beth Steele a;; school nurse. Two emplo~ees were also hired under the HONDol program. Connie P.u1 was hired under this program It Olton Ind Tinl Buill at New Dell. The meeting adjourned.

The Abernathy Booster Club will meet Moaday, AUlust 29 .t 8 p.m. in the cafeteria,

Everyone is invited to .tteDd to help plan events for the year lad "-t

1 community IpiritJor the football _ teama.

The dub ofticen tIda ,.. lie: ............ MK ........ ;~,..... .. ... Harold Stillwell; .........,. ........... __ .0. ....... c.- ......... <.» __ .. ... ,... ........

13 Seniors Give Abernathy The Depth Needed

1982 was not a good year for the Abernathy football team as they suffered all of the hard knocks a team can handle in one season.

Last year the Lopes were plagued with fumbles, interceptions, slipped tackles··all the ingredients that make up a young and inexperienced football team . Little depth. along with being in one of the toughest districts in the state, caused Abernathy to suffer . a 1·9 record season.

This year the Lopes will be back with the depth necessary to tum this year into a winning season.

Even though Abernathy has been picked to place fifth in this district by the Top 0 Texas football magazine, Coach Larry Aldridge has a much higher opinion of his team. Even though Littlefield is predicted to have a lock on first place at this point. with Muleshoe running a close second, Aldridge does not doubt that his club will be in contention for at least second place.


The Abernathy Antelopes are coming off of a hard season with a team that did not have much experience or depth .

This year the lopes have the experience and depth with a total of 19 lette~men r~!urning. 1'ppr.5!x~~!telyJ I offe~!!y«; 5 a,l:!S,,,, }!r.e'{,etl!mi!la. ~ wel~ as 7 defenSive. Tn air. approxlIn.afely 28 ,boys play on the varsity squad, 23 on junior varsity and 16 on the freshmen squad. The varsity squad will have the leadership of 13 seniors, all of which are

lettermen. The Antelopes utilized the Houston Veer formation last year. This year they

will be using the Multiple I. "Our backs are better suited to the Multiple I offensive formation , which is more of a straight ahead offensive formation, " Head Football Coach Larry Aldridge stated.


The Antelopes looked good in their ftrst scrimmage, which was against the Slaton Tigers last Friday night at Antelope Field.

Slaton, who is ranked first in their district (F1oydada.Childress.Post.ldalou. Lockney). did not expect to scrimmage such a well· improved Abernathy squad.

The Lopes racked up 293 yards total offense to Slaton's 284 yards. Abern.thy rushed 42 times for 184 yards. compared to Slaton rushing 43 times for 22 .. ya rds. The Lopes passed for 109 yards to Slaton passing for 60 yards. And· best of all. Abernathy scored two touchdowns to Slaton's one.

In rushing, Chester Cooper rushed 13 times for 30 yards (1·7 yd. TO run); Billy Cooper, 7 times for 85 yards: Harold Miller. 6 times for 62 yards: and Darrell Young, 3 times for 13 yards.

Receptions were made by Randy Houston, I for 16 yards. and Sammy Gallow.y. I for 6'7 yards and a TO. Brian Smith completed 3 of 7 passes for 90 yards and Jamie Mansanales I of 6 for 19 yards and 2 intercepted,

Coach Aldridge stated that defensively, the team looked very sharp and tough. " Offensively, our inside running game looked good," Aldridge said. Aldridge wa~ especially 'impressed with a 70·yard offensive ' drive· near- the end of . th!=-scnmmage. , ,\

"The defense looked the most improved. but we have a lot of'rough edges in all areas to smooth out after scrimmaging Slaton, " he added.


The offensive line is rock solid with such talent as Randy Houston. (Sr. 6'1"·200 Ibs.) a tight end who made second team all·district last year; Ross Bennett (Jr.·6'2"·I85 lb.). tight end; Tracy Nichols (Sr.·6··228 Ibs.), tackle; Wade Wesley (Jr.·S'lO"·2IS Ibs .), tackle; Rene Vecchio (Jr.-S'10"·237 Ibs,), guard: Scott Furgeson (Sr·.·6'3"·170 Ibs .), guard; and Trey Stone (Sr.-6·.I83 Ibs.). center. Sammy Galloway (Jr.·6'·I63 Ibs,) will be playing on varsity his first year as a split end. Darrell Young (Jr.·6'·ISO Ibs.), flanker, should make another good target,

The offensive backfield is set with the Cooper brothers , Chester and Billy, at tailback, and Harold Miller at fullback. '

These are j~st p~~pects for the offens!ve line and backfield this year. The coaches are stili shifting playera from posItion to position,


Thus far , not all of the defensive players on the front line have been set by the coaches, Aldridge stated thlt Wesley, Kemp . and Vecchio are on the defensive front line at this point.

Ross Bradley will be at one of the cornerback positions' and Billy Cooper possibly a defensive b.ck.

Danny McDlniel, a trlnsfer student from Olton. will be linebacker. He made. the first team IU district last year It Olton, The other linebacker will be Ilicty Rodriquez. according to .Coach Aldridae. '

Houston will pl.y two positions this year. He has been switched back aDd forth from defensive end to linebacker"

The definite startera on offense and defeaae will not be named tm\II the tint glme of the season, ' ~.


Senior Brian Smith (6'2"·165 Ibl.) wu the startina q~~ .... 01 the I'mes in the 1982·83 --. Sa 'Sophomore Jamie ~ (5"" .ISO Ibs,), • freahman lut year. stepped in IIUIIIY times .. qaarterIIact. lad by ... end of the __ , tile quarterback battle bad .. beea eetded.

COld! Aldriclae bu not c:t.ea • ItaItiIIa .~ yet. ....., '*-' SnUth lad MaaaauIea ..... bad! ..... ...., ........ bop ........ ..-.t lmJll'O"Cl ~ ..... ,....: ~ ~ __

""10- .. The A........., ~ wII ....... ...... ................

~I'I .... ...... ..............

Page 2: Abernathy The - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1983/1983-08-25.pdf · 8/25/1983  · Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night and the reception following

Stafford·McKenzie Wedding

Vows Exchanged July 30th Karen Lynn Stafford be·

came the bride of Gary Don McKenzie In a 7:30 p.m. ceremony Saturday. July 30 in the garden .of the JP'OOm's parents home in Abemathy. The service was officiated by aaude North· cutt of Levelland.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Dave Stafford of Levelland . The JP'OOm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie of Abemathy.

She graduated from Lev· elland High School. at· tended South Plains Col· lege. and graduated from Vogue College of Hair Design . The groom i. a graduate of Abemathy High School and South Plains College. He is employed at Band L Tractor in Vernon .

Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a satin dress with a French lace overlay . The fitted bodice had a drop waist and had tiers of lace with three satin ribbons on each tier. The sweetheart neckline featured a stand·up collar. The long. sleeves were of

s.heer lace. Her Juliet cap featured a veil which rell to fingertip' length. She wore a pearl necklace· and earring •.

She carried a bouquet of white irises with spring Howers of pink and blue and baby's breath.

The bride's dress was something new, and she wore the traditional blue garter. Something borrowed was a diamond bracelet belonging to her mother. She wore pennies minted in the birth years of the bride and groom .

Matron of honor was Debbie Graf of Levelland. sister of the bride. Brenda Baker of Levelland. sister of the bride. was bridesmaid. They wore blue chiffon skirts with camisoles. in a darker shade of blue. and a light blue overlay. Bouquets were of blue. pink and white silk flowers . They wore blue silk flowers in their hair.

The groom was attired in a navy blue pin stripe suit and a white shirt . Barry Royal. friend of the JP'OOm. was best · man. Jimmy Mc-

Kenzie • . brother of the groom, was groomsman. They wore naVY blue pin stripe suits wilh light blue shirts .

Kristin Graf of Levelland. niece of the bride I was flower gir l. Logan .Neve. cousin of the groom, was ring bearer. Vicky McKen· zie , sister of the groom, registered guests.

" Wedding Song" and the processional were played on the piano by Mrs. Herbert Hardin .

Kyla Baker and Laurie Baker of Levelland. nieces of the bride. handed out rice bags.

Following the ceremony. the bride's parents hosted a reception in the home of the groom's parents. The wed· ding cake was three· tiered with flowers of pink, blue and yellow. Doves decorated the top of the cake. Hors d'oeuvres and punch were served from brass appoint­ments.

Servers were Diane Dow· die of Lubbock. Lynn Cook and Billie Robbins of level· land. friends of the bride.

The bride chose a pink . gray and white sundress with a jacket for traveling attire.

The house party included Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovelace and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huffaker.

The groom's parent s hosted a re hearsal dinner Friday night in the back yard of their home.

The couple wilt be at home in Vernon.

...... y. """JI; •• PA8 3 ------Ian d •• l..nt. ., ... _........;.; Tella Walker wal Ihe

.,&IUNd, speake. al Lake· view Melhodllt Church taal Wednesday ni,ht . Au,uu 17.

Mr. and Mr. . Ralph Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Prince of Seminole. have been visitinl Iheir brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barnwell.

Mr . . and Mrs. Danny Meadors and . boys of Lub· bock . accompanied their parents . Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Meadors. last Saturday to Plainview. They met their daughler and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Dub Brujngton of Kress at Furr' s Cafeteria to celebrate the birthdays of Mrs. Cribbs and Mrs. Meadors, who are twins.

Mr. Oleta Gilmore spent the weekend in Cross Plains with her brother family. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Driver.

James Holcomb and Mrs. Haze l Rike of Lubbock. attended services at Lake· view Methodist Church Sun· day and had dinner at the church in fellowship hall .

John Amnott. who has been in Dallas working for several month s , has re ­turned home this week and he plans to enter Tech.

ETHO:~O~RE~EMB~g -.-.--.----Mra. Addle Tumer has

returned home from Metho­dist Hospital.

lewis Rea is in Methodist Hospital .

