a want ad resunlts—-jest phooe masmi -^i · monday, april 2, 1917 -the tacoma times— page seven...

Monday, April 2, 1917 -T HE TACOMA TIMES— Page Seven A Times Want Ad Brinws Resunlts—-Jest Phooe MaSmi 112 -^i Doings of the Duffs Bvenr Father Should Understand His Own Son. By Allrnan TIMES WANT ADS CLASSF^IED ADVERTISING RATES I cent n word each lniortl on—B times (or the price of JL I mnnth, per line per montb ess 91.09 t montbi, per line per month •••• 95 9 months, per line per mouth 99 IS months, per line per nonth 7• Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advance No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. PHONE MAIN 12 „.. \u25a0 «»•\u25a0 \u25a0 »|W»»»I««»««««««>««««»««II«WI««»««««W»>«»W«IWW<I«««MIW«M| THUS TIMES UITACOaIA'i "*"'-^^ WE 1U •:'-K'v»fi Aim BT ONLY INDEPENDENT I^tii... »jd» PHONK. OUR NiMMBU NEWSPAPER IS MAIN XI BUSI NESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ABBTUACT3 COMMONWEALTH^ TITLE TRUST CO. MAIN 101. Rankers Trust Hldg. ABSTRACTS Of TITLB TACOMA TITLE CO.—Ground floor Fidelity Bldg. Main 2194. AMBULANOKB .aUTOMOHII.E ambulance. Only on* .-'" .c. l. l;._ M*l?.t >: » BLUK PRINTS, MAPS, SURVEYING CITY and county nurvcyi. tlilc-lun<l\ Slaps. Nicholson Knf, Co., 604 Fidelity. Main 474. BUSINESS COLLEGES Bj^p^'jT^Bßl i ming man, * IX « lt.it Fire you of? ;. Win <W*^nilia for help f^F *j»lM«rth 19. Hut Rll«»«M^Cvl ><\u25a0 iuii ar« notl llUdlnCuJ >' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0t" i| "'" v lp/ *^i;lt on<". we •*\u25a0 VS% jfc/JiK-ip you- \u25a0ky/lcJ^fl 'college \u25a0k-T*"~*^^M Fidelity H.l. CARPET CLEANING lL L> HOUCK—Carpot beating, re- fitting and laying; J«»th»r r«no-- vatlnjf and upholstering, till »tb ay. Slain ..„.,.,,„„,-„-„-.-» "'(COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIES ttß make connections to new heat- iDg company. Coffee Plumbing Jo. Main 870. ' J~ ( hIrOPR A( TOR pTeMIIVcLARKK. graduate chlro- yrautlc; (painless method.) 303 .So. Ith. Main 446:. QEO. R. SMlTH—(Palmer Oradu- ate). 711 Nat. Kealty Bid. M. 11 SI. "*"-"--~L ' \u25a0^BNTISTS Dr. Burns. Dr. Austin. ELECTRO DENTAIj PARLORS Tacoma Theater KMg. Commercial Truck tt Storage Co.— Furniture moved, packed and stored. Team and auto vans. Fire- roof warehouse. Best corp* of .alntul men In city. Main 70S. '*lJ r AMILY WASHING^ jt/\_ Family washing. Main 1111 .OUC Tucoma Wet Wash. "foot specjaijot^ lIHHI-MATIKM. ImniMiis. nails, bruk- •n archcii treated. Dr. Jonea, Ave- nue Hotel. _GARAG ES GARA(IKS $20 to $35; summer cot- tages $40 and up. Wegener Mfg. .._ Co., 1107 A at. HOTELS THE TRAVEL*HI; transient from 80c up. Special rates by week or month. 1606H Pacific ay. MONTE CARLO—Rins. 35c up. Ev^ erythluK new; steam heat, free baths. 1519*4 Broadway. Main liOSJ HOTE.L MITIYIT sUputatlon Established. Reasonable rates, 314H 11th. Court and Mar- \u25a0HAHT.\ HUTKI.— Modern outside rooms. $1. $2 60 and $3 per w«ek tip. tOe night up. 1)11 Market HOTKL. HIROSHIMA VA. Cur Mir T >t*L" n. d iiUx:. tD<"i''ra: *••• 7lo> *L IN SErrTWiDEti AND SPRAVa^ CARBOI.INEUM and Cre-Sol tZ- chicken lice. Carco Vegetur.i. \u25a0pray. wator. glnia. Btandar Chemical Co. Main »48t, LADIES' AND MEN'S SUITS UR "r# Pr'Pareil to Mfm^/Xl '"'l'd them. You can fur "M'^nS nlih your own cloth ir B»l deslied. The charges \u25a0 fl| I are raual reasonable. P aV9B Morrla. the Tailor. ' J*Vrß 410-11 Provident Bldg "^LOGGEb'oFF'LANEr IN Southwest Waaningtoo to »ci tiers only $& per urn and up fen years to pay. Interest at '. ;. WITRHHAIUItR TIMBER CO Taromu Bldg. Tacoma, Waslt SIGN PAINTERS JEDLICK SIGNS 941 COMMERCE ST. "^llTcTy^Ep7ssiT~BOXEß^ 14.00 per year, flr« and burglar pToof. People' Safety Deposit Co.. 117 So. 11th. Berlin Bldg. Main 2911 SATA^"^NITa!TATrKLTIioANB LOAMS PROMPTLT^MADB ON \u25a0ALARIBS FUUNITURB PIANOS AND BTORAQE RBCHIPTB At rates you can uffi.nl to pay. Money buys cheaper than .-!\u25a0\u25a0 dit Our service has pl«ased many others and will please you. Let us tell you all about It. COAST FINANCE COMPANT tip Bankers Trust Bldg. STOCKfI AND BONDS* WRKiITT-MARTIN aeroplane com- mon stock. .1 IC. McFailand, 314 Equitable Hldg. UNCLE SA^l oil sliaien, pnr $1. Will tiailß for anything, sjiywhere. Siinl dfsrrlptlun of your property to Hot 402, Tarnina, Wunh. *~UNbERT*Ai<ERi~" C. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Director*. •10 Tacoma ay. Main 7745. BUCKLE Y-KINCI "JO.—Profcailoaal Funeral Directors. TSO-31 8t H»»l**ns. Phone M»ln 412. CMSSEDY* ALLEN CO—Funeral directors. 1110 So. 12th. Main 8151. SO. TACOMA rUJK&RAX, PAIILORB, *i:n ITnloj ay. Main 10S3. Oca W. Piper. WEI.i. Dtaaßß v. T. Birch. Park* land. Wash. WINDOW CI.EANINO ~ CITY Window Cleaning Co., vacuum cleaning. Main 4633. RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT—tTnfurnlshed E-room, modern bungalow, full beksetnent 1214 No. Prospect. Owner at 111 \u25a0So. Bth St. FOR RENT $B—finoil8 —finoil r.-r.. So. 25th and Tao. ay. $S —4-1-., Kast und D. $Iti -r.-r., bath, furnlslipil, 11126 E St. ill—|-r H hath, furnished, i:r:n E at. $10 —5-r., bath. South Tacnma. HKKTELBON & CO. 519-20 Berlin Bldg. lln? So. Yaklma, 6-r.. bath ..$12.00 60S So. 30th, 5-r.. bath 16.00 2654 So. Wllkeson, 8-r $8.00 4S3S Sn. M, S rms. and batb..sl2.oo 1714 Ko. 63rd, B-r $6.00 H. J. SCHWINN & CO., Inc. Tacoma Bldg. Main 14 LONG DIBTANCB Moving—Get Our Prices McLean, main Uso MA IXT QOHQ l-°~c*l »»d Long J\ ICi OVA).* Distance Moving. Storage. NlghU -ml Sundays. _MT A J^N 1 HI * "it v Moving Ar Storage Co FIRkpitOOP ctorase. 415 Tao. tr. FURNISHED HOUSE- KEEPING ROOMS NTcßLY"7u7nT»hed 4-r. "flat, good piano; walking distance. Phone Main 7984. 809 80. Yaklma. ill PKhTalt— Ft ne hekpg. rrni M mo. up; walking distance. 80. 10th and Yaklma. BAY VIKW~APTS. Special rates bachelors. U»H Taroma ay. KINK hskpg. rma. |i wk. up. !»»% Puc. ay.. Eau c^lalre Apta, AUTOS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER 1917 Vclie Ught Six, run 1000 miles as dem- onstrator; at a sacrifice. Call Mr. Davies. Lou Schabel's Garage Main 2419. 1201 A St. FORD SAYST WE have a HI4 Ford touring car JUBt out of our paint shop; It's in good mechanical condition and can he sold on easy terms to re- Bponxihle people. Price $135 Also have 1915 Ford touring at $J7i. Little & Kennedy Co. Used Car Dept. 744 Commerce »t. USED CAR BARGAINS DON'T forget that we can nave you money on a good used car. Cars guaranteeed and prtoea right. Sea us before you buy. LOU SCHABEL 12th and A st. Main 1411 RENT^OFFICES ~~ PRIVATE! office, use of reception room. Inquire Utl Fidelity Bldg. LOST—Suit case with lady's white coat and fur In It. Reward. Times. M1 NINO foil mining business or mining in- formation, en'iulre A. M. P. Co. 110-111 Prov. Bias.. Tacoma. costumes BWITCHESr-waves, wigs, hair goods. Thorsen'a, 111* Broadway. Mai* "MONBY\u25a0"''to' LOAN" WVArUII UO.NKY »n imnH for improved prop- erty loans. 