abarta: his name means performer of featsimg1.tapuz.co.il/forums/50537263.doc · web view1983/03/18...

Abarta: His name means Performer of Feats. He was a member of the Irish Tuatha dé Danann. Abhean: He was the Harper of the Tuatha dé Danann. Adhene: These are the fairies of the Isle of Man of the United Kingdom. It means them selves in Manx Gaelic. They were easily offended when called by the wrong name or by invoking them. They were extremely malicious when they thought themselves wronged by humans. Aengus: A fairy known in Irish lore who is one of the Sidh and a member of the Tuatha dé Danann. Aeval: Among the Celts of Ireland, Aeval was the Fairy Queen of Munster. She held a midnight court to determine if husbands were satisfying their wives' sexual needs, or not, as the women charged. Click here to see a picture of Aeval . Aillen Mac Midhna: A fairy musician in Ireland's Tuatha dé Danann. He is described as being dark with flaming breath, and usually carried with him a poisonous spear. He played such beautiful music with his magical tambourine or harp that all who heard would fall to sleep. He would play to all gathered in the Celtic Samhain (Halloween), but annoyed when they fell asleep, he would take his spear and blast his fiery breath. After more than twenty years of Aillen's destruction, he was captured and died when forced to inhale the poison from his own spear. Aibell: An Irish 'fairy' goddess. Ainé (Aine): She is an Irish fairy queen, a member of the Tuatha dé Danann, and a woman of the Sidhe. There is much confusion as to who exactly fathered this royal fairy. One version accounts her as being the daughter of King Egogabal of the Tuatha dé Danann. Another states her as being the daughter Owel of Munster, and used her magic to kill the King of Munster, who had raped her. Legend tells that Gerald, the earl of Desmond, saw her brushing her hair by the banks of Lough Gur and instantly fell in love with her. He persuaded her to marry him after stealing her magical cloak, with the stipulation that Gerald never show surprise. They had a child named Gerald Fitzgerald, the fourth earl of Desmond, whose antics surprised his father, therefore breaking the promise. Ainé and her son were reclaimed by the Lough's waters and returned to their fairy world. Ainé's son is said to have a castle beneath the waters of the Lough, and emerges to our world on a white horse every seven years. Ainsel: A child fairy in English (Northumberland) lore. She appeared to a young boy who refused to go to bed when his mother requested, preferring to stay by the fire. His mother warned that the fairies would come to him if he stayed up too long, and proceeded to go to bed herself. Just then, a fairy child flew down the chimney. When the

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Page 1: Abarta: His name means Performer of Featsimg1.tapuz.co.il/forums/50537263.doc · Web view1983/03/18  · She is named Fata Morgana by the Italians and that name is given to a mirage

Abarta: His name means Performer of Feats. He was a member of the Irish Tuatha dé Danann. 

Abhean: He was the Harper of the Tuatha dé Danann. 

Adhene: These are the fairies of the Isle of Man of the United Kingdom. It means them selves in Manx Gaelic. They were easily offended when called by the wrong name or by invoking them. They were extremely malicious when they thought themselves wronged by humans. 

Aengus: A fairy known in Irish lore who is one of the Sidh and a member of the Tuatha dé Danann. 

Aeval: Among the Celts of Ireland, Aeval was the Fairy Queen of Munster. She held a midnight court to determine if husbands were satisfying their wives' sexual needs, or not, as the women charged.  Click here to see a picture of Aeval.

Aillen Mac Midhna: A fairy musician in Ireland's Tuatha dé Danann. He is described as being dark with flaming breath, and usually carried with him a poisonous spear. He played such beautiful music with his magical tambourine or harp that all who heard would fall to sleep. He would play to all gathered in the Celtic Samhain (Halloween), but annoyed when they fell asleep, he would take his spear and blast his fiery breath. After more than twenty years of Aillen's destruction, he was captured and died when forced to inhale the poison from his own spear.

Aibell: An Irish 'fairy' goddess.

Ainé (Aine): She is an Irish fairy queen, a member of the Tuatha dé Danann, and a woman of the Sidhe. There is much confusion as to who exactly fathered this royal fairy. One version accounts her as being the daughter of King Egogabal of the Tuatha dé Danann. Another states her as being the daughter Owel of Munster, and used her magic to kill the King of Munster, who had raped her. Legend tells that Gerald, the earl of Desmond, saw her brushing her hair by the banks of Lough Gur and instantly fell in love with her. He persuaded her to marry him after stealing her magical cloak, with the stipulation that Gerald never show surprise. They had a child named Gerald Fitzgerald, the fourth earl of Desmond, whose antics surprised his father, therefore breaking the promise. Ainé and her son were reclaimed by the Lough's waters and returned to their fairy world. Ainé's son is said to have a castle beneath the waters of the Lough, and emerges to our world on a white horse every seven years.

Ainsel: A child fairy in English (Northumberland) lore. She appeared to a young boy who refused to go to bed when his mother requested, preferring to stay by the fire. His mother warned that the fairies would come to him if he stayed up too long, and proceeded to go to bed herself. Just then, a fairy child flew down the chimney. When the boy asked for her name, her response was Ainsel, which means Ownself. Upon the fay child requesting his name, the boy teasingly answers as My Ainsel. Just then, he stoked the dying fire, inadvertently sending the embers flying at Ainsel. Upon her screams of pain, a voice, coming down the chimney, inquired as to who had hurt her. Scared, and remembering his mother's words, the child ran to bed just as the fairy mother appeared. The mother dragged her child back up the chimney in disgust after her daughter replied that My Ainsel, or My Ownself, had done it.

Alfheim: in Scandinavian mythology, a celestial city inhabited by the elves and fairies.

Alp Luachra: An evil Irish fairy. They are completely invisible except when a

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person falls asleep by the side of a stream. The Alp Luachra takes the form of a newt and crawl down said person's mouth and feed off the food they eat. Greedy as they are, the person devours astonishing amounts of food, yet become more and more emaciated. In Beside the Fire by Douglas Hyde, he accounts of a person who got rid of the Alp Luachra are eating large amounts of salted meat without drinking anything. He then went back to the stream and fell asleep with his mouth open, in which the Alp Luachra jumped into the water in thirsty desperation.

Alven (a.k.a. Otteermaaner): This fairy's origin is Netherlands. Besides that, there are no other known origins for this kind of watery fairy. Their main element is water, obviously and they do use this element in their daily life. These fairies trap themselves in little bubbles and use this pocket of air to fly since they do not have wings. Their bodies are so light that they are almost invisible. Sometimes these fairies will show themselves wearing the hides of otters. There malice to mankind is pretty much limited to those who would destroy and desecrate the sacred land around them, their home, plants, etc. These fairies are most active at night. According to stories, Alvens are creatures of the moon. They dance and play under the moonlight and they are water fairies that live in ponds, lakes and rivers. But the River Elbe is supposedly the most sacred place to them and so that is their principal home. These fairies cherish night blooming plants and so they will protect them if a human tries to pick them or harm them. The only enemies of these fairies are fish and so these fairies try to avoid them.

Amadán (Stroke Lad, Amadán Mór, Amadán na bruidne): An Irish fairy that is known as the fool of the Sidhe. He is a vicious fairy that is said to live in a castle called Bruidean. He chooses his human pawns randomly, punishing them with his touch. His victims suffer through a lifetime of ridicule and shun because of their disfigurements of face, limb, or body. People are more likely to encounter him in the month of June than in any other month.

Ana: In Gypsy folklore, she is the Queen of the Fairies. She is utterly beautiful, pure of heart. She lived in an enchanted mountain castle. Unfortunately, she one day met with the king of the demons, and from then on, her children were born as demons as well.

Angus Og (Angus Óc, Ængus Mac Og, Angug Mac Og): In Ireland's Tuatha dé Danann, he was the son of Dagda and Boanna and he lived in what is know known as the New Grange mound in County Meath, Ireland. He had a magic cloak that he always wore about him, and had the power to control time and transform himself into a swan. One day, a swan maiden visited him in his sleep, and he fell instantly in love, pining away for her until he found her amongst 149 other swan maidens. Because she could only assume her human form every other year, he divulged his swan form to spend the time with her. Anyone who heard their music would fall asleep, only to awaken when Angus and his bride returned to his castle in New Grange mound.

Anjanas: Las Anjanas are typical faeries of Cantabria, there are small and nice females who sometimes appear to people like part human and part animal (usually, it's bird or fish, but it's not always fifty-fifty). Good willing and peaceful, they can be found in woods, near small streams and that sort of quiet places.

Ankou: (a.k.a. Death, The Grim Reaper, Father Time): The ankou of Brittany in France but it also originates in the lore of Cornwall and Wales and is deeply a part of Irish mythology. This fairy gets to be part of all the elements including the fifth element spirit. This fairy is the personification of death and so he is male, dark and has on a black robe pulled high above his head. According to some lore, this fairy has a black cart drawn by four black horses in which he comes by to collect the souls of the dead. Some say the horses appear headless. They appear at dusk, and their footsteps make no sound on the ground as they pass. Seeing them

Page 3: Abarta: His name means Performer of Featsimg1.tapuz.co.il/forums/50537263.doc · Web view1983/03/18  · She is named Fata Morgana by the Italians and that name is given to a mirage

means that either he/she or someone they love will soon die. No one ever has seen his face, and those who have are dead. He really doesn't have in interest in humans; he pretty much does his job. He is most active throughout the entire year therefore he's rather busy. In some places he's not an actual fairy, in others that's all he is. Don't go looking for him and don't try to contact him. He so busy you can't know where to find him anyway. 

Anthropophagi: This fairy creature originates from England, which is odd because the name Anthropophagi is Greek. There is no known evidence of this fairy being involved with the Greek folk beliefs. In Greek, this fairy’s name translates to “Man eating”. This is an air fairy, meaning its main element is air.First of all, this is not a fairy you want to run into since he is a headless cannibal. The tiny brain he has in the first place is said to be near his reproductive organs. His eyes are placed on his shoulders, and his mouth isin the center of his chest. He has no nose, which is good because it enables him to eat human flesh without gagging. It is said they only kill when they are hungry but still be weary of them extremely weary. Do not try to contact them because they are unknown. No one knows where it is at and what help they could give you if found them. But, it would be a better idea not to go looking for them anyway. These fairies weren’t commonly known in England until the famous playwright William Shakespeare. In his plays Othello and Merry Wives of Windsor he made these horrible creatures famous. This type of fairy was already a part of the lore in England but his play made them even better known. Now, some people say these aren’t even real fairies, but a remnant memory of a cannibalistic race that migrated from Africa to Britain in the Dark Ages. Here is a fairy that proves not all fairy creatures that live in fairyland are nice people. 

Aoibhinn: The Queen of the Fairies of North Munster and a woman of the Sidhe.

Ariel: A fairy said to live in the bell of a cowslip flower, and ride on the back of a bat.

Asrai: A water fairy from England (Cheshire and Shropshire). They may sometimes appear as very small humans. The Asrai are known to be exceptionally beautiful and gentle. They only rose from their depths once every hundred years and had to return to their homes before sunrise, else they would waste away. Legend tells of a fisherman that caught one, and despite its cries, was determined to bring it to land. By the time the fisherman made it to shore, the fairies cries had faded and all that was left was a pool of water and a welt on his hands where he had touched the Asrai to tie it up.  Click here to see a picture of Asrai.

Ati: A Maori chief who caught a lovely fairy in a net and married her. 

Attracting Faeries to your Garden:So you want to attract some faery folk to your garden or home, but how? There are several ways to attract the wee folk to your home. First you need to decide what type of faery you hope to attract. If you hope to attract flower and garden faeries you need to have some of their favorite plants around. Some of these are: Foxgloves Fairy like to make their clothing from them. Ferns these make nice soft beds for the little guys. Apple and or Oak trees Fae often inhabit these trees. The oak is held sacred by many of them. Tulips the faery like to use the tulip bloom to put their babies to bed. Rosemary, heartsease, forget-me-nots are some others. While there are many others that fairy like these are some of their favorites. You can also build a little faery house from twigs, stones, crystals or other items found in nature. Put a crystal on the house to attract the faery to it. Place it in your garden and soon a faery may make it home. Faery are attracted to bright and beautiful things. Oh and very important, if you want to keep the wee folk around keep the cat out of the garden!