Lynn Shuttlesworth had hip surge ry in Dallas. He is reporte d duing we ll and should be out of the hospital in about three weeks.

Charloue C.rver is in Nichols Hospital. Plainview.

It takes 32.000 flowers to make one pound of saffron .

Hern.de laner. and Tom Trte.ch_ nchanpd weddlal ¥OWl '" a double rtna ceremony at· l p.m. Saturday. Au",st 20. 1983 at 51. 'aldore Catholic Church. Rev. F . . D'Souza offIcialed the cere~y.

The bride Is the daullhter of Mr. and Mra. Edward Barrera of Abernathy and Rev . and Mrs. R. W. Trieschman of Arkadelphia.

. Arkansas are the parents of the JP'OOm.

The bride was esoorted to the altar by her parents. Her bridal gown was styled in white silk organza and re·embroidered chantilly lace. The bodice was styled with a scalloped neckline accented with seed pearls and rumed sleeves. Her veil was of lulle and chantilly lace and featured "hazares" fastened to the bride's hair. The bride carried a bouquet of white silk roses and accented with white baby lilies and whi te ribbon streamers and attached to the white bible. that be· longed to the groom's mother and the bride used for something old . For something borrowed . the bride wore a tiny pearl pendant. Something new was her outfit and the traditional garter for some-

tile liriiIe. fovm AuatIn. We+t1118 _Ie wu pr0-

vided by 01.. fIore.. Deb· bIe Trevino and Mr. and Mrs. Ma.uel Trevino of AmarUlo.

Out of ~ ,ueota In· eluded: Mr. ud Mn. Bud· dy Trieschmal. frOm Yuma. Arizona; Mr. aDd Mn. Stan Elrod and son. Michael of Teurkana; Dan Stewart of Dallas; Jim Ce .. aob. Suo san Page. Mrs. Bud Forest· er and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard King and son David. a ll from DaUas; Greg Brickman of Plano; Mr. and Mrs . Jesus Torrez; Mr. and Mrs . Martin Vega and Cindy; Mrs. TrIne Valenzue· la . Mrs . Albert (Janie) Daviia and children. David and Jesse and twin daught· ers, Veronica and Monicl, all from Austin; and Mr. and Mrs . Joe Chapa of Lockhart.

A reception followed in the church hall following the ceremony. The bride's table was covered with a white lace tablecloth. The tradi· tional three-tiered wedding cake was decorated in white with lilac flowers and fea­tured a stai rway of minia~ ture figurines .

Guests were served by Debbie Trevino, Amada Garcia, Josie Mansanales, Tammy Forester. Ofelia Sa· linas and Lin Garza.

Members of the houl. -party Included: Meaclames Oreprla Lopez •. Reyea Tre· vlno. Julia Cortez, Emma Garcia. Carmen Lope •• Lupe M. Garcia. Janie Camacho and Connie Torrez.

For traveling. lhe bride wore a lilhl blue sun·dress and a corsage of white and lillhl blue camations.

The bride Is aD Aberudly

Hiah School ancIuate and II preMndy employed by For· eater Telepbone Servlce- In Dallu. The poom. a pad. 'uate of Arkadelphia HI", School. I, employed by General Dynamici in Ft . Worth .

The couple will ' honey. moon In Ozark. ArbDaaa and will make their home '" F1. WtIItII.

thing blue . The bride ' s _ ,

father placed a 1962 and a 1-- - - - ----1983 penny in her shoe for

~~p~~~~es a;~reh;;:';:t~~ I Even the lovely Hillary Larius t to the bride by Carmen Lopez.

Maid of honor was Chris­tina Garza of Abernathy. Matron of honor was Mar­garita Castilleja of Lubbock. Se rving as the bride ' s matrons were J a nie Garza. Magalena Ramos. and Gre· goria Garza . all of Aberna· thy ; Ofe li a Salinas a_nd Beatrice Villegas. sisters of the bride. from Dalias.

I shops at Billie's. t t You should too! t t We also urge t t everyone to attend ,

t the Womanless I Hairbenders

914-8 Ave. D

Flowergirls were Cedlee Marie Vill egas , niece of the bride. from Dallas , and Sara Garza . Rin g bearer was Jere my Man s anales of Abernath y.

Re,·. R. W . Trieschman. served as his son 's best man. Grooms men were: lsi· doro Castilieja of Lubbock. Isreal Garza , J ose E . . Ram· os , Max Garza and Joe Barre ra , brolher of the bride. ali from Abernathy and Robert Villegas. brolh· e r-in-Iaw of the bride , from Dalia •.

t Wedding. t I Come In and I

Brenda Neve and

Ellen Gereau Owners

t see our fall t For An Appointment

Call 298-4221 Regist e ring gues ts was

Rita Gar za. Serving as u s hers were : J oe Mal Garza: Roy Maninez, broth· er-i n-Iaw o f the bride, Danny Barrera. the bride' s brothe r. of Ho u s ton , and Roben Rodriquez . cousin of

I fashions arriving I t dally. Billie's I

Hou"" Tue .... y thru Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

No Appointment Neeesaary.



IlI·SEASE But it Is real. Real to yoo or someone you know.

The symptoms are varied ... the pain is the same. For anyone seeking the answer to loneliness.

ARA Living Centers Introduces Penonal Care. Personal Care is designed for elderly people who need warm, cbeerful surroundlnll$ and friendly companions.

Y 00 won't find loneliness on a list of medica I diseases, but you will·find It in life. Fortunately, we've found the anBwer ... Penonal Care.

Discover It fill' younelf.

JUDY HOLAHAN. A_lnl • ...., ( ... ..... c:.e ........... . * •. ~ ...... ,..III .... '~~ . LIVING CENTERS

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YES. therc's a new brand 01 banking in Wesl TexllSand it 's. first (or Ihis area.

It's an exciti ng chanle to a West Tex .. financial institution wbiAh celebrates its 50th Annivel"llry in 19M.

The brand. SAV INGS BANK · denotes "renlth. stabitily and fu ll scrvice in tile bankinl area.

Whh ex-pandin, bankiftllCrvicn which hlW: been madt poSlible by chanaes in bankin.rc.ulations, First Federal hu become more than a sAVinlS and Joan auociation and il now providinll com­plete bankin. servi«: (or il s CUltOmeTl.


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. We're brinling a proud new brand of banking to Lubbock and WeSloTc.us .

A -UlvinBJ bank in Ihe United Stalcs has been reeDlniled for decades u a full service bank in every respcel. This brand of bankinl will set a standard which will be the hishesl 50 fa, as cuslorner "nice and cuslomer ,"Iisf.cllon is concerned .

Come by one of our four banking centers in lubbock or those in Abernalhy, Brownfield, and CrosbYlon I nd learn what . 51vinas bank. can mean 10 you! .

BIUIIc wit" lIS ••• In Tire Fir. F«InIll S~.


TUMBLEIIS TUMBLE fOR SUNSHINE GIIOUP las t Thursday at the August meeting of the Sun ", hinl' Group . In thl' top phow are members of the · Sunshine Group walchins the lu mble r) . In the hUW.Hl1 philin . three tumbler!t ..... ilh ins tructor . (Review Pho to ) .

The large1t bl ' on elnh i1 called a flying 10K. Iu wingspread ranges from two to five feet, and its hairy body may be as much as a foot long .

1IRI8DAf. AUGUn 25,1_ PAGe J

n IIln The Sunshln" Group met

AUIUII II In the City Hall with pmlllent. Floyd Ship­man. presldlftl·

Robin Walker. and her ,roup of tumbllna ,iris . performed. They ran,ed from 3 to 15 yean of a .. and were quite good. She hi. worlted hard lrainlng

proaram . We are very proud of our younll"tera and their teachen.

The readln, of the min· ute . was nelt . followed by the blessing. Everyone en· joyed the good dinner. There were rwenty·rwo pe0-ple present.

them. Robin had the 3 to 5 Those attending were : year olds perform first . Susie Anderson, Dot Von They were really cute. Struve . Oml Toler. lillie Finally. they were all per· Mae Shipman. Floyd Ship-forming. and there were a man . Mrs. Brewer , Callie lot of girls. It was enjoyed Nunn. Cora Shuman . Mrs. by ali . Smith . Mrs_ Talbon. Mrs.

Then. Tony Ortiz played a Alvin Druesedow. Reita piano recital that he had Smith , Frances Howard , played earlier in the year to Emily J ordan . Juanita the group . It was ali Branlley . HB Coggin. classical. sacred music and Blan che Cogg in , J essie verv beautiful and well Duty. Mrs. Harri!.on , Vera prepared. It was very enjoy· Pope . Bill Pope and Hal able . There had been a lot Howard . of work put into this ..., Reponer. Granny Dot


\ Tt1fSJI~:'~ ~~t ~~~~~~

Dorette DaVIS moved to ran int9~. som. e good rain Bradet .... ille to become band sho","'c rs1jt Lovington. New director there . Her parents. M eXICO commg home and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Davis , were hopin} the rain would have returned from there come on to Abernathy ." afte r spending three days with her.

.C~ .. c:::i!!:s::::I •• :::B!:I.1E8::J1.CEQYOung Homemakers Ricke v Adams and

To Attend Bri an Aliiso n of Pla no .

Mikr and Sandra Gain · er and Shane and Stephanie" left last Wednesday for Six Flags and spent some time In Arlington . New School Hours

W(' will be Opt'D UDlii midnighl during hnnll' I(anws. Wt' may dose earlier durin/: ouH,[· town !(anlt's .

HEGUI.:\H IIOUts ~londa\'·Salurda\·

(ia . lII~ to9p.III .·

WE WII.I . JlECLOSED UI\OIl DAY ~It)nda~· . Sept. 5

Vecchio's Burger Hut 298·2874

Area Meeting The Abe rnath y You ng

Home make rs met Monday night and discussed going to the area meeting .