201 Bank of Cal. Bldg. IjV^/VJ.'HO :,\u25a0-.'. California HMg. ON first mortgage security at 7 and 8 per cent. Knight * Musek. Bankers Trust. Main 3616. MONRV f ß»* «° *8000. No delay. MUXNJIij: J,., S| . n.Jlead. Pro^. Bd. $25,000 eastern money to loan at 6, 7 and 8 per rent. Inquire J. U Snapp, 1121 Fidelity Bids?. >% to T% ON IMPROVED property. Lnans for building a specialty. Also make loans payable In small ."ninthly tiirlHllnients. L. R. MANNING * CO. Tel. Main 21 Bqultablo Bldg. RK.AL EST*ATK LOANS, term of menthly payments. Match Me CandlMs. Room fOO. National Reafty Bids;. OUR own money to loan. W. N. Doub * Co.. IB*.. 1(4 CaL Bids. Main 11ML PniVATK money to loan, $50 to $1000: no commission. Payments to suit Call till So. Fife. Felix Dubols. T PER CENT money, reasonable rate. SSlt So. sltl>, S. Tacoma, W4 LOANS Short or luog term, any amount 41» California Hldg MORTOAOE I.OANB. Amounts from $200 up, city or farm; lowest rates. NORTftN * CO.. 210 Barlla UIANS for home building or to pay off old mortgages. Lowest rates, special privileges to bor- rowers—S to I years. Money al- ways on hand—no delay. H. J. SCTTWINN * CO.. lno. m-l» Tacoma Bid*. OSTEOPATHS U DR. HUDSONjfiII Provident Bldf. Main Hit Res. phonx. Main 44(1 PICTXIREI;RIvmNG r' EXCLUIIVK ,-ixHortment of Wallace Nutting naturo prints. Holt Art Store. 773 Broadway PA^'HNG^nPA^ERH^NGTxG ('. (t KONBBACh! IMISo. Taklna. Main M 4». ~^TATENt" ATTORJ^EVa I!. I. ELLiOTT7 lltl NatL Realty" HMu Mech. I ng Patents. M. «77». PMISICIANS DR. KLWIN lllliiWN, physTcian~ar7d aurKeon. Office .1016 Fidelity Hldg. Main i34-R, Main 5229._ I'l WARREN BHOWN -- Diseases i>f women and genlto-urtnary and. skin diseases. , 1103 Commerce st Lie X H. HCIiItuKiJKR SKIN AND OENITO URINARY DIB- KASKS Ki:KN< H BLDO. 1151 PACIFia MAIN lm LA UASA Surgeon, X-Ray. diseases of women. g%nlto-urln- ary. Realty Bldg. DR. JONKZ -SURGEON Diseases of woman. Fidelity Bldg; DR. v ELIZABETH DRAKIS, Phys- Iclsjti and Surgeon. 1011 Fidelity Rldg. Main 114; Proctor (48, Mad- ison 117 R-l. DR. I'I.TKI(.»KN-I>ANA. 110 Berlin Bldg. Boandlnavlan Am. Bank). Uflre, Main IJTI; res.. Main nil. DR FOREMANrsURaKON Bankers Trust Bldg. It. TOCUstT Natl. Realty Pidg. Pa). Main BOB; night. Proe. l.'iil. I{Mii;iLT~TYPB JWRITERB ~KK the new Woodstock typewrit- er that speaks for Itself. Both prlc* snd quality. H. D. Baker 4s Co.. 1007 A st HAGTIMB^^ PIANO playing taught In 10 to »• lessons. 14 Temple Music. M. lilt. "ra^rslbharpenbd WK sharpen safety rasor blades. AH work guaranteed. McMillan Bros., »49 Hroadtvay. 8A: 4) DEPOSIT VAULTS MDELITY TnUST CO. 8 SAFE DsV posiT VAI'LTS. Ground floor. ~^CA7ENOBRiff~ ' MKRICAN QA'RBAaß'cb. H* ;\u25a0 nvlng gartiage * refuse of all kinds. Hi Puy. ay. M. T4l. R.. Til*. KKAL INSTATE LAND IT. PAt'L & TACOMA I.I'MHI.U (.'<). offer* direct tv public, on tcniiH absolutely to Bull, the \u25a0.\u25a0in . .11 of aliut clay, oedar ml alder bottom land, on boat of county iiiuih und paved high- ways to Tacoma; near hi hools. stntts fiTifl rallwny stations, on ri't'Hiu, mail and aaito bus routes, at 111 In *'; \u25a0 per acre. I.Uim .it n \u25a0 .JKSSITo. THOMAS, JR. 320 Tucorna Bidg. Main 7818. $1101) SNAP $1100 Owner's Sacrifice T> acrei of land, piitlly cleared, ncnr- ly all fenced, v 4-rootn hou.se, in good repair; tart's attic, good cel- lar, city w»lit; small chlrkan housa and woodshed; only -0 inln- Ulf>a' ride to center of Titcoina; 11,1(11), Jl.ii cash, balance $10 a month. K. V. ORBOORI 2nd Floor Null Realty Uldg. Ask for Halestnan 10. Muln 8.riSB after 9:30 p. m. JH ACRE! on old Puyallup line; K'u'ul |«rootn hOUB6 and outbuild- ings. |IM. 319 California lildg. VEBY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW On tin* N. w. oora«r of rcu.st Mtfc »m 1X Hts., fjtst front, two lots, COx 100; :ilI st rootn gruued, r«>inriit walkh, sewer, water, all ussi-.^s- inontH p»id. fITT.O X \S\ r TTCKMS Fiiu- locality, pood lawn, fruit trtf. berries, pAFden, roses ami uhrub- forry. I'lnro occupied by owner. Must bo Bold at once. IlurKaln. Havelock 0. Boyle & Co. 211 California BldK. Main 2i. Are You Wide Awake to Tacoma'a Industrial situation? Fix your mind on the spot where mi. hi mm:vi Is going—Flats. A little money handing a lot NOW, oeo. i.Awr.icrt 617 Nat'l Realty Bidg. LIBT your property wttn ua. H. X Mahaff«y A Co., 60S Berlin. Modern COMPUBTOttY modern, containing; fireplace, lniff.i. bookcases, cab- inet kitchen, uttlc, concrete foun- dation, etc. Two lots. 41S So. 54th st. $ 100 Cash. $18 Monthly. Prlco $l»00. 4511 So. Tacoma ay. 1200 •\u25a0j.-n 5.U Monthly Price $2200 PHONK for gßftolntmaat or see. them Sunday. We will glad to hliow you them nt any time, Will build on pluiiH to Hult. Maryland Realty Co. ( Uu'ngalows Kxclusively) f.04 California Bid*. Main tIRI ( Resilience Phone Proctor U7OO H-li 80 ACRES TIMBER on paved road, 14 miles from Tuco- inn, m miles from railroad sta- tion. Mostly all fir. Nome ties and l)llli)(f. Owner will sell cheap 1 Acre—Fern Hill Near 7»d St.; 2 blocks from car" partly cleared; good soil; eltj wa- ter mnitiK In nml paid. Only $100 Ensy terms. Mnrtßiige Loans. Insurance RICE-WEBB CO. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR UDAUira CSRTAXM WATERFRONT I'HOPEItTV P>"»"»nt to Ordinance So. 655* passed February ||, mj, notice Si hereby glren that on Monday the Kith ci«y of April, 1917, at 9:30 a ,„ the Treasurer of the City of Taco' ma. at his office In the City Hall will offer at public auction to the highest responsible bidder a lease on the followinK described property The north thirty-five feet of tile south forty-five feet of* Lot 11 Block 62, Tacoma Tide Lands for a term of five years, upon the fol- lowlnc forms and condltiona: (a) The rental of said premises •hall not be less than 155.00 per month, payable on the first day of each month In advance. (b) The lease ahull contain the usual rovenanta between landlord and lessee. W. D. NICKEUS, Published March 12 to April 14 in- clusive. HIT. _____ BOND CALX.: \u25a0- Notice Is hereby given that the following numbered ponds of the following numbered Local Improvement Districts of the City of Tacoma, are called for pay- ment, and that Interest on same ceaaes April t. 1>17: Local improvement District No 69», Bonds If to 18 Inclusive. Local Improvement District No 840, Bonds 19 to 22 Inclusive. JAMBS C. DRAKB. City Treasurer. April 2. 