a website's structured data success story

A website’s structured data success story August 19 th , 2015 Jarno van Driel SEO Specialist @JarnoVanDriel #SmartDataWeek

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A  website’s  structured  data  success  story  August  19th,  2015  

Jarno  van  Driel  SEO  Specialist


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1.  Introduction


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Jarno  van  Driel  • In-­‐house  SEO  for  Sanoma  Digital  NL    

• Degree  in  Mechanical  Engineering  

• Working  on  the  web  since  1998  

• Semantics  enthusiast  since  2001


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As  a  moderator  for  the  Google+  community  Semantic  Search  Marketing  I  sometimes  help  out  with  structured  data  issues


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Which  is  how  I  ran  into  CosmeticSurg.net  autumn  2013  


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Then,  late  January  2014,  a  request  came  in  We  need  help  writing  microdata  with  schema.org  for  our  procedure  pages.  Are  you  available  for  this  sort  of  thing?


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A  pretty  straightforward  request


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We  called


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But  wouldn’t  you  know  it…


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Spring  2012  we  noticed  the  site’s  traffic    and  leads  were  on  a  steadily  declining  path


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I  compared  their  data


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Houston,  we  have  a  problem!


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We  think  we  got  hit  by  Panda


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No,  not  this  one


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This  one!  New  and  important  site  quality  algorithms


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Which  Google  deployed  worldwide  less  than  2  months  after  introducing  them  


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Algorithms  based  on  ideas,  research  and  a  mindset  that  Google  engineer  Amit  Singhal  tried  to  clarify


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We  responded  by  doing  a  range  of  things


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Summer/Autumn  2012  • Rewrote  meta  titles  and  descriptions  site  wide  • Changed  the  URL  structure  of  photo  galleries  • 301  redirects,  page  deletions  • Merged  all  photos  of  the  same  patient  into  a  single  gallery  page  

• Beefed  up  photo  gallery  pages  surrounding  content  • Started  investigating  link  profile  • Attended  to  the  usual*  

Winter  2012/2013  • Site  redesign  and  launch:  Refined  site  hierarchy  and  templates,  revamping  the  home  page,  the  procedure  info  pages,  and  the  photo  gallery  pages    

• Started  posting  questions  on  Google’s  Product  forum  • Methodical  review  of  Amit  Singhal’s  Content  Quality  23  point  list  

• Modified  the  site’s  URL  parameters  • Continued  scrutinizing  site  content  (editing  and  deleting  pages)  

• Edited  +25%  of  old  blog  posts,  added  images  and  sub-­‐headings.  

• Attended  to  the  usual*  

Spring  2013  • Site  audit  • Revised  all  site  video  pages  and  YouTube  channel—integrated  YT  videos  into  site  content.  

• Local  citation  audit  (and  re-­‐submission  to  top  tier  portals)  • Made  MapMaker  corrections  • Attended  to  the  usual*

Summer  2013  • Got  in  touch  with  Google  engineer  John  Mueller  after  taking  another  big  hit  in  May.  We  learned  the  algorithms  were  having  a  ‘hard  time  recognizing  the  overall  quality  of  the  website’.  

• Focus  group  review  of  Amit  Singhal’s  Content  Quality  23  point  list  

• Continued  improving  the  depth  of  current  content  • Scaled  up  the  publication  of  new  content  and  Social  Media  participation  

• Updated  KML  files  • Attended  to  the  usual*  

Autumn  2013  • Added  G+  authorship  markup  • Started  adding  structured  data  • Went  to  SMX  New  York  to  attend   semantic  track  sessions  

• Attended  to  the  usual*  

* The  “usual”  generally  consisted  of:  

• Finding  and  fixing  technical  glitches  • Keeping  a  close  eye  on  Google  Webmaster  Tools  (now  Google  Search  Console)  for  crawl  errors  and  html  suggestions  among  other  things  

• Adding  new  content    • Optimising  Google  places,  other  business  listings  and  profiles  • Thwarting  content  scrappers  • Fixing  broken  links  • Being  more  and  more  active  in  social  media  • etc.