Tht.' area meeting will be S;t!urda!. August 27 a l q:)O a . m. In Plain'·ie .... . Th o !te in l(,H.'!ttcd in attending <hould call Shari at 298·2563 ur N~· 41 8Q. The gruup will kaH· at 8:30 a.m . Salurday,

I ht,.· I 0\..' a I chapte r is vel! pTllud 10 h a ve a yo un g hUflll·01J. kl'r running Cur area offh t,.· Shan Connell will b{.' representing th is chapter.

visi ted th is past week with their parents. Mr . a nd Mrs . Bob Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams are leaving Sunday for Pon Arthur to vis it thei r rela­tives. Mr . and Mrs . R. E. Pierce

Mr and Mrs. W . G. Spruie ll spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mr!t . Bob Cottrell in Arte · Si3. New Mexico. Thev also ,isll ed in the home or'larry and Donna Cottrell

The Coltrell s are former ,\ bernll hians .

Mrs. Spruiell said . " We

Try I5.1QrnQ~· Shampoos and Conditioners

and receive a $2.00 Refund by mail .~


They attended the wed· ding of Mike 's cousin Satur· day in Grand Prairie .

The Gai ners returned to Abernath y Sunday.

Mandv and Heath er Poague of Midland, spent se\'era l days last week with their grandparent s. Mr. and Mrs . Otis Pope in Aberna­th" . Hea ther sure looks like her dad d,,·. Rav Mac.

Mrs . Pope 'told me that she had been to the Cook reunion in Bro .... 'nfie ld re o ee ntl " and her mother. Alice Cook. also at te nded the re union.

Vis iting in the home of Mr and Mrs. L. A. Judkins this week is their grand· da ughter. Carly Connell of Lubbock .

I(tll.,. H.". 'am", Dinner " famU y dlnnet .11 ~cI

AU8uaf- ' ii"1lIr1IOii1e of Mr. and Mn. O. Q. Kelley of Abernathy. Dinner and d.sse" ...... enjoyed by all.

t BIRTH! I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond

Lara of Abernathy. are the proud parents of a daughter born Augusl 15. She weighed 6 pounds and 5 ounces and was born at 3:24 p.m. in Comm unity Hospital in Lubbock.

Mr, a nd Mrs . Clovis Dunn of Round Rock proud­ly announce the binh of a son. Jerem y Clovis. He was bo rn August 15 and weighed 8 poun ds. J ounces .

Grandpare nts arc Mr. and Mrs. Eric Killackey of Long Island. New York and Mrs. Jessie Dunn and the late .lack Dunn of Abernathy.

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tool · ey of Slaton are proud to an nounce the birth of their daughter . Sh a nna Ni cole. She was born August 20 at 3:58 p.m. and weighed 6 pounds. ) ounces at binh .

Grandparents are Mr. a nd Mr s:' We nde ll Toole y of Tulia and her uncle is Keith Tooley of Abernathy. . .....

Or.ler and I atten1ed my famil y reunion Sunday In La mesa. We had 28 regis tered thi s year . The crowd was smaller than last year. but everyone enjoyed being together.

Tho.e attendln, were : M.",ln. Mary Mike. Deb· ble . Joshua. Judldlah and Kyle Kelley from Lakewood ; Ca lifornia ; Don. Wanda . J ohn . Cath y an d Deidre Kelley from Wicken . TexlS; Raymond Kelley and Ray· mond. Jr .. Linda and David Baze. all from De nver City; Hubert Bolton. Chico; G. C. Malada . Ricky. Terry . Kathy. Jerry. Sharon. Chris· topher. and Dustin Tull . Wolfforih ; Alfred . Wilma and Bruce Kell ey. Sea · graves ; l e roy a nd J e rry Kelley. Hale Center; Buzz. Mickie . Andra. Kimberley , Dustin Hagler . Spade; Jim and Linda Thompso n, Wata· riga ; Grant and Keli Al sup .

WallUla: Barney. Mary . Kenneth . Loi •. Gene. Ethe· Iyn . Gera ld . Gi n.. Ann . Bryan . Pallick . Buddy Shuey. Ted . Kathy. Randall . Chris ty Lee. Mike . Karen and Cody Anderson. Ro)' and Ninl Taylor. Roy L, and Pat Davis. W. R. and lret. Self. Bob Shue y. Pattie Andrews . James and Lu Ann Gatlin . Mabe l and Senee Torres. Carlene. Jeff· rey and Tiffany Walker. all of Lubbock; Haskell and Jo Da vis. New Deal: Joe and Vernita Gordon . Elise Pa t· te rson . Wa yne. Phyliss. Jer· ry Way ne, a nd Ch astity . Ca rl Ray Kell ey. Jimm y. Vir~in ia. -Russe ll. Chris and Vick ie Shuey. all of he re

Back To School Special

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This Special Good August 18-31

Call Rayetta, Joy, Jane, Judy or Bill for an appointment.

IRa)etta & Jane wlU be laking standing appointments I

Bill's He & She Open 9·6 p:m. Monda)' thru Saturda)

Call 298·2600 for Appointment. Walk.ln. Welcome · Come '1y 1506 A' e. D

Abernathy ·Body Works


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Phone 298-2084c

Weekly Devotional Sometimes God 's children

pass through difficult times. .times of trials and hard­ships. Darkness he d ges them about. The future is dimmed with difficulli~s. 11 seems their faith and loyalty is tested to the limit. Yet God has never forsaken His children . , A. , with Job of old., he

Lord also wi li be a refuge for the oppressed_ a refu~e in th e tim e of trouble . '.' (Psalm 37:39) . If you a~ troubled. take your burden t o the l ord because he cares abo ut yo u . Your christian friend s care . Let them share your cares and burdens.

....... a:=..8'!t.,. . may wait until the right moment to come to the rescue. Night will not last forever. The morning will always come .

Peter declared these trials are really blessings from God. " wherein you greatly rejoice , though now for a season. if need be. ye are in heaviness through manifold te mptations. That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth. though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise, honour and glory at the appearin~ of Jesus Christ." (I Peter 1:0·7).

David declared . " Th e

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An ...... t:

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T"",(~Ceoo1ttICMl. trMfplntl"""""'kll:nr'4 5hempooBo'0I~ eo_ anIIe_ ...... teCeIOt "",,,""OUI(:~vceClrdlld

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66 Butane





Co-op Gin





~ .......

AowmblyolGod 1404 A.e. B • :198·2060

8any TIDe),

Lakeview Methodlot Church 3 mi. North, 6 mi. E. of City

I.t o..reb of Nuarene 6th St. " Ave. E

198·:1832 Jtouwell Brunner

C-ty u.e IIapIJot Chud! III. 1 • 75MI34

Rev. o.u.y Jan-

NertJoUIe IIIJpdaI (h."" 16G St. " Ave. E • 29&-:1497

Rev. KeouIeth Hen

FInt u .... M ..... a..do 7MA ... D ....T .........

c-c::-.e., a...It S ... E •• "' •

IIIaa a ... L."'-7 ........................

Bethel Baptltit Church E. lst St . . 29&-2118

Rev. J. B. LHter

Chvn:h of Christ 10th " Ave. E . 298·2718

Condy B1Ulnsoley

St. loIdo ... ChUM South Ave. D

Rev. Matthew D'Souza

IgIeoIa Del Nuanno Ave. A " 5th St. LHter Andcnoa


PrIme .. MIaaWe Ballllata 196-:1613

lev. J_ 1IooIrIq'"

FInI ....... a...... 411·7 .. !it. -'251'7

u.,.IE .......

---........ I ....... ...,.




Joe Thompson

Implement Co.



And Air

Co-op Gr.ln


Page 3: Abernathy The - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1983/1983-08-25.pdf · 8/25/1983  · Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night and the reception following

PaHon's Parts Place 604 Ave. D


Richard DuBose Insurance

and Real Estate 924 Ave. 0


M & M Electric 746-5819

Mark Gould, Owner

S & H Welding 315 Main St.


Abernath First State Bank

Ab nathy Farmers

Coop Gins Bo.218 298·2527

Abernathy Weekly Review 916 Ave. 0


Shipman Agency 919 Aye. 0


Sanders Auto Supply

Lubhoek Hwy. 298-2215

Sixty Six Butane and

Fertilizer PlaInview Hwy.


Struve Implement Hwy. 54 N.


Piggly Wiggly

1411 Ave. D 2911-2266

Plains Grain and

Farm Supply

....... bender. __ UI'IUI .... Il00 .. IN AaaJllATIIT

"" ... D ...

.... 111\'...... .......".ueurr a, 1_ .....

The Sponsors on this page

are behind the Lopes 100 %

Good Luck In Your Scrimmage

Against Frenship

This Friday There.