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Attracting Faeries to Your House:How to attract a house fairy? Fairy love honey cakes, honeyed milk or plain milk and sweet butter. Put some of the above in a bowl or plate and put outside on a stoop or in your kitchen. Don't be dismayed should you wake in the morning and find it still there. Though it may appear untouched, the fairy may have taken nourishment from the food's essence. They will often leave the food for their animal friends to enjoy. Most house fairy (elves, pixies, brownies) are very fussy about the homes they live in. It is important to keep your home clean and clutter free (sometimes they will lend a helping hand). They won't stick around long if you are a foul tempered person or unpleasant to animals and children. Most Fairies are offended by a spoken thank you. Leave them food or trinkets as thanks. One you've offended one of the wee folk they will leave and never return. Enjoy your small house guests. Most can be helpful and often playful. Some are quite fond of playing pranks. A happy home is a home with Fairy.

Aguane: This is a race of female spirits. They are the spirits of the mountains and hills, and the streams and rivers. They love to wear the color red and usually have a magic cap of red to provide invisibility. Their associated element is Water.

Aynia: A fairy queen of Ulster in northern Ireland.

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Bazaloshtsh: A type of fairy from eastern Germany. Her name means God's Plaint and is described as a small, long haired woman. She will only appear to wail beneath the window of someone who is about to die.

Banshee or Benshee: an Irish fairy attached to a house. Common name for the Irish Bean Sidhe (see below). In Scotland the banshee is known as caoineag (wailing woman) and, although seldom seen, she often heard in the hills and glens, by lakes or running water.

Barbegazi: Most of us are familiar with the Yeti or Abominable snowman. There is another less well known faery creature the Barbegazi. Barbegazi are usually found in the Swiss Alps. They hibernate during thewarmer months of the season. They come out of their burrows once the frigid winter has returned. They are a type of gnome. They have very large feet that enable them to move easily and quickly thru snow and ice. They are completely covered in icicles. It was revealed that they were quite ordinary looking gnomesunder the ice. This occurred when several barbegazi were captured and taken from the cold mountains. Soon after the icicles melted revealing their true looks. The captured creatures soon died. The Barbegazi live in tunnels and caves within the mountains. Their call can be heard echoing thru the mountains as they call to one another. They are rarely seen and usually only before an avalanche or blizzard, which they enjoy very much. They have been known to warn humans of avalanches. In general though they prefer to steer clear of humans, disappearing before being spotted. 

Basadone- Origin Italy: Known as the 'woman-kisser', he rides the noonday breezes and steals kisses as he passes by. Their associated element is Air. 

Bean Nighe (Ban nighechain, nigheag na hath): This is the Scottish version of the BeanSidhe whose name means Washer at the Fords. They wander around deserted streams, washing out the grave clothes of those that are about to die. They are said to be women who died during childbirth, and are made to do this until the day when they would've normally died.

Beansidhe (Banshee, Ban shee, Badhbh, Badhbh Chaointe): A Celtic Irish fairy whose name literally means Woman of the Hill. Her name derives from bean,

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or woman, and Sidhe, or fairy. She looks like an old woman with deep-set, her eyes are fiery red from the constant weeping, and wears a cloak over a green dress. Another description places her with wild, long, red hair and in a long white dress. Another, still, described her as a beautiful woman, veiled, with a posture conveying great sadness. She attends the old Celtic families. Her keening wail is heard the night before a family member is going to die. Sometimes she takes on the form of a crow and beats her wings against a window as she lets out her mournful cry. Many have seen her as she goes wailing and clapping her hands. The caoine, or the Irish funeral cry, is said to be an imitation of her own cry. When more than one beansidhe wail and cry together, it is said to be for the death of some holy or great one. Unseen, banshees attend the funerals of the beloved dead, and sometimes she can be heard wailing along with the mournful cries of others. Each beansidhe attends her own mortal family. Her wails can be heard in either America or England, wherever the true Irish have settled. But, out of love or respect, she never forgets her blood ties. The Scottish version of the Banshee is the Bean Nighe. Aiobhill is the banshee of the Dalcassians of North Munster, and Cliodna is the banshee of the MacCarthys and other families of South Munster.

BeanTighe: There is an Irish Fae called the BeanTighe (BanTeeg). She is usually described as a small elderly woman. She always has a smile and full dimpled cheeks. They are always looking for a warm friendly home to guard over. The BeanTighe like the Beansidhe or Banshee attaches her self to a home. She is a faery house keeper. The members of the family would often wake to find unfinished chores done. She especially worked to help the tired and overworked mother. They love children and will make sure they are taken care of. They will adjust blankets, sing lullabies and close drafty windows. If you want to invite one to your home leave her a bowl of strawberries and cream. They are especially attracted to homes with children in. Do not keep your home spotless because she must feel needed. You are indeed blessed if the BeanTighe chooses to take up residence in your home. 

Bediadari (Bidadari): These were the fairies in the beliefs of the Malay people of Western Malaysia. It means Good People.

Befana: An Italian fairy that is described as looking like an ugly old peasant. Lore tells that when the three wise king came by their way to visit the child Christ, she was so busy doing housework that she postponed any offer of hospitality until they came back. Some say that she was invited to go with the three king, but was so busy she declined. Other say that she accepted the offer and followed shortly thereafter, but got lost trying to follow them. Every Epiphany, having missed taking the Child Christ a gift, she goes about, filling children's shoes with candy and toys.

Béfind: A Celtic and French fairy. She is one of the three fairies that were invited to bestow gifts upon a new child and make predictions of his/her future.

Ben Socia (Bensocia): This is a French euphemism for fairy. It means Good Neighbor.Blue Fairy: Although she is now known as tall and blonde due to Disney's rendition of her, the Italian people only know her as the Blue fairy. She was the fairy that helped Pinnochio become a human boy.

The Bendith Y Mamau: ("The Mothers' Blessing") is a Welsh Faerie. They are short and very ugly. Their limbs are misshapen and withered looking. They usually have straggly hair that hangs in long hanks. They are ugly creatures, and sometimes regarded as the result of interbreeding between goblins and fairies. They dislike being around humans and other faerie folk. They are usually bad tempered and are best left alone. The Bendith Y Mamau's children are called

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Crimbils. The Bendith's like to steal other faerie or human children because of their beauty. They than leave behind their deformed ugly baby in it's place. Through the intervention of a witch, the parents can regain the stolen child, who will remember nothing of its time with the Bendith Y Mamau, except for a vague recollection of sweet music. The Bendith Y Mamau while not pleasant to be around are not abusive to the children in fact they are treated fairly well. Boanna (Bóann): Mother of Angus Og and Dagda's lover. Wanting to be with her, Dagda sent her husband, Elcmar, on an errand that took nine months but seemed to take only one day.

Boggart: While most house faeries (elves, pixies, brownies, etc.) are helpful and pleasant to have around there are those that aren't. One in particular is the Boggart. The boggart looks much like a gnome but very dirty and messy looking. Their clothing is wrinkled and unkempt and they are often covered in alayer of dust. They are very unpleasant to be around. They are malicious and bad tempered Once in your home they can be extremely difficult to oust. Their favorite tricks to play are dumping over cups, or jugs with milk or liquid. They love the mess it makes. They like to torment dogs so that they bark endlessly. Cats will stay as far away from them as possible. Boggarts are one of the few faerie not afraid of cats. Boggarts enjoy pulling on a cat's tail or whiskers making him howl. The boggart also like slamming doors, turning out lights, and making a mess of electric cords. One of their favorite things to do is torment sleeping babies. They will pinch them, pull their hair or poke them until they wake screaming. If you find you have a boggart it will take much effort to get rid of it. Hang bells on the doors, bang pots, make a lot of noise. Sing at the top of your lungs in your worse voice. The point is to be even more annoying than he. Put iron nails on window sills and hang iron horse shoes above doors. While the iron and horse shoe may not chase out an existing one it may prevent one from showing up. Sometimes though no matter what you do a boggart is their to stay. Some folks have actually up and left a home to get away. It is important though to take precautions when moving or else he may just move with you. So if your home is plagued with more than it's share of mishaps it just may be a boggart has taken up residence.

Bonnes Dames (Nos Bonnes Mères): In Brittany, France, this term was interchangeable with the word fairy. It means Our Good Mothers.Brother Mike: A fairy who makes his home in Suffolk, England.Brown Men: Short thin male fairies that protect the wildlife in Cornwall, Scotland. They have copperish colored hair, long arms, and dress in withered foliage.

Brownie: a Scottish domestic fairy; the servants’ friend if well treated. Brownies are brown or tawny spirits, in opposition to fairies, which are fair or elegant ones; a legendary good natured elf that performs helpful services at night.

Bukura e dheut: A beautiful fairy among the ancient Albanians who is always very helpful. The supreme god Tomor is her lover. She is sometimes connected with the underworld and shows some demonical aspects. Her name means "the beauty of the earth". Her sister is Bukura e detit, and her name means "the beauty of the sea".

Bug, Bugbear or Bugaboo: any imaginary thing that frightens a person; something that causes fear or distress out of proportion to its importance.

Bugul Noz: In Brittany is a faery named Bugul Noz. This poor creature is so ugly he is rejected by humans and faery alike. He lives in the deep woodlands of Brittany, spending most of his time underground. Even the woodland animals give him a wide berth. Bugul Noz is the last of his kind. He is an earth based fae. He craves the company of others and is very gentle and kind. Unfortunately his looks prevent him from finding friends. He is incredibly deformed and hideous to behold. Some have died from the sheer shock of seeing him. It is impossible to

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describe him because he is so awful looking. Not many have taken a good look and those that have are usually left incoherent due to shock. Even faery kind have rejected Bugul Noz. They can not bear to look upon him either. It is hard to say if Bugul Noz is even alive anymore. He has been hidden so long some speculate he faded away into nothingness, only to be found in the faery realm. Should you journey to the faeryland in meditation you can seek him out. He will not harm you and would be happy to aide you, but be prepared. Try not looking at him directly and his looks should not be so jarring.If you can get past his looks he will make a wonderful faery ally.

Bukura e dheut: In Albanian folklore, she is a very powerful fairy. Her name means Beauty of the Earth, lives in a wonderful castle, and has magical creatures as her guards. At time she is very benevolent, but her violent temper can make her as vindictive and destructive as a demon.

Butterfly Faery: (Sometimes called the moss people.) They originated in Switzerland and possibly Germany. Some are even known to have come from the Islands and Africa. These lovely creatures have butterfly wings attached to their bodies. They come in both female and male forms that are slender and human like. They are very shy. Human sightings are very rare especially as more woodland areas disappear to development. They are leery of us and avoid us when possible. They are often mistaken for butterflies especially the Monarch. They are experts at hiding and like to hide in mossy, dark areas. They generally don't aid humans but if they come to trust you are good luck to have around. Should you happen upon a butterfly faery move slowly and make no attempt to capture them. Let them know you are a friend and mean them no harm. Look carefully the next time butterflies visit your garden for it just may be the shy and timid butterfly faery. To have them around is very good fortune for you.

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Crimbils: The Bendith Y Mamau's children are called Crimbils. 

Candle Magic for Fairies:Magenta- This is a good candle to burn with other candles when you needa speedier result.Yellow Good for working with the air elemental fae- bringing quickchanges, mental creativity and developing your mind.White- calm and peace, spirit guidance, directionRed Use with Fire elementals, courage, sexual relations Gold Solar fae, money and prosperity, good luckBlack good for binding spells.Blue dark, ending depression, changes in your spiritual dealings light, use when working with water faerie and elementals, peace, healing.Green- good luck, good when working with earth faerie such as leprechauns, gnomes and elves bringing balance, fertility, quick moneyOrange- renewing confidence, changing your luck for the betterPink- love, healing, emotional mattersThere are many other colors but these are a few to get you started.Depending on the desired results you can burn more than one color. It isimportant to have your candles in proper holders. When possible let themburn all the way down. If need be put them in a sink or bathtub if youare leery about leaving them out in the open. You can anoint thecandles and carve in the words of what you desire. 