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01]    02/24/2011  -­‐  Panda/Farmer  02]    04/11/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.0  03]    05/09/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.1  04]    06/21/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.2  05]    a  -­‐  07/23/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.3  05]    b  -­‐  08/12/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.4  06]    a  -­‐  09/28/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.5  06]    b  -­‐  10/05/2011  -­‐  Panda  "Flux"  07]    10/14/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.5.2  08]    11/18/2011  -­‐  Panda  3.1  09]    01/18/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.2  10]    02/27/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.3  11]    03/23/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.4  12]    a  -­‐  04/19/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.5  12]    b  -­‐  04/27/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.6

01]                                                                                    02/24/2011  -­‐  Panda/Farmer  02]                                                                                    04/11/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.0  03]                                                                                    05/09/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.1  04]                                                                                    06/21/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.2  05]                                                                                    a  -­‐  07/23/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.3  05]                                                                                    b  -­‐  08/12/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.4  06]                                                                                    a  -­‐  09/28/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.5  06]                                                                                    b  -­‐  10/05/2011  -­‐  Panda  "Flux"  07]                                                                                  10/14/2011  -­‐  Panda  2.5.2  08]                                                                                  11/18/2011  -­‐  Panda  3.1  09]                                                                                  01/18/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.2  10]                                                                                  02/27/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.3  11]                                                                                  03/23/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.4  12]                      a  -­‐  04/19/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.5  12]                      b  -­‐  04/27/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.6  13]    a  -­‐  06/08/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.7  13]    b  -­‐  06/25/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.8  14]    07/24/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.9  15]    08/20/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.9.1  16]    a  -­‐  09/18/2012  -­‐  Panda  3.9.2  16]    b  -­‐  09/27/2012  -­‐  Panda  #20  17]    a  -­‐  11/05/2012  -­‐  Panda  #21  17]    b  -­‐  11/21/2012  -­‐  Panda  #22  18]    12/21/2012  -­‐  Panda  #23  19]    01/22/2013  -­‐  Panda  #24  20]    03/14/2013  -­‐  Panda  #25  21]    05/09/2013  -­‐  Phantom  (Quality  algorithm)  22]    06/11/2013  -­‐  Panda  Dance  23]    07/18/2013  -­‐  Panda  Recovery

I  searched  for  clues


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Nothing  worked,  so  we  want  to  see  if    structured  data  can  turn  things  around


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Turning  Panda  around  with  structured  data!    Have  you  lost  your  whiskers?


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Then  again,  interesting  concept  -­‐  and  the    site’s  got  plenty  of  content  to  work  with


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You  know,  what  if…


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We  fix  the  structured  data  fundamentals  first

You  stop  what  you’ve  been  doing  for  one  year

We  wait  and  see  what  we  can  learn  from  that

We  act  once  we  feel  we’ve  located  the  underlying  issue


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2.  Moving  ahead


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A.  Investigating  the  evidence


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Only  1  business  showed  up  in  the  SERPs  where  there  should  have  been  2


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PracticeSurgery  center


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A  hot  topic


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Oh!  the  joy  of  more


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What  can  we  do  about  this?


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We  are  going  to  develop  our  own  knowledge  graph


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You  two!    Go  build    that  graph


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Surgery  center  schema.org/MedicalClinic

Surgeon  schema.org/Person

Practice  schema.org/Physician


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But  just  when  we  were  about  to  release,    Google  updated  Panda  (May  16th  2014  )


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We  adjusted  plans  and  delayed  release  until  the  end  of  June


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And  calmly  waited  to  see  if  something  would  happen


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Bill  Slawski  SemTechBiz,  August  19th  2014



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2  different  types  of  businesses,  sharing  the  same  NAP  information,  showing  up  in  the  SERPs


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 His  Royal  Highness  –  Triples  –  King  of  the  Graph


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Want  to  know  more  about  knowledge  graphs  and  triples?  Go  to:  http://bit.ly/KeyTakeawaysSemTechBiz2013


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B.  Social  Media  optimization