PC'tenbuTli: {9 t h l l o ck ney ( JV)


Olt o n


Hale Cen t e r J V onl y


Roo! ltve lt


Loc kn e y (J \' I Roos e ve lt (9)


;Il u\('sho('



O(TDB[JI r llttleflrl d

N('I\"E}l BER )

Il lr"lrnitt

3 9

16 17 21 22 24 is 33 35 37 38 41 44 45 S2 55 60 63 64 65 66 67 71 12 73 77 78 79 84 as 89 91 99


6: 10 s; oo

Away 4: 30



September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 Oclober 7 Oclober 14 Oclober 21 Oclober 28 November 4

*Dislri L' I. Games

Sl PrnlBER 8






0008 [ 11. : -

I.I ! t lei Hol d


1983 Football Sehedule


Pete",b"'1l Olton Hale Center R_vell Lockney [HI

°Muleshoe -Friona °Tull_ °UIt1eOeld °DlmmiU


A .... a)· . : l O


Ho~ t :': 0 0

5: 00

The .. He .. Here There Here Here There Here There There


1983 . 1984

Brian S.ith Sauy Galloway Ja.ie Mansanale, Stevie Barrera Billy Cooper Che.ter Cooper Randal Stillwell Crady Arthur Harold Miller Shad lCelley Ross llradley Shawn ICnilht Pete Cnacho Darrell Young Todd John,on Paul Lara Trey Stone Blll DuBose David MCI1nney Scot t Furleson Robbie Fowler Ricky Rodriqun Todd Barrick Tracy Nichols David lCe-t> Nade Wesley Rene Vecchio Mite Torrez Lupe Mejorado Randy Hou.ton Danny MCDaniel Ro.s lennett

~::~ ::r~


6' 2" 6' S' 6" S'S" 5' 9" S'lO" S'lO" S'9·' S'I1" S' 6" 5' S" S' 9" S' a" S'10" S' 9" S' 611

6 ' 6' I" 5 '11" 6' 3" 5' 10" 5·9 11

5' 11" 6' S'll" s· 10" 5 '10" 5'6" 5 '11H 6 ' 1" 6' 6'Z" S'g" 6'1"

l6S lb • . 163 lb •. 150 lb •. 120 lbs. 162 lb •. 162 lb •. 153 lb •. 13S Ibs. 175 Ibs. 133 lb • • 143 lb •• f42 lb • . tS 7 lb •. 144 lb •. 140 lb • . 177 lb •. 183 lb,. 20S lb, . ISS lb •• 170 Ibs . 112 lbs . 166 lbs. 160 lbs . 228 lbs. 222 lbs. 215 lbs. 231 lbs . 110 lb •• ISS lb,. 200 lbs. 167 lbs. 115 lb •• 125 lb •• 160 lb ••


8 : 00 p.m . 8:00 p . m . 8:00 p . m. 8:00 p .m . 8:00 p.m . 7:30 p . m . 7:30 p .m. 7 , 30 p.m . 7:30 p.m . 7 : 3 0 p.m .

Sr . Jr . Soph . Jr. Soph. Jr . Sr. Sr. Jr . Jr. Jr. Jr . Sr. Jr. Jr. Soph. Sr. Soph. Jr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr . Sr . Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr . Sr. Jr. Jr. Sr.

Coaches: Larry Aldrid,e, Roland Murray, Hac McDaniel. Luther Cau ler John Rodri,uez, Carl Irlb.clt. Ray Ater

Statisticians: Mark ICitchens. lCeith Le.ter Mana,era: SUcy Nidlols, Tony Gareau. Pauick Lewis, Brian Hearn

School Colors: Maroon and White Larry C .... u

Mascot: Antelope

Superint.aelent: Gid I. Adkisson, Jr. ,Priaclpai: D8Yid A. Sharp lIad D'nctor: C.or,. RiddiU Che.rleader. :

Majorettes: eru.. Ita,o,.:

JacUa "'''11. CO.h •••• ReGlna Powell, Co-head, lCathie 111111. Dlnlll NeYe. ICr"ty Tho.p.on. My Pettit

An,le G.rcia. NeU .. a Theap .. n HeU ... H.,n"", ..... a Garcia

Pay-N-Save 405 Ave. D


Hi Plains Drilling, Inc.

Lab""'" Hwy. 298-2554

~ Abernathy Body Works 417 S. Ave. 0


Newton Radio and

Television 306 Main 298·2338·

Abernathy Oil Company

70'1 .0.,. . 0 298·2255

Joe Thompson Implement 105 A.· • . 0


Peacock Shamrock \211 .... e . 0


Pinson Pharmacy 322 Main S ..


Brightbill Heating and Air

901> ...... . 0 2911-2705

Struve's Department Store 318 Main 293·2531

Coop Grain Company

714 Te ... Av • . 293·2511

Ace Welding and

Manufacturing 1204 Ave. 0


Wolf Irrigation

Lubbodo Hwy. 198-1114

Consumers Fuel



JOE THOMPSON IMPLEMENT Aberutlly lOS Ave ·0 198-1541 Abemathy, Te ... 79311


Abern.thy, Tex ••

For All Your Farming Need,

Abernalhy, T .... 298-2521



Pest Management Report Yield c()verage on a farm unit under the 1984

proposal would be determined from 10·year actual yields, based when possible on ASCS yield n:cords. If 10-year records were unavailable, an estImated o r " constructed" yield would be asSIgned to the y ears for which yields were missing.


COllon bollworm egg laying has 51aned. but is very spotty over the area. Egg counlS hs\'c ranged as high as 12.000 per acre. Beneficials shou ld be abl e lu rontain these popu lations and hold thenl below eco­nomic threshold .

Bet't armyworms are be­ing found in many fields . The y hav e be en found feeding on Ica\·es . bracts of fruit. ·b looms. squart~s and boll s. It i~ of len difficult to make del'i ltions on [rCalmenl of beel arm yworms. sin re the ir t..Iistnbullon is usually clum~d . Thilt is beca use e ggs arc 13id in masses. There ha!!o bc(' n definit e ('(0 0 0 011(: [hr esh old e sla bli s he d fu r bee t a rm y · v.-mlll ' , altho ugh we expect il I!II probably around 20.000 pe r acre . Whl'n milking dccisi\ln s conside r what is bl'i ng fl' d upon (bra{"ts, Iea v{'s. n O Wt-fS . squares . bolb ) and ho ..... many of the fru;1 3rl~ bdng consumc:d .

Insecticides which are sug­gested for control are chlar­pyrifos (Lasban). sulprofos (Bolslo r). melhomyl (Lan· nalC. Nudrin) and monocro­lophos (Azodrin). Anolher con sideralion for beet a rm y­worm treatments is that one will destroy beneficials and Icave the· door open for ea rlie r or heavier bollworm populations


Southwestern com bor· er tSWCBI egg laying has dcdi ned this week . but ma ny fields have had egg lay') cJl"t'cd;ng 20 percent. Fewer ..... hite or freshly laid eggs ha\'e been observed . li ght Hap collections of SWCB peaked last Friday and has be e n grad uall y declining this week. If egg laying exceeds 20 percent in ~' our field and ),ou plan to harvest in late Septembe r or e,ul \' October. an insecticide appiicstion rould ~ justi· fied . SWCB hatching out this "'cek ('ould g ird le

International Harvester

Dealer Farm Equipment

See Us For Repair,



Parts & Service


Implement Co. IWtEIUlATIOfML" AGIIICftJUIIAL 1_ .... 1111





planls by lhe middle of September. Also. consider thai in s ectic ide residuals from pr:e\'ious applications are only ex~cted to last around 7 to 10 days . If a rainy spell occurs -in Sep· tember. harvest could be dela yed until October. which means the full extent of girdling and lodging by SWCB could be realized.

Spider mite damage reo mains light in mos t fields. The y have bee n held in check. by pesticide applica· tions 'and the non-stressed conditio n of many co rn riC Ids due 10 irriga tion s.


Spider mites arc on I he in c rea se in so rghum and sho uld be wat c hed \' c r y d osch' in fi t.'ld s that have been 'stressed for moisture .

So rghum midge have been ob)erved in the a rea and counts of up to 5 per head have been found . I e xpect the midge count s to inne asc durin g th e ne xt week. . To minimize da mage . field s sho uld b e sl'o uu d dail \' be tween 10 a .m . and 2 p . ~ d uring th e bloo m period 114 da~· s ) . The ecu­no mi c thres ho ld (o r so r · ghum midge is when 25 to 30 pe rn' nt of t he head s haH' be-gun 10 nowe r and Ihe number of nlldge av('r· agt"') I per h("ad or S per head \0 rniSlant h\' brids . Fo r s('cd produ(' lion . fle ld !1., Ih(' thr eshold WIll be ap· pnn:i m ately I per 2 heads.

Meeting For



Mr . Olli e l ine r , Hale Count ~ Agent. rq)oned that a mcctin8 will be he ld in Pett:rs burg IU get farme rs and hon1co'll" ners certifi ed fo r a Prh' 8te Appli c at or s l icense for bU Ying restricted che mic al s.

Th e- mec tin g "" i ll be Tuesda)·. Au gust 30. al 1:30 a.m. a t thl" First State Bank. m<."ell'18 room in Petersburg

Texas Cereal Grain Corp.

16th & Texas

Abernathy, Texas


Now Open For Business

Receiving Corn And Sorghum.

Morrison Spraying c;-I Abenudby • 296-4114 .

Dre_r 108 Pece.......... (8., •• '·1177

We have _ ... pIete 11M '" IIoMetIddea. We .... have two aIrpIaaft IIIICI oar Growtd Ria rally 10 oerve ,... wldo leW .... appIloadoD IIIICI .erial appIIcadoa at 52.50 per ..... far ._ or _ aeed .. .


Find the belt advertised price In the area and we wi. meet or beat that price

********** Top Q~811ty Products And Service

At I Fair Price ..".-................. -_ ... ..,..."


Sunn ower moth s are prl"valen t in b looming fields . The larvae of this moth can be seen feeding on pollen and floral pans on the face of the sunflower for about (, days. This results in a trashy appearing head. When the third instar is reached . the larvae bore into the seed and head. The larvae not o nly damage seed. but also predispose the head 10 Rhizopus head rot which may fu"her re­duce yie lds .

Paint e d l a d y bu tl cr n y lar vae ar~ also o n th~ increase in man \' fi e lds. The la rvae have s pin es a nd re ach a le n g th of 1 1

/ .

in (' he s . Th ey fee d under curled lea'o'es which are held in the curle d pos it ion by silk threads. Infes tations of 15 to 20 per plant ca n cause excessive fo liage losses .