Callicantzaroi: These Italian fairies are small, thin, and always nude. They are almost always completely blind and spend their time trooping together. Pork is their favorite thing to eat, and if encountered, one should always identify himself/herself as a friend. Their associated element is Earth. 

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Candelas: The Italian fairies appear as a group of tiny twinkling lights, almost like fire flies. They can be spotted just after sunset. Their associated element is Earth.  Click here to see clothing with Candela on it.

Cannered Noz: Cannered Noz means Washer Woman of the Night. Though they are more often than not invisible, they are a group of French fairies that look like elderly peasant women when they are visible. By the banks of streams, they can be heard washing the linen of those who will die without absolution. Local people tend to stay away when they are heard working.

Cats: Cats have long been associated with magic, and mystery. they have the amazing ability to see in the dark and their hunting skills are outstanding. They patiently wait for their prey and than once caught toy with them before killing them. Cats are associated with different deities and of course witches. Cats are considered to have mystical and supernatural powers by many. They often are the Witch's familiar. They may be our pets but only because the independent feline has allowed it. A lot of faeries don't like cats for good reasons. First cats often see what we do not. Faery folk prefer to say out of site. With a cat in the house this is hard to do. Once the cat knows of their presence the fae can be looked upon as prey. The cat will stalk the poor fae were ever he goes. They aren't even safe at night because the cat has such good eye-site. The nocturnal faery find it difficult to do their thing when being chased by a furry feline:) A lot of faery tales revolve around the cat. If you look deeper you can see how they relate to faery. I recommend rereading your old brothers Grimm tales of childhood. If you must have a cat in the home it is still possible to have faery around. It's harder to lure them to your home but it can be done. Place a belled collar around his neck. The faery can hear him sneaking around and can hide. When possible keep the cat out of rooms such as the kitchen were a lot of faery like to hang out. If you have outside/inside cats perhaps you should keep them out at night to give the faery free roam of the house. You may even want to limit your furry friends to barn cats (I highly recommend spaying or neutering outside or barn cats.) If the faery don't want to come in your home due to cats than perhaps you can lure garden faery to your home. Once again limit your cat’s access if possible and don't forget that jeweled collar. One good thing about the cats and faery. If you are being plagued by nasty home sprites or hobgoblin types the cat can be instrumental in chasing them away.

Chin Chin Kobakama: These Japanese fairies appear to be elderly but are surpassingly spry and can be either male of female. They move into human homes and bless them as long as they keep their abode clean and tidy.

Churnmilk Peg: A nature fairy that hails from Yorkshire, England. She protected the hazelnuts growing from people that might be tempted to take them before they were fully ripe. If anyone ate the nuts before they were ready, she would give them severe stomach cramps.

Coltpixy: A mischievous fairy. A pixy, puck, or fairy. To coltpixy is to take what belongs to the pixies, and is specially applied to the gleaning of apples after the crop has been gathered in; these apples were the privilege of the pixies, and to coltpixy is to deprive the pixies of their perquisites.

Changeling: In fairy lore there are stories told of changelings. These were often sick fairy children left in place when a human infant was taken. As time goes on the baby becomes ill and becomes thinner and thinner before dying. The grief stricken parents are left believing their child died. Most likely the story came about to explain why some infants did not do well and died with no reason that

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could be seen. Now that medicine has advanced most of these babies have a good chance of survival. It probably made it easier for a parent to believe that their beloved baby was taken by a fairy and a changeling left behind. Sometimes the human child was returned if it could be proven the child was indeed a changeling. The methods used were often more harmful than anything. Fire was the most effective method known. It was said to lay the child on the fire. If of Satan it would burn, if of God's pureness than the child would be safe and not be burned. As you can imagine this was not a very safe method for the child's sake. What of the poor child taken. Well those that were not returned lived their life with the fairy. The fairy often used human children to strengthen the fairy stock. While most lived happily some were taken by evil fae and forced to live their life as a slave. So if you don't want your baby carried off put an iron nail under the child's mattress to ward off fairy. 

Cloan ny Moyrn: This term is used in the Isle of Man as a euphemism for fairy. It means Children of Pride.

Cloud Fairies: Cloud Fairies live and have their beings in masses in clouds; they appear as huge beings with little substance and long human forms. The cloud fairy is the creator of imagination and sculptor of imaginary images. It is said they create the wonderful images out of the substance of air and water. Magical Properties When calling to Cloud fairies it must be noted they love sunsets and sunrises in order to create beauty. To call to them is to ask for symbols in the the form of art and the ephemeral, and you must be very open to receive them.

Cliodna (Cleena, Cliona): An Irish fairy queen and goddess of beauty. She later became a fairy queen in the area of Carraig Cliodhna in County Cork of the Tuatha dé Danann, and a woman of the Sidhe. She lived in Mananan's country, the Land of Youth beyond the sea. Escaping with a mortal lover, she landed on the southern coast of Ireland, and her lover went off to hunt in the woods. Cliodna, who remained on the beach, was lulled to sleep by fairy music, when a great wave swept up and carried her back to Mananan, leaving her lover desolate.

Clurichaun: (Klooreekahn) is a wine loving House Faery. He looks very similar to the leprechaun and is solitary like him. He sports a red cap often made of a plant. He is a cheerful fellow and almost always drunk. He chooses a home with a wine cellar or a basement with a reasonable amount of spirits in it. He loves wine and will guard it from thieves. He keeps the wine from spoiling and can help it achieve a better palate to it. As long as he is made to feel welcome and not ignored he will stay on indefinitely. You should feel lucky to have this delightful fellow take up residence. allow him to occasionally partake of your spirits and never yell at him or mistreat him in anyway. Once he feels slighted the Clurichaun will cause your wine to spoil d he will make a mess of your wine cellar or basement. If thru your mistreatment or lack of respect your faery guest leaves he will never return and no other will be lured to your home. So treat your wine loving friend with lots of respect and make sure he gets plenty of attention. If you do he will take good care of your stock and his Irish tunes will be heard.

Corrigan: A female fairy in Brittany's lore. She is said to have been one of the ancient druids and was especially malicious towards Christian priests. She had a fondness for beautiful children, and was blamed for all the changelings in the area. 

Cottingley Fairy Hoax: In July of 1917 in Cottingley, England two young girls set out with a new 'Midg' Camera and took the most famous pictures of fairies known. Frances Griffiths and her cousin Elise Wright caught on film what seemed to be dancing, leaping fairies and even a gnome. Interest in the pictures was minimal until two years later. Suddenly people were struck with fairy fever. Many people tried to debunk the pictures but soon they were deemed the real thing. Even Sir

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Arthur Conan Doyle believed in the girls and their pictures. He even set the girls out to take more pictures that he used in articles based on the girl’s story. The girls continued to claim they had in fact seen and photographed fairies. Meanwhile people were out their trying to prove their validity or that the pictures were faked. Finally March 18, 1983 at the age of 76, Francis admitted that the pictures were a hoax. Soon after Elise at 83 confirmed the hoax. The fairies were actually cutouts that Elise had drawn. Hatpins were used to hold the cutouts in place. The girls claimed there were indeed fairies but they had to resort to the deception to prove they were telling the truth. 

Couril: The Couril are fairies that can be seen darting through the ancient stone's in Brittany and Cornwall. The appeared as little people with webbed feet.

Credné: In Irish myth, he helped forge the weapons for the Tuatha dé Danann. He was a worker in bronze.

Cyhyraeth: This is the Welsh form of the Beansidhe. She will start her keening wail to foretell a death or multiple deaths which will be caused by an epidemic or an accident.

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Dagda: One of the most powerful Fairie of the Irish Tuatha dé Danann in Irish mythology. He was known throughout the land for his cruelty and greed. He is celebrated for his skill in battle with and had a magic harp that he used to bring about the four seasons. This club is known to bring back the dead. Dagda is best known for his magic cauldron The Undry. It was always full of exactly what ever food someone needed to satisfy them.

Daoine Maite: This term was used in Ireland to avoid direct reference which can cause anger in certain fairies. It means Good People. They are the fairies of contemporary Irish folklore.

Daoine Sidhe: Legend recounts that when the Milesians defeated the Tuatha dé Danann, they followed one of their leaders, Dagda, down under these earth mounds and became the Daoine Sidhe. They are the Trooping fairies and have their own regional kings and queens and owe allegiance to Finvarra and Onagh.

Devas: These Persian fairies are tiny that appear as small spheres of light. They are nature fairies, living in lakes, plants, or trees.

Dian Cecht: He was Nuadha's brother, who fashioned him a hand made out of silver when Nuadha lost his own. He was also the healing physician of the Tuatha dé Dannan. With his magic, he made the water of the well Slane into healing water. The Tuatha's warriors would bathe in the water and their wounds would be healed instantly.

Dinnshenchas (DinsheenK'has): is of Irish origin. The dinnshenchas are faeries in service to the Goddess Aine. AIne is the goddess that protects women wronged by men and also of cattle. These faery are dwarf like. They appear to look male. They can shapeshift into any form necessary to avenge and protect women. Should a women be raped or in some other manner harmed by a man the dinnshenchas can be called to avenge her. They make great protectors. Should a woman be afraid of an upcoming situation she can invoke them as protectors. They also can be invoked to watch over cattle. They will protect the livestock from animals and dangerous situations.

Divination by Faeries: The faery are very in tune to the otherworld and most are quite roficient at divination. In the right instances they will aide humans with

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this skill. Gnomes, elves, and Drayads are the most well known for aiding in divination. The Banshees wail heard soon before a death could be seen as divination. While the death can't be prevented it gives the family a chance to go to their loved one. Most use the scrying method. Scrying is the art of looking into a pool of water, crystal ball, mirror or other object to focus your mind and allow images or messages to come through. If you ask a faery to aid your divination weather through, scrying, trance, tarot etc. don't expect the answer to be clear and easy to come. The faery usually send images or symbols that the recipient must than interpret for himself. Be sure that if you ask aid in this matter that you not waste the gift they gave you. You may want an answer to one thing but they will provide you with images that they feel you need most at that time. To not be angry or disgruntled at them for not giving you what you want. They won't be inclined to help you again should you dismiss what they offered. The future is not set in stone so make of it what you will. They may be offering you a chance to change a future you may not be happy with.

Dormette (La Dormette de Poitou): A sleep fairy in France. She assures that children will have pleasant dreams.

Dones d'aigua: Dones d'aigua (Maids of the Water) are typical beings of Cataluña, and they appear in many myths. They live in any place where they can find clean water (wells, springs, fountains, lakes), but they can also be found in woods and caves. They appear as women of incredible beauty, although half of their body can be fish or birdlike (as for many other faeries of Spanish folklore and IndoEuropean myths). Dones d'aigua often guard wonderful treasures. They are always good and kind to humans.

Dryads (a.k.a. Tree spirits, Tree Ladies, Druidesses, Hamadryads, Sidhe Draoi): These fairies come from Celtic countries but are still a worldwide phenomenon. Their element is air, contrary to what may be believed. These particular fairies are active all year but are most active at full moons. They are tree dwelling spirits from whom the female druids took their name. These creatures are only referred to as female. They are playful creatures but only seen as enchanting wisps of pure light. When a dryad does make contact you can’t be sure whether they are there to help, play, or tease. If they help they are supposed to help you contact divine forces or even work on your magical abilities. They play wonderful music, as well as sing it. No one yet is known to have been harmed by following the music but it may cause you to stay too long in the astral world. If you want to find them go to a grove of trees, preferably with sacred trees of the druids such as willow. Maybe oak, ash, thorn, rowan, birch, and elder trees could find them near. The might be found in the physical plain but also, and mostly in the astral.