1917. LOCAL Improvement District No. 780. —Notice Is herebjr Riven that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 6010 of the City of Tacoma, a roll has been rdaeed In my hands for the collection of the id annual Install- ment of the aasessment levied for laying cement concrete sidewalks -five (6) feat In width on "C" Street from Houth 80th Street to Su<'_ 35th Street; on South Igth Street from FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE 14 li)H extia fine granulated Sugar for $l.(1u with ass 00 purchase of other gTOCOrtejSL Hulk Cocoa, lb. 20c; 2 lbs. for ..350 4 lba. Klin Dried Onions 25c 7-lb. bag of No. Chick Feed 280 A srood Coffee, lb 10c Bring your own container for I'eanut Butter, 1 lb 10c 6 lbs. Ktill Grain Hl<e 25c WHY PAY Its per lb. for Creamery Butter when we can sell beHt «i.i'l.- Oleomargarine at SOc per lb.? FRCT) DELIVERY to nil parts of the city. Wholesale and retail. Hotel and restaurant supplies. O'Brien Grocery Co. At the Central Public ' Mutket. 114 1-46 PACIFIC AY. Phone Your Orders We Deliver the Goods Potatoes and Flour AT,L kinds of seed potatoes, Rarly Rose, Heauty of Hebron, American Wonder. Btirbank. Wilson's Choice, and Nettod Qajn, OOOD Flour for making bread, \u25a0ac.k $2.15 Oround Lime stone, lb ....1c Good cooking and eating Apples, box 80c up ALL kinds Fresh Green Vegetables. A I "I'LL, complete, line of Poultry, Feed, Flour, Produce, etc. Western Fruit & Produce Co. 13th and Market St. Main 1086. LIOHT roadster to trade for horaei or stork; Shetland pony, cart and harness cheap or trade; blaok mare, sentle to ride or drive, |S5: big- farm horse, $6R. Call at 230S _X 11 at I) nt.y Tac oin a. FOR BALK—One team, harness and wngon, cheap. Call Main S7SS or Main 4029 at house. 3716 East H. SNAP—7 rooms, 2 lots, near ~s¥th and M; Improvements paid; $HOO cash, balances like rent. A-3, The Times. FOR" IAUD CHEAP—Am Kdis~on cylinder phonograph, 75 2 and 4- minuto records, or will exchange for something useful. Will sell for $20. 6537 So. Thompson ay. Madison 910-R. ONE Hanquet steel range, |25, cost new $73; one Buck, $18; one tireatl Western $13. Tel. Main 6844. 11 H. I'lvln. KtL'7 EJi oadw.iy. 100 ACRKS for sals or rent; dairy and genera! farming land; (rood buildings and other Improve- ments; no stock. R. Goodrich, 1841 Broadway. NEW decorative wall papers. Shaw Wai I Paper Co., 1015 A st. Main -."\u25a053. RTTIT flin to be had at Rroad- ijx^oj. wwy Mkt., 1105 Broadway. QKT our prices on good! Id hand ranges and furniture. Tac. Aye. Fur. Exchange, Jlj Tacoma ay. Main 3367. MEN'S sample suits. $25 values. 118.50; $1S value, $7.85; $15 value, |6.»0. Shoes and furnishings at reduced prices. Bob's, 1307 Com- merce, st. 3600-lb. team, harness and wagon, all in good shap*, $225. Hob Bow- man. Tel. Madlion Kin I; i ivnn \u25a0ylvanla aye., Old Puy. car line. LATK Princess aewfnc machine, $10~; Columbia, $». 408 11th at fW» WATCHES eleanea or mail «^-" SDrlnaja. 10a. guarantud. 1 111 Pacific a*. WANTED—Hogs, cattle, veal, hides, poultry. Win call for same. Pay n I chest market prla« Taooaaa Meat Co. Mad. £61. after bus- Iness hours Main SISI. cash paid froiT uaKp rußNrr- CRB AND OTHCR MBKCHAN- r>isB. Wit nTZ-HBNRT HI tOUTH lITH BTRBT. MAHAFFAV insures. (OS Berlla Bldg. Main 17IT. PIANU txprrt. tuning and repair- ing. T. T. Rlcnmond. tOtt M> Hth. Phon. Maiß 1414. SWAPS 5 ACRES Improved, 7-room house, gravity Irrigation system; near car line and Btellacoom. lake. Bar- gain. Part trad*. Phon* even- Ingg Madison 117 R-4. UMIMPROVEP Saquoyah county, Oklahoma, land for residence any- where. BenxJ description to Ho* 40», Tacoma, Wash. TO TRADE—Property in Puyallup, near paved road, for small or. A-6, Times. MARE, weight 1050, easy keeper, for cow, hens or pigs. Main 71BI; evenings. Madison 1132. S ACRES near Spokane fine gar- den land; 8 acres near Ellensburg; «40 acres near Othello. I > R. II ir rls, 908 Paolflo ay. FOR BALK —Two B-acr* tracts near Johnson's Crossing, olds Puyallup car; fin* soil. D. R. Harris. POULTRY HI'FF ORPINQTON DUCKS prla- winners wherever nliowii, beat over, 11 ugas $2.80; Huff mpiiiK- ton chickens, prlie stock, in vgua _|1.80. R. O. Brown, Burton, vv'n. ANCONA sees for hatclilni). fine lay- lna; strain, Co eurh. Proctor aBB7-Y. PRTALL'MA and Queen lneubatora and brooder stoves, poultry sup- plies. Pool*'* Seed .v Implement I Co., 1507-9 Pacific ay. WANT EOG8? Feed Standard Lay- Ing" Mash Keystone Cereal Co., 2111 Jeff. ay. 'jFklT^female^ MOORBFIELD BATHS for rheum.i- tiFm and lagrippc Lady att<-nd- iinl. 7th and Paclfle. Main 6284. HELP—MALE VV A NTEI) -S A LEBMAN FOlt rt'ul (Stat* iiii'l personul prop- erty sul'-8. I'ei'nuinent empluy- munt for rlglit party I>i: I^M) RBNTON CO. 111-16 niiiikurH Trust uidfr. boy wanted, 101 Broadway, Kach- lein Bros WANTKD Boys with bicycles; rood W«B—. Apply Western Union. WANTKD- Hoy about 10 years"Vifd to laarn rrlntina; buslueaa. All- Htitini Piinting Co., T:9 Commerce. ] MOOREFIKLb BATHS for rlifuma- ' tism and-Ligrlppe. Open ij.iy and right. 7th and Pacitic. Main 6284. . WANTKD—Kldnrly couple or "single man on farm. House, fruit and . W-2, oare. Times. aTaIF" YOI'NO man attending; business col- lege desires bookkeeping or steno- graphic position afternoons, after 3. Address A 2, Times. . TOP prices paid for poultry and rab- bits. W. H Corblt, 114 a Market Main 9146. WANTED TO BUY I TO INVEST |100 or so and services by machinist, and fairly good auto, and general mechanic, In 1 small repair shop, or would buy small business or stand of any kind. What have you? A-l, Times. I WANTED—Books and magazines. Y> 0)d Buok Shop, »OH4 Pacific WANTED—Furniture and etovea. J. O. Purkey, Main 1811. RENT—MISCELLANEOUS FOR RBNT—t-aore ranch, one-half mile Houtli of Ihi i .'in nn old Puyullup linn, good lini iiiini;s. or- cliard, best of soil; all In good \u25a0 -11 1 - - Inquire for N. l'aul. FOR RHJNT—6O o7TTo~ii.TwTth "run- ning water, close to paved road, X mllus from city limits; good house, barn and chicken house. Wagon und harness for sale. o U. Storaasll, jr., Parkland. "bigness chances' grocery stork . LOOATIOH in buHy nelgiiliorhood. oarrylng nice demi slock. A large portion of the stock was purchas- I ed on future <leliveries at old prices, and in selling at Inventory these lower cost prices will be. considered as Inisls. (n some In- stances the difference amounts from iO to 35 per cent. Douglas Promotion Co. 811-12-13 Xatl. Realty Hldg. VOII S.VLK—"Lunch room" "on tTTe tideflats, doing a rattling good business. Owner must go on land In Oregon. This would be a good thing for a man and wife, or two women. Inquire. 