A fc~ bee l arm yworms a nd co rn c ar" orm s are be ing f!.lund in soybeans at thi s t iml~ . The threshold for corn eaf\.\·orms is "",he n 30 lar vae are found per 30 fee t of TO\\'

For furth e r information . l'Ont 3l't GrC'~ Cronholm at the H a lt~ Count,· Exte ns ion offll..'t.· or call 2QJ ·848 1. ext . 273 )o ffi cel. 296-6939 ( ho mel. lqJ · b l14 (mobilt' )

a nd th e program Will be pre sl' nt e d b y th e Hale (lJunt y AKe nt' ') OffIce

NOTE: Mr. l incr said he will be g lad 10 arrange a H para le mee tin g in the Abernathy area if there is e ll\lugh inlcn~sl.

USE C ... RROT. NCC SAYS: Using 3 carrot in ­!ttead of J. stick is the most cffcc tl\·(· "" 3 \ 10 achieve 3l'ccptable soil eros ion Ie ... · d~ under the Clean Water Ar t. th(' Nati o na l Co tton Council fccls.

The Council recently res · ponded to a Se nate commit ·


LUBBOCK, Friday, August 19, 1983 About 100 cotton producers, producer repre·

sentatives and crop insurance agents at a meeting in Lubbock August 18 bluntly told Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) officials that the Corporation's insurance sales on the High Plains will see a sharp drop in 1984 if proposed changes

, are adopted. FCIC Manager Merritt Sprague made no promises.

but conceded that modification of some of the rules as now written may be necessary. Although pro · gram concepts are "fairly well set," he said, "we are sti ll writing rules and regu lations to implement those concepts and we are open to suggestions and recommendations."

Tommy Fondren of Lorenzo, President (If meet· ing sponsor Plains Cotton Growers, Inc., chaired the meeting and pointed out that the attendance represented about 30 percent of the national base cotton acreage and an average of about one-eighth of U. S. production . Noting the high risks in High Plains production, he told FCIC officials "If you c an develop a program acceptable to these people, you can sell it anywhere in the Cotton Belt."

Most fiercely attacked were FCIC 's proposed revisions in the 1984 program concern ing division a f farm units, yield coverage and the rate·setting procedure. .

As the rules now stand. all farms included under one Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) serial number in 1984 will com· prise a single unit for federal crop insurance purposes. Separate policies at different yields and/or premium rates would not be permitted within the unit although farms might be miles apart, some irrigated and some dryland.

Since COyerage is limited by statute to 75 percent of yield, it was pointed out, one farm within a four o r five farm unit could suffer a total crop failure, and if production were normal on the other farms, the producer could collect nothing on the loss. It therefore was recommended that producers have the option to divide non-contiguous farms into different units .

tee considering amendments [0 the Act aft er a proposal was made that could affect farm prog ram benefit s of produ ce rs who failed to comply with specific prac· tice!;. Though depression usually originates in early life , it is important to note it is not the parents ' fault .

-----1 !


Attorney At Law \

Several of those present recommended that producers be given an option to insure actuaI or county average yields. Otherwise, they sald, Yield c overage for farms in areas t hat have suffered repeated disasters will be too low to proVIde eco-nomically meaningful protection. (

Sprague told the group that a change in the m ethod of determining premium rates was made necessary by a Beltwide 1.5 to 1 loss ratio on c o tton in 1982 and " an even worse" loss experience on the Plains. He added that he. as manager, was mandated by statute to operate FCIC as a business, offering income protection to producers on an a ctuarially sound basis.

o no insuran ce agent in the discussion presented figu res, based on preliminary information , which he said indicated probable average yield coverage and premium costs in Dawson, Gaines, Martin and Howard Counties. Maximum yield coverage for the f our counties, the figures showed , would range from 149 to 242 pounds per acre at premium costs from $31 to over $46 per acre. " Producers can·t afford i to"' he stated.

For The Best Coverage

A vailable In Medicare Supplement




Call Miles Agency·

298-2818 ILocated ne.t door 10 EoerRaal

For SPEC Members

\ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \

I \ \ \ 1


i I 1 1 \


Electric Waler Bealer Special!

l \ 1


Monday - Friday 9 - 5


I \ \

! 1 762-0631 1


Eslabll...... I.. Novemllor of JlZI...pubilolled .. lbun4iay of .acll weft. ID A ..... llly •. Te .... ..,.. a_ •• poalall. paid al AberAalhy, Tela. 71311. Ioe.~ at .1' Ave. D. In Ih. cky of A ..... _lby. P.O. Drawer D. Pb_ (.,) Z"U3l.

A.y .......... refleeU. _ the ....... der of •• y ...... u. orlHlvld .. 1 .111 ..... y appear Ia \lie

of the A_Illy W~y'Revlew 1!1a.ly wUl_ ......-edM ~ ..... , ....... Ie lIoe __ U- of the


oState® 30 qallon heater . only '1&0-'State® 42 qallon heater . only '17'7"" 'State'" 52 qallon heater . only '191""

NOW is the time to install a new Sla/e® SiJper-Saver Energy eHi­cienl Water heater! Purchase in­


". Interest·free finance plan ". Free delivery ". Free installation where proper wiring

and plumbing exists' ". 5 year warranty .. No labor charge on SPEC repair

.. nice

.Ii. ~ ... : .,:., ... , .. ria Hale_ ........ ,... .. teat .. ,.... ...

,...., ......... ~-r-. ~ ..... ·Cityeodootmd<mlinaa .... _~poIJcy . .c..lorm· .lonaotioD ~ c:bcuvM lor a...- hoe IIIO/uIW _ • . =-: ;.: ........ ....... kc,~~, TY,w

W..... . . . . . . . . . .. .8edtIIJ


Page 4: Abernathy The - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1983/1983-08-25.pdf · 8/25/1983  · Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night and the reception following

0. Tunclay ... TIoanday 01 .... week sIlIIen Items be\oqlnl to Charln Evans, Predely Shaw Ind A. W. Hammell were recovered and Identified by the Hale County Sheriff'. De part. ll)ent after a burgl.ry ring in Deaf Smith County was ....,.ntly broken up.

One of the victims, Fred­dy Shaw, lives S'h miles west of Abernathy,

The thefts. committed June IS. 1983. November 11, 1982 and February 22 , 1983. respectively. and were part of a large scale network of thefts thaI C\lvered a span of two years and involved thefts in 13 counties.

Totaling 55,965. the s to­len Hems were only a small fraction of the SlOO .OOO worth of merchandise found .

MOnday by Te.. R.naers In die barn of I Deaf Smith County f.rmer, Robert Roe Strain. Information received by the Te •• s R.nlt .. fin.lly enabled them to close in and put an end to the theft ring.

Those counties believed Involved in these burglaries are Briscoe. Castro. Crosby, Dawson, Deaf Smith. Floyd Hale. Hockley. Lamb. Lynn. Lubbock. Swisher and Ter· ry .

A Hale County grand jury is looking into the charges against Strain.

The Pony Expr.... which hi' lived in legond for more thin a century. lived in flet for less than two yelrS.


announ~s the opening of his omee In

OPHTHALMOLOGY Diseases ibid Suraery of the Eye

3813 22nd 51., Suite 5 Lubbock, Tx., 79410

By Appolnlment Only

At the

18061 797·9550

Lubbock Hilton, kids are priceless. Only $29 per night. single or

:~~It: ~~uC~k-to.SChoOI shopping and a fun·filled mini -vaca tion near all of Lubbock's at­Irac lions: South Plains Fairgrounds,

~':'e?,i:;'~ ~~ill~~ar.~~~~lf~~d downlowl1 shopping. Texas Tech Uni\-"\.. • ..> ity. Minutes from MacKenzie Slale Park. fe aluring lwo 18·hq le golf courses, driving ra nge . picnic a rea , Pra irie DO<J Town a nd Joyland Amusemenl Park,

And look what else your family will eoUoY: FREE breakfas t for kids 10 and unde r, Family ,s lyle res la ur , anI. Indoor Iropica l swimming pool. Free in · room movies, And more!

'IIOu «ton 't hawe to bring the kids to take advantage of our special $29 rate. but you ' lI all

ha~lf z;:,~~u,~flffo~~serva -lions o r information, Offe r good any day of Ihe wee k , Subjeci to space availability

LUBBOCK ][ HILTON INN 50S Avenue Q Lubbock. Texas 79401

......... '1'11\'...... """"''', "UOUIT II, I_ .AGl6 ----'!"""--- ... _ AI ' ..... 1 ...... I'. 1'IIIId Gnde T ..... .......... ~,..... ........ ... ...'" .... -.. .......... . Iar ..

be ..... to help you. w. ........ 1*11 this fuM ~ 10... W ... c-. .... -.......

W .... c.IIR

.... _.1.,.. a.IIer III' ..., (bullet tUb, etc.)

Matt Hili. B.rry Ho"en. Aaron Nisbet. Mary Ann Bush . James 'McGuire. Cit· hy, Davis. Jo Lafon, R. A. , Mcintire. Chuck Edwards. Sylvia Ramirez, Richard Tye Koontz. L M, Hobgood and SIeve Emery.


_ pi _ pIcha_ 01_

kid, In ac:tloll In die JIIP'f. I will be runnlna the foatbeJl pl.yers ' plelur~ ... rUnl

next =~nd to ha •• die , .,.. corp and buel-' n future papen. P1eue help me make thll somethin. our community will be proud of.

Individuals m.y put ads in also. S.y 5 f.mllies 80 together . something like this : BOB JONES FAMILY-­BILL GREEN FAMILY--TOM THUMB FAMILY-­DICK & JANE··THE W AL TONS .. aJl say .. "GO

Mr. and Mrs. Reiner Rei- MEAN GREEN ." This ken. would cost each family $2

each month. That's not bad

s...tm ..... e Cbanaed

The scrimmage scheduled against Lockney, there. has been changed. It will be played at the New Deal foolb a ll fi e ld al 6 p ,m,. Thursday. Kugust 25 ,

To the People 01 New Deal

Do you like having a page of our very own in this paper? We ll . I need your help to keep this page, I need some more advertis­ers. The ads will be run twice a month and the cos t will be 510 per month . I have tried to contact every­one. but if you want to put an a d on this page. please

if you want to really support your team!!