Dryad (Greek): Ancient Greek mythology tells us that the Dryads were beautiful female wood nymphs presiding over the forest and more specifically, trees. It was said that they were especially partial to the mighty oak tree.  These mysterious and gentle nature spirits known as Dryads were guardians and protectresses of the woodlands, especially fond of the older trees which they often lived within. Unfortunately, like the trees they protected, the Dryads were not immortal. Their survival relied on the survival of the tree they inhabited. The story of Erysichthon is a sad tale about the fate of one such Dryad and her tree...The story begins with Erysichthon, the King of Thessaly, setting out on a task to build a hall. Erysichthon was in need of wood in order to build this hall, so he sought out to supply himself with wood taken from an enchanted grove of beautiful and old oak trees. Selfishly and heartlessly, Erysichthon began chopping down the largest, oldest tree standing in the grove without giving it a second thought. With the first awful strike of his axe, the oak tree began to bleed. But Erysichthon paid no mind, and he continued to drive his axe through the tree's bleeding bark. Then, he heard a sound coming from the wounded oak. It was a sad and beautiful voice unlike any

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of a mortal woman, crying out for Erysichthon to stop his murderous chopping. It was the voice of a Dryad living within the oak, begging him to stop. She explained in earnest that he was not only killing the mighty oak that had stood in this sacred grove for so long, but in the process, was killing her as well. Erysichthon, being the cold and heartless man that he was, ignored her desperate pleas to stop, and eventually chopped down the tree, thus killing it and the Dryad that lived within it.  What Erysichthon did not know was that this sacred oak grove, with its trees and Dryads, was special to the goddess Demeter. Once Demeter learned of what Erysichthon had done, she sought to punish him. And punish him she did. Demeter inflicted King Erysichthon with an insatiable hunger. He became obsessed with food, and ate and ate, his stomach seeming like a bottomless pit. But as much as he ate, he was still always consumed with this horrible hunger. He eventually ate away all of his wealth, selling everything he owned for food, food and more food. Still, nothing would abate his hunger. Finally, completely in the throes of Demeter's curse upon him, he began to devour his own flesh, dying a horrible, agonizing death. As word spread of his awful fate, caused by the punishment from the goddess Demeter, mortal men took heed not to destroy any more of the sacred oak trees in the grove.Click here to see a picture of Dryad by artist Jessica Galbreath.

Duende: A Spanish house spirit, these are fairies from the Iberian Peninsula, Mexico, Central and South America. They appear as middle-aged women dressed in green robes and with long icicle like fingers. They are extremely jealous of humans and are known to take over human houses, throwing things and moving furniture about.

Dwarf: a diminutive being human or superhuman.

Dwerger, Dwergugh or Duergar: GothoGerman dwarfs, dwelling in rocks and hills.

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Earth Fairies: Description: Earth fairies are universally small, standing about a foot to eighteen inches high of a golden Brown or dark green color. They often appear as bearish beings. Earth Fairies live in communities and sociable. These spirits are often very busy with their private affairs, and these affairs deal with the living forces of all beings. Earth fairies are often impatient and dart about around when dealing with humans. Earth Fairies often love colorful stones in natural state and also cut to show inner beauty. When they are summoned into the circle they offer the protection of grounding and helps us find hidden beauty and they say even treasure.

Earthmen: The gnomes and fairies of the mines. They are a solemn race, but they can laugh and dance most merrily.

Elf: fairies of diminutive size, found mainly in Teutonic and Norse folklore, the elves were originally the spirits of the dead who brought fertility. Later they became supernatural beings, shaped as humans, who are either very beautiful (elves of light) or extremely ugly (dark / black elves). They were worshipped in trees, mountains and waterfalls. The Danish elves are beautiful creatures, but they have hollow backs. The Celtic elves are the size of humans. They were supposed to be fond of practical jokes.

Elaby Gathan: A fairy familiar often evoked in magical spells in England throughout the 1600s.

Ellyllons: This is the name of Welsh fairies. They are very tiny, smaller than the Tylwyth Teg, with light skin and hair. Their garments are silken and usually white

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in color. They love to eat fairy butter, fungus growing on the roots of certain plants, and toadstools. They love cleanliness and have been known to reward those who keep their houses especially immaculate.

ErrekaMari: A chieftain among the faeries, this is a Mari siren (Erreka means creek) that lives near small streams. Her name changes according to toponymia, and she's also known as MariArroka or MariMuruko.

Esprit: Follet the house spirit of France. A bogle which delights in misleading and tormenting mortals.

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Fair Family/Fair Folk: Welsh nickname

Fairy or Faerie: the word is derived from the ancient "faunoe o fatuoe" which, in the pagan mythology, indicated the faun's (deer) companions, creatures endowed with power of foretelling the future and ruling the human events. The word Fairy also comes from "fatigue", which in Middle Ages was synonymous with "wild woman", that is woman of woods, waters and, in general, of the natural world. The belief in fairies was an almost universal attribute of early folk culture. In ancient Greek literature the sirens in Homer’s Odyssey are fairies, and a number of the heroes in his Iliad have fairy lovers in the form of nymphs. The Gandharvas (celestial singers and musicians), who figure in Sanskrit poetry, were fairies, as were the Hathors, or female genii, of ancient Egypt, who appeared at the birth of a child and predicted the child’s future."

Fairies are supernatural creatures endowed with magic power, thanks to which they can change their appearance and make it change to the others. They frequent caves, rocks, hills, woods and sources; they are ready to help innocents and victims of persecution; they make up for a wrong, they avenge an offense, but they also can be malicious and revengeful. The good ones are called fairies, elves, ellefolks, and fays; the evil ones are urchins, ouphes, ellmaids, and ellwomen. Alternate spellings include: Faerie, Fai, Faierie, Faiery, Fair, Fairye, Farie, Fary, Fay, Fayerie, Fayery, Fayry, Fee, Feiri, Fery, Fey, Feyrie, Feyrye, Phairie, Pharie, Pherie (from the Latin: Fata "Fates"). Fairies could bestow good fortune on people, but if they felt offended they could cast spells and cause mischievous trouble. Therefore be kind to a vagabond, for he may be a fairy prince in disguise, who has come to test the depth of your charity, and of the generous nature that can give liberally out of pure love and kindliness to those who are in need, and not in hope of a reward.

Fairy Food: When it comes to fairy food, we read stories to discover that mallow fruits are fairy cheeses, and dogwood fruits are pixie pears. Little cakes are another favorite fairy food, and if they are made with saffron, they are especially cherished since saffron is highly valued by fairies.

Fairy Pastimes: The most popular pastimes of fairies are music and dancing. At night the fairies would rise from their homes and come out to dance away the hours of darkness. They especially love to dance in the evening of the full moon. When the morning sun begins to rise, the fairies vanish.Many mortals were enticed by the beauty of dancing fairies and sought to watch them dance at night. But this was very dangerous, because if the fairies lured and trapped a mortal, the mortal could be forced to dance all night until they collapsed from exhaustion.Fairy music is more melodious than human music and there are many songs and tunes which are said to have originated from the fairies. Many pipers and fiddlers of Europe learned their songs from the fairies.

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Fairy Plants:Bluebells: Fairies are summoned to their midnight revels and dances by the ringing of these tiny flowers.Primroses: Primroses are one key into fairyland. There is a German legend about a little girl who found a doorway covered in flowers, and when she touched it with a primrose, the door opened up, leading into an enchanted fairy castle.Fern: Pixie fairies are especially fond of ferns. One story tells of a young woman who accidentally sat on a fern, and instantly a fairy man appeared and forced her to promise to watch over his fairy son and remain in fairyland for a year and a day.Foxglove: The name "foxglove" came from the words "folk's glove." Folks referred to little people, or fairies. One legend says that fairies gave the blossoms to foxes to wear as gloves so they would not get caught raiding the chicken coop. According to another legend, if you picked foxglove, you would offend the fairies. And if the fairies stole your baby, the juice of the foxglove would help to get it back. In some stories, foxglove appears as a fairy's hat. Foxglove can sometimes heal and sometimes hurt. It is a poisonous plant, but it is also used as medicine to treat heart disease.Mushrooms: Used by fairies as tables and stools.The species Amanita is the red and white mushrooms very poisonous....Ragwort, cabbage stalks, grass and straw: all of these were used by fairies for transportation in the same manner as a witch uses a broom.Saffron Crocus: The stamens from this fall flowering crocus constitute the herb saffron. Any food prepared with saffron is a favorite fairy food. Saffron used as a dye will turn cloth a royal gold. Such cloth is very valuable to fairies.Some of these are: Foxgloves Fairy like to make their clothing from them. Ferns these make nice soft beds for the little guys. Apple and or Oak trees Fae often inhabit these trees. The oak is held sacred by many of them. Tulips the faery like to use the tulip bloom to put their babies to bed. Rosemary, heartsease, forgetmenots are some others. While their are many others that fairy like these are some of their favorites. 

Faery Homes: Spring is upon us and the flowers are blooming. Below you will find an easy faery home to make. Place it in your garden to give your faery friends a place to reside. I like to replace the faery home each Spring. Making a faery house: When at all possible us all parts from nature.  You can make the house from wood or stone and as big or small as you like.  If you have access to shale, flat river stones or other flat stones, find some in the proper scale to the house you want.  Look for pebbles, acorns, pinecones, dried grasses, leaves, sticks, twigs, etc.; anything that would look nice in building and decorating your faery abode. You may also want a crystal; I like to use amethyst, however, use what you like. If you make your faery house with wood, gather twigs, sticks, moss, etc. for floor, sides and roofing.  Wrap your sticks and twigs together with green stems or long leaves.  Be sure to leave a door opening for the faery to enter.  When you have the sides of your house done, put on your roof.  I like to use twigs than place moss on top of that.  (If you used glue, give the house a day or two to set and loose its smell, for glue can be offensive to faeries.) Do not use paint on the house!  Ideal faery houses should look so natural that they are almost hidden and a location close to the ground is best.After you get this done start decorating the house with the acorns, pinecones, pebbles etc in a pleasing manner. You can place some items inside the house if you like.  I attach the crystal above the door.  You can use use floral wire wrapped around a section and than attach it to one of the roof twigs.  Sometimes I will even place a trinket (faery love bright and shining things) in the house. Do not use Iron or nickel as this repels faery. When ready place the little faery home somewhere in your garden or flowerbeds. Be sure and plant around some of the faery favorite flowers and plants.  Call out

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and let the faery know that this is a place for them. I like to place some milk or honey cakes near the home, but don't place food if your concerned about attracting animals. Now you have a special place for your faery friends to visit. You can put as many of these around as you like. I usually keep two or three around.Click here to see Fairy House videosClick here to see Fairy House books

Faery Music:The Faery are known for their love of music and dance. Their music is said to bewitch humans. To sleep above a faery raithe (their home in the ground) it is said to leave you haunted for life by the beautiful sound. Men are known to have gone mad fore they could not rid their minds of the fairy tune.It is also known that should you come upon a fairy raid or party and you hear the music you will start dancing. You will dance until you finally die from sheer exhaustion. On the other hand Fairy are often lured by the sound of beautiful music. If you come upon a Leprechaun, play music. He will dance his way to his gold. If you stop the music he will stop dancing and disappear. While there are some fae that dislike music, the majority love it. Many are quite good musicians. So if you hear a haunting, lilting melody deep in the woods and your feet are urged to dance you may have been bewitched by fairy music.

Faeries for Spells: Learn what faery are good for different spell workings. Protection of your home: Fu dog, BeanTighe, elves, brownies, pixies, Kolbalds, Geancanach Prosperity: Leprechauns, gnomesProtection and healing of animals: elves, gnomes, Leprechauns (they especially love horses), zips, brown men, brownies, Twlwwyth Tegs, BeanTigheProtection and healing of people: Beantighe, gnomes, elves, heaven dogs, chili, fu dog, Dinnshenchas, browniesLost Objects: Knockers, merfolk, gnomes, elvesProtection of enviornment: gnomes, elves, Merfolk, undines, Water guardians, dryads, sylphsLove spells: Nymphs, MoerareFertlity: Moerare, Beantighe, gnomes

There are countless number of spells that fae could be useful. Make sure that when you petion them that you honor and respect them. Stay within a sacred circle. Be sure to know all you can about any faery you try to work with. Understand that most faery are wary of humans and they may choose not to help if they don't feel you are sincere. Should they choose not to help honor their decision. The faery can be powerful allies and delightful friends. 