1118 St. Paul ay. OOOD, clean, small rooming home, lose In and full, low rent, for only »3no. K-10, Times. FOIt 3ALE OR TRADE—A s^nall r«staurant_ at 111 So. «th st. rel^state^ many chances HBRB Is one you can't afford to pass up If you want a little ranch 20 aerea with stock. Call tomor- row for particulars. O. N. JOHNS iOO National Bank of Tacoma Bldg\ GARDEN HOME , 4-ACRE. fine clay soil, new 4-room plastered house, basement and at- tic, chicken house and some fruit trees, all ready for garden; $SGO terms. C. F. MASON ; Main 4044. 806-7 Equitable Bid*. A GENUINE SNAP , 10-ROOM boarding and rooming house located at »4* 80. E st. We.ll I furnished; $326, half cash, balance terms. , DE LAND HENTON CO. 815-1* Bankers Trust Bldg. \ "10 Ac. E. W*. For Res. ALFALFA and spud land, full water right, near Rlchland, $2000, free and clear. Will trade for resi- dence and a>umae. PORTLAND lots, clear, |700, for small hoii-i- and assume. ", Bamhisel Main 764. 4l< Taroma nidf. DROP BOOZE INTO HOLE A hole in the floor of the Tonic liar, 1401 Pacific avenue, over which w.'ih suspended a bottle of whisky on a string, aaved the place from a raid for several weeks. But when the pollifi learned Satunlcty afternoon that nearly 60 whisky bottles h,.d bMO dropped Miriiu; i the hols during the pust II days, MM dry squad bo^an action. Unrlcndem saved themselves from arrest, the police say, by cut- Miik the string and letting thn hot- t!es full through to the cement floor of tin- hii*cnient. The police found r>u broken bottles on the floor, and the pile reeked of li'inor, they say. .lack Hoys, bartender, was ar- rMted in the laturdajr raid, and the entire imr fixture*, furniture and soft drink stuck was removed In drays. Roys was put on trial In polio* court laic Monday after- noon. Contractor Is Held In Jail O. P. Sather, !!.! a Tacoma contractor, was arrested Sunday evening at South Tacoma on a charge of driving an automobile wlillo intoxicated, and was ordor- . Ed held In Jail until Monday. Friends) produced ball for his re lease. , Three officers were necessary to . arrest Sather. Mounted Officers ; Howard and McCullum forced him to stop liis machine after pursuing him more than a mile, and Po- Ijeeinan (ireenwbod assisted in subduing him. U.J3. TO TAKE OVER 90 GERMAN SHIPS WASHINGTON, D. <\, April 2. —Plane were completed by tho government today to take over 90 of the German merchant ships in- terned in AmeriCHii ports immedi- ately a state of war is declared to exist by congress. CALL RIOT REPORT "FLAT INVENTION" (Nprclnl !•• The liiu<« > BBRLJN, March 29, via Say- ville.—Paris reiiorts that riots have occurred amongst the work- men of several German towns, par- ticularly f.eipsig, Dresden, Muen- chen and Berlin, as a result of tho republican revolution are flat in- ventions, says the official (iormnn press inireiiii in a Btatenient today. DRASTIC SPY BILL READY TO ACT ON ll 1.11..1 l'r»KK I• r. -\u0084 ,| Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C., April 2. —A fjeneral spy bill, more dras- tic even than the spy bill that passed the senate last season and failed in the house, was to be In- troduced in the house immediately upon Its organization this after- noon by Chairman Webb of thfl Judiciary committee. \u25a0IWIIIII i!i;iN(. ki-.-.o From the sale of whisky bottles captured In recent dry squad raids | $12.50 was added to the police pension fund Monday. MOUNTAIN VIKW m KIM, MM All IVi|M-iiuii ('arc. Now available for immedi- ate use. A Modern Park Cemetery. Situated at end of So. Ta- coma Car Line. For Iiit>>i iii.it inn Call Main 521. Teuat * notices/ Delln Street to the alley between 1 Pacific Avenue and "A" Street; and 1 on South :M-t Street from a point 60 , feet went of "C" Street to a point 212 feet east of Pacific Avenue, except < wli«r« on account of low ground, 1 \u25a0IX fnot <«') wooden walks ar» n«c- i esmiry, and relaying the necessary cro»« walks. Provided that where c-ement walks have already been construct- ed that conform to line and grade., they shall nut be Included In this Improvement. Bald Installment may be paid on or before May 2nd. % 1»17, but If not paid on or before said date, added Interest, penalty and costs will attach. JAMES C DRAKE, City Treasurer. April 2-9-16, 1917. MOGUL TRUCK FOR CITY IS A BIG MACHINE A new motor truck for the Ta>- coma street department, said to lie the largest truck In the North- west, was given its first try-on by the street department Sunday. The machine weighs five ami oiie- half ioiik, and is ho large ih.it th» top (if the motor Is higher than A man's head. With a loud of gravel weighing six and one half tons, the truck went up the steep 17th atreet hill, down J to Centir. and then up th» unpaved hill of Wilkeson Htreet, one of the steepest grades in liia city. The car made an average .\u25a0!"•• \u25a0 I of four miloH an hour, nid performed splendidly, according to Commissioner Atkins, who accom- panied It. Ny means of an automatic de- vice, the truck spread a ribbon of gravel on South Alnsworth ay». four feet wide, six inches deep and SO feet long. The truck goes Into active ierr- ica tills week. PUT IN CHARGE OF ALASKA RAILWAY Meyer has been made assistant to Secretary of Interior I*ane and will be in charge of the Alaskan railway now Mag built, lie is an. Ohio man, SO years of a«e, and was Lane's private secretary four years. TODAY'S MARKET PRICES i. . . \u25a0-. ... ... , . \u0084 .i .»> « % <^ .^ ,«> t> WHAT HKTAILKItS PAT \u2666 «\u25a0 <S- * <i- i< >i- <*. <sn «> * \u2666 -i> \u25a0?> * <> \u2666 Poultry. Live ducks 12c to 'In Live hens 16c to 170 <;\u25a0\u25a0.. dressed 12c to 14a I:iillit. Ik>. lTie«Me Wawh. creamery butter 430 Orrnon butter 4:'o Fii'sli ranch eKKs 2Ho Washington cheese 24c Swiss cheese 300 Tillamook cheese 22c Cream brick cheese 2So Meats (Dressed) Heifers i .<j I Mutton, wethers 190 Hogs 200 Steer beef IBHo Ewes l 8a Yearlings 200 Fancy veal 14 @ lv« Fruit. Lemons, box $3.!>0 to $4 Bananas, lb ,q Oranges, box $2.2f> to ft Cooklag apples $l^si.2t Wlnesap apiiles fl.uO Grapefruit, Florida $| Grapefruit, Cal $2.7 i \ i- il»l>lc«. Potatoes, local fi. / O Onions, lb Carrots, sack $1.61 Lettuce, Cal f J Lett tie c, local $ 1.1 Rutubagas $1.59 Cucumbers, dozen $I.AO Ileets, sack $2.50 Tomatoes, crate $3.£>o Cabbage, loral, lb 6o Celery, crate $g Cauliflower, crate $2.75 Squash, lb 4q Artichokes, dozen si Cranberries, bbl $6 Hnissels tprouta, lb 100 Spinach, box $1.50 Rhuharb, lb 7«j Cal. new peas, 1b.., n«j Flour. Amocat $9.25 Pyramid $B.aj Drifted Snow $8.81 Occident 111.40 Olympic f 8.85 Lyon's Best .. ..' 111.40 Keystone fall wheat $B.SO Ha, and ciraln. Corn, ton $64 @ 61 Bran, ton $31 Whole oata, ton $43 Ha»ey. ton $44 Shorts, ton .A $34 Timothy, ton $25 Wheat, ton $<o@6l Alfalfa, ton $17©1» Scratch food, ton $61 Rolled oats, ton $44