Scrlmmaae Can Be Roaah Hub.CoacM

lI ' s bad when the players gel roughed up during a scrimmage. but when the coaches get injured-- thal is something else. Ask Coach Stewart and Coach Bigham how hard Ihose Hart players can tackle ?



Crayona • 8 count (Regular size · nut Jumbo) Pendl •• No, 2 lead (Regu­lar size - not Jumbo) Glue Slick or Elmer'. Glue· 4 oz . (No white past e plcase) Plutlc Pencd Bag wf zlpper iType Ihal filS in notebook) Box of Kleene~ ~ large Towel for Nap (please no mats or pillows)


Crayons - 8 or I tl count Pencils . No. 2 lead Scissors Glu. Stick Elmer', Glae • 4 oz. 80x of Kk·e ne,; . large School Box Folder with Pockel. Large Eruer Tablet · Za ncr Blaser · Firsl Grade Tablel


Cuyon, Pencil, • No, 2 lead Sel ...... (poinlcd) Glue (large sizto)

Ruler bo:l of Klecncl . la rge School Box Folder with pock.,. Large Eruer Tablet . Zancr Bl as er

......... TRIIID GIIADI ..



env-nOOoilOGH ~ ..... (wide ruledl ...... No. 2Iead .......... ....... No. 2 lead

w-n env-...... No, 2 lead ~ .... (wide ruled) ...... ........

GloM ..... , ~ ..... (wide ruled) 4 .... • No. 2 lead .... ,.... wll. ,....... ..d

~ ...... (wlde ruled) GIrae ... (for M.thl

New Deal Football Season Begins 1M3 VAIlSlI'Y FOOTBAIJ. SCHEDVLI!

Aa .... 18 HMt s...t .. _e There A..... 15 Lockey There SepJember 2 Kreu 110eft SepJember 9 Hale Cealer nen. September 16 Loreazo Here September 23 Petersb'"1l Ihome<omJaal Here September 30 C ...... ytoa There .October 7 ·Morton 11Iere October 14 °Seq .. ,.. Here

,o.tober 21 °O'Donneil Here October 28 ·Plain. There November 4 'Shallowater Here

·Denote. DJotrlct Game.


6000 p ... . 6000 p ... . 8.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 8tOO p.m. 8tOO p .... 7.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p ....

September 1 Brownfield 6.30 p ... . IJV oolyl September 8 Hale Center September 15 Lorenzo September 22 Peterwburg September 29 CroobytOll October 6 ·M_ October 13 ·s..a .. ves October 20 ·O'Don .... 1I Oclober 27 ·PIaln. No.ember 3 ·Shallowater

·Denoles DI, tncl GtunetI

5,00 p.m. 17·8 ommmq.1 5.00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.00 p .m. • :00 p .m. 4,00 p.m. •• 00 p .m. 4.00 p.m. •• 00 p.m.

These sponsors are behind the Lions 100%

HI-Plains Oxygen Equipment, Inc. 3803 Ave. A

Lubbock, Texu 747-2769

Markhams Store New Deal 746-6868

Farmers Depot FM 1264 • 1294


New Deal Gin Now Da\ 746-5666

M. E. Bigham Construction Company Dltchlnll • Cemenl won.

Re . 2, Box 341 Lubbock, T ....


Sharps Store New Da\ 741>-5157

Joe Kirk Wholesale Meats II. 3, Lobboclt


South Plains Electric Co-Op Inc, 110 N. AmarIllo Hw,..

Lobbock, T .... 761·0401>

G & G Aero Service

D.C. Wrecking C\o,'I. H.,.,


Earning YOl1r Trust. •• While Your Money'S Earning Interest.

Trust. That's the feeling you get from the people at First State Bank. People like Board Member, M.J. Williams.

With deep roots in Shallowater, M.J. knows the people. He also knows that in today's economy, a bank has to work harderthan ever before to earn the customer's trust. So, at First State Bank you'll find friendly people doing what it takes to work hard for you.

Earning your trust by keeping in touch with the people. That's what you get

at First State Bank. After~_IIII~ all, that's what friends are fori

FIRST STATE BANK ShIIIoweter, Tx. ' -Member FDIC 832-4i26

UIa""THY QVI&W .TIRIMD.lY, .. UGUIT D, I,. ' .. 01 7 -Tr n

... 1..1 .....

Servke. for J , L, Irish. b7. of .tbern.thy were at II •. m. Tuesday in First United Methodis t Church here with the Rev . Tommie Beck. pastor . and Ihe Rev, HB Coggin , officiating. Burial was in Resthaven

Memorial Park under direc-



don of Rlx Funeral Dlreclors of Lubbock,

lri. h, an early·day Aber· nalhy ci vic leader . died ., 10:50 a, m, Sunday in Lub· boek ' s Me thodist Hospital after It brief illness.

He was a director and ~ tru stee of Telas Boys Ran_ch. directo r of Texas Com merce Bank in Lubbock ror two decades and mem-

her of Ihe board of direc:lon of the Lubbodr Area Foun· dation ,

A nltlve of Temple, Irish came 10 County 'Line In 1924 and to Abernathy In 1939, He was a former Abernathy eity councilmln. I member of Ihe Abernathy volunteer fire department. a ch.arter member of Abernathy Lions Club and one of the

anizers of Levelland Veg­ble Oil.

He was a former associate director of Ihe Red Raider Oub and had donated an athletic · scholarship through the cl ub . Irish marrie d

Dr. James Kemp

announces 'openinf! of

Kemp Veterinary Clinic 1111 Columbia


For practice of veterinary

medicine and surgery for small

and large animals"

for appointment call 293-9517

Vlr,lnl. Wllm.smel.r II SI.lon Au,uII ) .. 1"1.

He farmed . nd owned • ,,,tlon "In,

He w.. I member of Abernlthy First United Methodist Church,

Su rv ivo rs I.!lclude hi s wife: two daughters . Kathy Wainscott of Dill.. and Nancy Harman of Lubbock: two sons, J immy of Dall •• and Mike of Lubbock; Ind seven grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Tommie Stevens. Donald Bledsoe, J erry Oswalt . Fran.k Thomp­son. Jerry Givens. Charles Goble. W. L. Goble. Graddy Tunnell and Hugh Pettit .

Honorary pallbearers are directors of Texas Com· merce Bank .

The famil y sug'ge s ts memorials to Texas Boys Ranch.

J. L_

Chris BrightbUl Services for Chris Bright·

bill . 7·year·old son of Jerry and Debbe Br igh l bill of

Horrllln. Okl.hom. wer,e held Tueldly In N_an, Oklahom., under dlR!CIion of Primrose Funeral Home,

He died . 1 8:50 I,m . Sl turdl Y, AUlust 20, at Lubbock Generll Hos pltll (rom injuriel he sUlt.ined in a traffic accident Mon· day , August IS . near Aber· nathy,

He was born in Lubbock and was I member of the Metro Church in Edmond. Oklahoma,

Survivors include his par­ents: a sister. Stephanie of Norman ; a brother, Michael of Norman: hi s paternal grandparents. Bruce and Dorolhy Brightbill of Hale Center : and his maternal grandpare nt.s, Francis and Kryss Nickerson of Tulsa; grea t · g randmother . Mrs . Opal Rhodes of Abernathy: uncles, I!andy Brightbill of

" Abernathy . David Brightbill of Geo rge town . Maryland and Darryl Brighlbill of Abernathy,

The famil y sugges ts memo rials to children's homes or your favorite charity.

Troy Yelvington Services for Troy Yelving.

ton, 72. of 4809 54th St , in Lubbock were at IO a .m . Saturday in Reslh ave n Chapel wilh Ihe Rev , Den· nis Heard of Olton officiat · lng,

Burial was in Resthaven Memorial Park. under direc­tion of Resthaven Funeral


Home of Lubbo.d, He died . 1 6:4~ p,m ,

Wedn •• day, Au,ulI J7 In St. Miry's Hospitl l .fter I lenKlhy iIIn •••.

The Mounl C.lm nllive had been a Lubbock resi· dent s ince 1929, having moved from Ce leste , He Wal • retired truck driver. a Baptist and married Vera E, J ohn so n on Fcbruary 17, 1934. in Elk City. Oklaho· rna,

Survivors include hi s wife; a son, Troy of Lub· boek: a daughter. Barbara Shipman of Abernath y; a brother. Fred of Lubboek: and five grandchildren.

Eva MeNeely Servi ces for Eva Mae

McNeely. 62. of New Deal were at 3:00 p.m. Wednes· day in Franklin-Bartley Fun­eral Chapel of Lubbock,

Mrs. McNeely. a native of Alabama. died al 4:38 p,m, Monday at the home of a son in- Wolfforth a fl e r a bricf illness. Wolfforth Jus· tice of the Peace Melvin Powers ruled the death of natural causes.

Mrs. McNeely had lived in New Deal 57 yea rs.

She was a Baptist. Sur vivo rs includ e fo ur

daughters. Mrs. Olli e Graves of Irv in g. Mrs Imogene Meyers of Wolf· fonh . Mrs. Mary Sellers of Seagraves and Mrs. Nora Condray of Lubbock; IWo sons, Jerry of Wolfforth and Wa yne of Lubb ock ; her

falher : William Wllklnwn or Grant. AI.bamal •• llter . Maule Hook •• of Gilmer: Ihree brothe ... Ch.rlie WiI· kinson of Gi llup , New M .. lco. W. O. Wilkin son of Grapevine and George Wil· kin~on of Decatur : and seven grandchildren .

Mrs. Mc Nee ly -was a sister· in ·la"" of Mrs . Mau· rine Hamilton of Abernath y.


Roberts Services for Houston A.

Roberts . 70 , of Here fo rd were at 2 p .m. Thursday at Centra l Ch urch of Christ in Hereford with Bob Wear. a ret ited minister. officiating.