Fairyland: the imaginary land where fairies are supposed to dwell; a charming, enchanting place; dreamland; a place of great delight and happiness.

Familiar: an evil spirit attendant on witches, etc; a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person.

Fand: In Celtic myth Fand is a faery queen, who was once married to the sea god Manannan. After he left her she was preyed upon by three Fomorian warriors in a battle for control of the Irish Sea. Her only hope in winning the battle was to send for the hero Cuchulainn who would only agree to come, if she would marry him. She reluctantly acquiesced to his wishes, though when she met him, she fell as deeply in love with him as he was with her. Manannan knew that the relationship between the human world and the world of the faery could not continue without in eventually destroying the faeries. He erased the memory of one from the other by drawing his magical mantle between the two lovers. Fand was also a minor sea goddess who made her home both in the Otherworld and on the Islands of Man.

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With her sister, Liban, she was one of the twin goddesses of health and earthly pleasures. She was also known as "Pearl of Beauty". Some scholars believe she was a native Manx deity who was absorbed in the Irish mythology.

Fata: an Italian fay, or white lady.

Fates: the three spirits (Clotho, Lachsis, and Atrpos) which preside over the destiny of every individual.

Faun: are faerie creatures of fertility, agriculture and wine. They are often mistaken for satyrs or the god Pan. Like the satyr or Pan The Faun is part animal in appearance. His lower body is that of a deer. He often sports short horns and goat like ears. He has two legs and walks upright. Unlike the saty who is rather ugly the faun is very handsome. He gas thick curly hair often golden. They play a flute like instrument known as a shawn. This is a very beautiful sounding instrument. Nymphs love to come and dance as the faun plays his music. Quite often though the satyr will also be attracted by the music and attack the nymphs. The faun are very gentle and pleasant of nature but they are afraid of the more aggressive Satyr. They will run and hide when the satyrs come about. Leaving the poor nymphs alone and at the mercy of them. A winegrower or farmer is lucky to have a faun on his property. His presence will ensure a good harvest and very sweet grapes.

Fauni: These are the guardians of forests and fields. They are a wood spirit. When the Fauni mated with the Faunae, the Incubi were born. Their associated element is Earth. 

Fay: same as a Fairy. Early form of the word. The word could be derived from fae, faie, fata (plural), the Fates.

Fear Dearc (Red Man, Far Darrig, Fir Darrig, Fir Dhearga): The Fear Dearc looks very much like a furry rat, with a short, stocky body. As is apt for his nickname, he dresses all in red. He is known to delight in mischief and mockery, and can be a vicious practical joker, and has been know to give evil dreams. Human terror amuses the him. It is advisable to say 'Na dean maggadh fum' or 'do not mock me' when you encounter a Fear Dearc, that way you cannot be used in his mischief. Despite all his pranks, the Fear Dearc desires only to show favor. He will actually bring luck to those whom he approves of, but cannot resist a his teasing and taunting.

Feeorin: type of diminutive fairy in the folklore of England. It is also the collective word for fairies who are usually friendly towards mankind, or at least neutral. They are depicted as small creatures with a green skin and wearing red hats. They enjoy singing and dancing.

Finvarra (Finavara, Finn Bheara, Finbeara, Fionnbharr): He is known as the king of the Irish Connaught Fairies. The other nobel Sidhe owe him and his consort, Onagh, allegiance. He is renowned for his benevolence and help towards the humans in Cnoc Meadha in Galway. For those humans that serve him, he repays them with fine horses, harvest, and other riches. He become the guardian of Lord Kirwan's family and possessions after stealing away his bride and returning her unharmed. He was eventually famed for his benevolence toward humans.

Flower Fairies: These are the gentle spirits of the earth. These spirit folk are a passionate people in love with natural beauty and luxury, with a disdain for the thrift and hard hearted natures of those who will not leave them anything to spare. They are capricious, willful, beautiful, and dangerous to those who have greed and poverty in their souls. Magical Properties Leave them wine and sweets

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at places where wild flowers grow. From these acts of gentle kindness will allow the fairies to bless the land itself. What better blessing can one ask.Click here to see Flower Fairies at our store.

Folk Fairies: also called “people,” “neighbours,” “wights.” The Germans have their kleine volk (little folk), the Swiss, their hill people and earth people.

Folletti ,Farfarelli: The Folletti travel in the wind and can be seen at play, causing swirls in the dust. They are female. One of their favorite appearances is in the form of butterflies. They are usually friendly towards humans, but can be mischievous. Their associated element is Air. 

Folletto: The Folletto travel in the wind and can be seen at play, causing swirls in the dust. They are male; small and light and practically invisible, but their distinguishing feature is that their toes point backwards. They seem to pay no attention to humans, but can be mischievous and annoying. They change the weather merely for their own sport and not for any baneful purpose. Their associated element is Air. 

Frau Welt: In European folk believe, the name that was given to the female fairy mistress by medieval church people; and according to them, the Devil.

Fylgiar: The Fylgiar is an Icelandic faery form. They attach them selves to one human. The only time they can be seen is before that person's dying moments. It's appearance lets the dying know what kind of death theywill have; whether painful or calm and peaceful. One that appears in a mangled state means that person will die a truly horrible and painful death.

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Gan Ceanach (Gancanagh, Ganconer, GanCeann, The Love Talker): This Irish fairy's name literally translates to "Love Talker". He a debonair little man who appeared in lonely glens, smoking his clay pipe. He had no shadow, birds stopped their singing in his presence, and there was an aura of mist surrounding him. Men who lost all their money by buying baubles for their ladies were said to have met the Gan Ceanach.

Gan Ceanach: He would also seduce young maidens with his enchanting voice and whispered nonsense then would promptly disappear, leaving the maiden to pine away for him.

Ghillie Dhu: These are Scottish fairies that dress in foliage and double as tree guardians. They dislike humans and jealously guard birch trees from them. These fairies once heavily populated Scotland but are rarely seen anymore.

Gianes: They are female, solitary wood elves who will occasionally aid humans. They are master cloth weavers, but weave for fun rather than for anyone's benefit. Divination is another one of their talents. Their usual method of divining to to scry into their moving spinning wheels. Their associated element is Earth. 

Giants: and ogres are a staple of children's fairy tales and mythology. They have been heard of in one form or another all over the world. Giants and ogres are human form but very large. Ogres are uglier and deformed. They are also more bad tempered. The most famous of giants are of course Goliath who battled David and lost. The giant from Jack and the Beanstalk and Gogmagog, and Paul Bunyan. Giants have been known to be gentle and helpful to humans. Others are very nasty and destructive. They use to be more prevalent. They would destroy crops, eat livestock and make a mess of the lands. Some Giants could be very greedy and had wondrous treasure they kept hidden. Some liked men and would help by

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guarding villages. Ogres were always very nasty and dangerous. They liked human flesh and would taste of it when ever possible. Giants and Ogres are almost never seen on the physical plane any more. You can still find them in fairyland but take great caution when approaching them. Should you run into and ogre or Cyclops (one eyed giant) it is best to run the other way. Giants you must discern if they are good or bad. In general it's just best to leave these faery alone because at the least there is not much they can do for you, at worst they are very dangerous.

Girle Guairle: The name of an Irish fairy. Girle Guairle offered her help to a busy Irish wife who was worried about finishing her spinning, with the stipulation that the wife remember her name. As soon as the fairy left with flax, the wife forgot her name. The wife, panicking because she had no flax and worried about what her husband would say, walked to a fairy ring where Girle Guairle sang about herself and how proud she was of her new flax. The next morning, when the fairy came back, the wife greeted her by name. Girle was obligated to hand over the spun work as per their agreement and left in a rage.

Glaistig: A female fairy member of the fuaths, which were a group of malevolent water dwellers. She had the ability to change her shape from woman, to half goat and half woman, to full goat. She would wait by the banks of a stream and beg any passerby to carry her across the water, who she would then devour. She had another side to her though, that of helpful domestic fairy. She might clean and order house while the patrons slept, or herd their cattle at night. Much like the Beansidhe, would wail before the death of a family member, and seem to care for the sick, elderly, and infants.

Gnome: the guardian of mines, quarries, etc.

Godda: The fairy in Shropshire, England lore who became wife of Wild Edric.

Gofannon: In Welsh lore, he is the blacksmith of the Tylwyth Teg.

Good People: Irish reference to the Sidhe

Good Neighbors: Scottish and Irish nickname

Good Folk: the Brownies or house spirits.

The Green Children: Faerie reference used in medieval literature

Green Knight: A fairy knight in the legendary tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. He's aptly named the Green Knight because his skin, clothes, armor, and weapons were all green.

Green Ladies: They are usually found in elm, oak, willow, and yew trees. These tree fairies are easily offended if their trees were not treated with proper respect, so people used to ask permission from them before cutting a branch from it. In Derbyshire, farmers still plant primroses at the feet of such trees in order to be rewarded with wealth and longevity. In Scotland, the same name was given to a fairy who would haunt a family just before a death was imminent in the shape of trailing ivy.

Grim: A fairy whose wails foretell the death of the sick. At night, it would assume the form of a large black dog or owl and would settle itself to howling below the window of the dying.

Gumnut Babies: These compromise Bib, Bub, Snugglepot, Cuddlepie, Ragged Blossom, Narnywo, Nittersing, and Chucklebud. They look like small, chubby elves

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or a flower fairy, each dressed with the flower they represent. They inhabit Gumnut Town in Australia Bush with the insects being their attendants. They love music, dancing, and any kind of revelry.

Gwyn ap Knudd (Gwin ap Nuth): He was the fairy king of the Plant Annwn, the Welsh subterranean fairies.

Gwragedd Annwn: lake fairies of Ladies of the Lake from the folklore of Wales. Described as being beautiful maidens with long golden hair. They are said to be gentle and live harmoniously in families under the lakes and sometimes marry mortals.

GyreCarlin: queen of the fairies in Fyfe area of Scotland.

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Habundia: queen of the White Ladies.

Habetrot (Habitrot, Habtrot): A kindly fairy who is the patron of spinsters and spinning. Though she appears to be very old and ugly, with deformed lips, she has been known to help women who have little skill weaving or spinning. She lives under a huge stone in a grassy knoll with her sisters, amongst who is Scantile Mab, who is even uglier. A garment woven by her was said to keep ailments from the wearer.

Habonde (Abundia, Wandering Dame Abonde): A fairy of English origin. She appears to be a beautiful woman with dark braided hair. She wears a golden diadem or circlet with a star on her head, This signifies that she is queen of the fairies, possibly the French fairies. 

Hag: The hag is a fairy from the British Isles. She is said to be the traces of the most ancient goddesses. The hag is regarded as the personification of winter. In the winter months she is usually old and very ugly looking. As the season changes though she becomes more and more beautiful, and younger. Tangles in the manes of horses and ponies are called hagknots, supposed to be used witches as stirrups.

Hamadryad: a wood nymph. Each tree has its own wood nymph, who dies when the tree dies.

Hobgoblin (Robgoblin, Hobgoblinet): A kind of nature fairy that is described as being like a very ugly little elf. It can be helpful and tolerant of humans, but, like all fairies, are capable of playing mischievous and spiteful pranks.

Holle (Frau Holle, Hollen, Hoide, Holda, Hulda, Huldra, Huldu, Hulla, Mistress Venus): A beautiful German fairy she live in the Thuringian Mountains with her attendants. She would try to lure men into her lair.

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Incubi: The Incubi were originally herd sprites. Their associated element is Earth. 