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Page 1: A Want Ad Resunlts—-Jest Phooe MaSmi -^i · Monday, April 2, 1917 -THE TACOMA TIMES— Page Seven A Times Want Ad Brinws Resunlts—-Jest Phooe MaSmi 112-^i Doings of the Duffs

Monday, April 2, 1917 -T HE TACOMA TIMES— Page Seven

A Times Want Ad Brinws Resunlts—-Jest Phooe MaSmi 112 -^iDoings of the Duffs Bvenr Father Should Understand His Own Son. By Allrnan


I cent n word each lniortlon—B times (or the price of JL

I mnnth, per line per montb ess 91.09t montbi, per line per month •••• 959 months, per line per mouth • 99IS months, per line per nonth 7•

Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advanceNo Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents.

PHONE MAIN 12„.. \u25a0 «»•\u25a0 \u25a0 »|W»»»I««»««««««>««««»««II«WI««»««««W»>«»W«IWW<I«««MIW«M|





MAIN 101.Rankers Trust Hldg.


TACOMA TITLE CO.—Ground floorFidelity Bldg. Main 2194.


.aUTOMOHII.E ambulance. Only on*

.-'" .c.l.l;._M*l?.t>:» BLUK PRINTS, MAPS,

SURVEYINGCITY and county nurvcyi. tlilc-lun<l\

Slaps. Nicholson Knf, Co., 604Fidelity. Main 474.

BUSINESS COLLEGESBj^p^'jT^Bßl i ming man,

* IX « lt.it Fire youof? ;.

Win <W*^nilia for help

f^F *j»lM«rth 19. HutRll«»«M^Cvl ><\u25a0 iuii ar« notlllUdlnCuJ >' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0t" i| "'" v

lp/ *^i;lton<". we •*\u25a0VS% jfc/JiK-ip you-

\u25a0ky/lcJ^fl 'college\u25a0k-T*"~*^^M Fidelity H.l.

CARPET CLEANINGlL L> HOUCK—Carpot beating, re-

fitting and laying; J«»th»r r«no--vatlnjf and upholstering, till »tbay. Slain l»


"'(COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIESttß make connections to new heat-

iDg company. Coffee PlumbingJo. Main 870.


( hIrOPR A(TORpTeMIIVcLARKK. graduate chlro-

yrautlc; (painless method.) 303 .So.Ith. Main 446:.

QEO. R. SMlTH—(Palmer Oradu-ate). 711 Nat. Kealty Bid. M. 11 SI.

"*"-"--~L' \u25a0^BNTISTSDr. Burns. Dr. Austin.


Commercial Truck tt Storage Co.—Furniture moved, packed andstored. Team and auto vans. Fire-

roof warehouse. Best corp* of.alntul men In city. Main 70S.

'*lJrAMILYWASHING^jt/\_ Family washing. Main 1111.OUC Tucoma Wet Wash.

"foot specjaijot^lIHHI-MATIKM. ImniMiis. nails, bruk-

•n archcii treated. Dr. Jonea, Ave-nue Hotel.

_GARAG ESGARA(IKS $20 to $35; summer cot-

tages $40 and up. Wegener Mfg..._ Co., 1107 A at.

HOTELSTHE TRAVEL*HI; transient from

80c up. Special rates by week ormonth. 1606H Pacific ay.

MONTE CARLO—Rins. 35c up. Ev^erythluK new; steam heat, freebaths. 1519*4 Broadway. Main liOSJ

HOTE.L MITIYITsUputatlon Established. Reasonablerates, 314H 11th. Court and Mar-

\u25a0HAHT.\ HUTKI.—Modern outsiderooms. $1. $2 60 and $3 per w«ek

tip. tOe night up. 1)11 MarketHOTKL. HIROSHIMAVA. Cur Mir

T >t*L"n.d iiUx:. tD<"i''ra: *••• 7lo> *LINSErrTWiDEti AND SPRAVa^

CARBOI.INEUM and Cre-Sol tZ-chicken lice. Carco Vegetur.i.

\u25a0pray. wator. glnia. BtandarChemical Co. Main »48t,


UR "r# Pr'Pareil to

Mfm^/Xl '"'l'd them. You can fur

"M'^nS nlih your own cloth irB»l deslied. The charges\u25a0 fl| Iare raual reasonable.P aV9B Morrla. the Tailor.

' J*Vrß 410-11 Provident Bldg

"^LOGGEb'oFF'LANErIN Southwest Waaningtoo to »ci

tiers only $& 0» per urn and upfen years to pay. Interest at '. ;.WITRHHAIUItR TIMBER CO

Taromu Bldg. Tacoma, Waslt



"^llTcTy^Ep7ssiT~BOXEß^14.00 per year, flr« and burglar

pToof. People' Safety DepositCo.. 117 So. 11th. Berlin Bldg.Main 2911




At rates you can uffi.nl to pay.Money buys cheaper than .-!\u25a0\u25a0 dit

Our service has pl«ased manyothers and will please you. Let ustell you all about It.

COAST FINANCE COMPANTtip Bankers Trust Bldg.


mon stock. .1 IC. McFailand, 314Equitable Hldg.

UNCLE SA^l oil sliaien, pnr $1. Willtiailß for anything, sjiywhere.Siinl dfsrrlptlun of your propertyto Hot 402, Tarnina, • Wunh.

*~UNbERT*Ai<ERi~"C. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Director*.

•10 Tacoma ay. Main 7745.BUCKLE Y-KINCI "JO.—Profcailoaal

Funeral Directors. TSO-31 8tH»»l**ns. Phone M»ln 412.

CMSSEDY* ALLEN CO—Funeraldirectors. 1110 So. 12th. Main 8151.

SO. TACOMA rUJK&RAX, PAIILORB,*i:n ITnloj ay. Main 10S3. OcaW. Piper.

WEI.i. Dtaaßß v. T. Birch. Park*land. Wash.


CITY Window CleaningCo., vacuum cleaning.Main 4633.

RENT—HOUSESFOR RENT—tTnfurnlshed E-room,

modern bungalow, full beksetnent1214 No. Prospect. Owner at 111

\u25a0So. Bth St.

FOR RENT$B—finoil8—finoil r.-r.. So. 25th and Tao. ay.

$S —4-1-., Kast und D.$Iti -r.-r., bath, furnlslipil, 11126 E St.ill—|-rH hath, furnished, i:r:n E at.$10 —5-r., bath. South Tacnma.

HKKTELBON & CO.519-20 Berlin Bldg.

lln? So. Yaklma, 6-r.. bath ..$12.0060S So. 30th, 5-r.. bath 16.002654 So. Wllkeson, 8-r $8.004S3S Sn. M, S rms. and batb..sl2.oo1714 Ko. 63rd, B-r $6.00

H. J. SCHWINN & CO., Inc.Tacoma Bldg. Main 14

LONG DIBTANCBMoving—Get Our Prices

McLean, main Uso

MAIXT QOHQ l-°~c*l »»d LongJ\ ICi OVA).* Distance Moving.Storage. NlghU -ml Sundays.


* "itv Moving Ar Storage CoFIRkpitOOP ctorase. 415 Tao. tr.


NTcßLY"7u7nT»hed 4-r. "flat, goodpiano; walking distance. PhoneMain 7984. 809 80. Yaklma.

illPKhTalt— Ft ne hekpg. rrni Mmo. up; walking distance. 80. 10thand Yaklma.

BAY VIKW~APTS. Special rates t»bachelors. U»H Taroma ay.