Buria l was in West Park Cemetery under the direc· tion o f Gi lill and -Watson Funeral Ho me.

He died a. 3 : 15 a.m , Tue sday in Dea f Smith General' Hospital in Here· ford after a sudden illness.

Born Seplcmber 26, 1912. in Peacock. he married Lora Shannon OClober 9. 1934. in Crosbyton . In January 1954 they ;"oved from Kress to Deaf Smith Cou nty,

He was a farmer and a member of Central Ch urch of Chri s !.

Survivors include his wife of Hereford: Ihree daught ­ers . Bonn ie Hoste rl e r of Over la nd Park . Kansas . Mary Tinkle of Le""isville and Virginia Cox of Abe rna · th y: twO sons. Leon of Amarillo and Ronnie of

INiD ~~~~~r~ii;7~~

Mldllnd ; fout i ten. Allie Travlor (If F.lrfleld, Callfor· nla : Fannie Trlylor u( Ami' r illo . Mildred Muoe of Sllem, OrellOn and Laura Johnstln of Prosser. WI.h· inglon: • brother. Jesse of Dum .. ; 15 gra ndchi ldren : and seven great ·grandchild · reno

Kelt. All •• M ••• , ••

Keith Allan Mahagan. 12, of Hale Center died al II p,m, Tuesday. August 16, in Lubboek General Hospital ' from injuries rece ived in a two -ve hicl e accident. The collision occurred about 5:30 p,m, Sunday . Augu5I 14 . at the inter sec tion of two county roads about a half mile south of Hale Center .

The boy's father. Allan O'Dell Mailagan. , 34, was dead on arrival at Hi-Plains Hospi ta l in Hale Center following the accident.

Kehh was born October S, 1970, in Ha le Cente r,

Surviving are his mother. Linda Mahagan ; two sisters . Sarah and Kristi Mahagan. bo th of th e ho me; hi s gra ndparen ts. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mahagan of Hale Center and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shackl eford of Col· ton Center . a nd Charlsey Traylor of Plainview; and great-grandparents. Mrs. E. G. Mahaga n of Pete rsburg . Marv Simmons of Amarillo and · Mrs. J . B. Cornett of Hale Center.

night g.me In

bueb. 1I history W .I

proved o n June 2. t883 In Fori Wayne, Indi ana. Real Estate For Sale


I We Service And 1 I Repair All

I Vehicles i \ \ \ Cars Pickups \ \ \ I Trucks Vans I \ ! I I \ . I State Inspected I ! Henry's I ! Texaco ! L~~~ __ ~::~:J

For Alll'our C4.· m'~nl Nl"Cd.

C.II unl cr Read., Mh


Finishe r II< tabor "' ail obi,' If du lrecl II.'" Ccnlc. 83Q·2102

........... I ••• ~


Remodellna, Panellnl , Carage Con \'cnlon •• P.t .... , Storm 1>00 .. ..... Wlndo"·IIi. Palnllna .11 Iypes of home repair. No Job to omall. 1609 Ave DI Abernathy :198·2086.

Ot:TSTANDlNG BUl': Lake pruJX'I1~ . l.h'll('r .... tli ('urn p;'lpcr~" FlJ r more:.' Iliforma· tiun . l ' :l1I l aD:I"n Skipper . Malt..--o lm Gam'll Realtors . 8010· '93· '000 SOb-'5 2t().l ,

131, l l lp)

. '01 SAI.E: Th,,'" \'.ar old Abernathy homt:' . ) / . '11 / 2 in lakt''''iew Subdi\ lsion. Deco· rlu l'd in CUlhto nc,\ . I1 lmond ap plianct' !\ . !l.lO ragc she d Call bOa" n Skip per. "'S""· 2104 . M.1lrol m (j3rrt"11 Heal ·


HO USE FOR SALE: Nice l · I , I , Sll ,'OO . 204·2S3 -g" IH,


" 1 1m still ie.rning ." Mono of Mich.'lngelo

~-~""''''-, =t

t t t t t t : 298-2440 •

LARG E 3 BEDROOM t t This love ly older home , ha!t luIS uf s torage. ,

t luge utility roo m and t t )u n room . Sprinkler t system and more . t , VERY AFFORDABLE • , IN NEW DEAL t f 11 bedrooms - 2 baths

24x40 works hup a nd t f ('e ll ar on large lor. t


2 ~?~!,~~ ~~i!~e~' • , ba th . Complete n e~' , t int e rior. New kitchen

appli ances. Ow ne r fi - , , nancing. t , Jam<. Pope 29~·4019 t • Jim Bob Smllh 795,7126

........ --- .... ~~J

.---------------------~ I IR I· ni~ard Duaose-I I I B 1I1SUraflc. I re-al e>state-

I \1\1 A.e. F. 2 e\aly. ... ple.ely .... ocl,lIed ... 4t... very alee, wldr ....... _t...-riy

Trailer ~" ... _ 1'1" I.... 4'- 151. St •• .11 .... +' .... "e ••• . N.W ... ........ ...,.LML

FOR SALE: luI and a half 111 Ab (' rn 3th\ . by o"ne r . 2'1/1-0101 1 .

(39·2I p)

HO USE FOR SALE: Nice 2· t , l , 522. 500 , 214·253 · KS IH,

14 1,211)

FOR SALE: 2 bedroom house on .so • 140 fl. IQI. 6tl8 2nd 51. 298·2 107,

(41 ·2Ie)

HOl'SE FOR SALE: 140'1 A \1,' . L. .. bedroom. 2 ba th . la rge de n. 1I\' in& roo m. ba'\c mt.' nt. g3Tage- . 1900 square kct. Call for ap­l){linllll("ni . ]<JS·] -'04 .

(26·rtSI FOR SALE: Ow ner wi ll ron)ldcr (fade for homr in 10 " n . .1 ·2·2. l'Ounlry proper. r ~ fircpla,'e' complete ly rc modl~ l t!'d . Call Oon Eve lyn Fondv , 7Q2-0870 , Edwards & Ab.rnalhie . Inc .. 7n-5 166,


foR SALE. Manv extras , Ab und ance o r ·S lOugc . Prkcd to sell now. Covered patio wi lh redwood decking a!la,' hcd, 3·2·2 . Sprinkler sys tem. Basement . Can Don Evelyn Fondy 792·0870. Ed· wards & Abernathie. Inc ., 792·5166, (35·rts)

Garage Sale

3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Frida)' and Saturday. Aug­u51 2b and 27. Childress house . White house north of Dairy Quee n on South Ave. 0, (41· ltp)

GARAGE SALE. Thursday and Friday. 1505 Ave , J ,

(41 -ltcl

room hou~c for renl or will sel l. Corner 101. 14 11 AH". H .


HO USE FOR RENT, 3 bedrooms. must furnish ref· crences, 746·5021 ,

(41 -2tp)

FOR RENT: 2 bed room house . S175 a month. plus deposil, 293·55'lO and 2%· % 18. Plainview.

SEE RlNSE·N·VAC. the in · crediblc: ne"' portab le s team type carpe1 cleaning system. h does the job of profes· sional carpet cleanerS at a fraction of oosl . Rent one now al Struve 's Department 5 10 re . J I8 Main . Ph Qne 298·253 1.

CLEAN RUGS. like new. so easy 10 do with Blue lus tre. Re nt elect ric shampooer S 1. Stru\'e Department Store.

VEGETABLES Sq uash. okra. cucumbers . beans. peas. jalapeno pep. pers . hoI banana peppers, NOW. Tom.toes and other varieties pepper soon. From Hale Center go north on FM 1424 to FM 1071 west. go 6 miles. While house north side of road . 879-2289.


~i~~i~ ~ It i. enimatod that 4.000 I........ he.. bacom. extinct o .. r Ihe COUf1Cl of hinory.

CLASSIFIED AD POLICY a-IIIacI ... _ be ..... r. ~ ... _ ...

beI_ 4 p .... M ....... y of ~ wee1r. W, .-alford to bUJ clotHllled ..... If .. ,- .. DOl ..... veo! by .. r M ..... y ........ , a 15 _

VEGETABLES FOR SALE Garden fresh pinto beans. S4 1bushel and bla r k-eyed peas. SJ / bushel. J mil es west of Cone Elevator and 'h mile soulh , 879·2124.


FOI SALE: Bar and 2 stools. Hand made. Mrs . Elmer Wolfe, 407 Ave, M, 298-4095.

(41 ·4tp)

REPOSSESSED SIGN! No­thin g dow n ! Take over paymenls 558,00 monthl y, 4" x 8' Oashing arrow sign . New bulbs. letl ers . Hale Signs , Ca ll FREE 1·800-626-7446, anytime,




I WILL HELP! Call David Collect At

0-806·763·53 19 A· I lubboek




11-806-763·5319 I.abbod<




Call David at 0·806- 763·5319

Lubboek (35-7tc)




The longan commonly performld op.'. i. Richard Wa,ner', "Die Maillarain .. r" which _ally ..... for & hours. 15 min'An

........ fee wll be edded .. 1M!! ......... ,.,. far 'dMalIIeda .. "'-...... 1M .... a t: j

'~a""'=_=';_I-.awtdolil' .-•.• DIM •• JMI ...... ,,_d Of Think"

II - - - cash - - - :II Thallk you for your I'! eo.tlnuilll pray... ..d I Prdcl far ........ \nfpIIIos ..... aM _. tIIouahtful- since Cbr\a'

I ..... n., ................ *. acddent. Tbe food, ~

I J'--...... Lu .. bbocIc~ 1ts-IU'1. , .... aINl ""'" ... bea a a-t help~ We loft ...

r=:..~ eftI)' fICI of

AinerIc.n Iran And ......, Inc. The Jerry ......... Tbe .......

Tbe~'" 0(lIl ......