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Jili Ferwtan: She is the Welsh version of Girle Guairle. She came upon a woman who didn't have time to finish her spinning. She promised to do the work, and return it to the woman only if the woman could remember her name upon three days time. As soon as Jili Ferwtan left, the woman had forgotten her name. In a panic, she set about searching for the fairy and finally found her singing as she

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worked. The fairy revealed her name in the song, and the woman was able to state her name when the time came.Jinnee (s) or Jinn (p): fairies in Arabian mythology, the offspring of fire. They reproduce like human beings, and are lead by a race of kings named Suleyman, one of whom “built the pyramids.” Their chief abode is the mountain Kâf, and they appear to men under the forms of serpents, dogs, cats, monsters, or even human beings, and become invisible at pleasure. The evil jinn are hideously ugly, but the good are exquisitely beautiful. According to fable, they were created from fire two thousand years before Adam was made of earth.

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Kelpie: in Scotland, an imaginary spirit of the waters in the form of a horse.

Kepler’s Fairy: the fairy which guides the planets. Kepler said that each planet was guided in its elliptical orbit by a resident angel.

Keshalyi: These are the benevolent fairies of the Romany Gypsies of Transylvania. The live in the remote yet beautiful forests and mountains. Their queen was Ana and they resembles beautiful, small, fragile humans.

Klippie: A brown faced elf or fairy in Scottish lore.

Kobold: according to German folklore, kobolds are spirits who dwell in mines and who like to torment humans. They are tricksters and not inherently evil. In the 16th and the 17th century, they were usually depicted on paintings as little devils with a conical hat, pointy shoes, a hairy tail, and bald feet instead of hands. They are considered to be the most dangerous and most ugly of all the fairylike beings. Some sources suggest that kobolds are related to the Brownies.

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Lady of the Lake: A mysterious fairy queen who inhabits the lake around the Isle of Avalon in the tales of King Arthur. Apart from the description of a graceful hand and arm extending from the water, little is known of her physical appearance. She is one of the four fairy queens to take Arthur to Avalon after his death. There are several other tales of the Lady of the Lake. One of them lives in Somerset, England. 

Lady of Little Van Lake: a Welsh fairy known for her magical herb cures. In Austria, the Lady is described as a beautiful woman riding a horse that seems to have been lashed. She can be seen in the reflections of the Traunsee at noon or by the waterfall at night. To see her causes great misfortune and many fishermen have disappeared without a trace.

Laminak: Basque fairies, related to the Celtic little people. The Laminak live underground in beautiful castles.

Lamiñas: Lamiñas are evil faeries of the País Vasco. They live in the woods and in the shores of streams and rivers. They usually appear as women (they can also appear as men, but that is rare). The only means to distinguish them from normal people is to see that part of their body which is fish or bird. Of course, usually it is easy because it is fifty-fifty, but the animal detail can sometimes be as small as a goat leg or a chicken foot.

Land of Origin of Fairies: When I write about a particular fairy I use the land of origin. That does not mean you won't find these fairy anywhere else they are just most commonly found in their homeland. Fairy will often travel with humans without their knowledge. An Irish family coming here would likely bring with them,

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Irish elves, banshees and leprechauns. Look at the population in your area. If you live in an area were there are a lot of a certain nationality or race group that are not originally from that area you can expect to find that some of their fairy have followed them.

Lauru: This is a race of sprites. They are less than two feet tall, have black eyes and black curly hair. The Lauru are rarely seen during the day. Their associated element is Air. 

Leanansidhe (Lhiannanshee): The Lhiannan Shee of the Isle of Man is said to be a vampirish fairy who attached herself to one man, to whom she appeared irresistibly beautiful, but invisible to everyone else. If he yielded to her, he was ruined body and soul. The Irish Leanan Sidhe is known as the inspiration of poets and minstrels. She would roam the night, searching for romantic men to inspire with eloquence of word and beautiful music while in her embrace, and would draw from their life force until he would die. Both names mean "fairy Sweetheart". In Scotland, the Leannan Sith was a term used to denote a fairy lover of either sex. In fact, the translators of the Bible into Scots Gaelic used this term, and the Scots took this as Biblical proof of the existence of fairies. The Lhiannan Shee of Ballfletcher was the tutrelary fairy of the Fletchers, and gave them the fairy cup, which was drank from every Christmas in her honor. She is said to haunt wells and springs.

Leprechaun: Very small sprites who sometimes live in farmhouses or wine cellars. They are known to aid humans and perform small labors for them. Sometimes they ask humans for supplies and furniture, for which in return they give objects which bring luck and fortune. Leprechauns are called fairy cobblers, for they make shoes for elves (Irish leithbhrogan, from leithbrog, oneshoe maker, so called because he is always seen working at a single shoe). They are seen quite often by humans and are described as merry little fellows gaily dressed in old-fashioned clothes; green, with a red cap, leather apron, and buckled shoes. When they finish their daily tasks, leprechauns like to organize wild feast, during which time they are referred to as cluricauns. These (often drunk) cluricauns can then be seen riding in moonlight on the back of a dog or a sheep. According to popular belief, a leprechaun possesses a treasure (usually a pot of gold) which a human may obtain if he succeeds in capturing one, which is extremely difficult. Even after capture, a person may not take his eyes off of him for an instant, for then he will vanish. Leprechauns are mainly found in Irish folklore.

Licke: She is an English fairy whose duties are that of a cook. She appeared in The Life of Robin Goodfellow.

Linchetto, Buffardello, Caccavecchia, Mazapegolo: They belong to the elven race, specifically night elves. They hate disorder and will not dwell where there is disorder. These elves are said to cause nightmares and odd noises in the night. Their associated element is Air. 

LliannanShe: In the Isle of Man, a spirit friend, a female fairy who waited to encounter men. If one spoke to her she followed him always, but remained invisible to everyone else.

Lorelei: In German legend a fairy similar to the Greek Sirens who lived on the rock high on the bank of the Rhine River and by her singing lured the sailors to their death.

Loireag (Lorreag): In the Scottish myth of the Hebridean Islands, she is much similar to Hebetrot with the exception of the deformed lip. She dresses in white, and is an expert at spinning, more than willing to punish whoever is lax or careless at it. She also love music, therefore, will cause mischief upon anyone

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singing off key.

Lugh: He came to their aid when the Tuatha dé Danaan were oppressed by the Fomorians. He was refused entrance to the hall of their king, Nuadha, but eventually was allowed in because of his many skills. He became the substitute king in place of Nuadha when he had lost his hand in battle. After Nuadha's death Lugh himself became the Tuatha's rightful king.

Lull: A female fairy nurse who cared for the fae babies and children.

(Lunantishee The Lunantishee, or Lunantishess): are a tribe of fairies who guard blackthorn bushes (one of the Fairy Trees). They will not allow that a blackthorn stick is cut on May 11th (originally May Day) or November 11 (originally All Hallows Eve). Should on person manage to cut a stick, some misfortune will surely befall him or her.

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Mab, Queen: She is describes as being tiny, about the size of an agate stone, and travels in a coach led by insects. She has also been described as a tiny flower fairy or as a trickster pixie like figure, robbing dairies and stealing babies. Mab first appeared in post sixteenth century English literature, in the poems Nimphidia, and Entertainment at Althorpe by Ben Jonson. The origin of Queen Mab is most likely Celtic, either from Mabb of Welsh Mythology or Maeve (Maebhe) of the Cuchullain tales. 

Macha: An evil female fairy who represents death and battle. She is a member of the Tuatha dé Danann and would take the shape of a large crow to fly over the bodies of men who had died in battle.

Malekin (Malkin, Mawkin): The name of a fairy that inhabited a castle in Suffolk, England. She seemed to be very friendly and intelligent, able to converse with the lord of the castle in English, the servants in dialect, and the priest in Latin. She revealed herself to the servant girl that would leave her a plate of food nightly. The servant relays her as looking like a very small human child, dressed in a white tunic.

Mallebron: In France, he was a fairy servant of Oberon, the king of the fairies. He would travel with the knights to the Holy Land and would often save them from death.

Manannan Mac Lir (Manawydan ap Llyr, Barinthus): He has been known as the sea god of Ireland, the father of Niamh, and the King of Tir Nan Og (Land of the Young).

Masseriol, Magut, Mazapegul: They are always male, dress in red and have a booming laugh. He is plump but always impeccably dressed and groomed. They have been known to help out on farms as long as they don't have to get themselves dirty. In some legends they give a lot of gold to people (essentially woman) that like them. Their associated element is Earth. 

Mebd (Meadhbh): In Irish myth, she is queen of the Tuatha dé Danann and of the Sidhe. She had several husbands, never allowing one man to rule by her side. Queen Mab probably derived from her character.

Meeting a Fairy: To meet fairy you can start with meditation. Do this within a sacred of magik circle. Take a gift with you as an offering. If a fairy seems

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unfriendly or makes you uncomfortable leave them. You can also invite fairy to your circle when performing magik. If you want to invite a house fairy in leave milk, sweetcakes w/ honey out. They will often leave the food but take of the essence. Make sure you don't have a cat about. Finally it takes practice and patience to see or meet a fae. They are usually shy and mistrusting. They will not show themselves readily to you. Children can often see them better than adults because they are more open and sensitive. Don't be suprised if your child's imaginary friend is really a faery. Some may never see the faery but trust they are all around. Let them know that you are a friend. Just be safe, some faery are mischevious and capricous while others are down right dangerous.

Melusina (Melusine): She was the daughter of the fairy Pressina and a mortal king. Her mother cursed her to become a serpent from feet to waist once a week. She would never fall in love until she found a man who agreed never to see her on that day. She met and married Count Raymond of Poitiers and all their children were born horribly deformed but for the last two. One day, the Count saw her as half snake, and as the curse goes, she turned into a winged serpent mermaid and leapt out the window and flew away, never to be seen again.

Mermaid: a sea spirit, the upper part a woman and the lower half a fish.

Merrow: both male and female, are spirits of the sea, of human shape from the waist upwards, but from the waist downwards are like a fish. The females are attractive, but the males have green teeth, green hair, pig’s eyes, and red noses. Fishermen dread to meet them.  Click here to see a picture of Merrow.

Micol: The fairy evoked by medieval sorcerers in Europe, who claimed her to be the fairy Queen of the trooping fairies. 

Midar (Midhir, Midir): One of the kings of the Irish Tuatha dé Danann. There are two different accounts as to how he won the love of the mortal queen called Etain. One version is the he won her in a game of chess against her mortal husband, Eochaid of Munster. The other version states that Midar took Etain as a second wife, and his first wife, in a fit of jealousy turned her into a fly. She then went back to the human world, and united with Eochaid. When Midar found her, he challenged Eochaid to a game of chess, and won her back. Midar then changed them both to swans and flew back to his home, only to encounter Eochaid and his armies. After many long battles, Midar released Etain to go back to Eochaid.

Monachetto: These a gnome-like spirits associated with caves or tunnels. Their associated element is Earth. 

Monaciello, Mamucca, Pundacciu: They are always male, dress in red and are always drunk, but not unfriendly. Their name, Monaciello, means 'little monk' which is how their hooded cloak-dress makes them appear. They inhabit and guard wine cellars. They have merry personalities and like to steal human clothing for sport. Their associated element is Earth. 