KINK hskpg. rma. |i wk. up. !»»%Puc. ay.. Eau c^lalre Apta,


1917 Vclie Ught Six,run 1000 miles as dem-onstrator; at a sacrifice.Call Mr. Davies.Lou Schabel's Garage

Main 2419. 1201 A St.FORD SAYST

WE have a HI4 Ford touring carJUBt out of our paint shop; It's ingood mechanical condition andcan he sold on easy terms to re-Bponxihle people. Price $135 Alsohave 1915 Ford touring at $J7i.

Little & Kennedy Co.Used Car Dept.

744 Commerce »t.

USED CAR BARGAINSDON'T forget that we can nave you

money on a good used car. Carsguaranteeed and prtoea right. Seaus before you buy.

LOU SCHABEL12th and A st. Main 1411

RENT^OFFICES ~~PRIVATE! office, use of reception

room. Inquire Utl Fidelity Bldg.

LOST—Suit case with lady's whitecoat and fur In It. Reward. Times.

M1NINOfoil mining business or mining in-

formation, en'iulre A. M. P. Co.110-111 Prov. Bias.. Tacoma.

costumesBWITCHESr-waves, wigs, hair goods.

Thorsen'a, 111* Broadway. Mai*

"MONBY\u25a0"''to' LOAN"WVArUII

UO.NKY »n imnH for improved prop-erty loans. 201 Bank of Cal. Bldg.

IjV^/VJ.'HO :,\u25a0-.'. California HMg.

ON first mortgage security at 7 and8 per cent. Knight * Musek.Bankers Trust. Main 3616.

MONRV fß»* «° *8000. No delay.MUXNJIij: J,., S| . n.Jlead. Pro^. Bd.$25,000 eastern money to loan at 6,

7 and 8 per rent. Inquire J. USnapp, 1121 Fidelity Bids?.

>% to T%ON IMPROVED property. Lnans

for building a specialty. Alsomake loans payable In small."ninthly tiirlHllnients.

L. R. MANNING * CO.Tel. Main 21 Bqultablo Bldg.

RK.AL EST*ATK LOANS, term ofmenthly payments. Match MeCandlMs. Room fOO. NationalReafty Bids;.

OUR own money to loan. W. N.Doub * Co.. IB*.. 1(4 CaL Bids.Main 11ML

PniVATK money to loan, $50 to$1000: no commission. Paymentsto suit Call till So. Fife. FelixDubols.

T PER CENT money, reasonablerate. SSlt So. sltl>, S. Tacoma, W4

LOANS — Short or luog term, anyamount 41» California Hldg

MORTOAOE I.OANB. Amounts from$200 up, city or farm; lowestrates. NORTftN * CO.. 210 Barlla

UIANS for home building or topay off old mortgages. Lowestrates, special privileges to bor-rowers—S to I years. Money al-ways on hand—no delay.

H. J. SCTTWINN * CO.. lno.m-l» Tacoma Bid*.


DR. HUDSONjfiII Provident Bldf.Main Hit Res. phonx. Main 44(1


EXCLUIIVK ,-ixHortment of WallaceNutting naturo prints. Holt ArtStore. 773 Broadway

PA^'HNG^nPA^ERH^NGTxG('. (t KONBBACh! IMISo. Taklna.

Main M4».

~^TATENt" ATTORJ^EVaI!. I. ELLiOTT7 lltl NatL Realty"

HMu Mech. I ng Patents. M. «77».


DR. KLWIN lllliiWN, physTcian~ar7daurKeon. Office .1016 FidelityHldg. Main i34-R, Main 5229._

I'l WARREN BHOWN -- Diseasesi>f women and genlto-urtnary and.skin diseases. , 1103 Commerce st


lm LA UASA — Surgeon, X-Ray.diseases of women. g%nlto-urln-ary. Realty Bldg.

DR. JONKZ -SURGEONDiseases of woman. Fidelity Bldg;

DR. v ELIZABETH DRAKIS, Phys-Iclsjti and Surgeon. 1011 FidelityRldg. Main 114; Proctor (48, Mad-ison 117 R-l.

DR. I'I.TKI(.»KN-I>ANA. 110 BerlinBldg. Boandlnavlan Am. Bank).• Uflre, Main IJTI; res.. Main nil.

DR FOREMANrsURaKONBankers Trust Bldg.

It. TOCUstT Natl. Realty Pidg.Pa). Main BOB; night. Proe. l.'iil.I{Mii;iLT~TYPBJWRITERB

~KK the new Woodstock typewrit-er that speaks for Itself. Bothprlc* snd quality. H. D. Baker 4sCo.. 1007 A st

HAGTIMB^^PIANO playing taught In 10 to »•lessons. 14 Temple Music. M. lilt.

"ra^rslbharpenbdWK sharpen safety rasor blades.

AH work guaranteed. McMillanBros., »49 Hroadtvay.


posiT VAI'LTS. Ground floor.

~^CA7ENOBRiff~' MKRICAN QA'RBAaß'cb. — H*

;\u25a0 nvlng gartiage * refuse of allkinds. Hi Puy. ay. M. T4l. R.. Til*.



(.'<). offer* direct tv public, ontcniiH absolutely to Bull, the• \u25a0.\u25a0in . .11 of aliut clay, oedar mlalder bottom land, on boat ofcounty iiiuih und paved high-ways to Tacoma; near hi hools.stntts fiTifl rallwny stations, onri't'Hiu, mail and aaito bus routes,at 111 In *'; \u25a0 per acre. I.Uim .it n \u25a0

.JKSSITo. THOMAS, JR.320 Tucorna Bidg. Main 7818.

$1101) SNAP $1100Owner's Sacrifice

T> acrei of land, piitllycleared, ncnr-ly all fenced, v 4-rootn hou.se, ingood repair; tart's attic, good cel-lar, city w»lit; small chlrkanhousa and woodshed; only -0 inln-Ulf>a' ride to center of Titcoina;11,1(11), Jl.ii cash, balance $10 amonth.

K. V. ORBOORI2nd Floor Null Realty Uldg.

Ask for Halestnan 10.Muln 8.riSB after 9:30 p. m.

JH ACRE! on old Puyallup line;K'u'ul |«rootn hOUB6 and outbuild-ings. |IM. 319 California lildg.


On tin* N. w. oora«r of rcu.st Mtfc»m 1X Hts., fjtst front, two lots,COx 100; :ilI st rootn gruued, r«>inriitwalkh, sewer, water, all ussi-.^s-inontH p»id.

fITT.O X \S\ r TTCKMSFiiu- locality, pood lawn, fruit trtf.

berries, pAFden, roses ami uhrub-forry. I'lnro occupied by owner.Must bo Bold at once. IlurKaln.

Havelock 0. Boyle & Co.211 California BldK. Main 2i.

Are You Wide Awaketo Tacoma'a Industrial situation?

Fix your mind on the spot wheremi. hi mm:vi Is going—Flats.A little money handing a lotNOW,

oeo. i.Awr.icrt617 Nat'l Realty Bidg.

LIBT your property wttn ua. H. XMahaff«y A Co., 60S Berlin.


COMPUBTOttY modern, containing;fireplace, lniff.i. bookcases, cab-inet kitchen, uttlc, concrete foun-dation, etc. Two lots.

41S So. 54th st.$ 100 Cash. $18 Monthly.

Prlco $l»00.

4511 So. Tacoma ay.1200 •\u25a0j.-n 5.U Monthly

Price $2200

PHONK for gßftolntmaat or see. themSunday. We will h« glad to hliowyou them nt any time, Will buildon pluiiH to Hult.

Maryland Realty Co.( Uu'ngalows Kxclusively)

f.04 California Bid*. Main tIRI( Resilience Phone Proctor U7OO H-li

80 ACRES TIMBERon paved road, 14 miles from Tuco-inn, m miles from railroad sta-tion. Mostly all fir. Nome ties andl)llli)(f. Owner will sell cheap

1 Acre—Fern HillNear 7»d St.; 2 blocks from car"partly cleared; good soil; eltj wa-

ter mnitiK In nml paid. Only $100Ensy terms.Mnrtßiige Loans. Insurance



WATERFRONT I'HOPEItTVP>"»"»nt to Ordinance So. 655*passed February ||, mj, notice Sihereby glren that on Monday theKith ci«y of April, 1917, at 9:30 a ,„the Treasurer of the City of Taco'ma. at his office In the City Hallwill offer at public auction to thehighest responsible bidder a leaseon the followinK described property

The north thirty-five feet of tilesouth forty-five feet of* Lot 11Block 62, Tacoma Tide Lands fora term of five years, upon the fol-lowlnc forms and condltiona:

(a) The rental of said premises•hall not be less than 155.00 permonth, payable on the first day ofeach month In advance.