FOR SALE: Half-gruwn , male Siamese kinen . S1 5. b-week old Siamese kitten to be g iven away. Los t or strayed registe re d male schnauzer. 7 mont hs , old . Answers to the name of Roscoe, 298·4 177,

(41· I.c)

FOR SALE: Regislered Aus­tralian Shepherd puppies. Call 757·2364.


FOil SALE: Honda 175 XL Motorcycle 5450, Call 2QS-2436,



Keith Originals .. fra med and malt ed picture s of animals . mountains. old str· uctures. wagon wheel and many more to choose from. The perfecl g ift for onl y S 17 .50 each. Come to the Abernathy Weeki\' Rev iew and see ~ur display.


BUSINESS OPPORTUNI· TIES : Satellite Antenna dealers needed. No experi· ence required. Dealer cost for complete unh as low as S747 , Re tail 51395, Ca ll 303-574-4763,


MAKE MONEY WORKING AT HOME! Be flooded with offers! ! Offer·details rush stamped . addressed e nve· lope and 25 cents service fee . Juanita Harvey, Dept. M. Rt. 4. Box 140. Lumber· lon, Mississippi. 39455.


MAKE MONEY WORKING AT HOME! Be flooded wilh offersl! Offer details . Rush stamped. addressed enve· lope and 25 cents service fee to: L. G. Dept. M. p, O. Box 2151. Warden Wash .. 98857.


Do FREE CLOmES sound good to you? Then why not host a Beeline Fa sh io n Show, Call 298-2080 after 5 p.m. for details. Ask for Cindy, Free gift for panies held in September,


If you could drive to the sun at the speed limit 155 miles an hourJ you'd get there in about 193 years-if you didn't stop for coffee.

For Auto Service And Minor Repairs •••

Come To Harrell's Texaco ' J. C. HureO, owner

Lubes Car Wash Oil Changes Tire Service

J.C. Harrell's Texaco 8 ...... 9 p .lft, 7 Day. A Week

Weal Service IIOIId • ~

Page 5: Abernathy The - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1983/1983-08-25.pdf · 8/25/1983  · Abernathy Set For Woman/ess Wedding Saturday Night and the reception following

...... ,. AUGVII''' 1_ .AUI

.... , ..... .atellft: alII ma.ter. de,reel, 89 ..... « fro. A"matliy, bIccaIaureate depeea and

To The Editor

My Only ..... It t .... I did not IUge.t you put It Ie .... Tulia Herald··1 taulht tIIIre • couple of yean and wouIcl have enjoyed seeln, myoid students.

... ...... 210 ..... t.. 10 certiftcatea durin, cere· Hello Keith:

......... diplomas du...... monies In the M.1n Auditor· For some time I have

The exhibition was very successful. Seven to el,ht thousand viewers per week passed through and the museum staff told me it was the most popular art exhibit in the museum's history. My work filled all three of their galleries and' they asked for an extension

SuI lou State Umvenlty ium. SRSU President Bob intended to send a note to aummel' commencement Richardson presented the thank you for the feature on Auplltl2 at AlpiDe. diplomas. the front page of the June

M •. Ratcliff received her 16 Review. Including yours. Ma.ter' of" Educ.tion in school .dmlniatr.tion. "Appeeranees Ire often seven papers carried stories

dec:eiving." Aesop on my exhibition at the r-T_h_e_u_n .... lv.:...~_rs_it_y_._w_._r_d_ed_. __________ .., Panhandle· Plains Museum.

Bring this ad to get super savings on your ArtCarved Siladium' class ring. Every ring is backed by the ArtCarved Full Lifetime Warranty. This offer expires November 30. 1983 and is to be used only for the purchase of. ArtCarved Siladium' Class Rings.

PLUS up to $26 worth of custom features FREE!

'-18ICD' EnClushng F,' ebuIs! Sunl'gfll

Pinson Pharmacy 322 Main 298-22222

Yanez Wins Subserlptlon Sales Contest

, James Yanez, of 412 11th Street. Abernathy. recently won the Abernathy Weekly Review 'subscription sales contest by selling 30 new SUbscriptions for the Re· view.

For selling 30 subscrip­·tions. Yanez had a choice between a 10-speed bike or an AM / FM cassette stereo. Yanez chose the bike and the Review presented a new lO-speed bike to _ Yanez last

Friday . Winning second place

was Susan Vaughan: of 301 Avenue L. Abernathy. for selling 7 subscriptions; third place - Ma r'tin Natal. of 1405 Jerome Street. Aber­nathy. for selling 3 sub­scription s; and tying for fourth place was Dale Hea­ly. Kim .. Kemp' and Chris Casey. all of Abernathy. who sold I new subscription each .

II [" , .... ' t f. ?J ~\ " J --r


WINNER OF SUBSCRIPTION SALES CONTEST. James Yanez accepts a brand new IO-speed bicycle from Hoppy

L 873 J Toler . owner of Struve 's Department Store. The bike was

C> 1983 M Calveo Class A'ngs. Inc J·OOOO lwarded to Yanez by the Abernathy Weekly Review for L-_-__ -__ ._-__ B_R_I_N_G_T_H_IS_A_D_-__ -__ -____ selling 30 ncw subscription,. (Review Photo)


SHERBEl '12 GAL. 81 59 RD. CTI.


Sliced Brisket


Betty Crocker Asst. Cake Mixes

$1 09


Krispy Crackers 1 Lb. Box

Folgers All grinds S l ' 'S9 Coffee 1'Lb.


Toilet Tissue 4 Pack 79'


f:llCE CREAM· ,-"'-- '/1 Bil. S 179


Bananas 3 Lbs. $1 00 LI FIMOUS


6 Pack

12 Oz. Cans



Thlrty·flve Hale County "'H'en, parenti and leaden took part ill Junior Camp activities MOnday. Au .... t IS.t the Abern.thy Country Oub. .ccordlng to Mella .. Lona. Hale County Exten· sion Agent.

beyond the planned closing date. so I left enough paintings for one of the smaller galleries through mid-September.

Again. Keith. thanks. Sincerely.

Bill Barrick


SCHOOL ' ME~U . ~ -"""'4

Aquat 2S·September 2


ThlinciaYI Banana. Cer­eal. Toast and Milk.

Friday: Pineapple . Juice. Pancakes with Syrup and Milk.

Mooday: Sliced Peaches. Doughnuts. Milk.

Tuesday: Orange Juice. Cheese Toast. Milk.

Wednesday: Apple Juice. Sausage. Biscuits. Milk.

Thunday: Pineapple Juice. Oatmeal. Milk.

FrldaYI Fruit Juice. Waf­nes with Syrup. Milk.


Thunday: Pizza. Tossed Salad. Green Beans. Fruit Cup and Milk.

Friday: Char-Burgers. Lettuce-Pickles-Onions. Tat­er Tots. Peanut Butter Cookies and Milk.

Mond.YI Tostizza. Tossed Salad. Corn. Fruit Pudding. Milk.

Tue.d.y. Fish with Cat­sup. Cole Slaw. Blackeyed Peas. Corn Bread. Water­melon. Milk.

Wednesday: Salisbury Steak. Tossed Salad. Green Beans. French Bread. Fruit Gelatin . Milk .

Thursday: Turkey Pot Pie. Tossed Satad . Cranberry Sauce. Gingerbread. Milk .

Friday: Hamburgers. Let · Le ttuce-Pickles·Onions. Ta­ter Tos. Peanut Butter Cookies and Milk .

Junior eamp It .. auual event pIannecI by tile Aduh Leaden AlICICIatioll for 4-H members throu,hout the county renaln, from 9-13 yean of .,e.

Those attending the one· d.y camp p.rtlcipated in swimming. • hot dog cook· out and educational activi­ties. Flip Calhoun of the Hale County Soil .nd Water Conservation District served as resource person for the camp .and gave vario,!s demonstrstions on knot ty­ing . .

Junior Camp is one of the many opportunities avail.

I able to youtll IpOCIICINd by "'H. 4·H pI'OIreIIII are open to all perIOIII '*-II the aaes of 9 and 19. I'eprdIell of loclo·economlc ·Ievel. !'ICe. color. leX or national

orta\n. Penon. Interested In 'learnln, more about the 4·H ' iproarama In Hale County should contact the county Exten.ion office .t 6th and Alh or call 293.&481.

B.J.' ........... VIdeo . For your video tapina needs:

Special EvenII . Weddirip • Sports . InsUI'IIICC . ) Lela! Doc:umentalion • Home Inventory etc.

l Wedding Packages start at *150" ! l 561 0 87th Lubbock 79424

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Welcome Back Lopes!

1\1113 FlGll'l'lNG ANTELOPE FOO'nAU TEAM: Pktured on front row. left to riaht: Patriclt Lewis. Mgr.; Tony Gereau. Mgr.; Stevie Barrera. Todd Pope. Jamie Mansanales. Ross Brldley. Shawn K;night. Randal Stillwell. Pete Camacho. Mike Torrez. Rick Rodriquez. Todd Johnson and Mark Kitchens. Stat. Second row. left to right: Coach Mac McDaniel. Todd Barrick. Robbie Fowler. Randy Houston. David McKinney. Grady Arthur. Darrell Young. Chester Cooper. Rene Vecchio. Billy Cooper. David Kemp. Wade Wesley .nd Coach Larry Aldridge. Third row. left to right: Coach John Rodriquez. Stacy Nichols. Mgr. ; Trey Stone. Mark Bell. Bill DuBose. Brian Smith. Scott Furgeson. Ross Bennett. Danny McDaniel. Tracy Nichols. Lupe Mejorado. Harold Miller. Coach Cassler. and Coach Roland Murray. Not pictured: Coach Cui Irlbeck and Coach Ray Aier. (Review Photo)

Beat Petersburg next week!

2 •• -22 ..

We are behind you

all the way.

1411 A. D

Sin yean Aven Aber and they

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