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The  site’s  blog  contained  some  markup    but  there  were  still  some  big  gaps  to  fill


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Markup  was  added  for    Twitter’s  Summary  Card


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and  Summary  Card    with  Large  Image


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og:article  markup  was    added  for  Facebook


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But  getting  Google+  right  needed  some  sorting  out


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Schema.org  types  changed  and  graphs  had  to  be  rebuilt


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Which  led  to  the  desired    result  for  Google+  shares


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But  overall


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Social  Media  requires  more  than  just  adding  some  markup


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3.  The  hunt  for  Panda


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After  the  upgrade,  Sessions  refused  to  move


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Time  for  some  further  investigation


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Loads  of  GWT  reports  showed  overlapping  queries  and  pages  


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Looking  at  the  site  this  made  sense  –  plenty  of  topical  overlap


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Could  it  be  Panda  is  struggling  to  tell  Things  apart?


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The  moment  when  Amit  Singhal    finally  started  to  make  sense


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What  can  we  do  about  this?


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We’ll  run  a  test  to  see  if  it  helps  when    we  specify  what  the  articles  are  about


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An  example  of  an  article  about  2  topics  (text  values)


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But  alas,  Sessions  still  wouldn’t  move


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 We  think  we  need  more  triples


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Does   the   site   have   duplicate,  overlapping,   or   redundant  articles   on   the  same  or  similar  topics  with  slightly  different  keyword  variations?

Does  the  site  have  duplicate,  overlapping,  or  redundant  entities  on  the  same  or  similar  topics  with  slightly  different  property  variations?


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You  two!    Go  build  Next  Gen  graphs


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MedicalProcedure  +  Service Thing




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An  example  of  an  article    about  2  topics  (entities)


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Will  this  work?


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Sessions  finally  took  off


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And  reached  heights  never  reached  before  


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Even  after  a  new  Panda  update


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4.  Satisfying  the  skeptic


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Structured  data  tracking  in  GA!

You  know  what  you  can  do  with  that?


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Google  Tag  Manager  +  Google  Analytics  http://bit.ly/ImplementAndTrackStructuredData


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Having  this  type  of  data  in  GA  is  just  the  beginning


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The  real  fun  starts  when  you  export  GA’s  enriched  data


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All  pages  Landing  Page  –  All  Sessions

Imagine  you'd  like  to  know  what  the    effects  of  adding  ‘about’  triples  were


t-­‐1  =  before  Panda  4.0  t+1=  after  Panda  4.0  

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schema:Article  (Subject)    Landing  Page  –  All  Sessions

October  6th  2014  –  start  adding  ‘about’  triples


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schema:Article  (Subject)    Landing  Page  –  All  Sessions


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schema:Article  (Subject)  Landing  Page  –  Pageviews  /  Session


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schema:Article  (Subject)  Landing  Page  –  Avg  Session  Duration


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schema:MedicalProcedure  schema:Service  (Object)  Landing  Page  –  All  Sessions

Over  at  the  ‘Object’  side  of  the  triples


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schema:MedicalProcedure  schema:Service  (Object)  Landing  Page  –  All  Sessions


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Hail,  Triples  –  King  of  the  Graph


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Feel  like  doing  your  own  analysis?  You  can!  The  datasets    used  can  be  found  at:  http://bit.ly/structureddatasuccess


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Many  thanks  go  out  to  (in  alphabetical  order)  • Aaron  Bradley  –  SEO  Analyst  –  Electronic  Arts  • Daniel  Bos  –  Director  Data  &  Analytics  –  Takeaway.com  

• Leeza  Rodriguez  –  Chief  Marketing  and  Operations  –  CosmeticSurg  • Leigh  Aucoin  –  Web  Development  Team  Lead  –  Search  Influence  • Lisa  Melvin  –  SEO  Consultant  –  Windy  Hills,  Inc.  • Mike  Arnesen  –  Founder  &  CEO  –  UpBuild


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twitter.com/JarnoVanDriel  linkedin.com/pub/jarno-­‐van-­‐driel/75/470/36a  