(b) The lease ahull contain theusual rovenanta between landlordand lessee.W. D. NICKEUS,

Published March 12 to April 14 in-clusive. HIT. _____BOND CALX.: \u25a0- Notice Is hereby

given that the following numberedponds of the following numberedLocal Improvement Districts of theCity of Tacoma, are called for pay-ment, and that Interest on sameceaaes April t. 1>17:

Local improvement District No69», Bonds If to 18 Inclusive.

Local Improvement District No840, Bonds 19 to 22 Inclusive.

JAMBS C. DRAKB.City Treasurer.

April 2. 1917.LOCAL Improvement District No.

780. —Notice Is herebjr Riven thatIn pursuance of Ordinance No. 6010of the City of Tacoma, a roll hasbeen rdaeed In my hands for thecollection of the id annual Install-ment of the aasessment levied forlaying cement concrete sidewalks

-five (6) feat In width on "C" Streetfrom Houth 80th Street to Su<'_ 35thStreet; on South Igth Street from



14 li)H extia fine granulated Sugarfor $l.(1u with ass 00 purchase ofother gTOCOrtejSL

Hulk Cocoa, lb. 20c; 2 lbs. for ..3504 lba. Klin Dried Onions 25c7-lb. bag of No. Chick Feed 280A srood Coffee, lb 10cBring your own container for

I'eanut Butter, 1 lb 10c6 lbs. Ktill Grain Hl<e 25cWHY PAY Its per lb. for Creamery

Butter when we can sell beHt«i.i'l.- Oleomargarine at SOc perlb.?

FRCT) DELIVERY to nil parts of thecity. Wholesale and retail. Hoteland restaurant supplies.

O'Brien Grocery Co.At the Central Public 'Mutket.

114 1-46 PACIFIC AY.

Phone Your OrdersWe Deliver the Goods

Potatoes and FlourAT,L kinds of seed potatoes, Rarly

Rose, Heauty of Hebron, AmericanWonder. Btirbank. Wilson'sChoice, and Nettod Qajn,

OOOD Flour for making bread,\u25a0ac.k $2.15Oround Lime stone, lb ....1c

Good cooking and eating Apples,box 80c up

ALL kinds Fresh Green Vegetables.A I"I'LL, complete, line of Poultry,

Feed, Flour, Produce, etc.

Western Fruit &Produce Co.

13th and Market St. Main 1086.

LIOHT roadster to trade for horaeior stork; Shetland pony, cart andharness cheap or trade; blaokmare, sentle to ride or drive, |S5:big- farm horse, $6R. Call at 230S

_X11 at I) nt.y Tac oina.FOR BALK—One team, harness and

wngon, cheap. Call Main S7SS orMain 4029 at house. 3716 East H.

SNAP—7 rooms, 2 lots, near ~s¥thand M; Improvements paid; $HOOcash, balances like rent. A-3, The

Times.FOR" IAUD CHEAP—Am Kdis~on

cylinder phonograph, 75 2 and 4-minuto records, or will exchangefor something useful. Will sellfor $20. 6537 So. Thompson ay.Madison 910-R.

ONE Hanquet steel range, |25, costnew $73; one Buck, $18; one tireatlWestern $13. Tel. Main 6844. 11H. I'lvln. KtL'7 EJi oadw.iy.

100 ACRKS for sals or rent; dairyand genera! farming land; (roodbuildings and other Improve-ments; no stock. R. Goodrich, 1841Broadway.

NEW decorative wall papers. ShawWai I Paper Co., 1015 A st. Main-."\u25a053.

RTTIT flin to be had at Rroad-ijx^oj. wwy Mkt., 1105 Broadway.

QKT our prices on good! Id handranges and furniture. Tac. Aye.Fur. Exchange, Jlj Tacoma ay.Main 3367.

MEN'S sample suits. $25 values.118.50; $1S value, $7.85; $15 value,|6.»0. Shoes and furnishings atreduced prices. Bob's, 1307 Com-merce, st.

3600-lb. team, harness and wagon,all in good shap*, $225. Hob Bow-man. Tel. Madlion Kin I; i ivnn\u25a0ylvanla aye., Old Puy. car line.

LATK Princess aewfnc machine, $10~;Columbia, $». 408 11th at

fW» WATCHES eleanea or mail«^-" SDrlnaja. 10a. guarantud. 1 111

Pacific a*.

WANTED—Hogs, cattle, veal, hides,poultry. Win call for same. Payn Ichest market prla« TaooaaaMeat Co. Mad. £61. after bus-Iness hours Main SISI.

cash paid froiT uaKp rußNrr-CRB AND OTHCR MBKCHAN-r>isB.


MAHAFFAV insures. (OS BerllaBldg. Main 17IT.

PIANU txprrt. tuning and repair-ing. T. T. Rlcnmond. tOtt M>Hth. Phon. Maiß 1414.

SWAPS5 ACRES Improved, 7-room house,

gravity Irrigation system; nearcar line and Btellacoom. lake. Bar-gain. Part trad*. Phon* even-Ingg Madison 117 R-4.

UMIMPROVEP Saquoyah county,Oklahoma, land for residence any-where. BenxJ description to Ho*40», Tacoma, Wash.

TO TRADE—Property in Puyallup,near paved road, for small or.A-6, Times.

MARE, weight 1050, easy keeper, forcow, hens or pigs. Main 71BI;evenings. Madison 1132.

S ACRES near Spokane fine gar-den land; 8 acres near Ellensburg;«40 acres near Othello. I > R. II irrls, 908 Paolflo ay.

FOR BALK—Two B-acr* tracts nearJohnson's Crossing, olds Puyallupcar; fin* soil. D. R. Harris.


winners wherever nliowii, beatover, 11 ugas $2.80; Huff mpiiiK-ton chickens, prlie stock, in vgua

_|1.80. R. O. Brown, Burton, vv'n.ANCONA sees for hatclilni). fine lay-

lna; strain, Co eurh. Proctor aBB7-Y.PRTALL'MA and Queen lneubatora

and brooder stoves, poultry sup-plies. Pool*'* Seed .v Implement

I Co., 1507-9 Pacific ay.

WANT EOG8? Feed Standard Lay-Ing" Mash Keystone Cereal Co.,2111 Jeff. ay.

'jFklT^female^MOORBFIELD BATHS for rheum.i-

tiFm and lagrippc Lady att<-nd-iinl. 7th and Paclfle. Main 6284.


• FOlt rt'ul (Stat* iiii'l personul prop-erty sul'-8. I'ei'nuinent empluy-munt for rlglit party

I>i: I^M)RBNTON CO.111-16 niiiikurH Trust uidfr.

boy wanted, 101 Broadway, Kach-lein Bros

WANTKD Boys with bicycles; roodW«B—. Apply Western Union.

WANTKD- Hoy about 10 years"Vifdto laarn rrlntina; buslueaa. All-Htitini Piinting Co., T:9 Commerce.

] MOOREFIKLb BATHS for rlifuma-

' tism and-Ligrlppe. Open ij.iy andright. 7th and Pacitic. Main6284.. WANTKD—Kldnrly couple or "singleman on farm. House, fruit and. W-2, oare. Times.

aTaIF"YOI'NO man attending; business col-

lege desires bookkeeping or steno-graphic position afternoons, after3. Address A 2, Times.

.TOP prices paid for poultry and rab-

bits. W. H Corblt, 114 aMarketMain 9146.

WANTED TO BUYI TO INVEST |100 or so and services

by machinist, and fairly goodauto, and general mechanic, In

1 small repair shop, or would buysmall business or stand of any

• kind. What have you? A-l, Times.I WANTED—Books and magazines.

Y> 0)d Buok Shop, »OH4 PacificWANTED—Furniture and etovea. J.

O. Purkey, Main 1811.

RENT—MISCELLANEOUSFOR RBNT—t-aore ranch, one-half

mile Houtli of Ihi i .'in nn oldPuyullup linn, good lini iiiini;s. or-cliard, best of soil; all In good

\u25a0 -11 1 - - Inquire for N. l'aul.FOR RHJNT—6O o7TTo~ii.TwTth "run-

ning water, close to paved road, Xmllus from city limits; good house,barn and chicken house. Wagonund harness for sale. o U.Storaasll, jr., Parkland.