Morgan le Fée (Fata Morgana, Morgaine, Morgana, Morgane, Morgan le Fay, Morganetta, and Morgue la Faye): Her magic is said to be responsible for the mirages in the Straights of Messina, which are aptly named Fata Morgana. Introduced in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita Merlini, her name (there spelled "Morgen") implies ties to the realm of Fairy. She is also a magical figure as well as a priestess presiding over a sisterhood of nine inhabiting an enchanted isle. She receives the wounded king after the last battle and offers to cure him if he remains long enough. There are many Celtic traditions evident here, not just of fairy queens ruling magic lands, but of actual sisterhoods of healers and miracle workers recorded in

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classical literature. Such a group might have been led by a priestess that served as the earthly manifestation of a goddess. Giraldus Cambrensis and other medieval authors were well aware of Morgan's divinity. Comparison of Welsh and non Welsh Arthurian matter show her to be somewhat identified with Modron and ultimately with the river goddess Matrona, similar to and possibly derived from the Irish goddess Morrigan. Christianity humanizes and eventually vilifies her. Early on she is a type of benevolent fairy that aids Arthur throughout his life, not just at the end. The Welsh claim her father to be the obscure Avallach, king of the magical island with it's Welsh name, but he fades from legend. Morgan is essentially the sole personage of Avalon, the Isle of Apples. She is further humanized with the progress of Arthurian storytelling. The former goddess becomes a daughter of Ygerna and her first husband Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall, making Morgan Arthur's half sister. Glastonbury's identification with Avalon leads to beliefs that she ruled in that area but romances place her in various locations. She becomes the owner of the Castle of Maidens, possibly near Edinburgh while a few continental romancers move her to the Mediterranean entirely. Sicliy is one such place. She is named Fata Morgana by the Italians and that name is given to a mirage that appears in the Straits of Messina attributed to her magic in the past. Medieval Christianity had a difficult time assimilating a benevolent enchantress; she becomes more and more sinister. She is now a witch taught the black arts by Merlin and is bedevilment to Arthur and his knights with a special hatred towards Queen Guinevere. Oft times she is involved in a plan to ensnare a knight for her own pleasure by sending them into a "valley of no return," or against a mighty adversary. Other times she is married to Urien and bears a son, Owain or Yvain. Yet she never becomes purely evil. Many attractive qualities remain and Morgan is associated with art and culture. Despite the scheming and plotting at court, she is still the one who bears the wounded King to his place of healing on Avalon. The monks basically misunderstood the beliefs of Celtic rule. Women had equal if not greater power than men and were expected to take lovers. This is evident in the transcription of the Tain, the national epic of Ireland (except here scribal ignorance of Celtic ways actually preserved many of them). This is also the reason why Guinevere is seen as unfaithful rather than a free woman free to make her own choices in who she beds. Morgan necessarily becomes a witch to explain her sexuality. 

Muma Padura: A wood fairy in the Rumanian and Slav folklore. She is kindly and benevolent towards humans, helping children who become lost in the forest back home and to their parents.Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid and Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby: Both are fairies in Charles Kingsley's Water Babies, and are portrayed as elderly and strict tutors.Mab, the farles’ midwife. Queen Mab refers to as the queen of the fairies (see below).

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Naiad: water nymphs.

NannyButtonCap: A nursery fairy in Yorkshire, England. She ensures that all children are safely and warmly tucked into bed for the night.

Niamh: There are two different accounts of the life of this fairy. One is that she was a member of of the Ireland's Tuatha dé Danann who went to live in the land of Tir Nan Og (Land of the Young) when she married Oisin. The other accounts her as being the daughter of Manannan, the king of the Land of the Young. She fell in love with Oisin and convinced him to move with her to her father’s land, where they lived happily together for 300 yrs.

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Nis or Nisse: a Kobold or Brownie. A Scandinavian fairy friendly to farmhouses.

Nix or Nixie: a water spirit. The nix has green teeth, and wears a green hat: the nicie is very beautiful.

Nuadha: He is the King of the Tuatha dé Danann who had to give up his reign when he lost his hand in battle. His successor to the thrown was Lugh.

Nuala: Although in most Irish tales Onagh is Finvarra's consort, some tales tell of Nuala being his High Queen and consort instead.

Nucklelavee (Nuchlavis): They are Scottish sea fairies. They are ill-tempered, hideous in appearance, and extremely malevolent toward humans. They can take on any appearance they wish, but their natural appearance is that of half man and half horse, with fins for feet. People can tell when one is coming for them by the smell they emit that of rotten eggs and spoiled fish.

Oaf: a foolish child thought to be a changeling, left by the fairies in the place of the stolen one.

Oberon (Oseron): He is known as the fairy King, , husband of Titania, queen of the fairies, in medieval folklore. He was introduced to English literature by William Shakespeare. He appears as a dwarf with a beautiful face and kingly behavior. He enjoys playing pranks on his fellow fairy subjects and on unsuspecting humans. He spends his days in the forest with Puck and other sprites. Humans are warned to not speak to him, for whoever does, will remain forever in his power.

Ogre: an inhabitant of fairyland said to feed on infant children.

Ogma: The son of Dagda, the great warrior. He, himself, was a fairy warrior who fought beside Nuadha. He was also known for his inspiration and learning.

Oisin (Little Fawn): Son of Sabdh and loved by Niamh. He spent 300 yrs in The Land of the Young or Tir Nan Og, in which time he became homesick. Niamh presented him with a horse and the warning not to step off from the horse, lest he wouldn't be able to find his way back. When he got to Ireland, he helped the mortals move a rock, upon which he changed before their eyes into an aged man.

Ole Luk Øj (Ole Luk Öie): A tiny Danish fairy dressed in a silk jacket which changes color according to the light and carries two magic umbrellas. His name means Ole Close Your Eyes. He tiptoes into the children's room and blows fairy dust into their eyes and necks, which makes them fall asleep. He will then open one of his umbrella over the good children, which have beautiful pictures painted on the underneath, and they'll have beautiful dreams. To the bad children, though, he will open the other umbrella, which has nothing on it, and they will have dreamless sleep.

Onagh: She is Queen of the Irish Sidhe and Finvarra's consort. She received alliance from tributary queens Aine, Aoibhinn, and Cliodna. She has long golden hair that reaches the ground and wears a silver spun dress. Despite her great beauty, her consort is unfaithful with the mortal women he seduces with his music.

Oosood: A female birth fairy in the belief of the Serbian people. She becomes visible only to the mother of the child on the seventh day after his/her birth. She then proceeds to predict the

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child's fate.

Orchi: They are giants with a mean disposition. When they are seen, they appear as bearded males. They live on clouds and only descend to earth for food. Contact is not advised. Their associated element is Air. 

Orcuili: They are dwarves with a mean disposition. They are master shape-changers and smell horrible. When they are seen, they appear as bearded males. They dwell in caves. Contact is not advised. Their associated element is Air. 

Oreande la Fée: A benevolent fairy that made many appearances in romantic legends throughout the 1400s.

Orends: mountain nymphs.

Ouphe: A mountain nymph, elf, or fairy in European folklore. They appeared to be slightly dimwitted compared to the Trooping Fairies, and hence were left as changelings. The term "Oaf" came from these beings.

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Painajainen: These fairies roam around the Alps in the shape of small, white horses. They are known to tease and harm children because of their own difficulties in reproducing. Their main course of torment is to bring people nightmares.

Palos: They are the elemental spirits of the North. They are very etheric and have influence over mental processes, creativity, thought and concept. 

Pease Blossom: The name of one of the flower fairies, she also made an appearance as an attendant to Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Peerifool: A blonde male fairy who agrees to spin for a princess who was captured by an ogre. Because she does not know how to spin, she agrees, knowing that she will only get the completed work back if she remembers his name. As with all similar stories, she forgets his name almost immediately and becomes frantic. An old beggar happened by Peerifool as he was saying that there was no way she would ever guess his name, and she quickly went to the princess with his name, for which she was later rewarded.

Peri: a Persian fairy. Evil peris are called “Deevs”

Perit: In Albanian folklore, they are female mountain deities of great beauty. They are dressed entirely in white and are regarded as good fairies. They can become very angry towards those who spill bread, and will give these sinners a hump.

Pigwidgeon: (Pigwiggen) The fairy knight in Drayton's Nymphadia which fell in love with Queen Mab. Also a fairy of very diminutive size or dwarf; anything very small. 

Pilliwiggin: An extremely small nature fairy in English lore. It lives in the bell of small flowers such as the bluebell, cowslip, and wild thyme growing beneath the oak tree.

Pixy or Pixie: a Devonshire fairy, same as Puck.

Plant Rhys Dwfen: The Plant Rhys Dwfen ("children of Deep Rhys") are a tribe of fairies who inhabit a small land which is invisible because of a special herb that

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grows there. They are handsome, less than average in height, and grateful to those who treat them fairly. They often visit markets in Cardigan where they pay such high prices for goods that ordinary buyers can not compete with them. When visiting the main land, they assume human form.

Plants to Break Fairy Spells:Fourleaf clover: It has the power to break fairy spells and, if carried in one's hat, allows one to see invisible fairies.Thyme: Drinking a potion of thyme is supposed to enable a person to see fairies, while at the same time protecting them from fairy mischief.Calendula: This is another plant that, when eaten, was supposed to enable a person to see fairies.St. John's Wort: This healing herb can be used to break fairy spells and cure illness caused by fairy darts. In some stories, however, the plant is sacred to fairies and should never be stepped on.English Daisy: A chain made of English daisies and worn around the neck will protect children from fairy mischief.

Portunes: Portunes are tiny medieval fairies, described by Gervase of Tilbury as being the size of a finger. They are very old men with wrinkled faces who work on human farms. Friendly and helpful they may be, at night they cannot resist grabbing the bridle of a horse and leading the horse and its rider into ponds.

Pressina: A French fairy, guardian of a fountain. She married to King Elinus of Albany, with the warning that he never see her during childbirth. The vow was broken as he walked in on the last of her births and Pressina and three daughters were compelled to return to the fairy court. When the daughters came upon their full power, the went back and took revenge on their father, forever entrapping him in a cave. When Pressina found out about it, she cursed all three of her daughters.

Puck (Pisca, Poake, Pouk, Pouke, Pucke, Puckle, Pug, Púka, Pukis, Pukje, Pwca): An extremely mischievous nature or household fairy in English lore. He is mostly known for his spiteful tricks on unsuspecting humans, which leads them to often embarrassing situations, but he has, in some cases, been known to champion the poor and oppressed. Such tricks include: changing shapes, misleading travelers at night, spoiling milk, frightening young girls, and tripping venerable old dames. Descriptions of him range from a hobgoblin to a fairy, brownie, goblin, or an elf. Some say that this is a confirmation of his tricky personality and his shape shifting abilities. Most people, though, think of him as having a hairy body, with goat feet, like a satyr or faun. He was written about in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and in Kipling's Puck of Pooks Hill. The Irish pooka, or púca, and the Welsh pwcca are similar household spirits.

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Querciola: They are spirits who are especially good friends to lovers. Their associated element is Fire. 

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Raja Jinn Peri: The King of Fairies in Malay mythology.

Rod: In Slavic mythology, the Rod are the spirits of deceased female ancestors and are considered to be goddesses of fate and fairies. As three women they appear at the cradle of a newborn child and decide the child's fate. In invisible letters they write on the child's forehead the life span and the way he or she will die. They also decide whether the child will live a poor or rich life, and the measure of poverty or wealth. They can be compared with the Norns, the Norse

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goddesses of fate, and the Greek Moirae.

Ryme: the Frost giant, the enemy of the elves and fairies. At the end of the world this giant is to be the pilot of the ship Naglefarë.

Raviyoyla Djins: A female Serbian fairy that could take on the appearance of a beautiful woman. She knew all things of healing and medicine with herbs. A legend attached to this fairy was that she caused the accidental death of a friend of the king's, but quickly brought him back to life with the use of her herbs.

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Sabdh: An Irish fairy who is a woman of the Sidhe and the fairy mother of Oisin, the greatest poet of Gaul. She is the daughter of Queen Mebd. She was turned into a deer when she refused the love of another fairy and was made to leave her son, Oisin, to the elements. He was found seven years later and told the story of his deer mother.

Salamander: a spirit which lives in fire.

Seelie Court: The Court of the kind and benign fairy host, usually seen around twilight in long solemn processions. These fairies help the poor with gifts of corn and bread. The opposite of the Seelie Court ("Blessed Court") is the evil Unseelie Court.

Settiano: They have influence over inner motivation, the subconscious, and life fluids. Their associated element is Fire. 

Sidhe (pronounced 'shee') (Aes Sidhe, Shee, Sheehogue, Si, Sidh, Sídhe, Sith): This is the most common name for the Irish and Scottish Highlands fairies. Sidh is the Gaelic word for earth mounds, which is where they are said to live under. These faeries are described as being aristocrats, beautiful, great size, great age, great power, beautiful musicians, domestic, malevolent if harmed / disturbed, thin , up to six feet in height, handsome, youthful, shadowy, soft skinned, long flowing hair, and if clothed blindingly white, and live under faerie hills or on floating islands. Usually these fairies are attracted to those who are beautiful as well as wealthy.

Salvani: They appear as winged wood nymphs who have a very filmy appearnce, almost ghost-like. They are of no use to humans, but do not seek to harm us. Clothed in red, they wear animal furs. Their name, Silvani, means 'wooded' or 'woodland'. They love the color red and are attracted to anything of this color. The Silvani are the protectors of all animal wildlife. Their associated element is Air.

Skilly Widden: This is the name of a fairy boy that was found and adopted by a farmer in Cornwall, England.Snow Queen: In Danish folklore, she is a beautiful fairy who rides on the blizzards blown in from the Arctic. She lures men to join her, which means instant death for the men.

Slaugh: The name of the Unseelie Court or the evil fairies in the folklore of Scotland. The name means the Host, which is a euphemism to avoid invoking them with the mention of their name and deter them from inflicting harm. They are believed to be the Fallen Angels that roam the midnight skies of the earth searching for lost souls. The Slaugh are also believed to be responsible for causing sickness and death among domestic animals and to lead humans astray.

Sluag: Pronounced 'slooah'. Sluag was the Pictish/Scottish fairy of the Highlands and Host of the Unforgiven Dead. Related to the Irish/Celtic Sluagh.

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Snow Queen: fairy queen in the folklore of Denmark. She is described as dazzling in her loveliness and as beautiful as the ice crystals themselves. She is the Spirit queen of the ice realm, who travels in the blizzards blown from the Arctic wastes. The Snow Queen will entice mortal men to follow her, but to be loved by her means instant death.

Special Dates for Fairies: Midsummer's Eve (June 24). On Midsummer's Eve the fairies are at their merriest.

Sprite: A sprite is a kind of fairy or elf. Sprite comes from the Latin word spiritus or spirit and once meant “soul” or “ghost.” Sprites are used in many folktales. Sprites are creatures of the element water. They are found only in places where it is serene and cool. They like to play with nymphs or torment butterflies, but the butterflies don’t really mind. Sprites have one very important job, which is going around and changing the colors of a tree’s leaves in Autumn. They have many cans of bright paint in every shade between red and yellow. This makes sure they don’t run out. Sprites are very creative. They are muses, artists, and poets. They are some of the most creative fairies. Some even decide to bond or marry a human or elf and stay with them their whole lives.

Stromkarl: a Norwegian musical spirit, like Neck.

Sylph: A fairy of the air or wind. They are described as being taller and stronger than humans with a volatile temperament. These wings are almost two times it’s body length, but they fold up behind the sylph. They have large, hawk like eyes and sharp, angular faces. A sylph can live to be hundreds of years old, often reaching one thousand, but never seeming to grow old. The smaller sylph are sometimes called cherubs or fairies. Sylphs are loners, and are content to fly with the birds. They are similar to invisible angels whose voice could be heard in the wind. Sylphs defend the high mountain peaks and wilderness mountains that are home to them. They have also been described as the transformed souls of those who died chaste. “Sylph” comes from the Greek word silphe meaning a butterfly or moth. They were first named by the Rosicrucians and Cabalists in their folklore.

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Tangotango: She is a fairy of the Maori lore. She heard of the handsome young god called Tawhaki, and searched for him so she could have a child with him. She found him while he was sleeping in the woods, and lay with him night after night until she became pregnant. She then left her handsome lover and had a daughter called Arahuta.

Tennin: To the Japanese Buddhist, she is a beautiful fairy who appeared on mountains. To encounter one, the person must climb to the highest summit.

Thrummy Cap: This particular fairy is credited with the high quality of wool in the northern counties of England. They wore caps made of thrums, which is excess wool clipped off when weaving is done. Some accounts state that they live in the cellars of old, abandoned houses and others state that they live in the Thrummy Hills of North Yorkshire.

Titania: This fairy Queen has made appearances in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and earlier than that in Ovid's work as the goddess Diana. With her flower fairies as attendants, she appeared to be more regal and refined than Mab. In Scotland, she was said to have given the Clan MacLeod of Dunvegan Castle in the Isle of Skye a fairy Flag. This flag was to be waved in times of danger, in which her magic would resolve the problem. They were warned, though, that it would be taken back at the third use.

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Titania the queen of the fairies, wife of Oberon, king of the fairies, in medieval folklore. Shakespeare introduces both Oberon and Titania, in his play "Midsummer Night’s Dream".

Tokolosh: He is South African fairy. He is a sullen and grouchy, living beside streams and small rivers. He is well known for terrorizing lone travelers, usually by leaping on a small animal or bird and choking it so that the animal's cries alarm the traveler. He looks something like a small baboon, covered with black hair and tail less.

Tom Cockle: The name of a fairy or brownie that moved across the ocean from Ireland when the family he was attached to moved to America.

Tom Thumb: When an old English couple longed for a child, they went to Merlin to help them, asking for a child, even if it was the size of a thumb. So was born Tom Thumb, with all the powers of a fay child living amongst humans. He escaped many dangerous situations using said magic. In France, the female version was named Thumbelina, and the Danish tell of the tiny Tommelise.

Tooth Fairy: This is the fairy in charge of making sure children lost their milk teeth and another grew in its place. Somewhere along the way, it became an integral part of tradition to place the tooth under the child's pillow, where the fairy would leave some sort of monetary compensation.

Troll: a hillspirit, which is why Trolls are called Hillpeople or Hillfolk, supposed to be immensely rich, and especially dislike noise.

Tuatha Dé Danaan (Tribe of Dana): These are the fairy people of Ireland. They are known as the People of the Goddess Danu (Dana). They are renowned for their power, beauty, intellect, and grace. They could become visible or invisible and shape shift at will. They were mostly immortal, but could be killed in battle. They were the pre-Christian gods of Ireland, sometimes represented as heroes or fairies. They interacted often with humans, granting them fortune or disaster as they saw fit. They are the holders of what many now know as the four treasures: Dagda's cauldron, Lugh's spear, Nuadha's sword, and a the scared stone called Stone of Fal. When they were defeated by the Milesians they took refuge under boroughs called sidh, which is what they are now mostly known as (sidhe). From there, they still practice their magic, and split up their underground world by taking into account the areas of their previous kingdom, appointing kings and queens as they had done before. Many mortals are lead into their world, where time, the sights, food, and revelry are very different that ours.

Tündér: This is the Hungarian word for fairy. These fairies were both good and bad, and had the ability to enchant humans with things such as milk, tears, herbs, gems, etc. The love music and dancing in forest glades under the moonlight. They are given names according to the area they are said to reside. Some of these are: Dame Hirip, Dame Rampson (a fairy queen), Fairy Helen, Mika (a warrior fairy), and Tartód (queen of the malevolent fairies).

Turehu: A race of fair haired fairies.

Tylwyth Teg ("the fair people"): In Wales, these are the larger version of the Ellyllon. They live in mountains, glades, islands in lakes, in flowers, in lakes or streams or in hollows of the hills. They live in a society of sorts and their king is Gwyn Ap Knudd. Their heights may vary from a foot to taller than men, but they are always beautiful and light skinned and light haired. They dress in long silken garments, usually in the color green. The females are called y mamau (the mothers), a title which links them to the pagan Celtic deities, the Matres. Associated with them are the usual traditions of moonlight dance, the

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supernatural passage of time, the stealing of children, and the substitution of changelings. They are especially interested in children with golden hair.Some have been known to marry mortals, but vanish if some promise if broken. The Tylwyth Teg are benevolent in general, often bringing mortals good luck. They love music and dancing and once gave a generous mortal named Cader Idris a magic harp that would play for him when the strings were touched. Another name they were known by is Bendith y Mamau.

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Un'Dine: a water nymph.

Unseelie Court: The evil counterpart of the Seelie Court is always unfavorable towards mankind. The part which flies through the sky at night is called the 'Horde'. Mortals unfortunate enough to cross the Horde's path are taken along for a hell ride. These poor victims are beaten and pinched and forced to participate in the bizarre nocturnal activities of these creatures. The Unseelie Court ("Unholy Court") solely consists of those of the fairylike beings which are the most ugly and evil.

Urisk: He is a solitary Scottish fairy who haunts pools of water. He is extremely lonely and tries to find friendship among humans, but because of his horrifying appearance people run from.

Urgan: born and christened a mortal, but stolen by the king of the fairies and brought up in elf land (English folklore).

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Visiting the Faery Realm: In a world separate from our own physical realm is the astral realm. Herein lies the land of the faery. The faery realm is accessible to those that wish to visit.The best way to visit the faery realm is through meditation. Follow your normal method into a meditative state. Allow your self to follow the path to the faery world. Be patient this can take time. There are somegood guided meditations you can use to aid you. One good one is in the book The Witches Guide To Faery Folk by Edain McCoy. Remember once there to follow some rules. Never eat or drink anything offered by the faery and do not join in their revelries and dances. It would be easy to lose oneself in them. It is a good idea to astrally take an offering should a faery offer you a gift. You can than exchange gifts. Do not over thank a faery they find this annoying and offensive. They may also find you insincere. Remember that the faery hold a double standard for humans. Many of the things they do, they find offensive in humans.Should you encounter a faery that makes you feel uncomfortable or seems angry leave it quickly. Do not attempt to engage it in conversation. You do not want these faeries to follow you home. Be respectful of the fae and their home. When you end your journey it is a good idea to remind yourself that you are back in the physical. Sometimes after a visit in the faery world you may feel a bit out of it. It is a good idea to journal your experiences for further contemplation. Visiting the faery world can be a rewarding experience but as always when working with these capricious creatures caution should always be taken.

Virginal: The name of the German Ice Queen. She was captured by a magician who kept her imprisoned in one of her ice castles. As each new moon rose, she would have to give one of her ice maidens to be consumed. She was rescued by the man she soon married, but unable to survive in his castle, returned to her own home in the ice.

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Wee Folk: Scottish and Irish nickname for faeries.

White Lady of the royal family of Prussia: A “spirit” said to appear before the death of one of the family.

White Lady of Ireland: the banshee or domestic spirit of a family.

White Merle of the old Basques: A white fairy bird, which, by its singing, restored sight to the blind.

Wight: any human creature, as a “Highland wight.” Dwarfs and all other fairy creatures.

Wilkie: Little is known about this fairy except that it inhabits the Wilkie Mounds, which is a burial ground on the Orkney Islands. People would leave it offerings of milk at the mounds.

WillO'TheWisp: a spirit of the bogs, whose delight is to mislead belated travelers.

Wraith: the ghost of a person shortly about to die or just dead, which appears to survivors, sometimes at a great distance off.

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Xanas: A kind of nymphs or faeries of Asturias, they are derived from Celtic mythology. They live near streams, and spend their day singing beautiful tunes and combing their wonderful hair.Morgan le Fayby Brian Edward Rise

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Yosei: Japanese fairies. They are most often seen as birds, cranes or swans.

Yumboes: fairies of African mythology. They stand about two feet high and are white in color. Their favourite haunt is the range of hills called The Paps.

Yallery Brown: The name of a malicious fairy in England. His appearance is that of the size of a year old child, extremely ugly and wrinkled, with long hair and a beard. According to legend, a farm worker named Tom Tiver heard a baby's cry from beneath a large rock. Upon lifting it, he discovered Yallery Brown caught and tangled by his long hair. As payment for helping him, Yallery Brown agreed to help Tom with his farm work, but warned never to thank him or the help would cease. Every day, when Tom would go to the farm, he would discover his work already done. Discovering that the work of all the other farmers had been destroyed at the same time, he went to Yallery Brown and kindly thanked him for his help, but preferred to do his own work from now on. Because he was an evil fairy, instead of being dismissed, he stayed on, causing Tom Tiver bad fortune for the rest of his years.

YannAnOd: These male fairies are from Brittany. They appear as kindly, old shepherds with a long robe, shepherd's staff, and white beard.