"bigness chances'grocery stork. LOOATIOH in buHy nelgiiliorhood.

oarrylng nice demi slock. A largeportion of the stock was purchas-

I ed on future <leliveries at oldprices, and in selling at Inventorythese lower cost prices will be.considered as Inisls. (n some In-stances the difference amountsfrom iO to 35 per cent.Douglas Promotion Co.

811-12-13 Xatl. Realty Hldg.

VOII S.VLK—"Lunch room" "on tTTetideflats, doing a rattling goodbusiness. Owner must go on landIn Oregon. This would be a goodthing for a man and wife, or twowomen. Inquire. 1118 St. Paul ay.

OOOD, clean, small rooming home,• lose In and full, low rent, for only»3no. K-10, Times.

FOIt 3ALE OR TRADE—A s^nallr«staurant_ at 111 So. «th st.

rel^state^many chances

HBRB Is one you can't afford topass up If you want a little ranch20 aerea with stock. Call tomor-row for particulars.

O. N. JOHNSiOO National Bank of Tacoma Bldg\

GARDEN HOME, 4-ACRE. fine clay soil, new 4-roomplastered house, basement and at-

tic, chicken house and some fruittrees, all ready for garden; $SGOterms.

C. F. MASON; Main 4044. 806-7 Equitable Bid*.

A GENUINE SNAP, 10-ROOM boarding and roominghouse located at »4* 80. E st. We.llI furnished; $326, half cash, balanceterms.

, DE LAND HENTON CO.815-1* Bankers Trust Bldg.

\ "10 Ac. E. W*. For Res.ALFALFA and spud land, full waterright, near Rlchland, $2000, free

and clear. Will trade for resi-dence and a>umae.

PORTLAND lots, clear, |700, forsmall hoii-i- and assume.

", BamhiselMain 764. 4l< Taroma nidf.


A hole in the floor of the Tonicliar, 1401 Pacific avenue, overwhich w.'ih suspended a bottle ofwhisky on a string, aaved theplace from a raid for severalweeks.

But when the pollifi learnedSatunlcty afternoon that nearly 60whisky bottles h,.d bMO droppedMiriiu; i the hols during the pustII days, MM dry squad bo^anaction.

Unrlcndem saved themselvesfrom arrest, the police say, by cut-Miik the string and letting thn hot-t!es full through to the cementfloorof tin- hii*cnient. The policefound r>u broken bottles on thefloor, and the pile reeked ofli'inor, they say.

.lack Hoys, bartender, was ar-rMted in the laturdajr raid, andthe entire imr fixture*, furnitureand soft drink stuck was removedIn drays. Roys was put on trialIn polio* court laic Monday after-noon.

Contractor IsHeld In Jail

O. P. Sather, !!.! a Tacomacontractor, was arrested Sundayevening at South Tacoma on acharge of driving an automobilewlillo intoxicated, and was ordor-. Ed held In Jail until Monday.Friends) produced ball for his release., Three officers were necessary to. arrest Sather. Mounted Officers

; Howard and McCullum forced himto stop liis machine after pursuinghim more than a mile, and Po-Ijeeinan (ireenwbod assisted insubduing him.


WASHINGTON, D. <\, April 2.—Plane were completed by thogovernment today to take over 90of the German merchant ships in-terned in AmeriCHii ports immedi-ately a state of war is declared toexist by congress.


(Nprclnl !•• The liiu<« >BBRLJN, March 29, via Say-

ville.—Paris reiiorts that riotshave occurred amongst the work-men of several German towns, par-ticularly f.eipsig, Dresden, Muen-chen and Berlin, as a result of thorepublican revolution are flat in-ventions, says the official (iormnnpress inireiiii in a Btatenient today.


ll 1.11..1 l'r»KK I• r. -\u0084 ,| Wire.)

WASHINGTON, D. C., April 2.—A fjeneral spy bill, more dras-tic even than the spy bill thatpassed the senate last season andfailed in the house, was to be In-troduced in the house immediatelyupon Its organization this after-noon by Chairman Webb of thflJudiciary committee.

\u25a0IWIIIII i!i;iN(.ki-.-.oFrom the sale of whisky bottles

captured In recent dry squad raids |$12.50 was added to the policepension fund Monday.


MMAll IVi|M-iiuii ('arc.

Now available for immedi-ate use.A Modern Park Cemetery.

Situated at end of So. Ta-coma Car Line.

For Iiit>>i iii.it inn CallMain 521.

Teuat * notices/Delln Street to the alley between 1Pacific Avenue and "A" Street; and 1on South :M-t Street from a point 60 ,feet went of "C" Street to a point 212feet east of Pacific Avenue, except <wli«r« on account of low ground, 1

\u25a0IX fnot <«') wooden walks ar» n«c- iesmiry, and relaying the necessarycro»« walks.

Provided that where c-ementwalks have already been construct-ed that conform to line and grade.,they shall nut be Included In thisImprovement.

Bald Installment may be paid onor before May 2nd. %1»17, butIf not paid on or before said date,added Interest, penalty and costswill attach.

JAMES C DRAKE,City Treasurer.

April 2-9-16, 1917.


A new motor truck for the Ta>-coma street department, said tolie the largest truck In the North-west, was given its first try-on bythe street department Sunday.The machine weighs five ami oiie-half ioiik, and is ho large ih.it th»top (if the motor Is higher than Aman's head.

With a loud of gravel weighingsix and one half tons, the truckwent up the steep 17th atreet hill,down J to Centir. and then up th»unpaved hill of Wilkeson Htreet,one of the steepest grades in liiacity. The car made an average.\u25a0!"•• \u25a0 I of four miloH an hour, nidperformed splendidly, according toCommissioner Atkins, who accom-panied It.

Ny means of an automatic de-vice, the truck spread a ribbon ofgravel on South Alnsworth ay».four feet wide, six inches deep andSO feet long.

The truck goes Into active ierr-ica tills week.


Meyer has been made assistantto Secretary of Interior I*ane andwill be in charge of the Alaskanrailway now Mag built, lie is an.Ohio man, SO years of a«e, andwas Lane's private secretary fouryears.


PRICESi. . . \u25a0-. ... ... , . \u0084 .i .»> « % <^ .^ ,«>t> WHAT HKTAILKItS PAT \u2666«\u25a0 <S- * <i- i< >i- <*. <sn «> * \u2666 -i> \u25a0?> * <> \u2666

Poultry.Live ducks 12c to 'InLive hens 16c to 170<;\u25a0\u25a0.. dressed 12c to 14a

I:iillit. Ik>. lTie«MeWawh. creamery butter 430Orrnon butter 4:'oFii'sli ranch eKKs 2HoWashington cheese 24cSwiss cheese 300Tillamook cheese 22cCream brick cheese 2So

Meats (Dressed)Heifers i .<j

I Mutton, wethers 190Hogs 200Steer beef IBHoEwes l 8aYearlings 200Fancy veal 14 @ lv«

Fruit.Lemons, box $3.!>0 to $4Bananas, lb ,q

Oranges, box $2.2f> to ftCooklag apples $l^si.2tWlnesap apiiles fl.uOGrapefruit, Florida $|Grapefruit, Cal $2.7 i

\ i- il»l>lc«.Potatoes, local fi. / OOnions, lb 9«Carrots, sack $1.61Lettuce, Cal f JLett tie c, local $ 1.1 •Rutubagas $1.59Cucumbers, dozen $I.AOIleets, sack $2.50Tomatoes, crate $3.£>oCabbage, loral, lb 6oCelery, crate $gCauliflower, crate $2.75Squash, lb 4qArtichokes, dozen siCranberries, bbl $6Hnissels tprouta, lb 100Spinach, box $1.50Rhuharb, lb 7«jCal. new peas, 1b.., n«j

Flour.Amocat $9.25Pyramid $B.ajDrifted Snow $8.81Occident 111.40Olympic f8.85Lyon's Best .. ..' 111.40Keystone fall wheat $B.SO

Ha, and ciraln.Corn, ton $64 @ 61Bran, ton $31Whole oata, ton $43Ha»ey. ton $44Shorts, ton .A $34Timothy, ton $25Wheat, ton $<o@6lAlfalfa, ton $17©1»Scratch food, ton $61Rolled oats, ton $44